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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1906)
HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 190. QUAKERS WIN IN TENTII Eemhrd Holdi Philadelphia Bunch Down to Two Eiti for Nint Inline. SCORE TIED IN EIGHTH ON ERRORS Two single aad a arrlne Brlag la the Wlnalna Rata Resalts f Other Oimri. CLEVELAND. Aug-. 2. Philadelphia defeated Cleveland tod.? In a ten-lnnlng time Bernhard held Philadelphia to two hits In the (lrit nine Innings, but Bar beau' error allowed the visitor to tie the score In tha eighth. Singles by Sey rld and Cross, with Murphy's sacrifice, cored the wlnnlnr run. Score: CLEVELAND. B.H.O.A 6 I the bull end hurled It .toward the plat, almost without looking. The runners were coming down the line aide hy side. The catcher was stsndlns; on ' the plate, hit arm outstretched ty catch the ball, which wbb coming like a rifle shot from the Held. Burtdenly a eoarher yelled, "Slide." and both runner threw themselves Into the rath and slid over the plate. Just sb the (tall landed In the catcher' hands, and he touched both men out. It was one of the most remarkable plays. I- ever saw." St. Joseph Mews-Tress. PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A E- Herlaet, If.. tor, cf !.;. lb... Bejrbnlit, rt.. Murpbr. th. . One., M. ... Kniaht, lb.. Pnwere, ... rmratx, p... 8-hn 1 I 0 I r 11 1 I OldrlnB. Ib... 1 PHck. cf t A Jerkenn. If... ( I 1 Turner, si.... t 1 1 Lajola. 7b.... 4 I d RnMnmn, lb. . I 1 'onulton, rf 4 1 DlrbHU, lb.. 4 I Bu.tow. c.... I X 1 p.rnhard, . I KtOTi 1 0 t'llM 1 1 t 0 I 1 f 0 II 0 I 1 n I 0 0 0 e rf..., I lberf14. a. Cbaec. lb I LtpnrU, lb. . . I Williams, lb. 4 Plehantjr, If t Totals... ...M te 14 I Totala II n 14 1 Philadelphia .0 00100010 18 Cleveland ... 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 ' First base on errors: Cleveland, t; Philadelphia, 1. Two-base hits: Flick, Bar beau. Hart el. Three-base hits: La Jole, Flick. Sacrifice hits: Lord, Murphy. Double play:- : Davis, unas- aisled. First base on balls: OIT Bernhard, i ll off Coombs, 2. Left on bases: Cleve land. 0; Philadelphia, i. Struck out: By JJernhard. 6; by Coombs, 6. Time: 1:60. llrnplrei Connolly, Detroit' tSjr for !ew York. PETROIT. Aug. 2. Detroit's makeshift infield went to pieces In the seventh, al lowing New York to score at will and turning the game Into a farce. Score: NEW YORK. DETROIT. - B H O A.B. - B.H.O.A E. Conror. cf..- I 4 1 frmw. cf 4 1 3 V B 9 0 f.rhaeler, as.. 4 0 4 10 Mrlntrr. K.. I 0 t T 1 1 Crairfnrd. lb. 4 I lt Payne, rf 4 1 111 0 Cough I In, lb.'. 4 1 til 0 Llnd.iy, lb... 4 1 14 0 Sfti-hniidt, c... 4 0 ., t 0 0 0 Kllllan. p.... I I .. Bubank .... 1 ..1100 '.'Totala IS 17 II I ..40 14 37 II I Hatted for Kllllan In the ninth. New VOrk 1 0 0 1 1 0 6 2 0 11 .Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Karned runs; Detroit, 1; New York, . Hits: Off Chesbro, 7 In seven Innings; off UrlflUh. 2 In two Innings. Two-base hits: Crawford, Keeler. Maori flee hits: Keeler, ' Williams. Stolen bases: U Intyre, Keeler, Laporte, Dolehanty, Thomas. First bass on balls: Off Kllllan. 4; off Chesbro, 1. Left on bases: De troit, 8; New' York, 7. brruck out: By Kllllan, : by Chesbro. ; by Orifflth, I. Double play: 8chaefer ana Coughlin. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Evans and Sheri dan. 84. Loots Pile I p Bis; Score. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2. St. Louis ran wild on the bases and with opportune hitting easily defeated Washington today, 11 to 2. Score: T. LOUIS. ; '-WASHINGTON. B.H.O.A EV B.H.O.A.B. GAMF.3 M THE WF.STOR1 LRAGtlC Dearer Ua4 Wlaner In a otnerly tt Errera, LINCOLN. Aiig. t Both Lincoln and Denver gave an amateur exhibition of ball playing this afternoon, errors -piling up In every Inning. Ongnler lost for the locals lv falling all over himself on two ground hits nnd throwing the ball wild on one that he did manage to field. Rain stopped the first game Ht the end of the seventh In-, nlng and prevented the second. Score: DENVER AB. R. H. PO. A. E. .... 4 11 0 ...."4 0 8 1 ...., i .... i .... t 0 I 9 ' Innlnara: off Sage, In flv Inning. Tims: 60. I'mptre: Werden. atandlag of Ike Tai. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Columbus 1- M .19 ..? Milwaukee 11 67 41 .iM Toledo 13 f 47 K l.oulsvllla lul M M .fun Minneapolis h'5 64 b2 .n'C Kansas city VI 41 M .4.1 St. Paul 11 4A f.7 .441 Indianapolis li2 36 67 . 343 Onmes today: Milwaukee at Louisville. Kansas Pity at Indianapolis. St. Paul at Toledo, Minneapolis at Columbus. McHale lb... T. Smith, ss.. Itnndall, rf... Kusmell. cf. .. Welgardt, c neddlck, 3b... Iinahue. 2b.. Bclden, If..... Paige, p H. PO. - 0 10 0 1 0 2 2 1 0 n 2 0 0 '1 A. 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 Totals . ...'...? 4 L1MCOLN. ::::::: t I z 1 3 II II Katchem, cf. Qulllin. 3h... Kenlnn. If Thomas, lb.. 2 Collins, rf 3 Oagnlpr. sa. ...nM 3 Wolfe, o 2 Barton. !b 2 MoKay, p.. 3 i ; 0 0 M. PO. 0,-0 0 1 0.2 0 8 1 , 2 2 0 . 