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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1905)
THK OMAHA DAITA BEKt MONDAY, NOVEMBER l!X).i .6 W 1 'A. I 1 A ,1 i iMtm RIVER LEASES AbnsM Baid to Txiit ob Great Beaerra Expoied. ioox INDIAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION INVESTIGAT t Anemt Arrr4 f Illegally lo4r. Trentr Ifrrmtati to Kitor th Bis (ittlrnra. On tho Choyenne rlviT reservation, a portion of tho great Sioux reserve In Houth Dakota, I ha Indian have Wen atitYcilug !rom a. condition or land leasing that ha attracted the attention of the Indian Right association. 8. M. Rroslu. a apo dal agent of the association. Iiaa made an Investigation, and makes a report to 'he secretary, Matthew K. Biiiffen, aa follows: 22,r.,Ch,'ynne river reservation contain J.M7.40 acres which were aet apart for their separate use by the terms of tlie act ef congress of March 2, Js. It has bee.i the avowed desire, of the govern mrnt that the Indian should become self supporting, and since the lands of the theyenne river reset vatinn are primarily adapted for grating purposes, tho agree ment ratified hy congress above referred to, provided for the purchase and Issue l to the Indiana of 2i,000 atock cattle, which were Issued to members of the tribe. Many nf the Indiana profited by the advice of the government and carefully preserved the cows Issued to them, together with the increase, so that they were upon a basis of self-support. This was the condition at the time of the advent of the present agent, In 190ft. Previous agents over theso Indians had been found to be unscrupulous, oftentimes, and left their baneful effects upon the tribe. .Soon after the assumption of the duties of agent tho present appointee seems to have determined -4o lease the tribal lands to outside rattlo men, by fair or foul means, and tho accomplishment of such purpose and the attendant evil of bis administration haa caused demoralisation to tho best interests of the Indians, espe cially In the matter of oncoming self supporting and Independent owncra of cattle. The co-operation of officials of the Chicago, Milwaukee & fit. Paul Railway company was an Important factor, they rendering personal assistance. The tracks of the railroad company are favorably lo cated for securing the shipment of stock to snd from the reservation, of which trsffio they (lave a practical monopoly. I.eaalaa; of tho Cottle Troll. The first effort of the combine to se cure the lease of the tribal lands was In 100, when the Indians were called together In general council and urged to lease what Is known aa the "Cattle Trail," a section of country on the northern side of the reservation now six miles In width and extending east and west a distance of about eighty miles. The tribe in general council flatly refused to lease. Not daunted, the ugent called the six chiefs Into police headquarters, created another chief upon the spot to act aa councilman, so that there might be n majority of so-called cotiocllmen to agree on the lease, the full number of counciltnen required being twelve. These seven men without authority to sieak for the tribe in any question Involving the disposition of tribal lands, were Importuned to agree to the lease, promises of individual benefits being made to them by tho railroad officials, etc. "While these seven Indians claim they did not all agree to the proposed lease In form, the agent reported the ratified agree ment of lease to the Indian bureau. thai rcmicst of the agtllt. Who cirri without authority from tho tribe, it I ihut nrnnnMlfi were sent from ih Indian office in Washington Inviting via the Krlvlleae of Erasing the west ern half of the reservation, which contains in the mnrresate 1.426. 7(6 acres. A council was called by the agent, the Interpreter stating that the lands had already been ina..H sn.i that the Indiana could not help thuniaelvea. although no action had been i.L.n hir the tribe in council. This repre sentative council soon decided not to leaae their lands, and realising me neeu tor eon rutted action, annointed two of their mem t..ra In nnnuvnt them in DrOtCSting tl the government. White fculj and bellow Owl were selected for thla task. They (Irnva across country some ninety miles to Ptsrre and secured aid In writing a letter to tlie Indian department protesting against tha agent's action and requesting that an Investigation be made of the question. Iao tab mrnt of Complainants. Jt was several niontho before an Inspector was detailed to Investigate the subject, and. tf nnsslbla. seoura the legal consent of the tribe to the lease, but in the mean time the a rent who was Biinnosed to pro tect these Indians was evidently planning how best he could secure the accomplish ment of his purposes, and he decided to cuerce White Dull and Yellow Owl' by im prisonment and other means. White Bull's personal narration of what he suffered savors of darkest Kusstau rule. He slated: "The agent refused to write our wishes to the commissioner of Indian affaire, so I wrote from Ilerre, where I had gone for that purpose. When I came Irrmie and the ugent heard of what I had dono be sent the police tor me and I was arrested and thrown In Jail without being told why I was so treated. The chief of police came and told me that the agent directed him to cut my hair and he did so. I was kept In Jail three months, compelled to work at hard labor, digging ditches, cleaning yards and grading roads, for which I never received any pay. I represented the Indians in a straightforward transaction, but the agent used me as an example to cow the rest of the tribe so they wJuld not object any more to the leasing of the lauds. The agent told nie after I was released from prison that he put me in Juil for two reasons; first, for leaving the reservation, and. Second, lor kicking against what Com missioner Jones decided to have done." following the Imprisonment of White Hull and Yellow Owl, an Investigation wo made by an Inspector In July, l'3, and here again the Indians are said to have been i nver-reached. The members of tho tribe residing In the western portion of the recr vatton were more strenuously opposed to leasing their section of the reservation than those who were settled upon the east ern portion, whose graalng grounds would not be disturbed thereby. When a tlnie Was se( tr voting upon the question nf leasing the western half, the members of the tribe were railed in and It Is alleged that on account qf the hour for voting having ben chanced from 1 Q'clock In the afternoon pf the day to the forenoon pf the same day, many of the members most In terested In opposition to the lease had nut yet reached the council, hence they did not have the privilege of Voting. The vote being taken showed 139 favorable to leas ing, with 154 opposing it. Tho lease of the "cattle trull lands being voted upon the decision of the tribe was recorded by fxrartlcally the same vote. Leasing of the Eastern Half. In March. 