Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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Have You
Seen This
Splendid Lot o!
Silks Displayed
in the Win
dow? nigh Grade
Silks Never
Sold at Such
Bargains In
frr . : . - rrr
New lot of fine cambric and Nainsook em
broideries, corset cover widths, with pretty
insertion bands and beading edge, narrow
and medium edges, many to match worth
Extra Wide Embroideries
A big assortment of fine medium and wide
. embroideries, many match sets in fine Swiss
and Nainsook, in widths ranging up to 19
. inches, big . variety of eyelet patterns and
open work effects, well O Cn Q
.". worth up to 75c yd., at, yd. Z JC-aeC
"Dainty French and German Valenciennes
, Laces and Insertions, in various widths. to
match; this lot is a 1 k
very special value . fyoCi TlC
at, yard.... ..Kt KJrJ
Ladies' plain all linen and fancy
edge Handkerchiefs, also fine
and colored border hemstitched Handker
chiefs, hund
' reds of them,
worth 26c
' at
Special values in Ladies' Long OioTes, our own lm
' portatlon long Bilk gloves, silk taffeta gloves, lisle
'' gloves In black and white,
" brown and cream; an un
' usual variety.
LevditY Neckwear .
' Another big lot of ladles' pretty neck m n
wear in embroidery or lace, some of I
the season's neatest effects, each. . . '
Extra heavy all pure Irish linen cream table
damask, sold everywhere at 60c C
yard; special for Monday, yard JQ
& great lot of fine and medium qualities of
dinner napkins, mostly in half dozens, Mon-
. day at less than one-half regular prices.
Pattern table cloths, fine quality, soft fin
ished, 2, 24 and 3 yards long, actually
srl8;..085:..;.. 1.69-2.98
Co quality Turkish wash cloths, each. . . . . .lo
lOo and 15c doilies, each. 5o
lZVfe hemmed huck towels, "each
tarj-t a Colony of LatDaj Herointi
. of the Plains.
fWh Tatar. Are, How They Came There
ksl'lta l Tit el r Eaeeri.
.. eaoee Selflak Hta Strlre
S te Batt . la.
Hiatorr and llctlon, alike unite la paying
;trlbuU U courag-e, fortitude and loyalty
Um wives of western pioneers. Sharing
rtth their husbands the hardships and
'fjrrvtUofai of biasing the pathway, ot
avttiasAtoB and settlement, their dauntless
jpUU voked the praise of poet, historian
ad sterg-teller. Kow other heroines ap.
p" opn the scene and press agents are
(verting- diligently to prove the modern
Aobetar girla, sequeaterlng In the
,. are worthy followers of pioneer
Tks Philadelphia North American prints
story, with pictures to match, of
ostotty of bachelor maids doing the
jnsaMs4d act In South Dakota. It Is
ifcuifltneus and Illuminating. A few quarter
frfeOoas of the atory Is well worth perusing:
' TUfik of IX hunan roses bloomlpg upon
.the swalrles of South Dakota!
f Wth their pretty bands reddened and
. Mugttened by toil, and their fair complex-
. pone exposed dally to the tannine- winds.
Jn number of real society gtrls from De
, E amines and ether Iowa cities are leading
Kb atrenoua life of the pioneer upon what
; ajr.formerly the Roaebud Indian reaerva-
jueeneDutiders In reality, every one ot
'these enterprising girla secured a quartet
! section when that territory was opened to
, awtUers two, years ugo. : Now they have
VmitMd their backs upon the ballroom and
j Kb theater, and are herding cattle, tilling
ls soil and Hying the actual life of the
'prairie pioneer. '
j .While the majority are farming or
klalng cattle, others devote themselves to
Various enterprises. One is making money
'jan4 winning a reputation through the prae
cipe of law; another has become a preacher;
ptlll others act as guides through the Inter
Stm country, where only a few years
. hostile redskins ' were busy shedding
'pi Mood of whites. . . 1
Tet these girls, many of whom represent
( ;alUes of ealth. seem greatly pleased
' 'lth their experience. . Moreover, they are
healtged with proposals of marriage from
''.aha met on the reservation. '
I Tn te Re e a si Afe.
