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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
THE OMAILY DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, 'ATRIL 22, 1006. WANTED MALE HELP DO IT THE WARDROBE Expert Dry Cleaners of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothing WE DARN SOCKS AND STOCKINGS. "VVe take care of gentlemen's clothing; one-dollar-a-month plan. We attend to all clothing ourselves, and every garment has our attention given it, so that WE are responsible. TRY US abed DEE-LIGHTED "PHONES DOUGLAS 6656 AND 1729. R. E. CORN WELL. WANTED An all-round printer, married' preferred, to take charge of good country town in Missouri. Address, stating expe rience, Hanna Adv. Agency, Bt. Joseph, Mo. B M599 2:x PERSONS everywhere to distribute our samples; '$18.00 weekly; steady position. 1 Manager, 4 Wells Bt., Chicago. 111. ... B-E.93 21x WANTED A first class, thoroughly ex perienced clothing salesman. Apply , clothing department, J. L. Brandeis ft , (Sons. B M660 21 WANTED Carpenters, steady work. Ad .. dress, Jos. Shleslger, contractor, Yutan, Neb. B M613 WANTED Two men and two boys. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. B MB76 22 Paper Hangers Wanted. ' None but flrst-olnas men need apply. High . class work. Belt ft. Van Sittert, Des - Moines, la. B-624 23 WANTED A man to care for horses and do gKneral -work. 602 S. 40th St., between J and 8:30 p. m, . B 618 23 U. 8. NAVY enlists for 4 years young men and mechanics, cltlstens of the U. 8., 17 to 35 years. Opportunity for advance ment better than ever before. Special 1 mechanical training to man qualified. . Pay $16 to 170 a month, besides allow ances. Traveling Recruiting Party will visit this spring fltoux Falls, Yankton, Sioux City, Des Moines, Ottumwa and Cedar Rapids. Permanent Station, P. O. lllrtK., Omaha; sub-offices at Lincoln (Uurr Block) and Council Bluffs (P. O. Bldg.) Call or write for full particulars. B MEN everywhere, 24 dally, pass circulars, tack signs; no canvassing; steady. Con tinental Distributing Service, Chicago. B 714 22X GOOD PAY to men everywhere to tnck signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., Clil cago. B 716 22 x GOOD pay for earnest workers everywhere distributing circulars, samples, and ad vertlslng matter. No canvassing. Co operative Advertising Co.. New York. ... B 647 iZx ..WANTED A i scratoh polinher. ..Must be good man. Kansas City Mirror Mfg. Co.. 1416 walnut Bt., Kansas City, Mo. ( B 761 22x COLLECTOR Must be a hustler and of good character. Nebraska Furniture and Carpet Co.. Bo. Omaha. B 784 22 Al SALESMAN for general furniture house, steady position; none but capable man need apply at Millard hotel drug store, between 8 and 10 p. m. A. Smith. B 785 22 HONEST man to travel; place samples, groceries, etc.; experience unnecessary; $18 week and expenses. Kel-Bro Man hattan Bldg., Chicago. - B 698 22x SALESMAN $12 per week, board and ex- riense money advanced; visit stnall owns In vicinity, distribute samples, take orders and make collections; un usual opportunity for man of ability; position permanent and salary Increased If .satisfactory. Address Proprietor, Dept. N. Box 244, Philadelphia, Pa. B WANTED District men to represent lins or patented hardware specialties; salary, $21 weekly; expense money advanced. Address Hardware Dept. Ideal Cutlery Co., Chicago. . . B 626 22x LEARN a profession In one to three days that will make vou Independent for life; e isy, fascinating profllablH; can be car ried on at home. The Evrlmlan Co., box 2w09. New York. B-36 22x MANAGER WANTED, every section, to , select agents for "Ganieoaclence," world's greatest, new, lawful game for drinks or cigars; takes place of forbidden slot machines; nlayed with nickels or quarters; one to seven persons can play at once; finish beautiful, like cash regis ter: rented or sold on easy payments; sample sent free. Proposition will please you If we still have opening In your sec tion. United Sporting Goods Mfg. Co., Dept. 59, Chicago, 111. B 6S4 2ix . IN SIX WEEKS we educate vou In sales manship, secure you a position as trav eling salesman with responsible firm. Ad-Oer-s The Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. B 681 22x WE WILL make vou a present of $100, give you a splendid suit of clothes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free and pay you a salary of $85 per month end all traveling expenses to take or ders for the greatest and most reliable portrait house In the world. All this will be guaranteed. Address R. D. Martel, Dept. 860, Chicago. 111. B 78$ 22s WANTED Four men to travel In each state, distribute samples and advertise our goods. Salary $21 per week aud expenses, guaranteed. Expenses ad vanced; experience unnecessary. Ad ' dress, with stamp, stating age and occu pation. Reeve Co., 427 Dearborn St., , Chicago. B 78 IZx WANTED Manager for branch office we oatemplate opening here In Omaha. Ad dress with reference. The Morris Whole sale House, Cincinnati, t). B 635 22x VA NTED Man of about SO years; night porter; character reference necessary. Address Perkins Hotel, David City, Neb. B 812 Six SALESMAN Jewelry, by large manu facturers; general line medium-priced Jewelry for the furnlBhlng. general and jewelry store trade for Nebraska and Iowa. Strictly up-to-date goods at right pr'ces. Can be carried as a aide linn. I'refvr man with acquaintance among lewelrv buyers. State experience. Ad dress E, ft J. Bass, 675 Broadway, New York. B ;i 22x WANTED Band and orchestra leader; irood place year round. Write Day ft Harman, Holdrege, Neb. B 661 21 WANTED Boy who can operate type writer and who Uvea with parents; per manent position. Apply In own band writing, stating age and Salary expected. Address C 40, Bee. B M814 24x FOREMAN for composing room In large book publishing house In Chicago. Must also have experience In highest class of catalogue or commercial work. Rig sal ary to competent