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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1906)
niE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1006. CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET S Vent Sttrti Wil, bnt Hetj 8tli in K;'Jiwel Mak OIom Wttk. SfPTtMBES CORN AND OATS GO UP jepnrta of 114 In Manitoba HM la hn Do Sot Cat A Br Material Flar. OMAHA. July 25, 1904. Wheat started well, but the dealers la the northwest began to aell heavily, end afer the pi Ice had been forced up nearly ' fn' ,n September deliveries. In which I ilk of interest lay. there came a weak ening and the close waa a fraction under ti.e lay before. Reports of damage by red j-. t froni Manitoba did not discount the rral Indication of a large crop. Bome- ' Igiit receipt kept the price up to it.- romt where they are. Tue cash de i. i.i nt whs good at Omaha, but only fair """""; Cables were from MeHd higher t. bullish newa from Russia. Trad !',' "J1..1. flK,r w" but moderate, !n!i .Vptm."" Jqult Ju,t whr started end tested the day before. The export de. inand wa aald to be poor. Forty-eight car of wheat wei Inspected at Omaha. Hrpteinliei corn took an upward ahoot wltn oats and climbed a fraction over a fnL'f.' .'""'I 11 ,a"ned, but cloaed better nan the day before. Short were ftald to be the principal buyer. Oat were ta tionary. , l wheat receipt wert 1,609,000 bua.iei . ualnat 1.3R6,uOa ouahel laat year wu.i .ilp.eui ol Ail.oou bushel. against wa uuahei last yetir. Corn receipt wer wl' "u?",' . Jint OH.oiiO buBiiela last Local range of option: r-lLcJ.tLLpen'1 Ul'1 1 w- I Cione. Yes'y. Wheat I jwy... l"4B 694B 6Kj 68V: 69HB bept... t-M 7iB. Hl Hl -UIV...I 48B 4 f 48 48 47HB teni... 46M 4VB 46HB 4riVB 46HB Oat'"' 3Ui 43'-B 4;t'B Sept... J0B SOB! JOB: 30B (B B bid. Omaha Caah Sale. WHEAT-No. 1 hard. 1 car. 68o. CORN No. I, 1 car, 47Vio. Onaaha Caah Price. WHEAT No. I hard. TlflTlttc; No. t lia.u, wx(j.71c; No. I aprlng. Joc. lORN-No. 1. 47Hc; No. 4, 4047c; tip. i yeilow, 4it47l1c. OAT3-No. 8 mixed. 83c; No. S white. V.c; No 4 white. 3c. HYE No. J, 63c i No. 8, 610. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chicago !.... ...v.. city . , Minueapolla ., umana Luiuth bt. Lou I a .602 107 7 .282 .102 . 18 . 11 .142 28 'si 'ii 8 'ii CHICAGO GRAIN AKD PROVISIONS Featare of the Tradlaar aad Cloalna Price oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. July Jt Profit-taking tale gam caused a weak cloee In the wheat i. urket today. The final quotations on tne feeptembur option were n ?'; lowVtr tnan tue cloae ot yesterday. Corn tu i. Oat wer 4 Ho higher. Pro-i.-iuus were down ilOc. The early market wa strong on the Ru.rlan situation and additional report oi ii.t In Manitoba, and the ad van. e in nan... grain had a bulllah effect. The opening price waa c to HVc higher. a-u.u In the day, however, the local bulls vlio had profits commenced to aell froely with the intention of realising, and heavy at tho same time by caah houae Kk.e the impression that country ac ceptance were large. Under the pressbro t..i price of the September option declined c from the high price of the day. btrong denials of the rust atory In Manl loua also caused prices to weaken some what.. The close was Inclined to weakness hud VaHc lower. September opened y 'e higher, at 77KiS77S sold between .i) .o and 7Hc and cloaed at 7Sc a.l'iaiioa af wheat and flour were en mil to ib.dbO bu. Prlmarv renelpta were 1.50,0 10 bu.. agalnat 1,36,000 one year KO. Mlnneapolia, Duluth and Chicago re verted recei'ita of 816 cars, againat 65 cars last week and 444 cars one year ago. '1 he corn market was strong all day, al though It loat part of Us advance because oT the slump In wheat, which caused some .'-n.i.- of the coarse gralna. Tho early r..arV l rdvanced lc on reoorts of damaaa t tiry weather, light acceptances and , .rcng aemand irom cash houses. An ad vance ot i In the price of hay because Of reported dry weather had a pronounced I'UlIU i effect on both corn and oats, It l.ilng figured that If there waa a shorts." In the hay crop the demand for bit he. granu wouia be largely Increased. Heavy r killing sales late in the session also led to weakened prices, but, despite these things, the market rallied on the slightest encouragement and the close waa strong. September opened V4Tc higher, at HVk 6l7kc, sold between 61 HO 63c and closed at 81 He. Local receipt were 107 cars, with 40 car of contract grade. Th oata market wak atrong for the greater part of the day, and, although It weakened along with corn and wheat, V had an advance during the aeaalon of al most lc. for the September option. Th lump In the price of hay, th early bulge in wheat, good buying by cereal manufac turer and report of 600,000 bu. sold to the east were among the reason for th early strength. There waa much realis ing late In the day. September opened He to He to H tf He. at 81 H 84c. sold between 88 H 0 84 He and closed steady at He hlghsr, at 88 He. Local receipt were 87 car. ProvUlon were easier on lower price for hog. Shipment of meat were large, but th movement In lard win light. Packer, during th day, wer for th greater part on the bear aide of th mar ket. At th close September pork was down 10c, at 11 J. 81 H- Lard wa 6a lower, at 18 8! H. Ribs were down 10c. at l 17 H .10. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 471 cars; corn. Iff cars; oat, 76 cars; hogs, t7,000 head. Th leading future ranged a follows: Article. I Open.) High.) Low. Cloe. Ye y. Wheat July.. Bept.. Dec... Corn July.. 8pt.. THl 7BH1 7H n UH tl H WH 7H 7 76H 76HeTf 80 VH IS1H 61 toH 84H 617, 61HH May...!4i)H'j4a 60 88 4tH H4sH oats July.., Sept... Deo... Pork Sept.. Lard Sept... O. t... Nov... Rlba July., fecpt.. Oct... J6H1 S3H tH 8KH XH 84H HHSSHH 86H iH IT IT 10 wiiii enuimni fir fjt; itmi k... i.i. k.i h...r ho,iaw Dusneia; nour, bubhti Oorn' ,0" buhe'; 17 H IT 82H 8 JH 8 TH 00 08 t 86 8 00 16 80 8 W 80 00 8 06 I r7H 02H t MHI I V7H t 9b 16 f7H t f7HI 88H 12H e o;h cH Cash Quotation were a follow: FLOI R -Steady; winter patents, 88 609 9 so- strmlchia. tl.80tti3.60: acrln oatenta. 83 7O34.0O; straights. M 46iJfS .75; bakers'. 81. JO WHEAT No. X 77C78o; No. t, T4mc; No. 8 red, 77H't78He. CORN No. i 6le; No, t yellow, 6JH OATSNo. 1 S&Hc; No. t whit, fsc; No. t white. 84H37He. RVF-N'n. 1 tuSitlle. UARLEY-Oood feeding. 83c; fair to choice malting. 4Stfuo. SEEDS No. 1 na. fl.0H: No. 1 north- aeatern, 810VH- Prim timothy. 83 8ft. Clover, contract grade, til 8V PROVISIONS Short rib sides (loose! S li.: 16. Me park, per bbl., f 18 000 It 25. Lard, per 100 lb . Short clear slUes (boxed). 89 H8.7S. rollowlng acre th receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Reeetnta Shlomenta Flour, bbl 48.000 B.ino IVIieat, bu 843 6K1 ll.Ota) Corn, bu 81 Ji 447.700 data, bu llsS.ftO tO.ito) Rye. bu 8.0tJ Barley. Ul U10O On the Produce exrhVnr today th but' ter market wa ateady; creamerle. 