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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 7, 190G. jtfSEBCi 111 Saturday will be a banner day in our great July Clearing Sale. Every section of the Dry Goods Departments in the Bennett Store will be bristling with bargains. One of the most important is our SALE OF LADIES' HIGH CLASS LINGERIE WAISTS. X X X X 1.98 39c 49c Waists Marked $3.00, $3.50, $3.95 and Waists Marked $4.50, $4.95, $5.50 and 9 QQ $6.00. at..... Waists Marked 50c, 75c and 98c, at Ladies' Wash Suits Fine percale, well made, marked down from $1.25 to. . . Ladies White Aprons Bib aprons for maids with suspender effect ruffles on shoulder straps, regular 35c aprons, at OK Two Great Neckwear .Bargains Saturday Big purchase from Great Manufacturer's Clear ing Sale of Ladies' Up-to-date Neckwear at whole sale prices. Bargain No. 125 dozen fine batiste, fancy em broidered stocks, baby Irish designs, regular , 35o and 50c values Saturday's sale f C price each. UC Bargain No. 2200 dozen fancy embroidered linen stocks and turnover collars, in plain white and colors, regular 25c values C Saturday's sale price each JKt Specials In Our Glove Section Ladies 16 and 12-button length extra heavy silk lace mitts, in black and white, a regular $1.25 value Saturday's sale a QR pair Ow 12-Button Chamois Gloves The economical ladies' gloves, every pair warranted f y Q washable special Saturday a pair. . . . J Short Gloves Special Ladies' pure silk 2-button length gloves, with warranted improved double interwoven finger tips and extra quality French lisle gloves, good line of colors sale Cfl, price, at pair, 75c and JVC Lace Half Sleeves Made of fine val. lace and heavy baby Irish effects, cream and white. This lot worth 75c and $1.00 a pair. To go on bargain center Saturday, at, a LHi pair T'OC For Waist and Suit Silks' 500 yards of small fancy patterns in waist and suit silks, in a good range of shades, at a price that is far cheaper than wash goods. These same silks are sold everywhere at 59c a yard. "While they last Saturday, at a 19c 36-inch cream Japanese silk, guaranteed to wear and launder, full yard wide, the regular selling price 75c .Q a yard; Saturday at, a yard. . . s-rC Special Sale ol Bed Spreads 50 fine white crochet bed spreads, full bed size, worth $1 each; Sat- "7 C urday only, each OQ 20 very fine imported white and colored Marseilles bed spreads, some fringed, worth from $2 to $5 each; Saturday we will sell them at 331-3 per cent dis count. Great Saturday Bargains All our silk finished batiste, in light and dark colors, and all our lisle dimities, worth to 30c a yard ; Saturday C n only, a yard IjC 100 pieces of fine organdies, plaid effects with pretty floral designs and em broidered Swisses, worth to A 25c; Saturday only, a yard. ... 1UC 28 and 36-inch , percales, in light and dark colors, regular 10c andl2l2C T qualities; Saturday only, a yd. . . . C French bed ticking, regular 25c fl C rt quality; Saturday only, a yard.UC Big Clearing Sale of Belts Saturday Over 25 dozen ladies' belts, consisting of new, up-to-date plain linen and fancy embroidery duck belts, all wash able; fancy colored silk belts and gird les, that sold up to 75c each J? all go Saturday, each iJ TWO GREAT PARASOL SPECIALS. Special No 1 Ladies plain white Irish linen covered parasol, deep hem stitch border, regular $1.25 7 value; Saturday only, each. ... Special No. 2 Ladies' white Irish linen covered parasols, with fancy embroid ery edges and embroidery insertions, our regular $2.00 ones; Satur- f J? A day only, each JU llTi''irK")nin)-7rKVf?lTrrffl TNim m ii i ifii ii ii ii rfi ii i if uii in iiii ii ii i 1 Owners of Dry Goods Dept. in the BENNETT STORE CHICKENS CROW IN VALUE Fifty-Eicht Counties Returned f how Otst a Million Dollars' Worth. HOOKER COUNTY DESTITUE OF HENS Governor Mlrker Iakla Ints ti Expenditures ( Dr. AMI of he Norfolk Aylm Item Ur Bill Lacklac ENGINEER DIES WITH ENGINE Great Northern Man Falls to Bee Signal and Train Coea lata Ditch. FREMONT, Neb.. July .