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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
OMAHA DAILY 11KK: Ki:MUY, XOVF.MBF.Tt 16, 1005. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Innd fr Toang M.n'i Chrittian Afwoia tion it Growing- flteadilj. TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED 'Br THURSDAY JHass Meeting to B Held at First M. E. Oharch This Afteraooa for Firpoit of Stlmalatlna Eilkailun. td' great deal of enthusiasm Is being hown In the raisins of money for the local Young Mrn ii Christian association. Can vassing committees report good progress nd the. Indications are that by Thursday flight the amount desired, C.5O0, will hare been secured. J. P. Bailey, suite, secretary, Is hers assisting the canvassers and local officers In every possible way. To further Interest In the movement a mass meeting of men and women will be held this after noon at the First Methodist Episcopal c-hurch. At this meeting Secretary Bailey will speak and Alexander Stewart, a well Itnown tenor sinjrer, will render a number of elections. No subscriptions will be taken at this meeting. In speaking of the pres ent movement to secure funds for more commodious quarters, local Secretary Marsh has this to say: "For ten years the Young Men's Christian association has been the only respectable resort for the young men of South Omaha to spend their leisure time. It has carried on during this time scientific physical training for all men who wished to avail themselves of the oppor tunity. And for several years It has fur nished the only means by which the many young men who have been compelled to enter the arena of life without fair prepa ration the only opportunity in the city to. meet their educational needs. It has always stood for the highest Ideals In Christian xnanhood." Continuing and speaking espe cially In reference to the present quarters, Sir. Marsh said: "It Is a well known fact that the South Omaha association has been doing business In quarters which are shame fully Inadequate and which offer very little ajoclal Inducement, uninviting physical ac commodations and overcrowded rooms In tvenlng educational classes. The proposed tiaw location at 413 North Twenty-fourth street will provide about 70 per cent more floor space with a decided Improvement In accessibility, convenience and appearance." In connection with the leasing of the round floor and basement of the building pn Twenty-fourth street, It Is planned to greet a gymnasium In the rear. This gym nasium Is to be sixty feet in length and thirty feet In width, with a celling sixteen feet six inches high. Corrugated iron Is lo be used on the outside and a gravel roof Js planned. The Interior of the gymnasium !s to be celled, steam heated and electric ighted. A passageway will connect the gymnasium with the main building. The basement of the 'main building Is to p cut up so as to provide a boys' room, a kitchen, shower baths, toilet roo'ms and lockers. On the ground floor there will open from the entrance a lobby twenty by twenty four feet, and a public and private office. Two reading and class rooms, each eigh teen by twenty feet, and connected by slid ing doors, are planned. A space for a lav atory Is provided on this floor. At least $2,500 will bs needed to fit up the proposed new quarters and construct the fjymnaslum building. This money should be secured not later than the last day of this month. By enlarging the accommoda tions between 100 and 200 additional mem Isers can bo accommodated. halted Workmen Will Entertain. On Tuesday evening, November 28, the Ancient Order of United Workmen will en tertain Supreme Master Workman Will M. (Narvls or Muscatine, la., at the temple, fTwenty-fifth and M streets. Representa tives of all of the Workmen lodges In Douglas county have been Invited to at tend. The master workmen of the vari ous subordinate lodges will act as a recep tion committee and the degree teams will gather at Twenty-fourth and J streets at p. m. to escort the supreme master work man to the temple. A number of promi nent members of the order and the Degree of Honor from all over the state will be In attendance, as this will be the first time the supreme master workman has ever visited Nebraska, and considerable Im portance Is attached to Ms coming at this time. All of the