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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1906)
The Omaha! Daily Bee OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNIN'U, JULY 4, lfKMi-TKN PAGES. VOL. XXXVI-XO. 14. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS r-"v X i Ml i - I I' 1 JDT STEST IN i Oriraniied BeTolutionary Leaeue Exists A mon? the Czh'i Troop. MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED IN ODESSA Seal and Docmnsnts of Organisation Captured at Vilna. SERIOUS MUTINY BREAKS OUT AT ASKABAD Soldiers Demand Release f Arrested Oom r&dei and Defy GoTeraor General MIDNIGHT SESSION OF THE CABINET roller (iortmrkli neiurus ir..,.. Conference with Emperor nd at Once taamoii HI BT. PETERSBURO, July -All doubt of the existence of an organised military revolutionary league, which 1 Inspiring Mutinies and uprisings In the army. has been t at rest by the discovery of the seal and documents of the league during the search of soldiers attached to- s'af? headquarters at Vllna and d to arlous regiments of the Third ror Minister Rudlger h ordered Hf, -S-vsetlgatlon to be made of all rictadu f irmni In order to determine the e ar the revolutionary propaganda and I beat methods of counteracting it. Marti. law was proclaimed today at Odessa on account of the ferment among the troops there. Serious Mutiny at Askuhad. The ministry of war has received tele grams that a serious mutiny has broke out In the Second and Third battalions of the Tlralleurs and the First railway bat talion at Askabad. It originated In the now familiar way of the arrest of soldiers and their comrades demanding their re lease and the formulation of a list of grievances. Including a demand for the removal of officers and their replacement by men from the ranks. The mutineers et the governor general at defiance. Rein forcements of Infantry Cossacks and nrtll lery have been dispatched to Askabad from Merv. Agrarian disorders continue In the central and southern provinces. A desperate en counter took place between the crowd and the police In Tulla and men, women nnd children were victims. At Mafiefke there . was a regular engagement between Cos sacks and peasants. In which several per sons were killed and wounded. An Incipient riot Is reported to have occurred among the cuirassiers of the guard at Tsarskoe-Si'lo because they had been ordered not to rend the newspapers. Officers of the guard who were questioned on the subject declared that the severity of the measures taken to prevent the spread of the revolutionaiy propaganda among the troops Is arou lug such Intense resentment among the men that the Uv?s of the officers themselves are endangered. They speak most pessimistically of the spread of dis loyalty 'In-the sj'.my,- ' ' i . Reports oa Blalystok: Excesses. Ths administrative and the parliamentary Views of the Blalystok excesses were pub lished tonight, the first In the report of Baron Frlsch, president of the council of the empire, to Minister of Interior Stolyptn, published In the Official Messenger, and the latter in the report of the parliamentary commission. Though they differ In many Important respects, they unite in holding certain offi cials, or at least the Interior police officials, guilty of Inciting and participating In the excesses. It is significant that Bhlremstlrff, prefect of police of Blalystok, has been summoned to St. Petersburg. There Is slight discrepancy in the state ments of casualties. According to the re port of Baron Frlsch, eighty-two were killed of whom seventy-five were Jews and seventy-eight wounded, of which sixty were Jews, while the property loss is placed at 8100.000, whereas the parliamentary commis sion reports eighty Jews and six Christians killed and approximated the same number wounded. The commission's report will be discussed Thursday. It gives the details In prae ' finally every case of killing and In eight Instances It cites the names of soldiers and policemen who murdered one or more Jews, as absolute proof of the participation of the military and the police. It declares that the massacre and preliminary events show evidence of a general, deliberate plan. The report concludes with an inter pellation of Minister of the Interior Btoly pin as to what measures have been taken to bring the guilty ones to justice anil specially the police officials and the gov ernor of Crodno, who left Blalystok before order was restored, and an Interpellation f War Minister Rudlger as to the partici pation Of soldiers In the excesses, he plat -lng of detachments of troops under the command of petty police officers, nmi the supervision of the local authorities by the military before the proclamation of maitiu. law. Baron Frlsch report takes the view that revolutionary activity and terrorism are responsible for the anti-Jewish feclini!, and alleges that reactionary police wen left a free hand after their brothers hai', been slain by revolutionists. Agrarian Bill Ready. The government's agrarian bill has flnallv been approved. Introduced in the lower hous , of Parliament and published In the Official Messenger, accompanied by a sort of proc lamation to ths peasants glorifying the emperor's oonstant solicitude for the peas ants. It attempts to show that the realiza tion of socialistic schemes for the nation alization of the lands, with which the country has been deluded. Instead of Im proving the lot of the peasants, would re sult In inevitable misery, as