man; position steady, with contract if desired; strictly open shop. Write, giving experience and refer ence. Address Iw Burnham. loco Boyce Bldg.. Chicago. III. B-MtC3 25x CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS will be held In everv r'nie during the summer and fall. Full Information and questions recently used by the Civil Service Com mission free. Columbian Correspondence Washington, t, U WANTED MALE HELP NOW! L. SOUKUP. OPPORTUNITIES On our list at all times for competent men In all lines of high grade positions. We have offices In Omaha and Kansas City and are receiving calls dally from the largest business Houses in me two cities for men to till positions paying good sal aries and offering excellent opportunities for advancement. Particulars relative to our plan of placing men furnished upon request. We give a partial list of vacancies nere- wlth: Stenographer, Mfg. house, $00. Two billing clerks, Remington, $65. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $75 to $100. Collector, $50. Manager steam laundry, $75. Young man, wholesale house, $40. Stenographer, beginner, $.10. Office clerk, young man, $35. Call or write for complete list Of vacan- eteu .till hooklet. WESTERN REF. AND BOND ABB w lino.J Dept. B, 840-41-12 pi. X. Lire Midg. B 772 22 WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at brick yards, located two miles soutn or Alhrizht street car line, on Union Pa clfio railroad. Omaha Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. J-M5ai za WANTED A good all around country printer for Big Horn Easln. Wyo.; must be Boner ana gooa jod man; permanent position. Inquire today, J. P. May, St. James hotel, 13th St. B 81 22x PAINTERS WANTED. The undersigned employing painters will pay from 40c and up per hour to competent painters and paperhangers. The open-shop proposition will be Insisted upon. J. M. ANDERSON. FUCH8 FUCHS. CHARLES KLEYLA. STEVKNSON ft MOORE. BEARD BROS. HUNT ft ELLIOTT. RUTHERFORD ft JENSEN. HENRY SCHOEN8EN. FRANK H. CRAIG. H. A. KOSTERS. M. L. ENDRES. HENRY LEHMAN ft SONS. B M3S7 21 WANTED For U. S. Amy, able-bodied un ms tried men between asrea of 21 and 35 cltlsens of United State, of good char acter and temporate habits, wno can snealc. read and write Encllsh. For In formation annlv to Recruiting Office. 13th and Douglas Sts.,' Omaha; Lincoln and urana island. Neb., or bioux utyi DRUG stores bought and sold: drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest. 624 N. Y. L- B 184 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pays $5 a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 135 WANTED Three men of good personal ap ptarancn; outside position; steady em ployment C. F. Adams Co., 1618 Howard St. B Mill CIVIL SERVICE preparation.' See Under bill, W) N. 24th. B M283 Ml WANTED A painter. 1812 Chicago St. UM131 YOUNG man to learn trade. Champion Iron ft Wire Works. 611 a 16th St. B 166 26 BECOME a chauffeur at home, positions guaranteed at $4 weekly; write for par ticulars. Automobile, Dept. 136, No. 742 Seventh Ave., New York. B M451 22x ETON 63 MASONS wanted at Fort Omaha. M. P. Keefe. B M466 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; we prepare you for positions, $12 te $20 weekly; you can practically earn your tuition. tools and board before completing; short time required; positions or locations wait ing, call or write Moior Baroer college, 1116 Farnam St. B M596 27s. MEN and boys wanted; learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering; three best trades. U. S. government employes graduates. Union cards guaranteed. Catalog free. Coyne Bros., Trade schools, Nsw York, Chicago, bu Louis. a WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack sums, etc.: no canvassing. Address Na tional Distributing Bureau, 100 Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. B M58 22x AN OLD line western life Insurance com pany which Is maturing Its policies abovs estimates has a position to offer to a first class life Insurance solicitor. Address C 84, care of Bee. B MM 23 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb' lng trade; wages $4 0 to $6.50 per iluy; Colorado School Practical Plumbing; largest school In west; 1645 Arapahoe, Den ver. Colo. B MOWS M.8X OPPORTUNITY SPECIALS We have the opportunities. You have the ability. Cull or write and we will show you how to get a good position, or a better position, at a larger salary. No matter where you are located or what line you follow. We have the choicest positions that are open: Traveling grocery specialty salesman Wholesale drug salesman Manager grocery store out of city. Clothing salesman small town. Dressgoods man In and out of city. Linen .man, must be good. Shoe men in and out of city. Advertising manager for dept. store. Ad writer and window trimmer town 5,000. Two collectors for city. Stenographer for out of the clty Office manager small mfg. plant. Any kind of a high grads position you may be looking for can be bad through us. Largest In the west BRAIN CLEARING HOUSE, 821-822 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. B M774 23 LABORERS for quarry and steam shovel work. National atone Co., Louisville. Neb. B ao3 x WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE) girls, Burgess axirt Co. WANTED Girl for general housework reference required; three In family; good witgts- n. si., ouuin umana. C-862 WANTED A good girl $411 Farnam. C-3 U WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experteneed sewing women for alteration work. Apply Cloak Dept., Harden Bros. C M WANTED ExperVJced cloak and milt salesladies In our Ladies' Buit Dept., H My den Bros. C at) WANTED A good Ctrl for general house- work. 40l Hamilton Bt O-MDuD WANTED A cook, colored woman pre ferred. Christian nome, council uinns.