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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
Till; OMAHA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1006. .0 i mine tT rnt'Tii mtttit lUlUIU A I UL 111 )) Council Tskss Only Four Minutes to Buy a City Hall Site. VOTE on:,th.l QUESTION IS UNANIMOUS 'ell Property la Selected, bit lint Id t4rnan iftrtri Entire He Mill Asa mm Injunction in rre .. . vent Transfer. The city - council. In h eenloii lusting only to or three minutes, reported an a committee ofthe wholo. en the examina tion of sites for a city hall, and moved to purcjias .the property belonging to T. J. O Nel( at Twenty-fourth and O streets, which motion) parried unanimously. This motion " wits Introduced by Queenan. By It the.' city .agrees to pay $12.So (or the xlte. Thla was not the lowest bid, there being two others lower, namely, the prop erty, ottered by pavld Anderson at Twen- ty.flfjA and M streets, at; and the property-' offered by H. M. Christie for IT.&JQ at TTwnty-flfth ayd.L atreets. In addition to'" the cost ' price the lot pur chased will have :t? -be graded at a coat of fl.Ono or more. The other two properties are ilrendy at'Mnde. The following la the wording. bt,;fhe motion' as It was passed. It had been signed rrevlous to convening the meeting-- that the motion could be passed In the . briefest , .possible time. It was: Mr. Mayor: Your committee of the whole, onwncll, to whom-was referred the bids proposed for rite city hall site, have carefully,, -examined each site submitted, and after aim f onslderatlon of location and price .and . the general expression of the voters at th previous election, would rec ommend thst the city purchase the east 1)6 feet rof ns one and two, except the south tweaty-four feet frf lot two of block eighty-four,,: being situated on the south west rorner of Twentv-fourth and O streets, having -a- frnntnge of ninety-six feet On Tweiity-funrtH-ntreet and to feet on 0 street, and containing lo.liSrt square (Vet,, at a. price- (if 111,; and that the city clerk: be and Is herehv Instructed to draw a warrant on the city hall fund In the' amount nf Sl'i.ftno to be paid on the approval -of the contract and title. ' '.Anderson Fllea Protest. This report, waa signed by every member of the eouncH. ' At this point David Ander aon, who, submitted a proposition, aa above stated, approached the clerk with a com munication, but before he could present It the qbtiacU. moved to adjourn, after having been in e salon only four or Ave minutes. the council chamber and entered the city clerk's office: " Here, While the city clerk was detained by the communication of Mr. Anderson-. ,H was proposed to the mayor that, the warrant be drawn last night and the" jnayAf' agreed to the suggestion; But when the cleric arrived in his office it was discovered that Mr. -Anderson had served him with. notice, that Injunction proceed ings would', be Immediately begun to stop the payment of this purchase price, stating that the grounds of this Injunction would he that the bid accepted was not the low est and the 'best bid, and that the manner of .cotylrwi. lo, this .'decision was accom plished by. fraud,. In that a-fictitious value was put rr the property under the expec tation "of selling ,the same to the city by a previous understanding. Aside from the specific warning contained In Wwe letter, that .he should not act with haste in the matter, therclerk, was opposed to any prcrrlpltate. action In Issuing the warrant. ,lo said he was disposed to let any ' one' who ' thought he had sufficient, causa to bring legal action have a chance and h, reasonable time to bring the same, Therefore, he declared that he would not sign any warrant within a period of forty eight hours' af tor .the passage of th motion In .the"lkyjrcoaaH.t H'h la given practically two das" 'time., dvhing Which an injunc 1 tlott fivay-6e Ijrought. Mr. Adklns, presi dent pf the council, then said to the clerk. "Wa '-don't wiuit'yoU' to sign the warrant tonight If 'your don't want- to do- It." The counoilmen then dispersed. ( XaV Visit's Old Home. Ex-Governor i Cars, P. -Savage' and also the:flrs,t maydr ofthe city of South Omaha Is In tha clly from Tacoma, Wash. He tx pecta. to be In too city, for several days. He spout lUOHt of-tbe day In South Omaha visiting' hit old friends In the Exchange building, where for several years he was a Well "known commission man. It -Is no tlceabla how well .the colonel Is looking. Ho ha ail the vigor and snap of a young man. i The climate -of Washington must be agreeable, At all events. It Is plain that be - hs, transferred his best love to the state whero ha at present resides. He has been '-engaged In the lumber business and haa managed to combine, with It the real ' estate business. ' Hp now owns ISO lots in Tacoma. -' During the afternoon he paid a t visit to the city hall,' visiting with the po lice and acquaintances. The