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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, . AFKIL . 22, 1000. C FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Don't Wait There is o good movement in Real Estat3 right now; anything well at a profit; the following are a few out of a large list which we submit: Bftweon 20th and 24th, on Fsrnnm, 8-story brink building;, rents'for $120 a month. Trice, $14,000. On N. 24th St, near Caldwell, 2-storjr brick building. 8 stores on first floor and 3 flats abore; also two 8-room houses, modern except furnace. Total rental, $120 a month. Price, $12,000. It is a great bargain. $1,500 In Bemla Tark, on Ilawthorn Ave., a strictly modern 8-room bouse, practically new, large lot, south and east front; beautiful home. Between Pacific an Poppleton, on Fark Ave., 8-roam modern house, nice yard. It belongs to an estate and must be seld. Make us an offer. A ftroom house oa 30th and Burt, paved street, strictly modern. Price, $4,600. On 41st, near Davenport, a 11-room Strictly modern home, east front, 2 full lots, fine neighborhood, $4,500, the big gest bargain in Omaha VACANT On Webster St, between 27th and 28th, south front ene block from car Hue, In a fine neighborhood, $750. On Pratt St, near 27th', full lot on south side of street Price. $000. Owner will furnish money with which to build. The southeast corner of 38th and Payne Investment Co. 1st floor N. Y. L. Bldg. WHEN LOCATING YOUR OWN HOME OR BUILDING FOR ANYONE ELSE DO NOT OVERLOOK THE ADVANTAGES OF BOULEVARD PARK LOTS FOR Lay of the Ground, Accessibility , .. AND General Desirability TIEEY ARE UNSURPASSED SEWER ALL PAID . AND CITY WATER. PRICES: $425 to $750. TERMS: TO SUIT THE PURCHASER. HENRY fTwYMAN, 1003 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE TIVlROOM cottage, modem except fur nace, on full brick basement, near and Mason, rents for $tf per month, ftaae lnt renU for 10 Per month, total rental per year: Invest!) w.. . -alty Co., CS Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 621. RE 787 23 THOMAS Keal bstate Bargains. Two modem houses, 2023 $4,000, very easy terms. Party 4lls-vwa teV ? i 1 X. winci uui w me rem. I have a south front modern S-room residence, two blocks north of Hanscom park, street pavd, half block from car line, which is appraised by the city at $1,500. If sold this week will Two lots 107x175 and 10-room cast ix vui. a. gooa investment A beautiful house and full A J. T7 il f yuvuu Bireei. Xiveryinmg m nrst jignt-room nouse ana barn a a 1 J . A 1 TIT 111 S jjperuu ana pamiea. win take Ten-room east front house on Good house and barn, lot 50x120, 1204 N. 27th St., only $1,500. Corner lot in Hanscom place, with two houses and ground on wnicn to Duna two more. $J,UUU. Two unimproved lots on Georgia Ave., one a corner, paved street, oniy sjjuu, ACREAGE. 420 acres only 10 miles form Running water, splendid grove. .Will sell all for $35,000. 5 per cent to loan on Omaha property and Nebraska farms. THOMAS BRENNAN . ... t . Room 1, New York Life Building. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Too Long! bought will turn again On Hawthorne Ave., near 30th, a strictly modern 7-room house, a bargain at $3,800. On 12th 8t, near Dorcas, 8-room cot tage, modern except furnace. Price, $2,500. On Seward, near 33d, 7-room modern bouse. Price, $2,000. On Cuming St, nesr 42d, 7-room mod ern house, city water, gas, good barn, pared street-$2,000. On South 24th, near Leavenworth, 5- room cottage, city water, gas, has dou ble frontage on two streets, lot 40 feet wide; there Is room for another house, rents for $15 per month. Price, $1,800. On Grace and 22 d, a cosy 5-room cot tage, which bas gas, sewer, city water, fine cement cellar, nice lot only $1,000 and It is a great bargain. On Wirt St, 2 blocks from 24th. 5- room cottage, gns, bath, city water and sewer, $1,500. Very easy terms. Brown Sts., 