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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
10 the omaita daily bee: Wednesday, august 8, 1P06. katfitt Cress Shoes for Women A Stunning New Lino of the Most M i Popular Waists of the Season "PETER PAN" flft WAISTS AT . . vVL Regular $1. 50 Values These pretty walaU are made in the most comfortable way, with low roll collars and ruffs at the elbows a variety of attractive styles show the large and small coin dots and the ring dots In black, red or blue. These Peter Pans or Club House Waists regu larly worth one dollar and a half at we! Sc the ladle' Outing Coats In the window. They will go on Ml Thursday at upecial tale, at........ 12.50 Thousand of Omaha Women Are Delighted With Our Advance Shovvlnrj and Sale oT Our Ladles SUITS and GOATS FOR FALL Scores of handsome new models for autumn, 1906, from a New Tork designer and tailor. Orders taken for swagger suits made to your measure, or the models will be sold outright. The new military styles are great favorites, also semi-fitting and snug-fitting models. New skirts are very full, with large, flaring plaits. We want you to see these new styles, whether you wish to buy Just now or not- it Long Silk Gloves Just Received from Paris These are all silk gloves, in the elbow lengths blacks, white, grays and creams all fresh from the Im port cases, at a pair LADIES' LONG SILK MITTS These elbow length mitts are very popular they come in black and white and are regularly worth $1 a pair, at pair 1.50 50c Ladles' Wash Belts at 10c and 15c These are our regular 25c and 50c Wash Belt many have the pretty new eyelet embroidery others with pearl Ducsies the widest variety at- only each See the Auto Coat Window 3! inKinr J' 10c-l5c See the Aoto Coat Window UJ OMAHA WKATIIKR FORECAST WrAanrtaj, Fair ami Warmer. T7T1T TTT T7MTTVT7r JnJlji 1. Store Closes Every Evening 'Cept Saturday at S 7 IK. Hardware Snai Id Wednesday One-quart Tin Tomato Cans per dozen And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Nice Family Scales, with platform and scoop 91.23 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Nice Family Scale, with platform OHc , And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Fifty-foot Cotton Clothes Line 10c Aud Ten Green Trading Stamps. Extra Good Clothes Line fifty feet 20c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Victor Nickel Plate Flour Sifter 24c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Large Glass Lemon Squeezer 10c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Christy Bread Knife, best quality made.... ,48c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Tin Dlshpans, good quality, 10, 14 and 17- quart 28 SMc and 42c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Tin Collenders Just what you want for f fruit 12c and 14c J And Ten Green Trading Stamps. . i mii No. 280 Preserving, Kettle, granite special. .2IK And Twenty Green Trading Stamps With Each. Bennett's Big Grocery Coffee Fresh Roasted Daily. Best Values Always Java and Mocha Coffee pound 38e And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Golden Santos Coffee per pound S6o And Twenty Green Trading Stamp. Backet Fired Japan Tea pound 38o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Pickling Spice, whole pound SBo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Peanut Butter one-half pound jar 18o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Baked Beana three large cans S6o And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Bayle's Cider Vinegar quart bottle lSo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond 8 Fruits can 3 So And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. , Castile Toilet Fonp cake 24a Coco Velvet Toi . t Soap six cakes .BBo Baked Beans enn J 4o Oil Sardines can 30 Gelatine package . , Bo Corn two-pound can , 6o Worcester Sauce bottle , lOo Pickles, assorted bottle 90 Pure Honey large Jar .. . 86e And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Blood of the Grape quart bottle BOo Ana Twenty ureen TraJing Stamps. I 2 b COURT NO BAR TO SHERIFF Baitraiaiae Order Does Not Prevent Sale of Property Under Foreclosure. WOMAN'S ESTATE AND SON'S INJUNCTION Latter Was te sis Falling McDonald Furnish to Do Lets the Bond So Hammer Fall. In spite of a restraining order Issued by Judge Day, Sheriff McDonald Tuesday morning sold under decree of foreclosure all of the Omaha property belonging to Mrs. Phoebe K. E. E. Linton, which has been In litigation for a number of years. The restraining order was secured by Charles S. Linton, her son, and was con ditioned on the' giving of a bond for $300. The bond wa not furnished, consequently