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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1906)
I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1000. 13 grain and produce market Wbeat Prices 8tronc Thnmeli Etvlj (WEAK AT CLOSE ON PROFIT TAKING Argeatlaa Ki ona hi Rarplas f tara la Lar 34 Tan ta Market, hat Yield la Wak. ' aess la Wheat. OMAHA. March 1C I". Wittier foreign cables snl light Argentina shipments started the wheat market strong, helped by good rash salea yesterday and talk of better flour demand. After hnldin firm all day. prices weakened at the clos on selling by holders who wanted to tska proms. The Modern Miller wa bearish. The weather throughout the southwest waa favorable, with proaperta of warmer weamer. Trad waa not larva, and the oererred futures were Inclined to drac. Argentina, which will begin shipping new corn in iwo or tnree weeks, estimated Ita exportable aurplua at 130,on0,0( bn. and thla waa ronaldered a bearlah feature. t wsh demand waa fair at an advance f Receipts contlnu ama.ll. On higher cables and In sympathy with wheat, the market started strong and tha ton waa good all day, but the weakness In wheat caused price to eaae off toward the close Clearance were U.ono bu. wheat. 3.420 rmia. flour. i6,000 bu. corn and 1 13.000 bu. oat. Primary receipt wera 822.000 hu. and shlpmenta of 17.fv bu., against re ceipt Imt year of 375.000 bu. and shlpmenta of 2ol.ono bu. Corn receipts were 260.000 bu. and ahlpmenta of 36n.() bu., against re ceipts last year of 754,009 bu. and shipments of 371,000 bu. From tha Modern Miller: "During the late spell of wintry weather conditions the winter wheat crop baa been well covered with anow In the larger portion of the principal producing states. Over a con-slde-able territory In tha southeast and southwest snow protection has been scanty during the severe cold weather. No reports of damage by the low temperatures have aa yet been received from the unprotected sections." Liverpool closed ,SJT4d higher on whe'.t. ana nigner on corn. ttracistrects weekly clearances were z.nn.two mi. wheat and bu. corn. Argentina shipments were 8,160,009 bu. wneat and bu. corn. Th local rang ot options: Article. Open. I Illgh.l Lew. Clos Wheat May .. Corn May .. July ... Oats May .. 72 A. .......I iR JSN,Br 38U 3S4kBI 3SB3KUA ...1 1 72 A 3SV4R 28B -A sited. B bid. Omaha Cash tales. CORN No. I white. 1 car, 39c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 71ViiSr74c: No 3 hard Mf7lc: No. 4 hard. 6MN7c; No. 3 spring, ("Oiic; 1x0. 3 spring, 6o'8i"'jC. CORN No. 8. 371 STUe: K'n. A KlU-BSHc No. I yellow, S7ig37Hc; No. t white, 38 OAT8 No. 3 mixed. 27H,J2Se; No. white, SiUSVie: No. 4 white, MMic, RVE No. 2. Me; No. 3 62e. Carlot Hecelpta. Wheat Corn. Data. tr- on track. No. 1 northern. 7"4c; No. 2 northern, 74a".7c; July, 7Le; Kepterr.- oer. i'c. OATS To arrive and on track. 2o: May, e. SEW YORK GKSERAI. MARKET qaotatloas at th Day aa Varloaa aramodltles. NEW YORK. March IS FLO fR Re ceipts, 12,440 fcbls.; exports, 2. 037 bbls. Mar ket nrm trade fair; Minnesota patents, 4-2Mi460: Minnesota bakera. $1,405,175; win ter patents. w.i4y4.2S; winter straignis, 1170.0: winter extras. t2.7nVT3.26: winter low grades, tltt-M.iO. Hy flour, quiet; fair to good. l3.60ra3.gD; choice to fancy, $3.M 5t (UKNMBAU-nrm; fine white ana yel low. 81.15: coarse. tl.OM2l.O6; kiln dried. t2MVf2 7ft BARLEY steady, feeding. 40c, c. I. I. Buffalo; malting, 4wS66c, c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 63.000 bu. Spot mar ket firm; No. 2 red, Wac In elevator; No. 2 red. 87c, f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. 87o, f. o. b.. afloat. A strong advance occurred In wheat today, based on bullish cablee, lighter Argentina sntpmenis, disturbing foreign political news and heavy covering. Part of the advance disappeared In the last hour through realising sales, a bearish Modern Miller report and favor able western crop news. I.ast prices were Vi'c net higher; May. 85 1-WaS5 9-16c. clos. Ing at 86e: Julv. stM'fcc, closing at 4V: September, t3fiMc. closing at SaMjC. LUH.N Kecelpts, 63.7o0 bu.; exports. on.. hu. Bpot market Arm; No. 2, 61c in ele vator and 48Vc. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 2 yel low, 49c: No. 2 white, 4!ic. Option market waa generally Arm and nigner on netter cables, light receipts, the wheat advance and covering, but eased off again In the late afternoon, closing net unchanged; May, 4H'u60c, cloning at 4Sc; Juiy. d'uooc., closing at 4iHc; aeptembcr, ." V otec, cioa In at MLkc. DATIi Receipts, tl.ono bu.: exports, H.915 bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats, M to 32 lbs., 34Vo34c: natural white. 30 to S3 lbs., 3&t36c; Clipped white, 3&$40 lbs., WMf 38. HAT Firm; spring, 4fr?J60c; good to Choice. SOltoc. HOPS Oulet: state, common to choice, 196, lirulbc; 1004, 7"rfc; olds, Mi7c; Pa cific coast, 1906, Sijitc; I'JUt, snc; oms, 4'H .")C. HIDES Stead v: Oalveston. 2 to 26 lbs. 20c: California. 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 80 lbs., 19c. T.EATMtTHStcadv: acid. 26M,fl27Ac. PKOVISIONS Beef steady; f-tmtly, til. 60 CfilJiW. mess, 9 0fKn 10.00; beef hams. -i.iu. 21.(10; piicket. glO.&CJr 11.000; city extra India tness. tl8.ftora 1 .00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, t; pickled shoulders, $7.0V' 7.50; pickled hams. ln.i-vu lard firm; western prime, t".R67.96; refined. Arm; continent. South America. $8.76; com- found. $fi.ofyfi6.37V4. Pork, firm: family, l'.Oc'u 17.6; short clear, $15. 768 17.76; meso, $16. 26i 17.00. TALLOW Steady; city, 6c; country. &3 5V- RICE Quiet; domestic, (air to extra, 2i.m;c: iHi.iin nominal POUIjTRY Live, firm: western chickens, lH4c: fowls. 13Vic; turkeys, INfiiOc. Dressed, firm; western chickens, Italic; turkeys, 14 ffiK; fowls, llai4c. BLTTER AND CHEESE-Steady; un changed. EOUa Steady: firmer. State. Pennsyl vsnia and nearby fancy selected white, 21&C2c; state, choice, IMS 30c; state, mixed extra, 17Vc; western firsts, 16c; western seconds, loc; southerns, laVt'albHC Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth . St. Louis 6 .. 30 ..200 .. 7 .. 44 .. SO 11 'iz VrWVftDlT CTHf EC Xl PflVTlC "'. 1WX.s7!; gold coin and bullion. $71.- SSX1.446; gold certificates, t4t.i46,7tiO. 1te York Maacy Market. r . vnv . t 1. . . . 'A x r . Market Shows Bo Harks i Lxtension call, firm, per cent; ruling rate, svy t per cent; closing bid. per cent; offered. 4 per cent. lime loans sugnuy nrmer; sixty and ninety dsys, 6i4 per cent; sis months, fry1 per cent. per cent STERLING EXCH A NQE Easier with actual business in bankers' bills at H VxVtf 4fcW6 for demand and at $4 Kv?i 4 s?6 rnr sixty day bills; posted rates, ti Mi and $4.,'&4 H7; commercial bills. $4.Cfc 4.K2',- KlLVfcH-btr, mc; Mexican aouars, 49Sc BONUS uorernment, steady; railroad. heavy. Clr.elng Quotations on bona today wer as follows: V. S. ret. ts, rf....lMlj.p, ,. M Hrles...lWH if eoiipsn n1! do 4m rtfi Mt r. 8. la. ri I"1 no 44a ett K aa eeusoa 10it to 1 sriix " V 8. old tm reg !"V!.. at S. unl. 4 1""4 4a coupon M Man. t. t 4s Iltv, ti' Eejoc3 Professional Limits. SLIGHT RALLY IN THE GENERAL LIST Higher Rata far Call Moaey Trail ta Dlseaarac Specalatloa Big laerease la Export Trade. NEW YORK. March la. The stock mar ket showed no marks of extension beyond the professional limits which have bounded it all this week. The volume of trading was about the same as yesterday, but was i;ni ' lain tnntrttm tri In the nrat hour dtir. Ing the continued effect of the weakness 0. 