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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1906)
TTIE OMAHA. DAILY flEE: FR1DAT. . MAY 25, 1000. BMOP "MASKS NEBRASKA : " ( Ear. John W. Hamilton of Eau Frandioo Grateful for Help to Coast. IN CHARGE OF METHODIST RELIEF FUND Visits 8evral :i.ealne; Cities Tkla Mleslaa l.aya t'araer stoae nt Heaaltal la Omaha. T Bishop John W. Hamilton of the Metho dist Episcopal church pf California came to Omaha Thursday morning to lay the cornerstone of the new Methodist hospital at Thirty-elxth and Cuming atreela. The bishop was placed In charge of aecurlng funds, both . for emergency- werk In Ban Francisco and for a fund for rebuilding the church, and ether Methodist In stitutions, the total loss on which was over 1750,000. "I left -San Francisco Id March to at tend eastern conferences In New Tork, Now Huoisbire and . Vermont, . but my family wua In Ban Francisco a' the time of the earthquake," said Bishop Hamilton. "No word could be had from my lanuiy until Saturday. ... Our house was made uselesa by the chimneys being ahaken down, the dishes and water plpea broken and otherwise destroyed. Although two and a half miles from where the fire started the Are burned to within a block and a half of our house. "Mywife and family had to line up with others and get .bread and water and suc ceeded In getting our furniture by paying an enormous price to a suburban church. Finally they got to .Los Angelea. B(ore I had heard from my family I started on this rellet work beginning Orst with Boston. Next ta the Roman Catholics the Methodists lost- more, than . any other church,, the- toss to buildings alone in San' Francisco, and vicinity being $7W,(M. This Is In. addition to the, loss of Chinese, Japanese and Italian missions aa well . Swedish, , Norwegian, Danish and German missions. .We Jost besldea an orphanage a reacue borne and the University of the PaeUtc . was ' damaged about 180,000. ' telte4 Several Blaj Cities. "I have visited Boston, New Tork Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati. Dayton irtd Pittsburg, 'Organising relief committees In all these cities. I am also chairman of the relief work In San Francisco and will go from hero there. So far S have secured about $60,000 for the permanent building fund, but the work Is only begun and extensive plans are being laid. No mere plate collection will take care of this emergency.- Some of the moat, worthy noor are accredited christians who have lost all. "M first work waa to look after the salaries of the preachers who had lost their all, -had no houses of worship and their congregations were dependent. These men were needed to hunt up daervtng cases which demanded Immediate atten tion, and to see that the money donated In the east reached the right spot- So the salaries of these men had to be paid ao they could have something to work with aad means to send their families away until a place could be provided for thpm. All this has been done and I have already sent considerable emergency money which has been raised, besldea the general fund for the rebuilding of the churches. , Will Meet Committee Funds. "I expect to be in San Francisco to meet the committee Monday to look after the distribution of the funds. Wa will have to determine which churches are to be re- built and put on their feet. Tha center of population may. change from some of I mi these ehuroheax tOae .of the Brae, things I need" Is1 a Urge tent for a section bf the city not burnt out, but which had the church-'-destroyed by the earthquake. , The people In this section now have to worship In the open air, so I want a large tent which they may worship until . the c-ur-h Is rebuilt. "if It were not for the loss of life In the San Francisco earthquake, the cats a irophe might really have been worth the price, to se 'such n exhibit of phllan thropy all over the world. Never has renponse for help been so generous- and ' general. "I wish you would for me, tn behalf of the people of Ban Francisco, whom I rep- resent, thank the people of Nebraska for the nronmt.. aeherous and needful out- pouring of supplies which were handed over to the t'nlon Pacific to hasten to the hflp of the needy." The Methodist hospital was the scene of a notable gathering this afternoon. The cornerstone was laid by Bishop Hamilton who also made the principal address. Governor Mickey, accompanied by Mrs. Mickey, came up from Lincoln during the day and attended the ceremonlea, the gov ernor making an address. Veteran to Plan Resales. President Andrew 'Slbert of the Douglas County Veterans' association