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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1906)
Omah & Daily Bee . The NEW LOCATION THE BEE BUSINESS OFFICE Ground Floor Corner Tbt Bee Bsltdisf I7tb sad Firwn NEW LOCATION THE BEE BUSINESS OFFICE Ground Floor Corner Tkc Bee tsrldrsf, . Ufa and Farssm f OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 14, 1906-TWELVE TAGES. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. T7 J J. C; j v. FAILS TO TELL TRUTH Mr. Cookrell Severely Kepriniands Xansaa City Manazer for Etn-.dard Oil Co. ASKS HIM NOT TO DODGE QUESTION Employe of Monopoly for Twentj-Eteht Yean Knows Bothine of Its Affaire. RAILWAY EMPLOYES ARE BRIBED Former Aeent of Octopns. Tells How He Secured Information About Competitors. SHIPPER TO OMAHA IS DRIVEN OUT J. y. Kmip, Who Bold lrt Oil Here, forced to Suspend Bulue by Advuoce In Freight Hatea. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. March 13. Franci M. Cookrell of the Interstate Commerce commission, severely reprimanded G. W Mayer. Kansas City manager of the Stand ard Oil company, today during the Invest! a at Ion Into the aliened method of rail road and the Standard Oil company In discrimination against the Independent oil men hereabout. The. attorney for the commission. J T. Marcband and Charles Munn and the lawyer for the independent oil producer. Frank & Monctt,, Clifford Thome, and 8. W. BrookhaFt, had .been try- Iiik hard to get from Mayer an admission that there wo ny concctlon lietween the Btanddrd OH company, the Union Tank Line company, the Republic Oil company tho Watcr-Plerce Oil company and other companies. To all questions Mr. Mayer answered: "I don't know." although he had been manager of the Standard Oil company for IS year. At the close of hi testimony lr. Cock rail asked him: "Tell this mmmli.liin. are the Republic Oil company and the Watere-l'leree Oil com any part of the Btandard OH company?" "I do not know, fir." "What I your bent Impression about It?" 'I have, none." "Don't you feel and know in your heart j that they ore nil lart and parcel of tho am company?" "I do not know." "Don't you feel In your heart It is so?" "I don't know, sir." Corkrrll la Emphatic. Then the veteran cx-stjnator s'.upped the desk with hi tist and said severely: 'l am tired and lck of this effort of the Standard oil people to conoeuT this fact when every man. woman and child know It la o. Now : everybody wants the 'truth told hero and why don't you tell It? Every tub ought to stand up on It own bottom and you folks oughtn't to dodge this question further." , Beveral witnesses testified today to dis crimination by railroad against Independ ent producer. . The hearing will tie concluded tomorrow, '' 'the testimony of J3. T. McCarthy of - '1n 4snlnTMWrntir of . Wuapa W. Indian, Terrltpry, brought forth two'letter - on -titl rates,' ou.""froni the Standard Oil company' office at 26 Broadway. New ' York, and the other from . the St. lxiuls ft San Francisco railway' general offices. McCarthy ald that hie mine was Just over the Kansas line, rlx. mile from Baxter Springs, Kansas. lie told of an effort on hia nart to use oil from th Kansas field Instead of coal at hi mine. II had, ha said, on November 27 last, writ Ira F. K. Voorheea, general freight agent of the St. Louis A Ban Francisco railway. requesting a rate on oil from the Kansas field to Quapaw. In a letter written In re ply by Mr. Voorheea, and which wa In troduced, the latter quoted a rate of 1? rents a hundred pound on crude oil and fuel oil from Neodesha. Kan., to Baxter Springs, and of U cent to Quapaw. Railroad Ratea Not tho Same. At about the aame time, witness said, ho had written a similar leyer to the Standard OH company and had received a reply from C. W. Ouston, manager of th fuel department of the Standard. Mr. Ouston' letter, which wa presented a evidence, read a follow: . Replying to your favor of the 12th Inst., while. the rate of freight from Neodesha, Kan., to Paster Springs la only 64 cents per hundred pounds. It is 24 cents per hun dred to Quapaw station, I. T., which would Make the price of oil delivered them 3Vi fu nis a gallon, at which figure we do not think you could usn oil economically a ataltist the low-priced coal you could proh -ably purchase. Of course, the amount of . oil required to equal a ton of coal would depend on the Quality of the coal used but with an ordinary grade of run of mine coal It would take about three barrels of oil, forty-two gallon to th barrel, to equal a ton of coal. We fear you will find the price w name . too high to enable you to use oil to ad ,' vantage a against the cheap coal that you can prooaoiy purchase. Theae letter were Introduced in an at tempt to prove that while the railway com . pany charged all other 17 cent for trans, porting oil from Neodesha to Baxter Spring. U charged the Standard Oil com pany only at cent for th same haul. Th correspondence also wa Introduced to prove that while th Standard secured rat of f',-4 cent for transporting oil from Neodesha to Baxter Springs, a distance approximately of fifty-six miles, the rail road charged In effect 17H cent for haul of alx mile further beyond th Kan a Una. Former Agent Talks. E. L. Wlllhoyt. formerly an agent at To- peka. Kan., for the Standard OH company. but now an Independent dealer with offioe at Joplln and Springfield, Mo., wa placed on the stand. In reply to question Mr, Wlllhoyt said: ' "Th Btandard Oil company when I wa with them wa charged IS a car by th ' Terminal company In St. Louis for trans. porting a car from East St. Louis. 