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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
Fhe Omaha Daily Bee. Advertise In Bee Phones vmmm Itnalness Isous-laa 238 Circulation .... PongiM 97 Editorial PoorIm 20 1 THE OMAHA DEE Best & West , ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APK1L 11, 1906 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPr THREE CENTS. REPLY BY OPERATORS Mitchell' Plan for Arbitration Rejected and Another Proposed. ASK THAT OLD BOARD BE RECONVENED Question of Waeei and Complaint Only to Be Considered. AWARD TO BE BINDING THREE YEARS Letter Sajt All Other Question! Bailed Are Already Settled. ADJOURNMENT TAKEN UNTIL THURSDAY ill. Mitchell Declines to loramrm th Proposition and at Oicb ( alia a Meeting at the f ftcale (omniltlrr. f 1. NKW YORK, April lu. A counter pf sition wss made to. lay by the anthi rnnl operators at ttirlr meeting wit I i prescntutlves of the t'nlted Mine 1 is of America. Tills proposition t the arbitration pian offered by John J I'll, president of the I'nlted Mines Wo.. . . , i. nd Instead suggest ths following: The Anthrarltu Coal commission of 1H02 should tin requested to reconvene and con-i-uler whether any circumstances have nrisrn since April 1, Khj8, which would Justify a modification of its award of that dale in respect only to the following sub jects: First, (p, Second, as to adjust ment of complaints through the conclllla tion board or otherwise. Any new award of the commission shall be binding for a period if three years. After the proposal had been resd Presi dent Mitchell asked whether, under the plan, thn anthracite operators would havs ths privilege of asking tho commission to reduce the wages, and he was Informed by one of the presidents that they had. In if ply to another question he was told that if the operators' plan In accepted, tho llrst offer of the coal companies to renew i.nd continue for three years tho awurd of the strike commission would collapse. The Joint conference adjourned after having been In session about half an hour to meet again Thursday. He ply of the Operators. The reply of the operators to the arbitra tion of tne United Mine Workers says in piirt: Your proposal, as we understand, even Involves the submission by anthracite mine operators of the qurMion of our making in agreement with the United Mine Workers' of America to the exclusion of thn non union workers a question which we did not submit to the anthracite strike com mission for reasons then stated In which we were fully Justified by that commission. Every question thst you have presented, was. In some form or other, after careful Investigation passed upon by the anthracite strike commission a commission composed of disinterested parties. . The award It made has been faithfully lived up to. Al though thn duration of the award was limited to April 1, 1906, It was our expectation and that of the public that the firindplcs upon which It was made would e permanent and continuing. That ex prAtatioiw wk ' Justified because) the com mission In Its hearings and In Its award waa gulfed by the president's expressed desire that It should endeavor to establish the relations between the employers and the wageworkcrs In the anthracite coal Uelrts on a Just and permanent basis. We cannot assent to reopen the funda mental questions decided by the anthracite strike commission. They have formulated principles and rulea of right to govern the relations between employe and em plover which have received the hearty assent of all good citizens of the land. Moreover, the decision of these ques tions necessarily Involved the further and most Important one of all. that la. increase in the price o' coal to the consuming public. A board of arbitration consisting so largely of your representatives and ours would hardly be considered by the public a proper one to pass on this question. The reply Is signed by George F. Baer. W. H. Truesdale, J. B. Kerr. David WI11 cox, Morris Williams. K. B. Thomas. J. L. Cake, committee. New Tork, April 9. 190& President Mitchell would not comment on the answer of the operators, but said there would be a meeting of the scale committee tonight to consider It. Independents Are I)ellaat. 