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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1906)
THE OMAHADATLY BEEt FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, lDOGi Orchard & CARPET eo. 4m416'4I8 South Sixteenth Street STeK RUG AND CARPET REMNANT SALE IN BASEMENT . We made into rugs all the old borders and short lengths of carpets from our recent purchase and sale of Alexander Smith Sons' carpet. In the lot are hundreds of rugs of all sizes and colored combinations these together with a lot of short length remnants of Brussels and Velvet Carpets suitable for rugs, in one yard, one yard and a fourth and one yard and a half, are now on sale in the Basement. Note a few of the sizes and prices: STOCK RUGS. 9x12 Tarrr Brussels. $13.50 10-6x12 Axminster . . 23.50 10-6x12 Velvet 23.50 M. W i0-6xl2 Velvet 18.00 10-6x12 Velvet 21.00 10-6x12 Velvet 22.50 10-6x12 ..... 19.00 8-7x10-6 Axminster.. 17.00 10-6x12 Velvet 18.00 10-6x11-9 Tapestry.. 17.00 10-6x12 Tap. Brussels 20.00 9x12 Velvet 21.00 9x12 Velvet 19.00 9x12 Tap. Brussels.. 17.00 . 10-6x10-6 Axminster. 22.50 10x18 Tap. Brussels.. 16.75 REMNANTS 1, 1. li yard lengths Tapestry, and Velvet, at. . . . CARPET REMNANTS. 1, 1. ltt yard lengths Tapestry, Body Brussels Axminster and Wilton, very choice for rugs, at SOe, 60c, 65c and 75c MEET TRAIN AT MIDNIGHT People at Alexandria Insist on Lec ture front Soli and Crop Specialists. STEELE CITY. Neb., Feb. 16. The Union Pacific seed and soil special has been meet ing with an enthusiastic reception from the farmers of this part 'of the state. There was delay In the running of the train yesterday, so that It was nearly mid night when It pulled Into Alexandria. JS'evertheless ino men were at the station eager to hear the promised lectures. They fvore gratified. Between 2.000 and 3,000 per sons attended the lectures during the day. Crowded lecture cars have been the rule today. BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 15. (Special Tele gram.) The Union Pacific soil and educa tion special arrived In the city from Blue Springs this afternoon at 3:40, being an hour behind schedule time. About 600 farm ers heard the lectures here and at Blue (Springs. Prof Lyons, spoke on soil man agement and Profs. Condra and Pugeley on b cultivation. After a stop of forty min utes the special left for Cortland. LOOKS BRIGHT FOR I.OIP CITY Indication that Bnrllngton Bond Con tern plates Bolldlnar. IjOUP CITY. Neb.. Feb. 15. (Special Tele gram.) There Is much talk of Burlington extensions early this spring. The talk of most Interest to Loup City and Sherman county 1s that the Burlington contemplates building from Sargent on this branch .to Dunning and connecting with the main line at that point. That. If done, would make this branch the , main line from Aurora to Billings. Mont. ' It is stilted this proposed route would cut off at least fifty miles between Aurora and the west line of the state and avoid niany of the . heaviest grades now en countered on the present line. It Is also assured that whatever may come the future main route of the Black Hills line of the Burlington will within two years branch off from the present line at Cairo, In Hall county, and follow the Loup valley all the way up to Dunning, which, of course, would take in Loup City, and all evidences point to 'the fact that Loup City In such event would be the logical point for a Burling- . . i 1 . 1 . . ..... ..... ion uivieiun Biaiiou. 11 is iiniru iubi mv surveying corps of the Burlington has run a line from Dunning down to Sargent, the present end of this branch, and material has been purchased for the extension of the present branch from Sargent to Dunning and work will commence on the extension just as soon as spring opens enough to insure continued work. Conple Takes Bias Trip. 1 1 I'M BOLDT. Neb.. Feb. 15. (Speclal.) Mrs. Joy Bullls-McKle sends word from Mansantllo, Mexico, that she started from that place with her husband, Robert Van McKle, for a trip to Central America, and tltenco to Valparaiso, Chile, South Amer ica. Mr. McKie la In the employ of Colonel Smoot. the contractor who is now complet lug work on the new js.oiio.oot) harbor at Mansanillo for the Mexican government, and he goes to the country named for the purpose of Investigating gigantic contracts to be let by the South American country for deepening and widening the harbor at Valparaiso. Mrs. McKie is a former Hum PEHKJG DAY . all tbi tew sprint stiles, Saturday, Feb. 17th B. EDWARD ZEISS, Sole Agent. - UCCtaSOR TO C. II. FREDERICK CO. 1504 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab. ssiswJainraa 1 Wilhelm 10-6x12 Axminster... 22.50 8-3x10-6 Velvet 17.00 8-3x12 Axminster.... 22.50 8-8x12 Axminster 23.50 8-3x12 Wilton 20.00 8-3x10 Wilton... .... 21.00 8-3x10-6 Axminster.. 17.50 8-3x10-9 Velvet 17.50 6x12 Tap. Brussels.. 13.50 8-3x10-9 Wilton 21.00 8-3x10-6 Velvet 15.00 8x9 Tap. Brussels 12.50 8-3x9 Velvet .' 