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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
THK OMAHA DAILY BKE: M'XDAY. MARCH 4. W. o I 2f FURRIOTU A Word, to Housekeepers About Our March Sale of Furniture: Whet her or not you ere mar? ihat a- are conducting a quite, remarkable ale of furniture, wish to nrge tijion von the advisability of attending It liMuediately If you expect to need furniture of any description within the neit month or o Me have lowered price and offer many other in cluremetit. (UK NKW iMritovKn ckkoit svstkm will be cheerfully extended to all during thin sale. We Kite credit a willinelr during a sale of tlii kind mn at any other time. It is always cheerful. ccmmon-Bense credit. Anticipate your needs and open an account NOW during our Annual March Sale. We assure you that we can save you money by so doing. Rome of the price reductions will be rcRulHr revelations to you. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Private Telephone Exchange Call Douglas 727 and ask for department wsnted. PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLES (ExH.-tly Like Cut. I'cFitively the grindest value we have ever ofltred in a Pedestal Table. Made of solid oak with very hirhly polished fin ish. The tops are 4o Inches and have quarter sawed rims of a selected grain, the bases or ped estals are octagon shaped and very massive and have hnnd carved claw feet; extend to 6 feet The speciHl March Bale Price Is 16.50 0 Canta Par IWaak. CHASE Hey wood Go-Carts We are showing a complete line of 190C Hey wood Go-Cart s at very low price. Prices range from $1.75 upward. tion and workmen; price WK SELL OI T OK TOWN ON EASY PAYMENTS. WHITE FOR PAKTICTLAKS. YOUR CREDIT IS 6000 WE CURE IViEFJ Fi $12,50 Until April 1st Wi Will Treat An; Single Ailment Except Rupture and Blood Poison for $12.50 tor the Fee. OTHERS MAY TREAT, BUT WE CURE BLOOD POISON hi account of its frightful hid4unes. pcx-iiic or rontaginutt Kinon in the blood is the worst of all diNeuses. It may lr either hereditary or contracted, (lure the system is tainted with it. the dincaw maj rnantfest itself in the form of scrofula, ec eina, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen Joints, eruptions or copper colored ot on farr or body little ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue, sore throat, swollen ton aila, falling out of the hair or eyeln-ows. and finally a leprous-like decay of the and bone. Our wcific treatment for this trouble, varied and modified to suit each individual rase, is an unfailing cure tn which a vast army of restored men today oWp their aturdy health. NO MONEY REQUIRED TO COMMENCE TREATMENT You do not pay us until you are satisfied and you are restored to health. Can we aay more? You may consult us free of charge and grX our opinion without any cost to you Call and let us explain our methods of treatment. Y cure Varicocele, Hydrocele, Rupture, stricture, Prostatic Ailments, and all Disease of Men. I'RIVATK 1HSEASKS Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itchlnc and Inflamma tion stopped in twenty-four hours: KIDNEY, liI.ADDi:U AM riMrSTATlC DISEASES We cure all page, pain in obck ana caiarrnai conditions. NORTHWESTERN EMBOSSED Gives to your correspondence? that refined and prosperous appearance rhich demands attention and produces most profitable results. The cost is but printed kind. a We have the only emboing plant in Omaha operated by power and having presses larpe enough for commercial stamping. Write for estimate A. I. Root, Incorporated, 1210 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb. CARPETS, RUGS AN3 DRAPERIES Tht-ae departments are replete with new joods in the latest de signs and the newest color effects We have never offered better val ues or more attractive goods. THE PEOPLES STORE SPECIAL BRUSSELS RUGS VxlL' size larpe assortment Oriental and set eflects Fpecial March Bale price... 17.59 $1.50 Cash and 50 Cants Par Wsak. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS Co inches aide, a yards Ioiik. excellent quality worth H special March Pule price 1.S3 LEATHER COUCHES Bolld oak frames, upholstered in dark olive Chase leather over soft guaranteed springs. Full sanitary construc upholstered by first class special sale 13.50 TE3MI: $1.S0 CASH; S0 PER WEEK. CTH o ' r- rM st cmre-rc, (The People Furniture & Carpet Co.) cures effected in Bevcn days. MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE Northwest Corner 13th and Farnam Streets, STATIONERY! little more than the be&t J llTfTfl IRON BED OUTFITS (Kxactlv t'.ike Put I f'onsistlna "f t'KI. pl'KINO and M ATTKKS i. Tli- B-d is l-AKOK and MAKS1VK. and of u very strik niK deNipn, the frame is made of ex tra l.eavv tublhR- and has lurs-' ornamental chills. :md conies In the latent VERN1S MAHT1N tlniKli. l'h" held board i" fir. inches l.idh. and the foot end 4i inehes hiph. Mattress Ims layer r.f F'l'RE WHITE i'(iTTiN on top snd hoi uni. pood prade of tick ing an'l ih thonnpii1y will made The SprillR is sihiiie i.Tid substantial. Tli.- SPECIAL PRICE on these nut ft 'S. 'on-i'iete ae ilimr adver- 11.75 uoed. ie oi lv Exactly LIS Cut. i an be had in all siie. TERMS: S1.00 Caah and SO Canta far Waak. 3 Rooms Furnished Complete for TERMS. $7.00 CASH, $7.00 PER MCNTH You must come to us sooner or later; why not now? lief use to suffer longer on promise of others. We cover the entire field f pri vate a.nd chronic, deep seated, com plicated, difficult diseases. We want every man who is suffering from any special diseuse or condition to come and have a talk with us. No man wlioKe weukem-d system K crying out for help through coiitniclcd disease, or who has tMen puiltr of early indiscretions or later eicesse. is safe in life until such time as his errors have been corrected. , irritation, frequent desire or stop Om&Jia, Neb. FAST TRAIN Leave Omaha 6:00 P. II Arrive Chicago 7:30 A. M. Eteatn6hip tickets t all Europ ean point. I ILLINOIS CENTRAL i TICKET OFFICE 1 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. Nek. one BENSON STATES PLATFORM ! rcmtaorlle Candidate for Mayor Annoonora Eii Position Politically. DOCUMENT SUPPLEMENTED BY HIS SPEECH (on taader lo.iaa ana liberal Aaialatst retloa. Is Opiir4 to (.raft aaa rrinlwi Each aad All a So a a re Deal. I.. A. rW-nsnn opened hi camimign lor the republican mayoralty nomination Friday nlitht In Crvighton hall. Ho outlined hi i position on municipal quwuions, general and lorat, before an findlom of between 1T and Son pron. Including about a don women. The presence and many of the re mark of Mr. Hensnn were received wllh ::iuch display of enthusiasm, lie was fol lowed by a lona t.peech from City Attorne Hroen, a rnndidatc also on the Fontanelle ticket, who told of hi year's work In the . Bile and his bititudi on several Important public questions. Leaser Meats Skat Oat. Mr. Breen ilnlslied hi talk about lo:) o'clock. PresiJent A. f Bnilth of the Fon tanels iluh. who pfe'idd. deemed It not xnfliiit tii TKiMi'tl 'iinr miwii -it tnu k tl im The result rnun tlmi I he renmitirit.r of the result an thai the reniaindt r or the I Fontanelle club ticket, which sat gTuuied conveniently near the stage, did not get an cpportuttlty to plead for votes. t aas noted, too. thnt President Smith in askiiia for support tor Benon. lireen and.he council candidates at the end of the meet ing, overlooked mentioning the candidates for comptroller, city clerk or building ln-t-iieetor. On the rostrum alongside Renson and Br.en a-as seated R. Beechtr Howell. W. A. fiaund.-rs, aho aas one of the most ac tive members of the reception committee, nad the platform adopted by the club some time ago. The declarations that met aith applause aere those calling for dollar gas and the granting of no privileges In streets or alios ailhout compensation to the city. Aparvvra Snnda? Closing. In the course of his speech Mr. lienaon explained his post; hi. with reference to the Blocumb laa'. He said he meant to ineltide Sunday closing In his opinion that the law should le enforced. This statement met with the greatest rneaiure of applause of ai.ything he said. He denied specifically that It was his intei.tlon to give the city a Puritanical administration, but did not go