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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
w TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1906. . A V Weighty Professional Endorsements. ANOTHER LINEMAN INJURED . That the mwiI AarlfM medicinal root, th concentrated glyceric extract 1 which make ud Dr. Tierce' Golden Medical Discovery, hav the strong kind of endorsement by score of lead ing medical writers of all the several hool of practice, a brief gianoe at a standard works on Matmxa Medxcn Will show. Of Golden Seal root, which ! eoe of the prominent ingredient of f" Golden Medical Di8Covery,"Dr.RoberU UUrtholow, of Jefferson Medical Col We, says: "Very useful as a stom achic (stomach) tonio and in atonie dyspepsia. Cure gastric (stomach) ratarrh and headache accompanying pame." lie alto mention! catarrh of the gall dnct, Jaundice and conitipa Hon m diseases which the use of olden ' Seal ' root overcomes ; also -ntarrh of the inteetinea, even when it haa proceeded ' to ulceration, ia remarkably benefited by llydraatia (Golden Seal root). Dr. Grorer Co, of New York, aaya: "llydraatia (Golden Seal root) exer cise an especial influence over rau- jcoua surface. . Upon the liver it act with eqnal oertainty and ef- :flcacv. At a cholasocua (liver In vie !orator)it baa few eauala." Dr. Coe alw advise it for affecttfins of the apleen and other abdominal viscera generally, and for acrofuloua and glnd ular diseases, cutaneous eruptions, in' AlgSOVlVIl, UCUIlila VIIIUUIV U1RI 1 1 IVJC , constipation, also in aevaral affectiona (peculiar to women, and in all chronic eierangementl ' of the liver: also for hronic Inflammation of bladder, for which Dr. Goe tayi "it is oua of the moat reliable agenta 01 cure." Prof. Hobart A. Mara. M. D.. of the ! ' . . , - , i 11 n l university 01 ra., eaya 01 uoiaen oeai root that it ia "of service in chronic catarrh of the atomach and bowels. following abate of alcohol, and aa a tonic after malarial fever." He further aaya, it "haa a diatinct anti-malarial influence. " Alto Pgood In all catarrhal conditions, at uterine catarrh, leueor- .rhcea, elc. and m "a curative agent in 'chronic dyspepsia." Prof. Laurence Johnson, M. D., of the Medical Department, University jCity of Y., is equally loud in hit (praise-of Golden Beal root, especially for it tonic effecta in convalescence from acute diaeasea and ita special tonic influence upon mueoua surfaces and upon the gall bladder. Doctora Barton and Tully recom mended - Golden Seal root aa a pure tonic and aa an alterative in die- eased conditions of the mueoua mem- branes; a; ProC John King, M. D., late of Cin-icinnati- author of the America! Dta )psm batoh y, givea it a prominent place among medicinal agenta, relteratee all 'the foregoing writera have eaid about it. at does also Prof. John M. Scudder, jM. D,, late of Cincinnati. Dr. Scud der aaytt "It atimulatea the digestive processes and increases the assimilation of food. By these meant the blood i$ enriched, the consequent ..improvement on the glandular and nervous aystema arenatural results." Dr. Scudder further aaya, "in relation .uwwv UJfVI RiniCIU, ihtri it no medicine in use mbout which ?trt u $uch central unanimity of vrrP- l universally regarded at ,lht tonio. useful in all debilitaud Prof. Flnlev Ellin twood. M. D., ' Bennett Medical College, Chicago, aaya of Golden Beal root: "It la a roott superior remedv in catarrhal gastrins (Inflammation of the atomach), enroni constipation, general debility, in con. valeacenca from protracted fe vera, In prostrating night-sweat. It is on im portant remedy in dinordert of thi womo." ( InlS agent, vioiaen eri iuuv,' ia an Important ingredient of lKctoi Pierce'a favorite Prescription for worn, an'a weakneseea, aa well aa of the "Golden Medical Discovery.") Dr. El lingwood contlnuea, "In alf catarrhal condition! it ia nteful." Much more, did apace permit, eould be quoted from prominent autboritlea aa to the wonderful curative propertiea poweeeed by Golden Seal root. We want to assure the reader that "Golden. Medical Diacovery can be relied upon to do all that ia claimed for Golden Seal root in the cure of all the varioue diseaeee aa aet forth in the above brief extract, for it moat prominent and important ingredient ia Golden Seal