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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1906)
The Omaha Sunday Bee Yr Money Worts THE OMAHA DEE Best & West HEWS SECTION. Pages 1 to 10. J I? VOL. XXXVI-NO. 12., OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1 906 FOUR SECTIONS THIRTY- TVt PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CEN-iH 7 .1 FltlCTIOS AT VATICAN ttranee Story Oomaa from Borne Eetardinc ' Complication's in Pope's Cabinet. MSSaBBBmm CARDINALS ARE SAID 70 Bl IGN0RE0 erry Del Val AUeed to Bate Brushed liide Old AdYisers. R.MPOLLA RETIRES TO HIS PALACE "Bismarck of ths "Vatican" 8psnus His Tim in . Beadine. i V .LUA8LE PAINTINGS ARE UNCOVERED Wuknn Resterlag stairway Flad Walla Cevered with Deceratleae ay Famoas irtlatt ef Fl teeath CHiirr. 1 HOME. Sept. I. (Special Cablegram to The B.) Interesting complicatlona have arisen it tlx Vatican. The chief symptom la that tha cardinal! are no longer Consulted, and that tha cardinal secretary of atata governs not only their heads, but over tha head of tha good and pious old pope. Leo XIII never failed to consult the cardinal on all Important question, and always listened to their vlewa with close -attention. Under tha Merry del Val recline, tha claim la made that tha cardinals, even those who con tributed most to the election of Plus X have been pushed aside. The opposition constats of three cate gories of cardinals. The extreme left, tha "Montagne" of this new movement, is recruited from the best, the cleverest, and tha most modern members of tha Sacred college. To 'this group belongs Cardinal Satolll, who has learnt much during his long aojourn in the United States; Cardinal Agllardl, - famous for bis wit; Cardinal Ferranta, , formerly nuncle to Paris; the aged but learned Cardinal Capecelatra, tha Impulsive Car dinal Vlncenso Vanutellt (the chief friend of Oermany In tha Sacred college), and tha French Cardinal Mathleu. In the group of the Moderates" are the Cardi nals Caasetta, Cavagnla, Cavtchlonl, Oen parl, Mlntlnelll, and Nocella, all ardent partisans and electors of Plus X. Tha third and last militant group, which con lines Itself to observation and mute criti cism, Is made up of men like Cardinal Oreglla, Macchl, Ootti, Eeraflno and Trlpepl. Rampella Is Wattlae-. And Cardinal RampotlaT ' Since tha advent of Pius X the 'secretary of state Of Leo Til, has withdrawn to his palace, reads tha words of 'i he fathers of the i church and waits, .'.' id since his recre ment Cardinal Rampolla's Influence with the Sacred college ha been steadily, grow Ing. Evea those who were formerly his enemies now see, how skilfully the "Bis marck of the Vatican" conducted tha af fairs of tha ' church, Y The veto against his election given by .Austria at tha last conclave la retarded as One of the greatest m!stak .er madabx lb&jroY.exQinent of 'Frana Josef. The claim Is no mUi .that hla supposed friendship f6r 'France would, never .have Induced so clever man aa. Cardinal Rampolla enter. Into, a conflict with the triple alliance, , t It Is announced that, Blgnor Schneider, the architect of the Vatican, while tipping an n: chltrave of the sUir . leading; to the museums of the Vatican for tha purpose of restoration, ordered a workman to crape It - cautiously, considering that per haps under the surface there might be soma painting. . In fact, whilst the workman was craping away , tha whitewash, there gradually came to light colors, on their first apearanee faint blue and , afterwards mora vivid. A tha work of discovery proceeded there were valuable ornamental or deco rative paintings of ths fifteenth century revealed to the workmen. These were of tha Raphael school of painting. Among tha ornaments was a magnificent shield f Pep Leo X. Some 'of those who have bad an opportunity of seeing these works have coma, at first glance, to the opinion that' they 'may have been painted by Raphael himself, or at least by Glullo Romano, bla most prominent and prob ably his ablest disciple. The fact that these works of great art have been cov ered over suggests that this was dons Ither to conceal themr they were white washed during the prevalence of Infectious disease. . Christian Demeerata Active. Th conflict between the Vatican and tha moat advanced section of tha Catholics, known under the name of Christian demo crats, is becoming mora acuta, aa the pope kas Issued an encyclical especially directed against them, condemning, their movement, taetlcs and aspirations, and forbidding un der Hie gTavest penalties, all members of tha clergy from participating In that as societies;. The Vatican evidently believed this to be a master stroke, capable of annihilating tha young movement, but, an tha contrary. It haa found new, strength after having been so attacked. Naturally, tha clergy left the ranks, but the laymen gathered everywhere voting orders of the day from all parts of Italy, stating that whlla ready to bow to ecclesiastical au thorities In all questions relating to religion, tbey ' consider themselves sntlrely Inde pendent In political and social affairs. ROCKEFELLER IS AFTER OIL St. Fetersbera; Hears He Made Offer te Cser far laks Fields. T. PETHP.SBURO, Sept. I -(Special Ca