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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
TILE 0MAI1A DAILY HEE: SlfXDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1905. FOR SALEREAL 1STATE D. V. Sholes 722 N. Y. Life. These Properties Must Be Sold. Look at Them and Make Us Propositions. I KO K. F5. Tor. 28th anil fthli-Uv Ki. tooxioo feet, J-room house. . VWVV-Tn N th t,etwn yVebster and Burt, 44 xM feet 9-room hou. sewer. water, fa anil toilet: chran. ..... i, inn ot i.eaven worth. Mt front. SnxHo feet, coping in front. lar iiiiiii-. ,,...., 8-riKm house, well constructed "". water. g nnd bath tub; to clone an natal...; want cash offer. StOO ajiW Popplcton Ave.. 4(xl l feet. 8 rooms, k-lnrh quarter sawed oak floors, splendid basement tinder en tire, house, Xurnace heat, large bath room, good plumbing, mantel in re caption hall. Key Sunday at 113) 8. 31 et St. tl.300 W10 Kmmet &t.. 8 roms. modern, oalc finish, will arranged, good re pair, choice location. Brand new S-rooni squere frame dwelling, oak finish downstair, quartor sawed h:ird pine. h!o e nickel plumbing, porcelain hath, aia tlonary tuba, marble wash bowl. liest furnace. In fact, as good hjj monv could make it throughout; lot BSxlim feet This is within one block of 8-td and Burt Kts.; In one of the most desirable parts of town. Price $4.710; $2,250 cash, balance, on time. This house has never b-eti occupied and is Just like you would build it for yourself. $4,500 In Bcmts Park, on Lincoln Boule vard, south front. large lot, choice loeation, with good houses on both aides, ( room, nearly new. strictly modern, Flrmlsh oak finish, llnest filumhlng and heating; owner lcav ng city and wants to close out quirk. If you want a houso anil have any money get a move on your self quick, because here Is something you don t often get a chance at. a k-102l .Park Ave., lot OCxltO font. Urge Jo-rnom well constructed dwelling, fine hard wood finish on first floor, s Urg reception hall, parlor, library nd dining room, steam heat, excep tional fine basement. 12-lncli wallt. Itood plumbing lixtures, elegant lai barn, two box stalls and four Mngle ones, largo carriage houne for half a dozen carriages, burn alone cost $4,000. Thla Is the greatest modern up-to-date residence bargain we have aver off red. We don't know wliut you export for your money, but If you will Inveullgate this properly and don't buy it at the price you can buy It for. It will be because you don't know a good thing when vou see It, or because It is so cheap it will scare you. It Is a genuine Ural-clous bargain In every resjiect. BIG BARGAIN $ rooms, nearly new, SO-ft. lot, owner very anxious to sell; located about fot:r blocks south of 20th nnd Vinton Sta. If you wish a hlg bargain, then you should ieo this and make us an offer. BEMIS, PAXTON HLOCK. Go With Our Next Ex cursion, Tuesday, Dec. 5 to the Gieat Southwest (Oklahoma. Indian Territory and Texas.) Thla Is the recognized coming country avnd no section In the United States Is grow ing ho rapidly. Towns are springing up everywhere and settlers nre (louring in on every train; new railroads uro being built and costly buildings erected; climate la moat agreeable anil soil as rich and fertile aa anywhere In Iowa or Illinois. The op portunity for the man with little mean as well aa the man of capital la better today in the states of the southwest than ever before In the hlstorv of the nation. Good, rich farm land can bo bought for 1 to 15 er avcre on easy terms. LES3 THAN 1AI.F FARE for the round trip tin this excursion day Tuesday, Deo. $. Join the crowd and see the immense resources of thla new country for yourself. Call at our office or write for particulars. Oklahoma-Texas Land Co., Immigration Agents. JOHN MICHAEI8KN, Manager, Room J. Arlington Block, Omaha, Neb. HB-914 M WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches in the corn and alfalfa belt. Willi Cudwoll. Broken Bow. Neo. RE-941 PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. 112 8. 28th Ave., between Dodge and Dopglas, an east ff'ont, small cot tage, $1,000. Easy term. 1926 S. 11th St., east front on lltli St. boulevard, 6-roora cottage. Price, $1,100. 