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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
THE OifAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1006. EMBROIDERIES The most elaborate skirtings and extra wide corset cover embroideries finest new pat ternsopen work and ribbon beading all are fresh and crisp fine nainsooks, Swisses, etc. sL13-25-33 ALLOVER LACES AND EMBROIDERIES For making entire waists, dresses, etc the laoes are m white, cream and ecru, embroideries in all new and beautiful designs, worth up to $1.00 yard, at, yard. . . . 6Sc All . our fine medium width embroideries and Fretty Valenciennes Lnces and Insertings new and dainty patterns on C0 71 bargain tables, at, a yard. .J-"" DC" i 2C msertings there are new and pretty patterns, at a yard 10c 8 v Las 2) Thousands of Yards of Highest Class Silks Boucht at 57c on the Dollar from an Overstocked Manufacturer On Sale Monday at About One-Half Regular Price A manufacturer of High Class Fancy Silks had too large a stock on hand. Brandeis took the entire surplus stock at a cash price representing about one-half the value. These goods are now on display in our windows, where they are being greatly admired. A wonderful chance to get silks at about one-half the regular price. We Have Divided These Fine Silks Into Three Lots Eight thousand seven hundred and fifty yards of new checks and stripes. Silk Loulaene and Taffetas, plenty of grays, black and white, blues, greens, etc. Black Taffeta, Peao de Cyme, Shan tangs In natural and colors, Pongee Bilk, black and white summer silks, worth up to eighty five cents a yard, at a yard. . 5)(o)C 9,600 yards of the latest Fancy SiHc Suit ings, many new grays, plain and glace Chiffon and heavy Taffetas, Peau de Relne, regular and broken checks, Loulsone and Printed Warp Habutla Silks, full 27 inches wide, in Dresden and Persian effects, for entire suits, house gowns and kimonos, yard wide and 27-inch Habutla Taffetas In black and col ors, worth up to one dollar a yard go at a yard. 12,000 yards of the season's latest silks, in plain and fancy weaves in the most exquisite designs, old rose. Alice grays, French blues, new navy combinations, also black and white effects, 24-inch pleated Crepes (with dots), 24-lnch ex tra heavy quality Taffeta and Loula ene, silk check suitings, 36-inch wash able Pongee In black and colors, fine 27-inch Dress Ta ff eta greatest values ever of ered,, worth up to $1.25 yard, at a yard Black Taffetas for Monday There are Just twenty pieces of each A positive 75c and $1 value, and they may not last all day. 36-inch Black Taffeta' at, a yard 50c 20-inch Black Taffeta at, a yard &7lc White Washable Silks Imported direct by us from Japan will launder perfectly and you can save about one-half the price. W-inoh extra neavy lty, yan 24-Inch elected goods, yard 29c 27-Inch very fine quality at, a yard... 39c heavy quaj- " Brandeis' Elegant Millinery Hundreds of New Conceits Just Received From New York Designers The newest styles in the later models of spring and early summer hats are the most beautiful that the season of 1906 have brought out, the smartly trimmed sailors, the dressy little derby crown hats, the larger shapes, such as the grace ful Cromwells and stylish Warwick hats all the newest shades in the color schemes a hundred new and charming designs at, each , New York Model Hats These are all the new hats Just re- celved from the work rooms of great est designers in New York, artisti cally trimmed with the new flowers, aigrettes, tips, ribbons 'and orna ments newest and most bewlthcing shapes, at, each Pretty New Street Hats Made in our own work rooms and copies of the smartest little suit hats i fri-im Votr Vnrk and Paris straw Vf braids and chips, brightly and be comingly trimmed, at, each j.50ijg).50 Thousands of Dozens of New Roses Every color that is worn this season all popular roses in small or large sizes large bunches of beautiful foliage on big bargain tables at bunch 10c15c25c LADIES' BEAUTIFUL TAILORED APPAREL Our assemblage of the newest spring and summer costumes is now at its most attractive stage. Newer models and extreme novelties received daily. For Monday special we offer all Our Sample Suits and Semi-Tailored Costumes Left from Our