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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1906)
TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TITURRPAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1906. LIST OF PRIMARY FILINGS One Hundred and Fifty-Eieht Applicants ' Up to Noon Tuesday. NOT MANY AS YET FOR COM M ITTEL JOBS Felly Tfcr Hlrr4 limn for Thrae riarra from th Vrloa Parllea Are Ezprrtvd to Be Filed. ' t'p to noon Tuesday 'jS filings for placra on th primary ballot had been made with City Clerk Elbotirn. Aa fuw applications have been received for cominlttocinunshlps and the alono for the three parties with out contests will number fully i0 names are anticipated for positions on the ballots. As there will be three ballots, nno each for the republican, democratic and socialist parties, this condition Is not as bad as It looks at first Klance. The names will be printed In alphabet lcul older for f-ach office. The Mings are: Msior. Name. , Ker.ldenr. Party. K. A. Benson, 4Mil Dodsv Hep. AV. J. Hroatrh, J6b4 Harney Hep. A. If. HennlliKB. 3304 Davenport Hep. James C l'ahlman, 2W1 Hickory Deni. C. F. F. Mlehelwn. KK N. JSth 8oc. City Clerk. ". If. Klbourn, 2oM Spnukling; Hep. Kam K. Ureenleaf, 14t .N. 3Kh Hep. W. E. PtoeKtiam. Locust Hep. Allert hjoboi'ir, H. i?th., lm, Jesse Moraine, ItjL." t'tiluatfo Soc. Comptroller. AV, Ernest Johnson, 3V Hawthorne. ..Hep. John N. Weather-. ?RM N. fcd itcp. JVtrr Mchicns, z7 Hurt Soc. lly Attorney. John T. Hreen, 1719 I'ark Ave Hep. Jaiob Kawcett, 2lirJ Hpencer Hep. John At. Macfarland, (.14 8. Mh Hp. Halldlna; laspeetor. John Jf. Hutlcr, H15 N. S3d Rep. H. II. Carter, jCt Miami Hep. riamuel Mm leol, i. . 3Kth Hep. M. T. Murphy, aul X. iriHh Hep. Javil r'. Turin, L'430 Charles Hep. Tuylor Turner, ;)4)tt rine , Hep. Charles II. vVlthnell. 'MtV Caldwell Dem. Charles Uauvr, .(ill Patrick Ave Soo. t'oancllmea, FIRST WARD. Isanc 8. Hasrall, 8. E. Ave. and Pool.. Hep. F,. A. Willis. ! Jllikory Hep. Jas. V. V olenheimky, tt V'oolworlh...nrp. Andy Hansen, JiTto 8 loth Dcm. KKCU.VD WARD. W. W. Hlnnhani, 3X' S. 1!UIi Hep. Michael Ji iiu2 S. l!th Rep. William iMcklus, ,fn tS. 17tn Hep. Edward Hlche. 40H 8. 13th Hep. THIRD WARD. Louis fturmcMer, 1414 Chicago Rep. Allied t ay Icy, hi 7 H. loth Hep. J. W. Cotton, Midland hotel Hep. Jntrlck F. tord, ! Davenport Hep. V. II. Hoffman, Mlllurd hotel Hep. J. C McMahoii, IJ Casa Hc. r.mll Mots. lull California Hep. J rank iNoi ton, J3oj CnlcaKo Hep. Henry I. liuinh, JIO . Uttl Hep. A. C. Ja.Wor, luB h. 15th Hej. J-jeti (I. Wutwni. :U4 N'. 16th Rep. IhhiI.k T. William, 'ilfl'ii N. Mill.... Hep. Jiaiiv H. Ziminan, 1 KW Karnan Hep. William Calleemm, HOI 8. Mil Sue. FOURTH WARD. A. II. Comstock, aU Farnani Rep. Vv ill S. Chambers. 15 Dodge Rep. frrank 11. Kcnnaru, lict ouugc Kip. Joun A. Scott, JWn DodRC Hep. U. ii. Vail, 2.11 noughts Boc. FXFTH WARD. AV, J. Addy, 1'iitJ Nicholas Rep. Jf. L. Harnett. iU N. iJtn Hep. Jucut) M. t (iimmiiaii, 2iJ 8hTman....Hep. tt iiuani J'. r-oKiull, 1"H Locual H p. I. . r.. Jucas. staple Hep. James 1'. rteilman. ItK'j rlpencer Hep. j. n. AVllkeiHon, iSli A.OCISI Hep. '1 nomas li. Daney, 1W4 biierinan dci.i. j r.r.niHH i. liHtclicr, ::10 Ames Dem. Tnomaa 11. Howen, 6711 Kliernian Boc. SIXTH WARD. E. D. Evans, K. ild Rep. I.eoitiC u, iiutnl, liJJ N. 313d Hep. MhUhcw E. inixcn. loH Uite Hep. AttniiiKton Gillan. ZH Decatur Soc. BEVENTH AVAKD. Oeorge M. Hsler, 1917 8. ftth Rep. ' ChaneB U. Dyoail. US2S) 8. th Hop. Joel C Orilten, sw 8. W Hep. J. M. Gonaen, 1'acino Hep. Avlinum Muiinail, sr., &-' Poppleton..Hei. Charles L. 