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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1906)
EDITORIAL SECTIOII. Pag:: 1 t) 8. The ; Omaha unday Bee. Gea Into th Momi THE OMAHA DEC Best & West ESTABLISHED' JUKE 19, 171. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 18, 1906. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. NEED OF G1TY WORK HOUSE Demand for Such a Place Pointed Out by Police Judee Crawford. PRESENT FACILITIES WHOLLY INADEQUATE Cad nl Jastlee, Hf Thinks, Caaaot lie I'roperl? hfr I'nttl Wark. la Ballt. 1 I nr. V Police Judge Crawford has some decided opinions regarding the pressing needs of a workhouse In this rlty. He Is firm in his conviction that the establishment of such an Institution Is on of the paramount local issues. The Judge has been making an In vestlgatlon of the operation of workhouses and similar Institutions in other cities. iThe tpparrnt pleasure with which many vag rants and hoboes have been receiving thirty-day sentences recently In the police court set the Judge thinking and the more he has thought It over' the more he has become convinced there never was a time In the city's history when the needs for a workhouse were greater than at the pros ent time. Judge Crawford Saturday morn ing said: "The interest being -taken In a work-, he'ise for petty criminal Is most gratify ing' to me and must be to nil who have at heart the safety and good order of our city. The time Is exceedingly propitious for. this discussion, Not only will public sentiment approve any wise plan for fur nishing work for city convicts, but that same sentiment will, I believe, approve a liberal bond Issue for the erection of a modern and adequate house of" correction, reformatory or workhouse. City Jail Inadequate. "That our present city Jail Is absolutely Inadequate for any purpose except a place Of detention pending trial Is admitted upon all hands. No work of reformation or cor rection Is possible there. Quite the re verse, the present city Jail Is a place of contamination. To confine a youth there who retains any rpark of virtue Is an of fense against him and against the commu nity of which he is to be a part when re leased. I say this In no spirit of criticism of our polio department. It is the result of using for a city Jail a building Intended fqr an entirely different purpose and In no respect fitted for its present use. The fact Is recognised and regretted more keenly by police authorities than In any other quarter. "The taw Imposes punishment upon a convict for two purposes only, the reforma tion of the prisoner and the protection of society from him until he Is reformed. Punishment that does not tend towards the accomplishment of both la Inadequate, expensive, futile and wasteful. First e Toward Bolatloa. The first step and a long on toward the solution of Omaha's difficulties with the criminal classes la an adequate build ing and grounds properly equipped to maintain prisoners under condition which will tend to make useful cltliens of them; Disease, filth, drink and drugs, Idleness and bad company are the potent factors In the making of a criminal. Given a place where disease can be combatted and filth removed; wher drink and drugs are out of reach, and wher Idleness gives place to sys tematic labor, and you have a place wher the community Is protected from the criminal and more Important still you have given the prisoner a chance to re form. "How much the first cost of such a build ing will be I do not know. But I do know that Omaha Is In the midst of the most substantial and lasting progress, that the year upon which we leave Just entered will mark the greatest stride towards the building of a metropolis that this com munity has ever known. I know before tho maturity1 of bonds Issued this year for a workhouse that the Institution will be outgrow and Inadequate to the needs of the city, whether . we expend 126.000 or 60,000." Ml WIT IX. 239339 OMAHA AGAIN SECOND IN CORN Raeavr pa Old Position: ma Next BlfSMt Primary Market la World. to J Omaha has regained 1U old place as the second primary corn market of the world. This la ahown by the January