111.', to St. Louis, Mo. To save this IS the Stand ard laid a pipe line under the liver and every ear of oil bound westward would be pumped out In IJast St. Louis and pumped Into another car In St. Louis. This $5 a ur saved wa that much off the ability of th Independent dealer to live In competl tion with th Btandard." Continuing. Mr. Wlllhoyt said? '"Since I have been In buBinesa for my self I have had much trouble in getting tny tank car trans-shipped at St. Louis. This generally happens when I am low on OIL Once I had a tank car of oil drift on from St. Louis to Alabama. At the time wa out of oil and I lost a lot of cur mat r on account of It. The Standard com pany, my competitor In Springfield had plenty of oU and got the customer lost." Mr. Wlllhoyt aald that while agent of th Standard at Topeka ha wa Instructed to watch all shipments of oil to that point and to ascertain th nama of th shipper and th point of destination. "How would yoj get information from Continued oa Itcoud Page) COUNTESS ASKS FULL DIVORCE Attorney for Madame de Ceatellaae Request Permission to Amend Legel I'lradlaga. PAKI8. "March 1$. Countess Bonl de Castcllsne accompanied by Edmund Kelly. her lawyer, today speared before Judg Iltte. president of the civil tribunal of the Seine and Ruled for permission to amend the proceedings In her application for a reparation from her husband so that the decree will give her an sbsolute divorce. The application asked for a ep arate domicile und custody of the children pending ,al procedure. . 7 5efore finally deciding com j' 3" i usual formality of requir-f- - d and wife to appear to 4 ) purposo of Interrogating t i the possibility of a re- h latter wtll fulfill the - nt. but It la not expected I z No result a the xmrUm 2 rmined t. Terminate their fi 5 tlnt appearance1 befora th j In four or flv day and Vreafter an amended bill Judge ' plied wl Ing the gether i them ra conclliat legal rei to yield are full; union. ' court wl Immedlat will be t d a writ will be served on the same ground as previously the only Chang being a petition that th bonds of matrimony b dlseolved. ALTAR IN THE OPEN AIR Charehea tkot Irar Gah faat.Care For Feral of Fresrh ' Ml PARIS. March. 13. Hundred of funeral are being held today at the towns aur rounding Courrleres, where the mine dis aster Saturday, resulted In the loss of over 1,000 lives. Snow has fallen, but lines of mourner fill every road, many of them carrying casket where hearse were not obtainable. At Bllly-Montigny. a rough altar wa erected In the open air and funeral service were conducted oyer sixty bodies. Another and similar ceremony oc curred at Merlcourt over the unidentified deHd. The company' latest figures show that there were 1.121 victim of the explosion. Mining Director Meyer of Heine, Prussia, with his rescue corps of Westphallans, recovered twenty-six bodies this morning. The heroic efforts of the Germans are ex citing admiration and praise. POLITICAL FIGHT IN MADRID General of Army Greatly F.aclted OTer Chnrge of Irrearolnrltle and speaker Aasaalted. MADRID. March 13. As the' royal cor tege was paving the Chamber of Deputies nephew of General rrlmo-Rlvera. the former commander of , the Spanish troops the Philippines, eavagoly assaulted Deputy Bogfano for criticising acts of the Spanish generals In Cuba and the Philip pine. 8cnor Soglano was knocked down and lost two of his teeth. . The assault followed united declaration upon tho part of Generals Rivera. Weylef, Blanco and Linares denying the charge of Irregularity In 'Cuba and the Philippines, Oaneral Rivera'. announced, 'that ha would resign from tho army unless the govern ment defended the: general against' the charges and General Weyler declared that he Intended to take their defenso Into tils own hands. ! Rivera' nephew thereupon determined to- publicly assault Deputy Soglano, who was chiefly responsible for the critic! ma. DIVISION AMONG UNIONISTS Thirty-Three Member of British Minority Refaae to Vote for Protectionist Policy. LONDON. March IS. The fiscal debate In tho House of Commons ended early thl evening by the premier. Sir Henry Camp-bell-Baiinerman, inovlng the closure. Tlie afternoon's disrusHlon was devoid of Inter est. The motion of Sir Jame Kitson, ministerialist, declaring It to be the determ ination of Parliament to resist any attempt to Institute protective diuie. wa carried by 471 to 9 vote. - The division displayed a cleavage In tho unionist ranks, qn the protection policy. Klght unionist. Including Lord Robert Ce cil, voted with th government for Sir James Kitson' motion and twenty-five other free food unionist abstained from voting. New Portrait of the Pope. ROME, March It. Carolus Duran, the famous portrait painter, I about, to paint a portrait of Pope Plus X, taking hi inspira tion from Titian's portrait of Pope Paul III (Aleasandro Farnese). t nioaUt Wlaa Bye-Flection. LONDON, March 13. The bye-election at Basingstoke yesterday, occasioned by the death of A. F. Jeffrey (conservative), ha resulted In the election of a unionist, Ar thur Clavell Salter. Old Servian Cabinet Netaras. BELGRADE, Servla, March IS.