- C M509 WANTED Experienced sewing women for alteration work. Apply at Cloak Dept.. Hayden Bros, c 664 a WANTED Competent second trimmer In lane millinery department: only those who are first-class need apply. Address C 83, Bee office. C 683 21 WANTED Girl for Farnam Bt second work. 8510 C-6S4 WANTED Experienced coat and skirt hands for tadirs' alteration dept.: large salaries. 8. Fredrick Berger ft Co., 1517 Farnam. vbsi ul LADY MANAGER In every county; office In your home; salary, $15 00 per week and expanses. F. E. Barr, Mgr., Como Bldg., Chicago. c 637 iax WANTED-Experienced ladles' suit sales ladies; large salaries B. Fredrick Fer rer & Co., 1517 Farnam St. C 588 21 GIRL for general housework. 620 N. 23d Bt. C-687 24x WANTED A good, reliable girl to work In a small ramiiy: gooa wages. J&iz Grace St C-693 23 WANTED Woman to run a stitching ma. chine Wednesday and Thursday of each week; do not apply unless you want the work. Call after 8 a. m. Monday morn ing. J. R. Campbell, Omaha Bee mail room. C 623 22x SALESLADY $12 per week, board and ex pense money advanced; visit small towns in vicinity, distriDute samples, take or ders and make collections: unusual op portunity for lady of ability; position permanent ana salary increased it sat isfactory. Address Manager, Dept. N, isox 944, jrnuaoeipma, fa. c LADIES To do piecework at home: we fur nish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Bend stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe, Chicago. C 70S 22x SEWERS Gingham Aprons; make highest wages: material sent to door free of charge; stamped addressed envelope for a'J?10 rS!!; P """d8' 48 JS'VSJ Ave., Chicago. . C 7o2 22x STEADY position year round knitting hos iery tor us at nome io a weeK; machines furnished on easy payments. Write tor particulars. U. S. Woolen Co., 80 State, Detroit, Mien. u 701 2zx LADIES WANTED Do sewing at home. mailing Baniutry Kelts; good wages; steady work; particulars stamped en velope. Lenox Co.. Dent. 460. Chicago. C-720 22x WANTED Lady as direct manager for spring business; good health and willing 10 work. Barlary $12 weekly and expenses. Advancement. Answer at once. J. k. mc- Brady ft Co., Chicago. C 721 22x WANTED Experienced ladles' strlt sales- ladles; large salaries, o. Fredrick Mer ger ft Co., 1517 Farnam St C 689 22 WANTED Experienced coat and skirt hands for ladles' alteration dept.; large salaries. 8. Fredrick Berger ft Co., 1617 Farnam C 690 2 RETAIL clerk, confectioners, $26, Collector, city work, t'S. Stenographer, Oliver operator, $40. Cashier, retail store. $25. Billing clerk. Remington, $50. Stennrranher. Remlnerton. $45. If you are In need of a position, call and see us at once. We are placing applicants every day wltjh the houses In the cltv. WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N (Ino.) Dent. B. 140-41-42 N Y. Life Bldg. C 771 22 VICTORIA Suction Sweeper Co.. 828 F St., Lincoln, Neb. Send Victoria sweeper for $3.50, all charges paid. , C 77S 22x GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Wil liamson, $420 Lincoln Blvd., Bemls ppark. , . -' 790 6 TWENTY-FIVE girls to operate power sewing machines; steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. C M799 23 WANTED Competent girl to take care two children; sleep home nights. Address C 88, nee. c M811 WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. J. ti. Dumont. 3642 Lafayette Ave. C MS21 24 LADY BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER WANTED A wholesale house wants re- liable bookkeeper and cashier. A pleas ant ana permanent place ror tne right party. Address stating experience, refer ence and salary expected. All applica tions treated confidential. Address C 42, Bee office. c M830 24 TWO seamstresses wanted for alteration; rood wages. 21)11 Leavenworth. C 845 23 FIVE laundresses and lroners for curtain cleaning; steady work and good wages. 2311 Leavenworth. c 44 23 WANTED Girl for general housework; ap ply at once, uoia Chicago Bt. c MH40 24 WANTED Experienced seamstress In ladles- cioag alteration room. Apply J. L Brandeis ft Sons. C M82( 24 GOOD girl for general housework. 933 N. 26th St. C-853 24 WANTED Lad y cashier, one with experi ence preferred. Address C 47, care Bee. O 851 23 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Place for young man to work lor Doara and room at some home. Call 3108 Seward. 'Phone Harney $372. A 81 22x AGENTS WANTED ifJF.NTH niAka lilf monitv fut Allln- r V. . omciai story oi tne iestruction of Ban rancisco, our auinors. i rum Dull wnita and Richard Llnthicum, guarantee authen ticity; nearly boo large pages; dozens of photographs; retail $1.60; $10.u0 to JO.O0 per day easy If you act quick: will outsell inv book ever published; everybody Interested; outnt tree; seuu ivu lur postage touay best terms to agents; credit given; freight ma; iae orders wniie waning ror ouuit. lonarch Book company, Chicago, 111. J-M6S4 22x AGENTS WANTED sverywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all acci dents, diseases ana occupations; some thing entirely new and Issued by this society only; easily understood and easily Bold; cost but $6 per annum each, pay able monthly It desired; large commis sions paid Immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Ac cident Society. U Broadway, New York. iLStaDiianea u years. j, AGENTS WANTED Complete storr of the can fTancisco earinquuse; large Dook; WO startling stories; big pay to agents; com- rlete outfit sent postpaid on receipt of i cent stamps; freight paid; credit riven. The Bible House, $1 Dearborn St., Chi cago, j eig 21 x 10 000 A.GENT8 WANTED Only authentic book en Ban Francisco calamity; highest comiriission : outnt nee. tne jonn C Win ston Co., 378 Wabash avenue, Chicago, lit J-29 AGENTS Big combination box contains pile Cure, Scalp and Skin Ointments, Ca tarrh and Hay Fever Baltn, Corn Salve cosu 25o, worth $1.60: profit 200 to 8u0 per cent. . Mark W. Allen ft Co.. Detroit Mich. J- $'JS WEEKLY easily earned by lady agents taking orders for us; outfit prepaid; we Start you in business and make you Inde pendent, write for circular and term. Woman s Apparel