8. saw 4s. reg....l H Mat. retitral 4..... of special stocaa which developed yeater- " '"J "Jf day. bom sympathetic i fleet upon the gen- o Tobacco 4. VMion. St. U 4a. Ml uni wna iininu . I trh ann mrti. U le do la weakness was manifest this morning, but I 4. ,aj 4, at v r. r. s. ISi price were aisposea 10 recover anu im o 1 Atlanin c. L.. ta 1. t". . aa when the weak stocks rallied. Missouri I Bi. Obit l4 ino Faciftc 4s. Pacllic added 2 points to its sudden drop do IHa M l do Ja of 4U. nointa vesterdav before any effective I nr- ? e- fa K N. a W .,.r,,,r. ,i..i.nm4 tr,.nlM.t4 n alao central of Os. as 114 suffered a further disorderly decline. The J t'lilcagii Lnlon iraition stocss, nuwnw, 4o la lnr an gt. U a 1. M. e. a..Jit seemed to have reached the limit 01 tne chea. Ohio 4Ha...i("! si. U S r. ts 4a. t violent decline or tne wees, nnen mew rmcaso a A. n,a.... St. 1. 8. w. a. 4a... so weak features lieaan to recover, a slow C. B. a Q. a. aa....lx SesoearS A. L. 4a. .i. hardening tendency In the general mar- C. R. I. a P. 4a.... Tf Bo PaiiBc a mi ket aasertert itself more effectively. ? "' ' '' ." " The continued firmness of the call money V Ii, . 7Vt T., St. Ij. a w. 4.. . TT ifnlon Paride 4a 10l4 . S4 do conr. 4a 154 .l(M4't'. 8. 8tMl Id ta.... 98S . MV4 Wahrah la 114 . k&4 1 iia rfh a ... m weitern Md. 4a HT'l w. u B. 4a OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No Harked Ohanca in Values on Any Kind of Cattle. HOGS SCORE ADVANCE OF FIVE CENTS fheep aad Lambs Coatlaa Slaw sil Dall, with Lawr Teadeaey at . Valaea aa Aeaa'aat at Lartr Receipts. SOUTH OMAHA, March 1ft, lf Csttle.Hoss Bheer tm $.7)3 13.070 SlOl 13.47- o-o rt4 6,4 7.W .wo s.soo IO. 8. L." rfds. 4a. ... Pann. con. IHa. .. " iRoadlns sen. ..ino .. as .. ..; ..104 .. 71 ..lot '4 .. MS l!4l Recelnis mer Official Monday Ornclal Tiiesiiay Ofp al W'ednxadav CfflCal Thursday umciai Krlday Five dava thla ww Same days last week. 101 1 Lsidss dtoek Market. LONDON. March W. Closing Quotations on 'he Stock exchange were: Cenaola, money ... ao,.l y. y. Central do account W.... CHICAGO GRAI7T ASD PROVISIONS Featarea af th Tradlagr Closlag Prtee, aa Bearal ot Trade. CHICAGO, March 11 Decreased ship ments of wheat from Argentina and In creased export of dour from American porta Imparted strength today to the local wheat market At the close wheat for May delivery wa up t,fi'n,a. Com was up V?j c. Oata were down Vsio. Provisions were 24lOc higher. The greatest strength In the wheat mar ket was shown during th first hour, when iirlces advanced tc above yesterday' clos ng quotation. ' Official statistics, which placed th total movement for th week from Argentina at $,lo.000 bushel, com pared with 4,390,000 bushels last week, caused a sharp bulge at Liverpool, which was reflected In tha local market. News of th day contained additional reasons for th active buying which followed the re ports of higher price at Liverpool. Th market, however, lost much of it firmness near th middle of the day' because of profit-taking by local holders. During th latter part of the session the market was steady and th close was fairly Arm. The May option opened Hi&Hc to 4w,o higher at 784tT78Vic, advanced to 7S V "8Tic, and then declined to 7&Ve. Th clos was at 7SSc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 166,000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Brsdstreet s, were equal to J.000,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 322.0CO bushels, against 375.000 a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 249 cars, against 4.16 last week and ni9 a year ago. The corn market was Arm for th greater part of the day. Shorts, who were In fluenced by the upturn In wheat and con tinued unfavorable weather for the move ment of the crop, covered actively. Firm cables and small local receipts also strengthened prices. late In the day the market lost much of Its firmness because of selling by prominent commission houses. The close waa stead v. May opened Mfc to VitHic hlsher at V.HtftJc. sold between 434,ib4no and 4.r,c and closed at 43So. Local receipta were 142 car, with 11 of con tract grade . Oats were- firm early In th da In sym- tt1iw m'lth Ik at - nalh rf whuit rwr-n IySler the market weakened because of lib eral profit-taking by local longs. Th close was easy. May opened unchanged to Vn higher at 2t.3ne, sold between Heyi29Se and t"H, and closed at ftSfliSc. Local rcepts were 101 car Bhnrts and -local packers were active bld dera for provisions and this, together with hu advance of ll"SllSc In th price of llv hogs, held the market firm throughout the day. At the close May pork waa up 10c at tts2. Lard waa ZHAc hlarher at $7.90. Ribs were up IVhsC at S.42Hqt.4B. fcistl'nated receipta for tomorrow: Wheat, cars; n rn, 160 cars; oats, 90 cars; hogs, H.OOO head. The leading future ranged as follow: "t. Loala General Market. 8T. LOC13. March 18. WHEAT Higher No. 2 red cash, elevator, SKk-; track, W !-."c: May. Jb:c: July. Ybh.c: -o. 2 nara 7VS2M:c. I CORN-Higher; No. S cash, 42c; track. v,c: Mav. 4H4C! Julv. izvc. 11 I OATH Higher; No. 3 cash. 30c; track, H 1 3iu,c; May, isxgaoHc; July, 2c; No. 2 white, i r LOUR Lower; red winter patents. $4.15 i if4.1; extra fancy and straight, I3.7ixfi4.00; S1 i clear. 2. 70ft 2.80. SEED Timothy, quiet at I2.BO&2.70. t'OHN MEAL Steady, $2.20. BKAN Firm; sacked, east track, (iRc. HAY Steady; timothy. KOmSi 14.50; prairie, $6,404 10.60. IRON COTTON TIES-31.02. BAGOINO Hc HEMP TWINE 8 He. PKOVISIONS-Pork, steady; lobbing. $15.50. Lard, steady; prime sleam. $7.50. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, $H.2ty; clear ribs, $8.75; short clears, $8.87,. Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, $9.3TV; clear ribs, 39.50; short clear. S9.62H. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, 12Hc; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 13c; geese, 7Hc BUTTER Steady; creamery, UtKiBiec; dairy, 18ft 21c. EGGS Firm at 18c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 5.000 . 9.000 Wheat, bu 2 000 32,000 Corn, bu 32.000 26,000 Oats, bu., 81.000 i,000 and an annreciatlve advance In the Interest ,.';, ' rates tor lime losns were owHppoiiniim id 1 Colorado Mid. 4a. the supposition that wednesasys ntviaena 1 rio. so. disbursements were alon responsible f or I Cuba ta ... thn MrnmoKM of the mnnev market and the I D. A R. O effect of the free distribution of dividend Diatiilara; sac it money should be felt In th money market , . , 1 rr . 1 . . . u -. I do aan. 4a l) y into 11 1 II r. 1 iie eotinmieo 01 1110 wwf n 1 u .. . ,. . , , , . .. inHioli . umi, "l- 4HS....10 Wis. Tentral 4a.... wi . . v... . nK...., I J.p'.n lw l.B lmii t iiuiii 1 m 1 n mi u y i'n. nv.ruh i -unarcd. umclent to onset tne toss on suo-rreasury operations. This is In contrast with an estimated losa of over tl.Oou.000 to the In terior by the express movement of last week. New York exchange at Chicago, however, fell back to a small discount to day after havinc ruled at a premium earlier I . " T.