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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1906)
aily Bee NEW LOCATION THE BEE BUSINESS OFFICE Ground Fluor Corner The Bet Bidding I7tk nd Farnam NEW LOCATION THE BEE BUSINESS OFFICE (round Floor Corner The Bte Ruildinf 17th and Farnam ESTABLISHED .JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNIXO. MARCH 1WG-TEX I'ACIES. SIXOLE COPY THREE CENTS. The Omaha D HENDERSON AT REST uneral of Former Speaker of Home Takes Place at Dubuque. BUSINESS IN HOME CITY SUSPENDED Body Lie in State Guarded by Company of Militia. GRAND ARMY CONDUCTS FINAL SERVICES Iowa General Assembly ia Represented by Lieutenant Governor and Speaker. EULOGY PRONOUNCED BY GEO. D. PERKINS lormfr Colleaaae Tells of l.lfe and Work of Man Who Chained Honor as goldlrr and statesman. Dl HCQI E, la.. March L The funeral of former Speaker David U Henderson was held hfi thin afternoon. Huslness wns sus pended during the hours of the funeral and for five minutes following the commence ment of the services the bells In every church In Dubuque tolled. Silence reigned, not a wheel turning In the city during that period. During the morning tho body lay In state, the Dubuque milltlH company artlng as a guard of honor. There were six wagon loada of flower. The F.plscopal funeral nervlca ti read hy Rev. John C. Sage. Oeorge D. Perkins of Sioux City, a former colleague In congrees, pronounced the eulogy. The Grand Army of the Republic took charga of the body after the services at the church. ' A riderless horse bearing n sol dier' accoutermenta wan led behind the hearse. Servleea at tlie grave at Llnwnod were conducted by the Knights Trmplai and the Grand Army of the Republic. A military aquad tired throe volleya over the grave and founded tapa. The Iowa general assembly represented at the funeral by the com mlttecs, headed by Lieutenant Governor lle'rrtott and Speaker Clark. Mr. I'd kins said In part: To bring at such a time 11 loving tribute to n friend, distinguished as Coionel Hn dcrson wan d.stiiigulshcd. la a high office. It la a time when the Infirmity i speech Is felt a time when the heart nppcus for word the tongue cannot frame. When we are gathered us we are here, atanrilng aa It wrm on the bridge mat unites the worlds, our conscious sense reveals tho Impotence of all we can do and the feeble ness of all we can say by ourselves alone. The cinuilN hung low and the day Is dark; we hve the dizziness pf swaying, and In stinctively wo stretch forth our hand in feeling after the hand of God. If so be w reach it we have thrill of soul. I cannot ftpeuk to you aa 1 would. I shrlnx from saying anything, oppressed by the fear that wnal 1 may say shall be discord In the loving symphony of your hearts. What Colonel Henderson wrought is pre serve,! n the coldness of tyie on many pages; what ha waa and the things for which he strove are known to those who had his love, his friendship and his great solicitude Throughout his life, while his mind hud gtrcngth. hp was a helpful man. nit pf Ms hcjritulnos canie his glory. He was SiTtuciUIy a .lender: ,e was always a soldier. In his congressional district he v. iia "Our Dave.' He belonged to his tteoplc; there was the sense of partnership. If not ownership, ami men did for him the better to do for themselves. The great ness of his heart broke down barriers and into his life came trooping the multitude. He weirnmed all alike the rich, the poor, the proud, the lowly, the joyful, the sorrow ful, the few of strength and the many with heavy harden. Where he stood was the -"(lining f the sun, and In his atmos phere waa warmth and the cheer of it. l!o waa a rich contributor to the needs of men, and lie had such tenderness as to dry the tears of women and such ma gician's nrt as lu pluck the appearance of trouble from the faces of children. "Our Dave'" He never bore a prouder title. It seemed a pity that his brilliant public career should end as it did: and yet there Is t!:ls to turn to that it ended with honors nt his feet and with the love and confi dence of Ida people unshaken. There are so many exceptions Unit we do nut need un this account to add one atom to the weight or our regret. We may even say thai it waa best that it should nc so. li nuy well be h pity, nevertheless, that so many men com to the end of their public service under circumstances we count in the retro spect as unhappy. There is no sting to mortal life like that of Ingratitude. To l misunderstood, to have all thought of kind ness and of service swept away, and to be brought face to face with the undiscernlng and passionate struggle of partlsuu seltlsh mas, when one's cars are come within hailing distance of the limit of n lifetime, puts strong hearts to such cruel test that there are many broken, So it is that there is much superrlctnl Judgment that the .pub lie service ia to be slimmed, and yet we know thai out of this tctvlcn have we all the greatness, the wonderful opportunity and the glory of this government which In the process vf time has worked out the union, the progress, the shining example, of these stales, constituting under God, ns I believe, one' great republic. i -slmli remember him us he was, in the brilliancy c his mind end In the buoyuncy . f his physical HI length. I shall rcniciiilier htm as the comrade lie was. the h ,,f eveiy company. He had more sunshine limn he had need