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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: RFXTUY. MARCTT 4. IHOf;. FDLES Can B Cured anJ We, Can Prove It. ample rarkmr I rrf-Prot It Utf a.lf. When we say that we can cur. l'llts mean Just exactly whaf t say nothing more, nothing !. We say It bfiauw we know It, and stand ready to prove It to you or to any otner person, ' just as wo have raid It and proved it to thousands already. It In because of these thousands that we navt cured that c are able to say this. . We have done our iart In catlmtf your at tention 10 thin fact, and It Is up to you to dlsnrovc It. And wo offer you the means of doinit to. knowing that you can't and thai when vou try our wonderful l'yrani Id Tile Cure you will lie bo well pleased with If that you will go straight to your drug gist and got a box of It. And, more than that. If at any time in the future any person tell, you, as you have told so many liersons yourself, that they lire suffering the agonies of the damned rroin piles, you will not rest until he or she hii bought and Is using a 1hx and getting the same relief and cure that you got. We linvt seen it done. Here, for Instance, Is a sample of what a sample did and shows very conclusively that we are dealing in cold, hard facts and tiot empty assertions. A person who gets a ample r.evtr falls to buy. Mr. John Byrne of 2D" Second avenue. New York City, writing under date of Jan. Kth, 1908. says: "I received the sam ple and ised It right away. 1 got so much relief from It after 3) years' suffering that I bought a 60-cent box. Tlie most unbear able pain- Is almost gone and my fistula has almost disappeared. I had given up all hope of ever being cured. I assure you, gentlemen; I will use every effort to make any of my fil'-nds try them, as 1 can guarantee they are a sure cure." Pyramid Pile Cure Is for sale at every druggist for o cents a box, and It Is cheap at ten times the price to anyone who needs It. To get a Tree Sample send your name and addles today to the Pyramid Drug Co., 1IW Pyramid 'Rldg., Marshall, Mich. Prices for Treatment Within the reach of all. nnd many TREAT ED KliKK. of all charges of any kind. DR. MctlRKW is and always has been the PIONEER OF LOW CHARGES Not cheap treatment, hut treatment cheap and hacked by an unlimited experience of SO YEARS In the treatment of all forms of DISEASES OF MEN. The greatest good to the greatest number Is the principle upon Which the doctor has built up his extensive business, and the many that are seen at his ofllee every day proves how closely this motto has been followed. Men are satisfied with their treatment and likewise with the prices charged them. DR. McGREW APPEALS TO MEN Who are weak, are tired, are gloomy, are nervous,, are unhappy, are hopeless, are de spondent, are. hollow-eyed, are discouraged, are unsuccessful, who have the blues, weak nerves, tainted blood, lost vitality, mental forebodings, failed In life. All ambition for life Is gone. To help these men, to en courage these men and instill Into them new life, new couraxe, greater ambitions, has been one of Dr. McUrew'a greatest professional alms. PAY WHAT YOU CAN ' AND BEGIN YOUR TREATMENT NOW 30 Years' Experience 20 Years in Omaha BLOOD POISON VARICOCELE STRICTURE LOSS OF VITALITY ard all weaknesses and disorders of men. OYER 30,000 CASES CURED Charges Less Than All Others. Treatment by mall. Call or write. Box 7i. oniot-8 ila South fourteenth Street Omaha, Neb. RL00D POISON II fk 11 primary, ifond&rv or tmiary, producing ImT t'opptr colore hpoii, Flmplr, fcor Throt, A-Iif, Old hort, I lrm Mik-oob FatrfaM i wroth. Hair or Kybroi fajlinp out, ttt, quickly, pott. 1 ny in wornirrtu. Hrrhim l orn. Ktound. - few wffki' iim of wli i, healthy Iv i hit. aftr com i leu failure wall the Hot nft Mhr trctttntenl. Full inforniAtion. ami . botil tr trlftLfteut Ire of rhmirt o ait nuifrrrra. AiMrrfht. roi. F. C., New London, Conn? Five Fast Trains! UAILT IU Chicago and the East via the CHICAGO A NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY ovtr the only double track railway between the Mis souri River and Chicago. This complete service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart ment sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a la carte ser vice.) Tickets snc 'all ialotatatioa cattoa to ticket uthce appli 1401 1403 FaraamSt, 0M&MA, NEB. i CONFESSION OF STEVE ADAMS Allseed Co-conspirator of Orchard Telia of Steunenber? Aswsination. j ST0RIES AGREE UPON ALL MAIN POINTS Oregon Man Tells ot . lair of l order ot Toarhed I lon l the Rarller t onfes alon. BOISE, Idaho. March 3.