report of the Department of Commerce and Labor, received Saturday at tne office of the Omaha Grain exchange. . Th table of corn movement shows Omaha second to Chicago and ahead of Kansas City by S0O.00O bushels. Omaha started out at the head of the list last year and held the lead until December, I when export rates on orn went Into effect, Kansas City then forged to second place. Receipt of corn at ' Omaha and Couneil Bluff for January were MTT.tOO bushels, against XSS5.0U0 bushels In 1906. Receipts of wheat were S31.1U) bushels, against 193,000 bushels last year. The following table show th position of Omaha and It closest competitors In th corn trade: Receipt. Bhipments. Chicago, bu ,rjA4 ,SU4.t Omaha, bu i.6;7.3ii a.77.4iO Kansas City, bu S.tW.COO l.3 un St Louis, bu 3.665.SJ0 1,747,726 Load for Homesteaders. D. Clem Deaver of the homeseekers bu reau of the Burlington, has returned from the northwestern portion of Colorado, where he has hewn Investigating conditions, file found considerable land, some of which could be taken in forty-acre pieces under the reservoir act, and nearby a man could j aequlr J30 acres under the desert act, thus ' i making a good farm. Mr. Denver's office lorce js preparing lor me Dig homeseekers' excursion to Hyannls, March 2rt. when a personally conducted excursion for home seekers will be run. Arrangements have lv?en- perfected and livery men and farmers will be on hand to care for the prospective settlers. Should the snow remain on the ground Mr. Deaver says he does not ex pect so nisny to go. but the exourston will run even If a bllas&rd conies on that day. Drald Mill Improvers. The Druid Hill Improvement eluh will meet Monday evening at its hall. Thirtieth and Spsuklfng streets, for Important tu.-i-Bees. t has been requested that those living between Tweiity-oevenlh and Thirty. Ixth streets and Brltol street and Aims avenue, attend with a view of becoming members. If not already enrolled. On of the matters to come before th club Monday evening will be the North Omaha Protective association, which was organised to suppress crime in the territory occupied by the club. Other matters of general In terest will be the workhouse, question of having twe telephone syttems In Omaha and poor malt service In north part of the city. ' Postal t'oadalta Are Dow m. Th Postal Telegraph company has all Its cables In the conduits au.l a brUk terminal room Is hetna conxttuoted In the basement of the building. The poles will te down in about three weeks, or as srn connections can all be made. Consider able work slso Is being don on the call meesengrr service snd this will soon be j.rf.ia. The postal alii plac a lurge clock on a ai.le In Iront of the Karnam sire i office, which IU be Uluiuloaid at an GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME Special Offering ii Ladies' New Spring Suits $9.90 New Eton and Pony Jacket Suits Of Panama Cloths in plain colors, imported Tweeds 9.90 in liffht grays and pastel shades; also small checks and plaids. $12.50 New Tuxedo Suits, New Etons, New Jacket Suits, New Pony Suits Elegant styles, new trim- 12.50 mingB, newest materials in the latest mix tures, checks and plaids $15.00 At This Price We are Doing a Little Forcing "Your choice of four elegant styles, worth $25.00, in box coats, pony jackets and Etons, plain and i gg mixed pastel shades, checks, mixtures and I 1 S fj fl shadow plaids, at I Ladies' Waists Linens, chambrays in colors, lawns, India linon and mulls, all trimmed with lace, em- 50c ammma 7.95 5.95 5,95 broidery and tucks; our leading' prices for Monday, $1.25, 98c, 79c and Ladies' New Circular Skirts The very latest model, plain black and navy, small checks, gray mix tures and large plaids, a $10.00, skirt, for. . Misses Golf Coats In golf red cloth, with green silk velvet collar and brass buttons, very nobby, at Misses and Children's Box Coats Made of the new check materials, with or without collar, loose backs, at EXTRA SPECIAL SILK BARGAIN MONDAY. Fancy Silks for Waists and Suits, new spring shades, neat, pretty designs, over 50 pieces in all, regular selling Qp price 85c a yard; Monday's sale, a yard Plain