Into particulars except to say that he In sisted upon the greatest personal liberty of the individual jiot interfering with the rights or privilege or any one else or the 6 od of society. rreaident Smith in a brief oichlng state n.ent said the Fontanelle club stands for high citizenship, cleun politics, clean public oftVcrs and for law and order and the en forcement of all statutes as long as they art operative. A few minutes later A. Saunders aaaert d that the cluh is not a machine., but a reprs ntatlve organisation, and he wanted it spclHlly understood that Its candidates wre reoulred to take no pledge other than to subscribe lo the plat form. Benaaa Alleges Graft. Mr. Benson had his platform written out and in the hands of the preas. but he pre faced it by quite a long sjieech. He said other cities had cleaned out corruption and graft, but Omaha hadn't, and he asked If the people aanted to make Omaha the splt- toon of a hundred other cities. He said he 1 thought the era of eorruptionlsts and gsmh I lers in Omaha aas about closed In the cal- endar of the Almighty. In speaking of the I difficulties met by city government, Mr. I Benson referred to the police court and ' aarmlj commended I'ollee Judge Crawford. whom he said was honestly, earnestly and : thoughtfully trying to solve the manifold ; and difficult problems that confront him. I Mr. Benson scored past city udnilnistra ' tions for legislation for special Improve, i ments in such a way that S-.mti.niHi of spc ; clal taxes, according to him. huve been de clared injalid by the courts and thrown upon the city for payment. He snid lh administrations of City Attorneys Wright and Breen had lieen "a bath and benedlc- tion lo the taxpayers of Ouirha, an oasis in the denert of graft." The chiereat Issue of the present campaign. Mr. Benson said, is whether Omaha is going to own its own government or not. He scored city officiate i a-ho use city employes to work for the po litical intercuts of the officlala djring: the time they paid to aork for the city. He said thTe are now 'O to 500 hi. bo and criminal In Omaha who ahould he driven out. In connection with the Blocumb law, Mr. Benaon aaid Ita enforcement had he come a settled thins; that the laa- a-a put on the itatute book by the brewer and ahould be enforced. Mr. Ben aon 'a Platform. He mad hi plaifunn as Iuiuihe: 1 realiai- fully the dltncuitie and the rc BpohaiUliitif of aaiuimsteriiiB wiUi'egUbJ juauce to ail and wnn paruailly to none, Uia aiuur of a a real cily, aim ita ui-u.-to-kuouh popuiaiiun and maniiuia uiloh-his. in a manner mat win tnfcuie uie aieaitwi good to the KTvaieat numlci. 1 do not uuuwe in piaiuuue and I shall not dal In ineni. i ou ium neiit-vt- in auo lrfufcr and J snail not icsuit tu it. New and difficult prohicm inw in the adnnniaiiaiion ot municpai anan wlncu must be met and the aoiuuon louud or ul tempted as Uiey ariae. t.ut tut: lunua mt iiiaia never cnaiie. 1 stand for the same broad piincinlia, as aipliea lo municipal government civic jiur ity. ae'ieaaive lioncao'. oieuience to iuw and sincl tiuamrks pmicijues applied 10 in uiiii-iiw j iiau p iiiKi i Looa i or iiu ve . ...... - ...... I-.I..F. tt u u . i . . ., i over iiif country. submurKins sratuis and corrupuoniais. be(un to roll. 1 am opposed lo all forms of graft. j-uy or arral. no matter aiiai torm u nmy inr.e or in what shape it may conn. Wiieiuer a direct rakeofl or an indirect benefit. Whether placing men on the city payn.ii for political purpoaes before election ot keeping unnecesaury emplo)e thereafter. Whether shoaing partlulny between those contracting or dealing wllh the city or ac cepting courtesies trom those hoidli.g or seeking special privileges from It. Graft is a material as aell as a moral concern and affects the pocket as aell as the morals of tli community. 