the sheriff did not comply with the order. The decree of foreclosure was secured by the John Morris estate from Judge Button under a mortgage given by Adolphus Lin ton, husband of Phoebe Unton, to secure a loan of H4,7t.:. The sale was set. for 10 o'clock Tuesday morning and before that time Linton, through his attorney, John O. Telaer, secured the restraining order to pre vent the sale. In the same petition a new trial of the foreclosure case was demanded. Errors In the proceedings and Irregularities In the giving of the mortgage were among the reasons given why a new hearing should be allowed. Linton also set up an ante-nuptual agreement between his mother and father that her property should go to htm In trust for the children. In pursuance of this agreement a deed to the property was given to Kate Remnant, who, on the same day, it Is alleged, transferred the property to Adolphua Linton, he at the am time executing a declaration of trust. This deed was filed in the register of deds office Monday, after, according to a nota tion on the back of It. It had been lost for several years. The contention In the peti tion la that the property could not be held for Adotphus Linton's debts. It is also al leged new evidence has been found. Charles 8. Unton also filed In the regis ter of deeds offloa a notice of the suit In order to protect his Interests In the title to the property. Tha sheriff's sale waa held shortly after 11 o'clock and the Omaha property brought 117.19. The new move, It Is said, mill add new complications to the settlement of the caae.' - . also stated that corn has not done aa well on the DeWltt-Holdrege line' during the week as it would have done with more moisture. In the dry places on the Mc Cook division reports do not Indicate that any damage has been done, but that more rain will be needed soon. There are no dry places on the Lincoln division and pros pects for corn are good. In accordance with previous report po tatoes are an average crop aa to yield and quality. Pastures and meadows are m excellent condition generally. Pastures have prac tically recovered from the dry weather during the first half of June. The third crop of alfalfa Is looking well. Indications are for a crop of sugar beets on the Lyons line considerably above the average, and a good average crop In other places where sugar beets are raised In this district. Indications are for a very large apple crop and a fair crop of peaches. NO EXCESSIVELY DRY GROUND While Soma flections Need Mora MeUtnre, All Portions Are in Goon Condition. The Burlington's soil and crop report for the Nebraska district for the week ending August i shows there was more or less rain In all parts of the district during the week, but reports Indicate there was not enough to keep soil In condition to produce best results, In places between Oxford and Wray on the main line and between Orleans and Hemdon on McCook division, also be tween Pe Witt and Jlaldroge and on the Concordia branch of Wymore division. Ground Is not exceedingly dry In any part of this territory, but more moisture would be helpful. . Threshing of winter wheat continued with considerable interruption because of rain and with results so far aa yield la con cerned about aa Indicated by previous re ports. Moat of the oats were put Into the stack during the week and Indications are for better than half a crop. Wherever barley Is raised the crop la good. There is very little spring wheat raised In this district. Corn has generally made good growth during the week. The report from the su perintendent of the Wymore division states that com has been damaged by dry weather la places on Us Concordia branch. It la NEW CLUB OF COLORED, MEN Progressive Leaarne of Donglas Connty Organised nnd De mands Recognition. Colored cltlxens of Omaha and South Omaha organised the Progressive League of Douglas County at Fraternity hall Mon day night. As announced the object of the league is to "promote and protect, by united and Intelligent action, the civil, po litical and business Interests of the colored people In this community." A manifesto that the republican political managers demand representation on the legislative ticket was agreed to and Mil lard F. Singleton was endorsed unanimously as the favored candidate for the place. nev. John Albert Williams was elected president and H. V. Plummer secretary The business of the organisation is to be transacted by an executive committee of nineteen members composed of the admin istrative officers and one member from the Omaha wards and two from South Omaha. Following Is the communication to the republican leaders: To the Managers of the Republican Party i'uum