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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXV-XO. 304. OMAHA, FK1DAY MOKXIXl.. JUNK l!HMi-TEX PACES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS, 2 RATE CASES ARGUED Tickers Accused of Aooeptin: Bebatei from Burlington on Trial F01M SUITS ARE CONSOLIDATED snsssnssnnnnnp Aereed Statement of Facta it Preaentad to tha Jury. CONTRACTS ARE MADE WITH RAILROAD Company Ad'anoea Publiahed Rata from 23 OeoU to 35 Genu. xnnaaKox SHIPMENT CARRIED AT OLD RATE Parker Claim Their Action ta Reg alar and Legitimate Argo meat Will B Completed Today. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. June 7.-Argument In the cimi of the Armour. Bwlft. Cudahy md Naleon Morris Pecking companies on harge of accepting rebat from the Bur lington railway on export ahlpmnt had not been rorcluded when court adjourned this afternoon. The Burlington had signed a contract w,th the packer giving them a rate of 23 -ents per 00 pounds, Mississippi river to New York. During tha life of the con tract the rallwiy raised Ita tariff to t entr. Counsel for the defendant In their Miunifnii todav took the ground that -hn their contract with the railway waa tgned at the 2S-cent rate it waa legal and that the railway waa bound to carry It out. It til necessary to protect their business, it waa contended, by making contract of thin nature and the packer were not re sponsible for the fact that the railway after agreeing to hlp It-product at one rate, which t the time waa legitimate. had later rained Ita tariff. A. B. Van Valkenburgh will tomorrow morning begin hi argument for the gov eminent. The case probably will be given to the Jury by noon tomorrow. During the day the case against the Chicago & Alton and J. N. Falthorn and V. A., Wann. former official of that road, charged with paying rebate on packing home prodJcts, which had previously been Het for trial thl month, wa continued until next full. tear Are Consolidated. On Taesday last District Attorney Van Valkenburgh and tha counsel represent. Ing the defendants agreed to consolidate the four case for trial purpose, the Is sue in each case being practically the same. Judge MrFhcraon gave both aide until this morning to prepare an agreed statement of facta. Both the govern ment and the defendant were ready this . morning with tha statement. Before court convened A. B. Vsn Valken burgh said: The statement will be read to the Jury and the court will then In struct It as to the law In the cases. The usual arguments will then made and the case submitted for a verdict. No wit nesxns will be examined. The cases prob- aliTf-wHI gg't the Jury during the day. ' The Jury wits secured without delay and ; the statement of facta read. The argu menta wet then begun. The statement read to the Jury was that of the I'nlted States versus the Cudahy Packing company, and is Identical with the statement In the cases of each of the other three defendants. The statement in opening say: The parties hereto so'wiy for the pur pone of a trial In thla and any appellate court to which the case may go, and for nn other purpose, agree to the facts nere Inarter set forth, the defentant waiving any right to be confronted with witnesses produced to establish any urn tacts. The statement recites that the Burling- ion railway had at the time that the alleged offense was committed entered Into a traf flu arrangement with the Kansas City Bel Railway company, the Toledo, St. Lout Weatrrn, the Grand Trunk Weatern rail road, the Raiding Dispatch and the Lehigh Valley railroad for ahlpmenta from Kansas City to New York. It Is set forth that the Burlington com pany entered Into a contract with the pack Ing company by which It agreed to carry packing bouse product from the Missis sippl river to New York at 23 cent per hundred pounds, until December SI, 1906, but that upon August 4, 19U5, the Burling ton and Its connecting railroads filed with the Interstste Commerce commission an amendment to their tariffs making a rate upon aaid shipment of S3 cents per hundred pounds. I'pon Beptember K 19u6. It Is stated, the Burlington accepted from the packing com pany for shipment from Kansas City to New York and thence by the Hamburg American line to Germany a consignment of lard "for a rate named therein, which Included the charge or rate of the steam ship line." Alton t aae lonttaned. In tha I'nlted States district court here this afternoon by agreement of counsel the case agKlnst the Chicago dt Alton Railroad company and J. N. Falthorn, Its former Tie president, and F. A. Wann, Its former assistant traffic manager, charged with paying rebates on packing house pro ducts,, waa continued over thl term of court. The ease cannot now com up be fore November next. The continuance waa agreed to because of a ease with ' similar issues Is soon to be tried In Chicago. 