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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
6 TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 2, 190& I I! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. Peters & Co. BARGAINS tUOO W have to offir a li-room hnum With city water and nwrr, well built ami In excellent condition and repair, one block from the Dodge car line, (10.00 down and monthly pay menta will take this. fl.7K A alz-room house, north of B'mli park and only two blocks from Har ney car line. Has city water, gns and electrlo light; shade and fruit trees, strawberry beds and perma nent cement walk. $0uo do wo and monthly payments. 11,809 A nine-room house, furnace, bath and closet. Recently overhauled mid put In good condition of repair. 1209 down and monthly payments. Look at It. 3611 Mason St. 12,000 A six-room ail modern house etcept lng furnace, only five years old. on a deep lot, with chicken house, coal house, some fruit trees and a grape arbor; everything In good condition. One block from car Una. $600 down and monthly payments. 12,660 North of Locust Bt. on Bherman Ave car line, In Kountae Place, we have a brand new one-story house, cemented cellar and furnace, open nickel plated plumbing. A gem, $600 down and monthly payments. 13,090 We have a newly built e-rooin huuie, positively the best constructed In the city. It Is finished throughout with quarter-sawed oak and birch) good i slaed lot and beautiful lawn; one block from Walnut Hill car line. Let us show you this. We can make terms to suit you. $2,300 A seven-room ail modern house at 3S09 Jackson St. In good condition of repair, with cemented cellar and permanent walks. Can be bought on reasonable terms. INVESTMENTS At fit and 418 North Sth Bt. we hare tha most costly constructed double houne i In the city. The exterior of the finest limestone and the Interior of a superior hardwood finish, with every modern con venience. If you are looking for some thing that will last for agea and necessi tate but little outlay for repairs, tills ia tU Bee us for price and terms. R. C. Peters & Co. 110 South 17th Bt. (Be Bid.:.) ftlD N. P. Dodge & Co. VACANT SNAPS. $1,000 For a full aouth front lot. with . cement walk, on Lafayette Ave.; 1(0 ft- east of 8th St, among aome of tha finest residences in Omaha. Tou can't buy a lot on this street for leas than $1,250; we only have this 'prloe for a few days; one-half cash If you can't pay all. TOO For two lota on corner, 100x1 10; east front on tOth St., near Miama; permanent walk. $ too For two 60x111 ft. lota on Mlamn, a few feet east of J 0th Su Now these are the cheapest lots In Omaha today any real eslata man knows It, ! N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 Farnam Bt. RE Ml0 1 HOMES New, B rooms, modern, south front, 83d and Seward, eVSu. Easy terms, same as rent New 5-room cottage, modern, SO feet front lot, near t6ih and Ames, $130. BEMIS. PAXTON BLK. RB-MS9S IX HAVE A HOME l-room modern house, south of Leaven- worth, one block from car, $i,800. 11-room house, ' all modern and large tarn, nice nnisn, x&.uuo. -room modern honsa on ear Una on aay terms, $1,000. 8-room house on lot 90x140, with good Darn, one mock rrom oar, h.w. SEE SEARS, Boom 3. N. Y. Ufa. 'Phone Douglas m. RE-MS 1 FREE LAND WANTED Can provide beat olaaa o( settlers tor any good territory; want iree ioa for,,uuo intelligent, ex perienced American farmers; strict in' veatinauon invited. - Address F. Moor, ixick uox Im, Minneapolis, Minn. RE Mill 83x HOMES IN THE WEST There are yel hundreds uf uuttuuiia of aorea uf goou government land in AUaaourl and ArxauiMj auDject u nouiesieaa vuiiy. ll only costs $14 to own loo acres. Huuiuy climate, aood soil, uure water and wail timbered. My booa. just priniau, tu about ucaliou, how to get it, etc it auto UUia about iiomeeteada in the new rich state cC Ukiaiioma aba many ouier luterteung uii taie about me great west, ft la ILaO call. j. tsi. suiiu. Leader block, bpriugnalrt, Mo. KL-Milli 3 A. P. TL'KEY A SON. We Offer 66x132 ou the north aide ejf iaveuport, second lot west of ItUi bu lor 31.b0. 1 he lot ia vacul a..u prac tically ou grau. uu top sc uu nui near higu school and Crelghloa oiling. e us about uus lot at aac. A. P. TUaJbX at bON, 4it Board eX Trade. Tai. Douglaa-2l8L itM, MJk4 1 liEKE IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY. wlii oner for aale a tew days only, two tracts of ground at tne corner of Ud ami i amain, a a price thai will juauiy Uiair use for medium pricea uoaiee. T'ONIEbi LOCATION IN llim Wll William K. hotter, 8ul farowu iilk. lUaV-406 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. INVESTMENT OF ALL. ITiey come to you direct from owner; no taenia: best hard wheat lands at 9 to ta; aay terms; others ask $15. Avoid the heavy commissions. Man oraers souoiteu, Write us today; we save you money. T, A. Parker Land CO, Spencer la. RE MS84 S2S Lire In One Rent the Other. U3s and 1U0 South Hat street with one good bam. Qround TSxlfiu, East front on paved . TUolUB bRENNAN, Koom 1. New Toik uiie uuuaiug. RE MSOO mw BALK Good corner lot on paved street, two blocks from car line, twenty minutes' ride from Y. O. ; price, UTS. caab or pay menu. Box 17, uniana. iseD. KE-rrs a KMr vntllif 4.MAm knMu eiifl.lnf mnnA 1m. cation. Be KIT . South loth. In'aulre 1U1 vision du iu-4uu u rmTHI.K CORNER, with four residences within out block of Dosiofflue. South Omaha; nicely located, alruuat within a Stone a tnrow or ouaineaa ceuier, r. J., rubllo library, high school and street car t la cia-neJ by a nonresident and li going. Rents for per laoiuh. What more can you eskf Prloe. V; partly caah.