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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1906)
JCLY 23. 100G. Bee, July H I Tel Itnimlas fil. FALLING WALLS KILL ELEVEN HgguohoMttt Buildinc Collapses Burrine; sinpii.i.u., ill psiiusi -II milling- Mibt War k men, TJodar th Debnt, THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: "WEDNESDAY, Wo ll n( Come to our store Wednesday If only to look aroun1. You will find many lini-gains that are not advertised. Come here and wait for the big parade which will pass our door; make use of our free rest rooms, parcel checking department, etc. Pure filtered ice water on main floor. Head items for Wednesday's secial selling. , Am. PUorinrr Cola rf PViniro i around. w lth coloi eI embroidered dot ; very , are longer over hips and back than laat UUr Uieanng Oaie OI WlOlCe .d)r,)fl for ,,,,,. coat ,,, or Mpllr,te '.eon. with the same graceful curve,. Wash Goods In an event that few Omaha ladies lei pas without taking advantage of. Only at thii toion of the year run choice Wash Cloods hp had at aurh a trifle. WASH GOOt8 NOW PELI.INU AT 5C A YARD. ldcFatlte. iic Tissues. 23c Organdies. WA8H GOODS NOW PKLL1NO AT l'KJ A YARD. 23c Irish Dimities. J"c 811k Moussellncs, c Mercerised Vicereine Bating, 40c !m- ported Swisses, 4c Silk Organdies, fic Silk Tollenre. " WASH UOOD8 NOW SELLING AT 15C PER YARD. 4"c. Zephyr Ginghams. 4oo Mcrcerlied Taf. Ma. Silk Organdies. &oo Silk Jac- qunMs. tor Embroidered Tissues, toe Em- hroldered I.lnons - In Basement. $1.75 Embroidered Linen Suit, ing, 79c per Yard. Wednesday will be your Inst opportunity t-i'hiiy these Linen Suitings, for we have marked them at a price that will clean tiiem all out rapidly only three pieces left K-lnrh Embroidered Linen Suitings, white ment s future Intentions. M. Stolypln evidently believes sincerely that the plan Is achievable hut there is little .hope that either CJinjfcon" or Shluoff will in any way ii'dke ttietjisi lf rt'i-v(iii Jiole lor the energet; measures of repression which the em peror's coup I' etate entails and. It la certain that none of the constitutional democrsta will brave the charge of open treason 14 giving co-operation to any gov ernment mensure after the) step to which they committed themselves at Vlborg. The plan, therefore, which Is foredoomed to failure. seems to lie a deliberate plot of the court camerlila to Induce the em peror, who shows weakness In the present crisis when energy and nerve are im perative, to entrust the direction of affairs to an advisory council and while nominally the council would retain the authority the esmerllla would gradually absorb Its power and eiterclse a virtual dictatorship ss did Count Lorls-MoHkoffs committee of public eafety during the terrorist preced ing the awwss, nation of Alexander II. M. Shlpoff'a opinion of the dissolution can be Judged by the fact that last night he sent a note to a constitutional demo crstic member of the council of the empire Asking fpr a Invitation In the event that the constitutional democrat group of the council held a caucus. Old F.aptonaae System Adopted. . It la already certain that some con sternation exists In the upper spheres over the magnitude of the task they have aa sumed.. .Events, are marching with start ling rapidity. Having taken a decision to sit on the safety ' valve the government knows1 bf no' method except force and all the old bureaucratic machinery of sup; presslon has been placed In operation to prevent an explosion. Domoclllary searches continue In all quarters of the capltol. the prisons are already filling and the old system to conceal from the people what Is happening haa been adopted. The censorship of the press haa been resumed with a vigor unknown since the daya of the late Minister von Thieve accompanied by the wholesale conviction' of newspapers. No word of the proceedings have been per mitted to be published. Telegrams from the provinces telling of the universal In dignation aroused by the dissolution and even those from abroad outlining public opinion In foreign countries have been emasculated or 'suppressed. Not a word of tie speech, of Premier Campbell-Banner-man before the Interparliamentary union In Ixndnn yesterday haa been allowed to be printed. The editions of the ' Rech, Strana and the Twentieth Century were confiscated as they left the press Jhls morning. Cossacks In Rebellion. At two meetings last night one near Narva Gate and the other In