- In the week. Foreign exchange also re- Atrhiaon acted sllgutly from yestesday's strength, do nfd although foreign money markets were re- Raititnora A Ohio ported to be still tight. Some part of the Canadian Paelno strong recovery In roreign exeimnge tins week Is attributed to the demand for re- r,hl0,,;o-oii mlttance on account of maturities of large p'n"',. oorrowings irom foreigners, it is a quea- ponrer A R.- 0 lion wuai ruei'i 11110 rep&yini-iii. L'iirn- 1 no prd Hons to foreign markets may have on the I eho .... loan account of the local banks. The for- do lat pfd.... elgn trade statement for February showed the gratifying excess of value of merchan dlse exports over Imports of $37,517,766 com fared with only $3,iS,.'l69 In February of ast year. This Increase In value of total exports comparing the same periods I more than $11,000,000 greater than the In crease In agricultural exports alone, thus Indicating the expansion In manufactured articles of export. Stocks closed at small general gains, but with the tone barely steady. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value $1,695,000. United States bonds were all un changed on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change today were as follows: Sales. Hlfh. Low. Cloas. Adama Eipraas 147 Amalgamated Covsar tl.tno 1074 lnS'l 107 Ainerlun C. A F ion 41' 41 41 H American C. A P. rW too lai 1"! Amartoan Cotton Oil 100 34 4 Mi American Cotton OU pfd Amarlcan hipreaa . Same days week ago 23877 54!b6i 3'4S Same three weeks ago..20 4V7 52.13d 8.?n 8aI" four ago..,.18,37 38.254 .17 ine ronowing shows the receipts of cst- le. hors and ahan ot dmtfh nmaha tnr the year to date, compared with last year: ions tans ln 207.277 vh.KA 39.427 Hogs bUflU M.4 ni tunc. Sheep 352.318 841. MB 10,808 YKHTERDAT'S SHIPMENTS. The followlnsr ahoara thai niimhr of car of stockers and feeders shipped to the country yesterday and their point of destination: Cattle t;ars IT. S. Mitchell. Tackwood. Ia.-Q 1 Peter Smith. Walnut. la.-R. 1 1 R. H. Good. Coon Rablds. la. Mil I G. M. Rritton Cnmlna- T n 1 J. D. Hull, Plsgah. Ia.' N. w! '.t V . Mi'cnen, nenance. la. Mil I M do ltd Dfd. Illlnola r.ntral Norfolk do pfd Ontario W Pennaylranta kand Mlnea Raiding do lat pfd do id pfd Soutbarn halfway do pfd Southern Parlfl.0 .. Union Paelfle do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd Ill H 4 111 70 45 4, 11 H .. 18-i, .. M ..113 ..17 .. 6l'j .. 11 .. 1 .. 41 .. (. .. 4i .. 0 .. 4 ..17.-,i(Wt1i Leularllle a Naah...l'i do pfd . M . K. A T illi h 4a SILVFR Bar. steady. 29d per ourtce aitiaai-j4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short Mils Is ti per cent; for three montns' Dins, s per cent. .. 41 ..104 .. 48 ..157 .. It .. . ..10a .. 14 .. :i. si New York Mlnlnar stocks. NEW YORK. March 1. Closing ouota- tions on mining siocks were: Adama Cen H A I lea 170 HraM U Biunaarick Con M Comatock Tunnel .... 24 Con. Cal. A Vs lis Horn silver 200 Itn Pllrar iU Leadrlll Cen I Little Chief ... OnUrlo Ophlr Fhoenlx Potoel ., Faraga Sierra Nevada Standard 1 .100 .412 . I . II . 11 . 21 ,S26 Mlaarapolls Grata Market. fSuoerior Board of Trad quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The ranee of prices, as furnished by F. D. Dai A Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was Articles. Open. High.j Low. Close. Tes y. Articles.! Otn. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y Wheat I I May IT4H;:S4iV July Kept. Corn May July Sept. Oata May Julv S pt. Pork May Julv Lard Ma v Julv Sept. R I no May Julv Sept. 7VJ S 43',fl-( 43:s-4r i 4f: I I 15 K 15 NO 7kS77iie f78 :77HS', 7VI 77i78fi'7li 7a4 ilJTg', 77S 4:tT '43SfiST tSS'WSftS 44 43Str 4S'ai43Hf i 44',l 44 441,-SI 44'i Se,;29 'WHtfs, 2S 2SI 15 lb 85 IS 85 15 75 7 M 8 on S U'H! 15 I $ 10 T 2Vt. 7 90 S rcw 8 uo ?"s it nt is I2H 11 a-.Lii is r:i - . T t 00 t 10 8 45 8 47S' 8 42V 8 45 8 50 1 8 50 I S 45 I t 4TU S 55 8 57SI 8 fat S J7, T 87H 7:i 10 S 40 S 42V, No. J. Cash auotatlons wet ss follows: FlX)i:R Firmer: winter patent. $3.."ii j$.8u; winter straights, 83.3u!n3 .70; spring patents, 3 6c."9VM. Hiring straight. 53.K'(i loo; oasers. i.nnw. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 77mj8oHc; No. . 3'o,Te; M). z reo. Miic. CORN' No. I. 42'-.c: No. 3 yellow, 43c. OATS No. t. 2, e; No. i white, 3i4c No. 3 white. 2e;aic. RYE No. 1 lot"-. BARLEY Good feeding, TiflrSc; fair to choice malting, 4omoue. HEKDS No. 1 flax, $1.08; No. 1 northwest ern. 81 14: clover, contract grade. $11 45. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15 Ml aflckai. Lard, per ll , T So. eliort rihs sides iloosei. $idj8.4o; short clear sides (boxedl $mtfi 8.70. Receipts and shipments (tf grain and flour were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 25 3.eo (am oX.rtal K4 I-X1.410 la.? 3o3.;ui 8(aj 44.6UU 7.(Aa On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steadr: creameries, ltyu-c Jairi.s. loxfiyc. Eggs, firm at mark; casr Included. Iac: flints. 13VtiC; prime firsts, I4su; extras. ic. Cheese, steady, 1113.' Peoria Crala Market. PEORIA. March l.-CORN-Hlgher: No. $ yellow. 4Jc; No. S. iia; No. 4, 41c; no grade. x.14Ju. OAT Firm; No. t (White, Sue; No. 4 whit WHIdKEY-tl.S. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. ,, Rye. bu. ... Barley, bu. Italaih Grala Market DCLtTlI, March 1 WHEAT T. m. No. 1 northern, c; No. S aurth v'heat t May... July... Sept... Fk-ix- May... July... I 76Vn'74j 77V, 7 7 76 79S 7!, 78' 78 78-S 78V878'4 78'. 77S 77S 77), 1 17H 1 18' 1 17V1 1 18l 1 1GH 1 1W 1 20l 1 19l 1 19 1 184 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. I hard. Tic: No. 1 northern, "Sc; No. 2 northern, 74c; No. 1 northern, to arrive, JHc; No. 3 northern, 7S'q74c; No. 1 durum, Toe: No. 2 durum, 68c. Corn: No. S yellow, 37Vfcc; No. 3. 36Vtc. Oats: No. 3 white 2So; at n ,i--a. .-"! tJ.a.U.. Ulu , INO. -' ' I,n J tllViW. 7 laajh. Cash, $1.1; May, 117. Rye, 63,fit41c. Kansas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 16 WHEAT Un changed; May, 73c; July. 7re; September, 7fc. Cash: No. t hard. 76HV9c; No. 3. T2Wr77Hc; No. 2 red. 8Mj91o; No. 3. SS'dSalc. CORN Higher: - May. a?c; juiy. j:"c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 4"3401c; No. 2 while, 41 He; No. 3. 41c. oats strong! ro. z wnite, azc. RYE Steady at 55SG7c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, . $11.2f.t 11 6": choice prairie. $8.2Tyfi8.0. rxjus steady ; Missouri ana Kansas, new No. 3 whitewood cases included, 13c; cas count. 12c; cases returned. Ho less. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 26c; packing. jzc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 23 Of 0 21,f0 Corn, bu l.0ii 21.000 Oats, bu ll.ouo 10,000 Amarlcan H. A L. pfd American lea aecurltlea. . . . American Linseed OU Amerlran Ltnaeed Oil pfd... Amarlcan Locomotive American Locomotirs pfd... American s. & r Am. S. A R. pfd, ex-dlv... American Bucar Refining... Am. Tobacco pfd. ft fa Ar.Monds Mining Cs Alrhleoa Atchlaoa pfd Atlantla Coast Lin Baltimore A Ohio Baltimore A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Paelfle Central of New Jersey Cheeapeak A Ohio Chlcaso A Alton... Chisago A Alton pfd Chicago Great Western Chlaags A Northwestern... Chlcaso, Mil. A St. Paul., Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C...C. C. A 8t. Loula Colorado Fuel A Iron..... Colorado A Southern Colorado A So. 1st pfd...., Colorado A Bo. 3d pfd , 1,400 M 47 H'4 t-'S : k Small Hopes M 104 6 44 f 1H 10,100 161 Tt 16 11 1ZI Ferelga Flaaactal. LONDON. March 16, The stringency In 44 4k "4 the money market was somewhat relieved ! I today by the maturity of treasury bills re leasing $6,000,000. Discounts were firm. Trading on the Stock exchange was mostly quiet ana auu. Dut recovered later on the better political outlook. Consols started l.soo is 1174 i I easy, but rallied well at the close. A mer ino im 104 io, i leans opened flat on New York selling. M.7oo ui l !( moved Irregularly, became Inactive, lm- 7,400 u i proved during the last hour and closed i'too i5" iio" 11 I ,talJr Foreigner were in better demand .... ..... I more favorable pew from the conferenoe ll.toe 15 14 14 t Aigecira. Kamrs sagged owing to lacK t.soo 171 170 1TM, or business, but there was no pressure to no sen and prices recovered later and closed 1,700 (7 17 47 ateady. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were I minted at 104U Paris. Marcn is. prices on tne nourse today were firm on favorable reports from 11 too to4 m4 J041 400 81 Jt2S4 222 t"usy wwra urm un lavurauir reporia iroiu 1 too 171 174 i7oJ Algeclraa. The payment of the coupon ao- ..' '.. u counts for th lower price of rentes. Rus- tm to t ! slan imperial 4s were quoted at 84.25 and goo fni, eav. Russian oonos oi uxm at ooh, 18.200 4S 41 l BERLIN, March 16. Trading on the 400 83 it Bourse today opened Indecisive. Speculation "J was limited, Dut prices closed very nmi. 17, 100 14 141 143 " 17 I Wssl Market. I tlAOTOM UnAh tC XHTrVlT Th. Cnnl. 144 17 44 Conaolldated Oaa Cora product,, truat recclpla 1.200 Corn P. pfd, truat receipts. loo Inlaws as puomib ziie I , .,, " , . , Paiawar. U A w 4oo 44 440 441 merclal Bulletin will say. tomorrow of th 'W T , I W, Attn UUHUIIH . " ' 'J m given a aeciaea impetus to Dotn iraae ana 47 prices. A large amount of Australian and 60 1.500 2.400 !0 too 4.700 124 4,700 3 Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL March 16. WHEAT Spot. nominal; futures firm: March, nominal; Mav. os 6d; Juiy. 6a 6d. CORN fcpot, American mixed new, firm. 4s Id; American mixed old, quiet. 4s 7d; futures, firm; March nominal; May, 4s 3'd. Hops m London (Pacinc coast) ojutet. 2$3 10s. Mllwaake Orala Market. MILWAUKEE. March 16 WHEAT Higher: No. 1 northern. 7fSlc; No. 2 north ern, 7r"iry7Se; Miy, 7S.ff7S'Se asked. RYB Dull; No. 1. C P.ARLEY-Dull; No. X Hfliwc; sample. V) tj-"'tC- corn nigner; io. caan, 4lH943r; May. 434-rjtJSo asked. rhllaAelpbla Prodac Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 16. BUTTER Steady; extra weatern creamery, 29e; extra nearby prints, SJe. E(His r-asier: nearry fresh. isc at mark: western fresh, l&'.jc at mark. CHEESE Steady ; New York full cream. 12Mjl4c. Ersnorsted Apples aad Dried Krafts. NEW YORK. March 16 EVAPORATED APPLE3 Market continues quiet, with very lime nemana rnr export. Prleea, ho-. ver, ar firmly held where fruits show a deairsble quality: common to fair ar quoted t 7!'e; fair to giod 1906. 8VtJ87c; nearly to strictly prime, fu;c; choice. 10c; fancy. llme. ' CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unchanged, Willi quotations ranging from 4V'itk according to grade. Apricots are in (air demand, with choice nunteri at l'Hte; rxtr choice, tic; fancy, lli,ljuc. lagsr aad Malaaaes. NEW YORK, March 16 SUGAR Raw, strong; fair refining. 803 l-lc; cenirllugal, W test, 3 17-i-''il3 t-16c; molasses sugar, lcj refined firm; crushed, t.3uc; powdered i Toc: granulated. 4 Sue. ' NEW ORIGANS. March IS. SUGAR Firm; open kettle centrifugal, 2xic; cen trifugal whites. 3V, lite; yellows, SSill 13-16c; seconds, 2 irl MOLA8;KS Nominal; open kettle 17i Sue: centrifugal, 7(&3ue. BtRl P-Nuiuinal at SttjSOu. PesTer A ftlo Grande Denr.r R. O. pfd Matlllers' Securities Grl Erie lat pfd Ens td pfd Gcineral Electrlo, ax-dlv... Kocklnf Valley Illlnola Central International fper Intarnatonal Paper pfd Internatonal Pump International Pump pfd.... luwt Central lows Central pfd Kaneas City Southern Kaanaa City 8cv pfd Loulaallla A Naahvill. .. . Manhattan L, es-dla MetmpollU Securtlle .... Vletropolltan Street Rj.... Meilcan Central Mlnoespclla a St. Loula.. M . St. P. A S. S. M M . Bt. P. a S. B. 44. Sfd. Missouri Pacific ...lzl lne Missouri. K. A T 8.404 Miarourt. K. A T. pfd 1.40 National Lead National H. K. of 14. pld New York Central New totk. O. W Norfolk N N Paelfle Mall PennaylTsnls People's Gas P., C. C. A Bt. Louis Pleased Steel Car Pressed Steel Car pfd.. Pullman Palace Car.... Reading , Heading 1st pfA Heading 2d prd Republlo Steal Republic Steel pfd Kork laland Co Rock Ieland Co. pfd St. L. A S. F. 8d pfd...... fit. Louis s. W et. Louie S. W. pfd Southern Paelfle , Soul hers PerMAr pfd Southern Hallway Southern Railway pfd 1 ennesae I oal a Iron Tcaaa a Pacific Toledo, St. Loula A W T., St. L. A W. pfd....... t'nion PaclAa t'nion Paelfle pfd t'nlted Slataa IClpreas t'niled Statea healty t uiud Ftatca Rubber toiled Slates Rubber pfd... luitrd Stales Steel I nil. 4 HUles ttteel pfu.... Va. -Carolina Chemical .... Ya. -Carolina Chem. pfd . abash Vaoaak pfd Wtlls-Ksrgo Enpreaa' Weallnghouii Electrle ..... Whlira I nlo Wheeling Lske Erie Wisconsin Central Wtsconals Ceclrsl pfd Northern Pactflr '. t eulral Leather Central lutkier pfd Si"te-heirld Kteel 7 42 77 S7 M -47 4: 77 200 12 12 J0 24 81 K400 iti' 1M 100 157 147 11") 71 71 ;" South American wool has been bought at full values. It Is now apparent to all that . ,, ... i .iin Duaeimiiiy ui o.,ri yi i.o iif-o suno uj " j,i and merchants realize that they must have 400 171 174 171 wool to meet the demand. Average nne and 4oo 21 u. it 2iu fine medium Montana Is selling moderately 2 at ial4c, or about vw Clean, rieiter quan- tlea bring 2.V?i2Cc. Fine medium Utah Is " being taken on a basis of 22ft 25o. or -it7lc ?! I scoured. New Arlsona Is selling at 26c, or - .1... Ko-I.. AkA7im Win. .Ian a lr. S5 rltory Is scarce and la worth 72W73c. Fine 151 -i medium is quotea at os-g ivc- r or nne ciotn mi Ing the price Is 691700, for fine medium fcwS 71 68o and medium 6264c. Quite a line of full I KK) H24 112 ill Texas has been bought at ZVv'.c, or 63jti6c I.8C0 24 24 24 dun California is in light supply and Is . '.?? .! '.. havina a fair demand at 6cfi2c for the fall 1.400 10 IN 10 Mllnni im.ihnl nVoivr are SelllnaT moderately at S14t;i3c for Ohio quarters. c 14 r I ana Micnigan at i-.i--u. i nrw-rniuni 72 ti Tl . bring SVBVio. A little fine Ohio unwashed 3,700 11 iu n a moving at 26c. The shipments of wool ej n from Boston to date rrom uecemoer ii, 2uo, I, too 144 145 14 I, tn tha, uma atithoritv. are 63.. ZJi -a' 4' 1?2 417.667 lbs., .gainst 62.997.233 lbs. at the ame ."oik AW pfd si time last year. The receipts to date aro ;..rth Amaricaa '"m w" li 51.634,489 lbs., against 58,129,159 lbs. for th 42 same rerioo. last. year. 2 tutu lxitt tNimx. March 145. WOOL The offer eT. lings at too woui cuv vi. mi " 7$ amnnniJ to is R2R balea. Competition was f!H. IV "ij animated and prices generally were 5 per loo n a 174 above the opening rates. Greasy mer- " f'f . in. ...r. in active demand at extreme .. .,.. ,z, 1,7 121 "-Y-. .,rA a fair allnolv of H I meaium nne. v i i.o .... - ... . . - u , I .... . - j mi nlv nu noma, nuv 400 i iob ioo5 re Cap of Good Hop and Natal ofter l.:oo 2 I I )n(rg nrm- Following are the sales In iuv wm e ee i-1-..