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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1906)
5 OMAHA WKATIIKR rXlRKCAST Safnrdaj Fair. THE OMAITA DAILY BEE SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1906. OMAHA WK.THKH KOKKCAST Saturday Fair, ,11 1 IT -TFTTTTV. CLOTHING! Fall and winter sale of Men's and Young Men's Suits, including blues and blacks, worth and sold up to $30 priced in four lots, at ' . rarer ID) mm V I 1 ! 3 6SEEM TRACES STRIPS EVERT JULIE iomv rail -v 'tTi Jar Sure seal sanitary WIdeMouth Airtight SmqothEdge 0ocvto tvwun riinns NO 3? "Aft AT l (B6t fum ro uak aip and SPOIL THt CONTENTS i No Bubber Ring to quired the cheapest and most, economical Jar in the world. Will pay for itself in the Fruits and Vegetables it saves. Sanitary, Air-Tight, Easy to Open Positively No Loss. On sale China Section, The greatest Vase Sale we have ever had. Hundreds of fine Japanese China Vases, in dozens of different ZQ shanes and designs, values ud to S3. Saturday. .... - o - - - - , , w Pretty New Table Tumblers, nioe tliin glass, a $1 dozen value," Saturday, set of six for. .. , Dinnerware and Dinner Sets in Endless Variety. Handsomely Decorated 100-piece American Porce-. CIA lain Sets, upeoial English Porcelain 100-piece Sets, pretty green and . Q ft blue pritts$10 sets for .'. '. . .' . .U.nO Finest Ahrenfeldt China Dinner Sets from one of the foremost factories of Limoges, France. A $35 set yL for.... ;l See the Wonderful Values on Our $5 Cut Glass Table. Jugs, Bowls, Celery Trays, Vases, Comports, Sugars C and Creams, values up to $8 for. . . . . . .PJ $15, $12.50, $10, $7.50 Brokaw Bros., Lion, Perfection; Hirsh, Wickwire & Co., Makers. COATS AND TROUSERS HARNEY STREET AISLE 50c J. ve. j0 traf mm miml Men's, Youth's and Boys', 28 to 42 sizes. $15 Conts and Trousers $7.50 $12.50 Coats and Trousers $6.25 $10 Coats and Trousers .$5.00 $7.50 Coats and Trousers $3.75 $5.00 Coats and Trousers $2.50 $4.50 Coats and Trousers $2.23 $3.00 Coats and Trousers $1 50 Trouser Sale Men's and Boys' Dutchess and Other Good Makes. $5.00 ones, at $2.50 Saturday Only Brokaw Bros.' Hand Tailored Frock Coats. , 28 to 34, made to cost $15 from 10 to 12 a. m. $1.50 ; From 2 to 4 p. m., at $1.00 From 7 to 9 p. m., at. 75c ONE- HALF PRICE SALE i Open Saturday Evening 'till 10 O'clock! Country Club Col lar Free Worth 25c and 40c, with every shirt in our shirt sec tion at $1.00 and up. One of the most com plete shirt stock-, in the city. Anything &"r& . from silk to cotton. New 6hirts from our factories. STRAW HATS-HALF PRICE SALE ;: . $10 Panama Hats, at .$5.00 ':, $7.50 Panama Hats, at $3.75 $2.50 Panama Hats,' at . . $1.25 $5.00 Leghorn Hats, at. $2.50 Bargain Square 50c Suspenders 25o Bargain Square $1.00 Shirts, men's and boys', at 50c Bargain Square 50c Ties, at 15o Bargain Square 25c Ties; at 5c BARGAIN SQUARE White Lisle ($1.00) Garments Paris Knit (50c) Garments Balbriggan (50c) Garments Mesh (50c) Garments ALL DAY SATURDAY, AT .35c Boys' Blue Stripe Alls, worth 50c, 4 to 14, at 25o Specials in Hard ware Salurday Smen Door, rain ted Green. 2-8x7, regular 98c. n special OUC Screen Ioor, hard oil flnUh, 2-10x7, regular $1.25 and $1.50, OR special aOC 1- quart Tin Tomato Cans, TO per dozen JOC Sealing Wax String. 1 per 100 pounds...... a3C Galvanized Refrigerator Pans, regu lar 28c, Satur- m day.... IVC Galvanized Refrigerator Pans, regu lar 88c, Satur- 24C 2- hol Gaanllnf Stores, F regular 12.98, Saturday ... D 8-hole Gasoline Stoves, "IIP regular $3.98, Saturday. . ID Scrub Brush, extra fl A good IUC And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Clothes Mnc, 50 foot, extra good AvC And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. ' Shaker Flour f Q Sifter. . 