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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1D06. TIwom is Great Store I i icxcepnonai mrgam icvems our 11 in MM an ! t i II I j ! I 5 I cBiiref In Branded' id I i 111 i?XrA RESOLVED iTVAT V ARE HERE VlTtfOU (TKUK VEAREGoiflG To CrXttPVITH W A GOOD LOMQ tjme AnD every veek we SMALLTALK TO W ABOUT THE CIPTHE5 YOU OUGHT 76 wuft vEARlrtG GOOD CLOTHES 1 THE rviVtiMTiiui crir-r. will TROVE THIS To YOU If YOU VILU KEAD EACH VEIN, MAT WE -"AV I CARHY AAY CLOTHES w It III 3S eeYmciiT not tti iuithhmvh to. chicaco HIS II III n Mill i t m it fii i i v a - BU.STER. fcR.oWN S THE dE-ST DR.E-5JED LITTLE CHAP IN THE COUNTR.Y. EVERY MOTHER. WANT HfcR. LITTLE fcoY To LOOK JlT LIKE HIM. No MAT TER. WHAT HE 6 DOING, fclTER.'J CLoTHE-5 AR.E ALWAYS DR-EY. THAT' THE WAY ALL APPAR. EL .SHOULD LOOK R.I6HT UP TO THE MINUTE IN .STYLE NO MATTER. HOW CONSTANTLY IT I.S WOR.N THAT'S THE SOR.T or GOODS BR.ANDEIS SELLS. 30,000 YARDS OF NEW SILKS AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE QUOTED ON SUCH SPLENDID QUALITIES Brandeis bought from a shirt waist manufacturer a bankrupt stock of up-to-date Bilks suitable for all purposes. Fancy Silk Suitings, Rough Pongee Silks, Silks from Japan, fine grade of Dress and Lining Taffeta, Peau de Cupid, Checked and Barred Taffetas, Fancy! Crepes and Gauzes 20 to 45 inches wide Monday they go In three lots. . ' 15,000 yards swell combinations, French Plaids, Taffetas, Fa conne Louisene Silks, with dots and geometrical designs; Chif fons and Rustling Taffetas, 27 inch Check Suitings, white, black and all colors heavy qual ity Habutai Silks, Peau de sole, etc., worth up to one dollar and a quarter at yard 49c 10,000 yards Rough Pongee Silks, Peau de Cupid, Dress Pongee, Checked Taffeta Suitings, in black and white all the new spring effects Printed Lyons, Foulards, 27-lnch White China Silks, 24-inch Liberty Satins, 27-inch Chiffon Taffetas, worth up to one dollar - at yard 39c Five thousand yards black and colored Shantungs Printed Pon gee Silks, twenty-seven-inch col ored Japanese Silk, White China Silks, Fancy Silk Suitings, Col ored Summer Silke worth up to sixty-nine cents a yard go in this sale at per yard AVe offer 35 pieces of High Class Lyons Nov elties, whites and blacks only, f worth up to $4, at, yard .-rJr 25c 23 pieces Black Swiss Taffeta wear guaran tee woven on every yard, 89c CC value, at yard JJC WE OPENING EXHIBIT OF BRANDEIS' EXCLUSIVE SPRING MILLINERY Our assemblage of Spring's ultra fashionable mod el i has been the delight of thousands of Omaha ladies during our opening showing- We extend an invitation to every lover of pretty hmts to be our guest during this exposition of French and American millinery models. Charming Novelty Effecs in Ladies' Spring Suits A Stunning Array of Ladles' Tailored Suit mostly samples at $24.50 the most elaborate novelties of the new season are charm ingly revealed in these ultra-stylish suits made of the highest class fabrics and elegantly tailored new effects for street wear and Betni dress new colors Etons, Polo coats, French O CA boulevard costumes, etc. special TmUU resa iaoncB every $35-$39 Exclusive Suit These elegant effects are exact copies of Individual Parisian models, the height of fashion for spring, finished In careful manner ana maae oi me uikubhi tuaiotim i uic - j new style reature ior spring is uiuuum m this broad showing special values for Mon A n-a at . Ladies' Covert and Novelty Cloth Jacket and Coat Ultra fashtonabla . garments of selected laoncs-many q qj Sfl.ltl , extreme novelties for spring at V- Ladies' Covert Jacket and Coata All the new . est and ' smartest effects for spring wear satin lined, self- (Q strapped and f elf-trimmed. v w . Ladies' Handsomely Tailored Walking Skirts Stunning new Walking Skirts. The new styles iare very dressy, Indeed circular effects predomi nate the trimmings are very fetching. We men tion' specials at $7.50, $9.98, $12.50 