'i homas, 101 8. 29ln Hep. Charles Harms. Isll Leavenworth Soc. EIOHTIl AVAHD. Charles J. Anderson. 1124 Butt Rep. U. H. Harkvr, 2436 Hamilton Rep. AVIIituni t oimer, isw Cuming Hep. J. A. Davi. 2k Clilcago...- Hep. Charles 15. Hruner, B1 Caldwell Hep. H. 8. Emory, jo Cass.... Rep. Krncht 8. llnlmes, 12iJB N. 24th Rep. M. O Hern, 818 N. lBth Rep. Edward Whalon, 1I4 Chicago Boc. NINTH WARD. Harry A. Foster, 401 N. 90th Rep. Chanes E. Malm. 620 N. Kd Rep. J. C Pedersen, 9ft N. 29th Hep. Ueorga 1. Rice, JW47 Harney Rep. Thomas McOovern. 2615 Chicago Doni. Parker 8. Condlt, .XM6 Dewey Boc. TENTH AVARD. John Fred Belim, 1459 8. 10th Rep. Richard Hurnell. 1U 8. 11th Rep. Oeorge Cott, 222 Mason f .Hep. Charles J. Karbach, 22og Popploton .j..Rep. Frank J. Kaspar, 1469 8. 17th Rep. Charles I-ang, 1213 Paclnc Rep. Ernest Btuht, 1024 8. 11th Rep. Ralph D. Van Ness, 1413 8. 16th Rep. John Ylrak, 1241 8. 16th Rep. 8. P. Borenson, 1124 8. 1.1th Soc. ELEVENTH AA'ARD. James A. Reverly. S23 8. 80th Rep. Frank Crawford, J7th and Dewey Rep. Wlllium Cobuin, 604 8. 27th Rep. Henry P. Kolb, 4'J)1 Cuming Rep. J. A. Ijovegren, &(3 N. 41st Rep. E. I. Morrow, 3907 Leaven worth Soc. ' TWELFTH AVARD. p. A. N. Chase, 42S Spencer Rep. W. J. Hislop, 8183 Fowler Rep. Robert HnuKhton. 2S24 Ohio Rep. Henry Russell, S"01 Pinkney Hep. Jared J. Smith, 2X01 Ames Rep. Emll Thompson. 2717 Hrlsto! Rep, Algernon F. Wilson, 2hW Miami .'. Rep. John Hubs, a20 Pinkney Soc. Conimitteemeai. FIRST WARD. Name. ' District. Residence. Party. Frank B. Honsa, 4th, 1042 Atlas Rep. Adolph Krenek. Sd. 170 8. 4th Rep. Joe Locback. 4th, Gibson- Rep. K L. Inline. 2d, 1U6 8. th Rep. John Mathiesen, 3d, 2212 8. 10th Rep. Jan es Zesulnk, 1st, i:k3 8. Sd Hep. Charles W. Voting. 3d, 1712 8. 7th Dem. SECOND AVARD. Charles Oakley. Sd, 2711 8. 16th Rep. Thomas Collony, 4th. 2463 8. ltith Rep. John Hahn. l, 2617 8. th Dem. Corliss F. Hopper. 3d. 2926 8. 24lh Rep. John J. Schults. Sd, 3116 B. 21st Dem. THIRD WARD. Pan T. Custer, 4th, Karbach hotel. ...Dem. FOURTH AVARD. C. W. Brltt, Sd. 7 US 8. Uth Rep. . R. Young. 1st, 1X16 Chicago Rep. James Griffin, 4th, 411 8. 2 2d Dem. FIFTH AVAHD. N. AV. Christie, 3d. 1008 Burdette Rep. Fred Rockenhouse. lt, MM Gust Hep. T. J. Wiley. 4th. 184J N. 17th Rep. Ilobart Williams. 4th, 1644 Sherman... Dem. Morris uauen, aa, iu oiiami Hoc. SIXTH WARD. J. P. Cronln, 1st. UW9 N. 24th Rep. C. R. Baxter, 1st, 2'l Grace Hep. C. E. Kelftn, Sd, 3oa Burdette Dem. SEVENTH AVARD. James M. Buel, 4th, 6630 Lincoln Rep. Martin Langdon. 4th. 2126 S. 34th Rep. K. T. Peterson. 2d. 173U S. 2Sth Hep. I.yslo I. Abbott, 3d. i-M Poppletou....Dein. Ed P. Berryinan, 2d, 1317 8. 2th Dem. I. J. Dunn, 4th. SS23 Francis ....Dem. Frank L. AVeaver. 1st, lo43 Park Dem. . EIGHTH AVARD. 8am L. Morris. 1st. 13o4 N. Ith Rep. id A. SuUtll. 4lh. 36o4 ClUcago Rep. NINTH WARD, q. A Shanahan. 1st 3756 Webster.... Rep. . D. Fetterman. 3d. 3407 Lutayetle....Dem. TENTH AVARD. 0. D. Ablon, 2d. K15 8. 18th Rep. J. C. Ford. 2d, fc3l 8. 19th Hep. Ed Catxtipre, 41U, 1424 8. 17tb Hep. Albert C. Kugei, 1st. lolt S. Uth Rep. ELEVENTH AVARD. W. A. Meiwlck. 4th. (41 S. 39th Rep. II. 8. Daniel. 