'FRISCO WATER FRONT TIED UP l.oekent of 'Lonaskeremea Reaalta la , Maspeaaloa ot Ocean TraCB. An rnsrtcioiu, June ..As a result of the lockout wnicn now ties up shipping on th Pan rranclsco water front tho business MANILA. June 7. The gunboats Albs, of the Pacific Coast Steamship company ' Mlndsnao and Malleno. which were cap In this port Is now s a standstill. The j tured by Admiral Dewey when he destroyed Stat of California, belonging to thla com- th Spanish fleet, have been old a Junk iwny. as to sail today for San Diego and for $. at Olongapo. Tbe boats particl the tMracao wa to call for Mexican port. ; pated In the battle of Manila bay. Neither vessel cleared and many passengers who had ertgagvd passage aboard them hed their money refunded. Tbe Pad no Mail Steamship company, which yesterday laid off 'longshoremen, took back enough men today to finish th loading of th New port, which I to sail far Panama and way port. No work I being done on th Korea. Big Reeeptloa for Gamble. YANKTON, 8. D. Juno T. (Special) Venator Robert J. Gamble was given a rouslug reception last evening on the oc casion of his return from Sioux Falls, where ho won his great victory over tho machine ferceo of tho state. Yankto-i peopl fully appreciate the retaining of tho honor of a United State aoitator and tho aocaiac boos was asad a tnatBBAb eocaaiea TROUBLE ENOUGH FOR ALL Admiral RoJesMensk y t.eneral l.inevllrli May Have to Fare hnrsres la Rassla. ST.. PKTKRSTURU. June 7 -The naval court of Inquiry lias presented an Indict ment against Vice Admiral Kojestvensky, who commanded the Russian fleet at th" battle of the Se.t of Japan, ond the offlir f the torpedo boat destroyer, Hedovl. which engaged and sank s Japanese tor pedo boat. The trial of the Indicted offi cers has leen fixed for July 4. The pen alty Is death. The Rech says thst Oenerul Rennen- ksmpff. who command the Cossack cav- try division during the war with Japan, lias preferred charges against Lieutenant leneral Llnevltch. who was commander of the Russian army In Manchurin, for holding communications with the revolu tionary committee of railroad men dur ing the strike on the Siberian rsllroad. The army organ demands the trlsl by courtmartlal of Colonel Relman of the Semlnovsky regiment of the guards for ordering summary executions during and subsequent to the Moscow uprising and Ites twelve cases where the colonel or dered men to be shot without trial. MESSAGE TO JCING OF ITALY Raler of Ge '.and Aastro-Hnn--f .Friendship ,.y. (srr lint for VIENNA. June 7.. William pro ceeded today to vlst -r ' Han Ton Wllciek at Kreutaenst v 'le, accom panied by the German , x. -Vador and the Imperial suite. ' i The telegrams exchanged ay be tween the Austrian and Gen . emperor on the one hand and the king of Italy on the o'ther, evidently were drawn up with the view to discouraging a continuance of the reports of coldness between Emperor William and King Victor Knimanuel and ... ... . . II 1 ! the consequent weaktng of the Drelbund, The two emperors telegraphed Jointly as follows: As two allies, we send you. the third, a sincere, united expression of unalterable friendship. The Italian king's reply was equally warmhearted. He telegraphed: I share your satisfaction for unity and beg that you will accept the assurance ot my true and Inviolable amity. LARGEST LINER IS LAUNCHED Ship to tarry Crew of Klght Hnn- derd Takes Water at Glasgow. OIjABOOW. June T. The new Cunard !lne steamer Lusltanla. the world a largest liner, wa uccessfully launched at the Clyde bank today. Hundred of visitors from all parts of the country. belde. thou sands of the local population, witnessed the ceremony. The LuMtanla 1 the first of the giant Cunarders to be launched, and Its sister, the Maratlnus, will follow it Into the sea a month honce. The Lusltanla is 730 feet long and It greatest breadth is eighty eight feet, while Its depth moulded is sixty and a half feet. It displacement la about 40,0nf tons and powerful turbine engine wilt--drire It through the water at a sus tained speed of from twenty-four' to twenty-five knots. The cabin accommoda tion are for HO first-class, HOO second class and 1,300 third-class passengers, and the crew will number about ?00. AUSTRALIA AFTER "TRUSTS" Federal Parliament Meets and Will Take Step to Proteet Local Industries. MELBOURNE. June 7. Lord Northcot, the governor general of Australia, In hi speech at the opening of tbe federal Par liament today, announced the Immediate submission of a bill for the "preservation of the Australian Industrie and th re pression of destructive monoplles." The governor general also stated that the negotiations of the Australian government for new preferential trade treaties with South Africa, New Zealand and other parts of the empire were far advanced. to Pntllpptae Exhibit. MANILA. June T.-The Philippines will not bo represented by a government ex hibit at the International exposition to be held in New Zealand from November next to May. 1907. Oovernor Ide told Commis sioner Oow that tha exhibit at the BL Louis exposition wa so expensive that the Insular department had decided not to end an exhibit to New Zealand. Commis sioner Oow remain In Manila, trying to Interest private Arm In the exposition, and It 1 believed that an industrial exhibit will be sent. Sew Hotel for Manila. MANILA, June 7. The scheme for a hotel on government land has come to nothing. The church property near Lutsna has been sold to H. O. Dunbar of Cincin nati, who. it Is aaid. will erect a hotel to cost $600,000. Th government official wanted the building erected on government land and advertised for bids, but the re strictions imposed were considered too great, so Dunbar purchased private prop erty. Observe Kmpress Birthday. 