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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
It 4 I i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. Sholes Company, 721-22 N. T. Life Bldg. TeL Doug. 49. I 650 Miami St., 4-room cottage rrnt lng for $6 per month; lot to x 120 ft.; well water; good repulr; eaujr terms. $1,350 2810 Ohio St., 6 rooms, rwrr, wattr and gas; good repair; lot u(Xl2 ft.; one block to car. Cheap. $1,800 Very desirable 6-rooTn cottage, poro. bath, icwer, water and gas; nearly new; lot soxllH ft. This la only 1 blocks south of llunacom park. $1,700 On the boulevard. 712 Bancroft 8t., rooms, water and gas; v. ry mat and desirable; has nice porch; lot 40xll7H ft. $1,800-2321 North 27th Ave., nearly new 5 room cottage, pot c lain bith, irwvr, water and gas; lot 40xlW ft. Thta , renta for $1S. --. .82.000 Nearly new 6-room, f-story frame v i house, modern except furnace ; very desirable location: high and sight. y and close in. This la a. bargain. Terms reasonable. $2,600 6-roorn dwelling, modern except fur nace, near 3ith and Leavenworth Sts., lot xl6 ft. '1 his Is an excep tionally good bargain In a very ue Irable neighborhood; location en re quest. $3,800 Nearly new S-room cottage, modern , except furnace, on Msniierson, mar 26th Ht. This is an extremely cesl.a- ble place; lot 6oxl60 feet. $3,2006615 Sherman Ave., modern, 6-ro.m dwelling, nearly new and In llnt- class condition; natural wood, best of material throughout; on car , line and paved street. In one of the most desirable locations In tne city. You can't duplicate It for less than $3,(KJ0. It Is a bargain and will pay you to look at it. $3,760 Near 16th and Plnkney Sts., new modern, (-room house, gas and eleo. light, porcelain bath, good furnace, iuii cemeniea cellar; lot ixixliM ft., with good barn; south front and ex cellent shade; one block to car. we cannot recommend this too highly. Be sure to see It. tWO Modern 8-room house In Bemls nark, torc. bath. Carton furnace, full cel lar; beautiful south front lot 40x152 ft.; house Is finished In natural wood; has fine mantel; Inlaid iloor In reception hall; large front porch; cement steps and walk. Owner leav ing town and must sell. Make us an offer. $4,250 S-room modern house on Webster St., near TlA St. This Is a bargain; walking distance; good neighbor hood; lot &mlM ft.; paved and ail specials paid. $4,750 Near 26th and St. Mary's Ave., ono of the moBt desirable new compact 7-room houses In the city; onk tln'sli downstairs; full cemented basement; Underfeed furnace, pore, bath, gas ' si pc. light; front and back stairs; splendid shade; lot 113x132 ft.; paving all paid. This Is close in, walking distance and a very desirable home. $6,500 Near 35th and Farnam Sts., nearly new fc-toom residence, thoroughly modern; oak finish downstairs; pore, bath and splendid furnace; built by owner for home, but will sell at a sacrifice owing to business changes, i This Is a very choice home and muft be sold at once. . TUKEY LABOR DAY SALE $100 LOTS, $1.00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK. We shall offer, Monday afternoon next from 2 to 8, blocks 2 and 3. Tukey Heights, on payments of $1 down and $1 a week. You will note that we have not raised the price, but have re-' duccd the payments within the reach of every man In Omaha. We can sell you tracts containing three or four ordinary lota. Excellent land for garden, fruit, or chickens. Take car to 3titb and Ames, We shall sell also six of the best lots Jn Epworth, $10 down and $5. a. month, A. P. Tukey & Son, 445 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 2181. RE- DUNDEE 8 rooms, modern, with two lots, 14,000. 8 rooms, modern, brick, with two lots, $5,000. 7 rooms, modern, three lots, S3, 500. Vacant lot, $750; one at $650. OMAHA Store building, with 6 rooms up stairs, has rented for $12 and store room for $25; now occupied by owner; price $2,500. ' ' Two 5-room cottages, on one lot; rents $9 each; price for both, $1,600. 2611 North 18th Ave., 8 rooms, rents $25; $2,650. - 7 rooms, near 25th and Jones, $3,500: half cash. Two houses, on one lot, near 17th and Dorcas; $4,000. 205 South 29th St., 5 rooms, modern except heat; $2,000. " VACANT Lot on 29th St.; price. $1,000. .Want offer. Lot on California, near 38th St., bargain at $1,500. Four lots. South 13th St., just graded; $300 each. LANDS Ten acres, north of Krug's park, for platting; $275 per acre. 145 acres, land adjoining Fort Crook, can be bought at a baragin If soM this week. ' Two acres, 1H miles south of 36th and Q St., South Omaha, S-room house and barn, fenced hog tight; a bargain at $1,400. ' 56 acres, north of Floreuce, Neb., fine bench or second bottom land; t&0 per acre. , '.... 80 acres Missouri land to exchange for Omaha property. 