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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
TTTE OMATTA ' DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 190l - x . J -: FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OUT THEY GO. t Yesterday wu Our regular excursion data. we sent li people Desidea our agents (aa ri even Pullman carload) to South Dakota. ' W sent seven land buyers Out with our Sifji to Akron, Colo. Incidentally, we did softie local real eatate business, but we are certainly proud of the excellent work our men are doing In the land and emigration business. We think there are aeven coed reasons for our phenomenal success. 1. We handle only lands known to be food In every respect. We wll not place any v tliina An. the market whlrh wc. rnnnul recommend.- . m 2. We offer lower - rates for fares than m oner lower - rates ' tor lares man ther land company has ever been s nrocura for their hnvera How do ut wJ? ihlf I ,Jn.hJt . ItT Well, that e our business but wa any o able to we do do It Just the same, The other 6 reasons are Just about tha same, so they don't matter much. Tha purpose of this advertisement la to make you remember the CONTINENTAL rememDer tne uun i is i aij COMPANY, now spell It C-O-N- l-T-A-L-that's right, now don't REALTY T-I-N-E-N forget It. The CONTINENTAL REALTY CO.. ga-K, U. 8. Nat. Bank Bide, Omaha. Neb. R&-M6W I TKACKAGE fine piece of trackage property. 147XCS4. on U. P. track, at 6th and Jonas St.; n,uw win i&ae it tor immeoiaxe aaia. , THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New Tors: Ufa Bid S-JS - FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACLFIO RAILROAD CO. la closing out Kg lands In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From (t.M to 6.00 per acre. Take advantage of tbs low prloes and easy terms offered, tha opportunity will , i . I aoon be gone. Special excursion rates to tha lands. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. SU South lfith St. Omaha. Neb. . H-M481U Western Kansas Wheat Landa I 10,000 acres of fins wheat lands, fi.00 to 116.00 per acre, special excursions every ' Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb.. and Sioux City, la. HH-u All GREAT TERMS i -ON -ipwa, and eastern Nebraska farms; IIS to jo per aore oownf owianoe long unae. Low rate of Interest. , . Get next to some of our bargains. LEHEW LAND CO. . f ao so uth st. H M474 li MONEY TO LOANREAL ESTATE OARVIN BROS.. 1604 Faroam. t and 6Vfc srwr cq tvaas un real hmhi du qqisv, . . . "- W 763) - ' MONEY TO LOAN Payne ' Investment Co. . ... . , W 7M WANTED City loan and warrants. ' W. 4 am am tumm at jo.. imi rarnam Bt. W-76J - . .- . ... BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W. V. Metkle, Hamge Hik. . I i . ' -- LOWEST RATES-rBamla, Pax ton Block. .v ; W 767 PRIVATE, MONEY 7. D. Wead, 1630 Doug. j . rv l i i tl. 000.000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property la Omaha; lowest rates; no ueiay. i nomas urennan, n. i, iv. i. LUe. . ' ' W-761 , - - - WANTED City loans. R. C. Paters Co. r i- i . . . r oe , ' i I i I m I ii f i' City at farm loana. O. F. Caraon Co.N.Y.Ia LOANS on rmproved city property. W. 1L Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. w (61 LOANS made on Omaha Improved prop' erty; also for boihling purposes. Hast ings A Heyden, 1704 Farnam. W M H6 WONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY ' EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this Is the place to come and get It Don't let money stand In the way of en joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD (KODS. PIANOS, HORSES. WAGONS. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. Wa have good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 107-201 Pax ten Block, i - , - X-MK2 U OUR LOANS Our employes are weii Informed and courteous aud ws are always pleased to explain our manner cf loans. Ws tell you to the cent what tha cost will be and If you conclude that It will not pay you u borrow there Is no harm dune. We lon on furniture, pianos, live stock nd other vhatteia and to salaried people upon tbeir own agreement to pay. s 'We, offer you rates as low as you will find ' and our facilities for quick and conn p.v, deatlal services are unsurpassed. , 7 ' Ws are the oldest concern fit our line In the city aad we always try to bieaaa our . patrons OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 11 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. Ctt. -' X ;. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew rlry, horses, cows. etc. C F. Reed. 3iU 8. lith. x-m liowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you g.t money aame day asked for at small co.i Open svenlngs till 7. X 771 CHATTEL and salary loans. Credit Co., ttt) Paxton block. Phoenix EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reltabis, acootn aiodailng; all business confidential. lJul DougUia. - . Jt 7U FL'KNITl'RK. live stock, salary loana Dun! Oreen Loan Co., room a. Barker bluuk. X-764 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture. Dianoa. ul.rv. boraea, etc, in any aiuount. at teas lima half the rate; jo red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended in case of sloknree or out of employment. Room alt Karbaon ovoca, sua t. X iti MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and oneie wimnui serurity; essy pay ments. CmVes In 6S principal oil lea Tol luau. room 714.. New otk LUe Bldg. VHATTEL8. salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co IUA Farnam EC X-7SJ FUNERAL' NOTICE The funeral of Mrs. A. J. Stebblns Will take plana this afternoon HIM o clock from the residence of Mr. James C. Cfary. 