- balance par oent. Investigate at once. n bi, douvq vuiaua. RQ 1U $ rflR BALB Lot tV Tuttle'S subdivision. aorner tbth and gprague fits., a t-acre tract, which makes U fine lots, iuxlM teet. and alley. Price, $2. cash. Block No. IM. Florence, on Main St., Just north Omaha city limits, t feet, faclnif east on car line, oy zm reel aeep, a baautlf ul borne alta, streets on all aides. Price. ll.aoO cash. Both good buys. Aalreaa Gerard Brandenburg, owner. Los Aaglaa, cai. 1 V. - Sale Bureau. (04 Neville block. Real Batata and InvesUnents. Kk Mia tit FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Jjv nco Near D. and T. Institute. Co. Bluff, nice smooth upland, wiui lair improvement; lvel road to city. Price, $i.5O0. H. Q. McOee, Co. Bluff a, Ia. HE FOR SALE By owner, modern 7-room nouse, wnn gooa Dim anu umn-ui. nuuiu. front, full lou Telephone Maple MIL re m x FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACLFIO RAILROAD CO. Is closing out Its lands In western Ne braska. Colorado and Wyoming. From $1.00 to 16.00 per acre, Take advantage of the low price and easy terms offered, the opportunity will loos be gone. Special excursion rates to the landa For further information apply to UNIG.V PACIFIC LAND AOENCT. $1$ South lath St., Omaha, Neu. H-M687 1 Yes. we have two or more of our Justly famous low -rate excursions Tuesday, Sep tember 4th. If OU are going anywnere to look at cheap land with a view of buy ing, see us. We can secure TOU a ticket much cheaper than TOU can buy it. We have 18 people to go anyway, and might rviaslhlv ret along without 1 OU. but if IUy care lo so cuti munuajr aiiu mm 11 a i'ou a ticket ana mane you iairiy con 'nrtahle on the entire triD. and show ToU land your better Judgment will tell you to purchaM. Now, It is up to TOU. THB CONTINENTAL REALTT CO., S2-M U. S. NatX Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. X ALVI S CHEAP FARMS In South Dakota; big crops. Dig rusn; iv.wai acrea to seieci from; $10 per acre and up. Chance of a lifetime. Buy from owner. Cheap ex ruralon every Tuesdar. Come at one. . J. fi. Haslitt, Marlon, S. D. xi iM.ii a Western Kansas Wheat Lands (0.000 seres of fine wheat lands, $4.00 te $15 00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Olobe Land and Investment CO., umana, iseo., and Sioux City. la. li MCI SU A GOOD bualness lot for sale. Best loca tion in town. Address J. J. r., r remont. Neb. RE MJ63 SZ2 17. B. Sale Bureau, $04 Nurllle block. Real Estate and investments. rtxu wa b FOR SALE California land opening; rest dence not required; some improvements necessary; instruction book tree, c m E. Association, 108 Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, Cal. , 11-128 2x 4S0 ACRES IN BANNER COUNTY. Nine miles from Karrisburc. county arat level land, soil is of black vegetable mold on a clay subsoil, Is very rich, works fine, having no rocks or stones; Ltw acres in cutivatlon. balance pasture and hay land; good fences, sheds and other outbuildings and wind mills; neat 6-room dwelling; price only $10 per acre; it would make an Ideal PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 178L M LEVEL corn land for salo and exchange; Free lists, li. L. Craven 4k Co., una wo. Ia, Cheap W estern Landa l.ono.OOO acres Colorado. Kansas and No braska lands, J to fi.t0 per acre, uov ernment homesteads located. Printed lists giving legal description and prices, also ronpn, pictures, eic. iree. TUB STERLING INVESTMENT CO.. 201 Front SL, Sterling, Colo. COMEJ WHERE CROPS NEVER FAIL Free Information about Irrigated land In the Grtdley Colonies, Butte Co.. Califor nia. No crop failures on irrigatea iana. Five to six croiis alfalfa every season- Dairying and stock raising highly profita ble. Peaches, grapes, figs and English walnuts give big profits. Abundant water for irrigation at low rates. A reruie ana prosperous section, with rooa scnnois, churches and arood roads. Two railroad. Good market. One hundred families have settled at Uridley the last year. Many more coming. Write for free printed matter. CHA8. F. O'BRIEN. Gen'l Mgr., 11C Post St., San Francisco, CaI 60.000 acres of fin" wheat lands, $4.00 to $15.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday, write for particulars, moue Land and Inveetment Co., umana, rueo., and Sioux City, la. h auzi sis 1.000 ACRES AT $4.00 AN ACRE. In western Nebraska, soli Is black loam on a heavy clay subsoil. Is very rich and easily worked; no stones. The owner Is anxious to sell. The same kind of land tinder Irrigation sells as high as $100 an acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. YK L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 178L r TUESDAY IS ANOTHER GOING DATE to the wonderful South Valley or eastern Colorado. Very low rate of $14.70 for the round trln. Fare refunded to buyers. We have a few 4u's at $8 per acre on easy terms that will be worth o to iw wnen the proposed government canal Is built $4 per acre caah and 10c per acre per montn. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 Farnam St. TI. 8. National Hank Bldg. OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS TILL S:. li A-l Farm For Sale. Will raise IS to 40 bu. wheat per acre 10 to 0 bu. corn, 50 to 76 bu. oats, 40 to 16 bu. barley and other crops in proportion. In well sottled community in eastern part of South Dakota, within a few miles of a town that has for nine sucoesslve years shipped more wheat than any other coun try town in the U. 8.; 100 to 840 acres Ini proved and unimproved. Bargains at $17 M to $30.00 per acre, either for home or In vestment. Part cash, easy terms. 