and up to $35 J II A Very Special Showing of Ladies' Evening Dresses, Parly Gowns, Summer Costumes, Dresses for Recep tion VJear, Etc. We are showing a delightful array of absolutely new effects in the Princess and two-piece Ideas every correct novelty for the new sea son fabrics are laces, nets. Radium silks, Japs,, Voiles and Lingeries all the sew pastel shades are shown a range of prices at $24.50, $35, $49 $98 M M 3d n n K u ft 31 1 Three Immense Carloads An Eastern manufacturer was literally forced out of business by competition. His entire stock on hand was seized. We Bought from the Sheriff The goods are all new spring patterns, high quality Linoleums and Oil Cloths, going at wonderful bargains Monday in tlu basement. One-Half the Actual Cost to Manufacture Such an immense sale as this could not be conducted by another house except Brandeis'. From coast to coast Brandeis is known as a cash buyer of reliable merchan dise. It is because we pay cash that this immense sale with its wonderful bargains is made possible in Omaha. . 1 50c Linoleum at 25c a Yard This is just the quality of Lino leum that usually sells up to 50c a square yard most desirable designs at LINOLEUM Worth up to G5c Yard at yard.... In fine tile and wood patterns a great variety of desirable gooda i i LINOLEUM Worth up to 85c Yard at yard.... In the most popular wood patterns and tile patterns. 4Dc FLOOR OIL CLOTH Sells up to 30c Yard 15c Square Yard This oilcloth comes in 1 yard, 1V yard and 2 yard widths floral and geometrical designs bring the size of your room and get an exceptional bargain. FLOOR OBL CLOTH Sells up to 45c Sq. Yd. 25c Square Yard Widths of this oilcloth are 1 yard, X1 yards and 2 yards new designs We can fit your room in a very fine pattern. 18c Table Oil Cloth for 5c Yard--Big bargain square filled with 18c grade Table Oil Cloth. It will be sold from the bolt during this great Linoleum C Sale at, yard ' wC v. Entire Basement Will Devoted to This Sale Plenty of room to care for crowds and allow selections. It will be the biggest sale in our history Monday at 8 o clock. Brandeis' Patterns, both French and American, are absolutely exclusive. They are not duplicated in less expensive hats. Onr Display of Exclusive French Pattern Hats is the Talk of Fashion able Omaha-The choicest conceits from the fashion centers of the world. Every phase of Parisian style every accepted whim of fash ion as expressed by America's leading authors of style, all combin ing to make a showing of brilliancy. Many of these hats are in dividual patterns, no duplicate appearing elsewhere In America. A Bewitching Array of Model Hats at f 10 These designs are artfully wrought by the master mllllheiB of America. The graceful Countess of Warwick hats, the Vlerge La Brun hats, the Princess Lambelle models, the Louis XIV hats, etc. no such assemblage ever before seen at.,... lirandcis' Elegant Millinery at $5 Dashing metropolitan style in these hats. We have spared no effort to show In these hats to sell at a popular price all the leading shapes and prettiest color ideas that are usually confined to high cost millinery. The Brandeis (5 hat has no equal , .... 9 aiuuilj $10 in these $5 Stunning Little Street Sailors at $2.60 A special lot, all newest styles of sailors Jauntily trimmed you would declare them to be $7.50 hats at 250 Beautiful Spring Flowers and Foliage for the milliner at home all the flowers that are the rage for trimming the beautiful shaded large and small roses very special ' prices. SPRING'S GREATEST DRESS GOODS EVENT SPECIAL BUYING- OPPORTUNITIES FOR MONDAY DRESS FABRICS f 1.80, 2 and 2.30 Silk Kolienne- French silk and wool fabrics, 46 inches wide, cream, black, chameleon, reseda, grey, etc., at, a yard Regular $1 Quality Spring Dress Goods from one of the Jamestown, N. Y.. mills, all fresh and new, mohairs, panamas, chiffon panamaa, Ij f tarreta poplins, serges, granites, etc., at, UUr M W 69c yard. . . Our new man tailored skirts, made on the premises, have proven a great success and are much appreciated by our customers. 