0 0 ,2 3 " 0 Kleioow, Qrintb, p., Cheabro, p., Thomti, 0.. Total. . . . Totals ....23 2 8 21 Denver ....0 t 0 0 0 2.0-r4 Lincoln ..i. ...... .0 0 3 0 0 03 Sacrifice hits: Qulllin. Wofe. Welgardt, Belden. Stolen bases: Fenlon, Ggnler, Red dick (2), Belden. Bases on-balls: Off Mc Kay,1 2; off Paige, 1. Hit ny pitcnea oan: By Paige, 2. ' Struck out: By McKay, 2; by l'aige, 4. Time: i:io. umpire; rverie. tendance: 1,200. ' ' . Champa Win Llatleaa f;ante. DES MOINES, Aug. J.-Ptaylng llstleKs ball, the Pucbloans lost the final game or the series to the Champs by a score of 9 to 6. Rain delayed the game at the end of the fifth Inning: and after that the west erners seemed to care little whether they ored or not. A small crowd witnessed the gnme. which was all one way, although Des Moines Dlayed an oulflelder at third and a pitcher In the field, with a shortstop at .first. ..The score: DES MOINES. AB. . R. H. PO. ... 5 3 ... 1 2 6 1 4 1 NIIm. lb T. Jonea. lb. gtona, If lumphlll, rf, Wallar. as. O' Brian, 2b.. Koehlar, cf.. Rickey, c. .. Howell, p.,. till AHliar. aa... 4 1 I I 0 I 4 II .Bunly. rf...t 0 10 1 I I 0 a OC. Jonea, cf. . I 0 I 0 C J J 1 0 rroia. lb 4 1 1 10 4, I - 0 Anderson, If. 4 1 1 A 0 i I 1 4 ! Buhl, lb 4 1 0 II 0 0 Srhartl. lb.. I 1140 4 2 7 0 WakeSeli), C..4 0 0 I t t 1 4 IHmitb. p , a 0 0 4 0 -r Mil- u 0 0 0 ft Tottla ,lt 14 S7.14 J . - ' Tofala 14 IK 11 1 Batted for Smith In ninth. Ft. Louis r.. 3 0 1 0 1 2 4 0 -ll '(Washington .........1 0 0 I) 0 0 0 u 12 ' Earned runs: St Loiils, 5; Washington, 1. Two-base hit: Bchalfly. Three-bae hit: T. Jones. Homo run: Rickey. Sacrifice hits: Wallace, Howell. Double play: Cross to Bchalfly to Stahl. Stolen bases: O'Brien, ah Stahl, Cross. Wallace 12), Btone. Bulk: Smith, Bases ort ballsr Off Howell, 4; off Smith, i. Struck 'out: By llowell, ?; by ttmun, o. Leit on oases: St. Louis, si Waslt ington, K Time: 2:02. Umpire: Hurst.. Clitragto hatB tut Boston. CHICAGO, Aug.. 2. Chfcago shut out Boston In easy fashion, 3 to 0, here today. In the first Inning Jones was a(e on Mor. gan's error. Isbell singled inn Davis trip led, scoring both. In the third Halm trip led and scorea on isneirs long fly to riant. The visitors were unable to hit White ef fectively. The home team fielded perfectly, ffcore: . . CHICAGO. " BOSTON. B.H'.O.A.K. Jl.H.O.A.E Fahn. rti 4 110 Hayden. rf..,4 1 3 0 0 0 0 Parent, ae.... 4 I 0 I 0 0 Stahl. it S 1 4 0 0 I Ferrla. 2b.... 4 0 14 0 OHney. If ... . I 0 I 0 0 I (I Freeman, lb.. I 0 I l 0 0 OMoraan. 3b. .. I 0 1 4 1 1 OAmibruatar, c I 0 4 J I 0 fauni, p 2 0 ) I 0 10 0 0 0 Jonea, rf 4 0 I labell, b.;v.. I 1 1 Iavte. aa.;... I I 4 Donobue, lb.. I 1 Southerly, If I 0 1 fSulllvan, c .. I' 0 I Tannablll. lb I 0 1 Vv hit,. p i a Caffyn. If tl'I.eary, bs.... elrliiy, cv.... Dexter, c Andreas, lb, .. Hogriever, 3b.. Clcotte, rf Magoon, 2b.... (Jlllcn, p Totals Cook. If McGllvray. lb. Shugart. 2b.... Melcholr. rf... Klwert, 3b Rennlcker, c. Klske, ss Under, cf Carnes, p . 3 . 8 ..4 4 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 1. 30 PUEBLO. AB. R 8 U 27 11 4 4 , 5, 4 5 6 S 4 PO. 4 4 2 3 1 8 1 1 0 24 A. 0 0 2 0 2 8 0 "0 3 10 0 -! 0 1-6 Totals ...1 41 6 14 Des Moines 0 0 5 1,1 Pueblo . 1 0 0 1 2 Stolen 'bases: Caffyn (2), O'Leary, Hog rlever. Clcotte, .Melcholr. Two-base hit: McOllvray 2). Blwert (2), Flske. Bader, rfTvn Vcldv. Double Dlavs: Magoon O'l'ary and Andreas; Elwert, Shugart and McOllvray. Bases on balls: Off fames, 8; off Olllen, 4. Struck out: By Carnes. &; bv Gillen. 8. Passed ball: Dexter. Time 2:00. Umpire: Davis. Attendance: 600. fiame Postponed. At Omaha No game. Tain. Standing; of the Teams, Played. 1 Won. Lost Des Moines W 66 ;Omaha ...i: 8 ' 49 8lou City X...VH2 44 Denver B2 43 Lincoln 92 . ...,.3 Pueblo 92 33 No games today. 25 3 r ' '48 ' '49 S3 . . fa stone Still la the Lead. Up to the close of lsst week George Alonto Stone was still leading the Ameri can league In hatting, except Eberfield, who hnd only played In thirty-nine games, Icks than half the total. Stone has In creased rather than decreased his average this week. For the week up to Ihursilay his average was .417. This is making It hard for the mighty Larry. He was ten points below Stone at the closa of last week and nas not (lone as wen mis weeK. Kossrnan has fallen from way above .300 to. 78. Here are the men above .810 up to the end of last week: Eberfield Stone LaJuie .... Chase Clarke .... Seybold .. wakeneld Cobb Hemphill . Bemls McUuIre .. H. Davts Flick Keeler .... Murphy .. Grinishaw Turner . .. .3X1 .35 .3f.6 .346 .3:17 .-) .319 .319 .313 .312 .307 . .3"fi . Bad Day for Pltrhers. SCHUYLER. Neb.. Aug. 2 (Spei-lal Tele gram. Schuyler today defeated Ulysses In Hn uninteresting game today by the score of 8 to 5. - Mevera of Ulysses and Jellen of Schuyler were both hit hard for four Innings and were tsken out of the box. Mallory taking Meyers place ana snita taking Jellen's place. The same teams play tomorrow. Score: RHE. Schuyler 2 2 0 8 0 0 0 1 -8 7 0 I 1 o ft 4 o o o o o s Batteries: Schuyler. Jellen, Stllti and Smith; Ulysses, Meyers, Mallory and Felex. Hastings Defeats Arapahoe. ARAPAHOE. Neb.. Aug. 2. (Special Tel egram.) In today's game with Hastings the local team snowed a oecmeo reversal of form and Hastings won out In a walk. Sadler, as umpire, was, as usual, compe tent and satisfactory. The score: K.H.E. Hastings 8 8000202 0-10 14 4 Arapahoe 0 21010000475 Batteries: Rugge and Poteet; Tanner Saline and Rupert. First base on balls: Arapahoe, 4; Hastings. 