blegram to The B )-,Throngh publications In Paris newspaper that John O. Rocke feller 'and the bland rd Oil group of Ameri can millionaire had offered flOO.000,000 for certain canal concessions the truth Is be ginning to leak out so far as the' details of that transaction are concerned. It la true that Mr. Rockefeller and his associates of fered to loan the Russian government M0. a 0,000, and even more If necessary. i Ths Parla newspapers, however, made a mistake In saying that this wss for canal concessions. It was for control of the Baku Oil Melds In Bouth Russia Instead. The agents of the esar met Mr. Rockefeller dur ing his recent visit to France, t'p to the present lima arrangements have not been completed because his European agents Warned Mr. Rockefeller that in .the light of tha recent tremendous decreets tion in Russian bonds growing out of ths lack of Stability of th existing government the transaction could not he regarded as safe. The Russian government might find it Im possible to oarry out any agreement made with the American millionaires looking to aj disposiuaa at Interest la the Beau district. AMERICANS SHOW ECONOMY Kvea geitteh (emplala of the "ler aess" af Travelers la that GLASGOW. Sept. S.-(Speclnl Cablegram to The Bee.) Th 'return rush of Amer leans from the Highlands has begun. ready the shipping companies here an London sre st their wits' end to find ' neccmmodntlon for them all. The Qt Who came ovr this yesr Is said 4. f far exceeded any previous records, a though almost all the companies hnve t on additional ships since lsst yesr. It Is Impossible to comply with all the applica tions for berths of those who wish to re turn. The companies complsln that th tourists all Insist on going back at the same time. Whether they come in May or June or July, they all want to return ioim time between the middle of August and the end of September. The result le that all tha outward going boats now are over erowded, and that every available berth Is booked up for tha neit fonr weeks. Those who neglected to mske provision for their return Journey are now In a sad plight and many will have to remain urrtU tne rush esses off In October. Americans Dave not as yet learned thst Scotland Is at Ita best about the time thnt they sail for home, else, social snd .business affairs permitting, they would remain evea longer than they do. Another complaint this year appears to be against the Americans themselves. It certainly sounds singular, but the Scotch are complaining that Americans are frugal. And this from, a nstlon famous for what has been called "near." "It la quite sn understood thing among the elans of Americans now In London," said the manager of one of the large hotels, "to use our hotels only for a bed. and an address. Msny of them In fact, the majority do not even breakfast here, but take their first meal at a tea shop. A chief object with them appears to be to get our address on their bags. It Is the fraud of the label In nnother form." LOOKING FOR LOST TREASURE Glasgow Merehaats Back Ctasas Trying; to fleeare Gold from Saakea Ships. GLASGOW," Sept 8.-(Speelal Cablegram to The Be.) For the third time during re cent years attempts sre being made to re cover from the depths of the sea treaaure which went to the bottom more than three centuries since, In the Spanish galloon. Admiral of Florence, wrecked off Tober mory, In the Isle of Mull. Many previous efforts to bring to the surface the long lost wealth in the tressure ship of the Armada have been recorded. Captain Burns of the British Msrine Salvage asso ciation, who Is In charge of the operations for the Glasgow merchants who have again embarked In the enterprise, would, It Is said, be well content If he obtained pos sesslon of the silver plate, the sacramental vessels and the ellver crucifixes, which were on board tha flagship '.of Admiral Oaapard da Susa. togsther with the Jewels attd golden crown, set with the choicest pearls. A for tha bullion burled in the mud, there fa Spanish' documentary evidence to prove that It amounted to millions. Tha assump tion IS that tt htlll IfMliMutii tH. tlhVrlghtfuf rwperty' ofSh'syndTcate t wnom tne auKe of Argyll haa delegated bis ancient right, conferred by tha royal char ter of WO. ',. . -.. A , It la stated that'ln 1001 a Swede brought up. heavy Iron cannon, but his. appliances were limited. In . 1740 the ninth -earl of Argyll renewed' the search -and found a large bronse musala-loadlng gun, which Is now at Inveraray. Long years passed, and the present series of explorations beneath the surface made by divers working under Captain Burns, which were , begun In 190J, resumed laat year and continued this sum mer, have this distinct advantage: Modern appliances sre utilised to their utmost. Tha task set Is to discover the ship, and tha rest will be comparatively eaay. CROWDS BOTHER THE KING Raler af Great Britain Displeased at Bad Taste Showa at Roeart. MARIENBAD, Sept I. (Special Cable gram to The Bee.) In answer to the story that tha king made on appointment to meet an American girl who wrote him that aha was about to marry a dear friend of his. It 1a, stated that no incident of the sort described ever occurred. The king, while here, has not