'Ex cursion every Tuesday. For rates and In formation call on or . write FIDELITY REAL ESTATE AND TRUST CO., 644 Bee Bldg.,pmaha, Neb; H 251 fx MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam, I and H per cent loaua uu teat eaii, uv um. W-75J MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. w lt WANTED City loans snd warrants. W Farnam Smith Co., 144) saruam Bt. W-7at BUILDING loans on residence property; I per caul. w. a. aieiate, nainge xtia. . W-7S4 LOWEST RATES lie nits, Paxton Block. . w 1.1 PRIVATE MONET-F. D. Wead. liiu Doug. w lit $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and rest. dance property in omana; lowest rat.a, n delay. Thomas brciiuan, K. 1, N. Y 4.UO. " a WANTED City loans. R. C. Peurs Co. City it farm loaua O. F. Carson Co.. N.Y.L v ise LOANS on improved city property. W. H. ilioiuax. mm rirat Mauonat eaiix ciag. $S.0uw In $5M and t'iuO amounts. M. J. Ken uard Co., suo-io Brown iicK w Jul LOW ratea Private money. $600 and up. CHAS. E. HILUAMBUN CO. W- DANCINQ MORAND'8 classes for adults reopens iueaaay, Heptember 4, at I p. in. A reduc tion of $2 on all tickets bought On or be fore opening night. Call 16th and Harney. Open all day and evening; Sunday I to 6 leiepnone iougiaa HU. opening assent' Diy September a. m in box CSTECFATHt I0HN8ON; InsUtute. 4U N. T. U TeL DR. W. W. BOWSER, ever UOO Farnam. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWET European hotel. Uth and Farnam, Dong. 611 O. M.E. Hani Trnnks b, Thurston hotel; rooms UK up per week. & it CAPITOL HOTEL, Wth and Capitol Are soutn front; rooms wiut or wtuiout uoaro. B 7M GOOD table board, tot So. J 5th Are. m us six BEAUTIFULLT furnished and all modern front rocnis at reasonable prices, nil n. 10th. E MTU Xx MODERN rooms; shade; fine neighborhood; ue of piano. 2302 Sherman Ave., phone Douglas 3114. E MSTS ox TWO newly furnished south front rooms; connected by door, frivate lamuy, mot Harney. 'Phone Douglas 5840. E 901 6x I ROOMS, housekeeping. 111 8. Uth. m we EXCELLENT modern furnished room for one person. Phone in house. i4 Har ney lit. E-MS30 NICELT furnished rooms, modern; pleas ant surroundings; good board; reasonable rates. The Rose, 2v20 Harney St. E-387 B24X ONE large, well lighted, south room, mod ern; hot water heat, isos capital Ave. E MD15 8 NICELY furnished room for gentleman; modern conveniences, zio N. ud. E M914 I FOR RENT Large furnished front room. tliOK Douglas St., omana, incd. ALl IO U BLBOANTLT furnished front room for one or two gentlemen, convenient to business, private family, references. 114 So. Wth Ave. E M2S3 3 A NICELY furnished front room, with alcove, all modern, with steam heat; also one nice single room. 122 B. 26th St. Tel. Doug. 6309. E 248$ 2x ROOM for two gentlemen; private family; modern. 1712 Davenport. a Mtt ax DESIRABLE front rooms, suitable for two, modern, 117 o. Wth bt, i I FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD HOTEL LANGE On direct line to South Omaha. Amer lean and European, corner 13th and Jack son Sts. The best modern and up-to-date medium priced hotel In the city, and the only one that has a long dUtance tele phone, and steam heat In every room. Elegant rooms with private baths. Pub lic baths free to guests. We are now ready for permanent and transient guests. Call and see us and get satisfactory ratea It. A. uinge, props. earn wauman, M. A. Nagi, Manager. F Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F 731 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. MODERN rooms, home cooking; reasonable price. Hi Howard St. 'lei. uougiaa 8668. F M3K0 609 So 26 th Ave. Good board, neat. clean rooms; private family; modorn conveniences. 'Phoxie. F 725 lx 2 LARGE rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board, izu f ark Ave. F M ix PLEASANT steam heat rooms, choice meals. 817 S. 18th. F-S4 2x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TW O oleasant unfurnished rooms, modern. Private lamuy. oooa ooara near. in So. 25th Ave. 'Phone Doug. 6ti58. G M9'JS 2 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 161-5. Schmnller A Mueller -iano vo.. iai-i4is arnam. D 733 UUUOiO c p.ters b. Co.. Beo Bldg. D 714 RnTTSPQ In all parts of the city. The UUUQEjO 0- jt, iavU Co., 60S Bee Bldg. i 735 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Bk, D 7U OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. li. goods; storehouse. U20-1M N. Uth. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. DougUM. WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van fltor. age Co. Tel Doug. 14W. Office. 1713 Web ater St P M BUILDINGS TO LET. 1213-15 Harney St., 4-story and basement. lm Farnam. 1-storv and basement, 22x120. Will put either of above in condition to suit tenant. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., ) Farnam SU D See us when shipping household goods to) large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., ut r. EMAteenin au is. mui- AM. TRANS. CO. Household and other jt -. , n ' I T . .. i.tA. line lTar- nam. DsJ FOR RENT Store room, Wth and Vinton sts., i. , C. M. BACHMANN. 435 Paxton Block. D 991 MODERN house, near park. Apply l509 , zbin. is COUN8MAN-VAN BURGH CO., Storaae and Transfer: best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given 1K29-31-31 N. lblh St. lei. uougias-aoia. D 936 Ol New Apartments I am nov. ready tor applications for the handsome new apartments at I4th and Harney (facing Senator Millard's home) and only 5 minutes walk from city hall each 8-room apartment, $50. See them at once, ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. L. Doug. 1471. 4-ROOM modern fiats, 1112 S. Uth. i-m ri 10 ROOM brick, steam heat, 1414 Sherwood Ave. Trenery, ISutiVs Farnam St. D-M716 ROOMING bouse, No. HI South 17th street. Steam heat. 14 rooms, the nearest one for boarding and ' rooming. Bee room, 2u2 Neville Bik. D 7ui six TO RENT Eight-room, modern house. 2610 Chicago St. E. A. Smith, 2-6 Neville Bik.. telephone Douglas Mai. D MS7J 1 HOUSE TO LET. 1637 Park Ave., 9-room modern. Facing Hanacom Park. $36. W. FARNAM 8MITH aV CO., 114 Farnam St. Modern house and barn, 1120 South $lst St. ttf. Modern house $0t South 23rd St. $27 80. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Lite Bldg. D M9ol TWO new 6-room houses, southwest corner 20th snd Clark, modern except furnace, finished September lo;' rent U3 and $3. Ringwalt Bros., Sot 8. 16th St. D M929 t 10-ROOM, all modern, almost new, house, at 710 N. 40th; porcelain bath, stationary washtubs, polished oak floors, large barn; rental $60. L. D. Spalding. 'Phone Doug. 230. 210 S. Uth. D Mil 8 COZY cottage 6 rooms, $18 per month, W4 South toth St., Leavenworth car line ono block; vacant September li can be rented new from the owner, $18 South ex h St. 4O 164 sS FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT A modern s-roorn cottage: furnace, full lot. barn and cistern, uli Ersklne. D 43 I PA TNE. BOSTWnCK at CO.. 141 N. vth, 6-r. cottage, city water $12.50. tint Burdette. 6 r.. strictly modern except furnace, raw $14. 4117 charlea, r., city water Inside, fur nace $17.60. Sit 8. ioth Ave., r., etrtotly all modern, nice yard $30. tlO N. 21st. 0 r., strictly modem, new; snaiies, gas range and iaunory healer fur. nlshed free IM. $47i Harney, 10 r., strictly modem, Just overhauled and put in nne snaps lor rooming house $60. $474 Harney, 14 r., strictly modern. Just overnauied sod put in nne en ape tor room ing house $U6. to S. X7lh, t r., strictly modern except lurnace; nne vara PAYNE. UOSTW1CK St CO.. Sixth Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg T-ROOM modern cottage, new, 123; no small children. 8417 Poppleton Ave. D-M977 IX 4 ROOMS, modern, to family of adults. am fierce St. u auu tx FOR RENT. JW2 S. 20th Ave, s-room cottage, 112. 2332 Maple, just completed, 7 rooms, strictly modern, 32.60. 2221 Cuming. 8 rooms, strictly modem, $30. Corner of lth and Lake, i rooms 2d floor. strictly modern, gas, electric light and steam heat building, just completed, $25. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. L Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 178L D ISO I BEAUTIFUL new modern house of 6 rooms, fine location, north; owner leaving city permanently, will rent to first-class tenant for $85. 618 N. T. L. Doug. 1472. ERNEST SWEET, Jt'ST WHAT YOU WANT. Good 6-room house at 28th and Blondo. This house has gas, city water also well water; Just been newly papered through out and about to be painted and new roof; is In good condition and cheap at $16 per month. Good yard. CHAS. IX WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 Farnam BU. FOR RENT. $22.60 8-r., all modern house, near 42d and Farnam. $14.00 New 4-r. cottage, near 41st and Jack son. RHIMER A CHASE CO.. 1609 Farnam. Ground Floor. Doug. Jfl7. I H7 i FOR RENT Fine -room modern brick dwelling, 213 8. 29th Ave. 147.60. Strictly modern apartment in Davldge Bldg., fac ing Farnam. $40.00. 2-story brick building. 1113 Harney, aw.uo. JOHN W. ROBBINB, 1SUB J? AxviN A M r. 1 ia a NEW S-roosi modern, gas. electrlo light. hot and cold water, full paeement, fur nace, stone wslks, tWl No. 18th St., pae- sesalon September 10. IMone Christie, Doug. 132, Room S, N. Y. Life Bldg. D 221 t 1521 GEORGIA AVE., 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace; $26.00. J. II. SHERWOOD, Phone Doug. 3SS. 987 N. Y. Life. u ii s FOR RENT The large and commodiou house at corner 19th and Capitol Ave. Has Jum been put in splendid condition T all modern conveniences, electrlo light, beau tiful fixture, handsome bath room, newly decorated throughout. For rent to re SDonMlhle party only at $75.00 per month. Illcks Real Estate Company, 19 Board of Traue Bldg. leiepnone, uougias ma. D-244 2x WANTED TO RENT BY October 1, 6 or 6-room modern cottage near car line. Address O $0, In care of Bee. K.-B5 zx BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change 11 you have a farm, home,- business or prop erty that you want to sell or exenange GLOBE "LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Hloux City, la. Y-M910 Ol FOR BALE A first-class Job office with A-l newspaper plant in connection, pub lishing three papers m surrounding towns; jar type all new; aoing goou business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, as this snap will not last long. Prices lew. Address Box &16, Hastings, Neb. i-m FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures; In voice $4,0U0; county seat town In south western Nebraska. Owner has tco much outbide business. Write if you mean business. Address O 9, care Omaha Bee. Y-M6S0 BOX NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU One dollar registration fee brings fullest obtainable information ; any subject; serv Ice at nominal cost. For particulars ad dress, Inclosing stamp, 401 Munsey Build ing, Washington, u. c. x iu zx ASSIGNEE'S SALE. I will sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, at York. Neb., Sept. 81, lHott, at I p. m., the L. D. Metssner stock of dry goods. - A clean, complete stock. Invoiced over $18,400.00, Including fixtures. Best location In town. Come any time and Inspect the stock. C. H. KOlllng. Assignee, York. Neb. x mi b BUSINESS CHANCE General sales man acrer wanted: well known manufacturing company, doing largest business of Its kind in U. 8., desires to contract for a term of years with capable, trustworthy man to take charge of branch office and manage aalesmen In his own city and ter ritory; liberal aalary, commlaelon and al lowance for office expenses; manager must place on deposit $1,000 during term of em ployment, under contract to ie muiuauy satisfactory, and furnish good references as to Integrity; salary and commission should average $'A) monthly; permanent and ro'ln business assured right party. Address Manager Sales Department, lluA Chamber of Commerce Uldg., Chicago. Y-607 2x WANTED Lanre. well established roanu facturlng company, making staple Una of goods widely