-The Htatenman r.morrow morning will say: The States man Is authorised to announce that biv Adnms, arrested at Haines, Ore., on Feb ruary 2i) In connection with the Bteunen berg assassination, has made a full and sweeping confession. This second confession Is far more Im- ortunt than that made by Harry Or- hard." This statement was made by James McParland, the detective, last evening. In the presence of Governor flooding and J. i. Haw ley, who Is Jn charge of the prose- utlcn. Mr. McParland added that Adams' con- isslon fully and exiutly corroborated that made by Orchard at every point touched on by both. .' Moreover." Mr. McParland .continued. Adams knows far more of the workings of the inner circle' han Orchard did and was able to give a mass of detailed Information that Orchard's confession did not cover." The confession of Adams, he said, corrobo rated that given by Orchard In every sub stantia) point connected with the assassi nation of Governor Bteunenberg. Adams, however, was not at Caldwell at the time of the assassination, nor was Orchard at the time of the unsuccessful effort in No vember. The mnn who assisted Orchard on that later occasion, as set forth In Or chard's confession, was Jack Slmpkins. Still another statement made by the de tective was that the Adams confession gave the details of a large number of mur ders that wen; not referred to In any man ner by Orchard. It was further mated the confession had been reduced to writing, signed and acknowledged. It was voluminous document, covering a greater field and In more detail than was made by Orchard. The further statement was made that Adams had made this confession with out being promised anything. When talked with about the matter he simply made a clean breast of all he knew of this case and of the secret workings of the Western Federation. It was announced by the governor, Mr. tawley and Mr. McParland that, while hey thought these facts should be given to he public, there would be no further Infor mation given out or hinted at respecting this confession. DURAND TO MISSIONARIES British Amhasador Principal Speaker at Student Volunteer Con entloa. NASHVILLE, Tenn.. March 3. Distin guished speakers appeared before the stu dent volunteer convention at both of Ita sessions today and eleven conference meet ings held during the afternoon were also addressed by notables in the field of Chris tian labor. Tonight Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, the British ambassador al Wash ington; John W. Foster, former secretary of state; B. F. MacKarland, president of the District of Columbia commissioner, and J. A. MacDonald of Toronto were heard. The British ambassador, as a lay man who has spent a quarter of a oentury In the east, made some observations upon missionary work In that part of the world, regarded from a layman's point of view. To the young men who contemplate going out as missionaries to the east, he said: Po not be misled by love of excitement, of adventure or hy the Rlamour of the east. It has a wonderful glamour nnd many a man of thought and feeling who has been out there will hear the east a-rnlling for many a year, tiut a great pnrt or a mis sionary's work Is a hard drudgery. To master an oriental language, as you must master It If you are to be of any URe, la Itself a labor of years. In conclusion he said: Do not he tempted to spiritual pride. Do not stand aloof and condemn the diplo matist or the udmlnlstrator or the soldier. because their lives snd their views are not what yours s They. too. know some thing some things which you cannot know and they, ton, are trying to do their duty Above an, never iook down upon tne sol dier. He may be rough and reckless at times, but he is always rfany to lay down his life for his country and nil good mis sionaries should honor the soldier a unl form. Free Catarrh Remedy Gives Instant Relief Ho More Bad Breath "Mr Secret Hrntedy tlrkly Cares Catarrh." C. K. 4iaaas. Catarrh Is not only dangerous, but It causes breath, ulceration, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking and rea soning power, kills ambition and energy, often causes loss of appetite. Indigestion, dysept-la. raw throat and reaches to gen eral deiulity, Idiocy and Insanity. It needs attention at once. Cure It with Gauss Catarrh Cure. It Is a quick, radical, ner- manrnt cure, because It rids the system of ine poison germs that cause catarrh. In order to prove to all who are. suffer Ing . from this dangerous and loathsome dtHenne that Gauss' Catarrh Cure will actually cure any case of catarrh quickly, no matter how long standing or how bad. I will send a trial package by mail free of all com. Send u your name and address today and the treatment will be sent you by return mail. Trv It! It will positively cure so that you will he welcomed Instead or snunned ty your friends. C. E. nL89 6470 Main 8t., Marshall. Mich. Fill out co i inon below. FREE This coupon is good for one trial package of Gauaa' Combined Catarrh Cure, mailed frea in plain package. Simply fill in your name and address on dotted lines below and mall to C. K. Gil . 