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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, .TUNE 7, 1$0i. SALTPETERS WIN THE THIRD Lincoln Hal Two Ont of Threa of the Pretent Series. VISITORS BEAT BY PLAYING BETTER Issalre Falter Makes imr Derlalffa ( HI Career m Tama? tor ! Beaelli of Klka. The Saltpeters took the third ,m( of the present series from the Kouikes at Vinton Street park Wednesday afternoon by the score of 3 to 1 by playing; better ball all the tray through and winning a hard foiiKht (tame on Its merits. There were times thruuch the tunc when the lack of decision on the part of Mr. Fuller, who whi rilling- the umpire's position, gave the home team much the worst of the deal, but this may have not been surrlelent to have changed the result. The spectators, sitting back of the home plnte, were led to wonder how a man standing right over the plate with his towering six-foot-six could have gone wrong o often on balls nd strikes. McNeeley and Jones were the opposing slab artists. Jones had pitched three In nings the day before, but this, did not top his effectiveness, lor he got away with trig alight curves In fine style. Mc Neeley was given poor ' support In the opening Inning- and this took some of the ginger from the play. Although he worked apparently as hard all the way through. Several remarkable stunts were pulled olT during the game. Dolan at rtral was credited with but four putouts for the en tire game, while Bnesey, in left. had elRht and Carter four and "Welch none. The In flid had but flvi assists. Fuller did sonic of the dumbest umpiring In the third Inning ever seen on the home grounds. Bender was at bat with two and two on him when a ball came above his shoulder, which Zlnran missed. Bender asked the umpire what It was, but the ump. refused to say a word until the ball had rolled over to' the visitors bench and was thrown to tlrst. when he. called It a strike. The flrrt Inning started out bad for Omaha. Flllman hit a hjgh one which Her man Ixng muffed because he. did not make sufficient allowance for the wind. Holmea flew out to Carter and Qulllan was hit with the ball. Ketchem flew out to Carter and a double steal was started by Flllman from third and Quillnn from first. Bender threw the ball to Itunkle In time to hold Qulllan off first and then, keeping Flllman on third he followed Qulllan bark almost to first and threw the ball to Cosey Joe. The play was too easy for Joe, so he dropped the. ball and Flllman scored. The second run for Lincoln was made, by Jones In the fourth, who hit for a triple and came home on Qulllan'a single. The third run was came In the sixth In ning, when three alnglea were made In succession by Qulllan, Ketchem and Thmoaa. . Omaha' only run n made In the fourth Inning. Bassey waa given a life when Shorty Barton booted the ball and waa put out at second on Welch' grounder to Bar ton. Dolan' out- from Jones to Thomas sent Welch to econd and he scored on Rjnkle'a single. Bender started out with a hit In the fifth Inning, was sacrificed to second by McNeeley- and tried to come home on Carter' short single to right. Poor coaching on the part of Perrlng per mitted him to overrun third, for he had no chance to come home with Collin stopping trie ball where he did. Th same .team' will play Oil afternoon for the benefit of' the Elks' building fund; and all of the. receipts 1 win be given to that fund. Thousands of tickets have been sold, so it behooves the fans te be out early if they wish to get a seat. The score: LINCOLN. - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Flllman. ss .... 4 1 0 t 3 Holmes. If t qulllln. 3b 3 0 0 1 0 0 12 4 ? , 0 0 1 0-0 0 o s i o 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 t 0 12 0 10 J 7 2T 11 1 R. H. PO. A. E. 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 3 0 0 12.0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 t 1 . 2-1 0 0 0 2 O 0 O 2 6 0 0 0 10 3 0 1 7 27 5 1 10 0.100 03 0 1 o 0 0 0 0-1 j nciiBin. ci Thomas, lb ' 4 Collins, rf 4" Barton, lb .- 4 Zlnran, o . 4 Jones, p 4 Totals SR AB. Carter, rf 4 Long, 2b : 4 Bassey, If 4 "Welch., cf 4 Dolan, lb 4 Runkle. 4 Perrlng, lb 4 Bender, 4 McNeeley. p 2 Totals ; ; S4 Lincoln ...w 10 Omaha i. .,... 0 0 Two-base hits: Welch, McNeeley. Three base hit? Jones. Bases on balls: Off Mc Neeley, 2; off Jonea, 2. Hit by pltrhod ball: By McNeeley, 1. Struck out: Bv Mc Neeley, S; by Jones, 2. Left on bases: Lincoln, K: Omaha. T. Sacrifice hit: Mc Neeley. Stolen bases: Flllman (2, Qutl- Stop Your Pain Without Opium. Morphine, Cocaine, Alcohol or other habit-forming drugs. The Terrible Pains and Soreness of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Cramps, Lumbago, LaGrippe, Neuralgic Headaches, Painful Periods, Lameness and Stiffness are caused by Uric Acid Poison which settle puttf the Blood and form crystals like splintered glass in th part affected.. ' If I til Stop Pain and relieve Soreness Is to redissoWe these irritating crystals and cause thera to be thrown out of the system. Dr. K. C. Scott originated E-lim-i-na-tum for this express purpose. E-lIifl-I-na-tuni foMngrth tiu so they can be excreted without irritating the Kidneys and Bladder. People who think will us It because it cures by removing the causa and leave no bad after effect. They will not us habit-forming drugs to deaden the sensibilities, and leave th poison In the system to tnak th case chronic, to require operations, or to develop enlargements and other deformities. A Fro Book of 64 pages by Dr. E. CT Scott with every bottle, or sent by mail on request. Ask your Druggist for r.