root. Thie agent ia, how ever, atrongly reinforced, and it cura tive action greatly enhanced by the addition, in Just the right proportion of Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot. Mandrake root and chemically pare glycerin. All of thee are happily and harmonionaly blended into a moet perfect phar maceutical compound, now favorably known throughout moat of the civilir.ea countriee of the world. Bear in mind that each and every ingredient entering in the "Discovery" baa received th endoraement of the leading medical men of our land, who extol each article named above in the highest terms.. What ether medio! n put up for tale through druggist can ahow any auch proft$mal endorsement T For dys pepsia, liver trouble, all chronic catar rhal affectiona of whatever name or nature, lingering cougha, bronchial, throat and lung affections, the "Die-, covery " can be relied upon aa a aover- tlv purpoaM. This measure would prerent the prevent telephone company from par ticipating In th bidding. " r HILL SCHEME IN THE CUTOFF Flan ia to Send All FretrhtTbron?!) Daloth CUT RATES ON ALL BURLINGTCN POINTS . . - - :: . . Omaha. MMpper 8ra Tbla Will Olv Qtt Cllr Ikt Short Km ' of th Doal Oac Mora, Tt real object In Jamss J. Hill building th eioux city cut-off hat comeo th front In th announcement of that road of a re duction of rates from Duluth to all pulrit on the Burlington, nraVIng the rat th 4 me from Duluth a It Is from Clilcuao Hill Is tald to have had tht objort In view ncn nr oun inie connecung une oiwren r the Burlington, th Urent Northern and th northern raclllc, thua making a ood link between hla northern and southern lines. HID owns a fine line of boats running be tween Buffalo and Duluth, but has no boata to Chic jo. so by promoting th Duluth t port he will get all th haul from Buffalo , ant other eastern points to this territory. X From Chlcaaa he would hav to turn th )' Wrelsht over to some other line at Mackinac V- some other port to b hauled to Chicago. a,Thls will sln give Omaha th bad end the deal, for en Immense quantity of freight ' wljl thus ho diverted ay from Omatia." tald a local shipper. "In making argument why a line should b built to Omaha from the cut-off only business to th south wss considered, but her I a new proposition, for! hot only will the large bunch of merchandise avoid Omaha for n- terlor points.1 ut th araln of th state will be moved ' Qver thla cut-off direct to Duluth. The drain esehange t again going to take up the proposition of having the line built to Oman:, ro thla big market will not be left out on this grain to the northern port." ... Burlington' omelets claim this new ar rangement and rat will not hurt Omaha, for th asm arrangement exista from Chi cago. They say It will simply enable Mr. Hill's big boats to haul the business to Duluth Instead of Ctycsa and thua get all the haul. rvleea Slana Omaha. v Th 'Frisco road haa given Omaha an- other hard slap In fsvor of Ksnsas City by th announcement of th restoration of ij the re tee on grain from central Nebraska , vinta, through Ksnsas City, when destined to Memphis and other points In the south. Bomn time ago th 'Frisco road agred t protect th rate on grain through Kanass City s from central Nebraska stations to Memphis and ether points In the aouth, making th through rata via Kansas City leas thsn th combination of th locale through Omaha and thua deflecting th Telephone Win Man Falls a Distance of Tttirtj Tset, REPORTED BADLY BUT NOT FATALLY HURT Imaraaer FTatectlea af Cleetrla Light Wires Held th Caas at Oaeer Aere Death at rioreaee. 1 Peter B. Olsen, Hnsmsn for th Ne braska Telephone company, wee aerlously Injured Thursday morning at Twenty fourth and Grant etrseta by falling thirty feet to th curbing from a "saddle." which Is operated on the telephone cables en two small grooved wheels. Though conscious ths Injured msn eould not explain how he fell. The metal framework of the "sad dle" cam In contact with electrlo light wire crossing Orant atreet and the sup position Is Olsen received a shock. He wsa heard to groan Just before he fell. Olsen was taken to the Central hospital on ieward atreet and attended by ur Charles Impey snd Dr. C. C. lmpey, who found thst ths msn sustained a compound fracture of the left thigh. Injury