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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY", FEBRUARY 22, 190G. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Timm Cables ."Brine; Better Quotation, ea Wheat Pvf bu 17 Barley, bu IIO.SO .1" f In fl,t !T-rw1tiA trlian I rule the but' tr market im stestlv: creameries. lTtifTV dairies. 17n24'v. Eg, steady: at mark, cses Int-ltide.i. 114-; firsts, 11V; prime flrtw. 12'o; extras, 14'fcc. Cheese, firm, 11 tj)Jc. : NEW YORK-STOCKS AND BONDS Market is General! Lower Due to Lack of Support. ) jfi MODERATE STRENGTH SHOWN LOCALLY Fear that Colo Weather M ill Follow Warm Damage Crop Corn Weak a Weather and Large Receipts. OMAHA, Feb. 21, IX. fables on wheat were, higher on tha Indian crop report and the Uerman-Frencli war arara. The American market, re sponded early, but after an advance of Ho many took the opportunity to rll and the price went back below yesterday s clone. Considerable demand developed around 82ve for May, and the market steadied, closing o higher. The warm weather bring tear of damage. If followed by cold weather. 1 Corn waa weak on the good weather and large receipts, which overran the estimates. There waa little response to the higher cables. The demand, both domestlo and export, la very disappointing. Tha opening was firm on the cables, but a de cline aet In and the close waa So lower. Oats receipts overran the estimates. The demand la improving. The market waa steady and closed a trifle better. I'rlinary wheat receipts were WM.OOO bu., and shipments 187,4X bu. Corn receipts were 762.000 bu. and shipments 420.000 bu. lAitt year was a holiday. Clearances were XI .OiiO bu. wheat, 3h,iM) bbls. Hour, l74,000 bu. corn, 110,000 bu. oala. Liverpool closed Vd higher on wheat and unchanged to Vd higher on com. The following , waa received from New York by W. C. Sunderland: "There Is a much more pronounced demand both from the United Kingdom and the continent for oats. Total charters for wheat yesterday were 80.000 bu.;-80,0u0 bu. were new busi ness. Balance covering ocean freights on old Bales. It la reported vessel flue to sail March 16 will take eO.uw bu. No. I red winter wheat for Portugal." From the Inter Ocean: "Six per cent a month la practically being paid to carry corn for the next two months. This Is an extravagant carrying charge. There was JV.O spread between February and May last night, the greatest of the season. It Is not at all encouraging to the bulls, In fact, no bull can make any money by pay Ing such high rates for carrying corn at this or any other season. Prospects are not encouraging to the holder of corn through tha germinating period, as the en tire corn trade of the-west is afraid of the keeping qualities, hc-lce the wide differ ence between the cash and May, which only comes when conditions are unusual. The sample market was demoralised, with prices H3'2c lower. No grade sold down to foe and poor No. 4 down to 30c." The range of local option prices: Articles. 1 Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Wheat I May 7SA 76A 75V4A 76V4A Corn May '.. 3THT! 3744B 8tVA S74jB July 37A 37A 1A S7HA Data May 2HA 28A 28A 284A July 27 B 27 B 27vB 27 'B Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 1 car, 74c. CORN-No. J yellow. 1 car. 35Vc; No. 3, 4 cars, Sfit.c; No. 4, 2 cars, 24 'c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 7-a75c; No. 8 hard, 7073c; No. 4 hard, 6f4USVc; No. 2 spring, 73Vj74'4,c; No. 3 spring. 714t72vc. CORN No. 8, 35Vc; No. 4. 34'c; no grade, fnsa2c; No. yellow. 36Vc; No. 1 white, OATS No. I mixed, nWft&ei No. S white, S8&28V.C. RYE No. I, e8VipSe; No. S. 67Vi38c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata. KKW lOIIK (,1'K.Hlt MARKKT annotations of the Day aa Wrloaa Commodities. NEW YORK. Feb. 21-FLOrR-Recelpt. W.m bbls.; exports, 20,161 bbls.; market quiet and lower to sell; Minnesota patents, M4o-iit4.?0: Minnesota. bakers, $J.50'i3.85: winter pntents, $4 0014.40; win ter straights, $3.8fii3.5; winter extras. 12 75 ti3 25; w inter low grades, $2 6.V&NI 30. Hye flour, barely steady; fair to good, t3.ft9 ; choice to fancy, $3114.25. Buck wheat flour, dull, I'.MO, spot and to -arrive. COHNMKAIr-fMeady; fine white and yel low, II ID; coarse, $1.031.06; kiln dried, te.70fl2.80. . RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, TJc f. o. 0 afloat, New York. , BARLEY yulet; feeding, 4oc, c. I. f. Buffalo; malting. 42462e, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, lO.Oon bu.; exports, 19.814 bu. Spot, steady; No. I red. V4 elevator, and c. f- o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Luluth, 91C f. o. b., afloat. A atronger opening in wheat, due to un expectedly bullish rabies, lower consols and covering, waa followed by a sharp reaction. lp to the last hour weakness prevailed In response to favorable weather, new liberal receipts and a final rally on cover ing, left tho market steady at a partial Ho net loss. May. 87 15-!WiiW -lc. closed at 8S'4c. July. 87i67v closed at 87V4C September, 86Si85'ke, closed at 85c. CORN Receipts, 124,700 bu.; exports, 1R4 (W7 hn Snot, easv: No. 2. 48c. elevator. and 46c. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 45c; No. 2 white, 4HHC. ine option marnei was fair v active and weaker tnrougn unuiua tlon Imnelled bv big receipts and better weHther. Rallying late with wheat It closed 4fr(.c net lower. May. 4RH 484.C, .closed aKatc .tune. 48tih 44.0. closed at 4Xie, July, 4itf1ff49c, closed at 49c. September OATS-Recelrts. 111.000 bu.; exports, 300 bu. Snot. t mixed OSts. 2 to 33 lbs. S4V; natural white. 30 to 33 lbs., 3535Vc; llr,ru1 whit 3H tn 40 lbs.. MlSHc. HAY Dull; Bhipplng, 47VM62Vrc; good to Choice, 7fic. HOPS Firm: stHte common to choice. 19 crop, ll<ic; 1M4. llc; olds. N&ic. HtTK.S Firm: Galveston. 20 to 28 lbs 20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., lc. t.KATH HB. SteaHv: sc'lrl. 2Kt4'il27VM'. PROVISIONS Beef, Bteady; family, $11.59 A 12.00: mess. M.OiiSi 10.00: beer Dams, uu.uva 21.50: packet, IO.6O4jll.0: city extra India mess. $18 FKKftlfl 00. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. 8.5iXft9 60; pickled shoulders. $7.00: pickled hams. $9.7R'9 10.50. I-ard, easy; western steamed. $7.HjiS.60; reflned, easy continent, $8.10; South America. $8.R; com pound. $.12'ya.374. Pork, steady: family. $1.5iVfi17 00; ehoxt clear, $1.5.0lKa'17.50; niese, tie 'ftl.7S. TALLOW Dull; city, 6c; country, wf KUe RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, Z fifie: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery, 2328Hc; official prices un chunked. cliKKSPi Firm: state full cream, small and large, colored and white, September fancy, I4fl14c; stSte, October best, 3ty$ 13iC; state, late made, small, average best. 12'A: state, large, 12Vc; state, fa(r, tiuwiv EaS Easy; state, Pennsylvania and nrarhv fnncv selected white. 2li21c: Btate choice, lMtlSc; state, mixed, extra, 17c: western firsts, 14c: western seconds, lV13u.r- eout herns. 11&14C. pol l.THV-llve. weak: western chickens 10c: fowls. 12W-; turkeys, ltlc: dressed Irregular; western chickens, 10ft 13c; tur keys, 16fi21c; fowls, l(V614o. REALIZING PROCESS CONTINUES STEADILY Higher Rates for Moaer Drives eea- latora to Cover Prosoeet of Coal atrlke aa lafloeaee oa Valaes. Chicago ,. 