160 acres Perkins county Nebraska land to exchange for Omaha property. L. L. Johnson Co. Phone Red 1246. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME Large rec. hall, parlor, living room, dining room, kitchen on first floor; three nice bedrooms and fine bath room up- f atalrs; all finished in hardwood, highly ' pollnhed. Full brlck-walled cellar, cement floor, with laundry and vegetable rooms. Hot water heat; comb, electric and gas ttxturta; large closets and pantry. Big cistern with pump in kitchen sink, also la laundry; good shade and - fruit trees on lot. Location high, and only one block to car. Only one rented house In same block. If sold before Sept. 10 can give a discount on price of $4,UM.O0. Owner built . - and occupied) the house. TI10S. F. PAYTOX, 410 Bee Bldg. RE-225 I MODERN HOUSE Wi offer for sale, an elegant Colonial residence. New and modern built; one of the bundsomet and lineal arranged house In the West Furnam district; beautiful street, fine shade trees, splendid neighbor hood. 1'rice, quick sale, only $12,uu. For particulars see. HICKS HKAL E8TATE COMPANT. Tel. Doug Us lltii. No. 439 Board of Trade. KK 24a Xx MUST BE- MOVED Hence the low price and easy terms; $.&--6 cash, $& per month; no Interest. See us at once. C1IAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., . 1J01 Farnam St. Will rent good lot to put house on at $2 per womb, lit TWO modern, I-room bouses, 64-ft. front, very cIom to business center; brings about I per cent net. Price, $7,600. Ad fee ewuar. O-. u FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE $25,000 west Farnam residence of 14 room, one of the handsomest locations in the city; splendid grounds 132 ft. sq. ; extra large barn. This property Is one of the most desirable In the city and Is offered very cheap. Let us ' show It to you. VACANT. $1,000-60x142 ft., west front on 28th, ISO ft. north of Hickory, I ft, above grade; permanent walks. $1,000 bemls park. 60x152 ft., south front on Lincoln Boulevard, adjoining Dr. I'pjohn's residence on the west; beautiful location for a floe resi dence. $1,000 fluxioo ft., north front on Central Boulevard, 166 ft. east of 24th: lies beautiful; very cheap; Is on South Omaha car line. $ 750-10x132 ft., on Vinton, between Uth and ISth; large oak trees; grar.lte pavement, permanent walks, sewer, water and gas. Bargain. $ 60040x1 ft lots on li n, Immediately south of Vinton, In Sholes' subdivi sion; best lots for the money In south part of town; all lots staked and numbered. Look at them and select one before they are gone. Three sold this week. BUSINESS LOT Ht6oo44x80 ft., S. E. cor. 16th and Vinton; splendid location; very cheap at this price for speculation or Improvement FOB FLATS $2,60048x84 ft. on Dewey Ave., near 26th; room for two flats or a modern square house. It's right In town; all Improvements paid tor. Cheap. MONTHLY SPECIALS $ 150-Cholce of three lots 44x198 ft.: east fronts on 15th, block south of Vin ton; $10 down and to per month. $ 275-6(1x130 ft., N. W. cor, 34th and Boyd Sts. beautiful corner, high and sightly; two blocks from car; sewer and water; $25 down and $10 Per month. Can't beat this anywhere In town for the price and location. INVESTMENTS $7,260 Three modern cottages renting $1S per month; lot 110x150 ft.; all street Improvements made and paid for; 1111-1113-1116 South Jth Bt. Look at them; they are certainly a bargain. $4,600-Two modern, 2-story, 7-room houses at the N. E. cor, 27th and Woolworth, only I years old; renting for $4 per month. About a IS per cent Invest ment. Tou could not duplicate thera M,50O-Wx21o''ft.i fronting on both Sherman Ave. and 17th St.. Just north of Charles; has two houses renting lor $42 per month, and room for three more; close In: street mproym"ni", all made; car line on the 17th street side. This Is a good buy for Invest ment or Improvement. $8,600-Near 27th and St. Mary s Ave., flrst class modern double frame flat; rent. Ing for $70 per month, with :n extra lot worth at least $2,500. Tou can t figure this out to be less than a 1$ per cent Investment, and It in the most desirable part of town you can pick out. Part cash will buy it. v RE 1 SEVERAL ELEGANT LOTS Sightly lot on Crown Point Ave., near 2Kth Ave., $260; $75 down, balance $5.00 per month. . , , . A Nice lot on Hlmbaugh Ave., Just west of 24th St., $200; $6.00 down and balance $5.00 per month. A . . North front lot on Fort St., Just a trifle west of 27th St., $300. BEMIS, v Paxton Block. RE 238 I FINE SUBURBAN HpME 10 acres with fruit twenty' years old. High and sightly- Just outside of city limits. Income from fruit $2,000 per year, price $12,500, half cash, balance at per nt" J. H. DUMONT & SON. 005-6 N. T. Life Bld g. , V v. . phone Douglas M0. - ...j RE ' i ' CALIFORNIA. Live longer and happier. Better opportuni ties Will exchange homes or ranches for your Omaha property. Edwin Alder-son, 128 8.