has called a meeting of the officers snd directors of the association to convene Friday at the home of 8. J. Gordon, 1 North Forty-second street, for the purpose of arranging for the annual reunion and' encampment of the as aociatlon. - The ofllcera of the- association are: Andrew Slbert, Waterloo, president; F. Qarrlty, first vie president; S. I. Gor don, second vice nresldent: D. M. Haverly. secretary all of Omaha, and Chris Btignr DOIi'T WEAR UGLY TWO PIECE CIFOCALS, WHEN FOS A TRIFLE EXTRA YCU CAN CET CUR "SHO-HOT" IHVISIBLE LEIISES Spectaclit ilfprlcis ktn J1.C0 ip. ww abb pwaoTteia mma MTXTESOX METHOD- IIUIESON OPTICAL CO. Sit South lfttlt tkrewc Factory oa tha Promlsaa. - "Sho-Not" Invlsi:Nfr V of Benann treasurer. The director are: P. M. HaVTrlr. J. I,. Hnbhu. M. R. Rladon. Orant poet; . O. Eietman. F. J. Etter, 1, W. Croaa. Phil Kramr nnat. South Omaha: Charles Harrier. J. COondwIn, Mark Tur ner. Atlanta pout, Waterloo: n. E. Wtall. P. C. Houah. L'ronk boat: Franrta Oarrltr. Chrla Btlr. E. W. Johnann, Custer poat. GREAT WESTERN OFFICIALS Ur Party Will Arrive la Omaha Frlaar mu Tmr ( la. epevtlea. H. H. Churchill, general agent of the Great VTestem, goes to Oelweln. Ta.. to meet the large party of Great Western offlclala which Is making a tour of In spection of the line. The party will reach Council Bluffa Friday at 1:J0 and will be taken for a trolley ride around the city. Omaha will be reached according to the scneauie at I p. m. men will take the and Omaha business mora prominent of escort them around The balance of the flclala In tow and the city In autoa. party will go via special trolley car to the terminals at the end of the Sixteenth street viaduct, thence to the grain terminals near Krug brewery, thence to South Omaha, after which a ride will be taken around the city, through both residence and business sections. The entire party will be entertnined In the evening at dinner at the Commercial club at after which the party will divide up, aome going with frlenda to the Field club, aome to the Omaha and Coun- try clubs and aome to see the "'Fighting the Flames" show. The courtesies of all the cluba have been extended to the visitors. President Stickney does not accompany ine parry, out nis brother B. U. Btlnkney, the general manager of the road and other high officials Including General Freight Agent Plnckney, Vice President Cass and others are on the trip. The Rock Island has planned a big base ball excursion to Des .Moines for De coration day when a double header will be played on the Des Moines grounds between Omaha and Des Moines. The train will leave the union station in Omaha at 7 a. m. W. A. iAlor. aaalatant general passenger agent or the Burlington at St. Louis, la In the city returning home from a trip to Honolulu, Ban Francisco end other western points. He said that Ban Fran- Cisco Is surely a dreary looking place ahd the only building going on Is that of one and two story frame atructures. EARTHQUAKE AT AUDITORIUM Great Moving Pletare Show if the a a Fraaclar Dlsaater Bearias - Meat Moaaay Mght. Beginning on next Monday night, and running four nights, the great moving pic ture ahow of . the San Francisco disaster will hold the stage at the Auditorium. These moving pictures were taken by Miles Bros, of San Francisco, the same Arm who produced the superb moving pictures of the Britt-Nelson prise light. Miles Bros, have a world-wide reputation for taking the best moving pictures obtainable, and It Is safe to aay that their pictures of the San Fran cisco disaster are by far the beet obtained. This series of moving pictures will take the spectator on a trip up Market street as It appeared before the earthquake and fire. It will show the buildings falling, the flames eating their way from block to block, the firemen struggling with the de vouring elements and dynamiting the buildings and the atricken people hurry' ng hither and thither In wild confusion. it will also show the people camping In the park and the distribution of food and clothing, and, strange as It may seem In the face of such appalling disaster. It will show some very comical and amusing slghts, .particularly among the dwellers In Golden Gate park. . where millionaires and laborers were associated together on common level. It must be said to the ever lasting credit of the people of San Fran cisco that they withstood this appalling calamity with a courage and cheerfulness almost superhuman, and while thousands were rendered homeless and obliged to sleep , and eat In th open air In Golden Gate park, there were many incldenta of cheer fulness and even