4TO Mala Street. Marshall, Mich. r . , - v OUR LETTER BOX. Heraer. sr.. eOer. MILIEM, Neb.. March 1. To the Edl- r The Bee: In the article of Febru ary si issue or The Bee. entitled, -mange In the Cattle Country," the writer may be giving a prospective scene within the territory of Cody, Cherry county, but such prospective Is far from applying to this part of the much discussed sand hill.. He states "that there Is being dis proved by the secret service men that It requires forty acres to run a steer." Hooker county contains t.S- acres, ac cording to the government survey. The assessor's returns for lflOo of Hooker county show: Cattle, Mn head; horsea, 621. a matter of fifty-one acrea per head, and one-third of the cattle owned by the resident ranchmen are wintered outside of the county so as to procure enough feed for . winter. As we are dealing In facta and not theories I will state that our merchants to a man are well pleased with the holdings as they now exist here. 1 would like to usk the writer If he has sold -ery much cream and hauled It Into the railroad station from five to thirty-five miles on sand hill trails and produced It on the "succulent" native bunch grass, when any cowman knows that a cow does exceptionally well to grow a calf every two years, and the calf must lie weaned in October to prepare the mother for the winter. In this country no one claims more than what Is due any good citizen, but do find fault, with being deliberately put out of business, when we have spent from twelve to fifteen years of the best years of our lives in a country In which but few enterprising people will cast their lot. Naturally such people feel entitled to soma consideration. Has the govern ment been Ignorant of this country being fenced for many years? For muny years but little land was en tered In this country, when a few men established herds, these sold their surplus feed to them; others coming in did the same, some leaving the country after mak ing final proof, some hired to feed in win ter, but since the coming of the secret service brigade even a friendly feeling be tween a cattle owner and one with but A homestead Is sufficient to lose the home stead and prosecution of the other. The writer knows from twelve consecu tive years' experience that forty acres is barely a safe estimate for a cow in herds of from to 500 head. "' ' If this country is so well adapted to such holdings as this writer speaks of, why are not the parties coming here in bunches, entering this land instead of leaving without mailing scarcely en en try? This writer may bo a separator agent or a secret service fellow. One thing is certain, lie Is not a practical stockman. Oet In the daylight where we can see you in the same manner in which Mr. Wood ruff Ball has done. R. W. MAHAKFBY. Atrocities in the Congo. CKNTRAL CITY, Neb., March i. To the Editor of The Bee: Father Delfosse of Central City, a full American citizen by adoption, French and Belgian by birth, begs Rev. Johnson of Boston and Mrs. Harris of the missionary society of Loudon to quote the truth' concerning the treatment by the Belgians of the dark race of Africa. If you nre true followers of Christ and not enemies, practice charity and treat your brother Belgian as you like to be treated yourselves. There was a time In our broad land of America when you had a show to slander us, but It Is passed, and now vou have gone in a faraway land to preach the gospel to the dark race,, while you have millions of them In. America. Are you pa' J to come and slnnder your Catholic breth ren? Is there a country behind you anx ious to lake hold of the Congo? The Belgian king has been ruling Conco for more than eight years, and why do you come out so late to denounce his cruelties? Leave alone our good, broad and jvisti President Roosevelt and his congressmen. They have their hands full Just now. Go hack to Congo. Brethren Johnson nd Harris and preach the true gospel of Christ. Our Catholic ministers and sisters bave gone there long ago. Tell to the Orraha people of the happiness and welfare of the negroes of Congo since their priests and sisters have landed there. If you have to calumniate another nation to Implant your religion, let me tell you that you had bet ter be good lay people rather thnn bad missionaries. I trust the good people of Omaha will take earn of their own negroes brfor- tho ones of Congo. FLORENT DKLFOSPE. Objects to Loft Rrlaa. ST. EDWARD. Neb.. March l-To tha Editor of The Bee: In The Dally Bee of February 23 was .an article In regard to It. G. Brian of Albion, candidate for stata treasurer, being In Lincoln, with H. C. Lehr. looking u 'political matters; also