1:U3 N. St.. stout ft Omaha. iVT. H. H. Bros of Lincoln wtll conduct tha Harriet. Interment at Format I .awn cemetery. PERSONAL PILES CUUED WITHOfT AN Oi'ERATION-ALL kinds of piles cured-internl, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles. A guarantee given In every cage treated by Dr. Max well, who nas had twenty-five years' ex perience In treating pllea. Hundreds of testimonials given on spplicstlon. 524 Be Hlrt Ilnulu N,h. Plione IXiUglkS 1424. U Wilt S' ANY POOR GJRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of tne nsivstion Army Home lor Women at 88:4 N. 241 ti St.. O-naha. Neb. U-M100 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. Thone Douglss OR. ROY, Chiropody, R. Z at , 1V5 Fsrn'm. U-74 PRIVATE conflnetnent home; Mrs. Dr. King, 2011 N. list St. Tel. Doug. Jtas. . r-i . T I Kl V" ' all mi-n us, H I H A I I f (j Buttons. Ruining, --- Embroidering, Iyln nd Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink- ln(f only per yardi Bend toT prce Hit and samftle. GOLDMAN PLEATINQ CO.. 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas IMS. i i i mrNnV1-' ' ' dicaju. LAUNDRY WhSi - a a ill S. lltn Bt.w PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. Usrdeli, 221 cnsries. iei.- uoug. THE Salvation Army solicits cast-on clothing; In fact, anytning you ao no; need. We collect, repair ana sen, at in N. 11th St.. for cost ol collecting to me worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4US ar.a wagon will call. U-611 f A fiVrTTP OSTEOLOGY. Mrs. Rlt MAUiNJiillL Unhous. 4t0 N. lth St Room I, 2d floor. u MStu. i FT! IT IT medlrsl and aurrlrpl treatment nt Crelanton Medical college, mn anu Davennort Sta. Sneclal attention paiu to confinement cases. All treatment su pervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug.. 1167. Calls answered day or nlpht THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and . Leavenworth Bis. lei. uougias imi. Li IW PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good uamaritan san itarium. 728 First Ave., Council Bluff, la. Tel. 774. U-J22 SURVEYING, BUckensderfer. BIZ Bee Bldg. OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Bldg. U T(l MAGNETIC ir"tmentJld Kat!li Mm' OI 1 11 III, 1J 11 . IB, U U MSM AuglOx SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices, send for free catalogue. Myer- DUlon Drug Co., Omaha. U 77S WE RENT sewing machines at II per week: we sea second-hand macnines K up. Nebraska Cycle -Co., corner 15th and tiamey. Tel. Douglas, ltw. u ir DR9. VOGEL, private hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine ment. ut a. utn tit., umana, rieD U-M397 Augl7 MAGNETIC Massage, st. lu-"-VJiA-l-J-L-1-v aecond floor, room i. U MI00 augx CHIROPODIST Dr. Dunbar, m Neville block; halrdresslng, etc. Douglss 61 it). U Mli Aug) ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne, 61S Bee Bldg. : .- U 432 bo PERSONAL Tne doctor who cured me of Asthma and Hay Fever will not .let me publish his name. I suffered all but death from childhood to manhood; tried every thing I heard of without help, and I tell you I feel thankful and propose to let other folks know who cured me. If they writ. Wnv P. Stokoe, ScottsvlUe, New x org. . - , u BUSINESS lunch fifteen cents. Regular dinner twenty-five cents.. , Short orders at all hours. Ed Rothery. Ill S. 14th. D. H. Mump, Manager-Prop. J aitis hi PACKING china, cut glass and wedding presents a specialty. Aaoress - james Bums. 8024 Cass St. . U-M&28 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills II box. postpaid.- Sherman 4 DR. PRIES, specialist woman's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell block, loth and Harney, room 2, Omaha. 467 FENCING WIRE and Iron Fencing, Hitching Posts. wire i reins, umana wire ana iron works, oui Bee mag. Tel. Red t8. -M18 At ANCHOR anfi Iron Fencing; Wire Fencln so per toot, a is. 17th St. Tel. Red 814, ' M,3 All PRINTING LYNQSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars, L-mnvp corner , m ai. ana m capital Ave. 74 TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. I CENTRAL PRINTING CO , 110 S. 17TH, 961 AuglO PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesal prices. Have on every article. Only, nr.t class goods bandied. Prompt attention to every oraer. bead ror catalogue, a. I Karol, 216 Harrison St.. Chicago. 111. 7x FOR RENT ACREAGE . TWENTY acrea" with house and bam m 8. lath st. tl6 OSTEOPATHY IOHNSON Institute. 41E N. ouglftX T. I Tot, CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST OV CtMkUk B.ventiui ana truthful predictions given. ii ii a. ma si., upp. Boston ?iore. ; 8 MISS TICKET BROKERS' CUT-RATE railway ticksts everywhere r. n. run Din, itw r-srnam. 'rhoneDou, 1M. 7S FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not And what you want In thl cuiuinn, put an aa in ana you will too MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglaa S?1. . -7lH Au?f FLORISTS I HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. Tel. Doug. ' 760 DRESSMAKING PATTERNS cut to measure, .McDowell system ,of dressmaking taught. 