2d. 02 Harney Dem. Ljas. vi:isLon's scoti:i syrup WMMSWMl by HtUtnasof Mutkerator IMr paw wain iwuiu tor nt rif iy Tim, siuUms h edliii. wtuu tor ew Fifty Tfs. Iillii, jfisas bm gaoia, aiUrs 5ir4 suUa, sad Is the oil iMUm. kmnij for dlarroi TWUTTIVI CKWTS A SOTTU. WrWlrWWrWVWW THE MOST POPULAR ANO UP-TO-DATE HOUSE IN THE WEST New Curtains tl Arriving f Daily L if" Wi W -!r tor Art roN 5TJsniCSLooni Coach Covers SPECIAL SALE OF ALLOVEii LACES WORTH UP TO 7SC A YARD. AT 2PC Fancy English Allovor Lace Xots, Piatt Vals, Clunv elVfcts, JJahy Irish, JVint tie 1'aris, in wliito, cream, ecru and black, suitable for mak ing waists ami entire dresses, Jots of them worth up to 75c yard, at 29c IP 1 25C LACES FOR 5C New York Importer's sample pieces of high class waist laces dallions, fancy serpentine and separate galloons iu point de Paris and crochet effects, a small portion of which has been on display In our show window. Suitable for trim ming the new spring wash fabrics, bargain square, yd 5 c VERY SPECIAL SILK BARGAINS One great .lot of plain and fancy silks, consisting of shirt Avaist suitings, chiffon taffetas, fancy Louis eunes, printed warp silks, worth up to $1 yard on bargain square, at, yard Ladies1 Spring Suits SPECIAL TRICK $0.08. Eton styles, new short sleeve effects, made in new mixtures, pin checks, cheviots, pitnamas, etc., splendid values at J15.00 Thurs- Q (Q day, at ZJiJO SriUNG SKIRTS SPECIAL. Circular and gored styleR, In the new mixtures. mtnamas. soreos. etc. splendid values, at ffi.OO Thursdav at 3.98 2.98 JAPANESE SILK WAISTS. With the newest style features, clus ter pleats, wide pleats, embroidered fronts, lace yokes, etc., values tip to $6 t.MSUAL VALUES IN WASH WAISTS White and colored waists, in lawns, percales, chnmbrays, linens, etc., fancy checks, dots, etc., made with long and short sleeves, pleated and lace effects, specials, at 98cl.50 49c a Basement Cloak Department Specials Ladlrs' Klpcod and Tcmile prrs, worth one dollar, at AVran- I Cravpnette t'nats Pleatsd and holtod ' I r. lr a ..,.11.. . 1..-.. V... I.J . -1 1 iniiniirp, I I fl 1 4 l.lllllll. 49c Ht collar and cuffs, Q 98 I2's QI AI.1TT DRESS PERCALE. ZW YA RI These perrales am all a wi'ir. iikiii unn nars. acsiranin dress stvion, imp rctriilar l.'c ll s:rade, In mill lengths. Five rasns ko Thursday, at, per yard OJC M-.V Ein TTIAN TISSI'KS AT gC.-New rhrrkeil and striped Egyptian tis sues, a sheer rubric with heuvy cord, all colors, roeulur 35c O I Krade. at. pr yard ut i-INCII SHinTINO MAl'RAS, 6C I PRAPKRY HWISS1-M. C. Dotted Mill lenRths of shlrtlnK nuidras In I and IlKiifed white drapery Swisses, attractive designs, on white sporlal offer for, per ill r ttrnund, for. yard I yard OjW MEN'S $3.50 SHOES You hear a. great deal about the good values In men's shoes at $C.D0. A'a are In a position to Bell you a better shoe for 13.60 than any one line store In the city. We are at no extra ex pense In selling our "men's special" at J3.50 for it is only one line in hun dreds that we carry and we would have to employ as much help pay as much rent and advertise Just as much If we didn't have a man's ti.W special. What we save In this way we give you In extra value in the shoes. They are made In all the latest styles In Box and A'elour Calf Vlii Kid and Patent Colt Luce and Ulucher Cut Best shoes in Omaha for Ki.50. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. J mmmamm mm aa aw rml TACT'S DtNIAl i .1 IAri a ROOMS. 