the distribution of all ths arable state lands In European Russia would give each peasant leu than one additional declatine. which would be subject to constant diminution, owing to Increases In ths population, and. besides, would deprive the peasants of the opimr tunlty of obtaining work from ths land lords, from whom a largs percentage of their income la derived. Ihrovlslous of Law. As Anally submitted the government so lution makes the following propositions: First To distribute upon "favorable terms ' all ths arable land In Euro pen Rus sia to ths peasants) who Lave not sufficient lands. Second To purchase for the account of ths estate ths land which private owners are willing to sell. Third To sell such lsnds to the prassnts en reasuiuible terms, even If this involves the assumption by the state of the ill (Ter ence in ths cost and the selling price. Fourth To establish the pilnciple that new aa well as old peasants' lands are not salable to persons not tieionglng to the peasant classes, besides exempting ths land from seisms for debt. Fifth To assist Immigrants to reach Sl- iPentlnued. oa Ssoo&d ! WRECK VICTIMS REST WELL Bulletin from Salisbury Infirmary Telle of Condition of Those erlooaly Injnred. BALIPBl'RY. England. July 1 The bul letin posted thin morning at the infirmary whire those Injured In the wreck here Bunday morning of the express train taking the passengers of the steamer New York from riymoiith to London, are being cared for, announced that Edward W. Bentcll of Brooklyn. N. Y., had not passed a good night, but tlvat hla condition la about the same. Robert S Crltchell of Chics so had a restless nlit.but Is slightly Improved. Miss Margaret RHsk of Norfolk street, Park Ijmiip, I,ondon. whose legs have been amputated, passed a restless night, but la tio worse. Miss I,. 8. Orlswold of Borough Heath, tii'r Epsom. Is slightly bet ter. The removal of the bodies of the vic tims had been postponed tin' II this even ing, owing to the nonarrlvsl of the leaden shells. Nine bodies will he taken to Southampton this evening. Five will be taken to Ixmdon, namely, those of John E. Mi' Dona Id of New York City. C. F. Mr Meekln of Iexlngton. Ky.l Mrs. IJllias Kurd Walte of New York City, Mm. Charles W. Elphlcke of Kvanton. 111., and Miss M. E. Howleson of New York City. All the friends and surviving relatives of these vic tims desire that religious services be held In Iondon before the bodies are sent on board the New York. It has also been arranged to bring the body of Frederick Henry Cossltt of New York City to Ixindon temporarily. Edward B. Tennant, member of Parlia ment for Salisbury, has cabled to President Roosevelt the sympathy of the cltlsens of A'Ullsbury with the relatives and friends the victims. decided improvement was reported this vion In the condition of all the In nassengers and it is believed that '( all recover. IMPROVING COTTON MARKETS International Federation of Spinners Hopes to Steady Prices and Stop Gambling. LONDON, July 8. Charles Wright Mac-era, chairman of tho committee of the International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers' association, who Just returned here from the cotton spinners' congress at Bremen, thinks that the international organization Is within measurable distance of obtaining its main objects namely, the steadying of prices. the checking of professional gambling op- . erattons, the appointment of a commls- I sion to investigate the rules of cotton ex- ' chunges and liually the Improvement of tho ginning, baling, transport and mar keting of cotton. He considers the decision to improve the marketing, etc., of cotton to be the most Important taken by the Bremen congress. He estimates that $5,000,000 could be an nually saved ln these items in American cotton alone and believes that the strong financial position of the American grow ers, enabling them to hold their cotton, will have an important Influence In steady ing prices, and, while M. Macara consid ers that the desired minimum price, 10 cents, to be exceedingly profitable, ho thinks that users will not grumble at It. . Finalljv MtMacara. attaches freaX im portance to the promise of the users of cotton, that America is prepared to co operate with the European spinners. BRITISH HEAR AN AMERICAN Champion of Aatl-Tobaepo Crnsade Has Hearing by Honss f Lords. L.ONDON, July 3. Edward Page Oaaton of Chicago testified before the select com mittee of the House of Lords on Juvenile smoking that the worst article America sent to England was the American cig arette. "It Is worse," he said, "than Chicago tinned meat." Mr. Gaston also warned Britieh legisla tors against attempts at bribery on the part of the American Tobacco trust ln ordei to balk unfriendly legislation. Eurl Beauchamp, cnalrman of the com mittee, closely questioned Mr. Gaston re garding the effect of the American law against the sale of tobacco to minors, and he stated that nearly one-fourth of the population of the I'nited, States now bene fited through living under anti-cigarette legislation. The proposed British bill, which probably will receive the endorse ment of the House of IrfrdS committee, provides for a fine of to for the first offense In supplying tobacco to minors. $10 for tin second offense and the revocation of the offender's license on a third conviction. AGITATING PENNY P0STAGF Asqaltk Likes Idea, bat Balks at Cost of Innovation with America. LONDON, July 8 "There Is no nation with which