1SJ Far J"i.mj idbij 67 When You 'Write Advertisers- remember It takea only an extra stroks or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw their ad la The Baa. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office?, 10 Pearl Mnon MEimoi. Clark's sodas. 1 Stockert sella carpets. Fine engraving at Leffert's. Ed Rngnre" Tony Faust beer. ' Plumbing and heating, Plxby & Son. Souvenir postals, Alexander's. 333 B'way. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Thone 97. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. Gearae Hoasland has the Kansas Shall Brlrk. All hard brick. Get hla prices. Tickets for "A Midsummer Nlaht's Dream" on sale at Clark a drug store. Only ten days more for those 1J8 suits t Hicks , worth $46 and up. E. H. Hlckl. See Stephen Bros, for lira brick and lira clay, sewer pipe, Itttiiigs and garden hose. Hafer sells builders' hardware on the ame plan as lumber. Uulck sales anil small profits. STRICTLY CASH FOR ALL RHOKSI AT DL'NCAN Ac DEAN'S UKEAT CLOSING OUT SHOE SALE. Court of Honor Js'o. IMS will hold a lawn social tomorrow evening st the residence of Oeorge W. Long. 2t,l Avenue G. Wanted, experienced skirt, sleeve and coat makers . lor autumn season. Cal iwiuiMiri . ior autumn season, call m ressmaklng rarlors. 4th lloor. The John , Beno Co., Council Blurts. We wholesole Ico cream. Shinned tn mn part of the state. Special prices to the re tall trade. 1. Mucci, 21 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 364. We have the finest line of sample monu ments to select - from n. the west, flheeley Lane Marble and Ornnlte Works, 217 ist Broadway. Council Bluffs. Ia. Fall opening Western Iowa college. Mer- im block. Council Bluffs, la., Monday, ugust Zi. Lngllsh, Normal. Hookkeeuinit nd Shorthand deDartments. Send for new catalogue. Both phones. Just received something in new and ub- to-date picture moulding. Now is your :nance to get that picture framed up you aid away. Berwick. 211 South Main. Don't worry about the price; we will make that right. John Wroth of Treynor. Ia.. a former all player, who has been under treatinen. fct. Bernard a hoH.ntal for some !- '. was yesterday ordered by the commis sioners of Insanity committed to the slate asylum at Clarlnda. Ilev. Henry DeLong performed the mar riage ceremony yesterday at his office In the county court house for J. C. Flaxel of Bellwood. Neb., and Mvrtle M. MePalrv of Columbus, Neb., and for Bert Matney and Haxel Swaynle, both of Decatur, Neb. James Davis, aged 66 years, died early yesterday morning at St. Bernard's hoe pltal. Besides his wife, two (laughn-rrf, MVs. Eugene Gallagher and Mrs. Jennings, both of Omaha, .survive him. The body will be taken today to KnoivUle, Ia., for uriai. H. C. Shaffer began suit in the district court yesterday for divorce from Kate B. Charter, to whom he was married Decem ber 29, 1902, at Denlson, Ia. He chart, s his wife with-eloping August 16, 19)6, with one B. Doty; a young man of Council Bluffs. i Van Brunt vehicles furnish an 'array of talking points not found on any other vehicles. Others will tell you that their s Is Just as good as "Van Brunt's." You have been up against these "Just as good'' things before. Cell around and see me; my statements are not mere assertion, but facts. ' Mrs. Sophia Chrlstensen. the . mother of Olaf Jensen, the young man who was rownea at iaKe Manawa while essayliiav the role of an areonaut. was k ranted let ters of administration of her eon's estate yesterday. Mrs. Chrlstensen declared the purpose-of taking out the letters of ad ministration was In order to enable her- to bring suit against the party or parties responsible for the young man's death. The receipts last week In the general fund of the Christian' Home Were K37.J,' being 16.26 above the needs of the week, thus increasing the balance In this fund to $711.40, although 66,000 Is needed In the con tingent and improvement fund for the re mainder or ltfos. in the manager s fund the receipts were' 120.60. beln's 114.60 below the needs of the week and -increasing the deficiency In this fund to date to 6436.42. The funeral of Mrs, C. H-. Rloknoarr will be held this afternoon at f o'clock from the family residence, 1700 Eight!) Avenue and Interment will be In Falrvlew cemetery. wiiuam KUiua-nasius JacKson, me" negro charged with attempting to kill his wife by boating her over, the head with.a kit chen chair, was yesterday bound over to await th action of the grand;Jury and his Dono nxea at ii.ouo, in default or which ho was committeM , to the county Jail. . Fear Biff ' Ones. WJ3 ARB OFFERING THIS WEEK; FOUR BIO ' SPECIALS IN ' ENAMEL WARE No. L 0-quart .purple, preserving kettle, worth 75c, for 40c; No. 2, 12-quart gray granite water pall, worth 85o, for 40c;.No. J. 14-quart purple dish pan. Worth 86c. for 43c;- No. 4, 12-quart blue Outside, white Inside, enamel' pall,- worth 41-85, for 76c. Paddock-Handachy Hardware Co., 41 S. Main St. Tel. 67. 