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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
OMAHA DAILY PEE: SATURDAY4,' AUGUST 11 1906. 1 Telephone Douglas 6 IS. In Saturday's Final Clearing Sale, commencing at 9:00 mil, 25c yard. The most fashionable dressers have selected their summer gown or party, dress from these materials. There has been a brisk selling since early in the season consequently there is not a great quantity, as we never start tli3 season with carried overs, we have made this low price in order to effect a quick clearing. : Attend early. Main floor. Dainty New Gloves. Gloves of pleasing qualities. In the sea son's newest styles and colorings. Plenty of sises In svery sort. " We're not Just out of the glove you want." You will find no better stock than ours no matter where you go. Just received, Kayser lisle gloves. In black and white only, special value at $1 a pair. IB-Inch Kayser silk gloves, In black and whit only, K per pair. Special value, long silk mitts In black, white and green, ti per pair. Kayser silk gloves In two-button lengths, all the popular shades, Including the new browns and tans, 50c, 75c, II and per pair. Long kid gloves, from the best makers only, In white and gray, tan, green, navy and new brown shades, 3 and 13.50 per pair. Main floor. ( Women's Gowns Special for Saturday. These, gowns represent the Thompson, Belden ft Co. standard of quality, are per fectly finished and cut full,, width and length. Women's gowns of fine nainsook, with square neck and short sleeves, prettily trimmed with embroidery. SPECIAL TRICE KATI RDAY. 75c EACH. Wowen's gowns of fine long cloth, with round neck and elbow sleeves, prettily trimmed with embroidery, SPECIAL PRICE SATURDAY. 76C EACH. Second floor. .... Men's UnderWeaT' at RedUCed Prices. COME SATURDAY AND SHARE IN THE SAVINGS. As the summ r season ncars an end the stccks become more and more broken. To make it of special Interest for you to buy inderwear now we havs taken several of CHAIN PRAYER IS A HOAX Excitable Persons Much Disturbed Gjsr Letter Containing an Invocation. BISHOP ' LAWRENCE ' DENOUNCES" SCHEME Protestant Episcopal Circles Agitated Over Matter Which Purports to Have Authority of Bishop of Massachusetts. ' I BOSTON, Aug. 10. So much annoyance has been caused to Rt. Rev,. William Law rence, Episcopal bishop of Massachusetts, by the flood of letters which has been pour ingjln for several months regarding the so- called "endless chain of prayers," which was alleged to have been started by him, that the bishop has found It necessary to Issue denial that he Is connected with this matter: t ' '. The endless chain of prayer, said to hav been written by Bishop Lawrence, Is a hoax. Rlshop Lawrence of Massachusetts never wrote it and knows notnlng about it. It Is the work of some demented or mis chievous person. A dental that such a scheme had been started by any church official or dignitary was prominently published In all the Epis copal church papers, as well as In the local secular papers in many cities. The church officials also sent to Episcopal clergymen throughout the country a letter describing the hosx. Despite this, however, there Is scarcely a day when Bishop Lawrence do-s not receive letters containing Inquiries con cerning It. Letters have came from Florida, Texas and northwestern states and points In Canada, while only this week a query re garding it was received by Bishop Law rence from Purls, France. Misfortune la Threatened The prayer begins with an Invocation for divine mercy on all mankind and. says It was sent by Bishop Lawrence, who recom mended it to be sent to -nine persons. Mis fortune was threatened to whomsoever failed to send It. On the other hand, ItS promises that "he who will rewrite this prayer will be delivered from every caJam- : J The Inquiries concerning the endless chain tnd comments on it which have been re ceived by I) I i hop Lawrence and by church ind secular papers Indicate that the tears LAST CALL Oil SHOES AIID WASH SUITS SATURDAY. The little fellows ncrer have too many Wash Suits. We hare about 200 Sailor and- Russian Styles, (or ages to years mm $1.25. 