1!4, an effort was made by the government to lease the eastern section of the reservation, ciaitalning yjS.XHi acres. The porilon of the tribe living In t lie west eru section of the reservation were made to fool that they had been opposed in leasing the lands they occupied, so In retaliation they were incited to vote for leasing the eastern part by fostering prejudice among them. Another scheme to insure success on the part of the agent who was there to see that the Indians had fair treatment seems to have been Well planned and worked out. The residents of the White Morse district. In the eastern ortion, were naturally opiaiaed to leasing their pasture lands: so It announced the day before the vote upon the question of leasing was taken -lhat the White Horse members would be given their rations at home, forty mtles distant from the agency, where Iti-v were gathered for the purpose of voting imatnsi the lease. This order had the ef feci "f induclnr many of these Indians to go to their homes, ws they were in need of I ho ration for dally food. The residents of the western portion, however, who favored baaing the vastcm lauds mere given ra Hons at the agency. I heir vote In full ladng retordrd In favor of leasing. The result of liis vote was: In favor of leasinti. lot: op.,l to If-asina. lio: total vole polled, -it. The secretary of the interior based all the trllval in mix and I lie uuleiieed allotted lauds Of the reservation, with no other uu Hiorliv than Hint mentioned above, having been secured from the hull ins. The treaty tf IMM mid agreement of htAveen th government und thetw Indluna laro.ldcs: "Article I:' No treaty for thr cession of any portion or wiil of the reservation herein descrila-d. M hielt muv be held In common, shall be of any validity or forc it attains! Hie said Indiana, unless executed .ind signed bv at least lliree-fuurlhs of ail the adult mule Indians occupying or Inter, tated ill the same.'' Siivi It requires the rxcciitien of an tn stiionent of tonal dignity to grant a lease as one providing for the cesdon of lands, it tuusl be ".imerdeit lhat lu render the leaae l.' end binding upon the I'hIiuu tribe at least Ihree-lourlliS ot liie adult male In diana must first agree lo the terms of the k.'BV. The Indians claim that at the time of the nunril proceedings concerning the leasing f the lands there were T.'l male Indians over lli eure of age entitled to vote. The use limit of IS years is liiaT adopted by the tiuvernmrnt In all regulations concerning rations and allotments, and by the Indiana themselves In their deliberations covering ti; . -ttlon "f their business council. It appeals, therefore, that not an acre of the I i.e,inr rlv.-r reservation lands has been legally l"aed, nor has there ta-en accepted by the Indians any proposition by a ma jority vote to leaae any of their lands. Millie the Sftretary of the interior h" I'suully lacn do-aed lo protect thr right of ti e Indians, In this instance a gross Injustice to have' been done I he t'l ev.nne Hlver Hloux We tail to find nny warrant of law for bis action. While the fed. ral "iiprerne ci.un decided In the Ioue Wolf case that congress may abrogate sn Indian ttealy or ngn-.-mettt. no authority exists fur an executive officer to violat-' an ngieement authorised by congress, as waa done in the pr i tit instance. Ilraalts of the I. racing. As already shown, the Indians nccepleri the proffer of the government In agree ing 10 tux act or (onaress of lssn with Its promise of fostering the cattle Industry, and many niemla rs of the trUa were self supporting through the revenue derived from their herds. The illegal leasing and the unjust restrictions now sufTi red by the tribe have almot ruined this Industry. The head of a family is permitted to have lcl head of stock In tile leased pasture sur rounding his home. For all excess stock he Is compelled lo accede to anv sharp lnrgaln the lessee may InBlst upon, the alternative being to dispose of his surplus stock the best way possible, and It usually rtsilta In ruining the Indian herd. Thr Indian agent has uniformly protected the hses. and appeals to him tnmi the Indians go unheeded. He haa posted writ ten and printed notices over the reserva tion, warning the Indians that they "are prohibited from rounding up stock at anv time" without his permission or that nf the while lessee, on pain of arrest hy po licemen and being brought perhaps l.V) miles to the agency, and being "liable to Kunishmcnt for the offense." This notlcfj ai the desired effect. Indians, naturally timid, feared to look after their cattle In the pastures and they have been scattered and lost, frequently being shipped to market by the lessee without the Indian's knowledge, and thr proceeds not accounted for to li I nr. The Indian cows do not do well, being run down by the lesser 'a steers, resulting In a decreased nuniber of calves, the latter being hugely lost known as "mavericks" by reason of the Indians not being permitted to look after Ihem, as shown. The Indian agent has discouraged many persons from opening stores and prohibited others, which has resulted in a practical monopoly In trailing. During the time of my visit to the agency potatoes were sold by one store at the agency at 2 cents per pound (perhaps $1 per bushel); Just across the river, outside the reservation (tho stores one mile apart), the price for the GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Lower Pritei Em Throngi Whola Liit of Cercala. VHEAT DAMAGE IN ARGENTINA DENIED Kin Weather nod So Ursaand Makea torn Kosy Lighter Hrrrlpts ot Oata Are Kaprrtrtl Phrooas rssl Floor Boslnrsa. No. northern. TWtjc; May. He OATS To arrive and on lrcember, TSc; track, same grade of potatoes was ifi to 30 cant per ousnci. I have shown the demoralization result ing from the Illegal len-dnn of the land. The Indians are suffering from additional evils of administration, concomitant, how ever, with it. The giving away of prop erty In the rianoe, which waa not prac ticed for eleven years previous to the present agent's incumbency, haa been re vived, the result being most disastrous In breaking down Individual Incentive to Independence. A low moral tone is prev alent, the Indians, nnturallv. not respect- I Ing the authority or those who themselves una intoxicants and seemingly approve such habits In others. The friends of the Cheyenne river Indians feel that they have retrograded by reason of tho present administration of that agency and lost the advancement gained In ten or twelve years of former effort i for the betterment of the conditions among these Indians. The future welfare of the trlle depends largely upon the nature of reforms instituted a a result of tho pend ing Investigation. 8. II. HROSU'S. Agent Indian RiRhts Association. Cotton Market. YORK. Nov. 25.-COTTON Snot ll.Tov; mid- NKW closed dull; middling uplands, tiling gulf. K'.OOc; no sales. LIVERPOOL), Nov. SO.-COTTON-Spot. firm; prices 6 points lower; American mid dling, fair, .&); good middling. B.L'.'d: middling, 6.('il; low middling, u.sari; good ordinary. 6.7:'d; ordinary S.lMd. Tho sales of the day were 1.0"0 lmles. of which a were for spuculation and export and In cluded 4. Boa American. Receipts, 19.WO bal' H. including 14, 3 American. BT. LOflS. Nov. 25.-l'OTTON-8teady; middling, llc; sales, none; receipts, i-n hales; shipments, &J0 bales; stock. !,313 bales. NKW. ORLKANH. Nov. 26.f"OTTON Kteady; sales. l. bales; ordinary. X7c; good ordinary, lotrli) l-16c; low middling. HI 1S-1-; middling. 11 9-lfc; good middling, 11 lG-lf-j; middling fair, I2'c; receipts, 11,773 bales; stock. SU.Wti bales. OMAHA. Nov. 35. 1. The market waa lather heavy, as there was nothlrg In the new which particu larly favored the buying side. Argentina weather Is favorable for ir.