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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. 'APRIL 12f190?." Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS ANTISEPTIC AND HYGENIC Sells on Merit, not on Sensa tional Advertising. A Ilalr Inviijorntor Just what its name Implies. It supplies nourishment, the elements of growth, which, when absorbed by the hair, strengthens and beauti fies It In the eame way that sap glorifies the foliage of a treo. Even where the follicles are seemingly dead. "If the scalp is massaged dally with Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic a vlRorouB growth will be produced. It has honestly earned Its title of "the great hair grower." It stimulates the moat stunted growth and mnkea the hair manglflcently healthy and beautiful. By Its use women can provide themselves with a trailing mantle of hair woman's natural raiment, her birthright. Mme. Ynle's Hair Tonic Is prized equally by men and women, particularly when the hair begins to weaken or fade. Cures bald ness, grayness, splitting of the hair, dandruff and all diseases of the hair, scalp and beard. One application usually stops hair fall ing. A nursery requisite; no mother should neglect to use It for her boys and girls; when the hair is made strong in childhood It remains proof against disease and retains its vigor and youthful ness through life. Mm. Yale's Hair Tonic is a colorless, fragrant, delightful balr dressing; neither sticky, jjrttty nor greasy; makes the hair soft, fluffy and glossy. Contains no artificial coloring; .would nof sell fie whU-. est hair," restore original color by invigorating the scaly) and re establishing nornial circulation and proper distribution of tho live coloring mrttcr. Beautiful hair redeems the j.lfii.mst counten ance, and any ono caa secure it by using Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic. Now in three sI:os; prices, $1.00, 60c and 25c. Our special prices, 3c, 43c, 89c DRUG DEPARTMENT. CONSULTATION FREE Mme. Yale may be consulted by mail free of charge. Twenty-seven years of practice and experience In treating the - human hair and scalp, combined '.with natural adaptability r.nd scientific study, has given this wonderful woman complete mastery of the capillary structure. Mme. Yale's Books Are Free Mme. Yale's book on the subject of Health and Beauty and the Human Hair will be mailed free upon request. Address. MME. M. YALE, 'M Fltth Avenue, New York City. HAND SAPOLIO Is especially valuable during tho summer season, wnen outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS an CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it. and it is nartimlarl agreeable when used in the bath alter violent exercise. ALL QROCERS AND DRUdOtSTS TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Bret Farm Paper. Kabacriplioa - . Oae dollar a rear. HOTEL. Hotel Kupper Kansas City MUsourl ji i J . r " i rtj)Il:tf !??''' Tkle atafntloaat aw ketal ka M keaattr! mom, ul ta IsaataS at Ilia ua su-Gw txaaia. la taa abocvias Siauid Oalr tail a hawk traai Ua Brnoo. aire, Taajar err aaaea tan; aaa ail tba UMatara. ICO private) katkt Telaakeau la all rooaas I'aeaeelled late Perfect C'alal ae Hal ail rata raaalaf water t eerr rooaa II fcaa eaaalaaa letar aa4 flaaaaat tartars, sa41as aa amtlaa raoM. $1 to $4 per Day Knaaaaa Plaa r aaraUaae aaar ke ataee kr Ulesraa at ear aaaaa Kl PPER-BENSOX HOTEL CO. P. A. BKNSON. Maaaaer IIOLCOMB GOES TO SEATTLE Leaves Nebraska in Hopes Milder Climate May Benefit Eii Health. BECOMES A MEMBER OF A LEGAL FIRM Mew Street Ball war Csaipaaf at Un vote Makes Ita Plrat Move In the FlaM Aaalaat the Old Traction Company. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 11. I8peclal.)-Judge Silas A. Holcomb has formed a partner ahlp with Lester E. Kirkpatrlck of Seattle. Wash., for the practice of taw and will not return to Lincoln to make hla home aa long at hla health continue to Improve In the western city. The announcement that the partnership had been formed was re ceived In Lincoln this morning and to some of hla frlenda Judge Holcomb has written he will try the far weat for a time In the hope his health will be fully regained. Lester E. Kirkpatrlck is a brother of former Supreme Court Commissioner Kirk patrlck of this city and haa been practi cing In Seattle for a number of years with John C. Trice as a partner. The latter left the firm to become the president of the Northern Securities and