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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
6 TTTE OMAIIA SUNDAY DEE: AUGUST 5. 1000.' D FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE SAVE RENT! One of the Three Fine Buy Modern New Homes S. W: Corner 41st and Hamilton Sts. W Just completed three etrlctly modern houoes of 7 rooms each, at the 8. W. corner rf 41st and Hamilton 8ts. The location la very desirable, the ground la hlph and sightly, cat front, about 3 foot terrace, large maple shade trees, 44xl20-foot lota, close to car. Stores and school, cement street and Inside walks. One house is finished in mahogany, one in oak and the other in flemish, 3 rooms and large reception hall on the first floor, 4 bed rooms and large bath room on second floor, full cellar, bricked way down, first class plumbing, electric light, furnace heat, out Bid cellar entrance, sink in cellar, in fact everything first class and up-to-dat. Corner LouBe 3,650, other two 3.600 each. Can arrange terms. This Is Your Opportunity to Get A Home of Your Own. Ready to move Into and save rent, built of first class material and the best of workmanship. Call at our office and we will be pleased to show you through. Houses will be open today between 4 and C p. m. Hastings & Heyden, Houses Built 1704 FARNAM STREET. F- D. WEAD Tins LIST OF PROPERTYS MUST BE SOLD IN 30 DAYS. Three 8-room cottages, with summer kitchens and city water, newly painted on outside, new roofs on each, new perma nent sidewalk, on Maple, near 31st. All three can be bought for $1.W. on easy terms, or would sell separately at B7i0 ch on monthly payments; houses rent lor $7.26 each. l-room cottar on North 17th St., near Nicholas, east front oil 17th, with paving fully paid; for Quick cash sale $1.0u0, or I1.2O0 on time. Two houses, flat and Walnut; owner foing to California: muat be sold this week a a snap for both at SI, W0. T-room house on 21st and Grace, newly painted outside, with cement walk, papered and painted on Inside, plenty of shade and fruit trees and shrubs; neat home In No. 1 repair and can be sold at a bargain; owner leaving city; for quick sale $2,100. S-Toom. on Ames Ave., east of !4th St., south front, on paved street and fully pal"! for; neat cottage with small barn, plenty of fruit trees and. Iron fence In front; nap, $1,600. S-room cottage on Charles and Mth Sts., with city water and electric light, south front; can be sold $SiO down, balance $1 per month 41,375. 5- room cottage on South 29th, near Hans com park; au0 cash, balance monthly at 16 per month 81.3J6. 6- roorn, on North 19th St.. near Lake, city water, cement walks, good home, at S1.600. modern exppDt furnace, hss porcelain bath, marble wash bowl, gas In very room, brick walk, rents t 118 per month, on sale this week at $1,760. Two T-room houses, Nos. BCT-SK31 Decatur, full lot to each one, $150 cash, balance monthly; $1,260 each. T-room house and small barn, south front, good repnlr, on Martha St., west of Hans com Park; S1.S00. 8-room modern house, on West Farnam, with 2-story barn, good furnace In No. 1 repair; owner says sell st $3.6oo If sold next w F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. RE The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 297. 211 So. 14th St. 1500 cash, balance monthly payments, for 2103 Manderson St. A first-class 6 room cottage with bath, gas, sewer, city water, etc.; corner lot. This Is in a good neighborhood and will al ways rent. Price, 11,800. ttSOO-On Franklin St. near 83d. 6-room cot tage, full lot. 11.6S6 1524 Bo. th St.. 8-room houne with bath, closet, sewer, etc., east front; permanent walk and paving paid. $S,50 On Spalding St., a new T-room all modern home; lot 60124. The best bargain on our list for the money. $6,260 N. W. cor. 24th and Capitol Ave. A good corner lot for brick Hats. A good 7-room modern house. $1X600 On Park Ave. near the "Norman dle," 10-room thoroughly modern home; fine east front lot, shrubbery and trees, barn. INVESTMENTS $8.000 I houses close In, renting for $35 per month. SS.C00 4 houses close in, renting for ICS per month. Bi.260 4 houses close in, renting for 148 per month. $6,6004 bouses on corner lot, paving and permanent walks; rent $56 per month. ACREAGE 80 acres on West Dodge road; good 6-ronm house, barn, corn crib, etc., good well. This Is a fine garden or fruit piece 82,500. 10 acres I miles, north of Florence, new buildings. 83.760. M0 acres In Washington county near Cal houn at 800 an acre. RB Orchard Hill Bargain I finely located, all modern horns ' of eight large rooms, with modern bath; largo closets In all bed ., rooms; cemented cellar, separate vegetable cellar; extra good fur Bace; barn, electric lighted, room for four horses, three vehicles. Everything about the place Is In the best of repair; 1V blocks to car. Price, $6,600. Will give terms. This is a bargain. Owner is leav ing city and has piaced price far below actual value. Be us at one about U. BENSON & CARMICHAEL 1 6U Paxton Block. RE MSB 877-ACRE FARM 10 MII.FS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ooo4 Improvements. 100 acres cultivated. 