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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: DXESDAY. FKHHfAHY 21, VMM. IOWA GETS THE OMAHA RATE Foists on Korthwestern's Main Line Given Concession on Grain to Gulf. EIGHTEEN CENTS A HUNDRED ON COARSE On Aveoont of Warm Weather la Aoath Plaas Arc Belac Made far Dl-rlslna af Rates for Eaatera TraBe. The Northmestern has announced a new rate" oil raln from Iowa points eltuatwl m ttie main line of that road. Xhe raj or it 'Cents on coarse train which now ajV piles? from Omaha to the gulf Is made to apply front local Iowa points. The rate of 18 cents to the gulf has been effective on ull road to the south for some time, and nbout the llrst of the year the North wmtMfi went after some of the grain ImlnesK to the gulf, establishing a new luutr by turning over grain to the Illinois intrnl ot Iixon, III. No rate was given i miit- Iowa points, and shippers from those mi at ton were compelled to ship to Omaha iind tlicn pay 18 cents to the gulf. This isavf' mi' Northwestern a chance to lose tin. business which It claimed was right fully its own. as it originated on local points fn thnt rimil. To control this' grain ide read I:a.i now announced a rate of IS cent!", m urn'! direct from the local sta tions, so It will not have to come to Omaha. This is thi same position which the Mil waukee took when It refused to give up Its grain at Council Bluffs, having a station of its own at South Omaha and could get tliu whole haul. The Burlington always has malutHliud the right to haul grain from its local points to the destination, when that wu.s on the Burlington line, and tins' refused tu deliver cars when the bill ing called f'r tb" grain to be delivered to sums other line wlilrh would haul It for less than the Burlington tariff. The weather Is ho warm In the south It will le but a short time bofore all the grain will be moving to the eastern ports strain, aiirl a meeting is now being held t" fix a division of the rates. ' Ruffled Swiss Curtains. IN aw Lin mm Beautiful Imported Lac Curtains rtKMM.lTIO t) THE MILWAl KKB tomiuerrlnl Club Ilerlares Attltade Inimical to Oiunhu'n Interests. The executive committee, of the Commer cial, club tok a decided stand against the Milwaukee railroad at Its meeting Tuesday on the. ground that the railroad Is working ag:ilnst the Interests of the city. These resolutions were passed: Whereae. The Chlc-ago. Milwaukee A fit. Paul Railway company has again shown a spirit of rank discrimination against the Omaha grain market by Its attitude In de clining to meet the switching rate of other railroads from Council Bluffs to Omaha nl PpiiiIi Omaha on grain, and by declin ing to turn the grain over to such line or linen as have shown a willingness to make a fnlr charge for the elevators located at Omaha and South Omaha; therefore, be it Uesnlved. That such action on the part of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company Is Inimical to the best Interests of Omaha and that the Commercial club f Omaha give Its full and free support to tnc enoria now iiemg mane ny mo umana Ornln exehang" to bring the Chicago. Mil waukee 8t. Paul Railway company to a acnee 01 tne reirneaa and justice or the position of the Grain exchange. The committee declared also that tha recent advance In the rate from Omaha to Hloux City by the Milwaukee and the Northwestern, and the refusal to re-adjust the rates from Omnha to South Dakota points was Inimical to the Interests of Omaha. The commissioner was Instructed to notify the railroads that the club wanted them to put back the old rates be tween Omaha and Bloux City and to re adjust the rates from Omaha to South Dakota to the basis made for Sioux City In 1902. He whs Instructed to announce to the railroads that their refusal to com ply with these demands will be considered unfriendly, and that shippers who are members of the club will govern them selves according!). Resolutions were