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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THPKKDAY. MARCH 1. Hr. FUNSTON SCENTS TROUBLE Rinforcin Troop in Philippine Approved by Officer st San Francisco. OUTBREAK IN CHINA EXPECTLD TO GROW If Action U Taken Trnoiia Must Be Sent from I nlted, Utf. a lalands Need All They II" e. HAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 3.-"Thlngs ato ' beginning to look serious In the fur cast." Said Oeneral Kunslnn in an interview yes terday, "and the actlun of 1 lie Wiir r pnrtmcnt In reinforcing the troop" already in the Philippines will. In my opinion, be Justified before the finl of the present up rising. Though the dispatches thus far received seem to indicate that the out rages have, been confined to rcngllsli resi dents in China, it in unreasonable to sup pose that the unoontrolable mobs whi'jli have hitherto wrought such Imvoc amoi.g foreigners will make any distinction of nationality If they ever start a massacre." Speaking of who would likely be In com mand In case It was necessary to land troop In China, the general wild that Major j General I-eonard Wood was the logical commander of an expedition of the kind, but he had number of Kencrals under iilm In the military department of tin TORTURED BY ITCHING SCALP Eczema Broke Out Also on Hands and Limbs-Suffering Intense Doctors Said Too Old to Be Cured -An Old Soldier of 80 Years Declares: "CUTICURA TREATMENT IS A BLESSING" "At all times and to all people I am tilling to testify to the. merits of Cu ticura. It saved mc from worse than the tortures of hades, about the year 1900, -ith itching on my scalp and temples, and afterwards it commenced to break out on my hands. Then it broke out on my limbs. I was advised to use salt and water, which I did, to no effect, i I then went to a Surgeon, who commenced treating me with a wash of borax. This treatment did me no good, but rather aggravated the disease. 1 then told him I would go and sen a phy sician in trie. The reply was that I could go anywhere, but a case of Micnii like mine could not be cured; that 1 was too old (80). I went to an eminent doctor in the city of Frie and treated with him for six months, with like results. I had read of the Cu ticura Remedies often. I was strongly tempted to give them a trial, so I sent for the Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent and continued taking the Resolvent until I had taken six bottles, stopping it to take the Pills. I was now getting better. I took two baths a day, and at night I let the lather nf the Soap dry on. I used the Ointment with great effect after washing in warm water, to stop the itching at once. I am now cured. "The Cuticura treatment is a blessing and should bo used by every one who has itching of the skin. I can't say any more, and thank God that He has given the wbrld such a curative. You can use this letter as you please. A very much befriended man, lVm. II. Gray, 3303 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa., August 2, 1905." Omtylitff Erorttal IN Inftraal Trtatawnt for 4wjr nwner.froia Ptml to Srrofula, from Itifaory loan, oo!fof of ('Dttcitra Sooa.2c., otirninl. .. HtoMv oat. Mr, (! term nf Chocoioli Coolra Pill, &: orr vial I, aiovl thtriufandruHlMt. A !( ot Sen jrottoi rr a Otiii Corp , Sol. Pmoa , gnrlou. Mm. a-Maluri I'm," Mow Is Cun DMfarlaf Houn. HAND SAPOLIO It ensures an enjoyable, invigor ating bath ; makes every port respond, removes dead skin, ENBR01ZE5 THE WHOLE BODY starts the circulation, snd leaves a glow equal to a Turkish bath. ALL AND TV IGGIST5 DERMA VIVA whitens the skin at once or your money buck. Is used in place, of owdcr: has same f fevt but does not show. Ki options. Freckles or Liver Spots cured In lu dajs. Derma Viva docs not el the skin. Red. Brown or Dark face, neck or hand tnada whiter at once. Kent prepaid for (Vie. OKRM A VIVA CO., Chicago. III. Boston Store. Drug Dept.. Omaha. Jip. Tuoso nunerint from weak Be which sap the pleasure of life should taka Jnven fills. One box will tell a atorr of marTeloua remit. This medietas lis more rejuvenating. vitoJIiing force than has ever l,e fur been offered. tent post-paid in plain package, only on receipt ot iius kit. ana si, Made by its originator C. I. Mood Co.. I Dro- Drietor H.w ri'1,. Iiwell. Maaa. u:GAL otick. NOT1C&. Notice la hereby given that the Keith and Ljiieoln Counties irrigation District will leceive scaled proposal for Hie purchase i f the toj.uu0.0U boiid issue of said district up to the hour of a o'clock p. m., standard tune, of the id day oi April, liwtS, at the uBice uf the avcieiury ot said Irrigation District, in thu towu uf (Sutherland, in Lincoln county, in the state of Nebraska, bald bond are In the denomination of luv.0O each and bear interest at the rate of si per cant, I aable aeiul-annualiy, oil tha mat daya of March and September of eacit und every year. bvittiinhiK with tha mat day of September, It. These bonds are In ten series. 33 of which are du on the first dny of March. Wl; St due on the first uf March, due on Ida Urst day of March !i13; due on the Hist day of March, 1H. W due oil the Ural day of March, Wli; due on the lirat Uay uf March. !'; due on the llrat day uf March, llT; i due on lh- ,My of March, l'd; s due oil the Met day of March, 1119. and )ul due on the first day of March. IK. The seab-d proposals may tie for lh whole of said bonds or for any portion thereof, and such bids will be opened im mediately after the hour of o'clock p. in. of Maid 2d day of April. 