one he aeemud . to enjoy t"he most of all was a half hours' chat .with Patrick King, the police Judge. They were young men together In West Bide, la. The colonel said: "Judge, I've got no fault to find with Omaha, South Omaha nor the state of Nebraska. All say there is .no town in tne united states that "will 'anywhere come up to Tacoma. We've got everything there to make a city aa .great as any which stand on the At lanUo oossk First,! we have the crop that Kit ar-AKLEt fBAItUEI. ltk ft KIlK , cm- , In lhe beautiful Suuny South, and the rates are, leas than half to many point. Bold first ; and third Tuesdays of each month. Mardi (Iras rates Feb. 21 to ?5 -New Orleans, Mobile, Pen&acola. Ask Wabash ticket V suffice, 101 Farnam street, for rates, deacrip : Votive, pjamphlets, Florida, Cuba end Winter Cruise to "Went Indies, or address, - r 1 1 . ' HARRY JC. M00RES, 0. mmmVmWmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmnmmaam Cod Ranted still to be gathered for the next 1 years the almost Inexhaustible forests; after that we have some of 0 c largest mines In the world within twenty miles of tidewater, and sfter the forest are used up anil the slumps have rotted away we will have the finest agricultural land In any clime." Sewers t All Schools. The members of the Board of Education are rejoicing at the fact that the proposed sewer system will be built so as to accom modate all the school buildings In Mouth Omaha except one and that Is the Lowell school. In one or two cases the connection will be three or four blocks, but It will gladly be done. Few people realise what a great task It Is to have the correct sani tation with no sewer facilities under the crowded conditions of many of the school. Four of them are Still using outside closets, from which many evils, both sanitary and disciplinary, result. The new sewer also will accommodate the new site recently purchased at Sixteenth and It streets. There has no pew name been adopted for the school which Is to be erected In the autumn at this point, and some of the members of the board suggested that some of the patrons In that district should be ble to recommend a suitable term by which It should be known. Republican flab Mass Meeting. The mass meeting of all the republican clubs held last right at the Commonwealth hall. Twenty-fifth and N streets, was at tended by large delegations from all the clubs organised In the city. There was a full crowd In the hall during the whole evening. George Housman was chosen chairman and C. E. Fay secretary. The presidents of the various clubs were asked to speak and all readily responded with words of encouragement for the success of the party In South Omaha. After them many of the candidates of the party and a number of the councllmc n and others made brief addresses and kept thefloor rumbling with the enthusiastic stamping of feet. The Kosciusko Republican club extended a formal Invitation to all the other clubs to meet with It next Friday evening In an other mass meeting at the Paproskl hall at Twenty-seventh and J streets. This the assembly unanimously accepted and a rous ing meeting Is anticipated. Carnival of All Nations. The carnival of nations given by the Young Men's Christian association last nigh', was attended by about 2D0 of the young people of the city. Of these about one-third was In costumes. There was a brief program, all musical, consisting of a piano solo by Miss Beulah Davis, which waa generously applauded, and a really flrst-class performance on the violin by Master Hiram Scovllle, accompanied on the piano by his young brother. An Im provised quartet of black face comedians sang a number of southern songs and did Its best to liven things up. The crowd did not get warmed up until rather late In the evening, and then the two booths came In for a fair share of business. All together the evening was a pleasant and a profit able one to all concerned. Magic rity Gossip. Jolin Kennedy Is In Chicago. D. W. McHugh has been appointed one of the solicitors for the Omaha hospital funds. Miss Dell Davis, daughter of Dr. W. M. Davis, gave a party to a number of her friends rast night. Banner Court of the Tribe of Ben Hur will meet Wednesday evening, February 2L at Odd Fellow s hall. The Ep worth League of Lefller's Me morial church will give a Boston tea party Thursday evening at the church In com memoration of Washington's birthday. A number of South Omaha people at tended the funeral of Rev. J, D. Kerr, luiiuniy pastor or me c niton mil rresBy- terlan church, which was held in Omaha yesterday afternoon. A. Bloom Is moving the building formerly used by him As a planing mill at the foot t the O street viaduct, and it will now .e possible for the Union Pacific to finish ts new freight depot. . M. Thurmond, of Kansas City, has taken up his residence In South Omaha. He is to have charge of the office of Kice Brothers, commission merchants, of the MrtHim.