-(SpeclaJ Tele gram.) Elmer E. Cole, an engineer on the Ureat Northern, was killed at the North western crossing five miles north of this litjr about 8 o'clock this morning. When Ills train, which was a special construction train of flat cars loaded with cinders, bound north, approached ths crossing the sema phore was set for the Northwestern. Cole did not stop and his train went on to the derailing switch at a speed of from fifteen to twenty miles an hour. It was too late to stop and the engine went off the track. The fireman Jumped from his side of the cab and escaped with slight bruises. Cole Jumped from the right itde and he had no sooner struck the ground than the locomo tive rolled over on top of him Into the ditch. A wrecking crew went up from Fremont and the body of the dead engineer was brought to Bader Bros.' undertaking room The signal man In the semaphore tower ays that the track was set for the North western, and that Cole must have run past the signal without looking until It was too late. There Is no curve at this point, or anything to obstruct a view of the semaphore, the tracks being out on the open prairie. The accident occurred about 1.000 feet from the tower and dlj not obstruct the Northwestern tracks. Cole waa SS years of age and single. His home Is In Lincoln. .via hold an Inauest. Coroner Evergard FATAL 'WRECK AT MAHSLAND Two Killed and a Xnraher Injared Thronh Mistaken Orders. MARSLAND, Neb., July 6. -(Special.) Harry Gregg and John Ritchie were In stantly killed In a wreck at this place be tween trains on ths Burlington road. Thomas Campbell of Alliance, brakoinan, and C. Miles McCracken of the same place, conductor, were seriously Injured. Others were slightly Injured and one man is miss ing. A mistake in orders la said to hava caused the accident. Carl Cosendal died th'is afternoon at St. Mary's hospital, making the death list four. He was arraigned this afternoon before Judge SparTord, and as he was unable to speak English It was found necessary to secure the services 'of an Interpreter. Dalejoa pleaded not guilty and his pre liminary hearing was set for next Tuesday. In default of $500 bond 'he waa remanded to Jail. laleldo at Shelley. SHELBY, Neb.. July (.(Special.) Louis Goeti, aged 66, killed himself yesterday afternoon with a 31 revolver by discharging it In his mouth. Shortly prior to this he had shot a couple of times In the barn and then went to the house and balanced his carpenter book and returned to the barn. The Conner 'phoned that an Inquest would be unnecessary. Goetg Is a member of the Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen and Modern Woodmen lodges. Caasht Ra a sack Ins; House. BEATRICE. Neb., July (.(Special Tele gram ) H. L. Wick, a farmer living five miles -west of town, this morning caught a Bohemian named Dalejoa ransacking his house. Sheriff Trude was notified and at jnce lodged Dalejoa In the county Jail. How Birthd Many ausr You must have had 60 at least! What? Only 40? Then it must be your gray hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops these frequent birthdays. It gives all the early, deep, rich color to gray hair, checks falling hair, and keeps the scalp healthy. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." AIM fcdahan ff iTM'l SABtAfABTUA Vet tae stood. ATIB'S MIX For eoasttsatlaa, AYa S CHJUUL Y MkCTOkAI w Coaghs. AIM'S ACUg C0k&-Var nalaru aUagn. STRANGER ASSAILTS RILO WOMAN Mr. Thomaa Hayes Finds Hla Wife Bound and bagged. RL'LO, Neb., July t. (bpeeial.) About ?:15 on the evening of July 4 an unidenti fied masked man entered the room of Mrs. Thomas Hayes. Mrs. Hayes sat with her back toward the door and paid no attention, thinking It was one of her own household. The wretch, calling Mrs. Hayes by name, said that he would cut her throat if he had a butcher knife. Mrs. Hayes was about to scream for help and he aald that he would kill her sure If she said a word. He then gsgged ber and tied her hands behind her back with her own hand kerchief. During the struggle he kicked her violently In the ribs, this being the last she remembered until her husband came home. I'pon coming home her husband found her lylug on the floor with a towel ovHr her face and her arms tied behind her back. The knot in the handkerchief was so firmly tied as to necessitate the use of a knift to release her arms. Not being a strong woman she Is In a highly ner vous condition and Dr. Shepherd hus treated her since. There is no clue as to the Identity of the wretch only that Mrs. Hayes would know his voice. To make his identification Impossible he had a large red handker chief tied over his head beside the mask over his face. FIRST DISTRICT C'OSYEMTIOX CAM, Candidate for Conwrras to Be amtd at Auburn, August 0. (From a Btuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb, July (.