1. the board re serving" the right to reject any and all bids Dated this 1-th dav of February, 1. JAMK3 SHUL't. Becretary. Fll-dJut NOTICK TO SlOCKHObllCKg. The reuLur annual meetinK cf atckhold era In The liee Fubllahlnc company will bs turld on Monday. March 5. at 4 o'clock p. in., in Hs urnce at The 1W building, cor ne.' 17th and Famaiu streets, in the city ot Omaha. Hy order of the president. C C. BOoKWATKK e.retarr. K 1 w Philippines any one of whom ws available for service In China. He thought it un likely troops would be dispatched from here under a general. "It seems probable," he continued, "that most nf the forces for a Chinese expedi tion mut come from the 1'nited Blates. lor there are not many more men In the Philippine at present than are needed for the preseration of law and order among the Islands." China Will Make Amend. TKKINit, Feb. J. The government has Instructed the governor of Nanchang, prov ince of KUng Pi. where, on February 26, six French Jesuit missionaries and four British subject were killed, to punish se verely all participants In the massacre, and declares Its willingness to make, with out question, any reasonable reparation demanded. Many foreigners at Peking know the governor of Nanchang and con sider ilm efficient and friendly. They be lieve his version of the troubles and credit his statement that lie was unable to pre vent the disturbance. American. British and German gunboats are proceeding to the nearest possible point to Nanchang. River navigation Is seldom safe beyond Poyang lake. British and German gun boat have been stationed at the lake for the last two years, despite frequent pro tests that it was an Infringement of China's sovereignty. Heartrending; was the state of A. C. Sticker daughter, Miletus, V. Va., with a leg sore. Buck len's Arnica Salve cured her. 26c. For sal by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. DEBATE ON RATE BILL (Continued from First Page.) clear as to Its final outcome or the conse quences of an obeyance of the. order ore of such bankrupting- character as to make It Impossible, with due regard for the rights of Its creditors and stockholders, for It. to submit. Mr. Foraker raid that It the bill Is to become a law it should contain a court re view provision. On that point he said In purt: Fortunately some of tiio most important of the questions to which attention has been culled cannot be withheld from the court, but the power to review the ques tion us to whether a rate condemned or a rate made by the commission In a given ch!o is reasonable Is, unfortunately, not one of these. But between extor tion on the one hand and confiscation on the other there Is In most cases a con siderable latitude within which the action ot the commission, without special statu tory provision for review of It by the courts, would be llnul and conclusive. Klklna l,aV anltcleut. He then declared that little or no leg's-If-1 Ion Is needed and that tho Klklns law slightly amended is Buflicient if enforced. He pointed out that the Hepburn bill doei not deal with rebates or prevent carriers from engaging in other kinds of business nnd that It does not enforce uniform classi fication nor deal with discrimination as to j localities. The senator staled the bill h:id j pussed the house without amendment be- , cause, as the newspapers nnonunced, "the ! order had gone forth" '.hat while there 1 might be debate no amendment, no matter I how necessary It might appear, should be allowed. The bill came to the senate, and, so far as the committee is concerned, there has been a repetition ot that experi ence, he said. "To even suggest," lie added, "that the bill is filled with unconstitutional provisions or that It will prove Impracticable in op eration is heralded as a species of treason j and disloyalty, to whom or to what no body knows. The whole proceeding Is without a precedent in my experience an 1 probably in the history of the nation.. If we are to abdicate our functions and per mit such an imperfect. Ill-advised and ill -considered bill to become a law discredit will attach and disappointment will follow, not only to those who desire such legisla tion as thu house committee suggested, but to ull tho people." Objects to tritU'lama. Mr. Foraker concluded: It Is not either easy or agreeable to dinVr with the president. He is tho head for the time being, not only of the nation, but also of the political party of which I am proud to be a member. I believe that the welfare of the nation Is most benellclaiiy promoted by the supremacy of the repub lican policies nnd on this account think every, man who believes in the policies of that party should do all In his power t.i secure harmony of purpose and unity of action among Its nicmliera with respect l-t nutional analix. In this 'behalf he shoulj be willing to make concession in minor matters, but when questions arise of sucn commanding Importance as .these it is tho duty of every man who has an official responsibility to discharge with respect to them to make careful investigation and then act In accordance with tho convictions he may reach as a result. To the best of hllitv 1 have done that. I r dislike exceedingly, as every other public man does, to be arraigned before the country by unfriendly critics as prompted by unworthy motives in the atti tude assumed and to suffer In consequence in the esteem of the people. It is far pleasanter to go wun me ime oi puimc xeiitlment and enjoy the Iwmeflta of har- I monioiis relations with co-workers in the I public service, and have the -acclaim In I btcad of the disappropriation of constitu j cuts, but no limn who allows himself lo he controlled against nis juugment dv con sideration of this character can do his dutv or maintain his self-respect, or be entitled to retain the respect and confidence of his colleagues and cnnstiiuenls. If we enact this measure and it proves disappoint ing, as I believe it will, the people