humor, which helped to lighten the gloom and Inspire the people with new hope. These great moving pictures have been showajn Shubert's theater. Brooklyn, and the Klsw ft Erlanger theaters of New Tork and Boston, where they drew large houses. They are beyond question the finest pictures taken of the 8 an Francisco disaster. These pictures will be put on by Mr. Edward Vinton, an expert moving picture man of many years experience. Mattnt will begin at 8 o'clock and the evening performance at 8:80 o'clock. AUTO MAN PROVES HIS CASE Bradford and Hla Lawyer Demon strate Armament by Problems In Mathematics. D. C. Bradford of the Bradford-Kennedy Lumber company waa cleared of the charge of excessive automobile speeding In police court Thursday morning with the aid of maps and arithmetical calculations com piled by hla lawyer.' J. A. C. Kennedy. Officers Relgleman and Thomas were sure Bradford whlssed ont Farnam street near Twenty-ninth and again near Twentieth at from twenty-two to twenty-four miles an hour. The officers, however, made their estimates according to the street Intersec tions, which happen to be Irregular In the vicinity of the placea where they were stationed. Th ,.!... h. af mr.mA mnt tn limit. . . . , . .- i i-uj ww vi ..... w.. i...,. - in ten or eleven seoonaa is mucn too iaai. Lawyer Kennedy drew diagrams of Farnam street all over the police Judge's desk pad and then Induced hla honor to do an Intri cate problem In long division. Judge Craw- I ford concluded that the officers were rather vague In' their evidence and dismissed Mr. Bradford,' who was . being tried on two counts. Aa the same time the accused re marked that It waa practically Impossible for him to take the Farnam atreet hills and stay under the twelve miles an hour limit. "But," said he, "I was arrested and fined before. I got a speedometer, and atnea have made an honest effort to be good and not go over the limit.- I know I have one Of the fastest machines In town, but I never let It out inside the city limits. I even had the ofllcera take a ride with me to ahow them I waa not breaking the ordi nances." Officer Relgleman admitted taking the ride with Bradford, but differed from him widely aa to rates of .speed. i "As long aa you want to be good we 11 give you the benefit of the doubt," said his honor; Or eat Law Salt Decided. The supreme court, ttiW people, haa de cided that Dr. King's New Discovery wins agalnat cougha and colds. We and 81. For sale by Sherman ft MoConnell Drug Co. WATCHES Frenxer, lath and Dodge Its. Fire from Saaollee Steve. A gasoline atove was tinned over and ia- rilled the oil In the cottage occupied by Harry H. Lang at K!t North Twenty-fifth Street at I II o'clock Thursday morning. i no aaeiiers in ine cottage Had eettae eaougn to keep their hands off the stove and proceeded to turn n a fire alarm and man nam me Diaae with buckets of water. Houk and Ladder comsa'y N'e. 8 comnleted the lob of eaiuiguiahlug The house waa damaged to the extent of 1C0 and the furni MISSOURI RIVER BARGE LINE Project Launched by Kansas City, Whioh Asks Omaha to Help. OBJECT IS CHEAPER FREIGHT RATES With Caaataat Oaasltloa of f'kleaga, Mlaaaarl River titles Have Dllltealty la Getting ' -Fair Treatment. Omaha and Kansas City may get to gether and establish a line of barges on the Missouri river for the purpose of reducing rates on freight shipments to and from Missouri river points. The matter will be put before the Omaha Commercial club and the Grain exchange by F. P. Klrkendall. who was approaches on the subject In Kansas City Wednesday by a committee of the Kansas City Cham ber of Commerce. This body Is consldur- Ing seriously the launching of the project, and has sent a man east to find out th rest of building bargea. Its members believe that with the co-operation of Omaha a transportation system could be put in operation on the Missouri which would completely demoralise existing rail rates and compel a reduction. "Chicago always has been agalnat ua on the matter of freight rates, and always ill be," said Mr. Klrkendall. That city lights against every rate proposition that will benefit the Missouri river cities. It Is hard to get any reauctlons from the rail road a with Chlcaao worklna aaalna ua, but wl.h water transportation In our favor, the railroads would be compelled to do something. We can send our corn and wheat down the Missouri and the Mississippi and we can bring back our dry goods, hardware and groceries by the same route at a much less rate than wo are now paying the railroads. tfeVana Doabts the Sareesa. Secretary McVann of the Omaha Grain exchange says grain could be shipped from Omaha to New Orleans by water much cheaper than It now goes, and that dry goods and merchandise could be brought In from New Tork by way of New Orleans at a much less rate than now obtains from New Tork to the Missouri river by rail. Mr. McVann doubts the feasibility of the plan, citing the failure of a similar project several years ago. The first venture came to grief by the sinking of th ateamboats which Kansas City placed on the river. This same danger would have to be encountered again until pilots came to. know the river. 