1C And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Nicely Japanned Bread P t. Boxen, 73c, 63c and DJC And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Nicely Japanned Flour f" Cans. 50 pounds OC And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. M ash Boilers, Q up from JOC And Forty Green Trading Stamps. PAINTH. PAINTS. 1 Best Quality Ready Mixed Palnte, Leads and OUa. Omaha s Biggest Gn eery SATfRHAT S MONEY S.VV1XO LIST. .' AnniTTONAl. (M.KRKS , AND 1BU r.HYMKN. uti rir,4 An otXllPu Jva nnd Mot Im Coff lrt'lTTTvl pOHtl.lB T: UO d Forty l!wn Tnul- An pOUIlils iV Aiii Kitty lircrii TruO- fV&woI ,, Onpltol Hnk- 25c SATURDAY h o e Beo ga. i ns Saturday bargains in footwear 'Xcell all competition, both in value-giving and aggregate sales. " Every foot intelligently "fitted. Money savinir and long TiFl wear satisfaction dominates fc:-: evftrv Rain.. 'J .... ZU pairs laaiea wimu canvas u-b, y ' with extension edge, ClO m? i Dlutcner cui, iarg eye- 11' ' JT 1a. 11 SO value t ...... Ys'Sha CRrtdrshV mile 'cnar'iii)Mii : fffc ..and Christie Ties. $1.50 value,. . v 70C All Men's and Boys' Canvas Shoes f AA and Oxfords, f 1.50 value, IUU at , 150 pairs Ladles' White and Gray Canvas 1 PA Ribbon Ties, $2.00 and 2. 50 values. I.JU at - ' Dorothy Dodd Tan Calf and Chocolate Vlvl 1 A ft Shoes and Oxfords. $3.00 values. .aSeUU . i All Dorothy Dodd White Calf welted sole J Cfl Oxfords, 13. &u values. J XI at , . -,Tm..uiL..I.,a....IUJl , -tATVTr 69c Extraordinary Picture Sale Snralu Stock M J. L Sutln Ct.. Cklci 1,000 Shadow Box Pic tures,' Landscapes, As sorted Heads, Venetian Scenes, Etc., values up to $5.00, in Ebony Shadow Box Frames at $1.98, $1.48, 98c and....... Don't Miss These Bargains. Display Sixteenth Street Window All This Week. TEN DAYS MORE BIO DISCOUNT SALE., . 20 . P,er . Cent T Discount on Picture Framing. 20 Per Cent Discount on Framed Pictures in Galleries. 20 Per Cent Discount on Framed Mirrors. Frames for The Bee Gibson Pictures Art Second Floor. 35c MilliecFy A Sale at MIIllieFy 1 the Price , We wish to close out Hats of all Mid-Summer Styles before arrival of Silk Hats for Travel and Fall. A Sweeping Out Sale at Oive-tKird the Price ' i , ..I,-.'- Pretty' line of Black and Horse Hair Toques for Travelworth $6 and $7 each, At One-Third the Price A lot of Fancy Children's Hats to close out Saturday AT ONE-THIRD THE PRICE. Special line of Duck and Soft Outing Hats, Saturday At One-Third the Price Second Floor. , MEATS! MEATS! CHICKEXS. CHICKENS. CIIICKENS. CHOICE FRESH DRESSED HE9 11 1 Pound , IJLzC CHOICE FRESH DRESSED SPRINGS 1 Pound , JmDC PORK XiOlMS, lb... 10 HC SPARE RIRS, 4 lbs. for 25c RIB ROAST Rolled, all bones out. lb 12 c and 10c SHOULDER ROAST REEF, lb 7c, and 5c CHOICE NO. 1 REX HAMS, average 10 to 12 lbs. lb. 18 He REX BACON, lb. . 18 He MUTTON LEGS young and fresh, lb......... 8Hc GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT OUR. DELICATESSEN COUNTER. ' Jnst the tiling for luncheons. Full line of the best grade Sausage and Cooked Meats. Direct shipment by ex press daily from Weisel & Co., Milwaukee. In the Woodervware $1.25 Curtain Stretcher for 95c And Ten Green Trading Stamps 38c Bread Board at..,,... ....32c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps Clamp Sleeve Boarda 35c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps Four dozen Clothespins .3o 18c Feather Dusters 14c And Ten Green Trading Stamps' . 3-lh.' run Ami Kil'ty r.ri'ii Trad ing 8t:mip!t. 1'Mii.rlnl rt AprlcntB. rilitii!) nnd I'lnon Wiles, run And Thirty Green TihcIIhk 8tnnivK. l!nket Klred Jnpan Ten, 0 pound VOv And Sixty Green Trailing Stamp. Olniter Ale bottle. 10c; 1 1C doien hollies 1.1) t'needa nisruit. four f n pH ck HRes !...; IDC And Ten Green Trd(J!ti Hiiiiiiiin. . OKlN KY'S l'K'KLKS-A line of bottlei . irl for.. .I...