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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
unday Bee. EDITORIAL SECTION. P202S 1 to 8 Advertise In THE OMAHA DEC Best ,f. Vest The Omaha J0U i 1 -m - ? ESTABLISH:!) .JUNK 10, 1S71. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, APIilL 22, 1006. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. u 1 1 tail II S A II L 14 ft I GREEN TRADIN3 STAMPS EVERY TiMc Sfer 45 years on Farnam Slreet Mr. Sam' I Burns, the wesfern fng of Chinadom, retires from business and sells his gigantic stock to the Ben nett Company. It's probably the most historical china stock in America B 51 FX. Vn- ft - This immense western birthplace of crockery life is foiown from ocean to ocean. Mr. Burns was a regular vis itor to all the great potteries of Europe and America. What he didn't get control of was something his expert eye and mind didn't care to bother with. 'He introduced the products of Europe and the Orient to the great West, and there isn't an inhabitant between the Missouri and the Rockies hit has visited Sam I Burns' crockery house on Farnam street, Omaha. He enters on a well-earned retirement and closes out a $30,000 stock to us for cash. Even with our gigantic facilities the greatest store space west of the Mississippi we cannot handle this stock in any otker way than by sections. Monday morning the frst section will be put on sale "TOUR IC LibbyCut. Glass Bowls, Sugars and Creams, Footed Jel lies, Covered Bon Bons, Pickle Trays, Celery Trays, etc. Sever's Fancy Vases, Boyal Doulton, Royal Worcester and Boyal Bonn China. HUNGARIAN AND BAVARIAN BRIC-A-BRAC Sam'l Burns, being a connoiseur and art critic, picked up thousands of odd pietes in the quaint pottery cities of Europe and Asia. These pieces are absolutely unmatchable and we offer them for. a song- JARDINIERES All sizes, shapes and colors pots and pedestals at one-third Bums' prices $5 down f f cnilP SETS On dmen vlates until soup tureens nurns- price was $12 Monday sacrificed ' for. . . . . ..... ..... . DINNER SETS DINNER SETS Choicest, Rarest, Most Interesting Display You Ever Threw Your Eye Over French China Dinnerware decorations and shapes most rare some slightly imperfect many sets that will never be reproduced again. ties Burns Sets for $50.00 I $29 Burn Sets far. . $17.00 $S5 Burnt Sets for 27.30 Enylish Porcelain-Burnt' mark SIS, Monday at... 7.S0 4kS Burns Sett for 22.50 Burnt' mark $14, Monday at Bennett's for 6.50 And to on ad lib. The foregoing it merely a little index of almost $5,000 vxnlU of Burns' stock that will be closed out first tales day Monday representing little over one tenth the entire purchase of $S0,OOO. Every day a fresh section toill b produced. It means that our salespeople and workers will be kept rattling crock ery night and day to keep up with this enormous sales-task of clearing out the stock in the shortest possible space of time. MOTEL WARE HOTEL WARE Numerous inquiries have been made as to when this interesting section will bs placed on tale. Impossible at the moment to tell. Will be duly announced in the advertising columns of this newspaper. .. ;... .... WATCH 0UT1 WATCH 0UTI CUPS AND SAUCERS English, German and trench China. $2.00 Cups f0r 75o $1.60 Cups for 50c $1. 00 Cups for 25o And as low as 10c English Wedgewood Ware- Samuel Burns was the only man west of Chicago controlling the products of this' world-renowned pottery. Whatever of this ware was sold in this section in any other store, was purchased through Samuel Bums- Wedgewood in Green, Blue and Tan colors; Sugars and Creams, Tea Pots, . Ferneries, Vases, Cups and Saucers One-half Burnt' Prices. . Fancy Plates from leading potteriet of England, France and Germany: Plates that were $2. 00 for 50c Plates that were north $1.60 for 25c Plates that were worth $1. 00 for 20c Plates that were worth ,'60 o for 10c TOILET SETS hundreds in varied shapes, stylet and decorations $10.00 Sets for $4.00 $8.00 Sets for $3.50 Any piece 10c SILVERWARE FROM SAMUEL BURNS 1847 Roger Bros., Rogers and Smith, and Wm. Rogers. ir.nrv and ruin Handle Knive Choice of Fancy and J' Lain Handle Forks Any Piece Fancy and 1 lain uanaie xaoiespoous Fancy and 1 Lain uanaie uessen, Spoons Fancy and Plain Tepoons. . . . Berry Spoons, Pickle Forks.... Etc., Etc, Etc.... Wm. Rogers &'Son, Wallace Bros., Jen ning Bros., Etc. Tablespoons... ChdCC OI IMften npooni.. Teaspoons. ... .