-n. t7-., a nat m. 4( naies: areasv. no S Jii 15 4718 20. Tasmania. V bales; greasy, l"tyJ - .-.7 I l ss tnjsw nmiiii nirn.'-v "v " .400 44 Z 44 4 scoured'. Is 2dri 2Hd; greasy 7dls 3d. . .TIi? 1 ifM) 1 es: scourc. Is d'a2 84,10 41 40 40 Jd. Victoria, I.iO bales; scoureo. is on ' J " I lUlVh lit .rnuai' htl f HflUlU AUBirSUB. 1 . Tl M kit ' O loo 1M 15.. ir Icou,. Is 6d1s l(d; greasy, .1i&1 Id New loo s,4l tint greasy, fdfils lHd. Cape of Good Hope and ..ins U it NtrttY bales; scoured. 1- 6Vi1 2. 14 kZ greasy, SV'ftlOH'l- Punta Arenas. 1.60U bales; 11 114 100 44 t.ioo M IO0 111 ti.nm 40 4. 400 l(4j 1.400 48 l.a .ia I -UAmm lrl sau I, i ot inria vsrch is. win ll eteaoy a ma.rii'iiin grades, combing and clothing, 4r j us nur.. iiarht flne. JiMiac: neavv nne, intj.-vt:, iu washed, 3auc, 400 3. 70 32 10S 141 1,100 i 40 40 ! 106 41 4lj 114 M 4 11 141 35,173 40.32 so n 2K.183 1 U7 I 14 31 I Itfl I 44 CALVES. 1 " 1 40 I 1 I t T 1 144 I W 1 t tM 4 0 4 1 It 4 4 I 1 no 4 74 t 1 IIS I 00 1 l if in i... 44 4 24 . 140 71 .wis . J0 I OA .170 K. .111 4 24 0 4 4 WIN 140 4 40 BTOCKEftS AND TEEPF.R8 1 " I oo t 744 t ss 1 t In t 151 4 SA 4 4M I 40 4...s 47 4 A 1 41 1 50 I 4 14 T 44 I M 1 470 4 14 I Il IS HOGS The general conditions this morn ing were fsvorshle to the selling Interests, but local buyers wer still somewhat bear ish In their views and the market did not open any too good. A a rule first bids were no more than steady and a few hogs sold on about that basis Sellers, how tT. were generally unwilling to cut loose at the bids, so that very little business was transacted on the opening. letter on buy ers raised their hands and tha market e rame active at an advsnce of 6c. The bulk of the hogs sold at t OOfjS 10, as against 16 (Urn 6 '06 yesterday. The lop toiayt.17S: wna THe higher than anything brought yesterday. Today's advance leaves the market only about 6o lower than It wa on week ago. Representative sales: Ks Ae. Sh. Pr. No. A. 8k. Pr. 74 18 40 I 00 74 til 140 I 47 71 14 120 4 00 41 1.... 48.... 14.... 47.... 74.... 84.... 40.... 44.... 4.... 74.... 74... 64 ... 70.... 1.... 17.... 44 14.. 44... 7..., 74.... 44... 70... 70... 74..., 7A... 70... 44... TA... 77... 44... ...104 a. .141 ....1 1 1 3 1 P....1 J- L. Corey, Anita, Ia. R. I. i. o. renior, ieoia, la. R. I , Charle Wise. Vllllsca, la Q , George Morris, Nodaway Ia. Q... Wray Bros.. Creston, Is Q fl. C FletctiAr Yiatr.,(ll- K V T J. W. Wllann Pro r..- XJ-K 1 Vanderllp & v.. Bennett, Neb. i!!!!!'.!!!!l . loillil. WI.U1AIIU.. The fOlloWln will ahnn. tha. nrtcoa nmlA for the d.ff eient kinds of cattle on th South Omaha niarke' Good to choice corn-fed steer. ...lo.OfXftV; so Fair to choice corn-fed steers 4.7ifi6.n0 C omtnon to fnte ivnra.rl . a auai Good to choice cows and heifers.'.'.' S.7BHH 50 alr to good cows and heifers 3.267.3 65 Canners and cuttera e nrwe. i e Good to choice stockers and 'feeder 4.0(i'.,4'sn Fair to good stockers and feeders.. I 50fl4 ,VJ t ommon to fair stockers 2 7.W3 w Bulls, stags, etc lootltos Good veal calves t.0OS(.3O RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Jl. 75fl6.nO 6.iVii,15 ... 1.66''n6.10 ... 2.2fV9.0O ... 2 2OS6.00 ... aoOAj'6.60 The follOWlnSr tahln ahnwa tha oiraraa price Of hogs at South Oman, for thai lu.f several days, with comparisons: Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... Bloux City 6.86f(,6.r74 e.2fif.27H 6.5o'n6 40 6.001T6.15 SHEBP Receiots looked oulte liheral on paper this morning, .thirty-six loads being reported in. As a matter of fact, however. wenty-five cars out of this 'number were consigned through to eastern points and were only halted here for feed and rest. m addition to the fresh arecelnts there were bout eight cars of stale stuff carrier! over from yesterday. Of the fresh supply very nine arrived until after the middle or the forenoon, so that the market was very late In getting started. 1 ner Data. 180.. IHV16.ll90t.IU03.lUX3. 11301. 1800. Mch. I... Men. 2... Mch. I... Mch. 4... Men. t... Mch 6... Mch. 7... Mch. ... Mch. 9... Mch 10.. Mch 11.. Mch. 12.. Mch. 13.. Mch. 14.. Mch. 16.. Mch. 16.. Sunday. ( 05 5 W 1H 6 12HI ? "Vs C 11 4 0 S 131 4 4 7 4 tl ! 4 S5 4 W 4 8 I 20 4 6K, 6 19 4 SS 6 11 5 01 6 I 131 7 031 S 041 7 02 7 111 7 041 6 16 07 t 131 7 15 7 Si 6 221 4 951 4 6t 22 14 fail 4 66 191 4 S 4 70 r t o: s 4 vt 4 71 j 4 70 8 15 4 71 I 06 4 72 24 6 OH M 6 161 5 141 4 71 14! 6 26 4 73 S 09 03 4 80 HVk 4 Ml 6 111 7 l S 041 S 241 S 15! 7 31 I 7 24 4 811-5 161 7 23 4 fl! S 261 I 18! 4 76 6 001 S 13' I 16) 6 221 I 25 4 94 S 15 7 30 16 S a 4 ( 4 75 4 79 4 U The Official numbee of coral af miU brought In today by each road waa: f'aMla. rfnoru Bha'n U'a-'a. . ,.a. ck oi. r. ....... A Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific system. 16 C. & N. W., east 1 C. & N. W., west 14 C, St. P., M. A- O.... 14 C B. & X., east.. 2 C, B. & Q., west M C, n. 1. & P., east Illinois Central 3 Chicago G. W Total receipts 67 The disposition of the dav'a rcceints was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Der oi neaa indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 101 1.4ti3 221 ewirt ana company 17 2.412 1476 Cudahy Parking Co 419 1.846 l,7u8 Armour & to 262 3,138 .. 1 3 1 23 17 .. 7 42 1 U , 3 7 .. 23 16 11 2 3 .. 134 M 3 re Is not -very much to he said re garding the trade todav as It continues in Dout the same condition as noted on pre ious days this week. In other words th trade Is very slow every day. with values tending steadily downward. This morning Chicago reported further weakness, so that It was hardly to be expected that any strength would be developed her. Th best that could be said of the local trade would be to call It about steady, with yes- irr.iay a weaa close. The market for the week la not very much lower on the choicest lambs, but hippers must understand that choice meana a good deal more than It did two weeks ago. Fair to good western lambs are considerably lower for the week, with wetners and yearlings iwgaoc lower. Th medium kinds of ewes, that is, those on th plain order, are all of 2j?40c lower for th weea. Quotations: Good tn choice natlva Infnhs $6.SWS.65; good to choice western lambs, s.ows.oo; fair to good lambs. 36.006 30: cull lambs. I4.6ofl6.60: a-ond to choice Hunt year. lings, 35.6fV?i5 86; good to choice heavy year lings, 36.6Sifi.85; fair to good heavy year lings. io.4W6.60 good to choice wethers. 