8T. PETERSBURG. June T.-Today wa the empress' birthday and It waa observed a a general holiday. The lower house of Parliament, without specifically mention ing the reiscn, honored the occasion by adjourning until tomorrow. Kanhqaake In Philippines. MANILA. June 7. Three slight earth quake shocks were felt at Manila on June I and . tho last at !:: p. m , on the sixth Instant. Th shocks are believed to have been severe on the. island of Samar, bat no rietMlls have been received Old ftpanUk Boat Sold T to Meet Dry Dork. MANILA, June 7 TUe naval tug Peaea taqua ha been ordered from here tv meet th Boating dry dock Dewey at Singapore and assist In towing It to this port. TUCKER WILL BE HANGED Omrau Gntld Refwses to Commnto aentenee of Varaerer of Mahel Pae. BOSTON, Juno T. Charles Louis Tuckar of Auburadal. convicted of th murder of Mabel Page at Weston in 1904. will bo olso. t roc u ted In the state prison at Charles Co wo during th weak beginning Jun M. Governor Curtis Guild announced at a lata hour tonight that ho had daclded hot to taounut tin utno to Ufe Uuprlacnmrnt. BOYER WALKS THE PLANK President Oaasatt Discharges Man Who Testifies in Bailroad Hearine. TESTIMONY STUPEFIES HIS HEARERS t hief Clerk Who Accepted rash from Coal f'nnipnnle ow LrsTfi the Pa roll of the Penan) Ivanln. PH1LADF.LPHIA, June 7. Joseph Hoyer, the Pennsylvnnla railroad employe, who yesterday testifi,.,i before the Interstate Commerce commission to having received large sums of money ami other gratuities from producers of cos I on the Pennsylvania lines, was toilny dismissed from the ser vice of the company. When the matter was brought to the attention of President Cassatl he directed the immediate discharge of Royer. P.oyer In hi testimony yesterday said that he had accepted more than $46,000 from coal mining companies during a period of three years. He was chief clerk In the office of A. W. Glbbs, superintendent of motive power of the Pennsylvania Rail road co in puny and purchased the fuel coal used In the locomotives of the company. The donors he sulci were five different coal companies which furnish coal to the railroad. Hover's testimony was of a ensatlonal character. He testified that he had been allowed from 3 cents to S cents on each ton sold to the railroad company In such a matter of fnct manner that the commissioners were almost stupifled by the startling admission. Another Kmploye ;et Mork, Testifying before the Interstate Com merce co'mmls.t!on today Joseph A. Aiken, who has been chief clerk In the superin tendent's office of the Monongahela division of the Pennsylvania railroad, revealed almost as startling evidence as that given , . . T U r II .... V . V. by Joseph P. Boyer before the commission yesterday. On a salary which be said varied from W to tlM per month, Aiken had purchased stock In different coal com panies amounting to nearly t76,on. He admitted having received gifts of rash from coal operators on the Pennsylvania lines and hud also received 150 a month for several month from a company store. Mr. Aiken, who ho been chief clerk in the superintendent's office of the Monon gahela division of the Pennsylvania rail road, gave some Interesting testimony. At the outset he showed a disposition to spar with Attorney Glasgow. After almost every question he would stop to reflect, cast his eye upon the celling and then repeat the question before answering. He told of large coal company Interests which he said he had purchased with his own money. When Mr. Glasgow wanted to know how ho got the money he answered "by Judicious investment of my salary." In 1900 witness turned a profit of $20,000 by selling an option on coal lands to the Pittsburg Buffalo Coal company. Wit ness confirmed the testimony of Joseph P. Boyer, who said yesterday that Aiken had paid him 5 cents . ton on coal which the Dunkirk Coal company furnished to the railroad for which Boyer worked. Mr. Aiken candidly admitted that the money was given to Boyer for the, business which Boyer could give. Mr. Aiken had re ceived 1250 from coal companies because his position with the railroad made him valua ble to the. coal companies. Witness said he owned 500 shares of the Braxnel Coal com pany, for which he pnid $25,000. That Is at the rate of M a share, but the company's books show that tlOO per share was paid. Mr. Glasgow admitted that the books showed that price, but doubted that that price had really been paid. gome Shares Given, Mr. Aiken testified he also has 250 shares In the Dunkirk Coal company, for which he paid 117,500; 500 shares In the Pittsburg Westmoreland company, for which he paid $12,500; sixty shares In the East Con nellsvllle Colliery company, which cost him $0,000; twenty-flvo shares In the Pres ton Coal company, given to him by H. A. Kuhn, president of the company, and twenty-flvo share In the Crescent Coal company, given him by John O. Craw ford. Charges of flagrant discrimination in the distribution of cars by the Pennsylvania railroad were made by G. L. Potter, presi dent of the Donohoe Coal and Coke com pany. The operations of this company are located in Westmoreland county, on the Alexandria branch of the Pennsylvania railroad. Mr. Potter said that In 1900 the mine capacity of the company was 700 ton a day and the railroad' rating waa 600 ton. In 1905 the actual capacity wa 1,400 tons and the rating 900 tons. FINANCIERS START EAST das Francisco Committee Will Con salt Pretldent Abont Federal (raster of Bonds. SAN FRANCISCO, June 7 -Following a lengthy telegraphic communication with President Roosevelt a substitute committee of the cltisens' finance committee left for Washington today in E. H. Harrlman's pri vate car for the purpose of learning tha president's view on the proposal to have congress endorse the long-term bonds of San Francisco in the sum of $200,000,000. The subcommittee is composed of Walter J. Bartnett. Judge W. W. Morrow, Dr. De vine of the Red Cross society and Ben jamin lde Wheeler, and it will be met In the east by Mr. Harriman, the fifth mem ber of the subcommittee. Franklin K. Lan of this city, who has been In New York for many weeks. Is said to have obtained the promise of Wall street financier to take the bond Issue provided the Vnlted States endorses the bond. The money thus raised is to be used for re habilitation and reconstruction of San Francisco. FUNERAL OF SENATOR GORMAN Complete Absence of Ostentation Marks Last Rite Over Body WASHINGTON. Juno T. With simplicity and complete absence of ostentation, in acoordanc with hi expressed wish, th funeral servlc of th lata Senator Arthur Pus Gorman of Maryland took place In thl city today from hi 1st re,denc. Before th servtoea began many promt, uent men. including th vie presi dent and nearly all of Senator Gorman' closest political associates Irt-Maryland, a well a colleague from th senate and house, In addition to member of tho con gressional committee, were afforded an opportunity to view the body. Kalahta of Colnmbn Buy. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Jun 7. Tho Knight of Columbus met oarlr today for an all-day r-aslon. when a groat part of tho unfinished business to be transacted by th naikHuU ceuvcnUuo wlU ) U. bond of , , CANONIZING A NEW SAINT This Impressive ceremony aa performed by Pope Plus X In the beatification of Julie Bllllart, is described by tDVVARD ROSEWATER IN NEXT SUNDAY'S BEE MILLARD APPEALS TO WILSON Asks for statement Regarding Inspec tion of Meat for the Export Trade. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 7. (Special Tele gram.) In compliance with many telegrams and letters from constituents asking that something be done to counteract the In jurious effect of the recent public agitation respecting packing house conditions Sen ator Millard today forwarded the follow ing letter to Secretary James Wilson: 1 am asked to urge you to mnke a pub lic announcement that the bureau of ani mal Industry Is making, and has for veurs made, a most tliomtiifn Inspection or live stock and meat products for the export trade. The live stock Industry of Nebraska bus reached enormous proportions and is so ImiKirtant to the people of my stHte that I feel Impelled to apieal to you to make some public expression of your confidence In the thoroughness and efficacy of the system of inspection for years practiced by the bureau of animal Industry under your able direction. We must now do something to protect our export trade In meat products. Ralph 8. Connell, a former resident of Omaha now residing in' New Mexico, was today appointed special agent of the In dian bureau at J2.00U per annum, with an allowance of $3 per diem when In the Held. Mr. Connell received '. his appointment through competitive examination and has been assigned for duty In the southwest. Thomas Kennard, his son, E. A. Ken nard. and wife of Lincoln are in Wash ington on sight seeing tour. Today they were presented to the president by Con gressman Pollard, who introduced Mr. Kennard, sr., as the first secretary of state for Nebraska. E. A. Kennard was lately connected with the land office at Lincoln. Senator Millard received a call today from Dr. Pablo Arosemena. first vice president of the Republic of Panama, one of the best known lawyer and diplomats not only of Panama, but of Central Amer ica. He Is visiting America and among other things is highly Interested In the success of the Panama canal. Representative Klnkajd has secured the following pensions: Matilda M. Clark, for merly widow of Isaac M. Kinney, Valen tine, widow's renewal at $12 from October 31, 1904; Renssalaer M. Holmes, Elba. In crease at $10; Katie, widow of Edward Mc Donald, Crookstbn,; kltoied for- pension accrued to May lo. 1899: Patrick II. Burke, Hough, additional at $t from February 15, 1893. and $12 from April 18. 