164 1HH'-; dalrle. UsjITHo. Fg. teady: at murk, caaes Included, lauioc; firsts. 16c; prim firsts. 16Hc: extra. ISHc. Ch.. strong; lltrUHc. Kaaaaa City Grala anal Pretlataaa. KivRia pity Julr B. WH BAT July Hc: 8eiiteniber, 6o; December, iic; caah. No S bard. TltrTJc; No. 8. taiHUJTOHc; No t 6SHt4ilc; No. t red. TtHd No. V a.i.T-ic Cul'.N July, 4o; flpiiuiar. 47l,t;; De- "T'W. 44c; rash. No. 2 ir.lj.-.l, Me; No. a , , ""1y Missouri and Kan..,. new whltewood case Inclu.led. l,c, cim count. . ;"?'" "turned. So lees. Hii.ithiTrir1' 'd.y .'" '""'; choice timothy, ' n?f W: rlmlc. prairie, ffMi9.50 Rl Steady. UJhhr BUTTER Creamery, 19r: packing. 14c. ,.. , . Receipts 8hlptii-tite. "heat bu ii.snn , torn- bu ar,.nO il bu 70ug 2i0,0 SEW YORK, (iRIERAl MIHART Uaotatloa of the Day oa Varioa femaislltlea, , NEW YORK, July S.-FLOCR-Recelpt. 14.041 bbls. ; export. 1.181 bMs.; mark.t steady with moderate trade; winter patents. 11 0f4 , winter Mraiglita. S3.?Vfft.; win ter extras, 11 .ao 4; winter low arsd-s. 12 f1i1.3i; Minnesota patents, 84 &4.ii, Minneeota bakers. $.1 4M?l.xr. Rve flour dull: IVim ,0 POOJ- 3 W-W; choice to fancy. Con.NMKAI Pteadv; fine white and yUow, 81 r?J1.28; (Miarse, fl.lri4jl.l2; kiln dried f:.7rt2M). RVE Lull; No. I western. 7Hc, nominal, t. o. b., New York. WHEAT Receipts. 10.000 bu.: exports. 41.07 hu.; spot market barely teady; No. 2 red, 82 He, elevator; No. 2 red, t3Vc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 northern Duluth, 87 He, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard, winter. 84 Ho. f. o. b.. afloat. During the forenoon wheat advanced about Vic on bullish foreign newa and rust advices from the north west. It subsequently lost the rise under resitting sale and the close waa He net lower. May, 88 8Hc, closed at 88 July, 83H"3He. closed at 83f88Hc; Septem ber. 83H &8He. cloaed at SH'; Decem ber, 86H88Hc. closed at 86 11-1 He. CORN Receipts. 128.726 bu.: exports, 12.381 hu.; spot market firm; No. 2, 68c, elevator, and 68Hc, f . o. b , afloat; No. 2. yellow, 6 He; No. 2 white, 80c. Option market had a strong early advance on small receipts, but finally reacted some what with wheat, closing He net higher. July closed at 67He; September, tHtf 68 Vic, closed at 68 He; December closed at 56HC OATS Receipts, 114, MO bu.; exports, "76 bu.: spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 12 pounds, 39H". natural white, 3ft to 1.1 pounds, 40Hi8 42c; clipped white, 38 to 40 pounds, 44HT47c. HAY Steady: shipping, 66 66c; good to choice, 5ci&fl.00. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 19T6 crop, lOiffnc; I! crop, nominal: olds, nominal; Pacific coast, 1905 crop, 10 17c; lr4 crop, 12c; olds, nominal. HIDES Steiidv; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., !0c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs , 19o. LEATH ER Quiet ; acid. 20(627 He. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family. flO 00 (TIO.OA; mess, fS Onrrf-I 60; beef hums, f21.00r(t K.OO; packet, $R.0Ofl!).50: city extra India mess. 81o.(rai no. Cut meats, firm: Dick- led bellies, 8U.5rvsi3 60; pickled shoulders, fS.264ie.75; pickled hams. 812. 261 12.75. I,ard. easy; western prime. f,00. nominal; re- nnea. barely steady: South America, 810.00; compound, f 7.00 7.37 H ; continent, 19.40. Pork, firm: family. 319.60: short clear, 1 1 7.00 iff 1 9.00; mess, fit). 50ig 10.00. TALLOW Steady; city (82 per pkg.), 4 15-lc; country (pkgs. free), 4Hf6HC KICE Quiet; domestic, extra fair, 3Va0 8Hc; Japan, nominal. til i i hk-uteaciy; street price, exrra creamery. 20H'ff21c. OfTlclal prices: Cream ery, common to extra. li".HS20Hc; renovated, common to extra, 12318VC; western fac tory, common to firsts, 1851"o; western Imitation creamery, extra. 18Hc: western flrts. lH17i4c. CHEESE Strong; new, tttte, full cream, large, fancy, :',c; fair to good. lOHWllo; small, fancy. 11Hc; fair to good, lOVi'S 10-c; Inferior. sHfi'Wie EGQ8 State, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. 24c; choice, 22(t2.1c; mixed extra, 22c; western firsts. lTQLic; seconds. l('i!l8Hc; southern, KHfllte. POULTRY Live, fairly steady; western spring chickens, 17c; fowls, 13Hc; turkeys, loc; dressed. Irregular; western spring chickens, 184; 22c; turkeys, ll613c; fowls, neiic St. Loals General Market. ST. LOUI8, July 26 WHEAT Futures, weak; cash, higher; No. 2 red, caah, ele vator, 74Ho; track, 7&&76C.; September, 74Hc; December, 77H6T7Hc; No. 1 hard, 78H81 7Hc. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 61c: track. 62Ho; September, KiHo; December. 4Hc. OATS Higher; No. 2 caah. 36c; track, afrVS: September, 84c; December, 34Hc: No. 2 white, 87i&tVrO. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, f4.85 4.60; extra fancy and, straight, 83.75fi4.So; clears, f2.759H.26. SEED Timothy, steady; fJoOO'-tOO. CORNMKAL Steady, f2.fia BRAN Dull; sacked, eaet trark, 7476c. HAY Steady; timothy, fllOGS 16.60; prai rie. f8.0Otjil2-O. . IRON COTTON TIES fl. i BAOGINQ-9C. ; HEMP TWINE 7He. PROVISION S Pork, lower; Jobbing, I16.97H- I-ard, higher; prime steam, fS.66. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorta. 89.60; clear rlba. 89.76; short clears, t8.87H Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorta. 310.26; clear ribs, 610.60; short clear, 310.C2H. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; springs, 13c; turkeys. 12Hc; ducks, 8Hc; geeae, 5c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 16jilc; dairy, 14i-tfl8c. EOGS-titaady at 18c. Reoetnts. BhlDments. Flour, bbl 6.000 10.W10 vihut bu 142.000 24.01 Com bu 47,000 M.000 Oat.' bu K00O st),000 Mlaneaooll Oral Market. vtvvifiPni.III. July 25. FLOUR First patenta. f4 .IftS'i.aO; second patent, f4.06j) 4.16; nrst clears, .tom.v, Mtuim f2.60i2.0. ... (Superior Board of Trade quotation for Minneapolis and Chloago delivery). The rang of prices, a reported by F. 1. Day as Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Artlcle. Opn. Hlgh. Low. Clo. Yes'y Wheat I May... July... Sept... Dec.... 82S1H8: S2HI 76H 81 h H 76 76Hl 76'a 77H 1 12H 1 1 UH 1 12 1 loH 1 10H :7oHH r&H"uH !6HH 77 78H Flax- July... Sept... Oct.... 1 It 1 13HI 1 ir. 1 UH 1 18H 1 12 1 10HI 1 uw 1 10H Hllwankee Grain Market. Mii.wil'KEE. July 28 WHEAT-Steady; Nn 1 northern, kwuc rvo. a iiurtuci i, ovu 81He; Beptember. ivc, 01a. t v w yi.tflv run. 1. Oixuskx.. PARLEY Dull; No, 1. &6aH:; sample, CORN nigner; no. cmii, oiravwisv, dcii tember, 61 He Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA, July 2S.-CORN-Hlgher; No. f yellow. 62Hc; No. 88 6hc; mo. 4, oihc.; no graoe, duo. OATS Higher; No. f white, new, 86c; old, 864c: No. t white, new, 84 He; old, 36c; No. 4 white, new, 32Hf33c: old, 8SHC. WHISKY Bteauy. i.w. Dolath Grala Market. DULUTH, July 25. WH EAT To arrive: No. 1 northern, 78Hc; No. 2 northern, 7t)He. fin mcli: No. 1 northern. 78Hc; No. 2 northern, 78Hc; July, rec; Deptemoer, 11c; Ueeember, 77Hc; Jaay, Sic. OATS To rrlv. on track and July, S3Hc. Liverpool Grala anal Provision. LIVERPOOL, July 26. Wlf EAT Snot, nominal; future, firm; July, 67Hd: Sep tember. 