-ur:ng the wheat crop and cables today Imilcate there has been no appreciable riamnge to wheat. Tho movement the last week was S.IZI.OUU bushels, which Is l.TOH.oO bushels more than for the corresponding week last year. Liv erpool was steady, varying from 'd lower to i4d higher. Influence. by the moderate clearances from this country- Fine weather, an easier cash msrket and no demand gave a lower range of values to corn. Trade was light the bulk of the day and the tone" wsa heavy. I tider exist ing conditions the trade does not see any thing but lower prices eventually. Liver pool was c shade lower at the close. Oats were off with wheat and corn. Lighter recelpta are probable and the estl niste for local arrivals Monday is IT7& cars, which is small, considering that there will be Sunday Inspection on four roads. De mand Is good. December wheat closed at aW'tjC, May ai ).,Ht,,c and July at Vii'i'-. IVcember corn closed at iTe, old De cember at talfcC, May at t3la43Hc R,ul Julsf at 43c. Oats closed with December at SSc, May at 3IS)c and July at V9 3"1i'. Clears ncea were f.tT.Ouo bushels of corn, liiiOUi.i bushels of oats, KI.CMt bushels of wheat and 17,000 barrels of flour. Primary wheat, receipts were 1.4ti7,ouO bushels and shipments a&l'.nnn bushels, against receipts last vear of 1 .78,f bushels and shipments of 4W.0tw bushels. Corn receipt were liHtt.OHO nustiets aim sninmenis vtjA''! nusnei. Hgalnst receipts last year of 8f.000 bushelf ana shipments or nusnei. Australian wheat shlDtnents this week were 224.UOO bushels, against 2otv0i bushel last weeK and srZ.uiiu busiieia last year. Cash business It. Chicago yesterday wa 36.01)0 t.ushelH of wheat. itS.OnO bushels of corn. Including tm.OOO bushels for export by the southwest, and Wo.ll bushels ef oats Kxport sales of corn at Chicago were M.HOO bushels and of oats lTii.OOo bushels A Toronto exporter wires: "We were quite astonished today In sentlimnt with reference to tho srrain markets. Quite rarlv there was a change In our cable which made us believe the bottom of the market had been reactied. We received twelve cables today, bid for Manitoba wheat In all positions a little below the nmrkot but If Ih.'V SlinlUrl IllinrOVe lo morrow w should be absolutely convinced that the market is on the bottom and that something: better I going to be the out come In general." From the Inter Ocean: "Argentina new can be counted on for the next thirty davs or more a an individual factor In the wheat market. Like all crop acares. there m.ill tui v.tuntu of rnnnrta of both kinds. ".The flour business In th northwest and BMithwAMi him reuohed nhenomenal pro' tnna ) v. a iohi tnn rtava. Washbum- t'mshv sold 118 Ooo barrels, almost a weelt'a run illlubiirv made larare sales. The cs ttmntes of the three states were eoual to "Oa.ono barrels, or about S.tH'O.noO bushels of wheat, some of the flour being for expori, Omnlin Cash gale. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car, TDc; No. hard. 1 car. 78c; No. 4 hard. 1 car, ,'3e. CORN No. 4. i cars. ,,c. RYE No. 3. 1 car, 61!4c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. TTWaSdr; No. hard. 74"t 7S': No. 4 hard, Hvfi'ilc; No. spring. 78c: No. 8 spring, 74tnc. 11 K. .A.O. S. i&C: Kit. 4. t'-Ukc: IIH grade, ,"4!;Wc; No. S yellow, 3Uc; No. 3 white. .13c. OATH No. 8 mixed. TH4c: No. 3 wnite, 2SV; No. 4 whlta. 274f!'i1c. It t "so. 3, wu; io. i, tuc. (a riot ptevclpta. Wheat- Corn. Oat tHicAtaU GRti- 4D rnovisiotia Fratorra of the Traolag and Cloalog . Trlera on r of Trne. CHICAOO, Nov. Sf Increased receipt of wheat ta tne nortnmest caused an easy undertone In the market here. At tne close wneat for May delivery was off ,' Corn waa down -y-iO- Oats showed A lo,s of n. provisions were a shade to 7Vr" higher. ine wheat market opened at a slight de cline, the May option being off 't c to So at Mtt to Uti'tic. I'll tradet and commission houses were moderate yllers. 1-iesrlsh sentiment was due cnletly lo the liberal movement of new wheat In tho northwest, supplemented by the clear weather In that section of the country. The large deliveries at Minneapolis snd uuluth caused a conslderat-'e decline In tne price ot wheat' on tlio curb at Minneapolis, and thl decline In turn had a tmlncy lo depress prices here. News regarding tho wheat crop or Argentina was cnnilictmg. Advices received early In the day were to the effect that estimates on the crop are being greatly reduced. The report In ought out a fair demand, reaultliiK In a silent rally, sales of May being made at l. 'V- I.ater a message from huenos Ayres re ceived by a Minneapolis trade Journal stated lhat the damage by frost was slight and that It would nave til perceptible ef fect on the wheat crop. This view of the situation in the Pouth American republic dispelled all bullish sentiment snd cstixed a recurrence of the early weakness. large irlmsry receipts were an additional bear sh Inffnence affecting the market late in the session. During the dav the nricn nf May declined to (lc. The close was easy i Sheep with May at t4rt,t-iiV. Clearames of wheat The following ann nour were equal 10 j..M,'f misneis. Primary receipts were 1.46i.Oiin hmhels against 1.07.oon bushels a year ago. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 1.U4 care against fM9 cars last eefc and 740 cars a year ago. The corn market was Weak tnroiurhout the day and the volume of trading ws small. Clear weather throughout the cen tral west caused selling hy pit traders, which resulted In a moderate decline. Ex- Kirt demand was slack ami there were nrilcattoris pointing to an Increased move ment. May opened c to '(-(Vac lower at 4Mffi4.'i"o to Wc sold off to 4-l- and closed at 43'VfWSV Loesl receipts were 247 cars with 7 car of contract grade. 1 he dullness in the wheat and corn pits was also In evidence In the oats market. The features of the trading was buying of May hy commission houses and further liquidation ill December. Cash and export demand was slow. The market wa slow from start o finish. May opened a shade higher at 31"c, sold ofT to SlSc and closed at aiVd'-lVv Local receipt were HI car. Provision were firm on fair d niand from Investor and short. The steady tone nf the hog market was a bullish In fluence. At the close Mav nurlr tvu im la"ir "t llS'tdlSOeH- lurd was up "V4 at 17.074. Ribs were a shade higher at tj So. Kstlmated receipts for Monday: Wheat, lis cars; corn, 519 car; oats, 3T& cars; hnga 47."tM head. The leading future ranged as follows: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKE1 Mtdtfata Rob of Cattle for tha Waek and Market in Good Condition. Oils and Hoaln. NEW YORK. Nov. Vi. Ol LB Cottonseed, firm; primn crude, nominal; prime yelluw, aKaJ'c. Petroleum, steady; refined, New Yolk, t?.R0; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 87.6n; same In bulk, $1.66. Turpentine,, dull, Wyfrfue, asked. lOSIN Steady; strained, common to good, 83.90. OIL CITY, Nov. 2S.-OIL8-Credit bal ances, $1 .58. Shipments, K5.493 bbls., average 81,338 bbls. runs, 8:M90 bbls., average bt.bMl bbls. Hhlpments, l.lmx, iy.,i.a bbls., aver age 6t,lte bbls. j runs, Lima, 64,3au bbls., av erage 44,111 tuns a.VA.-NAii, ssov. uti i urpentine, firm. ROSIN-Nothlng doing; A, B, C. D, t4.3u; E. 84.4.1; F, 84.50; G. $4.75; U $l.5; K. $5.0u; N, $5.;H); W. U., $5.55; W. W $i.5. 