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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
TIIE OMAHA PATTA BEE: WKDNKSDAT, FEBRUARY 21, IMG. SPECIAL NOTICES will be taken III 12 a, far tba rtriU edltla aad til 8 . m. (or Ihr Difilif and Sander edltlaa. Rate 1 a ward rt Insertion, la a wars' thereafter. Nothing; taken for less thaa SOe for the flrat Inser ilna. Theaa nd vertlaesneaf wast ba ran eanseentl vel. Advertise", by reanestlair a nam lirred eafrk, caa t aaswere ad dressed ta a aambered letter la eara f I'll a Bee. Aaawera aa addressed will ba delivered aa preaeatatloa af cheek.' -'MISCELLANEOUS OtA'MBIA i OLl'M HI A Ot.UMUlA OLUMBIA , RECORD9 ECORDS ECORDS . ECORDS Rl KDUCED ;DICED EDUCED Tcl25c, J5c 50c AND 60c The Columbia Phonograph Co. V 1621 Farnam St.; Omaha. y s, , R M236 MONHEIT'S HAIR 8TORK. 1411 Farnam. Electrical, ecalp, facial and chiropody treatment. Wins, switches. Mail order tilled. . Tel Douglas 2333. R 300 CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent R Oil OMAHA'Safe and Iron Worka make a ape claltyvof lira escapes, shutter, doors and safe.-" U. Andreen, Prop lull 10th U i . . Haii ,;;WE PRESS 'EM your bosom menus aia aaia Willi Ui. No danger to your nnen wltn our up-u-dal DlLAU PRKtoBUltni MACHINE. Ci'AX HT'feAM tAUNUKl, iVJ aim u bo. Aiui ou TeL uoug. 264. R Mul Ms UjU -rw r. kumbbl a son. 1124 DdlC 1 ICS o. xiltt tyi., Omaha. R 67tt felGN FAINTING, 8. H. Cole, 1301 Dougiaa, R ii VE BUTT and sell typewrltera. We will aeil your machine on a amaU commission, omaua Typewriter Exchange, oio iy;viiie uik. A'ei. iug. 46u. R Xiti2 tSTEINWAY piano, upright, big bargain. Perneld. Piano Co., loll Farnaui bi. K-678 Ci:jJATOK8, brooder and chick food. Burr Incubator Co., 2th and uavenpori. R AUul VU MARTIN MEYER, shirt, underwear to or uer. .. K M430 Feo PI-.' Uk" IMC American herbs. 1624 N. 21st R Mi. Mi tiUNSMlTH, keys, trunk-locks, repairing. Hemn. 217 8. ltto. Xai. Dougiaa 2i4. R-aos (DM AHA EJectrlo Worka. electrical repair ing, t-rlces right. lo-12 M. llth du TeL uoug. ual. H Mi e.iii ,WE BUY and sell typewrltera. We will sell your machine on a small commission. Omaha typewriter Exchange, u& iNeviii ttia. Tel.- Aoug. 4603. K 104 Feo.20 KINDLING tor Bale; good Wood, aawed and spilt, reudy lor stove. BALiiACii at fiAuEDUitN I'lauiug mill. 'Pnone Har ney lutU. R MS29 Feb -u fLAASSKH at BR1CE. Machinists, m o. Ulb bu lei. Doug. (837. ' it l.b rebii i WAEL. PAPER cleaner. Tel. Harney 3196. R 4io HAVE Wilson hang paper, quick, clean. Pa per Hanging a specially. Tel. Doug. lwoo. R MbJB Mia J. H. STAN WOOD, ARCHITECT and Buuuer. Rks. iliJi xaka. Tel. Doug. 4i.ii. R MM M.U Furniture rep'd upholstered. Tel. Doug 32 R McuU TRY ' KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. Doug. R6U 2IAY, Ki.50 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th SU Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co. 11 Farnam R ol PURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, SU Bee Blug. . R rti BUSINESS CHANCES TO BUY OR SELL any business and for bent Information aud quick action, nee MOATS, aui Karbach block. Y 640 XANDS, tndse. town property for sale or exchange. Interstate Exchange. Module, la . Y 4al Feb i'OK RENT Large warehouse, good track age. Apply C. H. Crelghlon, i-aiace Sta bles. Y-SiJ FOR SALE Store, lots and stock clean general merchandise; conMlderation S4.UUU: snap if taken soon; 2u miles jTrom Sioux City on Omaha road. Address P 4o, care Bee. i-M0J Mcli2x FOR SALE An excellent stock of hard ware In good Iowa town; no trades- best of 'reasons for selling. Roll at Talbott. Branson, la. Y M3 22 FOR SALE Grocery store or meat market Addresa W. E. O., care Bee Ortice. South Omaha' Y MXS0 2ix . WANTED A man with $5,000 capital to tuke one-third interest In Corporation doing kn annual grocery business of 76,Out and to art in capacity of manager; must be a thorough grocery man, references required; buxlness located in flrst-class Nebraska trading point; exceptional op portunity for competent party. Addre.a P. O., Uox 3, Kearney, Neb. . Y M499 a WANTED Capital to buy 125,000,000 feet standing timber, white and sugar pine; new sawmill complete. Coburn a: Collier, Yreka. California. Y M4U4 21x J'OR SALE Well furnished hotel a rooms; good stable garden and fruit; abstract with ded. Harrison House. Meadow OroveVKeb. .Y M627 24x WANTED Partner In good paying establ lislied business to act as bookkeeper an! lakn charge of oftlce; about 1.0U iciiulred Address 8 4. care Bee. Y Mo3s 2lx VOR SAl.K A good ' hotel business at Oenoji,-Neb. H. E. Stillman. Y MOSS Mchlx FOR SALE $30,000 stock of general mer chandiye in line Iowa city. Will take half In Nebraska land. Address 8 6-'. care Omaha Bee. Y-Mkil 'Ax FOR HALE Stock hardware, also Imple ment; in good live town In southern Nr. braifca. Will sell either or both. Terms casl ' Address 8 63, care Omaha Bee. . Y tS6K 21 DRESSMAKING FASHIONABLE dieasmaker will take a email amount of additional work, bpeo laliM, shirt waist suits, evening wuntis and. dresses. Ml Bowie. 