to right ankle, laceration to left eye and cuta about the face. It la not believed th Injuries will prov fats I. At th time of th accident Olsen was re pairing the telephone cable on ths weat side of Twenty-fourth street. Just across Grant atreet. Th saddle on which Olsen wss working waa later aeen against several electrlo light wires which appeared to be poorly Insulated. In places th Insulation wss worn. Olsen fell face downwards. Motormsn Joaeph Thlrtle. passing at the time, heard Olsen yell before he left ths saddle. Police Surgeon Elmore waa sum moned and, rendered what aid he could before th man waa taken to th hospital. Olsen is 25 yesrs of sgs, single and re sides at 8401 Maple atreet. He haa worked but a ahort tlms for th telephone com pany. Electric Wire to aiasse, , A coroner's Jury found thst the death of Omer B. Ayers, employe of ths Nebraska Telephone company killed at Ftorence Tuas. day evening, waa due to the Omaba Klec trie Light and Power company not having proper protection on Ita wlrea. The Inqueat waa held at Coroner Bralley'a office Thura day morning. , The Jury returned a verdict that Ayers came to hla death from a shook caused by the Omaha Electrlo Light and Power com pany not having proper protection on Ita wlrea at Florence. Th evidence at th In quest disclosed th fact that th electric light and pole wher Ayers wsa killed had only one circuit breaker Instead of two, a usually used. In the Florence caae the clr- ouit breaker waa near the lamp. Usually there I a circuit breaker at th lamp and one near the windlass. Night Inspector Richard Weaver and other employee of the electric light com pany said at the Inqueat they could throw much light on the manner In which Aysra came to hla death. Ayers' body haa been sent to Dayton, O., for burial. . ... Bay la Haa Over Harry Achate, I yeara of age, was verely hurt about the head Thursday morn. Ing by being run ovsr by the delivery wagon of Ueb A Adalson at Sixteenth and grain from thla market. Thla waa done by Dod t1' 8vrJ "'P wounda were a reduction on thla througn grain on the v' """"' mw other end, Bo much pressure waa brought P,lc atatlon. Th boy waa riding with to h..e on the 'Frisco, which la the Bock V nver oi me wagon ana ion irom me Island, thst the rata was taken ut. They "" i"B toe ariver cou.u rrx.H wnai have given notice that they intend to put i happened two wheelaol.the vehicle the rat In again. The 'Frleoo haa alwaya Peo.ovr. ma uoy s neaa. ina ooy was been protecting Kansaa City aa against unusually plucky for one so young. H Omaha and in numerous Instsnces haa put nl teeth na wed the aurgeon In th. rate tn.t mt the rlrht time which " me wounae wimom a wnimper, na was issen 10 .jus nome si mi bouib PAUPER FROM -THE DISASTER Old Maa, Rick Before Ita 'Fraaelsesi Calamity, Kaw Mail Aik fovj Alms. ' A pathetic Instanc of hardship from the Ban Fraaclsco calamity waa noted la Omaha Wedneeday, when a man named Un derwood, more than 70 yeara old and crip pled ao that he had to hobble about on crutches, sppiled to the Associated Chari ties tor aaaistance in making hla way back to the city by the Golden Oate. I'nderwood told Superintendent Morris he had been proprietor of a picture frame and molding business In San Franclaco valued t $47,000 and lost 'everything be had In the Are. Taking advantage ot (ha free trana portatlon offered refugees he decided to gu back to hla old horn at Warsaw, Wis., which he had not vlalted for thirty-five yeara. Arriving there he found all hla rela tives and former friends had died or acat- ered to other parts of the country and trace of them loat. Underwood atayed for time at Waraaw and then finding nothing here that would enable him to make a Uv- ng decided to go back to San Franclaco again and make another fight for suste nance. If he should become a pauper he thought he should depend upon the com munity In which he had lived the greater part of hla life. Superintendent Morris offered to tske th matter up with people In California, but Underwood did not like thla plan and left. saying h thought ha knew of other ways which ha eould mansge to keep on ths Journey. . eien remedy. By readini ing the uttie dook notea below any one will readily see the applicability of the "Golden Medical Discovery " to the cure of alL