1906; Melville B. C. True. North Loup, increase at $10. INDIANA DEMOCRATS MEET State Convention at Indianapolis De clares for Bryan as Candidate for President, INDIANAPOLIS, June 7 Democrats of Indiana In convention today adopted a platform strongly endorsing William J. Bryan for the presidency and selected a state ticket for all offices except governor and reporter of the supreme court. Ben jamin E. Shiveley of South Bend, former representative In congress from the Thir teenth Indiana district, wa permanent chairman. The resolution committee waa at work on the platform until after 9 o'clock today and the report was not ready 'until the convention wa In session. It was read by Samuel J. Ralston of Lebanon, chair man of the committee, and besides a num ber of planks on state Issues, said: The democracy of Indiana, In convention assembled renews its allegiance to the prlnclplee of constitutional government through laws enacted and executed In the Interests of the whole people, without favor to Individual or class. It sends greetings across the sea to that wise and conservative statesman, unfaltering pa triot and superb leader, William Jennings Bryan, and pledges its vote In convention and the electoral vote of Indiana to him for president In 19u. Tha platform denounces colossal com- blnatlons of capital, the stifling of com petition, the control of legislation by bribery, the protective tariff sjatem, and demands a tariff for revenue only. The platform was adopted unanimously, The endorsement of William J. Bryan was received with an outburst that lasted half a minute. For secretary of state John F. Cox of Columbus was nominated. STRANGE BOY LEFT AT DEPOT Mlasonrl Authorities Believe thnt They Have Discovered a Case of Kidnaping. BOONVILLE, Mo., June 7. The con ductor of the Missouri. Kansas & Texas flyer left a 5-ye:ir-old boy with the station agent here yesterday, the boy having been placed In the care of the conductor by a man at San Antonio, Tex., with Instruc tions to put him off at Boonvllle, where relatives would meet him. The youngster gave his name as Willi Farrls. No rela tives have appeared. The boy la well dressed and lias a suit case with plenty of fine clothing. Ho said his father' name la William Caratend. He talks of living In New York with "Aunt Lixxle." He tells of servants and electric lights and his prattle Indicates that he lived in a home of wealth. Thu supposi tion here is thut the child was kidnaped In New York and wh-n closely followed the little gellow was sent to Booiivllln to get him out of the way. Bvery label and mark whereby he could be Idenltfti-d or his ! home ascertained has been removed from hla clothing The little fellow I very bright, ha brown h.ur and brown eyea und talk very plainly and precisely. He spoke of having been brought to San Antonio from Tor reon. Mexico, w! ere he had been for some time with his father. Station Ag-er.i T. F Vltx has the boy at his home and said today he would keep him pending d'Vtlupmenln. Some advance the theory that the bey has be-n abandoned by parent who wished to dispose of him. The boy cannot remember the address of hi Now York houi other thaa that he lived at "Aunt Uule'it" and ha aggl to ga back t fcs - " STOCKMEN TAKE ALLIANCE South Omaha Delegation Suoceedi in Making. Itself Heard. SOMETHING DOING ALL OF THE TIME Namber of Addressee of Interest to Live Stock Men lellvered Before Convent Ion association Is Prospering. ALLIANCE. Neb . June 7-Speclsl Tele- j gram. I Another ot thore epoch-making guU days has occurred In Alliance tmla y In the eleventh annual meellng of the Nebraska ! Stock Growers" association, superinduced by the presence of South Omaha's worthy ami enthusiastic commission men, who. like the elt-Kance of their coming In a special train, carried all liefore thein in the manner of their boosting for their home market. South Omaha. The opening session of the convention was an admixture of well rendered musical numbers by the Elks' quartet of Council Bluffs and home talent, together with an address of welcome by County Attorney William Mitchell of Alliance, which was responded to by Hon. Fred L. Wright of Scott's Bluff. This was followed by the address of the president. John M. Adams, which teemed with the good things accom plished In the past, as well as what were bound to be future happenings for stock men, resultant of the prestige that comes to a perfect and Immense orgsnlxatlon, the association now embracing almost the en tire cattle sections of the state. Secretary E. M. Searle, Jr.'s. report confirmed the glowing remarks of the president by first showing where $9.0 hnd been saved the members last year In Inspection. nd fol lowed by a demonstration of the healthy condition of the organisation. Dr. C. A. McKIm of Lincoln spoke interestingly on "Live Stock in Nebraska." E. A. Burnett, dean of the agricultural college, gavn an address on the "Value of Substations to the 8tockmen," which was well received. Month Omaha In F.vldcncr. To the South Omaha commlssjon men be longs tho palm for the Immense enthu siasm that hni marked the day. Begin ning with