'Phone Red W i . -3S2 -jux JjRESiJMA KING by day In families; ex perienced In cutting and Oesigmng lii N. am. -ai re, X-ADITES' TAILOR Riding habits and even Uig.coat. tUt Fur nam St. Tel. Douglas t "U tos-Mch i" MK& ROY8. cloaks, ladles' tailoring and evening gown.. 'Phone 247G. inn Day ,,, v M-6J3Mart FOR' expert dreaamaking assistance, 'phone ijuugias i. toa FI'DOWELL'8 arhool. 13 Far.. roonTitT IA DIES' shirt waist suits our specialty. Burgess, 2U24 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 4111 1 Mtn7 Mchls JLAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co.. main floor. N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 131. a.7 g. U: Maefarland. XW N. T. U Bldg. Te. WANTED MALE HELP BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Justness, Shorthand, Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal and English. Students admitted any day. Catalogue free. Ad dress 11. B. Boyfes, Pres., Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. R 71 DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks nira. r. v. uniesi. t ri. B 681 Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office clerks. . Can secure good place through us. THE WESTERN KEF. A BOND ASSN.. V . .. . . . a n . . 1 , Ill.ln B 7 zo WANTED For U. 8. Army, ablebodled . m n tu.lun ,ffa. A 91 mnA KA oitlcenS Of United States, of good character and tem perate hanits, . who can speak, read ami write KiiRllfih. For Information apply to Recruiting Office, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand island. Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 173 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid time to begin. Busy season soon, lew week completes. Top wages paid . graduates. Positions waiting. Best trade in the world for poor man. Little capi tal starts business. Investigate. Moler Barber College, lilt Farnam St. B M359 J8 BOY Burgess Shirt Co., 21at and Farnam. WANTED A rood live man who ha had experience In moving buildings; will pay good wages and give steady work by day or month or year. 1. A. Murphy. Sioux Falls, 8. D. B fbi Mchlx YOUNG MEN for Ry. braking and firing. Address Ry. Dept., 208 8. 12th, Omaha. B Mlt61 Ml WANTED Men to accept bargain in land, hni.l ,!.. u a WnlYrskth. LltOh- field. Neb. B MsuJ Mok MEN and boy wanted to learn plumbing. DricK laying, plastering unu". v J.r , a. day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chicago, Cincinnati. St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 3WJ WANTED Work on railroad by 60 Greek laborers, with interpreter. George Tarslkes, 3017 Q St.. South Omaha. Tel. 43011. B 348 Mch2x AMERICAN Barber College, 12th & Doug. B M372 Mlti BECOME a chaulTeur at home; positions guaranteed at i5 weekly; write for par tlculais. Automobile Dept., G31, 742 7th Ave., New York. B M4D8 23x YOUNG man 17 to 19, must be good pen- . . . , . a . . n I w-. 'i, I In ft'tA man ana quicn. .i usuirs. ",u 1 j w according to ability. Address 8 48. care Bee. B-27 21 RAILWAY mail clerks; salary. $K; March examinations; preparation free. Frank lin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. ' B 635 20x COMPETENT harnessmakers wanted by Schulze Brothers Co., Duluth, Minn. B M637 26 WANTED-60 bricklayers at once. F. B. Gilbreth, Sioux City. Ia. B MB39 22 WANTED At onoe, experienced salesman for men' clothing. Apply Mr. Meyer, People's Store. B-648 CIVIL 8ERVICE work. See rnderh.1l. 8320 N. 24th. B 643 Mchl WANTED A solicitor to sell watches, diamonds and Jewelry on credit; salary guaranteed and commission. Address S 25, care Bee Office. B 642 22 WANTED At once, 20 men to give dia mond rings for presents to their moth ers, sisters or sweethearts. Apply A. Mandelberg, 1522 Farnam St. Your credit Is good. B Mii77 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced lady asaorter. Blurt City laundry. Council Bluffs. C-233 SHIRT girl wanted at King-Graham Mfg. Co., llui aud Jackson. C Sit WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. Frederick Kustni, 3611 Harney St. C 3i .WANTED Nurse girl to care for 6-year-eld child and assist In second work; ref erences required. Mrs. Floyd M. Smith, 1038 Park Ave. C 6J6 21 WANTED Competent nurse girl for only child, also to do upstairs work; good sal ary; references required. 1117 So. 3uth Ave. C-630 WANTED At once, 15 girl to wear dia mond rings that came from Mandelberg. Apply any day between V a. m. and 6 p. m. C Mt78 A GOOD COOK-In family 6f three. Mrs. H. II. Baldrldge, 124 S. 3th SL C-62U SMALL girl to help with. housework; one that can go home nights. 