- Broadway, Los Angeles. RE . v- l-ROOM all modern house, suitable for one or two families. 2116 Emmett. RE Room 3 Barker Block, RE- NICE IIOMES 7-room, modern except fur nace, newly painted Inside and out, rooms nicely arranged and finely decorated, rooms all on 'one floor; nice Urge lot. with shade and fruit. See this at once. 10-room bouse at the price of a 4-room house; walking distance; nice borne, close to boulevard. National Investment Co. , DOUGLAS BLOCK. RE MU4I BARGAIN MODERN RESIDENCE Pressed brick, slats roof and wide porches. Eight large rooms, hard wood, oak down stairs. Electric light, gas. grates, .mantles. porcelain bath, laundry and good fur nace. Is within a block of ' beat car line In the city. Pos session if desired can be had at onca. . . Inquire at the residence. WO WIRT ST.. KOUNTZB PLACE. RE-MO lx FOR SALE CHEAP-Nlce home, easy terms; house and lot with s'3od barn 151$ North th St.; $1,700; will carry $1.(m Ave years, i per cent Interest; no trade will be considered. Smith Bros., Bea trice. 'eb. RE 110 THE OMATLV FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ' . ALL NEW HOMES . WE ARE BUILDING NEW HOUSES ALL THE TIME. WE CAN GIVE YOU A BETTER DEAL ON A NEW HOUSE THAN YOU CAN GET BY BUYING SOME OLD HOUSE THAT YOU HAVE GOT TO COMMENCE REPAIRING RIGHT AWAY. LOOK AT SOME OF THESE: SOUTHWEST CORNER 41ST AND HAMILTON $3,650 and $3,500 Two S-room all modern houses, best of nlckle plated plumbing, finished In Imita tion oak and nahogany, cellar under the whole house, best of material and first class workmanship throughout, cement sidewalks In front and around the house, fine shade trees, lot 44x120 feet, good street car service, cheap at the price we are of fering them for. Open today from 4 to 6. 4020 SEWARD ST. $2,500 $-room modern cottage, all large rooms, stairway up from kitchen, 3 more rooms can be finished If wanted, finished In Imi tation oak, polished floors, very best of plumbing, cemented cellar, cement walks in front and around house, paved street, only 2 blocks to car line. Terms $500 cash, balance same as rent. 29TH AND SPRING ST. $1,750 and $1,650 t blocks west of Krug's brewery, two 8 room cottages, one not quite finished, the other ready to move into, full lot, on frade, fine view, will sell either one for cash, balance same as rent. This beats giving all your money to the landlord. Open Monday evenings until p. m. HASTINGS 1704 Farnam St. . GOOD BUILDING LOTS $5,000 for MxIOO-foot corner. West Farnam district. $3,u0 tor 60x130 feet, 87th and Jones. si.600 for 80-160-foot corner, near 3Jth Avo. and Jones. , , ll.tM) tor wxl88Mi feet, nicely terraced, In .Hernia nark. Jl,iM lor 4xl46 feet, south and east corner, 1 two blocks from Field club. . . ! 1700 for -60x133 feet, two blocks norm or Bemls park. $600 for 60x132 feot, two blocks north of Bemls park, term fnr '. uvi'.n feet, near 2Rth and Blondo. $600 for lOOxltf feet corner, one block from west Leavenworin car. $10 per front foot on either side of Blondo, oeiween ztm ana iia di- , $1,000 for south front lot on Chicago, near 80th, paved street, all Improvements In. $226 for sightly lot on Patrick Ave., near Military Ave., water and sewer. $200 Corner lot, Orammercy park, 1 block from car line. . ' 1100-Two elegant lots, corner 40th and $176Fme building site on Burdette, be tween 35th and 36th. south front. If you want to sell see Bemls. BEMIS raxton Block. Rj!i2ssl W.H. GATES 617 N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. 1294. 11,000 Five-room cottage on 85th St. near -Franklin;' a nice home and very cheap. , 1,600 Five-room atory and a hall house on Lake St., nice bath, gas fix tures, celar under the whole bouse, all bricked up;,; house has rented at' I IS per month. 11,600 Five-room house on tne boulevard, at 2028 North 19th, water and gas. east' front lot, 83x140; ren., ing at $i8. .. ' ' SI SSO-even-room house at zui North 19th St. (boulevard), water, sewer and gas. lot 30x130. $2,200 Five-room cottage, most new. at 1818 North 22d St., noder except furnace, east front lot, 30x140. $2,000 Eight-room two-story house at 1812 North 26th, modern except furnace, large barnr east front loo. Cheap. $2,560 Five-room new house on Blondo near 26th, modern except fur nace, lot 60x127. ' $2,400 Eight-room two-story house on 23d near Manderson, a well built house, has water, sewer, gas. two cisterns with pump in each, lot box 124; house Is good size and. baa porches in front and on side. $3 400 Six-room ' modern house, most new, on 18th 8t. near Burdette. lot 63x140, east front. .v $3 000 Seven-room modern nouse. on Maple St. near 21st. about four years old. has underfeed furnace, lot. 60x122; a well located and a well built houee for some one. $5 600 Eight-room two-story