will not hear us who say In our defense that we legislated In response to their demands. They expect their representatives, especially in this body, with respect to question nf tills characicr to act intelligently, patriot leu II v and in accordance with thelv Judg ment and their oath of office, which binds lliem to disregard public clamor and legis late for the public welfare as they see and understand it. We owe it to our selves, as well as our constituents, to meet this Just expectation. Mr. Foraker spoke for about thiee hours. The Ohio senator wa warmly congratu lated by many of his democratic colleagues. Indian Hill TnUen I . A Joint resolution for the continuance of the present tribal government of the five civilized tribes of Indians until next June, offered yesterday hy Mr. Aldtich, was then taken up. ami Mr. t'laop offered the fol- ! lowing substitute for it: That the tribal existence and tribal rela tions of the Choctaw, tinckasaw, Cherokee, Cick and Heminole tribes of Indians In Imitau Tcrrlioiy shall continue unaffected umil all property of such tribes or the proceeds thereof shall be distributed among the Individual members' of said tribes. The presentation of the substitute pro vided lila-riil debate, which was participated in by Messrs. C'app, Clark of Wyoming, Jli'l'umUr, Bailey, Teller. Spooner and others. Mr. Tiailey said that his especial desire a to protect the Indians in the old rail road land grant. He was especially averse to placing the control of the Indian lands In the hands of the secretary of the in terior. Mr. tpooner pointed out a discrepancy between the act of l3i. providing for the settlement of the Cherokee Indiana In Indian Territory and the patent making the conveyance, showing that while the act provided for the reversion of the land to the government "in caae the Indiana become extinct or abandon the land," the patent provide for such reversion in case of en Unction of the Cherokee tribe or Its abandonment uf the land. He expressed the opinion that congr.ns had not Intended to deprive the Indiana ot their land except in case uf their extinction. Thu A Mr nil resolution was then taken ui, modified and adopted. . As passed it reads: That the triitsl existence and govern ment of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Civek nnd ftemtnole trihea or nations of li dn'ns in Indian Territory are hereby touLuiucd iu (ad lores aiid effect tor aU purpoe untU March 4, l!"?, unless sooner provided for by lam-. The senate went Into executive session at 4:1R, hut the doors were reopened ten minutes later and the remainder of the session was devoted to the passage of private pension hill. The senate adjourned at :3u p. m. ARM V BILL THF. HOt SK Prnrlalosi fnr Three llandred Clerks 'la tttrlckea nil.' WASHINGTON. Feb. The details of the provisions of the army appropriation bill occupied the house throughout the dny. Several page of the measure yet remain to be considered. Throughout, members of the spproprla tlona committee, headed by Chairman Taw ney. were In controversy with Chairman Hull and the members of the military com mittee. Each contest was an effort either In the direction of reducing or restricting the amount carried In the bill. In ome cases the appropriations committee was successful and In other the military com mittee. Incidents of the day Included an unsuc cessful effort to recogniae the heroism of two of San Francisco's firemen who lost their lives in the recent fire on the trans port Meade. Mr. Kahn of California' pre sented an amendment to pay their widows IS.Onn each, and many member approved, hut a point of order wa fatal to the at tempt. Mr. Hull retracted hi former criti cism of Minister Rnckhlll on the question of the return of the t'nlled Slates' "share of the Boxer Indemnity." Provision for more than Htm rlerks em ployed In the staff nnd at army division headquarters went nut of the bill on a point of order by Mr. Tawney, who developed the fact that there was no authority of law for their employment. Before proceeding with the army appro priation bill today the house passed several hills of minor Importance by unanimous consent. The army bill wa then taken up. By sustaining a point of order made by Mr. Tawney, Chairman Boutell ruled out of the bill a provision for appropriations fnr practically the entire clerical force, amount ing to more than 3H0 clerks, messengers, watchmen, char-women, carpenters and one gardener employed in the office of the chief of staff and at headquarters of divi sions and departments of the army. The point of order was made to para graphs nf the hill containing increases in the clerical force, and by the ruling of the chair not only the Increases, but the whole force were declared to be without authorization of law. Chairman Hull remarked that an effort would be madu "elsewhere." indicating the senate, to get the appropriations replaced in the bill. Commenting on this action, Minority leader Williams said the point of order had developed the fact that there was between JlOO.dOO and 3O0.