81 acrea meadow, balance pasture : Una orch rd; well stocked with cattle, bogs, horeus and machinery, which all go with farm; poaeslon at once; prlca. per acre. IL. U. JseVt, l J MU l dl, v,uuutu uiuus. Rli-440 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE to Order. GROUND FLOOR. BEE BUILDING, RE- RESIDENT SNAP -room residence, barn, shade, fruit and ornamental trees, cement walks, modern except furnace, best of plumbing, one block from car line, nice neighborhood. Clifton Hill; easy terms; Immediate posses sion; $3,J0 , W. O. SHRIVER, J 1028 New York Life Bldg. RE 464 S W. II. GATES. 617 New York Life Building;. Phone Douglas 1294. $600. 00 A four room cottage and around 117108. on 7th Are., near Bancroft street, renting at 6.00. A nice place to raise chickens and a great bargain for one wanting a cheap place. $1,275.00 A jtory" and a half five room house, with water, aewer and gas, in good order, on 2 2d street near Man derson; owner need.t money and would rent the house and pay $16.00 per month, or give possession any time A good thing for some one. $1,500.00 A ten-room two-story house on 21st near Dorcaa; large barn and lot. 50x220. $2,000.00 Five-room cottage, most new, modern except furnace, well built and a nice home, barn and a corner lot, two blocks to car. $2,200.00 Five-room cottage at 1816 North 22nd St., east front, lot 33x140, all fenced, chicken house and coal shed. $3.400.00 Eight-room full two- story house, built by owner for a home, on 23rd near Manderson, large rooms water, sewer and gas and toilet, two cisterns with pumns. nice cellar bricked up, front and side porch, lot 60x124, cherry trees and currant bushes, chicken house; these improve ments alone would cost today $8,000 i.ouu.uu seven-room nouse on 18th lust north of Manderson. modern except furnace, in very good order and wen ouiit, east front, lot 60x140. . 13,000.00 Seven-room modern house on Maple near 21st, about four years old, underfeed furnace, lot 60 122, the lot is well worth $1,000.00 and you cannot build the house for tZ.BOO.OO. A good six-room modern house most new and up-to-date, in western nar of city on corner lot, for $2,800.00, on very easy terras, now vacant, pos session at once. 88x140 east front on 19t.h (Boule vard) near urace. for 8750.00.. 44x133 on Burdette near 22nd, for , RB- Eighteenth St 8-room house. mndm hnt n class condition; fine lot, shade trees, good barn, and Is rented for $.100 per year. House No. 2635 N. 18th 8t. This Is a good home within close reach of the 8herman Ave- or the Dodge St. car lines. Price, $-.300; half cash at 6 per cent per sonum. ROBINSON & WOLF, 423 Paxton Block. RE 410 I INVESTMENTS. To trade, 600 acres unencumbered, near Winnipeg. Canada, for Omaha Improved property. Two new 8-room modern brick flats, elosa In, $.j0 rental, $10,0)4. Two 8-room modern brick, $900 rental, $7,500. Frame houses, $M0 rental, $6,750, N. W. cor. 13th and Dorcaa. 2 brick and on frame dwelling. $52 rental, $4,000. Oood West Farnam district lots. $1 500. 86x109. west front on 36th St., bet. Burt and Webster, pavlnsf paid, $1,000. 8. E 28th and Howard. Biihmlt offer, nj N. 13th ft., 3"xH ft., $:.30. 10 acres eist of Benson. 12.500. 6 acrea near Fort Omaha, $l.fXt. 1W4 N. rth St., 6 rooms, $1,600. 19th. near Clark. 40xH0 ft.. $1,100. 16th. north Vinton. VxlW ft., $1.5fV. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OlD P O. RE-87& LOT CLOSE IN WHY buy a lot In the outskirts of the city sna pay raw to shout i win s ir you my fine lot, i'M, on lKth Bt , half blcrk north of l-ake, for J600. You can build 24-foot w'.d house and still have 1 feet vacant ground on either side of yuur house; good neighborhood: $ blocks to two car lines; street once paved, curbing In, permanent walk, city water, sewer and gas. Call at 80S N. Y. Life or telephone Red 7442. BB-a 5x OWNER leaving city; must sell; beau tlful home overlooking park; t rooms; modern, fruit and shade; large barn; fine borne, 7 rooms, modern, beautiful lot, large barn, very easy payments. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., Douglas Block. I RB M418 SAMPSON & SONS, (08 Dm Bldg 'Phone Douiclas W4& BUY, SELL, AND RENT PROPERTY. BE-M982 WK haven't all the residences In Omaha for aai, but have soma at the right price; talk to us, please. C. R. Glover A son. room 3. main floor, N. T. Life. 'Phone Douglas 133. RE 437 6 FOR BALE. 8-room cottage, city water, cistern and gas, 2118 N. rth Ave.; price, $1,260. W T. Heft. 1211-13 Farnam Bt. KC-878 6x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. We want offers on the south went corner of 11th and K;in croft Bis. around IV.x.M fret, on which there Is a good 8 room cottage, barn and larjre Shade trees. This Is an excel lent opportunity for a chicken ranch or garden. The price Is reduced frcm $i5nn to $:.. but owner must leave the city and will not refuse any rea sonable offer. Easy terms If desired. Noith 27th street, south of Lake. 7-room house, city water, cistern, g. cement cellar, nil In good condition, lot 4ixtt. Kastern owner says sell for II. coo. This Is a snap snd If you It Is ou wish to see It come before gone. 6-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, built less then a