2. Home run: Harms. Two-base hits: Tanner, Johnson. Struck out: By Rugge, 4; by Tanner, 7. play Nat Emereon of Clnclnnatl.who Just arrived from Chicago today. The latter beat Jones of this city with comparative esse, the score being -2. -0. The Blather- -tck-Kmerson frwtrn today win oe a dib (Tlr mI with aroo4 weather the men will le able to pnt up the star game that both ave shown In their previous tnaicnes. Haln lnterefere1 with the games today, but five contests taking place. Wsldner, he easterner, ana two maicnee io is credit, one a forfeit and he beat a local player for the other victory. KVF.ST8) OH THB RrSlSO TH4CKS Dandelion Wins the Invincible Handl es p at Brighton Beneh. NEW YORK. Aug. 2 On a muddy track nd backed down from s to b to 0 to s, Dandelion, runner up In the Brooklyn and uhurban handicap, today won tne in Inclhle handican. mile said a oiisrter, at Brighton Beach, defeating Coy Maid after terrific drive all through the stretcn ny head, with Cedersrtrom third. Jaunty, favorite In the fifth race, broke her leg and ell. She will probably be destroyed. Bewell, her rider, escaped Injuries. Six favorites were defested. Summaries: First race, rtx furlongs: Nannie Hoge won, Far West second. King Colo third. Time: 1:14H. 8econd race, six furlongs: uoiaiadv won, UoPTball second, Montgomery tnira. Time: 1:1M. Third race, mile and a alxteentn: uonna won. Watertank second. Cholk JUedrlck third. Time: 1:60. Fourth rare, hsndicap. mile and a quar- er: Dandelion won, coy iwaid second. ,'ederstrotn third. Time: 2:09H- Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Flowawny won. Jim Ijeonard second, Rose- well third. Time: l.nsv Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth: O. K. won, Left second. Tarlac third. Time: 1 :fi". Seventh rac, mile and a sixteenth: pruia won. Hyperion second, Jennie- Mccatxe third. Time: 1:48W CINCINNATI, Aug. 2. -Results at La- tonla : First race, nix furlongs: Scotch Ianee won, .Weber Fields second. Prince of Pless third. Time: 1:1(. Becond race, five furlongs: Webber won Oromoboi second. Beautiful Mayo third. Time: 1:0K. Third race, six furlongs: Field imtk won, Zinda second, Nona third. Time: 1:14. Fourth race. handican. six furlongs: Meadow Breexe won, John English second. Colonel Jim Douglas third. Time: 1:13'V Fifth race. Ave and a half furlongs: ove- lando won. Morales second. Bitter Boy hlrd. Time: l:ns. Bottlen finished second but was dlsuualined for fouling. Sixth race, mile: Oberon won, Royal Begend second. Alma Gardia third, nine 1:42. Westfall Too Mnch for llaatlnas. BERTRAND, Neb., Aug. 2 (Special Tele, gram.) Bertrand defeated Hustings today to the tune or ll to 2. The feature of tne game was the pitching of Westfall. the Bertrand left fielder, who has not pitched a game before this year, score: it. it. ti Bertrand 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 2 0-11 13 ! Hastings 2 000000002 4 Two-base hits: Rohes. Wicker. Drehut. Allenson. Brlce. Struck out: By Westfall, 7: by Mace. 3. Batteries: Bertrand. Vest fall and Masters; Hastings, Mace and Rohes. Central City One to the Good. CENTRAL CITY. Neb., Aug. 2. (Special Telegram.) The Central City Young Men's Christian association ball team defeated Aurora today In one of the finest exhibitions of base ball seen here this season. Before over 5O0 people. The pitching of Lutes was especially note worthy. Score: K. f i. ti. Central City ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 Aurora 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 6 3 Batteries: ' Pockenberry and Jeffers; Lutes and Patterson. Pet .478 1 .467 .421 4 .269 GAMES IX AMERICA" ASSOCIATION Kansas City Shuts Ont Indianapolis Three to' Xothlnc INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 2. Kansa : City hnd no trouble In shutting, out the locals, 3 to 0. Score: 'KANSAS CITY. INDIANAPOLIS. , H 11 O A t. .ti.x..,. eialllna loiBi-. ..' anuu Totala 10 4 24 10 1 Batted tor Youmj in ninth. Chicago 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -3 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Left on base: Chicago, 2; Boston, 4. Three-base bits: Davis, Hahn. Double play: Ferris to Freeman. Struck out.- By White, I; by Young, 3. Bases -un balls: Off While, 1; off Young, 8,' Time: 1:23. Umpire; O'Loughliu. , Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Philadelphia 91 67 84 .626 New York 91 66 36 , . .t18 Cleveland 91 (2 39 .6,1 Chicago W bl 43 .643 Detroit 92 47 4S .oil 8t Louis .. 92 47 45 . 611 Washington 91 32 59 .3T2 Boston ., ... 96 26 69 .274 Games today: Washington at St. I-ouiH. Phlladalphla at Cleveland. New York at De trolt, Boston at Chluago. OAMktS IX ' THE. N ATIONAL LEAGIK i , . - Clnelanatl Bnnehes Hits In Last Inning; and Wins from Boston. BOSTON, Aug. a After Boston had . mad today's game close by a combination of hits and errors In the eighth the vis itors fall upon Dorner and their five hits In a single Inning Included one three and a two-baxe hit. The score at the end of the game stood: .Cincinnati, 7; Boston, 3. , Score: WaMron. rf M'Hrlrie, aa Perrlne. - 2h. Hill, cf Burke, 3b... Pranti. lb.. Caaeaily. If. Leahy, c... Euan, p.. Bohannon, 4 I 1 S cf 1 CINCINNA BS1)..!;. Hu(lna. lb.. I I 1 I I Brtaw.ll. aa Keller, If I 110 1 Tenney, lb. Juite. rt I 1 10 I Hraln. 