Biippiy CO., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle of aarsaparllla for 85 cents; best seller; IV) per cent prom; write toaay ror terms and territory. F. R. Greene, US Lake St.. y.v . ' VIUVAfU. j uui i iru in ni glasses uj Sending for our free book on the eye; It will tsll you all about It. Get a profession that pays from $75 to $150 per month; the opti cal profession will do It for you. No field so pleasant profitable or so little worked. No longer necessary to work for someene slse at a meager salary. Don't miss this opportunity, but send us a postal card by first moll. Jacksoniaa optical coutige, 3. college Place, Jack son, Mich. J WANTED AGENTS I WE want energetic agents; good opening lor the nglit party: steady employment; writs for particulars. Ldwar J J 4 lid ft Co., Fekin, 111. J-713 22x WANTED In every town, county or town ship, solicitors for a quick, easy Selling magazine; commissions are so liberal that anyone can start a profitable business without capital; to those who can give full time we offer a guaranteed contract. Address International, Port Huron, Mich. J 712 iCx AGENTS I give you $3.90 cash, also a Snx eo-lnch Smyrna rug riee, ir you sell I doscn flavoring extracts at am each, amounting to $7.20. I pay all express charges. Write for tree sample ana catalogue, i. Koenig, Mgr., 85 E. Klnxle Bt., Chicago, 111. J Ttsj ZZX MONEY IN SOAP One thousand dollars made by an agent first ten weeks; you can do likewise, barker Chemical Co., Chicago. J 716 2ZX 3AN FRANCISCO Earthquake Horror, big illustrated dook retail ii.bu; tree outnt 10) per cent profit; credit given; act quick. mil co., Chicago. j 71 ux BOYS Be your own boss; have others work for you. The best thing ever offered the American youtn. tsi, jonn co., mversuie. III. J 70S ix EVERY women buys our "Family Dress Fitting Charts; sell at sight for $1; cost agents 6 for $1; sample prepaid 36c; partic ulars free. 840 warren Ave., Chicago. J 706 22x LADY agents wanted to sell Unbreakable Bplral Bprlng Blue steel corsets; popular prices: profits large, write for catalogue. The Fisher Company, 210 Monroe St., Chi cago. J 704 221 EVERY property owner wants our dry chemical tire extinguishers. cheapest. best. Demonstrations make sales easy. Large profits. Exclusive territory to a Rents. Moffet Mfg. Co., Dept. E, Eau Claire, Wis. J 643 22x AOTCNTS 8an Francisco Earthquake Horror; large Illustrated volume or wo pages, with complete story oi lire, as vast m Ion and death: Immense demand: big profits; best terms. Send tic for complete outfit. Be quick. Address Thompson ft Hood, 126 Plymouth Place, Chicago. j nt OUR 8AN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE BOOK BEAT8 tliem all; tiest dook, Desi iithnrshln best terms. Don t let tree offers fool you. Send 10c quick and get outfit: $M day profit. J. L. Nichols ft Co., Napervllle, 111. J M761 23x 10,000 AGENTb WANTED-Only authentlo iuCu ..a wanciscn Calamity": hlKh- est commission; outnt tree, rue Jonn t,. Winston Co., 27H wauasn Ave., i-mcngu. IU. J M760 28X PORTRAITS Agents everywhere; $3 to $6 a day; best and cneapest line 01 tralts, frames and mouldings; experience unnecessary. We will help you to make big money. We manufacture everything used In pictures, frames and art dusi Mr nanltnl reaulred. Sample out fit free. Address (plainly) W. E. Mo- Christie Co., Camden, o. . J n tfiFVTS Sell San Franclscd Disaster missions; freight paid; credit. Send 10c nostaire for outfU; also beautiful free Kr.uhnld nremlums. American run- llshing House, Chicago. J M748 23x Wra COMPLETE story of the great Sin THM t-Ulvi i i.rj i rj .r v... Francisco earthquake, written by eye witnesses; complete set of actual photo graphs; big Dook; Dest terms, u.B "'"''J' Agents are already taking from fifteen - . ii a swim. S-Ktnt? now" reYdy. Ba nrst In Vour field. The Columbia House, Chj4x $20 Per Day selling Earthquake Disaster; . . l . 1. . . , r. f ...thant YtfHt lllUS- I largest uouiv, im.ov - trated; actual photographs; bigges t com- missions- credit given; "freight paid; free outfit sendOc postage. Dale Publishing -Hons. Dearborn. Chicago. J-756 22x HouiMS- 3b Dearporn. t,mcaB . mwcvTtAM nnRSF,MEN- Hltcn any- Vi 1 IJ.1 1..'.' . , , , A ... a I where: patented; oig ."s""--- .,d. Vooket Hltchlngpost Co., Muncie, J-767 22X SAN FRANCISCO Horror of Earthquake and Fire, complete nisiuiy m catastrophe. Book now being prepared, prospeotuses In rew days, accept best terms, credit given, outfit absolutely free Don't delay, be first In the field; order outfit today. International t-UDiisu- Ing Co., 44 North 4th SU PhUadelpiiia ra, J Too t- ' ' ' i " ' 10,000 AGENTS wanted to sen r oiun. m Ban X rancisco cainmui. nmn -o -rtl '..rthnnake. also principal buildings and streets before eartnquaae; prmieu in u..i, on hichiv enamelea uaoei, disc . "'. . : , - . " . , . . v, i A. B. Novelty co J J. -ttiiui ci, cago. 111, J 754 22x I . . tt. . iiTiini t a i.- w a MT1 I BAN. fMAtiiiA. wirt.rivi ation Official history of world's greatest disaster. Biggest, best, n.iv ralinhle authentic book. Btorles by eye witnesses. Hundreds ot photographs. Best terms to agents and general agents. First book ready. Agents first In field will earn $1,000,000. No ex oerlence necessary. Credit given; freight riald: valuable premiums. Don t delay. onieif Outfit free for 10 cents post- tr, rjirtlv cover expense. Monroe Book Co-T Chicago. 111. J-760 22x AGENTS New lamp burner; "puts Itself out If upset:" samples 40c; particulars free. Frey, 1S8 Market, 1NewaijtJ.7'x a c.vvTa wanted to sell history of the terrible Ban r rancisco cui umua,. ...,.., 10 000 men, women and children perished. Property loss $6o0.00u,0v0. Greatest calain i,., I- iK. histnrv of our country. Will outsell Galveston, McKlnley and all other sensational books ever eubllshed. 