19 344 . 153 Kansaa City ...... ., V ' ' 4 18 Minneapolis , 42ii ... . ... Omaha . 28 10 Duluth 72 ' Bt. Louis 47 154 6 PEORIA, ia, Feb. 21. CORN Lower; No. t yellow. 38Se; No. ; 3Wc; No. 1 a.c; no grade, 8'."'i34c. I OATS Easy; No. I white, 29 Vic; No. S white, c: No. 4 white, 2aVic WHISK Y-11.28. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS fc'eatarea of tha Trading; and Closln Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 21. Strong cables and damage reports from Illinois and MlBsourt contributed materially to a firm close today In the local wheat market. Final quota tion on the May option were a higher. Corn Was up Vaic, oala showed a gain of o and provisions were 7V4c luwer to 6c higher. Following a sharp advance at Liverpool, the wheat market here opened firm, wltk the May option up V&'Sc to at K!((M2C. For a time the market was steady on active bidding by shorts, but heavy selling by pit iruders, who were tiearUthly Inclined because of continued mild weather In the United Statt-s, caused the market to weaken. There waa little de mand - until May touched b2 but here shorts became active buyers and the mar ' toi't soon developed considerable strength. Another bullish factor was the statement Of French acreage made public yesterday. The revised llgurea decliired the acreage to be 600,000 acres less than the previous report. The market closed firm with May at 82169C'Hc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to lM.OOO hu. Primary recelpta were tkH,0 bu., against a holiday one year ago. Mlnneti polls, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 513 cars, ns agalnxl 2b last week and a holiday one year ago. Liber ill receipts and a decline of itj2c in the price of cash corn weakened specula tive values In the corn pit. The market waa firm early In the day In sympathy with the Initial advance In wheat, but the provision Interesta sold heavily and the market soon yielded to the preexure. The late strength of wheat and a fair demand by shorts caused a moderate recovery. The close was steady. May opened unchanged to He higher at 43443'?. sold off to i'ip 42Sc ami closed, at 42(i44iO. Local re ceipts were 344 eats, with three of contract grade. Reports or an improved export demand held the oats market steady. The principal buying waa by shorts, although commis sion houses took a "i-lilc ruble amount of offerings. The aelliix tun chiefly by local lungs. May oieiied a .shade, to C higher at 22it'ic to 7c, sold between W'4C and 30c and closed ut 2!"7c. Local receipts were 153 cars. Provisions were Inclined to be weak be cause of a 10c decline in the price of live lings. Local holders and commission houses were active sellers, but offerings were fairly well taken by puckers. At the close May pork was off lr at $15.80. Ird was a shuJle lower at $,.72tyt;'.5. Ribs were 6c higher at S..17Si.20. Estimated receipts fur tomorrow; Wheat. A curs; corn, 4U cars; oata, 154 cars; hogs, 36.0110 head. There will be no session of tha Board of Trade tomorrow on account ot Washing ton's birthday. The leading futures ranged aa follows: St. Loaia General Market. ST. IX1U1S, Feb. 21. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator; 84a8c; track, VH 90c; May, 80VH0Vc; July, 7SHc; No. 2 hard, 7962c. CORN' Lower; No. 2 caah, 40c; track, 40c; Vu v Julv. 4144c. OATS Quiet; No. 2 cash, 30c; track, 31 32c; May, 29,c; July, 28c; No. 2 white, 31 FLOURA-Steady; red winter patents, $4 30 ept.&O; extra fancy ana straignt, a.iwsi.a; clear, $2.9cv&3.26. SEED Timothy, steady; $2.60Hft$0. rORNMEAL Steady : $2.20. BRA N Steady ; Backed, east track, 84 HAY-teady; timothy, $8.0014.50; prairie. 18.0OU11.00. IRON COTTON TIES-11.02. BAOINO He. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady; lobbing, 115.26. Lard, steady: prime steam. 17.40. Dry salt meats, weak; boxed extra shorts, $M.37A; clear ribs. $8.60; short clears, $8.75. Bacon, weak; boxed extra short, $9. 12ft clear recelnts. 19.26: short clears. 89.5a POULTRY Steady; chickens, 10c; springs, 12Hc; turkeys. 15Hc; ducks, 136; geese; 8c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 21629140; dairy. ISfiZle. EGU8 Hlit her at 12c. case count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bblB 9.000 7.000 Wheat, bu 47.000 . 38,000 Corn, bu 134.000 96.000 Oats, bu 94,000 115,000 NEW YORK. Feb. tl.-Prlees of stocks turned downward todav and little evidence waa left of the hopeful speculative senti ment with which the week opened. The yielding tendency In prices was due as much to lack of support aa to any active pressure. Transactions were not on a large .scale. but the market was neglected and the de mand languid and Indifferent. The steady dribble of liquidation met no Important buying orders and there waa a marked lack of resiliency. There were no Important news develop- menta, but speculative operators very gen erally felt a sense of disappointment over the action of the market yesterday and its easy yield to the flurry In the call money market The sensitive condition thuB Indi cated In the money market waa felt to be bad augury for any attempt to revive active speculation. The low condition of banking reserves and the many require ments ahead of the market, make the re currence of such flurries from time to time probable. Time money was not notably affected today by veaterday's development in call monev. With the easier rates for time loans, however, an . effect had ben produced on the Interior exchange In New York. The rate at Chicago which ruled at 86 rents premium last week has got back to a small discount. Some attention Is given o the minor disturbances In the Chi cago banking field A detailed estimate anneared In Wall street during the dav of the leading bond debenture and stock Issues which have made their appearance since the first of the vear. which offered an arvregate of $580,355,400, not Inrludlnr munlrlnal Issues by smaller corporations. The list Includes only securities" Issued or to be Issued Immediately and does not Include totals newlv authorised but not issued at once. It Is estimated that about 28 per cent of the Issues Is for refund ing purposes or for the purchase of other securities already on the mnrket. But te aggregate of new capital called for Is suffl lentlv Imposing and is expected to be sdded to lsreelv In the Immediate future Foreign political developments had theli Influence on the stock market bv reason of the monev situation and the possible effects there rather than from any fears of the Immediate effect on values on securities In New York from a failure of the Moroccan conference. Hume of the oar's movements Indicated feeling of misgiving over the rumors afloat which have been so large an Influence of late. The departure from the city of Presi dent Hill without announcement of the supposed nrolects affecting the properties of Mch he ! ha orwun w' for the sharp decline tn those stocks. Less oonnnent assertions were heard of tn alleaed Conner deal. The views -expressed bv the president of the United Mine Work ers, as to the chance of a settlement of the labor controversy also were discouraging. Bub-treasury operations have turned against tne banks witn the withdrawal since me bank statement of $2,642,000. but a heavy debit balance todav at the clearing house indicated an adjustment of this drain by the government Institution. The covering of short contracts by the board-room bears to take their profits on the day a decline made the only force towards tha late feeble rallv In the market and the closing waa generally easy. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value $??3d.0Mr United States bonda were all un changed on call Th following wis the nnt of prices oa IM New York Stock eichtnc: flsJet. Risk. Lew. CloM, Aaams Express loo Amalgamated Copper let ana American Car A Foundry. 8,700 do ptd American Cotton Oil do ptd American ExpreaR Amer. Hide a Latnr ptd American Ice securities.... American llneeed Oil do pfd American Locomotive do pfd Amrr. Smelt, at Retains.. 40,100 do pfd 100 exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, show: , Available cash balance. 8150.120.W4; gold. coin and bullion, $73,886,916; gold certifi cates, $46.4)0.001. New York .Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. ll.-MONEY-On call. easier at 3ti6 per cent; ruling rate. 6 per cent, closing bid and offered, 8 rer cent. Time loans, easier; an and 90 days and months. 6' per cent ' ... HTERLINO KXCHANUfc wteaoy, wun actual business in bankers' hills at $4 tt 4.W5W for demand and at $4 82SOU4 .8J86 for sixty dsv bills; posted rates, $4 MfI4.4 and $4 .87fK7H: commercial bills . $4 82V PRIME MERCANTILE rArr,n-jpni PI.ST.11- ........ BILVEH- Bar, soc; jnrxican uouars. BONDS Uovemmeni, Bieaay; rauroaa. n'avy. ... Or sing quotations on nonoa toaay were aa follows: 1MV Japan . !4 .1I do 4'4j fs ' l(it do 4 ctte n lt do 4Ha ctra Id er. " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET All Dogirtble Kindt of 0ttl , Command About Steady Prioes. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Sheep and l.a mbs slow and Da 11 and All of Fifty rente Lowe Than Last Week. Uaki offering Most. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 21. I!. I. 8 ref te. de coupon -. V. 8. , ref dd enupon V. 8. old 4a. I do coupon . . V. I. n. 4a. reg do coupon . . Am. Tob. 4s. do Atrhleon ges. do at). 4... Atlantic C. L reg. Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesdnv .., Offlulal Wednesday Cattle. ... 6.05 ... 6.2U ... 6.000 Hogs. Sheep. 4.451 lO.fttt lit. 1.3 6.500 Baltimore A Ohio 4a 1WVN do 4s M ark. ft. T. f. 4a Central of Ga. la .do let ine I do fd Inc do Id Inc Chra. O. 4 St 1M4 .10! wt . tl . 14 . 7 . i. 4 . pets liile Northers Paoldc 4n..Km lii do a 714, 114t M. W. r. 4a I01 Or. 8. U rf(. 4.... H 7, Penn. conr. IVi 101 M Rradlnf gen. 4a t')l4j ....! i'St.l.. k HI. . He. UT4j L a N. nl. lO Man. r. nld 4e !? Max Central 4 1ZSS4J do let Inc 7 Minn St. U 4a.. Ili4 M.. K. A T 4 101 da I M iN. H. ef M. t 4i 101 N. T. Cent. I H tent. I Chlcaio a A. I4j... Vi St. L. a 8. F. ff. 4a. US r B. a q. n. "St. u. s. w. t. n.. i C. R. I. a P. 4a 14 Sea beard A. L. 4a.... fl do col. la 1 iSo. Pacific a P4H COO. a St. h g 4b.I'h! do let 4e ctte M'4 Colo. Ind. la per. A. 77s southern Rjr ta Ilo, do aer. B Tlva Texae Ik r. la .! Colo. Mid. 4a 71 IT., at. U. W. 4a.. M Colo. Southern 4. Muifnloa Pcic 4 104 4a... Cuba Is D. A R. a. nimillera' 8r. . rle prior lien 4.. do sen. 4 Mock. Val. 4,i.... Japan la Offered. .107 .100 . M .100 do cr. 4a. f. S 8teel Id la. Wabaeh la do deb. B 2HlWeetera Md. .!( !W. A L. 15. .tooH 'Wis. Central ..114 .. SB ... Three davs this week..lK.2) 88.042 SS..1S7 Same days last week ... .12,484 2.203 18.8H8 Pnme days week before.. 13.312 2-l.sM 20.182 Same three weeks Hgo..l4,iU S3. 21 13.870 Same four weeks ago. ..11.33ft 24,0 28.485 Same days last year.... 12.177 84.320 83.037 The following tame anowa tha receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th year to date, compared with last year: iiwj. inc. Cattle 13t,653 1)3,113 25.540 Hogs S93.5M S37.06 67.W Sheep 228.089 220,616 1,424 ca ;lb QUOTATIONS. Tha followm will show tha one paid for tha different kinds of caitla on tha Htluth IHliAhft ntarltali Good to choice corn-fed steers $4 90tjS 50 rair to choice corn-fed steers 4.7bl4 o Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.O0(j4.7$ Good to choice cowl and heifers.... 2. 76(-4.30 Fair to good cows nnd heifers $ 003 75 Canners and cutters l.(ao.J.0 Good to choice Blockers and feeders 8.75(g4.30 fair to good stockera and f ciders.. 3.Nirg is Common to fair stockera $.7b:l 80 Bulls, stags, etc 2 8Ot&4.00 Good Veal calves t.OOus.M The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha fur the last several days, with comparisons: Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. Feb. 21.-Call loans, 6a per cent; time loans, 4ff6H per cent. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were: Data. 1904. 1SU6. 1904. 180. I1802. 11901. 100. Atchison Adj. 4a do 4a Mei Central 4a .. Atchlion do pfd Boeton A Albany. RoMos A Main Ronton Elevated Ttrhburs pfd Meilran Central N. Y.. N. H. A rnlnn Pacific Am. Arse. Chemical do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba. Amer. Buger do pfd Amer. T. A T. Amer. Woolen de pfd tom. Iron A 8. Rdlaoa Bier. A Maaa. Electric Ma. Oaa In I ted Shoe Mach.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlng. common... Adventure Allouei Asked. Bid. o4j Amalgamated ..irattlAmerlran Zinc .. 71 Atlantic ... Wj I Bingham ,..1it,fal. A Hecla . . .7(4 ntnnll ... ..177 ICnpper Rans .1444 illy Weat l4!Vrtam r"l H...K , 14 M ....140 U ....14014 .... 44 .... 11 , 10 241 IIH so . W'A 10'4 li Ut 111 Franklin Oranbv lale Hovale ... M Mining Michigan Mohawk Mont. Coal A Old Dominion Oaceola Parrot o,ulnrv Shannon ....... Tamarack Trinity I sited Copper r. S Mining . v. s. tin t'talt Victoria Wlnnn L Wolverine North Butt .. C. .lie" ... 111 ... 24 ... 434 ...,1! ... Mi ... 0 ... 19 ... w ... II ... 4 ... 23 ... S ... ... J ... oH ... 44 ... , ... I ,...1M .... 10 '4 70 W .... IT .... U4 .... M ... fH .... ,,..1JJ .... i Feb. Feb. Feb. teb. Feb. Fb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. ?.... I.... I. ... 10... II. .. 12... 13... 14... 15... 16... 17... 18... 19... 20... 21... 6 67 I 4 74 P 71 4 4 4 8. HI 4 89) 72 4 77 5 02 70 4 77 I OOl t Tl 6 001 72 1 t Ml 29 4 7 6 001 C 02 5 261 t 32 4 84 4 0 t 71 V 6 78V4I 4 811 4 861 ( 811 R W: 5 261 4 83 I B3i 4 81! 1 86 6 6 811 4 78 i 89J 4 86 4 8 6 80 5 24 4 75 6 MW 4 85 I 041 93 6 7 4 83 6 Dote' 4 73 6 031 1 021 6 79 1 4 it 6 91 5 97H 4 88 4 68! 6 06 5 12 6 25 8 97i 6 79 6 1 6 87 a m 6 84 6 9o! 6 88 s... 11... 1... 1... T... 1... I .. I... I... I... I... 1 .. I... 1 .. 1... !... I. .. II. . M... 1... I... 1... 1.. I... r. 1... 1.. 1 . 1.. s... 1.. 1.. 1.. 7... 4.. ... T.. I . 4.. .. I., t.. I . I.. . 4 t t .till I 71 HM t 71 r t tl U I M Ill) IK) ll 1010 I7 120 K.4 in 1S0B f 1047 4J0 711 411 ....: 413 640 11IS 1 2i 1101 1I7 141 1140 ltlO .1441 11.! u'.'. 11' 1 1 1 I d an I on t o I IK) I on t 10 ' I t I M I tl 8 I I 10 HKlFF.Ra. I n 1 lis 1 8 IA It I on I I IP BULLS. I 75 I 0 I 10 I II I to I fl I I 40 . m ,.I0M . . M .-, . HJfl . I'M . n . .1020 ,.IW1 . .10J7 .1.130 . 1!M . Il .104 . . 177 . IfU l' ..100 ,.ll .. K .. Ill .. M .. 170 .. 140 1170 17W 141 mo tJH lnm I 3 I u i I 7!l I an I 0 4 On 4 M 4 ou 4 on I 0 I 10 4 10 4 II 4 K 4 10 4 M 4 SO I 10 I 10 4 00 4 :i 4 M I M I so 8 10 I i I I w I Id at. Koala Live trk Market. BT.