-In conse quence of the failure of- all attempt to form a new cabinet ths old ministry, lightly altered, will return to poaer. MINE .OFFICIALS IN JAIL Idaho Sheriff Take Charge Aeeased Men la Spit of GoTraor. of CALDWELL, Idaho. March 13. -Under a heavy guard, Moyer. Haywood and Petti bone, who have been Indicted for the niur der of former Governor Steunenberg, were removed today from the state prison In Boise to the Canyon county Jull in thl city, against the protest of Governor Gooding. To forestall any efforts' at rescue, which he believed might be attempted. Sheriff Nichols ha sworn In dosena of deputy herlffs, who will patrol the jail night and day while the federation officials are de tained there. If thl protection la riot sufficient Governor Gooding will call out the military. ARGUMENT IN PACKERS' CASE Mr. ssorriaoa uvea lor Uvteraaaeat and . I . Fallowed by Messrs Millar aad Brown for Defease. CHICAGO, March 11 District Attorney Morrison made the opt-ntng argument for the government la the hearing of .he pack era plea for Immunity before Judg Humphrey thl afternoon. Attorney John S. Miller concluded his contention in be half of Armour Co., and wa followed by Attorney George W. Brown, represent ing the Swift Interest. Attorney M. Rosen thal, for the packers, will follow District Attorney Morrison, after which Attf rn. y I Uvutral Moody will make la argument. SIMMS ON FREIGHT RATES 8enator from Sorth Carolina Defends the Hepburn Railroad Bill. HOW CHARGES ARE MANIPULATED C'haage In ehedale Have Greater Effect Than thaage In Rate According to Itesalt of Speaker' Research.- WASHINGTON, March 13. Before taking up the railroad resolution today the ehat passed a number of bills. Ono of them pro vide for the punishment of government official for the premature dlvulgencVs of secret Information of government bureaus in uch matter a crop reports; another grant executive authority In the matter of construction of bridge over navigable streams, and arttlt another give congres sional sanction to th effort on the part of Delaware and New Jersey to adjust their long pending dispute. Mr. Blmmoh made tha speech of the day on the railroad rate. Ha announced hi up port of the house measure, but said he would not oppose reasonable modifica tion. Mr. Tillman announced that after tomorrow he would seek to have the rate bill taken up each day Immediately after disponing of th routine. -tmslness of th senate Instead of waiting until t o clock, The following Mil were passed: Authorising the erection of a public build ing at Denver. Colo., at a costT of 2.i,00O. Regulating the use of reservoir sites on the public lands. Authorising the secretary of war to do nate to the state of Idaho two Krupn guns captured by Idaho troops In tho 1'hlllpplnes. Providing for the disposal of Isolated tracts of public lands. Providing for the establishment of town slt?s on the Kiowa. Comanche and Apache Indian reservation In Oklahoma. - f- Menator Simmon (ipeak. Mr. Simmons gave practically all hi at tention to the right of congress to confer upon the Interstate Commerce commission the . power to fix rate, contending that urh a tight exists beyond question. He assorted, contrary to the contention of Mr. Lodge, Mr. Foraker and other oppo nents of the pending bill, that "existing transportation rates are In many instances ur.just and unreasonably high, and that unfair and ruinous discriminations are practiced against Individuals and locali ties." He said that this was true, notwith standing th declaration of the railroads that there have been very eltght changes In recent years In the rates charged under the six grent classes Into which freights are subdivided, and added: That fact, if It be a fact, would show that the freights actually paid by pro ducers and shipper have not been In creased. What It would show, and all that it would show. Is that If rates have been increased, they have not been Increased by the open ;nnd above-board process of raising these class charge. A a matter of fart, shown by railroad statistics them selves as, well as by report of the Inter state Commerce commission, railroad rates have been Increased, and largely Increased, during tho last six years, nbt by the proces of raising the specific rates of schedule or commodities, but by the more Insidious method of commodity reclassifica tions. - , Tlecomlug more specific in his charge X eaid:. --. .-.- - - Beirlnnlng with the year won', hundreds and even thousands of articles have been reclasnltied by raising them from a lower to a higher-priced class in the various or ders promulgated by the railroads in the several divixions Into which they have divided for this purpose in the whole coun try. In one classification, known as order No. ZO. issued earlv in that vear and an. plying to northern and eastern traffic, there were nearly & reclassifications, of which H72 were Increases and only six reductions. y anoiner reclassification order, made In the same year and known as order No. 30 and applying to western business. R7 re classification w ere made, of which 240 were increase ana only seventeen reduction, while by order No. 25, applying to southern traffic, made in the same year, out of 636 reclassifications 631 were Increases. Effect of Reclassification. Considering all reclassini-utlnns mnria lng these years. It may bo that the num- Der or articles actually