'Vy 1517 Douglas St. Here's a Snap! Blue Cheviot or 8 u 1 1 with extra A Black or Thibet Trousers o f game or strip ed material IT KEEPS OUR TAILORS BUSY. H WILLIAM J ERR EMS' SONS. 200-211 So. lftth Street. THEY WORK ON TIME Mary had a llttl. watch. Sha swallowed It one duv, Then took a Westmal Senna Pill To pass the time away. NHMANJi M'tQNimi. DRUS COMPANY fco ltith and Dodge. !a Post Paid. Alfred O. Klllck. 3.1, Stll pewev Dem Ucorge U. 8-ay. 4ih. ;';i7 Ja.-kfon. . . .Dem. TWKLFTH AVAKD. P.-n S. Anderson, 3d. 31:'t Mininl Hep V. A. Uuvin. 4th, J.t Ohio..... H,.i) Willis T. Peck. 1st. Hu.wn. R. p Lieorge ti. Bpeiicer, tt. Sl5 8p.iul.hng. Boc. The MranaeM Thlaa that could happen would be a case of con st I pat Ion that Dr. King's New Life Pills wouldn't cure. Guaranteed. 25c. For sal. by Sherman It McConnell Drug Co. Ul to Pat las Tora. City Kngineer RoM-water has looked up tht; urdliiauce about the repluclns; of pav ing deMtrnved by the vtieet rullwav coir, pxny and Muds thu graduated charges r. .-rred to by him at the council uieuting Tuesday nUht applied only to ruviug lorn up by tlie cunpHiiy for luylng uf n tracks. Where the paving ing tra.-ks alrdy down Is die placed 'or illro el tin, ordinan.-es ixmiuIib Hie company to luv. the mieel tl.wniiig u as go.xl cunditiou as fouad. Five FastTrains DAILY TO Chicago and the East via the CHICAGO &. NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY over the only double track railway between the Mis souri River and Chicago. This complete service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart ment sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a la carte ser vice.) Ticket! and Ttill information oa ippii cation la ticket vthct U01 and 1403 Firnam St, OMAHA, NEB. Reattached Stopped Th.Nmost sever. head aches will yield in a few mlnat.s to Bromo-Las (contains DO UiniM. Iini't anffrr sny longer. (lets bos today ssk your druggist foe tl-e Orange Colored Bos WbbV CONTAINS NO QUINIMEavisV AUUrugk-iit. f b uiau. Mi I OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Thnrwdnjr Fair. 1L1I ll 1L Jl 1. GREEN TRADING STUMPS EVERT TIME l J) i BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY. Coffees Roasted Every Day Thursday's Special Offer Twenty-Five Hundred one pound packages Bennett's Capitol Coffee 28 C AS TOSS' fnilBHINtTItOBWKy turns Tmmm OsUNAJIEB. And Forty Green Trading Stamps With Each. Full Weight Guarant'd. ORANGES! ORANGES!! 25c Thursday 25c Another car fancy large Naval Oranges sweet, juicy and delicious, per dozen... And twenty green trading stamps with each dozen. ' Limit 3 dozen JC toa customer JC TWO RAGING SALES SATURDAY A. M. CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! In Jewelry Section. Anothsr of otir Sonsattonal Morning i. rot-Ksry rsisa rtirnons. j'lattprs. Plafs. Bowls. Cups and Saucers, blue ach, at , 10c Two Great Leaders ii Our Ladies9 Suit Department Ladies', Spring Suits in Eton with girdles, and the Pony Jacket; skirts are gored and circular effects; coats are satin lined and unlined; new materials, ele- f PA gant values and all sizes, $14.50 and lAiJU Two Great Coat Bargains Covert cloth Spring Jackets in tight-fitting or box effect, lined or unlined, neatly C strapped, all sizes, prices $5.95 and PJ Big Sale of Cream Japanese Silk Ten pieces of Cream Japanese Silk, washable, sold regularly 2IC at 39c a yard sale price, Thursday, a yard t Ten pieces 36-lnch Cream Japanese SUk, the kind that laun- fli ders, regular selling price 76c sale price, a yard JUv Five pieces of 36-inch Cream Japanese Silk, extra heavy qual- C ity, sold regularly at $1.00 sale price, a yard UrC UIG SPKC1AL SALE OP NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. 