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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
9 flitf 'OMUIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUKE 7. 1906. 3 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET la Spite of Light Trade, Hieber. Wbet Wcrki JULY ADVANCES FIVE-EIGHTHS CENT Mora? Reports of Too Mark Rain la Part of Orala Brit Cora lir arise Trad ana Rnas Oat Higher. trace wna v I lower and pi opening. Tnt npnrta of to """"'"Lstrength In I .stern mar snd The OMAHA, June 6. lfr. Whrst worked He higher today, though Xtu ws very narftt. csme cmh lower and price were unchanged at tn 1 ne Dun sentiment. w uu too miirh rain In botn nouin- nM-hwat f,ethr with the coarse grain, im nonn- irkel ahowed a fair advance. Kneeim were moderate and the caah de mand alow. Short were Inclined to cover on predictions of more rain for tne norm i i,e action of corn wa surprising. Tb onenln- v a ahade lowe r. but buying iHin intmii rlevelnned a strength, mittina nrlcea un a cent at the close, the einnni( la trong In the cah line, everything offered Is being bought.. ..I..., wa. aimna a t 1 lift i 1' frT vanai ruuiia) aa a. - want ii n i rnt further today. 11 h bvn nomf! tlm since ot future wr U1T OVr. Ill v iiivV. rtOO lrfWV bushel, and nhipmentfi 869.0UO buthfj. ejat.ono bushel and ntpment ,7.000 bushel, against recelpta last year of 824.000 bushel and "hlprnente of '4..000 btiKhclit. Clearance were bushel wheal. 5.4o barrels 01 . bushel of corn and 30.000 bushel of oi. Uverpole closed V&c lower on wheal and ?c higher on corn. Fraaler at Chicago ya: . -I, bullish on corn: our reporta show corn crop condition Hre above an average. w r above an export hal.; we beUeve tic demand cannot use all the corn and unless we get serious crop damage to corn during July, corn will sell lower. Local range of optloni: . ArUclieri'open.Tln.l L- i cl0 ' Y" y bushel, at the Chicago and private elevs- - IT r ftnr tT(lTltV. IVIl KllA llV tor; 10S.ono b. at Forth Worth and as.itaj .llill 1U1VIV J 1 V V. II J Ail 1 UUJUJ bu. In Mnltolie. Stock held at Port , Huron lnTjied ao.OtO bu. and those Portland, Me., Increased atf.Oru bu. at UK W TOR K nnEHtL MARKET tgaotatloae of tbe Dor Ceaaaaedttlee. NEW YORK. June 6- FtOCR Re ceipt. IMS bu.: export. 4.7S0 bu.: market. ami ana aootit ateauy; Minnesota peti-nte. It.Mt M; baker $4.4986(1; winter (trnta, $4CtvM.30; atralght. Ii aiM On; extru. UK) 6 1.40; low grade. K HOtfl Ii. Kye nour Bteady, choice to fancy. IS S94 1J t.UKNMKAI J'iet; nne wnite ann yei lew. 11.10; roarae. II 07 G 1.09: kiln drle.J, U.. V RTE Iull; No. 2 weetern, 7Hc f. o. b. New York. BARLEY Dull ; feeding. 4THc. c. I. f. New York; malting, B2tjj47e. c. I. f., Ner York. WHBAT-Reeelpta. TtS.OOO bti.: export. 1M.S27 tiu.; apot market, firm; No. I red, Mc, nominal elevator, and Sfic. nominal, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Manitoba, ftftVfcc f. o. b. afloat. It wa a bull day In the wheat market with an increased pec ulatlve trade and at the clone price ahowed Ha7c net advance. Beside unfa vorable crop and weather newe. the market reflected atrength in coarae grain, a big decrease In world'a atocka and prediction for amaller northwestern receipt. July, 11-ltio. closed at 87Sc; September, 4fliS ll-lc. closed at 8fV; December 86iSiSc, closed at 86 7-lc. CORN Receipts, 7.627 bu.; export. 72.2f bu.; spot market, firm; No. 1 &SVc, nominal, elevator, and My, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No, 2 yellow. 6c, nominal: No. 2 white. By, The option market wa more active and generally strong all day on higher outside market, covering and prediction for amaller receipts, closing Tc to mo net higher; July, 6067'4c, cloned t S74c; September. BMti&fitVV. closed at 6c; De cember, closed at .Td'fcc. OATS Receipts, J8.000 bu.: exports, S0.200 EeaJiiiLgof Profit tfceFeatart of the Dtj' Market PENNSYLVANIA SHARES ARE WEAK Delay la 4'omoletlag Parla l.ooa Traaaartlon Asalgacd aa the (t-Mr la Rosier. lug the early part of the day, but the mar ket firmed to over parity on moderate Buy ing. Wall treef opening advancee caused a furthe f irprovement In the afternoon, and the i...,rket closed firm. Copper ahare were strong and active. Boatone were the feature. Japanese Imperial (a of 14 were quoted at ICQ. t PARIS. June . Prlcea on the Boure to day opened Arm, but reacted and the mar ket cloaed dull. French rente were weak owing to the decision of the government to Introduce an Incoma tax bill In parliament tn order to meet the deficit In the budget. Rugstan Imperial 4r were quoted at 0.M. and Russian bond of 1M at 4W .00. bu. mixed oats, M to white. SO to S3 lb., SB to 40 lbs , 41VrfC shipping, 56-IirtOc; Wheat 1 July... Sept... Corn July... Sept... 01 jiy:.. Sept... 7SB TSBl i 4M.B' 4SB( 2B 74SB 73 WB 4B 4&V4B K4B Bj 45H 46SHI 29B 74S.B 73HB 4S'4A 4nVlB 224B 29B 74A 72ii 4fiSA 4oB 2B mo A asked. B bid. Oanako Coah galea. WHF,AT No. , hard. 1 car. e. CORN-No. 2, yellow. 1 car, 444C. Omaha Coan tr1cea. WHEAT-No. J hard. 'iHf. hard. 7Ml!tc: No. 4 hard.M?c. iinr.n ibo: NO. I pnnB, wu";:. No. No. CORN-No. 2,44Hc; No. 4, 4;W43c; no. a. veilow 44 c: No. 2 white, 4c. OATS-No 2 mUed. tMflOffie; No. 2 white. 33HC! No. 4twhlt, iic. RYE No. 2, Kc. No. MHc. harlot Reeelpta. Wheat. Com. Oat. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis U nlia Duluth St. Loul .... 1 St . I . 24 . 1 83 34 112 130 spot market, firm 82 lb , 40$-4Hc: natural i"4tt4ic; cupped white. 4iV4o. HAY Barely tedy good to choice. 27Urtc. HOPS Bteady: common to choice. jifc. rS"13c; 1J04, nominal; olds. nominal; Pacific coast, lfs. 10j14c; lrH crop, lltrizc. Hiucs Hteaay; (.anrornta, zi to found, 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 20 pound. 9c. LEATHER Bteady: acid, SfitfKTHc PROVISIONS Beef, ateady; family, 1 (")r1 1 50: me. I 5OH9.0O; beef hams. t20.HA22.0O; packet, $8.oO-alO&Q: extra Imlla me, ii7.omB'i!'.uo. t:it meats. eteaoy: pickled bellies, inline; plcklod should ers. HrpVic. Ijird. firm: western prime, t8.7r'8.90. nominal; refined, quiet; comlnent, 29.30; South America, 29.76: com pound, 774o. Pork, steady; family, 21850 i.w; anort clear, xi.oais.a; me. ii.w 17.60. TALLOW Steady; city. Sc: country. S ese. RICK Quiet; domeetic. rair to extra, H iff (4 c; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Strong; street price, extra creamery, Hi4?20c; official prices, cream ery, common to extra, iic; reno vated, common to extra. 12frl7c; weatern factory, common to first. 12016Hc. POULTRY Live. iteady; western broiler. 2c; fowl. 12Hc; turkey. 11 ti lie: drained, steady; western Drouera, zu J2Bc; turkey. 14c; fowl, 1012Hc. CHEKBB Eay; new state cream, targe best, 1044o: state, fair to good. 104c: tate. small, best. 104c; state, fair to good. rV4e'10: Inferior, 89c. EOOS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, zzc; siri choice. 