2526 Wirt St, 6 rooms, gas. city water and bath, nice cottage, only one block from car line, in a good neighborhood. Price, $1,650. 1208-10-12 S. 20th, lot 102x60. all special taxes paid. Price, $2,500. 2317 S. 12th St.. 6-room cottage, gas, city water and bath; good repair. $2,500. 1312-14 S. 24th St., 50x150, two houses. Price, $2,500. . 2102-4 Maple St., two. fine 8-room houses, modern except furnace. Sm them and submit us an offer. A double brick house in the park district, rents fori $44 per month. Price, $4,000. 1711 Chicago St., lot 66x132. 6-room house, city water and gas. Price, $5,500. Owner is anxious to Bell and might bhade the price gome. 3018-20-22 Sherman Ave., three store rooms and flats above; paved street. Can be bought cheap. See it and make offer. 3519 Hawthorne Ave., Swiss cottage, S rooms, heated by hot .water, strictly modern, tlue condition, 84,000. $1,500 for one of the swellest S-room houseH in Bemis park. It is a little gem. The owner is going to leave the city and is very desirous of selling. ' 1202-4-1 N. 24th St., three store rooms with flats above; also two 7-room houses in the rear; total rent, $120 per month. Price, $12,000. This Is the best bargain in Omaha today. VACANT 50x125 tu park district, good surroundings. Price, $900. $950 for a corner 50x125 on SCth St., In the park district; elexant view. The choicest coiner in the Hanscom park district. Price, $2,000. South aud east front. The southwest corner of 2Slh Ave. and Dewey Ave., 94x126, elegant cor ner, suitable for apartment house or flat. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Eirst Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. CtRTAINLY CHEAP Northeast corner, 32d and California, built one year. If ti rooms are enough look tide property ovor; It Is a bargain at the price. IftJO. Uran new room., oak finish, near All Saints church. Price, lo.LMO. Hanscom Purk district. T-room cottage and hue corner lot; pavVd streets, LOTS On 4lst Ave., nar Davenport St.. tine tot; beautiful view, only &o. Lot one block south are selling at 11.100 each. Northeast corner, iiin and A St., 8uth Omaha, UxUJU teet. acll all or Nil; very fine. TRACKAGE Fine corner. 74x132 feet, alley track. WM. D. HEED, . tt N. V. Life BIJg. 'Phone L-3217 iEiza Close In Bargain ANNUAL REM 144. Here la the beet thing for thu money Je have got. within easy walking dis tance, t room, city water, cellar under Whole house, renting for til per month, Overlooking new boulevard. Must be sold this week- Lou t fall to look this up. Payne, Bostvvick & Co. lth Hoar. N. Y. life Bllg BE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Company, Tel. 49. VACANT t "jo iixl'.'4 fet on Lottr-op, between Ititli and 17th. In K'untzr Place; paving paid: snap. V,5" lift feet on Farnam. X. W. for. of Park Ave.. VI feet deep; fine proposi tion for flat!.; a big snap. INVESTMENT $T,m on Park Ave. ne-ir Jackson, two good modern a-room frame houses, attached, rent $i,7 50 per month, owner wants to close out; they are. good. $S,0n n .ijuble brick residence block. 10 rooms each, large houses, on 2Xth. nesr pewcy Ave. ground tilxlM feet; rent.' $M0 per year. $8,000 Three brick residences, attached, on Mth. near St. Mary's Ave, rent $ per Vear; very low retinal at this. $VOu A pair of 8-rooni brick bouses near rHtfi anil Dewey Ave . rental f 1-K per year; thoroughly modern, with t.lcc uk finish, t. i. . . ... t...- (.. !. L'on i in jiiu' moil.- in hi. bank at J'4j and 3 per ent when 1 vou can buy Investment projiosltlons , as good as these. Remember, real estate is going up. DOWN TOWN W.Ouo-WxKl fict. being the Clarkson Memorial Hospital property on Dodge, tW teet west of 17th. with brie oulldlng which will rent for Hi per month, covering about one. foorth of the ground. This Is the greatest Inside snap that is on the market. If this won't double In less than five years' time, you can kick us al! over town. SHOLES SUBDIVISION BOMKTHINO NF.W AND SOME THING GOOD. S K. "or 11th and Vinlon. the no?t beautiful lots you ever saw. perfect arade, consisting of about 7i0 feet frontage on 16; h, commands a beautiful view of the river, street Just graded, water, gas, permanent walk being rut in and only $i" per lot on 10th Ft.; 44 to to foot