seventeen Workman lodges In Douglas county are considerably What Sulphur Does for the Human Body in Health and Disease. The mention of sulphur will recall to many of us the early days, when our mothers and grandmothers gave us our dally dose of sulphur and molasses every spring and fall. It was the universal spring and fall blood puriAer," tonio and cure-all, and, mind you, this old-fashioned remedy was not without merit. The Idea was good, but the remedy was crude and unpalatable, and a large quan tity had to be taken to get any effect. Nowadays we get all the beneficial ef fects of sulphur In a palatable, concen trated form, so that a single grain u fur more effective than a tablespoouful of the crude sulphur. la recent years research and experiment cave proven that the best sulphur fo medicinal use is that obtained from Cal cium (Calcium Sulphide), and sold In drug tores under the name ef Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They are small, chocolate-coated pellets and contain the active medicinal principle of sulphur In a highly concen trated, effective form. Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur in restoring and main. talnlng bodily vigor and health; sulphur acts directly on the liver and eeretai- organs and purlfle and enriches the blood by the prompt elimination of wast ma terial. Our grandmothers knew this when they doited us with sulphur and molasses every spring and fall, but the crudity and im purity of ordinary (lowers of sulphur were often worse than the disease and cannot compare with the modern concentrated preparations of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers Is undoubtedly the Lat and most widely used. They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles aud cure constipation and purify the blood in a way that often surprises patient and physician alike. Dr. R. M. Wtlklns, while experimenting with sulphur remedies, soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was superior to any other form. He says: "For liver, klduey and blood troubles, especially when re sulting from constipation or malaria, 1 have been surprised at the results ob tained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers. ja patients suffering front bolls and DtmDles and even deep-seated carbuncles i have repeatedly seen them dry up and disappear In four or Ave days, leaving the skin clear and smooth. Although Stuarts Calcium Wsfers Is a proprietary article, and sold by druggists, and for that reason tabooed by many physicians, yet I know of nothing so safe and reliable for constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and especially in all forms of skin disease, as this remedy. At any rate, people who are tired of pins, cathartics and so-called blood "purl I ficrs" will And In Stuart's Calcium Waters ' a far safer, mors palatable and effective frtaji ratio n Interested In this event. C. W. Miller and Dr. F. W. Faulk have charge of the ar rangements. A program has been arranged as follows: Address of welcome. Rev. Dr. R. L Wheeler; quartet, the Harmony Four; recitation, Frof. Ritchie; solo. John Flynn; character sketches, A. O. Mercer! bass solo, Riff Clauson; comic selection, William Talnter; address, Will M. Narvls. Will Celebrate silver Wedding. Tuesday evening of this week Rev. W. T. Btambaugh, pastor of the Iefler Methodist Kplscopal rhurch. and wife will celebrate the anniversary of their silver wedding. The members of the church and congrega tion have the arrangements In charge and the celebration Is to be held at the church. Fifteenth and Madison streets. A large number of friends of Pastor Stambaugh and wife are expected to attend. Mrs. Mnnshavr Entertains. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Ed Munshaw gave a reception to over 100 of her friends at her pleasant home, lfle9 North Twenty fourth street. The house was beautifully decorated with palms, roses and smllax and presented a very pretty appearance. In receiving her guests Mrs. Munshaw was assisted by Mrs. Al Hunter and Mrs. S. B. Christie. Mrs. L. C. Gibson, Mrs. W. H. Slabaugh and Mrs. W. C. Ijvmbert. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Munshaw enter tained a large company at whist. Funeral of V. J. Hemnnn. The remains of C. J. Hemann, who died In California a few days ago, arrived In South Omaha Friday afternoon and funeral services were held at St. Bridget's church Saturday morning. The remains were ac companied to this city by Mr. and Mrs. John Tarks, Mrs. Parks being a daughter of the deceased A large number of friends and acquaintances of the deceased at tended the funeral yesterday. Mr. He mann'!) death occurred Just after he had boarded a train for 8outh Omaha last Sunday. Heart failure, due to the excite ment of the return Journey, Is supposed to have been the cause of death. Doing; Nicely with Pnvlner. While the storm of Thursday delayed the paving of Twenty-fourth street consider ably, the contractors had nearly made up for the lost time when work stopped last night. The new concrete mixer Is now working nicely and every man that can be worked to advantage Is now employed In the putting down of the concrete. Pavers were working south of E street Saturday and by night tho pavement on the east side bad been put down as far south as F street. Teams are now per mitted to travel on the new pavement be tween A and B streets. Good weather for two weeks will see the paving on the east side completed to N street. Big Clothing Sale. John Flynn Is back from Chicago with what appears to bo the biggest dry goods and clothing deal ever brought to South Omaha. Mr. Flynn Is more than enthusi astic over several big piles of Hart, Schaff ner At Marx suits, which he has priced at 10 the suit. He Is also showing a fine lot of ladles' pattern silk waists at from $2.00 to $5.00. The prices and goods are excellent quality, and purchasers cannot fail to be pleased. Next week Flynn will have another large batch of bargains to offer the people of South Omaha. Some Good narsralns. Below are only a few of the many great bargains we are offering this week: All of our best Nebraska patent flour, per sack, $1.06. Best cornmeal, per sack, 12c. Best graham flour, per sack, 20c. Quaker Oats, three packages 2Tc. Forest City pancake flour, per pack age, 7c. Eight pounds navy beans, 25c. Eleven bars soap, any brand, for 28c Wrlgley's scouring soap, 10c size, for 5c. Table syrups, gallon cans, 25e. All our best teas, regular 60c quality, per pound, 45c. We have a large stock of all kinds of delicacies for your Thanksgiving dinner at prices that save you money on every arti cle you buy. Telephone No. 37. WELSH & CO., 2418 N Street. Magic City Gossip. Storage and hauling. Brewer. Tel. No. 30. Dr. F. W. Faulk, 2311 S street, announces the birth of a son at his home.. The banks and city offices will be closed on Thursday, Thanksgiving day. John W. VanCleve. Thirtieth and V streets, reports the birth of a son. I Miss Sadie Fowler has about recovered from a severe attack of rheumatism. A new furnace has been Installed In the basement of the First Presbyterian church. The Presbyterian King's Daughters met on Friday evening with Mrs. David Gar ratt. The South Omaha Century Literary club will meet at the library building on Tues day afternoon. Joseph Mallander has arranged for a turkey and duck shoot at Sarpy Mills on Thanksgiving day. On Wednesday evening the South Omaha police department will give a ball at the Exchange building. The police are still hunting for the men who held up a saloon and drug store on Q street Friday night Rev. O. A. Williams of Minneapolis will tell the story of the Welsh revival at the Baptist church this evening. At tho Vnlted Presbyterian church this morning the fine new organ recently bought will be used for the first time. Miss Sadie Ollls will lead the Senior Christian Endeavor meeting this evening. "God's Wonderful Works" is the topic. For Sale Furniture of six-room flat, with bath; fiat for rent; good location for roomers or boarders. 