Bankers com pany. Judge Holeomb's decision to reside in Seattle will cut some Ice In democratic politics, aa It is known a number of his friends had settled upon him as the dem ocratic gubernatorial nominee. Insurance) Investigators Busy. Representatives Potter and Beedle, mem bers of the Insurance Investigating com mittee appointed by the Wisconsin legisla ture, were in Lincoln today looking up the securities and the property belonging to the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance company of Wisconsin. They returned to Milwaukee tonight and tomorrow the committee will begin to hold meetings. This committee was appointed to Investi gate the AVIaconsin insurance companies and will work along the llnea of the Arm strong Investigating committee and haa se cured an able attorney and actuary to assist. . According to the representatives here the Investigation will be much more In detail than the New York Investigation, as the people of Wisconsin are anxious to know all the Inside workings of the Insur ance business. The Northwestern owns considerable property In Lincoln. Veterinary Examinations. The board of secretaries of the state veterinary board la holding Its regular ex amlnations today, with thirty-two young and old men participating. This examina tion is held under the law enacted by the late legislature, which provides that no one In the state shall practice veterinary medicine tinder the title of a veterinarian without first having secured a license from the state board. Considerable opposition has been aroused among the old time prac titioners, who say they will be unable to pass the examination because of the tech nical questions asked, though they have been practicing for twenty years or mora and know ail about the Inside and tba out side workings of a horse. A. P, Barnea of Plattsmouth, who has been practicing for twenty years, called upon the governor today and protested against the enforcement of the law, which he said was passed merely to drive the old fellows out of the business and make way for the younger men who have yet to build up a practice. Dr. Barnes was advised to take the examination and did so. It be ing the belief that the old timers will have no trouble In passing. . Dr. Petera of the state university, a mem ber of the Board of Secretaries, said the law was passed to catch the fellows from other states who jump Into Nebraska and do a lot of business because of sensational advertising and who have no license to practice here. The old timers, he said, can go right ahead and practice, pro vided they do not call themselvea veteri narians and many of them are doing that rather than take the examinations. Street Hallway Fight On. The Cltisens Street Ktallway company laid ita first rails this morning at 7 o'clock at Nineteenth and N streets, across which the old traction company will have to build It It makea its line to the new park. This Is the beginning of the fight between the old traction company and an organization composed strictly of Lincoln business men, who organised after the traction company refused to pay its taxes and enjoined their collection In the courts. Manager Cox, formerly with the old company, has been engaged by the home company and said today cars would be running on the new line by July. College Debaters Oraaalse. The Universities of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Chicago, Illinois, Michigan and Northwestern will Bend delegates to a meeting to be held In Chicago next Friday for the pur pose of forming an Intercollegiate honor society. This will be the Phi Beta Kappa of the debaters, and It Is planned to have the society composed of the student who represent their Institutions In debates. It is hoped that the organisation may spread until it shall Include the universities and colleges of the country. Phi Beta Kappa Election. The following members of the senior claBs of the btate university have been elected to membership in ilia Phi beta Kappa: J una Bednar. Schuyler: F. E. Denny Lincum; aiiiia LriiKBun, Oakland; Orace Crnai, omaiia: lua outings, superior; f lor tuce HI! si. 1-iiuuill, It. li. iiuiiingawoi in, Ueiv'iu: jalaraaiei jtiCL,ucas, fairouiy; Utma Meyer, ximuln; Vera Myers, David cm: J. C Mouie. Oinalia. fc-me aluraaii, r uuerton; Lena nelson, oaaiuud; tiiiina bcureioer, Oinana; Mnured Dialer, Oman; aiiincent Steboins. unmuj; tx'ia olmti. Yaieuline; l, mompsun, ei 1'oiut. New Corporations. The