4. One: 3.ic 3.6o ; mold u.)c CUbeB open Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha ...... Duluth St. Louis ... .H3 .1 702 24U 247 114 13 HOG MARKET OPENS ACTIVE AND HIGHER Fair Ran of her for thr WeekFat Wethers. Kwti anil Yearling Are Mrad, with Fnt Lamb Fifteen to 1 treat) ll vr Cent a H la her. SOCT1I OMAHA. Nov. 24. ;i".. DKUIDING'S FINANCIAL RR2VII2W Cttle. Hogs. Sheep. Receipt were: Official Monday Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Oltletal Thursdav... Official Friday Official Saturday .. Total this meek... Same last week Paine week befoie Pame three weeks ago. .."7.24M Same four weeks ami ,14.S't! Slime week last ear. . . .24 filH ItKCtlfTS FOR THE YEAH The following table show the receipts e-f cattle. hc.a:s ami sheep at 8ouUi llinaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: IW. inc. (Ti.tsMt gi'a.7e"S 74.7Hi'i.i'a) :.o4-'.ri4 12.7 I,873.8h. 1.64.14 2Sil,7:-l tahla ii,ni the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the lust seversl days, with companions; Data. J805 .iiwt.ltxi3.iiufc.:i901.llti.ilt'. .M 7.044 17,13 8.eSi 7.U 1.77 ;'.4:it t.i!" i'.''i- l.aSo O.JeJ HT IJ4 l.S 3.01W I. IsM S4."H) 42.41N :Z Ml 81.71) 4K.IM W7I1 JS.S.11 Kti.ofti ;i.!i::i w.77o 34.4"? Ki.t9 4..1S.4 .(t7 TO DATE. Cattle Hogs , Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1...I 4 M.' 4 Ml I t 561 i T3i ... 4 4 4 M t sV 12) a... I t J7UI 4 Sl 4 171 f Ml 4 : 4.b'(i4.i7'i 4.1'-4 ! 4.5CJ4 S2'i 4 Ni'bl.Vi 4 Kff t.70 Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh.l low. Close. Tet'y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn tDee. Dco. May July Mav July Pork Jan. May 1-Aird Nov. Dec. Jan. May Ribs Jan. May 43H''u-VI 84 871. 8 4.-.! 881 8SWiK3t'H-4 Wl,'fW'di87a87' 45'4 ;! 43S;4;l,).'l 43', 45", 43' 2!. SI. 30. ! 95 ! !714 T ro 6A 7.07Vi 6 65 6 So 31 V 2) 3ISI31" 3tfS..W4j!3fiS 13 V7W 13 lr.V4j; 7 02V,i S5 I 7 074! 65 6 87Vi: 13 24 ,13 7i H 714 sn li Wi 7 07 6 65 85 45' 44. 4i-i 4s;, V "1 Vf', I'M 3o; 12 97UI 12 90 13 0341 12 If 7 00 M 7 074 ( 65 C 85 RANGE OF PRICES Cattle Orniha hlcngo ft sivjifi ro Kansas Cltv I.751I. 'JO St. Ixiuis 8.0fho W Hloi.ii Cltv fciifi.fiii Indicates Sunday, Indicates hollduy The following table show the orices paid at the river markets for cattle! Good to choice corn-fed steei-a $5.2"W) M Fair to gootj corn-fed ateers 5 OoftS 25 Common to fair corn-fed steers 4.IKV35.O0 Good to choice range beef ateer.. 4.JMS4.M ralr to uood rann heer steera s.60ii'4.2b Good to choice cows and heifer... J.iiV ) I '.( r;air to good cows and helfera J.wysnil Fair lo good western cow 1.6i)"i 7" Canner and cutter I.75f3 W) Good to choice stocker feeder. J.oV(i4 10 i-air lo goo(f stocko-u find fperfers. 3.00"j3.oi FRIDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of far of feeders shinned to the country Friday and tholr point of destination: CATTLE. Cars 7 06 H 95 6 WiV, I IN (i5 6 85 144! KKW YOHK (iKallKAL V AHKE'l' Quotations Varioaa Mogar ana Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. tt.-SCOAR-Raw. Ann; fair refining, 3 15-16t3c; ceiitriCiiKal, W test, 3 8-lSc; molasses sugar, 2 ll-lt'iJ4c; -..a i i . . . v , . j 1 . . . n i . . . . millli'i, n.i:o , a, t.iv, .u. i, No. 8. 4.00c; No. 9, 8.9nc; No. lo. No. II, 3.95c; No. 13, 3.80c; No. 1:1, No. 14. 8.75c; confectioner' A, 4.56c A. S.Ooc; cut lour, 5.4v; crushed, powdered, tOJc; granulated, 4.70c; 4.95c. MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans kettle, aood to choice. 3v,i38c. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 35 -St"GAR Mar ket, steady; oisui kettle, 3 3-ltic; open kettle centrifugal, a (ci3 7-ltc; centrltugai wiutes, 8H'ac: yellows. SVff-'H": seconds. iVis. MOLASSES Open kettle., Kii3'J'ic; cen trifugal, lnu-w:. Coffee Market. NEW YORK'. Nov. 25. COFFEE Tho. market for coffee futures opened steady at an advance of 6 points in response to n I K It Kiemh cables and small Kraztllan receipts. It was tho first notice day for December contiact and It was estln ated that notice representing 800.000 bags were In circula tion, tills lei, 10 some lurmer a-wucning, about lialf the business being exchanges, but the market ruled generally hrm and closed lirm at a net advance of 5fil5 points. SOes sure reiairted of lo!,5t) bugs Includ ing December at 6."tiMuc: January, H.sor:; ..). 7 ,v.'? )if.n Mav ).1iif7.M:". Julv. 7 ;S5'(7 4oc; September, 5.0aC. 8pot. steady; o. 7 Rio. $ l-Via- Wool Market. U)SI)ON, Nov. 5 WOOI-Tru.ling In Wool was steady, pending opening of the sixth series of auction sales on Noveinlier '.8. The Imports ot this weeg were: .-sew Houlh Wales, 15,'JW bales; Queensland. 13. i3; Victoria. 9.513; South Australia. 5.017; New Zealaiui. !k,; . npe Of iim nope ana Natul, 1 405: 'Sliigiipore. J,7i5: Uuenos Ayres. 1.5iiu: various plucea. 8.'3. The arrivals for the tirst series or tne i:N sales amount to 15.8H8 Iwiles. including 3.HO0 forwarded direct to spinners. ST. LOl'IS, Nov. 25. WOOI Steady, me. diuin grades, combing and clothing. 3tii3oe; liKht line, 2i'o2ijc; neavy nne, iati;ic; tuu washed, 33'(il,).c. tit York Hank Statement. NEW YORK. Nov. 35. The weekly bank statement of clearing house banks Issued todav follows: lawns. $1 in; ISO.-); decrease. $4 795.SHO; deposits. IWfli.177.6oii; increase, IHk.iOO; cii culation. $'4,60-'.it; decrease. i.s7.3.l; legal tender. $74.44.tiuu; increase. S1.4j.tws': specie, $IM.4'i.i'; iie i-i-aac, i.S59.3i"i; reserve, Ji -!ul.5u; Increase, ki.l'bii.l'io; reserve reqtiiied, IJI.7!t4.4t': liicieis.'. $.'7,150; surplus $S.1."7, l': Increase. tii 'Jtl.SfO; ex-l'niled Stales de posits, ll.l5),'.'75; inerease, $6.11, tnjo. Mrlal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 35. METALS While business was uuiet. as usual for Saturday, all metals were firmly held. 4'oiar was steady; hike and electrolytic, SlT.fssirr 17.50: castimr. $14 7541 17 25- Iead is linn, with quotations ranging from $5.35 lo $5.75, and nailer al $i'i.h"'8..t. iron remain In tirm demand at unchanged prices. ST. IslCIH. Nov. 2.i.-METAL8-Iaead. firm. $5.50. SiM'ller, higher. $4 05. of the liar on Commodities. NKW YORK, Nov. 25. FLOl'R-Receipts, 31.3D7 bbls.; .exports,. 12,887 bbls.; saleb, 3.100 bbls.; market, dull; winter patents. $4.3014.55; winter strnighta, $3.954.10; win ter extras. $3.85t3.3&; Mlntusota bakers, $3.65'H (,0; winter low grades. $3,7643.1:0. Rye hour, steadv; fair lo good, $3.90fr4.10; choice to fancy, tt.l6"j l.'io. Tf uckwheat flour, $ll (!- -.. snot and to arrive. BL'ClvWH EAT Dull; 2'sf0c. New YOIK. CORNMEAL Steady: line, white and yellow, $1.35; coarse. $1.16'1.18; kiln dried, J.10li3l5. RYE Nominal; No. 3 western, 6c, c. i. f. New York. BARLEY Easy; feeding. 4oc, c. I. f. Buffalo: malting. 5i)t)lV:. c- t. Buffalo. CORN Receipts, 45,15o bu.; exports, 36.573 bu.; sale. 10.000 bu. Snot market, easy; No. J, wi'.iC elevator and b4'c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 6i'c; No. 3 while, (4'4u. The option market was quiet und weaker, re flecting larger receipts, easy cables and line weather and closed ,,tJLr lower! Jan uary closed 63c; May, iM'.c, closed at 49'ic- WHEAT ReceittM. 126.500 bu.; exports, 'J.uCJi bu.; sales, l.'AiO.Ooi) bu. Spot market, steady; No, 2 red. 91Sc elevator and 93tc f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. 91:Su f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, !IV f- o. b. afloat. Option opened easy on the big northwest receipts and prospect lor heavy world s snipmcnts on Monuay. Wheat recovered and wus firm most of tho morning Influenced by bullish-. Argentina crop news and covering, li nuatiy ewncti olT Sllgntiy unoer reauainii nun niiMia partly higher: May, 9l''f9l 11-16c. closed 914e; Deceiulier. ul'4t!llSo. closed 91V:. OATS Receipts, 91.900 bu.: exports, ll.liuu bu. Spot market, steady; mixed oat. 26 to 32 lbs., 86c; natural white. 30 to lbs., 361ti37Vc; Cllppad while. 36 to 40 lb., STV'n 40c. FEED Steady; shipping. 5oSboc; good choice. StfitHHc. , , unPS-Ptim: slate, common to choice. 19n5 1422c; 1904. 