2410 N St. Free one enlarged picture (life size) with each dozen of our photos until Xmas. Petersen, 62s N. 24th, So. Omaha. Tel. 4173. Rev. R. L. Wheeler will preach Sunday morning at the First Fresby terian church on the topic, "Thankful for Men and Things." Miss Louise Schindel will have charge of the music at the Junior Christian En deavor meeting at the Presbyterian church this evening. Snturday the Indies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church held a rummage sale at Twenty-fourth and (4 streets. Quite a sum wus realized. Tho drill team of Nebraska lodge No. 227, Ancient Order of Cnlted Workmen, gave dancing party at Workman temple on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John FltzRoberts enter tained a party of friends at cards at their J home. Twenty-sixth and E streets, on Thursday evening. Wednesday afternoon the Aid society of tho First ITeshyterlan church will be en tertained by Mrs. A. IV Durkee, 1216 North Twenty-third street. "Praise to God and Hope of Heaven" is the theme of the services at the First Methodist Kplscopal church today. There la to be special music. Mrs. W. R. Darby of Los Angeles and Miss Lulu Darby of Cincinnati are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Meyers, 1618 North 1 wenty-thlrd street. The Woman's auxiliary of St. Martin's church will meet at the home of Mrs. A. T. Everett. 1010 North Twenty-nrst street, on Wednesday afternoon. Charles M. Carson, for eighteen years cashier at the I 11 Ion stock yards, has re signed and will spend the month of Deceit) ter with relatives at Palnenvllle, o. At t.M o'clock this evening Miss Nellie McGee will address the Baptist loung Feo pie's society on "The Problem of the City.' Cecil Francisco will sing at this Service. Nehemiah" is the subleot of Rev. An drew Rcnwick't morning sermon at the I'nited Presbyterian church today. "The Worth of a Soul" is the topic of the even ing sermon. James D. Ratchelder, wife and baby of Verde. La., are visiting friends here and in Omaha. Mrs. Kaicheider was formerly Miss Vera Harden and was ut one time a teacher at the West Side school. Tomorrow we place on sale men's cotton and wool hose, also suspenders, worth up to 35c, your choice 16c. Oar men's special 110 suits are the talk of Ihe town. Kino all- wool black double-breasted Till "'t suits are included In this sale. Nebraska bl ue and Clothing House, South Omaha. Break All Records. All records In curing Coughs, Culda, etc., are broken by Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption. 60c and tl.uu. For sale by. Sbcnnaa McCpunail Drug Co. PS. n I gggSlBl8 II GISSlSI 11 Viin&l llrjam ftSffe MILK AND u Of course you want for your Thanksgiving Dinner milk and cream that has been found satisfactory by the WOMAN'S CLUB. Alamito Milk stands the severest test. Delivered everywhere in air tight sterilized bottles. Pure, Sweet and Delicious. ALAMITO SANITARY DAIRY COMPANY Telephone 411. Come and see us. 20th and Farnam Turkeys? Yes We've Got 'Em Toung, tender, fat an elegant, Juicy roast for Thanksgiving day. Chickens, ducks and geese, the finest that can be found In the whole state. We also have the cranberries and the pumpkins and the mince meat Everything In pickles, sauces, vegetables, celery, and the A. B. C. line of canned goods. Don't forget the fruits and nuts. Our trade demands the choicest that the market affords and we supply it not by charging more, but by greater care in selecting our purchases. Wilke & Mitchell, Phone 1426. 40th and Farnam Sts. r--J 513 Podge 5-, Record Breaking Bargains for Thanksgiving Week ..IN.. CHINA AND GLASS 100 Colonial pattern Celery Trays, regular 26c values, cz at, each Thin blown Tumblers, en graved, regular lOo val- e ues. at, each Ow Colonial pattern Syrup Jugs, with silver plated tops, Oft. worth 60c, at, each Cut Glass Jelly Dishes, beauti fully cut, regular J3.0O n&p values, at, each "Ol Carving Sets, best steel, per rntd..,.1..98:..!:48. 98c "TP ECHOES OF THE AITEBOQU Notice to Secret Societies. It Is the desire of this denartment to nub Una as full and complete proceedings, past and to come, aa possible, and to this end the aid of the recording ofllctals of the societies ia respectfully solicited. All mat ter for publication in the Ante-Room Kchoes column should be handed in not later than Friday morning of each week to insure publication the following Bun day. Secretaries and others will please govern themsulvss accordingly. i Woman's ItVllef Corps. The following eeneral nrrior hna limt hAMi losued from headnunrters of the NehraMka. department of the Woman's Relief corps: The twenty-third national convention of the Woman's Relief corps, held at Denver, v.uiu., whs a succesnrui one, and Nebraska most heartily welcomes the national presi dent, Abble A. Adams of Sunerlnr. Nnh.. "! sends greetings to all national officers, winning mem a year of unusual prosperity. Thanksgiving day Is drawing near. Corps are asked to see that every old