6,900 acres good farm land in eastern Colo rado, $6 per acre and up; no. Irrigation re quired Can raise all kinds of small grain and corn. A 'tew good homesteads loin our landa. Send tor printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Main' street. Council Bluffs, Ia. MALONEY'S NEW LOCATION, $0 PEARL 6T. SCAVENGER WORK I haul dead animals, $1 00 per head. Garbage, asliss, manure and all rub bish; clean vaults and cesspooia. AM work done is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended to, 'Phone. Red 1676. J. H. SHERLOCK GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE Omaha, Nebraska, July M. lis, tea led proposals, in triplicate, will be received here and by quartermaster at the post named herein, until lu a. m amr.i dard tinie. August 10, ltfmi. for furnishing oats and hay during the tiscjil year ending June i, 117. at Fort Kiley. Kansas - w,., j m , onier places will be entertained. V. 8. reserves right to re ject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here, or to quartermaster at the station named. Envelopes containing pioponala should be marked "Proposals for Forage," and addressed to Major M. Gray Zallnskl. C. Q. M. J)T8-Aug8- CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER B Office, Omaha. Nebraska, August 1. ly Sealed pnjpoea!a in triplicate, subject to tne usual oimdUlons, w 111 lie received here until 10 o clock a. m., central ential staodaid time. August 77. 1. for ins Htaning a water system st fort Omaha. Ni-lnasU , ir,,ii Information furnished on application to this office, where pluns and specification may be seen. Pronosala to be marked "Pro posals for Installing a Water System." and addressed to Major M GRAY ZALIXStvt. v onsirucung quartermaster, Army Hutld Ing, Omaha, Nebraska. AJ---10-S4-2e EThe Only Perfect I DOUBLE VISION LENS.. COME IN AND SEE THEM. , EXPERT OPTICIANS. B 409 Broadway. H BLUFFS' 8L Tel. 43. FENNSLER RASPS BOARDS Appear! in Behalf of Client Who ObjecU U Ditoh Aisewment. NOW WILLING TO COMPROMISE CASE Boards, oa Advlee of Attoraeys. Saying Matter Is Sow Entirely Wltbla Jurisdiction of the Coart. At the Joint spsslon of the boards of supervisors of Pottawattamlo and Harrison counties yestrrday several complaints were presented from property owners who assert they have been assessed too high for t lie drainage, ditches now In course of constrvc llon. The Joint board, however, declined to entertain them, for the resson that the time for filing protests "ngulnst tho assess- . . . . ment nad f,,aPs"- W. H. Fennsler of Missouri Valley, who appeared on behalf of P. M. Evans, a farmer of Modale, who owns 725 acres of land, was nothing daunted by the determin ation of the board to refuse to listen to any complaints. . He Insisted on being heard and during his talk to the Joint board Indulged In some severely caustic remarks. Evans has already appealed from the as sessment, to the district court of Harrison county, -but was willing to effect a settle ment as explained by Mr. Fennsler, If possible, before the suit should come to trial. County Attorney Hess of rottawntta mle county and County Attorney Fallon I of Harrison county Informed Mr. Fennsler that the Joint board now had no right to effect a settlement, seeing that Evans hsd taken the matter Into court, which now alone had Jurisdiction over the matter In controversy. In view of the opinion offered by the two county attorneys, the board flatly refused to entertain any proposition looking to a settlement. This prompted Mr. Fennsler to remark that the manner In which the board conducted Its business appeared to him to be widely different from that used by ordinary persons In business transactions. He said he failed to seo where the board had not the right to settle any dispute before reaching a trial in the courts. A large number of bids for supplying pipe to the two counties for outlets Into the ditches were received and the contract were awarded to the Iowa Culvert com pany of this- city- and the Hunter Iron works of Atlantic, Ia. Beth Dean of Glenwood, engineer in charge of the construction of the ditches, was allowed 1600 on account of his com pensation, and J. C. Baker, a constable of this city, was allowed $101.90 for notices served by him on Interested property own ers two years ago. The supervisors of Pottawattamie county will meet today as a drainage board to take up matters In ' connection with the Pigeon creek ditch, for which E. A. Wick ham has the "contract. ' ' If you are looking torward to your sum mer's outing you wip need a few va cation necessities; it you 'sre going camp ing with a small party you . will want a few delicacies 'it you art going to a plcnlo you will want your basket filled with "good things to "eat." Sandwiches, olives, ptckies, . cakes, cheese, Ifjrtilts. a' cold bottls of ginger ale or root beer In fact MoAtee hs.s everything necessary to fill a dainty lunch basket ' and tha i best the market affords. -.! r -, iNow is your chance for fine photos cheap; our handsome $7.'50 folders only $6.00; $6.60 f61der, large s lee, only ts.00, and our $8.00 gilt edge panels -only $4.68 per dozen; smal ler sizes .half price, for a. short time only at Schmidt's studio, j(0t) Broadway. Perkins Demands His Salary. The Moffat Roller Bearing company has bfen made defendant In a $61,000 suit filed against It yesterday In the United States court In. this city by Julius A. Perkins, its president. ' The suit l for services alleged to have been rendered the com pany by the plaintiff for the past ten years and two months. The defendant company.' which Is!ncor pbrated for $3,000,000. is the owner of the William B. Moffat roller bearing patent and recently a number of. meetings of tha stockholders have been, held at the of fice of George F. Wright, the secretary. In this city for the purpose of considering a sale to the United States Roller Bearing company. Up to date, however, It Is stated by Secretary Wright, no sale has been consummated. Mr. Perkins, who has been president of the company during the time for which he now seeks to recover compensation for his services, was present at one of the recent meetings of the stockholders at which time he presented his bill for services. The stockholders declined to entertain it and . L , i'l'T iJ."