the fore going list of diseases as well at many other chronic affections, especially those of the heart, kidneys, bladder,' skin and blood. A little book of extracts treating of oil the several ingredient entering Into Dr. Pierce's medicines, being extracts from standard medical works, of the different schools of practice will be mailed free to any one asking (by postal oard or letter),. for the same, addreeted to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and giving th writer's full post-office ad ores plainly written. In cane of chronic ailments, at- tended by marked, or persistent, con stipation, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet should be taken conjointly with tht use of the "Golden Medical Discov ery," to regulate the bowels. They act in harmony with the " Discovery and will be found to be a most valuable laxative, or, in fuller doses cleans ing cathartic. Podophyllln, the active medicinal principle of Mandrake root, enters largely into the composition of the lit tle sugar -coated "Pellets." in fact it one of their chief Ingredient. They regulate the liver, stomach and bowel. Sixteenth street. BIJOU THEATER ABOUT READY New Vaadevtlle Haaae on Harney Street Will Opes for Baal aeaa Jaly 9. would divert business belonging to Omaha through Kansas City. . Norlhwestera .Fallows Klrat The Northwestern road Is the first to fol low the example of the Chicago Great Western to reduce -the hauling price of grain IV cents per hundred from the Mis tourl river to Chicago or tha Mississippi river. This road haa published a tariff, which la to go into enect July a, making The BIJou theater will be open for buai the aama rat aa tha Great Weatern. Tha nees July S, with the entire structure re payment of elevation chargea haa been fitted and repainted from top to bottom In done away with by th isorthwcstern, so aide and outside. The new theater ocouplet the revenue wiu be tne same as on grain tha site of the old Germanla hall On Har hauUd. Thla reduction appliee not only ney atreet and haa been converted Into a from Omaha, but from all atatlona In Ne- flrst-clsss vaudeville house. The theater braaka. The Burlington had announced will be operated by th Bijou Theater com that It would make no reduction, but with pany of Omaha, the manager being II a cent and a quarter against It at com- Walter Van Dyke. Th booking will be petitlv polnta It may be forced Into line, handled by William Morrison of New York, The rate Is now 104 cents on wheat and who la In touch with all the top-tlnera of ths t cents on corn. A Dtarrheee, Berne r that Tea All Kaaw. There are few people In the United States who hav not used or at least heard of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholsra and Diar rhoea Remedy. Sometime it la kept In th house for a long Urn without being needed, when suddenly some member of th house Is stricksn with diarrhoea In Its worst form. The bottle I found to be In tact and a dose or two cures the sufferer. vaudeville atage. Ha haa promised In the opening week's bill a speclsl hesdltns at traction direct from Hammerstein's, New York. A wire received Thtirsdsv said tha contracts had been forwarded for the first week, but did not convey th namea. The theater In th remodelling ha been completely changed and presents a splendid appearance. A osnopy haa been built tending across tha entire front of the lobby, running across the sidewalk. A beautiful Immense electric sign, announcing tha name of the Bijou Is conspicuous from up and This medicine keens ha atrensth for years. Much Buffering and many doctera' billa are down Harney atreet, and eno small elactrltf saved by keeping It alwaya at hand. 1S.SO to St. raal at Mtaaaaaall fad Retara From Omsha. rla Chicago Or sat Weatera Railway. Tickets on sal dally after May 11 to September N. Final return limit. globes also add attractiveness to th front with their grouping of light. Th seating capacity will be TOO and all tli rhaira are new and of th latest and most comfortable design. Two bosee have been added, one on either aide of the stag. and the stage remodeled and Veflltted, the October St Equally low rates to other scenery being repainted by J. C. Johnson polnta In Minnesota, North Dakota, Wiscon sin snd lower Michlgsn. For further in formation