'At the close of the meeting a copy of a letter from Independent operators, who held a meeting at .Wllkesbarre yesterday, to the operators' committee, was made public, This letter expressed the conviction of the Independent operators that any agreement to arbitrate with the United Mine Workers would be an unjustifiable surrender to an uichy and mob violence. The letter con tained the following: W contend that It would be better that tiur mine shall lie Idle for years than that . shnii accede to t he highwayman-like tie inatuia of en organisation that lacks either the wish or the ability to restrain its mem bers from acts ot violence that would du- alkie the much-denpised Russia. The Independents wrote that If the op erators' committee could decide In deference to public opinion upon some offer of arbl trillion that arbitration should be by the Mime IhhIv that met In 1903 and 1908 and that there should be no submission of ouestions already adjudicated, like the closed ihop, collection of dues, or the sua gestlon of any terms less than Ave yeurs. during which the award shall be binding. The Independent also suggested that any increase In the cost of production should le added at once to the market price of coal. On llis point the letter said: If consumers naturally, ertiaps, thinking only of their own comfort and convenience) are so Indifferent to the ileimuids of law and order as to compel us to atuindtui ii contest for right and decent government hut m- a r rMitv. if nt'iHtwrv. to under take they xl.oiild pay the cost of the sur render that they compel. This letter Is signed for the Anthracite Coal Operators' association by II. S. Ash ley, president, uml 11. W. Kingsbury, sec letsiy. COMING ITALIAN ANARCHISTS l urelna Consuls Will Give Informa tion un Which Arrests May lie Based. WASHINGTON", olhcial Informal Italian anarchists I'uli'd ttiates in April 10. According to k received in this city, nre arriving In "tho greul numbirs at both Pacific -ind Atlantic seaports. Tli diploma tic representatives of the Italian government have positive infoimatiuu to this eftecl and have brought the mutter to tne attention of the l.iltod, States. Througn their irpresentativos at Ban Francisco and t'.alttinuie the Immigration officers have been advised of the lucent landing of a I umber of anarchists from Italy. The city of Baltimore, it la stated, is rapidly beconi- ing an anarchistic center. The Italian con- i auls sie engaged in asslsMng the Immi- (.-ration offlciala. with a view to looming thece men. and it was said today Unit vi. y shortly there will be placed in the binds of the Immigration authorities. surtUient data upon wuicb to make a uunibtr of krrcsia. MOTHER TURNS ON THE GAS Mr. Raymond of Lot Angeles Kills Her Sua. bnt Attempt at Suicide la t nsnccessful. I .OS ANGELES. Cal.. April 10. Mrs. Kate Raymond, wife of Frank Kellogg Raymond, s clerk in the Interior department at Washington, early this morning turned on the gis In a room at her home at 851 Selma street, Hollywood, a suburb of this city, and nfter carefully locking all doors and windows, asphyxiated her 14-year-old Eon, Prank, who was sleeping In the room, and very nearly ended her own life. Neighbors detected the odor of escaping gas and the police were notified and the room broken into. The body of the boy lay on a small cot where he had retired, and with a smile still on his lips. The mother was In a halt kneeling posture beside tho cot with her Pngers interlaced ss If In prayer. She was )eonscious and her breathing scarcely J7 Mlecable. It was at first thought that she - Mild not survive, but tonight the physl-j- lans who are attending her have hopes hat she win lecover. The deed had been carefully planned. The woman left two letters, one addressed to her mother, Mrs. Martha Cooper of Ban Diego, Cal.. and the other to a neigh bor. Mrs. Cromblet. In her letter to her mother she hinted at her unhappy life and said she and her son Would be better off dead. Mrs. Raymond had but lately returned from a visit to her husband In the east and had appeared very much de pressed. 6he had been In Hollywood sev eral months and had entertained a great deal. WASHINGTON. April 10,-Frank Kellogg Raymond, the husband of Mrs. Raymond, who, with her child, was asphyxiated In her home at Hollywood, Cal.. has received a dispatch from that place announcing the death of both mother and child. This telegram was signed by P. C. Cramblett, and said: "Mrs. Raymond killed herself and little boy last night. Wire Instructions or come on." Mr. Raymond leaves here for Hollywood tonight. Mr. Raymond is a clerk In the sta tionery division of the Interior depart ment. He is a native of Indiana, but was appointed to the government service from Kansas. Speaking of tho tragedy tonight Mr. Raymond said he was unable to account for It. His wife was In excellent health, so far as he knew, and he doubted the suicide theory. He was prostrated by the news. CABINET CRISIS IN RUSSIA Well Defined Rumor that Both Wltte and Durnovo Are to Be Retired. BT. PETERSBURG, Aprl.1 10,-Rumors of a complete reorganisation of the cabinet are everywhere current tonight. Many well-informed persona believe that the fight between Premier Wltte and Interior Min ister Durnovo will result In the retire ment of both, but that no change will take place until the pending loan negotiations have b,-n concluded. Finance Minister Bhlpoff and Minister of Commerce Federott also are said, to be slated