'The greatest advantage of a barge line," lys the Kansas City star, "would be safety from either fire or snags. If fire got beyond control on one barge It could be separated from the other four, towed by the same boat, and only one-fifth of the cargo would be lost. If a snag should go through one of the barges It could be buoyed up by the boat and other barges until the damage was either repaired or the cargo transferred to one of the other barges. As the loaded barges would draw the most water. It would always be one of the $3,600 crafts that would be snagged or grounded, and the towboat would always be free to render assistance to a disabled barge." It la estimated that five barges of 300 tons each and a towboat would cost the same amount aa one steamboat of 800 tons capaoity. Btllonaaeas pad Cvnatlpatloa. "For years I was troubled with bilious ness and constipation, which made life mis erable for me. My appetite failed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and catharitlcs only made matters worse. I do not know where' I should have been today bad. -1 not tried Chamberlain's Stomach .and IJver Tablets. The effects were simply marvelous. The tablets relieve the 111 feeling at once, strengthen the digestive functions, purify the stomach, liver and blood, helping the system to do Its work naturally. They bring back new life and energy, a bright eye. a clear brow and a happy heart." Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Ala. Drnnkennesa What la It It makes no difference why people begin to drink, the result Is Inevitably the ssme. If continued long enough the victim be comes an Inebriate, which Indicates a dis eased condition of the nervous system. Dr. Keeley defines It to be "a condition wherein me nerve cens nave necome so accustomea to performing their dutlea and functions under the Influence of alcohol that they are dependent on It and no longer perform those duties and functions properly and painlessly except when under its Influ ence." This accounts for the craving for drink which waa never before understood. When every nerve cell tn his anatomy la crv,n out ,or whisky. Is It any wonder that the victim yleldsT To bring about a cure, therefore. It la neoeasary to overcome thla condition. The Keeley remedies are absolutely a specific for this disease. Bend for our free booklet "Facts About the Keeley Cure." Correspondence confi dential, THE KEELET INSTITfTE. Omaha, Neb. Corner Twenty-fifth and Cass streets. Low rates to Boston and New Haven, Conn., and return, via the ERIE RAIL ROAD Ptctureaque trunk line of America, Apply to ticket agents, or J. A. Dolan, T. P. A., Chicago. Ballalnar Permits, The city has Issued the following building oermlts: Frank Yun. H.S00 frame building at 8313 South Sixteenth; Powell-Bacon com pany. $2,0no addition to garage at Twenty flrat and Farnam streets: Dr. Holovtehlner. 82.600 frame dwelling. Sixteenth and Castel I tar; v. . m i m, ui it iitus, I Georgia avenue; H. Oelrich. 81.S0O frame Eminent doctors agree that food cannot be properly digested and assimilated unless there is a sharp appetite for it. The mere eating of food is not, in itself, of benefit. " The nutrition which the food contains riust be well digested and assimilated if permanent good is to be gained from it. Therefore the importance of the appetite t There is no other such safe, sure means for creating a healthy appetite as Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer taken before or with meals, and it is an almost absolute guarantee of perfect digestion. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is more than an appetizer and active aid Sill Pabst Brewing Co., No eoaicctioa his star bera (iftt with Sack eUlieioaaaees ead alata-leaur as RUNKELS 'C. I totally onlile aay ether eatt'nf enoe olats fcsoeuM it is the only chocolate mad ia which cream (inrtead of mitt) is combined with the heart eecoa beans, ground to th rmoothaeM of butter. The bland of the two i delight fully perfeet. PacVatfea in 9 and 10 cent sises and squared off into delicious bit, e as to b ata with loved finger. Sca te. far Mml ef CkM1M viaiatvra ra of CecM. BUNK EL BROTHERS, Cca ami Ckecelit Mfr., N. T. dwelling at 2217 Farnam: M. L. Wal wroth, tl.Xu frame dwelling at Thirty-third and Boyd. OKBS FARE PLIS OKIE DOLLAR, Chlcaga to Boaton ' Retara Via Hew Tork. or Direct Roate. The lake Shore will sell on May U to June 9, Inclusi'-e, tickets to Boston and return at above rate. Return limit, by de posit, July It stopover of ten days at New Tork on return trip on tickets reading via New Tork. Write M: 8. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago. WARREN J. LTNCH. Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago. VF.RY LOW RATES To Boaton aad Retarn, via the Michigan Central, the "Niagara Falla Route." For complete Information call bn or address Mr. C. C. Merrill, travel Ing passenger agent. Tenth and Walnut treets, Kansas City; Mo. W. J. LTNCH. Passenger traffic manager, Chicago. IS MAT AND JllfK Tho Northwestern Llae. . Very Low Rossi Trip Rates. Boston, New Haven, Louisville, St. Paul, Chicago, Milwaukee and .others. The only double track line to Chicago, Electrlo lit trains to Chicago and St. Paul Full information at city ticket office. 1401-01 Farnam street. Striking Indian Komenclat are. "Muskoka," "Clear Sky Land," "Mag netewan," "Smooth Flowing Water," "Ka- wrtha," "Bright - Water and Happy Lands," "Temagaml," "Deep Water" are Indian words that fittingly describe some of the most delightful spots for a sum mer's outing on the American continent. All reached by Grand Trunk Railway 8ys tern. Double track from Chicago to Mon treal and Niagara Falls. Descriptive literature, time tables, etc.. will be mailed free' on Application to Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A., 135 Adams St., 'Chicago. ' J ' 1 g!3.SO to St. Paal kill Minneapolis ' and Retarn From Omaha, via Chicago Great Western Railway. Tickets "on kale dally after May 81 to September 10. Tlnal return limit. October 81." Equally" 'low rates to other points in Minnesota, rKorth Dakota, Wiscon sin and lower 'MKtnge.-ft'.' For further in formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general agent, IMS Partiatn -street, 'Omaha. Very Low Rate ( Tuesday. Every Tuesday,' balance of the year, the Chicago Great Western - railroad will sell homeseekers' tlcketa to Minnesota. North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory first and third Tuesday. Write H- H. Churchill. G. A.. 1613 Farnam street. 8late number la party and when going. . So to New Torn . on the Lehigh. Double track scenic, highway. Connects at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all lines from tbe west. . Write passenger department, Lehigh Val Wy R. R-. 218 South Clark St., Chicago, III. DIAMONDS Edholm, 16th Harney sts. LOCAL BREVITIES. A Jury waa empaneled In the United States circuit Court Thursday morning for the trial of the case of A. Staplea Cody against Charlea H. Dennis and others of Tecumaeh for false arrest, and imprison ment and damages. Emil L. Bode of Falls City has filed his voluntary petition In bankruptcy in the I'nlted States district court, asking that he may be discharged from all his debts. He schedules his llabllftles at 126.97( 27 and his assets at 814.844.50. The applicant for bankruptcy Is the defaulting city and school treasurer of Falls City. As a result of the collision of two trains near Green River, Wyo., December 7, a suit for 81.9P9 was filed Thursday Ip dis trict court by Mrs. Alice Buzbee against the I'nlon Pacific. Damages in this amount are claimed for the death of Mrs. Butbee'a husband, William H. Bushes, who was a cook on the dining car attached to one of the traina. Mrs. Busbee sues as adminis tratrix of the estate of her husband. Arrangementa have been made by the Droaram committee for Memorial day as aigning the battalion of Omaha letter car riers to a position in me procession imm dlately following the military. The an nour.cement was not made at the meeting of the general committee on Monday night from the fact trial it waa not known at that time that the letter camera could ac cept the Invitation to participate In the parade. War -fcwa It Insurec Perfect Digestion ftnd Assimilation of Food The Beet Appetizer. to digestion. It is a food of highest quality, always strengthening and nutritious, rich in the vitalizing, predigested food elements of Pabst eight-day malt and the tonic properties of choice selected hops. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer nourishes the whole body, invigorates the blood and refreshes the brain. Always pure and delicious, brewed in perfect clean liness ; perfect in age, purity and strength. When Ordering Call for Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer CUMEIT LITERATURE. Partners of the Tide," by Joseph C. Lincoln, la a fresh, strong story with the quaint hi,mor of the coast flavor. The delightful old maids who "sort o' com promised on a boy, as there wan't no bids in the man line," are distinctive char acters. The "boy" becomes the hero and tskes up the life of the roast, and hla ad ventures with Cap'n Tltcomb afford a fresh and striking series of pictures of a life which will be new to most readers. 'Honesty bein' the bert policy, you and me a out of a Job. Is the summary or Cap'n Tltcomb after a dramatic acene which Illustrates one phase of coaatlng life. How the "Partners of the Tide", met the tests of their new life the reader discov ers through a series of adventurous hap penings. Aside from the humor and breeal ness of Mr. Lincoln's novel and Ita wealth of quaint characters, there la a plot repre senting a steadily Increasing Interest. There Is a frontispiece In colors by Ch. Weber Dltsler and decorations by John Rae. Pub lished by A. 8. Barnes Co. Serena," by Virginia Fraier Doyle, opening aa It does with a quaint picture of "underground railway" proselyting In the south, shows In a series of brilliant sketches the old life with the tournaments, balls and duels, which was changed so abruptly by the call to war. What war meant to thoae who atayed at home under new conditions and to thoae In the field is shown as a background for the beautiful figure of a heroine whose charm and coursge and high resolve will win for her a place In the heart of every reader. The suspended Interest of the story leads up to a wholly unexpected development. The vivid scenes of action are all charac terised by a grace of style, charm of at mosphere and delightful humor. The frontispiece in colors is by Elisabeth Gowdy Baker. A. S. Barnes A Co. are the publishers "The Life Worth Living," by Theodore Dixon, Jr., Is In reality a confession of the author's ideal life In a record of per sonal experiences, relating hla rescue from the spell of the city, where the soul starved and the spirit became savage, and the finding of a new hope and beauty in the fields and beside the waters of Old Virginia. The book contains thirty-two Illustrations from photographs by the 'author. Pub lished by Doubleday, Page A Co. "A Dicker in Souls," by Will 8. Gidley. is a volume of short stories, each story being entirely different from the others in plot, action and Incident. There are nine teen tales in all In this book. Tales of mystery, strange, thrilling,- full of living and breathing human Interest; tales of humor and comedy with a laugh In every line, pictures of the droll side of life, the sliver lining to the clouds, that only a genuine humorist could draw; tales of love as dainty and tender as any ever written, not depicting the modern variety of the article that usually winds up In the divorce court, but the old-fashioned sort that wears well. Won't fade In the waah, and laat right through till death. Pub lished by the M. W. Haaen Company. "The Red Book of Romance," edited by Andrew Lang, contains a collection of old romances revised and done over so as to be shorter while retaining the liveliest parts In which curious things happen. In a word, they are tales of old romances for the younger readers. The book Is Illustrated with eight full page color plates and numer ous Illustrations by H. J. Ford. Longmans, Green & Company are the publishers. "With Shelley In Italy" Is the title of a book made up of selections of the poems and letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, which have to do with his life in Italy from 1818 to 1823, selected and arranged by Anna Bennlson McMahan. There are over sixty full page Illustrations from photographs. Published by A. C. McClurg & Company. What la ao aweet aa a bride in June? Then, if ever, she Is the center of Interest and admiration and love. The Pilgrim, "a magazine for the home," makes tho June bride the subject for Its beautiful cover page for June, drawn by Allan, and then has a delightful and pretty Illustrated article for her special benefit. The breath of early summer Is evident on many pages. James McClelland Bulk ley contributes a charming article. "From the Land of Legend," illustrated with aome remarkable nature photographs. Reginald Wright Kauffman haa the sixth of hla clever ahoit stories love and burglar stories, this one entitled: "Cupid. Housebreaker." June 14 is flag day, and "Betsy's Battle Flag," by