the Vlbrogakt district, across the ' Neva, the Cossacks sent to disperse them refused openly to do so and fraternised with the workmen. Thla la partially confirmative of the revo lutionists boast that the troops will not Are again oft the people. The moat serious Immediate problem confronting the government la what to do with . tba members of the outlawed Parliament. Isolated arrests of members have occurred In various parts of the country and It Is difficult to see how the government logically can avoid arresting all who participated Id the Vlborg meet ing. , - , The members of the Parliament expect to be lodged In prison and the great bulk of them, about 190 In number delayed their departure until today In order to give the permanent executive committee an op portunity to confer.. It was decided to return here this afternoon, the members preferring to be arrested in a body than be hunted do sen singly. , Troops at Rullway fttatlon A representative of the Associated Press who went to the Flnttsh railroad atatlon ' at noon when It waa r ported the members were due to arrive, sew hslf a regiment ot cavalry quarteitd In a court yard opposite the station, whluh, su swarming with grndarmes. The members of the perma nent executive committee which Is headed by Prince Paul Olgoroukoff together w!t A Complete Novelette EDITH WHARTON Jtuthmr of "Thm Houi of Mirth." appmart li tttt FICTION NUMBER V (AUGUST) scribner: skirts. Regular price is 11.75 a ysrd- WEDNESDAY S PRICE TO CLOSE :C FER YARD-MAIN FLOOR. Our Customers' Deposit Ac count Department Is located In Balcony at rear of Main Floor. We would be pleased to hare you call and learn about this new way of having goods I charged (on a caih basis). Deposit lyour money tn our Deposit Account Depart. j m(nti ,, hav, your purch charged to thfl amount you have on depoalt. We pay ( pr rPnt interest, compounded every three months. We do no banking business. I Til I LadieS GlOVeS. The elbow-length Black Olace Kid Olovca ; have arrived, either Valleir or Trefousse make; eatra good quality; per pair. $3.&0. Black Mousquetslre "Armlete," a feature of economy, as the "Armlets" receive de cidedly less wear than the glove; per pair, IJ.Oo-Maln Floor. J. B. Corsets Most of them are high bust and are from j the home of the finest Corsetlerea. They We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. as Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. .ts future plans are kept secret, but (t Is virtually prepared to assume the role of a direotorjr . ir provisional government should developments make such a course advisable. Such an Intention, however, la not publicly, acknowledged, but all the groups participating in the address' to the country reslizo the gravity of the stand they have taken. "We carefully avoided summoning tin active revolution,"- said one of the leaders to the Associated Press. "We stand com mitted before the country and the World to the limits of passive resistance. Fur ther than thla we did not go." Dim Members Itetorn. Over 100 of the Russian ntembera of Par liament who yesterday Issued an address to the country reached the Finnish station here from Vlborg at 8 o'clock this morn ing. A crowd of several thousand persons gathered there before the arrival of the train, but a heavy force of gendarmes promptly hurried the people Into tne streets, whence they were driven away by mounted gendarmes. Several arrests of suspects were made In the crowd, but the orders of the pollca evidently were ' limited, to pre venting a demonstration, the cavalry In a neighboring barracks not appearing. The laat ca,r ot the train waa occupied by the members of the group of toll and had red dags flying .from the windows as It rolled into the station. Prince Dolgoroukoff and M, Naboukoft beaded the members as they marched out In a body through lines of police. A few friends who managed to ob- tain admittance to the atatlon greeted the parllamentariana warmly, but they $ared to Indulge In any demonstration which . might have Justified the arrest of the mem- uri) witu iumj Ajnicu iu w iurivunuuu and marched off to prison. They appeared grave but resolute. On. the train It had been arranged that the members of the various groups. If not arrested, should hold a caucus this evening and confer on the next atep. There seema practically no dif ference of opinion. They have (one too far to retreat. They stand Irrevocably com- ' committee will open headquartera at the