2 lots, 240 feet north front by 120 feet west front; $000. On Douglas, between 46th and 48th, full lot north front great bargain; $500. On Capitol Ave., near 46th, full lot south front $350. On Corby, near 45th, full lot good neighborhood; $350. Tel. Douglas-1781. RB- IF YOU DIE I will cancel the mort gage. I can sell you a well lo cated lot In DUNDEE for 39 monthly payments of $15.00, without interest In case of death during the period It cancels the mortgage. No other pay ments. Make a start to own your borne. , Real Estate & Insurance, W. L. SELBY, 440 Board of Trade. BE . MUST BE SOLD Lot 18, block 114 DUNDEE No reasonable offer refused. South frontage, graded, ready to build upon. Nice shade trees, 800 feet west of car une on Davenport street. Thomas F. Payton, io see Building. RE-M610 3$ BRENNAN 'Phone Doug. 1264 and 2025 N. 20th St.. well rented. can live in one and pay for the V house and barn on N. 18th St. lor $,J,oUU. lot in Kountze place, south front. . - - . . ' - ciass condition. $3,500. at 2113 Grant St. House newly . . monthly payments. $2,000. the Boulevard, 2212 N. 19th St. Omaha. Good house and offices. Land alone worth $120 an acre. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE J 5yr.l?-J $1,$00 $!" Msnderson St., I rooms, city water, sewer, etc.; south-front let; rent for 112-60 per month. $1,400 ?!1 S. 13th Bt. (lJttl 4k Vinton), rooms, city witter, sswer, gas, bath and closet; east - front lot, on rar line; rents for $11 par month. $l,600-$6'.5 8. 13th Bt., I rooms (1 bed room,), paving and permanent sidewalk paid. $2,500 On JMh Ave., Just south of Poppleton Ave., t rooms, bath, gnu. closet, newer, city water, etc.; houae In exrelUnt condi tion; lot. 10x127. $3,000 2Bn Poppleton Ave., a nice S-room, two-stery house; modern except furnace; oak finish dcwnstalrs; barn. $?.l00 On Burdette St., Just east of 24th., a new 6 room. modern cottage, porcelain tub, closet, etc. Can be sold on easy terms. $4,000 A fine S-room, all mod ern cottage In Dundee; best of plumbing, hot water heat, gas and electric combination fix tures: on flna corner, 100x108: good barn. This la a good home for the money. $4,250 On 21st near Leaven worth we have an 8 room, modern, square home, on east-front lot, 80x132, with good barn. This Is a good down town bargain. $4,750-Tl S. 25th Ave., an ele . gant 8-room, all modern home, finished In white oak downstairs, gas and electric combination fix tures, goed under-feed furnace, paved street, permanent walk. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. We have three rery choice homes on Harney St., near $4th. tnst are Just being fin ished. These will be strictly up to date. If you contem plate getting a new home be sure to look at these. If you wsnt something good In the Farnam district we have had Just listed' with us an elegant S-room home that la fine, best of oak finish downstairs. VACANT. 60X150 On Lafayette Ave., near 42d, $260. 60x132 In Summit Add., south of Hanscom Park, $400. 90x110 On South loth St., near Cas tellar, east front, oaved 8t, Want offer. 60x127, east front, on 2th St., near Poppleton Ave.; paving and permanent walk paid, lioo. investments. J710 and 2712 Parker St., two -room houses, with gas. sewer and city water; paved street and permanent walk paid; rents tor $336 per year. Price, $3,260. Three good cottages, on corner lot, on 24th St., close In; rents for $673 per year. Price, $5.760. On Douglas St., near 21st St., a good 8-story brick, renting; for $1,800 per year $20,000. . 14th and Douglas, two-story hrlrV rentlne for $1,440 per ner vear. Price. $14,000. RE R C. Peters & Co. Choice 8-room modern house, well arranged. nek finish and floors dciow. oomninauon fixtures, permanent walks sna pavement. park district, su.ouo. i.rnAm hniiae strlrtlv modem and In the best condition, east rront on nn, wmcu Is caved. Price. $6,000. Look this over and submit us an offer. 