Curtia liartietl company, successors to me Curtis-Van Den berg company ot Clinton, la., haa hied articles of Incorpora tion with the secretary of state and will do business In Nebraska. The Arm deals in lumber and It la now running an estab lishment In Lincoln and in Omaha. The Only Co-operative l.:fe Insurance company is an Omaha company, which tiled articles of Incorporation with the secretary of state thla morning. The corporation haa no capital stock, but will do a mutual In surance business under the direction of a Men who wear Gordon Hats are of the class that would wear better hats were better hats to bo had. S3.oo board of directors. G. A. Haslen. H. T. Holden and others are the incorporators. ISDIA O TRIAL FOR MtTtDER Kllllaa- Ontarowth of Hale of IJoaor to Members of Omaha Tribe. PENDER., Neb.. April 11. (Special Tele gram.) The trial of John Walker on the charge of murder Is now being conducted In the district court. Judge Graves pre siding. Both Walker and his victim were members of the Omaha tribe of Indians and the killing, which occurred on the night of December II, 1905, was the out come of one of the many drunken brawls which have occurred on the reservation as a result of the sale of liquor to the Indians. On the night of the killing Nathan Lyon as at the home of Sam Baxter, near the agency and was under the Influence of liquor. Walker and a younger brother of Lyons came after him to take him home, driving a team belonging to Nathan Lyon. On the road home a fight ensued over Nathan upbraiding Walker for taking his, Lyon's, team without permission. Lyon got the worst of the fight and Walker drove on, leaving Lyon to walk homo. Latr In the night Nathan Lyon started out In search of Walker and his team. finding thetn at the home of Edward Wood. Another fight ensued In the house, In which Lyon was again worsted and this was re newed out door, at which tlmo It is alleged Walker used a stick of wood to enforce his argument, and It Is from blows from this that Lyon Is supposed to have died. Walker loaded Lyon Into the wagon and drove off, Lyon's body being found beside the road next morning. The defense will plead self defense and also that Lyon died from exposure rather than from the effect of the beating he re ceived. RIVERS ARE DOIXG MICH DAMAGE Mlsaonrl Cattlna Its Banks and Platte Alao on Tear. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April ll.-(Spe-cial.) The Missouri river at this point has been rising rapidly for the past few days and Is washing away the east bank for a distance of about one mile. D. C. Wood ring, the Burlington auperlntendent of bridges, has a large force of men rlprap ing with willows and crushed stone today to try and prevent the overflow and the washing away of the soil. The Platte river is very high and the Lyman Sand company's large barge was aunk, carrying with it the cngino, boiler and heavy pump, used for loading sand from the bottom of the river onto cars. It is located about two miles north of this city and was supposed to have been securely fastened to the bank. A crew of men from the local Burlington car repairing department was endeavoring to raise the barge today. Beatrice Municipal Affairs. BEATRICE, Neb.. April 11. (Special.) Last evening the new city council was organized for the year by the election of A. T. MUburn-president. The only new members on the board are Albert Sage from the First ward and C. J. McCall from the Third. After the election of president. Mayor Shulti announced the standing com mittees for the year. The report of City Treasurer Jones showed a total of $E,77S.33 In the treasury. The finance committee re ported that there was 1,200 In the Masslich Judgment fund, and upon motion a warrant was drawn for the purpose ot applying the same. The city treasurer was Instructed to purchase 110.000 worth of bonds of Spey ler & Co of Boston upon a basis of 44 per cent. The water committee reported that the books of Water Commissioner Field had been checked up and found to be correct. The collections In that department have been $6,083.93 during the municipal year. .... Regular Trains on Cat Off. FREMONT. Neb., April 11. (Special.) The Ashland branch of the Great Northern has Issued Its first tlmo table, which goes Into effect April 15. A mixed train will make a round trip each day between Ash land and Fremont, reaving Ashland In the morning and returning shortly after noon. The road Is not in good condition, as much of It was graded after the ground froxe and It will be several weeks yet before It will be ballasted and really ready for heavy traffic. The Adams Express com pany, which operates on the Burlington system, hna opened an office here and Is ready for business. Express from east ern points will be brought at present from Omaha over the Union Pacific. The Great Northern haa decided to macadamize the street between the Union Pacific tracks and Its passenger depot, which la soon to be built. Haatlnca Wants a Park. HASTINGS, Neb., April ll.