2308 Douglas St. C 64ti 22 WANTED Experienced cloak and suit salesladies; good salary to right parties. Address S 50, care Bee. C 647 WANTED At once, two girls for advertis ing; must write good nand. Apply W. Mandelberg, People's Store. C 649 WANTED Two experienced salesladies for white goods department. J. L. Brandels & Sons. C 64i 22 WANTKiD Girl for general housework; family of two, ngui work,; good wages. Apply 112 So. 36th. C 644 22 WANTED First ' class stenographer and typewriter, none oiner neea appiy. ciaie experience and references. E. Engleson, abstracter, Sioux City, Ia. C Muoo Hi WANTED A good girl at once. The Creche, 19th and Harney St. C-MGffl 23 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as clerk In retail hardware aud larm implements, by ex perienced man. Oood references. Ad dress S 61 care Omaha Bee. A MtfiO 23x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Young man with first class reference to sell our ribbons and carbons to ottices. Steady position. ' Salary and commission. Address Treasurer, Box 4o, Rochester, N. Y. L667 21x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CDCVrU GERMAN AND SPANISH i ixi-nv-n, C11ATELA1N SCHOOL OF lA-NOi, Au.e. uaviag liidg., ltih & Faro. -iiWl LETOVSKY'S union orchestra. Tc!. Dg.7210. Mfc -Jb PRIVATE Instruction In German. Franen. Spanish, Italian, English and history ; ciae mi num. iu r . xieins, no. j. Hamilton Fiat. 4at Febtfx VIOLIN teacher Wm. Miller Lessons at pupus Homes, tu r ar. s;. 1 el. Ked Ilia, -274 6113 MISS BARN1CK. piano, German method. wjv 41. jiii oi. eo Mcnis PRINTING I Y NCiSTAD High-grade lo Calendar o. i,r.,L- ?. Cor. lth SL and Kjuntc capitoi An. tin THE JENNINGS P'T'G CO.. Doug. -6380. 666 kTTTFRA co- nM 1 prlnUng. I fclrt jio Howard. TeL Doug. Mi. DOUGLAS P t'g Co.. 1506 Howard. TeL CM. aw Maronx 8NELL Printing Co., 310 8. 12th street. 266-Mchl2 TICKET BROKERS LARSON & JOHNSON. 1406 Farnam. Tel. uougias ua v CUT RATE railway tlcketa everywhere. r. n. fhuuin. laue rarnam. 'Phone Doug. 74. tka OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 411 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug ltM. 661 DR. WELLS. D. O. and Block. D. Neville M46I U The whole FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOMS WE will rent an elegantly furnished room in four nome on West Farnam St. to a refined gentleman. He may have all the privileges of the home, etc. References required. Address 8 46, care of Bee. E 612 20X DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks X E-SS W ELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooms. 2234 Farnam, Flat (. Tel. Doug. 2203. R-7K1 NKWLY furnished room. $534 Davenport; naming aisuince. bi m ROOMS furnished on short notice. Let us snow you how cheap and neat we can do this for you. Our terms, $26.00 worth, $1.00 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., xeiween jutn ana Liia on rarnam bi. K 660 20 OXFORD EUROPEAN HOTEL. Weekly EXCELLENT south front, modern fur- msnea room witn alcove, for one or two; meals close; 'phone in house. Dr. Prib- Denow, a7t Harney St. IS M222 FURNISHED room for gentleman, private JanilJy. 81N.18th. E M6oi) 24 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD THE ROSE. 2020 Harney. Nice warm rooms, with good board; also day board or meal ticket. F 263 Marlox Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 684 THE FARNAM 18th and Farnam Sts. ' F 841 ROdMS and good board, $6 per week and up. i;au ion cnicago bi. irtivi UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1606 8. 28th SL U M774 8 ROOMS, first floor, with heat, light and water; $30. 1621 f arnam St. O MVSU FOR RENT HOUSES HnUQf-Q1" all part of the city. S IlUHOCOj, peter ft Co., Bee Bldg. sol HOI KFS10 all part of the city. Tha -ww '. Davta Co., Mi Bee Bldg, i sot BOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk, U boa CHOICE MODERN HOME. Nina rooms and barn, H block from 24th car, iinney fit. Tel. Harney su. u uu BEE US when shipping household good to l.ti go cities west. V e can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., .it N. blxteeiilh St. Tel. Doug. ll&M D M36a V THE Omaha Van A Storage Co., pack. move and store m. h. goods, siorenousa, U20-24 N. Wth. omee, lalla Farnaiu, Tel. Doug. 16u. D-6V2 HOUSE furnishings can be bought of us lUliy 20 per cent cneaper iiit&u 1.110 in stallment stores. We nave the best stock In Omaha. Our terms, $25.00 worth, l.w OMAHA FURNITURE St CARPET CO., .... . 1. M Ifurnum Ct HCIWVVU 4W.IIU Aallla Wll wfc- , WE MOVE) pianos. Magard Van & Btor- Haie Ot XVI yUU. 1W VUlVvt ew- ster SL -ROOM modern house, except furnace, $20. U. ox. iaenmauu. we ruwu v Red 2638k D 2i4 2218 CHICAGO, S room, modern, $30; 2&13 Wool worth Ave., s rooms, moueru, , other. Ringwalt Bro., Barker M1M CENTRAL. 4-room corner flat. Tixard, 226 t. 23. FOR RENT Nine-room house, east front 666 80. Sitn St.. w per montu. v. Looml. D 4 SIX-ROOM house, modern except furnace. 140s Park wnue Ave. uougi . D MUm 2.X NINE rooms, modern, 8112 Mason St., $30 montn. owner, w o. jiu 01. J. Schwart. movl'g van, 1510 Web. Doug.204 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee oOlce, city . 