(X) in the bill without any authorization of law. It also revealed thcU notwithstanding the army had been de creased from lOfi.OOti to 57.00O men, the cler ical force was continually increasing. He predicted that the bill would come buck from the senate with ail these clerks back in it, besides others. Mr. Williams saw cause for criticism In the provision for n gardener. He had Just been told he was for the million-dollar war college with its seven students. Why should we not provide barbers and boot blacks for the army, he asked. The provision In the Ujll requiring that officers above the grade of colonel shall serve one year In their higher rank before retirement was amended at the suggestion of Mr. Prince (111.), excepting retirement for disability or where an officer has reached the age of 64 years. A plea for the Porto Rlcan regiment, pro vided for In the bill, was made by Com missioner Lnriinaga of that island. Since his critl.ism of Minister Rockhill, made ! the house Inst week, Mr. Hull said lit! has been Informed by the State depart ment that the Chinese newspaper state ment on which it wus based hud been denied by Mr. Rockhill. "It seems I was mistaken." continued Mr. Hull, "and I re gret that I made any criticism of Mr. Rockhill on this proposition, which J admit, while I may criticise him for many other." Mr. Hull's criticism wus that Mr. Rockhill In effect had offered the Chinese a bribe of laVXO.OuO, the amount of the Boxer indem nlty, to offset the effect of the boycott. A tight against making the ap propriation for barracks and quarter In a lump sum was made by Mr. Tawney, but his amendment limiting to SiYl.OnO the ex penditure at any one army post was de feated after a pioiracted debate. Mr. Wllllcms and other members criti cised the cost f buildings for officers. He sold tl'.'.OU) had been the cost of a band stand at Fort Riley. Kansas. Mr. Hull said this Included cuarters for members of several bands. Consideration of the bill was suspended at S o'clock, when the house passed a reso lution calling usin the postmaster general fo." nil Information upon which he based his order withholding the lights and privi lege of the mall from the People's United States btnk or St. Ixuil. At 5:l o'clock the house adjourned until tomorrow. BILLS l IT5lr:T OF A HO It House Committee Hears Vlrvta of Agenta of Inluua and Hallwavn. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.-A general hear ing on antl-lnjuni'tinn bills and bills to enable employes to recov4-r fromi corpora tions for personal injuries was held today by the house committee on Judiciary. President Oompers of the American Fed eration of lAtxir. H. R. Fuller, n-present-Ing the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngi neer and several other organizations of railway men were among the representa tive of railway men present. Relief association ot railway men were attacked by Mr. Fuller, who said employes were forced to dn them and to sign con tracts exonerating companies from lia bility f4ir personal Injury suffered. Al though these associations. Mr. Fuller said, weie unlawful, the companies continue them. Hugh Bond, representing the Baltimore & Ohio Railway, spoke In opposition to the proposed employers' liability act. Treasury Has gurplua. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S.-For the first time since May I, lfH, when the govern ment made Its payment of for the Panama canal property and S4.6aO.CMi loaned to the Ixiuisiana Purchase Exposition com. pany. the daily statement issued todny rhows for the fiscal '4ar a surplus of re ceipts over expenditures. The surplus to day amounts to $l.lp-.'.fti. This is regarded hy the treasury offkinls as u remarkably fine nhnwing. especially In view of the fact that the expenditures ince July I last, on account of public works, exceeds those for the corresponding period last year by nearly tK'.Otf.OOO. A very large part of this sum was paid nut for Panama canal con struction. Bids fur Veaaela. WASHINGTON. Feb. M. No bids hava been recelv-d at the Navy department for the steel l,J0-ton ateamer Zafiro. although It had been advertised for sale for six weeks past. The vessel was appraised at Tuft ef4 Suaatura. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3 CJ4srrtaxy Taft wa be for tbu arnavta cjammitre on Philip pines today. He said that the production of sugar In the Philippines is greatly lim ited (or Uut vaut t! s marks u ALLEN PLEADS SELF-DEFENSE Neero Charged with Murder Says He Was Attacked with Knife. STORY OPPOSITE FROM THAT OF WOMAN Defendant Makes Oat that Dead Man Wta Acareaalve, and He Kim pi 7 Defended Hla own tiff, liralle Allen, the defendant In the murder case before Judge Sutton, went on the stand Wednesday afternoon and gave his version of the shooting affair In which !ce Jarrett was killed. Allen's story differed In almost every essential detail from that told by Mary Jarrett, the only other eye witness. Allen said on the evening of the shoot ing he went home and had trouble with Jarrett and the latter struck at him with a drawn knife, knocked him down and tram pled upon hlni, and then threatened to kill him. Just before this happened he said hi sister had locked the back door and Jarrett the front door. Allen says he unlocked the door and ran. Jarrett chasing him about three Mock. He came tip town, bought the revolver and went back home to get hi thing. Jarrett wa not there when he ar rived, but came In two or three minute later and attacked him with the knife, with the remark: "I told you not to he hanging around here." To protect himself. Allen says,, he drew the revolver with his right hand and held Jarrett's right hand with hi left. Jarrett grabbed the gun with hi right hand. During the scuffle the gun was dis charged and Jarrett ran out of the front door. Allen rnn out of the back door. He says Mrs. Jarrett followed hint and shot at him three times. He say he was fright ened because his wife was shooting at him and gave that as his reason for running. As he crossed the Missouri river bridge he said he threw the gun in tha river. He did not hear of the death of Jarrett until he was arrested In Iowa. He said he did not know who pulled the trigger. .Sen file In Pantomime. During his testimony the scuffle in which Jarrett was killed was reproduced In panto mime by the defendant and his attorney, Mr. Macfarland. Mr. Macfarland took the knife and acted the part