to go- M. Yermo loff. former minister of agriculture, who holds extremely liberal views, Is regarded as the moat likely to be appointed as Count Wltte's successor In the premiership. In the midst of these sensational reports of a complete smash up of the Wltte cab inet, the Russkoe Oosudarstvo, tho official organ, strikes a very menacing note In remarkable article entitled "At the Rubi con," laying the onus of the attempts to prevent the convocation of the national Parliament on the revolutionists and ap pealing to the representatives to come to gether, not as extremists, but In a sober. constructive spirit. In this rase, the sr tide says, reforms may be accomplished, as the Parliament will not be gagged; but the warning Is given that "a discordant tone will spoil the music" and lead to the dissolution of the Parliament. The article, adverting to the recent as sassination of the governor of Tver, holds that that event constituted a Justification for continued repression, not as a gov ernmental caprice,' but as a hard neces sity." TURBINES ARE EASILY BROKEN Naval Officials Are la Donht to the Vse of Stir Device. WASHINGTON, April lO.-'I saw broken vanes taken out of the turbines by the shovelful," said a naval engineer. In speak lug of the performance of the new motors on some of the ocean liners, with which It Is proposed to equip our new battleships. "The engineers knew at the time that the . slander blades were being torn off as the turbines spun around at the rate of 1.000 revolutions per minute, but no repairs were possible while the ship was under way, and it waa only when the castings were removed In port that the extent of the damage waa ascertained." The subject Is one of absorbing interest to naval engineers, for notwithstanding what has already been accomplished In the adaption of the steam turbine to mer chant ships, naval officers feel that the de vice Is still to some degree In the experi mental stage. So In the pre pars t Ion of proposals for the construction of two bat ticshlpa already authorized, the depart mc!t ha. taken the precaution to place the responsibility for the success of the motive power upon the contractors by In viting them to submit p ans fur ships of a certain speed, with either turbine or reciprocating engine. Experiments have been going on which so far have shown that I lie cause of the breakage Is the vl- i bration that is set up In the slender blades ' by the high steam pressure and excessive ' speed of rotation. SMUGGLING CHARGE EXPLODES Packages Kent East hy OOleera f Oregon Contained Only Boavenlre of Vojage. SAN FHANCIriCO, April lO.-Through the prompt ail ion of the customs collector, William It. H unllton, fifty-two packages of goods landed from the United States bdttleidilp Oregon to be transported to the east were seized today ahile in transit m custody of the Wells-Kargo company. A partial examination was made by Ap praWr Dale sufficient to show that the run. or of auiuggllng was altogether un founded. There were dressing cases, apple ( boxes, small telescopes and olher packages : of large slse, and they were found to con tain souvenirs of the voyage addressed to Die wives, sisters, daughters and friends of the officers and crew of the Oregon, all of them residing in the east. It is ex pected that the secretary of the treasury, when put in possession of the fscts by Ap praiser Dare, will order the siaids rla1 (and forwardid to thuir addrestvs. BAILEY ON RAILROAD CONTROL Texaa Senator Speak i Tour Hours on Hit Court Beriew Amendment, NEW RATES VALID PENDING APPEAL Mr. Hale Aarees with Hlaa that Supreme Court Only Should Have Power te Set Aside Findings of Commission. WASHINGTON, April 10 For more than four hours today Mr. Bailey held the un divided attention of the senate with a speech in reply to Mr. Bpooner and Mr. Knox, and Just before its conclusion there wss a significant suggestion from Mr. Itaie Indicating the possibility of an understand ing and an early vote on the railroad rate bill. The day was the most notable in the re cent history of the senate. Very few senaJ tors were absent at any time during the day and every seat in the galleries, public, private, senatorial, executive and diplo matic, was held by Its occupant with marked tenacity. The close attention given throughout the four hours was all the more marked In view of the legal character of the argu ment. Mr. Bailey set out that the one end In view of establishing the soundness of his contention that congress has power to deny to the Inferior United States courts the light to suspend the order of the Inter state Commerce commission pending the final division of cases arising under tho proposed lsw. This he undertook to do by citing innumerable decisions of the courts and quoting many other authorities. These citations were interspersed with his com ment. Mr. Hale