46 bkftK SO fall tn nrA walli.ra t", OCifes. rc gooa to cnoice ewes. 14. rair to aroori ewes, 4.2564.75; cull sheep and buck, 33.00 34. w. Representative sales: No, 29 western ewes.. 79 western cull lambs 220 western ewes.. Vansant & Co.. Carey Hill & Bon U F. Huss Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root & Co l nlon Dressed Beef Co.. Krey Packing Co Iax racking Co Other bluer , 807 6(9 262 i7 1 77 3 49 i 33 34 93 3S7 134 I.60O 9.870 611 401 Totals CAT ! LFyA total of lie ears of caile were reported In the yards thla morning. This market has become of such sisu tnat less than 100 cars cuts a very small tigur in the yards. What stun mere was on sale was so scattered tnat the yards seemed almost deserted. The market on beef steers was without any noteworthy change. The comuara tively lew loads on aaie aid not aptear to Interest buyers very much, so mat the traue wa a little slow In ouentii. Stilt there was a fair movement and to pens were practically cleared in decent season. As to value there waa no quotable chanae, tne general market being Just about slsuuy ail around. The trau on cow and heifers was also without noteworthy feature. The demand waa fair and the ofterlnga for the most fart changed hands quite readily at about rie same prices a prevailed yesterday. There wer no stockers or feeders In slant, al least not enough to realty make test of the market. As usual at the end ot the week tew were wanted, so that tha guneral trade wa practically featureless. Uond feeders have commanded very satis factory prices an the week and the general market lias been in a gooa healthy con dilion. BBSr STEERS. I. HO 311 817 u 44 44 4 In 1414 lolal ssies for tha dsy. I74.&0V sharea. Boston Stocks and Roads. Metal Market NrTW YORK. March 16 M ET AT.S The La-indon tin market was unchanged to is W!k wiih aont closing at 16 la an. s-u .Sat '.t..r..a st 165 16s. Locally the marke 1 I was steany ana waa V." '. " M with soot quoted at 336 50fiS6 5a. Copper .sua higher In the Enrllsh market with stol ''' closing at 0 10s and futures at 78 l"a. Iocslly no chunge wa reportea. out me market Is firm in tme. Lake l ouoted St $18 5018.75; electrolytic at 818.25W18 Sf. and casting at 318 Onfi 16.25. 1-ad was ouiet at !5 35f-V4a In the local market, but declined 44 14 tW BOSTON, March 16 -Call loans. 66 per rt u d In London, bneiter was tin- cent; time loans, 4tj6W per cent. Official chsneed st rs in iononri ana i sw' ivotst!o"s on stocl s and bonds wre locsuy. iron was a imie msner .. (afee Market. NEW YORK. March 16. COFFBE Mar ket for futures opened steady at an ad Tsi.ce of 10 points on tha response to higher European marknts and continued light receipts. Th closing waa inactive. net unchanged to 10 points higher. Pales were reported of S6,iJ bags, including Mav at kc; July, Tflluic; Svplember. i I'fli iwrwnrej, 7 -4sc; r ebruar siut K10 viulvt; Nu. I Invoice, c. Atrklaoa adj. 4a M!Allnues do 4S lelVAmalaemated . Mrs. Central 4s so ! American ln Au hlson -'Atlanlir do pld K':1 Si. (ham .14 .111 Boston 4 Albany Uft PusleA A Main 171 Poeton EleTatad ... Fltrhburg pfd Meal(-n Central . . N V . K. HAH t'nion PaeiSc 4nm. Aiga. Chens. edo pfd Aver. Pneu. Tube. Amir. Suffer do pfd Amar. T A T Auier. W 01. lea 424 Parrot do pfd 1074, (inner fViinluion 1. A 8 1 bhannan Fdieon Clee. lllu 244 Tamara.'k Ilasa. F.lectrle Ml Trinity da pfd fai I'nlted Copper Mesa. Uaa 44 f. a Mlniag.. f nilJ rmil 1WJ t . a, Ull Cal. A Heels.., ('antenatal Copper Rang . fMly Weet M PraakMS Hi lOranby 1'fs.a RoTal ... 27 jMaea. Mlaing . 47 jMt.hlfaa M Mohaak Us lYIont. C. A C. U7 Old Dominion . 1JX "areola with standard at 4 4d nd Cleveland war. 1;C rants st 4"S a-vt- i-nriuy ina imn.i wn i renorted oulef. No 1 foundry, northern. Is .. :iw quoted st l' ?519 35; No. 2 foundry, north 's I ern 3l7.7Mil "5: No. l foundry, southern. 314 JRil8.75; No. 3 foundry, southern, 317.75 PT' IaOT'TS. Marrh 16 METATS Lead, quiet at $5.27. Spelter, dull at KlO. Inltrd Shoe Mark. do pld V. S. Sleel da pld Wretln. comrooa Adventure Asked. M a t'teh . 81 Irtorla . 4(1 Winona .los Wolrln ... . SO iNonu bull . 6 ...4s4 ...24 ... II ... 14 ... IJ ... i: ... 4 ... IJ ... s;' ... 1 ... u ...lud ... M ... . ... ,...107 .... 1(. 4 .... 4 .... 12 .... si .... 4 .... 4 1j .... etitt Bask Clearlag. OMAHA. March If Bank clearings for today were ll.0B6.l(S;.S4 and for the cor responding date last year, tl.466.061M. Tresesry lataat. WASHINGTON. Man h 16. - Today's statement ef th treasury balances in th general fund, exclusive of the t'attoa Market. NEW YORK. March IS -COTTON-Ppot closed steady; 10 points higher; middling uplands, 11.15c; middling gulf, 11.4"o; sales, 66u bales. LIVERPOOL, March It COTTON Spot In fair demand; prices 1 point lower; Amer ican middling fair, C.27d; good middling, SUM; good middling, t.77d; low middling, 6 Rid; good ordinary, 6.43d; ordinary, i.27d. 1 he sales of the day were 10,(iu0 bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and export and Included I.UU0 hales American. Receipts. 22.0UO bales, Including 210UU bales American. ST. LOl'IS. Mo., March inldjling. 10 11-1 tic; sales, 113 bilrr; receipt nunc; shipments, 7jo bales; slock, 43 113 hales., NEW ORLEANS. I-a.. March 16 COT TON Spot closed steady; sales. t.3U bales: ordinary, 7 11-lbc; good ordinary. 9c: low middling;, 9e; middling, 10 9-loc; good piid- anng. 11 t-ioc; nuaaiing fair. 11 7-lbc; re crlpt. 6.070 bales; stock, 279.I69 bales. Tolrd Sees! Market. TOLEDO. O., March 1. 8EFTS-4",lovrl cash and March 17 47 ? Annl I7)- Ooi.k.. gold lMrve, shows: A-allabi wuti bal-i-(ia. TUnothy. li eu. Alsike, t 2s. No. Ae. Pr. N(, At, Pr. I 440 3 0 14 114 4 4C 1 440 I 40 82 1x44 4 41 1 740 4 00 22 Kill 4 45 1 450 3 00 1 3 1137 I 75 1 I.) I 00 T IISM 4 14 1 ls I IS It lib! 4 14 1 70 I H C 1021 4 71 1 44 111 80 114 4 U 1 440 I M 14 1174 4 Ts 1 70S 8 M I Ill 4 Id 8 774 4 00 12 1250 i 44 I 450 4 00 II U4 4 40 II tut 4 04 14 1214 4 40 8 755 4 10 12B4 4 n 4 1064 4 10 14 1214 4 40 10 44 4 14 40 1)14 4 40 4 117 4 15 10 414 4 I . 4 40 84 1A 4 45 I M 4 4) 41 lnl 4 14 4 40 81 1114 4 44 8 4 40 14 IK I M 3 124 4 44 1 1444 t 4 1 120 4 40 40 127 I 00 II Ivwl 54 I? Ull i 10 18 1151 4 40 14 Ilu4 I 80 4 141 4 40 1 Hut I 84 4 1024 4 4 28. ....TT 1411 I HI 4 1'l 4 40 II lsT 4 4 4 40 4 40 COWS. 1 440 1 Tl 1 471 I 10 1 420 3 4 Is IS 1 410 1 00 1 1010 1 44 1 II 3 84 U M IH 4 47 1 ii I Huo I M I 14 3 44 1 11 I H 1 474 t 44 t .....174 I 44 J 1040 3 40 8 122s 8 44 1 1"20 3 40 1 l.Mt 3 IS 1 44 I 40 , I lusl I II 1 720 3 40 3 ,'4 I 7 1 420 8 40 1 110 I 74 1 H IH 1 1j2 3 ; 1 720 I 44 II 4)7 I 74 1 1U0 8 15 1 144 3 40 I l-0 I 74 4 1..14 t 4 3 1111 I 14 120 I 4 3 14 3 tl 1 4l4 t 4e 1 l'M 3 "4 4 11U4 I 10 4 414 I 4 1 1124 4 1 ISO 3 40 1 124V 4 US 3 410 i 40 14 Iu4l 4 40 1 1140 I 00 1 4 4 4 lusl l0 3 1 4 4 OS 1 1114 t OS 1 1(.!K 4 10 3 kW IN 1 114 4 10 3 11' I II 7 lu7 4 10 I K4 H 8 12u 4 11 1 110 3 40 1 124 4 20 I lie I 40 4 U21 4 14 II 14 I 40 1 12u 4 II I U I 40 HEIFERS. 1 340 3 t 514 8 1 1 440 I so 4 414 3 is 1 1 i tu 1 it 1 4au 3 75 II Iu4 I 14 1 7 I t 4.4 I 40 8 7u J g 1 510 3 4 1. .......... M IH ft 424 I 44 14 7"1 I W 4vl 4 M 14 121 8 1 1011 i ti I...., 460 I 4 1 141 4 It 71 BULLS. 