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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1906)
14 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATTTiDAV, MAT.C1I 17. II Hi. SPECIAL (10TICES Advertisements for these Ui will Be takes as;ll IS sa. far ha edition aad antll 8 a. an. for the maralic Sawder edltlow. Rates 1 l-2e a war Iril laeerflAn. la word thereafter. PJotblac taken for less tfcaa JtOe for tka firat laser flew. Tkeae advertisements moat ke raa eaaneeatlrelr. Advertisers, ky reqaeatlac s aa m tiered) rbrrk, caa have aaawera ad dressed to a aambered letter la care of Tka Bee. Aaawera aa addressed will be delivered oa areaeatalloa of eheek.' ' MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE BPRINQ TERM. MONDAY, APKIL 2, Day and nlgbt. New classes' In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting and English. Uct a catalogue. Addreaa H. B. BOYLES, president, Boyles Bidg., Omaha. R MIM CM AHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of Ore escapes, shutters, doors and sales. U. Andreen, prop., lui 8. 10th St. R 899 Unlo Ti't R RUM BEL & SON. 1124 uaie iva Nt utll Bu omaha. R tOO SIGN PAINTING. 8. H. Cola, 1102 Douglas. R 9vl WB BUT and sell typewriters. Wa will aell your machine on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 828 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. wOl R M672 STKINWAT piano, upright, big bargain. Ferfleld Piano Co., 16U Farnam SL R 902 GUNSMITH, keys, trunk locks, repairing. Henln, 21J fl. 14th. Tel. Douglas Wl. R 901 KNIVES AND FORKS silver plated. 12.25 per 3os. Omaha Plating Co., 1608 Hnrncy &t R MJ04 Mchil WA1.L PAPER cleaner. Tel. Harney 3296. K M HAVE Wilson bang paper, quick, clean. Pa per cleaning a specialty. Tel. Doug.-6"o. R MWMl TRT KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. TeL Doug. lk0. R-94 BECOND-HAND Typewriters auld, rented and repaired. Ferer'a Typewriter & Bup ply Co.. 807 Bee Bldg. Phone .Doug. 76. R 3o7 Apr 1 IN''l"B-TORS, brooders and chlqk food. Burr Incubator Co., 28th and Davenport. R M7ii Mollis Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 18U) Farnam. R 661 SECOND-HAND Typewriters sold, rented and repaired. Ferer's Typewriter and Supply Co., 1609 Farnam. 'Phone Doug las 7265. R 357 Apr. 1 SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. SAD IRONS reputed. 1508 -Harney fl:. IV-MJuS Mch21 MARTIN MEYER, shirt, underwear to or der. R--M708 Mch2l u.MAHA Electrlo Works, electrical repair ing. Prices right. 108-12 N. 11th St. lei. Doug. 1181. R Mia AU'4 FUK SALE MISCELLANEOUS BODA FOUNTAINS, say else, l&lfc Farnam. Q 440 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman dt McConneU Drug Co., Omaha. Q 841 HALL'S Bates, new, 24-hand. 1818 Farnam. FOR SALETwo life scholarships on Omaha bualneaa college. Address OWlght Williams, Oruaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. i Q82i) MILCH COWS, oa easy terms. 43d and . Center. Q-lto FOR SALE At a discount, due bill from one of the roost desirable lire lnnurance companies, which may be applied on u urst year's premium; any onu considering taking out a policy van save money. Address P 67, car Bee. Q 9u7 PIANO FOR BALE Party wt.o purchased ' piano only a few weka ago will sell It at a discount from the caau. price pnlo. Addreaa P 63, care Bee. 9o4 PIANO Square, 810; 60 cent weekly. Per ileld Piano CO., 1611 Farnam BL Q 848 CRIBBING, fir timbers, 80 feet and Under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 16th & d. Q 846 HO STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1411 Dodge St. W We SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators, made - by Johnson, the Incubator man.- Stud Jor l4-page free catalogue; bo poultry illustrations. 11. M. Johnson Co., Clay . Center. Nob. Q-4H7 100 SINGLE Iron beds, springs and mattres ses; eacn, complete, worth . .v.o ii'vpt. VI 11 Men. a CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ads.: .genuine new Stein way pianos are sold ONLY by Bcnmoller & Mueller and they are the ONLY authorised Nebraska rep resentatives. Tat Doug.-l 1407 Har ney St.. 'J-M5S1 tlSDUNO for sale; good wood, aawed and ' nil It, ready for stove. Balbach 4 Hage dorn Planing Mill. 'Phone Harney i. Q-M738 AS FOR SALE At a bargain, window shades of nine-room house, all In good condition; also ice chest, gas stove. Iron beds, rugs, etc Apply at once, 8027 Chicago St. T ; CV-M130 1 TWO large French plate store mirrors, rheap. No. ltith. 9 Y'4. BUSINESS CHANCES FIRST CLASS HOTEL FOR SALE The undersigned oilers a great opportunity to any person deviling to purchase a tirat riass one noiei in central rorasaa; fifty beds; extra large, commodious ottice. atmng room, kitchen, etc.: steam heat pnly itret class hntol in growing young city soon to reaon iu.imi population; archi tecture very tine In this house; guaran. teed that it Is clearing ti.OUO per year; this hotel cannot be duplicated for i,000 at least; terms reasonable; write; come and see me and go and examine hotel and Its buHlnees; write me first, and I will 1 sure to meet you. iheo. i . Barnes, Oxford, Neo. x Mlihi 17x IO you want to sell your property? Do you want to buy a home Ik you want to' rent a house? Do you want to get In or out of business? Do you want to borrow money? If so, list your wanta with us; we get re- TEMPLETON aV M ANKER. X Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglaa-Ot. Y-MI71 HOMES EEKERS, ATTENTION ! Double