7d; December, 6s THd. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, old, 4s 9i. Future, quiet; July, nom inal; September, 7s SHd- Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, July 26. BEEPS Clover, cash and October, fti.o7H Hy. No. 2. 6o Prim timothy. UC10. Alslk. August, 8t . rotten Market. NEW TORK, July 26 COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling upland. 10.90c; mid dling gulf. 11.15c; ale. 101 bale LIVERPOOL. July tt.-COTTON-Spot. oulet; prices, t points lower: American middling fair, .61d; good middling, 8 23d; middling. .Md low middling. IW. good ordinary. 5J0d: ordinary. 8 3'Jd. The sales of the day were 6.UU0 hale, of which 6A were for speculation and export, snd in cluded 4.600 American. Receipts, 4.400 bale a. all American. Future opened eaaler and C'sT1 LOl'IS. July . COTTON-Dull: middling, lie; ale none; receipts, ir bales; shipment. SuO bale; tock, B4.8S4 bNEW ORLFiANS, July 26 COTTON Spot cloaed quiet: sale. 660 bale; low ordinary, 7Ho, nominal: ordinary. THe. nominal; goed ordinary. 8-lAc: low middling. 10c; mid dling. 10c; good middling, HSc; middling fair. lle, nominal: fair. 12V:; receipt, 1,287 bale; stock. 48.2C8 bales. lagar anal Molaaaea, NEW YORK, July 26 STOAT Raw, firm; flr refining, fc; centrifugal, 8 teat. 8Hc: molnsees tigr. Se; refined, steady; No. 8. 4.UK-: No. T. 4A; No. 8, 4 10e: No. . 4 06c; No. 10. 4c; No. 11, 36e; No IX 3 trie ; No. IS. 3 86c: No. 14, .&.e: confectioners' A, 4 66c: mold A. 6 16c; cut loaf. S.o0c; crushed. 5 bi"-; powdered, 180c; granulated, 4 t-; cubes. 6.06c. NEW ORLEANS. July 23 St'OAR Steady; centrifugal yellow, ISai H6c; sec onds IHUHc i BYia'- NEW VORR STOCKS AND BONDS Harket BroadsDt Out and Gift Erideace of ubitDtil Strenth. TRUNK LINE ISSUES LEAD ADVANCE Co as I Metarn ot Hill aad Morwaa to New York I aed to 6lv Vitality to Nam her of Ramor. N1TW YORK, July 25 Th number ot hares dealt In at the Stock exchange did not expand greatly over the total oi yes terday, but th market broadened nut in character and gave evidence of substantial sirenajth. Conditions abroad seemed to be primarily responsible. Opinion once more shifted as to the importance to be attached to the Russian situation, at least In Its Influence on financial condition. The thieatening political outlook reported In the dny's news did not seem to disturb the feeling that the worst effects on money and stock markets had been met. There was a marked cessation of the pressure of liquldstion from centers espe cially affected bv the Russian conditions. The London market also enjoyed a brisk recovery Incident to the final stages of the fortnightly stock market settlement there, which seemed to find a considerable short Interest uncovered In Kaffirs, which were sharply depreased by the selling for Paris account. This selling was discontinued to day and aterling exchange moved up at Paris, Indicating an easing money situa tion. Discounts also receded at Berlin, but moved up at London, where the stock market made an extra demand for money, but the foreign factors were rather of passive Influence In our own market and only served to leave unrestrained the effect of more local Influence. These influences were mostly confined to the realm of con jecture and most of them could be- defined by th formula: "Important developments believed to be forthcoming." The rumors as to the nature of the developments showed much variety, even where they concerned stocks. The expected early re turn of Influential capitalists gave vitality to th rumors. The transcontinental railroad stocks led the movement and the dealings In that group far overshadowed In Importance any other dealings In the market. The plan of financing the Pacific coast extension of the St. Paul has been a aubject of curious speculation for a long time past and the announcement of the return from Europe of William Rockefeller was made to impaj-t important results for the rosd from his contact with isurnpean nnanciers. i ne supposed development concerning the Har riman Pacifies was even more vague and ranged from an Initial dividend on South ern Pacific to an absorption of St. Paul by Union Pacific. In the same way th ex- rected arrival In New York of James J. lill and J. P. Morgan gave new life to the Great Northern ore lands deal rumors. The Identity of the commission houses which conducted the largest transactions In these stocks lent an appearance of proba bility to the conjecture mat insiders in tne properties were sharing In the market operations. These stocks furnished the nucleus of the dar's entire movement, which was largely sympathetic. The general market was much slower In moving upwards than these selected stocks, but their leadership became effective as the day progressed, and It was seen that no Important liquidation was attracted by the advance. Money on call continued easy, but rates for time loans over the end of the year were maintained. The better feeling In forelfrn market centers realised In a decline In sterling exchange rates here. The de mand expanded at the last with the lack of pressure manifest and the closing wns active and strong at the top level and with tne leaders up from z to 3 points. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, nar yalue. 81,275.000. United States new 4s de clined 4 per cent on call. Tne tuliowing ar tne quctar.ons on th Block exenange: Balsa. High. Low. Close. 141 Adama Fxprcsa Amalgamated Copper American C. aV K nn ea T l.tnd SSlt In 100 100 100 H 3314 MV 1 tl !. H lilt It 43 7"H 113 American C. A T. pfd American Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Americas Express American H. A U. pfd American lea, aacurltlea... American L.lnaead Oil Am. Unseed Oil pfd Amarloan locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd American .. A R i.tno too it it 4.400 70 70 . n 14H 14H Am. 8. A R. pfd. 100 117 I1T 117 American Sugar Refining... lt.aoo irr 134H 1H Am. Tobacco pfd etfs. 100 M'4 tali S Anaconda Mining Co ia.7iw i I4HH its Atchison li.lnn so at gaa, sou Atchison pfd mo 100 ' tH 100 Atlantic Coaat una 100 u4 11a 131 1 Baltimore Ohio It.tOO 11T4 117 117 Ral. A Ohio pfd t Brooklrn Rapid Transit M.too n 74 714 Canadian Pacific It. 400 144 111, 1J4 Central af Now Jersev 120 Chesapeake A Ohio l.tnn H ti S4 Chicago Oraat Western 0O 17 k IT lTVa Chicago a Nortbwsatsrn too IK 194 Chlcago. Mil. A St. P. 41.100 11114 1T 111 It 84 400 tt tt4 MH 8.000 41 41 S 4s I. "0 S44, 34 84, l.too 70 (HU, f9'4 1.400 4tH 49H 4', l.' 1404 lW't wH 800 t 191, 1S 7SUj 600 tlSH tllt tits ts Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C. C. A St. L. Colorado Fuel A Iroa Colorado A Southern Colo. A 80. 