64-Inch Sicilians In navys. browns, reds and blacks, dust proof, Pft worttf ll.OO yard Thursday, a yard JUC 46-lnch French batiste, a beautiful soft finished sheer fabric, especially adapted for spring wear, all shades for evening and street dresses, usual price $1 a yard Thursday, a yard . 1 75c BLACK DRESS GOODS. 25 pieces of Black Panamas, shadow checks, serge and mo hairs, regular price 75c a yard Thursday, a yard, only. , 50c BIG LACE SALE THURSDAY. Imported Allover Laces in Paraguays, English Twine, Antique and Clunys, 18 Inches wide, In cream, ecru and white; this lot Q worth 1 2 yard sale price Thursday, yard 39c, 25c and 1C BANDS, APPLIQIES AND TRIMMINGS. Torchon, Cluny, Paraguay and Antique Lace Bands, appliques and In sertions a big lot of Venetian trimmings, bands, and appliques in cream, ecru and white. This entire lot worth to 75c yard sale price, Thursday, a yard, 25c, 15c, 10c and 3C LACE SPECIAL AT 1C. Lace Applique Bands and Venetian trimmings, in cream, white, and ecru, worth to 15c yard Thursday, 10 to 12 m., a yard . . WHITE WAISTING SALE THURSDAY. 25 pieces of White Dimities and Madras, worth 23c yard Thursday, a yard, only 86-inch Printed Henriettas, a new, pretty spring dress goods, fine wool finish, comes In all the shephard plalds and checks, ' special Thursday, a yard 50 pieces of new dress ginghams, pretty plaids, checks and strlpes--Thursday, a yard 1c 15c has a 18c 8ic Raging Sales in Crockery COLONIAL TABLE TUMBLERS Finest clear metal A snap Juursday, a dozen J r for, ENGLISH WHITE SEMI-PORCELAIN PLATES 7 -inch size- Regular $1.10 dozen ' Thursday, a dozen. 75c THE AVELSBACH OAS LIGHT cuuipletr 111 box Ht-st hurnvr IJ vlube ami mantle Thursday., 75c '2o DOZ. GERMAN CHINA FRUIT OR BERRY SAUCERS - Gold traced Regular 10c r value Thursday, each. .... OC Shoes! Shoes! The New Spring Styles of Dorothy Dodd Shoes. Oxfords, Pumps, Gibson Ties, In all the new leathers. Gun Metal Calf, Patent Colt, Yici Kid. Heavy or Liht Soles Witch for the Great Silk Sate Monday. See Uth St. Win. dows. THK R ft. LI A BIB IIIIHR, NEW TAIIXR SflTgEton Blouse and Pony styles, In all the most popular ma terials and colortng-s, elthr short or long sleeves, nearly all samples OA Oil worth $33. special Thursday at.."v $30 TA1UR HL'ITS In all the new materi als, plain colors or fancy mixtures, with Ioiir or short sleeves and A fl circular skirts, special at HANDBOMR ETON RI ITS-Trlmmrd with tailor brnlds, splendid $16.00 a QC values, special at : . , . . C 1,H NKW COVERT COATS In the most np-to-dato styles, i and lengths. In tiRht seml-fHtlnir or loose effects, made of fine Kntcllsh and Mohegan coverts, attrac tive values, at $1'0.00, $lg.0o. E $l&.0(t. 12.5. $10.'i0. $7. Bo, down to..O,VFU FHKE! KREK!! FREE:!! A fins Silk I'ndersklrt Thursday to every purchaser of one of our hand- U OO some A'nlle Pklrts. worth $15. t....OW $.00 HKIRT8 In jianamas, nun's velllnKs, serses and cheviots, all . A Qli latest styles, special at.... 7u Wool Dress Goods Sate 3VI pieces of all ChaJlles, plain, the fine frade, and silk striped, the 76c, 85c and 1.00 (roods, perfect new French Roods, J2 yards to customer, at. a yard, only Main Wash Goods Dept. 100 pieces of Scotch Ginghams, new spring styles, the. 12'v". l&o and 19c grade, all at. a yard, 13 yards to f customer Several other specials for Thursday. Watch for the I Great Silk Sale Monday. See j Uth St. Win- dows. Newest Styles in Spring Garments Our enlarged cloak department is fairly ovr flowing with the newest Ideas in ready-to-wear ladles' Karments. 