we would rather se the facil ities of communication extended than with the great republic on the othrr side of th Atlantic," said Chancellor7 of the Exchequer Asqutth this afternoon to a deputation of ' members of Parliament who called on him j and on Postmaster General Sydney Buxton relative to ths proposition to establish an Anglo-American 2-cent postage rate. - Mr. Asqulth added frankly that hs had no money to giye for the purpose and that there was no evident Hut the In, Id Mtaud noverntmnt whs desirous of making the proposed change. Mr. Buxton remarked that it was entirrly a question of money, so far as he was con cerned. It would cost $500,000 yearly to make the change. NEW STATEIS SALUTED Manila Sounds a Gun at Midnight Wrlcoiulasr Oklahoma to ths laloa. MANILA, July t-The first national fa lute to include Oklahoma was fired a Luueta at midnight July 8. The advent of July 4 was celebrated by the release of sixty-eight men who are charged with outlawry and were serving sentences in Blllbid prison. Four convic's were granted full pardon and the te mair.der were released on the conditiou of five years' good behavior. This action was taken on the recommendation of a board appointed three months ago. Filipino children were entertained at a monster feast ln this city today. The feast was arranged by patriotic Americans and Filipinos. Murder Cass Bads. JEFFERSON CITT. Mo. July $DI vlaiou No. 1 of the suprems court today overruled s motion to transfer ths ca.s of Mrs. Maggie Myers, the court en for a hearing. Her fate is now In the hands of the governor. She end Frank Hottniaa were convicted of murdering her husband, n4 iXAUnuei to bs haugsjU CREAT FIRE IN HAMBURG St. Michael's Church and Eleven Other Enildinin Totally Destroyed. FOUR PERSONS DEAD AND TWENTY MISSING Tall Steeple Falls Twenty Minutes After Fire Breaks Oat aad Crashes Several Smaller Structures. HAMBI RO. July 8 Bt. Michael's church, one of the most Interesting buildings In Hamburg, was totally destroyed by Are this afternoon. The fire broke out in the steepl, where workmen were repairing the clock, and Is supposed to have been dun to carelessness. The fire spread rapidly and the steeple, which was 420 feet high, fell in less than twenty minutes from the time the fire started. The flames communi cated with adjoining buildings, which burned so rspldly the fire seemed to get out of control. A department store occupying three buildings was gutted. After the church wss in flames Dr. Brlnkmann, di rector of the Museum of Art and Industry, with several officials, entered the edifice to ssve the gold and silver treasures, but only the -mall part of these were saved. When the steeple fell the thousands of people who gathered In the street gave vent to great groans, audible above the roar of the flames. Twelve Houses Destroyed. The flames later attacked houses In Eng llschplanke, Boehmken, Vinusberg and Muhlen streets. The eehanrmarkt, a wooden' building, burned rapidly. A small Baptist church was also destroyed. In all twelve houses were entiiely destroyed. while more than twenty - other buildings were damaged Twenty persons are missing. The Are watchman, who lived In the steeple, sounded the electric alarm, but his retreat was cut off. Three workmen wlio were repair ing the clock also perished and thirty fire men were injured, two of them danger ously. At a late hour tonight the fire was still burning, but was under control and its further spread is improbable. Only the walls of the church are standing. The church was one of the most prominent objects In the general view of the city. The roof, which was of copper, which long ago had turned green through oxidization, was the largest in Hamourg without sup porting pillars. All state religious tunc- tlon8 wcre held ln St. Michael s CUSEY TELLS OF REBATES Traffic Manager of Chicago Packing House on Stand In Alton Case. CIIICAOO, July 3. B. 8. Cusey. traffic manager for the packing concern of Schwarzschild & Sulzberger, was the first witness called today In the hearing of charges of rebating made against the Chi cago A. Alton railroad, and John N. Faith orn and Fred A. Wann. former officials of that company. Hs said that whenever an employs of the packing house purchased a ticket from the Chicago & Alton road he would be given a receipt for the money paid and that he went to Fred A. Wann, then connected with the road, and de manded that a settlement bs made for $4,000 of the ticket receipts. Wann re fused to pay the receipts and he then ex plained to Wann that other lines had Is sued transportation to other industrial companies which sent freight to them. The claims, the witness said, covered fares of Inspectors, mechanics, superin tendents and the fares of men returning from accompanying shipments of cattle. The claims covered by the receipts, he staid, were later paid by Wann. During the questioning of Cusey the ccurt held that no evidence could be ad mitted which tended to show that the Alton railroad had descriminated in favor of Schwarfschlld & Sulzberger in hand ling freight. After Cusey left the stand the govern ment said that tt had no more testimony to offer and the attorneys for the defenre declered that they had no evidence to in troduce. They made a motion that the court direct the Jury to return a verdict of not guilty and arguments followed. The attorneys for the defendants claimed that the payment of claims by the railroad was made under pressure and that the packing company could legally enforce them In court. In the matter of the pay ment of $1 on each car of meat shipped by the packing company It was claimed that this was legitimate because the packing company owned the tracks near Its plant nnd charged that amount up against any company using those tracks to ship pack ing products. The legal arguments continued through- I out the afternoon and before they were j finished com t adiourned until Thursday. ROOT IS READY TO START Si-erelerr of State' Will Leave for South America oa Cralser Charleston Today. WASHINGTON. July 3.