11.50, 11.75 and $2.00 qualities 7Ml Saturday, choice i....'' , Shoes! Shoes! Shoos!. Shoos! Shoes! Bom of Oar Best tow "boos BtUl teft. Ksaa Tbtse prtoes. Oood TU1 10 r. at. Bataraayi Mlcsea' Pine Sua Metal Oxfords, In button the titaj ooea ( at. ,.. a. Misses' Fine Patent Colt Welt Ox- lurus tue tpeckal I ..MM alisses' Pine Patent Colt. Turn Boles- .'..1J.r.n!'. $1.75 Misses' Tine Kid Welt Oxfords In ulbson Ties, welt soles and turn soles tne fi.26 ones at 51.65 Toung Ladles' White Canvas, Welt, tiioeon nos the li.Sa oces ( CA at. fl.VV BENSON &TH0RNE3 CMAllAsllEIi 1013 DOl'GLAS STKKET. $1.50 SILK ORGANDY $1.25 FRENCH VOILE - 50c EMBROIDERED FRENCH MULLS SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS OO ON SALE AT 7:30 P. M. Parasols and Umbrellas, $1.98 Each. A few fancy Silk Parasols and Colored Silk Umbrellas left after a busy season's selling. Parasols That sold up to $10.00; Umbrellas that sold up to $5.00, Saturday night your choice at $1.98. Remember there ars not many In this lot tfnd they are not exchange able. - Main Floor. Wash Goods Another one of those popular Saturday night sales of Wash Goods. Included la this lot arc 811k Mulls that sold at 30c; Dimities that sold at 25c; Chiffon Tissues that sold at 40c; Embroidered Walstlng that sold at 40c all go on sale SATURDAY NIGHT AT Be PER YARD. In Basement. ' ) - ' Men's Underwear, 12V.C a Garment. If you need an extra garment or suit of underwear to finish the sea-' son with, now is your opportunity. Saturday night we will place on . special sale a line of Balbrlggan Underwear, Shirts and Drawers well finished throughout, a good value for 26c, nearly all sizes at 12 Ho garment. '". Main Floor. our regular lines and marked them at a greatly reduced price. . Men's "crepe knit" underwear, regular price 50c, reduced to 25c a garment.' Men'S ribbed or rlnln balbrlggan, regular price 50c, reduced to 36c each, or three gar- ments for $1. Men's "poros knit" underwear, lets your body' breathe,' regular price 80c, reduced to We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street, of many persons have been so worked) upon by the- mention of "dreadful aeefdent" as the penalty for falling to comply with the conditions of the scheme that they have not only aided In the spread of the pray.;r, but have felt great terror lest they might meet with misfortune. One of the most striking letters regarding the -matter was received by, the editor; of a Montreal paper from a correspondent In British Columbia. This correspondent wrote as follows: ; I inclose you a copy. of. a letter (the en IVsif chain tetter) with which the United States and Canadian malls are flncded. I received the seventh today and have re aolred to give the matter publicity. One of my lady correspondents suys she Is "sick with fear" because her husband would not let her follow the directions In the letter she. received of the kind and she was so afraid that some calamity would befall her self or family that she has disobeyed him and written secretly nln letters and sent h.m nft to manv different parties, my self being one of the victims, thus placing , nine others under me -ran 01 m i-msr. i improved tne attendance at seaside resorts, n slw calls It, If they do not likewise I but the most Important deve.opment In the am sending a copy of the letter that Is ( business world was tlie Increased activity pausing so much discussion to leading news- , o( Jobbing and wholesale departments 111 nupers In Csnada and hore the mntter will t preparing (or autumn and winter rrquire lm so widely discussed that it will put a ! menu Crop reports are all tnat couid bo top to such sacrilege. , . 1 desired, harvest and crop returns surpass- 1 j Ing all hut the most sanguine expectation. Q Ft SIO I ut-n willow nit 1TV ' Aa-rv on County Attorney, but Splt I Splt , Te,e- Willow on Rest of Ticket. M'COOK. Neb., Aug. 1ft. (Special gram.) The democrats of Red J. Cryan for president and ex-Congressman Phnller berger for goyeinor. , The populists met in Indlanola today also, but failed to fufe. The populists nominated C. II. Boyle for county attorney, the demo cratic' nominee. A preacher by the name of Hart Is their nomine for representative and C. W. low for commissioner.''' DIAMONDS frenxei.' isth and Dodga ' Card of Thank. 