announced his willlngnees to accept tho anti-suspension amendment and expressed confidence that if Mr. Bailey would on the other hand agree to a broad court review there "would be comparatively little difficulty in reaching an agreement on the bill." Mr. Bailey said that he could not believe that review by the courts could be denied under the constitution. Anthorltr of C'onrts, Mr. Bailey entered Into an elaborate argument to show that the courts cannot annul legislation because of Inferential constitutional limitations. He spoke of the division of authority among tho various branches of the government, but said that he could not follow those utterings of re cent years which seem to proceed on the theory that there should be no restrictions upon the Judiciary. "This," he esid, "Is the first government that ever conferred upon the Judiciary the -power to annul legislation. God knows that ought to .be power enough to confer upon nine men; we are ninety; tbey are nine. I would not encroach upon their power; I would hold myself unworthy If 1 permitted them to encroach upon mine." Referring to Mr. Knox's quotation from the text books on Jurisprudence, he said that "the senator forgets that they were discussing the Jaw ns It Is and that it Is because congress wills It so." The point being that the legislative branch of the government is supreme In the law making and court regulating function. "Happily the senator from Pennsylvania reduces the .whole tujestlotcj our.fuJnt when he says congress can say when, but not how, the Judicial power shall speak," Mr. Bailey continued and then said he was willing to sccept that view. Mr. Bailey quoted a case decided by Chief Justice Marshall Involving a law suspending a writ of habeas corpus. In which he said that the courts cannot Is sue a writ of habeas corpus except upon the authority of a written law. "And yet he said, "the senators tell us that congress has no power to put a limitation on the injunction power of the courts." Fnnctloas of Inferior Courts. He asserted that In more than one deci sion the supreme court had held that the Inferior courts have no "Inherent function1 as contended by Mr. Knox. He quoted an opinion in which was made the state ment that congress had withheld Jurisdic tion. "How in the name of common sense can congress withhold from a court Juris diction of a subject snd not withhold Judicial powers?" he asked to further sup port Ills contention that the phrase "Judl clal power" and the -word "Jurisdiction" are used interchangeably by the courts. Coming then to the consideration of Mr. Hale's question relative to the final deci sion of railroad cases by the supreme court of the United States, Mr. Bailey said that lie did not believe the courts were the best tribunal for the settlement of these questions, but that under the constitution he did not believe that the right to such adjudication could be denied the carrier. "If," he went on, "a railroad can take my property upon paying me what the court says is right, why can't you permit me to take the property of the railroad company and hold it, until It is finally decided?" He would not have senators vio late their consciences to please walking delegates, but would have Justice done to all, both to the railroads and their patrons. This, he argued, could be ac complished by the adoption of the amend ments to the railroad bill offered by him self requiring that "Just compensation" be made the standard of railroad charges in accordance with the language of the con stitution. He only, demanded that the findings of the commission should stand until a final decision should be reached. He believed the adoption of the amendment would have the effect of forcing the railroads to assist in getting an early trial. Hale Agrees nlth Bailey. Mr. Halo again Interrupted and he tx p reused the opinion that Mr. Bailey's argu ment would have good results. After say ing that preference should be given all cases arising under the proposed legisla tion, he continued. Mr. Bailey concluded at 4:36 p. in., after speaking for four hours and ten minutes, amidst an outburst of applause which the chair found it impossible to suppress. Mr. Bailey was warmly congratulated by sena tors and representatives of both sides. Mr. Knox was among the Drat to offer con gratulations and Mr. LaFollette patted Mr. Bailey affectionately on the back. OE3EHAL DEBATE IX THE HOI SE even Hours Devoted to Poatefflre Appropriation BUI. WASHINGTON. April 10,-For seven hours today the house had under consid eration the poetoffice appropriation bill, but in only a few instances were the pro visions considered. During the debate on the special appropriation for railway mall pay, bitter words were exchanged between representatives from North Carolina, Arkansas and Kentucky, but all were within the rulea of the house. A humorous speech was made by J. Adam Bede (Minn.) and diaries A. Towne (N. Y.) spoke In be half of the James low a expoelUoo. Both Mr. Bede and Mr. Towne represented the Duluth district In Minnesota la ptber aon Tesaea. They were warmly cougnuulated on their speeches. UNEARTH SOFT COAL COMBINE 4- Pool ii f Mi Ratlr.mris Controls Ship ment of This Class of Fnel to Atlantic Seaboard. . PHILADELPHIA. April lO.