-...;..' V... 15C mm, 2-1!). run t 5t. ! . 1-J. r Hit ,...!' lie Hokid Benns, ran .t. . 4,. I'irkles, s,irtfsl. rt t lo. . . . ." . IVpptT gjwioa,-iottK... Ko PHlaee (.:nr, jm. Ih.. vnn....lf.o Salmon, fancy,- li-lh. cnn....Uiu B,VrT.J.? ? r K.-si-irpuxt- onk- POT'Nn HH1CK , an PRKM1LM..,...-.A.V " 2?C And Te.i Green Trsdinc Stainim. YOH K. POV.W... J ... 20C AND TUJHTV GHKKN WtAD X(J . . . BTAMl'S. V Baked Heanu. thne Ihib . p- cu"- , .25c Plrk'" Own ..Trading' Stamp, 1 lckllnn Bplce, wlmje. pound - Z5C And Ten Oreen Tradinii ' Stamps ' Planond S Chill Bauee, PP pint bottle Z5C J.'naTn'?e.SP GreC" -"'i'BV.rjps. two pounds HC JCe5. ClLn Trading 's't imps Kippered Herrln(r, 'an can ' ZvC niMTeA irtn Trading Stamrs Diamond C Soap, ten bar ZiC BULK PICKLE3. Sour rickle. - ' A quart . IUC .And Ten Green Trading .Stamps. Chow Chow, '.. Q"rt 15C o AfJdTen Oreen Trading Stamps. Small Sweet, quart J. .....s.". ZUC And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. y BUTTKR niRECT FROM THE BK8T DAIRJE1S DA.IL.V. COUNTRY BUTTER for - eooklnir. pound , IDC BENNETT'S CAPITOL. CREAMERY, finest on the market, pound 41. brick, full weight. .....7..........Z1C Jell-O, assorted, three re packages .' ,C And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Wiggle Stick Bluing. ... , rM la stinks for ...,...'....'....ZJC And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Bchepp's Cocoanut, pound package JC And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennetts Capitol Leiuoiv.; 0 Extract, bottle 15C And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps, Peanut Butter, two Jars.......: ......-...."' And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. . Worcester Table Salt, 4 A. two sacks IUC And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Cocoa Velvet -Toilet Soap, 6 cakes JC BENNETT'S CANDIES. FINEST QUALITY CHOOOLATH FRAPPE, assorted flavors Apricot, Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon. Bitter Sweet, pound jjg And Twenty Oreen Trading 'stanips. BUNCHED SALTED PEANUTS. omuraay s price, pound. ,t.A. 15c ROOHE UlSOEW PITCHER Bi Bill MorriBon Joint the Tribs and OLD-TIME TOE NOW IN OMA UNIFORM Team Back from West with Uood trlaaj of Victories mmi a Little tory of I'aespected Hard Lack. William Rourke and his base ball tribe arrived from Kearney Friday morning ready for the fray with Pueblo. Rourku explained' several matters over which Urn Omaha fans-have been worrying. In the first place rain fell at Denver from 1 o'clock in . the afternoon to Just before time to start the game, which kept the crowd down to nothing, or 600 rather, when Rourke said they expected a large crowd, as Den ver is completely overrun with Elks from all over the country. He said he" never saw a town as lively as Denver, for the Elks had taken the whole city, even block ing the street cars by the large crowds on the streets. In regard to his new pitcher, Rourke said It was Bill Morrison from the Pueblo team whom he had signed and not Movie, the knlveralty boy, as the dispatches aid. He says Morrison is in fine condition and should help the team out materially in its present shortage of pitchers. Morrison was ens of the stars of the Des Moines team last year and helped them to win the pen nant, being a good hitter as well as a good pitcher. He has been helping Selee la the outfield when not pitching. Ayers has been released. Dolan strained a tendon In his leg snd )iu hardly been able to walk and should have been left at home on the recent west ern trip, but he thought he would round out before this time. Long has been play ing a phenomenal game at first, but is not the hitter Dolan is. "Although we have won seven out of eleven games, we should have done even better for we had some hard luck," said Manager BUI. 