of for himself and be wormed mti and made them glad. He dignified high station, ami out of his great lieur he woe counties wreaths for hum ble lives. Of tiiehe latter there will be some In my own coffin. Hia life waa an exunmle and an inspira tlon: the poor boy on the farm, the soldier going to the front, ii ia cruel hurt, hia in domitable spirit, his struggle for a better place among men: how he bullded from the wel of opportunity, gained admission to a learned profession, took a place with dis tinguished lawyers, year by year added to Ids power; chosen to represent his district in congress, nd anced there to great ln receding at the last the homage of the office which la only second to the presidency this poor hoy. born over il.e ses He had many contests; we may know be had defeats, for we have come here now with our tears and with our benedictions. All the struggle Is ovev the vuryrrr lide of It and Its ain. We can add :xt 1 1' i to his fame; we cannot put his heart :n U-ai-Ipg. and there is no power in eirthlv love lo recall the soul that ha t n (light. The lifelong soldier has bcei uMtered out Ills cotnmlsMion i with his t , . i !,.. David Brenmer llende -'in not that "Our Dave." hall to you .-rid farewell! RECEIVER FOR WEArFcOMPANY Action la Taken et Hriiaest uf Me. ell Grata ( uuany mt Maiax C'llj. CHICAGO. Mirch 1 Judge Walker of the countv circuit court today appointed Hie I Ic.rto Title and Trust company as r-eclw-rs of the defunct Wrare Commis sion company. The appointment was made a the request of the McNeil Grain com pany of Ploux City. Ia., and other Judg. iicni creditors of the commission. houe. Charges of a transfer of Hi.noi worth f slock between the Weare Commission com pany and Adolph J. I.ichsiern. a broker be foie the failure of the Weare nrm, about three years ago, are made In the bill. Mlrhlaan Men for California. STANFORD I N1VERSITY. Cal.. Msrch 1 nr. George H.nnpl. profetiaor of phll olngv and general linguistics in the Vnl verslty of Michigan, has accepted the In. yltatlon to .weupv the chair of Germanic language at Stanford university, which waa vara ted last summer by l)r Julius G.iehel r7 .:;"JT,r' U graduate of the I niversliy of Michigan ,lans of 17!. He his l.uvht " .J',ln Hopkins university and his tudled at Uoettlnger, Jjerlin, Jena and Suascburg. . un r or KMunMr. mMAcnt Hlol Umitlii) Ivliiinii plspute He1een Magistrate and l-iciich lsll olic I'rtvst. fHANGUAl, Maich 1 -l'hc Nanihang magistrate who wai a (luring a dis p;it with Catholnf 'Danes recently, iiulting in a Hoi h ? killing uf num ber uf Catholic and t r .ant missionaries, la dead. iZ 1 lie following ( A 'he recent at tack on foreign id t ie at .Nauchang. a clly of l,tXi.0W I nts, has tnen re ceived: Fifteen l i. twelve Kngllsu I'rotestants and I m j French Catholic missionaries were J. . uy on last i nun day night when t K' ,,(-'h Catholics had a quarrel with an " over a suit for the pMjssesslon of prti- 1 Great excitement prevalleil on Friday.' A'niass meeting was held on Saturday and was followed on Sun day by a riot, during wnkh 'he property of the Catholics was burned The Protestants took refuge in the adjoining house of Mr.. Kingman. The house was burned and six priests and two of the Kingman family were killed. The Chinese governor attempted to check the riot and rescue the missionaries. The men of the Methodist mission, aided by Chinese soldiers, took their school girls to,Chinesc homes. In the city, and brought Misses Hoyt and Kahn from a hospital. All took refuge in mid river In a launch which was Tarnished by the Chinese offi cials. The launch waited until the Chinese soldiers brought the remaining missionaries at daylight on Monday. The launch reached Klnkiang on Tuesday. The wounded King man girl died on the way. Chinese could have blocked the passage of the launch during the twelve hours Journey down the river, but they were friendly. Rev. A. P. Qulrmba.-h of the Methodist China Inland mission remained at Nauchang to care for property. He is under the protection of the government and Is probably safe. Rev. Ppencer Lewis, superintendent of the Methodist mission at Chung King wired Consul General Rodgers at Shanghai on Sunday warning him of the disaster, and wired the facts to Bishop Rashford. On Monday Captain Fletcher, commanding the American ships, had the location of every American missionary In the Yangtse valley. After consultation Captain Fletcher ordered the gunboat El Cano from Nanking to meet the fugitives at Klukinr.g or I'nyang Dakc. They were met at Klnkiang. The cause of the riot was loo-!. Serious blame at taches to the French Catholics. Chinese friendly to the missionaries object to priests exerelHlng civil functions. There Is much dissension throughout China, but there Is no Indication of a gen eral uprising against foreigners. Mr. Rogers, the American consul general at Shanghai. In a cablegram to the State department recflved today, says: Definitely known American property Nanrhang safe: refugees Klu Klang. NEGOTIATIONS ARE CHECKED Germany Wnsld Have Diplomatic Corps mt Tangier "aperYlse the state Rank. AlGECIRAS. Spain. March 1. The result of the last forty-eight hours' negotiations ia another chick, threatening -to prolong the Moroccan conference. The Germans, after reflection, wish the diplomatic corps at Tangier to exercise surveillance over the state bank, thus preventing Its use for the French political designs. The French resist this, claiming that Germany Is chiefly occupied with minimizing French influence In Morocco. The delegates now talk of the struggle being prolonged to the latter part of March. BONI'S CREDITORS CLAMOR Money Lender Desires to Attach Prop erty In Honie of t astel lanea. PARIS, March l.