60 per cent to agents; outfit free. Ferguson Publishing Co., S39 Fifth, Cincinnati, o. J 70 4X I AGENTS WANTEtD The Ban rancisco Earthquake norror; greaiem umbuucj a Tamest and best book; best .ihn, ejt rr cent profit to agents. iwihi airi- credit aiven: outfit free. Rend 10c for postage. Cooper ft Co., 134 Lake Bt., Chicago. J lib Zlx AGENTS Official History Ban ( rancisco Earthquake; oniy hiuiii" large pictures now ready; extraordinary terms. Credit given; ouiius , , ,-T National Publishers intauiisiieu ioi; Lakeside Bldg.. Chicago. J ax I . SELL our reservoir uut nw. . net brushes In stores, scnoois, resiuence. fi i.-. r-Hiio dust 97 per cent actual r,,e,I.Ll at SL Louis world's fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin and great ae anent trade. Exclusive territory; ho nuiiicnt trade An.nati,u,n Ktate exDerionce. Milwaukee i.. ur.iuh Co.. Milwaukee. Wis "u" J-724 22X AGENTS EVERYWHERE, BOTH SEXES Others coin money kiuiii uu. 7ri. n.i..,.u.,i wnlsta: also shirt waist suit patterns, oriental silk opera shawls nri all kinds latest ladies' wearing ap parel; experience absolutely unnecessary ... vnu will mail (free) embrold ered copies, with goods and particulars how to sell them. Novelty Embroidery Mfg. Co., Dept. Z. Dtaruorn rt .. ...r Klin. J li- 66X PICTURE AGENTS Get your pictures di rect from artist; save middlemen s profit; lit work at lowest prices, a u'ui artist U06 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago AGENTS WANTED Sell San Francisco Disaster; complete moiy ui t.--- i h, fniiv illustrated: best and larirest book; best terms; credit given; freight paid. Send loc for outnt. J. S. Ziegler Co., Chicago. J M697 23x MEN willing to work positively mane i-'.wu to $8 0u0 per year seuing uui marine. EUgle Tool Co.. B 778. Cincin nati. O. JH"U AGENTS Earthquake Horror; thrilling I . .nrvivors: photographlo illustra tions: big book; price Jl.ou; terms, ou per Cent COIIlinisoiuii , ! freight paid; credit given; outfit free; send 8 cents for postage. "' ."- Atlaa Bldg.. Chicago. J 0B i- MANAGER wanted In every city and ,.tv handle best paying business !.itiTi.nte. new. exclusive control; inaiimnca or book canvassing. Address Al.... ii.. i-ru,l M West 2(ilh St.. N. Y. J 674 ax AGENTS WANTED $10 to $25 e per day .Lallv made selling our official Tiook of "The San Francisco Disaster," profusely Illustrated: big commission: freight Da id. outfit free; now ready. Bend 10c for post age, imperial ruousmng to., i nicago. J-676 22x AGENTS WANTED Everywhere, to sell gas lighters: no electricity, nre or flame: hold over g a and It ignites; everlasting; liberal salary. The No-Match Co., In dianapolis, lud. J 71$ Hx WANTED AGENTS GOODS well bought, half sold; Investi gate our silk emnroidered waist piTiern, suits and wearing apparel. Manufac turer, $801 Aldlne Dace, Chlcaco. J mi tlx PORTRAIT AGENTS lSx DO crayons. C water color, S0c: send for samples and catalogue, free. Prlln Artist Association, Dept. t, 62 8tats St., Chicago. J -739 22x WE start you selling diamonds; don't fall getting our liberal offer: aany sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. j n w AGENTS for San Francisco Disaster; big book. 600 pages; only $1.50. Stories or Survivors; hundreds of photographs; millions will be sold. Fifty per cent premiums extra. Credit given. Outfit free. Standard Co., $26 Dearborn St., Chicago. J 735 HX AGENTS' profits; one reports clearing $4 In two hours; another $3 same time; proof liositlve; selling self-generating gas burn ers, fitting common kerosene lamps; bril liant; portable gas light description free. Kastern Gas Light Co., aso uroaaway, New York. j ta ATTFjNTION AGENTS Make big money selllnit our flexible gold sign letters; no experience necessary; easy work; cata logue and sample free, f ans city inov elty Co., Louisville, Ky. J 638 22x OAS LAMP with combination heater and cooker: makes Its gas: equals electricity; heater heats room; cooker cooks any thing; three combined cost 1 cent dally to operate; agents coining money. Crown company, 123 LlDerty bi., rnew ion. J ODS K iVAniiuu uentieman or may wiui iwu references to travel bv rail or with a rig for a Arm of 8250.000 capital: salary $1,072 per year ana expenses; salary paiu weeiy and expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha, Neb. J WW ZX AGENTS WANTED "The Earthquake Horror. Get the best. The authentlo story of this appalling 'calamity will ba uiiti u Klein iiiDiuiii'ai vniut:. ,v prepared by famous descriptive writers and will be full of actual photographs. The graphic pictures and true stories of the survivors who witnessed the awful scenes are what the p-ople want. Our book will be ready as soon as any of the catch-penny editions and la the one to sell. Don t be deceived by catcn-offers. Btart llng predictions coming true. Vesuvius, the destroyer, heralds the world's peril. Get the whole thrilling, terrible story of all recent devastations by nature's forces and the prophecies and facta our authors reveal, vve guarantee Desi dook una terms. Interest and demand immense. Tremendous success sure. Shipments on credit. Bend 8 cents postage for large finest Illustrated outfit and full Instruc tions. Be quick. C. W. Stanton Co., 823 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. J-817 22X WANTED Agents. A worthy woman or mnn in every community of less tnan 10.000 population to sell our groceries to the family trade, only sucn as want nermanent employment need apply. Lib eral cash commission paid. Bodenhclmer Coffee and Tea Co., St. Louis, Mo. J- TO A FEW agents In Neb. and Western lowa wno can produce results, tne rris-ro-Snnta Fe Land and Development Co. will give exclusive territory for tne sale of their lands. Linerai commissions. Ad dress 410 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J KM 66 ATTENTION Heat your stove with oil and i. k.i,. anA nr.k II cents iliv: no morel air; bake and cook 3 cents day; no more coal or ashes: burner and outnt iree. Write Boston Burner Co.. Boston. Mass. J 769 22x AGENTS wanted on Ban Fr ;ar iclsco Horror Rnnlt. Bfio naires: fully Illustrated, il.