7 - W wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our friends for the kindness and sym pathy shown us during the recent; Illness snd death of our beloved husband and son, Charles J. Rlti. as well as for the beautiful floral offerings setit by them. MRS. CHARLES J. RITZ. MR, AND MRS. ANTONIO RITZ.' DIAMONDS Edbolm. Mth ami Hanisy. OPEN TILL' . TEN SATURDAY. Misses' White CajiTaa, Weit,CSIhbn lies the H.75 ones s. '!: at .... Children's Whne Canvas Gibson Tls the H Si enes Jl 8 Children's Taa . Welt Oxfords-font form shap-tbt also and QA I1J6 ooeui SaJiuday. J1.2& and Children's Kid Gibson Ties ribbon lacea the H.aO and U.33 Aft ones at ll.U and I.V Barefoot Sandals In boys' and girls' and tiuuts iwltea, were tZ'JO. 1 jo. 91. tna si iu. sccoraing u aise now,, SI 00 and.. Odds and Eiids Barefoot. Handals .80c 58c county met In convention in Indlanola this . teve, tlf Hl eommodlt e, reflects the cheap-' " ' . h effort to down Berge and se- sfternoon and placed ticket In nomlna-! enlng of farm products on account of tne I light In the northwest corner and Jnot ", ,'VLT. i f I M tlnn as follows- Renresentatlve TEphnlm Ml crops. Halfway earnings In July were immediately it seemed that the whole west r ,ne nomination or. a democrat ..or BcnlamlJ of McCook couJ Ty wn " 1 12 r l"r-r ,hn 1"f,,. ?r' ?d r?Il M -Prang Into flames. He started for "vernor. This insistence upon the no.alna- Bcnjamln or mciook. county auorno. , elgn commprcP at tni, port alone for the . " a,arm tlon of a democrat was voiced by the mayor Charles H. Boyle of MeCook; county com- ; iat week shows gains of $V2-3.M In ex- th' m'n floor to turn in an alarm and Hitchcock and met, with in- missloner. James Ponrieily of Indlanola. ports snd al.0Mi.8T4 In Imports over the same had jujt arrived there when, the f)re ap- " D hTi t - -iVJi - r . .,.,, a spii in iQtif. K. . 1 tnuftiaam. Berge had not a . single sup- Resolutions were passed endorsing William "19,f-.. . ,w., In Pratus arrived on the scene. Lrt , ,k -hi. 7 5c a Yard. Sic each, or three garments for II. Men's ribbed white lisle, ver fine and elastic, regular "price 75c, reduced to 50c each. SPECIAL, MEN'S I'NION St'ITS. Every man's union suit In the house st reduced price. As we sell only the best makes it will pay you to attend this sale. . Main floor. Corner Sixteenth. DUN'S REVIEW, OF TRADE . ECiaased. Aotivitj ia Wholesale Trade in Winter Good CROP NEWS ALL THAI. COULD BE DESIRED Iron 1 to and Steel tndustcr Maintain Phenomenal ' He- . aalta-Jtallnay . Earnings . Increase. 1 ' . '.' NKW YORK, Aug. 10 R. G. Dun & Co.'S Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: In some sections the intense heat facll- itated retail trade In summer goda and Mercantile collections might be more Hompi St some eastern poln s. D tneay - eruge is wen mainiainea oy aiscoutiLea diiih st the west and south. Manufacturing news 1st the west and south. Manufacturing news ' Vi8 of 001. Purees, the li on and : "mi ' Wy .omenl,fi'r uV Prices prevail In the foot wear Industry and t'nited States, against 222 last year, and 13 in Canada, compared with IS a year ago. BR AD STREET'S BRVIEW OP TRADP. Pall Trade Opens Actlrely.and All Partorles Are Basyt NEW YORK, Aug. 10 Bradslreet's to morrow will say: Fall trade has opened actively, the first rush of house buying being noted at ail iarge centers east and west. - free ami confident buying of dry goods. boots, shoes, clothing and kindred articles is reported from all western and south western points, and Aral and . second hands at the east report business of full ments have been mainly favorable. Heavy rains have affected some lines of retail trade at the west, checked spring whet cutting at some points, and Injured the quality rather than the quantity of winfir wheat In stocks; but on thi other hand, neded moisture has heen received by corn and enough, has been secured to sure maturity at most points. Only the btst reports come from tha southern corn ciop, and cotton has been . Improved by the cessation of heavy rains in the south Atlantic states. Industry is active as seldom, 1f evr before, and the only subject of cemplalnt herein is the scarcity of labor available, This complaint, however. Is prartically cc untry-wide, despite the enormuus past and present Immigration. Ftrikes ar more numerous but effects are localised. mand for a .midsummer perlodr building and building materials, though less act I. '4 at New York, shows few signs of a M-up at the west, where records of previous years have been broken. Railway earn- inns continue heavy, a gain of 12 per iron uu enn orr. in u 1 ..