passed thanking the Tnlon Pacific for iW.ucinsr to 12 the switch ing rate on grain from Council Bluffs to Omaha, and asking that road to be firm In the maintenance of the new rate. A VERY SPECIAL DRESS GOODS BARGAIN $1.00 Silk Eolietmes 39c LEFT IN CT8TO.M HOUSE AND SOLD TO 1'9 FOR CHAIIOEH 3,000 Silk Eollennes, gelling everywhere at $1.00, and today the most favorable dress stuff extant black, cream, white, pink, greens. Ivory, plain and with miniature dots 4 2 Inches wide on sale tomorrow, at, yard 39c MERCHANT HAS A COME BACK Denies Chicago Dealers Are In with Grain Exchange. In reply to an Interview given out Mon day by K. A. Nash regarding the Milwaukee-Updike grain controversy. Secretary Merchant of the Grain exchange asked to be quoted as saying . this: "The big dealers In Chicago are not In the least Interested In our efforts to force the ' Milwaukee road to treat Omaha and this grain market fairly. Th fact that Kansas City does not draw grain from Missouri Is no reason why we cannot draw grain from Iowa.. Tho Milwaukee should make the same rates on grain from Iowa to Omaha and South Omaha as to CouncM Bluffs. It not willing to do this. It certainly should make the Council Bluffs rates, plus $2 per ear, the same as other roads. It Is true the ears of grain have Ix'en moved from Council Bluffs, but under protest 'and at an excessive rate.. We shall continue to get all the stain we can (lorn Iowa, regurdless of the desire of the Milwaukee to keep It out of this market nnd lhef herulc effort they are making to force other lines to Join them In their discrimination." A! wars Keeps Chamberlnla'a Coach Remedy las His Hsse. "We would not be without Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. It Is kept on hand con tlnuully In our home," says W. W. Kear ney, editor of the Independent. Lowry City, Mo. Tbat Is Just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for Instant use a cold may be checked In the outset and cured. In much less time than after It has become settled In the system. Arson Charge Denied. John Zees and Morris Kasnar vara - lalgned In police court Tuesday morning on a Mint charge of having set fire to n Insured building at the southwest corner of Sixteenth and I.envenworth atreets Sun day morning. January It. The defendants R leaded not guilty.. The hearings ware set r , Wednesday 'morning. The complaint Was filed at the Instigation of K. M. Bart letlj attorney for the Olens Falla Insur ance oompnny and the National Mutual insurance company. SUPPORTERS LACES AND INSERTIONS 3c-5t Many thousand yards of Wash Laces, Valenciennes, Torchons, Point d'Esprlt and Footing Lacea many are matched sets and worth up to 15c yard at, yard 25c Ladies Neckwear 10c Fine Wash Neckwear and Turnover Collars em broidered, hemstitched and lace effects, also embroidered Tab Collars hundreds of styles and worth up to 25c at, each. .' HQ GREAT SALE OF Allover Embroideries Pretty fine Swiss and Nainsook Allover Embroideries, new spring patterns, iu dainty op.nwork and English eyelet, new shadow and blind effects just the thing for waists, yokes, fronts, etc., MX TK worth up to $2 tw BpecialatfldJf 0 t VO pricety Wednesday, yard V-rV BASEMENT BARGAINS NEW SPUING WASH GOODS AT SPECIAL PRICES New embroidered voiles, neat checks in pink and Ql blue, worth 19c yard; special for Wednesday at, yd. .O2C Thousands of yards fancy white dress material, various grades, worth up to 19c yard; on bargain square, f for, yard O2C Sheer India linons, a regular 23c quality, iu long mill A lengths; for, yard IIC White and figured mercerized madras waistings and shirt- . ings; these are worth up to 50c yard from the bolt; Q 3 to 7-yard lengths Wednesday, for, yard MazC New dress organdies, large asortment, rosebud and floral . designs, an unusual bargain; for Wednesday, at, C yard. '. JC Elko Wash Nut S6.00--the Best. Elko Lump - 6.25-the Best. JEFF W. BEDFORD CO., Tel. Douglas 115. 2306 Cuming St. . 