brick house on Wirt St.. near 24th, slate roof, oak finish, two mantels, large eel fa?, laundry, south front lot 50x124 on paved street., B& AN INVESTMENT 10-room modern bouse on Harney near $5th St. Oak Onlah. polished oak floors, lavatory 1st floor. Water closet In base ment. Laundry with soft water. Every thing complete. Built last year; rented to May 1 (or $70. Our price will ell It quickly Investigate. Purchaser sure of a steady Income and the "unearned Increment" . (Qrover Cleveland) sure to accrue to owners of property in that lo cation. J. II. DUMONT & SON. 906-6 N. Y. Life Bld'g. Phone Douglas WO. RE SILAS BOBBINS S-room cottage, large Military Ave., good much fruit. $1,100. lot. Burdette near well, cellar, barn. i-room new cottage, full basement, water, near North 24in street cars easy nayments. $1,600. - city line. t-roora cottage on - beautiful Templeton street, gas, city water, oil finish, cement walks, near three car lines, $1,660. Eight large rooms; modern except furnace, slate roof. 2M and Clark, $200, $400 cash, balance monthly. $0 vacant lots near "North $4th St. car line, $300 to $500 each. I have more than 100 houses for sale In Omaha and South Omaha; many on very easy payments. See me at once and take your choice. Silas Bobbins ' Frenter Block. RE-169 t , TO INVESTORS We offer for sale, a gilt edged $5,000 mortgage, bearing per cent, on ample real esat to secure. For particulars see lUCKfl HEAL ESTATE COMPANY. 438 Board of Trade Bldg. KE 244 ix MUST SELL A HOME. A good (-room bouse on Seward near 4th, water, cistern and good well; all kinds of fruit trees. Cheap at $1,600. Owner forced to leave the city, hence now authorises a big cut In the price. Get It on Mon day evening at office. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Farnam. St. OPEN MONDAY. EVJuNINUS TILL :tu . . U& SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 2, 190?. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WIRT AND 1GTH $3,250 , 7-room attractive square house, facing south, parlor, dining room, kitchen and large reception hall downstairs; S sleeping rooms and bath room upstairs; house will be finished September 10; rement sidewalk In front; close to car. Terms $75" ensh, balnnee $.15 a month and Interest. Nothing so good in the north part of Omaha for the money. 1619 LATIIROP ST. ' $4,500 . For new Kountxe Place home, has $ rooms, 4 on each floor, oak finish, oak floors, full cellar, furnace, electrlo light, combination fixtures, mantle; In fact, everything modern and up to date; full 50 foot lot, paved street, cement walk all around th house. 25TII AVE., CLOSE TO FORT $2,250 s 5-room modern cottage, all ready to move Into; the rooms are finished In mahogany and oak stain, the bath room in white enamel, a very pretty little home, small payments down, balance same as rent. We will build you a house In any loca tion In Omaha. See us if you want a home. & HEYDEN Oround Floor, Bee Bldj. RE NEW HOME SAME AS RENT 5-room cottage, 3226 Seward St., close to 33d Bt. car line, modern plumbing, cus and electric lights, good atllc and nico cemented cellar, south front lot, beauti fully terraced. Price, $2,200; tJM down and balance to suit. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE-237 I BARGAINS 7-room house, lot 30x71, eawy walking distance, paving all paid, can sell for $1,760. BE QUICK. 7-room strictly modern home, lot 60x132, south front, fine barn and shade trees, permanent walks, In short an Ideal home. Excellent location, near school and cars. For Immediate sale, $2,900. BIS SURE TO ASK ABOUT THIS. New 7-room 2-story house, oak finish, full slse basement, south front, located nrar 27th and Dewey Ave. A SPLENDID BUI FOR $4,000. VACANT Eight high beautiful lots in Hillsdale Addition. (Take Florence car.) Price $185 each, $10 cash and $1 per week. Come In at once, this Is your opportunity. S5xi04, ' east front on 20th, near Castellar. paving paid, $460. - 66x132, near 28th and Ameat $375. 60x124. Kountxe Place, $950. 46x70. 24th and Harney, $1,900. ', . ERNEST SWEET 611 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas-1472. RE. FINE IIOMES NEAR FAR . NAM STREET. We have for sale twelve desirable homes on the Farnam . street hill, having from eight to twelve rooms each and rang ing in price from $6,600 to $18,000. Nearly all built by the owners for homes and most oi tnem built within five years. Full In formation on request. J. II. DUMONT & SON. 9C5-6 N. Y. Life Bld g. Phone Douglas 6'j0. RE NEARLY NEW HOME BURDETTE STREET. House built two years, combination reo. hffll and library; parlor, dining room, kitchen, downstairs. Three bedrooms, al cove and bathroom upstairs; full brick walled cellar under entire house. Furnace heat with water pipes attached. Laundry room In basement, cistern, pump -Connection. Everything