your money; buy irrigated sugar beet ,ini, nvii:i i,u 'jt iiuic irM-ivuir, never falling water supply; perpetual water rights; advancing rapidly; a rare opior lunlty; safe as government bonds. WrtH today or call on Kutch A Spurr, Jules burg, Colo. Y M: a OLD established well pump and windmill business for sale. J. E. Hoover, Lock bos. , cieneaici. meo. x MltU Alls LOST LOBT-Vlolnlty 24th and Hamilton. Th lura- oay a. rrh, pair rimtens eyeglasses ' gold chain attached. Properly ol w with ork ms am. ivt ",iu it rnurnea io Bennett's desk, main fl Mr, Bennett i O 22 R. s. IT LTST String gold bead, heart locket. net urn i- rarnam. uutrii reward. ' Lost 233 lSx vil.l party wnn xooa murr trom postnfflce return to Georgia Ave. and save fur ther trouble! Lost MJ62 Ux 1X8T Tuesday, lady's Roman mc.i watch with monogram L. C. D ; IS reward for return to Orpheum Tailors. lt 232 18 FLORISTS U HENDERSON. lill Farnam. Tel. Doug IU. IM HE83 Jk 8WOBODA. 141$ Farnam. 1 WANTED MALE HELP DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. 1-. v. Kniest, 6.4 I. I. t- B ttfl WANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied men between ages of Zl and ; emene ni United Statna. of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island. Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 171 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing. bricklaying, piaatenng trades; pays e dy. Coyne Broa. Co., New ork, Chi caico, Cincinnati, 8L Louia. Freo cata logue. B 108 CIVIL SERVICE) work. See Vnderhlll. 3120 N. 4tb. B Mcnir CTHptt the Neb. House, 13CI Douglos; 1 1 ' m 1 1 nj a liu up, i." i"""i i Just opened; everything new and clean. JO 01.1. . WANTED Four trustworthy boya, with bicycles; permanent poslUoni. A. u. i. Co.. 212 S. 13th St. B MB70 AJ WANTED Window trimmer and sign writer. Apply People's Store. B M677 WANTED First clans meat cutter; good hours; must be strictly sober; good pay. A. G. Bracke. Falrbury, Neb. B-M1M M WANTED Industrious man with a little capital to take half Interest In one or the best and cleanest businesses In Omaha. Address W 3L Bee. B M267 Hut HARNESS MAKERS, with factory experi ence at ll;ht work, wanted oy ucnuiae Broa. Co., Duluth, Minn. B M1S1 21 WANTED Three men. Omaha BoxXp., East Omaha. B miwi a WANTED A lithographic transferer for permanent position; smau city in low; highest wages paid; one familiar with Scott press preferred. Address W. M. Welch Co.. Anamosa, la. b M231 18 WANTED First-class bufhelmart; none other need apply, uresner, im rurnain St. B M239 18 WANTED One coat maker, one vest maker and one cleaner and pressor; nrsi class prices. J. 11. Spotts, Hastings, Neb. B-244 18 WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE glrla, Burgesa Shirt Co. WANTED Girls experienced on power ma chines; weekly pay wnne learning; sieaoy employment. Albert Calm, shlrtmaker, 13S Farnam St. C M115 17 WANTED A cook and a housemaid. 628 S. 37th St. C-MZ11 1. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. C. S. Ely. 2iao Blnney. c M2i W A NT E D Good grlrl for genernl house work; small family. 110 8. 2ath Ave. C 230 16x GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wages. Mrs. t;. a. Btenoins, van Park Wild Ave. Tel. Douglas-6330. C 242 WANTED Experienced shirt hands, on power machine; good wages; steady em ployment. Albert Cahn. Farnam St. UM258 WANTED Experienced coat hands for ladles alteration Department; gooa, sal aries. 8. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnam St. C 240 WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. Apply U6 Can. C M197 18 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell medicines and household arttciea mm a wagon to farmers on commission. Travel ing expenves allowed, and a reasonable earning guaranteed. Both old and new territory available. The Haller Proprie tary Co., Blair, Neb. , L M184 21 WANTED Land salesman; a hustler! must Box 44, Juleshurg, Colo. L M301 21 WANTED AGENTS AGENTB WANTED everywhere to sell our popular policies, . covering all acci dents, diseases and occupations; some thing entirely new and Issued by this society only; eaully understood and easily sold; cost but ?4 per annum each, pay able monthly It desired; largo commis sions paid immediately- and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Ac cident Hociety 3ro Broadway, New York. Established 20 years. J WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as housekeeper or attendant, by capable, . minaie-ageo American woman. Address W 63. care Bee. A-M204 lSx FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE California for Clear Om aha City Property. ' . Snlendid large two-story residence on the finest residence street In Los Angeles, No. 4ua E. Adams St. nearly new and thor oughly modern; lot fiuxltio to 20 ft. alley; large barn, chicken pens, laundry house; with gaa and water connections and ser vants' toilet In rear! beautiful grounds In best of condition, lawn flowers and young trees. House is finely finished in selected yellow pine wood and beautifully tinted; very wxpenrtve electrlo fixtures dining room fixtures alone cost over 100. Very large living room with very elaborate man tel door cases, etc.; spacious winaow seat; very complete butler s pantry. Just the home for one who can lay back and rest, being in a quiet and dignified atmosphere. Price, only Slo.Ouu. Straight 14,600 lease at 7 per cent. Also 80 acres unimproved farming land In Los Angelea county that la especially adapted tor wheat or barley, etc., being a rich sandy loam, and from recent re ports discovered to tie in the artesian belt, ' wells having been developed very close to this tine land; situated close to main Southern Pacitlo line and t miles south and west of the thriving town of Lancaster, about u niues north of Los Angeles city; value. Ho per acre, clear of Incumbrance, I wish to exchange one or both for a clear Income property In Omaha. King up Russell Alderson, care Emerson 4c Hall, commission inerchan's, your city, or write Edwin Alderson. owner, Vii 8. Broad way, Los Angeles, Cal. Z M173 17x ONLY. HOTEL In town; trade for land or sell; bus line and mall from train; iivery Darn. r nom i.uw n a year. Sell on account of wife'a health. Address W-21. 