-n jLjcnange. - Tho proceeds of the musical and literary entertainment to be given by the Upchurch Loage ro. z, or the Degree of Honor, at the Workmen temple tonight, will be used lor me oenent or tne sick members. rour births were reported yesterday: at the home of V. Benes, Nineteenth and O streets, a son; at the home of Thomas Bet-an, Nineteenth and O streets, a daugh ter; ThomaS Conway, 4101 Y street, a girl and William J. Carwood. 3W1 U street, a The meeting of the State Sunday School avaociauon waa lea by Mr. Kiddoo last nigni. ins programs have been lnterent ing and have been well attended. Yester day afternoon the mothers had a meeting at a p. m. and the children had u meeting at 4 p. m. Mrs. Berry conducted the niumrrs meeting. The grocery store of Bcheucr & Oberg at Twenty-fourth and H atreets. was broken Into Monday night and a small amount of change, some cigars and minor articles laxen. it was also reported that a store at Twenty-fourth and A streets had the locks broken during the same night,- but nuiuing was rounu to oe missing. The funeral of Mrs. AUxa P. Havward, Twenty-sixth and E streets, will be ran. ducted from St. Martin's church this after noon at 1:30. The burial will be In Forest I -awn cemetery, Omaha. Rev. James Wise, assisted by Irving Joluiuon. of Mlnneaooli. a former pastor, will have charge of the services. Mrs. Hayward was the mother or Mrs. j. n. Ytatklns. and aged 61 when she died. The death occurred at Los An geles, Ca!., from which place the body was sent here. She died entirely unex pectedly from a valvular affection of the neart. WEAK, NERVOUS MEN from axeeasea er victims to Nsnrous Debility or ex haustlon, Waatlng Weakness, with Early DeeVna In young ana middle-aged: lack ef vim, vigor ana Strength, with organs impaired and weak. Our treatment wilt correct all ef thtea arils and restore you to what nature intended, a hale, healthy, happy wan, with all powers vigorous and perfect. If IDICnrri r cured perfectly and permanently foe I AKlUUkC.LL iif( by one treatment. No cutting. n pain, no danger, ne detention from work. No othel treatment will CURE aa quick. HI nnn DfllCnH ere Quicker than at Hot Springs, BLUUU rUlJUn At enca everv trace of the die. as disappears, no sores come on body (sores Isj south, throat, tongue, hair falling ont stop at once). We also cur all contagious or acquired diseases- Hydrocele. Prostatic. Catarrh of Bladder, Kidney, ail chronic diseases of men and women, rnrr examination and consultation. Writs tot Symptom Blank for home treatment. ssi DsstUi Streets. Omaha, Kanraaksn Ho Use For Winter Clothes J A. P. D., OMAHA, NZR. i BEFORE THE PEOPLE'S BAR President of Women'i Miwion Circle and Her Predecessor m Difficulty. INCUMBENT SAYS SHE. WAS ASSAULTED j (lalnis Former thief Kseeatlie I hirrh Auxiliary Was Re sponsible for a Blow I no Her Fare. The trouMes existing within the ranks of the Women's Mission circle of the Mount Moriah Buptist church of Twelfth and Jackson streets were given an airing Tuesday mornlnR before the people's bar, where Mrs Reliecca Strowther of 35 Wirt street swoe to n complaint of assault and battery ntralnst Mis. Rebecca Lewis of Seventeenth and Cuming street. Both par ties In the case are colored. A warrant was IsHucd for Mrs. lwis. According to Mrs, Ptrowthcr's story, she was assaulted Sunday evening by Mrs. Lewis after the regular evening service at tho Mount Moriah church. Mrs. Lewis was president of the Women's Mission circle until last week, when Mts. Strowther wss elected to that office. While walking from the church Sunday evening, Mrs. Strowther alleges, her offi cial predecessor moved her right list In such a manner as to cauee an ugly abra sion on the complainant's left eye. The case will be heard In police court at a later date. The abiding faith of a mother In her two sons and the anxiety of a small boy to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth were strongly brought out In a case heard Tuesday morning In police court. Tom and John Donlon of Kill Pinkney street were charged with disturbing the peace by flghttyig and assaulting James Lyons of 8412 Maple street. When the evi dence brought out that the Donlons had cut Lyons with a knife the police Judge sentenced the prisoners thirty days each. Mrs. Donlon watched the proceedings from a rear seat and cried pitifully when her boya were sentenced. "They are tho best boys In the atate," the mother said, between her tears. Although her son Tom tried to burn her house dowrt a month ago, when she wss rescued by neighbors, and notwithstanding the other boy was going to strike her with an axe on another occasion, she appeared willing to forgive them ten thousand times ten thousand. The boy In the case was Fred Ross, a witness to the assault. Master Ross was told to tell his story, so he began at the beginning of things by telling how he and two companions got their sleds, what kind of sleds they