of Jarrett. while Allen held the gun and went through the movements as he said they happened on the night of the shooting. Allen also positively denied he had gone through a mock mar riage ceremony with Miss Jarrett and said they had gone to living together under nn agreement to live as man and wife until death. The defense Introduced Mrs. John Tolsnn and her daughter. Gertrude Tolson. who told of a conversation they had had with Miss Jarrett an hour or two after the shooting in which she is alleged to have said her brother threatened to kill Allen if he disclosed Miss Jarrett's nlleged rela tions with an uncle of her, and that tfil was the cause of the trouble. At 5 o'clock the defense rested and the state will begin the rebuttal this morning. . A little before noon Wednesday the state rn People now demand the right to know ex actly what they eat. To be told by,' Quaker or retailer that the food is "purs"',!;! not satisfactory. Candy may contain "pure" white clay or "pure" dyes nnd yet be verv harmful. Syrups . may contain "pure" glucose and yet be quite digestible and even beneficial. Tomato catsup may contain a small amount of salicylic or boracic acid as a necessary preservative, which may agree with one at;d be harmful to another. Wheat flour may contain a portion oi" corn flour and really be improved. Olive oil may be made of cotton seed oil. Butter may contain beef suet and yet be nutri tious. The person who huvs nnd eats must pro tect himself and family, and he has a right to. and now demands, a law under which he can make Intelligent selection of food. Many pure food billls have been intro duced and some passed by state legis latures; many have been offered to con gress, but all thus far seem objectionable U has seemed difficult for politician to formulate a satisfactory bill that would protect the ctmmon people and yet avoid harm to honest makers and prevent end less trouble to retailers. No government commission or officer has the right to fix "food standards." to define what the peo ple shall and shnll not eat. for what agrees with one may not agree with another, and such act would deprive the common citizen of his ersonal liberty. The Post tun Cereal Co.. Ltd.. perhaps the largest makers uf prepared food In the world, have naturally a close knowledge of the needs of the people and the details of the business of the purveyors " (the retail groceri. and guided by this experience, have prepared a bill for submission to congress which is Intended to accomplish the desired ends, and. Inasmuch as a cllixen of the 1'nited States has a right to food protection, even when he enters another state. It la deemed proper that the government take control of this matter and provide a national law t4 govern all the states. A copy of the bill Is herewith reproduced: Section 1 governs the maker, whether the food is put up in small packages, sealed, or In barrels, boxes or otherwise. Section I governs the retailer who may open a barrel and sell the food In small quantities. When he put the good Into a paper bag h mum nlo enclose a printed copy of the statement of the maker which was affixed to the original package, and Inasmuch as the retailer cannot undertake to guarantee the statement of Ingredient he must publish the statement of the mak er and add hi own name and address as a guaranty of his selling the food a It Is represented to him. which relieves the ie taller of responsibility of the truth of the statenv nt and throws It upon the maker, where it properly belongs. The remaining section explain them selves. The Postuni Cereal Co.. Ltd., for ex ample, ha from the beginning of Its existence printed on the outside of each and every package of Poatum and Grape Nuts food a truthful and exact statement of what the contents were made of in order that the consumer might know precisely what he or she was eating. A person de siring to buy, for instance, strictly pure fruit Jelly and willing to nay the price has a right to expect not only an equivalent f4r tb coat, but a further right to a cer tainty aa to what he eats. Or he may be willing to buy at less coat a jelly made part of fruit Juices, sugar and a portion of glucose- But he must b supplied with truthful Information "f the ingredients anj I be permitted to use I. in nerson-il liberty lo select his own food accurately The p4oule havu allowed the slow mur der of infants and adults by tricky mak ers of focd, drink and drugs to go on about Ion enough. Duty to oneself, family and nation demands that every man and wo men Join in an organise movement to clear our people from tbls ' blight. You may not be able to go personally to Wash ington to Impress your MnifraHmtn, but you can in a moat efrKtrvs way tell him by letter bow you aeslrs Utra to represent ou. EM rested 111 the case v( l-slle Allen, who ! being tried befcre Judge Hut ton on a charge of murdering Iee Jarrett hist De cember. The principal evidence Introduced at the morning eio,i was by Louis B'ii menlhal and Isadore Freed man. pawn broker, the former of whom sold Allen the revolver and the latter the cartridges with which he did the shooting. He paid ti for the gun nnd awned hi coat to get the cartridges. Sheriff Canning of Pottawattamie county, Iowa, where Allen was arrested, testified that Allen admitted doing the shooting and saJd he threw the guii Into the Missouri liver as he crossed the bridge the nlslit ) of the murder. Kvldcncc of the police officers was presented to show Allen had been a fugitive from Justice. MICKEY WILL RENAME BOARD (nrernor Annnnneea lie Will Heap point Present Sooth Omaha Fire and Police Coninilsloner. Governor Mickey announced Wednesday noon after eating lunch at the Her Grand with a delegation of citlr.cna from