- " cnt being Indicated for July over a year no. and hank clearing, wnun siiKnuy below last week are much In of last year. Business failures In the t'nited Stares for the week ending August 9. numbr Its." egalnst'170 last week. 1 In the like -week of 10KJ 1(1 in and i0 In isnl ' In Canada failures for the week number 19, aa against 19 last week and In (nla week a year ago. Wheat.-twinning flour, exports from the t'nited States and Canada forthe week ending Auguat 9, are !.22.9! againt l9R.02-o bu. last week,. S5,0f2 bu this nlr tnat vlr 1 1.SI)9 bu. 'in '11)4 and a ma :ci .hu. In 1IA1 ' For the past six week of the fiscal year the exports sre i-,it'".zss ou., ' nuirnins. oomf or inn rers were against 6.i8.645 bu. In 105. 7 MK.7J1 bu. loaded and some partlslly loaded. In li and 41.844 0 bu. in l!ftl. Cern B vi.n...- nlah, ..,.h ,h- nport! for the w eek are l.i.3a,. hu.. ! B eithaus ss night wstchman at the Bflnt f.i'H.14 last week. l.l;.44l.jl year . Diets yard. He could not b located Frl-sgo-and 695. JO bu. In 1. ' For he , dav morqlng. The rumor st the ysrd wss s"5 V"V..,rB.d" oVir'n'i'.os6; h t m.Hl bu In 1904. I hut Secretary Dunn stated that so far as HYMENEAL.' V MoCa lar-Sr ha fer. Tha wedding of Harold T. McCilg and Mlsa Helen I Schafer .toqk place Thurs day evening at the Saints" church at 1:30 o'clock. Elder Charles Fry officiating. The Imrrh waa decorated with Dslma and aiflowera and well filled with Hie invited Be, Aug. 10. 1906. Special Corset Sale Saturday. STANDARD MAKES AT ONE-HALF PRICE BALE COMMENCES AT t A. M. The various lots are growing smaller. Particular makes of -certain . sises have daily dropped out of the procession, but Still plenty of makes left on which sav ings average half the usual prices. No make with full ' sises. This sale Includes all, the standard makes in summer corsets, on which half price are rare exceptions; all In white; best for all occasions. "W. B.," "R. A a.." "Kabo." "Thomp son's - Glove Fitting," "Warner's Rust Proof," "C. Q. a It Spirits" and "J. B." at 75c. reduced from fl.60 each. At.Cvc each all eur 11.00 corsets. At each .all our 00 corsets. At '11.85 each all Our 12 60 corsets. At li ft) each all our.- $3.00 corsets. At 12.00 each all our $4.00 corsets. Your pick of these splendid corsets one-half price. ,v , ', Second floor. .. at Women' j Knitted Underwear. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AT A. M. Tha lines are. broken, sises are missing hers and there, the special. prices for Sat urday should sell every garment. $1.00 and 85c Swiss ribbed lisle and mer cerized vests, low-neck, sleeveless, Saturday 5oo each. ' v .-. 60c Bno ribbed vests. In white or blue, Saturday 86c, or "three for 11.00. 11.00 fine ribbed drawers, lace trimmed umbrella knees, Saturday 60o each. 50o ribbed drawers, knee length, both umbrella and' tight knee, Saturday 35c, or three for $1.00. i $1.00 union stilts, hand finished, low neck. sleeveless, knee length, tight knee, Batrur- day 60c -per suit ' $1.50 fine lisle union suits, sise 4 only, low neck, sleeveless, knee length, tight knee. Saturday 75c per suit. . Main floor. - . . - . guests. Mr. MeCaig is In tha employ, of the Nebraska Telephone company, having charge ;of the ifachey station.' . The bride Is the; adopted,, -daughter, of Frank . R. 8chafer7 Who.'ls also -In the employ of the telephone chlripany and Is president of the local .organization of , the Reorganised Latter Day Salma!"ciurch, .Mr. and Mrs. McCaig I'ff, for 'Morado1 Friday morning, where., thqy V(ll,,ralB two' weeks. They will be bx homw latter -September IS at 2818 Cass, strfc. 