3b... grblel, lb.... I 0 11 1 0 Bales, cf... lxienanty, lb 4 I I I 0 Howard. If. Biefie. at I 1 1 0 Polan. rf... Corcaraa, aa.. I t 4 I v Needham, c L(lTlneton, 4 0 1 OBtrubel. 2b. SCeimsr, p.... I Oil I Dorrter. p... BOSTON. B H O A E. 1 I I 11 10 0 Dunlesvy: rf. 4 1 4 0 u 111 Jamee. 3b.... 41101 111 Hlsiea, cf.,.. 41100 10 0 ( arr. lb 4 0 10 1 0 110 Kahoe. sa. ... I 0 2 I I I 1 1 Perry. If 4 14 10 10 0 Marran. 2h.. 4 0 I I 0 0 0 Holmea. C.... 4 A I I 0 1 t 0 Kallum, p.... I 1 0 4 0 -! 1 TnUla 14 I 27 11 4 Totala II I 27 11-1 Kanxaa City 0 1 l'O 0 0 0 0 1-3 Indianapolis 0 0 0-0 O 0 0 0-0 Base on balls: Off Kellum. 1. Struck out: Bv Kellum, 1; by Egan. 2. Wild nltch: Egan. Sacrifice hit: McBrlde.- Stolen bases: Perrlne, Kellum. I-eft on bases! Indianap olis. 7: Kansas City, .4. Umpire: Kane. Time: 1:45. I . .', Toledo OotbatB St. Pnol. TOLEDO, Aug. 2. Toledo mitbstted the Saints and. won easily, 8oe excitement was caused In the ninth inning when Sug den refused to leave the field as ordered by Kgan and an officer escorted' him out. Score: '. TOLEDO. ' :' ST. IAi:ii. B.H O.A.E. u.n.u.a.a Arapahoe I'nable to Hit. ARAPAHOE. Neb.. Aug. 2 (Special Tele gram.) The local team again proved easy to Hastings, owing to their Inability to bat. aa shown by the detailed score: R. H. E, Hastings 0 03023000-8 10 Arapahoe 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 03 ( Batteries: Dort and Poteet: Rupert. Sa line and Rupert. Two-base hits: Hastings, 3. Umpire: Sadler. Kearney Is Shut Ont. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 2.-fSpeolal Telegraru.l Grand Inland gave Coykendall perfect support ana Kearney securvd bu three scattered hits, resulting In a shutou for the Midway city. Score:' R. H. E, Grand Island 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 5 Kearney ......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 Batteries': Kearney, Howard and Zalusky Grand Island, Coykendall and Townsend. Iowa League Results. MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia, Aug. 2. (Special Telegram. )Following are the results In the Iwa league: Burlington, 3; Clinton, 2. Ottumwa, 3; Waterloo, 2. Fort Dodge, 3; Oskalooaa. V: Keokuk, 4; Marshalltown, 3 (ten In nlngs). In Bancroft Defeats Indians. BANCROFT. Neb.. Aug. 2-Special.)- Bancrnft defeated the Omnha Indians a fast game here today. Score: Bancroft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 Indians 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 02 Bateries: Tarrant and Harvey; SonsHser and Miller. This makes seven straight games won ty uancrort. Cllngman, aa. 4 I 0 J. Clarke, If.. I C 1 Odwall. cf .... 4 I I Ixmont. ,3b... 4 0 i Krueser, Sb.. I 1 0 Nance, rf 11 W. Clarke, lb 4 I 12 lnrt, c 4 I Suuhotr, p... I I I Oeler, aa 4 0 ftujflen, lb . . . I 1 Mvera, cf I 0 KYIok. rf 4 0 wbeelerv W.v 4 Cy. If,..:.'.. I 0 Padneu, 1 '.m... 4 1 Drill., c. .;... I .0 Prultc. p..... I I 2 10 1 Hinrhman. rt I Clymer. rf... I ( oulter, if. .. Totala 14 27 U . I Tiaala J 27 It I r." Cincinnati lOOOOloa 37 lA'J T. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 I Hui.wltt i" Two-base hits: HuggliiM, Jude. Tlree- I Wriaiey.' lb. Total. It 11 t 2. TotU....,.l 24 20 I Toledo 2 0 0 0 0 2 V 8 - St. Paul A..1 .1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Two-base hits: Wheeler, W. ' Clarke. Bases on balls: Off Siitthoff. 6: off Pruitt. 5. Struck out: By Sutthoff. 6; by Pruitt. 2. Sacrifice hits: Myers, Drill. Stigden. Sutt hoff. Stolen bases: Wheeler, Krueger (2), Nance. Double play: Drill and Geler. Wild pitch: Pruitt. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Egan. Champions Outclass Millers. COLUMBl'S. Aug. 2 Tha champions completely outclassed Minneapolis today and scored an easy, victory, U,to 2. Score: COLIMBI'S.1 MINNBAPOL1S. B.H.O.A. E. -B.M.U.A.a; base hit: Tenney. Seurlrtce hits: Keiley, tiegia tz. rioien base: bcnivi. nrst on balls: Oft Dorner, 4; oft Wuliiier, 1. Hit by pitcher: By Dorner. Jude. Kelley. Struck out;. By Dorner, 2; by Weimer. 5. Wild pitch: Welraer. Tiin: 1:60. . Um pire: Emalle. titnta Postponed. At New York Now York-St. Louis post poned; rain. At Philadelphia Philadelphia-Chicago postponed; raiu. At Brooklyn Pltuburg-Brooklyn game postponed, rain. ttl41s( of the Trams. Played. Won. Lost. Chicago 1 . Pitiaburg New York Philadelphia Cincinnati -.- Brooklyn St. Louis..., Boston Games today: 96 91 91 . 94 , !' SJ -J 94 Hi 41 36 33 32 3i il 64 64 61 62 Pot. .bS .64i .467 .i;a .414 .s;t .3U Blue, c. Flaberty, p Totala. 10 0 0. 110 I 10 1 10 1 Parle, cf... ogulllvan. rf, 0 Graham, lb. 0 Hart. If, Games in Three-1 l.eagne. At Springfield Cedar Rapids, 4; Spring field. 