1st pfd Colo. A Ho. td pfd Consolidated 04ta Corn Producta. rfg Com Producta pfd. rfg Delaware A Hudson Delaware. L A W Denver A Rio Oranda Dsnssr A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities Erie Erie 1st pfd Erie Id pfd Gsners.1 Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper Int. Patter pfd International Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City Southern Kansas City So pfd Louisville A Nashville Meilean Central Mlnneapolla A St. Louis.... M , St. P. A 8. 8. M M . St. P. A 8. I. M. pfd. t.400 43 4014 41tt 14 00 67 IT i t.too 41H 4H IS loo 77S 77S n't 700 us iH rs 400 ltS 144 14e, ltO TOO lit lTt IT tOO 17H 174 17H U 1.4O0 45 S 44 45 4 to f ts tfiH is too 1144 lis 61 100 K 34S 400 t2 It it 4 100 141 S 1H 1414, 1.400 MU 30 30 100 4S 44 S to 163 ltt 13 81 87 M It 133 46 47 tl 14 tot 1US 1U Missouri racine 8.100 124, 3.1', ts 76. tl 33S 87 39 Missouri. Kanaaa A Taxi,.. 4. too M. K A T. pfd 1.10 I.IO0 National Load National R. R. of M. pfd. New York Central New York. O A W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People' a Oaa P.. C. C. A St. L Pressed Stesl Car Preeasd 8 C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading let pfd Reading Id pfd Republo Steel Hepsbllc Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. A 8. P. td pfd St. Louta Southwestern. . . . 100 1.300 IMS lit ton 4H 44 1,100 1; trs 100 t4S tt 400 841 14 V 14 11. m ns if?s ns l.too KH 80 K1S 77 400 44 S 44 46 S t7 123 61. MO IMS lt4S )2S to to 1.700 I IK 1.IO0 400 1.100 84.310 it. in 300 tl 47 I4S 43 'its 614, 73S tl M t4 tl 'ii (o 714 34 M ft : 41 It 61 '3 117 35 St. L. 8. W. pfd Southern Paclflo Bo. Pacific pfd Southern Railway to. Railway pfd Tsnneasea Coal A Iroa Taiaa A Pacific sa mo let isiu in 1.000 1- ti 31 00 in nn, s,u 0 47 47 47 t.aiO 14 147 14s T0 14 44 tl Toledo, 81. L. A W T.. St. L. A W. pfd I'nloa Paclflo I'aloa Pad Ha pfd tnlted Blues Ei press United States Realty foiled States Rubber I'. S. Robber pld I'nlted Btaxea Steal It. S. Steel pfd. Va -Carolina Chemical .... V -Carolina Chsa pfd.... Wsbash Wabash pfd Welte-rsrgo Expreee Wsstlnghouse Elect lie .... Western t'nlon Whesllng A Less Crte..... Wieceneln Central Win Central pld Northern Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd tlose-Sheffleld Steel Orsmt Northern pfd iaterborongh Metropolltaa. Interborauah Mat. efd .. Ill TT II 47 43 .... 104 36 14 tuO 404 It tl.Os) 14 rr.too 104 101s 104 si a si 4 107 II 48 44 Iso U4 81 H 8o 44 17S 81 tut 13 44 W 83 44 too 8.300 iotw 801 to M's aiti M lot 101 101 s 101 40 13 714k Tl sue an 13 31 37 I 14 3k 7 100 T4 Tl Total aalaa lor the day. 147. sua aharaa. 8tw York Mlalaa Itoek: NEW YORK July S -Closing quotations n mining stocks were: en Adama Con Alice Breece Brunswick Con . 1 otnil-k Tuunel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Hem Silver .... I roe Silver Leedviiie Con ... Offered. Little Cklef . 8 to .8(0 . I . 11 . 14 . II . as IM 84 kmtarle Tt Ophlr to 14 P'osals Potoal , Savsga Sierra Nevada email Hoses .. Stnadar ....... Bank riearlna-. OMAHA. July tS.-Bnk clearing today were 1.8;u,164 87 and for th 4rr.iondlng date laat year 6L as . Treanery tateaaeat. WASHINGTON. July . -Today state, meat of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund. exclue4ve of the fl60.rya4.rt4l g II '"". silo a: Alalia 61 cash balaiu-e, f17a.7n.'; gold coin and bullion, tK.r7; gold cert.flcales. 8..63.!;o. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 26- MONEY On call, easy at 2H P " cent; ruling rate. :h per rent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at per cent; time loans, easier on short ma turities; flxty days. 8Hft4 per cent; ninety days, Vii per cent; six months. 6H per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6HU5 per cent 8TF.RLINM EXCH A Nil EWeitk at 1 4 4 for demand and at 84 K21ou 4 S215 for slxtv-rtav bills; p"S'd rates, 84MHW3 and t4 "J.HV4 IKS; commerc ial bills. I4 81H64K1H SILVER 1 r. 6THc; Mex'ran dollars, 60 He. BoNDS Government, a-eak: railroad. Ir regular. Quotations on New tork bonds today were as follows: It. g. ret la, ri .. 14 Japan ti Jran . td eerie. . . I do coupon .104 .in f S. r do coupon I' a. old 4a. ra. do coupon U. S. new 4a, res do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a. . . da a Atchison sen. 4a.. do adj 4s Atlantic r. L 4a Pal. Ohio 4a ... do I if Bra. H. T. c 4a . ae fn do tv,t rtf do M verlea I. N. anl. . 10J ..10". ..I"! . "H .1004 ..11 .. 74 .. I ll4 . e. it U't Mfi Central 4s TH' do 1st Inr tl! Mian St. L 4a.. ! do : . . H V4j 4a 4 ... as .. lit ... 1S ...1V) ... 14 ' ... ITU ... sv. US N. R It ot M e. ! N T. C. f. !.. ioi n. j. r. s !SV No Pacific 4a .... 4 do at N A W e 4a... r S L rfd 4s. Penn cons lantral of ) ...111 do 1st Inc do Id Inc do id Inc Cna. Ohio 4Sa Chicago A A. ts C. B A Q a. 4s c. r. lira do col. 6a 7 Reading (sn. 4a.. 1(7H St. L. A 1 M. a. Ui, 77 St. l. a s r. I 4a. u as St. L t W. a. 4a ... TS 74 '4 Seaboard A. L. a sou So. Parlflc 4a .... 17 .. ai .. 4H . .11' COT. A St. L lotti do 1st 4a ctra Colo. Ind. Ksi aer A. 1 Ao. Railwar . do sorlaa B. . . 7t iTtiaa a P is.. ..iia rolorado Mid. 4a... Colo, a So. 4a Caba la , D. R. O. 4a Plstlllsra' Ssc. it.. Brie p. I. 4a do asm. 4a Hooking Val. 4Va. Oftcrad. . TJH T , Bl L. A W. 4a. . Ill 14 . M1 t'nlon Pacific 4a IOJUj .lm- V S tel td 6 Mi . Mswwabaah la . at do deb B . WW, 'Weatsrn Md 4a. . fH, aw. L. R. 4a ,IM;,.Wli. Central 4a. ..1I4.H .. 7S-1. .. -s .. II4 Boston Stock and Vond. BOSTON. July 2S..-Call loi SHffH P" cent; time loans, 6fi6H per .8 nt. Ofllcial closing op stocks and bonds: Atchison adj. 4a t4 do 4a 10H4 Mss. Central 4a 74 Atchison t' v, do pfd Wit lloslon A Albans.... t44 Boston A Maine lit Boston Klasated lot Westing, common Advsnlure Allouea Amalgamated .... Atlantic Bingham ( a I. A Hscla. Centennial ... Tt .... m ... 1H ... Si ... 14 ... J7V4 ...k6 ... tl ... 701, ... 17 ... 14(4 ... 11 ... 14 ... t, ... It ... 0 ... tv. ... ! ...10114, ... 115 ... IS ... K'4 ... HV, ... i ... 41 ... Ml ... t .... 4i4 ... t ... 4 Fltchburg pfd Mei. Central ... 1st K"opper Rangs .... 114 Pair West N. T.. N. H. A H...104 Frsnklln Oranbjr Ule Rovals .. Mass. Mining Pera Msrnuette 5.1 t'nlon Paclilc U Amer. Arga. Chem Zi a pfd Michigan Amsr. Pnau. Tuba.... IB 1 Mohawk . Amsr. Sugar l.lS Mcnt c. A C... do pfd 1.14 id Dominion .. Amsr. T A T Ullt'Osceola Amsr. Woolen 4 jPsrrot do pfd inivtjulncv Edison Eleo. Illu.,..t35 IShsnnon Maaa. K let Ho l!H4'Taniarsrk do pfd 48 Trinity Msaa. Oaa yl't'olted Copper I nurd rrult litVi I'. B. Mining ... tnlted Bhoa Mach.... 10 1' 8. Oil do pfd 1 I'tah V. 8. Stssl 36 .Victoria do pfd loiiWlnooa Bid. Asked. London Ooig Stock. LONDON. July 26. Closing quotations on the. 6tock excliange were: Consols, money ... 17 1-1 M , K. A T.. do account 17 1-14'J. Y. Central 84 .137 . t4 Anaconda .... A'.chlson Jk.Norfolk A W. pfd. . . tlV, Pennsylvania t6H . t4 do pfd lot Rand Mlnea Resdlng Baltimore A Ohio. ... 121 4 Canadian Pacific 17 do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Southern Railway . do pfd Southern Pacific ... t'nlon Pacific do pfd 1. 8. Steel do pfd I'abaah do pfd 1 panlth la . 44 . 