-Secretary Root, accompanied by hfs private secretary, W L. Sherman Doyle, left Washington thl afternoon for New York. Mrs. Root and the secretary's son and daughter, who ate to accompany him on his 8outh Amer ican tour, are at Southampton, Ixing Isl and, and will Join Mr. Root in New York tomorrow. The entire party will leave the New York Yacht club In a launch at I p. m. tomorrow for the cruiser Charles ton, which Is lying off Stapleton, Staten Island. After leaving New York tomorrow evening the Charleston's first stop will be at Can Juan. P. R., where Secretary Root will remain from July 8 to July 10. The Charleston will then touch at Para, Brazil, on July 15 and aftr stopping at Pemam buco and Bahla will reach Rio de Janero on July 25 for four days after the opening of the Pan-Ainerlcan. conference. Secre tary Root's trip will occupy nearly four months. INSURANCE AGENT QUITS Caltforala Representative of Trans atlantic Objects to Way Fire Losses Are Settled. SAN FRANCISCO. July 8 -V. Cyrus Driffield, coast manager of the Transat lantic Insursncs company, has notified Stats Insurance Commissioner Wolf that he has resigned as general sgent of the ompany. His reason for severing his con nection Is said to be the rorporatiog'a method of settling Its losses by the recent Bra. Driffield ststes that his resignation has been accspted by ths company and that Former Assistant Manager Danker has also left the employ f us Trgaj&lljW'iQ. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL W. M, Reddea of Arand Island t.oes to Jamestown- Ksposl !.' , i (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Ju'y (Special Tele gram.) W. M. Ged.teS f Grand Island. Neh.. who has practically and successfully conducted the government exhibits at five expositions, wss today i chosen assistant secretary to the Jamestown tVa.) exposi tion. Mr. Oeddes, in bis supervision of government exhibits In the past, has won warm tributes from his superiors and also from representatives of foreign exhibits. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson today wrote the following - letter to Senator Warren: I'nder the provlslor-s of the bill making appropriations for the Tepsrtment of Agri culture, which has Just hmime a law. I have authorised the chief of the Weather bureau to purchase ground, erect a build ing and Install a complete meteorologlcol station at Sheridan, Wvo.-, The secretary of the Interior has Just rejected all bids for the construction of 1K"i miles of laterals for the irrigation of lands under the Interstate canal, North Plalte project, which wors recently opened at Mitchell, Neb. They were greatly in ex cess of the estimates ahfl new proposals will be asked for unless Udders promptly submit lower bids. - The secretary of the interior has re stored to the public domain the following described lands ln South Dakota, which were reserved In connection with the Belle Fourche Irrigation prSJect, and has with drawn tracts from puhllo entry for town site purposes in connection with this pro ject: Township north, range 7 east, north east quarter section 7j .township 9 north, range 4 east, northeast quarters section 11 The secretary of the 'Interior has vacated tho order withdrawing the following de scribed lands ln Wyoming ln connection with the Shoshone Irrigation project, and has temporarily reserved same for forest planting: township 65 north, range 98 went, northeast quarter northwest quarter lot 62, and north half; southwest quarter and southeast quarter southwest quarter lot 53. Rural carrier appointed: ( Nebraska Broken Bow, route 2, 1. Ray Ijinphear, carrier; Wingate Foster, substitute. Rogers, route 1, Peter C. Flora, 'carrier; John W. Flora substitute. Iowv--Osceola, route 2, Will V. Vandull, carrier; James H. Vandall, substitute. - Dr. O. A. Hale ha beep appointed exam ining surgeon at Webster ' City, la., vice Dr. A. M. Pond, resigned. Dr. W. E. Ixng has b-en appointed pen sion examining surgeon at Mason City, la., vice Q. C. Stockman, resigned. RAID ON FRENCH LICK CASINO Attendants Arrested and Attorney General of Indiana Brings Bait to Annul Charter. f r PAOLI. Ind., July t. The stats of In diana, acting through Attorney General Charles Miller on instructions from Gov ernor Hanly, today filed tiro quo warranto proceedings ln the Orang county circuit court against the French . Lick Springs Hotel company and the West Baden Hotel company, asking that tftHr charters as corporations be i evoked,' t '-4 they be en- lolned from nenntttln? rncibllnr on their properties, -that -rscaf-.a,- 4 app4u4Uaa4-l that administration of tho assets be made among the defendants and their creditors. The suits are based on the charges that the hotel companies have allowed gambling to take place in the casinos. At the same time that the suits were filed here local officers, headed by Sheriff Marls, Deputy Sheriff Jones, Constable