year ago. This has 6 large rooms and large reception hail. Oood-slxed lot and only one block from Dodge St. car line. This Is on 77th Ave. near Lake, and can be bought for $1,850 If taken at once. On Lake near 29th, T-room house, modern except furnncc. In excellent condition. Owner must have monry at once and must sacrifice his home for 12,1X0. This Is the biggest snap In the north end of town. SOUTH OMAIIA On 24th St. near O, 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace, electric lights and excel lent repair. Owner paid $:',!H and must sacrifice for 82,6(10 If taken within the next two weeks. This Is right on 24th St. All paving taxes and spe cial taxes are paid. On 28th St.. near J, 8-room cottage. In good repair, with I city water and good large lot, 1 60x160. This would make a good business corner. The i, price on this now is $700. VACANT I Do not buy a lot until you have seen our new Smith Sub. at 26th Ave. and Spencer. Lots bought above grade will have sewer, city water, permanent walks and shade trees. Prices 8360 to $660. Good south front lot on Fowler Ave., Just west of Flor ence Boulevard; city water and permanent sidewalks; best lot in north end at $6oo. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1820 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 1064. RE 414 DORCAS ST., 6 rooms, $18.60 ; also 6- room house, coat snea. wen. cistern fruit and ornamental t roses, -8 blocks from car. 111.60. 2611 N. 19th Ave., rooms; price 12,660; 6-room house, Lind say Ave.. 81,200. SOUTH OMAHA 8-room cottage; rents 86: 4-room: rents 87: both on one lot 40th and P Sts.; price, $1,000 for a few days. Two acres, 8-room house, barn. well and pump, cave; fenced nog tigni; some iruu; very signuy; price L. L. JOHNSON CO., Barker Block. RE 415 6 TALK WITH HANOVER! Buy a home and stop paying rent, can sell you lots close In from $300 up. Pay for lot and we will Dutia you a nome on mommy installments.' Will sell you one to tan acres close In st $2&0 per acre, end a food ranch In Nebraska from $3.50 up. alk with Hanover, 1614 Emmet St. BE 445 S COTTAGE of five well arranged rooms, on lot 45xio0, for sale; close to car and within walking distance downtown. Call 2527 N. Uth. RE 367 6x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and 6 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-768 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 764 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., U-X) Farnam St. i W 765 BUILDING Loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ranige Blk. W-756 LOWEST RATES Bemia, Paxton Block. W-7S7 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. W-777 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business snd resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, It. 1, N. Y. Life. W-758 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W 768 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W-760 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Tbomas, 60a First National Bank Bldg. W-761 LOANS made on Omaha Improved prop erty; also for building purposes. Hast ings Heyden, 1704 Farnam. W 63 26 LOW rates. Private money. $500 and up, CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. W LOANS made on Omaha Improved proi- erty; also for building purposes, nasi tngs & Heyden. 1704 Farnam. W Sfi1 5 FOR SALE FARMS GRAIN AND STOCK FARM 490 acrea level land, soil Is of black vegetablo mold on a heavy clay subsoil, Is very rich, works fine, having no rocks or stones; 200 acres In cultivation, balance pnsture and hay land; good fences, heds and other outbuildings snd windmill; neat 6-room dwelling. Price, only $10 an acre. It would make an Ideal home. PAYNE INVESTMENT Co. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1751. H-MSS9 T Two Low Rate Excursions On August 7 we have an excursion from Omaha to Pierre, 8. D . and also to Akron Colo. Rate to Pierre and return, only $7.05 to Akron and return, only $12.30. This Is considerably less thsn one fur for the entire, round trip. You nil) have to call early Tuesday to secure tickets st this low rate, as the number limited. 'Phone Douglas 4603. and make arrangements. CONTINENTAL REALTY CO., 82-36 U. S. National Dank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. H-M273 t FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out Its lands In western Ne braska, Colorsdo and Wyoming. From $8.00 to $5.00 per aore. Take advantage of the low prices and asy terms offered, the opportunity IU soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the lands. For further Information spply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, $18 South 15th Bt., Omaha, Neb. H-M-215-4. LEVEL corn land for sale and exchange; Free lists. IL U Craven Co., Onawa, la. a- FOR SALE FARMS F VMOVS SOUTH PLVTTF In eastern Colorado. This val-, ley land In less than three' years will be worth more -than double the price we can de liver NOW. The finest, rich est valley land In the world, producing 8100 per year In sugr beefs, at $4 to $76 per acre; adjoining land cannot be bought of owners (who nre using their land), for leas than $1'0 to $150. A $1,000,000 sugar factory Just