17.50 OF RUGS. Axminster, Body Brussels .35c, 40c and 45c boldt girl and her mother still lives here. Bhe and her husband, who Is a California young man, are enjoying their trip im- mensely, and expect to stop at Ecquador I and other countries en route. TRAISMES ARE FOIXD GCII.TV Prosecute for Exceeding- Speed Limit When Woman la Killed. SCHT'YF.TCT? NVh Poh If ittnl.l Engineer Gllnn and Conductor Peterson' of the train that killed Mrs. Wacha last fall were found guilty of exceeding the speed limit In district court. Th. court in ,H.r to finish the case, held a night session Wednesday evening. The case went to the Jury early Wednesday evening, but the verdlct was not brought In till Thursday afternoon, the Jury having been out about nineteen hours. The Judge will sentence the defendants in the next few days. The case will probably be appealed to the supreme court. Brakeman Severely Injured LEIGH. Neb.. Feb. 12. fHnnelnl Roadruck. a Northwestern brakeman. fell under a freight car here this afternoon and was badly Injured. The train was In motion and he was coming down from the top of a box car, when he fell. He was dragged for about seventv-five feet hefnr. the train came tn a stun mi. te . and shoulder was badly lacerated and both shoulders were dislocated, besides being badly bruised about th. h.. m. - aai-uwa SB VWUUVB were dressed by local physicians. A upeclal train took him to Fremont. Mr. Roadruck is a single man and has been ln the employ oi me company for several years. Coal Foand Near Beatrice. BEATRICE Neb.. Feh IS ( i Local prosDectora todav fnnnH .i the banks of Bear creek on the Whitt.mor. farm, four miles northeast. It burns freely and has every appearance of the genuine article. A more thorough Investigation will be made as soon ss the frost leaves the ground. Chamberlain's Conch Remedy Abso. lately Harmless. Every mother should know that Cham berlaln's Cough Remedy Is perfectly safe for children to take. It contains nothinv I narmiui, ana ror coughs, colds and croup I is unsurpassed. I Pennsylvania Learlalatare Adjonrna I H ARRISBURQ. Pa.. Feb. IS Th T.nn. sylvanla legislature today completed the se.XnMnSr; 2i fS",'?. 'fil Islatlon was enacted,' with the exception of civil service for the state officers. Among Bolirlat n the , eitu. r( Z.k!I: .P? f?,"" gheny City Into one city. " FORECAST OF THE WEATHER snow or Hal a la Nebraska Tnria. Warmer In Eaat Portion Fair aad Colder Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, Feb. IS. Forecast of the meather for Friday and Saturday: ' Nebraska Snow or rain Friday, warmer in east portion; Saturday, fair and colder. For IowaPartly cloudy and warmer Frl- day; Saturday, snow or rain, colder In west portion. For Kansas Cloudy and warmer Friday, probably rain or snow; Saturday, fair and somewhat colder. or Missouri-Increasing cloudiness and warmer Friday; rain or snow at night or Saturday. For Colorado-Cloudy Friday, snow In eastern portion.' colder in north nortion' Saturday, fair. For Bouth Dakota-Snow Friday, colder In western portion; Saturday, fair. Local Reeord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Feb. 15. Official record of Urn. reraiure and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last thr-e "r: WW- 1905. 1S04. 1903. Maximum temperature... 22 18 n 15 Minuium temperature.... ofl 1 Mean temperature 11 8 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .01 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March L nu comparison witn ine last two years Normal tcnipvrature s IVnViency for the day 15 Total excess since March 1. 19Uo 1.01S .-rmai precipitation 03 inch Deficiency for the day A3 inch Hih Inltation since March 1 2. 37 Inches Deficiency since March 1 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19u5... 4.02 Inches Excess for cor. period. 1901 1. 60 Inches Reports from Station at T P. M. Station and State Temp. Maxl- Rain of Weather. 7 p.m. mum. fall. Bismarck, cloudy IS is Cheyenne, cloudy 4! 48 Clilc.iijo. clear 18 ju Davenport, clear 20 Ienver. cloudy 4s W , Havre, partly cloudy 3ft 32 Helena, partly cludy 40 42 Huron, clear il So Kansas City, clear 24 Sri North Platte, cloudy 24 30 Omaha, clear 38 44 Rapid City, cloudy 88 - 44 St. I.ouls. clear 22 ' 24 St. Paul, clear 1! 20 Salt I-ake City. pt. cloudy. 42 4 Valentine, cloudv 28 3i Willialon. cloudy 20 2S "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. Indlcatv helnw sero. 00 00 .24 .00 00 L A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. UNIVERSITY CHARTER DAY Henry Wade Eogers, Dean of Tale Law oVt T1:. 133.... I School, Deliver Address. PHYSICAL LABORATORY IS DEDICATED I lasaruaee ' Depaty Pierce Will Give lasaraare Compear Time to Pay Reciprocal Tax Before Taking Aetloa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 15. (Special.) Charter day was celebrated at the un- V.r.llt. f nr. a mnA In nrnA that the StlirlentS and Instructors of that institution might he r.r..nt . th. .,.rci. held In the chapel of Memorial hall, classes were dls- missed. Memorial sen-Ices. In honor of the late Prof. DeWItt Bristol Brace, were con- ducted and tributes from well known pro- feasors nt different rrvlletrea and universities were read by Dean Ellery Williams Davis t the conclusion of his discourse on the life of the dead Instructor. In a brief address. Chancellor Andrews extended an Invitation to all students and citizens of Lincoln to Inspect the new building recently completed for the use of the university. The chancellor also an- nounced that It had been decided to name tnan a necessity. During the last fifteen the new laboratory of physics after Prof, months he has not had a man in the hos Braca. P"! 