known, wants satisfactory man with $tS,0u0 cash to establish and carry on branch business; $225 per month salary and all expenses, with share of Droflts extra: unuaually safe investment, permanent engagement and high-class business; good for $5,000 per year or bet ter, with big future increase. For partic ulars, furnlnh references and address Business, 67 wabasn Ave., cnirago. Y 78 2x EARN $200 and upwards monthly; we teach you the mall order business, including ad vertising and business correspondence, by mall; by our system you can easily make large profits without Interfering with present occupation; no capital required; we co-operate with you, help you secure customers and assist you to a quick suo cess; Interesting booklet free. The Mall Order Lyceum, 118 Phelps Bldg., Scran- ton, fa. 1 (o a a r-. k 1 Uim the new business In one VlPl day; big money; permanent woik In your locality. Investi gate. Particulars for stamp. F. R. Ritter, b, coiumous, J. PARTY with capital of $5,000 can purchase a manufacturing pusineas paying a pruni of from $260 to w montniy. Amnun all i.atent riahta. factory, materi als. etc. Other interests requiring all of present owner's Urns and attention 00m pel him to offer at this price. Address H SO, care uora 1 nomas, u yiM Ix GUARANTEED Patents Secured or Fee Returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for Illustrated Guide Bock. Contains 100 mechanical move m.nta and 1.1 BT OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particulars NEW TRADE MARK LAW. COPIKlUHTB, eto. Pat ents advertised free In World's Progress. KYAMB. WlLKtM CO., Reg. Attorneys. 888 F St. w aan: Ington. D. C. 1 YOU can never profit by business chances unless you nave aome money; amen sav iriaa are the foundation of ierae fortunes start a savings account with J. L Bran dele A Son, Bankers. 14 la and Douglas tits. Assets ever 4U0.Uvu, x BUSINESS CHANCES LAND INVESTMENTS Land today Is the safest, best-paying in vestment, values are increasing rapiaiy. Secure yourself and buy good land while you can. We have land from $6 to ijO per acre. Offer safe and reliable Invest ments and transact a strictly legitimate business. If you Want to sell, buy or ex change property or make Investments, see or write us and we will give prompt and satisfactory service. 1LENRY II. GENAU, V. 8. Pales Bureau, 804 Neville Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y-166 I FOR SALE or exchange Fine $9,000 stock or clothing, shoes, furnishing goods, in central Illinois town of K.uuo population. Want good farm or city property. Ad dress O 81, care Bee. Y 119 8 FOR BALE OR TRADE Bowling alley snd amusement parlors; only one in town uf over 4.000 people; alleys and fixtures all new; can be purchased at a great bar gain If taken at once; owner must sell on account ot other business; will bear closest Investigation. Call or address W. C. Ramsey, Albla, Ia. Y 2o7 8 FOR BALE OR TRADE A stxty-barrell roller mill, with gasoline engine, all com plete, for sale or trade for good Ne braska land. Inquire of John J. Goebel, Hartlngton, Nab. Y M906 2 WANTED Elderly gentleman partner In lucrative manufacturing ousiness. Heri feldt. 94 Windsor Hotel. Y-904 2x FREE To purchaser of clear lot, mfg. own near tk i. l,ouis, price 110, uniiui ing plan to make $26 week with $100 capital Handle your own money. Interstate Land Co., 818 Mass. Bldg., Kansas City. Y-491 3 80-ROOM hotel, nice grounds, two lota, gooa Dusiness, iz,boo. c. . mat Die, Shelton, Neb. Y 94 x SEND $28.00 for 25 shares New World (Montana) Smelting Company stock to C. J. Steeple, 102 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. Will mall certificate Immediately Bank references. Y 9a2 2x FOR SALE General mdse., living rooms; money maker; small town; investigate; object to retire from business; tB.ow will buy It. Address Box 646, Douglas, Wyo. Y-899 2x FREE SIX MONTHS Financial paper con taining important news from Mevada and Oregon great gold fields; read It; learn the stocks that are money makers; mailed six months free on request. American Securities, 84 Broadway, New York. Y-t96 2x HARDWARE and furniture stock for sale at a bo r gain, central Iowa; Invoice about $4.0"0; could be reduced; good reasons for selling; owner has other business; no trades, but will sell and give purchaser time on part of invoice. Address O 4S, care of Omaha Bee. Y M17S 8 NO MAN EVER BECAME RICH from his work alone; most large fortunes are the result or trade; you have the same opportunity to make a fortune; will you accept UT Write for our booklet, "Sci ence vs. Speculation." Maeaulay ft Co., 265 La Salle St., Chicago. Y-174 tx FOR SALE First-class steam laundry In ctty or quarter million; exclusive location: own building on very favorable ground lease; four wagons; weekly receipts, $400; at sacrifice. Address Salmon, Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. Y 178 2x PACIFIC8 BEATEN. $600 to $6,000 makes you independent. Ad areas immediately room 12m, iuh ruiton Bt., Mew York. Y 126 Zx START a mall order business; we furnish everything necessary: only few dollars rc quired; new plan, success certain, costs nnining to investigate, aiiiDurn-nirKS, 8b8 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 160 2x FORTUNES from Abalone Pearls, Jewelry ana Marine rood froaucis. own cannery and fisheries; few shares $1 each. Aba lone Packing Co., 122 Jordon Ave., San 'rancisco, cal. x 149 zx OTHERS have mads fortunes In mines; send for our rjrosrectua something differ ent than the rest; the 'new Eldorado of Wyoming; get In on our prospecting deal. Phillips son, snosnonl, wyo. 1 147 u GOOD undeveloped mines furnished; stock taken in payment; utile or no money, we receive our pay wnen mine pays aivi dends. Yuba Gravel Mining Co, Broad way, Oakland, Cal. Y 142 2x MONEY furnished on bond and stock Issues In high-class propositions: loans and charters secured: will take Interest In new corporation. First National Bond to., iiector uiag., inicago. 