mtted and must march on. The only differ- ! Palmer house In Chicago Auguat 1. Final ence of opinion la aa to what the next step ' arrangements were made today by Con will be and how far It will go. j gressmari Henry T. Ralney of Carollton, Before leaving Vlborg It waa arranged : III., and James T. Lloyd of Missouri, who through underground revolutionary chan- ; were appointed by Chairman James M. nets to distribute the addresses to the coun- ' Griggs of the congressional committee to try, hundreds of thousands of copies of , direct the movement. Mr. Lloyd will be which have already been surreptitiously In charge, assisted by Mr. Ralney. The printed. The members of Parliament, therefore, have already opened an alliance with the purely revolutionary organisations. The opinion la also unanimous that they must have Immediate recourse to the only weapon at their disposal, namely, a general political strike for the purpose of paralys ing! the government. Word has been re ceived here that the Moscow workmen's council will be ready Sunday or Monday and a tentative decision to call a strike wilt be taken on Sunday. Csnr Sentenced to Death. Proclamations announcing that tbe death sentence haa been Imposed on the emperor, General Trepoff, M. Pobledonostseff , who . . " . . ., - ' General Orloff, the "pacificator of the Baltic provinces, and other, have been .c.ttered over part of Peterhof, I M A 1 -i - ... in icrruriEia are iu iu liav. luccnora In distributing copies of the sentences on the doors of General Orloff and General Trepoff'a quarters. Two Deputies Arreated. . VIBORQ. Finland, July 34. During the night the members of the outlawed rlua sian Parliament received word that two of their number had already been arrested nameiy. ratner .oyamoa. i ronein,.. and a Cossack deputy, M. Kharlamoff, at Rostov-on-the-Don. The authoritiea are asked to have orders to arrest several social democrats, espe - daily a priest named Afanaaieff. Both Father Koyarkoff and M. Khar- lamoff distinguished themselves by preaching revolution from the rostrum of Parliament, the latter being especially bitter In his denunciation of the use of hla people in masaacrelng their, Russian! brethren. Russian Securities rail. - LONDON, July tt.-The new Russian loan continues to fall on the Stock ex change and re now quoted at 12 per rent discount. Oitherwls. the market la re covering from the first shock of the news from Russia, and prloaa generally are ateadylng. . PARIS, July H The tone of the Bourse today was again animated, but Russians held their own during the first hour. Rus sians held their own until Ixndon advices j showed a further decline. .Thla precipitated new offers, but there was no serious decline. Imperial 6s of 18t. closing at 78.75 and '4a of 11 closing at Ii7,i0. Russian industrials continued downward ST. PETERSBURG. July 24 Trading on the Bourse waa not' so excited today aa yesterday.. A fairly successful effort waa made to stay tba fall In Industrial and private shares, generally,., but the steady liquidation pf government securi ties continued throughout the day. Ira- perial 4a tloacd a point tower, at IS, and Is lost t points, 'closing at 10. Disorder In Odessa LONDON, July HA -A dispatch la Reuter s T.lnrriim eomnanv from Drfaiaa t 1 n m ays: Anu-jewtsn outbreaks nave com menced here. A number of persons have already been killed or wounded. Cossacka and readies are plundeitng. the The materials are of batiste and models n,ost ehsrly. Prices, $1.00. $1.50 and 1200 each Second Floor, j Specials from Men's Dept. If you need an extra undergarment or a shirt to finish out the season select from these and save money. UNDERWEAR. One of our regular 50c numbers, known as "crepe knit," very light in weight. Just the right kind for hot weather wear, now on special sale at 35C EACH, THREE FOR $1.00. SHIRTS. An odd lot of Madras Shirts, some light colors,- and a great many pretty plnka among them, mostly all sizes; sold regular at 11.00 and $1.50 each REDUCED TO 9C EACH. Pretty line of White Wash Four-ln-Hands, special good values, at 25c each. COATLEBS SUSPENDERS. Why wear an unsightly Suspender over your shirt when you can wear one of these comfortable Coatlesa Suspenders under your shirt. Ask to aee them 30c per pair Main Floor. lejerted Jewish houses and shops. on fereclnata street three Jews were killed and three, were wounded In attempt ing to . defend their property while the police . looked .on. Another bloody conflict is now reported to be In progress in Stepoval atreet The whole city Is In a state of panic. Aiany of the inhabitants are fleeing. The Black Hundreds are distributing bloodlnlrsty proclamations in the streets. Serious disturbances took place in the remote quarters of Odessa Isst night. The Jews sought refuge In the center of the city. Many of them left Odessa altogether, ODESSA, July 24.