built within 40 rods' haul. Also 75,000 acres st $S to $, which, as soon as propnsed cnnal Is constructed, will be worth $50 to $150; almost ad joins the other and soli Im mensely rich, warm and re sponsive. If you wnnt a magnificent In vestment and can't go and farm, we will rent back of you and pay you 10 per cent on your Investment (no taxes) and make $ years lease. Special railroad rate of only $14.70 round trip. Fine, ex hilarating trip. G slong. Every Tuesday. Far re funded If you buy 40 seres. Write or cnll at once and see samples of 1908 crops. riTT 4 O T71 TT'TT X T 4 lfCAf I liLtYO Tj. W JljljliV.UiViN f U. S. National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H- 640 ACRES ONLY $4 AN ACRE Five miles from Sidney, county seat of Cheyenne county. Soli is a black vege table mold on a heavy' clay subsoil; Is very rich and works fine; no stones. PAYNE INVESTMENT Co. First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. H-M393 7 COME WHERE CROP8 NEVER FAI Free Information about Irrigated land in the Grid ey Colonies. Butte Co.. Culifor- nla. No crop failures on Irrigated land. Flvo to six croiis alfalfa every season. Dairying and stock raising highly profita ble. Peaches, grapes, figs and English walnuts give big profits. Abundant water ror irrigation at low rates, a lerme ana crosnerous section, with good schools. churches and good roads. Two railroad. Ootid market. Qn hundred families have settled at Grldley the last year. Many more coming. Write for free printed matter. CHAS. F. O'BRIEN. Gen'l Mgr.. Ilia rost Bt., Ban Francisco, Cat H- BUY LAND IN COLORADO AT $5.00 TO $10.00; PRODUCING. 85 BUSHEL IH RI M WHEAT AND 60 BUSHEL OATS PER ACRB, FARMED BY THE CAMPBELL SYSTEM. PLOW, HARROW AND SEED WITH ONE WORKING STEAM POWER. WILL TAKE A CAR IXJAD OF BUYERS IN PRIVATE CAR ABOUT SEPTEMBER 15. WRITE FOR PAR TICULARS. SPECIAL RATES. U. S. SALES BUREAU. 304 NEVILLE BLOCK. OMAHA, NEB. AGENTS IOWA AND NEBRASKA. H M424 6 Cheap "Western Lands 1,000,000 acres Colorado, Kansas and Ne braska lands, xz to $3.50 per acre. Gov ernment homesteads located. Printed lists giving legal description and prices, also .THE STERLING f NV ESTMENT CO., 801 Front St., Sterling, Colo. H FOR SALE Best equipped poultry farm In eastern Nebraska: laying house 266 feet long; colony houses; Incubator house, 12x18 feet; brooder house and everything In fllrst claaa shape; 8-horse-power gasoline engine for grinding feed, green bone and clover cutting. Address A. J. Klepser, Weeping Water, Neb. H 408 6 Western Kansas Wheat Lands 60.000 acres of fine wheat lands, $4.00 to $15.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb., and Bloux city, la. HM m All FOR BALE Best bargain in South Dakota, 640 acres. Snlnk Co.: heavy, black land. Very easy payments. For full particulars addrers K. Mather, owner, ceaar Ma pins. la. H 296 6 FOR RENT ACREAGE TWENTY acres with house and barn. Ill 8. 16th St. M159 FOR EXCHANGE ' K " TO EXCHANGE for stock A merchandise department store building in town of 1.600. Strictly modern. Rented for long time at $100 per month. Price $16,000. Write to Box 206, Plainviow, Neb. Z M601 Aug IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad 111 ana you will soon get It. WANTED To exchange a good lot for I9u6 automobile. L 14. care Bee. Z-M874 Aug4x FOR SALE OR TRADE $16,000 stock r.' .mr'tei, JL00 "."'J building and dwelling In good western Iowa town. Address Z. P. Jones, Omaha. Neb. Z M229 4x FOR SALE OR TRADE. 8,600 acres of very rich farming and pas- ture land, seven miles from Callawtiy. 600 acres under cultivation, two sets of buildings and a very desirable place. He duced from $10 to $8 per acre for quick sale or trnde. This Is a snap. Address R. E. BREOA, Callaway, Neb. Z M305 7 A good farm of 330 acres, seven-room house, barn, cow' barn: some cultivated. parly fenced; lies 2 mllea from In's- vale. Alberta, Canada; clear of Incum brance; to exchanre for Omana property. I. N. IlAMMONl). Itl Board of Trade. Z-391 6 WANTED City property for 160 acres land near Meadow Urove, wanmon couniy. Neb. Sampson & Sons, tio8 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 3800. Z 3, J 6 WANT Nebraska farm land In exchange for Omaha residence, r reerann, hut- dette. Omaha. Z M370 6x WANTED TO EXCHANGE. Small hunch blooded Herefords for eot- tape In Omaha; splendid chance to stock small farm. RH1MER & CHASE CO., 16i9 Farnam St. Ground Floor. Doug. SS67. TO EXCHANGE Prefer stock of goods: 80 acres choice, level lana. near couniy seal, Uolvoko. Colo., clear; choice t-room resi dence, close In. Cedar Rapids, la., OftO, mnrmip 31.400: five clear lots In Crete, Neb.; together or s para to. R. M. Bettee- worth. Cedar Rapids, la. ii 0 in ACTiKS well Improved farm In Wood son county, Kansas, and (40 acrea In Hamilton county. Kansas; prairie land; Incumbrance 32.600; want city property or ' merchandise for either. Frank ! Co.. 321 Neville. Z 41. 6 HAVE client who wants to exchange a few seres close In for city property. Also have randies In Nebraska that can be exchanged for umuna property, b. Hanover, 114 Emmet Bt. Z 4i( 6 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED A $10,000 losn on first class real estat. security; 6 per cent Interest. Wilts in n. rl rioiiil Neb V 167 5x JJ-ll 11,(1 ' "i i--p- MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 6821. "o Aus2t FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. TeL Doug. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 1KvVEl" European hotel, Uth snd Farnam. iDoug. 611 O.M. E.IIaul Trunks E-728 Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. FOR RENT 1 or 8 beautiful rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, very central. Woodjard Art Co., 618 Broadwsy., Co. Bluffs. v E-M126 CAPITOL HOTEL. lKth and Capitol Ave.. soutn front; rooms with or without board. E 7.W FURNISHED room In new modern house. I EJUS Douglas Bt. E 835 FURNISHED rooms; private family. 'phone red 7141. 2422 Charles St. " E M2S1 fix TWO furnished rooms, with board; prl- I vaie ramuy; suitable for two gentlemen; i reierencei required, i.m t'srs avo. IS SI . Ho fix TWO nicely furnished rooms for light Housekeeping; $12 a month. .'O'S Davenport Ht. E M274 6x ROOMS No. 12. Wlthnell Bldg.. 15th snd Harnev. 2 rooms, steam heat $15 No. 16. Wlthnell P da. 13th and Harnev. J rooms, steam heat $20 N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 Farnam Street. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In strictly private family to one or two ladles with xeierences. KeasnnahPe. S. 13tn. First-class house In Stanford Circle. E M395 7x DF.8IRABLE rooms and board, references. 1610 S. 10th St. - v 111 FOUR ground floor rooms, furnished for housekeeping. 122 8. 26th St. E M44S X LARGE front room; also one smaller, mod ern. Close In. 614 N. 2Sd. E M420 B ONE large south room; modern; hot water heat. i:JS Capitol Ave. E Mv I FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-731 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. NICELY furnished cool rooms, exoellent board rates reasonable. The Rose, mm Harney St. F MtW7 A27x TWO large steam heated rooms, family table, live minutes from Bee nicig. m a. 18th. F-MOT bx NICE cool airy rooms, close In, with home cooking. 202 8. Z6th Bt. t ai m in UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL, 8 rooms; bath. Tlsard, 820 N. zid. U M1S1 TWO ground floor rooms, for housekeeping, with steam nest, siz. vu a. am en G-M442 X BUSINESS CHANCES y. v irlM, -r i , UJ 1UU loll l.u iXLtute a vu.augc if you have a farm, home, business or prop- ,rty Vha" yott Mil or exchD write u? eciiau" olobk LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. Y-M172 Ag3l FOR SALE OR TRADE Store building and residence combined: ten rooms on beat corner In Monroe. Neb., also $3,000 drug stock in same town; go well in above building. r20-acre ranch In Knox Co., Neb.; dwelling, Darn, water, etc., io per acre, aiso gooa farms In Bon Homme Co.. 8. D. and some small tracts near town and State Normal ischool. Large Hat sent on appli cation. George W. Suow, Sprinfleld, 0. D. x MZUl iix FOR SALE Nice clean stock of millinery foods in town ol 2,000 inhabitants; only one other millinery stock in town; good business; r called away of the best up-to-date : F. W. Crew 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Address Q 64, care of Bee. X ill BEST drug stock tn southeast Nebraska; about ,ouo cash required; sales $uuu; pront $6,000. Address K. 47, Bee. Y-M566 Augtl BAKERY goods, cigars. confectionery school supplies, laundry agency; a nice little business, across irom nne scnooi, l - -.. ) l. . . AlM .. . 1 ....... . . ' L"cii.iu """.,r'"". c-.ll.tI.iW ZTSr i-nCVrT WANTED Man with small capital, to join ness, shirts and gents' furnishings for k. .-u. tuM me in an esiauusnea nianuiaoiui ing ousi- to good, sober man: experience unneces- sary If ablo to furnish good references. Addresa L L Bae. Y M164 FOa SALE A first clsss Job cltlce with A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing three papers In surrounding towns; Job type all new; doing good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, ss this snap will not last long. Prices low. Address Box 616, Hastings, Neb. X M146 FOR gALB A stock of general mer- chandlse; Invoice about $25,000; in a good, prosperous South Dakota town; huainaaa laat vear over 170. OU0: best of reasons for selling. Address u l. car of Bee. Y M260 1 I PROFITS 8300 AND 8160 PER MONTH PrwDorI, fnln.; prices $1,000 and $1,000 caBh. Bend for statements. Must sell, account of serious ailment. Address White House Cafe, Cripple Creek, Colo I-HM t A LIMITED capital will purchase a good, progressive plumbing business. Personal r.ailons for discontinuing. Address L 4J, I .care Bee. Y-M266 (X EXCLUSIVE FROPOSITION-Cash capl- tfil reaulrea. looo: oronis ao per month: bound to Increase; previous experience in the business not necessary. Address L 48. Bee. x 386 5x pun, roller flour mill In lows, bargain for cash, or consider good Improved or un improved Nebraska land. J. 11. luggs, Waterloo, Neb. Y M30a 7 I HAVE an Irrigated fruit land proposition that will return 80 for every one Invested, posslblv more, but the above Is a conser vative estimate. Can handle Investments from 8100 up. Money Invested In this prop erty Is abaolutely ssfe. If you are Inter ested let