were, where they slid down hill, how long their mothers allowed them to stay out sliding, the condition of the sliding, the length of the slide. The hoy at length got down to the case on trlii! and told what he knew of that. Lew Fields, the man who recently tried to steal one .of the Harriman railroads. was caught In the act and sentenced by the police judge. Is back In Jail again. Fields Is now charged with stealing a wagon from John Belts. The prisoner will be arraigned before the bar popull Wednesday morning. Fields Is the most unique thief In the city. He goes out for large game. Christ mas he was charged with stealing a forty- pound dressed pig from in front of a St. Mary's avenue store. Several weeks ago he was caught with a team and wagon loading railroad rails Into the vehicle. Now he has the theft of a large wasron against bis name: If Fields Is at large again tho police think they will place a guard over the Douglas street bridge, as they have learned Fields told a friend he wanted a bridge to play with. James Connors of the Windsor hotel would have been talking yet had the po lice judge given him any encouragement. Connors talked Tuesday morning until the police court room was filled with parts of speech and punctuation marks. The man was arraigned on the charge of vagrancy, discharged by the police: Judge and rear rested by Detectives Ferris and Dunn as he was leaving the city Jail. The - de tectives wanted to Investigate Connor's record. He la now held as a suspicious character. It was charged against the prisoner that he has been trying doors at the Windsor hotel at all hours of the night. Con nors claimed other guests ut the hotel were using his clothes and that he was only trying to locate hla garments at 1:26 In the morning when arrested by Pa trolman Shepherd. NEEDHAf I KILLED BY THE CARS Badly-Mangled Body Fonnd on Hall road Track Karly This Morning. Joseph Xeedham. residing at 172J High street, waa ground to pieces by a Rock Island train in Council Bluffs some time during Monday night. His badly mangled body waa found about S o'clock yesterday ir.ornlng on the Rock Island tracks near the Main street crossing. The body was cut In pieces and portions were found scat tered along the rails. As far as Is known no one witnessed the accident and It Is supposed that the un fortunate man was run over while on his way home. The discovery of the mangled remains wss made by the crew of an in coming passngcr train about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, when the city authori ties and Coroner Treynor were notified. The body was removed to Cutler's under taking rooms. Coroner Treyuor decided that an Inquest was uiinccesHary and the body will be sent this morning to Beloit, Wis., for burial. Xeedham was 40 years of age and un married. He had made hla home with his sister. Mrs. B. T. Smith at 1713 High street for the last four years. Two other sisters, Mrs. C. Flint of this city, and Mrs. James L. Packard of Stevens Point, Wis., and two brothers, John T. Xeedham of Belolt und George Xeedham of Milwaukee survive him. SOLCMON AND URE STAY IN T"" Doaglaa tout) t'onmlaaloaers nenaabeney Settled by De. rlslnn mm Lsarsitrr fas. County Commissioner Solomon received word from Lincoln Tuesday morning that tha supreme court has refused a rehearing lit a case Involving the extension ut the term of a county commissioner In Lan caster county. The Incaster case on whU-h rehearing was denied differs only In una slight particular from the rase of (.omiiilsaloners Solomon and I 're, now In the supreme court from Uouglas county, The effect of a denial of a rehearing will ue 10 ronnrm Messrs. Bolomon and I re In inetr seats, according to the report of Assistant City Attorney Herd man. ho Is In Lincoln representing the local commis sioners. He reports that Fawcett & Ab bott, who represented the appellants, prac tically coincide with' his view. Fred J. England and Charles K. Gould, two Denver newspaper men, are In Oiuaha In tbe Interest of the Press riidl-ie of America, an enterprise organlxvd and uialn- tslnd by newspaper men to display to the world the relative positions of prominent men. They pick out Ji0 men In each state for their gallery of fame. TABULATION ON DRUG BIDS Partial 1. 1st Shows M ers-Olllon Com. pany Lowest la Largest. nna ber of Cases. 1 A partial tabulation of the l.:ds on drugs submitted to the county commissioners, has been made to determine which of the four bidders Is lowest. The results so far se cured are only on the Individual Items and they show the Myers-Dillon Drug Co. to be lowest on the largest number of items. These are the figures showing the numbev of items each bidder Is lowest oft and the numlier on which he Is tied Willi some other bidder: Sherman : McConnell, low on T8, lied on 44; Myers-Dillon Drug com pany low on WO, tied on 45; E. T. Yates low on 6, tied on 14; Boaton .Drug company low on 56, tied on .. Before the board meets Suturduy another tabulation will be made to show the amount of the total of each bid on the basis of the amount of each Item used last year.