! his petition Mr, Perkins, -who Is descr bed aa a resident of Nebraska., states that the company la a private corporation "! as sucn nas Deen aoing pusmess unaer tne laws of Iowa. E. E. Bruce of Bruce Sc Company, the wholesale drug company of Omaha, Is one of the stockholders and has been present at the meetings In this city. Where Shall I Buy My Groceries r WE ANSWER THIS QUESTION. FIRST WHERE PRrCES ARE RIGHT, SEC OND, WHERE THE GOODS ARE FRESH AND FIRST CLASS. THIRD. WHERE YOU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONEST TREATMENT. WE FULLFIL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERY RESPECT. GIVE U8 A TRIAL OR DER AND WE ARE SURE YOU WILL BE OUR REGULAR CU8TOMER. JOHN OLSON, 739 W. BROADWAY. CENTRAL FLOUR $1 16. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones 24. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee August 7, by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: John W. Rush and wife to Tellle E. Oraham. S ne 2S-74-38. wd $6,000 William Rudloff and wife to Anna M. Si-hlpporelt, lot In block 3 In Ferry addition to Council Bluffs. Iowa, wd.. 1.150 Gerald A. Damon to Frederick Cole, lot I in l'aiiinns nrst addition to ' v,"n'l Bluffs. I I ""'r f Smith Sau ' ""n- lts 1-1-3-4 Iowa, wd 600 Saunders to W. K. Mll-!-3-4 and 6 In block 12 In HUrhUnd J'lare addition to Conn. ell Bluffs, Iowa, wd Four transfers, total. A FINE 60-ACRE FARM flvs miles from Council Bluffs postofflce, well Improved. Will take a $2,000 residence toward It. Address D 8. Kerr, 646 Broad way. Council Bluffs. 'Phones 417 and UA Red. Crocker's Urlgsule t Meet. D. W. Buahnell, secretary of ths Isatlnu, has sent out a call for ths meet ing of Crocker's Iowa brigade, which says: The thirteenth biennial reunion of this society will be held st Clinton. Is., on Wednesday and Thursday, September J j All soldiers who have at any Umt served In the "Iowa brigade," composed of the Eleventh, Thirteenth. Fifteenth and Plii ternth Iowa Infantry volunteers, sre by the constituting entitled trt memlwrehlp and are cordially Invited and urged to atlend. The biennial address will be delivered by Governor A. B. Cummins of Iowa. Regi mental meet In if at 190 p. m Wednesday. All arrangements for the meeting will 1m In rharse of a local eecutlve committee In Clinton, and will Include transportation on the various railroads centering there, which certainly will not be more than one and one-third fare. CUT GLASS TUMBLERS 1C EACH. REMOVAL SALE still continues. We are offering new bar gains every day; William A. Rogers Fiber- pattern plated silverware 60 per cen' discount. Special sterling manicure and toilet articles at 60 per cent. Cut Sun burst Tumblers, new shape with star in bottom, IP cents each for this week only. W. A. Maurer china store. ' THE MOST UP-TO-DATlu RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD SER. VICE AND HOME COOKING. Tha Calu met restaurant, 6J0 Broadway. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night L681. BOARD FIXES OX THE TAX LEVY Two and Half Mills to Prodoce Mae Thousand Dollars. The board of park commissioners at its regular monthly session last night de- elded on n tan levy of two and a half mlls which Will bring In a revenue of about $.1,000. The clerk of the board was Instructed to certify the levy up to the county auditor. The levy Is the same aa last year. It had been expected that Alexander j Tipton and other cltliens who have taken the Initiative In the movement looking to wards holding a Chautauqua In Council Bluffs next year would have appeared be fore the board with a petition asking that permission to hold same In Falrmount park be given. Rev. Jomes O'May, pas tor of the Broadway Methodist church, showed up but none of the other pro moters, so the matter was not formally brought before the board. An Informal discussion, however, showed that Presi dent Graham at least was strongly op posed to permitting the use of any por tion of the park for camping purposes. No particular ohjectlon perhaps might be raised by the board to the erection of a temporary auditorium In the park for Chautauqua purposes but it Is doubtful, Judging from the discussion last night, that the board would permit the use of any part of the park for camping pur poses. It was suggested that little harm could be done the park If the camp was located on the big plateau at the head of Park avenue. This It was pointed out, would make an Ideal camping ground and not Interfere with the other portion of the park. Commissioners Brown and Peter son, however, taking their cue