7 rooms snd reception hall, strictly modern. only one year old. comoinauon natures, hot water, neat, xa.iuu. Near 42d and Farnam. facing south, we have an 8-room house ana reception nan, 'rooms larae and well lighted, new fix tures, new plumbing, oak finish In recep tion hall and parlor, coal grate and man tel, permanent walk, house In first-class condition from top to bottom; worth $4,000; for quick movement priced at i,VM. 8-room house, partially modern, on South 10th Bt., full lot, W.3UU. Kew 6-room house with reception hall. atrletly modern, l diock rrom car. i-noe, $3,100. S-room house, modern except furnace, well located In Clifton Hiu, lot aoxizo, an ainas of fruit. Price, fz.100. A large list of other houses ranging from $auo up. VACANT We are agents for the S. E. corner of 38th and Dewev. slxe or ground ivjxiiw. mis considering the surroundings, Is the choic est building site In Omaha. If Interested, call and we will give you prices and terms. 8. W. corner of 36 th avenue and Harney. 4x120, fine for flats. Bee us at once it you wish something right - 63x108, 83d and Davenport, $3,000. This lies very nicely. Loon it over ana suDmit offer. 172x168, well located, near 8. 24th street bam. The whole thing lor 41,10a 'ibis will make five good-sixed lots. 8- front on Dod near tn Bt- J1-785- On 40th. just N. of Joslyn's, permanent walk and pavement, speclali au paid. frlce, Sl.&oo. (0x160 8. front on Isard. near 40th. $1.S"0. Fronting E. on 26th near Woolworth, $1,100. ES. front on Florence boulevard near Rome Millers fine home, frlce, $1.0u0. t E. fronts on 41st just 8. of Caas. Very cheap at $300 for both. 8. front on Farnam near 43d, lot prac tically on grade, rnce, two. E. frent on 85 th Bt.. commencing- 00 ft. no. of Davenport, we have 60x136. Eastern owner anxious to sell. Look It over and submit offer. 28th St., lust 8. of Pratt, I 60-foot lots, both for $40U S6th and Larlmore. t 8. front lots; no finer view to be had la this district. Frlce, $400 for both. If wishing to locate In Dundee be sure and can upon us, aa we are neaaquanera lor Dunaee property. Boulevard Terrace Comprising 10 lots south of Poppleton, be tween ttth and 16 th, absolutely the choic est In the market for the money. There has been a rery big advance In our E. front lots on $6th, which are practically gone. The same thing will happen on 36th avenue. Buy now and get In on the ground floor. Call for plat and prices. LIST TOUR FROPERTT WITH US FOR QUICK SALEX WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF BUYERS. R. C. Peters & Co. Nes'zat South 17th SL. Bee Bldg. AS ACRE LOTS North of Krug park. E. G. Bolomoa. f&ou Benson Hit. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H HOUSES AND LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF OMAHA ALU PRICES t $60-3207 N. 26th avenue. 4 rooms, city water; built two years ago. $1.260 3215 Webster, S rooms, good- repair, city water, sewer, barn. $1,400 ZA2 Sahler, I rooms, city water, good barn. $1.700 2J06 Sprague 8t., i rooms, modern. 12,10034: 8. 16th Bt., S rooms, modern, per manent walks, shade trees; lot 45xli0 feet. $2.250 2428 Hamilton Bt., 4 rooms, large lot. 60x127 feet. $2,4002617 6. 16th St., 7 rooms, all modern but furnace. $2,6602424 Maple St., e-room. all modern house, nearly new, permanent walks. $2,760 MO 8. 24th St., 6 rooms, modern, .lot 40x132 feet, H block south of Leaven worth. $3,100-3931 N. 24th St., ( rooms, strictly mod ern, cement block foundation, paved street, permanent walks; built last year. $450 and $500 EOTS SOUTH We still have a few of those choice lots left, just west of Krug's brewery, along the Open Monday Evenings Till p.. m. HASTINGS 1609H Farnam St. BARGAINS New 3-story, modern house, faring east on 24th, adjoining Kountse I'lace; an Ideal home, worth $3,500. Price for Im mediate sale only, $2,950. iiti Bunii iu SEE IT. Almost new 8-room, modern cottage on Price only Templeton Ave.; lot 42x132. $1,800. SNAP. New 4-room cottage near 24th and Ames; rents for $12 per month; east-troni ioi, 45x125. Price, $1,150. THIS IS A BAR GAIN. VACANT 45x70, at 24th Ave. and Harney, the best location In the city for brick flats, ana Increasing In value every day. Price, $1,900, but will be advanced to $2,260 after this week. 60x125, at 20th and Wirt, a beauty $1,150. 