1 iub xx MONEY Do you need It T We are in a Doeltlon to furnish cartltnl for any mor- Itorioua enterprises; we can sell your .stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis; money advanced on good securities; charters procured in any state: do not fall to confer with us. It will be tn your interest. H. Kaats Co., Bankers, la coma Bldg., Chicago. Y 109 tx WHEAT $12.60 buys five upa and Ave downs; good for one week; t-cent advance or decline from price gives 1100 pront; write for particulars. Commerce Grain uo., commerce uiag., l nicer o. t-iwi xx SEND for "Successful Method" of trading In grain with small capital: booklet and market letter sent free; rererences. com' stock at Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y-107 tx PORTLAND CEMENT. Its manufacture most profitable Industry In America: demand far exceeds supply. According to contractors' estimate, con ditions will continue same for years; ce ment rapidly taking place of lumber, brick and stone, being cheaper and more durable. The world Is entering upon "the cement age." We have Immense valuable deposit Portland Cement materials on railroad in famous southern Kansas gas and cement belt and own fuel supply, gas and coal. To secure additional funds for erection of plant we offer aome treasury stock below par. Construction work go ing on. Big dividends assured. Write for particulars contained In illustrated prospectus. The Guthrie Mountain Coal and Cement Co., 816 Hall Bldg., Kansas -11y, 010. x CONFECTIONERY, lee cream and cater. Ing bualness In city of over lO.Ono. no 00m petition, svertge sales $100 per day, will sen for invoice, write for particulars. Wm. Madgett. Hastings. Neb. Y WORTHY people started In advertising business; capital or experience unneces sary: credit extended. Commercial Berv Ice Co., 22 St. James Bldg., New York. Y FOR BALE A good restaurant, doing a nne ousiness, in county seat town or z.oon; must sell within 10 day-t. Address N 67, care pee. I M41 BIT LOST AND FOUND LOST Rubber automobile tire; reward. Return 10 c. i wiikins, Dewey hotel. Lost MitM STRAYED Bay mare pony; last seen go ing east at tiKnorn, Net). Notify Wll llara Wright, Valley, Neb. Reward. Lost-SSO 1 FOUND Pair nose glasses In case. Call ft N. Y. Life and pay for this ad. and . owner can nave property. 40 Sx FOUND A lady's gold watch (engraved) zouna on I'inKney or, owner osn re ceive same by calling at 1 Plnkney Bt. 162 Zx LOST Small sorrel mare; reward If re turned to Foley Bros., 2816 Farnam. Lost-2U I LOST Brooch with It diamonds and 18 opals. Reward for return to Dr. Powell, aw raxion oiocx. ioai aiua WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BU' SECOND-HAND FL'RNITURE. stoves, earpets, clotbln and shoes. Pay the best prices. Ta Douglas 8V7L N 461 Si WANTED Engine, type, newspaper or Job press, itHxiz or larger, isox mi, stroma, burg, Neb. N a6 tx WANTED Hard coal burner; must bo In first-class shape. Tel. Red 6001- N 187 8 PRINTING LTNOSTAD H'5 ? . ,nDun oornsr lath St and m. vyn . a, Capitol Ave. 146 WE HAVE a new press no Job too large 809 Sept 16 COMPLETE line of 1907 Calendars. Snail J fruiting Co., 810 B. 12th Bu . -k!93 Ol PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION. All kinds of piles cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles. A guarantee given In every case treated by Dr. Max well, who has had twenty-five years' ex- fertence In treating pllea. Hundreds of eatlmonlals given on application. 624 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas-1421. U- 1NY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. Zth Pt., Omaha. Neb. U-MW0 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas l&ao. c m DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. t A 8, 1605 Farnam. u ail PRIVATE confinement homa Mrs. Dr. King, 1018 N. 21st St, Tel. Doug. 8M9. U-82S PI FATINO Buttons Ruchliig, 1 Ltn I Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only 60 per yard. Send for price list and sample. UOLDMAN PLEATING CO., MO Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1931 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264, til 8. Uth St. U 830 VRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. Garde), t216 Charles. TeL Doug. 6311. U-881 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off doming; in ract. anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phonw Doug. 41S6 and wagon will call. u 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U-129 THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1SS7. U 832 PRIVATE fiome during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Son Itarlum. 728 First Ave., Council Blurts, Ia. Tel. 774. U 823 SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, til Be Bldg. U 833 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Bldg. U 834 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut E rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers illon Drug Co., Omaha. U 835 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOG Y Mrs. Rlt tenhouse, 410 N. 16th. room t, second floor. U M427 824 WE RENT sewing machines at $1 per week; we sell second-hsnd machines $3 up. Nebraska Cycle Co.. corner 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U-836 DR8. VOOL private hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine ment. 