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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
TllE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1906. "DE GANG" ON THE WARPATH HitcboocVHerdmaB Outfit 8weart Vtnr anoe Bec.auae it Can't Ban Dahlman. LOCAL DEMOCRACY SPLIT WIDE OPEN Sew Mayor Proves To Independent aad laaeres World-Herold Editor la All Hla Of- rlal Condnet. r tnose anuine cinb m. wltn sharply whetted knives and niMi-tr-iliig appetite for revenge. J 1 ai Victory has proved too much for the local democracy and well defined anu- - f.Ailnn haa Hn rirrwi need O n o arouna nd art over- And, aad- - . . - . rr d"t of all to the peaceful xoiiuwer 01 . Jefferson, Editor Oilbert M. Hitchcock ap- n0ira in iiava ininwl Iee lierdntan In icaling the feud afalnal the new mayor. There were muttering and splenetic lan guage prior, but the grlevoua talo came out In the limelight of the state conven tlnn primaries. Instead of a alngle deles; tlun In the field for the honor of repre tenting Douglas county at the Lincoln convention, It develop, that 104 nsmes have been filed for a maximum of sixty-four place. Thin la bad enough, but when It In known that the lieutenants of Mayor Pahlman filed one batch and the disciples of Perennial Candidate Hitchcock filed an other, the beginning of the worat la known. l,ee Ilerdman Marts It, The first public, eruption came with hit honor's break with Lee llerdman and the unfulfilled threat of the latter to tell the grind Jury what he knew about corrupt fHoiiKilxn management. Herdman got ao much publicity that he took to hla political cyclone celUr and report haa It that the grnnd Jury discovered It and had wasted two g'Mid county dollars on him for noth Ing fter iepulng a aubpoena. The antagonism to Dahlman la hydra headed. The principal objection against litm seems to be that he Inalata on being , mayor for hlmaelf and doing hla own thinking. I'll action In submitting the nsmes of republicans for valued appoint ments s roused much antagonlam Inside the rank, and till has been Intensified during the two weeks the democrats have had their lists hung up at the city hall. Is Too Independent. "He disregards the wishes of his party leaders," "He's altogether too Independ ent." ,,He won't listen to any one or take advice" and "He Insists upon butting In on tjie councllmen, whose Jobs are aa big . as his,'' are some of the remarks that can be heard about the mayor downtown and on the streets.' Hla action In making redhot speech to the council Tuesday night to drive the Rosewater appointment la regarded aa his biggest offense and prob ably equivalent to algnlng an out-and-out declaration of war with hla council. In the contest over the state delegation the mayor la accused of trying to control the bunch that goes to the capital, and Inasmuch as the remarks hostile to the Hltchcocklan senatorial ' candidacy came irom, the Dahlman crowd, the nerennlnl got scared and decided to get Into the game himself. Therefore the scrap Is on good and plenty nd bids fair to grow with the rising and setting of each aun. One thing the antl- Dahlman factlnnlsts would like to know rery much, and that Is If the mayor thinks he Is a, gubernatorial candidate. The democratic county committee met last night ' to "legalise" the primaries July 3. The democratic state convention come in less than seven weeks after the primaries, the Intervening Uma being re , 9',.r.,y, taw-. Lawyers aay the commit tee, by agreeing to endorse the successful delegation, can make the primaries effec tive, and this Is the plan to be carried out. TOOTH TALK NO. 34 Have you ever had any n pensive eiperlence '1U dentist who puta a cheap val ue on hla eervlres or one who, while he Is a rood talker, possesses no mechan ical Ingenuity whatsoever? You aay to yourself: "I don't mind the cost ao much, but 1 hate to go through all that torture again." Com and see me: I fill and crown teeth painlessly. You will be surprised at the success of this painless meth od of mine. Besides, I'm Terr food at crown and bridge work. DIl. FICKER, Dentist. 3HH Bee Hhlg. 