lots on Vinton, $) to Jmki, with stone pav ing, permanent walks, aewcr, water and gas. ' South Omaha Investment If-IJ-'-T) Q St., opposite Armour's, 4fx loo feet, one-story brick store, 44x06 feet; one frame 2-story building, ax T feet, store below, living rooms above; total rent. $47.50 per month. Prli-e, $.: has sewer, water, gaa and all specials paid; bargain. RK Near 24th and Fort Sts. Several lots. 60x133 feet, $150. $5 down ami ft ., Mnnih as. iiiuiivii BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. UK 19S 2B H Houses and Lots H $2.3i)0 Emmet st.. close to :4th St., 7 rooms, modern but furnace, close to car. 2,4o0C-allfornia St., near 3Hh St.. 7-rootn cottage, gas, buth, closet, barn, giod re jmir. 37th and fuming Hts.. 9 rooms, nearly modern, lot C2xlo feet, all kinds of iruit and shrubbery. $2,300 Pierce, close to 2rth, 8 rooms, city water, fine large yard, all kinds of trees and shrubbery. $2.a00 Walking distance, 25th St.. south of Iavenworth St., 7 rooms, modern, room for two more cottages. $l,o.i0 2222 Poppleion Ave.. 6 rooms, paved street, permanent walks. Some Cheap Lots $050 for t lots on California St., 1 block east of Dundee car line. Nothing the matter with them. Owner lives in the south and has given us this price. $000 for a 60-foot lot on 25th St., south of Ia venworlh. Only ton mluutes' walk downtown. $300 On Krsklne 8t., less than two blocks from Walnut Hill car line; good neigh bors. $200 and $W each for some of the finest lota for the money in Omaha, on "Benson car line, between Military Ave. and Krug park. All lay high and sightly. Just nut Bide city limits. Buy one of these; when you have it paid for wc will build you a house. Open Monday evenings till 9 p. nr. Hastings & Heyden. Ifi01i Tarnain St. (Ground Floor). RK WEST FAUX AM DISTKICT. $15 Per Foot FOR QUICK SALE 374 feet frontage one block from Mrs. Gallagher's new resi dence close to the choicest residence district in the city where vacant lots are selling at $75 per front foot. We offer the above for $5,500 less than $15 per front foot. If you want an investment or to build cottages, Hats or apart ments investigate this bargain quick. GARVIN BROS. 1604 FARNAM ST. FOR SALE One of thoae fine six-room, all modern houses on Fowler Ave., east of 2nh atreui; part cash, balance easy pay. merits; readv to move Into. Apply to "har W. ilaxUu. 4J North jnh. TeL Red Hi! .RE-US Kx FOR SALE REAL ESTATE N. P. DODGE & CO. TRACKAGE SNAP We can offer this work only an Ir regular piece of trackage at 9th and Douqlas. bark of the 1'. P. headquar ters, opposite M. K. smith s new loca tion: foot ou !Mh. V5 ftot m Douxlaa; 135 feot of trackage in al ley and 4 4 ffet on 9th; iiart of two city lots, about 14,800 square feet. This can be had at a baigaln this week, for our option was given before j the new M. E. Smith deal was mado. ! INVESTMENT BARGAINS. $3,750 Close In. Four cottages on full city lot, f.bxl32, granite paving on Ftreet find alley. Rents 1492. Never vacant. Will probably be trackage In time. Only $1,000 down. $2,750 Store, three flats, shop and barn. Full lot near 10th and Center, rents $552. In thorough repair. Easy terms. HOUSES. $ 1,800 Seven-room cottage near 27th and Cunilug; large east front lot, barn and shade trees; new plumb ing and lu perfect repair. Only $500 down. $1,200 Seven-room house In good repair. Near 9th and Decatur. $6,000 Seven-room cottage and 60 feet, on Farnam St. at 25th. Ground alone worth the monoy. FLORENCE COTTAGE. $1,300 Nice new cottage of aeten rooms. Five on first floor and two on second. Electric lights and water In yard and good brick ?ave; cement walks, faces east, on car line; two blocks south of the business center of Florence; lot C6slS2. Can make terms. See us about this. LOTS. $5,500 115 feet south front on Farnam near 29th, 80 feet deep. This is the cheapest lot on Farnam St. from 10th bt. to 40th. If you don't buy this lot this week some one will. $8.000 147 feet east front on 23d St. by 14 3 feet north front on Web ster; alley on south and west; open on four sides. In front of Crelghton college. $1,C00 Full lot, west front on 32d, near Pacific. ACRES AND ACRE LOTS. New 6-room house and two acres in Benson Heights, on Orphanage road, north of Benson, $1,500. Easy payments. Pay for it this winter and move out in the spring. NEAR BENSON. Acre Lots $250 and $300. Five Acres $1,250; easy terms. Ten Acres $2,000; easy terms. NEAR SOUTH OMAHA. Acre Lots $250 and $300. Five Acres $1,000 and $1,250. Ten Acres $2,000; easy terms. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FAKNAM ST. Take Notice of these 24th & Harney Snaps . 31x71, suitable for flat, or residence, large oak trees,' price $1,300. I 45x71, suitable for 2 flats, price $1,900. 44x50 on Harney Street, facing Senator illard's home, price $2,500. Here is your ppportunitv to net a piece of the choicest ground in the city for a nominal figure. x Offered today for the first time. Will not be advertised again. ERNEST SWEET. 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472 RE Sweet & Best bnaps We offer the following prop erties for immediate sale at prices too low for comparison. OWN EH MUST HAVE MONEY. 7-room house, east front on 'Uth St., fine repair, modern ex cept furnace, new nickel plumb ing, lot 44x13.!, permanent walks, large trees, one block to bchool and two car lines. Rents for $19. A good home, or a 11 per cent net investment. $1,G75 takes it. NEW cottage, four rooms below and floor laid upstairs for two more; lot 45x100; permanent walks; located near 24th and Ames. Price, l,100. Vacant lot facing east on 20th St., Just Bouth of Castellar; Ilea tine, pav ing and permanent walks paid In full It o8 for 14 50. Vacant lot xm 26th between Maple and Binney, 42x113; Ilea line. $325 buys It. These property must be turned Into, cash r.t once. SEE US IF VOU WANT A BARGAIN. SWEET & BEST. 613 N. Y. Life. Tel. 14 71. mi ll 1500 CASH H balance flS pr month, will buy the N. E ' win onii iwuge, imntijo rect. 52.500 for a fine lot at 3Rth and Dewey. Jut eaat of Kountiei; cheapest lot In Weat Farnam district. 51,250 North front on boulevard. Just wast of d avenue. 12U feet. Make u an offer FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON Three Homes Cheap At 18th and Hickory Sis. We Give You Choice at $075 each. $17) Cash and Balance Monthly. i City water in each house and good cistern just outside the door of each. These houses will be sold this week and now is tlie.tinio to get your choice. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-44? Board of Trade Bldg. Tels. Office 2181. Res. 6153 Six-room Cottage Nearly new 'd-roo'in coltnRo with south front, tin II. closets nnd hath room, . unc, burn; only one Mock from Hitrney street car line. I'rlce ll.tsm. Terms to right party. BEMIS, PAXTUN BLOCK. Rk-1T FOR SALE. Six-room house, all modern and up-to-date, all on one floor, near Sher man Ave. car; ready to move Into. $2,600. Brand new five-room house, Just completed; city water, bath and sewer; on Ames Ave. $1,700. Eight-room all modern house, two lots, sightly location, near car. $4,000. ' 2Gth and Binney Sts., a new five room cottage, modern except heat. Easy terms. $1,7.00. Choice corner close In; two brick flats, one ten-room frame, lot Cxl32; rents $175 per month. Price, $30,000. T. X. Hammond, Manager Real Estate Dept. Shimer&Chase 'Phone 3867. 1609 Farnam. RE- WANTED From owners only. several thousand acres of land In each of the fol lowing;: Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Minnesota, the Dakotaa and Canada. Give full di-scrlptlon. lowest rrtee and best terms. Address Syndicate And Co., Equitable Bid., Dos Moines, la. RB tot Kx 1020 8. 35TH AVE.. 7 rooms, modern, with storage room, cistern, lot MxHO, with shade: $600 rash, balanr long time at 6 Interest. Western Realty Co., 4: Poxton block. RB-148 16 HOMES and INVESTMENTS New $-room house on North 24ih St., built less than a year ago by owner for a home, but is compelled to sell at once. This Is full 2-story, hns good reception hnll; bath on second floor, with best of plumbing; rooms all good size and con veniently arranged: corner lot SOxlJO ft., with brick walks on each side and cement walks In yard. Price, $2,700. Good 0-room house, modern except furnace, on Locust St., just adjoining Kountze Place; full 2-story and large and conveniently arranged and In excellent repair; has good, new barn for 2 horses, carriages, etc. Price is $2.5i, but owner very anxious to sell and wants offer. On 24th Ave., south of Harney, a very de sirable 6-rooin modern house, built for a home, but owner needs money In busi ness; first-class In every respect and In good neighborhood; $4,000. 