raised did not groat ly exceed the number nominally re duced, but the relative number of article raised or reduced is comparatively unlm- r'oniii. nit BiKnmrant iact Is tne com mercial Importance of the artifles raimA or reduced aud the resultant increase or decrease in the cost of their transporta- . c.uuiiinuuu conclusively snows that commodities reduced.. those increased In these years, are not only relatively of little commerrlal imiw.rtanoe but that the percentage of the reduction in rates on articles reduced is far below the f" ' i increase m rales on articles Increased. He reached the conclusion that If the hlarh rrarln mmmnu. high rates are charred are mi.i ui. crimlnalely with low grade comnioaiuea upon which lower rates are chameri ih. average cost per ton mile will be Influenced ,ir.,r, r.Liu ny me amount of tonnuge hauled than by the rat charged It la a fact of common knowledge, ahown by statistics nnd verified by the reports of the interstate Commerce- commission, that during the period of our great prosperity and business activity there has heen an Increase in the volume of low grade freights altogether out of proportion to the Increase In volume of high grade freights nd .hat thl fact has held down th. in crease, in th average rate per ton mile. He declared that the result wa a de cidedly large Increase In th average rate per ton. Railroad Proffta Not Small. Mr. Simmon also controverted th con tention that the profits on railroad Invest ment are small, saying: As a matter of fact, legitimate railmsri iisvc o-miy int i teu in recent years, ur course, tne- average percentage of profit could not be exuecied to in largo upon a capitalisation including mil lion aud even billions of dollars based not upon cot of physical preparations or upon tangible values at all, but baaed nmlnly on earning capacity. By tnis pro cess of capitalisation, which a few years ago, under the Initiative of a great imau cier, became a lad In circles of frenzied nuance, a large part of luVuw milea ot mil. way and over kuu Independent lints have Dcen rcorganiseu ana recapitalised. After giving illustrations and asserting that the 8u0 independent railway line of th country had been reorganised Into alx or eight groups, he said: Notwithstanding thl falte and fictitious capitalisation oa account of the enormous earning capacity of our railroads, the per centage of railroad elocka paying dividends and the earning capacity of railroad have materially increased in recent year and is still uicreasing. . . He said that while in 1&7 the railroads earned tt.3&! per mile, th figure In 1S04 had -been increased to S9.3U6. In tha latter year the balance left, after deducting the Interest and fixed charge from th earu lngs of tha roads of the country, was SXT.OOu.uju, against 1 .4,0uu.0u0 in 1330. Favoritism ta Bis Shipper. Mr. Simmon said that notwithstanding then Dguraa, he did not believe that the present tendency of rate I upward. HI especial complaint was of the favoritism Ahown to the big slilppci. He hoped that th rapacity of both th railroad and the big shippers wjuld be It .trained. Ha did not believe, he aaid, that th supervision of rate by the government would result In Injury to th roads, and in support of thl contention cited tha faci that during the ten year from lsttT to IW7, In which tha Interstate Ctunmerc coniiula sluo actually exercised the power of fixing iContiuotd oa chmoiiJ i'ttg. GAS WELL AGAIN GETS AWAY Iron Mood Melted by Intense Heat aad Monntnln of Flame Pones Forth. CANET, Kan.. March-U. Tha great gas well six miles from here, which was capped yesterday with a huge iron hood after It had burned without restraint for seven teen days, consuming millions of -feet of gas, bunt forth again tonight. After hav ing confined the fire for twelve hour the hood wa perfoi-ftfcfd today by th tre mendous force of nd and flame beneath 11 and anon boeanvv a heap of scrap Iron. Condition at thoVurnlng gas well are worse tonight than at any I'm since the fire started. A veritable mountain of flame 1 now pouting f ron he well and the hood and huge system of pipe which were yes terday used In a vain attempt to cap the gasser are ettfcer a molten mass or are warped and twisted by th Intense heat. Trees at a- considerable distance, which had put out tea,re a a result of the artificial heat,.- are- now 00 fire. - After th sand cot through the hood it colls psed so rapidly that not even the truck system of pipe resting upott it Could be removed from danger. But the loss of the hood and almost th entire system of connec tion doe not appear to discourage the men In charge, as they are now engaged In tha construction of a new hood and th material la on th way to replace the other parts which have been rendered use less by the heat. . . RATE READJUSTMENT ASKED Mlssonrl River . Jobber Present Claim to W stern Trnnk Line Association. CHICAGO. March IS. (Special Telegram.) A delegation of. Missouri river Jobbers fifty strong Invaded Chicago today to pre sent their claim for a reduction in through raten from the Atlantic seaboard to the river, before the Western Trunk: Lines" association. The committee of three repre senting Chicago, St. Iouls and Qulnry, wai almost crowded out. The meeting resulted In nothing definite, more than a promise to consider the pro posed reduction of rate and Instructions to W. A. Hosiner