that Mr. Lchr came along as sponsor for Mr. Brian, stating Mr. Brian, his towns man, would land the place; also stating If the people o Nebraska knew Mr. Brian a well as he (Tehr) does he would get the nomination without opposition. As one of the county central committee of Boone county, voicing the sentiments of a large part of the voters In the south part of Boono county, we are opposed to Lott Brian for state treasurer or apy other office, and Mr. Iehr being sponsor for him does not help him, as the people this year In Boone county will see to It that Lehr, Brian and others who are Identified with the Union Pacific railroad .will drop out. In our last state convention Brian, with others, did not vote as they were In structed by their county convention. Lott Brian can never get the delegation to the state convention, as the people of Boone county will say who will be delegates to the state convention, and they will be In favor of the people as well as the rail roads. Ixtok at Congressman McCnrthy's vote In one precinct Beaver! Seventy-six republicans voted for McKlllip, as well as other precincts Ixnk at the standing of Boone county part republican, pnrt demo cratic and Independent: Why? Because one of the most rotten deals was engi neered by Brlat as chairman of the county convention, with the help of a few others. The people would not stand for It, and Mr. Ihr knows why the fight was made on our congressman. MTKE CARET. BLOOMING Ioedlreet to His moved kr a Ballet. POET Talent Pistol He. Mark Twain talked to the members of the New York press recently and told of his interest in young people who wanted to be come poets. He remembered that he was particularly Interested In one budding poet when he was a reporter on a newspaper. This yo-ng poet's nam was Butter. Mark was out of a Job. and Butter came around to him one day and said disconsolately that he was going to commit suicide; he was tired of life, not being able to express his thoughts In poetic form. Butter asked Re porter Clemens what he thought of the Idea. Bald the speaker: "I aaid It was a good idea. 'You can do ma a friendly turn. You go off In private placa and do It and Ml do as much for you sometime.' " The speaker said h told Butter how he would writs up his death; how he would make a spread of It; how It would appear on the first page of the paper. "I cheered Butter up so that he went off In a Joyous frame of mind to kill himself." flutter's Idea was to kill himself with a revolver, but Reporter Clemens and the poet didn't have enough money to biry a revolver, and the reporter persuaded the poet to drown himself. Drowning is ao nice and clean and writes up well In a newspa per. "But." said the speaker, "things ne'er do go smoothly In wedulng, suicide or court ships. Only there at the edge of the water where Butter was to end himself lay a ilfe-preserver a big, round canvas one, which would float after the scrap Iron was soaked out of It." Butter wouldn't kill himself with a life preserver In sight and Reporter Clemens had an Idea. He took the life-preserver to a pawnshop and "soaked" It for a re volver, the pawnbroker didn't think much of the exchange, but when Clemens ex plained the situation to him he acquiesced. Then the reporter and the poet went up on top of a high building, and this la what happened to the poet: "He put the revolver to his forehead nnd blew a tutmcl straight through his head. The tunnel was about the size of your finger. You could look right through It. The Job' was complete. There was nothing In it. "Well, after that," concluded the humor ist, "that man never could write prose, but he could write poetry. There Is lots of talent all over the country, but the trouble Is they don't develop It." AMERICAN NERVE AT PAR Conjarer Take Liberties with Kin Kdrrard and startles British Royalty, To mystify his majesty King Edward VII, a man who has seen everything that there Is to see and knows the tricks of every one from courtiers to cooks, Is to achieve the almost Impossible. ' Yet that is the partic ular feather which graces the cap of Max Maltnl, a young New York conjurer, who Is about to return to America after a success ful trip abroad, during which he was a guest of the duke of Portland at Welbeck. Mr. Mallnl had been specially engaged to entertain a distinguished party. Including King Edward and the queen, and found that he was expected to do his conjuring and legerdemain at the very elbows of his audience, as It were. In fact he was never further away than a few feet from the king even when trying to puzzle the royal eye and mystify the regal mind with his most novel tricks. That he succeeded so well Is a great tribute to his ingenuity and skill. When the king entered the room Mr. Ma llnl, taking this as a signal to begin his per formance, opened