13SM7e.; olds. 58c; Pa cific coast. 19o5. loi 15c; 1904. lm&Hc; olds. 5'a c. HIDES Firm: Galveston. 20 to 25 lb., Joe; California. 31 to 33 lb., 21c; Texa dry, 24 to 3 lb.. Ilk. LEATHER Firm; acid. 26V,jtfi'-7'.c. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family. $11.50 612.50; nies. $9 .Vi'd 10.50: beef hams, $2l.0out 22.50; packet. $10.5t'' 11.50; city, extra India mess $l7.5ful8 Ou. .Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. $ii.7DUHI50; pickled shoulders. $6.5K'gS 7.00; pickled hams, l iVfij. Lard, steadv; western steamed. $7.4im7.55; refined, stesdy; continent. $7 86; South America, 8S.30; compound. $6 76. Pork, quiet; family. 816 5o; short clear. $13.5ti l.5o; mess. $16,0O"al5.i(0. RICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 34 i6c: Jupan. nominal - TALLOW-Steady; city ($2 per pkg), 4"ic; country ttikgs. free), 46c. BUTTER Easy : street price, extra creamery. 34e; onieiai prices uiicunugeu. CHEKSE Irregular: state, full cream, small and large, colored and white. Sep tcinber, fancy. 1JV-; slate, fair to good, 13c, EOtia Fl"ni: state. Pennsylvania and nearby selected. 3S'n4oc. slits, choice. 35'iJ HTe- state, lulled, e.lra. Sic; western, finesl, j', - atate brsis. ie'nt'c: souinenis, "POI'LTRY Alive, weak; western chick ens. 13c 1 fowls. 12c: turkeys. 14c. Dressed, steady; western ihlikrns. 4jl3'.ic; turkeys, Ht3oc: fowls, i13c. IMInneapalis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov, S3. FLO! TR First patents. $4.7rti4.tsi; seeond patents, $4.iutf t; first clear. $3.oit3 75; secund clears, $2.4'-i2 55. BRAN III bulk. $11.50. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis da livery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day as Co.. LUKll Board of Trad building, wa' No. 2. tOld. $New. Cush quotations were aa follows: FLOCK Steady; winter patents. $H.K5i. 4 10; straights. $J.70fj R5; spring patents. $3.754.10; stralglys. $3.60-88.80; bakers', $2.) Wd.lO. WHEAT-No. 2 spring. 83ifi7c; No. 3 spring. HUHBnc; No. 2 red, 83"(f85c. CORN No. 2, 454c; No. 2 yellow. 50c. OATS-No. 2. ci No. 2 white, S-2iJr324e No. 3 white, 29330. RYE No. 2. 67c. 1 HAHLKY-Oood feeding, 3t:4ig37e; fair to choice matting, t.'iyt . SEKD8-N0. l, fla. 93c; No. 1 northweat ern. $1.00. Timothy, rlme, $3.S0. Clover, coiuraei graue, tin.vru is.a. PROVISION'S Msss pork, per hbl., $13 45 &13.50. Iird. per Jon lbs.. $6.97V4S7.0n. Short libs aide (loose). $7.0twn7.124; short clear siuea (boxed), .fttg (.00. Following were I lie receipt and shlp- iiieuis 01 pour ana grain: Receipts. Shipments. F our, bbls .T. ... M 7im nm Xl -1. . .. . .... .,a , 1. iitra,!, uu.. 9.UIJ .' llS.tilMf delivered ' Corn, hu 7. ;:.) 1 Oats, bu 26610 324.HOO Rye. bu 10.000 5,300 Barley, bu 158.6C0 6 3ou On the Produce exchange today the but ter market vaa steady; creameries, 17i823o dairies. 17v20c. Kgus. steady: at mark case included. 24c; firsts, 24c; prime firsts, i eaiias, out. 1. iieeae, steaay. l''rildt . Ht. Luals Ueaeral Market. LOUIS. Nov. 25,-WHKAT-Future no. red. cash, elevator. 854iMiu Decern oer. si',,j2c; May hard, MflKikj. Ni. 2 cash, nominal 42'442')4c; Decembei', 41'c; May ST. lower track. SOiiififHVte 85,i.uoi No. 2 . CORN Lower: track, 41 .c. OA IB Weaker; No. 2 cash, 304o: track jic; ,0. s white, 32c; Oeccmlier. 804c; May 81'.c. iL4 K Steady; red winter patents. lt"U, sexira rancy ana straight, $3,901 i.a; clear, $2.90feU.10. SEED Timothy, steady nt $2.5oiJ2.8o. CORNMKAL-Steady; $2.. HUAN-Steady; sacked, east track. 7MJ HAY-Steady; tlniotliy. $8.("fj 13.50; pialile, IRON COTTON TIE8-$1.01 BAGfHNO-8'.c. HEM P TWINE 74c. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; Jubbing, $1$.7S. Lard, lower: prime steam, $6.35. Dry aalt meats, steady; hoxed. extra short, $7.75; clear ribs. $8.00; short clears, $26. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts.; ciear rios. s. in; snort clear, $9.00. POULTRY Ohickons. 7lkc; springs. SHI?' jic; iiiiKeys, j.c; uutaa, sc; geese, llt-fV'. 4 lfl.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. I .. 17.. lit.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 33., 21.. 25.. ni 4 9e 4 83 79: 491 521 4 74 bl 1 0 1; 4 01 4 04 4 "I 02 6 4 641 4 01 4 7 4 03 4 71 4 M 4 l 4 0,1 4 741 4 03 I 4 0: 4 84 4 7H I 4 78)1 63 til 4 834 4 V 4 78 151 6 38 if! 4 60, i 44) I 47 4 7 I 4 .71 4 80' I $ 74 4 7!tm 4 7 4 671 351 4 SI 4 Hi 4 t.r a 2S'i 72 1 J Sl.t A fi 1A1 ft ftil 4 74 4 541 8 I1 I 4 74 I J 4 73 ! 4 Wl 4 NT! I 4 V J 01 4 "o'l 4 2i 4W 5 63 J ! 4 67 I I 711 1 4fi! 41 I 4 82 S 7 4 6741 4 ! 4 3t" 6 81 1 3 621 I 4 3i 4 44' l I 63i 4 68 I 4 46! ( 2S t 73 4 b t BT; 4 44 24' 811 4 64 41 4 CI ; I 26 $ 75 4 W I 4 49! 4 31! For the Information of patties who may be Interested In pecultlv eurllle we ha,ve made anangementa alth Mr. F. Dnildlng of l hi. ago. an expeit writer on flnanrlal topics and delineator of stock ex change prtitbiliile. lo fuinlsli a weekly review of the salient features of current flnsni lal topics gleaned from tl e various exchanges. We desire, however, on the part cf The Bee to disclaim all responsibility for tho ac curatenrs of any forecast Mr. Druidlng niy make concerning future prospe't of ny Investment or enterprise. All special Inquiries about the present or prospective value of any particular se curity should las addressed direct to Mr. F. O. Druidlng. No. 624 First National bunk building. Chicago, 111. CHICAGO, Nov. 25. (Special.) Optimis tic traders, who have constantly predicted hielier prices, now admit that It Is almost Impossible that the present pi to a can be maintained through the pr vailing period of light monev, which must remain until such a tlnin when the export of this country's list oral products gives us a big balance In trade. When money touched 5 ier cent a short while iigo. slocks took a sudden drop; and sln e this time Secretary Shaw has paid a number of vlslls lo Wnll street, which to some degree have had a reassuring and beneficial effect. Bull reiMirts lhat the treasury would do posit $V5.i..fl0 of surplus fund In New York City banks. In order lo n lease the strain, appear rather ludicrous In the Unlit of existing cotidi'.lons. With the treasury funds In a condition that csnnot lie re garded excessively prosperous. I fall to see how th government Can rnnto to the re lease of th Wall street gamblers at such a time as this. ' The old-time stamen of the market ap pears to be falling. Important ptails seen) Inclined to liquidate much more rapidly than la-fore. Trmnorarllv the British po litical situation is having some effect, while the attitude ;.f Turkey toward tho poweis also has hnd It Influence. Noticeable Im provement 111 the copper tiade and steel In dustries have added a mite to tlio bull op timism. 