4b . it .US Chea. A Ohio.... Chisago Ot. W... C. M. A 81. P.. batleera Denver A R. 0.. do p(d Erie do 1st pfd ... 67. ... n.s ...ism ... 17 ... 41V. ... 7 ... 41', ... nv Jl .161 . 7., . lH .106H do Id pfd 11 . to Illinois Central W- Louisville A Nash...l47 . 44V, . t: SILVER Bar, qulew dO'-id per ounce. MUNKY 2'qZ per rent. The rate 01 discount In the open market for short bills Is 3H'33H per cent; for thre months bills, 3V3H P1" cent. OMAHA WHOI.KSALK MARKET. Condition of Trade and annotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. BOOS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, 15c. H VK fOL'Li'l It Y liens, 10c; roosters, 8c: turkeys, Wi6c, ducks, ic; spring chick ens. 17c ner lb. BUTTER hacking stock. 14Hc: choic fancy dairy, 1616o;- rraswnery, 2la21Ho. 11A Y Prices uuoted bv umatia Heed com pany: Choice upland, 89.&0; medium, fe.iM; coarse, fsuuiuheu. Rye straw, o.ihuji.w. BKAN'ler ton. lie.00. VKUKTABLES. TOMATOES Illinois, per crate of 30 lbs.. 76c. WAX BEANS Per market basket of about In lhs.. 3nc ei'RiNO Hi.ANS Per market basket of about lo Ins., so. TURNIPS, BEETS AND CARROTS Ptr Mi-bu. basket, 2oc. LEAr' L.E i'TUt. h Hothouse, per Aoi. heads, 20c. Cl'l't'UBERS-Home grown, per do., 40c; TexHS. per bu. box, fl.26. fiNIONS Home trust). He Der lb. GKEKN O.MONb 1'ei sol uunctiea, 20c. RAU16HE8 Per tlos. buncnes, uc. CA I'M FLOWER Per dos. heads, 160. GREEN PEAS Per bu., fl.OO. NEW POTA'iOE8-Per bu.. 75c. OLD VEGETABLES. NAVY BEANS per bu.. fl.86; No. !, .7o. t iui Tirtun lfr lb.. &14c. GREEN PEPPERS Per market bas TROPICAL, FRUITS. DATES Per box of 8'j-lb. pkgs., 1M; Halloween, In 70-lb tpoxes. per lb. 6c: Bayers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-lb, r.h. to 1 A ner dm ' 8-lb. bOXCS. ll.A ORANGES Mediterranean sweets, CI sixes, 84.0X1,4. 50; Valencies, all sizes, 85 owjj ' 1 'EMDN8-1 Jtnonlers. extra fancy, 240 slse, 84.00; 30t to 360 slse. 8.aOi3'7.0O; other kranH. tl (A le&O FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, Vj 86c; Imported Smyrna, tiiree-crowu. 11c; six-crown, uc. BANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunch tt Tf.r- Ir.- liimhna. I2.bhft3.U0. PI NEAPPMiB Florida, size 84. 30 and 9B u vi BLUEBERRIES Wisconsin, 16 qts., f2.00, FRUITS. CHERRIES California, f2.00 per 8-lb. box; sour chenies. i!4-qt. C'ate, i.oo. GOOSEBERRIES Per cral of 84 Qt.( t? ,ai CURRANTS Home-grown, whit and red. per 21-qU., fl.oo. vkai'HKS-hhIcs early, i0c; yellow free stone, l.ou: Texa Elbertas, per 4-baskut crate, 'tic. Pl.t 'MM California. fl.S0r31.7& BLACKBERRIES Per 24-qt. crate, f2.. RASPBERRIES-Red, per at-pt. ciato, flw: black, per 4-yt. crate, J.uo. APRlCOTbV-Per 4-basket crate, tl.iO. MELONS. WATERMELONS Per lb., 1H, or about J0(u36c each. ... r ANTE LOUPES Colorado and Arizona nw cruta isiandardi, ej.o'J; ponlr-s. tZ Texas, per crjte (.about 46 melons), J-tA pomes, -.'.' CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 ribs, Uc; -No. i ribs, lc; No. 8 ribs, 6c; No. 1 loin, loC So. 2 loin, liHc; No. 8 loin 8c; No. I chuck. 5'4c; No. S cnuck. 6c; No 3 chuck. 4c; No. 1 round, 84c; No. 2 round, ac; rso. i ruunu, c, ,u. t piai, a Nn 2 date. 2Hc; No. 3 plate, fc. HlljK'S AND iALIXJW Green salted v. 1 isw: No. 1 lic; bull hide. Seine green' hides, No. 1, IVe; No. 2. 10H-': horse, i.6ji&3.6o; sheep pe:t. uic(litl.!;6. Tallow, Nu 1 4c: ro. 4. 3c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg, 8375; per bbl., 86.7a. linEY-New. ter 84 lb.. 83 60. CHEESE 8wi!a. new, lie; Wisconsin brick, lie; Wisconsin limberger. lie; twins, i:lc-' v., une Americas, 15c NUTS Walnut. No. 1, soft sheila, new crop, per lb.. loH hard shells, per 'b. uuc. Pecans, laitfe, pur lb., 14c; small ir lb.. Uc. Chill aoinuts, per lb., 12aiJH Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; bard shells, per lb., 15c. Cocoanut. 84 per iui. of loo. SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbl. $6 is. granulated cane, In sacks, fall; gran . . i . - t..... In .a.'kl la Hi. BVKLP-in bbls., i.'c per gal.; In rases, 6 lo-lb. cana. f 1-70. case 11 6-ib. cans, fl.oO, case 84 cans. COFFEE Roasted, No. 35. !oHc per lb No. W, 2"Hc per lb.; No. an, ISHc er lb. No. 'A), liH Pr I".; .o. ii, wc per io. CURED FISH-famtiy wnltetlsn, per quarter bbl., luo io., 4.w; .-surway maca erel. No. L t2S.u0: No. A IM.tju; No. 8. VMu) Irian, No. 2. lio.uO; hernr.g. In bbla., JOu lbs each. Norway. 4k. Nurwai. ik. f!3.u0 Holland, mixed. 811 'Ai; Holland herring, tn keas. mutters, toe; (, nuxea, uc. CANNED GOODS corn, standard west era. toaouc; Maine, tils. Tomatoes. 8-lb cana. 81 254ul.5u: 2-lb., D, Hcti81.tai. Pine pies, grated, 2-lb., 8-Ck"'O..J' ; sliced. fl.4f, gallon apples, am y, o j, taiirornia apricots. Il.4i.u-w; poara, i.ioa'ij Deaches. fancy, 11.7u2 4v; tl. C. peacnes VKkttJA. Alaska salmon, red. Ill; fancy Chinook. F..; lancy aocaeye, '.. II a sardines. H oil. 8 5u; 4 mustard, tl axui 10 bweet potatoes. fl lCul A, axuei kraut, li.'Xi pumpkins, aicifl uu, wax beans, 2-lb , 11 if , lima beans, z-to , iacg4i so, Stitnbcu, fixe; cheap peas. Z-iO., toe, extra, lt-U' tal.vj, tu Jt-' OMAHA LIVE SiOCl MARKET Good Fat Cattle Steady to Etronc, Othart Waak to Lower. HOGS AVERAGING A SHADE LOWER Fairly Artlres While Bare do Tea l.owar aad Uaiba Twenty-Five Lower. POITH OMAHA. July . 1. RecelDta mrrm: t attle. Hoaa. Sheeo. Cuiciai Mondar a.h'S l.tiK i.ojv Oflicial Tuesdav 4.4 e.bai .i4 Ortlelai Wednesday H t.tfcl Three din this wk 12 V 18.7H8 ll'.of Same day last week.... f-JM .(6 Zi.oli Same two weeas ago Il.nrt7 l.vl4 Same-tbree weeks ago.. 4.W1 5.W4S Same four weeks ago K.oil aoU'l 6.14t Same days last year 11,660 ib,! kl,6tk KKCE1PT8 FUR THE YEAR TO DAT1S. Th following table ahowa th receipt of rattle, hog and sheep at South Umana for th year to date, compared with last year: llaj. i. inc. ttl iiti.Kli 481.84S Hog l.txsi.OoH 1.4JJ.oJi lJo.k.i Sheep 84S.7 82.lje a,o CATTLE QUOTATION 8. Til follnalnar s.111 show tn uric DA Id for tb different kinds of cam on the aoutn Omaha market: Uood to choice corn-fed ateer t6.6O'tf4.f0 ran- to good corn-(u steer .t, Common to (air corn-fod steers.... 4.BVi4d.w Uotid to choice cows and heifer.. 8.vvt u Fair to guod con ami heifer.... .lAu3.) Common to fair cow and Iielfrers.. l.ioJ.'M Uood to cnoice atocaers A feedera g.b-a4.10 fair to good stockers and feeders. .uJ' Common to fair stockera I MsitiJi nuns, stags, tc 6'Ku4.iu Veal calve .7i5. 1. 