broken through the rules "of royal .etiquette, even with Americans. On the other hand, during tha days of his cure he was greatly annoyed by be ing mobbed by a - curious, unmannerly crowd. One morning especially . may be men tioned when his majesty, accompanied by Sir Stanley Clarke and Major Pon aenby, walked from the Hotel Weimar at half-past seven to .drink a glass of Kreusbrunnen water. A large croyd was waiting - outside, and began to fol low his majesty, almost treading on his heels. Ths king, wishing to escape their at tentions. Bought refuge on a favorite bench In a bay off the promenade over looking the public gardens, but this only amd the .effect of Increasing the slse of the mob. The requests of the officials that they should not subject the king to Unpleasant attentions fell on deaf ears, and finally his majesty waa obliged to curtail Ms morning walk and return to the hotel. The behavior of the public haa given great annayance to the authorities, who were most anxious that ths king should enjoy a quiet holiday without interrup tion INVENTOR OF AUTOMOBILE Vleaaa Faela Aagrleved to Tfclak nts . Clalssaat ta Heaer la laaored. ' . . ' ' I j VIENNA, Sept. ..-(Special Cablegram to I The Bee.) Says ths Welner Abendposti J "Whenever conversation turns on 1 motor ! cars an hears It staled- and similar aeser- , tlons are also to be found la the text-1 J books that It was the American Edison ' ; or the German Ackermann and Delmler. or a Frenchman who Invented the modern automobile. The real Inventor. Biegfrted Mark us. Is. mentioned either not at all, or ! only Incidentally. - And few know tluit the first motor csr appeared In th streets of Vienna. Under tha title of The Motor Vehicle,' the expert Hugo Ouldner has published a much-needed text-book, in ' which, la a brief survey of the develop- i ment of modern motoring, be shows that Mark us. in 1K3. was one of the flret to bring the Vieitakt linnxia-raot'ir Into use. It is known In Vienna, and It should now be known elsewhere, that Markus' Vlertakt Bensia-motor waa to be seen as early as IKi at tha great world exhibition.- REFORM FOR PERSIA Eh ra ipt for Oonftitution Orders . j m of Body for Consultation. ACCORDING TO SACRED LAW jTolntioiarv Movement Extended to All Parts of the Empire. LATE GRN) VZIR FINISHED GRAFTER Amaued Lartre Fortune j Taking Bribes atErrrj Hand. INVENTED NEW SYSTEM OF EXTORTION Man Jast Forced fresa Offlce Pat All Predecessors la tha Shade aad the Offlce Is Coveted. CALCUTTA. Sept. . (Special Cable gram to The Bee.) Reports from Teheran state that the 8hah rescript for a con stitution orders the formation of a national consultative assembly composed of rep resentatives of all classes, from the princes downwards. Ths assembly will advise on important state and public affairs, and will propose reforms conducive to tha welfare, of the people and tha country. Justice will be administered In ac cordance with the sacred law. The Grand Vlsler la to draw up the rules of pro cedure for the assembly, and these are to be approved by the assembly Itself. During ths period of excitement nearly 15,000 Persians of all classes took refuge in the grounds of the British legation, and pitched huge tents, each trade or pro fession separately represented. Almost every town In Persia was af fected. The basars were closed, with the exception of a few European shops, and business was at a standstill In tha literal sense of tha world.' Vlsler a Grafter. The Grand Vlxler, who has just been removed owing to the clamor of the people, still vinlts the Shah, and It (s tha general opinion that he will resume office directly the demonstration leave the British Legntlon. The Grand Vlxiership Is the goal of ambition of ministers and government officials. They dream of the position aa a means of becoming rich. For methods of extortion, the official who has Just been retired has put all his predecessors In ths shade. He was a past master In the art of taking bribes, and now la worth an Immense sum. At present the minister of foreign affairs Is the Grand Vlsler. He Is a middle-aged man, of gonial appearance, and strikes the observer aa being roost kind and obliging. But ha has tha characteristics of the oriental, and hta Ideas are not regulated according to .European standards. . Asaeer te Visit India. According to advices front Cabul, prep aration are. already in progress for the visit of the Ameer to India In November. Tha road from Cabul jlQ.JeJlalabad. along tha-XaJrurrtmrn' bwn Tspaireoi tor-his majesty's passage, while troops are being Inspected andi new uniforms made for the eaoort. . ... It. Is announced that the Ameer's son, Inayatullah . Khan,- and his ' sister are shortly to be married to the daughter and son, respectively, ot Nasrulla Khan, tha Ameer's brother. . Mora Traabl for Persia. TKREHAN. Persia, Sept. S.