-1:3 B. M.r-Tfiere haa been no actual program here today, but drunken Cossacka endeavored to Instigate an anti-Jewish' massacre In the industrial suburb of Maldovanka, but were scattered by Infantry, who Instantly surrounded the Jewish quarter and threatened to annlhll ate the Cossacks. The latter were with drawn to the barracks by their command ar.ts order. Under sudden terror BiiO Jewish families sought refuge In other parts of the city Bombs for Four Stores. - SOSNOWICH, Russian Poland, July 24. Simultaneously at noon yesterday bombs were thrown Into the four stores of the Singer Sewing Machine company, located here at Brndxln, at Kawlerze and at Caen- ttochau, wrecking each of the shops. Workmen's Connrllmen Taken. MOSCOW, July 24.-The police today, at tempted to capture -all the, delegates to. the. workmen's council, but only succeeded n capturing fourteen, . DEMOCRATS PLAN CAMPAIGN Cong-resstounl Committee Will Open Western Hendqnartera In Chlrago August 1. CHICAGO, July $4. The western division of the democratic congressional campaign western division will Include Ohio and aH northern states west of It and ' all atatea west of the Mississippi river except Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. JOB TENDERED TO STICKNEY Head of Chlengro Offered. Place . O rent Western on Interstate Commerce Commission. KANSAS CITT. Mo., July 24.-A special to the Journal from Waahlngton, D. C, I saya: A. B. Stlckney, president of the Chicago Great Western Railway company, : haa been offered a place on the interstate 'commerce commission by President Roose- , . ' T, Tah ffer f e P0811'00 w" m"d to Mr. Stlckney Ave days ago. I mmsaaaBBsnaamnmnBBnnmBmwaaannamnmnmBt CODCPACT flC TUC 1ACATUCD rUntUMOl UT lilt WtAlnCn Thnnderehetvers In Nebraska Today, Cooler In Northwest Portloni Fair Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. July !4 Forecsst of the weather or Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebrask'a Thunder showers Wednes- ron. . northw... ortlon: Thura- , a4y far i For Kansas-Fair Wednesday, warmer lu ) portn; Thursday fair. j For i0wa-Fmlr Wednesday, showers and cooler ,t nght or Thuraday. I Kor Missouri-Fair Wednesday, warmer in outh portion; Thursday fair. j For south Dakota Thunder ahowers : Wednesday, cooler tn central and east por- tons; Thursday fair. For Wyoming and Montana-Fair Wed- nesday and Thursday. ' Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, July U. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: l- l-10 Maximum temperature 4 7S 7 Minimum temperature.... 3 M ) 7 Mean temperature 74 6 70 7 Precipitation 00 .0 .00 .10 Temperature and Drectpitatlon departures j from the normal at Omgha since March 1. I ana compwrinon wim iuu v Normal temperature 7 leflclrn y for the day Total deficiency since March 1. Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day Total rainfall atnee March 1 Deficiency aince March 1 Pendancy for cor. period In !!;!""'.!!i7s . .14 Inch . .14 Inch .15 37 inches 1 !1 Inches 1 M Inches Deficiency for cor. pertoa in is.. s.i incurs Heuorta from Stations at T P. M. Station and State of Weather. Bismarck, cloudy Cheyenne, clear Chicago, clear Davenpurt, clear . Temp. Max. Raln , fall. O0 .04 .10 .' 7 p. m. Temp 7 7t 78 4 Si S2 Srt so M ...... 7S 78 m 74 M. S4 82 t6 Mi M 84 M 2 9t IKnver. part ciouoy. T .00 .1") .uo .rt .00 Tl .00 .nil .00 so j Havre, part cloudy. Helena, clear. Huron. prt cloudy. Kanxaa City, clear.. Omaha, psrt cloudy. i Rapid City, raining clear. Ht. Pauk clear Halt 1-ake City, clear. Vnlentlns. cloudy.... T Indicate trace of precipitation. 