-Av. application was made to the civil tribunal of the Seine today in behalf of a money lei.der. for permlsslson to levy on the household goods In the Costellane mansion to satisfy a claim for money advanced to Count Bonl. The lawyers' of the countess resisted the request on the giuunds that the goods are her separate property. The case finally was referred to a Judge In chamber to determine whether a por tion of the count's belongings ure in tlia mansion. The case Is considered to be a test affecting numerous other creditors. JAPAN MAY OWN RAILWAYS Cabinet Decides to Submit Hill to Diet for atlouallatlou of Mteel High wa a. TO Kit. March 1. After protiacleU meet- I lug the cabinet toilay decided to submit to the Diet a bill providing for the national- .anion of the Japanese railways. It is re j ported thut Foreign Minister Kato strongly i opposed the cabinet's action and may re : sign. EMPRESS IS SAID TO BE DEAD London Places No Faith In Reported Demise of Raler of Chlaa. LONDON. Msrch 1. The rumored death t of '.he dowager empress of China is re I aurded here as wholly improbable It originated In a Vague rumor from Hong Kong and neither the British government nor the Chines- leg.iiion here has had any Intimation of It. Bishop Potter la Home. ROME. March l Rt. Rev. Henry Cod man Potter, Proteetant Episcopal bishop of New York, and his daughter arrived here today with the intention of spending a month In Rome. Wallop Poller afterward will visit all the American churches In Europe. While in Rome the bishop will take charge of St. Paul's church. British Ask Fish lo Hemala. j LONDON. March 1. -Viscount Norih I cllrte (better known as Sir Alfred Harms- worth), chairman of the protection com- mittee of the Hellish policy holders of tne Mutual Life Insurance company, haa ca I bled lo Stuyvesant Fish the committee s j alarm at his resignation and urging him j to continue lo support genuine reforms. Fatal Wreck la Norway. i HACGESCND. Norway, March 1. -i Thirty men were drowned last night by the wreck between Hatigcaund and Ber ! gen of the Norwegian roasting steamer I Thor The vessel's cable, broke during a , hurricane and It was blown ashore and sank Only three of its crew were saved. Transports at Malta. VALF.TTA. Island of Malta, March I. The I'nlted States transports Kllpa trick and McClellan. having the First Infantry ou hoard, arrived here today from Gibral tar uu their way to Manila. MORE RIOTING IN SPRINGFIELD Mob Tires Another House, Eut Is Boon Dispersed by Troops. MACHINE GUNS roSTED AT JAIL Segroes Arcnaed ."hooting Martin Davis Rrnniht Hark front liar ton and He Identities One of TLcaa. SPRINGFIELD, o itch 1. After a day j of quiet from the mod which held sway for two nights, this evening was ushered In with Indications that more depredations against the colored population of the city has been planned for tonight. Anticipating that the attack made would be in the vicinity of Section street. Colonel Annuel sent a squad of aoldlers to that locality at 7:10 o'clock. Ju.'t before their arrival a crowd of rioters attacked the house of pearl Howard, against which threats had been made. The house had been set on fire, but the troops sent in an alarm and the struc ture was only slightly damaged. The riot ers escaped. I roops and tinna Posted. . As a precautionary measure colonel Am ine! has posted two machine guns and a company of troops at the court house and jail and the entire square Is cut oft. An tftort was made tonlgnt to secure automo biles to curry troops from one section of the city to another when needed but not enough could be had and wagons have been provided for that purpose. The distribution of l he guns and troops over the city has had a ue.ircssing clltct on the rioters and with the exception of small affrays which did not amount to much but little out of the ordinary had happened up to 11 o'clock. A house ut High and Race streets, recently occupied by ne groes was tired by rioters, hut the flames were quenched before they had made great headway. Arthur Ancll, a member of the Xcnia military company was hit on the head with a brick, said to have been thrown by a rioter and fatally hurt tonight. His as sailant made an improvised slugshot of a piece of brick wrapped In a handkerchief. Two more companies of state troops from Piqua are held in readiness for service here, but the present outlook does not indicate that more will be needed as the backbone of the riot seems to have been broken effec tually. Davlea Identities One Negro. Guarded by two companies of the Third regiment the prisoners Edward Dean and Preston Iadd were brought here from Iwiyton today and taken to the city hos pital to be Identified by Martin Davis, the wounded brakeman. Davis Identified Dean, but could , not identify Ladd. The Journey was made in a special car. Twenty-five rioters were arranged In po lice court this morning. Sixteen were charged with rioting, four of who had the additional charge of carrying concealed weapons. These four were each fined l-TM) and costs and sent to the Xenia workhouse until ten fines and eosta are paid- Those charged with disorderly conuet were fined i an costs. . , i Outbreak Feared In Dayton. DAYTON, O. March I. Concurrent with the report from Springfield that the death of Davis would lead to relentless pursuit of his murderer, a number of strange men have been noted on the streets here tonight. They have stopped citizens to ask for lodg ing places and have Invariably Inquired whether any railroud men frequented there. The police, the sheriff and the militia are on the alert for an outbreak. CARPENTERS ARF IN CONTEMPT Sit Ofileera and Membera of St. l.ouia In Ion 4djulaei Guilty by Judge Tbayer. ST. LOC1S. Maich 1. Six cfti.