2Z HIGH CLASS WASH GOODS 39c 60c and 75c Silk Printed Eolieiines, Korean Bilk, a yard, at 50c Pongee Louisene, Chilton Llnse, Jactjuard Silk and Cotton C Wash Goods, a yard DC Elegant embroidered Linens and plain hand made Linens, French Belgium and Austrian. Our Purls buyer has sent ns some of the most exelUHlve and super ior wash dress ntuff, the equal of which has never been shown in the city. New grays another lot for Monday selling, thirty ploce of Af the beat styles, at yd. ... I. U U New lines in old roue and OP Alice blues, yard ODC Chiffon Taffetas and I )J Shadow Taffetas, attj) 1 cIy0ha.,,:...25c-49c.75c Cream Panamas, 50 in., yard, at ..89c BUCK DRESS C00DS Our Paris buyer advises us to recommend black for spring and autumn. Single dress patterns of high class, Juut reoelved from the Import cases. We will sell Tropical Pan ama for Monday, f Q fi -at. yard o!C-OlC 46-ln. and 54-ln. wide wool Taffeta and Silk, and wool Of - 110 Taffata Cloth, yd...OJC-t Lingerie Lawn Robes 50 line grade eyelet embroidered Box Robes, $5.00 values, T QP each J O Lingerie Waist Patterns Ready to make, effective and styl ishly embroidered, a "yc paper pattern with eachI.SJ Imported Sample Robes Bought at Just half regular price, $35 linen mull or lingerie lawn, . exqulxlte hand work, n C A new models, each IliJU Th art of makinq eloUu U the knowing Koto, lite art of buying cloth$ i$ in knowing vchert to buy. BRANDEIS' SPRING SUITS APPEAL TO MEN WHO KXOW GOOD CLOTHES AND LOOK FOR FIT AND STYLE OA' THE OUT SIDE INSTEAD OF A TAILOliS LABEL ON THE INSIDE. The iuit$ that Kill win the moet admiration on the etruU of Omaha thi epring art The Rogers-Peet & Co. Suits An air of refinement and good breed ing about every gur:iunt that bears this name. Cutting and fitting perfect the 1750 VPSIO prices are IS t .J Brandeis9 Special Clothes Newest cut and the most favored spring suitings S 1 ) "J S I O prices are lit to T)e prettitiU ityle in childrtn'e clothe fyrtprinq are ehown in our Doyt' Separate Section on Third Ar ! ii NEW IMPORTED LOTS JUST RECEIVED SALE OF HIGH CLASS EMBROIDERIES Our resident New York buyer secured these embroideries. They had been consigned to a wesfern house and refused because delivery was nearly two months late. "We bought all these embroideries at just about what it cost to import them. Fine Matched Set's. Matched Baby Sets. Ribbon Beadinjs Open Work Embroideries. Skirt Flouncing. Corset Coyer Embroideries. FINEST SHEER SWISSES. NAINSOOKS AND CAMBRICS Embroideries like these should sell high as 60c yard- Monday wa offar them at "" Embroideries, Inserting,' Binds, Galloons, Separable Medallions Fresh New Assortment of and Trimming Laces Never was there euch an assortment of Una lacea at such moderate prices French Vals, German Vah, fine imitation Clunys, Torchons, Sevlllas, etc. many laces and insertings T f 1 f match worth up to JOc a yard fresh and clean, on big bargain tables. J2C"DC" 1UC at, a yard LADIES' LOW SHOES All the Most Fashionable Shapes for Spring The new styles this season have a dressy character that stamps them as "brand new.' Among the prime favorites are the Court Ties, Christie Ties, Sothern Ties, Oxford Ties and Low Button Oxfords. New plain and dull leathers quality guaranteed. A moderate range of prlcea always 2 55 CHILDREN'S SPRING FOOTWEAR A splendid assortment of . children's shoes every pair built for sterling service. We will be pleased to show you the new style. Money saved on every pair. New Spring Effects in Kid Gloves All the newest and most fashionable shades for street and evening wear, the new Jf-clasp effects, the well known for- tff 1 Cfl CO elgn brands in regular Clove Dept 4? i " J JJ'J Long Party Cloves, 12 and 16-button, black, white and pastel shades 3 claups or 3 peurl buttons. Perrlns, Ileynlers rn &9 and Monarch, glace and suedes JimmtmtJJ$J