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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1906)
VOL. XXXVI-NO. 72. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1906. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. 4 3 JEWS AGAIN TARGET Towa of biedioe, Hear Warsaw, the Scene f the Later! Outbreak. ' panmmamn HUNDREDS REPORTED TO BE KILLED TerrorirU Murder Two Soldier and Tbii fitarta tne Trouble. TROOPS FIRE INTO CROWDS IN STREETS Eoldiera, Police aii Mob Then Make Attack ob Jewiih Quarter. CITY NOW REPGHlti) TO BE IN FLAMES Only . Meagre Reports Received aad Practically Won of the Details f tha Affair Knows to ' the Pa bile. blfcDLCfc. Russian Poland. Sept. (.A massacre by police and soldiers began at o'clock Saturday night. Immediately after ward the Hoops attacked the Jews. All today the soldier hav at ''eked civilian, Christiana or Jews, rob.' ?.nd murdering them without discrlti Ttunrirta M. ' wrmnl k-irr - bilk. V. 2. WVUDUVO. im lunvi "Cl. unpawn -y It 1 reported that drunken reser carted tha massacre. Troop have surrounded the city and re fuse access to it. . Terrorists Kill Soldiers. WARSAW. Sept. . Terrorist Saturday evening shot and killed two soldiers guard ing a government alcohol store at Sledlce. A detachment of Infantry rushed up and Bred a volley into the crowd, killing two persons and wounding two. Thl morning the terrorist retaliated by beginning a massacre of policemen and soldiers patrol ling the street and at noon the Infuriated troop attacked the ' Jewish quarter of Bled Ice, destroying the house and shops. It I reported that orer 100 persons weru killed or wounded and that the town I In Hamea. A regiment of Infantry has been sent from Diela to fUedlc to restore order. The Jew are panic stricken. Alarming report are being circulated In the city. Approves Stolypla' Plaa. MOSCOW, Sept. . In the course of an Interview today Alexander Outchkolt, the Ootoberlat leader, gave his approval to the general tone of the ministerial declaration. adding that the courts martial are a cruel neeessltv when a virtual state of civil waribi exlat In at least some parts of the coun- try. M. Outchkoff compared the con dition existing In Russia with those at Ban Francisco after the recent earthquake there, when looter were killed without the formality of a trial. He said the pillag ing here wa on a similar basis, having ceaaed to be revolutionary and become were ruffianism. "I must aay." ld. M. Dutchkoff, "that I hay the greatest ronfl lence In Premier Stolypla. There never was such a capable and talented man In ' bower In Ruaala before. I believe In the honesty of his Intention and hope be will aM-ei-rro-a?rert In eplt-of the opposMon close to the throne." . vRevolatloa (mining; Force. - , ODE8SA, Sept. . A dispatch received from Tints says that the inaurrectlonary . Movement on Transcaucasia Is suddenly lathering great, force. The military and fclvll althorltles are at loggerheads, Georgia, Jmerttla and Mlngrella are abaolutely ter rorised, being dominated by revolutionists and brigand and the viceroy hae asked to be replaced. MEXICAN TRADE STATISTICS Both Eiporti a ad Imports Increase Daring; the Past Fiscal Year. MEXICO CITY. Sept. t.-Durlng the fiscal year ended June 80 the total exportatlons of the country amounted to 83il.138.8n9, against 8J0M9ME1 in the preceding fiscal year, a gain of efiZ.S18.3o7. Imports amounted to In.e51.974, against H7S.J04.9ti2. an Increase of KM.11I. ' Nearly 150,000.000 in allver coin wa ex ported and some $38,178,000 new gold was Imported In the readjustment of the cur rency. Exports of merchandise In the fiscal year increased by 3,741,919. The foreign trade of the . country la "on a sound basis and the customs collections large. During the flacal year the United States took of Mexican exports $186,010,052; Great Britain. 17.-f72.873; Germany. I30.K3.1&; France. $? .010.179. ' ' Mexico imported from the t'nlted States to the amount of I146.O00.S1J; from Germany,; from Great Britain. 820,844.648; from France, J14.JSJ.206. All sums are in Mexican standard cur rency, the unit being one-half American dollar gold. FATHER WERNZ CALLS ON POPE His Hellaess Receives New Head of ' society of Jeeaa with llsck f " ' Favor. ROME, Sept. (.Father Werns. the newly elected general of the Society of Jesus, ac companied by Father Preddl. viscar of the order, and Father Alfred Maaren went to the Vatican today, for an audience with Pope Piua. The members of the party were received by M. Blsleti. major of the" Vail oen. who conduoted them to the papal apartments. Hi holiness met them 'at the door. Father Werns and the prelate knelt, but - Pop Plus would not allow Father Werns to kiss his (oot. Instead he ralaed the new general up. embraced and kissed him and kept hint for a long time In con versation, during which he congratulated hint. Father Werns waa greatly touched by the reception accorded him and thanked the pope for his benevolence. Going to and leaving the apartments of his holiness, Swiss guards rendered military honors to Father Werna and hi party. SEDITIOUS TALK IN BENGAL Naflvo Ex-aorta Hla Followers . , Drive British Oot of tho Coaatry. ' LONDON, Sept. 9. The correspondent at Simla of the Pally Mall report that a speech was recently delivered at Asanaol, Hengal, in which a Rental mob waa openly Incited to violence against the British, the opeaker caJUug on the races