'Perrlng muffed a high foul which cost us a game. Bassey dropped an easy one right In his mlt and Carter lost the last game by dropping a fly he should have held. These are all unusual occur rences and counted hard against us." Omaha will play with Pueblo until Mon day, with a double header Sunday, and Des Moines will come along for a series. PLAY IN C ITV TKSSIS TOl HSBV Sam Cab Caldwell Finally Beats Potter In First Rmnil The city tennis tournament was resumed at the Field club courts Friday evening, but only two of the courts were dry enough to admit of play and consilient ly but few matches were played off. The dram-lnjrs have been matio in the consolations and those are posted on the bulletin hoard. The drawings In the douhl.' were made and posted last evening. All players are ex pected to report this afternoon at when play will be resumed. The championship. the consolations and the doubles will be run off as fust as po'sible. Sum Caldwell won from Cub,Potter In the finish of their tlrst round match. 1 games had been played before and the third was played lust night, Caldwell winning -4. Caldwell then played Swarts In the second round and won. An Interesting match In th second round whs that between George Potter and 8crlb- ner. Each won n set, 8. Tinner winning the first 8-4. and Potter the second S-l, when they quit for the evening, ihe third game to be played off today. Results: First Round Caldwell beat Cub Potter 5-7. -4. Second Round Scrlbner and George pot ter, set apiece. Schneider lx-at Rainey, e-2. -4. Caldwell beat Swans 6-3. s-2. yard dash, a standing broad Jump, a rope climb, a pull up and a running hop, step and Jump. The contest is open tq all boys over 14 years of age and an effort will be made to secure a large number of entries among working boys. Races at Wymore-. ( BK4TPIPP X' v. T . . 1 a a 1 , . Yesterday was Beatrice day at the Wymore races and about residents of this cltv, accompanied by the Beatrice Military band aAn. tn A -. .1.1 . ' ...v v., vii n, ppeciai irtiin, reiurn- i n a hnm In Ih. A.nmlnv T ....... I .. . . 1 . .... . i.ii,t, b- .mt luiai anisiiu- ance Is placed at 3,000. Results: 2:1 pace: Fred H 1 4 2 t Jessie A 2 14 14 3 VVanello Clivi .. Albert J 4 6 5 4 & benator, Jr S S S S J Honest Joe ,lr Indicates dead heat. Time: 2:I5, M5. 2:12. 2:M, :14t. J:n trot: KHk Tie . Thomus M i Surena 1 Time: 2:16, 2:18V,, 2:14V 2:22 pace: College Maid 1 Mora weiks 2 2:16V. Weidon Boy 8 Eddie Woods 1 Joe Walnut 6 Bill Moore g Bryan ' 7 Ringroae 7 Tune: 2:12. J:l.ti. ?-19. Running, seven-eighths of a mile: Irish Swede won, Ben Ler second, Ossian third. Time: l:3u. Running, four-and-a-haif-f urlong dash: Buck won. Young Pilgrim second, Nettie C laud. Time: 0.S6. Javealle City f'esteit. The first athlette contest In the history of the Juvenile City at Twentieth and Fai nmii streets has been . arranged for the evening of July an. There will be a forty. I tj the 014 lefliUa PI. SlUtLES A SEA1LES Established in Omaha for li years. The many the. sands of cases cured by us make as the atost expert, noed Specialists In the west. In all disease and alb menu of men. Ws know Just what wUi our younw and our quickly. . KI UXX YOU, TIEN YOU PAY US Oil HI We snake no misleading or falsa statements or off you cbMkp, worthleeo tieaimenL Our reputation and name are too favorably known every tut we treat, ur reputation Is at stake. Your health. Ufa and hap blness is too serious a matter t place In the hands 44 a "HAJaKUCeS BOOTOav" HoimiI doctors of ability use owa at asm IM tavkXB tj !. Ws ran eect for everyone a llfe-leog CVIlm for Weaav Nerros Men, Varicocele troublae. Nervous. Debility; 