'Phone Douglas 63? pes red on thu bulletin board In bright red letters, those' of the last word ao large that they could be read to Iavenworth street. One plllsr of the church was so Shocked that he walked a blork with hat drawn over his eyes that he might not see the 'color. Two or three weeks of Mr. Stone's most artistic work was all the deacons could stand, and after talking it over they requested him to dip his brush In more sober colors. Black Is used now on the bulletin bosrd. COUNTY STOREJAVES MONEY Cats flown ' niannrsementa for' the Tear Momethlnaj 1,1k Foif Thousand Dollars. A report of the rilsnursements from the county store house for the year ending May 31, compared with the disbursements for the preceding, year, shows thst In the neighborhood of $4,000 less supplies were given out last year then the year before, The decrease In expenditures shows up in all of the dosen items of supplies kept at the county store. The record Is attributed partly to the decreased demand for charity and to a great extent to management of the store house. During the last year Commissioners Tralnor and Ure each haa been chairman of the committee a half a year. The store house has been In direct charge of John H. Olassman. The greatest saving was In the Item of flour, $1,440 less being disbursed last year than the year before. Over $1,000 was saved on salt pork. The following table shows 'amounts of each Item dlnbursed during the year ending May 31, 1906, compared with the year end ing May 31, 1906, the figures given repre senting pounds, except In the Item of aoap, where they show the number of bars used: De- 190S. loos, crease. Flour 172.X30 WAS") 7S.9"0 DEACONS FROWN ON RED INK Pillars of Charch Will Sot Permit Advertising; Religion Meet ings la tbat Color. Church advertising should not be done In red letters, such us sensational dallies use, aay the deaenns of St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational church. Therefore they have asked Harry Stone to dispense with the use of flaming colors In the posters which he places before the church to announce the Sunday services. Mr. Stone Is a young- man with true advertising Instinct and believes In dressing up the church announcements In audi manner that they will be noticed by all. The week after the California earthquake 'Thing That Are Shaken" sp SUFFERED AGONIES 8ugar Coffee .... Tea Beans .... Rice Oatmeal . tornmeal Bait pork Soap Salt 31.176 8, ISO S.TUft 29.22 .4S 14.8A5 tf.bXi M.057 . 16.87 7.263 3..W 6.070 1.319 IS, 726 4.RN6 ' iws 20.130 24.966 0.123 4,739 10,794 3.090 1.116 io.6ri 3.163 6,268 17.103 13.102 6.6M4 3,624 SCHILLER. BUST FOR OMAHA Bronte gtata of Great Poet Gift of Germaas to City to Stand, la Rlvervlew. The German cltlsens of Omaha are now hsvlng made at Stuttgart, Germany, a bronse bust of 'heroic six of the great poet, Frederick von Schiller, which, ta soon aa It la completed, will be shipped to Omaha, presented by the' Germans of Omaha to the city and placed In River View park. The usual Intricacies of the Treasury de partment confronted tbem relative to the hesvy duties that would be Imposed on the shipment of the bust Into this country. They called Into requisition the services of Surveyor B. H. Barrows, who took the matter up with Senator Millard. Sur veyor Barrows received a telegram from Senator Millard Wednesday morning stat ing that Secretary Shaw had Informed him that In consideration of the fact that the bust Is a gift to the city the Treasury de partment will exercise Its discretionary prerogative and will waive the duty. Phillip Andres of Omaha, who has been the prime mover In the matter, called on Surveyor Barrows Wednesday morning, and In behalf of the German cltlsens of Omaha, expressed appreciation to Senator Millard. The bust will cost about 3,500 marks. Germs n money, or sbout $700 Amer ican money. It Is expected here shortly ana win come through from Stuttgart, In bond djrect to Omaha. Ordinarily the du'y on the but would have been about 46 per cent of Its cost ANIMUS OF THE CONTRACTORS Deaira Rejection of City Engintar for Oat tine Asphalt Flant and Laboratory. INTERESTS OF OMAHA IS NOT THEIRS Scheme to Defeat Daalmaa'a Appoint meat Contemplates, the Aboli tion of These Two Eye Sores to Them. Coincident with the effort to ouat An drew Roaewater aa city engineer Is a re ported effort on the part of paving con tractors to get rid of the chemical lab oratory of the department and the asphalt repair plant. Councllmen admit they had acme uch plan under advisement on tho pa of economy, and they said they had bjen told the laboratory waa a useless ex pense. That certain paving contractora are the sources responsible for the rejection of the city engineer by the council Is no se cret. For Nmi years the engineer tried to get a laboratory established so the quality of asphalt and other materlalj could, be proven to a certainty and the city protected and finally succeeded In IMS when the municipal asphalt repair plant wss put In operation. The repair plsnt and the laboratory have been re garded as the biggest stride Omaha has taken Irt yesrs toward the Induction of scientific and modern methods In public construction. Dahlman Is Determined. "I do not propose to drop the effort