Baggerly and City Marshal Bailees raided the two casinos at the hotels, arrested the attendants and captured a large amount of gambling paraphernalia, including nine teen slot machines. The operations were directed personally by Attorney General Miller. The entire party was brought from French Lick and West Baden to this place this evening and given a hearing before Justice of the Peace James D. Gillum. The gambling furniture was taken in charge of deputies. A hearing on the suits for injunctions and receiverships will be held Thursday. Thomas Taggart, chairman of this democratic national committee. Is presi dent of the French IJck Springs hotel. The officers found a number of guests playing keno at West Baden. One guest Jumped through a window, hut the place was sur rounded! None but the attendants were arrested. T. G. Deery, the manager of the casino at French Lick was arrested. No one was playing when the officers arrived. The Colonial hotel at West Baden was raided also and some gambling apparatus secured. Roulette and faro tables were found at all places. In the French Lick complaint, after de scribing the hotel property and caalno, the complaint says: "Ijirge numbers of boys and girls be tween the ages of 10 and 18 years visit that casino and are there permitted to gamble for money on the slot machines, at which they are permitted to play nickels, dimes, quarters, halves and dollars ln money. "Children are also permitted to visit the second floor of the casino, where the roul ette tables and wheels and klondike games, faro tables and bookmakers' tables and other gambling devices are kept, and where large sums of money are wagered." i KILLS WOMAN AND HIMSELF Charles Benson of llertrand, Wlillo insane, Shoots Father's House keeper and Then Himself. HOLDREGE, Neb., July 8 -(Siecial Tele gram.) A murder and suicide occurred to day In the western part of Phelps county about eight miles south of Bertrand, In which Charles Benson shot and killed Mrs. Anna Wallln and then killed himself. Andrew Benson, the father of tho young man, is a rich farmer and this boy was his only child, a young man L'6 years old. The mother is in the Insane asylum and has been for twenty years. It has been noticed that the young man has not at all times seemed quite right of late and the report has been circulated In the neighborhood that his mind was alw affected. The hin d man went to work as usual this morning and about 8 o'clock the father went to Bertrand. eight miles away. At noon the hired man went to the house for his dinner and found the corpses of the bon and house keeper, and going to the nearest phone noti fied the father, who ln turn sent to Hold- rege for the coroner and sheriff. A Jury was Impaneled which brought In a verdict to the effect that the young man shot the woman and then killed himself. The story gathered at the Inquest wss that the young man brooded over the thought that the woman, who had betn housekeeper in the family for more than eight years, was trying to cheat bim out of his share of his father s property and that he killed her in a moment of Insanity when they were alons In the house. He was not a strong msn physically and was unable to do muck of the work eg the laxra. BRYAN WILL SPEAK IN LONDON Nebraikan Will Address the American Society This Evening:. DISCUSSES POLITICAL CONDITIONS AT HOME It Is Too F.arly to Select Can. dldate for Presidency and II M ill Make fto Announce ment Saw, LONDON. July 3.-Wllllam J. Bryan and Mrs. Bryan srrlved from Norway late this afternoon. They landed at Newcastle yes terday and remained there over the day, Mr. Bryan desiring a chance to complete some writing. Arriving here Mr. Bryan went to the Hotel Cecil, w here he soon was besieged by callers. John Burns. William T. Stead and Mrs. Stead came early in the evening and paid an extended visit. Messrs. Bryan, Burns and Stead engaged In an animated discussion of economics and of the social and labor questions. Mr. Bryan received a great mass of American" mall. Statement of Mr. Bryan. When he hal finished reading his letters he received a deputation of newspaper cor respondents and dictated the following .statement: The first suggestion of a reception for me at iSew York came prior to the action of any of the smte conventions and before tliere was any discussion of the next enm Ilfrn. it came from the Commercial Trav elers' league, of which Mr. Hoge is presi-, dent. 1 assured him I should be pleased to meet the members of the league, sucgest Ing that the reception be characterized by simplicity. Now that the actions of some of the state conventions have raised a question as to the political significance nf the reception I am glad to say that It must not be regarded ln the llRht of an endorse ment for the presidential nomination. While I appreciate the compliment paid by the various stale conventions, I do not re gard their expi-esnlong as binding upon them or upon the party of their state. I shall not prosecute them for breach of promise if they transfer their affections to another; I will not even publish their let ters. To allow the reception to be regarded as an endorsement would In the first place be unjust to others who may be candidates. For Moat Available Candidate. I have seen tne names of several men tioned as possible candidates, anion them Congressman Hearst, Senator Ballcy and Governor Folk, who have all remleied conspicuous service to the party and to the country, and their claims