20 9 21c: state, extra. lSH20e; western firsts, 17c: western seconas, KVic; Kentucky, lioicc. CHICAGO CRAIS A!4D PROVI9IOHS . Prleoa oat Board of Trado, r,M,mnn Tr. iTh Kentucky state Crop report' showing considerable damage bv drouth to the Tail ion crop trength today In the local wheat market. . 4t the close wheat for July delivery wa (.fitc. corn waa up .-jt-u'io. jp Oat Provision were lie snowed a gain of lVkC "ru . msrket w strong all day. There was a good demand at the opening bv commission houses and pit tradera. and aa the day advanced the demand became more general. Offering were light throughout the eslon. The main factor In the situation was the state crop report ,f K mucky, which gave the conditions 01 fall sown wheat In that atate on June - ot rn the first dav of May The deterioration w.s said t Kava been uea L dikcf moisture. Other. factor .i.T.' the market Were exceS' slva ratim m the northwet, dry weather in Nebraska, reporta of damage In Texas r4 (ikialmmt and an advance of le In , h. nrine nf cash, wheat at Kanaa City The market closed strong, with prloes near the hihet point of the day. July opened unchanged to a shade higher, at f ,ia n na closed at SlSlxlHc Clearance of wheat and flour ware equal ... m-x win hftshel. The world a visible sup nlv decreased &.500.000 bushela, a shown by Bradstreeta. Primary receipt; were ,000 bushels, compared with 190,000 bushels for the corresponding day one year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported r.eint of 171 cars, aarainst a holiday last week and 148 cars for the corresponding dm v nne vear aao. Liberal local receipts depressed the corn market at the opening, but eentlment soon became rmlllfcn ana price expenenuou a, enarn ral iv. Shorta and oommlion homes were active bidders, but offering were uneuuai to the demand. The marke' closed steady and close to the high nnint Jnlv onened U to HM'ic lower, a 49 1 a to 49t4i4uc. advanced to bOSc and ohed st 60aC. Local reeelpte were'B with 121 car of contract grade. Oat were In active demand all day, but offering were very light. The bulk of the huvinv resulted from the DUbllcatlon of Kentucky tat crop report. July opened a shade to mr'ic higher, at S4HrJ4Ac. aa vSnced to 3fV where It closed. Local re ceints were 222 car. J'rovlslons were strong because of lively buvli'a l,v aborts and local packers. A to 7 V advan e In the price of live hog and diminished receipts formed the basli of the demand. At the close July pork wa up c, at I1B.47H. mrfl waa up lie. at 75. Rib were 269 27Hc higher, at $;l.4o'n.47,4. Estimated recelDt for tomorrow: Whea 1 car; corn, 316 cars; oat. 126 cars; hogs, W.Oit) head. Tin' lending futures ranged as follows: flt. l.oals fieneral Market. ST. LOUIS. June WHEAT Future higher; coh weak; No. 2 red, cash ele vator. ?j91c: trnck. skic; juiy. vc; September. 7S74igT9c; No. Z hard, 18'axzvic. CORN Higher; No. Z casn. nominal; track, 48Wa-!c; July, 4Rc; September. 4Bc. OATS Higher: No. 2 cah, Savc; track, 24(534'4e; July, S4H34"c; September, 33V4c: No. Z white. .TSVr'BJwc. FT3IR Steady : red winter pptent. 24 .104.66; extra fancy and straight, 23.7b$ 4.S; clear,' .754m.u. . SEED Timothy steady. fZ.B"to?o. CORNMEAI-8teady. 22 60. BRAN Steady; aacked east track, 86ffl7c. HAY Firm; timothy, 213.50l.SO: prairie. 211.0fai3.00. IRON COTTON TIES 11.00. . . -BAGGING 8Se. HEMP TWINE 7HC " PROVISIONS Pork. higher; lobbing, lUTHc: lard, higher: prime steam 2". 50; dry salt meat, higher; boxed extra short, 210 371: clear - rlba. 110.50; - short clear, iio.CH- ' " " ' ''' - POULTRY Bteady: cnicken. Toe: springs. lfJ18c- turkeys, 10c- ducks, Hc; geese, 46c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, iotvac; dairy. 14ffl7e. KtKiw Lower, U'ic esse count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 10.000 7,000 Wheat, bu 19,onn 21.000 Sora. bu 130.000 135,W at, bu. 80.000 87.000 NEW YORK, June . The realising of profit wa rather more conspicuous In to day's stock market than the new buying of stocks, but the speculative party which 1 conducting the larger shsre or tne op eration In th pretenl market did not te llnqulah the effort to hold price against this realising by support of special siocks. There were fewer of the stocks' among the Influential standard Issues chosen for that purpose today than of the lea conspicuous and low grade Industrials. Most of the sup porting efforts centered upon St. Paul, and was carried over later Into Union Paclllc Outside of these there was a miscellaneous list of specialties which rose from time to time and supplemented only slightly the sustaining effect of the leader. There waa a decided shrinkage in the volume of the market. '1 he character of the trading was but lit tle changed, and new developments were little regarded, and. In fact, were . not of great Importance. General outside Interest In the market was pronounced to be still a negligible quantity. Monday s buying wa professedly based to some extent on an assumption that an early adjournment of congress waa probable. The settling to ds y. which wa based on profesed disap pointment 'over a revised prospect of an extended session of the law-making body, probably came from the same professional source. The easing tendency of the local money market continued and extended to rates for time loans carrying over the end of the year. The amount of business done was reported to oe small. Another pnase of the money outlook was seen In the ris ing coure of foreign exchange with the Increase in local money supplies. Some 'of the demand for remittance abrond was re ported to be provided for payment of ma turing finance bills on which great sum have been borrowed abroad. Banking au thorltlea conlder It an orjen question UI1 whther the gold ImDorted against the sud den emergency of the San Francisco calam ity and which was borrowed in eneci, is not destined to flow back to Europe with the relaxation of money rate here, rather than be retained here against the fall money requirement. The admitted delay In the completion of Pennsylvania bond is sue In Parla adds to the weight of this consideration aa the placing of the bonds I relied upon to effect a funding of a large part of the floating Indebtedneea of thl market to Pari. Pennaylvanla waa weak again today on the reported delay in com pleting thl transaction. Some tres wa laid upon the possible effect upon the mer chandise trade balance of a falling off In exports of packing house products, which Is threatened an a consequence of the pack ing house' abuses. With the growing ease of money here there wa noticed a move ment in Interior exchange galnt New York, the rat at Chicago today falling to a discount. A polble dlverlon of the re turn How of fund from San Francisco, to Now York to other points I Indicated by this. London discounts were Inclined to yield today, but Berlin hardened and Paris old ecurltle freely In Ixindon. The ffrmnes In the price of wheat wa con nected with report of unfavorable weather condition. The mixed tone of the market continued up to the closing. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value. 82.fXS5.000. United State bonds were unchanged on call. 4. r-f . ew York Mooey Market. NEW YORK. June I MON'ET On call, easv, 2im per cent; ruling rate. 2 Pr cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; of fered at 2H per cent; time loan, easier: sixty dsys. 44H per cent; ninety days, 4'per cent; six month. 4Ht?4H r" " PR I M E MERCANTILE PAPER 6 Bl't per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm t (4 867044 8676 for demand and at 14 826", 64 I2S0 for sixtv day bills. Posted site. 24 IS ff 4.8H ' commercial bills. 24J,. SILVER Bar, lic; Mexican dollar. BONDS Government and railroa.', ateady. Quotation on New York Bonds today were a follows: v. a. pr. it. rg... o eoupon V. 8. U. ft v. da eouDoa 0. S. l 4... ret ao roupan r. a. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4i . . . . do U Atchison sen. 4t. . . do ad. 4i Atlantic C. L. 4a.. Bal. Ohio 4.... do IHa Bra. R. T. e. 4a... Central of Oa. to. do let Inc do 2d Inc do M Inc Chc. Ohio 4Ha rhlraxo A. Ifea r.. B. a Q. a. 4 it st. 1- . w . c. a C, R. I. P. 4 7IS bord A. L. 4a do col. .: I1V4IBO. PaclBc 4a Cf'C. a st. U . 4a. .ion, do 1st a ctf.... Colo Ind. 5a. aar. A. 7?i So. Ratlwar ta... do aorteo B l4 Triaa a P. la ... Colorado Mid. 4a TJ IT.. St 1 a W 4 Colo, a BO. 4a nt Vnlon Pacific 4a.. Tub ia V. s. steel id Mi. P. R. O 4a KHH.Wabaih la Matlllrra' Sec. I ! a deb. B Srle p. I. 4a to? IWcstern M4. 4a... do tn. 1i 2VW. a I.. R. a... Hocams Val. 4ta 1014 Wlaronala Contra! 4a. n Japan (a - V Offered. .tot "Japan la. 3d aarlea. . .10114! do 4a ctfa .iMV. do 4'a ctfa .11. V do d aarlea L. a N. lltll. 4 .104 Man. c. a 4a ....lMVMtl Caniral 4a ....12HV do I at Inc .... 71 IMtnn. St. L. 4a.. ....tl4 ,M.. K. A T. 4a ...10tS do ta .... 4 N R. R. of M c. 4 ....100 ,. Y. ;. (. sa.... . I03 N. J. C. . . r7 .1114 .10Hist. U 7f at. 1.. s 4 w 10JV, loov, 7S It 1 ll'4 No. PaclAc 4a 1044 da Sa 74 N A W. c. 4a 10014 6 . L. rfdf. 4a 44 Fein. coot. IHa 7 Readlst (Ml. 4 11 "4 I. M. c M ill A S. r. ft. a. Mia . TH . M . ta . tT .117 .IWH . T .KMH " l)ii . M4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattl Trad Ehowi More Ufa, with Yalvea Tally Euaiy. HOGS SELLING FIVE CENTS HIGHER Moderate Boa of gheeo, hnt 4)aallty ( oatlaae Poor Delrakle Kla4 to Deaaaad ao4 Fally teadr. SOUTH OMAHA. June . lfcw. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Offclal Morday 6.725 4 642 l.lll Official Turdny 8.714 ln.M 4j Official Wednesday 4.m 10,600 8.200 i Three davs thl week..l3.43 i6,U KB ! Same dys lt week....U itl 84.1M 11.. Same two wees ago.,..16.1M M.S'l W.sot Same three weeks ago.. .18,06 . l.o4 t.Sti Bme four week ago... .16.7(10 U.4HS ?1.170 fcirr:? days lt year 14,733 SM? 14.042 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following uble ahow the receipts of rattle, hogs and ir.eep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with lat year: M. 105. Inc. Cattle 420,813 SS.H2fi 61.91 Hog 1.191. M6 l,t2.t0 12,r Sheep 73i,04H ti.3i.i 41,722 CATTLE QUOTaTlONS. The following will how tne prices paid for the different kinds of caul an the South Omana .martial; Good to choice cornfed steers I4.i04j6.jn Fair to good cornfed steers.....' 4.0u4.iO common to lair cornted steers.... 4.W444.W Good to choice cows and heifers.. 4.ttg4.tij Fair to good cow and heifers 8.004 QO Common to fair cows and heifers.. 2.0O&3-W Good to choice stockers ai feeders. 4.'JO(j4. Fair to good stockers and feeders. 2 u4.2o Common 10 fair tockere 2 wtiS.'W Bull, (tags, etc 2.704J4.21 Veal calves 4.(vtn..a The following table shows the average price of hogs at Sou 1 11 Omana for tne last, several days, wltn comparisons: Data! 1 805. ; 1804. 1 1808. 11202. 11801. II". 1 tn in 4 it 4 141 I 7 t 1st I t 10 I an 1 ir I : I Ill I 4ULLJL 1 , m 1 1 1 it" I ...!. t ts 1 14.- I an I TI OS 1 14' 4 1 I Ifilt I 04 t 4 4" 1 1U0 14 I. !,! I 4S liJ I It I ;tie I 1 ann I a 1 i;o I 1 t; lit 4 . I .!'. I to 1 4 - 1 tr 8 4 1 It" t l I 40 1 t.-t I t' I 1TV) I ta I 74 4 t 10 I c 1 17 4 It 1 lit. I J 1 0 4 M I !' I M'EERS AND BULLS. 1 411 4 8TAGS. I ., .1H0 II 10 1 '.0' 4 59 STOCKERS AND FEKDKRS. t Hi t t:. ( 4 4 4 IM 4 4J :!l 1 ..tit 4 to 1 I'M I t 1 710 4 I ;oo I Ml 4C 4 4 to 1 t t 4 4 4 1 70 1 76 I 4 4 t I o s an : ;ii 1 ' 4l I 44 t M 4 I lit I t 1 ..! 4 t ft (M 1 140 t a ! ledln steer. ISOOflt.iS; ow rd helf 1 ers. II 10 Hi 4 00 - HttvlS - H ip;. s.6rtl heo-: nirk"t higher; .ig and ligh:. o4f .4S. pack I era. 04ag.46; btiti n. r ei il best li'-axy. ! tt 6: iri:;i' ai i.amih-n 'ipt. sow ! -,!; ninrk"! n-iiv.- ml timg. nstl- mottot.a, 2S t A: iamb. 8S o- '.':; ut and bui k. 12 . 7 a. r 4..'j; stocKt rs, 1.!nl ! 4.J. I lncU In lht. ; Hereipt tt tv Fto-k t the ix print Ipul Sou: Omul a Sinix city Kir'ii" ( i'y P. Jcsrrh St Louis Clilcago Totsl Cattle. Hons Slieep. .iv. ;i 3 .'.i t, tin' 4'0 7 r ,1 11 oki o '. :.51J s.' . 1,1.0 .: 3 ti ,Jf :?," Ij,ii 3.ti3 I OM4H. WIIOII-'.HI.R M4HKF.T. ' rondttloa nf Troilr and tlootatlon on lopte and I nner Prodore. -RccelfU, liberal; fresh btock, in hos vaiue wa.4 tom.mtou 10- mornng being Boaton Stocks ml Road. BOSTON, June 8 Call loan. 4HS6H per cent; time loan. 6V55V per cent. Otflclal closing on stocks and bonds: Atchlaon ad). 4a t4t Wanting, common da 4a in AdTentura Mai. Caatral 4a...,., 774. AMouat Atchlano X , Amalgamated ... do pfd ..10fU Araarkan Zinc .. I.iKJS l4Hi.- LIVE roi'LTHY -Hers. W tic; lurke. ll'til.-c; tiuoks. cnlck'P". 18ill5e per lb, 111 TTkft-Pacltttig ti,'k. i:Vt)"S.-; choice ir j. ic. to f.incy dairy. Uc: crean.ery. .I'a.i'.a'". ,ri-tlCi... Im A 1 I r I, i s quo ICQ l.y I'linna r,--u everything in sight wa old by o o c.ock 1 Pn : No. 1 uplniid. sitvwi. tmoium or shortly after. A will be noted from cors. 8S.14). Hi un, l.4i. the sales' below, the bl buiK 01 all .ho IIP.AN-Per ton, Ili.tW. . , HOGS The advance which et in yeteroay dav. the nietKet thi good 6c higher, or imtiuc h.ghr t n n i Monday' aeirge market. Wiiiin n trade was slow t the opening tlve when once underway anu jc; rooster, lie; spring 69.6,1, hog sold st 2. .'7 4 H .St. whrea 4. 26 bought the most or the hog yes terday. Today'a advance came tne mar ket to the highest point touched lme May XI. It will be t.oted from ,1. at the head of the column that recrly'a thl week are running vary mu li lst week. Representative tales: Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 6. FLOUR First patent. 