3. At Dubuque Dubuque, 7; Bloomlngton, 4. At uecatur uecatur, 3; KooK island, 0. At Davenport Peoria, 2; Davenport, 0. St. Kdward Beats Lindsay. ST. EDWARD, Neb., Aug. 2 (Special Telegram.) St. Edward beat Lindsay, 13 to 8. Batteries: Ilndsay, Munley and King; St. Edward, Peterson and Rosen' crantz. Pittsburg at BrooVlv- Cincinnati ai nosion, nicago at pnila delpUla, St. Louis at New York. Wonderful Doable Play, "fm of too moat remarkable double flsya I aver saw,'' said Pitcher Claudo ailott, "aeveiopad from a base hit. The cams waa a tie at the e.nd of the tenth inning 4 to 3. In the eleventh our side bad men on second and third, with only one out. when a pop My was knocked back of third baao one of the kind thai neither the third baseman, snortstop nor left ' fielder can reach. The man at third hesi. taied. fearing Ike ball might be caught, but the runner at second, who could tee the IvOl was a base hit, kept running, and v. omy two feel behind the other runner when h saw the ball bit (he ground snd roll toward th l(l fltddet. That tleid-r Wl a wonderful thrower. He had a great , Ih4 arw. fal.Brllu ntuacla, 11 giabbed uo 0 Freeman, lb., 4 OOvler. aa i 4 1 Ko. tb . .. 4 Yeaer,' .-.... 4 (.4wal'flar, p I . - . Total.. ... U I 14 11 I M 1 27 11 1 Columbus 3 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 -ll Minneapolis 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 002 Stolen bases: Hutswitt, Wrlgle-. . Blue, Flaherty. Sacrifice hit: Klhm. Two-basa hits: l'lckermg, Flaherty.' Threevbaae hits: Freeman, Yeagcr. iMjuble play: Wrlgley nnd Kimn. Miruoet .onu By Flaherty, 2; by Codwallader, : 3. . Bases on balls: Off Cadwallader, 6. Umpires: Owen and Sul livan. Time: 1:46. ... Distillers Defeat Brewers IjOUISVU.LB. A ig 2.-Loulsvllle defeated MHwac!ti today in the first game. In the series. Both Goodwin and Sage were batted hard bv the locals, vhile Dunkle kept the visitors wta wen.scutiereo. score: LOIISVILLE. ' MILWAl KKS B H O.A 7i. B. H O. A.B. Hallnao. II .? 2 1 ORobtnaoo, aa. I 0 I 4 1 2 1 4 OOrean. rf 4 I 11 trlrac. 'If. 4 111 1 11 0 Baleman. lb. I 11 1 0 Seville, e.v... 4 14 11 HmsIM, cf. I II ,1111 M't'beea'y. lb 4 I I .411 0 Mrraraa'k. ' lb I I I .411 OOoodwia. p.. I 1 . I 1 14 11 27 14 . Total. . A . .mo T 14 11 I Louisville .'.,....,..,.0 2 I M I 1 I M Milwaukee . ' I 0 0 0 0 1-J Two-base hits: Kanna, Sullivan. Threev baae hits: Kenna. 6haw. Green.. Stolen bases: . Halluoan (!). Sullivan. Woodruff. Sitcrttlr hit: Sul.lvan, Robinson. Bases on balls: Off Dunkle. 4i off Goodwin, 3; off Sage, g. struck uut:,By, Dunkle. 3; by Goodwin, 1. Double plays: Woodruff. Brashear and Sullivan; Braeiiear, Qulnlan and Sullivan; Hoblnaon. McCormlrk and Bateruaor Bateman. Ttoblpson and Bate, man. Left on- bases,; !xmlvflle. 6; Mil wavke, . . iiiu; urf Covdwln, 1 Jo Uu WoedruS, 3b. I Braahear. 2k.. I Sullivan, lb.. 4 Siovell. of.... 4 Kenna. rf.... 4 Shew, e I Qulnlan. aa... 4 Liunkla, p. Totala. HARNESS RACING AT CLEVELAND Sweet Marie Wins the Kree-for-AII Trot In Stralatht Heats CLEVELAND, . Aug. 2. A large crow- turned out to see the fourth day's racln at the Glenvllle track. The card was good and Included the rree-ror-all trot, tii- sweepstakes for 3-year-old pacers, the 2:10 cIsbs trotting and the 2:23 class trotting. In the free-for-all Snvder McGregor, Wentworth and Sweet Marie were in only starters. Sweet Marie shotted that she Is In a class by herself, with the pos sible exception of Tiverton, by winning all three heats in easy style. In the 2:23 class, trotting, there wore ten starters, among them being Ann Hi red. Brilliant Girl, Billy H. and Nanco. Brilliant Girl won In straight heats. In the sweepstakes for 3-year-old pacers Kelly, a bay gelding by Huron Mo r-. carried off the hnuors, with Brenda Yorke second and Dlrectal third. , . .The 2:10 class, trotting, was one of ths best events pulled off so far durlntf i.n--meeting. Ed. Geers' Gold Dust Maid won In straight heats, but was forced to Ht,i the second heat In 2:07' and the third in 2:07V Results: Sweepstakes, 3-year-old pacers, pursa f426: Kelly, b. g (Chandler! 1 1 Brenda Yorke. b. f. (N'uckols) 2 2 Dlrectal. b. c. (Walker) 3d Time: 2:15. 2:10.. . 2:23 class, trotting, purse 22.000: Brilliant Girl, h. m., by James Madison (Curry) 1 Nanco. gr. g. (Saunders) 2 Billy H , b. g. (Gerrtty) 4 Flexo, eh. h. (Demarest) 9 Lucretla, br. m. (Thomson) 9 Jessie Benyon, ro. m. (Benyon)..3 Sister Collelte, b. m. (Cahill ) . . . . Ann Direct, blk. m. ( Mcllenry ) . . K Kim. ch. g. (Shank) 5 Paul Wilson, blk. g (Rhea) dla Time: 2:1191. 2:10. 2:12. Free-for-all trot, purse 12.000: Sweet Marie, b. in., by M Kinney (McDonald) 1 Snyder McGregor, ch. g. (Hogan)..3 ent won Time 3:10 class, trotting, purse $1,200: Gold Dual Maid, blk. m, by Sil- verthorne (Geers) I The President, b. h. (Loomls).... 3 Helen Norte, b. m I Rutherford. . 10 Oro, blk. g. (McCarthy) 3 W. J. Lewis, b. g (Smith) 5 Aerolite, b. m. (Saunders 1 4 Walson. ch. g. ( Wlckersham) . . . . 9 Belle C. b. m.' (Higbeei 6 Van Zandt, b. m. i Devereui). , 7 Alexander, b. g. (Stlnson) 8 Time: 3:10. 2:07 . 2;07V. Blalherwlrk Keeps on Ulaaln. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Aug. 2 (Special Telegram. ) Again today BUiherwick, the Iowa crack tennis player, won his tennis match at Deephaven. The Iowa man had an easy game and won handily. He showed uperior tactics all the way through hi game. HI score waa (-2. 