-Tha baxars here are again closed and people are once more flocking to the British legation In protest against the delay In signing the revised ordinance proposed by ths clergy relative to the projected national aasembly. The clery rejected tha ordinance drafted by the grand vlsler and submitted one of their own. to which the shah has not yet anaented. A crowded meeting of clergy and merchants yesterday Severely criticised the procedure of the government. The clergy advised a few days' patience, but the mer chants and others decided to close up their business and proceed to the British legation, where they declsre they will remain until the shsh sign the ordinance drawn up by the clergy and exllea the late grand vlxler and others who are opposing reforms. . ITALY'S FEMININE SMUGGLERS Girl Kerpa Ogloer at Bay with Rile While Her Sister IDseapes. GENEVA, Sept. ' (.-(Special Cablegram to Tha Bee.) Two girls named Vachero, aged IT and It years, have Just accom plished a daring feat of smuggling. They belong to a family whose ancestors have been smugglers for a century. Their hunting grounds are In the mountains where the . Swiss. Italian and . Austrian frontiers nearly touch at tha Stelvlo Pass. Many deae prate rights with the customs officials have taken place at this spot, until tha Vacheros have been almost wiped out There now remain of the family only tha , father and mother, and tha two da.uft-b.ters. who are tha heroines of this latest exploit. At present the father Is suffering from a rifle shot through tha elbow, which he describes aa aa "accident." He 'was un able to get a largo cargo of tobacco across the Swiss frontier Into Itsly and his daughters determined to ' smuggle ths contraband themselves, ' ' They started, but near the summit of the pass were discovered by two customs of- fit lala. Whlls the elder girl proceeded on I ths Journey tha younger one kept the of ficers at bay with a rifle from- a sheltered position. Tha men replied, and the fusillade continued until the sister with the tobacco had got a good half hour's start. The younger sister then disappeared and re turned home by making a long detour In tha mountains, svsry path of which she knows. GERMAN COLONIES TO BE SEEN 1w Director Will Lear a far Essperar What la Wroi a Africa. BERLIN, Sept Emperor William has determined ta discover what Is wrong with the Germsa colonies and after returning from, the maneuvers will receive In audi ence Herr Dernburg, the new director of the colonial office, and discus plans for reforms. Director Dernburg has already declared hla Intention to visit, the African colonies I forthwith and atudy the situation on the j ground and see what can be dona to set I the colonies on tha road to prosoeritT. Th contracts of the great colonial trading and mining companies will be subjected to rigid scrutiny la tha interest of tha colonies. BERNHARDT T0HAVE CROSS r'reoeh ftoveraiaeat Will Graat Badge af Leglaa af Hoaar to Actress. PARIS, Sept I. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) In spite of everything It ap pears ss though there Is every prospect of Miss Sarah Bernhardt obtaining the cross of the Legion of Honor at an early date. The cabinet has decided to pub lish the decree of the nomination In the "Journal Official" over the heads of ths council of the order. It Is a mistake to think that that body haa any power of veto on nominations by the government. According to the constitution of the order, the various ministers are bound to con ault the council of the Jrder before mak ing any nominations, but they aro in no wsy bound by Its decision. The council ran merely offer advice. In practice, how ever, an unfavorable decision by the council has been regarded as a veto on the appointment. This was inevitable. Thousanda of names are annually sub mitted to the various ministers. They cannot possibly know ' the claims and qualifications of every candidate. The names are .therefore passed on , to the council of the order, which makes an in vestigation and reports on the qualifica tions of the candidates. Nlrjety-nlne times out of 100 the reasons are not suffi cient and the minister accepts the de cision. The result hss been that the council haa ended by creating a little 1m perium In Inperlo and arrogated to Itself powers of veto which constitutionally it does not possess. It had only to make a "break" like that In regard to Mme. Bernhardt to bring up the whole ques tion. 1 FORESEES TROUBLE AHEAD Irish Jaaraal Thinks Chlaese on Ikthmas Will Be Political Issae la America. DUBLIN, Sept 8. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The Freeman'a Journal, . the leading paper of Ireland.' apprehends that the United States, like Great Britain, Is to have Its Chinese campaign. Says that paper editorially: "Mr. Shonts, the head of the Panama Canal Commission, it is stated, has con vinced President Roosevelt that the labor situation In the Isthmus of Panama de mands the introduction of Chinese coolies, and It Is added that an experimental baton of 3,600 are to be drafted for the work. The result Is, naturally, ' that an antl-Chlnesa labor campaign, such as that which haa taken place In England In respect of tha Trsnsvsal, is threatened throughout the United States. Mr. Bhonts, of course, has his excuse, for he says that the climate de mands Orientals; but the labor party ot the republic don't accept- It, and so thcrq will be a Chinese labor question at the next American election, as there wss at the last English jone. The Incident shows that however much the western republics msy endeavor to keep clear of the com plications of the old world, they, will al ways And It difficult t do so, and that however simple and logical the Monroe doctrine may seem to be on the fsce af It, It will, never be' a perfect and secure docu ment any more than any document of the kind haa been during the history af the modern world." ... - HOME FOR WORKING WOMEN I'amarrled Workers of .. Paris Have Home Wherei Fees Are Com ', .' paratlTely Ssnall. . . ' PAsRIS, Sept 8. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) A flne ' home, or hotel, (or the telephone and postofflce girls of Parts is' nearly ready. Although called the Hotel des Demoiselles des Telephone there is also In It accommodation for the married and unmarried women em ployed tn the various other departments of the postofflce. The' building Is In the Rue de Lille, in the vicinity of the central postofflce, and is due to the initiative of M. Mougeot, a high official. Funds were supplied by philanthropic capitalists, 10,000 being collected In a few days. The occupants of the home have a library, sitting rooms, recreation rooms and a court yard, which Is to be a sort of hothouse In winter and a garden tn summer. The accommoda tion for the married women Is limited to the restaurant, or eating room, and to the library, whkjh they are at liberty to use. The unmarried occupants have bed and sitting rooms for four or five francs weekly. It Js proposed to organise an other and a larger Hotel des Demoiselle des Telephones later on. TALKING OF AN ALLIANCE Holland aad Belsrlana Consider Closer Relatione, hat "agaestcd Idea Is Dlfflralt. BRUSSELS, Sept 8. (Special Cablegram to Tha Bee.) The question of closer politi cal relations between Holland and Belgium Is ths echo of a similar discussion here, which created a more than passing Inter est It la however, generally felt that there are serious obstacles to any practical step toward a definite union, economic or military, bet wen the two count rtea Hol land Inclines to free trade; Belgium Is protectionist.' The most favored nation clause exists In most of the commercial treaties which Belgium hss made with! other countries, snd, until these are de nounced preferential trading with Holland Is Inadmissible. The military side of the question Istbeset with difficulties. Whlls admitting that It behooves smaller ststrs to follow ths ten dency of the larger powers to group them selves for their self-protection, It Is' doubt ful how far a coalition of the Dutch anj Belgian armlet would serve th purpose of self-defense ' olnt an Invasion by a power of the flm rank. OFFICER BILKED GRAND DUKE Gambler Depends aa Wealthy Rela tives, bat Flads Himself Be fore a Coert-Martlal. BERLIN, Sept. S. (Special Cablegram to Tha Bee.) Lieutenant Mchle of Bavaria is being tried by court-msrttal for having obtained the signature of Duke Ludwlg j Wllhelm of Bavaria to bllla under falao pretensea The lieutenant was member of a young nobles club at Munich, ' where gambling for very high stakes took place, and he lost a good deal of money. He pleaded before the court that he believed the bllla would be met by wealthy members of bis family. He had slso hopes of marrying an heiress. These sources failed him, and the duke, who is 13 years of age, was called upon to honor hla signature for 8:1.000. The duke atated that he had only wished to do his comrade a good turn, anl had signed the bills on the distinct under standing thst he would not be called on ta And tha money. WERNZ IS ELECTED Gorman Priest Chosen General of the Eooiety of Jestu. CAREER OF NEW HEAD OF THE ORDER For Many Tears He Was Professor ii . Gretrorian University. RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY ON CANON LAW He is the Author of Many Books Dealing, with Profound Questions. TWO BALLOTS NECESSARY TO CHOICE Pope. Espreaaea Great Satlsfactlea Over Reaalt of Election, De claring; New Geaeral Jast Fitted far Place. ROME, Sept S.-Francis Xavler Werns, a German, waa today elected general of the oclety. by the congregaUon of the Society of Jesus in succession to the late Father Martin, who died last May. Following the election a messenger waa immediately dispatched 'to tha Vatican to Inform ths pope of the choice, which, to become effective, requires ths papal sanc tion. Although the strictest secrecy was ob served, It Is learned that two ballots were taken before the final choice was made. The announcement that a new general of the order had been chosen was communi cated to ths outer world by the ringing of a bell, which waa the signal that the meeting was at an end. Formal announce ment of the election was then made to the record of the college and Father Alfred Maertena) procurator general of the Jesuits, went to the Vatican to Inform Pope Plus of the society's choice. . The pontiff ex pressed great satisfaction over the selec tion of Father Wernx. "He la Juat the man fitted for tha position," said the- pope when he had heard ths message brought by Father Muertens. He charged Fathfr Maertens to take to General Werns the apostollo benediction and also an affec tionate letter of greeting which he wrote to the new general. ' Father Werns's comment upon his elec tion, according to a story which came from the council chamber, was: "God, I am not worthy, but Thy will and that of St. Igna tius be done." No time has yet been fixed for the elec tion of assistants to the general and of other officers. Including a secretary. Career af New General.' Father Francis Xavler Werns waa born at Rothwell, Wurtemburg, on December 8, 1B42, and at tha age of 50 yeara entered the society of which he. today waa. chosen head. After a long course of preparatory work he took up the study of canon law at Dittan hall and In, 1888 received . an ap pointment, aa professor .in tha Gregorian university. : He also haa been rector .of the university since 1904. In 1.89? Father Werna began tha publication of a series of books dealing with toe. moat profound questions of 'mMflaw.