-lim-ln-a-tum. 1 lot. bottle 1 1 . Accept nothing else. Ilumino Medicine Co.. ie Molues, la. 10c Hoffman House Cigar, 5c $2.50 Per Box of 50 Cljirj "All Thlg Week.;' 10c El Afecto "Invlnclbles.v 5c $2.50 Per Box of 50 Havs 4.J00 on sale as long as they last. Th above goods arc tn good condt tloo and ar the lowest price ever quoted In Omaha. If you amok do mestic clears, it will pay you to load up at thes prices. .This include you, Mr. Dealer, also! Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Sixtttnth and Firnam Sts, . B. 8.-r-8ells-rU)to Circus ticket on al Tbursdsy, Juc 7th. lln. Thomas. Time: 1:32. ' t'mplre: Fuller. Attendance: WO. Paeblo Hard, Hitters. ri'KM-O, Colo.. June . Th Indiana to day outbntted the visitors, two singles and as mntiy home runs In the firth cinching the g.ime. Llndsey opened f"r the Psrk ers anil was hit hard and after allowing a single and a home run In the fifth was replaced by .larrott. The visitor" were held nfe until the ninth, when with two outs the bases were tilled, but he side wa retired when Campbell was furred out at second on Noblltt s drive. The score: FLEBLO. AB. A. H. PO. A. E. f'ook. If & 1 0 2 0 0 Mc'rilvray. lb 4 1 J i 0 Hhuaart. 2b 4 112 3 0 MHihlor. rf 4 1 ' I 2 0 Klnke, rf 4 113 0 0 F.lwert. 3b 4 1 1 2 0 Kick, ss 3 114 3 0 Mci,ltt. c 4 H 1 3 0 0 Minor, p 4 U 1 0 2 1 Totals 3 7 13 27 S 1 SIOUX CITY. AB. A. II. PO. A. Campbell. If 4 0 Noblltt. rf 6 1 Meyers, lb 4 2 Weed. 2b '. 4 1 Tate, rf ..4 I Newton, ss. 4 0 Rheehan, 3b-. 4 0 Hess, c ; 3 fl Lindsay, p...... ,1 0, Jnrrolt, p 2 0 , Frt st 1 (I Totals ...Hi 6 2 1 10 :-4 li Batted for Hess In the ninth. Pueblo 0 0 1.1 4 1 0 0 7 Hloux City 2 0003000 06 Two-bane hit: Weed. Three-base hits: Messltt, Weed. Home runs: Melchlor, El wert. Bases on balls: On Minor, 2; oft Jarmtt, 1. Struck out: By Minor,' 3; by Lindsay. I; by Jarrott, 3. Double plays: Flske to MrOllvray. Left on bases: Pu eblo. 6; Sioux City. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Keefe. Attendance: 480. He a koines looses at Denver, DKNVKR. June 6 In one'of the rockiest gsmes played at Ienver this season the irlMlles defeated Des Moines, ti to 6. to day. The visitors lilt Morgan for two runa In the (lrst and three In the second. Paige, who relieved him, held . the Champions safely the rest of the game. Five of the home club's, runs came together In the opening Inning on a hunch of hits and errors, and Rh nil all's single drove Mcllale home with the winning run In the sixth. The game was played under difficulties, a high 'wind sweeping dense clouds of dust across the diamond throughout the game. Score: Denver: AB. R. It. PO. A. E. MrltaV. cf 4 2 1 1 0 0 T. Smith, 2b 4 1.1 0 3 0 Randall, rf.... ",. 2 1.1.1 1 1 Russell, lb 4 1 1 11 1 1 Reddlck. 3b 4 0' 0 3 0 Beltlnn, If....: ; 4 0 0. 3 1 0 J. Smith, ss: ..4 1 0 " 0 1 Welgardt, c 2 0-0 S 1 1 Morgan, p..... 1 0 1 0 2 1 Paige, p '.- .2 0 0 0 0 ' 0 Totals ' :.31 5. 2? 17 i DES MOINES. AB. R. H. PO. A. 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 V Caffyn. If Ol-eary. 3b Welday, cf....;. Dexter, lb Towne. c Hogriever, rf... 1 1 2 1 0 0 10 1 3 14 0 0 Andreas, as..... Magiion, 2b McKay, p . . Totals 30 6 5 24 11 Denver '...'. .'.D O 0 0 0 1 0 0 -6 Des Moines 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 Three-base hit: Mcllale. Stolen hasea: Mcllale, Caffyn. Welday. Andreas (2), Ma goon. Passed ball: Welgardt. Wild pitch: McKay. Hit by pitched ball: .Randall, Paige, Andreas. Bases on balls: Oft Mor gan, 4: off Paige, 3; off McKayw.4. Struck out: By Paige. 6: by McKay. V , Left n bases: Denver. ; Des Moln, ,2. First base on errors: Denver,' 2: Das .Moines. 2. Double play: Randall. Russell and J. Smith. Sacrltte hits: Hogriever, O'Leary,, Time: ?."90. L'mMre: Davis. , . '. Standiaa; of the Teams. Played. Won. lost Pet .s; .5h2 . .54f. .300 .455 Des Moines Omaha Sioux City . 3? in. 11 3' 33 34 33 ' 1 18 17 IS uenver Lincoln Pueblo ...... 32 Games todav: IJ Moines at Denver. Sioux City at Pueblo. . BENEFIT BALL GAME FOR';BijKS ArrangemeDts for This Afteraoow Are Moat Complete. cv:-7- Chslrman Lvsle I. Ahhot of '(Tie Flu' building fund beneflt committee. Vas called up ny telephone ffom Fort Crook gnd waa informed that the Thirtieth Cnited -States Infantry band, under orders received On Tuesday from Washington, wduli' proceed Wednesday morning to the targ.