-l.ori". Mo.. Feb l'1 CATTLrr-tte-ltt. in" head. Ini-brrtlrtg 75 Tesans; nuirket steady; native suipiuug ann rpi tocrs, $4.tnti.1s; tltesKed l-ef and Mitciin- teeis. tt '': steer under 1.( hhiiii1s, $2.tlr4.riO; sttx kers and feeder. $:.U.rT4 PO; cow and heifers, $2.inf I 4(i; rnr)ners.$2 SMr 50. bulls. $2.7541.1. To; calves. $.1.7Mii,:'5: Tea s anil Indlnn st.Tis. $.1.tOn4.7S; cow and clfers. $2 1i"i1 . HOtlg- Kecelpts. 7.000 liend: market weak: pigs and light. $.VJMiw :; packer. 5.754113.20: butchers and best lieavv, 8H.ur ." ... BHEEP AMI I.AM HH- Iteccipi. M4i head: market steady: nsthe lunttona, f4.srjS.5o: Intuhs. $.V5niii'. 85: culls ami bucks $X2."i6.oi; stot kers. $1.0iij4.W. COWS ANtl HEIFERS. ...1081 4 40 STAGS. ...toto I n 1 nil ...M0. I 40 1 1400 ...110 171 CALVES. 40 IM 104 mo Ml 141 120 STOCK ER8 1170 I M 10 710 410 I' C47 ? 471 171 7Jt m 77 114 400 1(0 I Mt $ n 4 o 4 10 I 00 ( M I n 1 71 1 11 1 1 11 1 10 I M 8 50 I U 8 71 I M I U I M I ,, I 0 t.. 1... 1... I... f... t... AND SO.. 1 . I . .. 1:.. m 10 100 111 10 10 I 71 4 00 I tl I K I K I 10 I I M 1.. . rt'.' 11. n. 1 1 13. I. FEKDKRB. VI IN Ill 1110 7 Ill 40 140 740 744 07 170 41 Ml 101 4 00 4 oa 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 00 4 10 4 II 4 to 4 so 4 II 4 II 4 U. 5 22 6 231 6 31 4 84 4 78 8 33) 4 74 Hogs. $5.82Vno.7yi 8.70 aa (US. 15 re a ttS.86 650 226 6.80 ew York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, Feb. 21. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adama Alice Breece Brunawlck Con. ... Cometock Tunnel , Con. (al and Va. Horn Stiver .... Iron Silver Laadvllle Con .840 ,. 44 ,. 14 .. '. .121 ..21 ..MO .: Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potnai Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopei . Standard .. 7 ..12S ..63714 .. Z .. 10 .. 41 .. II .. 30 ..160 147 111 434 1.400 100 1,000 1,10 200 8IH 464 S47 1"H 42 14 ii ll4 46 V. 240 43 101 14 U 17 41 82 St Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 21 WHEAT Dull; Hay. 7f,c; July, ic; ueptemoer, .ssu; cash. No. 2 hard. 7&&7Hc; No. 8, 714i76o; No. 3 red, 88 89c; No. 3, 83i87Vic Recelpta, 43 cars. CORN Unchanged to lower; May, 3cj Julv, 3Hc; cash. No. 2 mixed, iWusov:; no. 3 white. 39c: No. 3. 38Ho. OATS I'nchanged; No. 3 white. 28V4 8Hc; no. 2 mixed, 29V4C. KYE Steady. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $10.50i811.00; choice prairie, Bl'TTER Firm: creamery. 25c. K1;8 Weak; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2 whitewood cases Included, 10c; cases count 9c, cases returned, less. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat 43.000 . 44.0H0 Corn, bu 60,fit)0 . 92,000 Oats, bu 9.0U0 25,000 8.40A 1.30O 41.100 1.000 00 60S 1,700 300 . 11.200 10.IOO ', 4' 600 too ', l'iio , 4.100 . 16.100 , 1.000 ioo . 17.300 . 1.200 '. liiov 10 Minneapolis Grain Market. (Superior Quotations for Minneapolis de livery.) The following quotations were re ported at Minneapolis by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Hoard 01 Trade ouiiuing: Artjeles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. lYest'y. Wheat I I ' May...l81ftS 81HI 0 81 81H July... 83 . 831 82 82 83 Flax I - May... 115 J. IBS, 115', 1 15H 1 13v July... 1 17 I 17, 1 164 1 17V 1 15 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. 8o,c: No. 1 northern. 80Vc: to arrive, 80c; No. 2 northern, 78Vc; to arrive, 78c; No. I nortnern. itj.ic; po. 1 aurum, izc; No. 2 durum, fi9Vc. Corn: No. 8, $4c. Oats: No. 1 white. 27.c: No. 2. &,lu26'-c Rarlev: 86i4. Rye: 68'a59c. Flax: Cash. $1134,; anay; 11.1. Mllnrankeo Grata Market. M11AVACKEE. Feb. 21. WHEAT Steady: No. 1 northern. fcHfi84; No. 2 north em, 9'n83c; May. K2WgS-Sc asked. RYB bteady ; No. 1, f.60. HARLKY Steady; No. 2, 56c; sample. JVM040. CORN-Weak: May. 42Sc bid. Articles. I Open. I High Low. Close.) Yes'y. 82', 82', I I '8?ftV 81-2' . I 43-: 44l 2frTB'!iiSi(l 2V'i . JK 27 I is I $m si wiiw, 1 4jl'4 424iS 42t 4.., , 44 I 4:ill43j! kl 44 15 W ( 15 15 ) 15 $0 1 T76 t 7 85 T 70 7 Jio 1 $ 17 8 0 8 2a' I 27SI Z 15 .12' 16 60 15 10 I 15 27 e 4" " "r 7 75 I I 8 074I I T 76 7 85 8 20 $ 25 1 43 4. 44 ' 291, . 27 15 87 15 3i T 78 7 7H SIS 8 22V. Whett May July 1 'n,-t Sept. t is Mav July . Sept. Mnv I July I 1. - u- I Mnv I July I 11". - Mav 1 July I No. 2. ' 4'ssh quotations were aa follows-. FliOrtf Weak: winter petenta. $3.7049 4.00; winter straight. $3.6i4rt3.K5: spring pat. $J.:ti ei. WHEAT No. snrina. SiMc. CORN No. 2, 8S3c; 3..ei!Hifcc. OA TB No. i. 29.e: No. J white, tl9 22vc: No. 1 white. SstfiHr, BARLEY t'loori' fwiliig. t choice malting. 44iidic. STEI4-Nii. 1 flax. $1.08; No. 1 north T.estern. $113'. Prime tiiimtby, $3 25, Clover, contract sre-lr. $14.15. I'FOVfcUONri-MeHa tsirk. per bbl.. $15 88 rl 40. Ijrd. wr i lua.. $7.4i; 62. Bhjrt ' h eld.-s, 17 'k.Oi). Slioit clear v.- honed 1. x 4f.i-8 So. . following were the recelpta and shlp-t'-ints if flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 21 WHEAT-Soot. nominal; futures, steady; March, 6s 8Vpd; XUliy, osdo; juiy, uvtia. CORN Spot Americun mixed, new, easy, 3a lid; American mixed, old. quiet, 4s 7d. Futures, Uii; March, 4s HVid; May, 4s Id. Ualath tirala Market.' Dl'Ll'TH. Feb. 21 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern K0c; No. . 2, northern. 78W-: on track. N0..1 northern. stc: No. 2. uorthern, 78c; May, 81o: July. 82c; oath to arrive unit , 11 intin, ac. Amer. Rusar Reflnlsg. . . Amer. Tobacco pfd ctfa. Anaconda Mining Co Atchiann, ex rights do pfd, ex rishta Atlantlo Coaat Lin.... Baltimore A Ohio do pfd Drooiilys Rapid Tranatt. Canadian Pacific Central of New-Jersey Cheaspeake A Ohio Chicago A Altos do pfd Chicago Great Weatern.... Chicago A North wcetcrn... Chicago, Mil. A St. P.... Chicago Ter. A Tranilt.... uo pfd C, t. C. A St. Louli..., Colorado Fuel and Iron..., Colorado A Bouthern do let ptd , do 2d ptd Consolidated Uaa Com Producta d pfd Del. A Hudeon. ex-rlghta. Llelaware. L. A Weelern. Ijenver A Rio Orande do pfd Dtatlllera' gecurltlea Bile do 1st ptd do 2d pfd Central Rlectrlo Hocking Valler lllinole Ceutrat International Faper do pfd International Pump do pfd Iowa central do pfd Kanaaa City southern do pfd Loulavllle A Nasuvllio. . . . Manhattan L llelropoltta Securltlee llelropolitau Klreet Railaray Mexican Central Minneapolis A St. Louie. .. Minn., at. r. A B. it. M. do pfd Mlaaourl Pacific Mieaouri, Kanaaa A Texaa do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Mexico, pfd New York Central Nee York. Ont. A Westers Norfolk A Weetvra do pfd North American Partite Mall Pennsylvania People' Oaa Pitta., C. r. A St. LouU. Preaaed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Filar Car ... Heading do let pfd ex-dlvldend do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Ko.k Island Co do pfd St. L A Ban gran. Id pfd it. Louie Souihareatcra... do pfd v southern Paclfie de pfd Southern Railway do pfd Teuntuee Coal and Iron.. Teiaa A Paviilc 1.200 Toledo, 81. L. A Weat. pfd too 71 111 16! 124 141 104 Ml, m 101 10 - 110 M 2, 171 61 8 11 210 110 14 ino u M 171 71 111 161 124 13 103 ITf I 1W 10 109 84 71 T4 171 66 an 20 227 171 14 100 1 n ii HIT 41.200 . 30 1.000 J3.7O0 400 1.200 400 "700 (K 100 1(0 '200 20 100 '. 1.006 600 1.000 no 8,100 200 100 14.404 mo 46 M 64 44 7T 70 170 17'j" 12 11 61 804. 