their arrival an uproarious din has prevailed as a result of the numerous miniature cow bells they have spread broadcast rs souvenirs. A marked fea ture of the procession from the depot to the Drake hotel, their headquarters, was the gay decorations borne by W. J. C. Kenyon, general manager of the South j Omaha Stock yards, and Al Powell, all of I which was topped off with two huge cow bells. Another feature wa the presence of Dory Sanders. George Smith and Johnnie Wallwork. the head cattle buyers of Armour . Co. Swift and Company and the Omaha Packing company, respectively. They proved such an attraction a tent was engaged, and the multitude clamored to get within with the result that they pay, and Jim Guild Is going to take them on all boosting trips hereafter. The day's doings ended by a compli mentary entertainment given by the South Omaha delegation to the citizens of Alli ance, who in turn have showered con gratulation .upon, the necretary of the South Omaha Exchange. J. M. Guild for the excellent efforts he has made to In duce all stock growers to paironlxe the homo market, all agreeing that he and his worthy cohorts are cementing a friend ship, both business and social, that will be lasting. Tomorrow's program will Include the election of officers of the association and various demonstrations and further lec tures of Interest to stockmen, followed by a grand ball given by the cltlxens of Alli ance in honor of their welcome guests. EIGHTY HURT BY TORNADO Town of Goeaael, Kan., Practically Destroyed by Storm Thurs day Morning. HILLS BORO, Kan., June 7.-A tornado struck Goessel, a German Mennonlte setllo ment fifteen miles southwest of here, early today, destroying the largest store In town and several residences. Several persons were badly injured. No fatalities are re- ported. Wires are down. Goessel was practically destroyed. About eighty persons were Injured. The most seriously hurt are: K.itle Hendrichs. aged 1$, leg broken. Henry Ralzlaff, a farmer, hurt Internally, may die. Dr. Peter Rlchert, injured about head. Rev. John Toevs, leg broken. The tornado laid waste a strip 200 yards wide. Several stores and twelve residences were demolished and every residence In town whs damaged. Tho Classen mill and j the ""tt" Prot"ial school, nearing com pletiun, were wrecked. The large Men nonite hospital was only slightly damaged. The Injured were taken there for treat ment. TOPEKA, June 1. A cloudburst early today In central Kansas caused the Cot tonwood river to overflow its banks, re sulting in much damage to railway prop erty. According to advice received at the general office of the Santa Fe In this city there was four feet of water in tha main street at itarion. Kan., thla morn ing and seventeen inches in the depot there. Two bridges on the Marlon and McPherson branch were out and much trackage had been washed away. At Flor ence, between Clements and Cedar Point, and between Sn (fords vl lie and Elllnor, three bridges are In danger. At noon tho water was receding. EMPORJA. Kas.. June 7.-Hlgh water in the Cottonwood river has tied up traffic on the Buntu Fe railroad, but though the river Is still rlidng, fair weather prevails and further rain Is not expected, so that the blockade will not continue long. Santa Fe train No. 6. from Denver, is held west of here, and train No. 5 Is not able to1 proceed farther west than Strong City. California trains Now. 1 and 7 are both beifig held hero until the water goes down. A great deul of track betwnen Strong City and Florence Is under water, though no track has been washed away. WISCONSIN OFFICER ARRESTED i t secretary I tate Charge! frith Trying to Bribe a slat Oaiclal. MADISON. Wi.. Jun 7. Secretary of State Walter L. Houser waa arrested at hla office today charged with attempted bribery of a state officer. Th charge grow out of testimony given recently by State Insurance Commissioner Host to the legislative Investigating com mittee. Host testified tiiat In 11)03 Houser brought to him a prepared draft of a de cision desired by the Equitable Life As surance company and aaid that if It or on subatantlally th aania should bo ren dered th company would contribute 2O0 toward U LaFuUxt caiapaia fund. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair and ooler Friday. Kstsrssr Fair and Mariner In Western Portion. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hoar. Ieg. . . in , . m . . T . . R4 . . T:t Hoar. 1 l. 1 P. p. P. .1 P. P. T P. r p. p. Pes. . . TH . . T .. HI . . Nt . . . . TH . . T4 . . TS fl a in . a. m . T a. an . M n. rs . r a. m . 