of 'India to combine end drive them out of the country. The dispatch adds that an Important ftatlr journal declare that the Hindoo aim to hav India tree of British control. GERMAN ARMY MANEUVERS ON Emperor William Takes Personal apervlsloa Orer Move eats. LODZ.. Prussia. Sept. 9. Two armies, each of about 40.000, began tonight the task of working out a theoretical problem of war under the personal supervision f Emperor William. The location of the various commands and their general objective hav been communicated In confidence to the news paper correspondents s a hey to the oper ation', but are not for publication until Wednesday. A strong effort Is being made to simu late actual conditions vof war. All the battalions and regiments have been brought to a war footing and the operation will be continuous, night and day, until the um pires signal their cessation, which prob ably will be Thursday. A stst of war began this evening, and over thl historic region associated with the glory of Frederick the Great and the disaster of the Napoleonic period, troops are detraining. The blue army under General von Llnde qulst Is coming from the north to Engage the red forces commanded by General von Woyrleh," which are lying somewhere be tween here and the Austrian frontier. The emperor with his numerous foreign gnests Is spending the night st Breslntl and will start for trie field of the maneu vers at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. The American officers who are to wit ness the maneuvers, with Emneror Wll- , , snd Express Augusta -Victoria, took In the field religious service held In I, public square at Breslau this morning . o. V-fterward witnessed the unveiling of k '.vtment to Kerl von Clausewlts, the gr Tman master of theoretical war fare ' V whom Moltke drew his prin ciples, strategy.. A large English delegation also was pres ent at the ceremonlea Including the duke of Connaught, Lord Lonsdale. General Ian Hamilton, General Laurence Ollphant and Winston Spencer Churchill. The duke of Connaught put a wreath st the foot of the monument on hehslf of the British srmy. Two bronse wreaths Inscribed "In memory of Clsusewlts from the Japanese army" have been added as permanent parts of the monument st the special request of Japan. BRITISH CONSUL ATTACKED Belief th Affair Is Part of the Russian Revolutionary Proarram. BAKU. Sept. it. Leslie I'rquhart. the British rice consul here, who was decorated by Klnjr Edward for heroism In rescuing English Isolated at Balakhna from Tartar Insurgents during the massacre of IS nd who Is one of the most prominent men In the oil region, wa the victim of a seri ous attack last night In the center of the city and mlraculoualy escaped ' death. Though he wa fired at eight times at short range his only Injuries were six slight flesh wound. The motive for the crime has not been established, but It 1 believed to be a revolutionary act patterned after the attack on Germans at Warsaw pre ceding' the attempt on the life of Governor General Skallon. -.M&.- Umuhart, who., waa unarmed, was driving In his carriage at 7 o'clock Saturday evening whrtt a ehot Wa flred from the pavement, the bullet passing through tho back of his carriage. Immediately a second assailant leaped from the crowd to the step of the carriage and fired a bullet ( which penetrated the fleshy part of his hand. Mr. Urquhart. who is tall and atrongly built, jumped up to grapple with his as sallant, but the horse bolted, throwing him violently to the pavement, where he lay half atunned. His assailant was the first to rise, and emptied -the other six shots from his automatic revolver . at the pros trate body, four of them going through the vice consul's waistcoat and two through his trousers. Mr. Urquhart was able. to rise and pursue the man who .had attacked him. but he eacaped In the crowd. When Mr. Urquhart was undressed and examined It was found thst he hsd been' erased five times on the abdomen and wounded on the hand. GYMNASTS CALL ON THE POPE Bia-alflcaat Remark of His Holiness la Addreastaar His Visitors. ROME, Sept. 9, Pope Plus thl morning received 900 French gymnasts, who are here to give an exhibition. Their president read an address of loyalty to the pope who. In replying, encouraged the gymnasts to con tinue In athletics, which he said, strength ened the body. "Strength and courage," said his holiness, "are necessary to maintain faith when many are losing it; to remain attached to the church when many abandon It; to practice the word of ,Ood when many banish It." He urged them to follow the words of the heroic Matatla, who said: "Even if all tha cowardly submit to error, I, my brothers, will obey the religion of our fathers." This pasaage wa commented on aa probably emphasising the attitude of the pope toward the French government.. On leaving the Vatican the gymnasts met and greeted Father Werna. the new general of the Society of Jeaua. This afternoon the gymnasts gave an ex hibition In the court of St. Damaseo In th presence of Pope Plus and the papal court and many guests. Including Rev. Henry Moeller. Rev. Joseph Orlnnellsman and Rev, Henry Roger of Missouri. REBEL SUCCESS IN MOROCCO Towa of Moarardo Seised and erameat Troops Join the Rebels. Gov. TANGIER. Sept. 9. Dispatches received from Mogardo aay that Anfloos Kald haa seised the town and batteries and won over the government troops. The Jews fled to Kalian. The details received here are extremely scanty. Prlaea to Promote Agrte.ltare. KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sept. 9. There la a movement on foot here to form a food re form committee in order to get the people to develop the agricultural resources of the colony and discontinue the Importation of com, pess and other foodstuffs. It Is the plan of the committee to give prises to peasants for agricultural Improvements. Lecturers will visit all portions of the country and describe the scheme to the people. Deorecate. Race !.... . HONOLULU. Sept. 9.