- These are the figures on prescriptions: Kherman A Mc Connell, 19 cents; Myers-Dillon Drug com pany, cents; E. T. Yates, 1S'4 cents. Beaton Drug company,- 19 cents. Mr. Yates, who had the contract last year, took It at 13V cents. In the bids which were not accepted by the board he bid 144 cents. For extra supplies, not included In the specifications Sherman McConnell and Myers-Dillon Drug company tbld S per cent less than the wholesale price. The other bidders bid 3 and 20 per cent above whole sale prices respectively.- For furnishing cement and sewer pipe Sunderland Brothers appear to be the lowest, their figures on sewer pine being about 10 per cpnt higher than last year's contract price but slightly lower than the bids which were rejected. The Omaha Hay and Building Supply company appear to be lowest on sand, and C. W. Hull & Co. on brick. Commissioner Solomon haa found another Item of printing In which the county has made a substantial saving under the new contract. An order of 5,00t deed blanks for the register of deeds offl.;e was placed Tuesday. Vnder the old contract price they would have cost the county S15 per 1,000. Under the new contract the price 's J4.75, a saving on the order of K1.25. WARNER TO KEEP HIS FORCE V I'nlted States Marshal Denies Yarn Abont mber ef Depatles Being; Cat. The story that two deputy marshals were to be let out In case the Vnltcd States supreme court decided Indians hud the right to Introduce liquor on the reserva tions is new to United States Marshal Warner. He said: '. "The first 1 have heard of It Is the an nounncement made In a morning paper, and so far as I know there Is nothing In It at all. No matter what the decision may be in the Jim Lincoln case. It will not have the slightest effect upon the force of the marshal's office. . There Is no prob ability of a reduction of the force of deputy marshals. The fact that one of the deputy marshals Is a resident of the vi cinity of the Indian reservations does not make him an exclusive official for work on the Indian reservations, ..He Is liable at any time to be sent to; any part of the district, and any other deputy is liable to be sent to .the , Indian reservations to look after federal matters there. I do not know how or where the story,, of a reduction of the force originated. .There Is not the lightest foundation for 'I", rthere Is to be tio reduction of the. for& 'of deputy mar shals now nor at- anjr-'ttne within the future, that we knbw'ot.J '," asphalt plant;.;is famous Machine Known of In F.urope and Uernian Writes for Job -' as Expert. The fame of Omaha's municipal asphalt repair plant continues to stir up things throughout the world. City1 Engineer Rose- water has just received a letter from Hcnrlch Pollmann of Essen, Germany, ap plying for a position as asphalt expert under the local city government. Herr Pollman say he has had twenty-four years' experience in the asphalt business In the principal cities of Germany. A friend of his in London Informed him he understood a good job awaited a man of Pollmann'a caliber and talents In Omaha. Pollmnnn has long wanted to come to the United States, so he immediately sent a lung letter containing details regarding his personal and professional career, the number of his children and other creden tials. He succeeded In getting the 'name "Rosewater" spelled correctly, but di rected his missive to "Omaha, Washington, America." After taking a little Journey to the Pacific coast the letter was re turned to St, Paul, where the deficiency In address was supplied. Inasmuch as the asphalt plant force Is fully manned Herr Pollmann's services will not be called u.-'on. AT DRIVING OF GOLDEN SPIKE John tiretslnarer. Forty Tears Em ployed by I'nlon PaclBe, Ends .' His Enrthly Service. John Uretxluger of 2623 Seward street, an employ at the Union Pacific car shops for forty years, died Tuesday morning at 2:W o'clock from apoplexy. The funeral ser vice will be Thursday afternoon at 2 o'cloct and will be conducted by Hev. I,. Groh, pastor ut St. Mark's Kvangellcul Lutheran church. Mr. Uretxinger was 66 years of age and came to Omaha February 14, ISMXi, entering the service of the I'nlon Pacific shortly afterward. As an employe of the road he was present when the golden spike wua driven connecting the Central and Union Pacific al Promontory Point, I'tuh, In the spring of IStft. Mr. Qretxiugci' worked up to last Saturday. It had been his custom to arise at the sound of an alarm clock. When the alarm did not arouse him Monday morning his family became anxious, went to his bedside to find him unconscious. Dr. S. K. Bpuldlnj was summoned and pronounced the case one of apoplexy. Mr. Gretilnger is survived by a wife, son and daughter. PLAINTIFF GETS . DAMAGES Samuel S. Klfkley