8. H. Clin pin & Co. said of Thin '-day's market: "The movement in the market were very erratic, with a volume in trade the In rg-ot in runny moiilh An early til v bv the bear Intensts caused fonir lose I rum the previous close, but Ihl attack waa so spp'iitnl that hen the pressure nun 1,-nioM-d prli es quickly responded nil buying of the I" st eiiara-Mrl' Union Paclfio as bv far the leading ft autre of the day. The annual statement Is expected tomor row, mid from source well Intornied an excellent report is looked for. United Staiea Steel common and preferred received a preat d'l of attention, and wa very ac tive the latter part of the session. While the market closed reverlsh, Hie undertone was KtHd. "I'd u stronger opening Friday morning is looked for. United States fleel. common and preferred; North American. Amalgamated Copper nnd St. Paul will probably sell high." Demand lor Iron nil steel is Increasing. It Is generally expected nf the business for this month to sonatas both as regards pro duction and consumption, the high record for October. The estimated earnings of the United States Steel corporation for this quarter are expected to be the largest of the year. It Is claimed that tho order mi hand have never leen so large. The cop prr trade Is equally large and prosperous. with many S lallsts claiming that the market will sliortlv advance as high as 1 cents, and that the dividend rate on Amal gamated Copper will bo advanced next year. The Republic Steel and Iron company de clared a dividend of J' 1er cent for tho quarter, and also a dividend of per cent on the back dividend due on thl Issue; ami Ibis is generally regarded aa retlectins: go,al limes ahead. The United States ltublsr pool grid Rub ber Hoods shares Imd an unlucky day In bringing out their specialties. Little- atten tion was paid by the street and coninar allvely few shares were bought cutside or those thev bought themselves. The com parative weakness of Rock Isluml has been n thorn In the fide of an otherwise favor able market. The fact that Rock Island preferred declined I point to tho lowest ir the year brought up a discussion with re lstlpn to the future dividend payment. The last dividend waa declared oh Novem ber S. Mv opinion of the Market lias not rad ically changed.. I etlll believe that a bull market developing from present prices H next to the lniMiHslhlr In materlallaation. I lailleve that comparatively tight money will pravutl until tho agricultural resources of tliis country can be rxporled, and a large balance of trade secured, after which lime the treasury will be in position to lake rare of the pecossltlas of Wall alreet. 4 7V 4 75' 3 8" 4 781 8 89 4 69 I 4 2 B 15 4 471 4 IS! Ml 5 761 1 5 6! $ 86 3 1-5 3 8 3 77 week about 34c higher than at the close of last week. Representative sales: No t . fa). . .'... is. . It.. .. SI. . 1,4. . 41.. 41.. 64... 6... Wl... .. in.. 16.. i... 71.. 100. St.. I!'.. IS., fit.. MS.. .. Ml.. fit. . IS.. 65.. 72 . .180 ...C4I ,.. ...M . . ., ...tit ...f.'7 ...a:u . . .- ...Sit .. .US) ...31J ...;ns ...Jul ....' . ..IM ...IM ...JS3 . . . vt ...2S8 ...27(1 .. ."4 ...SKI ...Ml ...t:5 .24) ll 20 un u Ml 11(1 IH 10 40 40 too 11 240 40 7.. M. . 71 . (II. . S3,. S4. .. ;o. . n . 41.. 7i.. so.. . . 40. . M... 69.. ft.. 4(1. . 6:1.. M.. T.. 6... (0.. 44.. eo.. . ..::s , ..ttn ...IM . .! ..Ji'i ...liii . .:w ..8a4 . .liw ..a'.l ...61 ...2(7 ...Hi ...vti ...3i . ..;vi ...:7i . ..8U ...321 ...-ill . . .1 . . . S.10 ...! ...tKO ...111 ...261 ...Mi . . . XbO ...:33 i:u in 40 40 110 1MI 210 so 0 K) 40 Ml) FT. I 4 1S-- 4 4 721 4 7, 4 T-t 4 fin 4 7V 4 7S-, 4 ;t, 4 74 4 4 JJ'., 4 52' 4 72' 4 i:vj 4 5." 4 7! '4 4 7i:v 4 it' 4 75', 4 4 76 4 7(1 4 15 I 75 4 71 4 7B 78 4 75 William Carst, Oakland. la. R. I A. I,. Jurmon. Meadow tlrove. Neb. Ft A. .1. Taylor, Anita, Iu. H. I Huey & Jensen. Dysart. la. It. I Huev & Jensen. Dakota Cltv. Iu V T. K. Alderson. Creston F. K Arthur Palmeter, Cretoti F. K A. K. Tunlerg. Hooper F. K Patterson & F.. Stork ham F. E... W. O. Dregory. Talsir. la. O W. p. N. . Derrick, Newport, la.-Q jonn M. Klund. Medlanolia. la O Walklns A Feaglns. Hyanuta B m Hiirge. ueiioa 1-. p...., Joseph Franks. Shelton L". F Kent B., Genoa U, P K. Kern. North Rend IT. P Joe Darling. Malvern. Ia, Wab. W. H. Congdon. Blunt. S. D.-M. a- O. Hans Paulsen, Pender M. A O W. 8. Smith. Oalg M. A O H. C. Oxlcy-Mnrlnn. Ia.-Mil 9HKKP. Johnson & CI.. A me V. P C. A. Mile, Oer.eva-B. & M Janie llnitnn A S.. Clinton. Mleh V a. i. t-utnian. carson, la. R. 1 2 The official nuniber of car of stock brought In today by each road was: cm. & St. p .c".,u.e Hok4s"'i:h'hp:: Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific Union Pacific system. c A N. v. (east) C B. A Q. C, B. A Q. A N. W. (west). St. P., M. A O (east) .... (west) ... C R. I. A P. (eastV.. C. R. I. A P. (West) . Illinois Central Chi. (It. Western Totals V ID The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Omaha Packing Co l.fbj Hwllt and Company 16 1.6(6 ; Cudahy Packing Co l.nai Armour A Co j t;S Cufiahy pack. Co., K. C.-Sa Kingun A Co.. -jr,i . Other buyer -,jj(j .0 4 T' o! C7S 10 4(1 i 7 40 4 70 40 4 70 ... 4 tO 40 4 70 ... 4 70 ... 4 70 4 TO 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 7U 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 TO 4 70 4 TO 4 70 4 Tii 4 .31, 4 I7i 4 7' 4 TJi 4 TV'ii 4 7j' SHEW There wa only ll niall run of sheep this morning ix cars, or about 2,'K0 head hut there wa no quotable chatiKe In todav's trade from that of yesterday. There has been ti moderate run ot sheen this week, the total receipt for the week footing up about 42.nO head, which I about 6.IHI0 hea sin-iller than the run for tha previous week, and Is also the smallest run since the laid week In August. The re ceipt for the corresponding week last year were 35,027 head, which Is about 7.000 head less than the run for this week. The run of aheep during the week has not. generally speaking, been nf the boat gunllty, The receipt o fa' sheep all during the week have been rather light, while there has been a fair demand for the more de sirable killing eiufl. There lia been ix small aupply of fat iambs on the market from day to day. while the packers have been wanting a small cjuanllty of this kind of stock almost every day with which to supply their local trade. A a result price on fat lambs have advanced a little every dav until ut the close of the week trading good fat lamb arc ira-K nigm-i than at the close of lust week's business, while the market on fat sheep close the week steady to strong. , . The larger portion of tho sheep rco pi for this week consisted of the feeding kind, but taken as n whole the qualify of the sheep has been rather on the inferior or der. The demand for feeder sheep during tho week has not been much and the trado for the week wi slow, as the weather wa Ideal for cornnusking and so country buy - I hi were rather scarce, ine m-i" " " I good choice feeding siieep close practically i i teady with last week, while the market on feeding lamb closed lufijloc higher foi the ... . , -. ,-i..a Quotation on fat aheep ana iamu-. y"V" to choio- fed lambs. 7bitl.-v; ga- cbolre ranee lambs. $6."V"7 no: aood to choice yearling wether, 5.2586.6&-. good to choice old wethers. SS 0u45.50; good to choice old ewea. I i.5t&.. . .mV,.. Quotation on feeder sheep and Jam I Good feeding. U.25'35.7.: good feeding yr ling. 4. 75 26: gi.od feeding w elhei ! i5.00: good feeding we. T1.40&3.76; breed i ing ewes, It. 25G4.S0. Representative saie i No. Hogs. Sliccp. ! M Nebraska ewe feeders H.li54it.(i: cows and heifer, l.ty6.(Tl; lockers and feeder, $2 754)8.00. Hotia-Receipts, 1 7.5:)( heod; market steadv to strong: light. $;' medlurli and heavy, ft T"(4 KT; bulk. 4 7'J1 4 t. HHKKI' AND I. AMIid Receipts, IS head; market steady. Nluck In Night. Receipts of livu stea k at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hofl". Sheep. Booth Oniahn 124 .:) 2,W Sloiix Cltv l') Kum-as City I, I'll ft. Inils p(. Joseph Chicago ... Totals , Kni) 244 40(1 4io ll.faN) 2.0k) 7.537 18.000 1S !.0 . .2.2(78 41.237 4.01 OMAHA WHOI.UISAl.K MARK KT. D.D. ::::' w. 1 1 I 1 : 1,596 Montana feeder lambs I CHICAGO Av. . 6M . 50 1,1 VK STOCK SIAHKKT and 6.221 2.243 any aiei creamery, 3i&:5c; BUTTr.R - iSleadv: dairy, lttfi'ilc. j;OGB-44teady, 34c, case count. Receipt. Shipments Flour, bid 11. (Ml - 20,im) Wheat, bu X.H 45(kio Corn, bu lut.Ono 57.