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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 1906. 12 OMAHA WKATHEB POIIKCAHT Ttmrwlay, Showers and Cooler. Witch Windowl tor De Mointt' Stockt 7 THE RELIABLE TRE PSBBBBBSSasSSBMsRtHsBBW THURSDAY Gur Greatest Sale LADIES3 SUITS Our New York Buyer Secured from a New York Specialty House Re tiring from Business 500 Stunning Models Tailored Suits Silk Jacket Suits and Silk Shirt Waist Suits Actually Worth is High as $25 Each, it . SEVEII-FIFTV i vtmu y it - k3aL u i 1 isgl The suits that arc displayed in the .window have been admired by thousands of ladies passing by. All are new style, and every new color is represented. The materi als are voiles, Panamas, mohairs, serges and broadcloth jacket suits, also the finest and most de sirable silks, prettily trimmed smart New York style in every 6uit and. worth from $15 to $25 Thursday, m very special sale price per suit only pi Big Millinery Special Iron Entire Line of Samples ol High Price Hats RoiMAppel 188-SM Broad way, New Yerk These hate are all models there is but one of each kind the latest and most becoming models for dressy summer wear all the newst shapes and trimmings Roth & Appel priced them at $7 to $10 each specially priced, at -1)98 and 3 98 FRENCH FLOWKR8 Tha well known Broadway milliner, J. J. John son, has sold to us all his samples of imported flowers, roses of all descriptions, every other desirable flower, fine foliage these were sold at 60c to $2 a bunch wholesale, at, per bunch .. 15c-25c Welcome Modern Woodmen We extend a cordial welcome to the Tisl ting Modern Woodmen of America to make yourselves at home In our great store. Check your baggage and parcels free. Free 'phone service. We will be glad to rea der you any courtesy in our power. Great Special Sales Now Going Oa VBBtm 8 ASal Sp eeully Planned for Visiting Modern Woodmen Men's Ciothi-n; The Favorite Greys, The Fashionable Blues Refined Patterns and Perfect Workmanship It Is a comfort to feel correctly dressed wherever you may be. Brandels' clothes are made by tha best tailors In Nov.- York. The styles are exact and tha clothes fit you perfectly. During men'j lsn Butt the Modern Wood- i mggm visit we offer a styl- i II J7 CT Vor8 ; 7a?y;u-.put-m Jill, u J n Men's Dressy Spring Suits Worth up to $22 14.75 All these suits are hand-tailored, shape-retaining fronts the long sack coat effects such fashion able suits never before sold for less than $21.60 special at... , Rojers-Peet Qi Co. CUthts for Men These are the clothes that appeal to the man who knows good goods absolutely the best r-ady-to-wear suits In America prices $30 y me down to.... , I.JU 7 'Mr POPULAR WOMEN'S OXFORD Wf have Just received slse of de layed shipment on one of the most popular and best selling Women's Oxfords ever shown in Omaha. Made of Oun Metal Calf Blucher Cut Military Heel New Drop Toe made to fasten over the instep with a strap and buckle very attractive and sells for S3.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. tun... iiuuu.. i.L.1 ii nsuM mmm wmw .mwiuri RARE tt-F.nniNG GIFTS vades this Interesting storo th. .Tune werifilna ' season, where on may re vel in exquisite (rift things tViA hnnnv hrlde. Oems, Xloh Jewelry, Ster ling Silver, Crystal Works of Art. The Silver Department la ' at its best wnn entirely new exclusive goods ror service lor aecorauon. . i Drown & Bo rs heim 1 JEiYlLLERo 'iZZZ South lOdtreetOmatvLf B for lr06 Catatlotfu (fr FREE DELIVERY OF DRUGS We have been delivering: DRUO STORE THINGS for many years, without one cent extra charge. In fact we have the first druggists in Omaha to adopt tha free de livery system but there are many people who do not know this so we will keep hammering away at them until every one knows It. Our store Is open all nlaht o have your Physician 'phone In your prescription and we win aenver them promptly. This is the time of year to rid your house of bugs and IX you use SCHAKFER'B SURE DEATH you can do it or it costs you noining. 16c Pint: 26c Quart: 50c Half Gallon; 90c v.aiion utui v tKELI. CUT CPIIACITD'Q DRurj PRICB w""w a," W STORES THREE BIG STORES. Corner 16th and Chicago. Omasa. 