apply to H. H. Churchill, gene raj agent, lU Far nam atreet. Omaha, New York aad Philadelphia cannot be more pleasantly or conveniently of Kansaa City, who will remain tha per manent scenle artist of th house A park haa been built at the west of tha building, with a beautiful Illuminated en trance an Nineteenth street Th interior will be fitted with Japanese effect, wher light refreshments of all klnda will be ZtZ'J"."'A An orchestra will giv. eoncrt. In j wu.v Niagara rails. Solid through tralna, magnldoent scenery. th garden on hour before th perform anc begin. Oae Way rare Plas fj.oo for Rtase Trip Fare Grand Trunk Railway System te many summer resorts In Canada. Toronto and East, and In New.England. Particular of datea of sale, limits, atop. ever privileges, etc.. can be obtained by writing Oeo. w. veus. A.' O. P. T. 111 Adams St., Chicago. SOLUTION OF 'PHONE CASE 11 mate a gays Let City Fraaae Praa chlaa aad OaTc It ta th j Highest Bidder. KANSAS W0MAN KILLS SELF Mr. O. A. Sasaptlea Of "allaa Takes Laadaaasa aad Gaa aad Pies. Mra. O. A. Sumption ot Sallna, Kan., wife of Traveling Auditor. . Sumption of the Union Pacific, took her Bf Thursday after noon at SQ6 North Twentieth street by drinking laudanum and Inhaling tllumlnst ing gaa. toroner Bra I ley took the body In charge and will hold - an Inquest at the morgue on Friday. Mr. Sumption Is ex pected at Minneapolis. Kan., Thuraday evening. He ha been wired. Mr. Sumption came to Omaha a month ago for treatment for her eyes. She lived with Mr. D. H. Stern under th nam of Mr. Howard. Thursday' afternoon rha stopped ui th keyhole of her room, placed a rug agalnat the lower Inside part of the door, took the drug and then turned tha gaa on. She waa dead when discovered. The woman left a letter advising those who found her to notify her son, Roy Sumption, st Sallna, and a daughter, Mra w, H. Benhamr at Columbus. Neb. Part ef the tetter resd: "I am all resdy for the grave, or rather to be cremated, aa I ask my children to have don with my body.1 Another note waa found. Intimating her domeatlc life had not been of an altogether pleaaant nature and that her husband had not allowed her all the money shs needed. , Mrs. Sumption was 4S yeara of age. A little forethought may save you no end ef trouble. Anyone Who make It a rule to keep Chamberlain' . CoHo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand know thla to be a fact. v. NO RIGHT TO TAX CONTRACTOR City Caaset Require Meense ta Lay Ceaseat Sidewalk, Caya .... ''''" "... Jadaej Troap, . Th city haa no right to require a license Of contractors engaged -In Is ylng cement or composite aidewatke,' acceordtng to decision of Judge Troup rendered Thursday afternoon. Judge Troup held the ordinance requiring such a license- void. The decision waa rendered In ths esse brought by J. M. Gray, a contractor .who sought an Injunction to prevent the city officials from Interfering with him In the laying ef a aide walk. Judge Troup Issued the Injunction on the ground the city char ter did not give the city the right to re quire the license. If it wss exercised under the police power H would hsve to apply to contractors for all klnda of side. wslks and not merely to a single kind The court k1d the quality and durability of th aldewalk did not Interest tha city, aa It eould require ' the owner of abutting property to keep it In good condition, mak ing It a question between the owner and the contractor. - The Day W Celebrate. Ususl holiday excursion tlcksts will be en sal via Missouri Pacific Ry. Ticket of flee 8. E. Corner Jtth and Farnara, or Union atatlon. . . Kiesriioai, On July f ana 27, to Chautauqua Lake, N. T., and return at Hi good, to days; and dally Juns 1 until September JO, at 120, via ERIE RAILROAD from Chicago; atop evera also nermttted on all tlcketa to New York, Boaton, Niagara FalCs, ate. Apply to your local ticket agent or J. A. polan, T. P. A., SU Railway Exchange, Chicago, IlL Paale Averte. In caae of conattpatlon, peritonitis, ate., panle la averted by curing yourself with Dr. King's New Life Pill, t&c. For al by Sherman V McConnell Drug Co. Rcduclions in Boys' Suits--$x Boys' Suits 2-35 On Sale Commencing Friday Morning Over 500 of our fine high-grade boys' suits were taken from our reg ular 6tock and prices have