1 1e0 I 4 1 ISM 8 41 1 124 8 It 1 It --4 I 4 1 11W 4 1 151 8 44 1 12'i 1 lu 1 1130 I 15 I UuO I 1 1 1540 I 74 1 410 I 14 . l....v U 3 74 i 104 I a 1 i54 1 11 1 Ul4 1 m 1 Its I Is 1 1014 3 o I IS. I to 4 i4'7 3 40 1 142S 4 Ml .14 120 ? .....1 40 1 02 ...14 ... 4 41 ...14 SO 4 01 ... 2'4 ... 05 ...til 4 t ...124 30 4 OS ...lit ... 4 0 ...117 40 4 m , ...ri 4" 4 04 40 4 M ... I At ... 4 05 ... 4 04 ... I At 44 4 M ... 4 04 W 4 AS .114 12 4 04 r4 ... t AS ...194 144 t 04 ...418 ... 144 ...228 40 AS ...874 40 I 04 ...814 120 4 04 ...821 140 4 04 ...140 ..; 4 04 ...314 ... 4 04 ...nt to 4 08 ... os ...177 ... 4 04 ...143 ... 4 07 .321 t40 4 47 .161 ..111 ..211 ..817 .124 ..114 ..IM ..14 ..144 . ?M ..til ..11 ..til ...144 ...111 ...111 ...II ...148 II... 44... 44... 14... 44... 48... 10 327 ..844 ..306 ..227 ..IS ..804 ..821 ..W7 ..824 .218 4 07 ... I 07 ... 4 07 ... S 07 ... 4 07 0 07 40 4 07 07 4 07 44... 71... 74... 74... 41... 70... 48... 47... 47... 72... 47... 154.. 47... 40... 45 CO 40 .117 ....III ....844 ..,.824 ....224 ....225 ...111 ....240 ....: 840 110 ....21 ....370 I 47 .. 4 07 44 4 47 .. 1 .. I 07 .. S7 .. I 07 40 I 07 40 I 07 .. 4 07 ... 4M .. I 47 .. 47 SO 07 40 4 47 .. 07 .. I 1 ,.. 4 10 ss 4 10 44 4 1 ... 4 14 N 111 ... I 1 ... 10 ... 4 1 ... 4 10 ... 4 10 Mil ... 4 10 40 4 10 ... 110 SO 4 10 ... 4 10 ... 4 tO so I to ... 4 11 ... 4 12 ... 4 12 871 120 4 12 874 40 4 12 .874 ... 4 15 810 ... 4 17 ...824 ...III ...124 ...841 ...2M ...t!0 ,...338 ...141 ...111 .170 6;' western ewes... 28 ! lambs and ewes 271 western lambs ion western lamb 268 western lambs 25 Colorado ewes 424 Colorado ewes 189 western lambs 1 lings 72 western yearlings and weth ers liw 370 western yearlings and weth ers in 54 western lambs Ht 402 western lambs 82 Av. ....100 .... 62 ....103 ....143 .... 65 .... 70 81 81 85 95 year ns. Pr, 4 00 4 60 i 96 ft 00 6 70 09 25 6 30 8 50 4 7E 5 50 S 80 5 80 6 20 6 a CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Dull Hogs Test Ceats Higher Sheep Stroa. CHICAGO. March 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.000 head: market xJull: prices steady: common to nrlme steers. H S-xWS 0 cows. - S3. 664JI -4.6(1; heifers, 32..ft8o.i; Dull, S2.6nCfi'4 35: calve. S3.O0Crr7.75. HOOS Receipts, 12.000 head; niarket lOo hltrherr choice to prime heavy. 36.35aiC.4u: n edlnm to good heavy, t4.ii6 36: butchor weights, I63iVi6.42H: good to choice, heavy ml red S6.25i6 :t5: packing. liVXtmns. (HEEP AND LAM HM Kecelpts, lll.tesi head: market sheep strong: lambs dull; sheep. 34'viS; yeartlngs, H).bO?is.40; lambs, 36.254C.83. Kansas City lit llork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March IS. CATTLE Recelnts. l.TuO head. Including v head southerns: market steady: choice ernort and dressed beef steers. So.4Wi1l.00: fair to good, 34.26!fi'3.30; western fed steers, S3 75-7 6-eO; stockers and reeoers, iz. iD'os.sti: west ern fed steers, 33.7M33.ts); stocger nna teea rs. 82. 7541-1. M; southern steers, 33 5O53 10 southern cows, '-'.Zff4.on: native cows, i.z. 4rt.6l: native heifers. 83.5mfjo.26; bulls, i't.O At 26: calves. 33.00(96.50. HOO-8 Receipts, 4.500 head: market 54310c higher; close weak; top. 36 80: bulk of sales 86.104t6.22tt; heavy. 86.2rft6 80; pack ers. 36121-: pitrs and ihrnt. s4.WT141.12tt. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3 000 bead; market loc lower: native lambs. 36. 7S 66: western lambs. 35.76? ewes nnd yearlings, 84 60(6 86; western yesrltnga, 6 flo t390: western rei sneen, s4.iwjs.9i); sux it ers and feeders, ti zwi 7o. St. I.anl live Stock Market. ST. IiOUIfl. Mo.. March 16 CATTLK- Receipts. 1.000 head; no Texans; market S'rona: native shinning and export steers 14 F.iw?S Oil; dressed beef and butcher steers I3 2fiffl5 60: steers under 1.000. pounds IJ.Ouff 4.4i; stockers and feeders, 82.2r,Q4.r0: cows and heifers canners. si.75f2.45 bulls. 32 5(VriH).25: calves. 83.25'77.25; Texn and Tndfn steers, 33.9oti4.7u; cows and heif ers. 83 2 26. HOGS Receipts. head: market 10-5150 higher: pigs snd lights, 3j.6in6.35: packers 6(i0tiC35; butchers and best heavy, 36 25? S.40. PHEKP AND UMRB- Receipts. 500 hend; market steadv; native muttons 8. 00 M- l imbs. 6.50C.85; culls and bucks, M2o5.10. St. Jsaenk I.It Stock Market ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Morch 1C-CATTLK- pecelpts. 7S6 head; market for natives, 84 KR enwes ano ""r 11.60 4. tw; stock era snd feeders. 43r-t( HOOB Receint S S44 head: market 6c Harrier: light, 36 0C$.16; medium and heavy 36 1(V6s. SHEKP AND IAMRM Receints. 778 s.--. 1 - I . 1 V. - c e llOSbU, ll.O. ,C1 111 I 111 1 It 1 1 J U , SOW. Sloaa fltr live gtnek Market. SIOUX C1TT. March 11 8ptlsl Tl gram.) CATTI-IC rteceirts. 4 head; nisr ket steady: beeves. 4 (f6 50: cows' hu 1 snd rrlxed. 32 755I4 26: stockers and feeders. 830074 2S; calves and yearlings, I3 4. 00 HOOB Receipts. S""" head; market Cc Mrher; selling at 304j6.1&; bulk of sales, 36Ui).10. toek la laht. Receipta of live stock at th sis principal western maiaeia yesieraay: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen South Omaha l.H'i ryi gg, Ploux City 61O Kansa City 1.7' Ft. Joseph 7W5 Pf. Iul I OKI Chicago t,t OMAHA WIIOLKS4.1.K MARKRT. Condltla al Trade aad Qaotatloa an fitaala aad Fancy lrdaee. KOOS Receipts, llbersl; fresh stock, ci- ceunt. 3v LIVE 3WLTRT Hens. !Hc; old roost ers. 6e; turkey. 16c; ducks, lie; young reenters, 7tVc: gesse, 8e. DRKSSFD POl'LTRV Turkeys. 18f)19c: old toms, l6'iT1o; chickens, italic; old roost ers, 7et ducks, I2i Mc; geese. Inc. HUTTER I'seflttng stock, 13c: chole to fancy dairy. lSfcttc: creamery. 21Ji?lttc. HAT-lTlces quoted by Omsha Feed com pany: No. 1 upland. V0O; medium, 860; cosrse, 34.5o.f 5.00. Rve straw, 86.60. BRAN Per ton, 116.50. TROPICAL FRVITS. PATES Fer box of 8 1-1K rkgs . a isi; Halloween. In 70-lh. boxes per lh., 6c; Sav ers, per lb.. c; walnut stufled, 1-lb. pkgs., 32.00 rr dot ; 8-lb. boxes. 81.00. ORANOtSCalifornla. extra fancy Red land navels, all site. tlM; fancy navels. 8-t AA r h n 1 ca. all alaea 32.25. I.KMONS IJmoniers. extra tanc.v, Ixe, 83.60; 3t to 8u0 slxe, 84 00.. KU1H California. Der 10-lb. carton, This 86c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown. 11c; six- rown, . BANANAS Per medium sued nunrn, i..a 2 ; Jumbos, 32 oii3 t"U. TANtlKRINES t-'allfornia. per bog of bout 126, 83-00. . . , tJRAPR r HI IT Honda, per oo, i.iv4 60; California, pef box. I4.OOW4.50. ritii 1 n PEARS Wl ter Nsllls and Mount Vernn, -L ... . - APPLET California iewion, nnii Raldwins. 12.(4 per hu. box: Hen Davis, 81. .6 per bu. box; Wlpessps. 82 50 per b, hoi:: ther varieties. .i uu., .-.r poles, Baldwins and Russets. 3 00 per bbl. UKAr r-S imporien .-vininaow. e.-".-u"''- (Hill l.,ur.J"w.n . POTATOES Home grown, per bu., oV Oc; South Pskota. lr bu., 75c. NAVY REANH-rcr nu., LIMA FEANS-Per lb.. 6Hc. CARBAQE Call for ui n. :c per lb.; Wis consin, in crates, per lb., 2c. CARROTS. PARSNirS AND TCRNIPS Per bu., 86c CELERY Calirornia, i per oo. SWEET POTATOES-KanraL, pfr 2-bU. bbl., V.Q0. a TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 30 lbs.. "wax BEANS Per hamper of about 30 lbs., net, 16. . ,, . ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red. per bu., 85c; Spnnlsh, per crate, 32; Colo rado, ren ano yfiiuw. i--i 8TR1NO BEANS 1'er hamper of about 80 lbs., net, 33.00vu4.(. OHKKN PKI'PERS Florida, per hamper of about 10 dot.. 34.50. TI RNIl'B, HBKIS AP-U lABnuia-I-oulslana, per dot. bunches, 75c. 6HALLOTTS Louisiana. per doen bunches, 76o. , HEAD LETTVCE-I-ouislana. per bbl., 812 (""a 15.00; per doz. heads. I1.76'32.00. LEAF LETTICE Hothouse, per dim. heads, 60c. . Cl't I MBKKfl-Moinoiiee, per tios., si.iu. RADISHES Hothouse, per doi. bunches. .. r-r MlBHROOMs-iiotnouse, prr 10., 0044 iuv. BEtOF CI TS, vr 1 UK. 11c- Nn. 1 rlha. He: No. 3 ribs. 8c; No. 1 loin. 16c; No. 2 loin, 13c; No. 3 loin, loc; No. 1 Chuck. 6ttc: No. 2 chuck, 6e; No. 8 chuck. 4ttc; No. 1 round. 7Hc; No. 2 round. 7o; No. 8 round, 6-c: No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 3 plate. :; No. 8 rlatc. 8c. MISCELLANEOUS. ' . CIDER Per keg, W 7: per nni., . HON EY New, per 24 lbs., 13.50. cMtriritE Swiss, new. 16c: Wisconsin brick, loc: Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; twins. 15c; Young Americas, lSttc- . .. NUTS walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 15c; nara sneus, per in., 13Vk0. Vcana. large., per lb.. 14c; small, per lb., 12e. Peanuts, per lb., 64c; roasted, per lb.,- sc. Chill walnuts, per lb., 1243lS"e. Almonds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c; hsrd shells, per lb lac. Cocoanute, 3t per sack of 100. . ... . . FRESH FISH Trout, 11c: nannui, iuc; pickerel, dressed, ic; wnite pass, 11c ; sun hsh, 6fi9;; perch, skinned and dressed, He; pike, loc; redsnapper. lie: salmon, lie; crappies, 6119c; eels. 13c; black bssl, 22c: whitens!., frog legs, per dog., toe; lob sters, green, ojc; Donea iniiswm. on.-, ui.i flsh, 16e; herring. 4c; Spsnlsh mackerel, 16c; haddock, 10c; shrimp, ll.Ooyl.50 per gallon; smelts, 12c; cod, 11c. OYSTHR8 Fresh standard. 31. 40 per gal.; shell oysters, 31.OiKfj2.00 per 100; Little Neck clams, 11.60 per 100. Sl'OAK Granulated cane, hi bbls., 85.00: granulated cane, In sacks, $5.01; granulated beet. In sacks, 84 91. , . SYRUP In barrels, t4c per gal.; In cases. ( 10-lb. cans, 11.60; cases. 11 8-lb. can, 82.80; cases, 24 2'4-lb. cans,. 31.90. COrftK Koajuea ;, rso. 00, -o per No. 30, Wttc per lb.: No. 18ttc per lb.; No. 20, 15Wc per lb.: No. 21, 12Hc per lb. FLOL'R (wholesal Best high grade Ne braska, ner cwt.. 82.uv. best high grade pat ent Minnesota, per cwt.. 32 30; straight pat ent Nebraska, per cwt., uw, secona patent Nebraaka, $1.90. '. . - CURED FISH-Famlly whlteflsh, per tt bbl.. ino lbs., 34.60; Norway mackerel, per bbl., 00 lbs., bloaters. 340.00: No. I, 3-8 0.); No. 2. 328.00; No. 3. tiOOO; Irish. No. 2. 317 00. Herring. In bbl., 2o0 lbs. each, Norway, 4k, 313.00; Norway, 3k, 313.00; Holland, mixed, 311.60: Holland herring, In kegs, milkers, w: kegs, mixed, 70C. BROOMB ro. 1 carpet,, m ssiyo 32.40; No. 8 plain, 13.26. , . CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. SoftOOc: Maine, 1.26. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans ll.2MJl.60; 2-lb., 97Ht61X)0. Pineapples, grated 2-lb.. 32.051i5.80; sliced, 319O-,120. Gallon apples, fancy, 33.60; California apri cots. 81 4t2.0O: pears, 31.75ifi2.nOj peschos, ' . , . , ... v a V. am 84 taflSA 41 fl 4 fancy, si.ivaz.w; o"lri e-wi .. . ..imnn red. 31.15: pink. Sue: fenny Chinook, V., 32 10; fancy socaeye F., 1.o; sardines, H -6: S mustards. 32.5tD 8 10 Sweet potatoes. 31.15ffifl.26; sauerkrnnt. 1100; pumpkins, 80cl$1.00; wax beans. -lb., 75Hi0c; lima beans. 2-lb 75c4t 11.36; spinach, II ib'st . 00; tneap peas, av-iu., aw, rna., ,w Stic' fancy. 81 3T( HIDES PELTS AND TALIJW-No. I green hides, 8Vc; No. 2. 84c: No. 3 salted, llVic: No. 2. loyc; bull hides, 6v&c; dvy hides lfwiaoc. tiorse niues, ibii". ; small. 3350. Sheep pells, eacn cm m. Tallow. No. 1. Viic; No. ?. 34c; rough, lttc. 8 00 4 5.IM 3I4 4.ll 12.0UU 8.i 7j ' ' lO.OoO Total 7,C S4.944 U.Vf, Oil aad Hasla. OIL CITT, Pa.. March 16 Oll-Credlt balances, 81 58; shipments, 42.434 bbls.; aver sue, C &ol bbls.; runs. 84.9.1 bhls.; overuse, S1.S09 bbls : shipments, Lima, M,760 bbls average, bl.leSS M!s.; runs, JJiin, 4,U4 bh s. : average, 26.61(3 bhls. SAVANNAH. (Ja.. March lC-OlL-Tur Dent ne. nrm at 63c. ROSIN Quiet; A. B. C. D, K and F, 34 00: (J. 84 '(5; H. 34 15; I. 84 38; K. 85 20; M 16.46; N. 36SW; VVO. 36.10; WW. .J REAL ESTATB TRASiFBIli. Deeds filed for record March 16, iaJ, an fur- nlahed by tne j. free, rwe.rr vuiujj-iij, bonded abstracter, 10u6 New Tork Ltf k.ill(fftf. The McCague Savlrig-1 bink to Wltlajii Mlnto, lot a anu ?, oioca , aim mhur lota. Albright Choice I ,(J Ira Van Camp to Clarissa McMahon el al.. nVt. loft, block 352. Omaha.... 1 John D. Tutt to Robert B.' Windham, trustee, tots 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, , blqck 1, an4 other lots. Benson Mary A. Ewlng and husband to C.- A. Homign, iota is ana is, oiocs o, o"r t'lnc A. E. Becker and wife to A. C. Hand and wife, part lots 13 ana it, uiocs 1n lTA.nn.cnm Place t Patrick H. Carey, executor, to E. 8. Weatherley, lot 3, piock , umana.. :. L. Porter to R. J. Jensen, lots 9 i,j 3.0U4 4,000 7,000 1 1 nd 30, block 1, Hlmebaugh &. Pat terson's Charles O. Hutching to France A. Brogan, lot 1, block 2U6, Omaha Catherine E. Develln to Charles. O. Hutchlngs. sam Catherine B. Glenn to sams same.... Ernest S. Weatherdey to pTaacis . ftroran. lot 2. block VS. Omaha.. .. -5,M) Joeepli Bodomka to Frantlska Bo- domka. lot , piock 11. ia sou. to Mount Douglas, South Omaha... 700 Edmond Powers to Israel Wexelmann, lot 8, block 73, Omaha 4,CW Jacob Katleman et al. to City of Omaha, lot 14, DlocK is, coueae Place Wesley L: Curtis to Jsmes A. Hall, lot 1. block 1, M. K. wucng sun Ia. E. Rohlson and wlfe'fTTM. B. Wsl- dron, lots 1 to 12, Waterloo WillUm 8 Wright and wife to bwan Anderson, ntt neVi 20-16-10 Emma !. Johnston and husband to Csrl Senlsh, lot 15. block 4, bpiing f aWe Park F. W. Carmlchsel to Mary L. Morton. ids 19 and 20, block 2, Halcyon Height James P. Norton to lauella C. Norton, lot S. block 40. Oinsha Edsar B. Wllllsms and wife to Charles W. Oleott. lot 1. blotk 2, Maxwell's add.. South Omaha 1.260 240 850 6.81) COO 1 859 UNITED COPPER COMPANY , MArch 12th. llKkl. Th Direttor of th t'nlt4 Copper Compau. kavinR set aid the entire amouut neeeeai tor tha fiavnient ' of tbe rcrular dlvlit-nda oa th r(srrd stork Sunns th year ls. bs.a nerlared Irom the smnis of th company tha rafulsr quarterly dividend of 1, par eeut and so extra dlfidand of I per rent os the COMMON dork. pavsbls April Stub. !(. to to-liholder of record st tb clue of business Mar.h Lib. 104. The slut-k transfer book of th Company cloas for th parment of Ih'a tflrtoenS at 8 o'e'-k p. M. Marth ?th. lu. and i-oops st 10 A. M. M let. in P. AUst-ilfttU Helnt. t-raslUent. F. D44 Day Cl Co. Kioclc. Grain. Provision blp Yaar Urala ta Is, Cwlcaao aad Mlaarapalli nellvery. One-eighth commissUn on Oraln, (ma quarter on Btwks. Prompt and careful attention given to outside accounts. Write for cur dally Market Letter, mailed fre. Main OrTlcs. llO-llt Board af Trad Bldg. OMAHA, NEB. Las Dlstaa Tb, Paagla 8 14. I