Is t.lveu Wralrt -f Three Thousand Hollars Asalast the Vnloa PaclSc. The jury III the case of Samuel Kickley against the Union Pacific- returned a ver dict for Rickley for tf.CUO at e:3o Monday evening after being out about two hours. i Rirklev had brouaht suit for ItS.lXX) dam- , resulting from personal Injuries re- ! ' oelvd while in the employ of the defend ant railroad as a niemlv of the bridge gang near Big Springs. I'art of the der rick, apparatus alleged to be rotten and insecure, fell on him. causing permanent Injuries. Tbe Strangest Thlug that could hsppen would be a esse of con stipation that lr. King's Kew Life Pills j wouldn't cure. Guaranteed. "Sc.' For sal i by Sherman McConnell Drug Co. j CUMMINS ASKED FOR PROOF' Senator Oilliland Resents Statements in Letter of the GoTernor. CHALLENGE LIKELY TO BE ACCEPTED Senate Intends Rate Resolatlen that Kverybody Concerned Is Kn dnrsetl and Then It Is Passed by Decisive Tnte. I From a S'aff Correspondent.) 1M-:S MOIXKS. Feb. 30. -t Special. ) I Charging that the statement of Governor Cummins In his formal announcement of his candidacy for a third term In this morning's palters that the railroads are "exerting every Influence that money and organisation can create to defeat the prl nutrv bill" l a direct reflection on the members of the legislature. Senator Shirley O'llllanU of MIMk county today Introduced a concurrent resolution calling on the gov ernor to furnish the legislature specific facts bearing on the assertions. The reso lution went over till tomorrow under the rules of the senate. After the resolution was Introduced Senators Msytag, Garat, irf-wls. Smith of Mitchell and Hughes, five of the strongest Cuminlns men in the senute, were seen and each In a general way endorsed the resolution and talked favorably to passing it. This attitude as sumed by the Cummins people, when It was supposed by Gllliland that they would op pc se It, hns complicated the situation. The Cummins people talk of amending the reso lution so as to hsve testimony taken under oath before a committee of the house nr-.d senate. The Cummins people declare they will "call the bluff'' of the standpatters. Two of them asserted today to The Bee r-'pre'entntl-e that If the governor didn't have sufficient facts to present they had enough themselves to bear out every as sertion of the governor in his statement. The Glllllnnd resolution Is as follows: Gllllland'a Resolution. Whereas, Governor Cummins In the ad dress to the "republicans of Iowa." issued in this morning's papers, makes the alarm ing statement that the railroad corpora tions are "exerting every ounce of strength which money snd organization can create to defeat the primary election bill": that "they are hunting It to Its death with a persistency and vlndlctlveneas I have never seen surpassed": that "these masters of tntrlgue who are now endeavoring, to thwart the will of an overwhelming pro portion of the voters of Iowa and (for this purpose) are spending the winter In Des Moines," and Whereas.. The gravity of this charge -Is such as that, If believed by the people, It will seriously reflect on all legislators op posed to a state-wide plurality primary, no matter how conscientious their opposition may be, and will lead the people to believe that all such are being Influenced In their action by the "exertion of every ounce of strength which money . and organisation can create"; now therefore be It Resolved, by the senate, the house con curring. Tliat In fairness to the members of the legislature, and that only those (If thei'M be any) who are really culpable may be pointed out, the governor lx? asked to communicate in writing to the legislature such specific facts (as distinguished from mere assertion) as to 1. How money Is being used by the rail roads to defeat the primary bill. 2. What legislators. If any, have been the recipients of this money. 3. Who are the "masters of intrigue thst are spending the winter In Des Moines" and where are they located. Everybody la Endorsed. After continuing for an hour the debate of yesterday on the Weeks resolution to memorialize congress In favor of adequate rate legislation, the senate this morning killed both the Jamleson amendment to give credit In the matter to Dolllver and Hep burn and the Smith of Mitchell amend ment endorsing only the Ideas of Roosu- velt on the question and then passed A substitute by Courtrlghf thanking (lie Iowa delegation In Washington for Its efforts and assuring them of the appreciation of the Iowa people. of their efforts to secure "in effective measure, giving to the Inter state Commerce commission power to fix. establish and enforce reasonable Interstate freight rates and charges, as demanded by the president." - v The debate was a1 rapid fire one from the opening to Its close. The question wus brought up by Senator Jamleson, who read a telegram from Hepburn received this morning stating that his