&u. We give 60 per cent; pay freight; give xrair. nnmlnmi. Send 10 cents for out fit. Percival Supply Co., Philadelphia, Pa. J OXt 06 4U AGENTS WANTED, FEMALE -LAfly agents! We trust you Let (us send I you 20 packages of Snowflex," the ,flnest Bhampo0 powder on the market; sells for WANTED, FEMALE Lady 10c half Is your commission; don't lose a minute: send no money, out sena ior goods at once; $2.00 to $3.00 per day easily made. Address Victoria Mfg. Co., lepi 18, Woodlawn, Chicago. J 665 Six WANTED SALESMEN , - WANTED Experienced furnish their own tean salesmen, who can team and wagon to sell and deliver Medicines and Household artlc.laa on commission. Expenses paid and a reasonable earning guaranteed. The Mailer Proprietary company, tuair, iNo. . iu ma TRAVELING SALESMAN for Nebraska ana town, wnn a iuu iiuw "i , fumes and flavoring extracts, furnish ing the $2 for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $30 weekly advance tor expenses. F. b . Cook, Bales Dept., uetrou, jaicn. 8l?5."r.?: 5n2 "ew' 5V." mn"if."'.?e"'" r.t.iumvD VIIO III ill CM.ll - I mission; samples small; specify territory and experience. F. L. Vernon, Sec., New ton, lowa. 711 22x TRAVELING SALESMEN Two for Ne braska to sell staple specialty on guar antee and 30 days' trial to dealers; un usual opening; state qualifications fully or no attention. Address - 'Roper, Sales Manager, 006 Locust Bt., Bt. Louis, no. L 710 22x ' WANTED Salesman by wholesale Jewelry house to sell their line of Jewelry to gen eral trade In Nebraska; we offer special Inducements to merchants which makes sales easy; high commissions; permanent position. ficAiuster-coman t-o., . Dear born street, Chicago, 111. L 718 22x SALESMEN to soli our list of bottled fancy fruit ciders: Dest summer drinic on tne market; salary or commission. Red Cross Cider Company, Bt Louis, Mo.. L 719 22x SALESMAN - for Nebraska; experienced rairaSe". jrmane'nt" $M weekly with commission. Sawyer, Leslie at CO., Detroit, Mien. L Ml Z2X TRAVELING salesman wanted for country trade; salary $luo per montn and expenses; samples free. Los Angelen Cider Co.. St Louis, Mo. L 640 32x TRAVELING SALESMEN-Several for Ne- u l nona, uj mi bo " , . j, .l-i. taple. well advertised line to general stores; year's contract and Ubere.l drawing account to right men. P. O. Box 725, Chi cago. 1709 22X WANTED First-class specialty salesmen; one man earned over $i,imu since ren. . Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. J 706 ax WANTED Salesman; side line; quick seller to banks; small samples; big commissions. Box bul, St. Joseph. Mo. lLr-648 22x SALESMEN WANTED Acquainted with hotel, club and restaurant trade, to sell nllvi. mil rnnLIni' nil, nn fmul commission. Exclusive territory. Philip Well. 629 W. North Avt.. Chicago, 111. L 645 22x ESTABLISHED house has a desirable opening in good territory for a man adapted to sale of patent medicine with strong local advertising; features. Ex perience In similar wore valuable. Ad- Zi ... u K..r. fv,I.D.n T 7AA 99. Ulna iiva mm., v. - WANTED A good salesman to taks orders in the country to sell liquors must give bond; good commission paid; write Sol 8. Croldstrom. Boutn umana, neo, ir-m t win monev nulck returns. Ws manufac ture the largest exclusive line ot advertis ing Fans appealing to ait classes, tstsi months, March to June; liberal commls- sions semi-monthly; sampla free to eitab iiuht uiiiniML Write today. The Kern. per-Thomas Company, Fan Department Cincinnati, u. uu WANTED Salesmen calling on hardware and lumber dealers, to sen guarenieeu Roof and iron Paints; popular prices; eas ily sold; liberal commissions. Box 501, South Bend. Ind. L 673 ax SALESMEN WANTED Calling on hard ware. Implement, Harness ana general rtnra trade to carry as side line, good seller, reasonable commission. Address Western Halter Company, Station A, Kansas City, Missouri. L U 22 SALESMAN Ambitious and Intelligent, to place Jewelry departments In all kinds of stores. We take back unsold goods from merchants, but pay our salesmen full commissions in cash, with advance for menses Average earnings of our sales men In 1W over $4.0u0 each. American Kmrwlurrt Jewelry Co.. Detroit Mich. L 658 22x WANTED Experienced stove and hard ware salesman as clerk in my store; state wages desired and glvs references. Frank K. Lnr. Lincoln, jseo, u-etw ax TRAVELING salesman wanted to sell gro cery trade; $oo per montn ana expenses. California Cider and ' Extract Co., St Louis. Ud. UW VX SALESMEN WANTED BAt.FSMAN The Bwnnmf Artvrtl1ng company of loa City, Iowa, will employ one salesman for northern Nebrasks; one competent salesman can secure Our com plete trunk line of advertising novelties, bank books, leather goods, etc., et5.; ex clusive territory; must furnish best ref erences and satisfactory bond; commis sion contract. Address a above. L 627 SALESMEN can easily make $10 flay sell Ing our rold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs; cstalogue free. Sullivan Co., 4t W. Van Buren St., Chl oago. 111. L-628 2x SIDE LINE MEN We have a select Une of advertising fans neatly packed; weight, 4 pounds; latest designs; guar anteed best side line of its kind ever offered; prompt payment of commis sions. Money for workers. Now Is the time to get to work. Other commercial men will tell you our line and proposi tion Is the best. Write us for particu lars. The Gebhart company, Cincin nati, O. L 7J 22X line tiess and Imnlement trade: liberal com pensation: stale territory made. Address Postofflce Box 206, Dallas cltJJ- v REUABI.E, Industrious men In every county to sell groceries to farmers and nil large consumers. We are the largest firm In America conducting a business of this kind on the one-profit oasis and our goods are guaranteed to comply with the most exacting p'ure food laws. A permanent and profitable trade Insured; experience unneoesasrv: rood references reaulred. John Sexton ft Co., Importers and whole- Le-683 2 WINTir.n ftnlum.n nf nbllltv and neat appearance to call on all merchants In their territory; elegant side line, eon venlent to carry: rood commission prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co Cincinnati, O. " L T ttx FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 260$ DAVENPORT, one or two rooms, all moaern; Housekeeping; $7 ana per month. E 832 22X $ NICELY furnished rooms for light house Keeping In a modern home, with use of telephone. Address C 41, Bee. E 116 Ti NICELY furnished apartment of six rooms and Datn; janitor service, i'hone Douglas bW. K M8H LIGHT, airy furnished rooms, modern; gentlemen preferred. 