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. U-M970 S17 ARCHITECT- O. L. Brollne, 618 Bee Bldg. U 432 S5 ACORN PRESS 1510 Howard. Tel. Douglas 3762. U-699 69 SHOTLD BLANCHARD-S ECZEMA LO TION not give speedy or satisfactory re sults, .notify Prof. 1. Blanchard, skin specialist, Minneapolis. Minn. Whole salers supply all druggists. U-MS10 SlOx MAGNETIC iC5,,I",P1."B, thi M'e- Smith, 118 N. 16, 2d floor. U MS81 8l4x WANTED Address of Hattle E. Richards. Former location near Lincoln or Omaha. Milliner and dressmaker. Alfred D. Rich ards, Lodl, Cal. 17 M766 2x CHIROPflDTRT rt. r...v... ,,, . block; halt-dressing, etc Douglas 61T9, WANTED Carnival company, who has open dates September 19, 80 and $1. In con nection with stock show and races, at Pender, Neb, H. G: Heyne, secretary. . U-J4907 8 CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 666. 1621 Leavenworth. U-M926 Ootl THE Matrimonial Register, September number now ready, price 10c; describes ni?,ni "''"i members recently en rolled. Box 261. Seattle. U 986 2 MIDDLE AGED capitalist, lonesome, d- vumyaniunanip or loving wire; ncn or poor, makes no difference. Write Box , . nji.ll. L Ifl XX ELDERLY widower, no children, wealthy uu uuomi, wants a gooa, sensioie Wire. Address F. L. Rich, 236 Washington St., Boston, Mass. U 139 tx MATRTMOVIAT nllhlll .. the best possible services' have brought auuenaa 10 ua ana our patrons alike. Write for plana for Introductions, state your V.11WJB, jveiroii, aaicn. U 972 Sx OMAHA Steam Pasts Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. WUf, WAX. J SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con- uu.uup iri una connaentiai; all work Luaranieea. Alias Allender, 428 N. Y, ife. u INTERESTING widow, good appearance, r.nco iinu wiaow, gooa appearance, ependently situated, seeks through this thod congenial correspondent, object, trlmony. References exchanged. 817 . 1IIUO met matrimnnv North Broad, Philadelphia. U 108 2x MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit myself cured; will Inform you of harmless permanent home oure. Mary MORAND'S classes in dancing, Uth and Harney, begins Tuesday, Sept. 4. Save $3 oy joining tne class opening night. '1h.n. T Win .1 . . 1JU1 IT . . T WANTED A strong German working girl, 20 to 28 years, must be good cook, saving housekeeper. Can make 82 to 88 rjer duv. Object partnership or matrimony. Ad- aresa u to, nee omce. u 2x JEWISH widower, age SO, clothing busi ness desires acquaintance with young - iaay or young wiaower, inclose photo In nrai letter, Auaresa jamas waller, iowell, . Ans. u 153 xx REFINED middle-aged widow desires the acquaintance of a bright, entertaining Xeniieman irom 48 to tw years or sge. d dress O 48. care Bee. U 287 2x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. t-774 t)R PRIES, specialist, women's dlseaaea weaknesMS, discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell Block, utn ana uarney, room a umana. -467 PILES Most obstinate cases oured. Symmes pile Remedy. By mall 6O0. box six, Cincinnati, o. jmjbi at DR HUTCHINSON', specialist of women and children. Offlce, 2iu6 Cuming. 'Phone uougias mmi. PATENTS PATENTS quickly seoured with ample claima. epeciai nrieen aonars saving propoaiuoa tor uuriy aars. writs toaay, enclosing description of invention. W in. Bagger, Patent Lawyer, Wash,, D. C. U-A Sept. Ox T. J. LARSON A CO;, patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. - 8i4 8HARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings pattema. castings, machine work. 6t4-6l2 B. 10th St. 826 Patents procured and sold, 1 fee. Nat'l In. vestment Co., Douglas Bik., lath A Dudae. -M471 (4 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORB detective service; 'phono Red 7414. Rooms 13 and 14. union Bik., utn end Farnam. 671 S8x FLORISTS U HENDERSON. Ui Faswaia. Tel Doug. uu. m DEATH NOTICES ROP E WATER Ed wsrd, In ths 66th year of I. in age. Body will be In Bee building rotund from 12 o'clock noon till 3 o clock p. m., Sunday, September t. Fisial services tinder susplces of Covert lodge. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Friends will kindly omit flowers. KRACHT Roy F.. son of Fred XV. and Ijaura Kracht, ael i years montnn. ir..nAMi tw,m M.i.ijkn h'lA Rotith Thirty. fifth street. Sunday. 2 p. m. Friends In vited. Interment Forest lawn. MATEWSKY Andrew. Sept 1, aged 71 years, 9 months. 9 days. Funeral from his late residence, $!d nnj Fort Omaha Av Monday afternoon, Sept. 9, at 2 o'clock. Interment, Forest LawrL leceased was a member of G. A. It, snd K. of P. . MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas CR71. M428 BU RAILWAY TIME CARD tlWOM STATICS TEHT1I AKU HAHCt tnieta PaeiSe. Leave. Arrive. overiana umitwc a .e am a 1 as pm The China and Japan Fast Mail a a no cm a l ie pns Colo. A CaUf. Ex a 4:15 pm a 9:80 ana California A Ore. Ex. .a 4:16 pm a 6:10 pra Los Angeles Limited.. ..all:10 am al0:tt pm Fast Mail a 1:56 pm a I $0 pre) Colorsdo Special a 7:46 am a T:44 am North Platte Local a 6:10 am a 4:69 pm Beatrice Looa! b 8:18 pm b 8:09 pm kMlua Mweit 3ajuaaA 4. raclge. KAT. Leave. Arrive, Chicago Limited a 8 am a7J0am Iowa Local ..a 7:lw am a 4:10 pm Chicago Mail a 6:1 am al0:10 pm Iowa Local bll.ll. pm b 9.66 pm Chicago lEaatarn Exp.). a 4:06 pm a 1:48 pm Chicago tlowa Limited. a 6:U pm all:l0 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lira... a 7:10 am a 1:18 anj Colo. A Cal. Kxptess...a 1:01 pm a 8:68 pm Okl. A Texas Exp a 4:40 pm all 06 pm Colorado Fast Mall al0:15 pm a 7:88 am a dally, b dally except Sunday. Cnlomgo Uireat Waalara. St. Paul A Minneapolis. 6:10 pm 7:16 aisj St. Paul A Minneapolis. 7:46 am 11:60 pnt Chicago Limited 6:40 vm 8:09 am Shlcago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pm blceo Express 8.80 pm 8:10 pm WnsjASjt. SU jLouis Express .a 6:80 pm m 8:60 am SL Louis Local (from Council Blufts a 9:18 am alOJO pig Btaoberry Local (from Council Blufis) b 6:00 pm bU:80 am Chlcage, Milwaukee 6t. PaaL Chi. A Colo. Special.... a 7:8k am a 730 ant 1 California A Ors. lux... a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pig Overland Limited a 8:36 pm a 9:90 am Marlon A Cedar R. Loe.b 6:46 am bll:oO pm kiuaeari facias. BU Louis Express a 9.