bill had the en dorsement of President Roosevelt. Sena tor Jamleson produced' the bill Itself and made a strong effort to defend Hepburn and secure the credit of the legislation to him. Saunders of Pottawattamie took the floor long enough to say that ha waa op posed to endorsing any particular bill which might be changed for better or worse before the senate resolution was passed and printed. He read from a dispatch In a morning paper that the president la con ferring with advisors as to making changes In the Hepburn bill. Crosslet ' tried to amend by endorsing the "recommendations of President Roosevelt as set for'h In the bill commonly known as the Dollfver-Hep-burn bill." There were claims that there waa no such bill as the "Dolllver-Hepburn bill," and then Senator Lyons, a demo crat. got the floor. He aald there would be time at the republican convention this fall to discuss party matters; that he wus opposed to taking valuable time of the senate longer and moved the previous ques tion. Roll calls were had on each vote, which were all largely factional till the Courtrlght substitute was reached. The Crosslet amendment waa defeated, 21 to the Jamleson amendment giving credit to the president only, defeated, 22 to 24; the Jamleson amendment giving credit only to Dolllver and Hepburn, defeated 17 to 28, and the Courtrlght substitute passed, 31 to 14. Patrick Ordered Into Court. NEW YORK. Feb. 20.Taklng of lestl- mony of Texas witnesses in the motion 21 3Z r TRAIN 43. Daily: Leave Omaha Leave Lincoln Arrive Deadwood Arrive Helena. Arrive Butte. . . Arrive Spokane Arrive Seattle. Arrive Tacoma, Arrive Portland MM i mm I UHb 1& X. -UrMuV. . .SBha "array wsiasi Through chair car, tourist and standard niueping car and dining car service. Black Hilla Service Black Hills train now leaven Omaha 4:10 p. m., instead of 11:10 p.m. Big Horn Basin Train Xo. 41 from Omaha at 11:10 p.m. makes close connection at Toluca with daily except Sunday train for the Banin. For rates and information, tickets, etc , apply: . CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1502 FARNAM OT. Health of American Women A Subject Much Discussed el Women's Clubs4 The Future of a Country Depends on the Health of Its Women. .. ...y ', AlrxTCWfadsen Mi Met tic Hemp At tha New York 8tt Assembly of Mothers, n prominent New York doctor told the 500 women present that healthy American women were go rare as to be almost extinct. This seems to be a sweeping state ment of the condition of American women. Yet how many do you know who sre perfectly well snd do not hare some trouble arising" from s derange ment of the female or (ran ism which manifests itself In headaches, back aches nervousness, thst bearing-down feeling', painful or Irreg-ular periods, pelvic catarrh, displacement of the female organs, indigestion or sleepless ness? There is s tried snd true remedy for all these ailments. Lydls E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has re stored more American women to health thsn all other remedies in the world. It regulates, strengthens snd cures disesses of the female organlim ns nothing else can. for thirty years it hss been curing the worst forms of female complaints. Such testimony ss the following should be convincing. Mrs. T. C. Willsdsen, of Manning, Ia writes: Dear Mrs. Finkbam: "I can truly say that you have saved my life and I cannot express my gratitude to you itl words. For two years I spent lots of money iu doctoring without any benefit for female irrearu'aritifls and I had given up all hopes nf aver beingweU aialn, but I was persuaded to try LvdiaK. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and three bottles have restored me to perfect health. Had it not been for you I would have been In my grava to-day." i to neiua, naarcw, iijnu, iuui. Lydia E. Plnkham's Veftetablt Compound Succeeds Where Others . Fad for a new trial for Albert T. Patrick was resumed today. SMALLEST MOTHER IN WORLD Mrs. Dollletn Boykln. Inches la Height, Passes Through Omaha. Mrs. Dollleta Boykln, a midget twenty eight Inches in height, .was an Interesting passenger at the Union station Tuesday afternoon between trains. Mrs. Boykln was on her way from South Carolina tc her home at Fremont. With her was her daughter,- born five weeks ago at Green ville, 8. C. Mrs. Boykln Is said, to be the smallest mother .in the world. The little woman waa born in Illinois educated at South Omaha, where she graduated at the high school. She met her husband In Kansas and was marriec' In North Carolina a year ago. Tha baby, named Lucia Karle, was fou and one-half pounds at birth and Is healthy youngster. Its father Is thlrtj five Inches In height and Is now with n. amusement company in the south. Mrs. Boykln will spend sonio time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Dodd, at Fremont. BAILEY IS IN NEW TROUBLE Yonng Man Fined for Stealing Bugle Charg-ed with Police Conrt Offense. A