1 1 11.11 . I 1 u.k J. l.mnKa nail uuiiu.iia, l mm du, , Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44xiuv; tnree nours ana uaaemeui, elevator; will rent 22x1' separately; 1UU3-06 Farnam St. Inquire $14 First Na Uonal Bank Bldg. I-64J FOR RENT FARMS ti ACRES, 3H miles northwest of Benson;. all in cultivation, s-rooni nouse; i.uv per Cr' L. L. JOHNSON CO.. Phone Red 1246. Room i Barker Blk. M336 22 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City tuans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-623 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, W 824 BUILDING loans on residence property; f per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W-624 LOANS made on Omaha improved prop erty; also tor building purposes. Hast ings & Heyden, X&A Farnam. W-M670 a LOWEST RATES Be mis, Paxton Block. W-eii PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas. w GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, and 6Vi per cent Interest; 00 delay. . W-627 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest ratea; no delay. Thomas Brennan. R. 1, N. Y. Llf. W-626 6 ar 6V4 PER CENT loans on city property W. 11. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. W o2 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ds Co. W 63U t FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOAN Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W 631 WANTED SOME IX)ANS OF $1,000 TO $2.1iu. BREEN a; BLOOM, (13 BEU bLDO. W 622 LOW RATES O. F. Carson & Co., 413 N. Y. Life, W-s-Feb2l LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's gold watch, with gold medal fob, marked "Blanche Kinsler"; valued keepsake: reward if returned to J. C. Klnler. 711 N. Y. Life Bldg. Lost-632 FOUND A place to buy diamonds on credit. For further particulars inquire of a. sianaeiDerg, ibzz f arnam at. Lost-M679 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES "NO trust prices." brand new solid oak billiard and pool tables, $10u; also bar fix tures cheap. No ageacy expenses. Cata logues tree. mas. ttiiuw Sons. Chi . . . . 17 family should advertise its needs in these FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON 7TH AND WILLIAM 75x155 feet of ground, paved, on 7th St.; good six-room cottage and room for four more cottages if you are wanting a rent ing proposition. The ground lies well, on the 8. E. corner of Park Wild Ave. (7th St.) and William. Price, $2,250. 36TH AND CUMING 113x150 feet, on the 8. E. corner, with pav ing on both sides all paid for; beautiful trees; In fact, an Ideal location for a good home. We are offering the whole piece for $3,250. or will divide it up In three lota Look this up; It 1 the best piece of ground we have. 5TH AND CENTER We have five lots on 6th St., fronting east, between Center and Cedar, 44x132 each, at very low prices; only one block from Harney St. car. A. P. TUKEY A SON, 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas-2181. RE 665 20 A. P. TUKEY & SON COTTAGE TO BB MOVED. WE OFFER FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE AT 8. W. COR. 1STH AND PIERCE, TO BB MOVED WITHIN REASONABLE TIME, FOR $126. A. P. TUKEY & SON, ' 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas-2181. RE 656 20 SNAP NEAR FLORENCE. Be wise and secure a choice home near Omaha in unsurpassed fruit belt north of Florence. Fruit and vegetables of su perior merit are grown there. Five acre cared for will yield support and comfort for decline of life. Talk this matter over with your wife and call on J. P. BROWN. Hotel Florence, Florence, Neb. RE M371 23 WHO WILL BE THE FIRST? MUST SELL by March 1, my beautiful 8-room all modern residence, 3112 Mason St.; 12 min utes by car from postofnee; full lot, south front, shade, new furnace, maple floors; paved. Price, c.60O; cash, $650, balance $26 monthly payments. Owner, 2U9 S. Uth St. RE-M337 An Exceptional Bargain For a few days only; In tne wholesale district of Omaha; corner lot, Uoxiu; ciose to trackage. Price $100 per front foot. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., 836 New York Lite Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 6100. RE M673 23 FIVE, 10 and 20 acres, near Benson, $226 an acre; new tt-rooni house and 2 acres, $1,400, easy terms. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam SU RE Mttb9 21 WANTED Correspondence with real estate dealers In all parts of the country. We have exceptional bargains In farm, ranch and business property that we want to list. Write us for list, commission rates, etc. Anderson Bro., Bristow, Neb. RE M336 24x FOR SALE Largs house, two barn and two imi 101s, on . lain sc., only tt.auu. This 1 a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Bldg. RE-617 FOR SALE Nice 6-room cottage south pari or city, two blocks from boulevard; big yard, shade and fruit trees; a bar gain. Call 301 Brown Blk. RE Ml 68 THE Glover Cuban' Land Co.. R. I. N. Y L. Bldg., Omaha, Sell land In Cuba. Round trip Omaha to Havana, $57.86. RE ae7 FOR BALE A home worth $30,000 for $12,. 000; west side. Address L 17. Bee. RE ll&il W illiamson Co. MoS RE 771 FARMS and city home. Kemp, Real-Es- taier. mair, ie o K n mu FOR SALE FARMS DODGE COUNTY FARM low acres only three miles east of Fre mont, nice level land, good soil, line Im provements, which cdnsist of one 6-room house, modern, with gas, furnace, bath etc., and also an 8-room house, fine large barns and sheds all equipped for feeding farm or for fine home, 16 buildings in all. The Im provements cost over $12,000, and the farm 1 very cheap for the price, $16,000. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel., Douglas 1781. H-629 21 HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM 10 MILES FROM OMAHA 156 ACRES $15,600 This farm 1 northwest of city, near Mili tary road; lays fine, land in highest state ot cultivation, 24 acres meadow and pas lure, balance under plow; 8-room house, barn, 10 horses and 12 cows, corncnb, granary, cattle aiieds and hog house. Also machinery shed; two windmills, GEORUE & CO., 1601 Farnam. H-Mj&6 24 NORTH DAKOTA' Ha the best land fur $1X60 an acre In America. Big crowds going. Exc. rates. For tacts see Wm. H. Brown Co., 131 La ' Salle St., Chicago, 111., or Mandan, No. Dak. H-M26 $6 PER ACRE will buy half section nne prairie land, not sandy. In Parkins Co., Neb. M. Schafer, ForVmoulh, la. H-M606 24x Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neo., Dept. "A." ua FARM FOR SALE 160-acre farm, fair im provements, no better soil in Nebraska; $50 per acre If sold at once. Addresa F. W. Berck. Boelus, Neb. H M144 24 PATENTS II A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life. Omaha. -666 F. J. LARSON A CO., patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neti. SHARPS MACHINE WORKS-Patent procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-ulJ B. loth St. UH PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 61 Douglas Block. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all accident, diseases and occupations; something en tirely new and Issued by this society only; easily understood and easily sold; c sit bui $6 per annum each, payable monthly If desired; large commissions paid Immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Accident So ciety, 320 Broadway, Now York. Eatab lished 20 years. J M54Mch6 FENCING FENCE your lawn with Iron or wire fence made by Anchor Fence Mfg. Co., -7 N. 17lh SU Tel. Red 614. 4 Ml rtise I I wants. PERSONAL LAUNDRY C,S STEAM a ci iv"a -w 211 8. inn bi. JOIN THE "HO8PE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC CUT RATE CLUB." Save you one-half your sheet muaio bills, or give you twice as much music for your money. Write us for particulars or call at the sheet music department. A. Hosp CO., 161$ Dougla bL, Omalu, Neb. U M4&1 FebJl PI PATIMPLL. KINDS. Buttons. . i.Lriiinj-r'r pric. u.t anu samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. $00 Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1936. MACiNETIr treatment ft Baths. Mm. U 800 UR. JACKSON. R. Z Frenier block. Chronic dibease a specialty. Consulta tion free. . U ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3611 N. 24tb SL, Omaha, Neb. U-M100 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. O 37 PIANO CLUB Pianos dellvereu i onoe. 1 weekly. .All iiiuwo lessons tree. JoiN NOW. perfteld ""iQ Co.. ltill Farnam St. U-4U MRS. MERGES, pianist, 2u S. 20th. TeL Doug. 4686. U M620 Marl PR! VATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Oardell, 2214 ('h.irla 'r.i 1, ,. ITJUit 1. lUUi, IMU, w THE Salvation Army solicit cast-off cloth . Ing; in tact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. "t" St., lor cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will caM. U 611 DIAMONDS sold for cbbIi or on very easy payments at A. Mandelberg s, ixx rar nam Bt. U M675 WE RENT sewing machines, 75o week. We -- mu 01 macinnes; seouu hand machines, $6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. Doug. I6u. Cor. 16th and Harney. U 641 t REE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical collego, 14th and Dav enport SU.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Doug. 1167. iis answered day or night. u 12s Phone Doug. 701 and a man will call and June your piano, $2. Perneld Piano Co., luii r m nam. U 644 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. Doug. 3530. PHONE U-646 FURNISH your home at our store. W sell on easy payments. We don't auk in stallment prices, our terms, $100 worth, $2.00 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., oeiween iiin ana istn on f arnam St. U-652 20 OMAHA PRESSING CO. Clotnes cieaned anu repaired; satisfaction guaranteed. Prices moderate. Tel. Doug 6&iil, 16th and Dodge Sts. U 668. RUPTURE CURED -No knife, no Injec . " iiie or oooaiet. Uulck Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. U-643 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mail: cut prices. Myera-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U 2W F21 DR. ROY. Chiropody. R. 2 St I 1606 Farnam. ' U-646 Y... HME. during confinement; babies adopted. Call at 8o9 N. ad: terms reasonable. Phone Redom U M300 F22 ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR removed from lb20 Douglas street to room $-4-6, Arlington Block, 1611 Dodge Mrs. Inza Spainbower Savage, proD 'il' Douglas 2660. " U-MiM-Mi JACK: Papa says If you buy the ring ut Mandelberg s we may get married next week. Edith. U M674 MASSAGE specialist for chronto diseases. Joseph Ruben, -room 218, Bee Bldg Tel b608, Omaha; 27 year' experience; work guaranteed. U M633 Mch6 MAbgUE costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4113. U-M&68 MchS PRIVATE confinement home: babies "duP"- Mrs. Dr. King. 2018 No. 21st St" I1- U-M887 Mch8 WE TAKE CARE of clothing by tha month. I SOUKI P & CO., expert clean ers and dyers. 