6-0. Tomorrow h will bat one of ihe hardest malches of lh luuroamoDt wa tua baa da, havlug to GOOD RACING 0 FREMONT TRACK Shower Keeps Many People Away and Renders Track Slow. FREMONT. Neb.. Aug. 2. (Special Tele gram.) The annual meeting of the Fremont Driving Park association, wnicn was post poned from Tuesday on account of the rain, opened today. Owing to the shower this noon, which fortunately am not ex tend to the race track, the attendance was 1st it. but those who did attend saw some fast time for a heavy track. Some of the best 3-year-olds In the country were In the first race. Volo. after coming in rourtn in the first heat of the race, pulled himself up remarkably well and won In the last three heats easily. Iowa Splnx, Jr., took the first heat hsndily in the 2:16 pare and was the favorite in tne pools lor me toi i ..... lowing neat ana race, insieaa ne Droxa badly and in the third was badly dis tanced. Summaries: Pacing. 3-year-old class: purse. 12n0: Volo. b. h., by Volant 4 2 11 Klnirnln 1 12 3 Mator Gantg 2 8 3 2 ,2 Ottawa Boy 6 4 4 4 Lady Online 5 6 as Time: 2:164, 2:18. 2:18V. 2:194. 2 21. Pacing. 2:16 class: Miss Cappy. b. m.. by McRoberts..2 111 Jessie M 3 2 2 Nina Russell 4 3 3 Jessie A , 6 6 4 Queen L av, 5 5 6 luwa splnx. Jr.. .....1 4 ds Time: 2:16. 2:1, 11:1914, Z:ZZ. Goldaelda Wants Prise Fight. OOLDFIELD. Nev., Aug. 2 The Goldfleld Athletics club guarantees a purse of 320.000 for a contest between Oans snd Nelson nd 810.000 lor Brltt and McGovern on Labor day. . . Sportlna Brevities. I.eifleld seems to draw more extra inning games than ally one else In the business No ball game is' scheduled for Omaha for Friday but Duc-kir Holmes and his bunch will come Saturday for a series of1 four games. '.' . . Bebee lost a game with St. Louis but It was because tils teammates could not hit Wiltse. rather than any damage tha Giants aia to him. Rumor has It that Jimmv Hart will re' enter base ball' and be president of the National league. Pulllam is said to want the Boston team and to want Hugh Duffy to manage it for him. Stone still persists In that unscientific position at bat. It waa this alone! that wa responsible for that miserable performance or three hits out of four time at Dal. St, Louis Globe Democrat. Poor Old Freese, he threw the ball away weunesaay oy wnicn Larter later scored and Jarrott, not the best uphill pitcher. got sore, but Hutch's blunder didn't lose the game by any means. Pfclster waa taken out of the box In the eight inning In the game with Phlladelnhl Wednesday but aa no runs were made off him in the seventh it was probably to give Kling a chance to bat for him In the hope or starting a batting rally. Liebhardt has finally lost out on hi string of double-headers. After wlnnln three pair of games he lost the second gam of the fourth pair. A rumor has It that Uebhardt will go to Cleveland next season. burn, a business, such a business. It Is said that Clarke Griffith has an even 320.000 to give for a good brace of pitchers. This is as much as was ever paid for one pitcher except when Bobby Caruthers was sold for 314,0110 by Chris Von Der Ahe of the old St. Louis Browns to Brooklyn. Babe Towns made a hit and an error in his opening game with Commie. He will make many hits if given a chance to play. Selee said while here that Commie needed another catcher, as Hart was hardly fast enough for the company he was In and It threw nearly all the work, on Sullivan. The G. W. Wattles trophy will be played for Saturday afternoon the Country club under new rules. The trophy Is an elegant toilet case and will be played for three times before a decision is reached. 1 The game will start at 2 o'clock and any player can select his own partner for the play which will be handicap match. If the entry list Is large there will be a great many byes so the element of luck will have a great deal to do with the case. Charley Comiskey denies the report that Joe Cantillon will be next year's manager of the White Sox. Nevertheless the rumor has been spreading throughout the base ball world with persistent pertinacity. Can tillon did have an offer to manage the team In the past, but did not see his way dear to accept it at that time. But, as Comiskey said, it Is not customary to an nounce such matters as this until the sea son has closed. Chicago Chronicle. WORDS BACKED BY DEEDS Vollces t Cat Weeds Fallowed by Warrants of Arrest fraaa Health Department. UT IN STEAM COAL PRICES Sodnctioo ia Eo< Loidi to Belief Local Ctmbint is Broken. NO LONG-TIME CONTRACTS ARE MADE Ftgnre Drops from Three Dollars to Two Thirty a Tea and Dealers Are Hot Parlfled Yet. Local users of steam coal are almost prepared to believe that there Is no such thing at a coal trust In Omaha, so low have they been able to buy the fuel during he last two weeks. A contest In steam coal prices has been carried on, by several of the large firms and the result has been to batter down the rate from 32 to $230, with tendencies for a further descent. Several companies have got scared and pulled out of the com petition. Dealers say money is lost on such prices as have ruled the local market and they are wondering when the clipping will stop. Competition for furnishing the coal bought by Rome Miller for his two hotels Is said to have Initiated the fight. A year ago steam coal sold for 33 and It was held at that figure after the settlement of the miner' troubles In the Cherokee