from Presi dent Graham, did not regard the propo sition with favor. Citizens having business with the park board intend that It is rather an Impo sition to compel them to make the Journey at night to Falrmount park where the board holds Its sessions In the $2,600 resi dence originally intended as a domicile for the park caretaker. They contend that the board should hold Its sessions at a more convenient place, such as the city hall, where for yetrs the park commis sioners met and transacted their business. For Bale. Medium and high-grade sewing machines. I eairy a large line of the latest Im proved machines. I have machines ranging in price from $12.50 up. Can furnish, ma chines that make both lock and chain stitch. I sell The finest and only perfect rotary shuttle machines now on the mar ket. I sell machines on easy payments, with liberal discount for cash. All ma chines taken to your home for trial. I re pair all makes of machines; keep needlca, oils and parts of machines; have had twenty-six years' experience In sewing ma chines, all In Council Bluffs. . Come lu and see my goods and figure with me. I sell Edison and Victor talking machines and carry a large stock of records. Ind. 'phone 707-ed; Bell 'phone, Red-1167. S. M. Wil liamson, 17 South Main. GREEN AND NORFOLK FURNACES GIVE THE BEST SATISFACTION. A8K PEOPLE THAT USE THEM. THEY WILL j TELL YOU WHAT THEY. ARE. F. A. SPENCER, 168 Broadway. All persons knowing themselves to be In. debted to Duncan 4 Dean or the Duncan Shoe company are requested to call and settle at once. MALONEY'S PEARL ST. NEW LOCATION. $0 Yonker's Brother Blames Officers. Mrs. Mary Yonker of Jollet, 111., and F. J. Yonker of Eldon,' Mo., mother and brother of Ed Yonker, the demented mun who met such a tragic death at Lake Manawa last Sunday, arrived in the city yesterday and, together with the widow and two children, accompanied the body back to Jollet last evening. Both the mother and brother were al most prostrated over the terrible affair. whe nQt lncUned k of ' th"M concerned In the killing of hi. bro(ner Mf yonker l(lld feU that 1 ho. .rtAa,,. iQi, m0numant woeful lack of management ' l0mewhere. They should, when they took the revolver from jny brother Sunday morning and noticed his peculiar manner, have taken ateps to have restrained him and then the tragedy would have been averted and the poor fellow would have been alive today. There Is little doubt but that he was demented that day and I can not but feel that the officers were to some extent to blame for not disarming him at the outset," he said. From Mr. Yonker it was learned that the dead man prior to entering the railroad business had studied for the ministry snd this accounted for his familiarity with the .cr.piure. ' - " " d(r t( UM loaded csrtr,dges should occa Bluffs he had visited for sbout six weeks 1 . ... ... . ... . with relatives at Oelweln, Is., and a few days previous to his death had ordered his household goods shipped from Jollet. His brother, Mr. Yonker said, owned a small amount of property In Jollet. Removal sale still On. One-third off on short lengths of picture mouldings. A good time to buy frames. C. E. Alexander, 333 Broadway. We pay. $11.00 per ton ror cast Iron: mixed, $.0t per ton; stoves, $7.60: rags, lo a lb.; rubber, 7c; copper, 14o per lb. J. Kattle man, 60$ South Main. Both 'phones 160, Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence Age. James Jnen. Pottawalamle county.... n Fannie Johnson. Council Bluffs fcu J. C. Flaxell. Bellwood. Neb 28 Myrtle M. McPatry. Columbus, Neb 26 Bert Matney, Decatur. Neb 21 Hazel Swaynle, Decatur, Neb IS Meat Gu. Thlrty-ona lots belonging town old estate, west of car house on Avenues A, B and C, First. Second snd Third avenues, fifty lots, $100 esch, on monthly psyments. Wallaoe Benjamin, room 1, First National bank building. Both 'phones 208. Great Western to Im.j Switch. The city council met yesterdsy afternoon a a committee of the whole and after looking over ths ground decided to recom mend the paseag: ot Uie ordinance (rani- Ing the Great Western railroad permis sion to construct a switch track from Fif teenth street across Ninth svenue to Klgliih avenue. t ronneot with the tracks of the Burlington. The matter of ilie rhsnge of grmle on Logan street wss referred to the city en gineer. The city council will meet Thursday aft ernoon to assess up the recently completed raving on Broadway between Thirteenth and Twentieth streets. Orraer 5eeds Money. I can sell s-room modern dwelling at big discount. If sold at once. It Is In fine neighborhood and on paved street. . Call soon. There are several smaller dwellings, too. Tel. 61. Charles T. Officer. 419 Broad way. (isardsnies Palllnar Xad. ATLANTIC, la . Aug. 7.-(Spell Tele gram.) The Fifty-sixth regiment, Iowa Na tional Guard, marched from Lewis to Camp lxper on the Hunt farm today. They re mained In Iwls until 12 30 yesterday, reached Camp Ioper about 4 p. m., held dress parade and field movements st Iwls and Cmp Loper. remained at camp Loner over night, starting for Atlantic about sun rise and will arrive at 10 a. m. The regi ment will spend two days at Camp Cum mins here and be reviewed by the gov ernor and his staff. The roads sre bad and marching difficult, but the boys are In ex cellent shape. A. Mrtsgar A Ce New Location of Wholesale Bakery. 