-The republican ter ritorial convention held yesterday on the island of Maul, unanimously renominated Joaah Kalianaole delegate to congress. In a speech accepUag the nomination Mr. Kalianaolo deprecated making the race question a political Issue.' HAVANA GETS A BAD SCARE Enmor that Inrurcentt Had Captured j Armored Train and Machine Qnne. STORY PROVES TO HAVE BEEN GROUNDLESS Has a Brash with Rehela and Jaaetlon Is Formed with the Garrison from , City Of Pino del Rio Peace Negotiations Coattaue. HAVANA. Sept. 9. Government, military and railroad omclala and -The newspaper correspondents were thrown Into a state of excitement tins evening vy men wuu uu arrived here from I'aso Real with stories that the armored train which loft Havana Friday and met with various obstacles be yond Herradura, had been thrown from the tracks and Its 300 men, machine guns, horses and equipment captured. A these talea were confirmed by the Western Rail road's first telegraphic advices from I'aso Real they were believed to be true until authentic reports of actual occurrences were wired by thore who had returned to Paso Real from the scene. The real facts of the case sre that Colonel Avalos, who waa believed to be aurroumlod In Plnar del Rio City, and the armored train made a Junction east of Consolaclon del Bur, and the government forces to thst extent are Improved. The news of this fact caused much relief In official circles. The train proceeded Saturday evening from Pnso Real to two and one-third miles east of Consolaclon del Stir, at which point the rails had been removed, and replaced a locomotive' and three cars which had been thrown from the trsck. The Insur gents attacked, but were driven off by the two machine gun, handled by the Amer ican captain, Webster. ' It Is believed that many Insurgents were killed, but the number is not known. Mesnwhlle a large portion of Colonel Avnlos' force had come esstward from Plnsr del Rio for the purpose of making a Junction with the machine gun corps. At Consolaclon del Bur their advance was dis puted by a large band of Insurgent and ft lively fight enaued. The Insurgents were driven off and several of them were killed or wounded. Avalos and his men contin ued their Journey eastward this morning and made a Junction, first with the cavalry force of Caplnln Ravenna, which la scout ing ahead and Anally m-th the disabled troop train. The train .has not been mo lested since the Junction was effected, but the bridge over the Santa Clara river east ward from the train was blown un today, together with two smaller ones, prevent ing the use of the road beyond Harradura, Railroad Brldaea Wrecked. As the bridges westward near Puerta Onlpe also have been destroyed no trains can operate from Plnar del Rio, City In either direction. Both the railroad and the telegraph line continue In use to Paso Real. Tonight 216 men and four machine guns, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Clews, atarted for Paso Real. The sending of this force was hastened by the false new of a disaster. Captain Ravenna, one lieutenant and four privates wounded, are the qnly casualties reported In the Consolaclon del Sur oper ations. - ..-.'. : There is aom alarm In Havana on ac count of the nearnes to the city of ev eral, hundred Insurgent belonging to the forces of Ashbert, Loynai and Castillo, some of whom are often Been in' the hill at Jesus del Monte, In the southern ex tremity of the city. Intimations' received 'from these bands are to the effect that they are merely awaiting the outcome of peace negotiations, practically all the In surgents In the province of Havana and Santa Clara hating ceased operations for the present In accordance with the tenta tive agreement with the peace commis sioners. The fourth week of the rebellion opens with the government forces better equipped and Improved In discipline, but enlistments are slow. President Palma's action In call ing a special session of congress Is meeting with some adverse criticism. Many per sons believe that no good purpose will be served by a discussion of the csuses pf the war and of pesce proposals fov the congreas. The 'veterans' peace committee continue hopeful of being able ' to persuade Pino Guerra to cease activities temporarily and possibly of inducing him to come to Havana and Join In the negotiations for peace, but the attitude of the leading - liberals con tinues to preclude hopes of an Immediate peace. At the veterans' meeting this after noon a resolution was formally adopted to use ' all peaceful meana to stop the war and If these failed the sufficient army be raised to crush If by g rce. Meanwhile Intervention by the United States I being discussed on all sides. Many Cubans who hitherto were not favorable to Intervention now believe that It will he the only meana of placing Cuba perma nently In