147 161 7 lit 1 71 164 171 lon 4 44 18 63 43 77 4 170 171 11 M M ii" 61 30 14l" 16 71 163 176 M 84 7.40 14 11 11.100 1.400 1,100 l.aa) 11.200 8,10 4400 14 60 11 4 13 6 100 147 60 17 41 118 7 i" 100 ,11,400 140 131 1,00 1,30 1.100 1.000 ioo 100 .mo 100 un") 00 straights, U 5(i 3.70. spring. 81683c; No. J bakers, No. I yellow,' Oils or In. NF.W YORK. Feb .LS-Cottonsee.l. steady; prime crude . b. mills, tW 28c; prime yellow, Hur. fetroleum, uuiet; lertlied New V.Ik. 47.80: Phllude, phu and lUlttmore. $7.70; in bulk, $7.(6. Turpentine, quiet at TJUi-VtC. ROSIN Steady; steamed. - common to good. $4 16. SAVANNAH. Oa . Feb. 21.-OIL Turpen tine, firm; sales 140 bbls.; receipts, 13 bbls.; shipments, Z7 bbls. ROktIN Firm; sales, 1.681 bbls: receipts. 771 bbls.; shipments, 1.427 bbls.; stock. 3,M bbls A. H. C. L. K. F and U. 84.06: H. $4 25; 1. $4 55; K. $6 20; M. $5.45; N. $5. 80; v u. 4 u1; n v , s.u. Untoo Paclfio go pfd , . I. B. Kxpreea f. B. Ri.ltv t. a. kuPUr do pfd II. B. ateel pfd Virslola-C'ffliua Caeiniea do pfd Watjaah do pfd Welle-Parao Cinreaa WeUlnghoua Electric ... ralern Vslon Wheeling A Lake Rn... Wiwoo.ln (estial ua pfd Northern Pacific Ceutral Laaiber de pfd Bloaa-nheftleli total aalee for t he dar. 1I1.4O0 604 ioi !. 20 M.sao tt.2 1.60 1.000 i 46.100 I. loo 1 Tt lOtJJ l 44 is. " ' 6l n' M 164 34 66 162 4 ii" 6 10 42 107 4 4 14 14 44 kS 4 117 37 162 33 6., 10 ii" 41 V 41 10 4a 224. 46 83 26 62 41 106 I.OM.suo aharea. 3V It" 220 414 lft. 1 72 114 10 13 140 103 871 101 161 110 7 80 17! Ill 66 10 71 t!l 171 11 11 100 42 11 72 41 176 17 64 2V 44 44 17 IW 42 77 4 119 11 172 21 4 8 t 11 61 30 0 14 16 11 114 4 76 161 174 Mtt 4 t 17 111 60 7 110 6 1 7 t 100 X.1 1M M 41 104 44 46U ft UT 17 PI 16J 11 64 lulU 7 122 41 101 41 107 .4k 114 ,22 46 10 l 11 27 6 22 o 13 Bank t.'Iearlngs. OMAHA. Feb. 21 Bank clearings for to day were $1,692,161.94 and for the corre sponding date last year $1,674,886.22. Wool Market. BOSTON. Feb. 21 WOOLContinued heavy trading In all classes of wools has brought the supply down to limited pro portions ana hardened prices to correspona. A numoer or larger mills nave wen our. Ing during the last few days and the gen eral feeling in the trade is nopetui. ier- rltory wools are said to be prartioaiiy cleaned up, and it la believed that prices In these lines, if not for all grades, are as low aa they will be this season, im finer grades of pulled wools continue - in demand. Supers are being taken con stantly In the usual way at tOfetiae. while As touch 680; Ohio and fennayivama' aa and above. 34(iiJbc; x, 3.intt4e: -ivt. 1. SJu&foVv No 2. !UUft4Qc.' fine unwashed. ! 2c: three-eighths blood. 334534c; half blood. $2(ji33c: unwashed delaine, 2X&29C; tine washed delaine, 3?637Vc. Michigan, nne unwashed, 24ifiJ5c; quarter blood, unwashed. 31Wa3Zc: tnree-eigiuns Diooa. Minute; half-blood, 82Vr033ci unwaaned delaine, L'.'T 28c. Kentucky, Imliama, etc., three-eighths and one-ouarter blood. 32f33c. Territory Idaho fine, ZKu'iic; heavy, line, lft20c; fine medium, 22(fi'23c: medium, mUSlci low medium, 27u28c. Wyoming, nne, 2243: heavy fine. 194120c: fine medium, 22iu23c; medium, 2otri27c; low medium. 2'i2Mc; Utah and Nevada fine, 2.Kr24c; heavy fine. 20c; nne medium. Z&a'24c; medluii, 2tVQ2ic; low medium, 27tf28c. Dakota, fine, 2223c; fine medium, 22623c; medium, 2732Kc; low medium, 27fe2So. Montana, line choice. 25t 2-: nne average, iwaioc; nne medium choice, 2fX(i26c; average, 24$25c; staple. 274( Z8c; medium cnoice, z(er2c. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Feb. 21. WOOL Steady medium grades combing and cloth. Ing, 23.'ei28c; light fine". 2ory24c; heavy line. l&ifrzic; tuo wasnea, 32iavc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 2J.-METAL8 There waa little change In the London- tin mar ket, spot closing at 163 lOa. Locally, prices were steadily held and spot is quoted til ti6.25ftj.16.40. Copper was 7s kl lower, at 77 12s 6d for spot and 77 2a U for futures. Locally no change was reported. Lake and electrolytic are quoted at $17.7Mj18.6i, and castlnga, at $17. 50717. 2V. the outsldj prices on lake and eleclrolytia being prau tn any nominal. Leua waa unchanged, nt .86&6.46 locally, and at 1 5a in Ixmdon. Spelter declined 2a d to 26 las In London. Locally th market was unchanged, at $. 00424). 10. Iron waa easier abroad: stan dard foundry closing at 4,s 8d and Cleve land warrants at 48s lV4d. The local situa tion la unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at $18 25tpl9.35; No. 2 foundry northern, No. 1 foundry south' ern, $18. 26ft 18 75, and No. 2 foundry south ern. 17.7o4ii8.25. Tomorrow being aalt. ington a birthday, will be a general holiday In the metal trade. ST. LOCIS, Feb. 21. METALS Iead. Iltaay, at. o.i,; opener, quiet, at to vi. Sunday, RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha $2.1&6.60 Chicago 1 5tra28 Kansaa City x ZMifl.oo St. Louis 210j16 Sioux City 2.6016.50 TUESDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockera and feeders snipped to tho country Tuesday and their points of destination: Cattle. Car. William Prlestman, Shenandoah, la. Wab 2 H. A. Hill, Exira, la.-R. 1 1 P. J. Barrett. Dunlap. la. I. C ! W. D. Drlsktll. Spearnsh. S. D.-Q 1 Thea Kellman, West Side, la. N. W.... 2 O. W. Foster, Battle Creek, la. N. W.. 1 fi. J. Welhlen, Imogens, la. Wab 3 T. R. Btrong, Oakland, la. R. 1 1 O. T. Rew. Council Bluffs, la, R. I.... 2 C. Hannlfan, Weston, la. R. . 1 2 J. J. Sehman, Adair. Ia. R. 1 1 C. Pammon. Hamburg, Ia.-rQ 1 George W. McCold, Logan, Ia. N. W.... 5 Dan iJ Connor, enderwood, ia. K. 1.... 2 W. Steinhoff. Friend, Neb. Q 1 Ellis Bros.. Rockford. Neb. Q 1 J. R. Morrison, Fullerton, Neb. U. P... 2 F. M. Wldner, Corning, Ia. Q 1 Fd Bno, O'Neill, Neb.-F. K 1 F. W. Kl nk. Burnham. Neb. Q I Fitxgerald A M., Melrose, la Q 2 George Wright, Trenton, la. N. w 1 H. B. Miller, Afton. Ia. Q 1 D. F. Evans. Henderson, 1.1. Q 1 Th official number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: uattie. iiok. tsneeo.11 r B. HOOS Receipts of hogs were somewhat lighter than yesterday, but the heaviest for Wednesday for a long time. The mar ket opened rather slow and dull. Advices from all other selling points Indicated .4 lower tendency of values and packers were disponed to await the opening of the pro vision market before doing very much business. Shippers made a beginning by paying prices that were 60 lower for tho few loads that they could ue, that is $62H and 5.85 for right good losds. The opening of the provision market was lower and the market was practlcslly 5aiOo lower when the packers got down to husl ness. They evidently wanted to buy their as at S5.&G.92V. for the big bulk ami they had their way. It took good hogs to bring over t.iJ. 11 was iaie oetore erv much business was transacted and the fotenoan was well advanced before the trade was fully under way Representative aalee: C, M. 4 St. P 7 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 4 I nlon Pacific system 57 C. N. W., east.... 12 C. A N. W.. west.... 42 C, St. P., M. A O (1 C. B. & Q., east.... 7 C. B. A Q., west.... 36 C, R. I. A P., east.. 1 C R. I. A P.. west.. .. Illinois Central 2 Chicago G(. Western 1 Total receipts 201 The disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows, eaoh buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. umrtna racking t o imi Bwlft and company 1,001 4 2 4? ii 'i 11 75 1 2 2. 