84 Sfd-4.: second patents, 84.2TkT14.20; first clears,; second Clears, 82.40iS'2.66. BRAN In bulk, 216.26B 16.50. The range of prices In Minneapolis aa reported by F. D. Day & Co. was: Artlclea.l Open.l Hlgh. Vow. CHosa. Tea'y. Wheat July.. Sept.. Dec... Flax July.. Sept.. Oct... WV1H:81H'SI. 7M 79H 1 14 1 14V 1 13Val 80 ' 7V 1 14V 1 ?2av! 1 Jolt 811 71 4 7V I 1 144 1 14V 1 13Vi! I 814:8034BS1 1 14V 1 14V 1 wi 80 7lj 1 144 1 14 1 13V! The following wa the range of price on the New York Stock excnajge- eaiea. men ti. toe 4.100 ton I.400 100 '"in . 1.000 t.tot , 1.600 . 14.100 100 . i3.tno too . 1.404 too . 14,400 . 1.400 700 j I. too . Moo 100 . it. to . 1.100 . 1.000 too "'00 too 400 70 mo 10tV 41"4 lo tt tl 'ii" 4 -4 7t' 114 Ht4t llt4 ! IOJ14 lAtt, 41 im W4 . 'iiii (4 42 4 70 til 1574 lit IMS 10i4 IU4i ,t4 tot. ao 101', 1414 101 . 1444 tn 140'4 4t 1U64 ti" so 77 is 101 1774 lot 14t lot 4S M 140 41 10I4 'ii to 7t it 100V4 174 Articles.' Open. High.! Low. Close. Yes'jr Wheat-) Jiilv...'llfVWT! Sertf-7Tin lcc. Coin July.. Sept.. Oats- July. MIWl I - 1 4fly' :4Dj49' !SIMil SopL.. SV.iiil-a1 33 i I eo.. Potk July.. Sept.. !jrd- Julv..'. Sept.. Oct.,, Rib Julv.., Spt.. Oct... I I 1 26 1 171 I I 8 1 g an f 8 77: ' yi: I 16 i $ 06 811 8f. , 81: " M mI SS' art- 1 so Id 32 T7l . a w a 86 1 7 H6 ! 9 IS Hi 81J'1 804 7S SOAyuH'TSSwA O 801 81 180 6"l'4flS 601 4D 85 24 ifi 4 4 84 821 o3 S3U Minneapolis Cash Close Whea.: No." 1 hard, 88c; No. 1 northern, 82e; to ar rive. I2c; No. 2 northern. 81; No. 8 northern. 74380c; No. 1 Durum, 78c; No. 2 Durum, 70 c. Corn: No. 8 yel low, 46c; No. 8. 46c. Oat: -No. 8 white. 83 c; No. 8. 83c. Barley: 4" 60c. Rye: 576680. Flax: $1.11. Kaneaa City Grain and Provlalon. KANSAS CITT, Mo., June (. WHEAT July, 74o: September. 7Sc: December. 72c. Cah: No. 8 hard. 77078c: No. 3. 74ftJ77c; No. 2 red. 8Rc; No. 8. 8a8ac. CORN July, 4c; September. 46c; De cember. 44c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 48c; No. 8, 47c; No. 2 white. 4X49c; No. 2, 4Xc. OATS No, 2 white. 3CB'J6c; No. 2, 84iV.o. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $18.00(818 60; Choice prairie. $11.0ffrll.60. RYE Steady. 6fnWc. EGOS Steady; MIourl and Kansa new No. 2. whltewood case Included. 14c per dosen: cae count, jo-c per aoini , creamery, 18c; packing, rasea returned. c BUTT-ER Steady ; 14 26 1 17i 8 8 8 M 8 77 271 t 1ft U6 18 60 16 32 8 75 8 80 8 85 32 I 120- 471 2 321 6 16 I 1 17 14 00 2 ) 8 76 8 66 13 00 Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oat, bu Receipt. Shipment 44.000 28.000 22.000 . . 27. ao 2,000 4.000 Cash quotation were as follows; FIA'M'R Market easy; winter patent. l 6"34 On; straight. 83 "y1 ft'; pring pat ent. 3iWJ.0; atralght. 6-l 4f3.oS; bakera. S-'K-H-ipiV WHEAT-NO. 2 spring. 81r84c: No. 2, T74jf 8'V; No 2 red. K641t7i- corn No. 2. fcrjHc; No. 2 yellow, 6fclc. OATS No. 2, 8Se; No. white. 863oc; No. 8 white, 86ii;c. RYE No. 8. eoc. BARLEY Good feeding. 424J44C; fair to choice malting. 4tlt6V. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 81.07: No. 1 porth weatern, 81 L'. Timothy. prime. 89.86. Clover, contract grade, 811 26. PROVISIONS Short r'.ba aide (looael. 88 3uit 4u. Mesa pork, per bbl., tit. 4614 60 Ijrt per PO lb., $8.70. Short clear aide (boxed). $.Kjea0. The receipt and ahlpmenta of flour and grain were aa follow: Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oat, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu... Sb.oOO .0n ..18 1 ..3il.64 .. ff .. 47.200 II. 4) 10.000 7S.VS00 212.i wi.loO (.200 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm: creameriea, ltCltc; dulries. UVf'lic. Kgg. easy; at mark, cases Included. 14c; first. 14c; prime flrata, UVr extraa. 18c. Cheeae. ateady at lotllc. Vlalklo aaly of Orala. ' ' NEW YORK. June (.Special cable and telegraphic communication received by Rradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies, a compared with pre vious account: Wheal tailed Stales and Canada, eaat Roc hie, decreased 1.6U 0l4 bu; afloat fur and In Europe, decreased 4 0uu.0a) bu; toluj supply- derreaaed bu. Corn United citate and Canada, eaat Of RuckiV. increase. l.lAt'.MO bu. Oat United State and Canada, east Rookies, decieaaed I0 Om ru. Tne leading ttecreaaea reporteol this week art) l.tiu0 Mllvaaakeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 8. WHEAT Mar ket, firmer; No. 1 northrn. 86(BS4c; No. 2 northern, 83t?86c; July, 81c asked. 4Jo5c. HARLKY Finn: ino. z, sue; ampir, w RYE No. 1. K6'utee. CORN-Steady: No. S cah, 4S61c; July. 60 c asked. Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 8. BUTTER Steady; western creamery. 2iK(J,c, extra nearby prints, tie. fciGGS Firm; nearby freah, 17c at mark: western fresh. 17c at mark. CHEESE Dull; New Ytrk full creams, 10tillc Peorta Grala Market. PEORIA. June 8. CORN Steady; No. 3 yellow. 4i'c; No. 3. 48c; No. 4, 48c; no grade, 46ui7o. OATS Higher; No. 2 white. 24GS4c; No. 4 white. ao4c. WHISKY On the basis of $1.28 for fin hed goods. '. Liverpool Grain Mnrket. LIVERPOOL. June 8. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futurea. quiet; July, tatd; Sep tember. (d; Iiax-eniber. (d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed new, 4e7d: American mixed old. 4 10d. Futures, steady; July, 4a6d; September, 4 6d. Dolatk Grala Market. DULUTH. June g WHEAT To arrive and on track. No. 1 northern, 82c: No. 2 northern. euc: July. MVe; September. 81c. OATS To arrive and on track and July, 26c. Adanta Eipreas Amalgamated Copper American C. A F American r. a F. pf American Cotton Oil Am. Cotto OH pfd... American Biprea Amcrrcan H. A L. pfd American Ice. eecuntiee... American Llnaawl Oil , Am. Llnoccd Oil pfd American Ivwomotlva .... Am. Locomotlra prd A mar Iran a. a R. Am. g. A R. pf Amer. Susar Reenln Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa Anaconda Mining C..c4-- Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantis Coaat - Una....... Baltimore a Ohio Baltimore a Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranall... Canadian Pacific Central leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jaraoy.... Chaaapeaka Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago Alton pfd Chleaio Oraat Weatern... Chtraao A Northwaateni. Chicago, M. A St. Paul.... 41,100 Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd... C , C. C A at. boula Colorado Fuel a Iron. Colorado a Southern.. Colorado A 80. lat pfd Colorado A Bo. id pfd. Consolidated Oaa Corn Producta, rfg Corn Producta pfd , Delaware A Hudson Delaware. L. A W UenTer ft Rio Orand D. A R. O pfd Dlatlllera' Securities Erla Krle lat pfd Erla Id pfd.... General Klectrlc Oraat Northern pfd Hocking Valley Illlnola Central International Paper International Papar pfd.... International Pump International Pump, pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City Souther Kaneaa City 80. pfd LnulaYllte A Naahrllla Manhattan L Mat. St. Rr . offered Mexican Can I ral Mlnneapolta it St. Loula.... M . St. P. A B. 8. M M . Ht. P. 8. 