- Four- roramee of this work already have been published. . He Is a con sulting, member of the congregation ecclesi astic, extraordinary affaire and Index coun cil. ; . , . . ' . ' i . It la predicted that the choice, of Father Werns aa general of the Company of Jesus will. Jesuit in the Infusion of new life into the organisation. -He Is " recognised In church as a progressive man, of present day Ideas and extremely energetic. . Kew Cjahas Delegate. Mgr. Aversa, apostollo delegate to Cuba, today, was consecrated titular archbishop of S4rdl ' at Castle Gandolfo by Cardinal Merry del Val, tha papal secretary of state,' assisted - by Mgr. Kennedy, rector of the American college and ths American students. " Interest In today's function was height ened by a recently announced decision of anti-clerical socteUes to make a- demon stration today against Cardinal Merry del Val and the poller of the Vatlcsn. Tha po lice Interfered with the proposed arrange ment to the extent of forcing the demon strators to hold their meeting In .private and the ceremony at Castle Gandolfo was marked by no outward Incident NEW PARTY IN CALIFORNIA Independent Leagae 'Names Part of Ticket aad Committee Will Fill Vaeaaeles. OAKLAND,. Cel.. Sept. 1-in addition to the nomination of William K. Langdon of San Francisco for governor the state convention of the' Independence league named the following candidates: ' Secretary of State O. R. Swain, Alameda. State Treasurer Edward Ford, Santa Ana. Attorney General Oessner Williams, Los Angeles. Surveyor General I. N. Chapman, Ala meda. State Comptroller George W. Back,. Sac ramento. Stats Printer John ' Collins, Ban Fran Cisco. Supreme Court Clerk Ed Ralney. Santa Barbara. Railroad Commissioner A. H. Black, Or ange. The remaining placea on 'the ticket are to be filled by the executive committee after a conference with the committee on vacancies. FIREMEN SffLL StAND OUT All Other Strikers, at las Fraaclsce Will Werk with Imparted Men. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 8 Despite Pres. Ident Calhoun's determination to retain strike-breakers In his employ the members of ail unions recently on strike against tha United Railways will return to work, ex cept the stationary firemen. This much wss decided st a meeting of the commerce committee ef the allied unlona which lasted long Into thla morning. The majority of the company's union employee decided to accept arbitration on the basla offered by the corporation. 'What helped In this plan mora than anything else waa President Cal houn's assurance that all strikers would be taken back Into the service without dis crimination. ' The delegates of the firemen were the only ones who voted to stay out. ... Railroad Maa Kada Life. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 8-Chsrles E. Wil son, seed 43 years, formerly first assistant general frelKht agent ut the Wisconsin Central Railway company. committed suicide today by shooting. His friends s crlb III health se the cause of the deed. Fatal Powder Esploalea. ' RLUEF1ELD. W. V., Sept. 8 An ex plosion today at the Dupont Howdea works at Nimours, Vs., killed D. Clark and fatally injured four others. Ths causa of Uis explosion la nut haowa. THE BEEJ3ULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair Kaaday and wnnriart fooler la West and rth Portions Moaday. XRWR SrCTlOW Twelve Paaea. 1 Ramers of Friction la Vatican. Reform "trlkes Persia at lAst. German t'hnaea Head of Jesuits. Cambrldae Wins from Harvard. S Hill Ore 1. eases Are Held Valid. Roosevelt at harrh C elebration. 8 Xewa from All Parts of Nebraska, v Bryan's Reply to Swlllvaa Delayed. 4 lee Trast Is laTltlnsr l.eaal War. t oaaty Board Honors Roaewater. 8 Moist Air Hlader Ratldlasr Wark. waday Services at the Chnrehes. 8 Past Week la Omaha Society. T Affairs at'noatti Omaha. Bryan to Talk to Laborers. 8) Resells of atarda- Ball Gamea. Mlseellaaeoas aportlaa Sews. 9 Amatenr Athletic talon Meet. More Hippie Forsrerles Discovered. Wlsaer to Have Mve Stork Khovr. 10 Council Bluffs and levra Sews. . 11 Flaaaclal and Comaierelal News. 18 Ceadltloa ef Omaha's Trade. EDITORIAL SKCTIOX Klaht Pagea. 1 Interstate t'ommlssloa After Roads Iowa Methodist Minister Aeeepta. Mayor Dahlmaa Oat for Dollar Gas. 2 Editorial. 8 Timely Real F.atate Topics. ' Plenty to Do la Ms r'ranclsro. " Mahtlnsr of the Modern Home. 4 Want Ada. 8 Want Ads. 8 Want Ads. T KeatareS ef Modern Hotel Life. Baltimore to Have Vnlqae Jabllee. 