21 1 . .. $ 1 1 I IMS 23 Mfc v. Pr. No. At. Pr. 17 172 40 6 12 7 110 130 I 11 71 114 ... 117 4 .211 ... 1111 71 104 tO 117 II 7.311 ... 6 11 101 177 MO 6 87 II Ill ... I ! II 11 ... 10 17 tl ... 11 16 !2 ... 60 17... 171 ... 111 SO IM ... 10 II. f. 140 120 1 2 f 13 H I XI Ill ... 8 11 7 221 120 6 90 70 232 0 6 12 12 201 40 I 40 II 266 ... 1 12 70 Ill ... 10 II. 2M ... 6 12 4 211 ... I I 71 211 ... 112 70 209 ... I 0 4 Ill ... I 12 II 210 ... IN 10 16 ... i : nt 102 40 I en 8 231 to I 12 71 241 SO I 0 6 271 ... I If, 7 261 ... 110 I 274 ... 4 15 71 234 40 I 0 16 27 ... I 6 (1 24 ... 10 II !2 ... 16 70 271 120 I 0 II 231 ... I l I....:.. .27 19 IN 14 21 ... 6 16 12 203 ... 1 H 20 26 ... I It II 118 40 I M 21 21 ... 6 II II Ill ... 1 0 44 236 ... 1 6 71 221 120 6 0 80 226 ... I tn II '..230 ... IN II 276 ... 6 16 M. ...... .Ill 40 I M II 101 ... 16 10 14 ... I 0 0 166 ... I II II 1M ... 10 61 211 ... IN 77 Ill ... 112 76 164 ... 1 6 81 200 ... 1 2 46 117 ... 66 II 210 80 I 2 40 til ... t t 76 214 ... I 3 7 120 40 I 6 Tl 140 10 I 12 Tl tIT 80 6 14 41 146 80 1 12 7 ..Ill ... 86 14 131 ... I 12 17 Ill ... I 16 II 141 ... 12 tl til ... 86 44 12 ... t 44 Ill ... 86 M 124 ... 8 12 14 14 ... 16 71 126 ... I 12 70 122 ... I 16 12 ... I 12 12 136 ... 8 to 41 201 ... I 2 II 133 ... IN 44 144 ... I t 71 1 40 I M 76 tit ... 8 12 66 261 ... I 16 I 112 ... I 13 76 161 ... I 7 '..211 4 I 2 0 274 ... I 7 47 141 80 6 ! II 164 ... 8 17 Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co Vansant & Co Iohman 4 Co McCreary W. I. Stephen Hill A Sun Huston & Co Hamilton ft Rothschild. I.. F. Huss Wolf A Murnan Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root ft Co Bulla ft Kline 8. A 8 Huffman Krey Packing Co Independent Pkg. Co... Parker ft Webb Other buyers 1,048 781 42 57 28 28 7 83 83 18 187 74 74 ATI 15 249 230 2.622 8.557 2.848 4.328 11 6.8X6 1,11 81$ 218 212 241 4,408 Totais... CATTLE While Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 21. COTTON-rBpot closed quiet: twenty points loa-er; middling uplands. 10 sue; middling gulf, ii.opo. Bales, l.K bales. 8T. LOC19 Mo., Feb. 21 . COTTO N D u 1 1 middling 11: sales none; receipts. balea; shipments. M bales; stock 44.101 bales. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 21. COTTON-8pot in fair aemanu; prices tnree points lower; American middling fair. 0,25; good mill dltng. 6.86d; middling, 5.79d; low middling. 6 63d; good ordinary. 5.96d; ordinary, S.iM. The sales of the day were 10.000 bales, of which 6(11 were for apeculation and exporf ana inciuaea s.ui American; Kectlpts, 7,000 balea, no American. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 21. COTTON Spot closed easy: salea 1.060 bales; ordinary 7 13-1A-; good middling. 10c; middling. 10 8-lilc gtxMl middling, 10 15-lbc; middling, fair. llc; iiecelpta. 8.101 bales; stock 315.0U1 bales. London losing Stocks. LONDON. Feb. 21. Cloalna ,unri.. iiiv oiuta rAiiimiisf were; 7037c; fair Fl-ur. bids.. Wheat bu.. Corn. bu.... 4La. bu 54.) 31 .Ti ..'hi .ti .JL-7.0J0 2u0 4 4i 15. nu 2ol.aa) Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 21.-X)FFEE Market for coffee futures opened steady at un- chnngud prices to an advance of 5 point and closed steady net unchanged to S points lower. Sales were reported of 138.250 Imgs, including March, al 6 Mm. sue; April. S.65c: May, 75c; July, .S6c Septem ber, 7.l4'4.15c; Ueceinber. 7.M7.4Uc; a pot J-llo quiet . .o. 7 invoice. 1 T-ikc. Ut. Joseph live stock Market. ST. Jce!- I M, Mr... Feb. 21. CATTLE Re ceipt. 2.230 hen.i. nmrket steady to 10c luner; natives 4.aois.i; eows and heifers. 11 H.-.Q4 so; stocaers and feeders, 83.flfitT4 40. J l HIS Receipts. 8.131 head; market oitMOc lower: l.igiu. m.KXit : medium and heavy S.'tmM.-. ... 811 KEP Receipt. l.t4 head; market sieaay, lam us, 10c Kivter. Ton sola, mosejr.. acceuat Anaoonda atrklens .. o pfd A O Canadian PaciBe Chea A Ohle Chicago O. W... C. M. A St. P ., leBeera D. A ft. 0 do pfd grle do let pfd do 2d pfd llllBoia Central , Loula. A Naah... M . K. A T. .. 'K. y. Ceatr.l .. f Norfolk A W .. 14; de pfd .. Ontario A W .10 Pernerlvaala .lle'kaad Mlnra ..177 Raing -. 1: de lat pfd .. 11I de 2d pfd ..13 Hy .. ! do fit .. 44 Southern P.clfk ... .. 81 I nlon Psrisc ..41 do pfd .. l 8. Bteel .. l do pfd ..17 .W.b.i, ..lit I da pfd Bpaatab 4s per ounce. .lit . al . 71 71 . ta . M .161 'J .16. lUl", .! . 1 . 4 . 11 SILVER-Steady: JOd MONEY 4 per cent. The rate of discount In tha onen m.rW.i for short bills is 8 16-14 per cent; for thro monins nuu is per rent. Tpoasarf Statesaaat. WASHINGTON. Feb. 31 -Statement of tb irvasurjf balaovcs la tha general fund. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts NEW YORK. Feb. 21. EVAPORATED APPLES Market la firm In tone on a moderate jobbing demand and some export business. Common to good tcron of lso4) re quoted at 7Uo; fair to good trrop of issoi 809c: cnoice. 10c; fancy, llTtUW. CALIFORNIA PRIED FRl'lTS Prunes are In fair demand with quotations rang ing from 4c to 8c on spot. Apricots are In demand for small lota, which total a considerable aggregate and .'lees are firm. Choice ara quoted at 10910 extra choice, uiiirvc; fancy, nviio. reaches are un Changed with extra choice quoted at 10c fanoy, lOVyljllV; extra fain y. HVitl3c nalalna are somewhat unsettled, coast seeded being rather easy In lone, while Other varieties are steady but quiet. Ixtoae musoatei are quoted at jc; seeded raia "ta. tyc and London layer. Il.5oijl.ou. agar an Molasses. NTJW YORK, Feb. 21. 81 'OA R Raw, nominal; fair refining, 2c; centrifugal, K test, u-K's -Hr ; molasses sugar. 2S": re fined, quiet; No. 4c; No. T, 8 96c; No. 8, wo; no. , s.koc; jo. iu, sue; iso 11, No. It, 8.70c; No. 13. t.6c; No. 14. $ tifio; con fectioners A, 4.35c; mould. A. 4.85c; cut loar, s.zuc: rrusneo, auc; powdered,; gr.niiiairu, , truors, a. mo. sit 'UADotn cir.ay ; new Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 8to8c. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 23. SIGAR Finn: open kettle, centrtfuaal. leiue: cen trifugal whites, $4t4c; yellows, $'.eiae: seconds. 1 8-lc. MpLASUES-Opea kettle, I7(f80c; centrlf- uas-i. r-oJ.'e. SYRlT-Xcj. 4,731 14,523 11.805 receipts of rattle were lighter this morning than yesterday or day before, they were still very heavy for a Wednesday, being three times as large as one week ago and twice as large two weeks ago. The quality of the cattle. both steers and cow stuff, Is improving as the season advances, so that there la quite a showing of desirable rattle on sale nearly every day. With such large receipts for the three days of the week so far the feeling this morning waa lower, nearly everv one anticipating a little further reduction In values. 