v.ouniy, iNeo. oentle men: Relieving that our votinn and unquestioned loyalty to the republican I party entitles us to better recognition hn we as a people hitherto have received, we as representatives of the negro race In niuniy respectruuy but emphat ically demand that some comnetent. im putable and representative negro, who will be generally satisfactory to all the people, be given a place on the legislative ticket to iw ennsen mis ihii.,n. V... V. - . , . - - ... ,,lai viiupic i ot one or our i race filing will be folly unless he Is sup ported by and taken into one of the regular ! organisations, we demand that whoever Is so chosen be put upon one of the regular slates. We are not Interested In the republican factional tights, but we are interested In the election of some representative negro to the legislature. J-or eight years we have been Ignored In this matter and there seems to be a dis position in the republican party to refuse proper recognition to the negro vote. If It be the wish of the republican managers to repudiate and alienate the negro vote they can do so. In the event that our race Is given a place on the legislative ticket we pledge our selves to do all in our power for the elec tion of the entire ticket. and Return August 12-13 Good for Extension Returning to Sept. 30. Special Nebraska G. A. R. Train Aug. 11, 8:30 p. m. Regular Train8 7:50 a. m. and 8:23 p. m. CITY OFFICES: 1401-3 Farnam Street Children's Oxfords There's a fine variety of Children's Oxfords here. Roys' and Girls' sires In Oxfords, Illuchers. (llon Ties, etc. Our Oxfords will fit the child's foot properly. Most Oxfords don't. Rrlng In the children. Kid or patent leather, or canvas, with low or spring heels. $1.25 to $2.50 According to Bii. The children's feet we fit with Ox fords will te fitted comfortably. BEE OIR CHILDREN'S WINDOW. SALE OF LADIES' WHITE WASH SUITS mm THE RELI&BLK STRE i in i .. .. J Omaha Head quarters for Real Bargains Mfgrs.' Sample Bed Spreads Worlh regularly up to $2.50 on 7tZr sale Wednesday at ' Handsome fringed nnd hfmmod Spreads, in a variety of patterni. No on in need of anything in this lino should misa this opportunity, aa It ia seldom such a splendid chance presents itself. Cotne early Wednesday. FRY SHOE CO. THE BHOERB, 16th and Douglti Sti. i J """ 11111 ' IM I Grand Notion Sale Wednesday Our weekly notion sales are always of keenest interest to Omaha ladies. First, because they have the largest stock in tha west to select from; second, the articles offered are of highest quality; third, the prices mean a saving of one-half to four-fifths. Two package bet gold eye. Xeedlea for One spool Mark Darning Cotton for Three-yard roll of Tape, all nlzen, for One card Hump Hooks and Eyes for Two package good Pins for Two packages best nair Plna for Two spools Silk Thread for lc lc lc lc lc lc lc Two spools Hasting Thread for Two dozen Hooka and Kyra for Two yards Ilaby Ribbon for One dozen Nursing Pins for , Odd balls Crochet Cotton for One dozen Pearl Buttons for Two Thimbles, best quality, for IC Hundreds of other le articles on this tables also 2ic, 4Je, TW nd 12&c tables, on which the values mean from HALF to THREE-FOURTHS SAVING to our customers. Ic lc lc lc lc lc 4 HJth firOa y uu v ) WK III Mk Wwow 1 1 1 sy v 1 to 1 1 i I I n i n mm j". "v s n-5jj jm rv ran I 1 GRAPE JUICE Less Than One-Half Price We have Just purchased at our own price a car load of GRATE Jl'ICK and are offer ing at retail at much less than It has ever been sold at wholesale In Omaha before. Malto-Orapo-Grape Juice, 25c pt. size 14c Malto-Oritpo-Qrape Juice, 25c pt. size. one doien 11.30 Malto-Urapo-Grape Juice, 60c qt. size 24c Malto-Grapo-Grape Juice, Boc qt. size. one dozen S2.25 Malto-Grapo-Grape Juice, $1.00 V, gallon size 47c Malto-Grapo-Grape Juice, H gallon size, cane H dozen $2.25 If you use grape Juice at all this Is an opportunity. Delivery free to any part of the three cities in full case quantities. Sherman & M'Connell Drug Co., Corner ISth and Dodge Sis Omaha You Can See NEW FALL STYLES IN OUR WINDOWS 3 Best Men's Suit Values Ever Shown in OmahaJ50and "Q00 light, Medium and Heavy Weights. CRABAPPLES CRABAPPLFS Large, one-third bushel, fancy Siberian or Whitney Crabapples. for les. for IP. jelly, nothing finer per basket , aJC COLORADO CHERRIES FOR CANNING 24-quart cases of fancy Colorado Red Sweet Cherries, for canning C per case 10 D FIGHT ON WITH THE BANANA TRUST Now is your chance to buy this delicious table fruit cheap. The trust is light ing, and their loss is your gain tomorrow we will sell this delicious , A fruit that is regularly sold for 15c and 20c, tomorrow our price, doz. . . '. llC LEMONS LEMONS LEMONS