2-M 144 A13 FOR TRADE 1 acres boat hay land In ii 1 4 . i n , t BiUl tra in fn. r..l .1 - n n 2 ii i v ivmnf , . . .v. n.iuriH, L,. i erty In Omaha or Uncoln; price 12,500. Anderson Bros., Brlstow, Neb. Z-VM x IF YOU do not find what you want In thl column, put an ad. In and you will soon get it. Z avl DRESSMAKING M'DOWELL'8 school, 162S Far., room 24.. -M03 LADIES' shirt waist sulta our specialty. Burgesa, 2UU Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 4UJ. -M&07 Mlt MRS. ROTS lingerie waists and fancy summer dresfes. Douglas 2746; Zot' Dav enport. Mo81 At SCANLOW. robes, dressmaking. 11 N. Urn. C-M748 At RADMAN. ladles' tailor; riding habits and evening coats, special prices till April H. 212ii Farnam. Tel. Douglas still. M 238 A1S BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES "NO trust prices;" Drand new solid oak billiard and pool tables, luo, also bar Da turas cheap. No Agency expeitaea. Caia loguea free. Cbaa. Paaaow Bona. Chi cago. WE TRUST EVERYBODY, aaay payments, and lead the world In cheap prices ok bliliard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Bruoawlcke-Balke-Collender Co., 407 & loth tit, Omaha. Neb WANTED TO BUY BOOKS-Buy. sell, exchange. Addreaa A. C. Baker. 2312 E. Walnut Bt. Des Moines, if II You Road Theso Ads Every DayT, You Will be a Richer and a Wiser Man. Kit RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th aad Farnaia. E ill Doug. 611 QJA.E. Haul Trunks E 814 WELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooma, 2U4 Farnam, Flat C lei. Doug. 2203. E 7tl NEWLY furnished rooma, 2531 Davenport; walking distance. E 432 FURNISHED rooma for rent at 2534 Dav enport Bt E 753 MCELY furnished large southeast room; modern, suitable for one or two gentle men. 217 Bouth 26th St. K 178 DESIRABLE ROOM In new modern home; gentlemen only. 2308 Douglas St. E M21T 18x A LARGE FRONT ROOM with alcove, nicely furnished, modern; private family, close in. Ill N. 20th Bt, E M308 FOUR nicely furnished front' rooms, with Elano; complete for housekeeping. 2018 avenport St. E Mlb8 17x FIVE furnished rooms for rent or sell, S23 South 11th St. E 177 18x SUITE of rooms suitable for I or 4 boya; modern conveniences; use of telephone. 2224 Chicago. K-M 17 ... FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F-8U Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks f eio ROOMS and good board, 15 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago pt, F-9U NICELY furnished rooms In house entirely modern; good board; all home comforts. Mrs,. F. Harvey, 319 Bo. 26th St. - F-243 22 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 modern rooma, parlor floor. 1508 8. 28th St. U-2twl TWO large rooma with alcove. 2412 Cass. Q M707 CENTRAL, all-modern 3-room, parlor floor. 220 North 23d. G M650 TWO rooma for housekeeping, modern, with heat, 116. 12 8. tfm Bt. lei. Douglas 630U. G M232 17x THREE nlco unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 235 Seward. G MJ19 lox FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES ta aU prU ot luu city- uuuouo c Petera t Co., Bee Bulg. D V15 FOR RENT. Three and 4-roora riats; motlero except heat; walking distance. 1106-7 N. 19ih St.; M and per month, inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. D MISS HOUSES ln prt of thB City- 'i'1"1 D-81 HOUSES, insurance. Ringw<. Barker Blk. D On . THE Omaba Van & Storage Co., pack, move aad atoie H. 11. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. mn. Otllce. 1611V Farnam. Tel. Doug. 156v. D 91 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14b. Oiilce. 713 Web ater Bt. D-819 8-ROOM modern house, except furnace, IM. C. M. Bachmann, Ui Paxton Blk. Tol. Red 2639. SEE us When shipping household gooda to large nitiea we.t. We can eave you money. ' EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVER! CO.. I4 N. ttlsteentn ot. TeL Doug. iltu. . ' . D M121 J. Bchwarta. mov'g van. 1610 Web. Doug. 2048 D- 6al ; FO-R RENT Seven-room house, with bath and laundry; rn. m. cor. u Leavenworth; kouae ln perfect oruer; ne plumbing; hot water heating; rent HO. w. J. Connell. 101 Boo Bldg. D Mj2 FOR RENT 4-rooru flat; city water, loth and vinton ms.; e per r.'-i ' Bachmann. 430 Paxtou Blk. D Mb.6 7-ROOM, modern cottage, close in. Apply am Burt Bt. FOR rent. 1013 South Thirtieth Bt. e Benson & Mytri, 3U N. Y. Life blug. FOR RENT $1 ORES & OFFICES frSTTOCFS FOR RENT. For the first time In tnree years suite of two rooms In Brown Blk., loih and Doug las bis., north an east exposures; vault and water; choice arrangement 01 rooma, " I M248 18 FOR RENT Dek room ln Bee office, city hall bunding, ii r. in bi., duuiu umuu Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing. Muluo: three floors and baaemenL elevator; will rent xltAl Beiaralely; luoa-a raiuam Bt. inqiure tun ianunui Bank Bldg. GROUND FLOOR space 66x122, light three manufacturing or Ugnt atorage. L. ti. Doup, 13th and Nlcnolaa Bta. lrOR RENT. 1313 Howard. 