1 am opposed to turning the administra tion of the city or any department of it Into a political machine for the purpose of placing men in oftlce. eitiier city, state or national, or for any other purport whatso ever. There may lie political graft without a political machine, but there never aas a tiachine of the kind referred to aiinout fcrafl. To use the ieople government, or .itiv part of it. for any purpoxe other than turn for ahirh it was intended is in liscli the most liuodiout kind of graft. ' 1 believe lhat eveiy officer and employe should serve the city a-uli tne same hd. my he aould a private employer. (lets aaa Beaatifal C'lt. I deem It an important part of ih duty of the city lo be clean and beautiful. I bliee in park and open stuues situated within easy access of those who need tnem A park may be at once a net-esKity ami i a lujcurv. but It ahould be vieaed first I as a necessity and o aied a'lth mis idea , in viea . There are ihuse in every large city ahnse feet nevei tread God s green ; carpet acept on public ground There ; are mot per and rmldren who have no i other resort for sunsntne and wholesome air. and to tnese tne para, to nil Its mis sion, must be of easy access. U e have no rit-'ht to build a city in a manner that the poor eel child has not a chance to be brought up amid surroundings that are clean Hiid healthful and moral. 1 believe In building for the future and in the es tablishment of small parks and play grounds lu what I destined lo be the most crowded part of the city, and future gen erations should pay their just proportion of the coal of uch improvements. The question ot park, open space and play grounds is not so much an aesthetic as an eronotnlt and moral question 1 lielievo in a talr deal and a suuare deal for every nuin, a omul., i'l.ild. corjiorauoii and inteiest T.'its much very one lias u right lo demand a a right. More than this 11" one ha a riaht m as a . conceeaiow. v I am irr.-vucably opposed lo muklng Omaha an easy plaet tor ailher criminal - . ere shonH be no platf tn for atilf-b'xlled men a-tih no b'Msi lueans of support slid I'msna a.reri FMnuia or fwi it nitin m m-iii I 1 believe in obedienoe to law It is the nrst civic out. it Is a truism that an should olwv the lsw. and efpeiially i this true In a democracy a here the law is not made for Ui citiren, but here the vtti sen makes the las. A resiwt lor and otiedietpoe to laa Is one of the most valu ahle assets a community can have. A disrea-nrd ffr law I a liability no com- I munitv should a ant to assume. I Cm Recount of the present Interest In the. subject 1 desire tn ny that In d ; daring in favor of the obedience to and ' the enforcement of law I mean to be uu ' derstood to include the Punday closing pro 1 vision of the Blocumb liquor law. I'eraoaal Liberty aad Reform. It Is an organic principal of our govem ' ment that the Individual is entitled to the I exercise of ll.e largest measuie of per i sotial liberty ronsisient aith the main . lenanc of law. public order nd an hon-st I and erticient government, bui personal lib erty must not be luirnaed by using It as I a niRHk for undoing the youth. 1 am op j posed to public resoris a here those of tender years ate thrown In contact with dissolute men and women The Juvenile court and the noble men and women alio are Interesting themselves I in the cause of the children should receive the hearty support of all who nave ths love of hiiinaniM In their hearts. 1 believe in Just taxation and In rigid economy In the expenditure of moneys thus raised. The only dividend a stoca hoider in a mumclital corporation can draw Is the benefits lie receives from Rov ernnient. and the money raised by assess ment should be so Judiciously and honestly expended that his contribution will be willingly Hnd not CT-uilpinKly paid. 1 tu.)ut -m 4"ul fr, . t inry tn t tlf f i t f ouia oe reouiren lor mil gram iu puvair prl,onp or corporation for public property or rights and privileges in public property. T believe the c.ltliens of Omaha have de veloped a civic pride that will resent ths presumption of any epecial interest or combination nt srs-cial interests to own or control the city government. In case of a controversy between labor and capital 1 believe that each should I treated aith abnolute Impartiality and a-ith equal iusihe and larlessness by an ex ecutive. H should go without saying that the ad ministration mould