' It Is reiprkable how these plucky young
' Srocaen have adapted themeelves ie the
' rsisher rough life ot the prairie pioneer.
GUrla who in days gone by were shocked
if the sudden departure of a servant made
ft oeeessary to wash the dishes or clean
(fcelr rooms are tilling; the soil or herding
eeUtle with the nonchalance of an eld
; ttnar.
.Those who left handsome and well-appointed
homes seem perfectly happy In the
fcrUe ten-by-twelve "shacks" that, upon
the) majority of f arras, constitute the
jtSMTUnsT of the owners,
ly rare good fortune In 'most instances,
0sul by clever trading la .others, nearly
a& these airiai are la the same nelghbor
ijeil . teeraaa. as the colony Is ealled. Is
FbUlpe, a, IX. alnost U the heart
H mis is
I They. are
plain white
Crepe Autell, fancy
Marquisette gauzes,
' etc., Relllng, David
ft Schoen wholesale
price 1 to 1.26.
our price, yard
, ccrized Waistings and Suitings;
; all the Embroidered Batiste Nov
cities and other exclusive high
class 1906 fabrics, worth $1.00
a yard at, yard....
of the. rich Bonesteet country.
while the entire territory "held down"
by them covers many miles in ' extent,
nearly all the girls have as neighbors
some others "from back home,"' and this
makes the situation exceedingly pleasant
and companionable. v
Numbers of them .find It convenient to
meet on Sundays to discuss the old life
and to exchange recitals of experiences.
Now end then a dance Is planned. And
Is enjoyed Immensely, although a pratrib
"ehack," even with its furniture removed.
does not afford a spacious ballroom-
More than In any other way except in
actual farm work these .dances illustrate
the difference between the days past and
those of the present. :
When the girls first went to the Indian
country, many took with them the elab
orate gowns and "fixing" that ' had been
such a dejight to the feminine heart and
had turned the Jieads of young men before
the exodus.
' But of what possible use Is a beautiful
gown or a picture hat when one seldom sees
any one else at least, no one except the
farm hands oftener than onoe a week, and
where the prevailing style In feminine at
tire is a short skirt, a shirtwaist and a
rough slouch hat?
To be sure, the men who' gathered at
the few functions In Philips or vicinity are
greatly attracted by a gown with a train.
But as a "hickory" shirt, corduroy trousers,
a red handkerchief around the throat and
a broad sombrero topping all is the fashion
for them, articles of dreamy elegance ap
pear Incongruous as feminine apparel. So
such costumes bsve dlssppeared, and the
transplanted daughters of Iowa are now
dressing In the plain and sensible garments
of ths region.
Loader of the Bsad.
Among the girls who have taken up cla)mi
In the' new country, one ot the most pop
ular la Mtss Lottla Rogers, formerly ot
Ames, la.
She Is the only daughter of a wealthy re
tired farmer, eo that, from the standpoint
of financial necessity. It was not Incumbent
upon her to undergo the hardships of. ths
pioneer. V
Happening- to draw a homestead In a
community almost entirely composed of
bachelors. Miss Rogers had not been In her
new home a month before she had received
several proposals of marriage. Now, It Is
id. her victims number more than one
Then, there Is Miss Philippe Watrous.
whose father 'owns a six-story business
block In Dee Moines, and Is estimated to be
worth a million dollars. Miss Watrous be
came a guide shortly after s'.e reached
Bonesteel and conducted prospecting parties
over the country that a few years ago was
red with blood shed In battle with warring
Indian tribes.
When she was allotted a claim and
reached the Roaebud country, she found
thai her farm was back In the foothills,
forty miles from the nearest railroad sta
tion. .'
She went out and looked It over, however,
and was pleased with the prospect. Hiring
two men te build her a "shack," she
mounted a horse and rode back' to Philips
to await the1 completion of her new dwel
ling. One day at the postofflce In Philips she
encountered a young man. Just In from the
east, who was looking for a vulde. At that
time all the Inhabitants of the hamlet who
could leave their homes were out on the
reservation, and Miss Watrous volunteered
to take the young- maa and the party be
represented to their destination. .