Its rightful position. Reports received by the government say that 100 revolutionists were In the encounter near Consolaclon del Sur, but the reports are not considered authoritative. The fight Is reported to have already taken place. i Loyal Troops Oataamhered. PASO REAL. Sept. 9. The government troop train which left Havana Friday jumped the track two and one-half mile east of Consolaclon del Sur. The train waa surrounded by several hundred Insurgents commanded by Pino Guerro In person and sustained a Are all Saturday night and until 9 o'clock this morning. The train would have been captured but for the timely arrival of Colonel Avolos and 400 men, who had fought their way through from Consolaclon del Sur. When this force arrived the revolutionist returned westward after having destroyed the bridge over the Santa Clara river and some culvert and cutting wire near Her radura. The revolutionists are ramned to night at Arroyo Crus west of Consolaclon del Sur. Guerra's force at Consolaclon del Sur and In that neighborhood number 2.000 men and those of the government 800. The gov ernment force had one . killed and six wounded. Captain Ravenna waa slightly Injured. After the fighting yesterday Pino Guerra sent a note to Colonel Diss, com manding the troop train, demanding his surrender. Diss replied that he would die first. The engagement near Consolaclon del Sur lasted an hour. In this fight Pino Guerra carried away dead. The troop will proceed westward tomorrow. Gold la Wall of Hoaaes. MEXICO CITY. Sept 9 -It ha been found that the wall of adobe houses in the suburb of Guanajuato contain gold and sliver In paying quantities. Three hundred small houses were torn down to make room for the Mexican Central' extensions Into this city, and the smelting company, buying the adobe found that they contained gold and allver, which win net them aom 130,000. The adobe used In these old house waa made from mud produced from slime of the grinding of ore of many rich mine of th district. GATHERING OF HOMEOPATHS Mea Dlstlngalshed la Profession AH Over the World to Be la Attendance. N ATLANTIC 'crrr. N. J.. Sept. 9.-DI-tlngutshed medical men, physicians, ur geons, educators and specialist pf thl and many other countries will attend the seventh quinquennial International homeo pathic congress, which meets here tomor row In conjunction 'with the American Institute of Homeopathy. D. W. E. Green of Little Rock, president of the American Institute, will preside. Dally sectional meetings will alsei be held until the con vention adjourns next Saturday. Among the notables who will present papers are D. J. -ICnox Shaw, renowned as a surgeon of the London Homeopathic hospital; Pr. John K. Clark, suthor bf a dletlonnry of materia medlca; Dr. Dyce Brown. Dr. J. Galley Blockley. Dr. Robert son Day and Dr. Geof g Burford, also of London; Dr. Bernard ' S. Amulphy of Nice. France, ami -Dr. W. K. Bonton of Australia. Others, who will be heard on the floor of the congress are Dr. George Royal. Dr. Eugene h. Mann and Dr. W. B. Hunsdule. deans, respectively, of the home opathic department of the Iowa. Minne sota and Michigan, Stat universities; Dr. Royal 8. Copeland' and Dr. W. A. Dewey, professors in the University of Michigan; Dr. James C. Wood, gynecologist, of Cleve land; Dr. William Harvey King, dean of the New York Homeopathic Medical school and an acknowledged authority on electro therapeutics; Dr. Jamee W. Ward, sur geon In the Hahnemann hospital of San Francisco, and Dr. Charles E. Walton, dean of the Pulte Medical colloge of Cincinnati. IOWA MILITIAMAN KILLED Foaad Beside Track After Train Had Passed with No Mark of Ideatlcatloa. BEATRICE. Nieb!, , Sept. 9. -(Special Telegram.) An unidentified young man about 20 years ' df age, a member of one of the militia companies which passed through Beatrice this morning, at - an early hour,'., over ' the Union Pacific, from Fort Riley, Kan., was found lying along the tracks In an unconscious condition, four mile north of Barneston, today; He wa frightfully cut and bruised about the head and body when picked up by the Parker Amusement company' train, enroute to Marysvllle, Kan., to which place he was taken for treatment. He died soon after reaching that place, without regaining consciousness. Nothing, was found on hi person by which he could be Identified ex cept a card showing tbat he was .from Iowa. The body, will be held awaiting identification. , ' BARNESTON, Neb., . Sept. 9.-(8peclal Telegram.) A Union Pacific special, carrying a carnival company, picked up an Injured soldier at a dry creek bridge, six mile north ' of here, this morning. The soldier had a bad wound an the back of the head and the skull was badly crushed. He wa unconscious and must have latn In the dry creek bed since 11 O'clock last night, as ' he undoubtedly fell from the train which passed through here Isst night, carrying the soldiers from Fort JUley, Kan. - - -. WOMEN KILLED, MEN . ESCAPE Aatomoblle Drlvea at High Speed Overtarna While Roaadlas; I Carve. SAN JOSE. Cat., Sept. 9. As the result of the overturning of an automobile while rounding a sharp curve near MHpltas, nine miles north of thl city, Mrs. Camilla B. Mlllner of Oakland Is dead and Miss Marian Van Home of Berkeley, a student of the State university. Is In a critical condition. The women were accompanied by two stu dents, John D. Isaacs, jr., whose father Is consulting engineer for the Harrlman sys tem, and Walter M. Clark, son of J. R Clark, vice president of the San Pedro. Los Angeles & Salt Lake railroad, and nephew of United States Senator Clark of Montana. The young men escaped without serious Injury. The psrty started from Oakland Saturday night for a pleasure Jaunt to this city. When the accident Occurred Isaac wa handling the car, which wa running at top speed. A It struck the curve one of the wheels gave way and the machine plunged Into a ditch by the road side. Mrs. Mlllner wa Instantly killed. Miss Van Hor,ne sustained what la believed to be a fractured skull. HIGGINS ISSUES STATEMENT Warn New York Republicans Against the Daasjer of Boss Rale. ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. Still with holding an Intimation as to his own atti tude on the subject of a renomlnatlon, Governor Higglna tonight through his secre tary, Frank E. Perley, Issued a statement In which he warns republicans of the state of the danger of "a return to the old sys tem," of boss control. He makea referencea to alleged bosses whom he does not name "without whose assistance," he ssya, the governor and legislature laat winter ad ministered public affairs. He declares that the party in thla atate, "haa an abundance of capable, loyal, honest men, any one of whom will. If nominated, carry the atate by upward of 100,000 plurality, against frothy demonstration of superior virtus and In sincere promises of Impossible reforms." KILLING ENDS FAMILY FEUD Mlssoarl Man , Meets Iss-ls-Lsir . la Road and Bhoots Him. ! RICHMOND, Mo., Sept. 9. Walter Ejnds- ley, son of Colonel A. D. Endsley of Ray county, wss shot and killed on the highway near here last night by John Glass, his father-in-law. The men had not been on friendly terms. , Ist night they passed each other when Endslev remarked to Glass: "Now draw your old 44." "I'll just do that." replied Glass, who alighted from hi buggy and fired three times at Endsley. j Endsley. who was unarmed, died almoat Immediately. After the ahooting Glass drove off, leaving the body lying in the roadway. Candidate Fatally Slabbed. PITT8BURO. Sept. 9 I.awrence B. Cook, member of the .Pennsylvania legislature from the Fourth district, who was re nominated by the republican party yester day, waa tiday perhaps fatally atabbed by Andrew McMillan, a Justice of the pt-ace and one of the wealthy residents of Car negie. Cook became famoua during the lust legislature for being the author of the Greater Pittsburg lull. Cook Is said to have been in Mra. McMillan's company at the time of the stabbing. MrMlllaa waa ar. 1 rested and la betna Atld without bail. N'S RISE IS RAPID Vebraakan Will Oe to FhTippines with Knch Expected of Him. v FIRST STEr IN HOMi RULE NEXT YEAR Prcaldeat Desires Strong Maa la Control Who Will Not Make BlendersMany Offices la Few Years. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 9.-(SpecUl.)-From the beginning of the Spanish-American war to this September 1 not an extremely long time ago, but it Is sn extremely long, aa well as strenuous time to Charlra E. Ma goon, governor of the canal sone and United Statea minister to the Republic of Panama. In the eight years since the be ginning of the war with- Spain, Charles E. Magoon ha made possibly the most phenomenal record of any man In govern mental life. In tbat time he haa been a law clerk ef the war department connected with the bureau of Insular affairs; law ad viser to that bureau and the rlghthand man of the then assistant secretary of war, George D. Melklejohn. and still later gov ernor of the Panama canal one. United States minister of the Republic of Panama, member of the Isthmanlan Canal Commis sion and now slated to become vice gover nor general of the Philippines and governor general, to succeed General James F. 8mlth. Our history doe not contain a more rapid rise In departmental service than this history of Charles E. Msgoon of Ne braska, who, when he was a law -student, connected with the firm of O. P. Mason and C. D. Wheedon of Lincoln, wa looked upon as a good deal of a "trlfler," as our colored brother say. Magoon was usually seen about the street In the day time In terested In sport and everything that leads to an outdoor life. But at night time he wa not found. He was using the night hours for study and review and when As sistant Secretary Melklejohn brought Ma goon to Washington as law clerk to the Insular division of the war department, he knew the calibre of the man. The friends and associates of .Charles E. Magoon only knew him aa a "good fellow," naturally bright, but inclined to lastneas. Resnlts Prove His Worth. His raqfd promotion and hi achieve ments chow how far wrong the judgment were of Judge Magoon, who goes to the Philippine shortly In somewhat the same position occupied by Secretary Taft, when tm was governor general of the Philip pines. The Philippine question and our colonial policy la a matter of large moment to the constructive statesmanship of . this coun try. With ambitious Japan not far away and with China having under contempla tion a new form of government largely ministerial In character, the Philippine problem requires a trained mind for It solution; and it la frankly believed that Judge Magoon la the person best fitted to solve the questions of governmental conduct presented y the Filipinos. Next summer the Philippine general assembly will come Into existence. . Thl