of the association to pre pare a schedule showing how far-reaching the proposed reduction would be and how It would affect the revenu- of the railroads. The chief argument was presented by W P. Trlckett of th Kansas City freight hw reau. ell acknowledged that the leading reason for seeking )he reduction was to gain an advantage &vcr the 'Chicago Job' hers and It waa declared to be of no bene fit to Missouri iirvpolnt to have a Tel atlve reduction of -Hi local rate between Chicago or St. ' Lo is and the Missouri river, and that they were against the prop osition. It I thought Ihe Missouri river men would have done better to-jnke Ihelr complaint di rectly to the Interstate Commcrc commis sion. " PANIC ON 0CjAIU STEAMSHIP Officer of the flndsoa Have DlfHenltjr In. Controlling Fa rawer ""VW"J"""" nrlnig atorm. . NEW TORK, March 1S.-U. terrifying ex perience at soa was reported by the officer of the French line steamer Hudson, which arrived here today. During the storm which swept tho Atlantic last Friday after noon and evening the 336 steeraga passen gers on the steamer became panic-stricken and were quieted only after the captain and first officer had threatened them with revolver and knire. When the storm was at Its worst the f ear-erased Bteerage pas senger sought to go on deck. Insisting that If they must die they wanted to meet death In the open. The steward and minor offi cers lost control of tho passengers and ap pealed to the captain for assistance. Cap tarn Juham and First Officer MehauBas, who were on the bridge, hurried to the steerage quarters and attempted to pacify tho terrorised passengers. First they as sured them that there was no danger, then threatened them and Anally drew revolver and knives and raid they, would use them unless the passengers became quiet. Order finally wa restored. Soon afterwards the storm abated. Captain Juham said that the storm, while It lasted, wa the- most severe he ever, saw In hi thirty years' experience at sea. DEATH TO BE INVESTIGATED Playwright De Lane Dead In New York aad Police Have Theory of Murder. I NEW TORK, March 11 Louis De Lang, author of the "Globe Trotter" and other play wa found dead today and murder I suspected. The body wa found In bed today with the throat cut. The suspicions of the police that De Lang was murdered are based on a statement made by the dead man sister-in-law, Mrs. Alexander C. De Lang. About four o'clock this morning she heard the playwright, who Uvea In the aame apartment house. come home and go to hi room. Someone accompanied him. Shortly after they en tered th room Mr. De Lang heard sound of quarreling and think that she also heard a scuffle. Then ah beard her brother-in-law' vole exclaim: "Oh, God; don't do that." Going to the hallway she saw a young man leave the playwright room and go out of the house. This man, Mr. De Lang aid, walked as if Intoxicated. She listened and hearing nothing more from her broth-er-ln-lay' room, went back to bed. On rising this morning she told her husband what she had seen and an Investigation re' vealed De Lang' death. TROUBLE IN THE DOWIE FAMILY Chicago Newspaper Prlata Statemeat that Elijah aad Wile Have separated. CHICAGO, March 13. John Alexander Howie, head of the "Zlon" church, and hi wife have parted, according to a story printed in the Daily New. It Is declared that the last message of Dowie to his hoin was ignored and that Mrs. Dowle ha thrown her lot with th ordinary follower of Zlon. It 1 claimed that Mr. Dowle ha aid to her friend that h lias been de ceived a to th real condition in th church and believed that millions of money were available when there wa no such condition existing. Mrs. Dowle yesterday called in brokers who made an Inventory of the furnishings of the Dowle horn at Ziou City, which 1 decorated In a most expensive manner. She' declared that she desired to sell every' thing for the good of the church und that when the furnishing bad been sold th house Itself wa at, th iiUpoaal of the aock-ty. WILSON ANSWERS A FARMER Explain Where Be is Benefited by the Increase in Value of Luidi. OMAHA LAWYERS ON ANTI-INJUNCTION Monament to Memory of Colonel John M. Stotaenbnrsi of the First Ne braska In Arllnsrton Cemetery Ha Been Completed. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March 13. (Special Tele gram. ) Congressman Kennedy lately re ceived a letter from J. F. Drabek of Flor ence, Neb., In which he asks how an In crease In the value of farm lands will benefit the average farmer. Thl Inquiry. Mr. Kennedy' correspondent ays, has been prompted by reading of the report of the secretary of agriculture wherein the gen?ral statement Is made that farm lands In Nrbraska had Increased 26 per cent In valu-. He also desires to know what ad vantage thl increase was to the farmer and what difference It made If he continued to live on land and own It. Realising that thl was a matter for Sec retary Wilson, Congressman Kennedy transmitted Mr. Drabek' letter to the ec retary of agriculture with a request for an exposition of the reason for the state ment. Today Secretary WHson ent a lengthy reply to Mr. Kennedy, which 1 exceedingly illuminating and conclusive hat good does It do a farmer to know that his farm will selt for 350 or $100 er acre rather than for $10 or $30 If he does not rare to sell?" asks Secretary Wilson. He pays he ha heard the question many