fire, when his majesty In terrupted him by saying: . "Mr. .Mnlinl, the queen Is not here yet." The entertainment, therefore, did not commence until Queen Alexandra entered the room. Her majesty gave Mallnl a smile of recognition, for be had entertained her before at a party at Lady de Gray a house. The conjurer, after a few simpler tricks, which, nevertheless, puzzled, every one, cut a button from the duke of Portland's coat and mysteriously replaced It. with no sign of Its having ever been removed. He made coins appear In the most unexpected places and took liberties with the royal garments by having King Edward discover a pack of cards In his waistcoat pocket, where no one had seen them placed. Even the queen's handkerchief was brought Into the tricks. and was found first In the duke of Port land's hat and nexf In the king's glove, which he had held In his clinched hand all the while. For three-quarters of an hour the king and the others watched the conjurer's per formanee with unbounded Interest, his maj esty making the samo exclamation, "Won derful!" at the completion of each new feat. But It was when the famous blindfold trick. Invented and . used exclusively by Mallnl, was done that his enthusiasm and mystifi cation rose to their greatest. This trick consists In handing a pack of cards to the audience and having several of them select a card. These cards are not removed and each person simply makes a mental record of the card- he has chosen. Th, cards are then shuffled and placed face downward on the table. Mallnl, blind folded, then, with the point of a little dag ger, picks from the deck the cards that were chosen by Ms audience. The king was completely staggered by this trick. This Is not surprising, however, for even Ireldent Roosevelt, for whom Malinl gave an exhibition at the White Hmise a short time ago, acknowledged himself baffled by It. . "I wish to thank you personally for the great pleasure you have given me," said King Edward to Mallnl at the close of the performance. "I never performed before a more appre ciative or completely Interested man than the king of England," says Mallnl, in peaking of the event. "He was as pleased as a child with euch trick. I have saved the pack of cards I used in my tricks for him, and shall have It framed In gold and preserved. I would not sell a single card of the fifty-two for $.V." Mallnl in spue or nis Italian name, is & German by birth, but came with his parents to this country when a small boy. In New York he began to study and practice slolght-of-hnnd, and soon became an ex pert. He has appeared before the most select audiences here and In Europe, and makes a specialty more of private enter tainments than of public exhibitions, though be has done both. New York World. LOCAL BREVITIES The city has Issued a permit to Dr. J. O. Nvstrom for a 12.&V) frame building at Twenty-eighth avenue and California street. A decree of divorce has been granted Car rie Marcus from Henri 1). Marcus by Judge Kenncdv. .Nonsupport was the only allega tion. The evidence In the damage case of Ora Thomas against the I'nlon I'acltlc Railroad company was concluded Saturday morning, and the remainder of the forenoon de. voted to the arguments of counsel. The plaintiff Is suing In the I'nlted States cir cuit court for .1rt,0tiO damages from per sonal Injuries sustained while a passenger In the company's train at Gilmore a year or more ago. The case haa been on trial for the entire week. Dr. Humphreys' Seventy Seren breaks up Grip and COLD Colds. Crip, Catarrh, Influenza, Coughs and Sore Throat are cured by Humphrey' "77." Colds bring on Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains and Lumbago, Humphreys' "13" cures them. Colds cause Kidney Trouble, Humphreys' "27" cures it Colds cause Bladder Trouble, with all Its inconveniences, Humphreys' "ao" cure It. At Drusirista. X cents each, or mailed. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William sad John Blru, New York. TOLD For aevr-ral works I have been giving mjr assurances that tho prlro of Hoosar Tunnel & Mining Co. stock would Increase. It has now advanced to TO rents a share, and a further advance la looked for In a very short time. The demand for thin slock is enormous and, an the Issue in fast becoming exhausted. It In advisable that you send in your apppliration for stock without delay. Take my advice thin time and don't overlook this opportunity to get lit while the present low price In to be obtained. For weekn pnst I have been persistent In calling your attention to the advantages of an Investment In stock of the lloosnc Tunnel Mining Co. of Idaho Sprlngn, Colorado. 