84th and W, South Omaha. Corner 6th and Main. Council Bluffs, la. GREEN POISON KILLS BED BUGS, KILLS COCKROACHES, KILLS ANTS. KILLS MICROBES. KILLS ALL INSECTS, HAS NO ODOR Does Not Burn or Explode Kills the Eggs, Too. See the Po'lnt? "GREEN POISON" is easily applied with brush or feather. A 25-cent bot tle of "GREEN POISON" from your druggist will kill a million bugs. C a. 1 i f o r n i a. Summer Excursions Daily, June 1 to Spt. 15, first-class, round-trip. 0- $ 3JZ 60 All the Way Aas ImmI laragw, ' 'MS. AlX. H MS Am.. Uiuk4 tat. h at. tar "A CMsris $ dtZ yV from Omaha and Kansas Gty Final return limit, October 31. Honored on The California Limited. Alts Jssa 23 U July 7. simitar tickets will Si told at $52 fresj Osaka ssd Ktstat City, Hatha Is retsrs Sept. IS. El rents scs flrgad Cssysa sf Ariiasi Ghe Best of Everything s m sari j - rtrmi The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago MAY AND JUNE Round Trip Rates Boston $29.75 Louisville 19.75 Deadwood 18.75 St. Paul 12.50 Milwaukee 20.00 New Ilaven .... 33.35 And many others. Full particulars promptly and glfdly furnished. City Offices : 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-661 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Great Tmrm rapes. Omm Dllar Year csqb mcirj stjospj eiert hue Iroomsl 30c Another Gigantic Broom Sale Best quality 4-tie Parlor Broom... And Thirty Green Trading Stamps HARDWARE THURSDAY IN THE DRESS GOODS SECTION Ladies' high class House Sacks a sweeping sale of all our fine Swiss Sacks plain and dotted. Lawn Sacks, white and white with colors. Imported Organdy Sacks, white and fancy. These House Sacks are trimmed with lace, embroidery and tucks, prices were from $2 to $5.50, al go on tt sale Thursday morning, at OC Ladies! If you didn't read our ad about Silk Dhesses in yesterday's paper, we want to tell you that the sale con tinues Thursday. Silk Pony Jacket Suits, in black and colors; Silk Eton Suits, in black -and colors; Silk Dresses, in black and colors price were $12.50, $15, $10.50, $18.50, f 1 7 C $22.50 and $25.00, all at 11. 3 Big Purchase of Umbrellas To be prepared for changeable weather, purchase an umbrella here at low prices. All silk colored umbrellas, fancy borders, new lot worth O C $3.00 each sale price, each dJ $2.50 Umbrella for $1.75 Special silk and linen covered umbrella,' 26 in., black only, big assortment of 1 HP fancy pearl handles, regular $2.50 value, each. . . .e J Another Big Umbrella Bargain Special taffeta covered umbrellas, 26 and 28 inches, plain natural wood handles and fancy pearl and silver handles, regular $1.50 1 C value, sale price, each COLORED DRKSS GOODS. New Jasper Gray Checked Tropical Panamas, latest styles In popular gray suitings, very dressy and serviceable, regular price f ii. do a yard, Thursday vpt 64 and 58 men Gray Panama and wool Crash Suitings, sold at $1.25 a yard, per yard, only New Batistes, Nun's Veilings, Panamas and Mohairs for sum mer wear, splendid range of colorings, a yard only BARGAINS IN SILK THURSDAY. 36-Inch Cream Japanese Silk, wearing and washing guaranteed, full J yard (wide, 86c value, special sale Thursday, yard 86 inch Natural. Pongee, pure silk, best silk made for summer waists and drosses, our $1.45 quality, Thursday, a yard .... Another Big, June Sale of Laces Thursday we will place on sale 60 pieces Imported Oriental Net Allover Laces, creams and A Q white, worth 7,5c and $1 a yard, sale price, a yard only . ... T'OC Bargain Snle Embroideries Thursday This lot contains wide flounc ing and yoking edges, hand loomed, wide waist Insertions, 3 to ins. wide; also. 18 inch width Corset Cover embroideries, this lot worth , 36c to 66c a yard all to be sold at one price, r special, a yard JC Special Sale .of Waixt Patterns Fine Batiste Waistings, with fancy uuiuruiaerea ironis, collars ana cuns, wortn 11.25 each, special Thursday, each , Material warranted to make any size waist. Another cheap Neckwear Offei" Kancy wash stocks, embroidered stocks and Buster collars, colors and plain white, embroidered 1 f turnovers, this lot worth to 25c each sale price, each. . . . . . IUC 15c Gingham for Thursday, 10c yard 1,000 yards fine dress Ginghams m cnecits, siripes ana plain colors, regular price 12 He and 15c Thursday, while they last, a yard , 75c 50c 59c $1 98c ildered 10c ghams 10c 60 pieces very pretty Lawns in white and colored grounds with 7l aoi ana norai pauerns, xnursday only, yard , . . . . 