8. M- Pfd.. Missouri Paclllc Mlaaourl. Kaneaa aV Teiaa.. M . K. A T. pfd National Lead National R. R. ef M. pfd.. New York Central New Tark, O. a W Norfolk A Western.... Norfolk W. pfd North American Northern Pactae Perl no Mall Peoneylvanla Poop la' a Oaa P.O.. C. A at. Uiule Preued Steal Car Pressed Steal Car pfd Pullman Palace Cr Reading Reading lat 'pfd Rending JO pfd Republic Steal Republic Slael pfd Ruck laland Ce Rork laland Co. pfd Rubber Uooda pfd St. L. aV B. F. Id pfd...... St. Loula Southwaatarn.... St Loul a. W. pfd ttloea-Shemeld Steel Souther Pacific So. Paciae pfd Southern Ratlwajr So. Railwar pfd Tannaaeaa Coal a Iron Teaaa a Pacific Toledo. St. U A W T . St. LAW. pfd I'nloa Pacific 11, Vnloa Pacific pfd I tailed Stataa Kealty United State Rubber....... I I Rubbw pfd tailed Stataa 8tl I a. Steal pfd V. -Carolina t'hamical Va.-f'arolln Chem. pfd Wabaah Wabaak pfd Welle-Fargo Riprana ... Waailughoua Electric . Western t alon W heeling a Lake Krt Wlecenela Ceo t ral tu Mta Wia Central pfd Total aalaa for the tar, tut. ahara. Low. Close. 140 Ronton Albany. noston a Maine.; 'Boaton Rleveted Fltchburg pfd ;. Mcx. Central N. Y., N. H. H. I'nlon Pacific Amer. Arge. Chem. do pfd Amer. Pnau. Tuba..,. 31 Amer. Sugar 14 Michigan do pfd ,.1.1 i Mohawk Amer. T. a T lit Mont. '. a C Amer. Woolen Old Dominion do pfd lotVOaceola , .... Dominion I. aV S..v. l !Parrot Kdlaon Klac. Illo.....24 !gulncy 10 Mj' Trinity .160 .Atlantic .171 Bingham .141 'Cel. Her la., .Uf centennial .., .. 1V Copper Rang ...14 .Paly Weat .... . .ItaVa Fraaklln .. 44 lOranby ., t)'ll Hnyalo Maaa. Mining Rlaitrlc do pfd Maaa. Oaa fnlted Fruit Vnlted Sho Mach. do pfd North Butte V. S Steal do pfd Asked. "Bid. . 70; tolled Copper . It'tlC. S. Mlnlflg. . .Ill V. S. Oil . tntjlltah . 10; Victoria . MHl'WInona 4IV ; WulrerlB l'P4l .. 71 .; I .. it .. t .. 11 .. M . .40 .. JS .. 7, .. 14 .. II .. 11 .. 2') .. I .. 12M, . . MS .. 1 .. u ..111 .. 24 ..too .. t .. tu'4 .. 4t'4 .. 11 ..2 .. 7 .. ..lit Mv May May May May May May June Juno June June June June 26... I 3i! 6 18 4 34l 6 04' 24... I 261 6 18 4 3 6 8i i'i. .; 1 1. 4 4il t ti 28... I ttb, J .'... 4 iv 2I it St 6 171 81 ... I 12, 5 18 1. .. 6 zttj o 4n Val 4 481 72 1 I 0 ivi 4 6S k bl. 4 60) I 6 621 N J 021 i a 6 06 00 3...I 20 6... I 28 4 63i 4 4! 6 l 4 48, t 4 661 5 21; 6 23 4 64 4 ti 7 lui 4 1" 7 10 16 Mt 4 6 1 12 6 lift; 4 Kil 70 4 63 7 07 4 83 6 99 , 7 13 6 70, 6 N 7 lt 6 71; 4 J 5 761 7 iOi $ "0; 4 91 6 78 1 Ui 6 71i 4 84 5 3l Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hog. K.Ouvd.di 6.niti.6C 6.:a'u.47 lj.KKUti.Dir-! K.DOttlti.SO atocK too 11.400 I, tHO 700 1.100 tl.too 1.40 too 70 ii.ino 400 7. too t.ioe l.too 1.400 1.400 "too too ,"'ioi ' 100 me 400 KI4 4.400 Ht4 42S 14 70 44 141 23 It 111 '44, U 47 44 'ii in 106 'a iti 10 M 17 it 'ri tt ISO tt 40 M 1 41 lM4fc in 11 tit '44 I4H 42 44 'ii" 174 103, iii" 10 ii" 17 27 'ii 65 14 1.10 too I. too 1.100 "4 11 71 tt4 44 1. too 71 n CoCee Market. . . NEW YORK. June A COFFEE Fut u re opened easy at unchanged price In keep ing with featurelea foreign new. Trading Very quiet, but there Beamed to be some demand with very little coffee offering and In aplte f a rather bearish world visible aupply statement tbe market ruled steady, closing teady net unchanged In j point higher. Sale for-the day were re- rncd of 21600 bdg. Including June st MuA.teV: July. $.fafi06c; September. 81044 15c: Iwmbfr, 4-V; Jnurv. 4IV'; Mf. 4.760. Rio steady; No. 7 Invoice, pc. I. loo tot I.eoO ' "ioo 4.400 too It. 700 1,00 'alio too 100 at, im too loo l.loo 1,100 400 7 JO II too l.too 1.700 100 400 141 41 MS 'ii tin S Its 11 140 I" II tt4 tots St 111 el lot 42 .1(4 12 tl 120 14 22 s 71 115 IH14 llltk 114 10.1S4 270 o 102 141 lot j t4 1 44 140 411 14 114 W 30 n it 101 177 12 20 at 11 4 10 41 144 W 1 til 640 44 t 46 71 171 104 127 111 W 41 W 17 II -1 " 14t 142 111 It 7 111 174 14 46 4t 7' at 140 II to London .Closing; Storks. IiONDON, June 6. Closing quotation on tne stock exchange were: 4SH-MV T. Central.. Norfolk W a do pfd A Ontario A W Ponnaylrant Rand Mlnea, teaoing M. do lat . pfd do 2d pfd Southern Railway do pfd Southern Pacific . )'ntpn Pacific da pfd R. Steal oe pfd Vabaah , do pfd , I panlah 4a ..144 .. t . . j .. tt .. 44 4 .. 11 .. 47 .. 41 .. 4 ..10 .. 41 . .144 . .. tt .. 41 . .104 .. 1 4 tl per ounce. Conaola, money do account It Anaconda 14 Atchlaon , ,. 13 do pfd . .".104 Baltimore a Ohio 112 . Canadian Pnrlfir Chea. Ohio nv Chicago Ot. W .T. t" . C. M. St. P 1IW' DeBeera 17V Den rar a R. O ' tit do pfd ...V-i Kri do lat pfd -7f'V do Id pfd........:; f Illlnola Central leM IxulTllle a Naah 1M4, M., K. T 444. SILVER Bar, steady, SO -ld MONEY 2V4i3 Dec rent The rate of discount. In the nnen market for short bills Is 2U'a8 -! per cent; for three months' fcllls. S4il per cent. Treasnry Htatement. WASHINGTON, June . Today s state ment of the treasure balance in the sett- era! fund exclusive of the 1160,000.000 gold reserve ahow: Available oah balance. 21Hl.u01.682: gold coin and bullion, $82,784,686; gold certificates, $43,0iin,830. . Bank Clearing. OMAHA, June 6. Bank clearing for to day were $1,642,776.74 and for tne corre sponding date last year $1,671,766.67. ' Wool Market. BOSTON. June 4. WOOL Trading ts quiet In the wool market. The lack of stock 1 said to be the prime cause of the Indiffer ence of manufacturers, with the unsatis factory conditions of the dry goods market also ' a factor. There la little doing In foreign . wools here, either In South America or Aus tralian grades. Territory wools are steady at TUtt'tic for nne and ti&TOc for fine medium. Pulled wools are dull, with supers moving at 05o4c. Leading quota tions follow: Territory, Idaho, tine, 23c; heavy fine, llft2ur; fine medium, ttut 23c; medium, 2M27c; low medium, .:6327c; Wyoming fine, 2)32c; heavy fine, WqVvc; fine medium, 22 iic; medium, 2tJji7c; low medium, 2fi'327c; Utah and Nevada fine, 22u"23c; heavy fine, lSKjj'Jic; fine medium, 'OM'Oc: medium. 2t'327c: low medium. 2ya 27c; Dakota fine. Ju23c; fine medium, 13c; medium, nyaM low medium, SfiZic; Montana tine choice, 24tr2&c; fine average, 'iS0y2AQ fine medium choice, 24tf26c; aver age, iSiiJAc: fine medium choice, 24'rt.So; average, 28?24c; staple, 27fdjsc; medium choice, TBl'JM'; average. 2fi'SjVTc. ST. LOUIS. June 4V,r-WOOL-Steedy : me dlum grade, combing and clothing. 34f 28c; light fine, 2Ucf23c; heavy fine, lolSc: tuo WRlied, Wflvioc. Omaha ...l.6't((.20 Chicago . ... 1. '(. 00 Kansua City 2.6t"66.r St. Lnnis 2.tyo6.0 Sioux Cltv .. 3.0"a.i6 The oftlcisl number of cars of brought In today by each road was: . Cattle. Hogs. She p. H'r s C, M. ft Bt. P. Ry .. 6 Wabash 2 Mo. Pac. Ry 7 L. P.- System ' 44 C. ft N. W. (East).. 8 C. ft N. W, (West).. 3 C. Ht. P.. M ft O.. 20 C. B. ft Q. (Eaat).... 17 C. B. ft Q (Westl .. 