-t range near Fort Crook, and' for this reason the engagement of the band to play for the Elks at the beneflt ball game this, afternoon would nave to be cancelled. Mt," Abbot got Into Immediate telephone cjrnnuncatlon with Manager W. W. Cole of Krug park, who placed the services of J. M. Finn's Royal Canadian band at the disposal of the committee for today. The street rail way company has placed a street csr under the. order of the ' committee of arrange ments, for the use of the band. The band will make a street car trip around the loop In the business part of the city for about one hour, after which lunch will be served for the musicians In the Elk rooms. They will proceed to the park In tile street car at 1 o'clock, -and will give a concert preceding th game. Inasmuch as, several .thousand tickets have already been sold, the attendance of thoae who desire good seat veH be at an unusually early hour this afternoon. The grandstand will be reserved for the women. There are 26 seats In thirty-two private boxes, and these boxes will be sold by auc tion by Carl Keller -at 3:30 o'clock. An of fer of $31 for the first choice has already bean made by W. A. Rourke. Mayor James C. Dahlmun. recently elected a Member of Omaha lodge, will pitch the first ball. . . Dea Moines Offers to Play Beaver City. BEAVER CITY. Neb., June . (Special Telegram.) The Beaver City White Can, the crack hall team of western NebrasKH, which has never been beaten, today by long dimance telephone was offered a game with the Des Moines league team at Hoi drege for next Tueaday. The White Caps had s previous engagement at Arapahoe for the same date, consequently could not accept, although It la probable that they could have given the Iowa people a hot game. Wahoo Shots On Schaylrr. WAHOO, June (Rpeclal Telaa-ram.) Wahoo shut out Schulyer. Kads" cood pllclilng and rood support did it. ' R.H.E. Wahoo : . 0 t 0 0 0 1 0 8 ft 10 2 Schuyler 0 0 0 A 0 0 I) 0 0-0 t 4 Ratteriea: Watioo, Kads ami Johnson. Earned runs: Wuhoo, 2. I'niplre: Cook. Attendance: 300. Wahoo plays at Fremont Sunday. lana I.eaajo Results. MARSH ALLTOWN. Ia.. June . tSpecial Telegram.! Following are the results In Uie Iowa ledgue: Fort -Dodge, 11; Marshalltown, 3. Burlington, 8; Oskaloosa, 0. Ottumwa, 3; Keokuk. 2: Waterloo, 11; Boone, 4. ' tiood Car HcrTlee to Clak) Hoaae. The directors of the Omaha Rod anl Gun club have arranged with the Omaha Council Bluffs Street RaMway company for a good service to the club houts grounds during the summer "notiths. A half-hour service has been arranged, the car to leave Sixteenth and Locust streets ii n the half hour, and returning, leave the club house on the quarter. This serv ice will continue from ( a. ru. until p. m. The club house of the gun club is completed ami work will begin on th; boat house Friday. The , directors are pleased with this new csr service, as tho ftra.lo (ourtland beach have been dls ccnlinued. Grotte Captala City Hall Mae. The city hall . base ball team has been organis.'d with a republican captain to en gage in battl with a nine front the court house, date and grou,iids to be announced later. Dick Grolie, i kief . clerk of the building department, was t'.rt'ted csptaln of the city hall aggregation and will play left Held The rett cf the lineup is aa fol lows: First base. Tom Flynn; second. W. K. Slockhain; third. Dan Whitney; shortstop. Harrv Prlnieau: pitcher. Dar. B. Butler, catcher. Donahue: right field. Wood Hartley; center field, Jellen. Mayor Dahl- nian ia te manage the team from the bench, Maekar te Hlh Gaa. LINCOLN. June (Special Telegram The second day's shoot of the Nebraska Sportsmen's association was a record breaker In point of attendance ana entries. Our of Vx targets the folio lag snored the hthewt: ... Maekay H r ... Maxwell Vsati h ...WAlMlrraon ... in ...IS Meyer 1 ...IS Cos .a , ... W ...1J Dixtan 14 .. !. , . ' landeriuaai . it tll tali all utsUt t uauslete Hie tab-. ulatluav - ' T ' f t ?i ' NEW YORK EASY FOR CHICAGO Windy City Blutrfew Pound" Gotham Twirlen for Kinetetn Hit. OVERALL HOLDS THE CHAMPIONS SAFE Rome Teas Makes Fear Hits, Which Ret Three Raae Scores of Other Games. NEW TORK. June . Chicago won from New York again today by the easy margin of 11 to 3. The visitors hit the local pitcher at will, while Overall, who pitched the greater part of the game for Chicago, held New York safe. Score: CHICAGO. SEW YORK. . B H O A C. B.H.O.A.E. Slagl. e.t 1 0Brn,hn. el 4 1 t 0 Shf-kird, If., t Srhulu, rf . .. (tiinre, lb... t I v Hruwne. rr. . . 1 I V i I 0 MrOann, lb . I 114 1 t SMerte. If ... I It 0 til Lahkn, K....S 1 1 0 4 1 lirrlln, 3b.... 10411 II Oniltwrt, :t... 4 1 t OHnverman, r. 1 l I I 0 10 STavjnr, p i 1 0 0 1 0 A 0'V.r.hnil ... 1 ft J 0 o I Frnru'on, p.. 0 0 not 0 0 14 Totiln 10 4 XI It i CHrlrfrldt, It) t Tinker. a. ... t r.Trr. Is.. Mnran, r.. Harper, p. Klln .... Overall, p. Oeaaler . . Betbe, p... Trfl 42 It IT f Batted for Harper In second. Batted for Overall In ninth. Batted for Taylor In eighth. Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 7 0--11 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-3 First on errors: Chicago. 