is modern and In ex cellent condition. Very' pretty yard and trees. Splendidly arranged house. Full lot. Owner very anxious to sell and will make sacrifice to get money. House will cost $3,000 to build today. If you want a nice home take this one at $2,8uO. Per fect title and warranty deed. THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 Bee Bldg. RE 224 2 BARGAINS $7,000 New double brick flat for $S40 per year, near 17th and California Sts. $2,600--room cottage, rented for $18 a month, and large lot. near 22d and Leavenworth Bts.; good place for brick flats. $2.100 For good 8-room house and full lot near 44th and Farnam. $1 200 For good (-room cottage and barn near 20th and Nicholas Sis. Robison & Wolf, . 42$ Paxton Block. RE ;j I 140 N. 37th -room house, water, bath, toilet, house ;u best of condition, SOxllH), nicely terracJ east front lot Here's a snap ONL;1 $1,860. Owner glad to show you through. $4,500 Beautiful new S-room home, birch finish maple floors, richly papered, hot water het; In fact, everything right up to snuff. We consider this one of the most complete medium priced homes In the city. If you wan: something that is choice, go and see the inside of this 74 N. Soth. , F. C. Best, 821 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. RE 211 1 REDUCED TO $3,750. Two blocks from car line, on paved street, lot 6oxlio. nice shade trees and shrubbery; houe has 10 rooms, furnace, fas msnlels and grates; built by owner or his home; anxious to sell because they want to move Into a new and larger PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L, Bldg. Tel. Doug. ITkL RE A OOOD business lot for sale. Beet loca tion In town. Address J. J. F., Fremont Neb. RE-MM3 6 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE N. P. -Dodge & Co. $3,i0 For that beautiful 6-room all modem cottage In Bemls 'Fark and Urge lot 60x155, outside entrance to base ment; large nice rooms; square re ception hall. The owner has agreed to paper the dining room, with burlap and the hall and parlor with 80 cent paper; balance of house the purchaser could choose .paper and present owners will pay for all, what more can you ask and new house at that, with permant walks and paved streets. $2,250 8-room all modern house In Walnut Hill. Hardwood finish on first floor. East front Lot 60x100, con make terms. $6,000 That large lot and 10-room house and barn on 21st and Burt, both streets paved and paid for. Anyone that knows the value of Omaha real estate will admit that It Is the blgest snap ' close In on the market today. $1,260 7-room house In Orchad Hill and full lot and can make terms. I 9 DO Oood 4-room house on North 26th St., near Spencer, can make terms; water and gas In house. $2,500 8-room all modern house near 21st and Lake St. New furnace, cemented cellar and good barn. Will trade for smaller cottage. $1,030 Good S-room cottage and barn, cellar and city water. Lot 60x124 on 26th near Fort, this Is a neat little home with lots of fruits and garden patch, chicken house. 100 feet from car. East front. Can make reason able terms. $2,3508 - room house, porcelain bath, lavatory, closet, cistern, barn, car riage house, chicken house, fruit and hrubery. Lot 67x126 on 28th, south of Ames Ave., $360 cash balance terms. VACANT SNAPS $1,000 For a full south front lot, with cement walk, on Lafayette Ave.; 360 feet east of 38th St., among some of the finest residences In Omaha. You can't buy a lot on this street for less than $1,250; we only have this price for a few days; one-half cash If you can't pay all. f 700 For two lots on corner, 100x120; east front on 30th St., near Miama; permanent walk. $ 700 For two 60x132 feet lots on Mlanl, a few feet east of 30th St Now these are the cheapest lots In Omaha today any real estate man knows It. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 Farnam St ' RE- SEPTEMBER BARGAINS Double brick flat on Park Ave., opposite Hanscom Park, 8 rooms each side; modern In every respect, full-slsed basement best of hard wood finish. In excellent repair throughout; rents for $70 per month; Is a bargain at $7,00u. 10-room brick house on N. 31st St., 1 block from car, is in excellent condition through out, new plumbing, city water, bath, etc.; rents for per month: house could not be built for $3,000; price for Immediate sale $1,760. 2-story frame building on N. ' 24th St., store on first floor, large room on second; full lot; $2,300. On 28th St., near Dodge car line, 8 rooms, lot 83x165, with Bhade and fruit trees, and good barn; house needs some repairs, but with little expense can be made an elegant home; price reduced from $2,600 to $1,800 for immediate sale. 27th and Dodge. 