7-room modern house, nearly new and very fine, near 29th and Dodge; has shade unit fruit trees and is a very dealrablu home; $2,900. A very good 8-room modern house, near 31st and Pacific. Owner wants offer. Good 8-room house, modern except furnace, on Grant St., east of Military Ave.; good burn, fruit and shade trees, and In good repair; hard pine and oak finish; a very flue home; $2,400. 6-room cottage, 25th Ave. and Sprnguc; rents $12,50 per month; lot uoxlOo. Price, $1,250. Kasy terms. W. FARNAM Telephone 1064. SITES FOR FLATS For an apartment house or flat, northeast corner 25th and Dodge,, 12Gx 123, with a good 11 -room houne now renting for $000 por year, $9,500. We have two choice pieces faring south on Farnam St., each 57x3 2 feet. Price, only $2,750 each. A big uarealn. 25th aud Dodge Is a good ipeation for those flats you want to build. We have 65 feet facing on 26th St. for $3,600 that would suit you. ThlB is a good bargain. Remember these fine site will not last long. ""You want to act quick. List your property with us. $750 cash, balance on monthly payments, buys a good new S-room all modern cottage at 2023 Maple St. Electric light and gaa, full cemented cellar, good furnace, fine plumbing. Owner baa left the city and wants to sell. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone 297. 212 S. 14th St. RE Do You Want to Buy a House, Lot or Other Property? Notify us and we will locate such for you regardless of how much, tune or money we have to spend for advertising in order to find aometi Ing that will suit you. No charges whattver to you. Writ or call betw'en and '0 a. m. and i and I p. m. at U New York Life bldg., or telephone Bite ji-Vl. ; Otto fcWuwova 4k Co.. Kit! Ffette FCR SALE REAL ESTATE Monthlv Payment Bargarn 4-ioom cottaee, just bolns; completed, 3518 Itlondo 8'.., nice, lai-Re south trout, ttt-ft. lot, $1,1011. Kasy terms to good party. BEMIS, PAXTON B1XCK. RK lit 2 YOUR PROPERTY Sold For Cash Within 30 Days If this proposition appeals to -you who for various reasons are desirous of .quickly disposing of your real es tate or other property we will be pleased to submit our plan for your consideration. No matter how many others have tried and failed to find you a purchaser, we "can and WILL sell your property .inside of one month a time from date of listing, and se'eure for it every dollar It is worth. OMAHA REAL ESTATE AUCTION CO. (Incorporated) 232 Neville Block. RE- CALIFORNIA alfalfa and fruit land. Free Information about the famous Orldley colony. Write for It. Garden spot of California. Ideal placo for a home. Rich farming country. Dairying, stock raisin, fruit growing-. Fine climate. Charles F. O'Brien, General Manager. Dept. 24, SO Montgomery St., Ban Francisco. RE FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on North 18th St.. only $4,600. This is a bargain. THOMAS KRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bid. HE Jit 4-room cottage on Bouth 22d St.; rents for $15 per month; $1,600. Four 5-room cottages at N. W. cor. 31st and Seward; city water in ench; ground Ij0xl2i. Nonresident owner does not care to keep In repair and very anxious to close out at once. Best offer submitted. 75x120 ft., on corner -.'.rtfi and O St.. South Omaha, with lo-room rooming housf. Owner died reeentls, leaving a heavy en cumbrance which must be taken caro of by heirs. This Is one blrck from the bus iness center of South Omaha and a very good Investment. Will Vie sold separately or altogether. Will take Omaha residence as part puyment. This must ho closed out at onco and any reaaonablt) offer ibuu niltted. Douglas Street Flats 1 brick flats on Douglas, near 23d St., all in good repair and renting for $1,440 per year: ground GCxlJ2 It. A good Invest ment at $13,000. Vacant We have souk; very desirable lots close In for flats: good building lots in West Far nam district; $1.4ft up. ed residence lots in all parts of city; $200 up. SMITH & CO 1320 Farnam St.' RE- 3 BARGAINf On easy payments. Owner forced to sell. 1932 S. 12th St., 2-story dwelllug, city water, lot 60x125 feet, rent $22. Price, $1,750. Want an offer. 