me know at once, with the amount you are willing to Invest. Fullest A. Viture, Suite 3u6, Boston Blk., Seattle Wash. i mi dx r.PNTRAIi sales msnaeer wanted: well known manufacturing company, aoing largest buslneea of Its kind In the U. 8., desires to contract for term of years with capable, trustworthy man to take charge of branch office and manage Salesman in ill iiwn euy aiiu icoiunj a liberal salary will be paid, also good commissions and allowance made lor ofhoe expenses: manager must place on deposit $l,OoO during term of employment and furnish satisfactory references as to Integrity; salary and commission should average $30 monthly; rapid promotion assured right party. Address Manager Sa es Dept.. 13U3 Kector milt: Chicago. Y-325 5x POB B1IJJ-A $7,000 stock of general mer chandise stock and In beat condition; also store room. 36x78, with storage room attached. Address Lj. Leisiane i plana, Nb. y 3U ox YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L Bran- i dels ft Eons, Bankers, lGlh and Douglas Bts. Assets over mwaw. I 1.000 PER CENT profit We know of rallrosd stock that Is due for a phenomenal rise. Best people In financial orld now .(-cumulating. Write quick for nvramMIni nl&II that will D&V 1.UU0 per cent profit if advance comes and keep you from losing any but the original Investment If rise Oo-s not come. eaa Brokerage Co.. Bt. Louis. Y FOR BALE Furniture and lease, modern, 4o-room. brna noiei in e.ww wwn, a strictly commercial house. Best of rea sons for selling. Address L 4. care Pee z a 1 6 Td U1 1. to ,.turn on! LAtWDKT FOR SALE-$I,60O, In town of SSenii in ?hS tLw tor PCP': territory, good business, opening in tne aiaie ior 4,.-. una vi nu r.i- mllllner. Call on or address 1 xTv v ? . , St. Paul, Neb. Y M206 6 coln' Neb- Y-Mi39 Ox BUSINESS CHANCES Advertise. Advertise. COVER THE UNITED STATES. If VOU are Serkine rsnttal have artirl. ties real estate, mining claims, farms or a business to sell, or drslre good agents and salesmen. In fact, anything to advertise. USE MY SPECIAL TEN DOLLAR LIST. For W I Will Insert one time a 85-word classified adv., either under Agents. For Sale. Business Chances r under Business Personal headings. In Bonton Hersia, Indltnipotlt N"s. Om.ha n. Courier, Hnrlmiter p. Chrea. provtdvnc-e Tribune, Clereltnil Pltln lelr. Pes Moines II. A leader, Penver R.puMUan, Sn Fran. Chrnnlri. I'miitltutton, lUaa News, KmMi City Journal. rum. No. Asiertcsn, CWeeae Inter (- n. nma Pltutnirs bl.Mtch. Mw Hirin ld-r. It Louli (Hot t'tnv, aafthln.ton Font. MUwauk.o Free rrena. i mrliiiiatt Enquirer, MlnnDolli Trlhuna. D.lrolt Pre Pmt, Cost for each addltlnnal t wnrria tt Kit fnr the entire rombliintiun. This splendid com bination reaches over l.OiiO.t'W homes. GIVt THIS Lib! A TRIAL Rudolph Gucuther, 108 Fulton St, New York. MritB lur I 'limhiriM! Inn r.fTttru kl vaslna Lists. - Heierences: Any of the above papers. V- FOR BALE A veterinary hospital, 28x36, aim uiiiue i-xid: 2 doi atana. z finuiup stalls, 6 single stalls, operating table, f I rain room, buagy room, harness roum. arge mow room, good well, lot fenced with high board fence UlVx97 ft; nice trees on property; good drug stock P. 1. drugs; nice prescription counter, nice lurge block walnut dish, phone, folding bed, electric lights, sink, chairs, building all newly built this spring. Price $J,wn for property and practice. Have more money than that In Improvements. Also have i good driving hordes, 8 buggies, 2 sets of harness; will sell; terms cash. This Is certainly a bargain. Town of 1,400; prac tice exceeds $J,000 per year. Located at Cambridge, Neb. Dr II. A. Reugor. Y-298 6 FOR BALE Meat market In western Iowa couniy seat town of 3,000 Inhabitants; only muraeis; aoing nne business and making money; 6-ton capacity cooler, 4 horse gasoline engine; No. 62 Enterprise grinder; everything run by power and equipment all new and flrat-rlnaa- lillllna- 6 cattle per week; fine slaughter house oiHien on a acres Choice land half mile from town, all fenced hog tight; separate hide house, cattle sheds, hog sheds, self feedera for hogs and cattle, windmill, good water, equipped to feed car of cattle and 100 hogs easily. Owner Is going to dispose of same sccount falling health In family. This Is a splendid opportunity and will bear the strictest Investigation and Is a money-maker. No trades of anv kind con sidered. Swappers and lightweights save your stationery. Those wishing a bonaftde uusiness oargain acaresa u 24, care Bee. Y-291 6 PORTLANT cement. The manufacture of tnia important commodity la the most profitable Industry In the United States. The price Is steadily advancing. Kansas Portland cement the best made. We nave two thousand acres finest cement. vui, urn- eimie ana natural gas iann in !h,!;,fnmjiu" Ka"sa8 cement and gas dls- '' We own a. mountain of cement rock , ,ha, rl,ht at rallroaJ. Active de- velopment work now going on. A 1th our free gas fuel we can manufacture best quality Portland cement for 46c per barrel. Present selling price $1 0. Our thousand barrel per day plant will earn $1,260 dally. Ixjw capitalization. Treasury stock now 75c, par value $1.00. Interesting cement facts and prospectus sent on request. Guthrie Mountain Coal nnd Cement Com pany, 315 Hall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Y-JU0 5X FURNITURE 9-room flat, full of roomers. Price reasonable. 