Is the first step -in the direction of horn rule In the Island and President Roosevelt Is anxious, that no blunder shall be com mitted. ...The lower house of the general assembly will be composed of native elected by popular vote, while the member of the Philippine commission practically will constitute the upper branch, or senate, 'with the reform that ar to be Inaugu rated, -carrying .with them more or less of change from the present methods, the president wishes a strong man who ha proved his executive ability where he can Institute these reforms without turning the conditions In the Islands topsy turvy. Owing to his Investigation of the Philip pine question while attached to the War department. Judge Magoon Is believed to be especially qualified to carry out the policies which the president desires, and having the confidence of both Secretaries Root and Taft, Charles E. Magoon goes to the Philippine on his herculean task. Intervention a duration of Time. While It is hoped In Waahlngton tbnt the Insurrectionary movement in Cuba may be peaceably adjusted In the near future, officials believe that the purchase of peace at this time Is exceedingly costly to the Palma government and It Is only a question of time when the United States will have to Intervene under the Piatt amendment. There is no denying the fact that the present government In Cuba is unsatisfac tory to a large proportion of the popula tion. The laat election and the manner In which It was conducted and the results announced have given umbrage to many natlvea, and in consequence peace will not be assured until another electlorf Is held. As a matter ottact there are In Wash ington today several men representing par ticular Intereats In Cuba who Insist that If peace Is made with the Insurgents, as now seem assured. It will be but a short time before another uprising against the dominant power occurs, and this will have to be put down with Ilk measures. The people In the Isle of Pines, many of whom went from the United States, are a unit In antagonising th Palma administration and It Is expected a powerful lobby will be in Washington next winter to defeat the Isle of Pines treaty, now pending in the senate, which glvea that fertile Island to Cuba entirely. Isle of Place a Factor. Herbert Janvrin Brown, formerly of the New York Journul, but of late years In terested lq the guana deposits ou the Isls of Pines and the small Islands adjacent thereto, 1 In Waahlngton for the purpose of Insisting that Americans who bought lands In the Isle of Pines In good faith under an edict of the War department thst the Isle of Pines was American terri tory should be protected In these rights and that the treaty between Cuba and he United States ceding the Isle of Pine to Cuba should not be ratified. It Is expected that large American Intereata. both In Cuba and In the Iale of Pines, will have rep resentatives In Waahlngton. thla winter tu labor with senators against the, Isle of Pine treaty. Tha revolution In Cuba 1 not so much a desire to bring about the Intervention of the United Stale and th acquisition of the gem of th Antilles by this country, a it la a solemn protest agalnat the present administration and the debauchery of th ballot box. It I, however, a well known fact that the Sugar trust. If not actively. Is pasA'.vely supporting the uprising in the southern province. In view of the present condition of the sugar trade raw augur re greatly needed and the truat would welcome the accession of Cuba by the United 8 tales, for the Sugar trust owns per cent of the plantation In Cuba, on th output of which they sre compelled to pay an Import duty Into the United Stale. Whllti th Import duty is small. It amounted to many millions of dollar during the last fiscal year, and the representatives of th Continued on Second Page.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Monday aad Tuesday Cooler la West Portion. Temveratare at Omaha Yesterday! Hoar. Hen. , Hear. Pea S a. m T.l 1 r. m 03 a. m T2 . m on T a. m Tl ft p. m...... PS Ma. sn T.l 49 a. tn ..., TO) R s, m . 9)11 ID i. nt. . . . . m n p. m n-1 II i. m Mrt T p. m ..... . sn IS m Mi h p. m S41 A p. m M NO CHANCE FOR REVOLUTION Agitators Under Arrest la Arlsoaa Wlthoat Money or Influence. i EL PASO. Tex., Sept. 9. A special to the Hers Id from a staff correspondent sent to Douglas. Arts., to meet General Louis Torres, commander of the Mexican military sone. embracing the states of Sonor. 81n- nloa and lower California, declares the general calls all the sensational revolu tionary talk "nonsense," and says: "The men under arrest have no money, have no Influence and are simply wretched rascals who have fled from Mexico to escape their "crimes. "In all the letters captured . there are. pleas for money, showing that they have no flnsnces and that they are a class of men who can never do anything serious. "There Is a feeling of unrest, I admit. In northwestern Mexico, Just ss there Is a feeling similar In the southwestern United States, and nobody knowa the cause. Per haps there Is some big corporation behind it all, but' thus far the so-called revolu tionists have no money and the Mexican government Is giving Irself no concern, ex cept to take such precautions as the United Statea or sny other country would." There will be no serious trouble. General Torres believes and the arrest of these men In Arlsona will end the matter en tirely. He speaks warmly of his gratitude as t well as thst of all Mexico for the prompt steps taken by the United State officials. It 1 believed, wires the Herald correspondent, that the trial of the alleged revolutionists at Douglas was postponed, pending the arxest of other members of the Junta at 8t. Louis. The trial has been put off until September 18. FISHERMEN ASK PROTECTION Allege They with os Have Been Interfered the Hla-h Sea by Mexicans. ' WASHINGTON, Sept. 9.