Thar were to doeea embers la (
30,000 Ysvrds of Hi Class Plain and Fancy Silks Bought at a Big
i Reduction from Reiling,
. .
a rare cnance to lay asiae a supply 01 iasnionaoie siiks ior xne coming
all this season's fine goods.
These Fine Silks Divided In 3 Big Lots
LOT 1 Best grades of 36-inch and
27-inch black oil boiled dress taf
fetas, Peau de Soie, Peau Radium,
45-inch fancy silk poplins, Peau do
Orepe, Liberty Messaline, hand
some printed warp taffetas, 27
inch," 36-inch and 45-inch Meteor
We have placed large orders for silk plaids !in anticipation of a large de
mand and are showing an elaborate collectibn, including French satin bars
plaids very latest colorings with Persian CA 4 95 QfiiJ2'f.7'?i
and Dresden effects running through; at, yd .1 "1 -efOfOfll,"! OK,
$1 Wash Fabrics at 19c Yard
Our entire stock of high grade Wash Fabrics go on
ale tomorrow at 19c a yard. Just the thing for evening
dresses and are a meat wonderful bargain. You should
come early, as the best will go first. A
All the Silk Eoliennes, in all. shades; all the jetted
.Swisses, worth up to $1.00; all the white
squad that started out the next morning
with the Des Moines society belle at Its
head. In the afternoon a severe storm
came up, and the home-hunters were
forced to halt.
Early the next morning the journey was
resumed. The first stream to which they
came was out of its banks, while the
bridge had been washed away. The only
thing left was to ford it.
In this attempt the provision wag-on,
caught In an eddy, got away from the
driver; the mules were ' drowned and the
supplies lost. Then the Intrepid girl guide
took command.
, She asked a man to accompany her, and
together they rode to an Indian tepee close
by, where they obtained some corn meal
and "klnklnnlck." The gruel made
strengthened the half-famished women and
children ' In the party, and the company
pushed on.
That night they struck an Indian settle
ment, where they stopped for rest and to
make a hearty meal on the g-ame which
the Indians had killed. The second morn
ing they resumed their journey and com
puted It without fu.ther adventure. For
this service Miss Watrous later received a
The novelty of this vocation appealed to
Miss Watrous and she has become a reg
ular guide.
Miss Watrous, too, has had many oppor
tunities to marry, but has declined them
all. The real romance of the situation
would demand that she look with favor
upon the suit of the young man whom
she met at the Phillips postofflce and,
rumor has It, this Is precisely the state of
the case just now.
One of the social leaders on ths plains,
a she was in Iowa, Is Mrs. I Drakeley
Rood, wife of a prominent physician. She
is living temporarily In a 10x11 shanty on
her claim, while her husband Is construct
ing a handsome $30,000 residence on Grand
avenue, the fashionable residence street of
Des Moines. ,
Mrs. Rood sprung a decided Innovation
on her neighbors when she sped out to her
claim in an automobile. She passed
through the Indian settlements, where she
created a furor among the red men, who
had never seen an auto car before. She
la said to have reached the farthest point
In that country yet visited by automobile.
In company wltb the physician's wife
when she went out. to "hold down" her
claim was her sister-in-law. Miss Rood of
Boston, who had been fortunate enough
also to draw a homestead.
Dassled the Cattle Herders.
These two women, during their residence
on the reservation, have given a number
of social functions that have daisied the
cattle herders and prairie tillers of the
surrounding country.
Miss Julia Cutler was one of the best
known school teachers In Iowa. She was
especially popular among the 400 of Des
Molnee, for It was thslr children with
whom she largely came In contact. What
was more natural than that she should
start a school of her own In the Bonesteel
country? "
Therefore she had a sod addition erected
to ber shanty and Invited children from
the neighboring- ranches to corns to school
Many of them drove miles to do so, and
now the school la flourishing. It has a
dosen pupils, four of whom ars Indian
children, sons of Bear Paw, whose tepee
Is across a small creek from the teacher's
Then there is Miss Mary Devaney, whose
father la superintendent of a Urge factory
and la wen to do. Mlas Devaney was grad
ate4 from the State ualverslty two yearc
David ZL Schoen, Silk Mnfgs
. n e .