8 rooms, all modern, very large rooms, all new modern plumb ing, paved street; everything in excellent condition; close in; bargain at $4,600. Large 4-room cottage, hi block from N. 24th street car; has gas, city water, toilet, full size basement and is in Al repair; will readily rent for $la per month; price if sold this week $1,200. N. 17th St., near Nicholas St., ' S rooms, with city water; Is rented to good tenant; price if sold this week $1.200. Two blocks from 24th street car, 7-room house, all modern except furnace, with all new plumbing; house in first-class repair; full corner lot, shade and fruit trees; rooms are all Utrjto and conveniently ar ranged; two blocks from school; price $:',S00. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 13-"0 FARNAM ST. RE The following property must be sold. If you want a bargain, look It over and submit an oiler. 2858 Burdette St., good seven-room two story house. 1777 South th St., fine corner lot; nice cottage. t302 North 25th St, fair nine-room house; good corner lot 2637 North 18th St., corner lot; good seven-room two-story house. 8S19 Franklin St., nice seven-room cot tage; fine, lot 2639 and 2641 Patrick Ave., fine corner lot; two good seven-room houses, and room for double flat on lot 2469 Harney St. and 40S-5-T-9 South 5th Ave five brick flats; fine location; always rented; rental $i,160 per year; fluo la vestment ... . . mA O. 1ritrmm LflatV; present rental $1,044 per year; would plirs are pade; good proposition. 125x246 feet on 88th street, facing east; directly down Davenport four-room cottage, beautiful site for home. Weet 23 feet lot 7. block 89. Omaha: old frame house; valuable location for aoiiie one. - Tra acres at 86th and Center streets; it you want a choice place for a borne and T something that will double your money, look at this. Wm. K. POTTER, Receiver. $01 Brown Block, bbu23 SPLENDID INVESTMENT I rooms, six blocks from postoffice; easy payments. Price $3.o0. National Investment Co. Douglas Block. RE-M189 ( WANT TO SELL a very attractive small home, house of six rooms, modern vx nept furnace, most excellent neighbor hood, half block from car, most desirable part of city, south front, permanent walk In front A. B. Carpenter, 4ul0 Nicholas St. y RK FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres land Blaine county. Nebraska. Will take city prop erty, live stock or grocery store. Address D. C Caldwell, South Omaha. RE 254 t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORCE & 1C01 Farnam Street. IIOMES $11.400 For 10-room modern house, two lots, east front on 10th St., near Mr. Jos l.rn's ome. $l0,5u For 12-room modern brick resi dence, 109 feet, east frnn!, fine location; originally cost over $?0.HK). $l0,0oiFor 133 S. Kd St., Jl'DflE I1ALD WIN'8 HOMK. 10 rooms, thoroughly mod ern, nice iHWn, beautifully located, over looking Hanscom ptirk nnd vicinity, large lot, 6x294 feet, .double frontage, very de sirable. Can be seen afternoons by ar miming with us. $3,000 For 9-room modern house, West Farnam district, east front lot, 6fixl36 fee:. Choice. $7,5uO-For 15?0 and 1524 N. ISth 8t.. 3 large houses of 11 and 17 rooms, respec tively, ench arranged for 2 families. In good condition, close In and always well rented, lot 60x110 fet. $6,250 For 1526 Goorpla Ave., 10 rooms, thoroughly modern. In best of condition, lot 60x150 feet Easy terms. Want offer for quick sale. $1.500 For 5010 T'nderwood Ave. (Dundee), new, 7-room, 2-story, square house with reception hull, qunrter-sawed oak finish, modern, up-to-date In every respect: $1,750 cash, balance montftly, less than rent; Im mediate possession. This is a special price for quick sale. Investigate. $4.3'i0 For new, 7-room, 2-story, square house, with reception hall, full cfmentd basement, hot watef beat and modern throughout, located near 2th St. boulevard, Just south of Kountxe riace, on asphalt paved street, lot 6x125 feet, sonth front; part cash, balance monthly. $4,000 For 7-room modern house on Haw. thorne Ave (Bemls park), near Mr. Bel den's fine residence, hot water heat beau tifully located, lot 65x142. $3,700 For 7-room modern rouse, with bam, foil lot. In best of condition, paved street, convenient to 24th St. car line and good school, near Kountse Place; part cash, balance monthly, less than rent.' S3.SR0 For 2.W9 Pratt Pt., new, 6-rnom, modern, square house, with reception hall, almost completed, paint color to suit pur chaser If sold soon. $3.100 For 6-room, modern house, nearly now, near 2Sth and Poppleton Ave. $2.600 For 6-ronm house, modern except heat, on N. 26th Pt., near Davenport, Close In. Would rent for $20 per month. $2.500 For 7-room, 2-story, modern house, on corner lot, between Mth and Sherman Ave., south of Kountse Place. $2.250 For 7-room modern house, same lo cation, inside lot , FOR INVESTMENTS That will net you , 10 and 12 per cent, see BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE 240 3 