'or any length of time and at this Henry Wade Rogers, dean of the Tale law school, delivered the address at the mid-year commencement tonight. The sub- penitentiary, though there are now 341 In ject of his address was "Centralization In mates. Over a year ago Warden Beemer Government." He advocated the principle of home rule for cities and deprecated the I tendency of state legislators to undue in- terference with local government In the management of their local affairs. lie opposed the further centralisation of power In the national government, ana expressed disapproval of federal supervision of in- surance companies, or a national lncorpora- tion law, and of federal control over mar- riage and divorce. The country had gone already as rar as was sare ana pruaent in the enhancement of federal power, and In Ms opinion the time had arnvea wnen mere should be a revival of the constitutional doctrines, not of state sovereignty, but of state rights. The board of regents of the state unl- versity held an executive session today and elected C. J. Ernst president. Chairmen of committees were appointed as follows: w a Whltmore. building committee; E. C. Calkins, industrial education; C. S. Allen. finance; C. J. Ernst, executive committee. The new members of the board, Abbott and Lyford, were duly Installed In office and Edsnn Rich and J. L. Teeters retired. Pierce Walts on Companies. Insurance Deputy Pierce does not know officially that fire insurance companies are do,n business In Nebraska without a license, though he suspects It as an In dividual, consequently he will not take any "P" t the present time to have the com Pan,e" proeecuien. i ne licensee isuea io companies expired February 1 and those next meeting place, went on record aa op companies which have not paid the reelp- posed to the parcels post and elected offi- rooal tax ,n conformity with the decision of the state supreme court have not Deen re- licensed. As mere are only two or tnree companies which have paid up. a great ma- Seward, first, second and ,thlrd vice presl Jority of the companies are doing business dents; Dan Cavanaugh of 'Falrbury, Frank without a license. "I believe all the companies Intend to pay." said Mr. Pierce, "and I do not Intend to be very technical In construing the law. 11 wo,ll1 b bad thlnK for the 8ta,e tq 8hut out a" of thes' comPan,e- especially the,re ,ltUe do,lbt they R" y tne ' ln ! l" "'"P",K" e written to me for the decision and they "ald they would comply with the law in the matter. "l don t know mcM that any f the ""i " "' Of course If they are. they are technically violating the law, but I don't want to be too technical In this matter." No Information has reached the depart- ment whether the Insurance Company of North America will carry the case to the United States supreme court. If this should be done and a bond given, then all of the companies could take advantage of the ln- Junction and it would be a year or two be- iorc me eiHie woum nnauy gei us money, even if the highest tribunal should hold with the state court. There is no law by ing the Bleep of innocence in his room at which the state can collect interest on this the hotel. They In some manner gained en money, though It may collect Interest from trance to his room and the two ruthlessly the one company against which It has se- cured a Judgment. 1 Sheriff's Fee Held Is, Alex Lowry. sheriff of Sioux county, has a claim for 11.70 tied up in the auditor's office waiting for the auditor to figure otit wnetner ne is eniuiea io ine money. ixwry went into Wyoming for a prisoner and whilo en route to Sioux county the prisoner leaped from the car window and made his escape. Since that 'time Lowry has been unable to locate him. He sent In a voucher for the amount stated and said It was for returning a prisoner. As the prisoner was not returned. Mr. Searle does not know whether It should be allowed in full or al- low him enough money to pay expenses for the nunlber of miles the prisoner was re- turned- He ha" the matter advise- meni. Brown Invited to Assist. Attorney General Brown has been Invited to take a hand ln a case out ln Boone county In which the state is Interested, Some parties or county officials are trying to lay out a road across some school lands and the county attorney has brought suit to stoo the work. The county attorney has called upon the state's legal department for it, assistance. rtelav In Aiienment. Because the matter of the legality of the .j-w.d .8-ainst the reserve fund of fr.i.m.i rnmmnlM I. .tin nr. in the .nnreme court. Serretarv Ronnrtt , ,h. R,,A tu-a of i. i.v.h in .nriim nut his letter of tlon and suggestions to the county ases- -or, Thl. ma.ter ha- been before the court for some months snd came ud from nri9. munir The t-.t hour nrn. clerk to include In his records of the assessment of the Woodmen of the World and the Woodmen Circle the amount of the reserve fund of both orders. The board asked for a mandamus to compel the county clerk to do this. Company to Prospect la Nebraska A conipany of Lincoln capitalists and ouiue men u"-n iu ururpeci tor oil, gas and minerals in iseorasaa. ana today anii'ies vi uiuuipuiuiiun were niea I with the secretary of state. The capital stock Is Sl.QOO.OTiO and the incorporators are W. H. Ferguson. 