LOT 2 Finest qualities of 27-inch
Mouselline taffetas, dress taffetas,
Peau de Cygne, 27-Inch wide in glace and
plain effects, swell new plaids so much
In vogue at present 32-lnch silk guafro
cream and white walstlngs, 27-inch very
fine Messaline Radium (same as $1.60
French goods). Never was such a grand
chance to buy taffetas at exactly one-half
the regular price.
Relllng,' David &
Schoen wholesale
prices 76c to $1.00,
at one price,
76c Black Taffeta,
NovehyMer -
ago the summei.of the homestead ' draw
ing. She was fortunate In securing a claim
and went out to 'Id It down."
Miss Devaney mastered the language of
the Indians and hrti become an Interpreter.
She Is very bright and has the happy
faculty of getting Ibe Indians to talk when
others fail.
One young settler fx)m Iowa has become
the only woman lawyer on the Rosebud.
She Is Miss Helen Huhtley and she Uvea
at Marshalltown. V
She was graduated ficm an eastern law
school and determined Miat there was an
opening for her In the profession In Iowa.
But she did not remain 1. Iowa, for, when
her Invalid brother, wourded as a spWier
In the Philippines, was njpk' -enough to
win a farm of 180. acres by proxy, she went
out to the Indian country.
The young attorney had not been there
week before a neighbor was arrested
on a charge of stealing cattle. Miss Hunt
ley had dropped an Intimation that she pos
sessed a knowledge of hw and she wss
eng-ated to defend the sccused man. The
county prosecutor went down and out be
fore Miss Huntley and the cow puncher
went free.
That waa enough to win spurs for the
women practitioner. Now she transacts
the leg-al business for people within a
radius of 100 miles, moat of whoso trou
ble! come through contested claims.
A. Fesninlao Preacher.
So far as has developed, an Iowa tflrl.
Mlas Ireue Harmon, daughter of wealthy
parents of Sioux City, is the only fem
inine preacher In that section ot the
country. She waa ordained by Untr
sallst church authorities, and holds a ser
vice every Sunday afternoon,
Her congregations are quite large, and
consist chiefly of young men, wno It
has been Intimated, are perhaps as much
attracted by the fair pastor jib by her
teachings. . Nevertheless, it is acknowl
edged that the girl has done wonder- In
stopping the practice of profanity In
the presence of women at least.
Not long ago a woman ran for mayor
In a settlement of a half dozen shuttles
on the Rosebud river. She waa Mi l. A. B.
Caldron, a widow. As the town was not
incorporated, . the contest was, in reality,
a joke, although she waa elected and is
called "Tour Honor" by the few i:ien of
the place, who meet every Saturday uttei
noon at the store to lay in their supplies
for the week..
The majority of the Iowa girls who have
emigrated to the new land of promise
have aettled down to what many rittfhi
consider the monotonoua taak of raining
cattle and cropa, with the intention of
producing handsome returns to khow for
their labors. Whan, occasionally, thL-y
return to the old home for a br'cf visit,
they report that the entire 125 are happy,
busy and on the high road to prosperity.
The Hot Blood of Yoath.
"There were a couple of old "4-ers down
In Tombstone, Aria.," sajd a tourist the
other day, "who were great friends. One
of them was SO years old and ths other SI.
They were taking their morning' toddy one
day and fell Into a disagreement over the
date of aoms pioneer occurrence. Each
waa Inalatent upon his own recollection of
It and Anally they got Into a regular quar
rel. Backing away from the bar they draw
their guns and biased away at each other,
but tbelr sight was so dim and their bands
so unsteady that all the bullets went wide.
When their, guns were emptied the berkeep
j merged front beneath the counter and
97-9 GREEN
ti nCIV UK IV.
. l J . t t
for Easy Selection
LOT 3 Checks and plaid shirt
waist suitings, 24-inch satin fou
lards, black taffetas and Peau de
Soie, 20-in. wide Louisiene checks
plain and fancy Peau de Heine,
and a full line of colors including
black, white and cream, regujar
69c taffeta guaranteed
all pure silk, as long
as they last on bargain
squares, arcade entrance,
Reiling, David & Schoen
wholesale price 65c, yd.