610 N. 18th. Y-M13 7x FOR SALE Restaurant, bakery and con fectionery in best town in tne state. Write for particulars. Lock box (7S, Friend. Neb. Y-4S4 5x "NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU At seat of government; full Information at nominal cost, any subject. For partic ulars address, enclosing stamp. 401 Mun sey Bldg., Washington, D. C Y-S20 6x CERRO DE PASCO Tunnel and Mining Company Ella Kewls Reader, president, best rising copper Investment. For full particulars write to 46 Wall 8t., New York. Y-321 6x FOR SALE-Llverr stable doing good bus! ms. in s-od Nebraska town; nice line of buggies and horses and good barn. Address L at, care Dee. 1316 6 CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream and eater. Ing business In city of over 10.000. no com- petition, average sales tiop per day, will 'or invoice, write ror particulars, vvm. jiaageu. Hastings, ssqo. I BEND for "Successful Method" of trading In grain with small capital; booklet and market letter sent free; references. Corn stock & Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y 332 5x FOR BALE Furniture snd lease In a good Zl-room notel in a rustling northeast Ne braska town: only hotel In the town and must sell, because I have other Interests out west that require my attention. Ad dress J. R. Heald, Beemer, Neb. Y-329 6 I jnwrr..i uo you neea ur vve are in a position to furnish capital for any mer itorious enterprises. We can sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis. Money advanced on good securi ties. Charters procured In any state. Do not fall to confer with us; It .will be to your Interest. R. Kaats & Co., Bank ers, Tacoma Bldg.. Chicago. T 837 6x WHEAT $12 60 buys five ups and five downs; gooa ror one ween, i-ceni aa vance or decline from price gives $100 Srotlt. Write for particulars. Commerce ,raln Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y 838 5x FOR BALE Only oandy and Ice cream business, 6,6u population. r-siaoiisnea seven years; clearing $2,600 yearly. Terms to suit. Teach you tn manufacturing. Also extra candy tools. A. Jaseph, Le mars, Iowa, Y 3 6x FOR BALE The only store at Junction living rooms; wen assoriea general nier chandlse; paying proposition; five thous and will buy It. Investigate If you mean business. Address Box 645, Douglas. Wyo. Y 306 5x GUARANTEED . . . . o . . - . i r. n.tnpn.ii patentability, oena ior tuuairaiea uuiuo Bock. Contains 100 mechanical move ments and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particulars NEW TRADE MARK LAW. COPt RIGHTS, etc. Pat ents advertised free In World's Progress. EVANS. WILKENS & CO., aA . ,,..-,.....- Ua r 8t Washington, D. C. ntrv VnTTTJ TfOMV HV TTTW tUX IUUIV IltJ-Mrj VJS iLlXJ EASY WAY PLAN. Par for It by MONTHLY PAYMENTS Will ettner ouy or ouuu ior you. no money required until house Is ready for occupancy. Call or write ror particulars. Agents, who can give good references, wanted In every city and town In the state. W. G. Templeton, General Agtut for Nebraska, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Y M3-J MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 310 S. 13th. X-778 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or alary; easy to get; no red tape; you get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X 778 CHATTEL and salary losns. Credit Co., 633 Paxton block. Phoenix X-7M EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. I3ul Douglas. X 7U ar.BUITt'D? Ilw. , r.f. W A. I.r. In. n. Duff Greco Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. .- DEATH NOTICES. HOTEJoseph, August 8, li. aged ft years. Fmieral services will be held frm re. deive f his son, Ixuils Hcy,, North Twentieth street. Punriuy, August 6, at 1 P. tn Interment Forest Lan enrtny. "rlends lnvlied. OPTKRilATin-Ksthcr f . August 3. 1 aged .i months and 2C days, only ilatiRluer of Mr. and Mr. Andrew Usterg.ird. Funeral Fundav. August S. lie, al S p. m. from family residence. !T1 North Twenty fifth avenue. Interment Fpi'lngwell ceme tery. Friends Invited. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this is the place to come and g!t It. Don't let money stand In the way of en Joying yourself w!i"n it can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS. HOUSES, WAGONS, ETC. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer thos who wish money to tide them o-er vaca tion period. Cnll and he convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. $07-308 Paxlun Block. X M362 11 OUR LOANS Our employes are well Informed and courteous and we are always pleased t explain our manner of luuns. We tell you to the cent whst'the cunt will be and If you conclude that It will not pay yua to borrow there Is no harm done. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and to salaried pcopla upon their own agreement to pay. We olTer you rates as low as you will find and our facilities for quick and cunU dential services are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern in our line la the city and we ulways try to pleaae our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN , COMPANY 118 Board of Trade BlUg. 