-(Speclal.) A committee representing the Hastings Woman's club appeared before the city council last night and requested the co operation of that body in a movement to convert the vacant school block on Second street Into a city park. Mayor Miles and City Attorney Button were appointed a committee to act in conjunction with the Woman's club for the purpose of ascer taining upon what terms the grounds could be secured from the school district. This committee will submit a report to the council at their next meeting. This valua ble property has remained Idle ever since the East ward school building was re moved from It a number of years ago, and the citizens in general are heartily In favor of having It converted Into an Inside city park. Md on at Nebraska City. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. April 11. (Spe cial.) Mayor John W. Stelnhart has In formed the members of the Law and Order league that the saloons mill be closed In this city on Sundays and that the drug stores and restaurants will also be pro hibited from selling liquor on Sundays. He said aH the gambling houses would be closed and no gambling would be tolerated. Mr. Stelnhart says the laws will be en forced and at the same time the saloonmen will be given all the protection they are entitled to. lasaraneo Company Sued. BEATRICE. Neb., April 11. (Special Tel egram ) Mrs. l,ouiBa Scott, widow of 8. F. Scott, today instituted suit in the district court against the National Mutual Fire Insurance company of Omaha to recover tl.OuO on a policy on her hotel property which was destroyed by fire some time ago at Steele City, Neb. Mrs. Scott al leges she has tried for five months to effect a settlement with the company but without success. She Is at present living In Beatrice. Northeastern Merchants Organise. EMERSON, Neb.. April 11. tSpedal.) About forty merchants, representing most of the towns of northeast Nebraska, met here yeaterday and organised the North east Nebraska Retailers' association. The following officers were chosen: A. A. Davis, Emerson, president; C. E. Dicker son, Lyons, secretary; D. McManus, Ban croft, treasurer. The meeting was held to exchange busineaa ideas and for a social time. News of Nebraska. BEATRICE The second trunk line of the Nebraska Telephone companv between Beatrice and Wymore was finished yester day. BEATRICE Work on the new Rock Is land bridge at this point la being punhed aa rapidly as possible and the structure s nearly completed. NEBRASKA C1TT Bob Fleming and George Cooper, the negroes charged wild robbing tha Goldberg clothing st jre. were bauud c.n lu lut district cuurL lbs u- groes refuted to enter a plea of either guilty or not guilty. Bond was fixed at iio for each man. SIDNEY A half section of land was sold today five miles north of Sidney at H per acre. cash. The same land sold for $J.o0 an acre one year ago. SIDNEY A North Divide family brought In thirty wild geese today and readily sold them for 75 cents each. They said they were killed In lees than an hour. ALRION A. Dussell A Son were yester day awarded the contract for putting In a new heating plant In the old school build ing. The contract price Is I2.S4S. SIDNEY Carpenters and stone masons are In big demand again. There will be several buildings erected aa soon aa the necessary workmen can be obtained. BEATRICE F. M. Emerson died yes terday morning at his home at Diller of heart trouble. He was a pioneer resident of that rlace and the father of Mrs. Clyde Wright of this city. SIDNEY R. S. Oherfelder will sow a ton of timothy seed on his meadows this spring. This Is no longer an experiment with our ranchmen but an unqualified success and improves both the quality and yield of hay. PLATTSMOUTH At the regular meet ing of the city council the resignation of L O. Iarson as councilman from the Third ward was read and accepted, and John Bajeck was appointed to fill the va