4 stories and basement, good elevator; suitable for wholesale and manufacturing. Long lease can be given, inquire oi biun uros. I ill 09 11 8 TORE room ln a brick building, iMi Hamilton 8u, . tor rent, only t0 per month. K. C reiers et t-o., grouna noor, Bee Bldg. 1-9 CENTRAL, drug store, with fixtures; also laundry, with power. Tlaard. 230 North 23j. i uni rp.Tn.niTE modern bulldlna ln whole sale district; possession given about April ' 1. . D. W tiAAJ, 1UI LIUUIIU Ol. I-MS04 17 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By traveling salesman and wife, two or three unfurnished rooms, ln mo dern house. Address, Mrs. C. C. Allen, ' W Farnam. Omaha K 1S1 In DRAMATIC Chambers" School of Stace Arts. I.vric Theater. . Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of Instruction lu Stage Crait. Publla performances by pupils In their awn theater, under personal directorship Of Frederick "Jim" Fulton, formerly lead ing character with "Arlxona, "Frederick virde," 'Frohmen's," nine years Wood ward Stock. Kaneaa City, Oma.-.a Tele phone, Douglas is,l ita. Wlllard E. Chambers, Manager. PRINTING I VNnTinHUI grade 19u6 Calendars. . . 8. E Cor. lbih Bt. and Qt JUtAYC lapuoi Ave. -4S SNELL Printing Co., HO S. 13th St. M-236 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tlcketa everywhere!. P. tl. Fhllbln, uua rarnam. r-hone Doug. iM. LARSON A JOHNSOTJ, 1406 FanMMBi. Doug. IMS. ear. !fflWMiHTB'rl'Tf FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS CHOICE LOCATION for FLATS 642-Acre Stock Farm . NEAR PARK AVE. & LEAVEN- Located In western Iowa, well equipped, l p p T 1 1 tT q Cflfi 'or "aIe or trade for Omaha property. WUKIH SI. J5,5Ua This farm la In fine condition for any- 8 feet, east front on Park Ave., by 140 on de8lrln, , ,toek farm conB,gtng Df feet In depth, running through to Soth Bt., both hill and bottom land; all fenced, with 8-room house, all modern, that could some good Umber, blue grass pasture, remain on property, which -would rent Tn Improvements consist ot a nlnc- for 40 per month, leaving plenty of room r,m hoUfl"' ,1,od"n' "'nt furniture. . . . . and five-room tenant house, with other for houses, 3.fronting on Park Ave. ani bumine ,n proportion. Price 40 per 1 on 80th St. 'acre, or I26.0SO. For detailed information GEORGE CO., 1601 FARNAM. call on or aO dress Fayne Investment HE234 u Company, first floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. H M21B IS WHOEVER HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM contemplate! building a modern dwell- 10 MILES O.NHHA ing to supply the demand that will coma f 15,600 156 ACRES in the spring will do well to investigate This farm Is N. W. of city, near Military nwim . .. .,. . Road, lays fine, land In highest state of ha prices and terme on loU In Boulevard cuiUvaUon. 24 acres meadow and pasture, park. Ftor plat and full information see balance under plow, -room house, Darn, :0 . horses and 12 cows, machinery shed, two HENRT F. WYMAN, wind mills. TeL Doualas-1272. IOCS N Y Life Rid OFFKkliD FOR SHORT TIME ONLY. 161. DOUgias 1272, 1003 N. T. Lire Bldg. tiKuRGE & CO.. ItiOl FARNAM. RE M256 17 H-MWg 17 ' t riTtcj mi t r'ra ' " corn farm or feeding station. LUlo Uf 1j lO 3L1 acres choice corn land. 2H miles from 13 lota, 635x130, west of Dundee, $1,300 ; 7 ""Vi1',"!! and r7 n'ilr? from Omaha; . .or ,,,,, - , . 100 deeded, 100 school land leased for lb lots, 350x125, Farnam Hill, $1,400; lots yenrs at 55 cents per acre per annum. 300x130, north, sightly, $350. Price, $11,000. Owner offered 4 per acre ,,. . cash rent, or 10 per cent net on price Ollimer & Chase CO., asked. Will take part trade ln good Omaha rental property, put In at its cash Builders of modern houses; fruit farms value. Reason for selling, old age and adjoining Omaha; 1600 Farnam, ground Por health. floor. Tel.-Doug. 3S67. RE-250 17 ag Southth street. Bee" Bui 1.11 nif. On South 20th, Near Vinton, ; Ihr. house, mod. ex. fur., large lot on paved - FOR SALE OR TRADE street, all special taxes paid; a great bar- 246-acre bottom farm In western Iowa; gain at $3,500. A1 ""H wltn "ome timber and meadow; $06 per acre, or $14,630; owner wants Payne Investment Company Omaha property. Call on or address the 1st Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 17S1. Payne Inveetment Company first floor " N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. ' KB M 217 19 II M21J 18 FOR SALE DUNDEE RESIDENCE. - 8-room modern house, wide porch, ln good 80 ACRES DOUGLAS CO. repair, 4703 Davenport St. Only $2,760. AA nn, a-dp J. H. PARROT IE, Paxton Block. J?65.O0 PER ACRE - ' - ' RE W3 17 Five mllea north of Gretna, all upland, lays well, no Improvements, half under ,., -k. .i ,oLUXSE . ' cultivation, balance hay land. 1418 North 18th bt., Is a good 6-room Rent $4 00 per acre, house, with gas, city water and Bewer. GEORGE & CO., 1G01 FARNAM. Price reduced from $1,800 to $1,600 for quick 'H M5 17 sale. Bee us at once. 218 BouthTth' Streetf RS Bee" BullcTlng. 240-ACKE FARM RE J46 17 240 acres, 2t4 miles from Palmer. Merrick THE Glover Cuban Land Co , R.