1462-1464 S. 13lh St.. stores with flats above, city water, lot 50x140 feet, rent $30. Price, $2,600. Want an offer. 193C-38 S. ISth St., city water, lot 33x132 feet, rent ?37. Price, $3,100. Want an offer. We will sell the above properties with small cash payment and balance monthly. GARVIN BROS. 1C04 Farnam. HK BAIidAINS. 4-room artificial stone lioue, $l.sso. 6-room new house, near Uih and Vinton modern except furnace, $.',.lii). ' Kountze 1'iace houses, $.'.( to $r,.uuO Two new brick housed, rental t, $S 500 Six hrlt k houses, $1,440 rental. $11. 'UO. 5ox:!3u, on Florence Boulevard. $" Chicago, near 31st, paving paid. $l.lo. loth and Castellar. S. ii corner, room for four houses, $l.iiu0. l'i cUTt'i southwest, H.'.'(j. 10 acres eaat of Benson, $-' "Mi. 4v acres improved, north l-'lurvnce, $i,oo0 4o acres 6 miles west, fc.ox). So acre improved farpy county, $):,400 2o0 aen s Barpv county, $140io. JOHN N. FHKSZEH. OPi. OLD P O KB-1U5 M NINE-ROOM house and barn, full lot on 8 anli. near lavenworih; all modern: must Us old. Wont offer. Cull for number F. P. WE AD. 1M4 DOUGLAS. HE-154 26 FOR BALK A good quarter section In 10-JI-12. Holt county, and one In 21-31-U Boyd county, Neb.; these cost $J,v will sell at a bargain; need money. John T. . LauU-y, 11 tjoie bU, Iwptk. Kan. hii-u :6x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORGE & 1601 Farnam St. HOUSES FOR SALE $!,5oo for a very desirable!, S-room. mod ern, square hois", on Lincoln boulevard (in Hi nils pnrki: llemlh oiik flnleh fir?! floor, two nnititi Is and grntex. combination fixtures; full cemented hiitemeut, cement walks and sidewalks; only built about ihree years; location choice, affording leautlful view; lot .V'Xl'B feet, with double frontage. Owner leaving the city and wants to sell quickly. $.".t for a S-rooni. modern house on 8. Isth St.. near 1'opplcton Ave; hot water heat, In best ol condition, nice shade treej; east-rront lo'. 6vxl,"" feet. $;( for iSC" C.'tlifornl:! St.. !-rrom. mod ern bouse. In tirKt-cliiss mndltlon. newly painted and pnpered throughout; large b;irn: lot 6ji1.VI feet. Heasonable terms. $2,700 for good K-room. modern house, with barn, on Charles St.. west of 38th St.; lot 5txi:w feet. Reasonable terms. $2,700 for good 7-room bouse on Amen Ave., near 25ih St., all modern except fur nace, with nice lawn, full lot, beautiful shade trees. $-V.mfor large, 2-story. 6-room bouse on Locust. neHr 2-d St . all modern except fur nuce: burn: lot 40x1 4ft feet. $J.15o for 1111 N. 1Mb St.. 7-room cottage, modern except furnaca. In good condition, clow In. Knsv terms. $C.10O for -room, 2-storv house on Bristol Ft., near LTth St., with bam and large lot. t(fixl32 feet. Nonresident ownr anxious to sell. Frlca reduced from $'.',400. $l.S0O for lf Corby St.. good t-room linuse, city wr.trr. sewer and gas. In first clnss condition, easy terms tl.5 for sua 8. 2"th St., ft-room cottage, eity water, gas. etc.; two large bed rooms upstairs: lot SSxU'O feet $600 cash, balance i per cent.,, Jl.s&o for fi Eiskin. St., -room cottage, good well water, large cistern, gas, etc.; mail barn, nice lawn; lot 60x120 feet. VACANT $825 for 42.9x132 feet, aouth front, on Bris tol St., 12S feet west of 24th St. Choice.. VIA tor 61x147 feet, north front, on La fayette Ave., 63 feet eait of 3ftii St. Eay terms. $iT) for 60x12'' feet, east front, on 2fth Ave.. 214 feet south of Woolwortli Ave.; Payne, Bostwick & Co. SIXTH FLOOK N. Y. LIFE BLDG, DWELLING HOUSES rn Wmi Pinnum St.. u Rtiorlal bnr- gain for qulcR sale. 7-room, oak and bird a-eye maple nnisn, nmntei ana grate, an modern, fine barn with driveway, elegant shade trees, yard all fenced, property vacant. Front door will be open tomorrow afternoou. Houso No. 4220 Farnam St. uwner has reduced price and Is going to acll at a bargain. Knmothinir trnnA lir:ir TJflrneV CAT w ... . . ..... r . -( t line. 5-room, electric light, shade, rrult, good neignnornooa, near scnooi. Price reduced from $1,600 to 11,350 for a few days. On 29th Ave. near Farnam, a good two-story 8-room house, oil finish, fur nace, bath, gas, not ana coia water, house in first-class repair, for $2,700. 