been reduced to nearly "half off." Fri day and Saturday will see these fine boys' suits on sale, all at one low Uniform price, for the finest class of boys', suits that have been sho'wn this season. Every suit guaranteed all wool, in fine cheviots, eassimeres and blue serges. Styles are double-breasted jacket or Norfolk, with plain or Knickerbocker pants strong and durabk) linings. All seams reinforced and double stitched on sale Friday and Saturday suits worth up to $4, at .' .' i 235 DIAMONDS Frenaer. lata ana Dodge at SCHOOL CENSUS OF OMAHA Over Twenty-8ven Thousand Minors Be- tva Five and Twenty-One, SEEMS LIKE FALLING OFF, BUT IT IS NOT oard af Edaratloa Haa Simply Ka (erred Syatea ot Counting; that Doea Away with . Daplloatloaa. Pride, Income and aacred tradition have been aacrinced by the Board of Education for old-fashioned honesty and veracity in the 190 aohool census. The result Is u total of 27,118 persons of school sge In Omaha, or a lower number than any year since 1891. Frequently since then the fig ure haa soared ovsr 11,000. In- 1904 the census contained S1.761 namea, but in 1906 dropped to 29,330, and now It falls to 27,118. The directory, the actual school enroll ment, the postofflce receipts and other guldea unmistakably ahow that Omaha ha Increased rapidly In population during the laat several years. The birth rate has been showing a satisfactory amual ad vance, and those who know how the school census prior to 1905 wss made have no. doubt that there are today more persons between the ages of i to 11 yeara in Omaha than ever before. The discrepancy Is ac counted for by the manner ot making the enumeration a change from many dupllca- tlona to entering each name but once. In 19W the board gave orders that th old practice ef taking the rosters bodily from parochial schools, colleges, seminaries and other private Institutions of lesrn- Ing be discontinued. The enumerators had been used to Inoorporstlng the lists, re gardless of whether the student were nonresidents or duplicated by calls at resi dences. The rule resulted In -a ahrlnkags of ,1,433 names. ' Another Step Forward, i This year the board made another . step toward honesty In the census. It ordered that stores, factorlea, offices and business Institutions of all kinds be dropped from inquisition, reasoning that If the homes and dwelling placea were 'covered properly all the persons of achool age would be found. And to prov that the board waa right In thinking many name had been put down twice another shrinkage it 2,433 Is recorded. Because of the fact thst ward boundaries wers changed since ths 1906 census exact comparisons cannot bs made with last year, i but there were twenty-four enumeratora Instead of eighteen and it la presumed the ! reckoning waa made with more care than ; ever. A contrast In tha ngurea or tha Third ward, however, more than aceounta for the decrease. The boundaries of the Third were not changed. Th ward contains a large part of the stores, offices and factorlea em ploying persons under 21 Last summer 1.060 name were recorded and thla year only 1M, a falling off of 2,296, or more than the total decrease. BtT Drop ta Foarth Ward. Th Fourth ward, which haa most of tha department stores and a number of large office buildings and had Its Irea only (lightly reduced, decreased ,322 In achool population. On the other hand tha Fifth ward, with few factories or stores and the same boundaries, Jumped 404 children. Th combined Slath and Twelfth warUa, simi larly situated, ahow 6,924 children, against the old Sixth ward' 6.461, an Increase of nearly too In the aame territory. The com bined First, Second and Tenth wards, al waya strong on children, have 8.607, which Is nearly 100 more than th same territory reported last year. The Second ward leads the bunch this year with a total of 3.233. Tha financial loaa to th school district oome In when It Is remembered that the clty'a proportion of th stats school fund la made per capita. The drawing of the lines means several thouaand dollar to th dis trict. Following Is th 190 census by warda: D'0TOC3 FOR MEN ' ' ,. y-vA 'V ''' v . t 4 . . A ...... V' f, '"., . Iimii . .a" ,f 4 iii.ii i The Reliable Specialists mistakes of men. Our special purpose Is td save the thousands of young and middle-aged