South Omaha, that he would re-appoint the same hoard of fire and police commissioners next month. The member are T. J. Nolnn, A. 1.,. Berquist. V. H. Van Sant, (1. W. Masson and J. A. Nixon. The governor wa In the city to asi.t the committee in raising the amount for the Methodist hospital fund to come within the requirements laid down by by Dr. I Jonas when he gave conditionally Ho.onn. He announced lie would stay with the committee until the amount was raised. Asked as to the candidacy of Noma Brown for senator, the governor replied: "Norris Brown I all right. He Is a warm, personal friend of mine and ha been thinking about presenting his name In the senatorial race for some time. lb Is a good man and would make a good Senator." The governor disclaimed any Intention of mixing in local political affairs and said that although he was Importuned from all sides he was going to stay out of the fight and let the Omaha people fight their own battles. He added: "I think It much better not to minglo with local affairs, but to let the peoplo do a they will. People get an exag gerated Idea of the power of the governor anyway. I had a communication from some residents in the northwestern part of the city asking me to place a saloon near -their place of business, as the farmers went right by the grocery store and did not stop, whereas if there 'was a saloon nearby they would tarry a while and all would derive the benefit." CASE OVER FIGHT APPEALED Derlaln.i of Justice of Peace Don t Fatlafy Man Who la Fined. Yesterday afternoon the case of assault and battery tiled In Justice Eastman's court hy C. F. Johnson of 'M'l Charles street agninst Philip Aaron of ltill North Twenty-fourth street was heard. Owing to Justice Eastman's inability to heur the Remember the congressman Is In con gress to represent the people from his district and if a goodly number of citizens express their views to hlni he secures a very sure guide to duty. Remember also that the isafiiy of the people is assured by Insisting thut the will of thu people be carried out and not thu machinations of the few for eltlsh Interests. This pure food legislation is a pure movement of the people for public protec tion, it will be opposed only by those who fatten their pockets by deceiving and Injuring tin people. Therefore, it your representative lu congress evades his pa triotic duty, hold him to strict accounta bility and if necessary demand equitable and honest service. This is u very differ ent condition than when a faction deSiands class legislation of the congressman. Sev eral years Hgo the butter Interests of the country demanded legislation to kill the oleomargarine Industry and by power of organization forced class legislation really unworthy of a free people. Work people wanted beef suet butter becuuse It was cheap and better than much unclean milk butter, hut the dairy interests organized and forced the legislation. VThe law should have provided that ackages of oleomar garine bear the statement of Ingredients and then let people who desire purchase it for Just what it Is and not try to kill II by a heavy Ihx. Manufacturer sometimes try to force measure In their own Inter ests, but contrary to the Interesis of the people, and the labor trust I ul ways active to push through bills drafted In the Interest of that trust, hut directly contrary to the interests of the people ms a whole. Witness the anti-injunction bill, by which labor unions seek to tie the hand of nur courts and prevent the Issue of any onl -r to restrain the members of that trust from attacking men or de stroying property. Pilch a bill is perhnps the most infamous insult to our court and the comnicn people ever laid Ivefore congress and the representatives in con gress must be held to a strict accounta bility 'or their acts relating thereto. Rut when bills come befoi' congress lhat ar drawn In the Interest of all the people they should receive the active personal support of the peoule and'the representa tives lie Instructed by the citizens. The senators slo should be written to and In structed. II therefore, you will remember your privilege anil duty vou will nt once now write to your cfiereKsmsn and sen ator on thi pure food bill. Clin and en close the copy herewith presented and ask th4m to mnke a business 4,f following It through the committee cousiderlni; It. I'rge it being brought lo a vote and requesting that they vote for It. Sonii' oppressively Intelligent and carping critic may say this Is simply an advertise ment for Poet um and Grayie-Nuts. It I true that these article are snoken of hero in e public manner, hut they are used as illustration uf a manufacturer seeking by example, printing on each package a truth ful, exact statement of Ingredients', to shame other makers Into doing the fair thing by the common people, and estab lishing an era of pure fond, but that pro cedure has not yet forced those who adul terate and deceive to change their methods, hence this effort to arouse public sentiment Snd show a way out of the present condi tion of fraud, d celt and harm. The undersigned Is paing to the publish er of America about :u.oi' v to print this announcement In practically all of the great papers and magazines, in the i-onduct of what he chooses to term "an educational campaign." esteenu-d to be of greater direct value to the people than the establishment nf many libraries. That la held to be a worthy method of using money for the public good. Tell the people facts show them a way to help t beinsi--H arnl r-' upon t liem art intiilljtently anil effort i v el y . The reader will he fn-ely forgiven if he entirely forgets the reference to Postum and Grape-Nuts. If he will but Join the pure food movement and do things. w. 