-ers and members of the Carieiiters and Joiners of America union were declared. In an opin ion handed down today by Judge Trieher in the I'nlted States district court, to have committed contempt of court, violating the injunction Issued April 2S, liXit, by Judge Thayer, restraining them from interfering with the purchase by any firm, corporation or Individual of material from the Huttlg Sash and Door company. George J. liohnen, national organized of the caienicrs and joiners organization: JainiM A. Shine, secretary of the Carpen ters District council of St. Louis; Reln l.ardt Fuelle. A! frill Honcnsteln. George W. Melville and Thomas J. Crow, were found guilty of contempt and will appear Satur day morning to plead extenuuting circum staneis. The judge will then hx their punishment. SPECIAL CONVENTION CALLED lulled Mine Workers Will Assemble ttur.'li 15 to Consider Trade ttuestloiis. INDIANAPOLIS. March 1 W. B. W.l son. International secretary-treasurer of the Cnited Mine Workers of America, to day Issued the official call for a special national convention to convene In Tomlin- aun hall March 15. Local unions are to select delegates fo, a regular national convention, and again l.Soo delegates will gather here "for lhn purpose of considering the wage scale and the transaction of such other business a may lawfully be brought before the con vention." NEW YORK. March 1 The subcommit tee of seven of the anthracite coal opera tors, appointed to confer with a similar committee of miners legardlng the coal sit uation, will meet in this city early next w.eU to consider the demands of the miners. The call for the meeting was sent out tonight. The dale was not disclosed. STEUNENBERG CASE TAKEN UP 1 Graad Jury Brains Work and Orch. ard la Take la Caldwell to Testify. BOISE. Idaho. March l.-The grand Jury ! at Caldwell this morning began its investl- ! gation of the assassination, of former Gov- , ernor Steimenherg. Harry Orchard was ' taken from tbe stale penitentiary to Cald- well In custody of Sheriff Nichols and ' Deputy Warden Smith. Orchard was not ' manacled. He chatted with the officers and 1 seemed to be In good spirits. The first witness called before the grand ' Jury was Detective McParland. Other wit- ' n cs walled In the courtroom to be called ' before the grand jury Included Orchard. Detcrtl Thlele and Eugene and Andy Johnson, hsal officers who have been ! working on the cae. No attorneys for the , defenae appeared at Caldwell. The crowd in the vicinity of the court- house waa not large and there waa de ckled lack of local Interval shown, SEVERE STORM AT ALLIANCE Worn Day of the Winter tomes In the Western lnrt of the State. ALLIANCE. Neb.. March 1. (Special Telegram. I The first blizzard and worst storm uf the year prevailed here all day. and Is hourly growing worse. The tele graph and telephone facilities arc demor alized w st of here as a result of a sleet storm that preceded the snow. It Is hope I It will not grow colder, At a severe cold snap would prove disastrous to stock in the face of this storm. NORFOLK. Neb., March J. -(Special.) A cold wave arrhed here tonight, accom panied with snow and high northerly I winds. The barometer fell almost an Inc h, Indicating a severe Ktonn coming. I1EATR1CE, Neb., March l.-tSpeclnl Tel egram. I A heavy rainstorm, accompanied by thunder and lightning, visited this sec tion this evening. The temperature Is gradually falling. CHEYENNE. March l.-tSperlal Tele gram.) A snow and wind storm begun this morning and tonight reached the propor tions of a blizzard. Considerable snow has fallen and the weather is bitter cold. One passenger train on the Cheyenne Northern Is lost. All wires except one are down, rail road trafflr being seriously delayed. Cnless the storm abates soon there will he stock losses. DENVER, March 1. A blizzard swept down from Wyoming today and reports from as far south as the New Mexico line show the storm had progressed that far tonight. High wind drove the sliot I ke snow Into drifts, causing considerable trouble to railroad and other traffic. The temperature w."S not greatly affeet' d. The northbound trail: on the Cheyenne Northern, which left Cheyenne this morn ing with thirty j assor.gors, became block aded somewhere between that point and Iron mountain. No communication has been had with It since some time this morn ing on account n the wrecking of tele graph lines. The storm today was wel comed by farmers and stockmen generally in Wyoming and Colorado, though there la some fear that stock will suffer. PACKERS FEARED TRUE REPORT Mr (nrfleld F.llmlnnted Evidence of Comblnntlon, eenrdlna; to Wit ness for tiovemnient. CHICAGO. March 1. Special' Agent Du rand was on the stand all day In the pack