10 a. nt. 11 a. an. IV m.. . . CLOUDBURST IN PENNSYLVANIA . People In Vicinity of Johnstown Driven from Home by High Wnter, JOHNSTOWN, Pa, June 7. Hoovers ville. s town eighteen mile north of here, was visited by a cloudburst esrly today and Stony creek, at thl point, roe to eighteen feet In a short time. The low lands are Inundsted, but no serious dam age has resulted. No fatalities have been reported. I Tonight reports Indicate that the waters are receding and danger of further dam Rgn Is lessening. Proliably $.t,000 will cover all losses. LATHOBE. Pa., June ". A torm as suming the proportion of a cloud burst swept Chestnut Ridge near Boggaley early today. The bridge spanning Nlne-Mlle-Run was carried away and the debris forming a dam. completely inundated the town which lies between Spurs of the ridge. Clad In the night robes the woman and children were rescued on Improvised rafts. Torrents of water from the mountain threaten the destruction of the Boggaley reservoir and the people are camping on the hills. Bl'TLER. Pa., June 7. Continuous thunderstorm and heavy rains last night has resulted in the greatest flood in this section In half a century. Between Boyds town and Northhope the downpour resem bled a cloud burst. The high water has stopped the pumping station of the Butler Water company and work has been suspended In a number of factories. Hvery railroad entering th city Is disabled by the water and no mall trains have reached Butler today. LIQUOR DEALERS BANQUET Twrnty-Mne Brands of Champagne served at Feast of Whole salers' Convention. LOUISVILLE, Ky June 7.-The Na tional Wholesale Liquor Dealer' association today elected the following officer: President, Marlon E. Taylor, Louisville; first vice president, M. W. Murphy, Chi cago; second vice president. E. V. Daugh ert, Philadelphia: treasurer, Ephrlam B. Brice, Philadelphia. It was the sense of the convention that the next annual meeting be held In At lantic. City, In pursuance of a policy that the wholesaler hereafter meet in cities where there Is no wholesale business, but the selection of the time and place waa left with the executive committee. A resolution offered by William Mlda of Chicago was adopted calling upon the national gpvernment to. enact lap; putting federal supervisors In charge of all dis tilleries, whatever their capacity. It was especially directed against hundreds of mall distilleries of ten-gallon capacity In Georgia. . A resolution was also adopted recom mending a law prohibiting the sale of whiskies containing any poisonous or deleterious substance, but condemning any bill which would operate against tho blend Ing of whisky. rne convention closed tonight with a banquet, at which twenty-nine brands of champagne were served. DUNKARDS CHANGE NAME German Baptist Brethren Drop Word "German" from Official Title of Church. SPRINGFIELD, III., June 7.-After re ferring to a special committee the matter of a change of name of the church by omitting the word "German," with In I structlons to report at the conference two year hence, the German Baptist brethren adjourned their annual conference thl afternoon to meet next year at Long Beach, Cal. The conference adopted a re port prohibiting member from engaging In the sale of diamond, gold rings, gold watches, dominoes, dice, playing card and other article for game of chance or dis play. The church also took th ground that no divorced person marrying again while a former companion is living can be received into the church unless th divorce waa for adultery. WESTON IS OUT FOR GOVERNOR Da ere Connty Man Announces Him self a Candidate for th .Nomination. Hon. Charles S. Weston, former auditor of the state, was In Omaha yesterday on hi way to Lincoln, wber be will look after some private business and take a quint along th political fence. "Since reading Mr. Sheldon' announce ment In tho morning papers," said Mr. Weston yesterday afternoon, "I have da clded to make publjo my Intention to stand as a candidate for the nomination for governor by tha republican convention. Thl matter has been talked of for some time and I have received such encourage ment a Justifies m In making the an nouncement. I am out In the open now and fully Intend to make all necessary effort to secure the nomination." BURGLARS CAUGHT IN STORE Have Property on Tbelr Person Stolen from Another Plaee on Prevlona Night. PlKKKb, S. D. Jun. 7. tSper.tal TJ- gram.j-oeverai ourgianes nave Deen com- mitted In thl city th last week and last ! rlld n had worked In a Chicago packing night th polio discovered George Jef- j nouM months. in a univeralty etls frte and Arthur Coppley In th tore of lBnt - J. C. Eager & Co.. and whn they wer ,.Tou 4r, . specialist along eeenomlo captured found them loaded wlLh Jewelry. ineB" clothing and other stock from th. .tor, j ' . Modeiy forbids m to ay." fpU4 On .earchlng them several gold chain j Mr- Nelll. He Mld h. w,, ,n(1 hee war found atlll bearing th price mark of for a yt,r and a haIr commissioner f th Nelson Jewelry tor, from which they xr. were .tolen th flr.t of th wek. Today Mr," Nelll ,h, r, a parting lntor. Einal Emaachel waa arre.ted charged with vUw wm, Vr. py,on. consulting v.tcrlna bemg th. lookout for th two boy In th ln Chicago, repre.entlng th packer, store, and all asked a continuance until 1r. Tjyso,,, lis ald, suggeated that Nelll Monday on a charge of burglary. I muA r,.vuc!.1s go to Wnshlrgton. mnke n Haraar It. Indian Terrltor. ARD.MORE. I. T.. June 7 Near Huldui, 1. T.. yesterday. Dr. F. A. Qrabain, a prvminent physician of that plats, wa hot and killed by Benjamin ' Stewart, a well known oltlaan. Th causa that led UP to U41 hooting; could, twit fe lnr&V OBJECT TO THE COST Meat Packera Do Not Waot to Fay BaJarie of Inspectors. MR. WILSON CONTINUES HIS STATEMENT He 8aji the Larare Houses Do Not Control the Trade. MR. NEILL APPEARS BErORE COMMITTEE Preaideot'a Inspects Worked Sis Month in One Chicago Plant. STANDS BY PREVIOUS STATEMENTS Porkers' Aarenta Attempted to Get Hint to Wnlt Thirty Day Before Making til Report. WASHINGTON, June T.