616 Mynster Street. Co. Bluffs, la. Home-made Bread a Specialty, Visitors Welcome. Farmer Kills Wife With Hammer. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Aug 7 -Wesley 8haffer, a fsrmer, wss srrerted near Viola today charged with murdering his wife by beating her head with a hammer and chftk Ing hef. Early this morning he called the neighbors, telling them his wife had fallen down stairs. The woman waa found lying upstairs In a pool of "blood and with a frac tured skull. Shaffer said that he carried her upstairs. A coroner's Jury found that the woman came to her death at his hands. The couple had twelve children. For Imported wines, liquors and Bud wetser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholessle liquor dealer, 619 South Main street. Killed by Bee Stlag. MISSOURI VALLEY, Ia., Aug. 7.-(Spe-clal Telegram.) Ellas Pegg, a wealthy bachelor, who lived on a large farm near here, died suddenly this morning from the effect of a bee sting. Mr. Pegg was. In the yard about 10 o'clock working with the bees, when one of them stung him. He complained of great pain and at once, went Into the' house. He continued to grow worse rapidly and In half an hour was dead. He was 60 years old. Internrbnn Franchise Voted. WEBSTER CITY. Ia., Aug. 7.-(Speolal Telegram.) A franchise to operate cars on the streets of this city and a right-of-way south to Boone was voted by the city coun cil today to the Regan Construction com pany of Des Moines. An interurban from Boone to this city will be begun at once. Iowa Hum ntei. HARLAN Owing to a washout which caused his engine to lurch Fireman Cox on a Great Western train was tnrown rrom the cab of his engine near here and was picked up dead. IOWA CITY The thirty-seventh annual convention of the grand lodge of Knights of Pythias and the fifteenth annual meeting or the grand temple or tne nam none sisters, domain Of Iowa, opened here today. JEFFERSON Following a cloudburst about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon a heivy wind came up and blew down the Chau tauqua tents, Injuring a number of people, though none seriously. About an inch and a half of rain fell in thirty minutes. John Helsel of Jefferson had his shoulder broken. MASON CITY-truggllng In the swift current with two women dependent upon him for the safety of their lives, Roy Whlt mayer of this placed proved himself a hero yesterday by rescuing both of them after the boat which the three occupied had been whirled over the dam. The young man was accompanied by Miss Mabel Prahme and Miss Lucy DuUti, neither of whom could swim. MEMBER OF MOB IDENTIFIED Sheriff at 'Said RALEIGH, Salisbury Arrests Mam to Hstc Led the Lynchers. N. C", Aug. 7. This after noon Governor Glenn received a telegram from Judge Long at Salisbury stating that one person had been identified as a mem ber of the mob that lynched the alleged murderers of the Lyerly family last night and that he had been placed In Jail; that evidence waa on hand against others and that the Investigation Is being pushed ss rapidly and thoroughly as possible. Gov ernor Glenn received this message from Hherlff Julian, Rowan county: "Send 100 armed men here at once to assist me In maintaining order." The governor wired the militia compa nies at Charlotte and Stateevllle to pro reed to Salisbury by special train at once and guard the Jail to prevent the libera tion Of any alleged lynchers being arrested. Greensboro. N .C. says: Ru ! . A . . . M Times from mors that a one or mors of three negroes In Jail here for the al leged murder of Southern Railway Fore man Beacnam last wee are making the authorities here uneasy, espectslly after the lynching at Salisbury last night. It Is reported that railroad employes In several outside cities may come hers for another lynching. There was a secret Joint conference here today between the county attorney, the board of commis sioners, Mayor Murphy, chief of police, the Jailer and sheriff aa to the expediency of removing the prisoners to some other Jail. Governor Olenn was consulted over the telephone and the sheriff waa authorised to call out the military company, with or- slon arise. It hss been decided to keep the prisoners here. The postponing of the preliminary hear ing of the case until Friday has made the situation here decidedly serioua. German Celebrate. NEW BRITAIN, Conn.. Aug. 7 German from all part of the slate today celebrated the 223d anniversary of the landing of the Germans in Germsntown, Pa. Tetters INDIA AND CEYLON Tea Is appreciated by the public because It pleases the palate. It pleasee be cause it is pure and delicious suvd hag now become essential to all tables t here tea is need. STATISTICS OF! OTA STOCK AtFPMors rind Oyer Million Hornet with ai ' ATerwe Value of $62.14. THREE AND A HALF MILLION OF CATTLE Itallrnad t aumlsaloner Kctchaia Find F.levator Cscly la Kortk- . ern Part of State Is De low Requirements. (From a Staff Correspondent ) DES MOINES. Aug. 7 (Special.) Tha state auditor's office today completed tha tabulation of the assessors' rqturns on live stock. According to these figures owa ha 1.0M.i:4 horses of all ages, of an average value of $S.14 and a total adjusted value of $ti:,r5.:v.: $.rtMR2 cattle of all age, of A total value of $;.t.6v,ftr,0 and an