Kiioulii ok considered. The party Is entitled to its imii.1 awmanie mail ana me question in I availability cannot be determined so far I uvHiirn. circumstances and lsyu'j may strengthen the claims of somo oti') of the gentlemen mentioned, and the should be an open one until the time comes to choose. I may add that it would not he Just to me to be put in the attitude of announcing my candidacy or admitting tho certainty of my being a candidate. It is two jeais before the convention meets and I an not willing to sit on a stool and look pretty that long. I prefer to be In i position to say what I think ough: to he said, write what I think ou.lit to ifl written and rb what I think ought to be done. I am advancing in years and can not spare two years out of my life Just at this time. I shall be glad to return to America, although every day of my trip has been enjoyable. I shall be glad to meet my friends ln America, and after 1 have met them they will he Just as free as before to do what they think best on Issues and candidates. Will Address American Society. WTlen' told niiat -the-mayov, Geoygs" B.4 McClellan, was ln London Mr. Bryan said he had not heard he was here. He ex pressed his gratification that Mr. McClel lan has escaped from the Salisbury wreck and said he hoped to meet htm. Mr. Bryan will speak at the American society dinner tomorrow night. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will spend the week with Ambassador and Mrs. Reld at Wrest Park and then will go to Italy, returning here July 28, when Mr. Bryan will attend the Interparliamentary con ference. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will then make a tour of Scotland, going thence to France and Spain. North Carolina for Bryan. GREENSBORO. N. C July .-The demo cratic state convention met here today with about 300 delegates ln attendance. The only state officer to be nominated was chairman of the corporation commis sion, and Franklin McNeill, the present In cumbent, was nominated on the first ballot. William J. Bryan was endorsed for presi-i dent and former Governor Charles B. Ay cock of this state for vice president. The Introduction of the resolution caused a discussion that at times verged on bitter ness and a roll call was demanded. The mo tion was, however, adopted by a decisive msjorlty. ELEVEN MEN KILLED BY CAR Horrible Tragedy on Branch Railroad in Pennsylvania Mining Region. ALTOONA, Pa.. July 4. Eleven men, who ' were returning from Portage to Puritan, both mining towns, were killed shortly le fore midnight on the Martin's branch, a xpur running from Portage to Puritan, a diNtance of four miles, by a runaway car, which had been started down the sleep mountain grade by some unknown person. The miners had been to Portage and were returning to their homes. When the car was liually stopped near Portage. It was son that the wheels were covered with blood and shreds of clothing, and Investiga tion disclosed the bodies of the men lying along the track. Borne of the bodies were a half mile apart. The railroad track is generally traversed by people going from Portage to Puritan. Cara never run over the line afu-r nightfall. A car was sent up the line and the bodies gathered up and taken to a mining settle ment near Puritan. Four or five men were Injured, but not seriously. Officials of the Puritan mine, who have Just been notified, declare this morning that It Is their belief the car was started down the line by strik ers at the mine that was opened on a non union basis several weeks ago. GUARDS AND MINERS IN JAIL Sheriff at Bradley, Ohio, Arrests Four Meu tharaed with Complicity In Shooting Affray. ST El'BEN V1LI.E, O. July S.-Sh-rirt Voorhehs and Deputy Murray aiiesied at Bradley this evening Captain Talbntt of j the mine guards and Guards McMurty and I Walker, for shooting with intent to kill j Mike Koeal, one of the miners who waa j fatally shot Sunday. Oscar Harlow and Thomas Arms, striking miners, were ar- I rested for shooting at the guards. Other arrests will follow. ; The men arrested were taken before Mayor RalHon at Sinilhtb Id and. after a hearing, were held for court. Matters are , still quiet at Bradley, but the f-eing is such that trouble is liable to bresk out at any j time. A carload ef nonunion men wss taken to I Bradley today without Interruption, , NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Temperatare at Omaha Yeaterdayi Hoar. Ilea. Hoar. Dfs. " a. m M t p. m T.H a. m n a p. m Tit T a. m ...... t a p. m Tt st n. m n 4 p. m TT a. m Hft n p. m T1 10 a. ni 7 H p. m TO 11 i, m TO T p. m Tt 13 ra T3 H p. m T.f n p. m . . , , Ta CAPITAL NOW AT OYSTER BAY President Begin. Direction of Public Affairs from His Summer Home. OTSTER BAY, . Y.. July J.