1 ne aemana, nowever, proved to be somewhat larger than had been an ticipated and the market opened reasonably eariy wun aesiraoie oeei steers selling runy sieaay wun yesterday, in fact In a few Instances salesmen thought that If anytning tney ai.i a little better than yesterday with their best cattle. Thera were quite a number of loads good enough to nrmg t.w or better. The commoner kinds of cattle a a matter of course were not so much sought after and did not sen 10 ns gooa advantage. Before me market opt-ned buvera were generally predicting a larger market on cows ana txiifers on the ground that re celpts for the week hud been heavy and that killers had been free buyers. When the trade was once under way, though It , became apparent that all the buyers had liberal orders and Instead of being lower oeairaoie ainna or rattle sola freely at pricea generally steady with yesterdav. Buii'Hinen wno were unrortunate enough to have undesirable kinds found it harder work lo unload, aa the number of ,,,rl cattle In tho yards enabled buyers to discriminate agalnat the Inferior kinds. considering tne number or cattle In the yards tlila morning the supply of Blockers and feeders was decidedly small and aa speculators qui not nave any great num ber on hand In the feeder divln on there was a good active demand. Desirable kinds sold freely and generally In good aeaxo In th morning al fully yesterday's prices jtejireneiiutiive eaies: BEEF STEERS. Ha A. Ba. Pr. Ns sr. gn. Pr II 1011 1 76 1 1i4 4 66 I tOO 1 46 II 1011 4 W II 147 I 6 It Ml 4 n 1 100 I M 1 1110 4 40 1 6 4 00 1 1154 4 M 4 07 4 Ml t U30 4 0 6 1030 4 111 1 USI 4 71 10 140 4 14 16 101 4 ?i 14 4 II It !! i 7 121 II II 2M 4 u 1 17 4 10 1 ut 4 Ii 11 100 4 t It lllf, 4 at I 74 4 14 II 114 4 I 1 4 16 1 12) 4 ai 11 10k 4 10 16 1J24 4 op 1 116 4 K IJ 1130 I 06 II " 4 40 II U7I 1 10 1 100 4 4 1 141,1 I 1. 40 1044 4 46 40 .'.1473 I lo 1 1440 4 60 46 1474 m 111 4 6 17 ...1414 6 lu 17 10W 4 4 cows t 76 I It 28 140 II. I W I I lhto M 1 14-W I at 1 1120 tx 1 tt $4 1 1330 1 u 8 106 8 4 IT Ii! ta 8 1 3 4 1 1140 I 40 I 3 4 1 1,140 8 I t 10 t 46 I J6I I 6(1 8 ....H t 6 1 not 1 wi 1 40 8 44 lo2 I 60 8 H0 $ H T 16 8 64 t 114 $ 74 4 f I 0 8 , IM III 1 mo I 44 8 .....let 8 14 It Ill I 46 U. 81 $ 74 1 un 1 4e sales. iter: top. $.!.: bulk of "74; heavy. 1 "7'u In; nen-kers, 10 i ll. nnil liiiht. t:. 4'"7l 7'4 SHEEP ANI I.AM HH-Receipts. . esd; market wenk; nnttve lamls. Mi: western In ml,. l;YVi4i.75: ewes sal catlings. H2.Min.76; weatern fed Vsrljrn. o'n.i: western fed xlieep. $1 2i-'u.i , 1; tockers and fciilers, tt. J'1i I..M1. loot City Live Stock Market. SIOCX CITY, Is . Fert. 21 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 2.1'head; market weak. Blockers l'V lower: beeve. $4 OOhfl.50; cows, bulls and mixed. $2 5tm 4.25; Blockers and feeders. U.OO-nt 2f; calves and yearling. $.l.004;i3 85. HOOS Receipts. h.7t bend: market ine lower, selling at $n.8WV85; bulk of aalcs. $5.82HJtY87Vt, SHEEP AM) I.AMI1S Iteceipis. a head; n-.arket 25r lower. stock In sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterdHy: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6.oo0 13.rl 6.5 Sioux Cltv 2.VO 6.7il StV) Kansas Cltv Ii4o0 l4.o 6,floo St. Joseph 2.2.- 8.131 l.( St IjouIr 3.ti0 7,i0 600 Chicago 20.0(10 40.000 22mn Total 42,730 8S.II1 $5,368 too SHEEP The heavy receipts of yesterday and the day before were followed by an other liberal run, making the total for the three days the largest of any slmlla period In two months or mora. In addition to the fresh recelpta tnera were about thirty cars, mostly all feeders, carried over from yesterday. The market today waa largely a repetition of yesterday's trade that Is, the movement was slow with feeder buyers doing a considerable prnpor tlon ot the business. Packers seemed to be pretty well filled up on both sheip and a mbs and as the most or tne offerings were none too good there was no great inducement for them to take on additional supplies. The Sheep market during tne last two dayB has received the worst black eye tha It has had In a long while. Prices at tins point, under the influence of the very good local demand and the moderate receipts have been maintained at a high point as compared with eastern markets for a long time back. The situation has undergone a decided chango this week. The receipts on Monday and Tuesday, especially un thu latter day, were very heavy and the quality 011 an average poor. . As a result prices went off rapidly and It would be no exag geration to call the market for the two days fully 50c lower than It waa last week. The decline waa the heaviest on lambs, soma of which actually Bold 75c lower than they did at the high time the early part ot last week. Good sheep and ewes on the other hand did not show as much loss for the reason that the supply of tnat kind was light. Packers have been unable to take care of all the stuff that has been coming this week and the market has de clined simply from lack of buying support. While the break litre lias Deen heavier than at some other market points this market is still well In line with eastern markets, and shippers can gain nothing by shipping by lioru to Chicago, as a com parison of th prices al tha two points Will show. As noted above, a large proportion of the recelpta has consisted of uunnlshed sheep and lambs, whluh are only good enough for feeders. The break In the market has brought pricea down to a point where the feeder buyers can take 1101a of mem and considerable buying on that account com menced yesterday, commission men are advising their friends who Intend to buy feeders tnia spring 10 get in ineir nraers now while there Is a liberal aupply and while stuff can be had to good advantage. The fact Is these feeders are selling cheaper now than last fall, when everyone was craiy to buy. Uuotatlons for fat snecp ann lamns are as follows: Good to rhotce lambs, Colo rado, $b 60'an.KS; good westerns, $b.&iii4.!iri; good yearlings. $5.K5iil.O0; good wethers, $5.4oaiS.u; ewes. $4.8.Va6.2u. Representative sales: No. 4 Colorado ewes 12" Colorado lambs 75 western lambs, feeders... 444 western lambs, feeders... 2 cull ewes 172 Idaho ewes, wthrs and fdra 18 western ewes 10 native ewes 2 western lambs 7 cull lambs 557 western feeder lambs... Sol Idaho feeder lambs 129 Idaho feeder lambs 228 western feeder Ininbs... 8 Idaho feeder lambs jtg western feeder ewes.... 50 western feeder ewes.... i2 western feeder ewes.... 147 western lambs 87'l western In mbs 11 western lambs 4 western lambs 12 western lambs Av. Pr. .80 4 65 .Hi 4 30 . 81 6 '40 .81 6 40 .90 $ 50 M 4 25 . to 4 H6 . 110 4 75 . It 6 50 .t.5 (50 . HO S 10 .68 4 13 .61 15 . 75 IS .58 ti 26 .84 3 'x .84 3 80 .80 8 80 .UO II HO .87 6 lit . .. fl ...112 ti -.C . Ml -tl MARKKT CHICAGO LIVE STUCK tattle Hteady to Blow, Hogs Five to Tea Cents Lower. CHICAGO. Feb. 21.-4'ATTLE-Receipts 20.1'SJ head; market, beat steady; others slow; common to prime steers. $3.50tti.31 cows. $3.1054 60; heifers, $2.545 W); bulls t2.trxffe.2f: calves. tMfttft.St; stockera and feeders. 82.604)4.65. HOOS Receipts, 4r.0ti0 head; market 5fil0c lower; choice to prime heavy. I, li'uti medium to good heavy. $4 l(i;.15: butcher weights. In Hn 122', j : good clich e heavy mixed i ltruij iu; packing, i.,.,vio.l3. SHEEP AM; LAMbS Rett-lpts. Mi0 head: market. ,heep 10fyl5c loner; lambs, steady; sheep, Jl.Oogjo 00; yearlings, to 5b'u 6.40; yearlings. t5.5o-U6.30: lambs. $! I'fi 7.10. OMAHA WIIOI.EgAI.f3 MARKET. Condition of Trade asrd Q,nntntlans oa Staple and Fancy Produce. T. EQaS-Rcrcipts liberal; Candled stock un settled at 12.'Bl8o. .. LIVE POl I.TRY Hens. 1014c; old rrtost- ers, 6Vi-; turkeys, lo..