3128 Cass, corner lot, south front, Q.rnnm hnnutt ctrlctlv nil mndprn irond plumbing, larne rooms, barn. Tine shade; nonresident owner- anxious to sell. Any reasonable offer will be considered. House Is vacant; go and see it. Near 20th and Pierce Sts., two small houses with lot 60x183; room to build two more houses. Price, $2,000. Snap. VACANT PROPERTY Fine building lot on Seward street Just west of 40th, 60x130; lays fine for hnfldlnir! nnlv S550. Blceest anan in the Walnut Hill district. East front corner lot, near Harney street car line, high and sightly, for $400. v East front lot on Georgia Ave., near Poppleton Ave., at a bargain. BRICK BLOCK One- block from Auditorium, three story brick with basement, with $3,3C0 annual rental. Price for quick sale, $20,000. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Slxlh. Floor X. Y. Life Bldg. RE Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate Still continues, and will continue until all are sold. The three cottages advertised last Sunday at $800 each have been sold, but I have two cottages at 918 and 920 N. 18th St., right In the city which must be sold before December 1st. See them and make me an offer. At 1204 N 27th St. I have a good house and barn and large lot which I, offer at $1,500 orj easy terms. At 204 N. 44tb St. I have a brick house and full lot for $1,500. $1,500 will buy house and lot at 1237 S. 13th St.; street paved and pavement paid for. At 2116 Spencer St. I have a 9-room modern hoMise, good barn, and full lot, held at $4,500, but' I want an offer on It be fore December 1st. See me for list of bargains that must be sold before end of the year, as they are owned by a corporation. whose state laws prohibit it from owning property more thun five ju. THOMAS Room 1 N. W. G. SHRIVER, 1C3 New York Life Bldg. If you w-.tut a bargain in a home, let Hie how you tho following .no !oi. owing: New 8-ruom. modern house, Martha. Jim on loth and I Fine new model n home, in Remis park, Farnam St.. near Bristol, It,!). -rooti UMO. -rom $-',oec. 8-room, modern houso West house, '.'lit, modern modern except furnace, Cltta and Parker, $..&!. 6-room, re deru Parker. t2.:.. except furnace, '.'Otli and 7-rooin brick, lli and Yates, $1..0. 7 rooms, '-j lot, :'ih and iilon.lo. $1.0O. Houses and lota in all parts of tlie city. See my list Im fore buj lug. HE y.18 Harney, largiflck, oak finish, large furnace, cost over $l7,ii) to build, with Tlj feet of ground worth $1,Io will take $i0. a;i7 Harney, el, gain, large, ma hogsiiy tiliNh, Miea-n heat; il.Oio. JC-i JXwey Ae.. H io.nns, modern, with gHd fiunace; 13.oii. Also Lo to fco It. fronting south on lvwi-y Ave , J-jinliig above, at 4.'i per front foot. These iinprovt menia are worth $if.,ouu and the ground $l.'.i"': nre within short walk to business center; l block from Kurnan street car and close to All Kilnts', Kouutxe Memorial, Second Congregational churches. JcwUli xvtiHROgui and hihh-.s l.ool. SI'KlN'iFU, Sole Aent. l'axton Block. Tel. L4!:" RE-1TJ ii DUNDEE Three, beautiful lota and new barn li5oo. One of the best built houses and barn; lota of fruit and shad trees. If you war var offered a bargain, you ran get ona ' hr. J. IL Fnou, faxton. itL-liT $ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 'Phone 76. lies high and sightly. Noni ci-ideut owner anxious to sell $l.,tt for l;i.4xl7 fee.! at S W. corner of IMh Ave ti.1 H.irncy St.. which price- In cluilis improvements thereon. One-third, cash, tin In nee at h i r cent. One of thn most desirable close-in corners, suitable for up. itt ment bouses or flats. In city. $4.fc for 6ixl.l2 feet. N. V,. corner of tstH and Webster Sts , with S-toom, old brlelc house; close In: good corner to Improve. $1.S"0 for Scxl40 feet, west front, on 32il St . 2Vt feet north of Wool worth Ave. $2.."iev for lot i"xl40 leet, west front, on Turk Ave., Just south of Dewey Ave. (two) lots J2, for lot 6i'Xl0i feet, north front. or St Miirv s Ave.. n iir ;i;th St. (three lots $l.tVi each foe several lots. 4xi;ii feet each, west front, on Central boulevard. 