'ine following table hus tb aviae price of hog at South Omaha tor the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1806. l.19O4.18l8.119tM.llf01.lttOU. July 16. July 1. July 17. July 1 JUiy 1. July 20 Juiy ii, Juiy tt. July 2S. Juiy iA. July A. 6 I81 7 4i 6 ."1 5 to . e r. ft oc O W I 90 9 isj e w Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cut tie. Hogs. tcuuo&aH 6".5u6J eikiu.,H 4oao 8.etcv41.00 Omaha fl.ovati.00 Chicago 1 ioao Kana.a City St. Louis t.Qmif.i.iM bloux City 2.6ou V0 TUESDAY'S SHIPMENTS. Th following shows Lb a number of cars of stockers and leeders snipped to tne country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. T. W. Blackmore, Monroe, Neb. U. P.... 1 O. Olaen. North Loup. Neb. U. P...., W. 11. buntioio. Red oak. la U W. T. KiiKin, TarKlo, Mo. Q , F, Karsten, council tsluus R. 1 , E. r. iUCAv-oy. Rode, la. I. C O. M. McConnauan. Tecumseh u P. hliiiaasa. Penmiabura. Pa. R. 1 John Wainn, Stanton, la. Q , j. uoty, piiger. Neb. F. is Perry fc F., VSahoo F. E , W. ti. Adams, Maple Hill, Kan. R. I S. Goeman. Wayne. Neb. M. s O.... U. E. Fliday, Vail, la N. W S. R. Swanson, Gaiesourgh, 111. Q.... B. Wanner. Anita, la. R. X G. W. Gaud, Clinton, N. J. N. W.... Rhode & H . Blair. Neb M. & O A. F. Davis, Lyons, Neb. M. k O... Carsten. Asninwall. la. Milwaukee F. Hagerty. Neola. Ia. R. 1 J. J. Robinson, Oak Grove, Ia. M. P.. Miller & W . Vail, Ia.-N. W H. i'ribby. IaKeridge, Ia. Q c. woods, vainscu, la cj.. W, M. Antrln, Charter Oak Ia.-Mll 1 Fruity L., Irwin, la. G. W 1 1 O. A. Kllp&trick, Harlan, la. G. W 1 S. Archer, AOalr, la. R. 1 1 Proctor at C, oriswoia, ia. 1. 1 a P. Marsh, Plattsmouth, Neb. Q 1 SHEEP. 1J. J. Grant 6V C, Thompson. Mo. Wabash.... 1 Rhode & B., Lyons, NeD. m. at o Th official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. iog. ctneep.ti r s. C, M. 6V St. P. Ry.... I 4 a lias n 1.1 Mo. Pacific Ry 9 8 l nlon pacific Byatm a a u C .& N. W. Ry. teast) .. 8 T . 1J. m3.t 9 stA C, St. P., M. O. Ry 9 9 C.. M. & U. (east) .. .. C, B. A W (west) 66 14 13 8 C R. I. it P. (east.. .. 4 C R I. A P. (est).. S t l.ilnois Central t Chicago Great West.' 1 6 Totals 164 118 36 5 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber ot head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Omaha Packing Co.. 6o3 016 17 Swift and Company Cuoahy t acaiiui Co Armour A CO 649 843 741 87 71 1H2 189 124 64 16 2,'m4 2. i, 716 l.h-'o 3.046 Vanssnt & Co Carey Lobman co Hill & Bon Hamilton t Roathchlld.. Wolf J. B. Root & Co 238 242 naistead Bodden Other Buyer 363 1.4.3 Total 8"1 8.469 8,610 CATTLE Ther was a liberal run of (...trie this mornina'. a considerable pro. ...... lr, if sriuco consistea OI wesiiu .r... rieef Amone the fed and native cattle there whs a large amount 01 irscen in fact, the quality 01 tne came w nui very good touay, on an average. Good beef steers were generally steady, there h.. In no noteworthy, change. The WUA SlIBQ lair HQ in ItlUf... UV .u.1,1. Af tne Afrerinas rnanaea nunus in very fair eason. The beat cattle here aold up to o. 00. in mouiiiiit e,icr as were selling at "i vru ainav and everyone who hud anvthing of that kind complained that It was a auncuii msi'i ...w.w ........ j ers seeming to. neglect them in favor of .1,. ..-..a hoef The result waa that th market on that kind was not only slow, but the tendency lower. Tne lad Is that kind of cattle is steadily woraing lo a lower basis, which is usual at this season of the year alien rangers become more plentiful. M ' . Good cows and heifers were also steady and In fair request. The good kinds gen erally sold steady both the rangers and tlic fed kinds. As high as ft. 00 was paid for good range heifers. There was a large sprinkling 01 common and grassy stock that was very hard to move. The ten dency on that kind is steadily lower. A somewhat better country demand waa developed yesterday afternoon and this morning for feeders, with the result that buying on the part of speculators and ard traders waa. If anything, a little brisk this morning and fully steady on all dealrnble kinds. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS No. 1.. 1.. to.. 1.. I.. 1 . to ... to. . It.. I . It.. At. f- io As. Pr ..list I at . .1231 I 10 .1334 t 64 12.4 I ..Utt i '.J ..iro 1 7t ..1230 I 71 .1441 I 10 ..H7t I tO .1171 tOO ..1410 t U 1100 4 It !t ...1X0 4 14 ...m 4 it ... wl 4 tO ... 144 4 tO . . . 114 1 70 . . . Ot 4 tl ...1041 4 10 ...1041 I 10 ...1171 I 10 ia to tt at II I SI I It 1 ...1117 U COWS. 1100 I tt 4.. J I 45 .. 5v I ( I. tvO t 00 t. 1-4 I it 4 lit I tt t. ttO I 10 14. 1040 I !S I. 104O t 1.. t'4 I to 1. 141 I 40 1U 14 I 3 I 111 I 40 I .. .JM III 1 110 I 51 t Hu t to I . 8TT I T . 1T I 10 .tt: 1 it . 4i I 11 .140 t 71 .161 I 75 .tit I It . tee I It .1030 t ti .1140 I U . tut t tt .1:0 f tt 1"0 t 10 i:w 1 to .1114 I It 11 4 t 11 tl.'! .. .. 7f,i I to 1 itao 1 tt loto l 10 HEIFERS. tl I 10 I tT 4t ! I it 11 V) J It . t 10 I Ml t M ltt I tt If t7 Tt 140 t 40 1 41 4 tt tit I 44 11 I 4 tt BULIJS. nwi t 1 lit t u ...... ihw 1 tt 1 411 t it i.-e 1 to 1 1171 t 44 CALVES. t ti 1 : 18 :.i 4 00 1 no 1 21 : (4 t lb tu r t 00 1 iat it ... . . !sn I 14 STOC KERS AND FEEDERS. 4U t 10 It 11 IS HI 1 la 444 8 4 I 6 641 6 191 t 17 7 76 8 77 .1 6 4H e j f IV, 83i 7 ll 6 6 8 l . 6 60H f 68 6 4 7 Jl f b 4 84 I art! 6 6 6 21 6 a, 7 74 6 oK, 4 87 . 6ly4l t tio i ioi 7 no, 8 tw 4 m . 6 47H 6 6tf 6 081 I Si! ! 6 69! 4 88 . o 4; Hi 611 6 101 8 2-1 7 62 s 01 . 16 4SI 6 07 5 80 7 10 6 87 6 01 iSUaxi a tu a , tt; . ii, 1 ti . i tf bo 1 6 47 1 I .1 1 6 601 5 04 1 too I na rr 1 40 4 tost I to t ta I mi t :s I it 4 to t an II . It I ft t ITt I to I aso t :t It til t to I H III BTKF.RS AND HEIFERS. II f I M H W Rlckel-Wyo. trows 18 ISO .to cows 4 1 cow 740 I ;io 4 steers. ...lt7 6 cows 1G31 J 36 S. J Kich-Neb V cows 8M 2 tm t heifers... 4 I H. RostwIrk-.Neb. 1 cow 810 f 26 1 ccw ineui cows..... 818 2 40 18 fee1ers.. MO A. Hanson Neb. 4 cows . . . . K16 IN I heifer 6!0 1 feeder... 780 I " 41 cows Nil 1 rslf 170 t 50 1 bull IJ 1 cow 1CS0 t 60 S 30 4 10 f 40 2 t JO 2 3 2 to 2 ia W K.STF.RNS J. If steers 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer. . t steers. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. It. Kemlrick yomlng. .1248 4 6 6 steers. ...1240 4 50 4 to 4 35 4 4 35 4 86 4 35 4 35 I 35 4 86 .11) ..111 ,. frM .1116 ,.11M ..1140 lJial .1110 4 60 4 35 4 4 X 4 36 4 36 4 86 4 ; 4 35 1 steer lb-M 1 sicer -3-41 1 sieer lvi 1 steer 1440 I slier. t40 1 steer.. 1 sieer.. 1 sieer. . 1 steer. . U60 11H I t.v .1430 1 steer 1 steer B cows lfAl 4 36 E. V. Sturkey Nebraska. .... 81; 8 30 WESTERNS WYOMING. ti cows 1HH2 8 K6 24. cows. t 53 4 14) t 75 t ho 4 00 feeders.. 1078 4 to t rows Itmi t 00 80 feeders. 15 cows 8 feeders. 76 feeders. M2 83 840 938 68 feeders.. 839 4 on 14 feeders.. 87 t mi 84 feeders.. 170 8 80 Searle A 1 heifer... 113u I n Son Neb. 1 heifer... .1100 .1030 t 00 t to f i0 t 36 1 heifer... 81 t (O 1 heifer.. 16 heifers. c! lolO 8 HO J cows 1030 t cows 876 1 cow.. t 01 H. W. Lome Neb. 1 cow t bucks... 70 2 2 cows 818 2 TO 11 2 76 William Snow Neh. f feeders.. 7o 8 25 1 feeder... 530 2 50 2 a I cow 70 26 6 cows... 10 heifer. . 6f 4 2 60 W. H. C'srter Neb. 7 cows 797 2 15 8 cows... 1 cow llto f 20 8 heifers 940 915 714 t 20 2 60 6 calves... 2."6 6 26 1 calf 110 4 10 4 feeders.. 