-; ducks, lie: young roosters. BVx'hIOc; geese. Sc. DKEbSED 1'OUl.l KV iuraeys. imbvic; old toms. l.VdlbV; chickens. 114tl2c; old roosters, 7c; ducks. I2W13CI geese. Inc. BUTTER Packing stock, loc; choice to fancy dairy, ttftltc; creamery. 214i'21V4jC. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: No. 1 upland. $6.00; medi-.m, hs, coarse. $1.505.00. Rye straw, $6.50. . . BRAN Per ion. $16 50. HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW-No. 1 green l.ldes, Mc; No. ff, So; No. 1 salted, 12c; No. 2, He;- green bull hides. fcfiSc; cured, 9Jfl0c: dry hides. I(?i20e. Horse hide, large, $3.26; small, $2.50. Sheen pelts, each, eocfitl.25. Tallow. No. 1. 4Vc; NO. $ 14c; rough, 1VC. . , TROPICAL. FRUITS DATES Per box or 80 l-lo. Pkga.. t2: Hallowe en In 70-lb. boxes, per lb, ic; Say ra, per lb., 4c; walnut-stuffed, 1-lb. pkga, fi per dot: 8-lb. boxes. $1. ORANGES California, extra rancy Red land navels, all sizes. $3.00; fancy navels. $2.85; choice, all slses. $2.V(T2.75. LEMONS Limonieis, extra fancy, 240 sixe, 13.2$; 300 to 380 eires, $3.75. ' ' ' FIG8--'allfornla. Per 10-lb. carton, 75a 85c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, lie elx-crown, 13c. BANANAS Per medium slxed bunch. $1.75fe2.2n; Jumbos, $2.5Otj3.00. TANGER1 NE8 California, per box tf about 125, $3.00. uhai-k FRUIT Florida, per oox, j.uo-(f 7.50; California, per box, $4,0044.60. FRUIT. PEARS Winter Nellls and Mount Ver non. $2.50. APPLES-Californla BelltJowers, $1.60 per bu. box;. Ren Davis, $1.75 per bu. box; Wlnesaps, $2.25 per b. box; oilier varieties. $2.0org2.50 per bu.; New York apples, $5.60 per bbl. ' , unAru-importea fimani, a.Buo.uv, OLD VEGCTABLISg, POTATOES Home grown, per bu.. bdc; South Dakota, per bu.. Too. ONIONS Home grown, yellow and red. per bu, 86c; Spanish, per crate, $2.00; Colo rado, red and yellow, per bu., $1.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.00. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 6VQ. CABBAGE Horns grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per lb., 2c. . CARROTS, PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu., 65jj75c. CELERY Kalamazoo, per dog., 2345c. o w cc l rul A 1 uco itansaa, per i-uu.1 bbl., $100. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of tO lbs. net. $6.00. WAX BEANS-Per hamper of about 24) lbs. net. $6 00. STRING BEANS Per hamper ot about 20 lbs. net, tJ.uutr- 00. EGG PLANT--Florida, per dox., $1 .251.5w GREEN PEPPERS-Florlda. ier hamper Of about 10 do., $3.50. TURNIPS Louisiana, dox. bunches, 75c. SHALLOTTS Louisiana. per dog. bunches, 75c. HEAD LBTTl CE Lou Is ana. Der bbL- tl2.0"16.00; per dozen head. 41. 71412.00. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dozen beads, 60c. CUCUMBERS-Hot bouse, per doz- $17i RADISHES Hothouse, per dozen bunch es, 5o& 160. lll'OUDAAlia ll..(kn,,B. - 1 1. . i'l I t.T 1 1 1 V ' v( 1, 1 ,- llllllluUBC) V in., w. - CAUL1F1J3WKR California, about. 24 heads to crate, $3.25. BEEf CUTS. No. 1 ribs. 13c: No. 2 ribs, 11c; No. ' I ribs, 104c; No. 1 loins, 16c; No. 2 loin 12c: No. I loins, vyijc; No. 1 chuck, 6Vtc; No. a chuck, 4 Vic; No. 3 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7Vc; No. 2 round, W.c; No. I round. te: ii. 1 piaie, c; no. piaie, ttwi; no. a plat. So , iu 1 auin. iv r-u j n. CIDER-Per keg. $3. 7b: per bb.. tCTt. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $3.60. CHEESE - SwIks. new, lbo; Wisconsin brick. 16c; Wisconsin limbergcr, 15c; twins, loc; young Americas, I6V1C. nc l b wainuts. no. 1 4011 sneus. riew crop, per lb., iavo; nnra sneiis, per lb . 13V.C-. - i-ecans. large, per tp J4c; small. per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb.. tfVic; roasted. per ID., sc. ' mil waiiiuis. per ;u., i2Qisvc, Almonds, soft dhelU, per '.I., 7c; b'd shells, per lb., 15c. Cocoanuts, $4.25 per sack of 100. FRESH FISH-Trout. 11c: halibut, lftr; pickerel, dressed, 7c; white 'ia .. lie; aun hsh, 4p9e; perch, skinned and dressed, 8c; pike, loc; redsnapper, 11c; salmon, He;' crappler, tilVc; eels, 18c; black bass, 22c; whitetlsh, 12c; frog legs, per tloa., 56o) lobsters, green, 83c; bulled lobsters, 37c; bluellsh. 15c; herring, 4c; Spanish mackerel, lCr; haddock, 13c; shrimp. tl.OOttl-50 p( gallon; smelts. 12c; rod. 12s. OYSTERS Fresh standard. $1.40 per gaLf hell ovsters, 1.0"i2.00 per 100; Llttla Neck, elams. $1.60 per 1(W. -. SUGARS Granulated cane, In bbls.. $6 01 granulated rune, In sacks, $5.01; granulated ' . beet, in sacks, $1.81. SYRUP In barrels. 24c per gaLj rases.' t 10-lb. cans. $1.60; cases, 11 6-lb. ' can. f.80; cases, 24 2-lb. cans, $10. COFFEE Roasted: No. a, 2iVc per lb. $ No. 30. 2tVc per lb.; No 25. Ibc per lb.-. No. 20. 15Vc per lb.; No. 215. 12VC per in, FLOUR (wholesale) Best high grade Ne braska, per cwt., $2.00; best high grado patent Minnesota, per cwt., $2:8); Btralgi.j patent Nebraska, per cwt., $2.00; second patent Nebraska. $1.80. CURED FISH Family whitefish, per V4. bbl., 100 lbs., $4 50; Nora-ay mackerel, per bbl., 200 lbs : Bloaters, $4n.00; No. J. $28.00; No. 2, 1-4. 00; No. 3, $2i.ta; Irish No. 2, $17.00. Herring, in bbls., 20O lbs. each: Nor way, 4k. $13 DO; Norway. 3k. $13.00; Hol land, mixed, $11.60. Holland herring la kegs: Milkers, 80c; krgs, mixed, TOc. BROOMS No. 1 carpet, $3 25; No. 2 car. pet, $2.4i; No. 8-plain. $3.25. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 6543 'c; Maine, $125. Tomatoes. 3-lb, cans. l.3bSl.!o: 2-11... 744jr$l.iNi; filne apples, giated, 2-io , $2.05(U3.3o; sliced, $1 M 112.20; gullon apples, fancy, $3.60; Call fornla apricots, tl; pears, $1 ?j'i$ 2. 60; peaches, fancy, 11.752 40; H. C. peaches, 2.ej, Alaska salmon, red, 11 lo; pink 80c; famy Chinook. F.. $2.10; fancy kocktye, F., $1.86; sardines. Vp-oil, ' 12 60; -mtiHiards, IJ.ou'ua.10; sweet pota loer, $1 li'oi 2o; sauerkraut, $1.00; pump kins, Kt'ftill.W' wax beans. 2-IU., r.-fic; ' Lima beans, 2 lb., 7j(bici;1.3j; spinach, el.3a4j2.0o; cheap peus, 2-lb.. b-lc; extra. ' 16'uDuv; fancy, $1 Jo4jl.7o. - EVAPORATED FRCIT8-Fancy Mutr . peaches. 12Vc; choice Muir peaches, ll'.cj- .' fanoy yellow. 12c; 6O-60 prunes, 7c; 6o-7ii, 7c; fancy New York ring apples, llc; choice. lo',sc; fancy 4-crown loose inusca- ' tel raisins. 7c; 3-crown. 7c; 2-crpwn. 6Vc; fancy seeded In 1-lb. cai tool, Ice t choice aeeded, in 12-oz. cartoons, 7'c; coat- ' ern .ltted cheirirs, 17c, New York evap-' ' oiattHl black raspberrlea, 35c, f:icy pear,-1 16c; choice, 15c; fancy nectarines. 1c; fancy' , apricots, 11V.C; choice royal. 10iu; Hal- - 1 luaecn date. 6c; glacs citron, 17c; oap 4. tiled, 16c; Union. 14 c; orange, 14Vc. ,..,., Kanais t'lty l.lve Mtork Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 21 CATTLE Re ft Ipt e. 10,40ft head, including 7j0 southerns; market steady to strong; choice export und oresned leef ste, r. $ 2.V(Hi.0O; fai to good, $4.00415.26; western fed steers. 14 Si) iiS.fjii; storkers and ft-edi-r. $1.0o4i I. SO: southern steers. $3.5tr?i-4 : southern cows, $2.2.Vo3.75: native cows. $2 254.40; nuilv" heifers. $3.2o6.u; bulls. !44i4dl; calves. $3 '"T7 60. HOOS-Recelpts, H.Oow bead: market loc F. Do Day Cl Co.: ;ir Dealer, ta f 1 Klneka tmln kblp loar Crala to I s. Branch O0eo, lio-lll Board of TreHa, 1 BIdg.. Osiaka. a. Telephono tjlll ' T.'-rt Exchange Bldg, South Omaha. 'I Beli '1'hons 21 lodeasndsnl 'fltOM .