ers' case and when court ended for tlv? day his direct examination had not been finished. His testimony related to the con versations he had held with members of the various packing firms, and these did not differ materially from thoFC related by Commissioner Garfield during his examina tion. Mr. Durand detailed conversations held between tho packers and Mr. Gavfield and himself after the preparation of the report of Commissioner Garfield. Mr. Garfield was requested to el I ml ante Trom the report a statement showing that Edward Morris held stock In Swift and Company. It was taken out. and a request was then made that .all reference to a possible combination between the packers be stricken out of the report. This was asked because, according to Edward Morris, il;'i packers did 'not desire even an inference to the effect that a combination existed. "Did you hear Arthur Meeker testify that Mr. Garfield and yourself had examined the books of all the departments?" "I did." "Is that the fact?" "We did not examine all the department books." The witness said thut at anoilier con ference with J. Ogden Armour the latter expressed his Indignation concerning the contemplated grand jury examination. RATES ON PLATE GLASS Pittsburg Firm Charges Hank Dis crimination In Fat or of Importers. PITTSIU HG. March 1. One of the cases that will be argtiel before the Interstate Commerce commission when it sits In this citv on March ! wil; '.e tlat of the Pitts burg Plate Glass Company against tho Illi nois Central Kailro.ul. in which the com pany charges the railroad company with discrimination In railroad rates. The Pitts burg Glass compat.y alleges Unit while im pcrters are able to deliver plate glass In Chicago from Antwerp, Belgium, for 32 cents per luo pound.- by wuv of New Or leanii, the Illinois Central railroad charges IX) cents per l'V pounds from Chicago to New Orleans. i'liini Antwerp to Mlnne atsilis a rale i f hut 3- cents is charged, while from Chicago to Minneapolis the glass company Is chaiged Ki cents per loo. The rales from Antwerp include the ves sel toll and the fivigbt is carried over M pel cent farther by the railroad at a less late than is charged I he doiucstl..- inanu factuii. SHORTS HELP GENERAL MARKET Hush to Cover la Hill and Local Traction Slocks Hold Prices. NEW YORK. March l.-Stocks steadied today after some temporary disorder as the rffect of yesterday's slump. Calls sent out last night for additional margins be cause of wide decline had the ultimate re sult of selling orders from various quar ters, which were executed during the first hour and carried prices moderately below last night. After these orders were out of the way ihe selling was not pushed. An uncovered short interest was devel oped In tiie Hill railroad stocks and In the local tractions and volatile advances In those helped pull up the rest of the market to about last night's level. The two Met ropolitan traction stocks rose 2 to jv, over last night, (heat Northern preferred 79 and Northern Hacific 54. NEW LOCATION The Business Office OF THE OMAHA BEE Will Hereafter Be la ttu Ground Floor Corner F THE BEE BUILDING Seventeecth and Farnam Sts. TRIUMPH OF IOWA SENATOR I Dolliver Makes Greatest Speech of His Life On the Kate bill. CLAPP FOLLOWS WITH LEGAL ARGUMENT Nebraska Cattlemen Ask to Have North Platte Forest Reserve Made Permanent Matter Cora to Hltchpnek. I From a Staff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON, March 1. -(Special Tele gram.) Senator Dolliver today made what Is believed by his friends to he the slrong Cft and most logical sqicech he has made during his congressional career. No man In jears Iihs been accorded the attention tlia' was given Senator Dolliver today, not only by his colleagues, but by the pres ence of many members of the lower house. Including the entire Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota delegations, and by packed galleries. Senator Dolliver waa master of his subject and master of the situation. There are those who may cavil at his pre sentation of the popular side of the regu lation of railroad rates, because It may have lacked legal argument in some par ticulars, but Senator Dolliver waa follow ing out an agreed-upon plan beiwecn him self and Senator Clapp, the other repub lican senator who Joined with (he demo crats In reporting the so-called Hepburn bill out of the commerce committee. Sena tor Dolllver's presentation of the reasons why the Hepburn 1)111 should be passed touched the high lights of the people's de mands for such regulation. The legal as pects of the case will be presented by Sen ator Clapp at some later period. The speech of Senator Dolliver showed great research, and some of his utterances were the high est examples of American oratory. He was accorded a splendid ovation, not only by his associates of the senate, but by the ballerles, whose occupants could not Ire re strained from showing their approbation at the masterly manner In which the junior senator of Iowa presented his demand for railroad rate regulation. Cattlemen Like Forest Reserve. 