1 A. WELSH, Local Fotacaatar. EIGHT INJURED AND fIVE ARE MISSING Tottering Walla aa Plllnre mmi Hssilsg Hen ma Mnke Work f Katrlratlna; Bodies IXffl- SOUTH FRAMINQ1I AM. Mass., July 24. Although the search for the bodies of workmen and other persons thought to be burled In the ruins of the collapsed busi ness block on Concord street continued all last night and throughout the day. the coming of nightfall found the task of th aesrehers still far from completion. The finding of the body of Henry U Sawyer, a prominent hardware dealer, who went to the building to Inspect the plumbing plsns, brought the number of dead up to eleven, and It Is believed that there are four more In the rulne. At dawn there were still nine oodles at the morgue, one other victim could be seen In the ruins, eight of the Injured were at the hospital, two others were at their homes while the list of missing still remained at six, msklng a total of twenty-six, who so far as could be lesrr.ed early todny were about the building when tne support gve way and sent the tons of cement. Iron columns and steel beams crashing In a tangled mass Into the base ment. A revised list of the dead and wounded and missing follows. Desd: CHARLES BI.TTHE. "nmh Framing ham, superintendent of construction. HENRY L. SAWYER, hardware dealer. C. F. HARDY. Natlck. head plasterer. PATRICK PRENDERGAST, Newton Upper Fulls, plasterer. FRANK DRI8COLL, Newton Highlands, plasterer. JAMES WELCTf. Wesfboro. plasterer. LT MHRTNO A I OT STINO. lsborer. . ROMO MARCHIE. Isbnrer. jnSFPH PROT'T, laborer. UNIPFNTlFIFn BODY, at morgue. UNIDENTIFIED ROPY. In ruins. Injured and Missing;. The Injured Include: ' ( W. Hutchinson, Holllston, Mass.,' arms and head Injured. Chester Nlcholsen. back Injured and .bruised hesd an srms. ! Frerl Howe, scalp wounds and Injured shoulders. John Hacksett, arm broken and! he-ad cut. James Mulrahy, fractured arms and leg badly bruised. Louis Pelgrlnnl. Injured hesd and chest. Edgar Bower, scalp wounda and , right arm Injured. O. M. Amsden, South Framlngham, owner of building, fractured leg. Missing: Nesl O'Brien, South Framlngham.- Fred Cunningham. t T. Say. Villi 6nest. ' The tottering Walls and plllara and the hanging beams and girders made the work of extricating the bodies not only difficulty but dangerous. The cause of the accident could not be 'definitely learned today,- The town hs no building laws and any proceedings against a contractor or other persons In connection with faulty construction will have to be upon another charge, and any action will have to be brought by state officiate Instead of the local authorities. tll KILLED I RAILROAD WRECK Train Leaves Track- Xear Cnraden. Wash., PlnnsrJns; (Vrer Rmnnnknsent. SPOKANE, Wash.. July 24 When the Spokesman-Reviews ? staff correspondent left the scene tf: the disastrous Great Northern wreck, thirty mllea eaat of Bpo kane, at S o'clock; -none of the bodies bur- fled tn Diamond, bike -had been recovered. Efforta with a ;steam derrick to, raise, the submerged locomotive and the care were unsuccessful. , The known dead number six, but many In the tlclnlty of the wreck believe that the number will be Increased to twelve or fifteen. . Spreading rails, probably cauaed by aun kinks, waa given aa the cause. The dead: N. EDWARD MCNSON. engineer, H1U yard. Wash. FRANK BELL,' fireman, Hillyard. CHARLES DANKgK, mail clerk, Spo kane. - GEORGE R. STRICKLAND, express messenger. GEORGE HOWARD CURTICE, Spo kane, lumbermsn. T. J. DOLBOW, Spokane. UNIDENTIFIED, MAN, at Buchanan' undertaking rooms; has brown mustache and wears an Odd Fellows; pin. ' . Among the seriously Injured are: John Lord, Seattle, actor, left hand cut, face bruised and back hurt. Walter N. Roas, news agent, Seattle, wrist cut. ,. Henry Byocum, ' Mlnot. N. V., badly burned and hurt internally. Immediately after the smoker struck the water there was a- blinding flash, which spread over the part of the car not sub merged, and a fire followed. The Impact waa 'so terrific that several cars on the rear ot the traln were wrenched and twisted.: and the fact that the coup lings did not break on the dining, tourlat and aleeplng cars waa the only thing that averted even greater less of life. Englner Munsoa and Fireman Bell evi dently stuck to their posts, and t Is be lieved, too, that the locomotive la In from 100 to 300 feet of water. , Two dlvera made half a dozen attemnta to find the locomo tive, but were not successful. W. 8. Nlnneman,' a contractor for iron work on the Oregon Railroad and Naviga tion company, broke through a wlnddw to escape from the burning and half sub merged smoker. Mr. Nlnneman aald: "We were coming at a fearful speed HACK TO PULPIT What Food IHti for a Clergyman. A minister of Elisabethtown tells how Grape-Nuts food brought him back to hla pulpit: "Some S years ago I had an attack of what seemed to be La Grippe which left me in a complete . state of collapso and I