60xll, near 83d and Marcy, fine $700. 66x132, room for 2 cottages, near 24th and Ames. Price, $376. ERNEST SWEET 613 N. T. L. Tel. Doug. 1472. RE R. H. LANDERYOU, BOARD OF TRADE. ALL MONEY MAKERS HOMES & LOTS SNAPS Manderson street, 3017, new cottage, 6 rooms, modern except furnace; lot 45x 130 $1,700. t - .... .. Grand Ave., N. W. corner 26th St., ( rooms. modern; two full lots. Big snap $2,800. Looust St., T rooms, all modern $2,800. Locust St., 8 ToomS, fine corner $2,700. Emmet St., 8318, 8 rooms; nice south-front lot, 60x130. ,Vey .JespT$l,150. Woolworth Ave., modern .brick flats, new and up to flats; rents for, $0 per -month. Splendid Investment $S,000. Cass St., 2217 lot 68x132; 8-room house on 24 feet, renting for $26 per month, leav ing 42 feet vacant ground. Tills la the best bargain in Omaha $3,760. Emmet St, near 80th, 6-room cottage $S50. 4023 North 26th St., 6-rooms, corner $1,500. Vacant lota on Rugglea St., 28th St. to 28th Ave., south fronts, water, Bewer and gas; cheapest lots In North Omaha, new house being built on one of them now for quick sale, $276. Vacant lot. 22d and Brown Sts. Snap $360. Benson, 7 acres, 6-room house; all kinds of fruit trees; will double in value $4,000. RE BENSON BARGAINS Buy this dandy little Benson 8 acres; has 6-room house, barn, etc.; good well, some fruit; all under cultivation the best snap In that vicin ity. Price. $2,600, on very lib- ' eral terms. R. Beecher Howell Co. Tel. Doug.-lS36. Karbach Block. RE THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AS- U'l'KALTB U( 11 are me safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors You don't buy a lawsuit When you buy a "Kerr" abstract JOuS N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Plume Doug. 2244. . RE GEORGE & 1601 FARNAM -STREET. SAFE INVESTMENTS $125,000 for corner with five-slurv building In good location, near busineba earner, ren tal over Ho.uiv per year. $77.&uO for business building:, one-half block from new lota street retail center: rental for next year, 6 per ceut net. After uuo year we believe rental can be increased. 130.000 for 3-story brick builUlna. stores and fiats, within one-halt biouk iblb. and Uuwaid sis; not reuial, i per cent. W'lieu present leaaea expire rent can be increased. i'M.Mi for six biick houses, on corner lot. $ blocks from pusloOlce; rental, per year. $10,000 for block of houses near 22nd and Dewey avenue; rental, $1,8jU per year. 3.W0 for business tirooerty on b. ISth sL: rental, VA4.ou per year. $2,M0 for residence property: rental. tmOO per year. HOUSES. $8,000 for 610 Park avx. well built Bronm house: Improvements alone costing: ov. r $&,Uuu, Lot 'iLxIMj f u. having double tionluge aim room lor uiree inure nuuatsa. 1'artnj Qrslring to look tnrougu house must secure teiier or go wun some une troiu our omuo. $4,0 for 6-room 2-stury house, strictly modern, nearly new, and In nrst-ciass con dition; lot 46xloS ft. on ilat avenue, near L)oue street. Choice location. ti.JuO for 1911 Emmet at. S-rbom modern house, oak finish, mantel and grate, lur-e cistern, lacing Kouutse Reserve, overlook ing boulevard, attordunf hue view. iut tax U feet. 14. uuo for 4-room modern house, hot water beat, on Jbth ave., one block south of Dewey ave. Lot has double frontage, with room to build another houae facing IfTlU street. $3,600 for liSO N 17th at.. 7-room houae. all modern except furnace, lot iuiliO feel; part caau. uaieuue ou time at per cent. $3,100, for 6-room 2-story modern houae. with full cemented