'JJ-"A - , BIG LUjER, PILES ALL GONE First Estimates ot Diets. Lumber OtuDafcr ILo-ss ' Prove -. '" Correct. ' ' The first . estimates of tha loss In the Diets. Lumber ,;COmpny fire prove to be 1 aspect of the matter Is was not decided, correct., via.; From $160.0nfl. to $130,000, fully j hut Hitchcock used the opportunity to push covered by insurance. . There was prac- I through a resolution of double-barreled sr. tlcally nothing saved from the Immense chltecture, whereby all proxies at the cau stock of lumber and In addition ten freight ' cus were recognised, but at Lincoln ab cars standing on the .sidetracks were cpn- i sentees are to be voted by. the -majority turned. ., , . , . . , . ! of the delegation. This motion was adopted The origin of the blase Is still, shrouded I . , , , i """j ts '"i nun, I the story of a kettlenian working on the I the story of a kettlenian working on the'11'64 "V Hitchcock to. count the noses .by , top floor of Jhe Mp,m BreWng company, . aecxet JJRllot on a preference for governor. foiractly overlooking U,e scene of ,h. fire. , Hitchcock said .this was the proper p j According ,to this man s story he happened dme Douglas county a position In a clear Mr. Faulkner, the engineer, who was hurt, is reported, to be dolng nlcely at his home and no serious results are expected. The fire Is still burning briskly. Chief Salter stated Friday it would be several days before the hose would be taken off. Practically everything has been destroyed. The salvsge will be comparatively insignl flcant . Workmen will begin as soon as possible to clear away the debris with a view to reconstruction of the yard. The Diets company holds a long-time lease from the Burlington Railroad company, owners of the property, and the Intentions are to re- I Pn a soon as possible C. N. Diets, president of the company. Is sojourning at Poland Borings, Me. Efforts were made to communicate with him over long-distance telephone Friday morning. The fire will not affect the company's business to any great extent; as rush orders were -sent Friday morning, and the other local lumber companies will assist In filling current orders. Tha Diets company has considerable lumber In transit. The fire did not affect the. records, all of which sara j tne , , "ireer. general office at 1M4 Parnam The destroyed lumber yard was one of the most complete In the west. The yard , . . . . . , . . i ""-' -- ieei ainng Lesvenworin street j from Fourth to Third street and extended (mo ft south of Ieavenwnrth street. There .f . .i.-.. 7V, . . i r""r K" sheds. TS0 feet each, and 'be alleys In the yard were all planked. The yard had three traoka. with a capacity of nearly 100 cars. The new ysrd was built this year snd had only been occupied a rhort while. : The stock was all new. The Diets company carried a generat stock of building material and has been in business here twenty-five years. The fire of Friday morning was the third th com pany has had. During 1?87 the .company sustslned a loss of Kivo In Its yard at Thirteenth snd Callf-rn!a streets, the origin then being spsrks from an engine. The other fire wss of small nnsequenre. Ten box csrs wre destroyed In the fire he knew Nelthatis had not been looked for Stall.. Oould Diets was tired nut snd could rot be seen. Mof 0f the Insurance Is carried through Crelgh-Faldrlae com ran v. H. K. Palmer ft Son and W. Farnam Smith. If you have anything c trade adrertlee It In tht Per Exchanaa column ot The bee Want Ad page. MAYOR CETS TilE SHORT END Ponclaa Democratis Dsleratioo f pliti on f balled freer tnd Tnompson. HITCHCOCK LANDS MAJORITY FOR FORMER Lysis' I. Abbott Bites a a F.nrioraement f Mis 'andldscy fnr -lb domination for Attorney General. The caucus of the delegation to the demo cratic state convention at the Taxton hotel last night did all that was predicted for It, and a few other things. It split between Fhsllonberger and Thompson for governor, selected the future state committeemen from Douglns county and launched with unanimous endorsement the boom of Lysle I. Abbott for attorney general. Ied by Gilbert M. Hitchcock and Bill Canada of the I'nlon Pacific, a secret ballot was taken for the endorsement of a gubernatorial nominee, and