to retiln City Engineer Rosewater," said Mayor Dahlman. "I believe he la tho right man for the place and no one haa been able to dispute this to my satisfac tion. Any attempt to abolish the chemi cal laboratory should be resisted to the limit and I shall never permit It If It Is within my power. To discontinue th.i laboratory would mean a step bsckwards and remove one of the most Important levers for protecting the public' against unscrupulous contractors." It, was never possible to secure a chem ical laboratory for testing paving and building material until the asphalt repair plant waa built, although Engineer Roae water frequently pointed out the urgent need of the laboratory and requested funds to Inaugurate It. Made laboratory Necessary. The repair plant made the laboratory absolutely necessary and It waa put In and a graduate chemist placed In charge. Since then exhaustive experiments have been made to ascertain why certain asphalt jobs have proven failure and others sue cesses. The first of the year Chemist Klrschbraun made a detailed report of his researches. It was announced the engineer ing department for the first time In Its history was equipped with exact knowl edge to enable It to know what proportion of Ingredients la best for asphalt pave ments In Omaha. Not only this, but In a position to Insist upon faithful work from contractors and to Insure the proper con structlon of every foot of pavement. The expense 1 something more than $100 month and It is estimated that these tools alone can save the city hundreds of thou sands of dollars in two or three years. Such laboratories are the most valuable factors of the paving departments of the governments of Washington, New York and other progressive cities. Omaha's as phait plant and laboratory have been sub jects of constant Inquiry and Inspection from leading city engineers all over the country. Contractors Oppose Both. Not only la the laboratory said 2o be in danger from the Interested contractors, but the asphalt repair plant Is said to be slated also for the scrap heap. Nothing has been more annoying to the local contractora, ex cept the laboratory. Instead of letting re pairs by the year at contract the city has done its own work at prices heretofore un heard of, and so low that the profits on the contracts are obvious. The repair plan was started and has been operated under continuous assaults from its enemies. Despite this it has been so successful as to greatly encourage the Idea of the city doing Its original asphalt work, and this contingency la especially alarming to the contractors. been delayed for some reason, and the same conditions exist concerning the poles." - SEVERAL IMPORTANT TRIALS a? - Cases of Joe Wsrtfi, Chief Ftrlgas, Marahy, Elhonra and Mae Hayes Coming 1 n. The trial of Mse Hayes, the womsn who swallowed a diamond belonging to T. I Combs Co.. will begin before Judge But- ton of the district court Thursdsy morning. Both sides have indicated they are ready to proceed and the witnesses have been summoned to appear. The trial will be short and It Is believed, the case will be finished In one dsy. Next Monday County Attorney gHbaugh will csll up the esse ngslnst Joe Warren, one of the quartet charged with holding up the Saloon of Nels Lausten at Twenty first and Cuming streets the night he wss murdered. Warren was tried on a murder charge snd acquitted, but the rob bery charge still hsngs over him. Fol lowing the Warren case the Indictments sgsinst Chief Brlsjgs of South Omaha and Henry Murphy will be taken up, snd later the cases of former City Clerk K'bourn, charged with tampering with the primary ballots, and the Third ward election offi cials, charged with neglect of duty. m i"T v.gga tuna mm mm BIG CIRCUS TODAY. Fine Pnrnde Promised by Sells- Floto at Vp O'Clock Great Featnre Acta. The big show's talent comprises more exclusive feature acta than haa ever been seen before under canvaa with any one organisation. The program Includes the Peerless Teters, Internstlonsl aeriallsts, direct from a three years 'engagement In Europe. High tip In the dome of the great canvas they give a marvelous per formance, one almost nerve wrecking to witness, and when It Is all over you have seen the real kings of the air. . Then the Ty-Bell sisters, another Euro pean feature, performing moat astounding feats In mld-alr. De Carlo, Stokes and Clemming, a trio of flying comedy me teors, the Warren sisters, Cecelia Fortuna and the Sisters Mondaluson, all famous arena stars. The Martell family, premier bicyclists of the world; the Alpine family, expert high wire artists: Herbert the frog man; Mile. Hilda, the elastic Venus, anatomized marvel; the wonderful Marvel- los, eccentric dancers; Kitty Kruger, pre mier equestrienne. Here is the program for the day, which will be carried out In detail: 10:30 a. m The parade Is due to reach the downtown business district. U a. m. Free open air shows and open ing of annex departments of the show grounds. 