22 C. R. I. ft P. (East I. 1 C, R. I. ft P. (West) 1 C. G. W 4 Total Receipts ....182 The dispoFltinn of the'day receipts waa as follows, each buyer purcnaslng the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co. Armour ft Co Vanaant ft Co Lobman A Co Hill ft Son Wolf ft Murnan ... Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root A Co. .. Kegan Packing Co. Other Buyer Total CAt t,U 1 her run ot cattle thia 2 i 49 4 11 46 2 X 'i 'i i ' $ 2 i 117 IS . 4 J4. A. la. p.-. s. ' -. k F. I ii ... I no rt ill ... 4 li 4 ..Ill ... I 40 61 Jet tt I 10 tl Ill 10 I 20 . 4 .4. to I I M 171 44 I 26 71 !?l M IH rt ri lio 4 17 44 lot to I at 70 U to i M to....... S3! 140 4 I 7t 134 ... t 17 41 144 ... 4 l (1 171 ... 4 17 11 We ... 4 3 74 21 10 I 17 17 t ... 4 10 II 120 40 IT, U U ... I 14 21.. 14 M I r 47 2.1 ... 4 10 II 221 120 t 27 i4 17 10 4 to 0 lit ... t 17 14 2 2 ISO t 0 71 KH ... 4 17 44 114 ... 4 tl 74.. 110 to 4 17 II 142 ... 4 30 I 141 to 4 15 :.!.. ...... Ill IM I 0 7 Ill ... I 17 4 S22 40 to 44 144 40 I 17 21 ) ... tin ft 1,7 ito t Im 41 244 ... 4 1 tl Ill 4 4 27 44 IU .. 4 I 71 10! ... 117 23 1.1 ... 4 10 71 104 40 4 11 71 l.i ... II II Ill 110 4 17 14 lit ... it tl Ill KK 4 to 74 2 1 H IU 70 tit 120 10 11 221 ... 12 131 ... 4 10 '.! 110 ... 10 14 230 ... I 10 Tl .114 .to I to 44 221 ... 4 4 41 212 tu I I It 202 240 10 74 1.1 40 4 40 41 244 120 I 14 4U 140 10 I 10 18 230 40 t I" 41 257 ... I 12 12 127 ... t 10 C 141 ... 123 41 224 ... 4 1 44 241 4 I 12 71 131 10 f 10 11. ... 4 11 44. 137 lie g 10 4t 14 ... 4 .' 42 Ill 40 to fit ,4 ... 4 11 47 144 140 I 10 ! 2 210 I 12 I' 114 I SO 24 14 N IU II 27 ... 4 10 41 : 40 4 SI 71 Ill ... IN II 21! 41 4 34 74 124 10 I 10 I? Id ... Ill stag hogs. l 48 t I 40 8HKEP The sheep mantel Ing waa without any lew or thl tnorn- Inieresotiit 14.14 4 40 1.4l 100 Uttl too "ioo 44 II 4 44 no iso 144 141 'ti 104 104 24 14 44 44 'ii" 'ii" 64 44 41 40 41 41 12o 110 31 tl t tt U7 117 44 14 'it 'ii 141 14u 44 .14 It 11 41 61 ii "ii" 104 104 41 41 1U lut 11 11 4t 40 iii" iii" 6.11 1,678 144 72d 2.4H1 77S A7 2.H20 1.6BH X06 3,113 ..v.. 83 ..... 84 v 140 ; 34 1 1 1 . S-l0 ....... 866 47 2 western 60 western 301 western 3,428 10.271 . ,S.7 waa only a moderate morning and stut re ceipt were larger man on Weonesuay i' last weea, aunougn amaner tnin me piw vioua weeks lor a month or two back. The quality was fair, tnough nothing Alter being dead tot swveroi days bacK , f wwern th market InnM n,i a ill lie ,n r .,i LOt ! 24 Western morning. Buyer acted once more a if they really wanted some beet ateera, wtt:i the result that the market opened earlier than usual for some days back and the bulk of the rattle in sight changed hands in decent season. As to prices mere w.i no material change, the market being generally quiet and . steady; possibly strong in spots. Cows and heifers were In light supply and fair demand, ao that the offeri,, of the desirable kinds were disposed of in very lair season. As was the case wltn beef steers, there waa no quotable change In valuea. Shipper ahould not fall to keep In mind constantly the fact that graaay cowa and heifer are In poor do mind at all market point and ate tially working a little lower a the aeaaon advance. The supply of atockera and feedert was limited very largely to a few odd and ends. At the same time there wa some Inquiry for desirable cattle of that de scription and the few In sight aold to very good advantage, valuea being fully ateady, or possibly strong. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. features. There was a lair run, thtric- cars being reported of the recelDts was geiierallr tinsatisiav tory. There was one pretty goou load of j lambs on sale, wlilnh irouh. S6,1 with , k. . i t-1 j in , . an ,,, i inc iir siiiu struma; si amu eiuuiiu a" Wooled lambs brought 66.75, which was the same price paid for them yesterday, but the cut today wa heavier, so t!i it they did not e)i to quite a good ad vantage a yesterday. The genera, market hilglu be described as bareiy stcau nrh yesterday. Shippers will understsnd that there In a good demand at this point for dlsirsble fat sheep arid lambs, but the In-between kind of stuff which constitutes the bulk of the receipts ta slow sale. Buyera are complaining that the common kinds are killing out very poorly and hence they ar not very anxlou for any but the b.t grade. Still, the fact that good kind are an crce compel them to take practically everything coming. Quotation on clipped atock: Good to choice weatern lamb. 26.25 S $.60; fair to good lamb. $$.00436.26: cull lambs. $4.61 fj6.26; good to choice yearling. $6.70 6.26; fair to good yearling. 16 60ifl 6.; good to choice wethers, $6.76'9$.I6; fair to good wether. $6.60f)6.76; good to choice w, $6.6006.76: fair to good ewe. $4 7665 60; burka, $4,263 4.76. RDreenttlv sales; AO ewes lambs feeder lambs lamba lamba 4 bucka 28 cull ewes 10 null lambs 60 western cull lambs.,.. 163 wether and ewes , 98 western lambs 130 western Jamb , 248 lamba grid wethers.... 481 western' lambs 2n4 weatern Is nibs 6 western wethers 43$ western wooled lambs NEW yiiGKTABLES. TOMATOLK-Klorida, per crate of SO lb',, net. $3.0u. WAX HEANfr-Per ox of about Iba.. $1.76'g2.i. ... 81HI.NG BEANS Per box of about 25 lba.. $1.7-a2.16. TV h Mrs. BEETS AND CARROTS-4 Per dta, bunches. 36c. . LEAF l.Rl'i Uv K-Hothouse, per di , head. vc. " CUCUMBERS Home growtt, per doa.. 50M,6c; TexfcS. per bu. box, $1.76. UNIONS Colorado, yellow and red. 11 per lb.; Tex, in crate.i, white, $1.i5; yel low. $1.36. " GREEN ONION8-Per doi.- bury-he. -00. RADISHES-Per dos. bunches. 35c. CABhtAGE-Csllfornia. l,'a.1c per lb. CAULIFLOWER 1'er dux. heads. -tl-SOiP ' OLD VEGETABLES.' POTATOES- Ilunie grown, per bu , ootf iTV; t-outit luKnte, per bu., tk'C; 'Joloradu, per lb., 2c. ." , ., - NAVY BEAN8 Per bu., $15; No. i, $l.i- LIMA BEANS Per h.. 6c. TROPICAL. FRUITS. DATF8-Per box of SO-lb pkgs.. $2 00; Hallowe'en. In 70-lb boxe. per box, c; Beyers,, per lb., 4c; walnut atuffed, 1-llt. pkr-. $2.00 per do.; 8-lb. boxe. $l.t. ORANGlOrt - tallfornlit. extra fancy nvel. Luge, $4.JVfi5 iV. Medlter rnnesn sweet, all sixes. $4.00J4.60. LEMONS Llmonler. extra fancy, 210 site. $.iVi; SO0 to site, $7 on. FIGS California, per 10-lh. carton, i5tj 85c; imptirted Smyrna, three-crown. 11c. BANANAS Per medium slsed .bunch. $1.78 fr2 26; Jumbo. 22.60rBS.00 , riNE APPLES P:xe 24, 30 and 26. $2 25. KRUITS. CHERRIES California. 2.f per 8-lb. b x; sour cherries, 24-t(t. crute. $2.252.60 BEEF CUTS. BEEF CUTS-No. 1 ribs, 11c; No. 2 rib. 9c; No. 3 rib, 7V4c; No. 1 loin, 14r; :.o. 3 1 Itiln. I2c: No. 8 loin, llc; No. 1 chuck. 6c; No. 2 chuck, 5c; No. 3 chuck. 