$, N. T. U eoty. Net.; all . u"d;' "JVJ""! Bldg . Omaha, sell lands In Cuba. Round to,be ne,01 the Bt farrr In the couutj . trip? bmaha to Havana, $67.86. RE-acs. rrlce for Immediate sale, $s,u00. for bale a hom. worth $io7oSTr$: Shimer & Chase Co., 000; west aide. Addreaa L 17, Bee. Farms, ranches, poultry and fruit farms; RE M85 jtioo Farnam, ground floor. (Tel. Doug. ' Sue". H-251 17 p ()() Farm and Ranch. Lands V V Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; EVlnto,r 3 Ch'Ce ,0U n S- "th SU near UVrr K-. oUhtrVe'bT-De.AD" Pt' 1 HE BYRON RtED CO. . t a T " 831 - LOCATE Free homesteads; Lyman and Phone Douglaa 287. 213 8. 14th. Stanley counties. Sell deeded land in Hyde, RE M18S 17 Hughes, Sully counties. Write Joy Dand Co., Pierre, 8. D. H Moll lsx THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB- . BTRACT8 OF TITLE are the safest. You WRITE to Scandinavian Canadian Land ere protected by a $10,000 bond against loss Co chlcag-o. They will tell you all about by errors. You don't buy a lawsuit when it. H M874 21x you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1008 N. Y. ; ; Ufa Bldg. -Phone Doug. 2344. RK-- pQR SALE OR TRADE CBA8 Williamson C0.U- firFioor1" aia-acre Btock farm ln western Iowa, $35 RE 937 per acre, or $10,920; all fenced; 75 acres . r, ' . farm land, baUnce ln good pasture; FARMS and city homes. Kemp, Real Ea- " . tuter, Blair. Neb. KE owner wanta Income Omaha property. , Call on or address Payne Investment MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS " S f T f) f A lT CZ FOR SALE Farm, four miles from Easex, I III I I I A I I .1 acres, 5o acres pasture, 20 acres V-X 1 . Jf VX I I 1 S timber; 8-room house, ix4J; ham. Price $110 per acre. A. Ira Dexter, Mason Our employes are well Informed and city, la. ' H 2'i3 ltix courteous and we are always pleased to - : explain our manner of loans. N e tell you to the cent what the cost will be, and If MONEY TO LDAra ftcfiL FSTATE you conclude that It will not pay you to IV1U'C, IU t-UMIi nCHLMIHIC w'L.t!.le! l?.,?0h?.T"l? liv. ;tn(-w WANTED City loans and warrants. W. nn Jh!? oin0,UnltUr P ? i .Viia eS Farnam Smith Co.. 1320 Farnurn St. and other chattels, and to salaried people .v upon their own agreement to pay. . nn2W.atoX,lX .yndU Znl TO OAN-Payne InvestmentCo. fldontial service are unsurpassed. inh-VM'-'fvVri".!!" BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 !!? nd we -wayB try to per cent. W. M. Melkle. RauTge Blk. our patrons. W 924 OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN LOWEST RATES Berrlls, Paxton Block. COMPANY, wsa 11. Board of Trade Blag. Phone Doug. 2296 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. nablisned, uj 3u B. loin Bt. , , , Ji.ui GARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam; city loans, t ,,,, . -u,,. " and 64 per cent interest; no delay. OUR METHOD " r W 929 Of loaning uioiiey la unsurpassed. - Our Rates $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real- Are tne very lowest, ewietly conlidenUal, aence property in Omaha; lowest rates; Our Ohlce no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N, Y. Is convenient while down town shopping. ii-a. W 930 You win find it will be to your interest . to call and secure a loan on your aaiary, , & pER CFNT loans on city property, piano, furniture, etc, ua every eveniu. w. 11. Thomas, 1st National Bunk Bidg. Reliable Credit Co., W-lOi 307-IOt Paxton Blk. loth and Farnam. ; . X Mile WANTED City Loans. R. C. Petera & Co. i W 932 DR. PKIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY I loaned uu furniture. piauoa, aaiary. f'ARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS, horwea, etc., in any amount, at les luau Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam Bt. W 933 half tne rate; no red tape; piieet pri- , vacy; immeuiate atlvntiou; on any term ( pgR CENT STOCK, $l,0O) or $2,000, of V. wanted; pay menu suapenued in c ot g yards Co. stock for sale. W. L. Selby, srrVch zimWuT1- xStT uo Board ot Traa ml WM29 When ln need of MONEY PATENTS r.rTrtT-.-xfVt)' xi'i1"'rim -.-v A- BT URGES, registered attorney; pat' PFIQF.N X CRJ-D1T CO. ' rati, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un- Paxton Bi le" -u1' 6" v- Umaha. X-971 , T ' F. J. LARSON & CO.. patent lawyers. $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $. . t-t-nt book free. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Net Why be oiued to olners lis eaay U) . got money ot me.- r.o red tape. Pay BHARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents when you can. BOYNEN. Vo3 ts. Y. Lifa. procured, Invenuons developed, drawings, Opuu evenings until 7. 9ii patterns, castings, machine work. mh-i.IJ - B. 10th St. . twi Money loaned salaried pEo-i-i . and others wunoui security; tasy pay- PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na menu. Ohlces in -t principal cuies. il- tlonal Investment Co.. s3 Douglas Block, man. room U4, New iora Ui Bldg. asv . 3L-.t - BEE the Western Loan company for luinl- nLAIRVOYANTS tuie. diamond and aalaty loans, 331 .e- "u"""u ' 1 J villa bl.. lath and Harney, lei. Dou?uie MMK. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIUtT Call at No. 113 South loth St., u.usuurs. klrNITUB, Live Stock, Salary Loan Prediction absolutely givcru l)uff Groen Loan Co., Room . l.ner btock- ; ' REV. EDWARDS, spiritual medium, gives CHATTEL, aaiary and Jewelry loana. Foley ;o0nndrkfU'11Afhe Tvllnm "JnT Loan Co.. loot Farnam Bt. X-v.a son Blk- lith and rarnam. 