4VOST. F 0) ense. Justice Foster listened to the evi dence in the Ksstmnti court ami lined Aaron $ snd costs. The defendant Im mediately furnished nn appeal bond of lit! to take the case to the district court. Mr. Johnson allege,! r tit t while hoarding a southbound street ear at Twenty-fourth and Charles street last Thursday morn ing he had to sttueer.e by the defendant, who then struck him on the mouth with hi lit. which w. the plaintiff main tained without due provocation. Anion de. dented his stomach a hurt by Johnson when he squeezed past in getting Into the car. Motorman F.lkln testified he wit nessed the Hssnult. which occurred on the front end of the car. CALL FOR AID FOR JAPAN Appeal Kent Ont by Nebraska's Agent Who la Worklna In (ieneral rtni. The nation has been culled on to assist 2,000,000 people living In the northern part of Japan without the necessaries of life. The cause has received the endorsement of the president, who has presented the mat ter to the various governors. Governor Mickey has commended the matter to the people of this state In a circular. The National Red Cross society will act as cus todian of the funds collected. Chaplain F. M. Slssoti of the First regiment, Ne braska National Guards, has been ap pointed to take charge ,,f the work In Ne braska. Mr. Slssnn Issued the following circular yesterday: Our president regards the suffering of over 2.Hi.nia) people of northern Japan to be of such a serious character that he has sent out to each of the governors of the states an appeal to the American people for aid to relieve these starving people. Governor Mickey. In harmonv with this appeal, ha isued a proclaniatfon calling upon all the people of Nebraska to make generous contributions for the, suffering Japanese. Certainly this cry for help, coin ing to us from men who so recently com manded the admiration of the world by 1'ielr endurance and bravery on the battle ll'id will meet a very liberal response from all classes of the prosperous people of nur slate. Only money contributions can be handled and these under the direction of "The National Red Cross Society." F. M. SIsimiii, chaplain of the First regiment, Nebraska National Guards, has been ap pointed to take charge nf the cause in Ne braska. He will receive all nionev, and forward to the National Red Cross so ciety, sending a receipt to each individual contributing to the fund. His address Is V. M. Kisson, 216 N street, South Omaha, Neb. May we suggest this worthy cause might be presented by all the superintendents nnd teuchers in our public schools of the state, thus awakening in the rising gen eratlon a response to the call of suffering humanity as broad as the world. Will the preachers throughout the state, as well as Sunday school superintendent, present this cause to their congregations at as early a dute as possible? Iet civic orders respond as their organ izations will allow. lAt every business man talk it and let every Individual do at once what Is pos sible and our great state will stand among Its sister states well up to the front. Metal Workers to Meet. PITTBB1 'RO. Feb. .-Notices have been sent out by the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Sheet Workers to sub lodge notifying them that the annual convention will open at Cincinnati Mav 11 and requesting them to send resolution re garding any changes In the Whge scale or working rules to the national heudiiuartei s befdre March 31. TEXT FOR PURE FOOD BILL. If it metis approval cut it out, sign name and address and send fo your representative in congress. Buy two or more publications from which' you cut tins. Keep one for reference and send the other to one of the Ik S; Senators from your mate. Ask one or two friends to do the same, and the chances for Pure Food will be good. A BILL TO UKVI IKK MAM KACTI HKIW .X1 SHIPPERS OF FOODS FOR IN TKRSTATK SHIPMKXT TO LAREL BAIU FOODS AMI PR1XT THE 1(.'HEIIE.TS CONTAINED I.N SUCH FOODS ON EACH PACKAGE THEREOF. Be It enacted by t he Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America, in Congress assembled: That every person, firm or cor poration -engaged in i he manufacture, preparation or compounding of food for human consumption shall print In plain view on each package thereof made by or for them shipped from any Stale or Territory, or the District of Columbia, a complete and accurate statement of all the ingredients thereof, defined by words in common use to describe said ingredients, together with the announcement that said statement is made by the authority of, and guar anteed to be accurate by, the makers of such food, and the name and com plete add reus of the makerH shall be affixed thereto: all printed in plain type of a size not less than lhat known as eight point, and in the English lan guage. Sec. 2. That the covering of each and every package of manufactured, prepared or compounded foods Khipped from any Statu, Territory or the Dis trict of Columbia, when the food In said package shall have been taken from a covering supplied by or for the makers and re-covered by or for the sellers. Khali bear upon Its face or within its enclosure an accurate copy of the state ment of Ingredients and name of the makers which appeared upon the pack ;ge or covering of said food as supplied by or for the makers thereof, printed li like manner as the statement of the makers was printed, and such state ment shall also bear the name and address of who person, lirm or corporation that re-covered such food. Section 3. That it shall be uulawful for any person or persons to pur posely, willfully and maliciously remove, alter, obliterate or destroy smii ttatement of ingredients appearing on packages of food, as provided in the preceding sections, and