-That the bl tumlnous coal traffic Is divided among six railroad companies developed today st the first hearing of the Interstate Commerce commission held here for the purpose of determining whether the railroad com panies are interested directly or Indirectly In the oil or coal which Is transported over their lines. The prlnciiwl witnesses todar were Up ton II. White, statistician of the Tidewater Steam Bituminous Coal Traffic association; W. W. Atterbttry. general manager of the Pennsylvania railroad; Joseph G. Soarles, traltlc manager of the same company, and Theodore Voorhees. vice pretldent of the Reading company. Through these witnesses It was brought out that the Pennsylvania Railroad company, the Reading 'company, the Beech Creek division of the New Tork Central railroad, the Baltimore A Ohio, the Chesapeake Ohio and the Norfolk ft Western railroad companies are mem bers of the Tidewater Steam Bituminous Coal Traffic association, which was or ganized In 1F9. The members of the association, it wss shown, have an agreement by which each Is allotted a certain percentage of the soft coal tonnage. It Is th4 duty of Mr. White to compute the percentage of roal carried by each company sndjto make a monthly report of the same. The documentary evi dence prod tired at the 'request of the com mission Included the hy-lnws of the asso ciation. The commission also brought out the fact that by means of the private car system large mining companies nre able to enter Into contracts for the delivery of coal at stated periods, while smaller companies who own no such cars are unable to guar, antee the exact time v lien their coal will be delivered. The Pennsylvania railroad. It was learned. declines to handle private cars unless the owner guarantees to have st least BOO cars. the possession of which would Involve an outlay of IfiOO.ono: CARNEGIE SCHEME WIDENED Foundation Trosteea Arrange to Pn Pensions to Wldotrs of College Professors. NEAV TORK, April 10. Announcement that the widows of college professors may be pensioned tinder tlio terms of the fl0,000,0n0 gift of Andrew Carnegie to the Carnegie foundation was made today by the trustees of the foundation. A pension not to exceed one-half , the pension of a professor may be paid to his widow, but It will be required that she must have been the wife of a professor during ten years of his active service. The pension Is to cease on her remarriage. , It was also announced today that no pension shall lie given Jo a professor who retired from active service before April 16, 96. This was th4 date upon which Mr. Carnegie established the pension fund. FLOORS FALLAT PITTSBURG Workmer 0 Don ' In Rains . of - ' Hens nnd,JtaW May ' . Be Dead. ' PITTSBURG, April 10 Three floors of a five-story building at Liberty avenuo collapsed this morning, bringing down a number of workmen In the ruins. At 12:30 p. m. but two men had been taken from the ruins and they were not seriously injured. It is believed five men and a team of horses are still buried. ONLY PAYS: To Help the Build Their Are not the girls whose daily work is in the factory and shop entitled to a home as much as the boys! "We owe them much. liemember they are to be the wives and mothers of our boys and children the home-makers and builders of the coming generation. Let everybody help a little just a little and the girls are assured a handsome home. If all our subscribers will prepay their subscription one year the per cent for the Y. W. 0. A. WILL AMOUNT TO OVER $15,000.00. WILL YOU DO YOUR PART? "When you send in your prepaid subscription mention the team you wish to have credit for it. Old Subscriber's Coupon. Euclosed please find to prepay niv subbrrlptlou. It is understood that 10 per cent of tbls pay ment 1b for the Y. W. C. A. Building Fund. Name Address ." Credit to team New Subscriber's Coupon. I hereby subscribe to The Evening and Sunday Bee at 10 cents a week for weeks and enclose I in payment of same. It la understood that 25 per cent of this payment Is for the Y. W. C. A. Building Fund. Name Address Start paper . . Credit to team LET EVERYBODY HELP NO MORE FOREST RESERVE Department Assures Conressman Kinkaid Boundaries Will Not Be Extended. BIDS RECEIVED FOR CATTLE FOR INDIANS Bill Introduced In Lower House Kxtendlna: Life of Measure Permit ting Kreetlon of Bridge Across River at South Omaha. (From a FtafT Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, April lf.