8e.nator Millard and W. F. Gurley had a conference today with Chief Forester Gifford Pinehot In relation to the perma- I ncnt withdrawal of lands In McPnerson, i Arthur and Gram counties Into what is ! known as the North Platte foresl reserve, j Last summer these hinds were temporarily withdrawn from public entry and made . Into a forest reserve, which has been f great value to the cattle growers ot that country. And now, having had an oppor tunity to graze their cattle in this reserve under government supervision, the cattle Interests in the section named and repre sented by Mr. Gurley are anxious to have the withdrawal made permanent. Mr. Pin ehot has looked with favor upon the proposition, and has sent the whole mat ter to Secretary Hitchcock for final ap proval. Mr. Gurley left for home tonight. Proposal to Discontinue Office. Congressman Kennedy waa advised by the first assistant postmaster general that the discontinuance of the postofflce at Elk City, Douglas county, had been recom mended by an hvsTH-ctor of the department. This discontinuance grows out of the ex tension of the rural free delivery service from Washington, Washington county. The department, in advising Mr. Kennedy of the suggested discontinuance, has also requested him to state If he concurs in ihc recommendation. Ucfore answering the letter of the department the congressman will take up the matter with the patrons of the Elk City office. A year ago efforts were made to bring about a similar dis continuance, but so much opposition re sulted that the whole matter was dropped until now. Branch Office for Mouth Omaha. Representative Kennedy took up with tlie Postofflce department today the estab lishment of a branch postofflce at Brown park, W street. South Omaha. A petition lias been on tile for some time with the department asking for the establishment of Ihe office, out as no action was taken in the matter, Mr. Kennedy took the matter up with the department, with the result that the department will ask the posimas- ter al South Omaha for a 11 pert iu lo the advisability for such establishment. New Land Lease Bill. Representative Reeder of Kansas today introduced a grazing bill, which makes the ilfth measure on this subject now j pending before the public lands comuill I tee. Mr. Keedcr'e bill differs from those j previously introduced in that It would give the secretary of agriculture the con trol of letting of grazing leasts Instead , of their being vested In the control of the secretary' of the interior. I lie Keener uiu authorizes the president to set aside by proclamation such portions of the public 1 lands as in his ooiuiou should be created 1 into grazing districts. The control and I custody of the lands thus withdrawn shall i be placed lu the hands of the secretary of ! agriculture, who Is authorized to classify i and appraise the grazing value of such 1 lands and to appoint such officers as the I care of each griziug district may require, j Tlie secretary of agriculture is ulso au I thorlzed to charge and collect a reasonable ' fee for grazing prrmlts and to make and enforce such regulations as may be appro priate to tlie conditions of each grazing district. These regulations shall be framed and applied with special reference to bringing about the largest permanent oc cupation of the country by actual settlers and home makers. All public lands thus withdrawn and controlled shall at all times continue to i be subject to entry and settlement under j suitable conditions. I Money for lndlaa gchool. Senator Kittredge gave notice of a pro I posed amendment to the Indian appropria tion bill calling for an additional appro priation of IW.oori for general repairs und I Improvements, for cement veneer for old I buildings and for un industrial and science ; building at the Flandreau Indian school. ' Senator Gamble put In an amendment to the Indian bill calling for an appropria I lion of $3.j0() for the Improvement of Hope j Indian school a Sprlngfifld, 8. D. Poatal Matters. ; Representative Pollard today recurn I mended the appointment uf William T. j Rli hardson to tie postmaster at Mynard. i Cass county, vice A. L. Cox. resigned. I Complete rural county service has tieen j ordered established in Fillmore county, Ne I braska, to be effective March 15. !. The I h tal number of routes now in operation In j the county is twenty, all of which have j leeii rearranged. j W. L. Hell and Thomas R. Sawyer have ' km fcppoinird U Met carriers at Waterloo, ' la Rural carriers appointed. Nebtaska 1 Cook, route William C. F. Hehacht car I tier. Ed Weber substitute; Hebron, route 1 X Melvin P. Rhodes rarrier. Alyce E. Ru.Kles subs itute; Kenesaw. route 1, John iC'unUuutd vu tteconU I'agt.j NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Snow and (older l rlda alnrdn, I'alr and Warmer. Trmprratnre at Omaha IrMrrdall Moor. Dei. llonr. Ilea. n tH p. m ...... Ml H a. n IT 2 p. m 'i T a. m IT H p. m Ut st n. m 4.N 4 p. m H:t f a. m ik rt p. m n2 10 a. m Mi it p. m x 11 a. m ft:t 7 p. m .M 12 m . RT M p. ni ..... . f.'l ft p. m ..... . .12 Weather Forecaster Welsh hoisted his cold nave Una last evrnlnat and predicted a decided tall In tempera tn re. FCUR PRISONERS BREAK JAIL One Promptly Itecaplnred, but the Other Three Make a (ietanay. A successful Jail delivery in which four prisoners escaped from the Douglas county Jail was accomplished at 7:3a o'clock last night. One of the men. Mike Ford, was recaptured within an hour, but the others. John lirrry, James J. Ruckby and Patrick O'Brien, made good their escape, going in the direction of South Omaha. The en tire county and surrounding territory were immediately notified and instructions given to lookout for the men. The