Easter Sale We have on land a few very fine sample and odd suits, many of which are absolutely exclusive in style. These suits possess an elegance that could hardly be surpassed. $98 Voile Suit, over silk, at $65 $89 Novelty Voile Suit, over silk, at. 62.50 $75 Novelty Checked Panama Suit at $W $69 Swell Fancy Dress Suit at $5 $67.50 Novelty Exclusive Dress Suit at. $39 $50 Sample Voile and Panama Suit at $35 Also the Newest and Most Charming Models in Our FAMOUS "FASHIONSEAL" SUITS-In an almost endless variety of novelty styles the C choicest selected fabrics, at x. Ladies' Tailored Suits at $14.85 In eton, pony and polo utyles, all the newest pastel shades 1 A 85 and mixtures, at FIRST SMOWINQ OF OUR NEW LINES OF Silk Jacket aad Shirt Waist Suits 8.98 Jacket Suits, 14.85-$19 -a spe- $39 MM Shirt Waist Suits, in all colors, made of changeable and plain taffetas, at Nobby Silk checks and plain White Serge and Mohair Skirts These Skirts will enjoy great favor this summer a hundred new styles, all ex tremely aressy, m io up MtW J at, each to $25 Black and white checked Shirt Waist SultB, with r A lace yoke, at l.JU Linen and Wash Suits, In shirt waist and jacket styles -a spe cially fine variety at prices A QQ up from . Tt J to Ladies' Shirt Waist Sale Hundreds of new styles, dainty lawns and Swisses, worth up to $1.50 each, LQw at each OJC Fine Waists of lingerie, cambric, lawn, etc., worth up to 2 and $2.60 C1Q-. at VOC $3 and $3.60 Waists of fine sheer lawns and silk lingeries, at IOC each The most beautiful and elaborate Waists in the entire stock, worth up to $4 f Clfi at each JQ Fine Dress Goods TOR SPRING AND SUMMER New 75c Dress Goods at 49c New pray suitings, plaids, checks and stripes; waterproof suitings, 50 pieces silk voile, crepe, nun's veiling, sold every- I fK where at $1.00; 20 pieces 54-inch chiffon Al Panama. Cream serges, cream veilings Ir (L a and Henriettas, 75c grades; at, a yard Dress Goods of Highest Class at 69c Yard-Black French voile, silk voiles, chiffon Panamas, taffeta JT 4TK cloths, 6erges, poplins, checks and plaids ; at, f f a yard . WASH DRESS GOODS 25c A bargain square with every Imag inable gtyla and grade of 60o cnircon llssp, imported wash oxfords, Swisses, ponftee, etc, at. a yard 60c and 75c silk poplins, printed new eollennes. silk Louisene. In all the new colors, 20 new shades, at yard White washable Korean silks. 28 inch, In dress poods sec tion; at, a yard.. Sheer white Irish linen, 60o grade; at, yard 48-inch hand-made French linen; at, a yard High class new organdies, dainty and unusual styles and coloring;), tdr.'r:..:..a 49c White Swiss embroider, 76c and $1.00 grades, also navy, cream, CQ sky and tan; at, a yard JJC 39c cm ?S 39c 39c 59c NEWEST ARRIVALS IN DRESS FABRICS The newest enVots in checks, plaids, stripes und Panamas; at. yard 39c49c-89c-$M.39 New cream worsteds, French serge (creamj, $1.0u grade; at, 7C . a yard IJC Jl.&i 60-lnrh yachting wor- HQ. sted serge; at, a yard OJC Cream Hicllllan, $1.00 grade; 7C at, a yard.. UC 64-Inch $1.60 wool talteta, chiffon Panama, fine fanyy worsted, all bluck; at, a fid yard cue All the new shades of old rose, Frambrolse, reseda green, Allie blue, navy, gray, etc., tf $1.25 taffeta cloth; at, yd Shadow checks, taffeta cloth, all colors; at, AC yard OJC Black and white V),iqfie 1 shepherd checks. JJC-y-OJ-JI BIG SALE LADIES Summer Underwear ! OA Ladles fine cotton vests and pants, all elzes, vests have taped yokes and arms , Ladles fine lisle and silk mercerized vests and pants, all sizes, prettily 1 r 4 ( t trimmed; at. each Z JC-r!C-0"C LADIES' UNION SUITS. sleeves, knee length, umbrella 15. Short kne at, each or cuff knee, high Quality: IP. A r t h ac-c-oyc Every Genuine Artloom Production Bears This Label This Is the Label of Excellence on Tapestries ' BRANDEIS IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Art Loom Couch Covers and Portieres The superiority of these goods is marked In every way. Each sepa rata design has that characteristic oriental effect only found in merchan dise of the' highest class. No matter what grade it may be the Artloom is always the best portiere or couch cover to be bought at the price. Bran dels carries a most extensive assortment. Handsome Couch Covers, in Bagdad