-t.apeclal Tele gram.) Considerable agitation has been go ing on in the Sixth Congressional district over rumors that the bureau of forestry contemplated the establishment of addi tional reserves In that district or adding to the districts already established. Judge Kinkaid, in response to a number of let ters received from constituents, today had a conference with Chief Forester Gilford Plnchot with a view of ascertaining what the department's intention was In the mat ter. As a result of that Interview Is Is safe to say that no more forest reserves will be established In the Sixth Nebraska dis trict nor will there be any additions made to the reserves already established. Judne Kinkaid in addition called on the president In relation to the same mstter. General Quartermaster's Depot Bill. Mr. Kennedy today Introduced a bill pro viding for the establishment of a general depot quartermaster's department at Omaha and appropriating for the same to be expended under the direction of the secretary of war. Bids on Indian Cattle Supply. The clerical force of the finance division of the Indian bureau today completed an examination of bids recently received for the purchase of 5,000 stock cattle for the Indians on the "Rosebud agency, and all papers in the case are now before the sec retary of the Interior for decision. It Is thought the contract may be awarded to some firm or series of firms tomorrow, though that Is by no means certain, as Assistant Secretary Ryan, who has direct charge of this class of work, has been ill for several days. Stockmen who have re plied to the request for bids assert that they cannot supply cattle tip to the full weight called for In the specifications, be cause the season Just closed has been rather disastrous In that this spring their beeves, which should normally be fat and sleek; are not up to weight and to sell at the prices required by the government would entail considerable loss. The con tract Is quite a large one, involving as It does an expenditure of lioo.noo. Rxtendlns; Life of Bridge Bill, . Representative Kennedy Introduced a bill to extend the time for the completion of the construction of the combination rail road, trolley, foot passenger and wagon bridge across the Missouri river at South Omaha to April 16. 191. The bill became a law In March. 1902. giving the company until April, ISO, to file plans of definite lo cation and to construct the same. The company now seeks to have tho time ex tended in which to complete the structure. Among those back of the enterprise are W. J. C. Kenyon, manager of the South Omaha stock yards; Beott King, South Omaha; JoUrI McO)'.! ard.A. c. Fj ter, Omaha. ' , " . ............ Minor Matters at Capital. Major Iacey of the Sixth Iowa district will deliver an address before the Young Men's Republican club of Philadelphia, April 21. on the subject "Home Markets." Congressman Kinkaid has recommended S. L. Perrln for postmaster at Sargent. Custer county, vice H. P. Savage, re- (Continued on Second Page.) FIVE MOEE Y. W. C. A. New Home NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST- Cloudy Wednesday and Showers In West Portion. Thursday Fair In and ShoiTers In I: est ronton. Temperature at Omaha lesterdnyl Hour. Desr. Hour. Ilea. 3 ' 1 p. ui r.7 a. n 4t a p. m (Kl 41 a p. - in IO n. m U 4 p. m til W a. m 4t ft p. m nil 10 n. m ft2 II p. m ll 1 1 a. in .VI T p. ni H 12 n tl.l H p. in nr II p, m Ml MCRE CASES AGAINSTPACKERS Federal Officials Busy Secnrlna f'.vl denee to Be t'sed us Basis of ew Complaint. CHICAGO, April Irt.-i'he Chionbie will say tomorrow: President Roosevelt has once more taken a personal hand In the prosecution of the packers and the result Is apparent In a resumption of activity on the part of the loral federal officials. It has been announced that the effort to punish the packers ss Individuals la to be renewed with promptitude and vigor. This Is under direct instructions to Dis trict Attorney Morrison from the presi dent and Attorney General Moody. At torney Morrison has been directed to pro ceed ngalnst the packers under the Injunc tion of Judg Grosscup of the United States circuit court and also to seek new Indictments before the next federal grand Jury. The government ngents are now at work securing Information which Is to be used as a basis of complaint before the grand . Jury next month. This evidence. It la said, will sustain a charge by the govern- j ment that the packers as Individuals nave violated the Injunction of Judge Grosscup. Several railroad officials have responded to questions put to them by government agents and Information secured from the railroad men, together with Information volunteered by former nnd present em ployes of the packers, was declared to night hy one of the federal officials to be sufficient to warrant the return of Indict ments against certain of the