cancy. BEATRICE Mrs. John AVardlaw, who suffered a stroke of parnlVRis at Plckrell. was taken to Omaha yesl:day to receive treatment in a hospital. As she is nearly 70 years of age little hopes for her re covery are entertained. NEBRASKA CITY The home of Frank IJngle In Greggnport was destroyed bv fire late this afternoon. The building was out side the fire limits and nothing could be done to save It. The loss will amount to Jl.ouo, with no Insurance. The origin of the fire Is unknown. BEATRICE-The assault case of Mrs. Thomas Bullls against Mrs. Marv Hager man and her lS-year-old son, Ben, was tried before Judge Inman todav. Mrs. Hagerman was released but her 'son was fined to and costs. The case will be ap pealed to the district court. FREMONT The city council met and or ganized last evening by electing John H. Knowles president and John Llnd purchas ing agent. The usual list of committees was appointed, every member getting a chairmanship. The council la composed of six republicans and two democrats, the same as last year. NEBRASKA CITY At the last rltv elee. tlon F. L. Koeppel and John Stelnhart, sr., candidates fur councllmen from the Third ward, each received 170 votes. At last night's meeting of the city council the tie was decided by the tossing of a dollar. F. L. Koeppel, the republican candidate, was successful and lie was given the cer tificate of election. BEATRICE Arrangements have been nearly completed for the University Cadet encampment which will In all probability be held here the latter part of May. It Is now planned to have a union observance of Memorial day by the Grand Army of the Republic and the cadet battalion. Gov ernor Mickey will be asked to participate In the exercises on that day. SIDNEY Night Hostler C. W. Boone of the Lnlon Pacific roundhouse force here Is gone. Miss Otteman, a young woman at the Union Pacific hotel, mourns the loss of Jlfio of her good, hard earned money. Boone was her promised best fellow, but when he got her gold he shook the sand of Sidney from his feet and has gone to seek for another maiden and more filthy lucre. It is said he haa a wife living near North Platte. ALBION Since the municipal election saloon men from all over the state have visited Albion. Not less than twenty were here one day. Considerable difficulty is being experienced by those who wish to engage In the saloon business here for the reason that the city has an ordinance pro hibiting opening of a saloon within fifty feet of the property of any person who may object to the saloon. So far no loca tion has been found by any of the pros pective saloon keepers. HASTINGS The Hastings Independent Telephone company has shown a remark able growth the last three months. Its new directory', which haa Just been Issued, shows that several hundred new Instru ments have been installed and free com munication with 'outside towns has been extended until now there Is free service with Kenesaw, Roseland, Holstein, Juni ata, Ayr, Glenville, Bladen, Blue Hill, In land, Cowles, Mount . Clare, Rosemont, Guide Rock and Reeves. Their service is very popular throughout this county. BEATRICE Representatives from the towns in League No. 3 of . the Nebraska In terscholastlc Athletic1 association have elected the following' atneerst H. M. Gar ret, Beatrice, president; Mr. Duval, Fair bury, vice president; C. B. Teach, Falrbury, secretary-treasurer. This league Is com prised of five towns Hebron, Nelson, Falr bury, Crete and Beatrice and will hold Its meet here next month. The only change In the regulations Is the elimination of the hammer throw on account of the dangers to be encountered and the substitution of the discus throw In Its place. FREMONT John Nau, a wealthy Saunders county farmer, who has been a party to a good deal of litigation In Dodge and Saunders counties lately, had a vic ious street tight with Frank Schernmerhorn yesterday. Schernmerhorn claimed that Nau owed him J2.75 for wages, which he refused to pay. BSoth parties were arrested, each on complaint of the other. Schernmerhorn paid tl and costs, but Nau took a con tinuance and will fight the case. Nau's wife got a divorce and $10,000 alimony re cently and Mollle Hoffman, an orphan whom he took from the St. James' orphan age at Benson, recovered a Judgment by default against him for the same amount last month. DEATH PENALTY FOR CLARK (Continued from First Page.) instructions were being read he took off hla linen collar and readjusted his neck tie and then put his collar on again. As he was led out he Joked In a nervoua way with Deputy Sheriffs Haze and Stry ker, who had him in charge. History of Crime. The murder of Flury oocarr'.