times and cite that people residing In a new country who decline to contribute to getting a railroad Into that country have raised the question again and again. The only reply the secretary can think of I this: "A thing Is worth what It will fetch. We bought our lands In Iowa from the I'nlted State government at $1.25 per acre awav back before the homestead law. The ame lands now will sell 011 an average for $75 per acre. The man who paid $1.25 per acre may raise the same question. How much better off am I now when my land will sell for $75 per acre than I was when I paid $1.2 for It? The land Is worth more or nobody would pay $75. It will produce more. If the owner gets tired, as a great many farmers do, and moves to town he can rent for more. If he desire to aell and go west or go Into another business he can get more. These are the answers that present themselves to my mind. Congratulates III Qnestlnner. "It Is Impossible," continued Secretary Wilson, "to prevent those, splendid lands In ho Mississippi valley from rising In value. In my report I tried to state act with regard to the Increase In value of the lands. I did not go into the philosophy presented by Mr. Drabek. But I desire to cnngrstulate him that his land has gone up In value, and I desire to congratulate the peopln' of Nebraska that they know more about the way to make those Irfnds productive than they did when they were worth less rnoney. Th cr la a more val uable acre and the Nebraska man know more than be did about making hi acres produce, I venture the prediction that tha Nebrl-a man will continue to learn How to make those lands still more valuable nd that they will continue to go up tn value. They Will double their present price in his life time, very likely, and after he la called to his reward they will go on donb ling again, because they are the best land In the world." . . Omaha Men on Injunction Bill. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney and C. C. Montgomery of Omaha arrived In Wash ington this morning. Mr. Mahoney and Mr. Montgomery are here In relation to the anti-injunction bill, hearings on which will be heard tomorrow by the house Judi clary committee. Mr. Mahoney represents the National Manufacturer' association while Mr. Montgomery Is secretary of the Business Men association of Omaha. 1 Monument to Stotscnbara. ' Th monument to the- memory of John L. Btotsenburg, colonel of the First Ne bra ska, which will preserve the memory of the soldier who fell In the Philippines, has Just been completed and erected at Arlington at a cost of $1,100. The statue is of the simplest but most Imposing in the nation burial ground. It stands six and a half feet high and I of polished dark Qulncy granite. The bronse tablet on the front was donated by the War de partment. Colonel Btotsenburg was killed while leading hi regiment, the First Ne braska volunteer. In the light at Quln gua, P. I., April 23, 1899. . Minor Mattera at Capital. ' Senator Gamble today Introduced a bill Increasing the limit of cost of the public building at Yankton, 8. D., to $81,500. This Increase is made for the purpose of the placing of exterior lamp stands, addi tional lock boxes and other minor Improve' ment. . . The blH setting part certain land In th Black Hills, S. D., to be kjiown as Battle Mountain Sanitarium reserve, passed tha senate today. This measure ha passed the house and now goes to th president for approval. The senate today passed the Millard Kinkald bill appropriating $100,000 for the purchase of a site and the erection of 1 public building at Kearney, Neb. William T. Richardson ha been ap pointed postmaster at Mynard, Cas county. Nebraska, vice Minnie Cox, resigned. The poslofllcea at Princeton, Neb.; White City, la.: Corsica, Herrlck, Huffton, River' side and 8tlckney, S. D.. become domestic money order offices April 2. Complete rural fre delivery service ha been ordered established May 1 In Jack son county, lowa, making a - total of twenty-nine route. William S. Richards of Iowa, a clerk in the office of th auditor for the Stat de partrnent, ha been selected a disbursing clerk of the Treasury department. He 1 a friend of Secretary Shaw. BAIL FOR JUDGE HARGIS Marcam Murder Case Traaaferred to I -re Coaaty aad Defeadaata Released oa Beads. JACKSON, Ky., March 1$. Special Judge J. L. Downey tonight entered an order transferring all five of the Marcum murder case to Lee county and granting the de fendants ball In the sum of $10,0u0. The defendant ar ' ex-County Judge James Hsrgl. ex-Sheriff Kd Callahan. At torney B. F. French, John Smith and Joh Abner. They are charged with being ac oesaoriua to the killing of Marcum. Curtis Jtt was convicted of being (he principal and given lite sentence. Illlaola Man Acaaltted. BLOOM 1XGTON. Ill, March 14. Walter Juntgn, on trial at Danville, charged wit mistaiioroLirtuiion of funds of a bank Pails, ill., w aci(uiicJ by th Jury after a bfrit dtilberaui . NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Llatht Snow Wednesday nnd Probably Tharsday. Temperatare at Omaha Yeaterdayt Hoar. Dear. Honr. Dr. a. m in 1 p. m 1ft a. m 14 a p. m 80 T a. m..... H 21 p, m...... SI n. m in 4 p. m Z1 A n. an IK Hp. m...... SI 10 a. tn 1H It p. m Si 11 n. m 141 T p. m 82 19 m. ........ in a p. m It t S p. tn SI PENNSYLVANIA TO EXPAND Stockholder of Road Authorise Pur chase of Additional Lines la the F.nat. PHILADELPHIA, March 13 The princi pal business transacted today at the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Pennsylvania railroad wa the adoption of resolution authorizing the acquisition of additional line. For thl purpose th di rector were authntixed to Issue from time to time the remaining capital tock not required by present outstanding convertible bonds. The Issuable capital stock amounts to $13. 01 10,000. The roads to be acquired are the South west Pennsylvania railway, which extends through the coke region from Greensburg to Connellsville and t'nlon; the York Ha ven A Rowenna railroad, a link In the freight line from Tork Haven to Glcnloch, and the Allegheny Valley railway, forming a connection between the main line at Pittsburg and the Erie railroad at Drift wood. A resolution was adopted appointing a committee of seven stockholders to nom inate four directors to be voted for at the annual election on March 27 to fill the va cancies on the board that will occur. ANTHONY FUNERAL THURSDAY Service Will Be Held at Presbyterian Cherch tn Rochester In Afternoon. ROCHESTER. N. Y., March ll.-The speakers at the funeral of Miss Susan B. Anthony, which will be held at t o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Central Pres byterian church, will be Dr. C. C. Albert- son, pastor of the church; Rev. William C Gannett. Miss Anthony' pastor; William Lloyd Garrison of Boston; Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt of New York, who succeeded Miss Anthony as president of the National uffrage association, and Rev. Anna Shaw Th body will He in state for three hour prior to the funeral. Young women from tho I'nlvcrsitr of Rochester will act as pall bearer. Many telegrams of condolence from all over the country came today. . ALBANY. N. Y., March 14.-Thn senate today adopted a resolution of condolence n the death of Busan B. Anthony, In which the distinguished character of her er vice during the olghty-slx year of her life" wo referred .to, "making her one of the most famous women of her time." DROP IN CHICAGO TRACTIONS Stoeka of Different Com pa a lea Fall - from Four to Twenty-Three Polnta. CHICAGO, March 1.-Price of the Chi cago Traction tock Buffered everely to. day on both the New York and Chicago stock exchange. In New York the price of Union Traction common stock broke al most In half, dropping from 11T to 7. The preferred Mock, whlcli closed last night at 46, declined to 30. West Chicago showed a decline of 15 points from a close of 60 last night and Northern Chicago was down 23 points, There were ho sale of the stock of the Chicago City Railway company and the last quotutlon prior to the opening of the stock exchange today wa 193ft. It changed owner today at 170. It is estimated by local financiers that the decision of the supreme court ha wiped out the franchise belonging to the Union Traction company valued anywhere from $00,000,000 to $85,000,000. MARGARET SAUER LOSES CASE Woman Wanted at flan Aatoalo, Tex, for Embesslemeat Must Re turn for Trial. LOS ANGELES. Cal., March 11 Mar garet Bauer, accused of embexsllng $30,000 In San Antonio, Tex., wa again defeated today tn the superior court In her effort to resist extradition. Thl 1 the second habeas corpus case to be decided against her nt the extradition proceeding, and un less her tff of attorney, seven In number, who have been defending her, make some further mov in the court by tomorrow afternoon she will be remanded to the cus tody ot Sheriff Tobin of Tex and re turned to that state. She 1 at present at liberty on $5,000 ball. RETURNS FROM INSPECTION Report on Wreck of Valencia Will Shortly Be Made to Washing ton Authorities. WASHINGTON. March 18.-L. O. Mur. ray, assistant secretary of commerce and labor, ha returned from the Pacific coast, where he wa sent by the government with H. K. Bmlth, deputy commissioner of cor porations, to Investigate the Valencia disaster. Mr. Bmlth has not returned, but when he reaches Washington a report will be com piled covering the findings In the prem ises. The report will be made to the presi dent and no Information will be given out relative to the finding until It is made public at the White House. MISSOURI PACIFIC MEETING John D. Rockefeller aad E. Parmalee Prentice Retire from Board of Director. NEW YORK, "March 13. John D. Rock, feller, Jr., and E. Pnrmelee Prentice., hi brother-in-law, at the annual meeting of the Missouri Pacific railway today resigned a directors of the company and Jam Henry Smith and 8. Davies Warfleld were elected to All the vacancies. The other of the retiring director we- re-elected. Mr. Warfleld I president 01 the 1 neutal Trust company and wa nt on time postmaster ot Baltimore. (las Traction Stork Breaks. ' CHICAGO, March 11 The' price of Chi cago I'nlon Traction common a the result i.f yesterday's supreme court decision brok oil the Stock exchange today from 10 to 71,,. There were no sales on the. Stock exchange today of Went Chicago or North Chicago und lew of I'nlon Ti action. WRECK OF GARS FATAL One Person Killed and Six Dancerouilj In inred st South Qui ah a. ELEVEN OTHERS HURT. IN COLLISION Street Cars Come Together In Blinding; Snow Storm of Moraine. ONE LEAVES THE TRACK ALTOGETHER Strikes the Other, Whioh Causes Terrible Mixup of Bis: Crowd. DEAD MAN CANNOT BE IDENTIFIED Injured Taken to 8outh Omaha Hospital Where Pathetio Scenes Are Enacted, OTHER STREET CAR ACCIDENTS REPORTED Oae Dodae Motor Loaded with ncbo! Children Collide with Freight Car, but All Passenger Escape Injury. KILLED. UNIDENTIFIED MAN. supposed to be James Katicun ot f ort worm, lex. DA.tilHtllLY HIK T. ABRAHAM, MAIlY. 