8 MUo 17 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew- IN rou,8conVlt Mr"' Fau,"1' elre. horeee. cows, etc C. F. Reed. J 10 dies Soc. Batisfacllon guaranteed i,o9 8. 13th. X-977 Jackson. MgUx EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodal- ilirlr gain I A lf 1 1 o r- ing; all business confidential. ul Dou...j. MUolO ANU LAIMuUAuLO X a. . MIfiS BARNICK. piano. German method. PLUMBING - J!!LJ, fL" , ' ROSALIA A. SAAI.FELD PIANIST and CHAPMAN - MAHAN. Repalra promptly I teacher. Room 21. Arlington block. lone. rrties laaaonable. 17o N. mti. . ; Ala Tel. Red-6s4. -763 Mch:'S . JOHNSON' THE BUSY FOR SALE-HORSES, WAGONS PLUMPING AND HEATING CO. FOR BALE Grade English Bhlr'e stallion. BEST BKRVICK LOWEST PRICES. loM lbs., t years old, dark brown, sound. TEL. Dol'GLAS 90. U12 HARNEY. warranted a breeder, can show plenty of ' R Mi6 A15 colts. Price $J0u uu. Lock Box 384, New. caatle. Neb. f MI13 Ml UW AND COLLECTIONS OSTEOPATHY ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Bdow- Chuxch Co- main floor U. X. L. TeL JOHNOON Institute, 41$ N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. Doug. 12. 5j luM. s J. M. MACFARLAND. u N. Y. L. Bldg. DR. WELLS. O. 6. and M. D. Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. use. ( Muatf A "Want 9 9 G PERSONAL LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 264. 2X1 8. Ulh Bt U 961 P L E A T I N Cl Rucltlng. Bttor? ' HW lur rrica list and samples. THE WH.HMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas .Ulock. Tel. Doug. 19M. U-62 1 AMVt'Ttfl lr..lm,rl X. Tie I ha Mme. r t. u us DR. JACKSON, R. 4, Frenaer block. Chronic diseaaes a sieclalty. Consulta tion free. U-9i ANY PtOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home lor women at o24 N. V4th St., Omaha. Neb. U M100 OMAHA 8tammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. O 4)64 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All music le.-sons freo. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co., loll Farnam Bt. U-9oe PRI VATE home during confinement; babies boarded end adopted Mra. Gardell, 2218 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. U THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; wo collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call Uf-e'l WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes ot machines; second hand machines, $6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1M3. Cor. 15th and Harney. U 967 FREE -zieriical and surgical treatment at Crelghtnn Medical college, 14th and Dav enport 8ts.; rpeclal attention paid to con finement caseo; all treatment supervised by college ptofessors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls anitwered day or night. U 129 W. W. LEMON, EXPERIENCED CHINA PACKER; price moderate. Tel. Red 7375. U M220 Mch2a "PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $3. Pei field Piano Co., lill Farnam. U 9os TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. "PHONE Doug. 3030. U 969 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. U Wl I . .. . . " jjr. uui , Chiropody, R. 2 3, looo Farnam. U-lKtf WE TAKE CARE of clothing by the month. L. SOUK L P & CO., expert clean ers and dyers, 618 B. 13th bt. Tel. Doug. 1729. U-M668 20 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best and cneapest In, the city. 2319 S. 13th BL. Omaba, Neb. U M60C 19 GOLD STICKPIN FREE To any pereon sending us the name of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buver. PERF1ELD PIANO CO., Tel. 70L 1611 Farnam Bt. U 117 GREEN TRADING and liquors; by Jug or bottle. Cackldy Bros. Opposite postoftice. U 126 All CHAMPION P1 Cleaning Works, tin if ll 1UH Beautiful, unique ruK from old carpets: prices reasonable. 720 B. 14th Bt. Tel. Douglaa-655 U-15S Jeli MtE- PARIE ot N. Y..-Shavlng. Facial Massage, Manicuring. 209- Douglas Blk. ' U M62 18 YP.UR .avn" 40 per cent. Investigate Penuell Millinery Co.. Ill South 16th Bt U 700 SYRINGES, rubber gooda by mall- cut price. .Myers-Dillon Drug do.. Omihal J U 748 Mcl HEAFEY HEAFEY. Carriages lor funerals, weddings and par ties; electrlo lighted. Tel. ftio? U MJ30 tl MAGNETIC OSTEOLOOY-Mrs. M Rltten. house, 412 N. 16th. room t. second floon . U 418 MchU MANICURING, haiiddresslng and mas- uoug. ttiai). U RAMSER?"cilca' ""!!. Hata reno- vated. 220 B. 14th. Tel. Doug! u atoll A! BUTTERMILK at creamery. 1808 Casa. U-M647 AS FpR Easter millinery at reasonable prices. lbft Leavenworth Bt. . U M( A I'RIVATE confinement lei. 3. U-M703 FLRMTLRE -packing and repairing; up holstering and mattress making. L Smith. lai8 Lake. Tel Douglas U-1U70 A1J MASQUE COSTUMES. Lleben. Tel 4116. U-M744 CV,Eu r?AY" Pal,n,ln' -nd paper hanging; high clasB work at low prices. Doug sii! U M192 Alt KOCHER, carpet weaving. 1611 Izard. U-M263 Aid TREES trellls,('. grapevines trimmed; A . ".w 18 th Unle- John Cane lCumlngDpug. ifrll. U-M2'H All MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills women a monthly regulator, has brouaht happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief ln to 6 days Wa have never known of a aingle tailure Price, $.' by mall. Raymonds Mont'.s Regulator ln liquid, $3. Dr. R. o Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 25, 84 Adams Bt Chicago, 111. 64" LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling KRGo' KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest most obatlriute rases of delayed Monthly Periods In 3 to 6 days without harm, iwiin or Interference with work. Mail $160 Double strength. $2.00. "SPECtai. vfi:i: L KR FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B H pvrU,ii,yj,Wt, till, MO. atB BEST nirve bracer for men. "Gray'a Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid, bherman at McConnell Drug Co , Omaha. 964 CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY .PS' F't' Down cement block ma .u iu chlnery. call or wine and let ua ahow you our line. 'Phon. woun. ti7 Tapp Construction Co., t29 Nevu.o 1'lk. M 671 M20 UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN & Gentleman, 702 N. 16th. louglua teiA. Mi3 AS LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Keith and Lincoln Counties Irrigation District win receive scaled proposes for the puichaae ot the Ioj.uai.iXi bond lasue of said district up to the hour of a o'clock p. m., staauard tune, of the day of April, 19u, at the otllce of the aeoieuiry of said Irrigation District, lu the tou of buthenand, in Lincoln county, ln the aute of WS'ebraka. Baid bonds are ln the denomination of tluu.uO each and bear lmerest at toe rate of six per cent, luiyable semi-annually, on the hrHl 'I ' V a 1 1 Kl M J I'll M 1 1 ll Mnlinhur " . u.rv VMiir 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 mrith Ka .. . ti V ay ol iuau-u, i.ii, 9 uuu oircil l, itflil; 44 J . . - Oa.ih I luli.' r. rflLU I I k. 1 11.... ,a una 1 1 . ., . . -, .. a, xej , aa due March 1, 1X1; 06 due March 1, 1; 7) due March 1, 1U:'3; 86 due March 1, 1UJ4; due March 1, l'J-o, and lul due March 1 1K.4. The staled propoeala may be for the whole of said bonds or for any portion thereof, and such bids will be opened Im mediately after the hour of 6 o'clock p. m. of aald 2d day of April. 1. the board re serving the rhjht to reject any and all bide. Dated this 12th day of February, mot. JAMEB BliUCP. bocnt.iiy M6-dJ0t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received at the ofhee of the Secretary of State up to and Including April 1. lHort. for Antlarptlc Sewerage at Sol diers' and Sailors' Home, Grand Island, Ne braska. All Information can be received at the Boldlers' and Bailors' If. me of W. B. Aik with. Commandant, Grand Island, Ne bnixka. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A- OA LIP HA. Mlid&t Secretaj-y of the Board. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR Ht'LIJt AND HFIF ers. Department of the Interior, oflVe of Indian Affair, Washington, D. C, March 9. 1. Scaled proposals, endofaed on the outside of the envelope. "Proposals for Pulls snrt llelfars," and sdrirexiicd to the Commissioner of lndlnn Affairs. Wash ington, I. C, will be received at the In-, dlnn Office until 1 p. m. of April 4. loot for furnishing and delivering at Rosebud Agency, Houth Dakota, 2o0 bulls and 4.1s heifers; said bulls tn he 2 years old, to Weigh not less thsn lbs. each, nnd to be at least three-fourths Hereford or Dnr ham; the heifers to be 2 years old, of n. tlve range, or graded Texas stock, prefer ably Durham or Hereford, and to weigh not lrss than 700 lbs. each. Schedules, which will re made a psrt of the propos als, containing blank forms for blddlna. detailed epecltlrBtlonB, and conditions to be observed by bidders, will be furnished upon application tn this office, to the offices of "The Bee," Omaha. Neb.; Journal," Bloux City, la.; "Pioneer Press.1' Bt. Paul, Minn.! "Drovers" Telegram," Kansas Cltv. Mo.; "Breeders" Gaxctte," Chicago, III., and "Drovers' Journal." Chicago, III.; the V. 8. Indian warehouses. 2t'A Bouth Canal 8t., Chicago, III ; 816 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.; oJ Bouth Seventh St., B. Ixiuls. Mo., or to the f. S. Indian Agent. Rosebud Agencv. South Dakota. Rids upon these blanks are not essential; they mnv be made In anv other form, provided the conditions are observed. For further information apply to Fxiward H. Kellcy. IT. 8. Indian Agent. Rosebud, Bouth Dakota. C. F. Larrabe, Acting CommUslsnner. Mchl8-lS-17-20--24-2T-29-S1 PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY, ETC. Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C, March 8. 190. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until i o'clock p. m., FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 19ofi, for furnishing stationery, fuel. Ice, hardware, plumbing and electric supplies, lumber, etc., for the use of the Government Printing Office during the fiscal year ending June , ISM. The right to reject any and all bids and to waive defects Is reserved. Detailed schedules of the stationery, fuel. Ice. etc., required, accompanied by blank proposals, and giving the regulations with which bidders must comply, may bo ob tained by addressing thla office. CHAS. A. 8TILLINCS. M8-17-28A5-1 Public Printer. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office Omaha, Nebraska, March 15. llkj. Sealed prnpe-sals. In trlplicute, subject to the usual conditions, will be received liera until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, April 14, IPOS, at which time they will be opened ln public, for furnishing and In stalling electric fixtures In certain build ings and for extending the lighting sHteni so as to make rroper connections there with, at Jort Omaha. Neb. Plans and specifications and blank forma of proposals may be obtained at this office. The right la reserved to reject any and all bids or pnrt of bids. Major M. GRAY ZALINSKt. Quartermaster, V. S. Army, In charge of construction. M 16-16-17-19-A12-13 PROPOSALS FOR MATERIAL, ETC. Government Printing Ottice, Washington. D. C, March 8, 1906. Pealed proposals will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., SATURDAY. APRIL 21. l!i, for furnishing material, etc.. for the use of the Government Printing Office during the fiscal year ending June 3", 1907. The right to -reject any Htid all bids and to waive defects Is reserved. Detailed schedules of the material, etc., required, ac companied by blank proposals, nnd giving the regulations with which bidders must comply, may be obtained by addresslnR this Office. CHAS. A. 8TILLINGS. M8-17-2SA5-H IMbllc Printer. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha. Neb., March 12, 19'5. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 a. m., central standard time, April 11. 1!5, tor furnishing transportation, drayage, anil for handling stores ln Department of the Missouri during year commencing July 1, ltf06. U. 8. reserves right to reject or ac cept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on appli cation. Envelopes containing proposals, should be marked "Proposals for Trans portation on Route No. ," addressed to MAJOR M. GRAY ZALINSKI. C. Q. M. M14-15-18-17 A9-10 , RAILWAY TIME CARD t5IO!f iTATIQIS -TEXTU AXD MARTY. Union Paolo. Leave. Overland Limited a 9.40 am The China and Japan Faat Mall a 4:11 pin Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:23 pm Los Angeles Limited.... all :3u am Fast Mall a 1:55 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am North Platte Local a 8:10 Am Beatrice Local b S:16 pm Arrive. a 8:18 am a 6:10 pr.n a 9:30 am a 6:10 piu al0:46 pin a 8:30 pin a 7:44 am a 4:50 nni b 2:00 pru Cbloago, Book lalaud V Paclao. EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:25 am Chicago Express a 7.00 am Chicago Express, Local. bll:15 am Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:40 pin WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. .a 7:20 am Colorado Express a 2:05 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex.a 4:40 pin tkicago Great Western. ' Leave. Bt Paul tc Minn a 6:3u pm Bt. Paul Minn a 7:46 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Chicago Expreaa a 6:06 am Vaaku BL Louis Express a :30 pm St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm taicusa V Aortfcweatera. a 7:10 am a 9:66 pin a 4:30 pin bll:60 am a 1:16 pm 1:16 am a 4:66 pm ai2:uS pm Arrive, a 7:16 am a 7:6s Din a!0:30 am a 8:30 pm a 8:40 ant al0:30 pm b 11:30 ant BU Paul Daylight... Chicago Daylight .. Chicago Limited .... Carroll Local ..a J:j0 am ..a 8.tM am ..a 8:38 pm ..a 4:32 pm 10.00 pm : 11 -t pm 9:16 am f 9:au am 7:uu am Bt. Paul Faat Mall.. .a 8:28 pm Bloux C. at Bt. P. Local. U 8:6v I in Fast Mall 9:3u am 2:3v pin Chicago Express a 6:60 pm Norfolk at Uonesteel.... 7:40 am Lincoln & Long Pine...e 7:4u am Caapei Wyoming e 2:ao pm Dead wood & Lincoln.. a 2:J0 pm Hastings tc Albion b :6u pm Chicago Local aU:3Mam Chicago Limited all:W put a 7:80 am Iu.m am Hi do ani a 6:16 pin 6:16 pin 6:16 pin 8:46 pin U;16 am Illinois CeatraL Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 1:66 pm Chicago Li wiled a fc.OU piu a IM am taivaao, iiuHiakfi at at, ratal. Chicago t coio. epec t..a J:ua am a 7:36 are baiitoima t ore. x...a 6:a pm a 8:lu pm veriana limited a sum pm a K.o io Marlon at weaar H. Lo..D am oll.ov pm OUBLINGTON BTATIO M 10TH atA80.1l UnrllaatOB). Denver & California black HUia Nurthweal Special . Nortnweal Expreaa Nebraska Local .... Neuiaaaa bxpiuss .. Lincoln Local 1 i ... L-UKt Mall... Leave. .a 4.iv pin .a 4.1u pm .a 4:10 pm .all:iu pm .a B.uO am a .ju am Arrive. . a 3.3u pin a 6.o pm a 7.1u am a t.M pirn a 7.4u pin a 7:u pm a U.uv am pm blv:t am a .J am a 7U0 am a 8:) am a 2:vu pia 7:l a as a 8 bo piu 1:36 am alO U pm adl.u am a 8:4a am a 8:10 pru b t:U pm .h 2 Ml mn Ft. Crook 4 Pialtam li Bellevue & Plattsm u.. 7.60 put Denver uinueu ...... a. k'uiT. Juno. a 9:au am U tl III u l.i ur Bellevue - Pao. June.. Chicago special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local Bt. Louis Express.... Kansas City-tot. Jos h Kansas City-bt. Jos h Kanaaa City-BU Joa h. .a T:J am .a 3:46 pin .a k:u pm a 916 uu .a 4.46 pin .alu la pm .a 9:16 am a 4.46 pui WEBSTER DEPOT X5TII at WEBSTER Mlsaoarl PaelOo. Nebraska Local, via Leave. Arrive. - Weeping Water b 8:ou pm bl2.30 pm Cklcaao, t. Paal, Mlaueapolls at Oaaalia. Twin City Passenger.. .b 8:30 am b 910 pnt Bioux City paiisenger. .a 2:oo pin ail .JO am Oakland Local b 6:46 pin b 9.10 am Emerson Loc 1 c 8:46 am c l:u pm Minn. A Bt. Paul Ex...b 8:W am b 8:66 pm Minn. El. Paul Ltd.. .a 9.3u pm a 7 .Jo am ilaaoarl faeiae. St. Louis Expreaa .a 9:00 am a 8:80 pm C. BU L Express..all.l6 pm a 6.0v put ' a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally xcept Saturday, e Sunday only, a Dally except Monday. OCEAX STEAMEH9 EUROPE FIFTY TOUPS Tours da Luxe and Vacation, covering all Europe. Varo.l routes; choice of steam snip lines, including all 17C a til PC traveling expenaea. I I l IB 4)1104 Leisurely travel. 126 offices abroad. Est. 1M1. I H O f . C O O K 4t O ft , 241 1186 Broadway, (49 Madison Avenue. New York. ' Independent Travel Tickets Everywhere. Remove Mai 1 from fl to 246 Broadway' DEPUTY BTATi. VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D, V. S CITY VK1KHI4AHI&3. Office and lnffrmary, ZMu and Maaoa g.a J .1 .a' 4 I 1?