20 Inches wide, made for the finest retail
Itew jotv;vi7U ID lUDCVlCU tttiriUll nUU Tt V UttlAUlCO over
our customers, for Monday only
"sau Boy's School Suits
It Is time to think of the boys' school suit. School
opens Sept. 4th. Brandels is offering the most unusual
values in boys' and chUdren's suits. An entire New
York manufacturer's stock on sale Monday at less than
the cost to make. .
Boys' and Children's All-Wool Knee Pants Suits, 4 MO
good wearing, latest styles worth up to $3.60, at.laiO
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, Norfolks and Double-Breasted
Suits. Also pretty Russians, Sailors, etc., J AO
worth up to $6.00, at lelrO.
Boys' All-Wocl Pants in bloomer style or straight style,
re-lnforced seams. Excelsior waist band and 9Qa
suspender buttons special values at tflfC
We are selling the best boys' and girl's school shoes ever
offered for the price. Every pair guaranteed, good solid
leather, In all styles and shapes, aq.
$1.98 down to 5J5C
made them shake hands shd make up.' The
local paper, the Epitaph, in -describing the
occurrence, treated it In an indulgent vein
and closed by saying: "Well, boys will ha
boys." Duluth News.
Operations of New York eradicate la
Fleeefaar Men oa ha Look
. oat for Widows.
Tle love syndicate organised In New Tor
Cltjr by the fascinating Mrs. Irella Brown
and Mrs. George T. Verrault, the ready
letter writer, might yet be- separating the
coin of the realm from legitimate owners
had not Robert Emmet Keene, actor, wit
and adviser to the court of love organised
by the sirens, lost his grip as "lookout
man" and passed Into the charmed Seventy-third
street circle of the Philadelphia
grocer, James V. MacClellan.
The extent to which this "love syndicate"
operated Is amaslng. It Is calculated that
In the three years during, which the com
bine ensnared Its victims more than HOO DOO
was taken from them. A census of the.
dupes shows that they range from pros
perous store owners to millionaire Wall
street financiers. Probably 100 of them
walked Into the spider wb.
A golden-haired daughter of Mrs. Brown
waa a conspicuous member of the com
bination. She did not make love to any
of the men, nor, receive their attentiona,
but it was handy to have her around as
Milady's maid. The same Interesting role
waa assumed by Mrs. Brown's beautiful
niece. Miss Mary Mason, daughter of a
struggling Boston storekeeper. Mrs.
Brown's scheme to marry the girl to a
New Yorker ot wealth was given a rude
shock when the girl eloped with a man she
really loved.
The youths who helped along the trick
were scarcely out of their teens. Robert
Emmet Keene, who for some time plsyed
small parts In Proctor's Btock company,
was the oldest of the group. In his posi
tion as butler many a generous tip came
Keene's way. Gregory Allen, who was an
amateur sculptor, became associated with
the matrimonial tricksters through his ac
quaintance with George T. Verrault. hus
band of the pretty brunette. . He donned
a uniform and helped Keene In his job as
butler. Mrs. Brown's four brothers helped
In many ways to keep the syndicate going.