men, whose systems are. or have been st some time, contsmlnsted with the poisonous taint of prlvats diseases, blood poison, etc.. or whoss nervous, physi cal and sexual svstems are on the verge of ruin from the destroying effects of self-sbuse and excesses, causing night losses, day drains, bladder and kidney1 diseases, which undermine and bring to ruin th strongest constitutions and completely I'NMANR MEN. reducing them to a state of abject misery, with mind Impaired.' rhysical strength gone, sexual organs weakened and wasted awsv. For all such men the specialists of the State Medical Institute sre able, willing ami readv to extend that skillful, scientific assistance that has Saved thousands of men who were at one time the sufferers thst you are now, who had become dlocotirsged and deapondent after having failed to secure the re lief and cure they needed at the hsnds of Incompetent specialists sn cure-all remedies, who did st last whst they should have done at first consulted th honorable snd skillful speclsllste of the State Medical Institute, where they were examined and their true condition disclosed snd proper treatment ap plied, with Improvement at once and a cure In a remarkably ahort time. We cure aafely and thoroughly:' Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, selfsbuse or the result of specific or private diseases. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. Office hours: I a. m. to 8. p. m Eundaya, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Faraam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. WATCHES-Prenser. 15th and Dodge ata. 1 t I ( Counollman Zimman haa eome forward with a plan for aolvlng the perpleavltlaa In which the council finds Itself In attempting to beatow a franchise to another telephone company, with three appllcetiona from aa many separate Interests for th grant. Hi idea I for th city to frame a franchise to suit itself and offer It to th highest bid der, th latter to py outright to th olty a stated sura, for th concession, and th annual royalty provided la th franchise besides. Ha Intend to submit th scheme for the consideration of hla democratic fel low couoctlmen. "I am In favor of a aingle company trana aotlng all the telephone business In Omaha provided equitable ratsa and proper eonc lions. Including th payment of a royalty, are made," aaya Zimman. "In the abaeno of justice from th corporation controlling the monopoly I would favor admitting com petition on th most favorabl terms to patrons gag the people of th city that oaa be eeoured. "A cash bond of tjf.oat r mors should he demsadtd to insure th const ruction of aa a 1. w J. I 3 I aaananga ana carrying vu me SDllgailOB Aik your dealer or drop a line to t ta franchise, tiu to ha forfeited t- Natural Lithia Spring Water ' STJOQO LITTJIA SPRING CO "hr with lh urch " A TV I sp.Lt. tra,. - -i w,, . i-- awa paid In la ease the company hack em or tndeevor la us th great for pula- IN OUR SHOW WINDOW ' V ara displaying magnificent lot of loos stonee DIAMONDS EMERALDS RUBIES SAPPHIRES PEARLS OPALS Thjs is by far the handsotneet lot of gems wt have ever shown. If you are Interested, take a look whether you wish to buy or not Th prices are reasonable and we will mount them to suit your lndlvd ual taste. MAVVHINNEYG RYAN COMPANY, ' JEWELERS and DIAMOND IMPORTERS. v.-' . . 1 fit b and Douglas 6 treeu. !-: I"", I L,; ,.v... iii.nTT;. m h ... r.Mf M '""WgHsggaaa J ".. .i n i M'. L0TIKI0& The Great Urio Acid Solvent A Delightful Table Water Hilf crd. Neb; Very Law Rates Taesday. Bery Tuesday, balanos of the ysar, th Chicago Great Western railroad will 4 bomeaoekar' ticket to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rat; te other territory flrat and third Tuesday Writ H. H. Churchill, a A, IUS Fat nam atrsst. Stats number la parly and whea going. Marriage Lleaasee. Th following marriage licenses bsea Issued: t Name and Residence. Frederick C. Person. Omsha Wlnnlfred R. Edwarda, Omaha Ross CL Zollinger, Defiance, la Luella B. Anthony, Omaha Ieo Roaenthal, Chicago, JU.,..., Florence Singer, Omaha Israel Rosenthal, Omaha...., Stella Singer, Omaha Siegfried F. Anderson, Omaha....)