8 Xade In Art Comes Off Billboards. HALF-TOXE bKCTIOS Riant Paxes. 1 Aroaad World with W. J. Bryaa. Coaataatlaople, Beehive af I'arest. 8 Year of Advaaee la F.dacatloa. 8 Gossip A boat Plays aad Players. Masle aad Musicians. 4 Traits af Edward Roaewater. 8 Bryan Given an Ovation at Home. ( World'a Great Fornltare Makers. 8 la the Domain of Wemaa. T Rportla Review of the Week. B Stories for the Little Folks. COLOR SECT! OH Fonr Paces. 1 Brer Rabbit's Flylnsr Trip. 5 Part ef Bellamy's Dream Realised. 8 Patasr Over of an Old Home. Some Ideaa for thlldren'a Clothes. 4 Mary and Her Lamb t'p ta Date. Bab Always Gets the Blame. Hoar. Dev. Hoar. Degr. 8 sn Tl 1 p. m itl a. m TO a p. m Aft T a. m . . . . . TO 8 p. m ..... . OA 8 a. ra T8 4 p. m Pa 9 a. m.i.... T8 8 p. an OH 10 a. m Ra 6 p. m ! 11 a. sa NT T s. m H ia as ' WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Work oa Pathnader Dam Is Progress . lag Favorably "oath Dakotaa ' : low Osatre Commlsslea. (From-' a Staff Correspondent) WASHIKOTON. Sept. l.-(Spec!al Tele grant.The supervising engineer In charge of the 'North Platte" irrigation project In Nebraska and Wyoming reports that of) August It the foundation was- ready for the stone laying" and the first atone was set In the great , Pathfinder dam. The work of stone laying has continued and It' Is expected .the entire foundation will be ready for the masonry by September . . ,' Charles E. MoChesney of South Dakota, supervisor of Indian schools In the state of Washington, has been appointed a member of the Osage commission charged with the duty of settling; the affairs of the Osagea In. Indian Territory, superintending allot ments and generally preparing these In dians for full cltlsenshlp. W. R. Bennett of Omaha, with hla wife and daughter, haa been In Washington for the past three days on a sight-seeing ex pedition. Mr. Bennett and family came east with Bryan's "home folks," and after the "Peerless Leader" left for Nebraska Mr. Bennett came to Washington. They leave for New York tomorrow, and after a vlelt to Mr. Bennett's people in New York state will return to Omaha. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Crelghton, route 8, Ora J. Buckmaster, car rier; Roy L. Buckmaster, substitute. Iowa Akron, route 6, Arthur G. Adams, car rier; Lewis H. Adams, substitute; route t. Mortimer Swift, carrier; L. Swift, substi tute; Hills, route 1. Charles A. Krebal, car rier; Louis K rebel, substitute; North Lib erty, route 1, Dudley Stone, carrier; Jennie M. Stone, substitute. .; The comptroller .of the currency has ap proved the conversion of the Central City bank of Central City, Neb., Into the Cen tral City National bank with $10,000 capital. H. W. Lyenberger of Brooklyn, la., has been appointed bookkeeper In the treasury department OIL IN BATTLESHIP'S BOILER Laalslaaa's Test is Dirflcclt Becaase af Ceadltloa Which Affects Other Vessels. v WASHINGTON, Sept. t-Ths Louisiana, designated as ths most modern battleship. whlcs Is now undergoing its "shaking down" ptocess, haa been obliged to ateum slowly because oil gets Into the boilers and causes trouble. It Is a condition of affairs thst has af flicted a number of ether nawal vessels and alterations have been made in the ma chinery to obviate, the difficulty. It seems curious thst oil should get Into the boilers of a ship, and the explanation Is that the dynamo engines are responsible. These en gines are run the entire twenty-four hours of the -day and are lubricated by a spray of oil. This spray gets mixed with the steam that is sent into the condenser snd Is thus returned to the boilers, where It floats upon the top of the wster In s scum, which seriously Interferes with the msin engines of the ship. ROCKEFELLERJTO STAND TRIAL Ohio Jndge Refuses la' Quash la formatlaa ar Aeeept Plea' ' la Abatement. F1NLAY. O., Sept. S.-Judge Banker to day overruled motions to quash the Infor mation filed against John D. Rockefeller and all the Standard pll canes A plea of abatement waa filed in each taae and all were also overruled and the defendants given until next Tuesday to file motions. The Informations charge John D. Rocke feller and the Standard Oil company with violating the Valentine anti-trust law. Pleas in sbatement were made by the Standard , attorneys snd these wee promptly overruled. The 6indsrd stance asked prrmUslon to file other motions In the rase and they were given until next Tuesday to do so. BRITISH CREW WINS Cambridge Bowers Beach the Ooal Twt Loncths Ahead of Harvard. ENGLISH EIGHT SETS THE PACE Ability to Get Away Quickly th Deter mining Faotor. CRIMSON CREW MAKtS PLUCKY FINISH All Are in Osod Condition, While Two Britons Are Exhausted. BANQUET FOR 0aRMEN IN EVENING Ambassador Reld and Captains of Both Crews Make Speeches . , Great Crowd Wltaessee the Race. PUTNET. Eng., Sept. 8 Today's boat rsce between crews rrom Harvard and Cambridge universities, which wss won by the Englishmen by two lengths, was probably the most surprising ever rowed on the Thames, not so much because of the result., but the way In which It was f on. Cambridge, as had been feared by Har vard and hoped for by Engilahmen, got away the better, securing a lesd which they Increased to three lengths before Hammersmith bridge was