437 t 10 1 calf lto S 26 HOOS Hogs sold anywhere from stea--to 5c lower today, the market closing gen erally 6c lower. The decline was ihe 1110 t pronounced on the lignt uogs, wliu n, a rule, aold flat 6c lower than yosternay. On the other hand the heavv anil mixed pack ers did not show as much decline, many of them selling early at fully as good prices a yesterday. Taking the mnrket aa a whole It averaged a shade lower than yes terdav. the hoa-s aelllna- larnely at 38 "W 6 65, as against f6.62H yesterday. While tne market was not exactly wont imsiii uj called active, yet there was a lair move ment and the most of tne nogs were uio In reasonable season. Representative sales: hm. At. ....171 too It lit ....171 ....170 .... 161 ....til ....241 ...tu ...ttl ...Ml ...til ....!! 101 Ill ....141 ...140 ....III ....241 ....240 ,...171 ....mi ....lot ....211 ....241 Il ....164 ....202 244 ...271 140 12t ...til Ill ...IJI ....tit Sh. Pr. 110 t 46 No. 14... 71... to. .. II... to... 11... 70... tt... tt. . . 12... 27... II... 71... 71... 41... 17... 15... 10... 14... 44... It... 41... 1J .. 17... tl... 41... 71... 74 .. 71... II... 77... 41... 74... 24... 70. , 14... At. 2.11 234 Ill Ill ...227 212 ttl ....lot ....lot Pr. I tt4 t M I ttw t 62 V, t tl t : t 51 t III I lilt t 41-. I tic, I I2V t 41 t tt I tt t U t 14 t 54 t It t 46 t tt t M I ti I 64 I 6S I it t M I ti I 17 I !7 I 17V, I 10 t to I to I to tin It... it.. 14.. 41.. t 45 40 I ti I 4714, 14 14.. tt.. 40 t 47 t 47 1, t 47 s, I 47 t to t to t 40 I to I l t it I to M 40 140 10 40 140 10 140 120 iio iio 40 40 too 0 DO 120 40 110 40 to itn ISO 40 to 74 . 120 iio io 100 'to to 140 40 140 to to 40 140 to too 80 41.. 134. 14.. 41., 2t . .lit It.. It.. 41.. 71.. II.. 72.. II.. It.. 71.. 10.. tl.. 44.. 17.. Tt. . II.. 70.. .211 .211 ..lit ..:n . .241 ..110 .211 . .ltt ..tut ..101 ..211 ..1st ..mi ..231 .211 ..I3S ..200 .246 ..231 .224 .164 . -tol ..211 ..ltt ..tut t to t to t to t it I to t 40 1 to t to 1 10 t 60 t 40 t 60 t 40 170 202 tOO t 41 It 244 120 4 41 41 172 I0O I 12 It 140 140 t 61 71 Ill ... til 74 Ill 40 112 M Ill ... til S..I.-I 40 a 61 71 tit 10 t ii STAGS. 8 378 10 Ii BOARS. 1 10 ... 400 SHEEP Recelpta of sheep continue quite liberal, another large run being re ported for today, and still receipts are not as heavy aa a year ago at this time. Sheep were generally steaay with yes teraay, there being no noticeaole change In the market for either wethers or yaarllngs, which sold in practically the same as the first ot th weea. The market, a a whole, wa In very fair hape, the oifer lng of desirable kind being disposed of In very good season tn the morning. In other words, the trade was actlvu at the prevailing price. On the other hand, ewe sold a little lower on th close, te 84.76 ewes of yesterday bringing oniy fl .65 today. Spring lambs, which have been com'ng in quite freely this week, sold 25c lower today. Goon range lambs which have been bringing ti.7o dropped down 10 f7.50, while the f i.60 lambs of yesterday uiu down to 17.30 today, with a somewhat dif ferent sort. Quotations: Good to choice spring l"vSs. t6 7aei7.60; fair to g od spilng Iambi, t6.25iu6.76; good to cnoice iai.,iig., ft 5 75; fair to good yeaiangs, f 0.0O, gtod to choice wethers, t4.ioH 5. 0C; fair to good wethers, t4.60'ii4.76; good to cnoice ewes, 4. 604.75, fair to good ewes, ii.Zb 64.60. Representative sales: No. Av. 10 Idaho ewes, culls 84 66 Idaho ewes M 93 Montana wethers 112 637 Muntana wethers 110 466 Montana wethers 112 26 Idaho lambs, cull 63 223 Idaho lamb 70 1 Idaho lamb 70 47 bucks 117 94 bucks 121 89 western ewes 97 72 western ewes 92 28 western ewes 92 2 native ewes 105 118 western ewes 106 76 Wyoming wetliers lo7 138 Wyoming wethers 99 968 Wyoming wethers and ewes.. 9ti 1 nativ lamb 70 Pr. t 50 4 40 4 85 4 85 4 fi 6 00 7 60 7 60 2 15 2 16 4 30 4 80 4 S) 4 60 4 6u 4 76 4 76 1 76 7 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Rteady to Lower Hoars fteady Hhcep Doll. CHICAOO, July 25. CATTLE Receipt, 27,0110 head; market, steady to 10c lower common 10 prime teers. t4.26rK.60; cows. f 2.7b 4.00; heifers, z.7ir'0.2&; bulls. r..VW 4.15; calves, f6.76'tj'7.0O; stockers and feeders. lZ.tS'S4 20. HOGS Receipts. 26 000 head; market, steaay; cnoice io prune Heavy, xii.ku medium to good heavy, f!.ofii.7ri: butcher weights, 2.8oi6.!to; good to choice heavy mixea. lo.DUOltr ,0; pSCKinp;, SHEEP AND LA M bS Receipts, head; market, dull; sheen, ft.lO'itu.SO lings, f4.254io.iiO; lambs, f5.7fc&.S.10. lii, 000 year- .. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. July 26.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 5,000 head. Including 2.5 Texan; market for natives eteady, Texans strong; native snipping ana export steers, H 6 i b. .0 drei-ned beef and butcher steers, f4.15rafi.4o steers under l.Onn lbs., tC.5nfy4 50; stockers and feeders, f.' OOtfil.lO; cows and heifers, f2.2Vtu.eti; canners. ,l.t'4i2.uu; bubs, 82. ton: 4 6; calves. 83.6iVn6.00; Tex ia and Ind nn steers, t8.otva.uu; cows and heifers, f2.vr 4.2 . HOGS Receipts, U',fV head; market 6c lower; pigs anj lights. fii.;..ti 30; jiackeis tO 40'o5.6o; butchers and best hiavy, t7j tjii 6. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts, 2 fY head; market strong; native in jttons. tl 0"rt 6 5o; lamb, 4.iAnu7.; culls ami bucks. tjj6; stockers, .6.'.;ij'0. Kanaaa City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. July 26-CATTLE-Ri-celpta, 10.J head, including 2J0 southerns; market, steady to weak; choice export and dressed beef steer. J5.,4 &..; fair 10 g iod. ll.fl(j 4f-, western led steris, t'i Ci-u; oi ; stockers and feeders, f24'.'U4..i; southern steers, f2.5O'at.C0; southern cjv. s, f.'.o !q3 40: liitlve cows, f native hellers, j6.U: bill's. $;.4t44.r: calves. fJ.'.Oai.S). HOGS Rect Ipts. 12,0io head; murket, otened steady, closed 5c lower: tori. ,. '.-r bulk of sales, t6.67H6.6S; lieavy. Ij 5". H 4o ti. pacaers,; piga una iigius, f6.wr&6.'0. 6HEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, i.;'0 head: market, steady, lambs. ii.MHl'.ij; native sheep aril yearlings, t4 5"'f6 50; wrs' ern yearlings. tWOVij 7t, western nii'ip, f4.267io ii; stoeketa and feeders. fXofj c.i-. Mnk la Slflit. Rrcelpts of ltv tt-ck it the tlj prlnrijal western market yrtterda Cstlle liege. 8.42 l.'.O- 1 ,I0 lfl.iOl 8.8't Jrj She' p 8 5 9 South Omaha 8ioux cry ... Kansas Ity . Si. Iouis St. Joseph .. Chicago Total . t tot a1 .1A t,o . 6 ( O . ? ,::.ots) 5. rn S."n 8 4 0 4.810 6J0M t. Joseph Live 'lecli Mnrkef, ST. JOgEPH. July 28. CATTLE Re. celiita. 2.8'e head; market ateadv f lrc lower: r.attvee. 84 66 10: tiwi and heifer, fl 766 (; stocker and feeder, fl fS4 0 Hotii-Recelfta, (,864 bad, market i.u:',0 lower; light, W JfKieftn: medium and Heavy. f.; t' fl V. IIEKP AND I.AMI1S - Receipt. 1,430 hefld; market Ktilhc lower. Wloas Ity l.lae ! Market. RlOt'X CITY, la.. July S-(Social Tele gram. 1- CA T'l l.E -Receipts, 40 head, mar ket stculy; beevis. 84 at-ti. to; cuts s. buiis snd miked, el 'ckris end fee.l ers. U tv(i4 00, calves and yearlings, f.ll'd 2 Hllt)8 Receipts. 