packers. PRIMARY LAW FOR ILLINOIS Proposed ev Measure Will Allow Voters to Express Preference for Senators. SPRINGFIELD. III.. April 10. The primary elections bill drawn up by Attorney General will be introduced In the house and senate tomorrow. " This bill, which will be pressed by the administra tion. Is In tho nature of a compromise be tween the advocates of plurality or ma jority requirement for nomination by primary conventions. It fixes 35 per cent of the vote as a neccsaary requirement for direct nomination. The bill applies to all candidates for state offices, congress. Btate Board of Equalization, members of the legislature nnd all county officers except county commissioners. Voters are also allowed to express their preference for United States senator, but this vote Is not to be binding on the legis lature. Where candidates are not selected by direct vote under the 35 per cent pn rtsloti, fhe cana'd-ires' are'To' be' selected In regular convention. .... The bill does not apply to Judges of the supreme, superior and circuit courts or to city or township offices. TWO INSURANCE BILLS PASSED More Armstrong; MeaSurea Ready for the Slarnature of' Governor of Mm York. ALBANY. N. T.. April 10-Two of the bills proposed by ths special Insurance In vestigating committee passed the senate unanimously today and now await only the signature of Governor Hlggins to enact them Into law. One is a bill to amend the general corporation law relative to the ac quisition of real property by life Insur ance companies. The other is a bill to amend the penal code so as to penalize the giving of rebates in the life Insurance business. A third bill, which would amend the penal code so aa to provide that the falsity of a statement, alleged In an indictment for perjury, shall be presumptively established by proof that the defendant has testified under oath to tho contrary, was amended by the senate so aa to restrict Its applica tion to written statements under oath. The vote of Lieutenant Governor Bruce, the president of the senate, accomplished the adoption of this amendment, which sends the bill back to the printer and de lays final action upon it until next week. AMERICAN INTERESTS ABROAD French Investors Are Giving; Especial Attention to American Secur ities Just How. WASHINGTON. April 10. Money In France Is the subject of a report of Con sul General Skinner of Marseilles, who writes the bureau of manufactures that there is a strong tendency on the part of French Investors to purchase good dividend-paying American securities. One emi nent French lawyer told Mm that' the United States was the only great and set tled country without complex problems for rettlement, snd he expected to make con siderable purchases of American securi ties and would advise his clients to do the same. The consul gives the total present foreign stock and bond Investments of French citizens at over 1 13,000.000,000, and the people keep on saving and Investing. GREENE AND GAYNOR CASE Arguments Are Concluded and Judue Mill Charge tho Jury This Morning;. SAVANNAH. Ga.. April lO.-Tuiilght the J arguments In the Greene and Gaynor case were brought to a close, Samuel B. Adams concluding for the government. I'pon the conclusion of Judge Adams' argument to the jury Judge Speer announced that ha would begin the delivery of his charge to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. So exhaust ive is the charge he has prepared that it covers 250 typewritten pages. Movements of Oeeun Vessels April 10. At New York Arrived: G.-miania. from Naples: Kaiser Wilhelin Tier Grosse. from I Bremen; Noordam. from Rotterdam. Balled: ttiai v Mitirv.'e, lur imniuurg. tvroil rrilii Wilhelm fur liieintn; Cm mania for Liver pool; Pannoiii lor Naples. At Glusg.jw Arrlveu : Furnessla, trout New York. At Oenoit Arrived: Nurd Amertea. from New York. Hailed: 1-oulmsnu, fur New York. At Ant werp Arrived: Finland, from New York. At Hamburg Sailed: Abydos, for San FiHnclsco. At London-Sailed; . Anubis, for Csllfor- J.nia. iVMW BURIED UNDER RUINS Roof of Market House in Naples Collapses Under Weight of Ashes. STRUCTURE CONTAINED 200 PERSONS Most of Them Were Either Killed 01 Injured. ACTIVITY OF VESUVIUS IS INCREASING Bain of Band and Ashes Continues Orer Wide Area, MANY CITIES AND VILLAGES ARE DESERTED TwentyHlx Bodies Taken from Ruins of t'hureh lu Sen flutaeppe srtent.v-xine Seriously Injured. lUXLETIX. ROME. April 10, A dispatch from Naples to the Tribune reports that 500 persons have perished in the district between Ot tajano and San Guleseppe. NAPLFS, April 10 The volcano Is re suming activity, and especially at Cereola. The stream of lava which started anew In the direction of Torre Annunzlata reached the cemetery of that town and then turned toward Pompeii. The troops are conveying provisions, sur gical accessories and other material