5c: Nt; Tl w in M 40 44 48 !1 143 tl 44 4a lot 24 44 10 44 22 4 M 47 120 44 144 14 40 41 142 4 4 41 let 41 1M 41 10 41 40 144 14 13 2 to tew York Mining Bferke. NEW YORK, June 8. Closing quotation vn mining eioca Metal Market. NEW YORK. June . Tbe London mar ket for tin wa higher, with pot closing at 180 10a and futurea at 179 lu. Locally the market waa firm, with spot quoted at Copper waa unchanged to a ahade higher In the lntlon market, with spot quoted at 86 16s and 84 17 6d for future. Locally the market wa firm with lake quoted at $18.7619.u0; electrolytic, $18.87(318-76: casting, $18.26 18.37. liad wa unchanged at 18 17 od In Ixmdon and at $o.7(m6 .86 in the local market. Spelter advanced to 27 16a In tbe London market and to 4.utatS 10 locally. Iron wa higher at 60 for standard foun dry and 60s ld for Cleveland warrants In the English market. Locally iron waa un changed. No. 1 foundry, northern, Is quoted at $l8.76fc'l.t: No. 2 foundry. and No. 1 foundry, southern, at $18 26318.60: No. 2 foundry, southern, et $17.7itpl8 00. ST. LOUIS, June . M ETALS LEAD Firm, $6.0; spelter higher. $6.92. Cotton Morkel. NEW ORLEANS.- Juno 8.-COTTON-Bpot closed quiet; sales. 2,860 balea: low ordinary, 7 9-lsc, nominal: ordinary, 8 l-luc, nominal; good ordinary. 9c: low middling, 103-ltici middling,' 10 W-lSc; good middling. 116-lbc; middling latr. liii-inc, nominal; fair. 12c; recelpta, 2.6o8 bale; atock, 97.S3t bale. LIVERPOOL. June . COTTON Spot, etiill nrlcea ft rtnint loweri American mid dling fair. $.4&d; good middling. $.21d; mid dling, 6.9Dd; low middling, 6 Sid; good or dinary, 6 61d: ordinary. 6.31d. The sales I of the day were 4 aj bale, of which 6o were for pecultlon and export, and in cluded 8.0 American. Keceipt. bale. Including 7. Sum American. BT. LOUIS. Mo. -June 6. COTTON steady; middling. llc; aales, none, re ceipt, 83 bale; (hlpments. 88 balea; atock, 30,9k balea. Ne. I 4 II I 10 1 4 I 12 I 1 II 81 I 1 II 4 I 14..... 44 t 41 11 84 I..... I 10 11 II II II II 11 20 10 It A. .... 120 ....1011 .... Ill .... 744 .... 441 .... 47 .... Ml .... 704 ltlt 1111 144 Ml 100 UK 1041 IM 1001 1024 1114 ., til 144 1117 1104 .4 40 1140 4 4 1114 101 1144 1141 1147 1012 Pr. 8 oo I 14 I 10 4 to 4 1 4 24 4 14 4 14 4 M 4 44 4 4 44 4 tt 4 tt 4 44 4 44 4 40 4 14 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 4 4 4 ..J004 .7V444 ..leol ..114 ,.lt04 4 44 4 41 4 10 1 4 10 4 4 4 40 4 4" 4 It 4 40 4 M Ne. . Fr 20 hoi 4 at 14 lot! 4 40 11 1341 4 10 It ...1141 4 44 14 It&t 4 44 11 1420 4 n 8 lit 4 H 41 lltl 4 14 4 1144 4 4 22 1111 4 44 1 1171 4 41 4 1130 I 0 1 1117 4 44 I 1024 00 It 1144 I 0 t 1144 I 40 I llao 4 12 1244 I 00 M 1344 I 4 12 122 I 00 t 1144 I 0 24 lftt I M ir , 11 10 41 II lilt I 04 II 1314 I 14 1 ...I4M I 1 II 1447 I 1 1 Ill I 10 I..' 124 4 M 11 1410 4 10 42 1411 I 36 20..., 12M I II II 143 4 24 81 1421 I 10 1 1411 I 10 in, but the quality t 1 round. Sc; No. z round, ic; to. munn, ic; ,o. 1 ptate, ac; c. - ,iio, oi , 3 plate, 2,c. - ' MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3 75; per bbl., $8.75. HONEY New. ier 24 lb.. $.160. CHEESE Swl. new. Ific: Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, 12c; twin. 13't.c; Young American. 15c. . NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. oft shells, nt-tv crop, per lb., K,c; hard shells.' per lb., 13c. Pecans, large, per lb., Mc-; rmnll. per lb.. 12c Peanuts per lb., 6c; rntei, per lb.. 8c. Chill walnut, per lb.. 12CT1JI1..-. Almond, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c. Coco. nuts, $4 per sack of 100. , PUG AR Grsnulated cane. In bbl a. $6.06; granulated csne tn sacks, $6.oi; granulated, In sacks,' $4.91. SYRUP in barrels, ne per gni.; in esse. 8 10-lh. can 21.70: rases. 1 1 n-io. can. $1.80; ce. 24 2-lb. cans. i. 86. COFFEE Roasted, No. 85, 250 per lb '. No. 80. 20c per lb.; No. 25. 18c per lb J No. 20. 15c per lb.: No. 21, 12c per lb. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per Si bbl., 100 lbs., $4.60: Norway mackerel, per bbl., 200 lba., bloaters, $40.00; No. 1, $28.00; No. 2. $28.00: N.O.-2. .$20.(10;. Irish, Ho. 2. $16.00: herring, . In, bbls, 206 lb, each.. Norway. 4k. $18.00; Norway, 3kv $13 .00; Holland, mixed. $11.60; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers, 80c; keg, mlxd, 70e. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west em, 650600: Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, 8-lb.' cans. $1.2501.60; 2-lb 97 Vie9 $1.00. Pine apples, grated. 2-lb, $3.05 2.20: sliced. $1.90(92.20. Gallon apples, fancy, $3.90; California apricot. $1.40B2.00; peat. $1.76 2.60; peach, fancy, 21.72.40: H. C. Peaches. $2.001 2.60. Alaska aalraoti, red. 21.26: fancy Chinook. F.. $2.10: fane Lsockey. F.. $1.96; sardine. oIL $2.60; T . ... a t A I IA l: . ... ..... iiiunifiru, ii-uuti iu. fcjwT-ii. j .... , .... -. $1.16471.25; auer kraut. $1.00: pumpkins, K0c4$1.00; wax beans, t-lb., 70 090c; llmt beans, S-lb 75c$l 35; spinach, $12.'; cheap peas. 2-lb 80c extra, 7$490c; farcy, $1 361.75. Av. . SO . 68 . 76 . 88 . 65 . 102 . 76 . 46 . 66 . 86 . $1 64 82 (tl 67 81 8$ Pr. $ 60 6 26 6 86 00 6 85 2 00 4 00 2 2 6 26 I 50 $ 80 6 00 8 00 00 6 00 8 26 6 76 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET COW. A dame Co Alice breeco bnanewtck Can Coa t'al ft V. Hor Blleer . Iroa Silver Leadnie Caa... Utile i kief Offered. 14 . It. .. til .. el . at ..IIW . .eau .. 6 .. I (Oaurl iCoaietock Tanl Ophlr Ploeoll Potaat garage 8irr Naaad ... Soull Hops . ititaadard 2)4 . 11 .40 . I . It . II . 13 . 40 ..tu Foreign Financial. IX)NIM)N, June g Money wa la abund ant demand today and the aupply waa fair. Discount were eay. The tone on the Stork exchange continued cheerful deaplte the fact that there waa no eipanatun ef bualne. Yeeterday'a Imprevemeol la Brit ish aecurllie waa maintained except In the case on consol. ablch eased a fraction to ward the cloe. Foreigner were Inclined to ease on Pari aelllng Americana opened dull. The reaction in Wall street yeie, day dampened the ardor of operator rur- Oil ana Resin. OIL CITY. Pa.. - June $ -OIL-Credit balance, $1.64; shipments. 78.840 barrels', art-rage. 66 . barrel: runs, 71,a6 barrel; average, 4 fA barrels; ahlpmenta, Lima. CS.321 barrel; average. 68.464 barrel run, IJma. 47.871 barrel; average. 29,075 bar rel. . SAVANNAH. Ga., June $. Oil a Turpen tine firm, 37c. ROSIN-Flrm; A, B. C. $3 60: D.'$3.70: R. $.196; F. $4 0v; G. $4 .05; H. $4 16; I. $4 26: K. $4 36: M. $4 40; N. $.; W. G, $4 75. W. W. $4 85. Soger and Molaaaea. NEW TORK. June l-81'OAR-Rjw, firm; fair rallning. lhWllHc, oentrlf. ugl M teat. 3 ls-32fi3c; mulaea sugar. 3 11-ltki 2S-3c. Refined. firm; crushed, powdered 4 7oc; granulated, 4 aor. NEW ORLEANS. June 1 SUGAR Quiet; open kettle, renlrif opal. 6a4 7-16c; jrllow, $t?9c; aecond. 23c. 1 740 1 44 . 1 1164 8 4 1 HO 1 14 1 121 I 44 1 ts I 4 1 113 I U t IH I 17 1040 I 1 1 IK IB 1 140 I II I loot I U 1 101 I 11 1 43 I 40 1 I 14 , 1.. 