any person or persons who shall violate this secttou shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or Imprisoned not less than one month nor more than six months, or both, in the discretion o' the court. Sec. 4. That the Bureau of Chemistry of the Department of Agriculture shall procure, or cause to be procured from retail dealers, and analyze or cause to bo analyzed or examined chemically, microscopically, or otherwise, samples of all manufactured, prepared or compounded foods offered for sale in original, unbroken packages in the District of Columbia, In any Territory, or In any State other than that in which they shall have been respectively manufactured or otherwise produced, or from a foreign country, or intended for export to a foreign country. The Secretary of Agriculture shall make necessary rules and regulations for carrying out the provisions of this Act, and Is hereby authorized to employ such chemists. Inspectors, clerks, laborers and other employes as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and to make such publication of the results of the examinations and analysis as he may deem proper. And any manufacturer, producer or dealer who shall refuse to supply, upon application and tender and full payment, of the selling price, samples of such articles of food to any person duly author ized by the Secretary of Agriculture to receive them, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisoned not exceeding one hundred days or both. Sec. 5. That any person, firm or corporation who shall violate sections one and two of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars for the first offense and for each subsequent offense not exceeding three hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 6. That any person, firm or corporation who shall willfully, pur posely or maliciously change or add to the Ingredients of any food, make false charges, or incorrect analysis, with the purpose of subjecting the raakort of such foods to fine or imprisonment under this Act, shall be guilty of a mis demeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding one thousand dol lars nor less than thre hundred dollars, or Imprisoned for not less than thirty days nor more than one year, or both. Sec. 7. That if shall be the duty of every district attorney to whom the Secretary of Agriculture shall report anv violation of this Act to cause proceedings lo be commenced and prosecuted wlthotlt delay for the fines and penalties In such case provided. Sec. S. ThPt 'this Act shall not be construed to interfere with com merce wholly internal In any Slate, nor with the exercise of their police pow ers by the several states. Sec. 9. That all acts or parts of act inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. ( Sec. 10. That this Act shall be in force and effect from and after the first day of October, ointeen hundred and six. The undersigned respecti ully request the Representatives from bis dis trict and Senators from bis state to support this measure. Signed MRS. WHEELER IN THE CLEAR Wife of Murdered Man Still Unconnected with the Crime. NO CONFESSION HAS COME FROM HER ( Police Are tiradnally Strengthening ( bain of Irenmatantlnl Kvldenra Around Jamea Dlaaa, the "We have not yet received anr avldenc wiilcli would connect Mrs. Dora Wheelei with th murder of her husband. In lit way has the woman offered anything ti connect herself or Janus Dlggs with th crime. A hn been Mated la-fore, she ad- j mitted nu'ftlng the folored man at hit room, but still maintains her Ignorance ol anything connected with the crime. Dlggi hns denied all knowledge of the crime." Such was the statement offered Wednes day by Captain Dunn at the police sta tion when asked regarding the status ol the Wheeler case. While as a matter ol fact the police have worked up a strops chain of circumstantial evidence against Dlggs. they could not say the same of th womnn's case. Wednesdny morning Captain Dunn and Deputy County Attorney Foter had an extended conference with Mrs. Wheeler, n-ho appeared as firm a ever In maintain ing her complete Innocence regarding the murder of Frank K. Wheeler. Wttneaaea Aaalnat Dlas. The pollre have three new witnesses against Diggs. These witnesses have Iden tified the colored man a having called at the Millard hotel last Thursday after noon and asked for the engineer of tha hotel, which person Diggs did not see after all. Whether he called on Wheeler or wanted to get a look at him cannot bs determined. The county attorney could not ssy posi tively Just when he would file a complaint sen Inst Digg. but thought he would hae It ready by Thursday morning. Asked whether he would file a com plaint against Mr. Wheeler. Deputy County Foster declined to say. He did not appear to think from the evidence at hand he had sufficient grounds on which to file a complaint against the woman. In making up their llt of witnesses for the preliminary hearing In this case ths police have taken the pnlns to Include th' name of the reporter who faked the stow of the woman' confession. He will h given an opportunity of proving his r.ise. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. 2S.-(Spi-rial.) Mrs. Wheeler of Omaha, under sus picion of having hod something to do with the death of her husband, formerly Mr. Reynolds, has a police court record in this city. Her former husband was sentenced from here for burglary. The police depar' ment reports her as an especially bcM character, though while she was here nothing of such a serious character wts ever attributed to her. Postmaster In Trouble, i?irKFiA,1'0' N'.Y" IVh -Postmaster Albert Horner of the West fVncca post office was arrested today charged with em bezzling Ji.'KKI postotthe funds. City, i