lend to the aaier board all its poaer to the end that the will of the people may be carried out and the aaier works plain may be acquired by the city at the .itrliest possible date. 1 deem it fundamental In a government like ours that the jwople should have the right to vote upon any question of great public Importance whin It shall appear that there is a general and popular desire on their part so to do 1 believe the city owes it to its Inhabi tants to see that they receive all kinds of public at rvice at the loaest cost com patible a-ith the service rendered That this plain duty rests upon the city Is. 1 take it, not open to debate. Next to aater gas is the most important of the public necessities. 1 believe that tl per cubic feet Is the maximum price the inhabitants of our city should he re quired to pav for this commodity, and I do not believe the r'lty would be justified In entering Into a long-time contract at this price. Gas so lightens the burdens of house keeping that it should be speedily brought aithin the each of all v The last in the 1 st. but first and para mount In Importance. I believe in municipal ownership of the city government. Hreea txtlalaa Mia Coarae. The forepart of Ctty Attorney Breen s speech was devoted to an abstract discus sion of the problem of municipal govern ment, but lis feature was a recitation of the flFht over the lif gas street lighting contract in the council. Ins attitude upon the questions Involved and the direct charge that the majority members of the council had refused to give him sufficient assistance In his office because he opposed them lu the ga controversy and In grant ing privilege to railroads to use the streets lor switching tracks without requiring the tracks be free to the joint use of ail roads entering Omaha. In the gas fight Mr. Breen said he had advised against the making of a contract because he considered the price more than the franchise of the company permitted It to charge the city and because he thought the price exorbitant and wis later sus tained by the district court, though the council majority disregarded his opinion. He said uc assumed he was placed in office to stand bet a eon avarme and greed, the rights of the )eople and corporate en croachment and that he proposed to do so. Further that when office seeking entailed deals for favoritism a-ith individuals or corporations he a-as ready to quit. He complimented Mayor Moores for standing by him in his contentions over the manner of granting concessions to railroads in the jobbing districts Horrttilj- Bnraed j was C. Rivenbark of Norfolk. Va.. but ! Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed his burns j without a s-ar. Heals cuts, too. 2Sc. For ; sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Co. PASSENGER WAR COMING Agent of Kastern Hoads I aaale to gree va hlrlo-fa York IXITerenllal. CHlCAi., March S. Executive officials of all eastern railroad met here today and made an Ineffectual attempt to aettle the differential fight. On account of the po sition taken by the Erie road, however, a settlement could not be reached and It now seems Impossible tc avert a serious passen ger rate war. Every line excepting the Erie voted for arbitration of the question, but acting undT instructions from President Vnderwood. the Erie representative de clared he could not agree to submit the questions involved to a board of arbitra tion. The Grand Trunk gave notice that If the matter was not settled or placed in arbi tration by March If. it would on that date begin charging ti under the present dif ferential rate to Nea- Tork. Eminent Doctors Praiss Its Ingredients. We refer to that boon to weak.'iiervon, snflerinj women known at iff. Pieme'l Favorite Preocrlpuon. Ir. John Fyfeone of the Editorial Htaf of Tu Eclectic Medic ax Kfvocw sayg of Unlcoru root hcUniiat IMoivo) which Ih one of the chief ingredients of the "Fa vorlte Prescription" : "A remedy wblcb Invariably arts as n ter ms lDvigorstor makes for normal ac tivity of tbe entire reproductive system. Be continue "in Heloniasw have a medlce ment which more fully answers tb shore