1. Left on bases: New York. ; Chicago, 10. Bases on balls; . On Taylor, 1; off Overall, 7. Struck out: By Taylor, 1; by Overall, 4; by Beebe, 1. Three-base hit: Schekard. Two base hits: Browne, Sehulte, Chance. Tin ker. Kling. Base hits: OfT Taylor, 18 In elgnt innings; off Ferguson, 1 In one in ning; off Harper, none In one Inning; off Overall, 3 In 7 innlnga; off Beolw. 1 in nun inning. Sacrlfli-e hits: Chance, Evers, Oess ler., Stolen bases: Browne, Devlin, Scheck srd, Schulle. Double plays: Gilbert. Dali len, Mcrjann. Hit bv pitcher: By Over all, 2. Wild pitches: Taylor, Overall. Um pires: Emslle and O'Day. Time: 2:fl6. Plttabnrir Shuts Oat Boston. BOSTON. " June 6. No Boston "player reached second In today's game, anil of the two hits allowed by Ieirteld. Btrobel's wan a scratch. An amusing feature was the unsuccessful attempt of the Boston Inrleldcrs to run Wagner down between base. Clarke scoring In the meantime. Score: PITTSBURG. B08TON. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Baaumont, cf. 5 1 0 0 OOooil. If.... 0 t Ganley, rf.... 4 t 4 t Clarke. If 4 1 0 0 Wagner, aa... I t 1 3 Nealon. lb.... 1 ft 7 0 Leach. 8k 4 1 0 S Rllrhey. lb.. 4 1 11 Phalpa, c 4 0 10 Lalfirld, p.... 4 0 11 0 Tenner, lb... 0 Brain. b 0 Balaa, rf 0 Howard, lb... 0 Dolan, rf 0 Naedhani, e... OHtrabel. as.... 14 0 1 toot 0 0 0 0 0 14 1 0 I t 0 t 20 13 10 0 14 1 10 0 0 OYrmna, p ' Brun Total! U IT 10 0 Totals Ba'ted for Young In ninth. Pittsburg 0 2 4 0 0 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 .ti 1 17 11 I 0 2 0 0-8 0 0 0 00 Two-base hit: Clarke. Three-base hits: Leach, Wagner. Stolen bases: NeaJou, Clarke. Double plays: Wagner to Nealon, Ritohey to Wagner to Nealon, Lelfleld to Nealon. Bases on balls: Ort Lletield, 4; ofT Young, I. Hit by pitched ball: Howard. Struck out: By Lelheld, 8; by Young, 1. Time of gairra: 1:41. Umpires; Carpenter and Conway. Claclnnatl Is Shot Oat. PHILADELPHIA, June . Cincinnati was unable to hit Richie today and was shut out. Importune hitting, coupled with mlsplays by tne visitors, gave the home team Its runs. Score; PHILADELPHIA. CINCINNATI. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E Tkomat, cf... I 110 t Huiflna. 2b.. 0 0 2 1 i) Oleaaon, lb..; 4 V I 1 0 Barry, lb 1 t t 1 1 Kallar. If.... 4 0 0 0 0 Seymour, vt. .40 1 ODeirhanty, lb 11 1 0 Corcoran, aa.. 4 0 1 4 lOdwall. rf.... 4 0 1 1 0 Ltvinsaton. c. 4 1 I 1' 0 u 0 t 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 I 0 Courtney, lb. 4 2 0 Mass, If 4 1. 4 Tltua. rf I 1,1 Brannfleld. lb I 0 7 Doolln, aa.... 10 1 Dooln. c 1 2 T Klchla. p 1 0 0 0 0 Kraiar, p..... : 1 1 Srhlel Totali. .....It III I I .10 0 Totaia...... 21 I 24 II 0 Batted for Fraser in the ninth. Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 1 .0 1 3 Cincinnati ,..t........O 0 0 0 0 '0 0 00 -Ieft on' ' bases:" Cincinnati, V, Phila delphia, 4. 'Stolen bases: Delehanty Magee (2). Thomas. Two-base hit: Courtney. Bac sacrltlce hits: Frater, Huggins. Double plays: Bransfleid to Gleunon to Doolm. Corcoran to Eraser. Tltua to Doom. SSirucK out: By Rldile, 8; by Eraser, 2. Basea on balls: Oft Richie. 6; off Eraser. ?. Wild pitches: Frater, 2. Hit by pitched ball; Barry. Time: 1:45. I'mplre: Klem. Brooklyn Shots Out St Loots. BROOKLYN. June . The wildnesa of Brown was responsible for the ahutout that Brooklyn had over St. LouIb today. Score: BROOKLYN. ST. LOUIS. : B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Caaay, lb 4 2 11 0 Bennett. 2b... 4 O 0 0 Batch. If I 1 10 Shannon. If, ..4 Lumlay, rf... I 14 1 o fmool. if . .. . . 4 Jordan, b....l 2 10 l .VBerklay, lb . J Malorey, cf..4 110 OArndt. lb.... 3 Ratar. e .1 0 4 1 OHoaltk'tat. rf 2 Alperman, 2b I 0 I J 0 McCarthy, c. I Iwla. aa.;... I 0 0 I ft McRrlilc, ..3 Paalortua, p.. 1 0 1 2 0 Brown, p 2' 11 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 II . 0 .0 ft 0 0 0 110 0 0 1 0 tt 12 10 t 9 4 I Totaia 30 ,1 ti 10 ft Total M I 24 12 1 Brooklyn 30000002 St. Lculs .'..,.......0 ft 0 0 010 0 0 0-0 Two-bnse ' hit: Casey; Bucrlflce hit: Liuniley, lewis. Stolen b:ise: Lunilry. Double plays: Jordan (unassisted, lumley and Jordan. Left on bases: 8t. Louis. S; Brooklyn. 14. Bases on bulls: Off Pastortua, 2; off Brown. 10. First on errors: Brook lyn. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Brown. 1. fetruck out: By l'astorlus. 2: by Brown. 2. Wild pitch: Brown. Time: 1:21 Umpire.' jonnstone. etandlnir of the Tram a Played. Won. Lost, Pet Chicago 4S 33 14 .17 Pittsburg; 44 2S New York 4 29 Philadelphia 41) 2M St. Louis 4S 21 16 17 . 21 V" 31 34 .571 .3i .413 .:i7 Brooklyn 4 in Cinoinnati 49 IS Boston 4t .12 2I1 Games today: Pittsburg- at Boston. Cin cinnati at Philadelphia. Chicago at New York. St. Louis at Brooklyn. CASES 1 THE AMERICAX I.EAt.lK Howell's' Fine ntchlna Enables ft. l.onls to shot Oat Sew Y ork. ST. LOUIS, June i. Exceptional pitch ing by Howell shut out New York todav Orth being hit for live runa. The fielding or both teama was sensational, especisity that of Chase, New York s nrst baseman Score: T. LOUIS. XEW YORK. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A E. Kiona. If 4 lit t Kealar, rf.... I 0 t 0 0 Hamshlll. cf. 4 lit tC'onro, aa.... 4 tilt 1 10 t t t-haas. lb 4 ft 11 1 ft 111 01,aporta. lb... 4 t ft 1 t I I 1. 