baeinent, nearly new, on South Alu at., near Poppleton ave. Paving paid In full. 14.UU0 tor luo-, N. Uth at, 1 cottages of I and 4 roviue respectively, having city water, sewer and aaa: lot euxlu ft. Will sou sepaiuieiy if deaircd for l,uv and $l,4uu respectively. ii.iM for two 6-room well-built cottages having city water, sewer, gaa and loaide cioa Um. rentlua for S&.tM oer mouth, and always rented. In north part, between Alb and ctherman ave. car Hue, about one uule north of business center. $2, Too for corner 26th and Spauldlng sts., nloe 7-room cottage, modern except heal; Urn. fine snide trees: beautiful ovruer luL FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -u- H new boulevard; fine, high ground. These are the cheapest good lots between Omaha and South Omaha. If you cannot pay cash we will make easy terms. These are sure to double in price In a few years. $300, $350, $400, $450 and $500 LOTS NORTH We are offering the best values in medium priced lots In our two additions, located north and south of Fort street, between 24th and 27lh. These are all 60-foot lots and all have city water. Qas and sewer will be In by the time you can get your house built. We make terms as low as $TO down and $10 per month. Call and got a plat or Dotn additions. $650 and $700 LOTS ON UIN- NEY AND AV1KT STKHKTSS Are the best values offered for lots so close In. These are Just east of Sherman avenue. All lots have city water and sewer: gas will be put In Inside of 90 days. These lots are 60 1:4 feet each, and all lay fine; close to stores, paved streets and school. A number of new houses axe now being built. & HEYDEN, (Ground Floor). RE GARVIN BROS. Owners Want Offers On The Follow ing Properties. Small cottage with ground 100x194 feet, N. W. corner lOtu and Frederick Sts.. 2 block from end of S. lOtu St, enr line. If you want a bargain in vestigate this and submit offer. Trice $1,350, rent $lt0; 2'J28 X. 25th St: good C-rooin cottage, city water, cemented cellar, pnrt on payments. -Clifton Hill Good 5-rooni cottage, modern but furnace, nice lot and lawn, good surroundings. Price, $1,700; part on terras. ORCHARD HILL. HOUSES. 3830 Seward St., good 7-room dwell ing, porcelain bath, gas, sewer, etc., full lot. paved street Trice, $3,000; submit offer. 3854 Seward St., 0 rooms, all modern, porcelain bath, best furnace, gas, city water, sewer, first-class bouse, full lot, naved street Trice $4,000; submit offer. NBA 11 WEST FARNAM. 4224 Douglas, 7 rooms, bath, gas, city water, full lot. Trice $2,250; part on terms; submit offer. NEAR 2."TH AND CHICAGO. A good 0-room dwelling, new furnace, porcelain bath, gas, city water. Darn lot 70x132 feet, paving tax all pnld. bouse newly painted and repaired. Trice $4,500. BUNCH OF LOTS. Submit offer for the wliole bunch Ixt 11. block 20, Hanscom Place. Price $500. Lot 23. block 6. Walnut II 111. Trice $200. - Lot 17, block B, Bedford Tlace. Trice $150.., ., RUTLAND ADD. LOTS. Nice south front lots on Boulevard, corner, 20th St., 1 block south of Vln ton street car line, convenient to Omaha and South Omnha. Trice $"5flr terms. $100 down, balance to stilt. GARVIN BROS.. 1004 FARNAM ST. RE Widows Sacrifice Must sell splendid home, on paved street; permanent walks, large grounds, barn, fenced, shade. Make offer. Six-acre trackage at half what It is worth. National Investment Co , Douglas Block. RE Great Sacrifice Sale Owner Is packing goods to leave the city. This beautiful home Is located tit 21111 Charles Ht., has 9 rooms, with bath, tul lot, wash bowl, gas and electric light, . duuble uurlors. la rue dining room, with Tien off of hall, hardwood finish, hot water heating plant, fine cellar, laundry, with soft water supplied throughout house, fine barn, with water Inside, wash room and toilet, fine shade. Iron fence. paved street and permanent walks; fine place for a doctor. Don't fail to look Into tins. Someone Is going to get a great. big bargain. Price. $3,5u0. We can show the property any time. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. SOLE AGENTS. 6TII FLOOR N. X. LIFD BLDO. RE 843 22 ACRE LOTS North of Krug park. E. O. Solomon. Ttiuiie lienaon Lj. RE 619 22x FOR BALE A home worth $30.0U for Hi. COMPANY PHONE DOUGLAS 766. $1',100 for 7-room house and barn, on Brls tol, near 27th St.; lot OexlJi ft. Room for anotner nouso on lot. 11. SOU f(ir 4'.Jt HPMiMtla St t-wrnr .,,.. in good condition, clly water, sewer and gas, large cistern; nicely located; lot 6ox i leei. Si.Hio ior good 6-room house, cltv water. sewer and as on Corby bt., near lSth oi. iv ice anaue trees. VACANT $8,500 for 99 ft. double frontage on Park Ave. and Soth Hi., near LeuvenwortU; 8 rouin, modern house on lot, which will rent ior WO per month. Room to build nve more houses. . This proposition is wormy oi prompt Investigation. $5,0U0 for 100x116 ft. northeast comer Pop pleton and (Jeoi'tla Aves. Room to build three houses. .any terms. $4.0uo for 22x13:1 ft., south front, on Howard St., near 13th St, $3,iuu for luixi.d it. northeast corner Slst aim niiago bis. xj.ioo for ouxHi ft., 8. E. cor S5th St. and I'ooge Bt.; ij.&uu ior 23x133 ft., north front, $2,6ou tor 60x143 ft., north front, on Doua- laa St., near 24 St. Part cash, balunce i e per cent. $2,lu0 for 64xu ft., west front, on 7tta St., one block south of Dewey Ave, " Choice location for double brick fiat. Will di vide and sell XixtM ft. for $1,100 If both pieces are sold before April 4, 1j. $1,ij for 45x143 ft.., west front, on Uth St., lj feet south of Dodge; paved street; leaeuiiaoiv lernis. $ for several choice lots facing Central boulevard, 4M136 ft. each, having double frontage, one black north of Farnam car line. $1.36o for 60x130 ft., south front, on Lincoln boulevard, between 34th and 36ih tits. $1,CM) for 60x154 ft., east front, on Georgia Ave., just south of Hickory. IS., for 42 Vxl32 ft., south front, on Bristol tt., i-a ii. west oi Z4in bt. $660 for 60x128 ft., south front, on Under- wood Ave., between kvtb and 61st bis. (Dundee.) $&i for 5oxllt ft., south front, on Marcy t., kju rt. -west or list Bt., on grao. $0") for UilOO ft., north front, on Burt SU, 434 ft. eait of 2d St. $L2S each for several choice lots. 4 11x124 ft. north front, on Pratt, between and f7th; city water, sewer and gas In street. oeautnui snaae tree, busy terms. $360 for 62x131 ft . west front, on Central boulevard, lie ft north of Gold. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. Sholes Company 721-22 N. Y. Life. 500 S";a Miami St., 4-room cottage, lot 60 iro ft., good cellar, eotne fruit; ijw down, balance monthly. $ 900 2T.19 So. 17th St., 4 rooms, water, good cellar, closets and sheds, 40 ft. lot. $1.200 7a Barcrrft St., lot 40x140 ft., 4 rooms. city water. $l,2f-0 4131 Grant St., sewer, water and gas. nice shade; easy payments. $1,400 2f25 Rees St., 8 rooms, sewer, water and gas, good repair, Kiuz It. lot, permanent walk. $1,500 312 Pnrker St., rooms, god repair, nrsi-ciass in every respect; nice shade, lot 54x130 ft Bargain. $1,900 4220 Burdette St., II rooms, mod. ex cept furnace, larpe light rooms, lets of shade, lot SOxlJO ft; desirable lo cation, close to car. A bargain. $2,0001124 No. Jtith, nearly new S-roon house, mod. except furnace; finish, natural wood. Very desirable. $2,200 227 Morton Ave., Benson, f rooms. nearly new, finished In hard pine, first-class material and workmanship throughout; lot loOxL ft.; two blocks from the car. $2,3003622 Charles, new, 6 rooms, pore, bath. gas. Jl'xiz, ft. per- manent walk, 1 blocks to car; two cash, balanoe monthly. Very choice. $2,600616 No. 41st Ave., 1 rooms, mod. fur nace heat, lot 60x110 ft., good shade front and back, first-class condition, best borne for the money we know of. See It aulck sure to ro. $3,0002710 Davenpert Bt.. roome, all mod., good repair, 60x130 ft., close In; good barraln. Bee it. $3,000 N. K. cor. 26th and Hickory Sts.. 60x i ci it., paving, permanent walk, line onK nn., two-story, 6 large rooms, mod. ex. furnace, trees, good barn. Leslrable home. $3,400 Brand new 7-room house, 4212 Harhey bt., ail modern, south rront lot, 4x 1A ft., permanent walk, two blocks from car. If not sold this week owner will move In. Last chance at this nrlce. $3,500 East front. 