... Tilda 8. Oblad. Omaha , Kdward M. Malloy. Chicago, III. Carrie M. Anderson, Ames, Neb Samuel W. Schwerin, Brlden, Neb. Cora L. Lawyer, Belden. Neb Frank H. Boettger. Omaha Beaale M. Hornberger, Omaha James R. Stevenson. Omaha Catherine Fltapatrlck, Omaha Jj Oscar Hallgrcn, South Omaha a Aana Dotal. South Omaha U hav Age. 2T U to u 28 28 U 29 27 K 29 7 21 28 n ' SM DIAMONDS Edholm. lth and Harney. LOCAL BREVITIES. The colored lodge of the Knight of Pythias with Its-friends to tha number if 86 left Thursday morning tor the annual picnic at Benntagtoa. Desduae'a orchestra accompanied th special train and th day waa spent in dancing, foot races and other athletic sports. A dancing conteat waa else beta. W. J. Oraham secured from Judge Ken nedy a restraining order ta prevent the city laying a brick sidewalk In front of property belonging to the estate of Alfrel Wllllta In Patricks Saratoga First add! tlaa to the city. The ixtitlu says i.s wanted to lay a cement skdswalk In front f tha place, but waa refused a permit. lie now objects te i us dts larlcg a brVk walk. First ward Second ward . Third ward .... Fourth ward .. Fifth ward .... Sixth ward Seventh ward . Eighth ward .. Ninth ward ... Tenth ward Eleventh ward Twelfth ward . Total 2.69 l.m t4 1.071 2.877 lUt 2.466 1A2 i.toi 1,34 tm 17. 118 1,100,000 Acres of Agricultural, Min eral and Timber Land Almost Free OPENING OF THE SHOSHONE RESERVATION ' ' This Reservation to be opened for settlement August 15th Is directly reached by the Burlington's new line to WORLAND, WYO., through' th Big Horn Basin. Registration between July 16th and 31st; 400,000 acres of fine Irrigable lands to be drawn for and acquired at only $1.60 per acre, one-third cash; 700,000 acres of mineral and timber lands to be taken up without drawing. This is a most bountiful distribution of Uncle Sam's land ' among ths people. Cheap excursion rates; only on far for the round trip to Worland, with a maximum of) but $20.00 from Omaha, Lincoln, Denver and Nebraska territory. Register at Worland and go over the Burlington's Northwest line, which runs through thousands ot acres of finely Irrigated land along the Big Horn River; the Journey will be instructive as to the methods ot Irrigation to be practiced in the development of this section. DATES OF SALE: July 12th to 29th. Final limit, August . 15th; stop-overs enroute. Consult nearest ticket agent for rates and descriptive Shoshone folder, with map, description qf lands, method of drawing, eto. Two dally through trains from the South east to Worland during the registration. i I i U. W. WAKELGY, Oenersl Passenger Agent, OMAIIA. NEB. IKW HOMES IN THSI WEST. ta Senlesaeat. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN R't Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rata from All Points July U to ta. Leas than on tar for th round trip to Shosboni. Wyo., th reservation border Th only all-rait rout to th reservation border. Datea ef registration . July 1 to St at ghoshont and Lander. Reaowea only by thla Una. Write for pamphlets telling hew to take up one ef thss attractive homestead a. Information, maps and pamphlet free on requsst at City Offloa, 1801-1 Faroam gt, er addreaa S. F. Miller, A. Q. F, T. A 1201 Far nam St., Omaha. Nab. SCHOOLS AND COLI.EGEI. BELLEVUE COLLEGE win be open to summer boarders July 7th. Rates for adult. $s.(u to $8 per week. For particulars address BELLEVIE tJOLLLOK Bcllevue, Neb. WILSON COLLEGE 10 i WOMEN la the beautiful Cutaberlaad V alien Courses leading to degrees ot A.. B. an Isua H t'laealcs, atuslc, Art. A most esceflent ftc tilty. Campus 80 acres: 14 buildings; rate moderate. M H. RKArtR, rh D, Fres'L U Cvueg Ave, CUAalitJSRSAW&a. fA, stS jet Cl'j. f if &m 12.50 There and Back, 'ft a "Cud ta cutf y x Books" Ire. START RIGHT FOR ICINESOTA fcLrsrrc n-rr vSiwitAiu it The Right Road to St. Paul snd Minneapolis. i'yv -t H H.CHUCHILL(r" ' f'v' t S !. a uinirijiiiini, 9 tHi tar nam St. II ,1 COLL EGES. Lindenwood College for Women 1831-1905 Ctuift atts ST. CIlAkLfcS Ml) ptaioond Jubilee College of tha West. Academic, fcemlnary and CCIIeg Courses. Music, Klocutlon, Art and Ltavneattc Economy. Fhyslcal and Strategic Lialioa. Ascessihillty to a great city. Select paironsse. Limited number of boarder. Every room taken during last srnool yrar. U suMful location. Bl.irlt at t b Irfala Catalogue ea application. e. Oeogs TssierU Ajnm, Fa. Fie. i