In the Interests of Shallen berger. That gentleman received thirty fire of the fifty-three votes In the caucus, Thompson seventeen snd W. 8. Poppletqn, who Is not a candidate, one. Perceiving In advance that Hitchcock and PHI Canada and the Bhallenberger sym pathisers hsd the upper hand. Mayor Dahl man and his minority faction present en deavored to block the organlxatlon and preparation of a program last night. That Is, lieutenants of the executive did the talk ing, and the latter contented himself with voting against the motion to go ahead and do business. The mayor made no effort to capture the chairmanship of the delegation, the honor going to C. B. Montgomery by acclamation and with the mayor's expressed approval.. Da hi man Lands Here. In the choice for committeemen to be recommended to the state convention the Dahlman faction fared better, scoring at least two out of the three men chosen. The three were George Rogers, II. 8. Daniel and H. B. Fleharty of South Omaha. Other candidates for the committeeship voted on were A. L. Anderson, Sam J. RothwHI. Councilman Alma Jackson, LoulifJ. Plattl, William Russell. Kd Howell and C. Q. Cunningham. Rogers was elected on the first ballot, Daniel on the. second and Fleharty by acclamation, after Ed Howell had withdrawn and said a place should be given to South Omaha. Ed P. Berryman, who acted as secretary of the caucus, was recommended for secre tary of the convention, and Gilbert M. Hitchcock and W. S. Shoemaker for the resolutions committee. Abbott's Name a Surprise. " ' The endorsement of the Abbott candi dacy for" attorney general was made at the sacrifice of a railroad commissioner from Douglas county. No sounding brass had announced Abbott's ambitions and he presided ' during the greater part of the evening as chairman without many of the delegates knowing anything about it. Then Ed Walsh suddenly let loose the bolt and found the caucus In art exceedingly Vccep tlve mood. 80 was Mr. Abbott, who smiled and voiced .his thanks. Then Walsh started "In to have Dr. Ira W. Porter en dorsed for railroad commissioner. He wus followed by W. S. Shoemaker with a plea for B. H. Hayden for the same Job. Bill Canada bucked the endorsement of either man and Ed P. Smith said that Douglas county was asking for enough In the Ab bott candidacy. There the matter' rested and adjournment soon followed to 1 o'clock convention day at the Llndell hotel, Lin coln. .," , Several Delearates Shy. J ' ' There 'Were forty-eight delegates 'present and five proxies out of a total, of alxtyrslX. Objection was made by the Hitchcock, peo ple, to admitting proxies and the discussion brought out the Interesting question If any proxies are allowed from delegates chown at .primaries. Chairman Abbott thought hot. Mayor Dahlman declared that dele gates In' the convention 'certainly "were en titled to be renresented If thev-eOAM nut he present themselves. Just what the legal y thirty in the affirmative, or the Same rrlA1 tha n.nnnsal flrst mn r- -r "'I6' hy Hitchcock to. count the noses .by porter In the whole crowd. The mayor made a strong talk for Thomp son when his faction found It was useless to oppose a ballot on the question. lie said the contest for the gubernatorial nomi nation was between Thompson and Berge and that to carry Dougln county by a big majority Thompson , inst b . nominated. Bhallenberger, he asserted, would not get within gunshot of the nomination. He said that If Douglas county was divided on the proposition "Berge would most X"e'y walk away with the prize. Ed P. Smith took the opposite end and made a good-, strong talk for Bhallcnberyf r, saying tlie delegation was bound to be Sneeessor for Her. Mr. Ware. ABERDEEN. 