1 p. m. Opening of the main entrance to the menagerie and big shows, allowing one hour to view the animals. i p. m. Grand opening pageantic touma- mental spectacle and regular program. 7 p. m. Opening of the main entrance to the menagerie and big show for the night exhibition. 8 p. m. The night show begins. Grand oriental pageant' and Asiatic display, en hanced by the electric lights and colored fires. A down town office for the sale of tickets and seata for the Sells-Floto shows Thurs day, June T. will be" open all day at the Myers-Dillon drug -store. 16th and Far nam, at the same -price as on the show grounds. FOR FOUR lj sir , (& Whole Foot Nothing But Proud Flesh Tried Different Physicians and All Kinds of Ointments Could Walk Only Vith Crutches-Ohio Man Says j "CUTICURA REMEDIES ' THE BEST ON EARTH" "fa the year 1899 the aide of mr right foot waa cut off from the little toe down to the heel, and the physician who had charge of ma waa trvinrto sew up tba side of my foot, but with no success. When he found out that wouldn't work, he began trying to heal the wound with all kinds of ointment. . until at last my whole foot and way up above toy rail waa nothing out proud fleshy 1 auflTertfiii un told agonies for four years, and tried aineraut physicians and all kinds of oint ments. I could walkonly with crutches. It ia sixteen months ago since I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment for my limb and foot. The first two months the Cuticura Remedies did not see m to work, but I kept on using them both. Ia two weeks afterwards faaw a change ia my limb. Then I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment often dur ing the day and kept it up for seven months, whan my limb waa healed up just the same as if I never had trouble. "It ia eight months now ainoa I stopped using Cuticura Remedies, the beat on Goda earth. I am working at the present day, after fire year of suffering. The coat of Cuticura Ointment and ckep waa only IS; but the doctors' bills were more like 1600. You can publish my name and refer any one to. write to ma about Cuticura Remedies. I will answer all letters if postage ia enclosed. John H. Uoyd, 718 8. Arch Ave., Alliance, Ohio, June 37, IMS." Ci lli lniil as4 lilnial Tl ula I it Skt IH riaa aa Sara.., tfmm lajaany la Am ..ik.4 mi CmImj Suae. Otautwet, Ma kaaat- ral, ty. ,1. aa af Cfta.UM Caataa n.aV lar par nal F-atf HIHM aJ' Hl-t riraa I mmrnt ( e-eva-laa-a-. CONFESSION FOR GATHRIGHT Plea of Oollty In Fiery Case Will Be Admitted a thf Dis trict ( oart. Clarence Gathrlght. one of the trio of negroos who tried to hold up Street Car Conductor Flury at Albright and shot him becaufe he resisted, will be permitted to plead guilty to a charge of murder In the aecond degree, to receive such a sentence a Judge .Button sees fit to impose on hlm.v County Attorney Blabaugh Wednesday announced lila willingness to accept a plea of guilty to the aecond degree count. A plea of guilty to murder in the first de gree could net be accepted, as the law provided the Jury must fix the penalty in such ca. Murder In the second degree carries with li ImurMohment from ten j yvara to life. Judge Slubitugh probublv will make no t'ecommendMlotta to the court ss to the length of the sentence, but says he will he satisfied with a twenty year sentence. Oalhrlght 1 the youngest of the trio snd It was through his evidence that liar. rison Clark wan convicted and decreed t.i Suffer, death and Calvin Wain was con victed snd given a life sentence. It is understood Usthright lis Indicated his willingness to plead guilty. al'anuuaM. aaiiwet SCIENTISTS 0N TO BOSTON Oae Hoadred aad Fifty ftebraskaaa .60 to. Meetlaa; a the Hofc. Nebraska will be represented by not less thsn )W persons at the meeting of the Christian Scientists in Boston. Of this number shout fifty belong to Omaha and Council Bluffa. The bulk of the delegatiou left last night over the Milwaukee road In five through sleeping cars. One Puli msn load will go east Tiiussday morning ever the Northwestern. The Milwaukee party will b beaded by J. F. Hummell of Omaha and will be accompanied hy Gen eral Passenger Agent . Moores of the Wa baah and Passenger Agent Buck of the Milwaukee, who will go aa far aa Chicago. From Chicago the delegation will travel over the Wabssh and the West Shore and Boston VI sine railroads. A number of Omahani had