LEMONS Large, juicy, fancy Messina Lemons, per dozen , MAVDE&ti BROS 15c LOW CRATES VIA Everything new. ahead of the regu lar season so we can flt you now in styles to be worn for fall. $3.50 or $4.00 BUYS UP-TO-DATB Walk-Over Shoes Be a leader of fashion, wearing the I Desi quality or shoes from the Walk-Over Shoe Store, H Ed 1521 Farnam St. 8. Thompson, the Walk-Over Man. lw Ronnd Trip Rates Tin Chlenao, Mllwnnkee A St. Panl Ry. One fare plus $2.00 for 15-dy ticket, one fare plus $4.00 for 30-day ticket, on sale dally to many points in Canada and west ern New Tork, and on August 8th and 22d and September 6th and 19th to many New England points. Tell us where you want to go and we will give you the best rates for your trip. Call at city ticket office. 1&24 Farnam street, or write to T. A. NASH. General Western Agent. Omaha. Neb. Low Rate Esrnrsloa tn Jtw York Cltr On August 28 and ! the NU-kel Plate road will sell tickets to New Tork Cltr and return, at rate of one fare plus $10u, from Chicago. Peturn limit, September 1 leaving New Tork City. For detailed In formation call on or address John T. Cala han, general agent. No. 191 AOaoxm street. Chicago. AND RETURN August 11,12,13. RETURN LIMIT AUG. 22nd. Tickets good tn Coaches and Chair Cars, also in Pullman Cars upon payment of Pullman rate. FOUR DAILY FAST TRAINS Leave Union Station 8:15 A.M., S.16 A.M., 4:06 P.M., :I6 P.M. Ticket Office 1 323 Farnam NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT It Will Savo you tlmo and money Jf you will nso .... THE BEE WANT ADS FROM OMAHA $15.00 $17.50 $26.50 $30.50 $34.30 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $62.50 $75.00 e Colorado and metarn Tlckete on sale Sept. 1 to St fnc rostra, To Colorado and Return . Daily to Beptember $0. To Ofdea or SaM fence City and Bstara First and third Tuesdays, July to No vember, Inclusive. To Orden or Salt Xrfkke Cltr and aetvm Every day to September $0. To Helena and Rat, and Return First and third Tuesdays July to No vember, Inclusive. To Van rmaolsoo ot Los Angela and Retain, Hepteraber S to 14. To TeUowstone Fnxk and Return Including rail nnd stage dally So September IT, To Portland, Taeoma, B.attle, or to San Frnaolsoo, X,os Angeles, Rnn Diego and Return, dally to Kept. 14. To California, Returning- via Fortlnnd September $ to 14. To TeUowatone Fark and Return Inoluding real, staae and hotels In park beyond Tellowstone for five aid one-halt day trip. Laily to Sept. 17. Batli Wa.nts Look over our stock of Bath Outfits and see If there isn't something you need. $2.00 Bath Spray tl.W (With Rubber Massage Brush.) $2.00 Infant Rath Brushes $1.25 $2.00 Rubber Sponges $1.00 (The Large Ones.) $1.60 Bath Brushes 96c (With and Without Handles ) $1.00 Bath BruHhes 50c - i. w . niia nr.i.. BOc t'dor (for Excessive Perspira tion) t 8Sc BeaJoi Drug Co., 15lh and Farnam Sit. The Drug Store noted for accuracy. YOUR MORNING SMOKE For the convenience of our custonifir nho desire n fresh cigar in the mornln . UUr WUl Open at 6:10 A. M. every morning. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., 10 tn Ac Farnam Street. Also rery low round-trip rates, every day to September 16, to maay other Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho and British Columbia potntc Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FAUN AM ST. Thone DongJaa 83. No Filthy Sensations THE OMAHA DEE Best tiT. West Xr a i OMAHA to MINNEAPOLIS and RETURN VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD 'The Short Line to Minneapolis." ACCOUNT I1ATIQIIAL EHCAMPMEHT G. A. R. Tickets on sale August 11, 12 and 13. Long Return Limit. Leave Omaha, 8:00 a. m.j Arrive Minneapolis, 6:50 p. m. Leave Omaha, 8:30 p. m. Arrive Minneapolis, 7:25 a. m. Tickets good in both Standard and Tourist Sleepera. City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam 8t, Omaha 1 HOTKI.S. "COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE. ftt th NVw Tranflrnt, Bt Built, Fireproof HOTEL WOODSTOCK. m-lU W. u, r. oat Broaolvar. N. T. Cll. 3 t.nrag wt ot Oraad i ioUl aJ fa ff Lonsaara ot mm fiquar. tb ry lutrt f tki city. In tbe ot tfa lhnvLrs fto4 clube ad rmi the feopplo dlrtrtat Subway n4 "L ' ruadj &nd Bfutdva? eara adJaoMit. hirers tec oca lodattoo lor kj. Mo4ra roooaa r bath. Ui nout all light room aad aultaa vlia prtvata baia, IS t aotra raataaraat. ftftuale. W. H. VaVUQl Jfl fB. Ua Haul Hrwba- tvi 111 r.-r a. GOOD TOABI DEBEBVES TUB L Sj. )v yy - BEBT EE "'.'T ( -jr Always ioular bn'ame It Is pleas- m L '- .i'J ani, rfrthlng and aiiputlilog. S2'Vi' . ij' Jstur Brswln Co o. Omaba, rtaoss S S 1 I X. JL i Omaha Headquarters: HL(JJ F. HII.Z, Hth an.l f S I vv. MITC111-U Main 61.. UeL .