172 South Thirteenth, Omaha; unconscious; tun exient 01 in juries not ueterniined; concuMlon of Drain; win likely ulc. HOFFMAN. Fk.Da, of Albright, daugh ter of a blacksmith living near in laurel ilill cemetery; concunnlon of brain; crushed about, chest; arma broken; will llKeiy die. PKILHWON, T. E., 415 Dorca atreet, Omaha; chest crushed ana rit orogen; Intel nallv hurt: will llkoly die. R1C11T, W11.L.1AM, !lo Jefferson atrect. South Omaha; concussion OI brain; cnesi dunned: will llselv die. WK.NNLL'ND. ItlCHAKi), 2023 South Sev enth street, umana; neaa ana cnest. crushed; will likely die. M ill IKK, LEO. Ml2 North Nineteenth street, Uoutn Omaha; rlba broken; cnest crushed; will likely die. OintiHS l.ulRKD. ANDERSON. FEU A, 4-year-old on of Rn- mus Anderson, ait ooutu iMneieenin -stieet, oouin Omaha; aligni- CiiM.10 innlHrfU), 1522 Canton stieet, Omaiiii; head ana bacK; sngnt. trrulLSr., AUkAA.NbaK, liU .vlasou street, Omaha; contusion auout neaa; SUM lit. jACtJtiSON, J. A., 610 North Seventeenth street, bouln Omaiia; aiiuuldur Injured, 1I-111. LA 1 cat, C. W 1224 Arbor street. Omaha; contusion ot rhuuiuer; sugni. LOUR, L. L., fill bouth i mrtoenth strout, Omaiia; bruised about body; sllgnt. PALLBt.N, J At-Oil, im . sti-eet. South Oniaua; brulaeo. and siiuaen; eugnu OLlVbtt. LoOiS. liW Dorcas street. omaiia; sliKtitiy bruised about body. RY.NKAS, JOE T., it South Eighteenth street, boutn Omaha; shoulder bruiaed; slight; taken home. . Bf AKK. C. i, l Bouth Ninth affect. Omaha; fate and head Injured; serious . but not fatal. , ; TUHbbK, Ml8 ',1707 Madison treot. bouth Omab-t; Injuries to chest ana head ; serious but nut tatal. WKN2, TILLIE, Seventeenth and J alreeU, eolith Omaiia, crushed In body a:a bruiaed about ' heed; serious, but not thought to be fatal: taken hom. MAhbK, JOSEPH, bruised head and face. Later Investigation proved that Jacob Paulsen, watchman for Eggors-OTlj ng company of Omaha, who live St Four teenth and O streets. South Omaha, wa not killed,' but Injured In the wreck. Tho dead man lies at Brewer' undertak ing parlor in South Omaha. Ho cannot be Identified. On a key ring in hi pocket Is Inscribed the name James Ratican, Fort Worth, Tex. HI clothing bear th laun dry mark "K-21." It is a mark of Hlnchey' laundry in South Omaha, but Mr. Hlnchey ays he has no record of It and cannot trace down the man's name, which may be Ratican. The man wa tall and well pro portioned, about 36 year of age, blind In the. light eye, had light hair and sandy mustache, dressed Ilk m laborer. He had $3.50 in hi pocket. Hi other eye wa gray.'The fatal blow wa struck on hi head, which wa bleeding. The coroner ha charge of the body and effort ar being made to ascertain whether the man lived at Fort Worth. All the Injured were taken to. the South Omaha hospital except those otherwise In dicated a having been taken to prtvata home. Paulsen wa able to go to hi own home. ' , Wreck la Snowstorm. The foregoing list tell the Immediate result of the collision of two Albright ' Walnut 1II1I car at :30 a. m. Tuesday at a point on Thirteenth between I and J streets In South Omaha. The south bound car Jumped the track and th smashup occurred. It Is kfeard Other of the Injured will not long survive. Th blinding snowstorm, making the rail slip pery and cars therefore hard to manage. 1 assigned a first cans of the accident. J. A. Morgan, motorman. residing at Benson, and J. P. Roland, conductor, 2750 Bouth ' Sixteenth street, were In charge of car No. 2. southbound, and Tom Kelly, 3023 Blnney, motorman, ami WH1II M. Crosby, 2320 North Twenty sixth treet, conductor, wer in chars of car No. 12, northbound. Crowded with Worker. Th car met tetween I and J street on Thirteenth. At that point the southbound car Jumped off th rail on th east side of the track and plunged Into the north bound car tit the moment when they should have passed. Both cars were loaded with men and women hurrying to work. The snow which was falling In suci heavy volume Is given a the prime caue of the accident. It made the rail so Ulp pery that the motorman cculd not control hi car. Then, a they passed over some unevennes in th track, the car Jumped off with the fatal result. More than twenty-five people were Injured and on was killed outright Three, and perhap j four other, will die of their Injuries. The i rea.ion why so many were hurt I because the two cars met In uch a way tha whole Ide or each wa ripped from end to end. and those people iulng on th aid seat were exposed to the full force of the colli loo. Taken to Hospital. Moat of the Injured were taken to th South Omaha hotpltal, where eleven are till being cared for. Two were abls to g. home after their Injuries were dressed. Three of the houses In the neighborhood of the accident have parties more or less ser.ou.sly hurt. There was scarcely a man on either of the ers who wa Without a brulfe. I. G. Hopkins," Mr. Ewlng at the bakery, Mr. Teeter and Mr. E rick eon, whose home ar In th vicinity, all ran out at the ' first crash to assist th wounded nd in tew lulnutos that laaiea) V