1 have told you all almtit the great Hoonae Mines and their enormous ore bodies, from which mining en gineers estimate that exceedingly large prolitn will accrue to the company. I have explained the prevailing condi tions at Idaho Springs, Coin., the oldest and one of the best mining ramps In the state. I have shown Just how and Just why the Hoosnc Transportation Tunnel will be a big revenue producer, estimated to yield annual profit of more than one million dollars from the transportation of the ores from the many active mines which He along Its route. I have proven that tunneling Is not an experiment In Clear Creek County by referring you to similar successful tunnels In that vlclnlly. ' I have illustrated how the Jioosnc Concentrating Mill can earn from $.10,000 to 50,MM) annually front the reduction of these ares. I have quoted from eminent authorities who know Ihe conditions of this cump and who give their unquali fied endorsement of this proposition. I hnve published references from banks and dislntereMed individuals of the highest standing, who recommend this company and Its enterprise. I IIAVK M.IK A STAXDIXti OFFKIt OF OXK TMOl'SAXO llOLLAHS TO AXVOXK WHO CAX I'ROVE THAT THE HOOSAC TI XXF.I. & MIMXti CO. IS XOT ALL THAT I CLAIM FOK IT. In former Sunday Issues of The Bee are full page advertisements which will give you alt the further details that anyone can wish to know. If you have failed to read them, or if you have forgotten what they said go to the newspaper flies and look for them and read again. IT WILL r.W YOU TO IK) SO. Vou have had time to investigate all my statements and to learn for yourself that I am telling you the truth. I am not selling "Blue Sky" or "Gold Bricks." I am offering a splendid opportunity for investment in an honorably managed and exceedingly profitable enterprise, where the natural increase in the price of the stock should make you ricn, and where you should receive tlon. On the contrary. It is one of the public and combines all the advantages Manufacturing and Transportation. What better investment can you desire for your money? The officers of this company are men of unques tioned integrity and absolute honesty of purpose in conducting the affairs of this company. As proof of this, oil hooks of the company will lie examined periodically by a firm of chartered accountants and the results will be pub lished, so that every one of the stockholders will at all times know Just what Is being done with every dollar of his money. A short time ago you could hnve bought stock in this company for 55 cents a share. It In now selling for 70 cents a share, cash, or 75 cents a share on installments. It is my honest belief that it will be impossible to purchase a share of this stock from l he company within six weeks for less than a dollar a share and, possibly, it may then be selling for two dollars a share. Are you going to pass up thin profit, or are you going lo take advantage of your opportunity of a lifetime and be a partner in this great enterprise on terms that' cannot prove a cause of incon venience? An investment in this stock should pay enormous dividends all the days of your natural life and your children and your children's children should continue to enjoy the same benefits. WHAT YOUR MONEY SHOULD EARN $7.00 cash or f7.50 payable $1.5" down and four months will buy 10 shares of stock, estimated value witmn one year -.'', nunin two years ju.w. J14.UI casli or Il.i.n0 payable 10 per cent cent a month for nine months will buy M value 2i.nt, estimated value within one year ao.w, witnin two years tlcO.tA JlSi.OO cash or $;W.U0 payable 1 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months will huy 40 shares of stock, par value $o.ii, estimated value within one year lluu.on, within two years ;no.OD. $oi.(i cash or Jrtrt.00 payable 10 prr cent down nnd 10 per cent a month for nine months will buy so value estimated vaiuc wmun one vear, within two years $4H".0O. " H12.i cash or $12"U payable in per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months will buy loo sliaree of stock. tar value SlMi.fti, estimated value within one year $400.00, within two years $.o.ii. You have plenty quiries of the banks and you to in order that you might learn for yourself that all that has been told you through advertisements about the Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Co. was true every word of it. No man ever became wealthy on a salary alone. Invest your money where it will pay you dividends and be independent of the time clocks. If you have the money in hand to pay cash for your stock you can buy it today for 70c. a share, while if you are unable to pay cash you can still purchase stock for 75c. a share and pay for it in ten equal monthly in stallments. Grasp your opportunity while you may, for you will never again have such a liberal offer made to you. The price of this stock is liable to advance within the next day or two