-Tb nous com mittee on agriculture continued Ita hear ing on the Nellt-Reynolds meat Inspection report today, Thomas B. Wilson, manager for Nelson Morris A Co., and represen ting the large Chicago packing hou, continued hi remarks on th Beverldge amendment providing for meat Inspection. Aside from the objection h had pointed out yesterday Mr. Wilson aaid tha only other serious objection was th provision placing the cot of Inspection on th packers. Before discussing thla objection Mr. Wilson waa questioned closely by Rep resentative Henry (Conn.) and Haakln (VI.) about the section intervening between those ho found fault with last night and that regarding th coat of Inspection. r "Have you been advised alnoa wo ad journed yesterday not to make, further ob jections? asked Mr. Hasklna. "No sir; it so happens that most of th objections are In the first section," replied Mr. Wilson. As to cost. Mr. Wilson said tha packara had very serious objection to having thl expense placed on them. We are now under an expena ag gregating tl.000.0fl0 a year for condemnation of animals" he said. Neither the raisers or producer bear any of the loss on condemned stock. It all folia on the packer" asserted Mr. Wilson. Denies Control of Market. Representative Scott (Kan.) suggested that it wa generally understood the pack er so controlled the meat market that they would be able to recoup themselves the cost of Inspection. "We could not," replied Mr. Wilon. "The large packer kill only 60 per cent of the meat supply of tho country aud do not control tho market." Representative Henry suggested that the delinquencies of th packara had placed them In the present position and inquired why should the packer object to paying If tho government la to "pull you out of th holoT" ' ' Mr.-WHron objected to thl v!w -t th case.- It was 'not the fault of the packers. Th packer had sent man Into every hamlet of the world to ' creat a market. Tho packer were willing to com ply with any new requirements, but thev were now losing money on their English market, but were carrying it to develop the trade. "But wo feel this to be an unjust bu den and one we ought not to b called on to bear," he added. Chairman Wadswortb akd If any com plaint had ever been made as to th qual ity of Uie good shipped abroad. "Well," replied Mr. Wilson, "I could not say 'no' to that guestlon. Occasionally we have a case of good sent back, but we always try to get hold of tho goo. 1s that are the' subject of complaint." "What Is the result on your foreign market of the present agitation?" aakad Mr. Wadswortb. "The result la very disastrous." replied the witness. Foreign Denaaaa Cnt In Two. "Our foreign demand has been practi cally cut In two. Our foreign competitor are all making tha most of this and aro getting the benefit tf agitation and w ar standing th loss." "Naturally," suggested Mr. Wadawortu, "if your foreign demand fall off your purchase of live stock wtll bo lesa." "I do not ae wber w ar to find market If our foreign trade la out off," answered Mr. Wilson. "Well," continued Mr. Wsdsworth," "you will not have to buy th stock." "No, but cattle raisers r accustomed to ship their stock to Chicago and gat their money for It. If thla should top I don't ee how w ar to avoid a terrlbl calamity In th west," responded Mr. Wilson. "If.-' h said, "the packer ar required to pay for thl Inspection It would be a reasonable position for th packer to take that they would not buy tho stock that haa been condamnad. Un der the Beverldge amendment. Mr. WIL son said It would be poaalbl for th ecr tary of agriculture to put an Inspector at the elbow of every workman and charge tho oot to the packer." Representative Lorlmer (III.) suggested that the Beverldge amendment would put out of business thousands of slaughterer doing an Interstate business snd would re sult in creating a "beef erut" In reality. Dr. Melvln. x-hlef of the bureau of ani mal Industry, waa asked Incidentally to state the number of government Inspec tors lu Chicago. He ana wared seven ty seven. fifty-nine stock examiner and fifty Ac taggers, making 181 In all. In th whole service he (aid there are 7SI. Representative Henry of Connecticut complimented Mr. Wilson for the showing he had made, saying: "I don't think the Chicago packers mad any mistake In the selection of th repre sentative they msde to plausibly present a somewhat dubious case." elll Replies to Wilson. M. Kf(iI, then BQ. on th. .tand. M conditions found aud suggestions for reror. di'-H, thon to aalt thirty ds and eoai bsck and ae if condition had not baea bettered. Thl. h Indicated, was to pre vent Injury to tho trad. kd KaS hatd a avpUad. tbM M M tw ,wtfaorta a .