-d about 12:31 o'clock on the morning ' f March 8 at the end of the Albright street car line. Flury had Just gotten off the car and had thrown the switch for the car to run back on the Y preparatory to the return trip. He was standing In the track when lio was ordered by Cal Wain, one of ClaiK's accomplices, to throw up his handd. Instead of doing so he pulled his gun and Toed at Wain. Wain returned the fire and Clark, who was hiding behind an electric pole ten feet away. alao shot. Wain ran back and hid behind a billboard about fifteen feet from the track. and from their vantage points Clark and Wain kept up a continuous fire until their guns were emptied. Flury stood his ground and after the two men had run away sig nailed to the mo tor man to back ou the Y and afterward to go ahead. He then went Into the car and exhibited a wound in his wrist which be supposed at the time MOTHER AND CHILD. Let the mother take Scott's Emulsion for the twp; it never fails to benefit them both. One can eat for two, but nour ishing two is a different thing. It calls for a de gree of internal strength that the average woman lacks. People of luxury are not very strong by habit; 'overworked people are weak in some func tions from exhaustion or theirsurroundings. Scott's Emulsion can be depend ed upon to overcome such conditions. It is a won derful food for a mother and child. JT iOVM et Paal Itraat, Hew Test. Easter Styles That Are New Skirt Models Strictly T&ilor Made In chocks, white & black and gray, also plain colors, in Voiles and Panamas, models of style that are perfection in tailoring. Every line correct swagger full circular skirts, at. . . .$9.75, $12.75, $14.75 $16.75 and $22.50 Misses' and Women's Coats Young Ladies' Box Coats In coverts and mixtures, full loose back, with patch pockets that sells C everywhere for $7.50, at.". UU Swagger Misses' Coats at $7.90 In beautiful new mixtures; also coverts, short, jaunty garments, with top pockets, "just a lit tle different from what you find elsewhere, 7 90 Women's New English Top Coats Loose or half-fitted backs in fine Dublin Twist Coverts, and swell mixtures 1A AA perfect in fit and workmanship regular $15 values was hla only injury. The car waa run to the residenoe of Dr. McCrann and Flury taken Into the houBe. He Insisted his only Injury waa on his wrist, and it was not for an hour after Dr. McCrann had Insisted on making an examination that the wound In the abdomen, which afterward caused hla death, was found. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, where he lingered for a week, when his death occurred. He waa so weak during all this time he was unable to make a coherent statement of the case. Causes Great Indignation. The murder aroused great Indignation, and on the night of Flury's death a mob at tempted to get hold of the prisoners and hang them, but they were spirited away by Sheriff McDonald and kept in hiding until the feeling died down. The arrest of the three men Is considered a very clever piece of work on the part of the South Omaha police officials. The first evidence was given the officers by Mrs. Nettie Jones, to whom Clark gave his share of the money obtained In the sa loon holdups. Clark's arrest followed and afterward Clarence Gathrlght and Cal Wain were taken Into custody. Gradually the chain of evidence tightened around them and a confession by Gathrlght cinched the case. Gathright and Wain are both awaiting trial. Clark Is considered the shrewd one of the three and is held to have been the leader. The trial was begun Monday morning and the Jury secured at noon Tuesday. The state took until yesterday noon for its evi dence and the defense Introduced but one witness. The defense practically admitted Clark's participation In the holdup, but de nied he was the leader and devoted their energy to preventing a death penalty. Clark Admissions Go In. Admissions by Harrison Clark that be was the leader of the gang that tried to hold up Conductor Edward Flury were ad mitted as evidence against Clark Wednes day morning in the murder trial before Judge Sutton. The admission was made to County Attorney Blabaugh about March 21, In the office of the county Jail in the presence of several witnesses. Deputy Sheriff Haze