(Special Ale gram.) The republicans of the First dis trict will hold a convention to nominate a candidate tor congress at Auburn, Aug ust 9 at s p. m. Tne basis of r presenta tion will Le one delegate at large and cue delegate for every fifty votes cast for Pollard at the last election, making u con vention of 13 delegatea. This was decided at a meeting of the committee at the Lin dell hotel tonight with practically no dis cussion of the primary. Pollard having, it la said, decided not to ask for the pri mary. The delegates will be apportioned as fol lows: Cass, 36; Johnson, II; Lam-aster, M; Nemaha, 18; Pawnee, 16; Otoe, Ju'; Rich ardson. 25. t'nder this apportionment the outside counties can nominate without the assist ance of Lancaster and Cass, as It takes only eighty-seven votes to nominate. At the laat convention, when Pollard wis nominated, Lancaster and Cass named the candidate. Last year Lancaster had 77 votes In the convention. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July . (Special.) In fifty- eight counties In Nebraska chickens have been returned to the 8tate Board of As sessment at a total valuation of 1, 040,840, against a total valuation In all the ninety counties last year of $1,499,00. A compari son of the returns this year with the report of last year In those counties already re ported Indicates a material Increase In the valuation of this very Important though much overlooked Nebraska crop. Hooker county hasn't a chicken or any fowl of that description within Its borders according to the assessor's report, and It contains no mention of Methodist preachers having been there lately, either. In Mc pherson county there &re Just n worth of chickens. Last year at this time the chickens In this county were valued at $179. Logan county has only $337 worth of chickens, while Loup has $601 worth. These figures are the assessed values, being one fifth of the actual value. Just how many chickens were under the house or behind the hedge when the assessors called, of course never will be known, but It Is as serted by eminent statisticians there were plenty. Inasmuch as chickens were not returned to the assessors prior to the enactment of the new revenue law, chickens have cut quite a figure In the Increased valuation of the state under that law. Chickens in the flfty-elght counties reporting are of equal value with the sheep crop of last year, sheep being valued at $1,040,560, there being less than $300 difference. Ths total hog crop last year amounted to $12,999,935, which, taken with the eggs sold.' probably makes the chicken much more valuable than the hog. The following table shows the assessed value of chickens In the counties already reported: Cnnntv. Ass'd vnl. Countv. Ass'd val. Adam .T10 Hamilton $6.0 Antelope Hitchcock 2.ST7 Banner VA Howard 2,910 Boyd $.229 Hooker nothing Buffalo Jefferson ( 212 Brown 1,289 Johnson B.752 nr 5.245 Kfearnev S.624 Butler S,57( Lxis-an 337 Chose I. Iup Ol Chevenne 1.3S4 McPherson 22 Cherry 1 Madison (.'ass o. tw jvierncs. Clsv Nemaha (.575 Colfax $. Pierce $.788 Custer (.198 Platte 7,514 Duknta 1.952 Perkins 857 Dawes 1.752 Richardson .5.18 Dawson 4.253 Red Willow 3,875 Deuel 14 Rock Dixon 4.813 Harpy S.373 Dodpe .38 Stanton 2.26 Dundv 1.784 ThomaS 1'R Frontier l.-'2 Thaver 7.310 Furna 4,8' Valley 2 82 Garfield 61 Washington 5.381 Gosper t.7 Webster (.030 Greely 2.3O0 Wheeler 9S Hall 5.445 York 6.798 Hayes 1,C7( Inereaaa la Valuation. Reports of assessors received by the secretary of the State Board of Assess ment to date, show an Increase In the total assessment of sixty-one counties over the assessment In the same counties last year of $4,458,000. The Increas is larger in Dawson county, where property waa assessed $279,091 higher than a year ago, and Custer county comes next with an Increase of $228,369. The twenty-nine coun ties yet to be beard-fVottt will materially Increase these returns, .