4j block north of Vnrn-im; double frontage. ll.anO for corner lot In Ound-e. bxlS feet, on car line. About rftort cash, balanca $15 per month at per cent. XT..V) for &Oxl2N. sooth front, on Pratt Pt., 1M feet east of 27th St.; nne shade. $460 for 4."x130 feet, west front, on 30th, Pt at Intersection of Ontario; lies hit?h ami level $375 for 5xl2" r.vt on Manderson St.. .Ilt V i.f 'Mh Ave. $3it for fOx1:)r feet, north front, on Pora tur St.. X fit-t east of 40th St. INVESTMENTS $.tn,ftin for 44x132 feet on rarnam St.. with good 4-story and basement brick building, renting for VOn p-r year, under 6-ywu- leas'. . . . $isupo for 2-stnrv, modern, brick building, divided lnt" tin ee aparunents i f tn rooms) e if h hnv'Ptr onk finish, new hot water heating plant; well located and clos In; rental $1.9sn per year: can easily bo ln creased to $Alt Pr year. Vow for 14U k lfttn St.. !-story franm strre building, with six large living rooms above; also small house In rear; pays over lo per rent net. alter deducting taxes and ,nf!Iounft.r S. E. corner 13th and Pacillo Sts , four a-room houses, rentiii for $t each, and one shop, used as a broom fac tory, renting for $10; touil monthly rental, $34. 'Lot tttlXlOO feet. RK W. H. GATES C17 X. Y. Ufe I51dg. Thonc 1294. $;50 Small cottage and lot 75xl0l at 3013 Uurdetto. $1,500 8-room 2-story houso, water, sewer and gas. ou tho south west corner 25th and Ersklne, renting at $15. 11,500 A good 7-room cottage, well built and in good order, not. mod ern, at 1524 Ohio St.; now vacant; A very cheap place. ' $2.500 A six-room house on Lo cust street Just east of 24th, all mod ern except furnace, fine bath room, new barn, Jot 40x150. $3,000 Two six-room cottages, modern except furnace, south front on Clark near 19th (boulevard), renting at $32. $4,200 Eight-room modern house, same aa new, well built by tho owner, oak finish on first floor, fireplace and large living room, well arranged; size of houso is 36x40; all up-to-date, Bouth front, lot 60x128. on paved street and good locution; owner is quite anxious to sell. Five lots on the northwest corner 30th and Ohio, each 50x120; sewer, water and gaa, on car line, for $1,200. FRUIT FARM. Ten acres in northeast part of the city, has a good eight-room house, large barn, all in good order; 1,200 bearing cherry trees and 2,000 currant bushes; two acres in pasture; close to paved street; nice place to live as well as to make a good living. Price, $3,500. New six-room modern house for rent at 3224 Lincoln boulevard. RE 25 PER CENT profit In Wi days or 14 per cent income per year. We can show you if you will give us the chance 8-r. h. and 13') feet front. Room for 8 cottages. $ cash required. Street paved and all con veniences. Kast front, statelv oaks, elms. Ueautlful plat of ground. Clms.' K. WIN llamson Co. RE 1Y4 26 BRENNAN, Y. Life Bid?. pause and peruse We have umong other desirahlM listings In our private alcs and exchange depurt i.'iems ttie following: A new 8-room nous, strictly modern and first-class In every cietjll; within wuikitig distance and on pnved s'reet. I'rlce $5.imi. Another, similar In .ill respect to abov except not on paved street, l'rico $l,iin. 7-room house, modern except f jrnace: Just completed, full ,lt. fates on Central Imulevard. Trice $2.75u. Neat cottage 011 JJecatur St., near ath. Price $l,F,oO. OMAHA HEAL ESTATE Al CTION CO., Tel- '7V -32 Neville B!k. P.E- 4-rooom cot use. larpe rooms, high ce- gooa condition, city water. na, new brn; near three cur lines; lot tlxlio; tuuir -.tli and Tcmpleton. fl.&A 5-room cottage, on p.ived street city water, Ra; lot ia.'; S,t h and Bristol. $1.; wis I tut tunc, except mortgage, monthly payments, without litiretl. A leusonrtble oiler will ' , to-isld. red. li-roOlil COlltl. iiiimI,-,,! .'., t,,ru f.nn anu iJ'inKia.i wiihlng distance; lot v-xij), only i.i-i. -mom bouse. lord' rn furniee. Id gooo conniiion. wulKIng dlmnnce. .'id and Clark; lot ;"wit; prlie J.'.uo; t0 cash, baluuie monthlv. til LAS BOBBINS. Krenxr Blk. I, L 1 , CALIKUKNIA Hf M ESEEK KH'H Ol'lOK FKEE. tSend tcany. tireat opportunl ' ties. Hhepheid-Tiagua Co., ir.1 "J" K'., reno, Cal. RE HI 9ix TWO five-room cottages on Douglan Bt., . near ynh. with city water. For t tli ' .'.. or would divlije. V. D. WUD, leli DOCUT-AU.