designs, 60 inches 1 PA wide, at Z.DU Rich, heavy, reversible, oriental couch covers, In Turkish, Persian and a ..rl.?.u: 3.984.98.5.98-6.98 Handsome, heavy, mercerlxed tapestry portieres, with tapestry bor- T: 3.98-4.98-5.98 Rich, brocaded, mercerized tapestry portieres, with wide oriental and floral borders handsome 7S0 CfH 1 5( CI C 175lJ y)i0 duplex portieres, at I -tlU-I ID'l S See our display of Artloom tapestry in our 16th street window. Let us show you this line the next time you are in the store. MONDAY WILL BE LIKEN DAY 600 2 and 2V& yards long all linen, fine quality pat tern table cloths, worth up to $4.60. These cloths have been on display In our window for the past few days, ana will be sold Monday, at, each Napkins to match these cloths. 60c, 75c and 85c table damask these are odd pieces that we want to close out, Monday, at, yard One big lot of sample napkins, worth up to 1 QK $2.50, Monday, at, dozen A.J 6c Turkish Wash Cloths, n parh A J 6c Twilled Cotton Toweling, yard , . . 5c Fringed Linen Napkins, each 6c Fringed Barber Towels, each 10c Tenrlffe Dollies each 200 Genuine Marseilles and Satin Bed kind that has been on display in our window and actually worth $3.00 and $4.00, Monday only, each L75-I98 50c ..-lie lc 2!c Spreads, the 1.98 CARPETS AND RUGS ,The widest variety of strictly hlsh class carpets and rags ever shown In Omaha. Huy now while the stock is ,1L you can have 'our carpet laid later If you wisn. We offer many very bpeclal bariraln inducements $35 ...321 $25 .22L $20 1 QS0 14?! '"SJ.iT..T. $19-22.50-25 Carpet ft I 1 Ingrain Carpets. finest quality, all wool, all new patterns, usually spIIs at tic yard, Mon- nay, a i, AC. Finest Wilton, 9x12, at Finest Wilton, 8-3x10-6, at Best Body Brussels, 9x12, at Best Body Brussels, 8-3x10-6," at Best Roxbury 9x12, at Best Roxbury, 8-3x10-6, at , Best Tapestry, 9x12, special, at Wilton Velvet Caroct Both floral and Persian patterns, with or wunoui corner, tnese carpets ne ii-sm man, some houees 11.60. our price, this week Velvet carpet, excellent quality, liural and ori ental deaigns, usually lls at Sl.U yard, UiU week only, OMo. yard vw yard. (Small Axnilnstor KugH 27xC0 at 36x72 at $;t.50. add Minns. New Wash Fabrics IN WASH GOODS DEPT. -BASEMENT Pin, medium and large embroidered dots and figures in gen uine St. Gall Dress Swisses this material may be hard to procure later in the season as they are considered the most modish fabrics C0 Cln A So n 7 St for summer dresses. Mtv) JtJ) J d f LINGERIE LAWN The much in vogue material for the stylish and cool lin gerie waists -and dreses, ydlCiDC 25c quality sheer white lawn, 40 inches wide; at, a yard '. LINEN SUITINGS White, Alice blue and all the popular shades in linen suitings, regularly 50o yd., sale price. gjC 15c 35c-59c Beautiful quality 4G-inch white batiste, these are specially priced; at, a yard. . . Genuine French printed organdies, very fashionable for party, afternoon and evening dresses, white ana tinted m backgrounds in blue, pink, helltrope, red, yellow, etc.; JC Fine quality English Nain sook, 12-yard pieces, $1.25 value, for QGA Js at, a yard Corded organdies, a very serviceable wash fabric for inexpensive party or I1 suuinver dresses; at, I iO. I . S W 0 ll i yard bolt. Basement Bargains THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN THE BASEMENT MONDAY. !SS-lnch dress per- 40-lnch white lawns, Drapery and up. cales, liqht styles, India llnons, various holstery burlap 12c quality; p lengths and qual- m the 15c kind. m for, a Hies, values up In remnants, fin yard ...,V to 19c yd., for... for. yard ., 2w 40-inch white apron Long mill remnants Nicely hemmed ready lawn, fancy lace bor- silk warp novelties, to-use pillow cases, 4 2 ders, 19c values, sold plain and dotted silk x36 and 45x36, will be from the bolt mm i mnin, etc., sold from 8 m 2cgf7,5j?, 128cr 6c D0NT GET COLD FEET THAT YOU CAN'T INJULT YOUR. TEET WITH A PAIR. OF POOR. .SHoE-S WITHOUT (JETTING HURT. rEET NEVER, FOR6ET AN IN-5ULT. ir YOU WANT TO &E GOOD rR.IENDS WITH YOUR. rEET WEAR, BRANDED -5HOEJ. Ou.rtfT ' M corYKigKT io.t thi eTx eww c, C wi c to LOW .SHOE.5 AR.E THE THING NOW. BR.ANDEI.S LEADJ IN THE DISPLAY or TYLIH NoVELTIEJ. THE NEW "COLLEGE WIDOW" JHoE 1-5 THE JMAR.TEJT STYLE TOR, LADIEJ.