8. W. Burnham, A. H. Buckstaff. J. W. McDonald, B. Maret and A. r. rurguson. in. rmme 01 me associa- tlon is the Yankee Hill Development com pany. Aid for the Japanese Governor Mickey Is considering whether to issue a proclamation for the relief of the starving Japanese, In line with the proclamation Issued some time ago by J President Roosevelt in which the execu- .01 "B '" i"1'!"" i ne .00 ratlcn. v hen mat proclamation was Is- .w 1 sued i.overnor aiicsey sent the following - - v T I --- 00 I the emergency such that the governors 00 of the several states should Uue proc- .00 1 tarnations relative to relief for Japanese 00 1 famine sufferers, or is the action already 00 1 taken by you sufficient? . Please wire reply. This afternoon Governor Mickey received the following telegram from President Roosevelt in answer: Telegram received. 8hall be glad to have you be well to have the contrtbutiens made through ths Red Cross association or through the mfmbr thereof In your state. Deadlock Otr AMfiinn. The county assessor of Scott's Bluff county is in a quandary. Some time ago he ap- i - wnTO m miiiiurr vi urpuufl ana wnen no t , nami . ' Supervisors the board refused to accept tnem - b"t rejected four of the deputies and appointed rour In the places made vacant. The assessor refused to stand for the ap pointees of the board and so tlie case has reached the state house. The county board and the assessor are of-a different political re.lth. The law requires the assessor to appoint the deputies with the advice and consent of the commissioners, so the mat ter will be referred to the legal department to settle. Settler Held the Land. The state Is getting- ready to look after lo wnom " leased school land -1",mea oy the Boyd county settlers. The "euler hav acknowledged ths state owns lne Und' ,,ut while the suit to get title WM Pending the Board of Educational Lard and Funds leased the land to other P"CS. .NOW the settlers refuse to give "v 1,10 ana. ine case win come up at the l oi ine supreme court and Land ..i.i.Bioner Mton and Attorney General frown win look after the Interests of the lessees. Xo Sickness at rrsKe.X.r.. Warden Bcemer has found the hosnltal at the state penitentiary more of a luxury time there Is not a person In there, and neither Is there a case of sickness In the scraped the ground In the yard of the prison to a depth of two to six Inches and hauled the dirt away. He then brought new, fresh dirt and sodded the yard. He is or the belief the old dirt, which had been around the prison for so many yean was run of germs, and he believes the dirt should be changed around all state asylums or prisons. Incidentally the warden is readv now for the federal prisoners and when he gets a dozen more of them Tie will start a new Industry. These men will be put to work making rag carpets. Some of the men wn be used to cut carpet rags out of the 0a clothes of the inmates and others will use the loom, loans; Mill Xot Be Retried. James Young, colored, who was once convicted of the killing of Sam Winter durln th fair two years ago and whose case was reversed by the supreme court, today walked out of Jail a free man. County Attorney Caldwell dismissed the case. Many of the witnesses are out of the state and aa It would cost the county at least $1,000 to try Young again, the oounty attorney decided to dismiss the complaint. Winters started a light in the stall where Young was sleeping and was shot. Hardware Men Come to Omaha. The Nebraska hardware dealers, in con- inuwn nere toaay, selected umana aa me cers aa follows: Nathan Roberts, Omaha, president; Thomas Moore, Alma; C. L. Krlley of North Bend, S. C. Oaks of Hasker of Friend. J H". McGrsth of Hut. ngs, were chosen members of the execu- tiVe committee. The positions of secretary and treasurer were left to the executive committee to fill, rfls understood that j. pyank Barr, the present secretary, is considering accepting position which will cause him to move from Lincoln OXB SCHEME FAILS TO WORK OUT Two Meat aad swjaar Fall Down In Effort to Ha-te Fan. GORDON, Neb., Feb. : 15. (Special.) The Hotel de Wllhlte of this' city was the scene of a three-act farce-tragedy, in which a traveling man, a United States government secret service man, a smart young man, whose good breeding ought to lead to nobler acts, and John Barleycorn all played lead Ing parts. The United States secret service man and the smart