1,500 new Tailor Stilts. 1.100 new Cov ert Coats, 1,375 new Silk Sulfa, and about' 7,000 Skirts now on hand and more arriving dally. Every effort has been expended to mak this seanori's show ings the most complete and the best valuet erer shown. , As Thursday Specials We Are Showing: $15.00 Silk Shirt Waist Suits, made of Giver- 9.95 naud'a taffeta. In all txiDular shades, seclal at... EXgi lSlTE 8II.K Rl-ITH. In all nswest designs, at $MW, $36.00, $. Q eii down to , lO'fU NEW SPRINQ WAISTS-Tn MngerU llnen. 1.25 worth tS.OO, batiste, Jiip silk; roessallnes and laces, rrom J"0 down to... Children's Dresses, Thursday, each... Women's $3.00 and WOO AValklng Skirts, Thursday at $15.00 Cravenette Coats, Thursday at WOMEN'S AVtNTKR COAT8- Stupendous bargains, at $16.00 Waists. Albatross, Flannels, etc., at, choice HOME MADE WUAI TER8-Mailo extra wide and gimranteed not to rip, 4 sizes Zi to 4ti, at $12o, down to .1.45 2.95 .7.95 0.95 50c Oranges Oranges AVe have received another car of fancy Highland Navel Oranges. The orange mar ket has rapidly advanced: this will he our. lust sale on this sile orango at this prlre. Tomorrow we will commence on OCp this car and sell them 20 for T,,.I..0.7,C" ..15c The illghiund Navsls excel all others for sweetness, juicy and rich flavor. Don't mis this sale. Rig salo In So and 10c department ou Granlteware, tomorrow. HAYDEM BROS. LOW 0I1E-WAY RATES VIA UNION PACIFIC FROM OMAHA EVERY DAY TO APRIL 7, 1906. to San Francisco, Ucm Aa geles, San Diego and many other California points, to B t r 1 1 Falrtaved; Whatcom, , VancouYsr anil Victoria. to Portland, Astoria, Tie coma and Seattle, to Ashland, Rosebnr-f, En gene, Albany and Salem. Including So. Pac. branch lines In Oregon, to Spokane and Interme diate O. R. A N. points to Wenatchee and Interme diate points. to Bntte, Anaconda, Helena and all Intermediate main line points. to Ogden and Bait Lake City and Intermediate main line points. For Full Information Inqnlre at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM ST. Tnmrc rotrar,AB ast. v $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 $20.00 f IKIainiinia I am receiving fresh mined Hanna Coal in Lump, Egg and Nut 90 Feir Toim Prompt Service. Careful Delivery. ZZZMT MOTHEH USED TO MYj V mWM WLM WmW MM W MM MS KM H Mai SB Hi .HI Hi tM YOUR DIAMOND oualit to be rejet No better diamond setter than ours. No better ktyl work than ours No more prompt servlca than at our store, and no more reasonable pricea than ours. You are not obliged to pay a fancy price for Ilia the work lm'uw it la a diamond. 1XMIK r'UH THE NAMK. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1S1D0UCIA.T. - I 'Phone Douglas 1007. 1507 Howard St. I I I ' , fcM1! .6S ft, V4 ffm e- PuUman 2y Sleeper I throuorh fast trains . from Omaha 8:30 P. M. and 8:00 A. M. arriving Minneapolis 7:25 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. Kates and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, OMAHA. NEB).