men made their exit from the sec ond floor of the Jail building by taking off the metal lop of a radiator and batter ing a hole through the brick wall large enough to admit a man's body. The latter thrte then crawled through feet first, one dragging the next, but Ford went out head first and failed In his attempt to turn a complete somersault so as to light on his feet and had his left foot badly sprained. He limped to the sidewalk, where n young girl, seeing his predicament, but not knowing the cause, called a cab. Ford gave orders to drive to a house In South Omaha, but he had been recognized getting Into the cab by a man who "tipped" htm off to James Huhl. night enginrer at the jail, and Huhl caught him on the Twentieth street viaduct. While the men were getting through the wall Buhl camel upon two men with re volvers, who ordered him away and fired two shots at him and also threw bricks. These. Huhl says, were outsiders who aided the escape. He rushed to a tele phone and notified the police and then railed up Jailer Smith Rrown, but gave hint the wrong directions by mistake, so t ha t. revolver in hand. Brown rushed out on the wrong side of the building, giving the men time to gft away. Ford and Berry were awaiting trial on eharges of burglary, while O'Brien was to be tried Monday for robbing the post office at Carney, and Buckby had been convicted of robbing a saloon at South Omaha. HOSPITAL FUND IS ALL IN Four Hundred Dollars Over Amount Necessary tn Clinch Dr. Jonas' Donntlon. The balance necessary to clinch Dr. Jo tibs' donation of WOO:) for the Methodist hospital fund hi -eomplete, and there "is some' over. February 13 a remainder of tXi.oaA haj to be raised before the Jonas gift could be claimed, and It had to be raised by March 1. A committee was appointed which S"t to work on-a systematic campaign of rais ing this money. l.ast night Rev. C. 0. Clssell, D. D., secretary of the fund com mittee, announced the committee had col lected I3T..434 GO. "And gifts were still coming in when I left the committee headquarters," said Dr. Clssell. "We wish to state that it Is de sirable to get all over the mark which our friends may wish to send in, for It gener ally happens a surplus Is needed in such cases of big building projects." Dr. Clssell said the gifts to this commit tee had come from L-IX) persons; at least, I tl al wus the uumlier of donations, and ' they ranged from 23 cents up to ll.OuO. I Of the total J2K.0H) was raised In Omaha, i The committee having this work in ' charge consisted ot T. F. Stuigesa. chair : man; Dr. Clssell, secretary; ('. C. Troxell, i C. W. Delamatre, E. C. Dodder, 1. S. ' Leavitt and G. W. Plattner. The Methodists will hold a Jollification I meeting Sunday night at one of this churches to express their gratitude pub ' liely to their friends who have helped 1 them out. j MONOPOLY JS PERMITTED 'New York Attorney General Will Take I No Action In Proposed I Merger. ! ALBANY. N. Y., March LAttorney I Geneial Mayer today announced that he had denied the application of William R. Hearst deinaudiltu Ihat the attorney gen eral begin proceedings to annul Ihe char ! ter of the Inlerborough-Metiopolttun Hold- lug company, under which Hie merger of the New Y'ork traction companies Is In ! tended to be effectuated. ' The attorney general holds that the pro- posed merger will constitute, a monopoly of the present elevated surface and sub- way systems In Manhattan and the Bronx, but that such monopoly In street transpor tation is permissible under the laws of the I state. (ARKANSAS BANKCLOSES DOORS ! Fort Kmlth Attorney Promises to Pay 1 All the Depositors la Fall. FORT SMITH. Ark., March l.-The South, et n Bank anil Trust company, a recent corporation with an authorized capitul of ",nsi. failed to oen Its doors this morn ing. A notice was posted to the effect that the bank's interests had been sold to Thomas Neal. an attorney of Fort Smith, who, it was stated, would pay all depos itors in full. Tlie deposits amount to about h.(mi. The ami t. consist ing of notes, loans, discounts and offh-e fixtures, amount to about a like sum. The Southern Bank and Trust company wn a branch of the Southern Bank and Trust company ol D..!!is. Trx WOMAN KILLS CONSTABLE C h lea ho OINcer Allerapls to Forre Hi) lain Home to Levy on Properly. j CHICAGO March 1 Constable Joseph j Fleis was shot und Instalillv killed today I by Mrs. Lawrence Raker while be was at tempting to levy on some io;city in I home at IsjS West Chicago avenue. Fleis. I according In the police, did not read the warrant for tlie execution of the levy, but I attempted to lore hia way Into tlie Bakur 1 huiuo. iit. Utkcr waa arraleU. DOLLIVER ON RATES Iowa Senator Makes Extended Speech it Favor of Hepburn Bill. DECLARES IT PROTECTS RIGHTS OF ALL Measure is Fair to Carrier and Frotecta Riehto of Shippers. REPLY TO FORAKER STATEMENTS Says Elkins Bill is Insufficient Because It Cannot Be Enforced. TROUBLE IS TO SECURE EVIDENCE Pendlns Mraanre Makea It Possible to Discover Discriminations la Favor of shippers or Communities. WASHINGTON. March l.