1 2C 25c 12k 59c Pine Dotted and Embroidered White Swhwes, worth 40c, inursaay oniy, a yara 60 doren fine Hemstitched Huck Towels, special Thursday, at, each 50 dozen extra heavy linen finished sheets, full size, special for Thursday, each Extra Special Sale of Dress Lawns Prom a to 5 p. m., Thursday 600 pieces pretty fancy lawn for summer dresses, that will wash and keep color from 2 to 6 Thursday, j at, per yard J4Q BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Xdlnff Oroosrs for Twsnty-flvs Tra. raiSK, WBW TABLE rMODUbltt. PHIUB OF BENNETT'S FLOUR, per sack I.OU And Forty Oren Trading Stamps. Bennett'a Breakfitat Coffee, 4Qm Mb. can 'OS And Thirty Green Trading Stamp. Teas, all kinds. Afln per pound 'Ow And Thirty Gren Tradinsr Stampi. 10 Bottle Qedney'a Pickles tor.Abc l(ic package Gelatine for 6c 10c can Anderson's Tomato Soup for 6c So can Corn for tc Jell-O, assorted, , 0.ekf' I packages for tJ And Ten Grean Trading Stamps. Tomatoes, Cr l-)b. can J" Bennett'a Bargain Soap, TSp 10 bars for ,lJW Sweet Midget Pickles, 2Bc per quart And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Piccalilli Pickles, lC per quart scjv And Ten Green Trading Stamps. BUTTER RECEIVED DAILY FROM BEST DAIRIES. FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER, CC per pound icv SPECIAL CHEESE SALE! New York full cream Oc Cheene. per pound VJ And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Brick Cheese, full cream, 2()c per pound vw And Ten Green Trading Stamps. I'needa Biscuits, IC t packages for -w And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Shoes! Shoes!! Ladies' Patent Colt Gibson Ties, with three large eye lets, $2.50 value, J Misses' and Children's Bare foot Sandals, QQ at ZJOC Ladies' White Canvas Gib son Ties, 3 large fl y n eyelets , 1 Children's Tan Oxfords and Barefoot I Q Sandals 0C Men's Tan Vici Goodyear Welt Oxfords, fC $3.50 value -fi-.UlJ CANARIES! Sever&J Dozen Young Male Singing Canary Birds as long as they (6 T) last, each Don't F&il to get One of These Beautiful Songsters GROCERY DEPARTMENT Pictures for June Wedding Gifts SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Temporarily Closed to Business On account of great damage to stocks occasioned by fire, smoke and water on Sunday, June 3rd, we will close our store for business until further no tice. MAVDEM BROS. ...TO THE... NORTHWEST AND RETURN Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Belltnfham, . Everett, Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster QUE FARE, or $50 For the Round Trip To accomodate delegates to meeting of the Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Association this remarkably low . ro,und-trlp rate has been made by Union Pacific Tickets on sale June 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 1906, with final return limit 60 days from date of sale Inquire at CITY TICKET uriltHii losi r .-iv.i c. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT COLORADO? If bo, fill out the blank below and mail to " C. H. SPEERS, 700 Seventeenth Street, Denver Colo., " And you will receive by return mail FREE, a set of handsome souvenir postal cards, showing mountain'scenery, together with a number of beautifully illustrated booklets, telling you how to make your summer vacation trip to the Rockies a most enjoyable! event. Dear Sir Please tell me about Colorado. Name Postoffice .State . . THE Purchasiti Power behind the unsurpassed home circulation of The Omaha Bee is what makes advertisers know that it pays to use The Bee advertising columns liberally. Si Of' STERLING SILVER Is th one thing that the bride-to-b always looks for when the Rifts ore coming; In. We carry Huch a nlca line of these goods that we ran please almost anyone When von pet Invitation, spend a few minutes with us LOOK TOW, IKS S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1510 Douglas. GOOD CLOTHES fOOD CLOTHES, cut and fitted by an artlft absolutely correct In every Une make a man feel good all over. Good Clothes are our bu.lne.s-n..t ordinarily good but top notch, swell gar ments. You ll pick from a generous assort ment If you pl k now. Trousers, J5 to S12 Suits, $20 to $50 iTAHL ieWV i wMS JUSirsi: ? WILLIAM JERREMS SONS. 009-811 So. IStb Bttw. Yur Monty's Worth THE OMAHA DEE Best '". Vest MATTING SUIT CASE Matting Suit Case arc light, neat and aervlcable and arc Just the thing to take with you on your summer vacation trip. We are offering a special value this month in a 2 4 -in. Japanese matting case leather bound, very aervlcable and attractive, one of our 4.50 values specially A priced this month for . . .vU Other matting cases from fa. OO to ffl.oo. V carry everything in Traveling; HK Trnnk and Hample Caars OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Salesroom and Factory. 1209 Farnam ht., Omaha, X.