40 I 64 I 4t I 14 4 M IM 1 IMS I 71 1 100 1 U 1 tl 3 71 I 14 14 4 IM 4 4 1 1V40 I 74 4 ltlt l I tU I It 4 1047 I K, 1 1040 I 14 1 430 I H I , 170 I 71 1 414 I IS 1 71 1 I 1 1074 I to 1 730 I t 1 11J 3 H" 8 tt 1 117 4 4 8 444 I aa i n- 4 ao 1 1000 I 00 t 1027 4 40 3 ) I t 1 1140 4 4 1 110 I 4 1 104 4 4 4 164 I 4 102 4 4 1 ,...1140 4 M 1 44 4 4 1 m is a 11 to t aa I 73 I ta I 1111 I 10 I 104 I It I lilt 4 14 t 441 I 21 1 124 4 1 8 1044 I 84 4 1024 4 1 1 1107 I 40 14 til 4 1 1 6u4 8 4 1 1174 4 II 1. ....... Ht IW t 1414 4 14 t 140 a 40 i no t a 1 1044 8 40 1 11U 4 1 1 lot 40 4... 7tl 4 M 1 1017 I 4 4 lie 4 It 18 1044 1 4 II 1144 4 St COW8 AND HEIFERS. 17 144 8 It M 71 8 86 II Ill t HEIFERS. 1 4M I 4 11 444 11 I 414 I 40 1 144 a 14 1 141 I 14 77 441 I 44 1 400 a 0 8 44 4 4 1 Ht IB I IM 4 a t 11 I 14 I M tit 4 441 I 14 1 11 4 It II 411 I 10 I ti 4 M I I IM I la 4 M 8 34 I 40 1 l 4 at 3 44 8 M 1 110 4 4 CALVEa. i 4 4 4 a ti g a I N l 1 14 I 4 1 4 6 4 - I lit a I II I tt 4... 11 a 1 let I I 1 It I M 1 1 tU i I M 1 bs) 4 4 I tt ) Cattle Steady to Slow Hog and Bhet Higher. CHICAGO. June 8. CATTLE Receipt , 30,000 head; market, beat ateady; others low and lower; common to prime ateers, $4 00 6. 10; cowa, $1.0004.50; heifer, $2.7606.10; bull. $3.26(9 4.46; ralve. $2.75 67.26; atockera and feedera. $2.75 4.76. HOGS Recelpta. 22,000 head; market I C 7c higher; choice to prime heavy, $4.60 T.06; medium to good heavy, $6.47 $.60: butcher welghta, $$.60t8.66; good tn. choice heavy mixed, $8.45 6.62 ; pack ing, $8 00(8 4 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 16.000 head; market 10016c higher; sheep, $4.60 4J6 26: yearling. $6.0&686; shorn lamba, $&.26$,76. New Tork Live Stoek Market. NEW YORK. ' June .BEEVES Re ceipts, 1164 head: prim and choice steer ahade higher; others steady; fat bulls ateady; bologna bulls slow to 16c lower; cows steady to 6c lower; steers, 64 80i5."; top, $6.76: bull. $3.264.60; cow. $2.(Xti3.6; extra. $4. 10; export, $17 cattle, 10 aheep and 3,800 quarter of beef. CALVrJS Receipt, 8.144 bead: market active and firm. Veals, $6,0047.26; few extra. $7.60; culls. $4.kj-4.60; buttermilks, $4 00(&4.75; dressed calves slow; city dressed veal. $llc per pound: country dread, 6fDc. IIOGS Receipt, 6 ftg head; market firm; atate bog, $n.9tKS&90. SHEEP AND lAMBfl-Receipt. 5.fC, head; aheep ateady; lamb and yearling. IHrtfec higher. Sheep, $3 .6036.60; cull. $10 f)3 0V; yearling, $a.007.36; lamb, $S C? 8.76. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O... June 6. SEED Clover, cah, $6.70( October, $n.46 bid; prime tim othy, fl.m. REAL ESTATE TRA1SKRRS. Kansas City Lire gtoek Market. KANSAS CITY. 'June 8 CATTLE Re ceipt. 7,000 head. Including 1,200 aouth ern; market ateady to strong: choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5 286 80; fair to good, $4.26 0 6.16; weatern fed steers. $3 6006.26; stockers and feeders, $2.760 4.60; southern steers, $$.2604 80; southern cows, $.60&8.80; native cow. 32. 60434.80: native heifer. 88. 26496.10: bull. 82.6004.10: calves. $3 00 0 8.26. HOGS RecelDts. 18.000 head: market Strong to 6c higher: tOD. 66.47 1,: hulk nf sales, $6796 40: heavy, $6 4606.47: packers, $$ $0tr$ 46;- pigs and light. $6.36 1 11 SHEEP AND LAMBS ReeAlnta t. onn head; market ateady and active: native lamba. 35. 60ft 7.40: fed sheen Bnt vu,. ling. $4.6908 40: Texa clipped yearling, "-u4e .; iexa cupped (hasp. 86.260 ( $6; atockera and feedera, $$.000 6.00. along City Live gtoek Market. SIOUX CITT. June g-(Specll Tele grsm.) CATTLIC Receipt. BOO bead; mar ket ateady: beevea. $4.00456 25; cow, bulla and mixed. 63.004jp4.6i); stockers and feed era. $3.404.26; calve and yearlings, $3.0o9 4.10. HOGS Recelpta, ' 6.400 head; market 4c higher, selling at WJOtJO); bulk of sales, SHEEP AND LAMBS' Receipts. 400 head; market ateady. at. Joaepk Live Hock Market. ST. JOSEPH, June CATTLE Re ceipt. 2.61$ bead; market ateady; native. $4.260 6.76; cow and heifer. $1.7644.66; etex-kere and feeder. 63. 800 4.36. HOGS Receipt, 6,162 head; market 6o higher; light, $4 2608.37 ; .medium and heavy. $6.300 6.46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. $.10$ head; market 10c higher; lamba, $7.26; anorn taniD, 4.i. . 4. Loot Live Slock Market ST. LOUIS. June f CATTLE Re ceipt. 4.000 head. Including $.00 head of Texana; market atrong; native shipping and export ateera, 84.66O6.90; dreaeel beer and nutrner eteer, under 1.000 and feeder, 49&AA- faenere 1111111. $1940440; calves, $1 6004 31; Te'xa aoa ivre, ii.itDi.iu; orwoeea iitrher teer, $1 44 0 6 14; eteora 0 pound. $$.3604.(0; atockors t, $1 600 4 4a; cowa and bolfara. Jetur R. Contllng to Guy F Groa Jeau, lot 19, block 1. Richmond. .. .$ 17J Walter Mill to Esabella Lees, lot ' 8. In Dodge and Root's ad ........... 850 Oliver Bellls and wife to Harvey J. Groce, lot 12, 13. it, 15. block 4. ' Halcyon Heights s.. 2,W) Artie W. Chaney and -husband to Brown I Grove, lota 13, 14, block, 27, Benson .1.600 George Kelley and wife to H, J. Grove, lot 12. block 41, Benson 5",0 Jeanette J, Regan to Victor Frausen, south of lot 40. Nelson's sd 1,300 Otto Sellgrrn and wife to Charles G. Ring, east 11 feet of the north 120 feet of the south of M $. block 6. Park Place.! '.. ., ; vat-jn-.. 860 Er.ra Millard to Anna C. Rogr, ,eet 4 feet, lot 6. . block, 7$. City-, of Omaha, lot 6. bhck 9, Cltyf of Omaiia A 1.3i0 Byron R Hasting, trustee to Hans C. Damm, lot 11 12. block t Mili tary ad 125 Ieopold Doll et al. to AAA German, lota 7 and 8. block 12. Wakeley'a aub. of the west of block L, Hlme baugh's ad , 5 Katherlne Scott to Mary Ann Musgtove, lot 19. Parkland Place.. 125 John H. Evana and wKejI'-to- John Wear, lot 3, block 2, Wekeley's sub. of west V. pf block 1. Hlmebaugh'a ad : '! C M. Cardel to Bar, lot 17, In Oak ' Hill No. t.-.. .... ICO George W. Jenks, trustee, to George T. Morton, lot 7. block "E ' In Saundera and Hlmebaugh'a ad..: 1$ 8. O. Northwestern Railroad company to City of South Omaha, lot 1, In block 216. City of South. Omaha. .... ' Thomas J. O'Nell and wife, tract west 46 feet of lot 1. west 45 feet of north 38 feet of lot t, block ti. City, of South Omaha 4.17B Jamea P. Ford and Wife. $4 17$. to William H. Paxton, lot g.' block 82. tract lot T... i t...i t E A. Plodgett and wife to L. N, Worlter. lot $ nd 9, .block 3. Cot tage Place 200 John D. Scott to name, north of lot 2. block 254. South Omaha.., . 100 Wilson T. Graham and wife to Mr. Jan Keith, lot 28, block 1, Mower aub. of lots 3 and 6, Turtle's sub1.. 126 Mettle D. Gardln to Anna K. Richard son tract adjoining lot 18, tn Mo- Candllah Place 1 Thomas J. O'Nell and wife to City of South Omaha, 106 feet of lot 1. eaat to feet of north 36 feet, kit 2, In block 84. City ut South Owiu.h..,. 11 K BONDS High Grade Bonds Insure against adverse times. . , WRITE FOR LIST. A. B. LEACH & CO. FORMERLY FARSON, LEACK & CO. KEW l'ORK CHICAGO BCkSToar, rgriasM5i.yBiA