1 Blood Poison, Prostatto trouble. Kidney, BladWv Vraa'TTlia Dtalanaa, Hrdrocala. Chraale DieeaoaZ . T Con t raotad Dtseasss, atooiactt and Haln Lasnaee. M gj fl rj -J Examluatlon aiid Consultation. Witt s- byinpiom Blank for tioaaa Treat ' a. m. . m. . - .... , m . . , . . k . . . numtwoiKl. innrr 01 lue nulla and sou in ltaeJt.yyLJJiLJti aMliM l&Sf tMJAfc tePtatt LivJ. vUuow)hjp at Planum I. M. C, last Oxford Wins a Hot One. OXFOBll V.h Julu n.aMii - . - . v. . , lioi irir gram. 1 In one of the swiftest amateur Barnes ever piayru, uxiord today adminis. tered a ahutout to the rumhrM.. v,n The game played In an hour and twenty minutes, the visiting team going out one. two three in four different innings, while the home team hud many men left on liases. Oxford scored in the sixth In ning. In the eighth Cambridge, had three men on bases and no outs, but a batter hit Into a double play, which was followed by an easy out. sending their chancea glim mering. The score, 1 to 0, made It Ihe best same ever played on the Oxford grounds. Score: R H E f xf ord 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 t 2 Cambridge 0 0000000 00 4 3 Struck out: By Ingalby, 0; by Fulton, 4. Campers at Boat Hons, Nearly forty people are camping nesr tho Omaha Rod and Gun club boat house whrlh niak 1 a moat handy camping ground. The street car service Is excel lent and the campers have everything handy with the boat house so close. Omaha now baa as good fishing right at Its door as many of the far-famed sum mer resorts which people go miles to visit. The bass have been taking the lure in good shape and large quantities of sun fish and crapples have been caught. These are much larger than any caught In previous years and show the good work which has been done by the club and the fish commissioners as a protective associa tion, tilnce several convictions were se cured the seiners have been making them selves scarce around the lake. aaaat Traded for Barry. ST. LOCI8. Mo . July -Manager Mc Closkey of the 61. luls National league announced tonight that Outfielder 8 moot has been traded to Cincinnati for First baseman Barry. Wood and Mania la finals. CHICAGO. July .-Warren K. Wood of Home wood, winner or trie nortn and south spring, will meet Runcle B. Martin of Cal umet In the finals for the Glenvlew cup. In the seml-nnals today wood defeated orrln W. Potter of Midlothian, 6 up and 4 to filay, and W. E. Clow of Onwentsla. who s a prominent figure In lnterscholastlc golf was defeated by Martin, 6 up and 4 to play. portlnsT Brevities. Hans Wagner ought to be released at once. He hatted four times and got four nits inursaay. . It looks as though the Cantillons would not win more than one pennant this year, but tne Brewers may skin Columbus yet. While some of the umpires In the West ern league may have needed rotten eggs at times, the fans on this circuit have never gone quite that far asyet. 'Pendergrast is a good limplre." said Frank Selee. "but I see he Was not called in to umpire the Omaha-Kearney game un til the game was well along. He has good Judgment on balls and strikes." E. Quick Is playing left field for Little Rock, and your old friend, Douglas, Is hanging onto first base. Somebody by the name of Hwkey Is covering third. Little Rock seems to have a cinch on eighth place In the Southern league. "Kearney Is getting too swelled up," said Manager Melee, "and we expect to stop off there August 3 and take a fall out of them. They are beginning to think they can beat any of these league teams. The trouble is the boys go in and loaf until the other team gets something on them and then can't win out." Golf at the Field club Saturday will be for the Foster cup and a new scheme for play will be worked out, something