average value of $30 75 ; 4,:.1I.!)1 swine, of an average value of $664 and a total value of Jcl.rrp. 778, 63S.OM sheep, of sn average value of 13 44 and s total value of $1.K3.0; 12,J goats, of an average value of $1.64 and a total value of $32,743. The total value of tile live stock In the state Is $l6.4l.W7. This is a very substantial incrtsse over the value of last year. That the live stock Interests are coming to the front In Iowa Is furthermore shown by the entries at the tt fair. There are 6 head of horses entered this year' and the capacity of the horse hsrns Is but 2M. This will be the largest horse Txhlhit the fair has ever known add the mcrease Is entirely In the heavy horse class. There are over 6.VI head of cattle entered, which will make the cattle, exhibit fully up to that of last year. It will allow the use of some of the cattle barns for the extra horses. The swine pens' are more than full and some of the entries hBve been refused because of lack of space In Which to house the swine. Pharmacists In Harry. A class of seventy-five today took the examination before the State Pharmacy commission. September II there will be held an extra examination at which It Is expected the largest class ever had will take the examination. .After October 1 four years actual experience Instead of two In a drug store Is to be required by law and college graduates with diplomas must take the examination after" that date Instead of being given a certificate on 'the diploma. For this reason the number to take the examination at the special examination will the largest the commission has avsr handled. Elevator Tenacity Short. N. 8. Ketehum, state railroad commis sioner, after making an extensive Investiga tion through the northern part of the state has discovered that the complaint from that section of scarcity of cars In which to uhlp grain comes primarily from the fact that the capacity of the elevators is wholly Inadequate. There are a great; many elevators, but Mr. Ketehum has discovered thst they sre all smsll. Where towns of corresponding size In the southern' pnrt of the state have elevators of A capacity of lW.nno bushels those In the northern part of the state have but $0,000 bushels. Because of this fact the elevators sre quickly filled and grain must then be losded direct fo the car. or practically that. Mr. Ketehum. after concluding his In vestigation, has called the attention of the -management of the railroads that traverse the northern part of tho state to this fact and has asked them to Induce rhe elevator owners to Increase the capacity, and has asked that a rigid rule he -enforced to allow no elevator to be erected" that ha a mlnjmum capacity,, . of .less... than ,26.000. bushels. Many elevfttfirs' In the northern part of the state now have a capacity of. but 6,000 to 10.000 bushels. All the comi plaints of scarcity of cars end demand for a reciprocal demurrage bill at the last ses sion of the legislature es'me . from the northern part of the state, where the eleva tors sre small.1 . ' Shlloh Dedication nates. The members of the fowa Slilloh com mission met today at the Chamberlain hotel for the purpose of discussing the arrange ments for the dedication of the Shlloh monument In November, when the monu ments on southern battlefields- will be dedi cated. November 10 to 16 has been -tentatively agreed 'upon as" the dates, B. B. . Hu-nbert of the Iowa Monument commis sion has given out s statement 'at hts home at Cedar Falls relative to the' dedication of Iowa monuments' at Vlcksburg, Arder sonvllle, Chattanooga and Atlanta. ' A rate of 1 cent per mile hag been secured from all Iowa points and- the Iowa party will start from Chicago November 14. The maker of the dedication addre has not Seen chosen, neither hss the Iowa band been selected to furnish the music. Three lays will be devoted to the dedication with one Intervening day, which will be spent at Atlanta. , Fed Prisoners Poor Grub, Indictments Issued by the rnd Jury In cluded one against City Jailer Joe Willis on a charge of feeding the city Jull prisoners poor and Inferior food. Corn Five Per Cent Better.' The crop bulletin. Issued today, says, that the condition of corn at this time Is I per cent better In this state than It was at this time last year. B1H.OO to ew York City and Hetw r, plus $2.00. from Chicago, on August 23 and 28, via the Nickel Plate road, with return limit of September 4, leaving New York, City. Three trains dally, with modern equipment. Individual club meals, ranging In price from 86 cents to $1.00; also a. la carte and midday luncheon, SO cents, served In Nickel Piste dining cars. Call en or address John Y. Calahan, general agent. No. 107 Adams street, Chicago. ... ' Leper Is Isolated. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-In a tent on bleak mountain side In Randolph county, West Virginia, not far from the town of Elklns, George Rossi, ' the Syrtkn ' leper, about whom there hss been so much con cern on the part of the health: officers of dozens of cities during the last three weeks, Is existing without care of any kind. Orders were Issued today that Rossi be visited In his mountain tent aad ex amined by a aurgeon of the Marine hos pital sen-Ice and a Syrian Interpreter, with view to ascertaining his status In this country. L