soldier or soldiers family In their localities have something for which to be thankful. And Christmas also Is not far off. Think of the veteran and those dear to him and do what you can to make It happy for them. The annual election of corps officers will take place at the first regular meeting In December, or at a special meeting If nec esssary to conclude election. Elect women who have the Interest of the union vet eran and our order at heart and stand by Delegates and alternnrm tit iwaniv. third annual convention tn h hM a Lin coln, will be elected at this time one dele- s ana one alternate for everv fortv members in good standing, a nil nnp fnr any fraction of mye than half that num ber, hauh corps is entitled to one delegate and one alternate, whatever Its member- 1 he officers elect u-lll h in. tali. . the first regular meeting In January, or at a special meeting culled for this purposo during that month. Joint Installation with pum is inmost tne rule and Is commended. The order continues with the announce ment that the new roster will he Issued as soon as iosslble after the election returns are received. Announcement Is also made tha,t the number of corns In Knod ntunriintr f'r the quarter ending September io num ber about ICO. Parasrenh 10 states: Death has ln claimed a dear one. From our department commander's family a beloved daughter hat been called home. Conimiindur Lett and Mrs. I,ett have our fclncere svmrjathv In their bereavement. The following are hereby appointed aides on the staff of the department president: AmatiOH i larK, ;so. iz, lmvenpnrt; Helen M. Gordon, No. 1.1, Weeping Water; K1U Webber, No 17, Fairmont; Alice Sherman, No. 23, Tecumseh; Annie O. Spring. No. 28. Clearwater; Margaret J. Rose, No. 41, Ashland: lizzie Walking, No. b6, Creigh ton; Margaret Axtel, No. 8ft. Beaver City; llattie Bryant, No. ST, Madison; Mary A. I'earman, No. 107. Nebraska City. HARRIET A. WIDCOX. Deiiartment President. LILLIAN P. EDDY. Department Secretary. National President Mrs. Abbie A. Adams will be tendered a reception by the corps and posts of Omaha at the Commercial club Thursday evening. December 7. All eluborate program Is being p:pared. Com mittees from different posts and corps will meet al the office of Past Department Commander R. 8. Wilcox al Browning A Kings Monday afternoon. November 1:7, to perfect the further details of the recep tion. Department President Mrs. R. 8 Wilcox returned Wednesday front a tour of tha 'corps la lb seuUitra part of, Us stale. CREAM AFTER THAT THANKSGIVING DINNER. The particular snuker enjoys a good cigar. We have a large va riety of the best. By the Box a Specialty , A complete line of Smokers' Ar tfojes at the CENTRAL CIGAR STORE John Alpersort, Prop. 321 5. 16th St. JOE LEVINE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH ME STOVES OF ALL KINDS 304 North 16th St. She left again Thursday on a visit to York Woman's Relief Corps at York, Neb., and other corps In that vicinity. Darant Hose and Knglne Company. The Durant Hose and Engine company of the Union Tacirlc railroad company is preparing to give Its thirtv-slxth annual mask ball at Washington hall, on January 13. The committee Is working hard to make it the best and largest of the season. Ancient Order l ulled Workmen. The central committee of this order and the Degree of Honor met in joint session Monday evening at Workmen temple. Kvery lodge in the city of both orders was represented. Mutters of great Im portance to both orders were discussed. One of the objects was to consider the establishment of an Ancient Order of Vnlted Workmen hospital In Omaha. A committee was appointed to proceed with the arangements. Another committee was appointed to arrange for the grand ball to be given by these orders about December LH. After the close, of the meeting an oyster supper was served. The next union meeting will be held with North Omaha Ixidgp No. 153, Wednes day evening. December SO. North Omaha Lodj-e No. 1'9 held an Interesting meeting Wednesday evening, with a large number of visiting members present in addition to the regular members. The committee of arrangements for the sixteenth anniversary entertainment re ported that the" affair would be held at THE FOLLY OF THE FLATIR.0N You eiin press liape into a suit. Hut you can't press per manence into the Kliape. That has been Hewn in. Worth ha to lie worked into a suit Just the same as it liu to lie worked into anything else. The wag b'er Khnpe of a MacCnrthy-Wil-tion suit is the child of the needle not that of the flntirou. That's why there in n certain Hoinetliing of distinguished style obout a Mui-Carthy-Wilson suit, even when its three or four years old. Suits aud Overcoats. S'.'tMXl to $i." INI. Open eveniuzs till 9 o'clock. MaeC.rthy Wilson Tailoring Co., 3f4-) 8. 