Chiffon Taffeta and Radium Peau de Cygne, in Alico blue, old rose, greens, grays, navys, violet,, cardinal, cream and black, regular selling price 85c; sale price, a CC yard JC We have the exclusive sale of Radium Silk, the latest fab ric for dressy gowns; is light in weight, soft and cling)', has a very silky lustre, comes in all new shades C A including cream and black, 42 inches wide, a yard. 36-inch Oil Boiled Black Taffeta, $1.25 quality; fln special, Monday, a yard. . ...... '.i' . V BLACK DRESS GOODS SALE. ' 44-Inch Chiffon Nun'8 Veiling, soft dressy fabric, exceptional "JC value, per yard i J 44-Inch French Wool Taffeta,' proper weight for skirts or suits, I AA special value, a yard, at l.Vv COLORED DRESS GOODS. Those Popular Grays New shipment In shepherd checks and stylish .hairline plaids, ranging in width from 36 to 45 Inches, un- CA. "matchable value, a yard .' JUi New Hpring Lines at $1.00-For both dress and street wear 4 4-inch Silk and Wool Eoliennes, 44-lneh Wool Taffetas, 44-lnch Silk and Wool Tamlse, 44-inch English Prunellas. 44-lnch Imported plain and fancy Mohairs and 54-inch fine Panamas. We carry a full Art range of shades of these weaves; a yard, at 1UU Gray Skirting and Tailor Suitings These cloths come In 54 to 58 in. wide, are exclusive styles, In plain mixtures and broken plaids, all new designs; your money buys no better, a yard. . Special Sale of White Goods Monday 50 pieces of white sheer India Linon, very fine 25c quality; marked for Monday, yard. 75 pieces of very sheer and pretty white Persian Lawns, 32 In. wide, our regular 45c quality; Monday, a yard, only Mash Goods Specials Arnold's Wool Finished Batiste, very " new suiting for spring wear, comes in light and dark shades, with small floral designs, dots and checks; special Monday, yd Arnold's Silk Tissue, in white, with new floral designs; spe cial Monday, a yard Mercerized Eoliennes In every plain color, light and dark; Monday's special, a. yard Big Towel Sale 23c Hemstitched Towels, 16c Each 50 dozen white Hemstitched Huck Towels, nice soft quality, large sizes, worth 25c each; while they last, Monday, each 1.50 15c 29c popular 18c 25c 25c white 15c NEW SPRING DRESS TRIMMINGS. Complete line of Imported Trimmings and Laces for fine dress fabrics, new line of Allover Laces, heavy baby Irish finish and fine nets with Applique, Medallions, Edges and Bands to match fine Embroidered Silk Yoking and Trimmings. Special Lot Xo. 1 Your choice from an endless variety of Venetian Edges, Appliques and Bandings ecrus, cream and white and a big lot of fancy Bilk and Persian Braids, worth to 75c a "JP yard; Monday, a yard ,jC Special Lot No. 2 This lot contains about one thousand yards of fine Imported Trimming Laces. In Bands, Appliques, Edges and Insertions, in Oriental Net Tops, Fine Normandles, Venetian Trim mings and many other patterns; this lot sold from 20c to A 60c a yard; Monday's sale price, a yard lUC Great Sale of Ladies' Neckwear at 5c, and 10c Each. 250 dozen line white Embroidered Turnover Collars, pretty Em broidered Stocks and Linen Embroidered Collars, every piece new and wortn l&c and Zoc. in Two Lois for Monday Lot Xo. 1 C I Lot Xo. 2 each . ..sCI each 10c 0e taSarb 0nn And your choice of anything in late copyright bookdom with it. Exchange book at any time for whatever choice you may elect, for 5c. fe Best Beok Ex change reposition Before Yeu. Life Membership $1.18 is charged with an abundaut supply of the travel, biography, romance, religion, phil- Tabard Inn Library latest oopyrlght fiction, osophy everything. Some of the latest: "Conquest of Canaan." "House of a ThouMuid Candles." "Ben Blair," "House, of Mirth." "Xedra," "The Gambler," "The Mnsquer adors" Thousands of Others. BOOK STALLS MAIN FLOOIL WALL PAPER. ltOl'RLE GHEEX TK.VUING STAMPS With Purchase of a 15c Paper, and Fifty Additional Green Trading Stamps with Every 20c or 25c Floral Pattern Purchased Monday We Hang Paper Under Guarantee THIIWS FLOOIl. TH1HO FLOOH. TH1KO FLOOIL A Millinery 'initiatory" Show! Second Floor, Monday The Dinnerware Sale Continues BETTER. VALUES THAN EVEH SPECIAL PRICES-SPECIAL SETS VALUES at $12 for .......... $10.00 Sots for ur;.s".t$:! 