district, where the kind of fuel refered to supplies most of the Omaha demand. In an effort to get the Miller business C. B. Havens Co., are said to have cut loose and made a slash on the price. Then Victor White butted Into the game and the Cen tral Coal and Coke company followed suit. The latter went under the Havens and White prices. The latter firms came back and the Central people chopped off a few cents more. This game of seesaw has finally put stesm coal at the command of the consumer for 12.35. Us I.ona-Tlme Contract. Tha glee of the man who has to buy steam coal In the summer for power or other purposes has some alloy In it, for the dealers refuse to make long time con tracts and will not agree to make deliveries at a specified price for longer than a month. As the fuel cannot be stored In quantities without danger from spontaneous com bustion, the consumer Is not able to fudge very much on his tribal enemy, the coal man. "The war In steam coal may signify that the local coal combination has gone to pieces," said a business man. "As I under stand It two or three of the dealers who mixed In the scrap pulled loose from the dealers association and started to get busi ness independent of all rules and regu lations. Rome Miller Is credited with a good deal of responsibility for provoking the competition and every other user of team coal Is tickled." Victor White, reputed to be one of the leading figures in the fracas, was mute when asked to explain the situation. HITCHCOCK'S GRAB SPOILED World-Herald Prevented by Adverse Decision from Persisting; la Charging; Donhle Rates. Assistant City Attorney Dunn ha ren dered an opinion for City Clerk Butler that official notices of the city requiring more than six days' publication do not have to be printed In the official newspaper Sunday. He holds that legally Sunday publication cannot be required and further that the official publication, the Evening World Herald, ha no Sunday Issue. The clerk will follow his advice and discontinue printing; advertisements Sunday.' The mat ter wac brought up by an attempt of Pub lisher .Hitchcock to charge double rate for Sunday stuff. The opinion of the assistant attorney strikes off at a tangent from the success ful practice of the city In the past. It may have an effect In invalidating special taxes for paving, and the new policy will be closely watched by lawyers who make a specialty of this kind of litigation. One effect of this decision will be to save Mr. Hitchcock, the trouble of "putting It back." Finding that the serving of notices and mere moral suasion Is having little effect on the weed situation tha health depart ment Is preparing to back up Its demands by Issuing warrants against tenants and property owners who have spumed orders. Arrangements have been made with Second Assistant City Attorney Rlne to havo g ! something like 100 complaints filed in police h 1 court. Warrants will be Issued and nrrests INSURANCE RATES GOING IN Increased Fire Schedules Adopted Two Months Ago Pnt In Effect Gradually. The Insurance companies which do busi ness in Omaha are gradually putting In effect the new schedule which was adopted about two months ago and which, in gen eral, means a higher rate of insurance, The city is taken block by block, and as faat as each property Is examined it is insured on the new basts. Also whenever a policy expires it is Issued again on tha new basts. It will be several months be fore the entire city is covered, and, of course, every day a number of people will be apprised of an increase in Insur ance rates which they have to pay. It Is this condition, say the Insurance men, that leads to the frequent rumors of con secutive increases, though in reality thero has been but one change, that announced two month ago. Miners Found Dead. OURAY. Colo., Aug. 2. L. A. Thompson, general manager, and V. W. Mather, fore man of the Mlckef Breen mine of the Tempest Apex company, who disappeared a week ago, were found dead today under a mass of debris In a small tunnel half a mile from the Mickey Breen mine. They evidently sought refuge In the tunnel from a cloudburst and were overwhelmed by the rocks and dirt that washed In from the mountain side. HOTEL. DOCTORS FOB MEN 1 L .7 ? 7 I a' ; . i . t- . L,ai &V Ji , - a The Reliable Specialists nervo-sexual debility What a vast amount of wretchedness, misery and sorrow thla dlsoaa brings upon a man, and often due to his folly or his lariorntioe. It Is a sertotia thing that men contract or inherit disoas or weaUtness, but the most srtoua results are sure to follow neglect or Improper treatment. It seems strange that some men will defer treatment day after day, racked in body and wrecked In mind when there Is a safe way of escape. We offer you this aid, tola halu, this assurance of restoration. , Private disease and weaknesses of men have been tha means ef blighting tha, mod radiant hopes. Tendering marriage unhappy and buaiiiM a fallur. Weak ness unfits a man for his home, where men sltould find their happiness. It unfits him for business, where men should meet with success. It unfits him. for friendship and leads him to shrink from oompanlormhlp. The magnetism, that wins men is abtnnt. The