suffered for some time with nervous prostration. My appetite failed and I lost flesh till I was a mere skeleton, life was a burden to me, I lost interest tn every thing and almost In everybody save my precloua wife. "Then on the recommendation of some friends I began to use Grape-Nuts food. At that tlms I waa a misers bis skeleton, without appetite and hardly able to walk across the room, hsd ugly dreams at night, no disposition to entertain or be enter tained and began to shun society. "I Anally gave up the regular mlnlatry. Indeed 1 could not collect my thoughts on any subject, snd became almost a hermit. After I had been using the Grape Nuts food for a short time I discovered that I waa taking on new life and my appetite began to Improve; I began to sleep better and my weight increased steadily; I had lost some 60 pounds, hut under the new food regime I have regained almost my former weight and have greatly Improved In every way. "1 feel that 1 owe much to Grape-rAits aad can truly recommend the food to all who require a powerful rebuilding agent delicious to take and always welooms." Name given by Post urn Co, Battle Creek. Mich. A true natural road to regain health, or hold It, Is by the use of a dish of Grape-Nuts and cream morning and night. Or have' the food made Into some of the many delirious dishes given In the recipe book found In pkgs. . Ten day's trial of Orspe-Nuts helps many. "There's a reason." Look in pkgs. for copy of the famous book. "Th Road to Wellvlla." Are Still Observing Red-Lelter Day in the Big Store. Red-Letter Day Means Extra Stamps and Extra Bargains. Ladle' Summer Presses at price that are appalling. Organdie, Madras. Dimity, Ltnon. Lawn, white, fancy and dark color dresses worth $3.95. $4.60, 14.96, $5.50 ahd 5.95 all bunched IOC at f.&.JD I.ADIKH' WASH WAISTS Half off ain't in It be aide the prices we. are making. Just come and com pare our waists at 48c, 98o, !M.fl and $2.98 with any waist in town at three time the price and you will surely deride in favor of our. II KMX A NTS OK SILK About SOO remnant tn length from H to 10 yard each, Including many of this season's most popular style. COI)RKI WOOL DMKSS GOODS. 4 0-Inch All Wool Panama, in blue and white, black and white, red and white and brown and white checks. These goods have been sold regu larly for 75c yard special, yard IILACK WOOL DIIKSS GOODS. 54-inch Black Mohair Sicilians, rich rormer price 75c yard special Wednesday only, yard RED-LKTTKK DAY SrKCIALS IN WASH GOODS. Just a few of those choice suitings such as Voiles and French Ginghams, that aold to 45c f yard for Wednesday only, yard J0 If you want something for a nice, cool dress In Lawns, Batistas or Organdies, don t miss our sale o,f these goods Wednesday that are worth to 30c r yard all go at one price yard IOC LINKNS. fifty odd H-dozen lots of Napkins that sold to $2.50 dozen, put in' at one price for Wednesday "7 C set JC A good Fure Linen Towel, In huck and damask, worth 36c each for. Wednesday only each. . . .' Linen Finish Suiting that sold at 15c yard Wednesday only yard POMKSTICS. L. L. Unbleached Muslin for Wednesday only yard Good quality American Prints, In grey, blue and red for Wednesday only yard O'Donahoe-Redmond Co. 1Td through that tunnel and we passengerf were all wondering If the engineer hsd lost his senses, driving at i.itst rate of speed with a sharp curve ahead. I think we must surely have been, going forty-five miles an hour." Statement from Offlrlals. y ST. PAUL, July 24. The office of General Superintendent Blade of the Great Northern railroad today gave out the following state ment regarding the wreck near Camden, Wash., late last night: Train No. S. engine No. 30, left the track at the west end of the tunnel one and one half miles east of Camden, Wash., and ninety miles cast of Mpokane. The engine and the mall csr went lulu the lake and are out of sight. The baggage car also went Into the lake, but Is merely sub merged below the surface. Knglneer Mtinson, Fireman Bell. Bag gageman Strickland, Mall Clerk Charles Dnnners and one passenger George E. Cur tis of Bokane were drowned. The following were Injured: T. J. Delbow, Edward Neweonib, C. J. McHilla, Jamea.' Durbln. Thomas wainch, I.uker MlUnkeeonhlc, all of Spokane; John l.ord and wife, Seattle; Klmer K. Hill of Colfax, Wash. Three others also received slight bruises. .... The gas tank under the mail car exploded and set fire to the first-class coach, but the