-The State de partment haa received a dispatch from the manager of the Gulf Fisheries company re questing that action be taken for the pro tection of American vessels fishing In the Gulf of Mexico. This request, wss made In consequence of the Hatteras Incident. The Hatterss is a fishing smack, belonging to the Gulf Fisheries company, and upon Its arrival at Galveston yesterday from Mexican waters it commander stated that he was held up by a Mexican gunboat, August 25, while seven miles off the tri angular reef in the middle of 'the gulf of Campeche, and that armed Mexican ma rines boarded hi vessel and required him to show, his paper and to display a part of his cargo of flah which he said had been caught In the open sea. , It was said at the State department to night that th case would be referred to the solicitor for an Investigation and re port. , GAS MAGNATE KILLS HIMSELF Sapposed to Have Been Insane aa a Result of Heat Prostra tion. CHICAGO, Sept. 9. Clarence K. Wooster, vice president of the People's Gsalight and Coke company and prominent In club and social circles, committed suicide this morning at him home, 8600 Ellis avenue, by cutting his throat with a raxor. Mr. Wooster I supposed to have been 'n san when he killed himself. About three weeks ago he suffere4 from heat prostra tion and th last few days had been under the special care of physiclsns. This morn ing he entered the bathroom and a moment later his valet, who had been Instructed to keep watch over him, heard him fall. When th valet opened the bathroom door he found Mr. Wooster lying on the floor with the blood streaming from deep gash In the throat and the raxor which - Mr. Wooster had used lying st his side. Mr. Wooster died before a physician could be summoned. ' Mr. Wooster was 48 years old and unmarried. STEAMBOAT LINE ON MISSOURI Two Vessels Are to Ply Between Kansas City aad St. Loot. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 9. A boat freight line on the Missouri river will be Inaugu rated this month. Lawrence M. Jones and A. G. Ellet, of the Commercial club's boat line committee, have closed contracts for two additional steamboats and two barges to make a trip between St. Louis and Kansas City. The boats can carry 1,000 tons and they will start on their Initial trip as soon a the freight ha been as embled, which will be sometime within th next two week. Several local Arms have signified their Intention of patronis ing the new line if its operation, prove practicable. Italian Torpedo Boat Mission. KING8TON. Jamaica. Sept. 9. The Ital Isn cruiser Umbrla sailed thl nyirnlng for New York. The Aagshlp Fleramosca Is still here the crew Is searching for a torpedo boat which waa lost a few days ago. Saturday the mayor of th city on behalf of the peo ple presented the admiral with a souvenir at a reminder of the pleasant stay of the warship In Jamaican waters. Colored Woman I see Knife. Mabel Jones and M.irie Denton, two women of color, lndulsed in a diSDute at Tweltfh Mreet and Capitol avenue, about 11 o'clock Sunday night, and words be coming inadequate to- maintain their In dividual argument, they chose the more convincing method of their msle brethren snd came to blows. While they fought Miss Denton drewoi knife and slashed at her adversary, cutting a gash In Madame Jones, left arm and one In the right shoulder. This gained the point she waa defending and she then placed herself In hiding. The Jones woman hurried to her home, 1019 Davenport street, where Police Surgeon Harris attended to her wounds, which were not serious. Millionaires Arrested for Marder. SAN FRANCISCO Sept 9.-A man giv ing his name as James MacAulev wss ir- eated today 4n suspicion of leing Paul Kelly, who Is wsnlc-d In Nsw York f(,r homicide. Kelly wss a motorman on an elevated rallioad on Ninth avenue. On September 9, Uh6. he ran into sn open switch, ditching the trsin and rsurtng a number of deaths. The local police are not thoroughly convinced that the man they have ia Kelly, but will hold him until In formation is received from New York. FACTS FOR CAMPAIGN Eepnblieee Text Eook Beriewa the Achievement of the Party. FIGURES FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES Some History Reviewed for the Benefit of the Younger Voter. WHAT DEMOCRATIC RULE MEANT IN PAST Work of Lact Peaaioa of Conereii Gone Into at Length, ENOUGH OF ITSELF TO WARRANT RETURN While Issportaat, What Ha Beer Accomplished Is Oaly a Feaada- t tlon for What la to Come la Fntare. t WASHINGTON. Sept. 9.