(kX) Outs, bu -SI, dull 61,0(10 Prttrla Market. PKtiRIA. Nov. 25 -CORN-Kasy; yellow. l-4o; No. 3. 4.',,c; No. 4. grade. S!V. OATS-St-idy; No. 3 while, 3ulc while. :-i-n ::('.. W HISK V-tlii the basis of $1.30 for ished goods. No. a 41c; no ; No. 4 fin- Vllnaabr Urain Market. MII.WAl'KKK. Nov. S.-WHKIT-ket slead; No. I northern, a'.'adSSi.c 2 northern, l-'miMy: May. uuii KV F 8teadv ; -No. I. toS,lK'. BARI-KY-glrady; No. 2, S4,r'u:W; pie. :t7wio4c. CORN Dull; May. !, bid Article.! Opan. Hich. Ixw. CIoe I Ye . Wteat- Dec . 77i.iiiS(i! Uuv . if4:i.iz' Flax- I I Dec....! 7S' May...l I B;Hi SO', fta 1 wv 7f! 4- I. I TDM So-H a4- 7li 1 02' Kansas City Cram and Protlaloas. KANSAS CITT. Nov. H5.-VVHKAT-. Hleady; Ijeeember. T7',.ci May, 7S'4c; cash. No. li hard. 80fn83c; No. it, TTiJjSic; No. 2 red, IWM'SOe; No. H. kAiijsNHc. CORN Steady; December, Sf)c; May, ao; cash, No. 2 mixed, 401i'; No. 2 while, JV'I No. 3, 4oc. OAT3-8ieady; No. 2 white, 81432c; No. 2 mled Soc. HAY Mteady; choice timothy, tll.o'; thoic prairie, ti (t;iS 60, RYF-oteady. 4c. t.v- t i'cit niuauy ; creamery, 2Cc; dairy, lie. KOI 1 3 8teady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. i whitvwood cases Included, 24Hc; case count. 2-V'; '-' returned. Hu less. The receipts and shipineuta of grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bushels ,. 42. (u so.uoo Corn, bushel It. Out) ini,( Oat, bushel 12.UI0 17.() The following range of price at Kansas City a a retained by V. D. Day A Co.. HO IU Board of Trade buildlngi Totals 54 LA 1 ll.ii, i'liorc were no cattle of consequence on the market today mere were no quotable changes 111 price from those of yesterday. Tlio receinis nf cattle for Ihc wek were IImmi head ! which is the snialkst run for guy week since the last week of August. And ' the run for the week is also smaller than j that lor tho sains week one year ago by I about S.OOO head. The general run of the 1 offering this week have not been of a verv , good quality, a great deal of the aluck (King or ine interior order. The run of lias been Article ! Close. Hlgh.l Dow. Close. Yes y. Mur ; No. bid. kaiu- Bsak nf Uerntnny Nlatenieut. BERLIN. Nov. 23. The weeklv atate ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany ah the following change: lash in hand. Increased 37.tuO,OuOm ; treasury note, increased 1 hm.Oi-mi; other securitl-. de creased 4.6i.funi; note In circulation de-crea-J 44, luo.uvuni. I'Uiladrlplila Prodoce Ilarkrt. PH1LADKI.PHIA. Nov. 25.- BUTTER Weak.extra western creamery. 24c; extra nearby prints. !A K(JiS Firui: nearby Ireah. loss off. .ac: nearby fresh and western fresh, ale at murk. CHEF.BK Unchanged; New York full cream, lancy, U-vdHc; New York full cream, choice, ll'-c: New York full cream, fair to good, li Vti U'.o. Unlnth Grain Market. DUI.UTH. Minn., Nov. 25.-WHa.AT-To arrive. No. I northern, .l'v: No. ! north ern, 717c; on track. Na 1 nurUiui IA")c; Wheat T)eo. . May.. July. May. oats lie: M.iv Pork Jan. May. laird- Jan T7H! ITS Ta'i'U'aJttWal. 74V,! Tl',: SJiSfiH'SD-.'di la: r,jZ oi. ai. r ....... .... 24i 't 1301 ju Il2 te-r 12 7 I 12 ST I 12 2 1 I T ( T I M4y...;TUal T at T7'l 7T4,r T71i 7',,l TW,! Tffi 74S T4-j,i 74". SH1, XV, I 39 v j ..' 2!H 2fH! -V 3u 1 3u't 12 m 12 85 12 aS itr, 12 SO I 12 2 6 17 6 S5 7 00 J 7 02 17 OuiaUiJ I.Uerpawl Uraln Market. LIVERPOOL Nov. S5.-WHEAT-Siot. firmi No. I red weotem winter, tai TVd Fu lure, steady: rceii)brr, aluds March, 6a lid: Mav. as IK,d. CuRNa-Soot. quiet: American mixed, la. Futuies, quiet; January. 4s 4d; March, 4s Id. Telega Market. ToI.LvIK). Nov. ai.-8EtIBV-Clover. cash, ri.U; Lwrrmber, 15. January. 15 .2.Wj Frbruarv. Marcii. e. .'. Prliue a,l like, it Si. Iriu. U4iiothy. fX.:n rattle tills week tne season for range over and there Is not ame lor 111a purposes 01 ine packers yet. And It Is mosi piobuhlo thai there will not be much increase in the size of the receipts until the season for fat Celtic, opens, which will be about the holidays. Thwre has not lieen much cor a fed stuck on the market this week, and what was i;i was not generally of a very choice grade, tlie most of the cvnifed stuff being on the. short fed and warmed up order. How ever, the receipts all during the we.-K have been only moderate in siae, while there has been u.11 active demand on the part of the packers for anything suitable lor Ihelr purposes, with the result that each day has seen a market steady to a liill stronger than the previous day mar ket. Hence at the close of the week's trade the market on good choice cornrcdi is generally 1 cVy 1m higher than at the close uf last wock's trade, while the warmed up tattle closed suady tu a little slioiiger. The market on cows and heifers has been running along about the same lines as the bucf steers. There have been light runs with ft rather interior grade ut stock. There haa been a good demand for choice stuff, with the result that the market 011 good choice cow a closed the week ltfaOu higher, with common stuff steady tu 5c h The' Irade on stocker and feeders all during the week has been reasonably active. There has been a good demand fur till kiu.1 of cattle, with good choice light weight cattle given Ihe prefeiencr. Good light weight Blocker and feeders closed the week 15C(ji5c higher, mostly, while common and heavy weight did not fare quit so well, lhat kind of slucg cloning the week atajut Wo 15c higher. HOGS There wa a moderate run of hogs thl morning and most of Ihe stuff waa In in fairly good aeaaon. Buyers were out early and ware evidently wauling hogs suitable for their purposes. The trading opened fairly brisk and active and re mained so all during tlie trading houia. The market wgs favorable to the sellers all during the day. The market 0a-ued steady tu 2lc. higher than yeslerda's opening and considerable business Hading was dune wliile the iuarkev was tu Hint condition. But later oil the, market lirined up still more and closed the day with the average in the nelghlMjrliood of higher than the average of yesterday's market, lop of today were In the same notches as yes teiday. the loppy loads selling al 14 77'. The bulk of the sales loday were around 14 7''ii4 7-H- while the bulk of the stock yes terday was sold right around 14 To, show ing an advance of about 2'- over yester day. Thre wa 1101 very much attention paid 'o quality or weights and there waa considerable bunching of sales. There ha ben a good, strong market hare this week. The first four days of the week saw a small decline in lh price on hog from those at the ciose of last week. But the market firmed up Friday and Saturday and regained ail thai bad b. n loot the first of tu week; and closed ihe Cattle and Hogs gtad-e.glirrp ( l.anibs strong. I CHICAGO, Nov. 25-CATTI.K-Receipts, 4(D) i.arl .im a al stead v : beeves. '' cows. 1.3ti!f.4.5c; heifers, $2.2o&4.Svi ; calves, J5.tKKii7.Oo; good to prime slers, a.364j.5"; poor to medium, u.2fi(a).25; stocker and toeders. $2.214.20. HOGS Receipts. l.,0O0 head; estimated Monday. 4.0X1 heud; market steady; pigs l4.loftj4.76; built of sules, f4.iOi4.Ba. siiVs-p avii I.AMttrf-Hccclnls. head: market strong; sheep, $t.K4j6.tii yearlings, 5.25!B6.(); lambs. a.7ai&T,.0. Kansas i'lty l.lte fciork Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 25.-CATTl.K-Re lather small, as I .......... 1 l. .. a l,.n.llnv Hti anathema: stock la Just about : .1.,:. L,.J, ,'l,..l,-.. ,.vi,rl and dreased much fat stuff suit- ' v,r aieers. foji4i().u0: fair lo good, 't.i(.H 5.U0; western fed steers. 