charge of breaking and entering was Died In police court Tuesday morning against Frank Bailey, the yount man who recently pleaded guilty In the federal court and was fined 11,000 for stealing a bugle. The police court charge against Bailey Is that of having entered the home of Mrs. Ida R. Johnson. i! South Slxteeenth street, August 12. and stealing a watch, bracelet, two rings and locket. Bulley will be arraigned In police court when he has served out his fine. ORDER AGAINST PRINTERS Kennedy lasses Temporary Injunc. tlon at the Bequest of the Omaha (employers. ' - i Judge Kennedy issued a temporary In junction In the case brought by, the Omaha Typothetae against the union printers Tuesday. The "Scope of the injunction Is not quite as broad as the restraining order issued by Judge Sears when the case was filed. The purpose, u general. ! to t-. I strain the printers who were locked out Schedules 4:10 p. m. .(:0CJ p. m. 4:00 p, m. TRAIN 41. Daily: Leave Omaha 11:10 p. m. Leave Lincoln 1:20 a. m. Arrive Helena . .. .6:55 p. m. Arrive Butte 4:45 p. m. Arrive Spokane .......5:00 a. m. Arrive Seattle 8:00 p. m. Arrive Taroma 7:45 p. m. Arrive Portland 7:00 a. m. .0:30 a. m. . 11 :45 a. ni. .10:35 p. m. .1:13 p. in. 1:10. P. IU. f:50 p. in. fs" Miss Mattie Henrr. Vice-President of Danville Art Club, Danville. Vs. , writesi Dear Mrs. Pinkham; "Manv years'. suffering with female weak ness, inflammation and a broken down system ,. made me more anxious to die than to Urn. but Lyrlla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound haa restored mj health and I am so grateful for it that I want every suffering woman to know what l.ydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound will do for bar." When women are troubled with irrcgular.suppressedorpalnfulperiods, weakness, pelvic catarrh, displace ments, thst besrlng-down feeling, in flammation, backache, bloating toe flatulency), general debility. Indiges tion, snd nervous prostration, or sre' beset with such symptoms as dlzxinesa, fsintness, lassitude, excitability, Irri tability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "sll-gone" and "want-to-be-left slone" feelings, blues, andhope- elessness, they should remember thers is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other medicine in the world hss received such unqualified endorsement. Xto other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. - Refuse to buy snv other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. The present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia F.. Pinkham, her assistant be fore" her decesse, snd for twenty-firs years since her advice has been freely given to sick women. Her sdvica and medicine hsve restored thoussnds from committing Illegal acts, but not to la terfere with lawful measures. The Injunction restrains the strikers trots using violence, threats or Intimidation against nonunion' printers ' and ' prohibit! persuasion tending to Induce the workmer to break contracts already mads with theit employers, and boycotts ' by' means e: threats and menace. There Is no pro vision regarding the use of labels on non union goods, as no evidence on' this polni wss introduced at the hearing. This In junction will be lit force until the hearing for a permanent injunction, which wil! probably not be had this terpi of court NEW EQUITY LAND FENCE CASE Seeoud "alt Filed by Government Against Blehards, C'omstoek and Harris. A suit In equity was filed In the. United tates circuit court Tuesday by District attorney Goes and Special Assistant At torney Rush on behalf of the United States against Edward C. Harris, William G. Comstock and Earl Comstock, for unlaw fully enclosing 3tS.M0 acres of public lands in Cherry county. The petition alleges the public highways - are obstructed .by such enclosures, and the unobstructed passage of the United States malls from postofflce to postofflce is Interfered with. Through the investigations Of the secret aervc de partment under the' direction of Captain L. C. Wheeler, It Is ascertained tbe lands enclosed comprise J, 440 acres of state lands, amount embraced by filings, f.JriO acres, and 10.040 acres of public lands. The court la asked to enjoin the the fur ther continuance of these fences snd direct their removal and destruction. In order that free and unobstructed access may be bad to and across the lands In question,. , t TRAIN OF BREWERY VATS Seven Cava -of hew and Baarsaans Tanks Arrive and Mora Are ta Ceana. A tralnload of freight which attracted considerable ottentlon at the Union sta tion was seven cars of enormous Iron vats consigned te Mets Bros, for their brewery. These are large Iron tanks with glass enamel on the inside to take the place ef the large wooden vats which are used In the cellar to rftore the.' beer white It Is ageing. They are considered mote econom ical and will keep the beer In better shape than the old wooden vats. '. . 3C 3C