young man had both been Imbibing pretty freely and in the after- noon planned a Droaa uayitgnt ' holdup of the aforesaid traveling man, who was sleep aroused him from his peaceful slumber and at the point of a revolver demanded his peaceable surrender and that he quietly submit to being handcuffed, the secret serv- ice man displaying his official badge and ln- forming his victim that he was wanted to " i nvie oam b coun on ine cnarge of fraudulently filing on government land. But the nervy knight of the grip, who was a stranger in a strange land and who had never so much as evn trod upon govern mnt land, and who waa never guilty of an immoral act In his life, was not to be bluffed in this manner by one of Uncle Sam's detectives, and waa preparing to put "P fierce resistance when Dad Wllhlte, at traded by the noise of the disturbance, ap- Peered on tne scene and quelled the riot by threats of calling an officer. This ended i ,,"T The second act waa played In a saloon ln Rushvllle later In the evening, where the 1 secret servtee man and his pal had gone in search of more boose. After filling up on Rushvllle raxzle-dazzle and shooting holes through a 3f plate mirror in the barroom 1,10 ioiiy PT returned to Gordon about 1 a- " next morning and again Bought refuge ,n Daa Wilhlte's hostelry. They evidently brought back a bottle from Rushvllle. for I hostilities were again renewed In the upper chamber. and the third act closed by Bert Wllhlte. tne night clerk, violently ejecting th smart young man from his room and assisting him to the lower landing by the to o( nl No- Blucher, and then admlnls- wring a mucn aeserveo pummeling. Tha trave,ln" Dian who "as the victim of the holdup is considerably wrought up over lne treatment ne seceived, and there some taia mat ne will Drlng the secret serv ,ce nian to ac"nt for the part he played ln lna nole' nolauP VHUHrsuM HISTAI THE CHILD Matter Is Left In Shape Case May Ba Reopened la the Faturr. ".RAND ISLAND. : Neb.. Feb. IK rtw Cial.-The habeas corous case c.r Mr. w H. Thompson, for the recovery of her grandson. Eugene, from the of i. father, came to a temporary termination last evening when District Judges Paul and Hanna, sitting Jointly in the case, decided that the child shall remain In th. rn.initv of Mr. and M w, H. Thompson until the furth(.r order of tne cotlrt. The attorney for the respondents to the writ gave test! inony that while no fault In any particular was found with the care, attention and de votion given to the child ln the Thompson home. Mr. Porter, the father, had at times not been welcome there. Mr. Porter re- uted that upon one occasion he found hi picture turned toward the wall and that at another time be was not called to din ner. Mr. Porter, upon taking the stand, re- 1 i.ii A .,Ca . .L 1 u iio " - ...-.,... iiui per inuiiin 1 as a salesman ror a parsing company, and maintained the home In which his parents I ... . , , . .. reside at Omaha. He himself was much I upon the road. Upon rebuttal the statement of the pie. ture being turned toward the wall was un qualifledly denied and It was stated that Mr. Porter was always welcome at the home. The order of tha court t. h.M tn ur r- " "mpson. out mat Hale and Hearty at 104 l w .-i jr. . JOIIANN ARNOLD Gentlemen: It gives me pleasure In my ta the benefits I am deriving from the Judicious use of your Puffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I am now 104 years old. hale nd hesrty, have a good appetite and have trld a number of wines and whiskies lating effects, but my stomach would not grees with my stomach perfectly, it is to the aged, who need a stimulant to tone Increase their digestive powers and strengthen their weak ened nerves. Duffy's There are 4.000 men and women In the country alone who have passed the hun dred year mark, and nearly every one of them has publicly acknowledged that he or she owes health, strength, continued se of all the faculties, and extreme old age of Duffy's Pure Majt Whiskey, the great cure nd preventive or disease, tne rue elixir or lire. ve will send you free booklet containing portraits and letters f many of these old people, and valuable medical Information. If you would be strong, husky and vig- reus. and able to enjoy the work ana pleasures of life to the fullest: if you would live to ripe old age without aches and pams, tnKe Duffy's pure Malt wma- ey as directed and avoid all drugs. Doc tors say It's tile most powerful aid they have ln fighting and curing diseases of throat, hines and stomach, low feveis and all weakening, wasting, nervous, run down, diseased conditions from whatever cause. It acts quickly and builds up the whole system. Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key is used exclusively in leading hospl- when he shall' haye established his home more permanently In Omaha Mr. Porter may make rcappllcatlnn In the case, and until such time the case is continued. Wallace Porter,1 the father of the child. and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, the grand parents, left the court room together and Mr. Porter ttib last evening the guest of the Thompson home. It is believed by the friends of both parties that there will be no further litigation or controversy over the care and custody of little Eugene. IPKCTING NORMAL Bl'ILDIGS State Board and Architect in Session at Kearney. KEARNEY, Neb., Feb. 15. (Special Tele gram.) All of the members of the State Board of Education arrived In the city this afternoon and at once proceeded to the Normal school, where a meeting was In progress during the afternoon. Architect Bcrllnghof Is also present and it Is stated that one of the Important matters to come before the board Is the acceptance of the building In this city. At the meeting held the building was not accepted at this time, only the boiler house, which was fully completed. Marshal Admits Assault. KEARNEY.'Neb. Feb. 15. (Special Tele gram.) County- Judge Marston today fined Carl Carlson for assault and battery upon Joseph Franks. Carlson Is the town marshal of Shelton and Franks Is a resi dent of that place. The latter swore out the complaint against Carlson and tha officer came Into court and pleaded guilty. The story told by them was to the effect that while quelling a disturbance raised by some unruly youths a few days ago the marshal slapped one of them. This was objected to by Mr. Franks, whi heaped abuse upon the officer. They started to the edge of town to fight It out but changed their minds and came back. Mr. Franks then called the marshal numerous names and tha latter landed on Mr. Franks' countenance. Then Frank had a warrant for the marshals arrest Issued. Shipments on Xew Road. FREMONT, Neb., Feb. 16. (Special.) - While no regular trains are being run on the Great Northern the company is doing something In the way of soliciting business and yesterday a horse-dealer made the first shipment over the new line outside of property belonging to the contractors. It was a thorougnorea rmn""" """" which was consigned to Washington, D. i- h nt other horses were C. Thirty-six head of other norsas were isn sent out. A great deal of grain nas been shipped from oortcnn:, ana mucn of the time the new elevator at mat point has been full. Most of the ballasting be tween here and Ashland is finished. Court at Seward. I SEWARD. Neb. Feb. 15.-(SpeciaI.)-Tho - . t . T Tt ( oq tnr sellln'T case or jonn v-" liquor, waa heard today before Judge Leanens In the county couri, .nu bound over to tne aistnci court. Judge Good has called a grand Jury for Seward county, which win ue .umi.huii to appear at the court house on Monday. April 30. at 11 a. m. The petition for call ing this grand Jury was signed by 300 Citizens of Beaver CTossing. jlrwi of Sebraaka. SEWARD E. Connett has sold his saloon business to Max Bcmveuer 01 bought Cock Robin, has gone to Lincoln to . ... date university. . w 1 V T f V3 llunrirp rltf B. LUC irti v mi" r'-' - . 41 i....,.. SEWARD Jonn MiiuinBcr ui uw x r.t Mnlfiniter & Harrison has aold his .v,..- nt he business to George Harrison cunon Thft snow is ariiieu u uwy . . ,v.o Ih. rural route over tne coumry n-ou- C i. !. ,,; inail carriers couia nm nm. m.r.. TTjir-p The Kllnatrlck Hose com a mectini; lant nlaht and en dorsed William Hall as its candidate for fire chief. CAMBRIDGE James Kelly, cashier In the First National hank of Cambridge, has pur chased plans and will build a fine modern residence tills spring and summer, mo A TRICE James Lwrence of this city has been chosen to represent Beatrice in the Nebraska inter-scholastic high school debate, to be beta at uncoin soon. CAMBRIDGE Ice harvest was com menced here yesterday by Ranken Bros.. and they have a gang of men at work filling cars with ten-inch ice tor shipment. YORK William Swartlng of Waco. Neb., baa purchaaed the Roach barber shop and taken possession. Mr. Roach will probably locate tiere, engaging In some other bus! ness. NEBRASKA CITY The Missouri river closed with li e at this point last night. This is the longest time the river has remained open Into the winter months in more than thirty years. HUMBOLDT A farmhouse belonging to Fred tihaffer, a bachelor living about six miles north of the city, burned to (lie ground this morning at an early hour, to gether with most of the contents. SEWARD H. H. Culver, son of Adjutant General Culver, Is preparing to bottle Itthia Water from the spring on the Culver farm, near Mllford. ine water from these springs la lilk'l'ly riiargea wun meaicinai qualities. YORK The York Commercial club is con teniDlatins holding a "Home . Product' meeting al some future time. Members are interesting manufacturers at York ln ths meeting and win have on exhibition all art I rles manufactured at York. The object o the meeting is to better acquaint tiie citl sens of lurk with York goods, and will be Received on Johatiti Arnold of Rend ing, Pa. and Mrs. Phcbe Pratt of Chelsea, Mas., say their sturdy old age is due to the regular use of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Makes the old young, ' and the young strong old age to testify Mrs. Pratt perfect digestion. I for their stimu retain them. Duffy's