purpose (tola any ofhor drug with wkieh 1 eat ocmutntsd. In Uie treatment of disease pa ruliar to women it I seldom that a case la seen wblcb due not present some indlcetloa lor Uiis remedial arnt.' Ir. Frie furtbeg say: "Tbe following arc among tb leading Indieatkiu for (X" n worn root). Paia or at lung la the bsx-k. witb leucnrrhwej atonic iwek) condition of tbe reproductive organ of women, mental depression and tr ritshillty. associated lib rhrornc dlsesao ot Uie reproducur oigau of wotuen, oontant senssiion of beat in the regiuu of tb kul rey; menorrbag: iflooding'. due to a weak ened condition of Uie reproductive srsiemi arjienirrnus isupprtaserd or absent montij.y period I, arising from nr accompanglng aa abnormal condition of the digestive organs and anatmlc i thin bioud ) habit; draagmg eensatioiuv in tbe extreme lower part of Us tbooimn " If more or lees of the above aytnptoma are present, no Invalid woman can do better than take Dr. pieroe't Favorite Prescription, one of the leadlncingTedl ents of which Ii Unicorn root, or Beionias, and the medical properties of which It cost faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Finler Elllnfwood. M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, say: "It Is an Important remedy in disorders of tbe womb. In all rsia-rhai conditions aad general eufaebiemeab U I useful.' Prof. John M. bendder. M. D.. late at Cincinnati, sgyi of Golden Bea! root : " lu relation to its general effects on the rstem. tM it nn medtrtnr tn vtt atxmt vhvk txm Sf sum penertu smaawaSi ul eptnuta. It Is mvanial.g regarded ae U sunk: useful la eii ontuliiauid steuss." Prof, bartholoa. M. D., of Jeflerso Medical (iilege, sty of Golden beal : 'Valuable lo ulerina bemorrhsge. menor rb litis in dii:g and HigenilTe Ojasr incur rauna vpe.utul mvuixuatl' i-l " Iff. Pieroe' Faeor.w Prfcacr'.pUu:. faltS tu. x repreaei.u all tbe above t atnnd il rrC letiU and cure the alesa Ifl 1'jr which kitty are reoogiiaeadad. Special Sale ON 11 ME. YALE'S MME. YALE'S SKIN FOOD FREE FOR ONE WEEK Refreshing as the rsln shoaer to part lied grass r withering shrub, aa nourleii Ing a a delicloua draught of new milk to the lamiahed child or sinking Invalid, and as reviving as tne punned breeses are to those alio have been denied (for a length of tlmei the life giving properties of fresh air. is Mine. Yale s "Skin Food" U shriveled, faded skin or furrowed, wrinkled hrow. FREE THIS WEEK With every purchase of Mme. Tale's r-medles this week amounting to j.ti or over we shall give a large sample Jar of Vme Yale's Skin Food value, Thia exceptional oflcr made bj Mine. Yale Is for the puritos" ol aiding those who de sire to profit by the use of her remedies a t as little eosi as possible, also as a com pliment to those who patronise her so freely. It is therefore to be hoped ladles a ul profit by so generous an oftcr. made them in the spirit of manifestation. WONDERS OF MME. YALE'S DISCOVERIES Noa that Mine. Tale's remedies have won such marked distinction ..icr all coin petltlve brands as to leave but one choice, ladles, will nut themselves time, money and annoyance by concentrating their minds on and confining their efforts to ths "Yale System" of Beauty Culture. This is the original creation of the cull in uni versally accepted but wantonly imttaied. MME. TALE'S FREE BEAUTY CULTURE BOOKS Me shafl be pleased to furnish anv lady visiting otu lrug I'epal tmeiit wiitt a free copy of Mme. Yale s wonderful Beauty Culture Book In this book Mine Yala defines the system that she guarantee a ill make any a-nnian beautiful, according lo htr tyji and physical possibilities existing aithin her wing Having obeyed tha command to the letter of the law "Physician, heal thvself.' Mme. Yale Is an Inspir ing example of perfect womanhood Her physical splendor and preserved youth must all Ih- attributed to her own discoveries r'lnce nature aas not lavish aith her In the beginning, except to bestoa upon her such mental qualification as fea mortal hava ever I teen gifted with Mme Yale Beauty Culture Book contuins a lull list of Mme. Yale's various discoveries and how