4 WW M OlD StanD W M W -4 w n 1 3 HL Best for Home Use HILLER'S mutt food ir it comet from 190t Parnam St., Omaha. Hiller't Whukits, full quarts, 80C, $1.00 and tl.i. THZ 1 " 7 BOTTLED IN I km Heat electric light janitor service all night and Sunday elevator ser vice a fire proof building all cost the tenant of The Bee Building nothing extra- Wo Mil all kinds of Supporter for Men and Woman 1 6 or 40 atria tu ill. , WRITE FOR CATALOGUE o: :all. Sherman & McConnsll Drug Co., Cor. lAth nt Dorig, Omaha. DENTAL jAri ROOMS. 1317 Douglas St. All Aboard for Chicago ' On no railroad in America is the system of disci pline among employes and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher degree , than on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Three trains daily to Chicago. The Daylight Special leaves 7:55 a. m. The Eastern Express at 5:45 p. m. The Overland Limited at 8:35 p. m. All trains arrive in Chicago at the Union Station in the heart of the business district. F. A. NASH, 154 PARNAM TRE1T. C.n.r.l W..t.rn As.nt. OMAHA. O.MAUA VTKATHER FOR KCA ST Wednesday, Pair; Colder. I i"v A li" II it t 11 r ( m L iv iv L - GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME ff 1 V mm I Big Pyrography Sale 30c Oval and Square Framo, mo 4r Glove and 'Kerchief Boxes '.'!k! , Necktie Holders 48c iox'.j Japanese Panels f9c $1.00 Photo Iloxen, larg-o sire 800 $1.40 Deep Boxes, poPPX designs. ..$1.10 OUTFIT NO. 1- 1.69 Parts separately as follows: Bulb. 75c: Point, $1.26; Box, 40c; Bottles, Cork, etc., ftc easily a $3.00 vulue. OUTFIT NO. t- 3.25 rrw aeparatelv ttn follows: Bulb, $1.X; Point. $J.OO; Boa. 60c; Bottles, Cork. etc. 5c a reirular $4.60 value. 0itT.".T..?;..: 500 Finest produced. Heavy point, extra la rite bulb, paint, brushes, stain and elaborsle Instruction book. Bend for Illustrated catalogue. Art section second flour. Your Eyes Your Eyes Very bent Gold filled Spectacles or Eye Glasses, regular $5.00 value, special . 3.50 And One Hundred Green Trading Stamps. Solid Gold Spectacles or Eye Glasses, regular flO fA value, special 0.3U And Two Hundred Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Biff Grocery WKDNESPAY'S SPKCIAL LIST. Headquarter for Tea. BaKket Flretl Japan. Oolon. Gun powder. English Breakfast or Ceylon Tea. bin value, pound 680 And Fifty (jreen Trading Stumps. Jos. Tetley Co.'s Green l,alel Cey lon Tea, most delicious, lb. eiin...S.c And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. JosTTeiley ft Co."s Yellow Isabel Cey lon Tea, splendid value, lb. ran....c And Forty Green Trading Stamp. Spring ii CominJ; Get Ready skw ni, ik KKmt'KV OH' OR ASS SKK1), poaad sVVJC A eoinplete line of nm Veaetalile ' Flower Seeds, package C Pound package Monsoon Seeded RHisins 12c And Ten Green Trading StRnips. Mount Kltiro. Maine, Corn, tlm tlnest produced, can 12Vte And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Jello. assorted flavors. X packages. .2Rc And Ten Grcn Trading Stamps. Ten-pound sack Yellow Corn Meal. He And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond "8" Peaches, Apricots. Pears, Cherries. Pineapple, can...2'ic And Twenty Green Trading Sinmps. orn. 2-pound can 5c Peas. 2-pound can tic Oil Sardines, run.... 3c Breakfast Cocoa, Can 10c Anderson's Tomato Soup, can 7c k;s! k(js:j '. kggs::: NF.W LAID WJGa- dozen IVIv Thousands of dozens for Wednesday. BKXXKTT'S CAXDV SKtTIOX. WKDNKHJAT SPECIAL Fresh made, delicious, crisp. Peanut Squares, pound 10c lc Dressmakers' Pins, full count; special, naner Chinese Ironlpg Wax; special. If, a atlck to French Darning Cotton; spe- c clal. a card... IW Hooks and Byes, regular 3c in wain.' ar.jx.1.1 o r-u,A Many Other Little Things Cheap. On Sale at Notion Counter Center Aisle. Kale, of Ladies' and Misses' Suit at $ Per Salt. We have 2fl Ready-to-Wear Suits for ladles and misses. In eton Jacket effects, the materials are voiles, cheviots, tweeds and they come In black and colors, worth from $15.00 