tire waa extinguished by the train crew and passengers. The tourist and diner dropped off the rails, but. the sleeper re mained on. A relief train with physicians waa on the scene In forty-five minutes and the passengers were transferred and taken to Spokane, where the Injured are reatlng easily. None waa fatally hurt. The cauae of the derailment haa not been learned. Wreck Hear Boundary Line. ST. PAUL. July 24. A report has been received at the headquartera of the Great Northern of a wreck on that road near the International boundary near Nelson, B. C. early. Sunday morning In which four persona were killed and aeven injured. The dead: JUDGE TQWNSKND of Rossland. D. M. M'KTNNON, purser of the Great Northern steamer Kaslo. W. J. SMITH, saloon keeper of the Kaslo. , . Unidentified miner from Spokane, Waah. The train had Just crossed Beaver creek and waa on a trestle. The buffet car be came derailed and went over In the chaam down the side of a steep precipice and landed 500 feet below. . The baggage car, smoker and first-class coach remained on the track. The dead and injured were In the buffet car. Democrats Endorse Hoosevelt. WEBSTER CITT,' la., July 24. -MSpeclal.) The Democratic county convention In thla city today nominated the following ticket: Kor representative, N. I Rood, Webster City; supervisor, third district, R. L. Dol little, Blalrsburg; supervisor, second dis trict. J. H. Sparboer. The central commit tee Is empowered to place in nomination a full county ticket In caae later develop ments In state politics Indicate any show for democratic nominees. The resolutions of the convention commend .President Roosevelt, Indorse Bryan and instruct the delegates to the state convention for John V. ,Denlson. Roosevelt's policy as to the rate bill, packing house Investigation, etc., are given particular mention. Injared by Jumping on Fork. x PIERRE, S. P., July 24. (Special Tele gram.) Paul Anderson, a young man from the vicinity of Preaho, waa brought to the hospital today so seriously injured that hla recovery Is doubtful. He Jumped off a load of hay, striking on a fork handle In euch a manner that It entered his per son, tearing his Internal organa. The for mer home of the young man waa at Can ton. Smallpox on Isthmus. WASHINGTON. July 24. W. C. Gorgaa, the chief sanitary officer on the Isthmus of Panama, made a report on the smallpox situation at Colon. About thirty-five canes have been quarantined, all oT which were found In the aame part of Colon. So far there have been no deaths and Colonel Qorgaa saya there seems to be no danger of an epidemic. Switchman Fatally Hnrt. FORT DODGE. Ia., July 24 (Special ) Earl James, switchman In the Illinois Cen tral yards here waa today run' down by a switch engine. His head was crushed, two ribs driven through his lungs and a leg severed from the body. He will probably die. rteld Property Moved. CHICAGO. July 24. Corporstlon Coun sel Lewis complained to the board of re. view that the estate of the late Marshall Field bad removed stock snd bunts valued at I-'.'jM "' to New York to avoid taxation here. Counsel for the estate states that the property is not taxable. Weber Sentenced to liana;. Al'BI'R.N. Cal.. July U. Adolph Weher, who murdered his fi ther. mother, brother and sister st this place tw years ago. In order to obtain possesion of the fsnvlv eatste of about t" '- A waa brought Into court tods and sentenced lo be hii4 -ej. All Silk Washable plain colors Nos. 22, 40, 60 and 80 special, a yard, 15c and 50c luster, dust proof for 49c 7oc A Hover Embroideries, cut price, a yard 60c Corset Cover Embroidery, cut price, a yard 39c Corset Cover Embroidery, cut price, a' ya rd 25c 12k ..5c 6c 100 beautifully material enough for Bny size waist our 75c value, special, each .......'. Our $1.00 value,, special, each 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. SECURED BY FIRST MORTGAGE GOVERNMENT BONDS. CITY AND COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS, SECURITY ABSOLUTE. OVER A MILLION ASSETS. Largest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska. ' Established 1884. CITY SAVINGS BANK, 16th and Douglas Streets. ig?:------:: " ' the Foleom penitentiary on September 12 next. Once before the youth wns sentenced to death, hut his appeal to -the supreme court served as a stay of execution. thief of Police Holds Pine. EAST ST. LOriS, July 24.