-bringing the total assessment' up to a figure In excess of he returns last year by Over $7,000,000 or an actual Increase of over $35.0(0,000. Some of the large counties are yet out, Douglas, Lancaster and Gage being Included In tho missing counties. The first and second named will be increased, it Is presumed, over $1,000,000 each, while Gage county will be Increased about $200,000. The esti mated Increase of over $7,000,000 Includes the increase on railroad property and new railroad property which amounted to about $1,000,000. ' .lessen to Hear Coha Case. Max Conn, who waa to be tried before Governor Mickey on a charge of a misuse of his position as a notary public, will be tried before Judge Jessen at Nebraska City Instead. The attorneys In the case have discovered the statutes provide the case must be heard in the county In which the crime Is alleged to have been com mltted and the governor is empowered to appoint some one to take the testimony. Judge Jessen has been appointed. Insurance License Held I p. No license has yet been Issued by the Insurance department to the Western Life and Indemnlt'. company of Chicago to do business in Nebraska, Bpeclal Examiner Wiggins, who went to Chicago to Investi gate the company, having recommended the license to be held In abayence for iho present. The company is now undergoing a change from the assessment to the legal reserve plan of Insurance. Mr. Wiggins In a report to Insurance Deputy Pierce criticised several parts of the report of the examination made by the Illinois officials which reported on the company. This sain company some time ago attempted to con solidate with a Nebraska company, but was prevented by the courts at the Instance of some cltiiens of Lincoln. Froblna- Alden's Accounts. Governor Mickey has received from Stewird Alex Peters of the Norfolk asy lum a number of vouchers and receipts showing money drawn from the cash fund of the Institution by Dr. Alden to pay his expenses in going to various towns, pre sumably In the Interest of the Institution, though there are no records showing what the money was spent for and no Itemized statements were filed with the steward. The receipts signed by Dr. Alden amount to Hornet hlng over $100 and most of them merely read "expenses to Lincoln." With the receipts Mr. Peters enclosed a letter from Secretary of State Galusha in forming Dr. Alden no claims Hied by him for expenses would be allowed unless ac companled by receipts and vouchers. It Is asserted by the governor since the board refused to allow the claims Dr. Alden had the steward pay the same from the cash fund, and the bills were not audited by the State Board of Public Lands and Build ings. Governor Mickey has not decided what action ha will take in regard to Alden and Nicholson, but Is still getting fects together for his next onslaught. He said the board had the farts about Dr. Alden drawing expense money from the cash fund without filing receipts showing Its ex penditure and a member of the board promised to Investigate this, but no action was tsken. Since ths governor's position hss been endorsed by Treasurer Mortensen a num ber of other parties have railed upon Mm and endorsed what Mr. Mortensen said. Roof Collapses With Workmen. A section of the Lincoln Traction com pany power house collapsed this afternoon at a time when six men were at work on It and they were precipitated to the base ment, a distance of about twenty feet. With the exception of Adelbert Lane, none of the men was seriously Injured. The men were carrying a heavy piece of tim ber across the roof when the supports gsve way and roof and men went down to gether. I.uddea Secretory of Normal Board. The state normal board at Its meeting tonight elected Rev. L. P. Ludden secre tary, and Mr. Ludden accepted the honor. Chairman Majors presided and the board sent a message of congratulations to Sup erintendent Crabtree of Peru. Neb., who I the father of a new boy. Only routlns bus iness was transacted. Accidentally Shot and Killed. HAT SPRINGS, Neb.. July (.-(Special ) Walter Davis, a young man of 20, son of W. J. Davis, a ranchman living south of here on Pine creek, accidentally shot and killed himself the night of the Fourth. Young Davis, with a companion, went to their room In the hotel to retire for the night and while undressing a 4fi-callber six shooter that young Davis was carrying In his pocket fell on the floor, causing the same to discharge, the ball passing Into his thigh and Into the adbomen. Death re sulted sis hours afterward. Hew Industry at Falls City. FALLS CITY. Neb.. July (.-(Special.) The firm of Leo A Son of St. Louis, which has been negotiating with the cltlsens of Falls City for some time In regard to locating a vinegar factory here, has finally completed Its arrangements -and as soon as a site can be selected it will begin the erec tion of the buildings, and the factory will be In operation by fall. First of Wheat Crop. BEATRICE. Neb.. July (.(Special Tele gramsThe first of this year's wheat crop was marketed here today. The price paid was 85 cents. The grain Is of an ex cellent quality and tested sixty-one pounds to the bushel and yielded thirty-two bush els to the sere. Kehraska Runaway Arrested. ST. LOUIS, July (. tSpeclul Telegram.) Willie Elliott, who ran away from the ranch of his uncle, Peter Ryan, nr In man. Neb., to Join a circus, has reslod ber. Good B&rgaLii . Tht when one trades COFFEE and all tho old COFFEE AILS for health cn POSTUM Tea say's trial prsves. Htwi of Nebraska. PLATSMOUTH Congressman Pollard has returnea nome rrom Washington. PLATTSMOUTH The Cass county dem ocratic convention has been called to meet In this city Saturday, June 14. BEEMER The Salvation Army brigade Is nere, assisting Rev. O. L. Goodell In re vival meetings, to remain until SunJay, June 16. BEATRICE A boy by the nam of Kyle was shot through the hand by a toy pistol weanesaay evening. The wound Is not con eldered serious. OCONEE Last Saturday niht. during the heavy thunderstorm, John Scholty, a farmer In this locality, had his barn struck oy lightning, killing one of his horses. WESTERN At a mass meetlne- of our citizens, held last evening. It was unani mously decided to hold the ninth annual Old Settlers' picnic on Wednesday, August BEATRICE Yesterday afternoon in the county court. Judge Spafford officiating, occurred the marriage of Byron Bathrlck, aged 60, and Birdie Kllburn, aged 30, both of Nelson. Neb. BEATRICE MIbs Cella Whltton was struck in the face by a ball at Blue Springs Wednesday afternoon and was seriously in jured. Her nose was broken and her face severely bruised. BEATRICE A petition Is being circu lated by the Independent Telephone direc tors at Blue Springs for the purpose of re-establishing the connection heretofore had with. the. New Home company of this city. BEATRICE The body of Mrs. Mary Schldlowskl, who died at Lincoln Tuesday, is brought here for Interment. The fun eral was held from Trinity Lutheran church and interment was in Evergreen Home cemetery. BEATRICE Mrs Marie B. Armstrong, who has been principal of the school at the Institution for Feeble-Minded Youth for many years, hus resigned her position, and left yesterday for Oberlin, O., to make her future home. PLATTSMOUTH A number of friends assisted Thomas Pollock In celebrating his eightieth birthday anniversary at his home in this city the rourtn. juage a. . Kam sey also celebrated hla sixty-second birth day anniversary on the same day. BEATRICE Dr. A. Johnson, superinten dent of the Institution for Feeble-Minded Youth, accompanied by his family, left yes terday for Minnesota, where they will en Joy an outing of a few weeks. Dr. Osborne, assistant superintendent. Is In charge of the Institution during Dr. Johnson's ab sence. BEATRICE Carpenters' union No. 1286 met last night and elected these officers for the coming six months: J. H. C'ot.ns, president; Henry Steller, vice president; B. F. Gurney, recording secretary; J. (J. Overman, financial secretary; Henry Lucks, treasurer: Oliver Sample, conductor: George T. Barber, warden; Henry Steller and George T. Barber, trustees. EDGAR Wheat harvest Is completed here. The weather has been Ideal for har vesting, and one of the largest acreages of wheat ever harvested it this section Is now all nicely in shock. The yield this year Is heavier and the grain of better quality than any year slnco 1&2. Oats are not yet quite ready for harvest, but will be In a day. or two. Corn la doing nicely notwithstanding It has been rather dry for some weeka past. YORK The official count was made yes terday afternoon of the repbullran primary election held In this county last Saturday, which resulted as follows: For repre sentatives, J. E. Hart. D. W. Baker. 2H9; John Doran, 266; P. J. Ruch. 18(; A. J. Tavlor, 181. Choice for I'nlted States sen ator, Norrls Brown, E. Rosewaier, 176; J. H. Millard. 20;. F. Currle, 15; Crounae, 12. Total vote. 661. C. E. Sandall was en dorsed for county attorney. PLATTSMOUTH Word has been received to the effect that Elmer Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cole of this city, waa al nmat tiiKtantlv killed In Nlckerson this forenoon at 9 o'clock. Mr. Cole was an engineer on the new Burlington road from Ashland to Sioux City when killed by his engine, which was reported to have left the track Mr. Cole was the only son and will be brought here for burial. His mother is president of the Flattsinoulh Women's r!ub. ALDA Miss Lillian Glllchrlst, daughter of R. C. Gilchrist, retired farmer, residing at Alda. Neb., and A.' O. Wright, eloped to St Paul. Neb., over a week ago, where they were married, but kept their marriage a secret until yesterday, when they w.-re found out. Mr. UlU-nrlst opposed me mar nan on acount of his daughter's youth They took the Union Pacific train No. U for Denver, from whence they will return tn Iowa, wheie Mr. Wright is to enter the mlnlfitrv. FREMONT Walter Cash, colored, tried to commit suicide last night by taking poison. He had b.jen drinking heavily slnco the 4th and had some little trouble with his wife, but nothing serious, sbe went to his room about 10 o'clock and he told her that he had taken carbolic acid and that the bottle was in his trunk. A doctor was summoned and Canh was soon Improving and will come out all right. The vmnioma were not those of carbolic acid nolsonlng. SPRINOVIEW Sprlngvlew'a celebration July $ and 4 waa a complete success. The crowd, estimated at iM- was the lurgest ever in the village. The weather was very favorable, the raring was good and a number of fine horses were entered, on the third the local base ball team played the professionals from Gregory, 8. D., with a score of 11 to In favor of the Gregory team. They played again on the Fourth, but a row over the decision of the umplrt ended the game In the eighth Inning. No serious accidents occurred. BEATRICE Peter Olsson of Islington has written a letter to John Kopecky In this city. In which he states that C. H. Nordlg, aliaa O H. Norton, who passed several forged checks In this city last week, floated four forged checks at Lexington Jum be fore coming to Beatrice. hlch bore Mr. Olsson's signature. The amount of the checks varied ail the way from 5 to $:u Mr. Olsaon Is a merchant tailor, and Nor wig was in his employ for three w-eks before leaving Lexington. The sheriff at Islington offers a reward of $2u for the arrest of the forger. ElGAR The remains of Miss Maggie Proisrr, a young lady 23 years of age, who died at her home In Falrbury on the morn- Saturday's Money-Saving Chances Corner Chair (like cut), polished mahogany finish, seat upholstered In Verona, tapestry or damask. Were $6.00, tomorrow $3.90. KngllMh Bobbinet, white and Arabian, 36, 45 and 54 Inches wide tn 5 to 20 yard lengths. Was 25c to 60c a yard, tomorrow 17 He yd. We're very popular on SatnnTays and to morrow we expect to be busy as bees, in spite of tho weather. Our largo cool store offers a com fortable retreat from sun and heat, and our special articles at spec ial prices are an at traction not to be overlooked. Kugs They're sanitary and economical. Are easily taken up and cleaned and are quickly transferable from room to room. Tomor row your pick of fifty pat terns, Tapestry Brussels Rugs. 912 ft. tor 18.00. Been selling for 116.76 to $19.00. Saturday Evening, 7:00 to 9:30 Japanese Plates Large square cake plates and smaller round ones for tea or bread-and-butter. Were 35c, Saturday evening 15c each, or 2 for 25o. Three Arm Oak Towel Holder Just the thing for dish and tea towels. Were 10c, Saturday evening 5c each. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 414-1618 South Sixteenth i DOCTORS for CUasM , .v-'r,-'-ik.- V I ' Y 1l : - The Reliable Specialists do you lack vitality and energy? Some men are clussed as lasy, shiftless, unreliable, careless; they lark ambition, energy. and courage and are disheartened, who really can't help being- tired, worn-out and a miserable failure. Many of these men are In falling: health, unable to determine the nature of their ailments, and their condition baffles their physician, too. They never know the happiness of being Infil trated with the vim, vigor and energy possessed by healthy men and which , Is so essential to achieve a marked success In life. The sufferer may eat well, sleep well and possibly never complain, but an unaccountable languor clings to him which he cannot shake off, robbing him of all ambition for business or pleasure. Nervo-Sexual Debility will account for this condition In a large majority of cases. Men who find that the condition we have described corresponds with the condition of their own health should consult the eminent specialists of the State Medical Institute without unnecessary delay. Come to our office and we will make a thorough, searching and scientific examination of your ailments, an examination that will disclose your true physical condition, with out a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark and without a thor ough understanding of which no physician or spoclalist should treat you. Don't allow disease or weakness to take away all the pleasure of Mvlng. Life is beautiful when you possess perfect health. You should not become discouraged and lose your grip on life because Inferior or unreliable treat ment has failed to benefit you. Our special treatment for this class of troubles, which Is varied and modified to meet the requirements of each Individual case. Is a safe cure, to which hundreds of cured men owe their sturdy health and happy condition of life. We cure safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, . and all diseases or weaknesses of men due to excesses, self-abuse or ths result of specific or private diseases. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION, i?" ' - STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1S08 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Chicago (BnzAT A Chicago Train for Omaha People. Leave Union Station, Omaha, at 5:40 p. m. , Arrives In Chicago at 8:15 the next morning. Electric Lighted Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Observation End Parlor Car with Dining Room serving Din ner and Breakfast a la carte. Returning, train leaves Chicago at 6:00 p. ra arrives at Omaha 9:00 the next morning. CITY. TICKET OrriCE, tStl Farnam St., Omaha SCHOOLS AND f OI.LEGKS. JLWentworth Military Academy Leslatea,Me. Oksl ud Lereaat at llavf ei-nuojin iki aioflit ttm. tan a di i min of wr LwpU Cns at t la D. & one to M usourt. Mod lor 1 Only Ing- of July 4, arrived rn the city only last evening and were Interred in the EdKar cemetery. John l'riisser, father of the de ceased, was formerly the agent of the Rock Island road In this city, ills wife and seven children are burled her. Two of his sons were killed by the cars in 1M4. and a third son was smothered In nr elevator grain bin. The mirfher died of blood pois oning, contracted while nursing her s n. who was fatally Injured by the rars. Th four daughters died "f tubercular troubles The fattier and :i children, most of Ultm married, still survive DELLEVUE COLLEGE COLLEGE Classical, scientific, philoso phical cuuriea. ACADEMY An accredited High School. Prepares for Hellevue or any other e4a lege or university. NORMAL HCHOOL Elementary and ad vanced courses. CONSERVATORY Theory of music, pl ano. voire, violin, elocution snd art. CONNKCTIONa-Electrlc line and Bur lington Railway. Ksll semester opens September 1. Address President Wadsaorth, Bcttorus. ,eb. I