reached. ' Both crews, as-they went under the brldgo, were rowing steadily at twenty-eight strokes to the minute, neither apparently exerting Itself. Suddenly Harvard com menced to use more power, and although Cambridge already had the race won and had the advantage of water conditions, the latter was compelled to Increase tha stroke to thirty-three and finished a tired out crew. Donaldson was ready to col lapse and Close-Brookes tn the bow was nearly as bad, The remainder of the crew paddled the boat - to the landing stsge.' The Harvard men on the othor hand apparently were quite fresh and took their boat across the river at a brisk rate. ; English experts say there la but opa explanation for the result, that of super iority of English oarsmanship and of tha English stroke. Harvard had one of the . flnest crews physically, -ever, seen on the river, but was unable to overcome that training' which English oarsmen receive from childhood. The Cambridge .crew,' too, had In Stuart, one or the best strokes England has produced. It also had the advantage of choice of side, but thoso who- know the river best ssy this was little An their favor with the tide and wind 'as they 1 were today. Great Crowd! Sees Race. The crowd which lined the banks from Putnsy to Mortlake, massed on fridges.,' roofs 'and 'balconies and weighted down, the branches of trees was a record gath-' ring for recent years. ' To' estimate ths . number of persons who witnessed tha" Contest would be, (Impossible, but they stretched In unbroken . atrlnga for ' four andT one-half miles on slthsr aide of the river. Of ' Americana (here . Ware . hun- deeds,' all ahoWIng the ' Harvard colors,' chiefly in specially 'chartered bOata. The crimson, however, only showed in splashes amidst the endless display of the light blue of Cambridge. When the tight blues were' seen to have gained an advantage at the start a great cheer went up from the crowds on Putney bridge. In Fulham park and on the Putney towpat'h. It waa taken up by those further along and continued with Interruption to the end of tha lace, when there was a final tremendous out burst from the people on Barnes bridge,' the excursion, steamers anchored at the finish siid thousands upon thousands who had gathered at Mortlake. Stroke Stuart of the Cambridge crew, said: . "Fllley and his crew rowed . a magnificent race. We are glad we won, but sorry to defest such good fellows." Captain Fllley of the Harvard boat. locanlcally declared that his men had been beaten fairly and squarely. Cosch Wray was gloomy and had nothing to say ex cept that he had no excuse to offer. Coaoh ! Mattlebury of Cambridge said: "The Har Lvard men made up the beat crew ever sent out irom ine i niiea elates, witn another yesr and a little more of the English style the Harvard men will be dangerous rivals. I hope tha Americans will favor us with another visit" v t rews Dlae Toaether. The crews , dined together tonight at Prince's restaurant Colonel Wlllan, who rowed against Harvard In the Oxford four In 1808, presided, with Captain Fllley on his right and President Goldsmith, of the Csm- . bridge Boat club, on his left, and Ambsa.' aador Reld and other dlatlngulahed guests surrounding him. Colonel Wlllan pro posed ' the health of King Edward and President Roosevelt. Mr. Reld. In replying to the toast' to President Roosevelt, said that while he was not altogether contented with the result of todsy's race, ha waa. aure the president would be satisfied with the way Harvard had borne defeat. Ha promised the Cambridge crew a warm weL come In America should tbey decide to go over there for a return race. Colonel Wll lan proposed a. toaat to the crews. Captain Fllley, replying for the American oarsmen,, said: "There Is no question that the beat crew won. We have nothing to say to the cr trary. Had the race been rowed frqap Mortlake to Putney Instead of as It wag the reault would have been the same. I'm sorry we did not give them a better race." As the afternoon advsnced dense crowd gathered at th starting point snd stretch-, Ing along the river banks ss far aa the ey could reach, testifying to the fact that tha sporting Instincts of the British public had been aroused as they had seldom been arOussd Urfore. Tha thrur.g were wholly cosmopolitan and cheered with equal en thusiasm all appearances of the wearers of the crimson or of the blue. . t The breese freshened somewhat as the. time for starting the race approached and there was much eagerness to ascertain which crew was the winner of the toss for positions, ss It wss calculated that ,th choice of the Surrey aide of the river might give the lucky crew an advantage of as much aa a length. Crews Slay la Quarters. The crews themselves kept mostly to their respective headauartera at tha j Leander and London Rowing clubs, saving every ounce or power for the coming atruggle. The doubts as to the outcome were evidenced by the nervous anxiety of th aupporters of both sides among tha genersl public, but thoe in oloro touch with the two "eighths" remained calmly confident, satisfied that their charges were in the pink of condition and ready for a desperate struggle. The Harvard crew, In the course of tha day received cable t