44th between Harney and Dewey Ave., 350xllH ft., seven 60-ft. lots, brand new, strictly mod. up-to-date, 6 large rooms, nickel plumbing, rorc. bath, fine natural wood finish, aih room walls painted, polished floors, oiled for rugs, large closets, vestibule, kitchen, vestibule and loe box room, fine cellar under entire house, all cemented, Carton furnace, four blocks from end of Farnam car line, lots of trees, fine place for fruit, chickens, cow and garden. Easy . terms. Don't fall to sea this. $6,000 2I66 Douglas St.. 8 rooms, strictly V mod., flrst-clnss repair, nearly new; owner deceased, heirs want to sell. Investigate. $8,000 13 Worthlngton Place, fine 10-room nouse, not water neat, larg grounds 106xl3G ft., fine location Must be sold and is a big snap. WEST FARNAM BARGAINS- One of the handsomest moderate-Drlced homes, near 34th and Dodge, 8 large rooms, handsome Interior finish, beautifully arranged, very best of construction, fine cemented basement 12-in. wall, one of the most beau tiful locations In West Farnam section, fine shade, all specials paid. Owner leaving city May 1 won't rent, but wants to make quick sale. Built only two years. Don't pass this up. Cannot afford to build when you can purchase a home like this. As good aa new and less than what It can be duplicated for. W. R. Homan, Do you want 20 per - ent Income on your money actually Invested In downtown business property? .1 have the bt- Investment in the city, after In yi lit u few thousand down the property will pay for Itself. Good S-room bouse and clear lots to trade for grocery stock. New double brick, the best In the city. six blocks from P. O., thoroughly modern, flninhed In hnrd wood and rented for 100 a month. Trice $10,500. Lot 17. Washington Square, $650; splen did building lot 1113 Harney St., 2Lxl32. 2-story brick warehouse for $6,000; this Is a bar gain. . 615-17 N. 17th St.. double brick flat. renting for $70 a month. Price $7,000. W. R. Homan. 1517 Farnam St RE- DESIRABLE LOT FOR BRICK FLATS ONLY 2,100 64x64 feet, west front on 27th St., one block south of Dewey Ave., pave a street, specials paid in full. Will divide and sell 31x04 feet with room for single brick for $1,100, If both are sold at one time and before April 24, 1906. . GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE-781 23 N. P. DODGE & CO. Offers $ acres and 7-room house and barn and chicken house, good well and acres of strawberries and grt pes and cherry trees and aDtiles and raspberries, all enclosed with good fence. Only blocks from end of Ames avenue street car, for $3,700; part cash, balance time. We challenge anybody to beat this. Good only this month. N. F. DUDMJS r OI., 1714 Farnam SL RE 79$ VL LIST your propertle Cuming. with Boyer, K4 and Four stories and trackage We kav for rnt, a four-story brick building, -with, cemtut bgnaut 22 feet frontaf oa Fxam St., between 0th and 10th Sts. Tracktij in the rear. Elevata and large burglar proof ranlt. TOX THUI APPLT T 0. C. JtOIIWATZX. SrOltTliJlTa TELEPHONE III, ft0U til. 1IH BVTLDXVds. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Tel. Dough? 