manliness that ettraota women 1 dlaplaokd by n shrinking weakness, and the victim knowing this usuallv seek lolltiids. Narvo-Beixual Debility numbers among Its victims tbe bsst of mn Thlr routh promised surovss and their qualifications deserved It. Tbelr laoX of man. ood brought failure and poverty, and for no other cause. Tbre are thous ands of men who would marry save for this debarment. There are those win are married whose keenest afflction lies In th feeling that they ar disqual ified and that the one whose admiration means most must know It. For a safe cure of the diseases that so Insidiously destroy the lntnlleot. strength and very manhood, secure the anrvlues of tiis emlnont siaolallsti of the State Medical Institute. They will stop unnatural drains with tbelr terrible results and restore to sound hceUth the pitiable victim of Narro-SexvuU Petal-. Ity, brain fatigue and wrenkrd manhood. We cure safely and thoroughly: Stricture. Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all the diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, xoeasaa, self abuse or the result of spcciao or private diseases. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. O tries Hours a. m. to I w sa. Sunday 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Fanuun 8U, between 13th jutd 14Ua treeta, Omaha, Xeb. THE YELLOWSTONE PARK. Plan your Pacific Coast tour so as to include this won derland. LIVINGSTON .TO MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS AND RETURN, $5.00. SIDE TRIP LIVINGSTON THROUGH THE PARK AND RETURN Including rail and coaching fare and five and one-half days' board at the splendid Park hotels but $49.50. ,' FROM OMAHA AND EASTERN NEBRASKA THROUGH THE PARK AND RETURN-Including rail rates, coaching fare through the Park and five and one half days' accommodations at the Park hotels, only $75 FROM OMAHA AND EASTERN NEBRASKA TO GARDINER (Entrance to Park) AND RETURN-Only. $45.00. Beyond Gardiner yon can make your own arrange ments for transportation and hotels and can stay as long as you like in that vacation land. VIA CODY, WYOMING Round trip to Cody,' from Omaha, $30.10. Fifteen days' personally conducted camp ing tour from Cody through Yellowstone Park over the "Sylvan Pass Route," everything provided, only $55.00. This is an ideal way to spend one's vacation through the Park region. PUBLICATIONS-Send for the Burlington's Yel lowstone Park 1906 folder, describing all Park tours and arrangements, both via the Gardiner entrance and the "Sylvan Pass Route" from Cody. J. B, Reynolds, G. P. A., 1502 Firnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. 1 c dr speedily follow. . according claratlons posted Thursday. to the de- cUreaor. ch. g. (Hogan)..S th. blk.'g. (Mi ( arito) . . . .1 2:06. SifW1. 2.ifjt. i dr 9 dr It is no trouble to recover a lost article Put an ad hi th "Lost" column tt Tha B. sonlh Dakota Brevities. SlOfX FAIX8 A the result of a recent decision of Judge Frank B. Smith, of tha state circuit court of the fourth circuit, li censes for saloons can be issued In only two Lyman county towns Oacoma and Presho. SlOfX FALLS Thus far slow progreaa has been made In the work of drilling the test artesian well in Lake county, for which th authorities of the county and of Madison appropriated about 17. uo. The pur pose of sinking the well Is to ascertain If flowing artesian wells can be struck In that part of the state. SIOI X FALLS An unusual rat killing record was made on the farm of John Mr Intyre. residing in McCook county. Th ruts were found under the floor of an old granary, akUh was torn up. Thre men and a loy nnd several dog succeeded in killing 3-0 rats In lers than an hour. TUs drad rodent mor than Oiled two buabel basket. The Evans Hotel Hot Springs, 80. Dak. Beautifully situated In the vale of Mln eekania. The health and pleasure resort of th northwest. Only a night's ride from Omaha, OoLf, tennl. swimming, coaching, horse back and burro ride and other amuse menu. Excellent orchestra in attendanoa. visit wonaeriui wina cave. Exceptionally low rates on both C. ft N. W. and Turlington. For raus and lnformstton, address: KOV M. SCOTT. Manager. "CQMFCBT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE.' at the New Transient, Bleel Built, Fireproof HOTEL WOODSTOCK. 1U-U W. K, St.. seat Brasdnay, bT. T. City, au lix-a wat of Grand Ceatral 4 Juet off Loo(ora at Time square, th very kaara 1 tb cur. Ia th. sUdat at U tetra and aad taaa th ehopulDs dlatrlct. Subwaa d "L." ro4a nd Broadwaf ax ttdjaceat. Modars aoeen aaodauoDa lor ev. Mod too mm aear hath, 1 U. bus alio all light room aad ulte wit bath. U aa Choir rMlauraot. hluale. W. H. VAi-IULBTTB. Alan Haul ,awrn.a, Wad. Vervoki. SUMMER BOARD Bellevue College Dormitories July 7 to September 7. Reference required. Address BlvLLKVl'E COLLEilt, Hellavue, Neb, 'aVbua Rod iU. Swulb Ouaba. n 7 or M..35 or inneaoo s and Return August 12-13 Good for Extension Returning to Sfjit. 30. Special Nebraska G. A. If. Train Aug. 11, K::j) p. m. Regular Trains 7:50 a. in. and 8:1' 3 p. m. cTtToffTces: 1401-3 Farnam Street NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT It Will Save you tlmo and monoy if yoa will IIS .... THE B EE WANT ADS a -. 4