1 Wllllajna. lb. 4 1 1 4 t I t t t r 7, If. 1 1 1 1 t 111 ( Hoffman, rf. I 0 1 ft t 111 tKleinov. c.l t I 0 t I t I tonh, p '.. 11111 Jonaa, lb...., 4 O Urlta. tb. Wallaro. aa. Mlaa. rf Hanaatl, lb Rlrb.l, c... Howall, p.. Totals U 14 17 It 1 Totaia II I 14 14 1 St. Louis ...0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 ". New York...0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 00 Earn runs: St. Louis. 2. Two-base hits: Hartscll, Howell t2, Williams. Sacrifice hit: Stone. Double plav: C'un toy. Williams and Chasu. Passed ball: Klelnow. Stolen bases: Nllea, Conrov. Hit bv pitched ball: By How. 11, Keeler. Wild pilches: By Orth. 2. First l,. . .i balls: Oft firth. 1. Struck out: By How ell. ; by Orth. 2. Left on bases: St. Louis. 8; New York, 4. Time; 2:00. Um pires; Connolly and Evaus. tlevelaaa Kaata Oat Boilva. CLEVELAND, June . Rhoades out pitched Wlatera and Cleveland defeated Boston. 3 to 1. The batting of Freema-i and Clark and Jackson's fielding were tho features. Score: ILEVCLAND. BOSTON". B.H.O.A.E. B.H O A E. Flick, rf 4 1 1 t S Parent, aa.... 4 tilt Bar, cf 4 I I t I Slant, cf 4 lilt Turner. a....l 1 t 1 tCrlianhaw. lb 4 t 14 1 I Laloie. :t . . 4 1 t 4 I bltac k. If ... 4 1 1 t t R -caian. lb. I t 1 1 u fMmaft. rf .l 1 t- V ii Jarkaun, If... I 1 t t tOoovln. 2S Bradley. Ik... I til r.m. lb. t lark, I I I 1 t Pataraos. c fthotdaa, p... I t I 1 t Winter, p. Total tt t 17 t Total... Cleveland ...0 0 0 0 1 0 Boston 0 0 0 U 0 Twe-haae hits: Bel bach, Freeman. Three bnsa hit; Flick. Sacrifice hits: Ross man. Khoadea, Freeman. Uodwin. Btolun buses: Jarkn. Turner. Double playfc: Winter and Grlmshaw; Stalil, Ferris and Grlmahaw. First bass on bulls: OfT Rhoades, J; off Winter, i. C-ft on bases: Clevelsnd. 4; Boston. 7. Struck out: By Rhoados, I. Time: 1:40. Umpire: o'Loughlin. ' Detroit Defeats watkUgtsa. DETROIT. Juns 1 With two out in the ninth. Sihalfly overthrew to first on Siever's , ral h hit snd (iiahl returned th ball to tell field. Uiog to catch tits tun- ner at second. Tin the two error the run tliat won scored l"p to this Incident It waa a splendid Contest. Score: riTR()IT . . WASWVOTON. B.H.O.A.E. H O.A.R. 3 Jonea. cf..4 0 1 I AUIr. . . . 4 Silt Pnnnvai. lb .'J t I OSrhalRr. Ik. ..4 I't 4 1 rrawfnrt. lb. ft 1 l rm. b 4 t t I ft V InlTi-a. rf.. 4 4 ft AMemnn. If . 4 110 1 i rf 4 I S Mlfliman. rf.. I I 0 ft rouahlln. Se. I SSI ftl'. Jnnea. it.. 1 I 0 ft O Inrr. is... 4 S t I 1 PtaM. lb I 1 14 1 I S-hmMt t... 4 14 1 KlltreJa. e..4 1 4 I Sievar, p .... 4 I t OKItoon, p I 0 1ft Totaia H I 27 11 1 Tatali St 7T4 U I Two out when winning run scored. Detroit . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Washlrgton 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 11 Sacrifice hits: Donovan. C. Jones. Stolen base: Coughlln. First base on balls: Off Rlevrr. 3; off Kltson. 3. Iett on bases: letroit. 7: Washington. 8. Struck out: By Slever. 2; by Kltson. 3. Double play: Kit- trertge to Altlser. Time: 1:3. empires: Connor nnd Hurst. Third Straight for f hleasro. CHICAGO. June . Chicago won their third straight victory from Philadelphia todav 4 tu 3. With two out and two on bases In the eighth Donohue hit to Brouth ers, who threw wild to 11. Davis and two men scored. Score; CHIIAOO. PHILADELPHIA. ' U.H.O.A K. B.H.O.A.E. Hahn. If I 1 ft 0 1 Hartarl. M...4 0 0 0 0 Jon.,, rf 1 ft 4 t t Brouthers, :bl t I I 1 n narla. an.. 4 Oil I Lord, rf 4 1(00 1tll. 2b 4 1 4 1 OH. Parla. lb. 1 1 t X 0 mnehue. lb.. 4 1 IS Sarhelcl. rf... 4 1 ft 0 O'Nrll. rf 1 Hot) IMurrhr. 2b... 4 1 t 0 Sullivan, e... I 1 i J rroaa. aa 4 2 1 I ft Tannehlll, b I 1 1 1 Ihchreik. 4 14 0 1 Owen, p I 0 t 0 Bn1fr, p 4 I 1 I 0 Totals.. k...M i 27.10 1 Totili.... 14 t 14 I I 0 1 2 4 0 O 0 1-4 Chlcafro 1 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia 2 O 0 0 U L"ft on bases: Chlraro. 7;' Philadelphia. Two-base hits: H. tisvls, Isbell, lx)rd, Murphy, Cross, Bender. Sacrifice hits: Hroutners, u Keui. . Jones. moien osses. Ilahn. O. Dsvls. Double play: Bulllvsn to Ibll. Struck out: - By Owen. 1; by Ben der 4. Bases on balls: Off Owen, 2; off Bender, 2. Wild pitches: Owen, i. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Sherldsn. Standla- of the Teams. ... Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New York .... 42 ... 39 43 .... 4 . .... 4 ' .... 40 ....42 44 2 1 .19 24 ir 25 H .Scl 24 20 .S4. 21 1 .n23 19 21 .4ft7 16 ' 27 .357 13 31 -'0 Cleveland Philadelphia St. 1OU1K ... Detroit Chlcaa-o .... ashlngion, Boston Gomel today: Washlnsrton at Detroit, Philadelphia at Chlraato. New York at St. Louis, Boston at Cleveland. GAMF.9 I AMRRICAX ASSOCIATION Kansas City Wins Flrat Contest and Second Is" a Tie. TOLEDO. June . Toledo lost the first srame of a double header through Inability to hit Swann. t'Mnnits had poor control and was taken out, Sutthoff substituting. Toledo was lucky In the second (rairte, for after Kansas City made nine runa In the last rain stopped the as me. This threw It back to the even Innlnars, with the score a. tie: Score, first game: KANSAS CITY. ' TOLEDO. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Perrlnt. aa... 1 0 4 fl CafinrM. rf... 4 1 1 A t raana4y, If... i 4 0 .!. rlarke. If. 10 110 WaMran, rf.. I I l SDemont, aa... 4 1110 Slattarr. lb.. S 113 9 t J 4e. rf I lit Hill, cf 1 1 I t tKruegor, lb.. 4 0 0 1 1 Pylc. :b i I I 1 OK nab, lb.... 4 1110 Burke. lb.... 114 1W. Clarka, lb I 14 0 1 lahv, c 4 0 1 t Abbott, r I t 12 1 0 Swann, p 4 0 0 S tratnnlti, p...l 0 0 ti Sutthoff, p... 1 1 0 1 0 Total! 41 14 17 14 1 Nanco 1 0 0 t 0 " TiiUla St 7 17 I I Batted for Camnitz In the fifth. Kansas City 0. 3 0 0 3 0 2 fr 210 Toledo 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Two-base hits: Phyhv (3). W. Clarke, Cannell, Perrlne, June.' Struck out: By Swann, 2; by Camnlti. 7; by Sutthoff. 7. Bases on balls: Off Sutthoff, 7. SaiTlflce hit: J. Clarke. Stolen bases: Mill. Burke, Phyle. Hit by pitcher: Hill, Jude. Base hits: Oft Camniti. -7ir., -five Innings; oft Sutthoff, 7 In four Innings. I'mplres: Has kell and Sullivan. Time: 1:45. Score, second game: TOLEDO. , KANSAS CITY. B.H.O.A.E; , B.H.O.A.E. rannall. rf... 4 1 1 0. Parrlne, aa... I 1 Nanre. cf 0 t't ft tfaaaail)'. If... 4 0 J. Clarke, If.. 4 t 1 0 OWaUlron, rf.. I t S 1 . 0 0 0 Demont. aa.., 1 Oil ORIauerr, lb.. 4 1 Jude. rf 4 1 t P. AMIII. rf 1 1 Kruaser. lb.. 4 1 l.l .tlMlir. rf..... 1 t Knaba. lb....l 1,1 i.tnijrie. !b I 1 W. Clarka. lb i 0 ,4 i . Byrka. Ib....l 0 una, c o- I I Diuran. c... I o J 0 riatl, p t 0 .0 1. 1 PTaatf, p.... I 1 Totaia.. Toledo 51 4 1410 1 rttauls...,..',:! 4 14 10 1 ' r !i'AOOAAnn t ' A.; " " " v v - Kansas City ......19 0 0 0 0 0 O-l Sacrifice hits: Demont, Perrin. Two base hit; Cannell. . Hit by pitcher: Piatt. Stolen base;. Knabe. ; Double play: . Knabe, Demont and W. Clarke. Bases on bulls: Off Piatt. 4. Struck out: by Piatt, 2; by Krantse, 1, . I'mplresj Sullivan and Has Kfll: Time; 2:tW. ,,, ) Distillers Defeat Saints. LOl'ISVILLE, June "C Louisville de feated 'St. Paul today in the iMcond game of the sAries. The game waa exciting un til the first half of the1 ninth, when the locals batted Parkins all over the lot. Score: ' LOUISVILLE. .:! . T. PAUL. B.U.O.A.B. ' B.H.O.A.E. Hallman, If . , 4 1 1 1 , U Ualar, lb I 1 I i i t 0 0 0 Hlovill. cf.... I 1 1 II C Siurdao. lb... I 1 11 nrahear. 2b. i Kuillvan, lb.. 4 Kerwln, rf... I Woodruff, lb. 4 Uutnlan, aa. 4 l 1 l t l l l l 7 OVanZandt. cf. I I 1 0 0 Krlk. rf 4 i : ft V 1 1 I 0 ft 0 0 (I 1 i 1 0 t 1 Rork'ftla. aa. 3 I 1 t Paddan, lb... 1 1 1 OCoy. If 4 I 0 t Plar-, c... 1 0 2 Drill, c. 1 t t 1 Buchanan, p. 1 1 l Shaw, c 4 1 1 Si her, p.... 1 ft Kanna. p.. .. l t o o l Carklna, p.... I 0 Totaia. .11 14 17 14 1 . Totaia 34 11 27 11 1 2 0 0 1 6 1 0 0 9.-13 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 08 fxiuisville St. Paul Two-base hits: entit'ld. gutnlan. hear. Home run. Mailman, Sugden, Rock- Three-base hits: Braa Sullivan. Sacrifice hits Frisk. Shaw. Stolen bases: Woodruff, Hallman, Stovall, Sullivan. Bases on halls: Off Stecher, 4; off Buchanan, 1; off Parkins, 1. Struck out: By Stecher, 8; by Kenna, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Qulnlan. Wild pitches: Stecher, Buchanan. Hits: Off Stecher. 7 in five innings; off Buchanan, 3 in five and one-third. Innings; off Kenna, i in four innings; off Parkins. 9 in three and two-third innings. Double plays: Par kins. Drill and Sugden. Lfft on bass: luisvllle. 6; St. Paul, 8. Time: 2:10. em pire: Owen. Milwaukee Beats Columbus. COH'MBl'S, O., June 0. Loose playing by Columbus helped Milwaukee to most of its runs, while sn error by McCorinlck kept t urt las from pitching a shutout game. Score: MILWAUKEE. COLUMBUS. B.H.O.A.E.' B.H.O.A.E. Rohlnaon, aa. i 1 I S 1 Pl.-kartaa. 'f. a t I u 0 Oimi. . rf 1 tit 0 Wnrlcy. lb . 4 1 1 1 1 Clark, lb.... 4 fi I I Hliuhnun, rf 1 1 0 t hnl.maji. lb.. 4 1 7 I (l klhm. lb 4 t t 0 t Hemphill, cf. 4 1 1 ft Ol oullar, If.... 4 ft 1 t S Rulh. c , I 0 t I t FYIal. Sb 4 t I 1 0 M I'baui.r. If 1 1 0 VUulawltt. aa . 4 1 I i t McCnrm'k. lb 4 11 1 : Rjan, c, I It i t 0 (Mirtlaa, p I I t 1 Wall, p I 1 4 BIU 1 t I) 0 Totaia M III I I Total IS 4 :7 11 Ratted for Veil In pinth. Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 " 1 i Columbus O 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 O-l Stolen bass: Robinson. McChcsney. Btic- iitice hits: Robinson. Kotn. Bases on Pans Off Vfll. 4: Cui'tius. t. Two-base hits: Wrtg lev. Three-base hits: Hulswltt. Home run: McChasney. Hit by pitched ball: Reducing Stock We must have more room for idly Inrreajws. We give here a few of our great bargains on Kicyclcs, etc. It will pay you to inresligate. I . Second lfnd Blylss From SS.OO Up. LOUIS FLESCHER, TEI. BOl'CLAS 814. 1823 CAPITOL AVEM E Hulswltt. Struck out: Bv Veil. 4; Cifttlss. 4. f'Assed ball: Roth. Time: 1:40. t'mplre: Kane. Millers Win Pitchers' Battle. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., June . Today's game was close, but Thomas of Minneapolis had a shade the better of the pitchers" con test, winning for his team. 8ore: MINNKAPOIJs. ISPMNAPOIJS. B. 11. OAR B H O A E. 4 1 t t 0 Darta. rf I ft 1 Vinson, if... S'llllran. rf.. 4 I 0 ft 0 J t arr. aa. Hart, lb I 1 10 t ft Hlm. cf.. Oremlnser. lb I 1 1 4 1 1. I rrr. lb. llraham. If... I lift t Pern . If .. oviar. aa 4 ft 1 1 a Hnlmaa. c. Sbannoa, C..4 1 7 1 ft .tama. Sb... rn. 2b 4 1 4 1 Varcan. 