14.50 VALUES at $15 for 10.98 8.98 6.98 If It's Dinnerware Vou Want, See the Values We Show Star Cut Tumblers, the very best line ever shown, special, each r &UC Closing Out Johnson Bros.' 1905 White Porcelain at 33 Off Best English Porcelain at Less Than Cost. The New Satsuma Redware in Japanese, a largo assortment just received. Plates (55c and.., 50c Tooth-pick Holders ' 22a Salts and Peppers 25c Jardinieres, a new lot at popular prices, the finest line ever shown, at 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c $1.00 and up. Colonial Glass Sugar and Cream, a new and pretty one, price is 35c, but for Monday, jtg the pair .' JC Fifty Engraved Cards and Copper Plate, with your name, Mon- SO Engraved Cards, printed TJQjr from your plate Monday, A Tre-Spring Showing of Fiill-S prin g M illin ery EMPERIC and COLONIAL MODES sponsored by . (hose GODESSES of the MODERN STAGE: MA UDE ADAMS, BERN HARD T, DU BARRY, FRITZI SCHEFF, ETC., ETC AN ADVANCE DISPLAY Might be called in othir kiwi of exjwi'fioM o "Prtit View." MILLINER Y STYLES EXCLUSIVE, INITIATORY, UNIQUE oys of a kixd. A LITTLE TETE-A-TETE SAMPLE . DISPLA Y AS EXTENSIVE AND COMPREHENSIVE AS AN Y FORMAL OPENING EXHIBIT 1 HAT HAS COME OR GONE OR THAT'S YET A-COMING. Bennett's Full-Blown 1906 Spring Millinery Opening KILL BE INAUGURATED A WEEK HENCE. MEANTIME: You Art InviUd to a Little Quiet Viewing of Styles thai IVt'll Lead Western Millinery Fashions for 1906 Come to This Initiatory Exposition Monday. , SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY. HERALD OF GREATER EFFORTS COMING. BENNETT'S CAPITOL COAL Most satisfactory because it 6aves money and is clean. Best coal for open fires, ranges and heaters. It's a "comfy" coal, for there's a maximum heat in every chip of it. Bennett's Capitol Nut Coal, ton. :. Bennett's Capitol ' Lump Coal ton. 5.75 6.00 Sample Sacks of Bennett's Capitol Nut, di rect from Store... -JC GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME. knottier Art Spring Arrival 100 Etchings, framed In brown, gum wood mouldings, brown veneer mats, two-tone with pictures and mats a picture suitable anywhere in the home sale price, tQ Monday Owl And Forty Green Trading Stamps. riCTl'RE FRAMING. Big Shipment of New Mouldings and Frames. Double Given Trading Stamps up to Noon Monday. Pyrography Novelty Specials. 60c Glove and 'Kerchief Boxes 55c Oval Fruit ' Panels. ......... .'. ... . 60c Dutch Shoe Match Holders 30c Card or Jewel Boxes , 25s Sale Price Oval Frames Outfits, $5.00, $3.25 and 48c 40c 35c 25c 19c 1.69 LATEST IDEAS FOR BED ROOM, DINING ROOM AND DEN. , Art Second Floor. Specials in Hardware Monday Just Received a Big Shipment of Bird Forty Green Trading Stamps with any Cages prices up f Galvanized Wash Tub, at It Q from OJC 72c. 64c. 56c and "OC Brfrom gM' UP 1 25 Elghty Green Trading Stamps with ..l.a any wagb Wringer every on We have some beauties guaranteed, prices up AP Don't faU to see them. from , ,JD A CARLOAD OFi GAS RANGES, Wall Paper Cleaner Clean your wall GASOLINE STOVES AND OVENS. paper and save re-paperlng J The Direct Action Dangler" Per can' lgc nd UC Gns Range Ten Green Tradlng stamps with good Saves i rom 20 to 30 Per Cent Gas. Folding Cop.t f f No other Range on the Hanger 1UC market can equal (t. Ten Green Tradlng stamps with dozen Low and High Ovens. Asbestos Baklnc Sheets f ( All Prices. See Them. save burning your bread 1UC Forty Green Trading Stamps ' PAINTS, LEAD, VARNISHES, With Any Wash Boiler, up from 06c OILS AND JAP-A-LAC. A Wider Range of Styles Than Ever. From the Daintiest Feminine, to the Ultra. Mannish Our Special Dorothy Dedd Display is a Displey of Dorothy Dodd Bench Oxfords HERE S NO. B2S, (Ut Cut) " It's dainty, swell and natty, has Gibpon tie, lustrous patent kid and dull English ealf skin, two large eyelets, silk ribbon laces, plain toe without cap, has a tri- UsfeLl UO U1U1D UUl" side swing than usual, which, with extension edge, gires a snappy, striking appear ance. Good for any occa sion that calls tor patent leather. THREE DOLLARS A PAIR If Your Footwear Inclinations Are Not Yet Toward Oxford Let's Remind You of Our Extensive Stock of Beautiful Dorothy Dodd Varsities Bench made buttons and bluchers. 