-Presldent Roosevelt today took up the work of ad ministering governmentaW affairs from Sag amore Hill. Tomorrow he will make an address to his neighbors ln celebration of the Fourth. Secretary Ixeb laid before him this morning a large assortment of correspondence. Its disposition took sev eral hours. The work today was said to be unimpor tant from the standpoint of public in terest. I'pon Inquiry at the executive office it was ascertained that the salary of Secre tary Bishop of the Isthmian canal commis sion will be $10,000 a year. This leaves Mr. Bishop's compensation exactly as it has been heretofore, when he drew $7.BO0 as a member of the commission and $-.'i00 as Its secretary. Oyster Bay Is experiencing Fourth of July thrills tonight ln anticipation of the celebration when the president Is to ad dress an open air gathering at Iocust Grove, In the outskirts of the village. Decorations have been put In place and the town given a holiday appearance. Excursions are expected to cross the sound from the Connecticut towns of Stan ford. Bridgeport, Greenwich and Norwich, and the New York trains are to bring their quota. The town council has appropriated JKO to supply additional peace protection and many deputies are being sworn In tonignt for service tomorrow. The president has not prepared his speech, but Is expected to talk to his neighbors and friends for half an hour or more. Preceding and following his address there will be patriotic songs by the children of the village, augmented by the choirs of the village churches. ninr rrOOr Ttir T ITir KAUt AUnUOO IHt ATLANTIC Speed Contest Between neutachiand and La Provenee, with ths German Leading. NEW YORK, July 8. The Hamburg American line steamer Deutschland, which started from New York last Thursday, June 2. In what was generally regarded as a trans-Atlantic race with the new steamer I-n Provence of the French line, was reported to the Associated Press to night as having been in wlreloas communi cation with the station at Browhead, Ire land at 6 p. m., Greenwich time, when the vessel was 140 miles to the southwest. T,a Provence had not been reported by wireless telegraphy up to midnight. New York time. The Deutschland should arrive ETri Vlvmnitth mt fttmitt grfin WftrindM v. reenWIcTT Mine.', Jf ' ir'doea Tt- will ' Oars made the trip In approximately fiver days, fourteen hours and thirty minutes. Its best eastern voyage, however, was made In five days, seven hours and thirty-eight minutes, when It averaged 28.86 knots an hour. The Deutschland had one hour and four teen minutes advantage over Its arrival at the start of the race, having cleared Sandy Hook bar at 11 a. m. June 28. La Provence cleared the bar at 12:14 the same day. The present race grows out of the fact that on the last eastward voyage, when t a Prov ence and the Deutschland sailed the same day the French liner was reported four hours ahead when the vessel passed The Lizard. BOMB FACTORY IN SEATTLE Urge Hnantlty of Ksploalvea Cup tared In Honse Oecnpled by German Anarchist. SEATTLE. July 8. After an Investiga tion begun at the Instance of the German government, the local police yesterday raided a house formerly occupied by August Rosenberg, a German bricklayer, and found a plant equipped for making bombs and Infernal machines. Rosenberg, who was known as a man of anarchist tendencies, left Seattle for Hamburg. Germany, on May 1. At about that time the German government received a warning fiom Seattle that an attempt would be made to assassi nate the German emperor. The German consul at Seattle subsequently received a cablegram from Hamburg Instructing him to investigate. The finding of the plant followed. The articles seized included more than 200 bottles of acids and explosives, a large quantity of scrap Iron. FATAL EXPLOSION. IN MINE Three Killed and Several Missing; as Result of West Virginia Accident. BLVEKIELD, W. Va., July 3. News has reached here today that by a premature explosion In a mine at Keystone, W. Va.. last evening, three men were killed out right and a number are still missing. Bud Meadows, Edward Howard and Wil liam Mahon were passing through an entry which had been abandoned for some time when the gas ignited from their lamps and all three were killed. A number of men In parts of the mine were Injured, several probably fatal. The force of the explosion was terrific and several of the parties formed for rescue of the few Im prisoned miners were overcome by gas This Is the fourth explosion within a year In the Pocahontas fields. Movements of Ocean Vessels July St. At New York Arrived: K I nonlaud. from I Antwerp; Madonna, from Naples; Grosser i Kurfursi, from Bremen; fllavonla. from 'lilKte; St:iatendam. from Rotterdam; I Kjiser Wllht-lm II. from Bieinen. Sailed: I Knm I'rlnz Wilhelm. for Bremen; Car- toaniH. for IJverpool; Cltla dl Milano, for Naples At Glasgow Arrived: Furness t, from Ni w York. At Antwerp Arrived: Finland, from Niw York. A' Manchester Hailed: Bostonlan, for Boston. At Genoa Arrived: Citta dl Napoll. from New York: lulsUna. from New York. At Hamburg Arrived: Armenia, from Philadelphia. At lnidon Arrived : Minneipolls. from i New Y"i k At OiUrait ir-Anivea: rrms AtlalDi rt, from New York. At Montral Arrived: Sardinian, f i oro London; I'r'loiia n. from G1h.kuw. Sailed: Sicilian, for Glasgow. At IJverpool Hailed: Carnnia, for NV York At Boston Stilled: Arabic, for Liverpool At Queenston n Ariivcd; Aienh, from PlilladilvkU ALL FOR ROSEWATER Eighty-Three DeWatee to Bute Conten. tion Eolid for Bim for Senator. NOT A BREAK IN THE LIST ANYWHERE Opposition Ticket Carries Only a Few Precincts in County. MAJORITY IS AN OVERWHELMING ONE Former Opposition Strongholds Eevene Themselves. ROTATION BALLOT DECEIVES NO ONE Count Necessarily Slow, but Enough Hrtnrns Are In to Indicate the Result Beyond Any ' Oaeatlon. Douglas county's eighty-three votes In ths republican state convention will be cast for Edwt rd Rosewater for I'nited States sen stor. That much was determined by a de cisive vote at the primaries held through out the county yrsterday. The victory for the Rosewater delegation Is one of the most signal ever, recorded In local politics, promising