J. W- R0BBINS DWELLING HOUSES $16,000 Nearly new, fine, modern residence, with large lot, on the best street In trie West Farnam district. The price might be shaded some. $ 6,000 Fully modern, new house, on Park Ave., between Jackson and Farnam. $2,800 Corner lot and b-room modern house and barn, 4401 Farnam. VERY CHEAP. f $,400 7-room house and full east front lot on 27th, near Hanscom park. Fruit trees and shrubbery. f 1,750 6-room house and lot on 23d, near Leavenworth. CHEAP. VACANT LOTS $ 8,00066x132, 8. W. comer 15th and Jones. $ 3,000100 feet on Woolworth Ave, boule vard, near 33d; no part of the city is building up as rapidly as this section. t 2,10060x168, fine east front, on S2d near Pacific. - . $ 1,125 Nice lot on 37th, near Farnam. t 1,060-Full lot on Chicago, west of 30th. $ 80060 feet on 29th, near Jackson. $ 700 Full lot on California, west of $6tfaw $ 460 Corner lot on 2Rth, near Ames Ave. ACREAGE Fine 80-acre fruit farm on the West Center street road. Oood buildings and about 26 acres of bearing fruit of different varie ties. This is a very choice place. Price, $200 per acre, on easv terms. SEE ME FOR OTHER BARGAINS. FIRE INSURANCE AND RENTALS. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM ST. RE A BUNCH OF NEW HOUSES One block from car line, within walking distance, 8 to S rooms each,, modern In every respect extra water closet in base ment, polished floors, wide porches, shade trees; built by owner by day's work; foundations laid in Portland cement; lum ber all selected. Nothing better built In Omaha. Fine for homes orgood Invest ment Prices $4,700 to $6,000, and they are worth the money. J. H. DUMONT & SON. 806-6 N. Y. Life Bld g. Phone Douglas 690. RE LOOK. LOOK. LOOK. $5,000 $f,0UO. $5,010. On Cuming St near 40th, 8-room thor oughly modern house, finished in oak; house stands on two lots, each lot 60x160, and worth today $2,000. The house cost to build $8,000. Must be sold before Kept 16th as the owner needs the money. Come and let us show it to you. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., Room 63, Douglas Blk. RE 196 I CHOICE FARNAM Street Frontage Wo offer for sale, two lots at the north west corner ot 'umum and Sslli sis. 85x132 feet, south and east fronts. Very, -J uesiraDiy located, in tno center 01 tne West Farnam residence district. These lots are below grado and will need some filling, probably about $600 or $700 to put liu-m in good shape. The corner of Farnam and $8th streets lately at $tl per foot. The corner of Farnam and 86tU sold lately at 64 per foot. The two lots at the corner of Farnam and 38th Ave. are held at $9,000. The corner diagonally across the street, fronting these lots at Farnam and Jbth Sts.. 67x132 feet, is held at $8,000. We can offer this corner, 86x132 feet, south and east exposure, with all paving and sidewalk taxes paid in full, for $4,760, only $50 a foot. This will make a splendid building site 'for a home or will afford amnio room for five or six houses, that will yield highest -rentals In city. With its desirable location and the grow ing scarcity of desirable corners on Far nam street, this corner will soon be lately at $81 per foot. HICKS REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 439 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas-1169. RE 247 2x $1,800 For $5-0 N. 27th St., 7 rooms, city water, gas, bath and furnace, east front. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Douglas 17&1. RE M179 4 THE MIDLAND Ol'ARANTEE AND THU'ST COMPANY Has the reputation of making the best abstracts in Omaha. Always get figures from them before ordering. Cull at our ofnee, 1714 Farnam St., or telephone Douglas 819. N. P. DODGE, JR., President. PETER JES8EN. Btcretary. RE-210 S $ ACRES, t miles north ot Uth and Amu Ave.; level, rich laud, small buildings; price $11.0 per sere. For garden spot it can't be beat. Tvrms. D. V. 8HOLE3 COMPANY. 72 N. Xt. Life Bid Tel. Douglas 4. ithi FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GOMPANY, Tel. Douglas 75'J. $2.9A-For B-room cottage and corner lot, 60xln0 feet. In Hanscom park district; $.VK) cash, balance about $?) per month. $1.8SO For 2-story. 