The exterior of the house in which was
held this "court of -love" gave no lndloa
tlon of the luxury of . the Interior. Every
thing was In taste, and there was always
something unique In the form of entertain,
mcnt. Music waa also provided at a great
expense. But the library waa a great at
traction of persons of culture. In It there
were books of every kind. In almost every
In the evening the place was as different
as night from day. Books were thrown
aside, furniture was moved away and card
tables were brought out. Gentlemen of
wealth called and were welcomed. For
tunes, It la aald, were lost and won In a
single game. Expensive dinners were
served, champagne and other wines flowing
freely. Some appeared only for a good
time, for the companionship of these beau
tiful women with sparkling eyes and ready
wit; others were playing the fascinating
game of love, for the women were devotedly
admired, not merely by one or two. but
by many, and In the hearts of several of
the callers jealousy raged. Often Intensely
bitter quarrels arose at cards, at the table,
in the drawing room, and then only the
extraordinary tact of the women averted
trcedis.-Pbiladelpfaia Press,
i Scores of Imported Novelties
We Import direct the best broadcloths. These are the
finest silk finished cloths from France, bought by
our buyer right. at the mills In every hue of to-
SET. .f?!h,.on1.t-. 1.5(M.98.$3
Special Value Monday 65-Inch broadcloths, f
yard Cpl
The best that was to be found In Tartans from Eug-,
land. Fine foule plaids, In all the rich tones and
bright warm colors yard,
49c-59c.85cl.00 up to $2.50
SO-inch Shadow Plaids Special value Monday, in all
the tones of grays, smoke, slate, etc., selling In the
large eastern stores at $1.00 yard at, fm
yard hue
The popular stuff In Europe today French voile,
firm and evenly woven, also silk voiles for street
and party wear special value, q m
y-d OjC
Waterproof cloths, 54 inches wldeN These are the
$1.60 and $1.75 grades sold in all stores, 7Q
all the desirable colors, yard JC
Cream serges,
special yachting
Panamas, serge,
veilings, granites,
gray suitings
at, yard
trade, every f
We are shewing
military tight and
26-Inch, 30-inch
ttlU BU1U IU
aaa Ik
broadcloths, black and new colorings, at. .
Handsome Tailored Baits
In every conceivable
new style and weave, In-
eluded at this price,
from elaborately trim
med to the plain tail
ored effects; the great
est variety ever 4t
shown at $f3
W w tTorf oik
Coats In
and check array
They are aatln lined, neatly
trapped and velvet trim
med around collar, excep
tionally tailored
9.98 and I2.SO
Panama cloth Is again to be
In favor for the tomir.g
veanon'a ahlrta.. Wo are
allowing- a big
tne new Fern lan
pleated models,
at 910, 97.00 and...
Automobile Ooata Rubber
lined Auto Coats, with the
new hood and combination
aterk collar, in colored
effect a
2250 2450 S$3S
Asoclatlea'Foraaed to Revive Tranle
a the 'I'pper ua Lawcr
The Upper Mississippi River Improve
ment association holds Its fourth annual
convention in Minneapolis this coming
October. This will join with the Ohio river
Improvement association and representa
tives of the lower Mississippi states in
holding a great valley river Improvement
convention In St. Louis this coming Novem
ber. This convention will debate the pos
sibilities of, and make recommendations
for, the development of a heavy freight
channel from the -Twin Cities to New Or
leans and from Great Falls, Mont., on the
upper Missouri, to Pittsburg on the Ohio.
The value to the. whole nation of these Im
proved waterways, taken In conjunction
with the Improvements now being made
on the Illinois river and the Chicago canal,
opening a ship passage from the great lakes
to the gulf, can not be overestimated. If
Mr. Carnegie Is right In his claim that
our Internal waterways already offered the
cheapest transportation In the world, these
free arteries of commerce will at once con
trol the trafllo rates of the twenty-two
states that they drain. These states al
ready produce the bulk of our agricultural
wealth; they already support more than
twice as many manufacturing plants as the
other outlying states, and the value ot their
finished products Is estlmted at over ten
billion of dollars a year.
As the market value of any finished pro
duct Is estimated upon the producer's price,
plus the cost of .transportation, .the open
ing of these great waterways to freight
traffic will benefit both the producer
through a larger demand for his goods,
and the consumer through a lessened cost
for the same.
President Roosevelt has said that the
highways of commerce should be open to all
on equal terms a condition which Is not
likely to obtain, even through the enforce
ment of recent 1 legislation that has been
directed to that end. When the railroads
are brought directly into competition with
Independent carriers on a common highway,
they will confront a controlling Influence
far more effective than any rate bill can
ever hope to be. The policy of charging
all the traffic will bear la an obstacle to
Industrial expannlon. A low cost of con
veyance is a necessity to all the cruder
products. Moreover, the productive ca
pacity of our great Interior Is developing
fester than our facilities of transportation.