12. i54.otl; stockera and feeders, f2.KKai.25: soul hern steer. 2 4('i&4.00; southern cow. Vl.T5Si3.4si; native cows, $t.rita.M; native heiiers. $.' 5ci5.('; bulla. 2.(Hji-.5(i; calves, 2.254j .25. Receipts for the week. 61(i head. HOG8 Receipts. ..5(10 heud; market strong to tic higher; top. 14. W; bulk of ale. 14 754.8214; heavy. 14.7514 SS: packers. l.75(n4.;'; plg and lights. ll.5(Kt)4.liO. Re ceipt for the week, 5s. .ut). SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipt none; market nominally steady; native lunibs. 15.35(97.10; western lambs. 15.2547.00; ewea and yearlings, $4.21446 "! westei n 1 pped sheep, $4; western clipped :J1''LH; $5.otK!j6.tfii; alockera and feeder, $3 4 00. Xiw Vttrk Mr 1oek Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 25.-BEKVES-Rc-celpt. 5:12 head. No trading but inurliet feeling stvauy; ureaaeu o. 1 sUc r lb.; a Utile fancy Iteef al Sc. Ex ports today 744 beeves and $.027 quarters of CAEVES-Recelpts, K52 head- No sales and market feeling nominally steady: city dressed veals in moderate deinand at i:tc pr lb.; country dressed, steady at u) 11'uC. l(Klf-Recelpts. 4 tmt lit ad. None on sale hut inaikel feeling nominally steady. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpts head Bheep low, prime bandy weight lambs full sleuily, heavy lamba not wanted. Hheep sold at $3.75r!5.0() per 100. lambs al $T-25'o7.ii); tln-ssed muttons steady at 7(Jc la-r lb.; dressed lambs at VwVlW- St. I.ouls l.l-e Stock Market. ST. I.OUIS. Nov. 25. 'ATTEE Receipt. 5no heud. Including lnu head Texan: mar ket fur natives aluaiiy. ror lexans strong; .,,.,lv. ahiniiina and ex Do It steel, tl.hi'u & So; dressed beef und biitcher steei s. l.Ua tai; steer unuer i.(-i" ins., iji.hp, minn' ers and feeder. $2.15AiXmi; cows and belter. 12 OH4j4-4": caiiiiers, l.75'2 .00 ; bulls, $2 ItVa 3.(i; talves $2 50(47.25: Texas and Indian steers. $2.0ii3. Ta; cows und heifer, U.'JWrt " I K gjS Receipts. 2.00U htad: lusrket 6c lower: pigs and lights.' $4.5ofu470; packers. $1 fttavi 4 70; butchers and la-sl heavy, $4.T(C(J 4..S6 UHEHaP AND I.AMt'B-None on sale. (ondltlon of Trade nntl ttnotatlona on MHple aud Knnry I'rndnce. ' EUO8 Fresh receipts, candled atock. 230. 1,1) K I'lH I TRY- Hens. s'c; io..sfers. tc; turkeys, lStiUc; ducks, ii; spring chick en. V: geese. Wita DRESSED POU LTRY Turkey . lTiRllc; Old toms, Miiflfic; chickens, 9-glOc: old roos ters. 7c; ducKS, 11(f) l.u; geese, i(igiic. BUTTER Packing stock, 15c; choice to fancy dairy, lbnilac; cnajnory, 21(b2114u; prints, 21'jii SUGAR Standard granulated. In bbls.. $5.11 per cwt ; cubes, $5.85 per cwt.; cut loaf. $6.40 per cwt.; No. 6 extra C, bagi or bbls.. $l.i5 per cat.; No. . lo extra ?'. bags only, $4 KO per cwt ; No. 16 yellow, bags only, $1 75 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $5.Ko la-r cwt. FRESH FISH Trout, lmjllc; halibut, lSe; buffalo, dressed. !)c; ilckettl, dressed, 6'ac; while bass, dressed, 12u; sdnnsh. 'Jo; perch, sealed and dressed 8c; pike, loc: cgttlsh, :ic; red snapper, loc: salmon, lie; crop pies, 12c; eels, 18c: bulllieads, He; black buss, 35c: Whitehall, 12c; frog leg. Per do., 35c; lcbster. green, 27p; boiled lobsters, SOc; sliad roe, 45c; blucflsh, )5c; herring, 4o. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed company: No. 1 upland, $7; medium, $d.uif: coarse, $6. BRAN Per ton. $14.50. TKUfH Ah r Kl.1T. ORANOFS California Navel, all alxe. $3.26; Florida, all size. $3.00. LEMONS I.emonlera, extra fancy 240 Blae, $4.25; 2(10 and 360 size. $5.tj0. DATES Per box of 30 l-b. pkg., ft; IIullowcll. in 70-lb. boxe, per lb.. Btr, walnuts, stuffed, 1-lb. pkg., 12 per doa. FIQS California, per 10-lb.. oarcoti, 75t 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, J2c)i - 6 crown, 14c. ... '. BANANAS Per medium alaed bunch, $1.76ii2.25; Jumbos, $2. 509)3.00. FRUITS. I'KABS Lawrence and Mouat Vernori, $2.50. APPEES-Ben Davl and Wlnrap, In 8-bu. hbl., $4.00; California IfcdlAower. $l.u(); Colorado Jonathan and uriipca Golden, $2.25; New York arfples, $4.60 per bbl. O R A PES Imported Malagas, $..S(am.0l. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, $1J.W tier bbl.; Bell and Bugle. $12.0ti 13.00. VEQETABDEg. POTATOF.S Home-grown, per . bu., 64 ft6"c; South Dakota, per bu.. 75c. ONIONS Home-grown yellow, red and white, per bu., 85c; Spanish, par crate, "vAX BEANS Per hamper, $3.50. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2 00. , CUCUMBERS Per doa . $l.U(fft 50. CABBAGE Home grown and Wisconsin, in enites. per lb., 1C. , CARROTS. PARSNIPS AND TURXIPB .-Per bu.. 65i75c. CF! KHY Kslamnxoo, per dott., 21o. SWEET P(TATOE8-rKana, por l-bn. bbl., $l.T5i.0O. CAUI.IFI.OWER-rer crate, $3. 'KIM A TOES California, per cigta of K lbs., $2.50. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib. 124c: No. 2 rib. 8Sc; No. o- No 1 loin. 16c: No. X loin, luttc: No. 1..1,, riif N'o 1 chucks. 6c. No. 2 chucka. 2,K) ! 4(,. W cliucks, ;tc: No. 1 round. 7c; No. i round. SHc; No. 3 round, 6'c; No. 1 plats, 4c; No. 2 plate. Sc; No. 3 plate, Jifcr,, MISCEL" ANEOU3. CIDER Per keg, $3.75; per bbl.. $6.73, HONEY New. per 21 lbs., $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, nrw. ic; Wiaeonsln brick, 14c; Wisconsin limbnrger, 13c; twin. 14'a( ; voung Americas, 14'jiO. v't'TH Walnut, No. I soft shell, new rrop. per lb., 15Vc; hard shells, per It.. 3i, pucuns, large, air lb., 14c; small, per lb., I 'c peanuts, per lb.. 7c: roasted, . itrr lb., !.. Chill walnut, per lb., 12-SI3V4c. Almonds, soft ahells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb.. 15c. Shellbark hickory out, pur hu.. $2 25; large hickory puts, per bu., $l.u. Chestnuts. 15c per lb. Oocoanuts, fi.M per sack of 100. . HIDES No. 1 green, 0c; No. 3 green. c: No. 1 salted. 10V: No- Z salted, 9Hc; No. 1 veal calf. 11c; No. 8 veal calf, 9c; dry salted, TtJHc: sheep pelts, 254;$laX); horse hides, $1.k3.00. Pr. 4 70 5 60 8 rib. 3 klong I II)' Lite Stork Market. BIOUX CITY, la.. Nov. 25. (Special Tele- grtin.) CATTLIC Ruceipls. pra bead; luarT ket steady; la-evis. $4 uoi5.tio; cows, ball and mlxad, t2.ooiri3.23; stockers ami te-der, I.'.7i i3 ; calve and yearlings. $2.5t-tr3.4'i. HOGS Receipt, V" bead; market steady, idling l $4 W'n 4..0; bulk of salts, M 65. kl. Joseaik) Live atick Market. ST. JOSEPH. No". 25. CATTLE Re ceipt, 244 head; market aUadv; mUlve, Merchandise nnd Specie. NEW YORK. Nov. 25 Total Import t.f merchandise and dry good at the port of New York for the week ending today were valued ut 116 TiD TbT. Total Import of spcle nt tlie port of New York for the week end ing todav were $16,112 silver and $:I2,216 gold. Total exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were $iCT,T')3 silver and $2,50U gold. Treasury Htmeanent. WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. Today ' state ment of tlie treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tlie $I50.0ov.Oi0 gold leserve. shows: Available eaau balance. $135 655.4TO: gold Coin and bullion, $87.316,"1 ; gold ccrtitlc.ites, )4.147,4W). PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Co. Member Chicago Board of Trad Omaha Grain Exchanta. Grain and Provisions Bought and aold for cash or future delivery Receiver and Shipper. 16 and 220 BOARD OF TRADE BLJXI.. Tel. 1004. OMAHA. F. D. Day & Co. Oealere lai Stocks. Grain, Provitloni ktilp foil Urals 4 la. $rc OfMt. $l-l$ Baa) mt Ta Hlda Omaha. Kia. Teleobaaae M14V 312-214 kacbang ... South Omaha. Bali 'Phoaa Si. aMeistadaat. 'Paoa It 1