told of the statement made by Clark. County Attorney Blabaugh had gone to the Jail In response to a letter from Clark. Before saying anything Clark wanted a promise of leniency but Judge Slabaugh said he could make no promise. Clark then said Gathrlght's statement was correct until they readied Thirteenth and It streets, but beyond that point it was not right. "1 was the leader of the gang. I broke the telephone wires," Clark said. The rest of the story told by Clark did not differ materially from Gathrlght's state ment until the scene of the shooting was reached. He said the street car conductor was not throwing the switch, but was standing back of the car when the shooting occurred. Refased to Smy 'Mho shot Flora-. Cuptaln Haxe said County Attorney Bla baugh asked who shot Flury, but Clark declined to say at that lime. He also re fused to say who had the large blue Colt revolver. He admitted he had dropped his hut during the shooting. John McMillan, who was present at the Interview, also testified as to the statement. Edward D. Newvllle, who was an eye witness of the battle from his porch, said he was aroused some time after 12 o'clork by shooting. He rushed out on the porch and saw four men shooting, three of them at the street car and one of them stand ing on the reur platform of the car shoot ing at the other three. He was positive in bu statement he saw tbe flash of four guns. His evidence on this point contra dicted that of Gathrlght, who said he did not shoot, his gun being out of order. Newvllle's statement of where the men stood corresponded in general with Gath riglit's testimony. He said he saw two of the men run up Harrison street and turn north on Flftecalu street. While tU wa Too late now to think 0 starti ng any dress milcing for Easter near. Happily you dont have to. Yov can fit yourself out f"ight away hereani get better styles and finer work for less money. Here are special items in "Women's Suits for today: Women's New Suits at $16.75 Made of fine quality Panama cloth in all the new shades also swell mixtures. New circular skirts can not be duplicated for less than $22.50. Easter sale Women's Stylish Eton Suits In swell mix tures, Panamas and Broadcloths, new Eton fect hanging skirts, reg ular $25.00 values. Easter sale Women's Swell Eton Suits All high-class suits, new models, in fine chifTon, Panamas nnrl in ishires. Extremely well tailored and beautifully trimmed worth $32.50. Easter sale Women's New Silk Suits In plain taffetas, stripes and checks, also swell tailored Eton suits in chiffon taffetas. All tho new shades. Short sleeves and new cir cular skirts, at $14.75, $16.75, $22.50, $24.75 and. iltUV 'fzS " ' ned was testifying Clark, the defendant, Jumped to his feet. Wants to Oaeatlon Witness. "Your honor," he said, "may I ask the witness a question?" Judge Sutton told him to communicate his question to his attorneys and let them ask it. Clark consulted with his lawyers a moment, but they did not ask the ques tion. Dr. W. J. McCrann testified as to the bringing of Flury to his house after the shooting, and George Shepherd and wife said Gathrlght came to their house at llu6 South Fifteenth street about 2 o'clock the morning of the shooting and asked to stay all night. He said the South Omaha offi cers were after him. David McCourt, who lives near the Albright switch, heard the shooting and went to the door. He saw two men, one walking east and one run ning west, to meet him. He did not know there had been a holdup until the next morning. Henry King, whose saloon was held up by the men. testified he thought the large Colt's gun was In possession of the man with the blue mask. Gathrlght testified he had the blue mask on and one of the other guns, while Clark had the Colt's gun. JUack Mask and Large Colt's. Lee Burket, who was In the saloon at the time, said the large Colt's gun waa In the hand of a man with a black mask. Julius Grimm, whose saloon was the second one held up, identified the S2-callber gun as one taken from his saloon, which Gath rlght asserted Clark gave him. He said the Colt's revolver was held by a man with a black masfc on and this assertion was corroborated by one or two other witnesses who were in the saloon at the time. J. H. Walton, a colored man, testi fied to seeing Mrs. Cal Wain making the three hoods worn by the men. Officer Ballew of the South Omaha force told of finding the money given by Clark to Mrs. Nettle Jones about 1:30 