new for this neck of the woods. The play will be medal with handicaps, eight to qualify at eighteen holes. Thirty-six more holes will be played at medal play, with handi caps for the low score, and fifty-four holes will be played to determine the winner. The tennis men are having a hard time trying to pull off the city championship. They are not complaining, however, as they ngure tney can tlnish before time lor the Middle West tournament, and by that time they have hopes the rainy season will ims over. The date of the tournament has been advanced thlss season In hope of get ting better weather than was had last iteaaon, when two days' rain made the players hustle to finish the tournament by Saturday night. The club handicap cham pionship lu singles Is scheduled fur Au gust fc. . Annooslrements of tho Theaters. An excellent vaudeville program at the new Bijou theater this week, has drawn crowded houses at nearly every perform ance. On Saturday at 2:S0 a matinee at bargain prices will be given. The week's bill will close in the evening with a per formance at 8: IS. The stock company has scored a gVest success ih its clever play, "Love and War." The Okuras, the Juggling Japs, present an act that Is both novel and sensational. Bandy and Wilson are clever dancers; the two Beckets have a sketch full of pleasing novelties, and the great Le Fevre accom plishes some wonderful feats on the bi cycle. Pauline Courtney, the popular little singer, renders "Genevieve" and "Way Down East," accompanied , by beautiful lantern slides. The motion pictures this week are excellent. Maasaeaasetta Woman Mission. BEI'HERTOWN, Mass., July 20 Search is being made for the body of Miss Wlnslow Mabel Grxidell, 22 years old, who disap peared two weeks ago. It is believed now the young woman was murdered. DlAKLeW'rwuar( Uta aad Dodxi sti CITY ENGINEER FILES BOND Andrew Eoeewater Tikei Steps to Hold Hi Prewnt Position. MAYOR DAHLM AN SUPPORTS HIS ATTITUDE Coanrll Majority's Plan Not as Yet Disclosed, bnt Soma More In Opposition Is Expected. Claiming that the failure of Jesse Lowe to qualify for the position of city engineer permits him to hold over under the general laws of the state, City Engineer Rosewater Friday morning filed an official bond In the sum of $10,000 and the following letter with the city clerk: , Herewith please find my bond in the sum of 10,uuU as city engineer of the city of Omaha tor the term from date thereof until the end of the mayor's term of office and mull my successor shall have been unoolnted and ouallned. This bond is filed with you In accordance with the provisions of the statutes of this state, which provide that the incumbent of an office holding over by reason of the neglect or refusal of the successor to qual ify, shall qualify anew within ten days from the time at which his successor. If appointed, should have qualified. You are therefore requested to file .the same for record in your office In accordance with the said provisions of the statutes of the state of Nebraska. Supported hy Mnyor. The second paragraph states briefly the attitude of Mr. Rosewater in the matter. He is supported by Mayor Dahlman and asserts that able lawyers have studied the question and told him he Is correct. Mr. Rosewater bases his view upon the theory that, although the charter gives the mayor and council the power to fill vacancies, no t specification ordinance or regulation has been enacted to cover the office of city en gineer, also upon section 8a of the charter, which reads: "The general laws of the state governing pubiio officer, so far as applicable, shall govern and fix the qualifications and lia bility of sureties, the penalties for failure to give bonds, the bonds of persons ap pointed to All vacancies or the bonds to be given by officers reappointed, re-elected or holding over." Section 17 of chapter x of the compiled statutes says that "when it Is ascertained that the Incumbent of an office .holds over by reason of the nonelection or nonappolnt ment of a successor, or of the neglect or refusal of ths successor to qualify, he shall qualify anew within ten days from the time at which his successor. If sleeted, should have qualified." Flgnt May Go On. It Is not at all , likely that the action taken by Mr. Rosewater will terminate the fight between Mayor Dahlman and the council majority. The legal department la understood to hsve looked Into the proposi tion and to hold that the engineer's position is untenable. In rase of advice of this kind tua council la expected Immediately to elect on their own volition, another mansl to fill the place next Tuesday night on the failure of Mayor Dahlman to send In a nomination. The city engineer-elect would Institute quo warranto proceedings to oust Mr. Rosewater, who would hold the Job until the courts decided to which it be longed. Unless a preponderance of legal opinion can be shown to bear out the pres ent city engineer s contention, this is the program that will be followed In all proba bility. The surety bund submitted by City En gineer Rosewater was approved by. Mayor Dahlman and Judge Redlck of the district court. Under these conditions the approval or tne council is not necessary to make It effective. From the first a majority of the demo cratic council has- resisted Mayor Dahl man's efforts to reappoint Engineer Rose, water. Bitter feeling has grown out of the contest. The name of Jesse Lowe, a contracting engineer of Chicago and an old resident of Omaha, was submitted by the mayor as the Imperative alternative to that of Mr. Rosewater. The council, after some deliberation, confirmed him, but Mr. Lowe permitted thirty days to pass without nc ceptlng or declining the position, the time being all that Is allowed by. law. The period expired Thursday and Mr. Rosewater filed his new bond bright and early Friday morning. Automobile Rental Co. . Office' JV'lles A Moser, Sixteenth and Farnam, TaU Doug las 1896. - . DTKS FOR V ''. BPWm 31) 1 1 11111 .mtmmtmmmmmmmmmmi Vt -" A . The Reliable Specialiotq are you groping in the dark? We will make a thorough searching and scientific examination of yonr ailments; sn axumlnatlon that will discloss your true physical condition, with out a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark, and without a thorougn understanding of which no physician or specialist should treat you. All men, who are not what they should be. who are weak, nervous and debilitated from any cause, and who may at present be suffering from any poisonous discharges, will find It well worth their time to come to the State Medical Institute for consultation snd examination, which has been established for the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and blighting weaknesses that destroy men' mental, physical and sexual powers, making the social duties and obligations of life a hardship and the enjoyment of life and marital happiness impueslble. We treat jnen only and euro them safely and thoroughly. Every man suffering with Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexnal Debility, Impotency, Blood Poiaon (Syphilid), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. with any of their numerous and distressing cornpltcatlaoa, owes it to himself, his family, and especially to the faturo generations to get cured promptly, ssfely and thoroughly. f FEE COKSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. Office Honrs:' I a m. to t p. m. Sundays, 1 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts Omaha, Neb.