618 8. l:)th St. Tel Doui 1729- U-M6, Mch.20 DR. 8HIPMAN. Specialist-Disease of tha heart, liver and stomach. 618 Bee Bldg" u-i3 "i-n,Sat,lh and 40 other "n"- 6c- Feenan, 608 - "tn- V M276 M13 SCAI.P AVn uifp Treatments specialty; Swedish massage halrdressing, manicuring, etc. MISS HAUL, Tel. Douglas 6185. aOS Neville I5Ik. U-M331 PRIVATE hospital during confinement Ba bies adopted. Best and rheapest in th city. 231 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb M5o6 Mchl9 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY. MRS. M. R1TTENHOU8E. 412 No. 16th, Room 2, Second Floor. U-618 Marl! MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial massage; thoroughly ilrst class work. Lutie Bryant, 316 Bee Bldg. U M623 M18 MME. PAREE of N. Y. Shoving. Facial MasBage, Manicuring. 209 Douglas Blk. U M622 M18 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymonds Pill, women s monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; .10 pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief In 3 to 6 day. W have never known of a single failure Price, $2 by mall. Raymonds Monthly Regulator In liquid, $3. Dr. R. u. Ray. inoud Re neUy Co., Room 36, 84 Adams Bt. Chicago. 111. 47 ' LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERlio KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly . Periods in 3 to 6 days without harm, pain or interference with work. Mali i La. Double strength $200. 'SPECIAX, FOLD EH FOR LADIES FREE. DR. U u SOUTHINGTON CO.. KANSAS C1T t'. an j. BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. mi CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Resultf ul prediction absolutely given. 8 51 REV. EDWARDS, spiritual medium and occult wonder. Room 1, Patterson Blk. Also readings by mail. S M624 24 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS ONE brood mare. In foal; 1-year-old mare; 2-year-old mare; 6 Shetland ponies and pony rigs. Easy terms. 43d and enter. F 30 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1611 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1268. HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 6SI FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any srse. 181$ Farnam, j ii SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXKD j-aiini. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug t o., Omaha. Q 66$ HALL'S safes, new. Zd hand. 181 Farnam. y 4 FOR SALE At a bargain, material In stone wan at i,tn and Douglas Sts. See K. w. Baker, superintendent Bee building, or C. C. Rosewater, Bee business office. y-tTlx IF YOU 'l"h to buy a perfect Al diamond 1 "in a. Aianaemerg, lbi rnum bi. Your credit Is good. y M7 FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Q-S2 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call and look over the following supplies: I.-lnch Austin' horlsontal separator. 14-Inch Austin' vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and ar In good condition. Address Be Building Co., or see W. H. Bridge, engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. y 633 100 SINGLE Iron beds, springs and mattres ses; $2 each, complete; worm $. 018 D'vpu y -Mtv7 F2 MILCH COWS, on easy terms. 43d and Center. y M FOR SALE At a discount, due bill from one of the most desiraole Ufa Insurance companies, which may be applied on a first year premium; any one considering taking out a policy can save money. Address P 67, care Bee. y M7 WE furnish the home complete. Get our prices before buying. We don't ask In stallment prices. Our terms, $26.00 worth, $1.00 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. y m3 20 LAKE ICE. 10 and 11 inch laae ice, ouc per ton, f. o. b. Loup City, Neb. J. W. Conger. y M644 24x WATER BACKS fu-2 pipe aim nttlngs. 'lei. Doug.-jfcO. Omaha Stove Repair Works. y 318 Mclil4 PIANO FOR SALE Party who purchased piano only a lew week ago will sell it at a oiscount irora me caau price paid. Address P 3, car Bee. y 806 PIANO Square, $10; 60 cents weekly. Per held Piano Co., 1611 Farnam tiu y 4163 WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool tables and oar natures; catalogue free. The Brunswick Bala Colleuoer Co., 407 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neo. y Mwi CRIBBING, fir timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 801 Dougiaa. 600 STOVES to select from at low price. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Douge au y w SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRA8KA."" The lamous Old Trusty Incubators; made by Johnson, the Incubator man. Send for 124-page free catalogue, 260 poultry Illustrations. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb. y 60O SECOND-HAND STE1NWAY UPRIGHT piano; big bargain. 116 McCague Bldg. Q M660 Mcn3 SHOW cases, counters, roll top desk for sale cheap. Call at once. W. J. Rogers, 640 Broadway, council iiiurts. Q-M680 21 TWO ROLL.ER top desks, office chairs, fiat top desk, typewriter, an good as new, will sell at liberal discount. R. W. Baker, Superintendent Bee Bldg. y 872x FOR SALE At a bargain, bar fixtures and glassware, cigars and stock of The Lobby, formerly located in Bee building. Ad dress P 63, care Bee. Q 6J2 WATER BACKS, furnace and stove re. alrs, furnace pipe and fittings. Tel. iouglas-960. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Q 3UI M14 A LETTER press, in good condition. Call S. Mandelberg, People's Store. Q M631 22 LEA VINO city, household goods for sale. $19 S. 26th St. Q 634 FOR SALE A new steel range cheap at 430 Ersklne. Q-M396 24 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS IF YOU WANTTO BORROW MONEY Much or little, on furniture, pianos, live stock or on your salary, don't hesitate to come to us. You can pay us back to suit your convenience. Charges as low a any and much less than many. No red tape. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2295. 8"6 S. 16th St. lEstaonsnea nvi.y A. M203 MONEY mt rates but ,lttI l,'b' hn ivivriii'i charged by banks. Every, one can afford to borrow now. We loan money to people holding a steady position. No endorser r.i,imi Also on piano and furniture without re moval. Loan made without publicity or anowieoge 01 anyone, wo charge of any kind taken out In advance. Pay back In small weekly or monthly payments. Open every evening. Take elevator to third floor. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., $07-306 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam. X-8U4 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture ,i horses, etc., in any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; ported pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case of cm vui ui employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk.. 209 S. 16th St. X-iu When In need of MONEY Call on ua PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 632 $ Paxton Blk. X-&66 $$ INDEPENDENCE $ $ vvuy oe oongaceu to uiuura.' 11 u eay to kc, tnuin icu tana Puv n iu UllU'UU -...1 m , Open evenings until 7. X 623 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy mv. . v - f. ... viies. l ui suaii. room tl4 lw lurk Life Bldg. A -611 BEE the Western Loan company for furni ture, diamond and salary loans, 321 viuu Bia.. Ittb and Harney. Tel. Doug 6619. X-613 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loan. Duff Greeu Loan Co., Room Baiaer CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loana. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam Bu X 614 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 819 B. li. X-616 EAGLE Loan Otnce, reliable, acoommodat lug; all business confidential. 16ol Dougiaa A. 1 WANTED TO BUY LATHE from 12 to 16 swing, also drill press at once. Address 8 2o, care Bee. N-M295 21 WANTED To buy, one 60 or 70-horse power boiler. Give description and price. Waterloo Creamery Co., 1017 Howard Bt. N 379 20 WANTED Shetland pony surrey. Slate price condition and manufacture. Address A. B. C, York, Neb. N-666 21 WANTED To buy good second-hand opera curtains. B. B. Hopper, Waterloo. Neb. N M081 27x FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an so. in ana you wm soon get iu DEATH NOTICES NORDWALL Elmer. agd 20. iT"rf' adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. jonn inoto wall. February 1. 19ng. Funeral Thursday afternoon at t o'clork. from family residence, 2214 Mason street. interment at I oresi in o-nirteij. Friends Invited. OTT Elisabeth Ann. aged 14 year. Funeral Thursday morning. February 25. at ) n. m. from family residence, $S1 North Seventeenth street to Sacred Heart church. Interment German Catholic ceme tery. UNDERTAKERS Hoffmann Gentleman. 70S N. leth. T. 66M. at as Han CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY Mil Fncfi Down cement block ma ""LLJ chlnery. Call or write and lei us show you our line, 'Phone Doug 6785. jlapp Construction Co., 229 Neville Blk. M-671M20 DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'S Private or clasa lesson; adults, Tues. and Frl., 8 p. m. Tel. Dougiaa KML 111 Mchl PLUMBING CHAPMAN MAHAN. Repair promptly done. Price reasonable. 612 N. lth. TeL Red 6864. 127 fb2$ LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Keith and Lincoln Counties Irrigation District will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of the $65,000.00 bond Issue of said district up to the hour of 6 o'clock p. m., standard time, of the 2d day of April, 1906, at the office of the secretary of said Irrigation District, In the town of Sutherland, In Lincoln county. In the state of Nebraska Said bonds are In the denomination of $100.00 each and bear Interest at the rate of six per cent, payable semi-annually, on the first days of March and September of each and every year, beginning with the first day of September, l!i6. These bonds are in ten series, 33 of which are due on the first day of March, 1911; 39 due on the first of March, 1912; 46 due on the first day of March, 1013; 62 due on the first day of March, 1U14; 69 due on the first day of March, 1915; 65 due on the first day of March, 1916; 72 due on the first day of March, 1917; 85 due on the first day or March, 1918; 98 due on the first day of March, 1919, and 101 due on the first day of March. 