'Phone Doug. 2198. x ; DR. PRIBENOWS PRIVATE MONET loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., In any amount, at leas than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Knibach block, 30M B. lath Bt. X MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ments. Ofllces in 53 principal cities. Tol inan, room 711. New York Llfo Bldg. X IN CHATTElyS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Lunn Co., 1S04 Farnam St. X 7Sa LEGAL .NOTICE. $9,000 BONDS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 33. DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA FOR SALE. Sealed proposals will be received by the underslpned until August 15, lilt, at 8 p. m. for the purchase ot the following ($9,(nJ) not to exceed 5 per cent semt-unnual regis tered bonds. Purpose of building addition to tho present hlh school building. Maturity $l,0oo July ib, 1917, and $1,000 each year thereafter until paid, deliverable August 15, li'Mti. A I'avable, principal and lnlerert, at office of county treasurer, Douglas county, Ne liranku Deposit a certified check for $500 with bid. P. O. HARRIER, Director. ' Board of Education, Valley. Neb. RAILWAY TIME CARD UMOX STATION TENTH AND MAIICY Union Pacific Ieave. Arrive. Overland Limited a S:4u am a 8:1$ pra The China and Japan Fast Mail a 4:15 pm a 6:10 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a4:l5pm a 8 30 am California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited.. ..all:S0 am al0:4o pm Fast Mail a 1:65 pm a 8:80 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm Beatrice Local b 8:16 pm b 8:00 pra Chicago Great Western. St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:10 sm Bt. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:40 am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited 5:40 pm 8:00 am Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Express 8:80 pin 3:30 pm CIiIcumvo at Northwestern. Local Cedar Ruplds a 7:06 am a 6:00 pm Chicago Daylight ..aiMain 11:30 pin Chlcugo Limited a 8:38 pra 8:15 am Carroll Local a 4 32 pm 1:50 ura BU Paul Fast Mall a 8:25 pin 7:05 am Bloux C. & St. P. Local. b 3:60 pin a 8:85 am Fast Mail ? pin Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:80 am Chicago Limited all:uO pm 11:16 am Norfolk & Bunesteel ...a 7:40 am 10:36 am Lincoln & Long Bine. ..a 7:40 am 10:36 am Casper & Wyoming. ...a 8:00 pm a6:0ipm Deadwood & Lincoln. ..a 8:00 pm 6:06 pm Hastings & Superior. ...b 3:00 pm 6:06 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pm bl2:40 pm Chicago I-ocal all :30 am 8:46 pra Bhoshonl Express al2;S0 am a t:v0 um Twin City Limited 7:50 am 10:00 pra Illluola Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 8:56 pra Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:30 am Clilcaau, Hocat Island Sl 1'aclUu. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited a 3:i am J :10 am Iowa Local a7:Ooam a 4:30 pin Chicago Mail a 8:15 am a!0:10 pra Iowa Local W2:16 pm b 9:6o pra Chicago (Eastern Kxp.).a 4:05 pm a 1:45 pm Chicago tlowa ""jg :ii6 pm '12a0 Rocky Mountain Lim...a 7:20 am a 8:15 am Colo. & Cai. Express. ..a 2:01 pm a 8:66 pra Okl Texas Kxp a 4:10 pm al2:06 pra Colorado Fast Mall ....alO lO pin a 7:36 am dally, b dally except Sunday. Chlcaso, Milwaukee A 84. I'aal. Chi & Colo. Special.... a 7:66 am a 7:30 am California & Ore. Ex. ..a 5:45 pm a 8:10 pra Overland Limited a 8:35 pm a :20 ara Marlon & ceaar it. ioc.o o:ts am put Missouri raclne. Bt. Louis Express a 8:00 am a 6:30 pra K. C. & BU Li. .xpress..ii:i0 pin a pm Wnbnah. St. Louis Express a 6:30 pra a 8:40 ara bt. Louis Local (troin Council Bluna a 9.15 ara alOJO pra Btanberry Local (from Council uiuiiaj a e:uu pm w: am BURLINGTON fcTATlON lOtn . MASON. Burlington. Leave. Arrtv. ...a 4:10 pm a .3u pm ...a 4:10 pm a C:& pnt ,..a 4.10 pin a 8:u6 ara ,..all:10 pm 6:30 pra ,..a V:lo am a 7:40 pra ...a 8:00 ara Denver A California Black Hills Northwest Special .. Northwest Express . Kxhraska Express .. Nebraska Local Lincoln locui a 8:06 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 2 00 pm alZ:20 piq Ft. Crook & Plattain'h..b 8.60 pm bl0:6 ara IlellevUB & 1'lallHIU'h. 7:50 sm a 8:30 am Denver Limited Bellevue &. I'ac. Juno.. rellevue & Pac. June, hlcago Special Chicago Express Chicago Fiver . a 7:10 km a 3 30 am a 8 20 am a 8:10 am a 1:M pin, a 7:25 am a 7:-6 an- a 8:5 pm a 8 X pm a 8:05 pin a 7:5 am Iowa Local.. :le aiu siu:m pin (it. Louis Express a 4. to pm ail:am Kansas Clty-Sl. Joe....al0.46 pm a 6:46 am Kansas City-Si. Joe. ...a 15 am a 6:10 pin Kar sas CMty-St. Jos a 4.46 pra WEBSTEB DEPOT 10th A WEBSTER. Chlraao, St. Paul. Minneapolis St Oaiaha. - Lea'-e. Arrive. Twin Cltj ty Passenger. . .b t.'Mi am b 8:10 pm ty Passer ger.. a 3:00 pin alUiOam Bloux CIV Fmcrinn Iic;il " w.-v " . w f ,iv a in c 8:46 ara o (:60 pin Emerson Local .... lllseonri l'a-ifle. Nebiaska Local, Weeping Watur .. via .b 8:60 pra bl2:S0 pra a iJally. b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only. Dally except Monday. Business Boosters Try tht Want Al 4