-Chief of Po lice Gooige O. Purdy, who was laat night officially ousted from his position by ac tion of the city council. Is still In power and declared- todar t!ist he will not relin quish his position until Mayor Silaa Cook, who appointed him, telle him to do ao. Mayor Cook atated that he will not tell Chief Purdy to step down and out, asserting that Purdy Is legally and officially the chief of police, despite tne council s action, and will remain In power. Chief Purdy's orders were obeyed by the police today aa usual. The council's action waa the culmination of a contest of long standing. ' Insurance Com pony Leaves Cnllfornln SAN FRANCISCO. July f4.-The Milwau kee Mechanics' Insurance company of Mil waukee, Wis., has , withdrawn from the state of California and given notice to all Its agents to cease writing business here. The company's loss in the fire which It In tends to pay amounts to 1,4M,018.S7. Its total ahsets are $2.!97.070.4. The company of ita loases out here, of t327,915.&. Ilssgkter Houses Closed. PHILADELPHIA, July 24.-At a meeting of the Hoard of Health today announce ment was made that twenty slaughter houses recently condemned aa unsanitary had closed permanently. Sixteen other establishments were improved by order of the board and the owner of one slaughter ing house who refuse to obey the mandate to improve his plant was ordered prose cuted. . . COAT SHIRTS sraswJtaf the kas wk.M ot cuLt-(m Uu. Yps oa pet wist roe wM ot tour auk H roauuatoa k. $1.50 nj awn. Ob sod of lit. cost ciucTT, pEaeoov a eo. IrfPN Mmkmof ColUn put Skill, la Up WotM BASE BALL VINTON ST. PARK. OMAHA VS. OES MOIHES July 23. 24. 25. 25. Two games July 25, lt called 30. MondayvJuly 23, Ladles' Day -Games called HKIV-LKTTFU DAY SPKC1AL IN r ANCY OOMIW. Odd lot of manufacturer's sampK lin Of fancy Gold and Jeweled Back Combs, worth to $1.00 . M Q each sale price, each . ,- . 'f'OC And double trading stamps. CANVAS HAND HAGS. That sold for 69c each they are fancy embroidered with little purse Inside will be sold 7 f Wednesday each DOC And Ten Green Trading ' Stamps, t. KLD-LKTTKK DAY KIHIION SPKC1AL. Taffeta Ribbons, In 'a full ranee of 12c And double trading stamps. RKD-LKTTI'.R DAY 8ALK OK RMBROIPEHIKS. - Wednesday we will give special Embroidery values and double stamps with every yard" purchased. - 39c 39c 25c 10c to 50c Embroidery Edges and Insertions, flotinc- , ing and yoking widths cut price, a yard, . r 25c, 19c, 15c 10c and ; . JC High ("las Embroidery Batiste, Allovers, Edges, In sertions and Medallions, in the most npto-date pat terns, all marked at special prices, and double stamps given with each yard. .RED-LETTER DAY SALE OK WAIST PATTERNS, Embroidered Batiste Waist Patterns, 50c 75c And Double Green Trading Stamps. Ladies, remember that our Great July Closing Halo ends next Saturday evening. You can save 50 cents on every dollar's worth you bny of us this week. Wnen You Write, to Advertisers.. h ' t remember It only takes an extra atroke or -two of tbe pen to mention the fact that yon saw the ad. In Tba Be. AMUSEMENTS. T ppptangptabtMiiMs g I .laVppn-ppnpbpVt Harney and 19th Sts. TeL Doug. 81S Tonight 8:11. Garden Concert 7:48. 1 Ideal 8ummr Entertainment Everything first class, clean add cool. Roomy seats; courteoua attend--ants. Beautiful Illuminated garden.' No liquors sold; no saloon In neigh borhood. MR. AND MRS. WATEROUS '' Famoua Vocal Artists, Head a STAR VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM Russell and Held, singers and dancers. Hugh McCormlck, the Eng lish ventriloquist. Marckley, world's foremost banjolst. Pauline Courtney, with new songs. "In Old Virginia,'' Intensely interesting comedy drama, . by clever Bijou Stock Co. Novel motion pictures. Popular Prices 10c, 20e, 30o. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees Beat seats 20 cents. Great Musical Attraction AT THE AUDITORIUM -B KG 1 N N I NJ- MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 23 AND CONTINI'INU AI.I. WEEK.' The Royal Hawaiian Band AND 7- ' '".' Royal Hawaiian Orchestra and Glee Ciao Assisted by Several' KarnoU Vocal Solohus All Native llawalians fron) Honolulu Matinee at . i to and Kv nihg vConcirl' (t i;30 Kve.y Day During ihr Wmk.V . Rcrved Seat Sale-Now On at' The'-' Auditorium. I'OI'l'l.AR PRICKS-r, Sac and 5V" S KRUG PARK S JCBIIEC tut 1JS1C Have You Heard the Slayton JUBILEE SINGERS? .Mat luce at 3 p. ni. Knfca;f"u '' close Wed. Kvt Kvery Evening tUi Week, Mr, Hn. ford IKxItfc and l ompnnr, in ON t'AKSKH DDK AZAX V An open air iiroductlon. I.OBS