certainly a Godsend up their stomachs. Pure Malt Whiskey the means of better advertising Tork prod ucts, and thereby Increasing the home de mand. CAMBRIDGE1 A meeting of cltliens will be held ln the opera house this evening to organize a local building and loan associa tion, 600 shares of stock having already been subscribed. NEBRASKA CITY Chlel or Police Joseph Bridges has filed a suit in the dis trict court asking for a divorce from his wife. Mary E. Bridges. He alleges cruelty as his cause for action. BEATRICE-William Ehman, for thirty five years a resident of Gage county, died yesterday at his home ln Hanover township of pneumonia, aged 62 years. A widow and five children survive him. BEATRICE Three csrloads of animals and circus equipment purchased of M. W. Hall, a showman who resides ln Missouri, bv Campbell Broa. of Falrbury. passed through the city en route to Falrbury yes terday. BEATRICE Yesterday afternoon the marriage of Mr. James Mc.Murphy and Mlas Anna Itatersohl was solemnized at the bride's home In this city. Rev. J. A. Low officiating. The young couple will make their home on a farm near Plckrell. Fl'LLERTON At a recent congrega tional meeting of the Presbyterian church of this city it was voted to extend to Rev. Mr. Cooper of Wspello. Ia., a call to be oome pastor of the church here. On Mon day the reverend gentleman wired his ac ceptance. SHELDON The educational train was not scheduled to stop at this place for a lecture and as a consequence a targe num ber of farmers and cltliens, also scholars from the high school, went to Gibbon and heard the talks In the opera house of that town, returning on the special train. FAIRBfRY The first Ice packing of the season commenced yesterday, with ice only seven Inches thick. The St. Joseph & Grand Island railway Is shipping Ice from Grand Island for Its own use. Unless the weather turns colder than at present there will be hardly enough Ice form to supply the local demand. BEATRICE A check for $3,259.52, which had been lost by Henry Flshback, the poultry dealer, waa found yesterday by Lester Lewis, driver of the Adams Express company's wagon, who promptly turned It over to Mr. Flshback. The check was ne gotiable, having been endorsed by Mr. Flsh back. FREMONT Coroner Overgaard held an Inquest yesterday afternoon on the body of P. W. Rlankenburg, who was killed by a derrick tipping over on the Great Northern bridge across the Platte. No new facts were developed and the Jury brought In a verdict of death by accident. His remains were sent this afternoon to Superior, Wis., for burial. SEWARD Adolph, the 6-year-old son of Mr. snd Mrs. Jacob Koch, living near Sew ard, was fatally kicked by a mule just above the eye on Monday. The mule was rolling on the ground snd the boy picked up a puppy which he threw on It, when the mule Jumped up and delivered the kick. A doctor rendered all, assistance possible, but the child died yesterday. SHELDON The women of the Twentieth Century club of Sheldon gave a pleasant reception to the century clubs of wood ; River and Gibbon this afternoon at the ""me 01 Mrs. ueorge jueisner. A large mber of women from the thre tow5, were present and the afternoon was most pleasantlv spent ln a social way, Inter- spersea witn music ana luncneon. BEATRICE Deputy Labor Commissioner Bert Bush, ln company with several mem- K.r. nt th. nn.rA nt tMiiHnn the Central school building in accordance with the state law requiring all three-story ' . - . ' buildlngs to be equipped with Are escaoes. After examining the building Mr. Bush con cluded that the present number of exits was sufficient and that fire escapes were really unnecessary. BEATRICE At the regular monthly meeting of the Beatrice volunteer fire de partment last night the state convention made a report as follows: Total amount of money received. S1.9U2.&!: amount paid out, Jl.Wi5.82; balance on hand. 13; outstand ing Indebtedness, 137.44. February 23 waa the date fixed for holding the exemption exercises, it was reported tnat tne city was receiving from $1S0 to .'00 more per year ForCoughs and Colds There is a remedy over sixty years old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedy5 for coughs andcolds. Ask your own doctor about it. Do as he says. We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. lUtto hp . O. Arm O., XwU, Kmc. ViM MssfsaTSr sf AYKS't Kan TIOOK-Vsr tss aalr. ATIa'd PILLS Ver coastlpatlea. . AYMt'fJ aJutaTaJUIXA fax tas Msec. ATZft' AQVt CURB -et alarm tasafae. 90th Birthday 1. -sN if yei-Sfywox.. . MRS. FRATT writes: Gentlemen: I am now almost fit years of see and am In excellent health, owing to the use of Duffy's Malt Whiskey. Catarrh of the throit troubled me for four years, and I tried many remedies, without any benefit, until a friend induced me to try Duffy's Pure Malt Whlskev. My genersl condition was very poor also until I used Duffy's, but 1 am very glad to state that since using this grand medicine the catarrh has left me. my general health is better than It has been for years, and I know that It fcas prolonged my life. I most certainly would not be without It. tsls. The old reliable family remedy of hundreds of thousands for over SO years. Its puilty la vouched for by chemists, and by the fact that It's the only whiskey recognised by the government aa a med icine. ' Every testimonial Is published in' good faith and guaranteed. AVOID SUBSTITUTES Be snre yoa a-et tha genuine Daffy's Pare Malt Whiskey, aold In sealed bottlea only never In bnlk by all re. liable druggists and grocers, or di rect, prlee, fl.W. It la the only ab solutely pare medicinal whiskey and eentalna no fusel oil. This Is a guar antee. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist." the label, and be eertaln the aeal over the pork Is un broken. Duffy's Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. from Insurance companies than it was turn ing over to the firemen, and Charlea Mudge waa appointed a committee ' of one to in vestigate the matter. NORTH PLATTE Dr.' McCabe'of this city was called upon last Saturday to fumi gate a car and the passengers In it on train No. . A case of smallpox developed on the tourist car and the patient was taken off at Ogden, and here the precaution waa taken to prevent others from taking the disease. BEATRICE The ruction In the camp of the Barneston Mutual Telephone company was settled yesterday when the directors decided to engage the services of a tele phone lineman rrom Beatrioe tor tne pur pose of connecting up Its lines, which were cut when the e-secretarv carried the switchboard from the central station and placed It on the town water tank. The company expecta to have everything In working order by tomorrow. SEWARD A union temperance meeting with the members of four churches co-operating and the public invited was held at the Presbyterian church on Wednesday night. The good nature of a Seward audi ence was shown when the lecturer, Edward Amherst Ott, failed lo arrive at 7 p. m on account of having missed the train in Lin coln, and did not arrive until 9:30, when he came ln an automobile from Lincoln. It w-aa 11 p. m. before the audience was re leased. NORTH PLATTE Deputy Sheriff Lowell last Saturday returned from Omaha with Helen Watson, who has been tried In the county court here since on the charge of the theft of 25 and some Jewelry which she stole from employes at the Pacific hotel In thla city, where ahe was employed. She pleaded guilty to the charge and stated that she became homesick and not having enough money to pay her fare to Chicago stole the money, with the Intention of re turning it as soon ss she reached her home. AURORA The farmers' Institute for Hamilton county closed an extremely Inter esting session last evening. Owing to the storm the session for Tuesday was not held, but the complete program for Wednesday was carried out In the courthouse with a large audience in attendance. The Institute elected the following officers: President, Hon. F. C. Putman; vice president, B. F. Anderson; secretary and treasurer, John Woodard; directors, Hon. E. von Forrell, Hon. F. M. Howard. J. D. Keer, M. D. Wright and J. W. Stokesbury. NORTH PLATTE The members of the high school of this city have had consider able excitement and pleasure out of the de bating teams which they have had. Dif ferent teams from North Platte have gofie to Ord and Central City and have been vic torious In each instance. The coming Fri day evening the team will again meet the Ord team in this city ln the high school auditorium. The question to be debated Is whether trusts are Inimical to public wel fare, the local debators affirming and the visitors denying. In the future a North Platte team will meet a like debating team from the Sidney schools. . YORK There hss been considerable oppo sition to giving the County Fair association an appropriation owing to the heretofore poor management of the affair and loss of money. Recently the association reor-' ganized and elected new officers, who give promise of promoting a successful county fair. At a meeting of the association It waa decided to hold a fair and speed meet ing September 18 to 21, inclusive. At each Institute meeting held by the farmers In this county parties have been selected to address the meetings and solicit farmers to Interest themselves In maklna- the York county fair and speed meeting a great suc- . CPAS 1 NORTH pi.attk Harry E. Judd was Riven his preliminary hearing Monday on l.'-,0Ttr TT 'M..u. to-. w mrj rilBlgra ui luiguig m, cuecK ana or ut- tering a forged check In the county court. On the evidence produced by the state he was bound over to the district court, which meets here March 6. 19"tJ. The evidence of the state waa to the effect that Judd en tered the clothing store of Welngand A McDonald in thla city on the morning of January 30 and purchased an overcoat nii I gave for it a check for the same signed by 1 J. C. Gordln and drawn upon the Citizen's bana 01 Mccook, and received the balance, t-9.24, in change. Later Claude Weingand of the firm became auspicious and caused the arrest of Judd, who meantime had son north in a rig to look at homestead lands.