8. D.. Aug. 10-f8peclal.) Rev. Marshall F. Montgomery, rector of St. Mark's Bpiseopal church, has re signed and' will leave for Lead and Dead wood, 8. D.,: October 1. The call was You Don't Know until you try, how much better' you will feel to . Leave and use well made POSTUM "There's a Reason" Off Coffee fifcsconaol U.VaMX&SOTClJ Our final clearing sale of Mimmer g"l will end In a fr (lays. nMtrr hurry for first rholce and take advantage of thr" many bar gains e are;-offering. F.very rtpn-xs bring us hew norcHIrs In fall tailor suits, skirls, waist, ronts find furs, but before- we short Iie new fall goods every summer garment must bo sold. , Up to $7.50 Lawn Suits,. $1.95 Take your choice of any Lawn Suit In our store, formerly Q C priced up to $7.60 . ,, ,lJD Up to $12.50 Linen Jacket Suits, $4.75 Choose any Linen Jacket Suit la our store, worth up to ' M 1 $12VB0, for ,.,',7i i O This announcement will clear every Linrn and Lawn Suit la quick time, and we. ask that you coma out early. Lawn Shirt Waists at Less Than Halt Price Saturday, we will hold a notable sale of beautiful Waists for ladles', consisting of Net Waists, Peter Pan Waists. Linen Waists, Black and White China Silk Waists and Colored Silk Taffeta Waists, and all the dainty Lingerie Waists. - TWO SPKC1ALH IN- LAWN WAISTS FOR 8ATI RDAV. n IJ.OO WAISTS ' fr for ; ; mf ff U . - f IP . I I. 1 sii ; . w v v , ro. t "sflBHHBsnWHssW $!.($ a Week fori leiifiSiil lot :;:z 93 Lots to Select From All. Lota High and Dry on Beautiful Hill and ,50 ft. Wide , - Instead of Forty Feet and Full Depth ...." Hillsdale Addition LOCATED ON THE HILL WIDE LOTS HIGH GROUND Homes Built All Around " . Paved Roads, Closie to School ' . .,.... T- Pine Cur Service Overlooking' Beautiful Miller Park - . . . These heantiful lots go on sale Friday, August 1 7th! & a. rri Salesmen will be ou the ground, but you had better not wait too long.' Call at our office, get a plat and select the lot before the sale cornea oft. , I BASING i70'4 Faroani St' extended from the Black HIlis'Vhtirc)j ahout eight .weeks ago, but refused. Another has town made and this tttiie, acting; en the ear nest wish rtf BI.hop Hare. Mr. Montgomery has decided to accept. . This Is the parish formerly presided oeey Hev-.'Mr. Warei ' MINING MAN SHOOTS; HIMSELF Inks Rla4rhorit Henmes Despondent , . ' Over Cfnlnel -. Per , . , Henlf li. . . " -t ' t . . TERRY, 8. D.. Aug. 10. (Special' Tele gram.) John Blatchford. mine superintend ent of the Golden Reward Mining company. One of the best known mining men In' the west, shot himself through the mouth nt 4:30 this afternon and died In ahout ten i-mlnutes; Fof': some time Mr. 'Blatchford has been despondent over 111 health and had often Intimated that he would end his life, but his friends paid Wo attention to him, believing that he was not In earnest. To Mr. Blatchford the Golden Reward Min ing company owes the greater part of Its success, for thre was probably not another man 'In the' Black IflUa who knew so well the fltft formations In - which occur the elllclotis ores of the district. Mr. BlatrttTocd.- waa lit yeaTs of nge and lenyes. bewblef .h hi; Wife Six children.' some of whom are'' married!.'' TTeTiad the confi dence of his employers, E. H. Harrlman, Harris Frnnklln and 8. W. Allerton, who had always depended upon him for the nmnagemen uf their valuable mining prop erty in Terry. . DAKOTA BOARP HailEt VAX' IXVt TVs Mills the Rate for General Btac Tnxntlna. PIERRE, B. D., Aug. 10. (8peclal Tele gram.) The State Equalisation Board com pleted Its work today and made the annual levies for the yar at t mills atate general and 36 mills v-rporatlan property tax. But little change was-made tn oorpdrate prop erty valuatibns further than that of new property. While It will be several days before final footings can be secured the total assessment value will be shown to be $225.0'X.f'n. arf Increase -of about 16,800,000 over last year. Business at Bonesteel. BONCBTFEIa 8. T. Atig.' 10 Special ) Heavy rains have keen falling throughout Gregory county for the past three days making a bumper corn crop a certainty. Work on the Chicago 4 . Northwestern railway extiialon fronf Bonesteel to Greg ory Is progressing rspldty. The grading Is well -under, way and .tlie Jsylng of steel will commence In the very near future. Big preparations are being made for the Gregory county fair, which Is to be held at Bonesteel, '- BeptembVr' 19. ' 20 and il. The boar4 of directors'! net this evening and instructed the secretary .to, procure some concern doing some sensational stunt to help entertain the . big Crowds expected at the fair. The Jown of