16th St. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone UOfc k ; .Wartdfp pi Perfectly Satisfied Are the Customers who have patronized JOE BATH'S NEW MEAT MARKET 1921 FARNAM ST. Tender, Juicy meat Is something you can always get at this market. Something to tickle the palate of the most fastidious can be found at any time in our prime beef, mutton, lamb, veal, poultry or choice deli cacies in oysteis and fish. We keep noth ing but the best that can be secured, and our patrons can always depend upon re ceiving only prime steaks, roasls or chops, good treatment and prompt service. Telephone 6984 Table d'Hote Dinner Thanksgiving, 1905 Blue Points on Half Shell. Newport Flakes. Olives. Celery. Green Sea Turtle Soup. English Dinner Rolls. Planked Fillet of White Fish. Pornmes Bordue. Boast Turkey, Oyster Dressing. Cranberry Jelly. or Roast Domestic Goose, Chestnut Canape. Whipped Potatoes. French String Beans. Candied Sweet Potatoes. Beef Tenderloin, Larded a la Bordclalse. Waldorf Salad. English Plum Pudding, Brandv Sauce. Ptfmpkin Pie. Ice Cream Cake. Fruit. Coffee. Nuts. Calumet Coffee House 1411 Douglas St MORAND'S Thanksgiving Matinee Creighton Hall DANCING 2 TO 6 P. M. Come and learn two dandy dances, ROOSEVELT WALTZ ARABOLO. BE THANKFUL that there is one daily news paper printed In Omaha that Is fit to be taken into the home. If not a regular subscriber, phone your order to 807 and The Bee will be delivered by carrier to your house each day. Workmen Temple, on Thanksgiving eve. The program will consist of a brief ad dress by Orand Master O. J. VanDvko, followed by a few musical and comedy sketches, after which refreshments will be served. Dancing will also be a feature of the evening. J he hustling committee reported progress with Its work and a good class of candi dates was Initiated and a number of new applications read. ' Brotherhood of Railway Carmen. Omaha Lodge No. 103 held Its regular meeting Thursday evening with a larae attendance and Initiated a large class. No. 103 and no. 34 or Booth Omaha, are preparing to hold their next joint meeting with Bluff City Ix-idge No. 93 of Council Bluffs. December 13. The regular meeting of No. 10S, will be held December 7. The annual election of officers will take place and matters of great Importance is to be considered. National Colon. Omaha council No. 44, National Vnion. held a smoker and kept open house Thurs day evening in Myrtle annex. Continental building, the council chamber of the branch. Deputy W. B. Jacobs called Friend William Kennedy to the chair and an informal program of song and senti ment made op a delightful part, entertain ers being Chairman James C. Lindsay, Monologist McKemiii, Friends Smce and Shaffer. The deputy spoke of the high position held by the National t'nlon among fraternal societies and the encouraging lo cal signs. Friend Connelly gave his ex perience of the promptitude with which the National Vnion paid death claims. In stancing the fact that within fourteen days uiter the death of his own father the sum of $M)U had come to the beneficiaries. Woodmen of the World. Alpha camp No. 1 will give a progressive high live parly for Its members Tuesday evening at Myrtle hall. Admission will be by invitation to the members and their frienda. Invitations may be obtained by members upon application to Clerk Charles I'nitt in the Brown block. Grand Army of the Republic. Grant post No. 110 will meet In Barlght hull in the Rohrhnugh building, corner Nineteenth and Farnam streets. The next regular meeting will be held In tho new hall Tuesdav eveninir, December 5. The annual election of officers will take place at this meeting. Royal Neighbors of America. Ivv camp No. 2 will give a card party Wednesday night, November 20. at Barlght hall. Rohrboiigh block. A cordial invita tion Is extended to all members. Improved Order of Red Men. Yah-Mln-Dah-Sis