2h. Thomas, p .. 4 1 t 1 1 Flaher, p... 1 1 I I t II 1 ft I I 1 0 1 1 t Totaia ;t T ST 1 Totaia II t it 1 ft Minneapolis 0 0 1 0 0 o 0 1 02 Indianapolis ..." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Basea on halls: OfT Fisher, to off Thomas, 1 Struck out: Bv Ftsher. 2; Thomss, 5. Two-base hits: Shannon. Three-base hits: Hart. Sacrifice bits: Davis. Hart. C. Carr, Graham. Inuhle plays: J. Carr. Marcsn to C. Carr. Stolen base: Holmes. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 5; Minneapolis, . Um pire: Egan. Time: 1:55. Itasdlsg of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. .fr, .not .5 0 .ti57 .4M .177 Toledo Columbus . Milwaukee . Kansas City Minneapolis Louisville . St. Paul ... lndlatiaoolls 43 49 40 4R 43 44 43 2H 17 22 IK 22 va 21 22 24 2S .412 4n 17 ,37S Uanies today: Milwaukee at Columbus, Kansas City at Toledo. St. Paul at Louis ville, Minneapolis at Indianapolis. EVKVTS OX THE nirVM.Mt TRACKS Rood aad .Plenty Wins the Grand National Steeplechase. NEW YORK. June 8-Oood and Plenty, carrying the heavy Impost of 170 pounds, won the Grand National steeplechase, about two and one-half miles. St Belmont park todav. Grandpa was second snd llerculo'd third. The . time, 8:28. Is twelve seconrls faster than the previous record, held bv Good and Plenty, made on May 20. this year. The field that faced the starter for this race consisted of some of the best timber toppers here. Fellaheen made the pace for about a mile and a half, where he tired. Grandpa then took command and led to the stretch, where Ray, on Good and Plenty, brought his mount up with a rush snd won by four lengths. Water Pearl, second choice, easily won th" Kvllpse stskes, defeating Oran. the 15 to 20 favorite, by three lengths. Welboume. a SO to 1 shot won the first race, seven and a half furlongs, and in doing so equalled the world's record for the dis tance. 1:32 flat, which was made by Dainty, at Oakland In 19"4. First race, seven and one-half furlongs: Welboume won. Geranium second. Far West third. Tima: 1:32. Second race, five and one-half furlongs: Golf Ball won, Royal Breeie second, Sar aclnesca third. Time: 1:07. Third race, the Eclipse stakes, fire and one-half furlongs: Water Pearl won, Oran second. Convolo third. Time: 1:064. Fourth race, the grand national steeple chase, about two and one-half miles: Good and Plenty won. Grandpa second, Her culold third. Time: 6:25. Fifth race, one mile: Telephone won, Neptunus second. Just So third. Time; 1 :JKi. Sixth race, seven furlongs: Pretension won, Mandarin second. Loglsttlla third. Time: !: CINCINNATI, June .-Results at La : First race, five furlongs: Bonart won. Hltnouth second. Alvlse third. Time: 1:00. Second race, six furlongs: Royal Legend won. Wlndsheld second. Oak Grove third. Time: 1:1. Third race. Ave furlongs: Boserrian won, Delia Thorpe second, Belle Scott, third. Time: l:06tt. Fourth race, seven furlongs: Cotter Town won, Harry Scott second. Bell In dian third. Time: 1:30. Fifth race, steeplechase handicap, short course: Otis L. won. Lightsout second. Port Warden third. Time: 8:06M,. 8lxth race, six furlongs: Mohave won. Banposal second, Gauze third. Time: 1:174. Seventh race, one mile: Intense won. St. THnmsny second. Leta Duffy third. Time: 1:46,. BI'FFALO. June t. Results: First race, five furlongs: Kilts won, Plantagenet second, Mafalada third. Tlm: 1 :03H. - Second race, five furlongs: Alyth won, Tom Dolan second, Round Dance third. nme: i:ue. Third race, one mile: Greville won. TTonH Dence second, Trlumphsnt third. Time: 1:454. ' Fourth race, five furlnnsa: Ktheon won Jack Atkln second. Triumphant third! Time: l.-03. Fifth rsce. one and one-sixteenth mllea handlcaD: Dishabille won. Snnf rir ond, Hyperion third. Time: 1:61S. Sixth race, one mile and fortv vards: Cadlchon won. Secret second. Thistledo third. Time: 1:49H. COMMERCIAL CM B GOLF GAME Two Teams Will Ploy at rield Clol Links. Tuesday afternoon of next week ths members of the executive committee f uie commercial club will leave their busi ness for a half day and play golf at the Field club. Two teams have been chosn by President Judson and C. M. Wllhelm. chulrmun of the committee, and the losing i. um win pay lor tne dinner. whlh mines after the game. A rule has been passed that those who refuse to play must caddy fot the others. Following are the earns: C. M. Wllhelm. F. W. Judson. H. H. Baldrlge. E. V. Lewis. Charles Pickens. J. C. Colt. T. A. Fry. George Kelly. D. Beaton. Will Yetter. O. D. Kipllnger. W. S. Wright. Arthur Karbach. H. K. Burkatt. R. S. Wilcox. Frank Curpenter. Euclid Martin. Jay Foster. K. E. Bruce. George Hammer. C. F. McC.rew. George Hoobler. J. fc.. George E. J. McVann. N. B. Updike. Arthur Smith. F. E. Sanborn. John Steel. Harry Weller. L. A. Benson. Miss Ration Wins Tennis Match. LIVERPOOL. June 6. There waa a Ana attendance when play in the English northern counties tennis chamtilonfchln games were resumed. The most Interest foouaed In the singles mutch. In which Miss May Sutton of Pasadi-tiu. Cul., met Miss J. D. Sturton of Lincoln. Throughout It was Just a question aa to the margin oy wnicn M'ss Mutton would win. She gave no quarter, and driving and serving with great power, won. H-0. 