from the returns so far In to be more than a two to one vote. Mr. Rosewater's delegates have carried, apparently, evety voting precinct In the county with very few exceptions, re versing the majorities In many of the so called Fontanelle strongholds. The Fontanelles put up a persistent fight wherever they could and their bosses were much ln evldrnce,esriinlly In the lower wards, hut the high privates failed to re spond; In fact, there seemed to be no great number of privates to follow theli lead. At midnight returns from a few precincts where the vote had been light, and there fore quickly counted, showed the Rosewater delegates running far In the lead. Reports from the upper wards supposed to bo the seat of Fontanelle Intelligence all told the same story. One strong Fontanelle precinct of the Ninth ward, where forty-seven bal lots hsd been counted out of eighty-three, gave the Rosewater delegates thirty-two and the Fontanelles fifteen. Another Ninth ward precinct, where twenty-two out of ninety-three ballots had been counted, showed twenty for the Rosewater delegates and two for the Fontanelles. The Fourth precinct of the Third ward, with forty-five republican votes, gave the Rosewater dele gates thlrty-threo, as against twelve for ths Fontsnelles. Count Naturally Very glow. The count la naturally very slow 'snd It will be well Into the day before the election boards can possibly finish, while the tabu lation will be still slower. There sre ap parently about 4,0ni republican votes cast in the county and the democratic vote will not exceed 600 or 800. The voters realised quickly what the rotation ballot outrage Inflicted by the Fontsnelles meant for them. Hundreds were disfranchised by Inability to under- ' stAtiU and, rr.artt tlis-baJVpta and hundreds more were compelled to totta parf-of 1mtf . votes. The Judges of elctlon were called on frequently to assist In marking ballots, even some of ths most Intelligent running afoul of the rotation scheme. The quickest that ths most sdept ballot marker could get through with the eighty-three delegates for the state convention alone was about six minutes and cases are recorded where men remained ln the voting place as long as an hour and a half before they could get the crosses exactly where they wanted them. It Is recorded that one old man In the Third precinct of the Sixth ward required three hours and a half. ' spoiling two bal lots ln the Interval by mistakes. One well Intentloned voter In the First of the Ninth, after wrestling In vsln with two yards of paper, wrote across It: "The whole Rose water delegation," and let It go at that. Judge Day Takes Half Hoar. Judge Day of the district court, who par ticipated In the rotation ballot decision, put In twenty-five minutes trying to get his ballot straight and wasn't sure nf it then. The Fontanelles sprung a circular saw ballot with which they expected to take the people by storm, but It fell ss flat as sny ordinary card. It consisted of a long strip corresponding with the ballot, crossed for the Fontanelle candidates and pasted so ss to form a complete circle, ths voter being Instructed to tear it above the name which he found first on his official ballot and then use it as an ordinary sample. It seemed, however, to take as long to explain It as to vote it, and It caught nobody who was already Into the game. The election In South Otnnha was In all respects the most quiet In the history of the city. A light vote was polled and at all times In the day the polling booths sp peared deserted. A few of the mors en thusiastic workers were to be seen. At many of the polling places there were no representatives of the democratic party nor of the supporters of Mr. Cto.inse. At all of the precincts the supporters of Mr. Rosewater were In preponderance. At midnight the democratic World Herald, which in this tight has been ths organ of the Fontanelles, admitted to tele phone Inquiries that the solid Rosewater delegation had been elected by safe ma jorities. Who the Drlra-utes Are. The successful uclegatlon which will rep resent Douglas county In the republican state convention ut IJncoln. August ! Is luaile up of the following i-tghty-tlirt members : James If. Adams. W. 1. AdkliiH. A. P. Akerluuil. David Anderson, Ntis J. A nderxoii, E. A. Baird. H. H. Baiting.-, F W. Bandhauer. Frank W. Handle, Herman Bcal, John K H- inn, C. E. Black, Edward Black, H. Hock. K. F. Hrailty. Fred Bruning. II K Buikei. Harry B. Inrne, F. N Clarke, W. W. Coif. W. J. Coiui'il. K. W. CorlihS. 3 A. Coineer. E. J. Cornish, Robert Cowiil, J Y. Craig. M O Cunningham. John T. Dillon. A. J Donahue. I C. Lmcker. Kotx-rt Duncan. Fred H. Hove. J. II. Hummel, J- L. Jacubsun, George M. Johnxon, W. Earnest Johnson, Frank W. Judson, C. J. Kellie, William Kennedy, Frank KoulHky, II. I. Iavltt, Michael le, J L. Jlrt'KiTi.t, Frank .Mal.cny, B. MankiHv.iy, Bert C Mner, Anton F. Novak. Vac 1'rihyi. Geoigo D Rice. James II. Riags. H. J. Rolf,, H-nry R.thhols, John J. Rydwr. Henry Schumer, . F. Shepa3, W. H. Snoop. J. W Hhuinaker. F. M. Hissoii, E. A. Smith. Fred I. Smith, E O. Solomon, Hen J. Hlone. B. F. Thomas. I J Tiaiiior. J M Irtxtuskl, Jarneg WaWli, F. 1. Wed. C. F. Wilier. John i' Whaitoo. E A. Willis John T Yates, Harry ii. lmmaAy I V rank Dwoink. , Oliver S Ki w in Cornelius K n n II, Robert Kink, K 8 Fit-h.1. Ira Kl.lliHSall. ! rinv i' I'lcn.ii.K. I. K. Flodinan. ' William A. K'.Mer, E L Gustafson, W. O. Henry, :i0 i I i ti T