1917 Cass. Telephone Douglas M6Y. hi MVao 23 X LARGE furnished room; all modern. 1815 capitol Ave. Telephone Douglas 4fti0. NICELY furnished room In prlvute family, an moaern conveniences, gentlemen only. r-none Doug.-4:32, 210 N. 23d, E 837 22 THREE pleasant rooms for light house keeping, to adults only, at 4ii43 Farnam. hi in -ax FOUR large rooms and alcove, with bath for housekeeping. 1924 8. 27th St. Hi 991 zzx ONE nicely furnished room, $10. 122 Bo. ztitn Bt. msti six LARGE, well furnished front room, mod - . A a !' ern; private residence; fine location; walking distance; reasonable. 2708 Far nam. E M865 23X WELL furnished room; fine location; walking distance; modern; reasonable. 2708 Farnam. E M866 23X FOR RENT Furnished room, suitable for young men. 2is in. I9tn. K e4 Z3X DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. Hi W Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks B-117 WANTED Four-room flat, furnished, all modern conveniences; newly married COUDle: best of rAfarenees? tntist be In good locality. 'Phone Dougtaa-4217. . FOR RENT CHEAP For summer, small xurnisned net, excellent location, . aesir- aois ror couple or two ladies, neierences. Address C 26, Bee. . E M506 Z2x ( ROOMS FURNISHED, reliable, stylish goods, for $75: easy payments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., liMe-iiu-lili r'arnam til. E 792 23 WELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooms, y.zii Farnam, Flat . Tel. Doug. 203. -t. MODERN furnished room for rent. 2813 w ooiwortn. e i2g 21 Thurston hotel: room. $1.60 un per week. II, IW'llWi FLNilSHWIro,uri '0r irentlea,U1JJ'1U EXCELLENT modern furnished room for one or two; phone in house; meals close. 6oi narney bi. b 6H4 FURNISHED room for rent In a private tamiiy, moaern. I or iaay. ittM Dodge. E-617 23 FURNISHED room, with or without board. private lamiiy. ana i.auiornia. E-614 34X TWO elegant furnished rooms, with alcove, moaern. lei. OM. iv u. ma Bt. E 748 22X ONE suite of southeast rooms, nicely fur- nisnea. vsa l acino. 10786 22 ONE or two rooms for gentlemen; fine lo- cation. xi f arnam, is sis Z4x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0.MJ3. Haul Trunka F-141 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, oafc. F 149 NEWLY furnished, nice, pleasant front parlor, with big alcove, for married couple or two gentlemen; first-class board; home cooKing. itu f arnam, Tne yulvet. Tel. Douglas 7164. F M3B7 21 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 3 rooms; batb. Tliard, 220 N. -4U. u aLhH I WE FURNISH ROOMS on easy payments at very reasonaDie prices. I OMAHA r I 11MTL HK AND CARPET CO.. 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. O 790 23 I $10.00 I rooms. 27th St. and fit Mlir.'i A ... Jioo 2 rooms and bath, 15th and Harney Sts.. third floor. $26.00-3 rooms, fourth floor, 15th and Har- sey Dts. N. P. DODGE ft CO., 1714 Farnam. a-783 23 4-R. for housekeeping; all modern ; $16. tsi. uougias MOV. J 49 si LARGE front room, bay window; north jjan ui cny, vwo lauies; reierence. in- quire iuo rarnam. (J g2i i I BUSINESS CHANCES AMERICAN DEFOREST W1RELE Telegraph stock; to. close out our holdings we win sen a smau oioca or stock at about one-tnira ot tne company s price. ,p o. box i trippie creek, Colo. Y-MaOO tax FOR BALE New stock of millinery of fine location and good town; will sell cheap. Address a 4, care of The Bo: . Y-M1188 FOR BALE OR RENT Good bakery prop erty, half block from the postofflce In Blair, iseo. Aaaress box w. Ulalr, Neb. Y-M197 22x PA T E N TS - GUARANTEED Patent stecured or Fee Returned. Bend model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Bend for illustrated Guide Book. Contains loo mechanical move- ments snd LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particulars NEW TRAD MARK LAW COPYRIGHTS, etc Pat- cuts advertised free In World s Progress. cvamb. wiuttpis t wu., Keg. Attorneys. (83 P Street Washington. D. C. Y WE HAVE the best yellow pine propoel- tlon In the south. Principals having tnonsy to Invest address P. O. 34ns 11, Bavaaoao, us. sex BUSINESS CHANCES Do TOIT have any kind of property to ex change for Iowa or Nebrasaa land, ou si nes property, tmiah residence, general stock mdse., hardware, drug store. ete etc? Our list Is large. It us get you results. Templeton ft Manker, l'e Bldg. Tel. Douglas-2904. Y M834 YOU can never profit by business chance unless you nave some money; smau sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes! start a savings account with J. L. Bran dels ft Sons, Rankers, 16th and Douglas rtts. Assets over ttw.v. CAPH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire s quick sale send us description and prtca. northwestern Business Agency, it 11a, Rank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. I WANTED High class business man to manage state agency! salary not exceed ing ana commissions; investment $1,000 and upward required; only capable tiusinesa man atiie to rurnisn unquestiona ble references need apply. Address Box 6St!, Madison, Wis. Y 707 22 WE WILL pay courteous attention to any commercial proposition that requires capi tal. We have a number of Investing clients who are anxious to Invest, and we serve their Interests moat raiinruii? wnen we carefully exam ne all entemrlses pre sented, in which their money might be safely and profitably placed. We realise mat tne country is run 01 meritorious en terprises, which are undeveloped and which require such service as we are In a Rnsition to render, no guarantee reas. atlonal Mortgage and Bond Co.. 634 First National Bank Bids., Chicago, 111. 