49. One of the finest West Farnam homes. corner 136 ft. square, elegant large well-eonftrurted mod. residence, II to 15 rooms, hot water heat, $ bath rooms, handsome Interior finish, fine mantels, walls ranvnied and dt'coratod. lm-ntlon unexcelled, every thing In first-claps repair. Tropertf ciin be seen any time nnd early ros- session given. Hrii-e. S3 per cent less than could ne duplicated for. If you want a good home don't fall to in vestigate this place. VACANT $ 650 2oftxlS0 ft., 8. K. cor. S6th and Taylor, block from car, high, sightly view, tlrent big snap; easy payments. $ 660 220x198 ft. enst front on 15th, block so. of Vinton, one full acre, fine for garden, fruit, hot house or other purposes. ; iTO-N. W. cor. 34th and Pnyd S(s.. a fine corner lot, two blocks from car. A big snap. $ 350 S. E. cor. 29th and Ruggles, 60xl2f ft. lots. Fine bargain. $ 70076x110 ft., west front on IRth. south of William. Room for three cottages. Splendid bargain. Worth mors money. $1,250-62-140 ft., N. E. cor. 19th and 8ruce Sts. A bargain. $1,200 uxm ft., 8. E. cor. 16th and Vinton, paving and permanent walk paid, mm for two stores and flats, worth double the price asked. A speouia- tlon In this. $l,20O-Oxl78 ft., west front on 83d, ft na, of Poppleton Ave., permanent walk and sewer. $2,500 0x 140 ft., east front on 2th, I ft sotith of Jackson; room for three flats. $3,00075x132 ft., east frent on 87th St., 4 Mock north of Farnam. $6,60004x128 ft., S. E. cor. 2th and Dewey Ave., opposite the Winona; finest comer for block of flats in the Ky or will divide. $7,000 N. W. cor. ttoh and FSfnnm. 1SJ ft E. front on 3flth by 86 ft. ieep. Fins residence corner; location unexcelled. 76x 240 ft., east front on 32d Ave., fanln Hnnscom park. 150 ft. north of Cen ter. Owner very anxious to sell quick, would divide. Want offer. , SHOLES SUB DIVISION 60040x120 ft. W. fronts on 16th Just south of Vinton St.. new permanent walki trees set out, perfect grade, high and sightly, close to the car. . These are the finest lots for the money In the south part of town. You can't beat them. Look the ground over and be convinced. INVESTMENT $7,0001111-18 and 16 So. 2Sth St., three cot tages, renting for $74 per month, two of them lesa than three years old and all mod.; the other one a little older, but In good condition; all are ready renters; lot 110x160 ft This will pay 11 per cent. $12,600 Two new brick flats and 8-room frame dwelling, near 25th and Daven port Sts., full lot 60x122 ft., renting lor $115 per month. These are nearly new and very deslrnhle. $20,000 One of the finest corners In the city, three 8-room mod. flats, one 8-room dwelling, finished In oak, everything the very best. All less than two years old. Streets paved and paid for. This Is the moat dlserable proposi tion for residence snd Income prop erty In the city. . Rentals, $170 per month. RE REED BROS. 4.(J50-Lot 12, block 1, Park Place, llOx 850, fronting- on California and; Webster Sts.; two houses and ample ground to construct three cottages, facing Webster St $3,000 40th and Farnam, 9-room mod ern house, south front $0,000 0-room modern house, West Far nam district 2 blocks from car line, full lot paved street Lots In Sheridan Tlace, 45th find Leavenworth. $200 to $300 each; easy terms. Lots In Hazel Terrace. 20th St, one block south ef Boulevard, $200 to $300 each. REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St re- NEBRASKA LAND ATTENTION. R.EAL ESTATE AGENTS. We want live agents In every town to sell our 90.000 acres of fine corn and wheat lands In western Nebraska. We will pay liberal commissions. We will advertise yott to your people. All you have to do la to encourage them to join our excursions. If we make a land sale, you get the com mission. Don't wait. Write now for full particulars. WILLIAM WESTERLTJND CO., 69 DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. RE 664 13x TBACKAGE SNAPS About I acres In a body, with $00 feet frontage on U. P. main line at South Omaha. Fine layout for lumber or coal yards or factory, or anything calling for railway facilities; would divide. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. DOUGLAS BLOCK. RE Uf 41 0 for 60x130 ft., east (runt, oa $4th St. itt ja Ex mi i .n i ecu i,uoice. lot rt. south. U Cass. REr