Minna living. Is especially appropriate with the picture of the historic house In Phila delphia where Betsy Ross made the Aral "Old Glory." Tales for June appears tn a beautiful new cover and with a list of contents that shows even greater interest than usual. The complete novel In this Issue Is es pecially remarkable aa being the work of a Danish author, Mathilda Mailing. It it actually an American story In subject and spirit a historical romance of the Revo lutionary War. . The counterpart of Mr. John Mitchell in England Is Mr. John Wilson, who sits In Parliament for Mid Durham, and Mr. Wll aon like Mr. Mitchell la a practical miner, writes A. Maurice Low In an article on "The Rise of the Worklngman In British Politics," in Appleton's Magaslne for June. The above books at lowest retail prices. Mathews, 122 8. 18th Bt. lffilrkiit 1307 LEAVENWORTH STREET Phone DUlas 79. P STORE OPEN THURSDAY EVENING FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT NEW CLOTHES FOR DECORATION DAY. frECCHATicn !3ay aoTiiins 1 if ml a 1 a f I i I I r:i I I I 1 I i a m r" MEN, WOMEN. CHILDREN WOMEN'S SUITS RAINCOATS FINE MILLINERY SILK WAISTS WALKING SKIRTS SHIRT WAIST SUITS MEN'S SUITS TOPCOATS RAINCOATS BOYS' SUITS MEN'S SHOES MEN'S HATS 9 7 10 w lO to a to SI. 73 to 1.00 to 1508 Dodgo ESTUUSIE9 IK YEARS sr ) nr J? IM atpm I III llli .tkV WE K W O Wr H W Br our method w are enabled to reach tho rtta.1 spot with our direct treatment, which drives every disease germ from the system by going to the root of. the disorder. We invariably obtain prompt and aatlsfactory reaulte because our searching examination brings to light the nature and extent of the trouble. Our experience la curing 4iaaaM of man ATtAnds over a lona tertod. Our facllKlee are o fthe best, and our treatment is most cleanly and perfect. We especially invite those who have deep-seated and chronic die orders to call and be examined. Consultation and examination ia free and carries with it no obligation to engage our services. Our offices are equipped with the most modern and scientific, mechanical devices for the treatment of chronic and private) dlseaaea of men. Our charges are reasonable and in reach of any working man. By the latest and best methods we cure Blood Poison. Ulcers. Seree. Swol'en Glands. Our treatment is scientific and rational, and will eliminate every vestige of poison from your system. We also cure Chronic sad Private Diaeaaa, Nervo-Vital IVbllity, Varicose and Knotted VHns. Piles, Rapture, Kidney and Bladder IMeeaaes, and all Diaeaeea aud Weakness of men due to Inheritance, exhaustion 'or the result c" Specific Diseases. PAY US FOR CURES Consultation and Examination Free llORTIIWESTERll MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE II. W. Corner 13th and Farnam Sts., OMAHA, IIEB. Honrsi 8:80 to 8 Dally ( Sundays to 13 Xooa. ' i OoalBwBmSsHi Special Homeseeker's Excursion Tuesdays VTA TEE Wk Iron Mountain 1H a: To Certain Points in the West and Southwest ONE FARE 'Krai ROUND TRIP WITH VERY LOW MINIMUM EATE3 . STOP-OVKRS will be allowed both going nd returning aftrr on Homesre Iters' point. enronte. rnusual opportunities exist along tbe line of the Mlssenrl Pacific Iron Mountain Route. Tbe rich, alluvial, delta lands and river bot tom lands of Southeast Missouri, Eastern Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas, capable of producing 60 bushels of coru, a bale of cotton, 4 to 8 tons of alfalfa, ISO bualtels of potatoes, and others grains, vege tables aud hay crops, can be bought for $7X0 to $15 per acre. When cleared and alightly improved will rent for $4 to $8 per acre cash. I plan da more rolling, lighter soil, adapted to fruit growln peaches, pear, plums, graprs, berries, also nieloua, tomatoes and other vege tablescan be bought for $5 to $10 per acre in unimproved state. Many places with small clearings and aome Improvements can be) bought very cheap. Thla is a fine stork country. No long winter feeding. Freal range, pare water, mild climate. 4 healthy, growing coaatry, with a great future. For Further Information, Mapa, Folders, Etc., Address T. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agt, Omaha, Neb. II. 0 TOWNSEND, Gen. Pa, and Tkt. Agt., St. Lord, lfc a- -.l I o:h .t4 Sir 2 Decoration Day Clothing Men. Women and Children can be obtained here now on the very etsiest of terms , at cash store prices. , Factory to You 58 Stores SlO to $30 lO ts 1ft 2 to 0 to 3 to 3 to lO 10 IS 2a to $20 IS 20 10 4 3 Street Our Phenomenal Success In Curing i ( ....... DISEASES Due Principally to tho Fact That SSI SMliS; ' - . ture aooui ou woruL