1920. The sealed proposal may be for the whole of said bonds or for any portion thereof, and such bids will be opened Im mediately after the hour of 6 o'clock p. m. of said 2d day of April, 1906, the board re serving the right to reject any and all bid. Dated this 12th dav of February, 1906. JAMES BHOUP. Secretary. F17-d20t NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Co. will be held at the office of said company In Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day -of March. A. D. 1908. By order of the board of director. C. H. MORRILL, President A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln) Nebraska, Feb. t, 1908. Feb5-D30t NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The regular annual meeting of stockhold ers in The Bee Publishing company will be held on Monday, March 6, 1906, at 4 o'clock p. m.. In its office at The Bee building, coi ner 17th and Farnam streets. In the city of Omaha. By order of the president. C. C. ROSEWATER, Secretary. Febl7-MJr1S lot RAILWA t TIME CARD rWIOX STATIOR -TENTH AND M ARCY. I'nloa Paclfle. '' Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 am The China and Japan Fast MalL a 4:15 pm a 6:10 pin Colo. Calif. Ex a 4:16 om a 9:30 am California & Ore. Ex.. a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. .. .all :80 am al0.46 pin Fast Mall a 1:65 pm a $:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 nrr. a 7:44 am North Platte a 8:10 am a 4:60 pm Beatrice Local b 3:16 pm b 2:00 pm Chicago, Rock Ialaad at PaelSe. . EAST. Chicago Limited a S:28 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 1:58 pin Chicago Express, Local.bll:16 am a 4:.) pm Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:60am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pm a 1:16 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. .a 7:20 am a $:16 am Colorado Express a 2:06 pm a 4:66 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:40 pm a!2:05 pin Chicago at North western. St. Paul Daylight. Chicago Daylight Chicago Limited .. Carroll Local . 7:1 60 am 10:00 pm 11 :50 pm 9:15 am 9:50 am 7:06 am 9:36 am 2:30 pm a 7:30 am 10:36 am 10:35 am 6:16 pm 6:16 pm 6:16 pm 8:45 pm 11:16 am Arrive, a 7:16 am a 7:56 pm alO:30 am a 3:30 pm a 8:40 am al0:30 pm Ml:30 am" .a 8: .a 8:: ..a 4:: :00 am :38 pm :82 nm St. Paul Fast Mall. ..a 8:: :28 pm Sioux C. A St. P. Local. b 3:50 pm Kant Mall Chicago Express a 6:60 pm Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7:10 am Lincoln & Ixng Pine. ..e 7 40 em Casper & Wyoming e 2:50 pm Dead wood & Incoln.a 2:50 pm Hastings 4 Albion b 2:50 pm Chicago Iyncal al1:S0am Chicsgo Limited all:00 pm Chleagro Great 'Western. Leave. St. Paul Minn a 8:30 pm St. Paul A Minn a 7:45 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Chtcngo Express a 6:06 am Wabash. St. I-nula Express a 6:80 pm St. I.oiiis Ixical (from Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am Stanberry Ical (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm Chicago, Mllwaake at Ut. Pa I. Chicago A Colo. Bpec'l..a 7:56 am California A Ore. Ex. ..a 6:46 pm Overlnnd Limited a 8:36 pm Marlon A Cedar R. Lo..b 6:45 am Illinois Central. a 7:85 am a 3:10 pm a 9:20 am bll :00 pin a 1:66 pm a 7:30 am b 8 .56 pm a 7:30 am Chicago Express. Chicago Limited Minn. A St. Paul Ex. Minn. A St. Paul Ltd. ..a 8:00 am ..a 6:00 pm ,.b 8:00 am ..a 8:30 pm Missouri Pacific. Bt. Louis Express a 9:00 am a 6:30 pm K. C. A St. L. Express.. sll:15 pm a 6:00 pm BI RMXGTO BTATIOJI IOTH A MA SO Barllnatoa. Leave. Denver A California. ...a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express ....all. 10 pm Nebraska Local a 8:00 am N'ebraHka Express a 9:10 am Lincoln IOral Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:16 pm Ft. Crook A Plattsm'h.b S:6t pm Bellevue A Plattsm'h...a 7:60 pm Denver Limited Bellevue A Pnc. June. .a 8:30 am Arrive, a 8:30 pm a 6:30 pm a 7:l am a pnt a 7:40 pm a 7;4 pin a 9:06 am a 12 an pm bl0:26 am a 8:30 am a 7:10 ant a 8 30 am a 1:00 pm a 7 26 am a 3:65 pm a 7 26 am al0:63 pm all SO am a 6:46 am a "4 10 pm Bellevue A Pac. June... 9:10 am Chicago Special ...a 7:26 am Chicago Express ... Chicago Flyer Iowa iocal St. Louis Express. ...a 4:00 pm ...a 8:06 pm ...a 9:16 am .a 4.45 pm Kansas Clty-St. Jos'h..alO:46 pm Kansas Clty-St. Jos'h..a 15 am Kansas City-St. Joa'h..a 4:48 pm WKHSTKR DEPOT 1BTH A WBIWTER Mlssoarl Paella. Nebraska I-ocal. via iave. arrive, .b 3:50 pm b12:30 pm weeping uirr rhlraaro. St. Paal. Mlaaeaaalls A Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..b 4:80 sm b let pnt Sioux City Passenger... a 2 on pm all:3)am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm hi 10 sin Emerson Local .....c $ 46 am e co pin a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only. Dally except Monday. OCKA ITKtVRRI, EU ROPE ?S3?, Tours d Luxe and Vacation, covering all Europe. Varied routes; choice ef steam ship lines. Including all (. f. f1C traveling expenses. II I aiigj Leisurely travel. 126 offices rbmed. Est. 1841. T II O I . COOK A IOI, Ml A 11 Broadway, 649 Madison Avenue, New York. Independent Travel Ticket Ever) where,