prevtoualy left for Boston, where the followers of Mrs, Kddy are as- I eerabltag from sll parts where the religion spread. The railroads have mad ape- UNION PACIFIC OFFICIALS General Superintendents and Head Operators of the Road Hold Meetings. Upon Invitation of the general superin tendent of the I'nlon Pacific all the hesd operating officials of that road are In ses sion In Omaha for a aort of a family gath ering. The auperintendents snd assistant superintendents of all the divisions, as well aa the trainmasters, met at the Com mercial club room Wednesday morning for a buelness session. This evening a banquet will be given at the Commercial club rooms, to which other head officials of the rosd will be Invited. The banquet will be followed by a lecture and a stere optlcon will be used' to explain the method of examination of employes on rules and regulations, automatic signals. Interlock ing switches and other paraphernalia con nected with the operation of trains. Mile" of' Mnale. Prof. Waterburan the world's champion pianist, wilt begin vhls wonderful " per formance of long-endurance piano playing In one of the big-. Bennett show windows Friday evening, promptly at 8 o'clock. The Bennett company offers unique prises to the person guessing the correct number of hours, .minutes and seconds the professor will be able to prolong his feat. , This wonderful performance Is regarded by physicians and scientists aa a most remarkable proof of the powers of human endurance. The professor never lifts his fingers from the piano. Nourishment and food are administered to him by at tendants. The stunt promises to be thi greatest sensation In window display at tractions ever known In western shopping circles. Bald the professor when Interviewed at his rooms In the Merchants' hotel: "Yes, It's mighty hard work and I don't deny but I suffer much from nervousness after the performance. This Is caused by Jois of sleep and the distressingly confining position. I play with both hands all tho time, and, should I sncceed in breaking my record of twenty-seven and one-half hours, I receive a handsome reward from an eastern piano firm, worth. Indeed, more to me than the remuneration I receive from The Bennett company. It la my determination to break my record in Omaha." Light Weight Summer Suits At these figures ice arc offering sweff t raf ted t weight plain and fancy worsted outing suits. These sensible summer suits are 'just the caper" for men who appreciate comfort and who appreciate saving $3.00 on their summer suit. Light greys arc predominating faddish touches with all the tony tailor s trichs in every garment. $1 LAD LIKES GLAMOR OF LIFeI Little Colored Chap Derelope Ab normal Hankering; for In dians and Policemen. Henry Hsyes. a colored boy who bss been in this world only six snd a half years, haa developed an abnormal crav ing for Indians snd policemen. The boy has on several recent occasions left his home at 1S20 South Tenth street to seek the company of redskins or the men who wear blue cithe snd carry clubs. Hayes Is now being detained st the city Jail pending sortie disposition of his case. The boy was found Tuesday night Bleep ing at the Northwestern hotel with crowd of Indians In the city as witnesses In federal court. Twice within the last two weeks the hoy came to the police sta tion alone and cried when taken away. The glamor of the life of a policeman or Indian seems to appeal to the boy more than circus tickets or msrhles and tops. SHERIFF AFTER WILD CRANK Called Ont of Bed at Night to Chase Fellow Who Fires Sev eral Shots. An Insane man with a shotgun created a panic in a Union Pacific grading camp several miles out of the city on the cut-off early Wednesday morning, and Sheriff McDonald waa called out of bed at S to assist In the cspture of the man. . By the time the sheriff arrived on the scene the culprit had escaped. Sheriff McDonald searched until 9 o'clock, when he returned to the city. The man is supposed to be a laborer temporarily erased by drink. He fired the shotgun at some of the night shift, but did not Injure anyone. jj i a Fresh clear skin from babyhood to motherhood mark the users of Tremendons Power over constipation, biliousness, etc.. Is shown In the marvelous cures made by Electric Bitters. (0 cents. Guaranteed. For sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Co. Pennsylvania-Sew York Service. The New York passenger service of the Pennsylvania .railroad system Is excellent 1 and . accommodating, with Ita up-to-dnt-trains running through to New York from 1 Chicago. These fast trains are extensively known as the New York Special, the Key stone Express, the Manhattan Limited, the