to $22.50;,ior Wednesday, in our suit department, per suit. An Odd Lot: of Pedestrian Skirts In all wool tweeds and cheviots, a.ll good styles; tor Wednesday, each The Best Furniture Values to be found In Omaha. Jrd Floor. TWW RBU4BLB IIURR. Splendid Val ues in New Carpets, Rugs and Draperies, Ird Floor. WEDNESDAY IN THE DRY GOODS A Sale of Sheets 25 dozen Bed Sheets, made of a fine qual ity of seamless sheeting, all ironed and readv for use, 81x90 and 72x90; worth 75c each; Wednesday rft only, each. DOC Feather Pillows Cheap 2 V2 -pound good Feather ACk Pillows, worth 85c each; Wednesday, each TaC 25 dozen Pillow Slips, in sizes 42x3(1, 45x36 and 50x36, made of a nice fine muslin, free from dressing, worth 15c and 17c each; Wednesday, each : . . . . I-C 50 pieces of all linen unbleached Crash; Wednesday O 1 only, a j ard : O3C 10 dozen nice light weight Silkoline Bed Comforts, Qfi worth $1.35; Wednesday, each. aOC 11-4 fine quality Fleece Bed Blankets, gray, pretty 1 An borders; Wednesday only, pair...... I.UU . UP-TO-DATE TRIMMINGS FOR SPRING GOWNS. . . Just received, a big importation of fine Venetian, Fran caise and Austrian Laces, Bandings, Appliques and Trim mings; new Persian Braids and Appliques just the proper idea fori hew spring dresses; beautiful Allover Laces for waists, yb'kes and trimmings. See our line and compare our pricesl' Special Lot of Trimmings Fine Venetian Kdges, Bandings and Appliques and new Persian Braids that are worth to' 50c yard; this lot Wednesday, a yard. . . .C Neckwear Special at 7V2C A big lot of fine Wash Stocks and Lace Collars, slightly mussed, that sold for 25c; go Wednesday, each. f 2C Pearl 'Button Rale 500 gross of fine salt water Pearl Buttons, two and four hole, 12 to 24 lines, worth to 10c dozen; sale price, & Wednesday, 2 dozen for fC NOTION S A LK. V0 Dressmakers' Pins, point; special, paper. 6c Steel Safety Pins; a dozen. ,"!T!!...2ic special, 10c Fancy Cube Plna, Jet and Kc assorted: a cube "w Skirt Supporters and Waist Oc T jinvllirnnrt' .rwi'lu 1 each SwW and 2.50 1.98 Wait for Great Cloak Sale-Saturday Smart Boots $3.50 You will be surprised wheu you see how really "good looking" our 13.50 boots ar. They are made in patent stocks, in kid with pat ent tips, or In the new gun metal leather they are In button or lace patterns in any site or width and can be fitted to suit the most fastidfous. FRY SHOE CO. I ,5 J I J 6th and Douglat SIl Wnen You Write to Advertisers racnamtwr it only talcea an astra stroke or two of tho pen to mention tbo toot tbat yea hw tb ad. la Tbo Boo. Five Fast Trains DAILY TO Chicago and the East vis the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY over the only double track r'!way between the Mis. souri River and Chicago. This complete service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart ment sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a la carte ser vice.) Ticket! tri ill ialorinatioa oa appll catioa 10 ticket ottue H01 ana 1403 FamamSL, OMAHA, NEB. Save 60 Per Cent on Laces. We are sole selllnR- agents In Omaha fo r the FAMOI S ZIOJJ C1TT LACES. I The only line of wash laces manufactured in tills country, and on all Imported a-nods n duty of SO per cent adv. Is Imposed. Thus you save the 00 per cent duty V) I'll) SjK'U viij HHITH. OCR NEW STOCK 19 NOW ON SALE. BEAl'Tl Ft'L FRENCH VAL I'atterns. at ; I'LAT VAI. PATTERNS-o-ln. wide, very 20C per yard 4o, 6c, il)r. K- 7,. ami IVW 1S-IN. ALL-OVER LACKS. PRIVTS. 50c. ?V tl.UO and 11.35 a yard. Every set complute with three to Ave widths of Inserting and all-overs to match. handsome, at. yard-- Sc. KK-. IFic nnd HUMKTUINO NEW. A brand new hose supporlcr that can bo worn us a front pad or a a aide elastic now on sale 2C5 at '.. Special Sale of Silks. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS FOR WEDNESDAY RUTTERS. i ' l.V pieces of fancy "silks. 