tribe No. !. Hfter rais ing eight warriors to ttie cheif degree and aiMliating a rnemlwr from another state, had a very happy time at Its last meeting. The essential features of the specific hap piness was an oyster supper, followed by an entertaining musical and literary pro gram. The meeting was held In the new wigam of the tribe in Barlght hall. Fraternal I nlon of America. Mondamin lodge No. Ill will hold Its election of officers Monday. Noveinlier :T, st its hall. Seventeenth and Farnam streets. All members are requested to attend. On Monday. December 4. this lodge will give a progressive high live parly, to which members and friends are invited. Kniahts of Pythias. In the Missouri supreme court en banc last Wednesday the case of Mary I West erinan and others against t lie sunreme lodge of the Kniglns of Pythia" was argued and submitted. This case Involves the ap plication of the principle of extended In surance to the benefit certincaies of fra ternal ciders and practically involves In lla actoruiliiauua the 1U ut IrattrusJ ...H0LLY DAY HEKE ARE Gillette Safety Razors r; HEKE ARE Henckel's Emperor Razors, $2 Ea. erryDon r'hri;w your money away on cheap affairs. Then we have lower priced good Rasors. Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Scissor Sets Table, Cutlery. SCROLI S A V S For th folk"- ,0 ,n" lArsreir ones for TT J foot power for larger boys. Pk,l,4 XI ! . Never bernre have we shown suoh an im- rOCKCl lYfllVeS niense variety of patterns. All prices from iT 7, , . , 2fie upward to the finest sterling silver and pearl handled scissor knives. Combination hum Ing knives. Don't miss our Pocket Knife sale. Remember every one guaranteed. Sale lusts onlv for the Holly-Day trade. Tool Cabinets... MANUAL TRAINING TOOLS Remember the rush for HOL1.Y-DAY shopping has commenced. Don't de luy. Make your selection now. JAS. MORTON & G. H. Dillon's Large Grocery 606 South 13th Straat Two Phones, 2451-245 SPECIALS FOR MONDAY: Fully guaranteed Patent -m Flour l.O Jersey Cream ' q Flour 03C 4 lbs. Seedless Ralsens for J5C Home made Jelly, per glass IW Fresh Eggs, per Olr dozen muw Soda Crackers, per lb ..,.OC Mogus Mince Meat, per pkg O Navy Beans. 4 per lb 4C Three 10-Inch bars Laundry O Sir Soap for fl New York Cream Cheese, tfie per lb IOC Salt Hen?ng, j- per dozen IOC Ginger Snaps, Kli per lb OjC Runklea Cocoa. "lr per can Burnett's Thirty Cent Vanilla 23c 25c Burnett's Lemon 2lC Sweet Corn, T c per can PURE GRANULATED Vf i fo,rG.A.?:..2f..1.bB:..., 1.00 CARVE DAT POSSUM with Dunning' t'lirvors. Buy tho host niid enjoy your Tlniuksiiiving. We offer you the highest grades the market ntTunls ut prices even more seasonable than low grade lines. :i piece Curving Sets from $'J.(H) tip. DUNNING HARDWARE, CO. 1514 FARNAM ST. organizations. The contention of the coun sel for the fraternal orders Is that the application of the extended Insurance prin ciple to the business organizations they represent would mean ruin to them. It will probably be some weeks before a decision will be handed down. Masonic. Tangier temple will hold Its annual cere monial meeting at Free Masons' hall Satur day evening, December 9. An elaborate program has been prepared and visitors are expected from all parts of the slate. By special dispensation of the Imperial potentate a business meeting will be held at 2 p. m. Friday, December 8, to receive and ballot on petitions. Degrees from the fifteenth to the eigh teenth, inclusive, were conferred upon seventeen candidates Wednesday by the local Emmanuel chapter Rose Croix at the Masonic temple at Lincoln. On Thursday degrees from the nineteenth to the thir tieth. Inclusive, were conferred. Many prominent visitors rom out of town at tended the closing sessions of the fourth annual reunion of the Masonic lodge. Those who received degrees Wednesday were: C. K. Ames. T. F. Bartl. tt, II. H. Brown, E. K. Barber, W. H. Burns, W. F. Dugan, J. T. Dorgan. J. W. Frow, A. S. (Sunn, P. D. leaner, T. II. Pratt. James Tyler, sr., James Tvler. jr., D. K. Thomas. J. H. Westcott, C. A. Kyre and C. T. Hays. Modern Woodmen of America. A largely attended Joint meeting of the Modern Woodmen lodges of Omaha and South Omaha was held Tuesday evening with Benson ramp at Benson. The promo tion committee was present and a cam paign for the ensuing season was