Pennsylvania Special (18-hour train from Chicago to New York) and the Pennsylva nia IJmlted. There are nine trains dally from Chicago to Pittsburg over the Penn sylvania lines. Inquiries Invited and questions cheerfully answered by C. U. Kimball, assistant gen eral passenger agent Pennsylvania lines, No. 1 Sherman street, Chicago, 111. TRADE MARK) sip Extreme laboratory care in manufacture and uniform texture are indicated by its transpar ency and results in skin comfort and beauty. For toilet and bath, . JAP ftSSE If MA", "SOAP 3 jAs.SKiRKfl.Ca m. CfSUE aH 1M 1 aY. W ,fil mm Fishing and Camping; Rates to Madi son Lake, Watervllle and Elyslan, Minn., Via Chicago Great , Western. For parties of ten or more, one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for ten days. Tickets on sals dally until Sep tember SO. For further Information appb to H. H. Churchill, O. A., 1U2 Farnam St. BELLEVUE LINE IS DELAYED Grading; yot Done and Stories of In. mediate Completion, Smith Says, Are I'nanthorlsed. '"I don't know where the stories pub lished about the Immediate completion of the Bellevue line originated, surely not from me," said Genera) Manager Smith, of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Rail way company. "The fact of the matter Is the grading will not be done until August, and we hava not begun to lay tracks at all. We have no rails to lay, for they have raise (or the occaaloa. The Sew York Life Insurance Com pony's Balance Sheet. Some Idea of the tremendous volume of business transacted by the New York lite Insurance company la given by the fact that certified public accountants of New York City have been working for five months with a force of over 2O0 clerks checking and auditing the records of this company. The work wss finished June 1 and a balance sheet Issued, showing the condition of the company's business De cember 81. 1905, together wjtli a report, in which the following statement appears: "The general administration of the com pany la well organised, ita management la sound. Its business methods and system of collecting premiums are effective and economical and Ita books and records are well and accurately kept." This report will be of decided Interest to prospective ss well as actual policy holder and on account of ita unbiaaed source will prove to be the best advertisement the company could poasibly publish. It shows the excellent condition of the company, the strong reserve that is maintained, the excellence of securities held and the strong organisation maintained, all of which aro the best safeguard the policy holder can have. Louisville Home-Conilna; Celebration - Special party via the Northwestern Line. 11 p. m. June 11. Very attractive program enroute. Only $19.75 round trip. Inquire at city offices, 14l-3 Farnam St. jgm .si.iMsaasamami mtiipissaiinsiaisiaii.enBwmsiiMiiuiiui iwufj iiii.iTi Chicago Great Western Railway ...... . . THE DAY TRAIN FOR CHICAGO Leave's Union Station, Omaha, at 7:45 A. M. arrives Chicago 10:00 P. M. the same day. Obser vation End Parlor Car with Dining Boom and First Claas Coaches. Breakfast, JDinner and Supper served in Dining Room of Parlor Car a la carte. Cin TICKET OFFICE, 1512 FARNAM STREET Among the many medi cines for woman's ills there are none equal to the fa mous Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Every bottle is backed by a 53 years' rec ord of cures of Backache, Dizziness, Fainting Spells, Cramps, Nervous Head aches, Biliousness, Costive ness,. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Important Notice. Effective Bunday, June t, the Rock Island wtll maks radical changes In passenger train service In and out of Omaha. ' For detailed Information, call at 132! Farnam St., or I'nlon depot. WATCHES K renter, ih and Dodg sta thlrace and Ret am Via 1LIJNOIS CENTRAL IlA I INROAD Tickets on sale June 10th, 11th and 12th Good returning until June 17th. Tickets and further Information at City Ticket Office, leut Farnam St., Omaba. to bnaaio. . r. and return, from Chicago, via Nickel Plate roaa. june itn. itnn and 11th, with return limit of June 26th. Nickel place office, room 2M, No. ill Adams street. Chicago. Teft in tho Board of Trade. Mlea Maldie Bennett .left her post at the cigar counter on the ground floor of the Board of Trade building at noon Wed nesday and when ahe returned her hand hag. containing a natch, some papers and fi in money, aaa gone. It has not been found. The wstch hss' a Waltham move. ment and a filled case. The cash drawer at the ciaar counter wss unUx-ked, but this waa not nWsatsd. The police have been SVUOI4. Old Soldier Is Fined. Deputy United States Marshal Proctor ! returned from Oakdnle Wednesday morn ing, bringing with him William Alexander, an old soldier and notary public of that place, who ia under indictment for taking the acknowledgements of witnesses to cer tain pension vouchers without formally swearing the witnesses. The special of fense with which he la rharged ta aecur ing the names of witnesses to the pension vouchers of widows in which the witness asaerta that thu pensioner haa not remar ried since receiving her last pension with out formally swearing such witnesnes. Alexander pleaded guilty to the indict ment ana was nnea Lb py judge M linger. l.Ull,.OMmiaroSWSWmf'pafi.i AMmM'lfi I iiaasnal aiiieaimniii SIIBM.ntiAO'MI.