to use them. MAIL ORDERS FILLED Ladies unable to call may order by mall The Skin Food souvenirs ami Beauty Books will lie included with each order. MME. YALE'S HEALTH REMEDIES MME. YA1.ES Frvl IT CVRA. a strength ening tonic for women, a cure for certain organic ailments The wonderful cures affected by it testify to Its freat merit regular price, our price 89c MME. TALE'S FERTILIZKTt TABLETS cure constipation and ventilate a clogged svatem. Tao sires. Kegular price oiic and Jl.eO. Our price 45c and 89c MME. TALE'S COMPLEXION TABLETS make new. rich blood. They enrich the rkui aith healthy coloring Two slits: regular 5oc and H .fn. Our price 45c a.nd 89c MME. TALE'S FLOOD TONIC cleanses the liver, blood and kldnevs Regular price 11 V our price 89c MME TALE S I1GESTIVE TABLETS aid digestion and cure indigestion Regular price 6nc and H.iKi. Our price 45c and 89c MME TALES ANTISEPTIC is a most valuable household article and must lie used to be' appreciated. For cleansing the mouth and gums in the morning, aarg- Hug the throat tor sore throat, dressing sores, wounds or bruises. It is unequalled. Regular price tl.ari. Our price 89c MM K. TALES LINIMENT Is a newcomer and said to have magic-like Influence In curing muscular affections, such as rheu matlsm, neuralgia, sprains, etc. Regular price Wic. Our price 45c MME. TALES CORN erRE-Do not suf fer another day a-th coma. Mme. Yale Corn Cure makes quick a oi k of them. Vse it and enjoy the comfort of sound feet. Regular price l.w. Our price aM. A 1 f- m- aw iii ii ii wrs-Yiu DRUO DEPARTMENT. , w LadyfeSKocCj The Tourist was originated to neet tke demand or gtyliglt txO that if also perfectly comfortable. Most so-called comfort shoe have been flat-footed, broad -toed, ungainly. He Tourist i dressy and graceful, yet comfortable as aa old slipper. It feel right: look right; wear right; cost but $3,00 Sold by tLs et dealer everywhere. NORTH STAR SHOE CO. Minneapolis THAT HAPPY ..LOOK.. will appear if you use the proper rem edies to clear your gygtem of Impurities USI DR. WCSTMAL'B SEIIIIA LIVER PILLS THK FILL WITHOUT s PAIN For Obatinat fX)STIPAT10X. EIL1JOI HNESN. hOVR bTOMACH. KICK HEADACHE, XFJIVOl KXEi, NAIKEA, IiiMinioi. Jaund U-e, Torpid LJvnr. YOU'LL FEEL SO GOOD HKXT MORNIMa IF Tou tak one at bed time. They work o nice and eay. Contain no opium, no cocaine. iLg-redienu purely vegetable. TKV OXE HE OOXVIXCEU. tS Per Bottle Peat Fald- Sherman & McConcel Drug Co, ai. W. Corner eth a44 WmU U. . . fy !eV Lf MME. YALE'S BEAUTIFYING REMEDIES MME. TALE'S SKIN, FfHI for nourish ing the skin and obliterating wrinkle. Tao siscs, regular prices tl.Mi. $3.i. Our price $1.25 and $2.50 MMh. TALE'S ALMOND Bi-OHtOM COM PLEXION CREAM for cleansing heal ing, enhancing and preserving i beauty: nothing like It. Reg. glt ular price $1. Our price ae W MME. TALE'S COMPLEXION BLEACH for cleansing the skin of mm m blemishes Regular price I S t.i. Our price a MME YALE S ELIXIR OF BEAUTY' for protecting the skin from the Inclemency ' i"e aeainer it maaos tne skm nat urally wnne, give the com plexion brilliancy. Kegular price f l.oo. ur price 89c MME. TAXES BU SH OF YOUTH for softening the expression It tone the fa cial nerves, give pliancy to the muscle ana elasticity to the skin. Krputar price 3 Wi. Our price , MME TALE'S HAND WHITEN ER. Regular price II Cj. Our price MME. TALE S VIOLET TAL CUM POWDER. Regular price 25c. Our price MME. TALES COM PLEXION SOAP. Regular price sue. Our price 2.75 89c 20c 20c 40c MME TALES COMPLEXION POWDER. Regular price 6c. Our price MME. YALE'S HAIR TONIC MME TALE -CONSIDERS HER HAIR TONIC one of the greatest achievements. It Is praised In the highest terms by those wno use it, ann there s quan tities of it sold. Regular price Jl.Ofi. Our prlc A New Sboc by a well kaowa aad Reliable Manufacturer After the Theater There la nothing quit ao refreshing-. ORDER A CASE FOR YOUR HOME BT TELE PHONE. JETTER. BREWING CO. South Omaha, 'Phone 8. Omaha Hdq.usrtr. HIGO F faiLZ 14ili and Iougla. Tel. uVU Council Ulufts Headqiiartera 1-r.t. MITt HtlU loll Main Straei. lei. feu. w m Xll titles of it sold. Regular (iC