it will surely be advanced before very long. If you want still further details I will gladly give them to you, in cluding government map of the tunnel and Idaho Springs District, en gineers' reports, bank and personal references both for the company and all its officers, and every possible aid will be given that you may learn for yourself why this is your opportunity of a lifetime. I affirm that this stock is cheap at any price less than $2.00 pur share, and I confidently believe that it will bring from $4.00 to $8.00 before very long. But I can not guarantee you against a rise in the price of the stock, so act today. riKRCK rxiiKUwoon. Specialist in ' Profitable Investments, ltd Itcarhoru St., Chicago, Finan cial Agent of the Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Company. We Cure Men for DR. BKAIUJES SEARI.ES. Bee Want Ads PHEulE 7Z 1 dividends that will secure for yon an cleanest, well founded, and legitimate of three of the greatest dividend paying Industries of the world Mining. $1 .50 a month for par value JlO.on, down and 10 per shares of stock, par pharos of stock, par of time to verify all my distinguished individuals whom I have referred FILL. OUT. CUT OUT AND MAIL. THI8 COUPON TODAY. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE. C O 17 I O JV l0fl. PIERCR rNOK'nwVHyri" Hartford lildu., Chicago. Hear Sir: I lierehv subscribe for shares of the capital stock of the Hoonae Tunnel ami Minliisr Co.. Idaho Springs. Colorado, nnd nirree to pay you per share. (70c t share If your remittance pays your subscription In full, or 75c If you pay on Installments of Hi per cent now and lo per cent per montlo. I Inclose herewith my remittance for Please acknowledge receipt. Yours truly Nb me ; Address NOTE: No subscription for less lhan ten shares will be accepted. It you have 7.50 or can save $1.50 a month for five month vou can own ten shares In the Com pany. More If vou can pav for them. Kon'l delav. Pubscrtbe for all you can pay for, either at oiiee or on monthly installments. YOC WON'T KKtlltf'.l' 1). Tina stork is fullv paid ami nonassessable. HOOSAC Tl'NXKI. & MIMNO SPECIALIST IN PROFITABLE INVESTMENT, 1 iO DEARBORN STREET. CHICAGO. WEAK. NERVOUS MEN from excesses or victims to Nervous Debility or ex tJSuon Waatins Weakness, with early d.clln. .In io" and middle-aged: lack of vim. vljor and Itrenath with organs Impaired and weak. Our trunt will cofrect all of the., evil. nd r..Ur. you to what nalur. Intended, a hale. hippy man, with all po er. vigorous and perl t. U.mVnrri IT '"red perfectly and permanently lAKIUULtLL for itf. by one treatment. No cut ting; no pain, no danger, no detention from work. No other treatment will CVRE quick. BLOOD POISON 8prngs.,UAt one. ev.ry trac. of th. disease disappear., no .ore. com. on body sora In mouth, throat, tongu. hair falling out " W. Vlscur. all contaglou. or acquired d'ff"" Hydrocele. Prostatic, Catarrh of bladder, Kidn.ya, all chronic dlsiea of m.n and women. ..... , rorr .lamination and consrP.aUon.Wrlt. io tKCX symptom Blank. Is y.r. in Omaha. 1 4th and IftuugLaa htreU, Omaha, Nebraska. Produce ResHtF n Income for life. This Is not a spccala business projects ever placed before the fcLM.oo cash or $240.00 payable 10 per cent down and lo per cent a month for nine months will buv 320 shares of stock, par value $320. on. estimated value within one year $SOO.0O, within two years $l,tio0.ou. $44S.o0 cash or $4MW payable 10 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months on-111 buy S40 shares of stock, par value $t40.'H), estimated value within one year Jl.iKW, within two years $3,200.00. $Ki.OO cash or $HMi0 payable 10 per cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months will huv$l,2S0 shares of stork, par value $l,280j, estimated value within one year $3.20O.u, within two years, $12.80u.OO. $1,792.00 CHsh or $1.1120 pnyable 10 er cent down and 10 per cent a month for nine months will buy 2.M0 shares of stock, par value $2,fitl".00, estimated value within one year $S,4.H'. within two years W.400.00. statements and make in HOMEOPATHIC SUPPLIES . . I -1 : . I . I . . lA . . Hf,.a in mitiiiiiin i" nu .me,; .mi. ui ,j ieinea of the Allopathic suhool, we sell all kinds of HoiiH-nimlhtc medii lues and sua- piles: Homeopathic PHI.. Homeopathic Dilations. Homeopathic Illsks. Homeopathic Mother Tincture-. Homeopathic Trituration.. Homeopathic Talilets. Ilomroi.thlr Hooka, forks. Vials. Powder, Paper, a. ted b"r Homeo. pathlsta. We are In position to supply the profes sion, the retail and wholesale trade, and the laity. Write or call on SHERMAN &, M'CONNELL DRUS CO. Cor. lth and Podc. Omaha, Neb. Charles A. Potter KENERAU STENOGRAPHER. De post Kins, Correspondence, Uriel Work and Special I U-porting oa Bbort Kotice. NOTARY ITBIJC. T.I. ISl. aallela. I