o'clock the morning of the shooting. Mrs. Jones showed him where It was burled In the coal house under about six Inches of dirt. He also found the 22-callber gun In a dresser at the place where Clark roomed. It was wrapped up In a lot of old rags. This was the gun Gathrlght said Clark took away from him after the shooting. Police Officers on tho Stand. The finding of the Colt's revolver and one of the guns stolen from a saloon un der the floor of Wain's house was told by Captain Shields and Chief Briggs. While Detective Elsfelder was on the stand he tested the gun Gathrlght claimed to have had and which lie said would not work. Mr. Elsfelder pulled the trigger several times, but the gun would not snap. The only witness for the defense was Mrs. Cal Wain, who testified she had made the hoods worn by the men. She said she made them at the request ot the defendant and gave them to him on the night ot the murder. Gathrlght, she said, had a blue mask and the other two black ones. Contrary to expectations, Clark did not go on the stand In his own behalf and at 2:30 o'clock all the evidence was In and the arguments to the Jury were begun. During a part ot the morning session Clark entertained himself by reading about tho death of Flury and the attempted lynching of himself and companions In a South Omaha paper. EDWARD VAUGHAN CONVICTED Minneapolis Grain Broker Fonnd Galltr of lain the Malls to Uefraad. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. April 11. -Edward A. Vaughn was found guilty of using the malls to defraud by a Jury In the t'nltid Slates district court today. Vaughn came here about a year ago and advertised him self extensively as an expert grain broker. He secured large sums and left the coun try and was not located until two months ago when be was found at Denver, Cold. Authoritative! Ml and coat effects, well made and lined, per 75 aUtfesT 1 2.75 KANSAS WEN GET MORE TIME Persona Indicted for Illearalls' Fencing; Iind Promise to Tear Down Fences. TOPBKA, Kan., April Il.-The twenty one men charged In Indictments returned here last November, with Illegally fencing government land In Kansas, have promised to remove their fences and the cas?s against them will very likely be dismissed. United States District Judge Pollock today continued the cases until April 26 .it Wichita. If it is then shown that the fences are being removed the cases will, i'. Is stated, be ordered dismissed at the September term of court. This action Is the result of Instructions stated to have been given by President Roosevelt upon the strength of a statement recently made by Isaac Lambert, attorney for the de fendants, who personally assured the president that the men Indicted had not been given the usual sixty days' notlco to remove their fences. Marjrlaml ftstela Cure! Himec? f ' Eczema with Cutietira RmWj, Prescribes Them and Has Cured Many Cases Where Other Formulas Have Failed Dr. Fuller Sayaj CUTICURA REMEDIES POSSESS TRUE MERIT DOCTOR CURED OF H M My face waj Afflicted with Miema in the year 1897. I used the Cutlcura Remedies, and waa entirely ewed. I am practicing physician and very often prescribe Cvticura KcaolrXpntanii Cuticurft Beap in easts of ecietjja, and thty hare cured where other formulae have failed. I aaa not in the hivbit of eodorrirtg patent medicines, but when I find remidiee possessina; true merit, such as the Cu'icura Remedies do, I am bread-minded oough to proclaim their -virtues to the wo Id. I have been prao ticiaf medicine for sixteen years, and must say I find your Remedies A No. 1. You are at liberty to publish this letter, or any part cf it. I remain, very truly Jours. Q. K. Filter, U. D., Big Pool, Id., Meyt,lWJ." CUITMSETl. Complete Treatment for Ever Humor from Pimple to Scrofula Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of rruats and scales and soften the thickened cuticle; dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay Itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and, lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent 1'ills to cool and cleanse the blood. A single act, costing but one dollar, is often sufficient to cure the most tortiirinr, disfiguring. Itching, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humors, with lose of hair, from infancy to age, when all else fails. Cvanra Imi, oiutiaaat, a. aa. (. bma(CuUMtCMlnu,IM M vl. tf ' , ar n 4 tkraugbeut U. wtai. twum iMt aa4 Caat. Ufk a rM Soaaa. , IVtilZl'Znli?!? W?e