-The discus sion of tlie railroad rate question In the senate was continued today by Mr. lxl llver, who spoke In support of the Dolllver Hepbiirn bill. Hn said that the bill was intended merely to supplement the exist ing interstate commerce law and con tended for Its validity from a constitu tional point of view, predicting that gov ernment ownership of the railroads would be forced upon the country If congress did not meet the present demand for reg ulation. Mr. Dolliver was not questioned and when he concluded the remainder of the day was devoted to the bill providing for the settlement of the nffalrs of the five civilized tribes of Indians after the termi nation of their tribal relations. Galleries Are Crowded. That Interest In the railroad rate question continues unabated was made manifest again today by the large au dience which greeted Mr. Dolliver from the senate galleries when he arose to speak on the Dolllver-Hepburn bill. From the first the Iowa senator has been the champion of the policy of giving the interstate Commerce commission full authority, and the friends of the house bill have expected him to take a leading part In pressing the consideration of tho measure, notwithstanding it has been placed In charge of another senator. Hi was the Hrst speech made In support of the bill. Mr. Dolliver began his speech at l:':o p. in.. Immediately after the disposal of tlie routine morning business. That order In eluded the passage of bills authorizing the disposition of surplus lands on the Yakima and Colvllle Indian reservation in Washing ton. Compliment to Collom. Mr. Dolliver spoke without notes. He be gan with a compliment to Mr. Cullom, of whom he spoke aa the father of interstata commerce legislation; and to Mr. Nelson, the author of a bill presented to the last congress. The senator then outlined the bill, pointing out wherein It amends the ex isting interstate law, saying that, after all. the changes were, .comparatively lew.. "Instead of undermining the law, the bill fortifies It." he said, and he declared that ' if the present law had been treated with the reverence and sanctity it deserved the. American people would have approached the subject In a frame of mind different from that which now prevails. He said that the railroad companies were unable to protect themselves against the flagrant abuses" ot the private car com panies under section 1 of the present law. He had not favored the abolition of these car, but he did believe that the car com panies should be regulated by making responsible the . railroad companies em ploying them. Speaking of the Interstate Commerce commission, he discussed Judge Grosscup's recommendation for a specific court, but he did not accept the theory advanced for the reason that he considered the present machinery sufficient for all purposes. He recognized the fact that It had become fashionable to speak . slightingly of the Interstate Commerce commission and de fended that body against such attacks. He expressed the opinion that If the lawyers 1 had dealt as fairly with the commission I uj with tlie courts, the result would have j been better. I cars No Vendettl. Mr. Dolliver declared lie did not expect u pro true ted vendettl between the railroads and the business community, believing that when the law was enacted it would be ob served by carrier and shipper alike. He predicted that within five years there would be boards of arbitration in every traffic renter of tlie country, so that appeals te the commission would lie the rule rather I than the exception. j He recognized tlie fact that the question of appeal to the courts from the order ! of the commission was the battle ground ' ami he declared that as the bill stands it leaves the door to the courts open for the protection of all constitutional rights. He temporarily left that point and took up the rebate qnestion, saying that he did not agree with either Mr. Foraker or Mr. Racon that the secret practices have baaa abandoned. He did not believe the Elklns bill adequate for protection against these practices. "The difficulty about rebates Is not In punishing violations of the law," he sail, "but In discovering them, and we have) undertaken to amend the law so as te cover that defect." Returning to the question of appeals, Mr. Dolliver waid that the power the com mission would exercise In preventing re course to courts was about as great as the power of "my friends who are tip toeing about this chamber talking of the day In court.' " He said that no congress that will ever ussesmble will pass a law that will take) the markets of the world away from the railroads that have created them and turn them over to rivalry that would be harm ful to advancement. Combinations Not the Troeble. That the people were not complaining ot the railroad combinations Mr, Dolliver ! averred, but he asserted most ear neatly ; that they do demand that congress shall ; ussi rt Its function aa the guard I in of tho j American market place. He then spoke In ! deprecation of his own powers and in ; praise of the advocacy of the president. , of the latter lie said that "it Is the most : suprb moral leadership of the genera, I tion." j As for hinifcelf he was prepared for I sneers, "but," lie said, "I stand In a, postlon I did not seek, but. consulting my conscience as a citizen and my honor as j senatcr. I can take 110 other." j Mr. Foraker's proposition lo leave to the courts the duty of considering all com plaints against the railroads was touched upon and tho Ii wa senator said that while he did not agree with his colleague he . would rather follow that plan than to au j taeh an amendment to the house bill gtv ( ing the courts the right review tw or