-IISaWl I '"""I St 11 paaaaajaaaa., a a li nTi n aTiran nrnr ! I I Hj fa v H H H A Trite Saying. It U a trite saying that no man la itrongcr than hla stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts It In thape to make pure, rich blood helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisoit from the body and thus cure both liver and kid ney trouble. If you take this natural blood purifier and tonic, you will assist your system in manufacturing each day -a pint of rich, rod Wood, that Is invigo rating to the bruin aud nerves. The weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, is usually the effect of poisons tn the blood; it is often indicated by pimploe or hoiU appealing on the skin, the face heromiw thin ana the feeling blue. Dr. I'ieree'e " Tiscovery " cures all blood humors as well aa being a tonic that make one vigorous, strong' and forceful. It it the only medicine put up fur sale through driiKgiaw fur Ilk purpose that contains neither alcohol nor harmful habit-forming drugs, and the only one, every Ingredient of which has the profea atonal enrtorsmnent of the leading inedlcaj writers of thi country. Some of these endorsements are published in a Utile book of ei tracts from standard medical worka and will be sent to any addreve free, on receipt of request therefor hy letter or postal card, aJdreaeed to Dr. B. V. erce, Buffalo. N. V. It tells Jus what Dr. Pierce's mediciuea are made of. The " Words of Praise " for the several Ingredients of which Dr. Fierce' medi cine are com posed, try leader In all the several schools of medical practice, and reromoiendlng them for the cure of to diseases for which the Uoldu Medical Discovery " is advised, should have far mure weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the ao-cailad "teati soonlaU" so eonplcuoualy flaunted before) the public by those who are afraid to leg the IngredUnta of which their medicine are composMd be known, hear In mind that the "Golden Medteal Discovery haa Tac a a dor or honestt en every bottla wrapper, in a fnll list of It Ingredtaiit. Dr. Ploree'a Pleasant Pellets core con stipation. Invigorate the liver aad regu late stomach and bowel Dr. Pierre's great thoueand-pag lHna treted Common Sena Medio! Advise will be sent tree, paper-kmiad. lor 11 ooe eiampa, v UMH ddros Ik, Phsrc a abessa, HE OMAHA T THE- EAST See our schedules to some of the principal eastern cities: Detroit 21 hours BuffaJo 27 hours Syracuse 30 hours Albany 33 hours New York 37 hours Boston 44 hours Indianapolis. ... .21 hours Cincinnatti, . ... .24 hours Pittsburg .. ..... 26 hours Philadelphia. . . .'35 bouts Baltimore ....... 36 hours "Washington..,.. 38 hours The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train leaves Omaha at 6:(XJ p. m. Fast day train at 8:00 a. m. Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin cipal points. Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points. Cafe car service. Tickets and information at City Tielttt Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. SAMUEL NORTH. District Pcssenger Agent J M7E TO MEN FOR f Sid w.,.Jh? .0M eB"N M- SEASUS ft SEUIH f,,''h'l In Omut.a for l years. Th. many thou ! S of casus cured by us make us the most expert, encea Specialists in the west. In all disesHes and alU iod iu Sulckly?' k"0W Ju" hat w" cur HS at W, THEN YOU PAY IS 011 FEE W ma no misleading or false statementa or offer you cheap, worthless tieatmeiit. Our reputation and name are too favorably known every case ws treat, our reputstion Is at stake. Your health, life sod hap piness Is too serious a matter to place in the hands at a -MAMHlEaB BOCTOa." Honest doetors of abjllt use Ihetr OW sAka 1W VatsilS, DSUJBa. W can effect for even one a Ufe-loi.g CVS for Weak. Nerrowe Men, Varicocele troubles. Nervous DeMlu7 ,V Hoo4 Poison. Prostatic irnuhl.. l.'iMn.. ui.u.V )!" IMA, Hyarocel: Chronie DiseaaJS i ConirMUd L Mlemacb an4 lUln Dlseaae. PrUTF7 Eambatlon and Consultation. Write fas) Bab WAMH AJkiaa, ia aa4 l,oLa (Ueeta, a, Befceaaka. I