27-ln. wldo. 11.00, Ol'R $108 BLACK FE At l)K HOI E 3in. and vauies. in FCIRENOON. Alio I 'de. double faced, line Woichl for wraps, Wednesday, ot. ysnl VVl i Wednesday 1 J.W NEW SILK WAISTINC.8. white IlKured. at, yard 1 wasTiabl silks. I7-in. wide, very special , tl.M ' BLACK TAFFETAS -ln. wide value fxCkn greatest ImrnHlns ever offered QHC Wednesday, at, yard iu Omalia, at, yard v-'w i Great Sale of Furnishings. See What 25c Will Buy Wednesday. MEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY WORKIMJ PH1RTS. sll sites, light, or dark colors, WORTH oOf. BOYS": LAUNDERED SHIRTS or shirt waists, In new stylish patterns WORTH ftC. MEN'S 8H1RT8 AND DRAWERS heavy fleece lined, all sizes, WORTH I P TO TBO. MEN'S Ot.oVKS-in heavy horse hide, all sines. WORTH 60C PAIR. MENS JERSEY oVEkSHIRTS heavy nualttv. WORTH y(!. MENS AND BOYS' SWEATERS heavy welnht, In all slies. WORTH 6HJ. CHOICE OF ANY OF THE ABOVE ARTI CLES WEDNESDAY, AT ONE PRICE , 'I LADIES' KNIT SHAWLS and fa.rlntor, h!1 wool, Isra-e siis, white, black or fancies, WORTH VP TO $1 .'). LADIES' CORSETS AND OIRDLE8 In all sizes and styles, pinks, bluea or whiles, WORTH VP TO 7:C. INFNT'S KIMONOS AND JACKETS -tnnde from Rue bnby flannel, rnk. bluea nnd whites. WORTH VP TO SC. CHILDREN'S AND INFANT'S DRESSES in white and I'lilors. ages 1 to ( years, WORTH VP TO 7SC. MEN'S SVSPENDEKS extra loiur'' and heavy weight, regular &0C VALVES. 25c Wool Dress. Goods Sale B0 oiecea of Priestley's genuine craven- ettes. also Agiierellns or rain proofs, on sale to start the season at exactly half price. il. an cravenettes UOr at --'-" $2.50 cravenettes 5 at -' $4.00 cravenettes f QQ at - $1.7Ti aln proofs, at ..;.87ic others accordingly. Extra specials In high grade wash goods. 25c GO pieces of 69c silk organdies, nice printing, at, a yard ... II Great Mid-Week Grocery Sale. 21-lbs. finest pure cane granulated sugar 48-lb. sacks best highest patent, hard winter wheat, flour 7-lbs. best hand picked navy beans 26c A-lhs. best breakfast rolled oatmeal ....Tc 7-lbs. best pearl barley, hominy or Farina 2.c 10 bars best brand laundry soap 26c 6-lb. palls pure fruit jelly 16c 2-lb. cans fancy sweet sugar corn 6c 2-lb. can wax, string or Lima beans..,. 8c 1-lb. package mincemeat oc 2-lb package Frucn's wheat flakes Hc X-Cello breakfast food, pkg ,...i.7Vii 2- lb. pkg. self rising pancaks flouri...7Ho Tho best soda or oyster crackers, lb., fio Fresh crisp ginger snaps, lb 6o 2 measures fresh roasted peanuts 5c 3- lbs. fancy Halloween dates, for 15o New Colorado honey, rack L'4 4- lbs best shelled popcorn 10o ECU'S, EQOS, EtJOS STRICTLY NO. 1 NEW LAID EUQS per dosen 15u We do not handle cold storage or No. 3 eggs. Nothing but. the best. MAVDEE3 BROS. Our Coal Makes Friends 1 with frerytxxJr who tY?r tat its good qualities. are particular in our choice of mines, confident that the ones we aettled upon were the beat under ground anywhere. Ask anybody who know what he thinks of our MONARCH COAL and he will tell you there is no better coal mined It's' a hard, firm coal the lower seams, free from soot, no clinker, no sulphur and holds flue. Lump - Ton - $6.50 Nut - Ton - $6.00 C. B. Havens & Co., 219 S. 16th St. 'Phone Douglas-317. One-Way V To Many Points la California. Oregon, Washington FROM OMAHA UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY TO APRIL T, 1UOU. . and Salt Lake City. Anaconda and Helena. 0)O CQ I to Pendleton and Walla Walla. VtwU) to Spokane and, Wash. 'to San Francisco, Los Anpelea, San Diego and many otner California points. U. i nri i igmm tgl ereii, rairuaven, wnaicom, van. S25 nfl couver, Victoria and Astoria. m. n.wmuj ana baiem, via roruana. kto Portland, or to Taooma and Seattle. Inquire at Cltr Ticket On- 1824 Faraaaa It. 'Phone uouciaa sit. , , $20.00!SS.. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tk Boat Fara Fa.or. Sobscrlvlioa Oat dollar ra-r. K a im on 1 am receiving fresh mined Hanna Coal in Lump, Egg and Nut pSO Fee- Ton Prompt Service. Careful Delivery. 'Phone Douglas 1007. 1507 Howard Ot. J