--. Aly Sugar Bhells. Batter Knlres PlCCe Orange Spoons, etc, etc. ... 1847 Roger Bros.' 12-Plece Set Six hollow handle knives, six forks C) JO triple plate .rJ 1847 Hotter Bros 10-Plece Sot Six hollow han dle knives, six forks, six teaspoons, O ()Q three tablespoons ....."tt- m SUGAR BOWIES, TEA SETS, WATER PITCH. ERS, COMMtMUf) CI PS, P1CKA.K CAS TORS, BERRY DISnES, ETC, ALL OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE, Lot 1 Burns' Goods worth to $3, A(in choice Lot 2 Barns Goods worth to 5, QQn cholc UOyj Lot 8 Burns' Goods worth to $8, 1 AO choice Pry Goods Section Ladies' Waists Attractions in White India Linon Lace trim med, short or long sleeves, Monday CH 69c, 69c and UC Two Attractions in White Linon Elaborate embroidery One dollar quality at One-flfty quality at 69c 98c Nearly 100 Ladles' Sample Suits All new mix tures, small checks, plaids and plain colors, in Panama, mohairs and serges, in the new est cuts, fancy Eton and Pony Jackets, full circular skirts with folds, regular f? A price $13 to $23 each. l.DJ Fancy Silk Shirt Waist Suits Small checks and plain colors, original value $18.60 Ladies' Tan Covert Cloth Coat Pony jacket style, trimmed with cloth covered buttons, unllned, neat and nobby, all X O C ..J.JO sizes Ladies' Box Coat Tan covert, very good ma terial, full flare, large sleeves, at Ladies Fitted Covert Coats Strapped seams. large leg o' mutton sleeve, hard fin- Q P fl w.uv 4.95 it, bed material, all sices, at. Special No-'l Fine Wide Nainsook Dress In sertions, heavy eyelet patterns; big lot of 18 lnch Corset Cover Embroideries, good, heavy edges, worth 45c yard, sale price Monday yard 0t Special No. 1.000 yards fine Swiss, Nain sook and Cambric Flouncing Embroideries and wide Corset Cover Embroideries, worth to 76e yard, sale price Monday Q a yard ; mJ Mammoth Sale of Undermuslins Big purchase of one of- the largest manu facturers of fine Undermuslins; this lot com posed of fine Muslin Skirts, long and knee length; Gowns, Chemises, Corset Covers and Drawers, well made and prettily trimmed in fine lace and embroidery, worth to $1.60 a gar ment, to be divided into three great lots. Lot 1 $1.60 values special each Lot & $1.00 values special each Lot 8 76c values special each Sale of Plain Ribbons $00 pieces of All Slik Taffeta Ribbons, Nos. 22. 40. 60 and 80, lu a' full raugo of plain hades, worth to 25c yard special 22 and 40 a yard , . at 60 and 80 a yard at Sale of New Wash Belts 20 gross plain and fancy embroidered Duclc, Plaue and Canvas Belts, nobby pearl and brass buckles, this season's styles A 98c 75c 50c !2c 15c special, each, 60c, 86c, 25c and. A Sample Line of Three-Quarter and Full Length Ladles' Coats In fancy checks, stripes and plaids, value $12.60, $15 and $17.50, at Ladles' New Wash tailor-made styles New Pony Style very nobby. . . . Aew Srml-r'lttlng at New Eton with girdle . . 9.90 Suits The very newest ...5.95 .6.95 8.95 Ladles Pressing Sacques Black lawn with white stripes and flowers, blue and pink with small figures and plain white 75c Pfl and JVC Ladies' Pressing Sncqucs White lawn with col ored borders, also plain white India linon and Cyrean crepe in all colors 98 C ' HA HIES LITTLE SACQUES Nearly 300. in ciihhuiore, fyne French flannel and do mestic flannel, embroidered In cotton and silk, daintiest little thlngd imaginable all at less than half price. Little Ones' Couts 2 to 5 years, prices Monday, at $3.95, $2.95, i aud closing .25 out 1.48 Big Silk Salt-Monday Over 300 pieces of this season's silks, In both plalu and fancy, will be placed on sale Monday at less than cost. Every yard new and perfect. b5c plain Chiffon Taffeta, all shades; $1.00 plain l'eau de Cygne, all hurt eg; 90c fuuey Waist and Suit Silks; 75c Cream Japanese $11k, 36 Inches wide; 90c Milk Crepe n Chine. nil shades; .'c Black Japa nese Silk, 27 inches wide; 85c Silk Shepherd Cnecks AM. ( MONDAY a yard 53c 75c Great Black Silk BargainsMonday 10 pieces of 27-lnch heavy black Italian Taffeta, soft chiffon finish, wear guaranteed, espe cially adapted for suits, waists and wraps, regular $1.25 quality, on sale AA 1 Monday a yard ,IUU 