outlined. Tribe of lien llnr. Omaha Court No. 110 had a very large at tendance last Tuesday night at i's open meeting. Next Tuesday night about thirty applications will b read and about forty will be on hand to be initiated. It is de sired that all who have applications in will attend and be Initiated, as December a, a dance and card parly will be given, to which all members and friends are invited. (tons and Oauahlers of Protection. Gate City lodge No. 14 held its regular meeting Thursday evening with a big at tendance. After the regular order ni busi ness a reception was tendered Mrs. Jay in remembrance of her birthday annivers ary. Remarks appropriate to the occasion were made by Mesdames Bowes. Wilson, Dnvis and others. Music and dancing con cluded the very pleasing program. Bankers I nlon. Fraternal lodge No. S, Bankers I'nlon of the World held regular meeting Thursday evening at Its hall. Desplto the storm On THANKSGIVING - Al E IN U Old SHERRY, to vrfut tU appetite, 50c a qt. up. Zinfandcl or Claret to addjlavor white you eat, 35c a qt. up. Good Brandy for the pie or pudding, 80c a qt. up. Phone Your Order, F2D61 ft "HilV ss f e mi Fine old Whukiui, 75c, $1.00 and $1.S5 per quart 4 quarts shipped prepaid. Atk for coupons. Vstful articles given FREE. N. KOPALD S SONS. 21st Year 16th and Webster Sts.. Omaha j, 1 SUGGESTIONS... A FEW: Shave any. beard. A hoy can use u manes. 24 shaving edges. $5 shaves. Per set. Carvers for OAMB ROAST STEAK The largest line ever shown here. Just the gift fur the man of the house or his son, or some other man's son. Nothing but the best tools In them. Your boy knows what he wants. We show a full Hue. SON CO. PODGE ST- BUY YOUR THANKSGIVING At the Right PLACE and at the Right PRICE. Wo cany tlio largest line of fine moats, gamo and fish in Omaha. P. MURRAY 317 So. 16th St. Tel. 1744 MARTIN MEYER. FITOLOOIST Shirts Underwear to Order FITS THAT ARE FAHOUS Burwood Thter MJJJST Bt many members were present to see the degree team put on the work of Initiation of candidates who appeared for same. Vice Presidi nt Frank Hill presided and Secre tary Wolcott gave the candidates the secret work. An announcement was made that the entertainment planned for Decem ber 14. would be postponed until some time In February. A later announcement will appear regarding same. All tickets out or sold will he honored when entertainment Is given in February. Loyal Mystic Legion. The Ioyal Mystic Legion- met in regular session Thursday evening with an encourag ing attendance. Two candidates were initi ated. This order will give its annual masquerade ball next Thursday evening. Mlscelluneons. The Myrtle Hall Pleasure club will give) a dance at Myrtle hall December 23. The Senate National union No. 449 will meet In Myrtle Annex hail in the Conti nental block every Thursday night. The Fraternal union No. 11 will give a dance al Myrtle hull Thanksgiving eve. The Boys' Zinn society will meet In Myrtle Annex hall llrst and llilrd Sunday afternoons. Court Moving Sun. Independent Order of Oild Fellows are now meeting In Myrtle Annex hall, second and fourth Wednes day nights. Laurel hive. Lady Maccabees are now meeting In Fraternal I'nlon hall, in Conti nental block, second and fourth Wednesday at ternoons. Crook post, Grand Army of the Republic, held an tnjoyalile open meeting Friday evening al lis hall, Twcnty-foui ill streut and Ames avenue. The RathlMinn Sisters gave a very large dance at Myrtle hall lust Monday night which was participated ill by the sisters unci knights and their friends. Garfield circle No. 11, Ladles of the Grand Army of t Im Republic, held its annual memorial meeting last Monday evening al Haright hull in t lie Kohrhough block, Nine teenth and 1- a streets, with a big at tendance. The I'nited Irish societies and their friends celebrated the thirty-elglith anni versary of the murder of Allen. I.arkln and O'Brien. Thursday evening at Wood men hall, Fourteenth and Dodge streets. Addresses were made by K. 11. Whalen of O'Neill. Neb., and T. J. Maloney of Omaha. Clan Gordon No. 3. Order of Scottish Clans, held its regular meeting Tuesday evening. Two new applications passed the ballot and officers for 1!6 were nominated. Klection will take place Tuesday, December 6. A very fine hour was spent In song and sentiment. K FESTIVE BOARD rruv wiMt IE: