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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE. WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1905. Trlerihone Douglas 618. Ti,; rcill 1,p nn imnortant constitute a bargain. During our July Clearing Kale, you will get bargains, for we are going to give quality.. Not old, damaged or bankrupt stocks, but clean and reliable merchandise at money-savirig prices. " Be here early Thursday morning. Our Great Bemi-Annual Clear ing Sale of Ready-to-Wear ' Garments Commences Thurs day Morning:, July 5th. Extra ordinary Bargains. XAnrn Butts All "tlw pretty Iswn and lingerie and beautiful net dresses will be pliued on special sale at exactly one-hslf our regular low prices. This Is an op portunity to buy the very highest and finest class of new merchandise at much ls price than Is usiiully charged for soiled, shop worn and common goods. ' lie sure and attend this great sale Thurs dpy and save one-half the regular price. ,'ileautlfiil linen-. Milts. . flalnty lace trim med bolero coat, full cut skirts, regularly snld at 17.50; sale price, $3.75. "llanclsome ' linen suits, new styles, reg ularly sold at $!-. July sale price, $5.00 each. ' ' Unen suits wMh-Bton coats, linen tulta With box coats. "all at one-half price. All the dainty lawn dresses, regularly sold at $5.00; July sale price, $2.50 each. All the dainty lawn dresses, regularly sold at $7.60; July price, $3.75. All the dainty lingerie dresses, regularly sold at $9.50; July sale price, $4.75 each. All the dainty lingerie dresses, regularly avid at $12.60; July clearing sale price, $4.25. All the dainty lingerie dresses, regularly sold at $15.00; July clearing Bale price, $7.50 each. . All the dainty lingerie dresses, regularly koUI at $18.00; July clearing tale price, $9.00 isch. -All the beautiful white dresses, regularly sold at $25.00; July clearing sale price, $12.50 rh. All the new lovely net dresses, In two piece and Princess styles, regularly sold at $12.50, $15.00. $18.00, $25.00 and $30.00; July NEW TRUNK LINE PROJECTED Reported Alliance .of . Moffatt, Ojark and .. Stioknej Interest. ROAD- WILL RUN FROM COAST TO COAST Korthwestern Tracks to Be tsed from Ointfis to Hastings and Link '" Will Be Ballt front There benerr . DENVER, CoJo.. July $.-The, Tin , today ays: David H. Jlofat has' srcured.jposl live" eaifeti ' co'nSectiOna'foV lilt Valiroad, the &envf,.Motthwte:ra AjFaclflc, which, with the connection with the Ban Pedro, l4 Angeles. & Salt Lake road at Salt Lake ..Qty.K-lLmak.Jila llnea -connecting link lti a transcontinental road from New York t0."tlie raclijo coast. The Chicago Great Western, known as the Maple Leaf route. Is trie eastern road that is behind the deal, and the jnoney for the carrying out of the glgaatiq. railroad scbenje will be furnished by the banking firm of liollina A Co., New York. , ,', , . The mystery of the recent Incorporation of ( the Omaha & Denver Short Line Is cleared up as this new road will be the coiipecting Jink between Omaha and Den ver. The Una of the Chicago Northwest ern from Omaha to Hastings, Neb., will be 'used hy UafTJc agreement and a new track will be constructed from Hastings to Den ver," Entrance Into Denver will be gained over the tracks of the Colorado A Eastern road, which la controlled by W. F. Have- meyer, a,, relative of jr. O. Havemeyer. head ui ine Bugar trust, and a branch road will v.- W..l. . ywm jrojii ienver inrougn the sugar .belt of southern Colorado. Just .what connections will be made from Chicago to New York Is not definitely de cided, but that this connection will be made Is certain. Mr. Moffat returned today from Jew ork. but declined to discuss the project. Hatrhlasoa Promoted. . WASHINGTON. July S.-Normn Hutch inson secretary to the American legation PIT I P IN SPLITS, HOLU 80UA tWNTAlNS, PUl'fl P E ;.:Y ; L E m, .Jk M THE CORNFIELD CLUB OPPOSITE MAIN ENTRANCE LAKE MANAWA Our Great Scmi-Annual Clearing Sale Commences Thursday, July 5 Pale in every respect. A low clerlnir alf prlc, I'M 1W 112 50 and pa-h. Four blsrk lawn drrsses, prtfy styles, rtilar!y soldTat $4 60; July clarln Bale prlr, 12.25 each. Two Biofhiro dresses, regularly sold at $5.n0; July clearing sal! prlre, 12.60 esch. During; this treat sale of linen and lin gerls dresses, no alterations will be made. THE ORHATE8T BALE of beautiful new wau tvoT Bhown In Omaha will commence I nut Saturday. Watch the newspapers and our show windows for particulars. Second floor. Our Annual Great Clearing Sale of Colored Wash Goods. Commencing July 6. at I a. m. One of the Tundamental principles of our store Is to never carry over goods from one sea son to the other. We have, therefore, commenced a general price cutting all through our stock of choice, perfect wash materials. Note the following reductions: THURSDAY, AT 5c A YARD. 10c Dimities. 15o Ginghams. 16a Organdies. 20c Zephyrs, THURSDAY, 'AT 10c A YARD. 20c Ginghams. 18c Batistes. ' 25c Tissues. 26c Silk Organdies. THURSDAY, AT 16c A YARD. 26c Bcotch Zephyrs. 25c Egyptian Tissues. SOc Oinghams. 35c Novelties. THURSDAY. AT 19c A YARD. 4os Bilk Organdie. 40c Bilk Tissues. 45o Imported Wash Chiffon. 40c Novelties. 'OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS. Howard Corner Sixteenth Stretft at Caracas, has been promoted to the sec retaryship of the United Ststes legation at Stockholm as a reward for years of effective service In South America.' Be fore his transfer to Caracas he was sec retary to the American legation In Chill. Mr. Hutchinson Is a CallfornLan and a graduate of Cornell university.' NEBRASKANS INJLAND DRAWING Number of Thenv Secure Chance In the Bis Crow Reservation Lottery. BILLINGS. Mont.. July $. (Special Tel egram) Following Is tha list of Nebraska winners lit the Crow land drawing today, numbers from 1,800 to 4.500 Inclusive: . Nebraska l.U, A. W. Wilson, MeCuolt; l.blg. II. F. Olianlon, Omahs; l.fc, Jennie Pierre, Omaha; LW9, J. A. Johnson, Omaha; 1.961, H. T. Bone, Benson; l.rSo. B.-OIwmi, Nehswka; 2iU, l. Wents; McCook.; J,0S3, C. Pardon, Naponee; 2.J'.9, H. . M. Davla, Ord: 2,104. Marie Mohran, Alllanca; 2,115, J. P. Huey,- Omaha- 2.10,' Fred Karre, Coatsfleld; 8,201, A. F. Armstrong. Green Wood; 2,207, J, J, Gray, Aurora; 2.M1, E. H. Haglt, Alnslav-; i.3';2, E. II. Larson, Omaha; .3lT, O. N. I'erklns, Stanford; 2.314, G. W. Hollenbeck. Alnslr ; 2,iif. H. K. Drum mond, Omaha; H. B. Norrls, Omaha; 2.424. V. W. Whltaker. Grafton: $.128. Charles Redding, Lincoln; 2,6H, T. C. Mc- I Intyre, Aineley; 2,473. C. W. Wheeler. Lin coin; 2.S7H, A. 8. Purcel!. Ord; 16S4. (orge Lowe, Battle Creek; 2,694, Margaret Drles barh, Lincoln: 2.90J. J. P. Westervelt, Scotts Bluff; 2.614. H. C. Rogers. Upland; 2,635. W. K. Whltmore, Lincoln; 2,t7, J. Fplesberger, Omaha; i.urt, r. A. t'orotn, Ohiowa; 2.717, H. Shonts, Otilowa: 2.774, G. M. Bcott. Uncoln; 2,727, T. C. Marshall; Heber; 2.746, H. M. Miller, Central City; 2,746, John W. Davis, Bladen; 2,764, W. I. French, Bene: 2.782. J. J. Craig, Hardy; 2.7W, D. Caldwell. Wymore: $,7iS. L. H. Half man, Hebron; 2.H21. Helen Compton, Omaha; 2,872, F. Richards, Elm Creek; I, 907. C. W. Gennon, Wisner; 1927, liayter, Hastings; 2,949, H.- O. Woodward, Valley; 2,925, J. F. Waterbury. Alnsl.-y: 2.960. H. E. Owene, Norfolk; 2.969, Haicl Oake, Norfolk; t.69, Marlon McBeth, Gree ley: t,079. E. J. McShane, Omaha: i,0, II. E. Dill. Harvard; $.126. F. M. Maronoy. Seward; ,14. J. O'Hern. Omaha; $.1l, E. 8. Bowers, Llnceln: $,1H2. W. W. Simmons, Falrbury; J.ioo, Emily Stewaxt, Lincoln: 3,214. J. F. Hilton, Geneva; 3,27. R. 8., linker. Curtis; $.828. E. W. Bowman, Omaha; 3.346, W. Glass, Lincoln; $,367, C. A. Morhlll Scott's Bluff; 3,376. H. E. Rue. Georgetown; I.S91, E. 8. Flagg. Omaha; $,447. C. H. Wing, Harvard; I.4K4, H. W. Boee, Omaha; $.646, Ester Compton, Omaha; 3.670, Scott A. Smith, Kearnev; 3.612, Pol lie Anderson, Sargent; 3.621, John PINTS AND QUARTS. AT ALL 8TOI1KH AMI GROiERIKS. 1Z Bee, July 4, 1806. price without quality does not THURSDAY. AT fcc A YARD. 45c Finest Tissues. Oc Zephyrs. , ; ' 5"e Silk Orgnndles. . . 60c Imported "Uauie. In Basement. ' ' ' ' July Clearance Sale of Milli nery, Fine Ready-to-Wear Hats 29c Each. If you are going to need a hat for some special purpose, and have put off buying on account of price, let Thursday be the day to buy, for we are going to close out the balance of our stock of ready-to-wear turbans and street hats for women and children at a ridiculously low price. HATS WORTH FROM $100 to $3 00, THURSDAY 29c EACH. In Basement. July Clearing Sale at Linen Department. Imported French organdies, silk chiffon cloth and white barred French voile all low priced In this great sale. Imported French Organdies. For party dresses, etc., sold all season at 60c per yard; " Thursday's price, i2Hc yard. Silk Chiffon Cloth. For evening dresses, one of the prettiest materials shown this season, most beauti ful and dainty patterns "and colorings, sold II season for $1.50 per yard; Thursday's price, 76c yard. White Barred French Voile. The dainty material, most popular for party gowns, comes In the latest weaves of bars and figures, sold all season at $1.1:5 per yard; Thursday's price 62Ho a yard. Main Floor. P. Jepperson, RiiBkim s'7A. Herbert A. Fray. Lincoln; 3,771. P. M. MuiTay, Omaha; a,,W. rra Poleider, 8uprlor; 3,8"i6. Thomas Cnhlll. South Omaha; 8,819, Johanna Fo4j-, Mwrna; 3,834, Rudolph V. Naslco, Alliance; 3.S45. Florence E. Campbell, South Omaha; 8,i6, Herman A. Seldel, Stanton; 3,M6, I'lysses S. Kuhn, Omaha; 3,t9, ed W. Kulper. Lincoln: 3,1, O. B. Tegelberg, JWead; 3.18, W. H. Peacock, Norfolk; 3.974. M. J. Mul ley, St. Paul; 8,999. Charles N. Broinm, Omaha; 4,014, MattieM. Noves, Hastings; 4,026. C. D. Coe, Crelghton; fiiit, h. J. B1 shaw, Hastings; 4.047, W. M. Blatt, Oinalia; 4,mi, A. L. Davis, Lincoln; 4.100, K P. Whltmore. Falrbury; 4.114. John - Walla, Weston; 4,119, L. K. Eskew, Lincoln; 4,122, C. U Dicklnsdn, Ultmha; 4,132, Lewis Mc llleary, Ord; '4,161. As V. Dort, Pawnee City; 4,170, L. L. Worthington, Omaha; 4,12., W. A. Bowling, Beatrice; 4.224, M. J. Vaughn. Alliance; 4,231 V. W. McDonald, Allen; 4,2:, M. W. Vanorsdel,. oxtoro, 4,247. Imlse Williams, Lincoln; 4,263, C. W. Wbltth-er, Culnertson; li.W, O. A. Ash brook. Hebron; 4.364, A. L. Bron, Scott S Bluff; 4.407, Anderson Barrett, - .Lushtons 4.4S3. Thomas D. Rofter, Heber' . ' "' Iowa-A. K. Aken, Jr.. Coryflnn; W. 8. Haney, Cantrll; L. B. Sperry, Osceola; J. A. Thomas. Bed Oak; F. J. Sttort, Green field: W. E. Henderson, Centervllle; J. Mc Grath, Preston; C. H. Mannem, Lemara; W. J. Hoagland, Centerpolnt; E. S. Peter son, 81oux City; E. P. Bennett. Atlantic; O. Burcham, Olaresburg; 8. 8. Baker, Far ragut; A. A. Downing. Bloomneld; G. S. Sprever, Council Bluffs;, J. M. Cleaver, Humlston; G. D. McDusty, Creston; L. J. Dincan, Randolph; I. F. Sanborn, Red 'Oak; J. J. Keenhold, Des Moines; B. Cron- holm. Whltmore; T. C. Basnott. Aiunon; I A. Casswsll, Bloomfleld; C. R. Park. Car I lisle; C. L. Drew, Murray; Gustav' Gustav I son, Mondamln; B. F. Rains. Vllllsca; Willie Smith, Parker; J. D. Baughnian. ! Pulaski; Willard Brewer. . Perry; H. G. i Hayes, Terry; Ray Pryor, Red Oak: G. A. Hill, Massena; O. W. England; Bloomneld; F. J. Guidenger. Exlra; J. Llpps, McCaull; J. M. Dolan, Sioux tnty; S. A. Jren, . Bloomfleld: T. W. Olldley. Sidney; J. P. ' Homel, Sidney; V. W.. Rothrock, Newton; ! D. R. Klngcl. Humlston; W. J.- McGlnnis, Blanchard; Anna Kelhy. Council Bluffs; I H. R. Williams. Waterloo; J.I W. Fox, Al i hlon JT IeDree. Red Oak: Grace M. Shep- I herd, Ottumwa; Thomas L. Day, Colfax; ; Laura Smurju, Farmlngton; A. B. Canfleld, : ' Alta; B. D. Burchett, Bloomfleld; W. J.! ; Cole, Corning; A. L. Baker. Clarinda : E. J. Bopher, Creston: J. G. KerfTT, Clarion; H. T. Kennedy, Newton; John D. Ijishnutt, Onawa; E. C. Igitn, Cedar Falls; D. J. ! Norton, Jr.. Washington; F. E. Neal. Iowa Falls; Charles C. McKunkey, Newton: H. ! L. Welmer,. Fairfield; L. M. Hurley. Wood I ward; C. P. Robinson, Newton; Star Crow ell, Sioux City; Brtward E. Peterson, Sioux (tty; Thomas B. White, Oskaloosa; Iroy I Comer. Randolph; Mortimer F. Stever, I Creston; Maud Nelson, Bedford; Edward ! L. Vogel. Madison: Newton H. Irving, VH 'llsoa: Blanche M. Scott. Council Bluffs: Corydon M. Cnffli'ld, Ottumwa; Frank E. Miller. Anils; Harfett. West Liberty; George W. Hicks. Preston; Ford Snyder, HtimlMon; Benjamin F. Burns, Fort Dodge; Claude McGlmm, Missouri Valley; Willis B. Aten, Charlton; J. W. Jones, Decatur; W. B. Dixie. Davenport Andrew Walland, Oskaloosa; Arthur V. Farmlee, Muscatine; Ivl Dennis, Humlston; William H. Burk ley, Dubuque; T. T. Brlggs, Emerson; John Larson, Greenneifl; vt . k. r-itcocK. l.oirax; C. 8. H. Hammock. Corydon; J. H. Hogg, ' Mount Pleasant; Dell 8. Marher, Spencer; James Downing, Bentonspnrt; James D. Montgomery, Bloomfleld;' Elmer E. Camp, Preston; John L. Everett. Clarinda; John S. Baker, Bloomllelrt; Ruth K. Crape, Bur lington: Edward A. Trs.vl. Humlston; Clar ence E. Ferman, - Laramie: Gustav Duhl ; Strom, Ies Moines; F. W. Scott, Nevada,., , South Dakota Ernest N. Mailing, Custer; James T. ONeil. lxad City; F.mery XV, 1 Bower, Ouster: Cary Roe, Keystone; John : Ross. I .tad City; J. ' Emerson, Sisseton I John W. Brown. Custer; W. C. Lewis, Sturtrts: A. Newbury. Edeeuiont; W. M. i ltson, Deadwood; Jcihn Laughager, Veb- i len; E. Austin, Gerry; Sumuel A. Smith, j Hot Hprings. WANTED TO SEE FIREMEN WORK Boy "ts Fire to Hoase, hat It la Dis covered Before Much Da mass Is Doae. A desire on the part of a neighbor's little boy to see the Are department at work cost Z. W. Avery of 2616 Hlmebaugh avenue more than $7$, according to a complaint which be made to the police Tuesday even lug. Mr. Avery slated llllo Lyons, aged about 12 years, living next door to hlin, et fire to his house Tuesday, but the blnxe was discovered and extinguished with only $7 or $8 damage, without the aid of the firs department. A muntn ago, Avery sain, nis nouse was fired In a mysterious manner, and ha be lieves the same boy was responsible. At that time the repairs coat him $70. The matter was turned over to Probation Other Bernstein, who will Investigate. Keystoae Mae Ends Life. KEYSTONE. 8. July . -(8pclal Tele, grain.) James Stewart, a well known inln lng man of the Black Hills and a promi nent business man of Keystone, committed suicide this morning by shooting hlmelf through the head with a revolver. For several months he has been suffering from Bright s disease cf the kidneys. Its leaves considerable valuable mining property. DlAUONLiatJTreaaer, lain ass Loge eta THAW HARRIED "IS EUROPE BaBaaafSasa Wifa of If an Held for Murder Barf Cert monj Wu Performed Abroad. WEDDING IN PITTSBURG SECOND SERVICE . . aaaa Was Perform mt faggestlaa at Thaw's Mother ftateaaeat of Dead -Valet la Coatra ' -4le4d hy. Wife. NEW TORK, July $.-"Wheo the time comes I shall be only (do glad to talk and tell all. I shall not flinch t the ordeal, not will I break down. My one thought now is to be of service to ray husband." This statement was'made by Mrs. Harry K. Thaw Just before she was admitted to see her husband at the Tombs today and Is the first time she had consented to talk of her probable attitude In the coming trial of Thaw for the murder of Stanford White. Mrs. Thaw also denied the statement In the ante-mortem testimony of Valet Bed ford to the effect that she was not married to Thaw abroad, previous to the ceremony performed by Rev. Dr. W. I McEwon in Pittsburg at the request of Thaw's mother. "I was marled to Mr. Thaw abroad," said Mrs. Thaw, "before tjie ceremony In this country, and I have the proof, all. state ments to .tb contrary notwithstanding. 1 shall produre'the proof at the trial." Mrs. - Thaw paid, her usual visit to her husband at the Tombs today, remaining in conversation with him for a considerable time. She was awaited outside by the usual large crowd of curloslty-eeek-ers that gather each day to wslch her come and go. Thavr Iterel es.' Many Letters. Former Judge Olcott, Thaw's chief coun. eel, had a conference with his client this afternoon. He was accompanied by a Mr. Keck, who Is said to be the attorney for the Thaw family at Pittsburg. When Judge Olcott left he carried with him a bundle of about seventy letters, which Thaw had re ceived through the malls. Judge Olcott stated that owing to the number of letters s"ent dally to Thaw he would have some member of the law flrtrl open them In the future before they reach him and thus save the young man considerable annoyance. Assistant District Attorney Garvan to day secured possession of the reports of the three detectives, W. A. Rorke, William McDonald and Harry Raleigh, who were employed by Thaw to watch the movements of Stanford White. Thaw will go to trial on the charge of killing White on tils simple plea of "not guilty," the time' limits for Interposing any motion or demurrer by counsel having ex pired today. ... Thaw's . Mother Hears News. TILBURY. England, July $. The news of the tragedy In the Madison Square root garden, New York,; June 26, when Harry Thaw shot and killed Stanford White, had not been communicated to his mother, Mrs. Thaw, when the Atlantic trsnsport line steamer Minneapolis, from New York June 28, docked here this morning. Extraordinary precautions were taken on board to keea any Inkling of the tragedy from her until relatives were able to brpak the news. Mrs. Thaw, - who had .bjieh ninusualljr cheerful MiroughfVut the voyage 'was met by her son-ln-law. the earl of Yarmouth, and Blair Tkaw,. wbovcaBna to Tilbury to wel come Jier, and her face was wreatbed In smiles when she landed; It was. expected that the news would be commuHilcated to her while on ths train, bound for London. As she stepped ashore Mrs. Thaw was eurrOunded by liletida and detectives, the latter beings detailed to prevent, any Iranger from approaching her. After land ing Mrs. Thaw- Mid,, her. party boarded a spetiaf traln, 'frmn,n which reporters were expressly eacludrd,. ' The. wireless news was first received off Cape Cod. ; . The captain took ' It to Miss Copley( who Is traveling? with Mrs. Thaw and has her confidence, and the report of tbe tragedy spread smqhg the passengers. Nevertheless, it did not reach Mrs. Thw. When the . newspapers were taken on board the Minneapolis st Gravesend this morning the captain ordered that all refer ence to the tragedy be cut out. Mrs. Thaw received one of the mutilated papers, but she did not ask any questions. As the train pulled out of the station Mrs. Thaw was still smiling, apparently being In continued Ignorance of the trag edy. - The earl of Yarmouth said that ha would not break the news to her until they "reached the house. She narrowly escaped hearing the news at the docka. While the earl of Yarmouth was talking to the American' Dress representatives a reporter for an! English newspaper at tempted to speak to Mrs. Thaw, but the earl Intervened Just In time to save her from getting ths first news from stranger. i Wireless messages containing t'ae news were received on board tne Minneapolis, but the captain, having been so advised. suppressed them. LONDON, July $ p. m. On her ar rival In London Mrs. Thaw was driven to tbe residence of the earl of Yarmouth, where the news, of the tragedy at New York' June 25 was broken to her. She bore up splendidly under the blow, but has not decided upon her future move ments. ' It is probable that Mrs. Thsw will go to Switzerland and not return to America Immediately, as her' health is poor. Edward Thaw is coming here from Swltserland. COTTON CROP BELOW AVERAGE Barns of Statistics asara Rtatemeat Showing Present Coadltloa -of the Fields. WASHirst-ii ui. i juiy crop re porting besird of the bureau of statistics, Department of Agriculture, finds from th reports or tne correspondents and agenta of the bureau that tha average condition of cotton on June 25 was 83.1, as compared with R4.8 on May. . 190S, 77 on June 26, 1906 ; 8s at the cotresponeUng date In 1904. and a ten-year average of (4.1. The following table shows ths condition on June 26 of this year, with the respective ten-year averages) June !8, 10-year ntaie. i una. Av'ge v irginia cm North Csrollna. SO 77 ti 77 84 M 87 82 M 84 81 80 84 83.1 South Carolina Georgia Klorlda Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas ,. Tennesxes Missouri Uklahoma Indian Territory.... United 8tates SPICER CONFESSES TO CRIME Seaaatloa la Keataeky Fraaa Case Caase4 by Isspllcafloa of Tws Defeadass. BEATTYVILLE, Ky.. July VrA aenaatlon was caused hers today when the trial of former Judge Hargls and ex-Bherlff Calls ban of Breathitt county, pn the charge o murdering James Marcunt. has Just begun by the announcement that Asbury 6plce had mads a confession implicating ths two chief defendants. On the day Mareum was killed Bplcer was In Jackson, he claims, and a few minute before ths killing he was sent by Jim Hargls to get Tout White, and was later dispatched to Sd Callahan to get Curtis Jetf. A few minutes later, when he tSpleer) was In the Hargls store, two shots rsng out and Marcam fell dead In the front door of 'the courthouse. Splcer said that Just a few dsys before the killing of Mareum he was offered $600 to kill tha attorney, but refused as be had dona before when made an offer to kill Jim CockrllL DISCONTENT IN ARMY (Continued from First Page.) beria and Central Asia and to help them In Installing themselves there, not only by allotments of land, but by the building of government roads. , Sixth To make arrangements for th !e of the lands the emigrants leave behind them for the benefit of these emigrants, the rigorous Improvement of agriculture, correcting the Inequalities In plots T land, etc., and the right of the distribution of tho land, severally, where desired. The statement accompanying the publica tion of the government's agrarian meas ures gives figures to prove that the peas ants' dream that a universal distribution would give ample land to all is fallacious. European Russia, it is pointed out. con tains 3S0,0O0,Ou0 declatines, of which 150,000, 000 belong to the Ave northern provinces and are unsuitable for agriculture. Of the remainder 66.000,000 declatines are forcts, the preservation of which Is absolutely necessary, leaving 153,000,000. Of that 11, 000.000 now belong to the peasants,. 91.0O.0ne) being obtained at the time of the emancipa tion of the serfs and 19,Oii0.0OU being pri vately owned. Thus 43,0O0,0iiO covers all the land of the state, church, crown and gentry, while there are over 40.0no.000 peas ants. After reviewing many acts of the Russian emperor for the benefit of the peasants, like the enianopatkn of the serfs and the establishment of peasant banks, the state ment solemnly denies that the government i Is espousing expropriation in the interest of the landlords, who. it says, could con vert their land Into cah, and concludes with an expression of the vital necessity i of malnt lining' the rights of property as , being the foundation of the state, present i and future. j MIDMGHT 9F.IO OF CABISET Goremykln Retnrns from Peterhof sliI at Once Summons Advisors. ST. PETERSBURG, July 4.-2:40 a. m. A meeting of the cabinet , called by Premier Goremykln after his return from his visit to Emperor Nicholas as Peterhof, began at 10:30 o'clock last night, the ministers having ( been unable to assemble during the day, and continued until late into the night. No authoritative announcement of the reason for the calling of this extraordinary midnight conference or Its decisions Is ob tainable at this moment, btit there Is little doubt It was connected with the change In the ministry, though Individual ministers declined to sdmlt that explanation. Hints dropped by constitutional demo cratic leaders Indicate that overtures for their participation In a ministry at the pres ent stage have to do with a mixed cabinet under the leadership of former Minister of Agriculture Yermoloff. This, however. Is regarded as utterly Impossible, their un varying answer up to the present time be ing that nothing but a parliamentary and responsible ministry under a constitutional emocratlc premier will suffice; but the As- oclated Press ha strong ground to believe the constitutional democrats. In spite of their protestations, will participate under Ivan Shlpoff. former minister of finance, if tbe latter can be induced to accept the premiership. M. Yermoloff is quoted as saying yester day that he had been Invited by the em peror to fofm a cabinet and that It was possible he or former Minister of Commerce Tlmiriaxrff .may: be the next premier if ,the emperor declines to make a full' surrender 0 the . constitutional democratic preten sions. MANY POMCEME ARB KILLED Warsaw , Terrorists Coatlaae to Assassinate Peace Officers. WARSAW. Russian Poland, July I The terrorists' determination to exterminate the police force ahowa no signs of wavering. Before noon today two more police ser geants were added to the already long death roll. Both men were shot and killed in the streets and in each case tha aasasslns escsped. Another policeman was killed this even ing. A patrol which hurried to the scene of' ths murder fired a volley, killing a passerby. Every policeman has now been withdrawn from the atreeta. The police demand the dismissal of the authorities. BERJJN. July l.-A dlapstch to the Lokal Antleger today- from Warsaw saya that the murders of policemen there are re garded as being part of a systematic plan of the terrorists Instituted out of re venge for the recent executions as the result of trials by court-martial. Many policemen have received anonymous notices to the effect that they are marked for death unless they resign on or before today. Some of these thereupon resigned and were arrested by order of the authorities. British Ambassador to gammer Home. WASHINGTON. July l.-81r Henry Mor timer Durand, ths British ambsssador, left Washington today for Lennox, Mass.. v FINANCIAL STATEMENT July I, 1906. of The Conservative Savings , Loan Association v RKSOl HCES. Real EaUte Loans , $1,630, 574.'00 Loans on Passbook Security 44,863.33 Warrants General Funda 70,285.66 Certificates of Deposit in Banka 75,402.29 Interest ,Due on Loans 5,845.85 Mortgages in Process of Foreclosure 4,070.83 Real EBtate Sold on Contract 9,557.07 Real Estate Unaold . None Caah on Hand and in Banks 60.284.66 Association Building Account - 36,665.80 LIAIIILITIKS. Capital Stock Paid in and Dividends Credited $1,666, 037. 25 Building Loana 111.068.84 Contingent Loea Fund....;. 53,426.30 Undivided Proflta 8,017.00 $1,837,549.49 Increase First Kl Months. 194X3 , , 8UO.5413.0S Present Dividend Rate '. 6 Per Cent Our need Just now la for more applications for loana. Office 205 So. 16th St., Omaha has many advantages for you. If yon are not familiar with them, your inquiry will re ceive our prompt and careful attention. We. Pay 4 Interest on Deposits Oldest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska. CITY SAVINGS OMAHA'S POLITE RESORT WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 100 (Y3AD B I G FEATURES II. I ME WALDEIY1AR THE GREATEST LADY AERONAUT. ,, FIREWORKS BALLOON !."'.'d Th Grandest Pyrotechnic Display Ever Given in This City h SIEGE OF ODESSA 1 Serve Ice Cream r .n At Your Little Home Affairs! ' Balduff'a little barrels of ice cream are most convenient for home use. You will always find .the Ice cream nice and hard when you are ready Eacfc barrel contains three flavors of ice cream vanilla, "'strawberry .and chocolate.' The; barrels are- ao coriatfucte'di that 'thejrjkee'p the ice cceam hard for. av long' time 'oil a hot-day.. When . down town , shopping come in and get a barrel and take it home with you. They are con venient to carry you can put it in your hand bag or carry it on your arm with your other bundles. Put up In two sizes. ' Quart size, sufficient for 6 or 8 persona. . ..40c Pint sizes, sufficient for 3 or ..r..20c 4 persons BALDUFF 1520 Farnam Street where he will be with his family most of the summer. Attempted Marder and Suicide. ST. 1XMJIS. July 8. A special to the Post Dispatch from Cartervllle, HI., says George Bond killed himself there last night by shooting, after having attempted to kill his wife by cutting nr throat. It la ex pected that frequent quarrels caused thb tragedy. f 1,837,549.49 BMgfl IMAWA Grand Celebration 4th OF JULY One Carload of Pain's Fireworks Nordin's Band, Velvet Roller Coaster, Boating, Battling and Many Other Attractions...;- PASE RALL Vinton Street Park. JULY 4, 4, 5, 6. OMAHA vs. DES MOINES July 4th, Morning Game 10:30 July 4th, Afternoon Game 3:45 Friday, July 6th Ladies' Day Games Galled 3:45 GREEN POISON KILLS BED BI GS, KILLS COCKROACHES, KILLS ANTS. KILLS MICROBES, KILLS ALL INSECTS, HAS NO ODOR Does Not Burn or Explode Kills tbe Legs. Too. , 6ee the Point? "GREEN POISON" Is easily applied with brush or feather. A 2 6 -cent bot tle of "GREEN POISON" from your druggist will kill a million bugs. ' V ansa esiCMftTls'S irslism raiflYROYAL PILL5 cm iCarm r.k-n itNOLiilrt u Itri.aMSl hlttlHl Of 14 MIH, kraH MM4 asbcttlatiwM ui tmtlm Umm. Say f DruiM,H , i . . 4. l tar Irtoa4r. TMtlaraWll hn 11. lt.MTMMW.IM uaM vw You ' Can Get Just What : You - - ' Want For Your 4th of Juiy Dinner at ' me CALUMET HOTELS. CCMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE." st Um Nsw TrsnaUBi. lUal But. nr.prs BOTH W00DJT CK tU-Ut W. Ml. H., S4S Biiulv.r. M. I titj. ita lilorft WMt Of Qrtai CasUal sod )uat ( Lonsur M TllDaa fcquara, tha vary baaJt th city. Is tha ml Oat of a thenars and cluba su4 I oMf tha shofpiLc district, ashwar afiS "L ' reads mui Brada7 an ' ftdlacaat. Modara scoesa Siodalluut lor Ml Modara room saar bath. II. M. l,i nous til light raoou a ad auitaa wuh prtiata iath, M sk ibulco raauuraut. UtMle. W. H. VAUQLlTITa Alas Hotat Marat, Skf Wad. Varwoui, , SCHOOLS. WILSON COLLECE FOR WOMEN In ths beautiful Cumberland Valley. Coursea leading to degrees of A.. 8. and Id us. p Classics, Music, Art. A most excellent fae ulty. Campus 60 seres; 14 buildings; rates ni operate. M. H. REAEER. Fh D . Pres't. U College Ave. CMAMfctCKsUVKO. tA,' ! a pot fc-,.isiVi.3:;' r