36-inch Black Japanese Silk, guaranteed spot proof, full one yard wide'; sold regularly at $1.00 yard, on sale Monday a yard Colored Dress Goods 64-inch Panamas, all colors and black; crisp, high finish, dustproof, regular price f rtA $1.50 yard, Monday only a yard. . . . .IUU 64-inch New Gray Tailor Suitings, In checks, plain mixtures, fancy and shadow plaids, very popular for street wear, sold at $1.50 yard, Monday only a yard. 80 to 46-lnch 100 pieces of Plain and Fancy Panamas, Scotch and Shepherds Plaids, Fancy Mixtures, Crash Suitings, Waterproof Suitings in stripes, checks and plain mix tures. Shadow Checked Panamas, Nuns' Veil ings, Mohairs, Serges and Cheviots, sold up to 85c yard, Monday a yard. Black Dress Goods 64-inch Black Sicilian, a rich, glossy black, always sold at 86c yard, Monday rn a . yard . .DYJC 46-lnch Black Chiffon Panama, a soft, clingy substance, dust repellant, right weight and texture for spring wear, regular price $1 yard, Monday only a yard .1.25 50c 75c 64-ln. Bright Luster Sicilians (n Sala 64-ln. Spring Weight Broadcloths. .. .1 Y. . 46-ln. India Twill Serge Monday 46-ln. Silk and Wool Tamlse Onlv a. 46-in. Shadow Check Chiffon Panama ( yard, M 46-ln. French Voile Irs ft 46-in. Wool Taffeta I.UU 4C-ln. Nuns' Veilings ' Big Sale of White Goods 60 pieces White India Linon, worth A 12 c yard, Monday only a yard 1UC 25 pieces White Sheer India Linon, C worth 20c, Monday only a yard 1 JC Fine White Waistlng and Dotted Swisses, worth 25c yard- Monday, while they last 0 a yard mJC 30 pieces of fine Silk Tissue and Imported Irish Barred Dimities, very newest floral J" dtslgnB, for Monday a yard jC 32-inch Persian Lawn for graduating dresses. regular 45c quality, Monday, one day only a yard 20 pieces of German Linen Suitings, shades, regular price 26c, Monday only a yard Madras Curtain Scrims and Swisses In plain white and colors. 8 6 and 40 inches wide. worth to 29c yard, Monday only a yard 29c In all 19c 20c Big Embroidery Values Monday Fine wlss and Nainsook Allbvers, Skirting, Flouncing, yoking and wide and narrow In sertions, all match a yard from 83 to 10c Monda.y 'mong the Millinery First Display of Early Summer Hats Beautiful, Attractive Lingerie Styles Lingerie Hats trimmed with laces of intricate and novel designs, horse hair braids, chips and Milans Lingerie Hats that open the ball so far as the West goes in early summer lingerie styles. By that we mean that these ideas have never before been shown, either by ourselves or our competitors. DESIGNS ARE NEW, TO-THE-MINUTE, BEAUTIFUL, PICTURESQUE, IDEAL FOR SUNNY DAYS. PRICES ARE AS VARIED AS STYLES-BETTER SEE THEM! All Spring Hats in a Final Round-Up Monday Hats that were intended to be sold up to $10, and worth every cent indicated on their price tickets, will be sacri- (l!C in Cfl . IVS The Trimmings The Trimmings Home Milliners'1 Most Varied Supply Heed Monday at from. Children's Hats Children's Hats The Right Pint tor the LI tilt Misses' NetdsHits tnd Cspt In Every Popular Stylt Pokes, Toques, Bonnets, Tarns, Bal morals, Cowls, Hussars Every material manipulated by deftest artistic Ungertpricet up J C from t JC Source. Prices Wholesaled Second Floor Second Floor mm Clotliin ; Perfection" Made to Wear and Look Well Play Clothes Mothers of, Boys approve Perfection because it's tLe sort that stands wear best. It's guar anteed. No matter how hard your boy may be on his clothes "PERFECTION" will stand for it. One trial proves. Sizes 3 to 16-$1.50, $1.95, $2.45, $2.95,$3.45, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 up to $7.50. 1 From $3.95 and Upwards in "Ingersoll" $1.00 Watch Free Some extra good suits in broken lots closing out cheap. Young Men's Suits, 14 to 20 years old $15, 12L, $10, $9, $8, $7, $5 Some good values in broken lines at reduction prices. Two Big Specials in Men's Furnishing Goods All Odd Shirts from 50o and 75c lines, Monday, at 29c Men's Summer Mesh Underwear, Trading Stamp aisle 25o Dutchess Trousers 10c a button; $1.00 a rip. Big Picture Frame Sale Black Oak Frames, sizes 7x9 and 8x10, with Mats and Glasses complete, a 50c value every where, Monday we ?. . c Picture framing, artist materials, py rography and framed pictures, w-' west ern headquarters. See balance of today's ad on Last Page.