There Is an ever Increasing flood of pro
ducts, crude and manufactured, from farm,
mine, forest and factory sources which
overtax our channels of commerce, efficient
and magnificent as our railroads havo come
to be.
During the last four years engineers have
been busily engaged- measuring widths,
depths, charting, changing channels, cal
culating the reebitlnaT force of shale-rocked
and soft-loam banks along the upper Mis
sissippi, and they have found that the ju
dicious expenditure of the cost of but three
battleships will wtngdam a 'channel ade
quate to accommodate heavy freighting
from St. Paul to New Orleans. The very
dsma that make this unlocked channel pos
sible arrest sufficient water to give a mill
ing power to a hundred manufacturing
cities each of upward of a hundred thou
sand people along the way.
The people of the Empire state by direct
vote at the ballot box have appropriated
flOl.000,000, or more than Ave times that
exceptionally desirable for skirts
serge, 48 inches wide,
64-tnch, chiffon Panama
Rhodesia, armurea, atoi 11
aergea. waterproof clot In,
ii.j uiiuigs
to., black
and all col
or yard
many new models, including
semi-fitting styles,
and longer, in English
variety in
required to .-channel the upper Mississippi,
to build a ship-canal from Lake Erie tu
the Hudson. : Thus may the cargo load.-d
at Chicago-or Duluth sail undisturbed to
Hamburg, Havre or Liverpool. The city
ot Manchester, England, has spent one
hundred millions to get an outlet to the
sea, Germany, . France and England are
expending even larger sums in the con
struction of absolutely new cross-country
waterways. And this significant work 1
being done abroad In spite of the fact that
their railroads are under government con
trol. Any canalage of our own rivers, how
ever, must have a -world-wide and not a
local significance. The development of
river industries must mean something
larger, than the quadrupllcatlon of Keokuk
or Lacrosre. Long before the Panama
(anal la ready to complete -this great
drama of commerce we will transmit our
largest cargoes from the heart of the con
tinent to the Gulf of Mexico without break
ing bulk. -. Whert the water of the seas
meet In that thread of land. New Orleans
will be the Oriental front door to half of
the states of our nation.
Canada and Argentina are contending
with each other for the supremacy In the
exportation of wheat, to foreign marktts,
and the race is as close as the population
battle which Milwaukee and Detroit havo
waged for the last forty years. - The
Dominion wheat, when brought to the
headwaters of the' Mississippi or shipped
from Port Arthur through the great lakes
and the Erie canal, will have an advan
tage abroad that the grain submitted to the
lax of a - transcontinental rail haul can
not hope to share. ,
Thus may the resuscitation of a river
strengthen the friendship and lessen the
differences between the neighbor nations,
by serving both with impartial benefits.
Between the broad current of the Saskat
chewan and the hoadwatera of the Missis
sippi lies the richest wheat' belt In the
world. It would coat Infinitely less than
the -amount congress proposes to expend
on Panama to gridiron this great produc
tive country, both In Canada and tha
states, .with a Mara-Uke system of navi
gable Inland waterways, binding the great
lakes of Hudson bay, and the Saskatche
wan to the Missouri, by which. Irrespec
tive of flag, the treasures of a cont Inert
would And release and the Interests of a
homogeneous people receive their due pro
motion. Richard Lloyd Jones In Collier's
rotated Paraarraplis.
Any maa who buya a mule ls sure
have a kick coming.
Love knows nothing about pbtlo'i
and It cares leas. -
After all, the easieat way to do a i
Is to do It right.
What the world needs just now I
who talk less and aay more.
There Is no man so Ignorant tli
can't learn something from him.
Popular minister avoid touchln
sore spots of their congregations. ;
Other things are as saaroe as the
of a ben e. rooster' a, for instance.
When a woman gives -a man a plvc of
ber mind he doesn't appreciate the gift.
Even a graceful man looks ridiculous
when he attempts to pat himself on the
When a maa Is requested to foot a hill It
always hurta hie dignity worse than M hurts
his eorna i
A girl can never turn he nttad to other
things with any, degree of oontentaneat
until after ahe has acqnlAed huabandw
Chicago News.