for the relief of the Injured near Ottajann. A violent storm of sulphurous rain oc curied today at San Gulseppe, Vcsuvlan and Savlano. When morning broke today the out look was promising for an amelioration of the conditions consequent upon the activity of Mount Vesuvius. The hope fulness of the populace, however, wns short-lived and the Neapolitans were plunged Into a condition bordering on frenzy by the collapse of the Mount Ollveto market, which covered a plot of ground "DO feet square, the structure falling upon 200 or more persons, of whom twelve were killed, two mortally Injured, twenty-four dangerously and J'O less seriously injured. Several of the dead were crushed and man gled beyond recognition. The scenes In the vicinity of the ruins were agonizing, rela tives of the victims clamoring to be al lowed to go to their dead or dying. Only by the firm Intervention of the police ami carbineers was it possible to keep back the crowd from overwhelming those who wero engaged lu the work of -rescue. While early in the day the volcanic activ ity of Mount Vesuvius appeared to have diminished, as night approached the pros pect of Immediate relief faded and the fate of the villages and towns around the volcano seemed more hopeless. Instead of decreasing; -m ftilt-.r; sand and. ashea" emitted from the crater Increased. ' Even with the sun shining high In the heavens the light .was 4 dim yellow, in the midst of which the few people who remained In the stricken towns, their clothing, hair and beards covered with ashes, moved about in the awful stillness of desolation like gray ghosts. Many Villages Deserted. The case of Torre Del Greco Is typlca'. For thirty hours the place has been prac tically deserted, but amid the ruin and semi-darkness Illuminated from time to time by vivid flashes of lightning a few I of the Inhabitants go about hungry an-1 with throats parched with smoke and dust, seemingly unable to tear themselves away from tho ruins of what so recently werj their homes. Communication by rail or tramway with Torre Del Greco and Torre Annunslata la Impossible, owing to the cin ders, sand and ash deposits, tlallwxy travel to and from Naples is most ham pered by the samo conditions, and a col lision today resulted In the injury of about twelve passengers. Telegraphic communi cation with the towns farthest in the dan ger zone also is Interrupted. The flow of lava from the volcano, which had almost ceased during the night, re commenced early today, and the fall of volcanic ejecta in the Vesuvian Communes has been enormous. It is feared, that the weight of ashes on roofs will cause the collapse of many more buildings both her and in the towns and villages nearer the volcano. Great Subterranean Agitation. Director Matteucci, who continues at his post in the observatory, telegraphed to night that the was generally calm la si night, with occasional sharp explosions, these becoming more violent towards morn ing. Director Matteucci says his seismic Instruments Indicate great subterranean agitation. King Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena; have forwarded to Premier skmnlno, who Is here, I3J.0A) to be applied towards the relief of the sufferers by the volcano. The prefect has removed the mayor of San Gulseppe from office because In thv face of dunger he left his village without Informing his superiors. Cardinal Frisco, archbishop of Naples, who today visited the people wounded by the fall of the Mount Glrveto market, brought to these unfortunates the benedic tion of the pope. The Duchess of Aosta was a Veritable angel of mercy to the sufferers by the market house disaster. She spent ths en tire day at the hospital, comforting the bereaved and assisting the injured. As the duchess bent over a cot to give a cooling drink to a child who waa bruised and battered from head to foot, she felt a kiss imprinted upon her hand. Looking down, the duchess' eyes met those Of a woman kneeling at her feet, who said; "Your excellency, she." pointing to the suffering child, " is all I have. I am a widow. May God reward you." The troops on guard in the volcanic zone are utilizing the railway carriages st different localities ss ramp hospitals. The Red Crose society haa established a hos pital In the vicinity of Ban Gulseppe. All the bodies of 'those who were killed In the church at Sun Gulseppe on Monday have beon reoovered, the number being 10&. Setrch Is being made of the houses at Oltajano, where fifty corpses have already been found. It is believed that there are at 111 many to be recovered. Xew Hank for Mexleo. MEXICO CITY. April 10. -The movement of c'lialdlahing a new Anglo-German bank here is reported to be far advanced. The German Oversea bank, which haa a branoU here, wl'.i be amalgamated with the new concern. New York bangers the report mentioning ths Bpeyars are interest