4 tgf ur tne captivating; Lines of Patent Kid Lace, Bluchers, Buttons, Kid Welt, Patent Colt, Dull Leath ers, Lustrous Kids, Scintillating Patents, Etc., Etc. S3.50 and $3.00 .A Ay j Bennett's Big Grocery An Array of Monday's Money Savers and Best Qualities. HEADQUARTERS FOR COFFERS Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, QP 2-lb. can And thirty grn trading stsmps. TVas. assorted kinds, JO. pound OV And thirty green trading stamps. Bennett's Exeelsior 4 ftK Flour, sack I .VJ-J And fifty green trading stamps. Diamond 8 Peaehea, Pineapples, Strawberries, OZr can "'Jv And thirty (jreen trading stamps. M. A. Oedney s 3UC f 2 Tickles, bottle O" Two pounds Three Crown RalHlns AOW And twenty green trading stamps. Jel-o, assorted, three TCp paekoges AJfc And ten green trading stumps. Three Klc Wiggle gtkk Hlutng And ten green trading stamps. Eix 6c Wiggle Stick Oio Bluing ft And ten green trading stsmps. Two sacks Worcester Ifln Table Bait IUW And ten green trading sumps. T'lamrud C Soap. O Sir ten burs "U Special offer on imported French Macaroni, Fi-dglieti! and Ver niKelli In 1 lb. , 1 iMltkiiges IJ And ten green trading stamps with each package. Po ind pMcXcgc Si'ln pp'H OSIr 'octmntit iJv And ten frreen trading stamps. Pound cau Bennett's Cspi- tui Baking louder aiW And leu green trading stamps. 25c Two packages Bennett's Capitol Oats , And ten green trading Two packages Bennett's Capltul Wheat And ten green trading Genuine German Noodles, package Vegetable snd Flower Seeds, package Anderson's Tomato Soup, can '., 20c stamps. 20c stamps. .10c 2c 5c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS FRKSH. Lettuce, Radishes, Onions, Cauli flower, Cabbage, Asparagus. Naval Oranges, l-u'ge. Juicy, sweet, delicious, per dozen. Ode Sc snd alUU Fins sand hill grown. 20 C Potatoes, peck aVJW Buxhel Toe Big. Juicy California I'Sc Lemons, dosen w HEADQUARTERS FOR BUTTER. h made Country But- ifc , pound, from ,uv Jreh ter Demonstration for Mondsy Kip pered Herring, fre Aberdeen awa'. BENNETT'S CANDY. Monday Bpecial Stick Candy, fieh assorted flavors, very delicious, six slicks for Thirty mtcka for 5c EASTER NOVELTIr-8 OX DISPLAT. . ie esk'S Eating Chocolste .4c RELIABLE FURNITURE After all, cash is the lender. Probably you have already gen enough to feel dead ure It's best to bay your furniture for cash and aave the enormous profit of credit. Common sense tells you cash is the leader. IIKLIAIU.E FI UNITITIE FOR CASH Iron Reds 4x6 at . 3.10, S4.75, $3.03, $3.50, 2.23, 1.S( Brass Beds at $3.80, $2.75, 2.U5 and $1.23 Woven Wire Spring supported. with coll spring at fl no Mattrehses at 4.50, $4.00, $3.23 and ':i!50 Good, clean, white cotton top at 50 Pillows at $3.50.. $2,75. $2.13, $1.90, $1.40, $1.00,' 73c ' and SOo Child's Trundle Bed at $3.15 and $1.73 Child's Iron Crib lDgle or double. .$10.00, $0.5O, $0.00, $8.05, $8.23. $7.75 and $3.75 New Line of Go-Carts All Kinds and Sizes at Attractive Prices. Btrjj&ins in Carpet Section Monday Japanese and China Matting in six different pat terns, retail price 22c yard, Monday, yard..lftc I' n ion Ingrain Carpets that cell regularly for 45c a yard, in red, green and tan grounds, yard. . .2.0c Kjnicra I'niou Art Squares, Dill, a splendid dining: room or bed room rug. In all colors and Persian patterns, retails regularly for $7, Monday. .$5.48 We carry BiseH's Celebrated Carpet Sweepers, In all grades Standard $2.25 Perfection and (irand Ilnpids.. . .$2.50 tiold Medal for $3.00 Parlor gueen $4.00 Carnet Section, Third Floor. Some Remarkable Values in Our Lace Curtain Section Monday Heavy Brass Extenaiou Hods, good finish, extends from 30 to 54 Inches, sells regularly for 15c Monday each 9c Heavy TapeMry Couch Covers, 60 Inches wide and 3 yards long, with knotted fiingo, good value at $1.75, Monday, your choice each 98c Drophearf Sewing Machine that sells regularly for $l.0O, Monday for. $12.05 lrohead Sewing Machine that retails regularly for $25.00 Monday at $17.98 A Guarantee, Goes with Every Machine. DraMry Sectiou, Third Floor. BOOKCASES JilElillli, Th Set 1