6-1. It is the general Impression thut the Americsn will retain the northern championship, despits th recent fine form of Miss D. K. Doug lass, who Is considered her most dangerous rival. In the ladies' doubles Miss Sutton snd Mrs. lllllysrd had a walkover. Misses Sturton and Carter scratching. D. R. Rhodea of Boston had for a partner E. J. Sampson of Manchester In the preliminary round of the gentlemen's double, and these two won comfortably over the others, Hugh and Harry Peace of Liverpool, 6-2. 6-0. 6-3. Games In Three-I l.easine. At Dubuque Dubuque. 1: Rock Island, 0. At Decatur Decatur, Z: Feorl; ninge). At Bpringfleld Springfield, 8; Blooming ton. 1. At Davenport Davenport, 6; Cedar Rap Ids, 1. TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR MOTOR-CYCLE BUSINESS. our Motorcycle burliness, which rap 2n.OO Colonial . . . Bicycle . . . .$20.00 Knihlem Bicycle . . . 9 iH Knihlem Bicycle. . . fAO Tribune Bicycle . . . MM) Bayton Bicycle. . 2nd Hand Motorcy cles. $60. $75. $100 and $125. DOeT.OKS FOREMEN '. N V, 'it- I I, - J i To men who are weak mentally, morally and physlrnlly, whose systems have at some time been polluted with poisonous priviitf dlM-nse. those vvlinxe depleted manhood forbids any advance toward matrimony, ami who nnve mwrle the mistake of marrying wh le there lurked In tlietr sys'rm some frightful weakness or poisonous ta nt of private diseases, and who now find themselves on the verge of social ruin. To all such men a conscientious snd experienced ilnctor would advise you to consult without delay the best specialists. One who has made a lifolon study of Just such cases. One who can quickly and fully understand your troubles. One who will not deceive you with false promises or nnbuslnes'4. like propositions. One who can an1 will cure you tn the shortest possible time and at the least expense to yo:i. Any man In need of such medical ad vice or treatment should come at onie to the State Medical Institute. We cure safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphlis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, self ahuse or the result of specific or private diseases. FREE CONSUITATIOJI AND EXAMINATION. ZTnoX,? ' p' STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha,. Neb. I rsnn rn fl t for DESTINATIONS: Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. DATES AND RATES: Daily round trip rate, $17.50. From July 10th to 10th, inclusive, round trip, $15.00. Colorado is a mile higher than tide water. Its atmos phere is charged with vitalizing ozone. .There is no climate that will more quickiy restore a depleted system than that, of Colorado; if you have only two weeks' vacation and need a quick tonjng up, try the mountain country. "Write for special Colorado folder containing list of de sirable resorts, ranches, parks and stopping places. . TO GLENWOOD SPRINGS AND SALT LAKE: Propot- tionate excursion j. B. Reynolds, C. EKZXKZ33J r, Mm Boston, Mass., and Return VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Rate Through New York City, $33.75. Tickets on sale May 31st to June 9th. Good returning until June 18th, with privilege of ex tension until July 15th. Stop-overs allowed at Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and New York City. Fast train leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m., arriving in Chicago at 7:30 a. m., connecting with all eastbound trains. Tickets and further information at City Ticket Office. 1402 Farnam street, Omaha. SAMUEL NORTH, "TVliiil.- ia Sit A CsHtln Cura lor Tlrsd, Ho, Aching FL WXaiyeMUaaAi DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. oa srery box. ) Spokane VCXmm assa E?Atllr-n H J' ij $ESLE5t Every Day from JuncT"! Oy) 1 to September 15. j 1 Tina'. Return Limit Oct. 31, 190C LlbersU Stop Over . I 1 I Privilege!. 1 i I Via tha 1 ) Great Northern Railway J . H I A Tha Comfortakls Way" I 1 im I . Inquire further of F. I. Whitney, 1 T. M., St. Paul. Mlna. 11 si.Hi.uu g i 4 of Semrf.ft G x Kjr AgPnt. I i .flO.OO Hj V, Ask ths sgsnt for amlilnar dates of lbs "stlnnesaU" a I 1 Q -m, "Lskota."' bimuI to Japan and China. I I i:VKKV I'l'KK A BK1J;IIT W1IKX IT'S A Hi fil lllTV Till.' v . -. -' - " F. R. Rice MercajiUle t' ' - ' ' ' ::: - - ' - - - It Is not o much of a calamity that a man contracts dlaaass or waaknassss, but that ha naglscts thsm or falls to sacuro tha propar trsat mant for thslr euro. tradlo rates throughout the summer. P. A., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. iW!amaiifcvVij''(i District Passenger Agent. em i .( p ' a --r For FREE Trial i-nltng. AUrireaa, Allen H. dimaieil, Leliuj. K.T " ll . 1 II t.lLJL.l. Ill" Ml-fcT. II.U'llH IMIHM - - - - - - - . , Co., Manafacturera, ht. Louis, Mo, I