5-room house, modern except heat, built 1902 for home, -near 24th and Hurt, close In. $1,700 For 2026 Kim St., -room cottage; $ro cash, balance $100 every months at 6 per cent. $1,foO For S-room cottage on N. ISth. near Clark, lot .VxllO feet. Easy terms. $1.300 For Wl? Charles St.. 6-room cot. tage, city water, g-is, etc., rooms large and pleasant, lot 0ntl:74 feet. $1,250 For 4-room rott.tgn on N. ISth, near Clark, lot 80x140 feet. Terms. UNIMPKOVEl) $4,000 For 22x132 feet on Howard St., near 13th. $3.5i0 For 66x6S feet S. W. corner 26lh and Chicago. $3,600-For 170x12 feet. N. E. comer 23d and Nicholas; old house on property rents for $10. A sperlal low price for quick sale. $3.0inv-For 4!V4xl32 feel, north front, on California, opposite Crelghton college. $3.0c0 For 33x132 feet, on Webster,' be tween 17th- and if tit. with large barn In rear renting for $1S0 per year. $2,760 For 66 feet, west front, on 22d St., between California and Webster. $2.Mio For 3x132 feet on Douglas St., near 20th. $1.000 For fit. 6x135 feet. South front, on Lincoln boulevard, near SMh; 2 choice lots. $1,000 For $2x64 feot, west front, on 27th St., 1 block south of Dewey Ave., paved Street. jam-For 50x133 feet, S. E. corner 36th and Francis. $525 For choice building lots on Pratt, between 26th and 27th. ACRES $300 per acre for choice tracts In FI5R ENCE HEIGHTS, contitining from t to 10 acres each, cash, balanco on easv terms, per cent. One of the most beautiful loca tions around Omaha for suburban homes. $186 per acre for 64 acres, highly Improved, on Center St., paved road, only 44 miles 8. W. of court house. $150 per acre for 20 acres, hlg.i and Slchtty. on West Dodge. $150 per acre for 460 acres on West Dodge s many sightly locations for suburban homes. V $90 per acre for 156 acres adjoining Irving ton, well improved. $50 per acre for 100 acres, nil In cultiva tion except 10 acres, 2H miles 8. E. Calhoun. RE COTTAGE HOME 6 rooms, new modr-rn: 60-ft. lot, street now being paved, near 10th and Bancroft. A good buy at $2,600. Reasonable terms. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE 241 1 THOMAS BRENNAN Real Estate. 'Phone Douglas 1264 Just the place to build flats. Two blocks from Bennett's store I have a lot 50x100 feet which I can sell for 13,500. $3,000 will buy a corner lot and two houses In Hanscom Place. 11,600 will buy lot and two houses on South 17 th street $1,600 will buy house and lot at No. 1237 South 13th street $800 will buy house and lot at No. 3128 Dewey avenue. $1,200 will buy house and lot at No. 920 North 18th street. $1,600 will buy brick house and full lot In West Farnam Street District $2,300 will buy good house and lot at No. 2716 Hamilton street. 6 per cent money to loan. , i Thomas Brennan Room 1 New York Life Bldg. . RE BARGAINS IN IMPROVED PROPERTY. ne 5?.Km B,rlctIr modern home. Miami, near aoth Cottage, rooms, corner, 26th' and Parker '"lIUl"1 hue. barn, ' trees,'''etc.i''ciff ion 8-room modern 'hoe,'' p'arke"Ave'.V' near Leavenworth St ...$4W 7- room new modern house, llth, near Wil liams ; $,860 4-room modern house, new, large io'tl loth, near Bancroft . $3 7011 8- room modern house, barn, etc., Ohio, - near 27th j New 7-roorn modern house, 23d, near Leav enworth jjfl00 a-room, modern, steam heat, 16th, near . Corby xm !-room house, two lots, corner Orand Ave. J Two cottages, rent for $J6, Indiana "Ave.. near 24th $2,100 7-room house, modern except furnace, near 26th and Caldwell $1,400 W. O. SHRIVER. ' .1023 New York Life Bldg. RE-21H ? Will you buy an old house and put $1,000 to $3,000 in trying to make it suit you, or will you buy A MODERN EIGHT-ROOM HOlT8E Just completed? I fiave the latter at 4151 Davenport St., finished In quarter sawed oak 1st floor, 2nd floor In selected birch with quarter-sawed oak floors throughout, tile bath room, fine open fire place in large living room with beam cell Ing, permanent walks, street newly paved, open today. Call - nie for price. Kd O. Hamilton, 626, Bee. RE 216 1 BARGAINS t-story brick stote, 22x100 feet, within I blocks of P. O. $12,uuu. Brick store and houses, $1,440 rental $12,. two. 6 brick flats, $1,440 rental-112,000. N. W. Cor. 13th and Dorcas, two brick ana one frame dwelling. $514 rental $4,0u0. Near p. O.. 8-room house tS.oOO. Near St. Mary's Ave. and 21th, 7-room, steam-heated heuse $3,6uu. ISM North 2uih St.. $ rooms $1,600. 'tDM Indiana Ave., $ rooms $1,21. a. K. Cor. 2tth and Howard. Submit offer. Oood West Farnam district lots $1,600. ttexlut, west frout. on 16th St.. between Burt and Webster, paving paid $l,ouu. 10, acres east of lieuson $2,5uo. $ acres near Fort Omahrt $l,4ou. lath, near Clark, 4oxl40-$l,to. Uth, near Castellar, 60x140 $1,600. JOHN N. JTKKNZKU, Ol'P. OLD P. O. RE 164 I ANOTIIER SNAP -room cottage. In good condition: lot 75-ft frontage, two blocks from car line; good neighborhood. This pluce cot the pres ent owner $2,600 and was built for a chicken ranch, being admirably adapted for such a purpose. Owner out of town and writes me to sell at this low price $1.7u0. W. S. FR ANK, 321 Neville Block. Tel. Douglas-SGtt. RE 167 $ $209 LINCOLN BOULEVARD. " 7-room strictly modern house, in beautiful Bemls Park; owner has left city and will sacrifice this very desirable property at $3,0uo. Let us show it to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 17L RE FOR SALE Frame building and lot In South Omaha earning 15 r cent on In vestment Inquire UiA Farnam ft., room $. i I ' 1