1 a FOR BALE! Restaurant outfit; new, first class: cheap. Qeorga Kinney, Burling ton, la. T 763 23 PATENTS 64 PAGE BOOK FREE This book Is the result of our twenty years' experience and tells all about Pat ents. Illustrates 100 Mechanical Movements and contains a Full History of all the Great Money Making Inventions of the Century. Book FRWS to everyone. 918 F Street, Washington, D. C. 0 'ME ABA & BROCK , PATENT ATTORNEYS Y-727 22X $20 INVESTED In growing Orris will make $100 nrst year, $oo second year and $5,000 each year thereafter. Easy to grow and wonderfully productive, yielding $1,000 per acre annually. We market your crop. instructions ires. Western Orris Growers' association. Chicago, 111. Y 6t 2J BROKERS OR INVESTORS-Ollt-edge In dustrial; high-class literature, preferred, engraved, full paid, nonassessable, per ceiit, accumulative. George A. Russell, 41 Park Row, Nsw York, for option and particulars. x ' six, FOR SALE Telephone exchange, earning 17.000 yearly; growing city; spienaia open ing; no competition; a money maker; win go quick, c. w. arniin, mngnsner, Okl. Y-m Zlx FREE HOMES Descrlptlva booklet Bho- shone reservation, open next August, ire with each $2 subscription to Clipper, pub lished three miles from una. J. W. Cook, Lander, Wyo. Y 6S3 22x SAVING BANK depositors desiring to net 6 per cent should write for particulars regarding a high-grade Industrial which we offer. Crawford Dental Mfg. Co., 147 Nassau St., New York- Y 885 tax WHEAT $12.60 buys five bids and Ova offers good for ons wee a; no aavsnoe or decline from price give $100 profit; write for particulars. Commerce Grain Co, (65 Commerce Bldg., Chicago. 'i FOR BALE Produce and commission busi ness; good bargain lor ngnt man. Ad dress C 86, Bee. Y M775 23 Jip YOU have a legitimate business for sale you had better see us. We have men with capital (amounts large and small) whe are unemployed and anxious to buy. Our po sition In the business world as "Man Hunters" enables us to furnish a buyer An nhil nnt In. . WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N nno.) Investment Dept. B, 840-1-3 N. Y. "feBlng. x i ia i ESTABLISHED automobile company man ufacturing hlgn-powerea moderate pnoe touring cars and runabouts desires a rep resentative to nanaie its dusuibb Omaha. The workings of our ears are so simple that three days In our factory will be sufficient to learn all the details. $1,600 to $5,000 cash Is needed to carry cars in stock at branch and to secure exclusive territory upon liberal terms. Company can fill all orders. Insuring profitable con nections. Address, with references. Au tomobile. R. 806 Royal Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Y 632 32x WHOLESALE specialty manufacturing . rnmn.nv of Illinois desires a caoaDie saies maniurar to direct salesmen ana tasa charge of office In Omaha; will pay ex- J tenses ana salary oi i,ow per annum; ncome of representatives from commis sion should average more tnan sauu-y mentioned: to obtain permanency, invest ment of $1,600 In 7 per cent preferred stock of the company Is required. Ad-, dress R. C Wlllson, Auditorium Bldg., Chicago. Y-4W4 22x FOR BALEMee cream parlor, candy kitchen, power rreeser, ice oreaxer, steam engine, Ice cream wagon, new Walrus fountain; doing a good business; t doors from poetofftoe; the beet towa of 4,000 in Oklahoma. Reasons for selling, ill-health. This is a bargain. Address C 87, care Bee. l-M to TtTTfnN'RRS FOR SALE. Great Opportunity Large, new furniture ana undertaking uro uircyruw, lively, prosperous Nebraska town of 800 Inhabitants. Will sell stock and building or will rent building. Good, steady trade. For particulars address Lock Box 124, Laurel, Neb. Y-7S8 22 YOUNO man wanted to lake up the study of the law at home; an unusual opportu nity to secure a legal education and ad mission to the bar without loss ot time or other sacrifice. For particulars address The Bprague Correspondence School of Law, 638 MaJeeUo Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Y A BARGAIN. First-class rooming and boarding house. elegantly furnished, fun ot people, wen established, in best part of the city and close In; rent reasonable; party leaving olty; must be sold quick. Templeton ft Manker, 204 Bee Bldg. 'Phone twuglas- 2904. r-mu DENTAL practice for sale in live Neb. town. Address J , nee. I ill a $10,000.00 Gilt edge (denomination 1,000(, long time bonds netting S per cent Security of the very best. Particulars on application. CAXET TAYLOR, W. B. TAYLOR, TUE PUTNAM CO., Preutdent Secretary, Y $0 it LOST FOUND About April 10, wallet containing money, aemis, rax ton xsia. au m LOST April 11. and probably In waiting room at aimer sturiington or union sta tion, lady's black hand satchel containing, among other things, purse $5 bill and about $2 in silver, keys, one pair of spec tacles, one pair of eye glasses, small ad dress book and black veil. Return to Be office -471 32 LOST Pocketbook containing quite a sum of money, jtewara on return to jauts Gertruds Smith, 5121 N. 23d St Lost-M3Sl a LOST April 17, on Paalflo between 29th Ave. and SZd Bt., iaay s geia watcn wnn black velvet ribbon and gold pin attached. Builabls reward offered for return to 1113 park Ave. Lost WM 31 LOST Lady's gold watch, N. S0KXX4. with Initials it. c; aiso goia roa witn uuusa R.. between $6th and Cuming and 13th and Dodge. Return to Be office. Re ward given. Lost 611 32s TREES AND SHRUBS A COMPLETE line of fruit shade en4 ornamental treee, vine, shrubs, roses, eto. Address Omaha Nursery, Papilllon, Neb. Miu6 A24X LARGEST assortment of trees and ah rubs In ths city at Crescent Mursery. Bale ground 31st aad garuaok Tel, Xtougla