4.7'sl head; market steadv. selling at 8 t-.ii to; bulk of ealea, t.4S4ti.t6. Weol Market. ROSTON. July S -WtMH-Ther Is n Improved tone in evidence In the wind market. Although the woolen mills re not ss yet larse buyer, thev are showing much more Interest thin for some month". Most of the trade lor the last -eek hit been from worsted manufacturer. Medium territories have hud the cull Forelan grades ore steady. Iadtng uubtatlons fol low: Ohio ami Pennsylvania, .X and above. HTj.Wc; X. 33c; No. 1. 41m 12c; No. 2, 4.:ii43c; No. 1 unwashed. iftilCTc; nuarter M001I, unwashed. 3.i."4c; three-i'inrters-blood, 34'tl.V; half-blood. 3.W34C. unwashed Delaine, SifiSOc; fine wiished Drlnlno, 8iif 3c. Michigan, line unvieshed. 24-n2f.c: quar-ter-blood. tinwushed. t'tiKtc; three-quarlr-blood. SirStc; unwashed Delaine, fTfiJ'ic. Kentutkv. Indiana, etc.. three-quarters-blood and qiinrter-blood, 34ff",ic. Territory and Idaho, fine. 'J;iri24c; heavy fln. IMrf; medium, f.1ft24c; low m1lum, 2rV(ji7c. Wyo ming, fine. 21',Viilc; fine medium, fTjMc; medium. 27'ic; low medium. 27ii28c. I't.ih and Nevnd.i. fine. 23ir?Sc; henvv tine. IO PV; fine medium. I.ti2Sc; medium, 27t-!tr; low medium. 27-'c. likota. fine, I2492.V; fine medium. JJ'Titc; medium, 270"2Sc; low mt"dlum. 27i 2Se. Montana, tine choice. 2A 2fic; fine average, 2.'fi21-: flna medium choice. 2ni2Hc; avernjrc, J.".'ii?lc: staple, 27 2Rc: tnedlum choice. iTIi'-Hc. ST. LOl'IS. July 26 WlXlly Steady: me dium grides, combing snd clothing. W'Sr' 2ic; light fine i.;i2.'c; heavy fine, l4Jjn7c; tub washed, 32fi3sHo. Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 2fi M ETA T .8 Trier was a reaction In the londnn tin market which closed at 170 6s for spot and at 1MH9 ISs for futures, licnlly the market wns up about 7H points on the average, with snot quoted at 837.35437 40. Copper had a strong advance In the Iindon market, with spot quoted at LR? 5s. Locally the market wns nominally unchanged with lake quoted at fl8.37H1i 18.76; electrolytic, tl8.12HCf 18.50; casting. l7.76n 1S.0O. lead waa changed at 8V75 in the local market, advanced 2s tid to 16 15s In lndon. Spelter wns unchanged In both markets, with Ion don closing at 27 and the local market at f5.954iti.iiti. Iron was higher In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 51s and Cleveland warrants at 61s 8d. lo cally the market was unchanged and steady tn Arm nt the advance on the previous day. No. 1 foundrv northern Is quoted at tli.60f 19 26; No. 2 foundry northern. $18 2618 75; No. 1 foundry southern, f I8.(jj''18.60; No. 2 foundry southern. f17.fsVfilx.oo. ST. LOUIS. July 25. METALS Lead, weak at f6.f 2 H if 6.66; spelter, quiet at t5.92H- Coffee Market NEW YORK, July 25 COFFER The market for futures opened steady at n advance of 6 points on further gains in the European markets and continued con fidence In the possibilities of the valoriza tion plan. At tne trier waa con- ideratile selling by old longs, however, nil the market cased off slightly during the middle of the session, with fresh buy ing for long account checked to soma ex tent by the fact that the market at Rio waa reported 75 rels lower, that receipt at primary point aere heavy and rumor that heavv Wall street long Unas might come on the market around 7c for Decem ber. The market closed steady at an ad vance of 6 point to a decline of 6 points. Sales were reported of 70.750 bags. Includ ing July at 6 B0e; September, 6.65 96. 0c; October. 6.76IB 6.80c; December, 6 90ii 00c; Januarv, 7.10c; March, 7.1 6S'7.2ic; Mnv, 7. sour 7.35c. Spot Rio, firm; No. 7 Rio, 8c. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. July 25. OILS Cotton seed, barely steady; prime crude, f. o. b., mills. 26H'S26c, new crop; prima yellow. 8888Hc. Petroleum, firm; refined. New York. f7.R0; Philadelphia and Haltlmore. 87 76; In bulk, ft. 65. Turpentine, quiet; S9H4i60e. ROSIN Firm: straintxi. common to good, f4.o0. OIL CITY, pa., JUiy 2fi. -OIL Credit 63.934 bbls ; 72,304 bbl.; balances, $1.64. Shipments, avernge, 65,312 bbls. Runs, average, 60.569 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 83.7S1 hhls.; average. 66.698 hhls. Tluna, Lima. 47.572 bbls.: average, 85,660 bbls. SAVANNAH, July 25. OIL Turpen tine, quiet; 67c. . ROSIN Firm; stock, 67.696 bbls. Quote: A, B. C. $3 85; I). f4.05; E, t4.20; F, $4.25: Q, t4.30; II. $ 4 . S f. ; I, f4.40; K 4.60; M, f4.80: N. f4.90; WO, f4.96; WW, 16.60. tilidden Tourists Knronte. JACKMAN. July 25. After camping out In tents over night the Olldden automobile tourists began their run of ninety-three miles to Wetervllle today. The first hun dred cars got away at about 7 o'clock, but It was two hours later before th last bad gone. REAL KSTATK TRANSFERS. Alfred J Rharrj. Ittey and wife to Mark B. lot 4, block 1, Hamilton S'inaro t 2,000 John H. Dumont and wife to Corinne Possant, lot 14 less s 110 feet and wH of lot 13, block A. Reservoir ad tfit Vnn A. Matthews and wife to Philip H. Steyer. lot 6 and sH lot t. block I. Kendnll' ad 1.S00 Milton Rogers Estate company to Cora E. Custis, lot 1, block 9, Mc- Cormlck- ad 1.600 The Omaha Realty company to Kate Belinda Curtis. w32 fret lot 2. block 9. McCormlck's ad '.. 1.2O0 E. Wakeley and wife to Kate Be linda Curtla, el fxt of w33 feet of lot 2. block 9, McCormlck's ad.;.!.. 1 John Llndwall to Jacob KendlS, lot 10. block 1, Helmont Park 10 Rotiert Hicks and wife to lah Ken- dls, lot 2. block 8. Belmont Park.... 1.280 William Redgwick to John Llndwall, lot 10. block 1, Belmont Park $00 Fred D. Wead lo William Redgwick, lot 10, block 1, Belmont Park EC Elbert T. Duke and wife to Gusfay Pegan, lots 1, 2 and eH lot 3, block 18, and lot 20, block 6H, Second ad Bedford Place J David Van Etlen and wife to John Reld. 326', feet sec. 26-15-13 $,008 Wilson T. Oruham nnd wife to Joseph F. Murphy, lot 1, block 6, Hammond--. Place 271 Joseph F. Murphy and wife to Mary K. Franta, lot 1, block 5, Hammond Place Tf Thonuis W. Kern to Mary W. Walder, lots 18 and 19. block 15. Omaha View 15C Mi. rv Agnes Brady and husband to Chris Chrirtensen, n?iH feet H 14 t, block 2. Patrick s ad 960 Anns Dwnrak to Tillle Dworak, nH of nH bit U, block 8, Improvement A Shi. elation ad, nnd lot 4, block 16, . Brown's Park, alnn lot 9, block t, Kountze ad 6,000 Horace C. plunketi to Heremlnh M. Fitzgerald, lot 1. block 37, Snuth Omnha $.160 Maria Augusiat to Marie Smrkovsky, , fl-4 feet of eS6 feet lot 7, Okahoma ad ' 260 The Tnlted Ileal Estate and Triurt company to C. W. Bummer, lot 10, block 4. Maxwell's Second ad TO A'lwrt P. Bulterfleld and wife to Isa bella Putterlleld, e'; feel lot 16, blink 17. Wilcox Second ad l.tnfl John II. Dumont and wife to Jose-, nhlne Landgreen. n48 feet ellO feet of lot II and n IN feet slid f et of wH lot i:', Hnhdlv A Reservoir ad 8,600 Byron R. Hastings and wife to Rob ert C Johnson, lot 5, block 11, Dwlght Lyman's ad , 600 231.752 Total for July 25. City of New York Pr!e and particular upon application. :A. B. LEACH & CO. NEW YORK. CIllCAdO OUdlON PillLADCLPMii 32S n