-Th republican . party. Its schlevements for hslf a oentury and particularly Its record In the present congress, Is commended to .the voter of the country In the campaign, text book given- out today by the republican con gressional commltte. The book contain 278 pages and Is replete with republics n doctrine, embracing practically every con ceivable subject upon which Information may be desired. Radicalism or conserva tism. It is declared, are never matters of concern to republicans, but It 1 ststed "they are content with practical and pro gressive Ideas and the maturing of those Ides Into positive performance." Every statement made snd all figures presented -are declared In the foreword of the book to be official and authoritative, and th foreword conclude: "The truth la the highest exemplification of republican doctrines and policies and party record. 1s the bet plea that can be made for continuation In power." In discussing the campaign Issue of 190ft, the book callsattentlnn to the fact that since the termlnstlon of the Fifty third congress in 1899, the house of repre sentatives has been republican and adds that "there ia every reason to expect that a aubstantlal working republican majority will be elected next November." During thoss ten years It la. stated "we have made a greater advance aa a nation and a people than was ever made before In a generation and In many respects greater than during our whole previous history. There canno then be the least doubt of republican suc cess If the voters study carefully the rec ord of the two psrtles. Warning to First Voter. "There will be thousands and hundreds of thousand," the book says, "who will vota for the first time. In November, who were mere children when the democrat , last had a majority In the house of repre sentatives and they do not all vividly re member the awful time brought 'on tha eountry by that congress. They were not born when the only democratic, president since the civil war waa first elected. They were babies hi arms when Grover Cleveland sent hi famous free trade message to congress and when a year after the Inl-' qultous Mills' bill was framed and passed by th democratic house of representative of the Fiftieth congress. But fortunately J there was a republican senate to prevent the enactment of the free trade law and disaster, and calamity was for the time averted. But In 1898 the democrats had the presidency as well as both senate and house of representatives and th work of that single Fifty-third congress cost, th Industries and people of th country many billions of dollar and incalcuabls suffer ing. These facts should be weighed with the record of the republican party before and since and especially should the record of the present congress be studied, for though its work Is not yet finished, more ha already been done In one session thsn by any previous congress since the war ol the rebellion." Only democratic success, it Is declared, can prevent the giving to the people ol the country new records in every phase ol our Industrial life. Doe to Republican Measures. The book then continues: "Republicans have a right to claim that our flnanclUl, commercial and industrial government Is due to th law enacted and secured by their party leaders. The party came Into power when the government and the people were practically bankrupt and . without credit. A disrupted union was re stored, the vast expense of war provided, specie payment . resumed, a protective ' tariff amended from time to time and the development of the country continued un- til the democratic check came In 1894. "But," It Is stated, "the people were quick to see their mlstske and at th first ' opportunity restored the republican party to full power and no party change ha been made since during a period of ten year." The industrial situation 1 claimed to be unaparalleled In the annate of nations. "Our volume of employment," th state ment continue, "our reward of labor, our enjoyment of life were never befor equaled, and, beat of all, there 1 no sign of abatement or signal of retraat. There is prospect of still greater and grander result and only the rankest pessimist can ' see a cloud on our national material hor laon." . Because of the various Ananclal and tariff measures of tke republican " party,, which the book aay a, have brought about competition In manufacturers, It Is de clared that a home market has been built up In this country, of such mngnltude that for several years we have given full em ployment at wegea about double those paid when the republican party eame Into power. In some cases these wages sr treble and quadruple what they were In 1800." gome Republican Legislation. A ) uf twenty-three Instance of lm-. portatit itrpublican legiviatlou follows;' be ginning with Hie homestead Uw Signed by Ur.coln. The Important Ian' cited as enacted cl the last session of congress include th sub jects of railway rates, Panama canal, pur food, meat inspection, free alcohol, state- ; hood admission, consular reorganisation, national quarantine against yellow fever, rigid steamboat Inspection, limitation of witnesses in criminal cases, promotion of militia efficiency, aid for Ban Francisco, es tablishment of a national cemetery einbrac- . Ing the grave of Andrew Jackson with ftf tesn acres of land, marking th grave ef confederate soldiers, Jamestown exposition, aid, 330 public act altogether, 8,(99 private per ilon acta. Among th measures referred to a left over for the next session of the present congress are: J The canto Domingo, isle of Pine and 1 Morocco treaties; immigration restriction (in nferencei, Sonutur Smoot's right to sest, csmpsign 'pulilictty, shipping bill, . mod flea I ion of Chinese exclusion laws, antl-lnjunctiun bill, eight-hour law, aalab I llshineut of postal saving banJu Aad par -4