Dallas, located about thlriy miles west of Bonea'eel on the Rosebud ressrvatlon. Is , being moved to Burke and Gregory. The new railroad ex tension misses Delia about one and one half miles. Farm Ilaaa Killed by Binder. BlOt'X FAKI.8, 8. D.. Aug. 10-Bpeclal Telegram.) Henry Daniels, aged S7, a Uer-man-Aioeslcan,- and for several years 'In the ru)Uy of.' Chajles . iAieth, a farmer residing In Wall Lake township, near Bloux Falls, waa Instantly killed by being run over by a binder. While operating the binder a shaf flash of lightning caused the horses to give a sudden jerk wtirt threw-the UDfommate man from his seat and djrrdx to rButjjpf. the Wpder. JMure the 'horses could be atopped or aid reach lamszssrsz $.1.00 WAISTS-- , for. Prices 0! Lots Range Fr ra 450 to $175. Liberal Ulsctaat Isr Cask WEST OF MILLFR PA UK DEEp. LOTs UNIFORAl GROUND Ground Floor Bef BuIIilng siCS9BB9S hire ha .hud .been . dragged- a- distance of about 300 feet. It is thought ibis-head w turned In such a way that his nock waa i broken when the binder first struck him: With the exception of tn unele and aunt Who live near, Lbe nwne ot: tha- accident Daniels' relatives,, including his .parents, reside in Germany. ( olonel Cressey Takes Old In I form. SIOl'X FALLS. 8. D.. Aug. 10. (Special.) Among the ' old ' soldlprs. w;hd Will leave Plonx Fulls next Monday for the purpose of attending the national G. A. R. encamp ment at Minneapolis will be Colonel E. T. Cref sey, who for years has been a fa miliar figure In South. Dakota, and who was one of the .pioneer newspaper men of Omaha. Colhnel Cressey has the suit of clothes which he wore when he' was mus tered out of the sen-Ice on June 1G, 1866, and wlll'Wear It at the encampment. He also' has the canteen and haversack which he carried at Chlrkairiaugua," and will wear them In the parade' at Minneapolis. Secret Marriage' Aanitaneed. ELK POINT. 8. D.. Aug, "10.-f8pectal.r-: Miss Luverae-Wood, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. I'rlah Wood, nnd Mr. Frank Harter, of Rapid 'City, were married January 2, 1!16,' in.Dukota City, Neb., unknown to their manyr frlendaV the- secret i"leak4g out but recently.' Miss Wood, bejnr a teacher In the public schools, kept her , socret closely until a week ago, when cards were Issued announcing her marriage after' hr wedding tour of a week. 8he and her hushwnd were tendered a reception at her parents' home Tuesday evening,. Angus; 7. Borne seven ty five persons being preeent. ' DEATH RECORD Rev. George FMward Walk. DALLAS, Tex., Aug. 10. Hav," Genrga Edward Walk, dean of St.' ' Matthew's cathedrsl, the largest Episcopal parish in Texas, died today of peritonitis. He was formerly a 'resident bf Council -Bluffs, la. Rev.. G. E. Walk succeeded IRev. I p. McDonald, now of Toledo, O., as rector of St. Paul's and waa In charge of the pariah for several years, leaving here -to succeed Rev. Thomas M. Green aa recto of Grace church. Cedar Rapids, ia. From Cedar , Rapids he waa called to Dallas. -Tex., aa dean of St. Matthew's cathedral, which position, ha waa filling at the'tltna of his desth. The deceased minister was horn In tha south, bis father being a minister tn Mem phis. Tenn., for many years. Befora tak ing up his Ulaologlcal studies ha graduated from the 1'nlverelty of Kentucky, 'j Prior to the beginning of I-ent In 1H9 until Sep tember tH. 190, he was rectos for about a year of the Church of the 1oo4 Shep herd In Omaha and previous t that filled a rharge'ln Ban Francisco In tie Christian church for several years. ;", Rev. Mr. Walk Is survived by his widow and nrte son. about H years of age. Al though it was known by his friends here that Rev. Mr. Walk had been In poor health for some time It was not kurtn that his aliment was serious and the news of his death came yesterday as a great shock to his former parishioners and frtends In this city. AMl'VBMUNTS. Mamey and 19ih Sts. 'Phone D'jug. Sli. TAB TAUDEVII.I.X ' Tonlsrht st t 16. Garden on-ert 7 45. LirT-llVO MATIBIKB TOSAT Any Isdy who ran write her name snd address legibly with her . left hnd admitted free, .'Apply at boa ofllce nfore j. ax 1 ' . fcvs.. lOc-iS-JSe. 6jt, Mat.. lOcr-Mo T" 7S 4 K e