-09 am a 6 JO pm K. C. A SU U Kxpreas..all;16 pm a 6:uw pm Cute a Siertaweetera. Cedar Rapids Pass. ...a j.v6 am a 8:08 pn) Twin City jWxpreaa ....a 70 am alO.iw pm Chicago oayugnt a 8.U0 am all;16 pm Chicago Loual all:M ain a 9:4e pin bloux City Local b 8:60 piu a 9:4 am Carroll Local a 4-82 pm a 8 -bo am bloux City Local b 3:46 piu Chicago Express a 8:60 pm a ?.N am Fast Mall a 8:23 pm a 8:30 am Fast Mall a i:uo pm Twin City Limited ...a 8:41 pm a 7:u6 am Overlanu Ll lulled a 8.38 pm a 9.16 am Chicago Limited all:v0 pm all: 16 am Norfoik-Bonesteel a 7:40 am al0:36 am Lincoln-Long Pin b 7:40 am U0:8i am Deadwood-Llnculn a 8:00 pm a 6:08 pm Casper-Shoshonl a 9:00 pin a 6:v6 pm Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm b 6:08 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pin bU:40 pm klliKOls Centra. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 8:66 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a IM am WSBITER DKroT-Utli A WBBtTBn, V, Bloux City Passenger. ..a 3:00 pm aUist am Emerson Local b 6:20 pm b 6.10 sal Emerson Local o 8:48 am 6 W pm ailaavurt Paaia. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 36 pm bll pm BURLUOTO BTATIOB lOtU a MABOO. BarUaugtwaw Arrlv. A 3:89 pr a 6:90 piX a 9:0e a3 a t M pig a 7.40 pig Denver A California.. ..a 4:10 pm Black Hills , a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm nortnweat a.xprea u:ijpm teoraaaa juxpres a am lebrasaa iooai a saw am incolu Local incolu Fast Mall b 3:00 pm t. Crook A Platum'h..b 8.60 pm lellevue A Platum'b..a 7;60 am lenvar Limited lelievue A Pac. Juno... a 8:30 am a 8:06 s'ni aj2:iM pm fjv.aa am 1 :sv am 1 1:10 am k 1 -an Bellevus 4k pao. luno...a n :10 am Chicago Special a 7:i6 am Chicago Express a 8:46 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm Iowa Local a 8:15 am St. Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kanaaa Clly-Su Joe....al0:46 pm Kanaas Clty-SU Joe. ...a 9:16 am Kf " " Cliy-Bt. Jo a 4:46 pm a 1:66 pm a 7: am a 8:66 pm a 7:28 am al0:6 pm el 1:90 am a 6:48 am a 6:10 11 m SI 4 Dally Dally a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, except Bsturday. 0 Sunday only, sxcept Monday. OCEAN 1TEAHEHI flRIFHT Clark's 8th Annual Cruise, Feb. 7, '07. 70 daysfby chartered bS. "Ara bic." 16,000 tons. 8 Tours Round the i. orld. F. C CLARK. 96 B way, N. Y. RELIGIOUS NOTES. Last year 6,600 native Christians were added to the church in Japan. Bishop Merrlman C, Harris, of the Meth odist Episcopal church, for the last thirty throe years stationed In Japan, has le turned to this country to attend various meetings at which matters relating to af fairs of the church in Japan ana Korea are to be considered. In view of the fact that fn that dlooea there are many thousands of Indians, the Rt. Rev. William H. Hare, of Bloux Falls, Episcopal bishop of South Dakota, has sent out notices printed in the Sleatx languao, Informing the Bloux members of the church that the annual convocation will be held next month at Santee Indian agency. Bishop Henry Spellmeyer, of the Metho dist Episcopal church, who has been sta tioned at Cincinnati, has started for China to be gone more than a year. He will visit the Methodist mission stations in China, In conformity with the old-established custom of the Methodist church to send one of Its bishops to these stations once every four years. Father Fldells, a graduate of Harvard, has been appointed provincial of the east ern province of the Paaslonlst Order in this country, with headquarters in the monas tery of SU Michael the Archangel, In West Hoboken. N. Y. His father was the founder of the Protestant Eplsoopal Theo logical seminary In Philadelphia, and dean of the theological school of Cambridge Bishop Tuttle. presiding bishop of the Episcopal church, formerly bishop of Utan and now blahop of the diocese of Missouri, will publish a volume of recollections en entitled "Reminiscences of a Missionary Bishop." The record of the last four de cades In church snd state, particularly In the wesu thus will be touched uoon by an eye-witness whose vantage ground was par. tloularly favorable fur observation. Mrs. H. Gertrude Gerry, of East Orange, N. J., originated the idea of distributing the sermons preached by Rev. F. Q. Ulan chard, of the First Congregational church of that city, and has organised the Church Manuscript society ami every Monday copies of the sermons preached lbs day befor are distributed to those who, by reason of illness or other affliction, are not able to get to church. The sermons are taken down In shorthand and type written. Rev. Denis P. O'Flynn of New York city used to say that priests ougnt to die poor and he practiced what he preached. Asia from a valuable library given to the Paullst fathers he has left no discoverable estate no money in bank, no money In the rectory. "He died as poor as the pro- , verblal church mouse." says his assistant, Father Corrlgan. "What little Insuranc he carried will barely cover the funeral ex pense He never saved a penny for him self. After keeping the house on his mea ger aalary he gave away all he had." The Unlveraallsts lost one of their most eminent ministers In ths suddent death of Rev. Dr. Richard Eddy, who dropped dead of heart disease at the summer home of his son, Benjamin F. Eddy, Gloucester, Mass. Dr. Eddy was president of the I'nl. veraallst Historical society, editor of the Universalist Register and a thirty-third de gree Mason. For many years ha lec tured snd wrote on prohibition and was the author of several well known works on the ua of aloohol. Dr. Eddy was born In Providence, R. I., on June 11, 1928, and was highly esteemed If UU clergy of all daooiua Inatlona. - J I r . - -