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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
1 TTTE OMATTA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1005. Welcome to Visitors in Omaha J. L. Rrandfls Sons extend a cordial wrlruine to hII visitors nt the Implement Drains' convention and all other stranfcers In the city. We Invite- you to Irwiktt yourselves at home in the largest, busiest store In the wept. M will slndly extend to you any courtesy In our power. BflRRtige nnd parcels cliecked free of charge. BKK OCR NEW SL'B WAY THE MOST NOVEL SIUHT IN OMAHA. This spacious, brilliantly lighted underground salesroom connects our main building with new Annex. Fashionable Shoes I r Our Handsomely Appointed Shoe Dept. Main Floor We are equipped to eatlsfy xthe demands of the moat particular trade. Our great stocks of mtperlor grades 0f dress and walking shoes ndmlt of the satisfaction, of every taste and the correct fit of every foot. A splendid line of dressy shoes In plain and patent leathers made In the best factories in the land selected leathers 50 750 nil nil' .i an it rem uiu u; popular makes, at i)r. Reed's Famous ("million Snip Shoes for Ladies, at V'if--5!. Every Salesman It thoroughly ex perlenced. You aro i.c rm n to pej correctly nura In the best shoes for your feet . , 2L-3 .$5 All our shoes are warranted to give good, reasonable wear. We are glad to adjust b11 complaints. Courteous treatment and complete satisfaction always. THE BEST SHOES FOR MEN THAT EVER SOLD AT The best leathers, the best styles, the best finish and the best wear that you can find (T $yf in anv moderate priced shoe. All the new styles wide variety, at $3 finish '3 Florsheint Shoe for Men The top notch of shoo making the best and dressiest shoe you can buy price. . . COD J- I2lc GINGHAM at 3c a, Yd. We 'will sell tomorrow 10 rases of our best 12V T dress gingham all next spring styles mill remnants, at, yard SBfliWHi FOR THIS WEEK'S MEAT SPECIALS Hprlng ChU-ken W-i fork l oins c l'oik Rousts Holl Heef :V.: Choice Rib Kessts SugHr Cured Uams 7o Sail Vnrk , ti'kc This Week's Green Trading Stump Special Ip.n Creen 9'smps (JH"0 with 1 Iti IUU Cevlon Ten. at 73 or CDs B. K. Jupiin Tea. st. 0li innOrorn fltan'ps ifliMK)) with gal Ion Canadian Maple $1,33 0f tlreen Stamps (js.uo) with Jibs. eu Mucha ind Juva tl 'offee I Cfl (Sreen Stamps ($i.t) with sa'k y Queen of the West $1,35 Cfl tlreen Slumps " V$5.t- with 6Mb. Ju sack Hlue Hell 1 JC Flour lia3 Cfl Green Stamps $S.O0 with Morreil Iowa Wide Hani. lis per lb IIS CO Green Stamps (J.-.0H) with JQs u 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea sot' KfJ Oreen Stamps tf.00 with half uv gallon Pure Maple CQ Syrup D3 On Green Htamps clli.OO) with 1 lb." Santos Coffee. I5c; or Java Qf Blend Coffee UB f l.OO In Green Stamps With Kach of the Following Articles: 3 pkgs. SmirohllRht Matches 13c 1 6-lb. suck Salt loo 7 bars I). C. Soap 6c 1 large can Dlnkley peaches Zic 1 large pkg. Pepper loo 3 cans Forest City Corn C5c 3 cans Early June Peas 30c 8 bars Swift Pride Soap Luc The Boston Meat & Grocery Co,, Opp. New Posfofflcs. 113 N. 16th St. 'Phone 1089 MEN'S HAND-MADE CLOTHES Short Lots from the Leading Tailors in the Land HAND-TAILORED SUITS from Rogers, Peet . Co. New York Fashionable Overcoats 41 Suits from Hirsch, Wickwire & Co. Chicago Elegant Suits and Overcoats D Rothschild & Co. RocNhtef' Makers of Famous "Newport" Clothes. THE FIXE Kl'ITS are the best and "most popular styles of men's clothing from tha leading makers of fine clothing latest pat terns fine woolens, splendidly tailored. No custom tailor can improve on them. THE OVKKCOATH are the top-notch of Style long and medium length heavy weights for winter the coats for stylish dressers Genuine $20, $22.50 and $25 Values . . 4- f t)R. BRADBURY 1806 PAW Afl Taatb ExrrectcU.. J5c Porcalala Fillings SI op Gold FllllngB SI up Silvar Piltlags...BSo up Crowns. .....$X60 up f-Utaa.........i00 up DENTIST IS Years Sain a Locatlos) Phona 1736. Bridge Work $3.50 ip Nerves remeved with out pain. Loose Teeth M a 4 5olld. Work runnlMd it swarai The Janitor service in The Beo Building is as near perfect as it can be, remembering that janitors are human. Offices from $10 to $4? per month several desirable ones from which to choose. Sjhertnnc'a La Grippe Cough Syrup IS W ELL HAM ED. It wu tint compounded whan tha acoursa wu at Ita worst 1-8a It ba provad ita .ffleLney thousand, of times. Thera amy ba otbar ramedlea ftr a alttipla cough. t.A OKlfJ-E CCIUH IS DIFFEKENT. This syrup quirts at onra and stops that tickUna ln tba throat. TIHBT DOBK RKUEVEE. JLUfLU KKCtt bottles k&c and too. For efiLTonic cuti. plats, tl M. sfada aod sold by Sbernn I UcConaell Cms Ci. Cos. 1WB aaa Oadaa its.. Uak. WHY NOT? Hve our plumblr.r and heatins duue by ioinptent men- NVe cbtenully ifive esti mates and niuiralllr our ork to Kivt en tire sadHfaotion. 'Phones No. IS, -& and Krd-6773. ' IK W. DIDCEON tst WEirKHJI HK tT. l(i CO., 910 truA$ SUCtV t'iLUiA. i3" W t S ss 1 90' LAY IT ASIDE Select your Chriutiuas pre-st-uis now. ana wiii Kive them for you. Ltrr your i-holee will be restrlrted and -ur kHtisfat tiun b ss sr. at i J One of Our New $3.50 Styles For Men Fashionable and up-to-date and shap ed for comfort as well as beauty. This style comes in patent colt, gun metal calf and box calf. Made up especially for fall and winter wear. With heavy soles and the new extension edges. Come and see them; compare the quality, style and price with others, then buy the best. FRY SHOE CO. I ttth and Deuqlai Sts. IMamond Rings. Diamond Brooches, TMamond Ear Screws. Diamond Scarf Fins. . Our stock of prnclous stones la very complete for this Christinas showing. "We sell tho i handsomest 30.00 Diamond Ring In Omaha. We take patna In mounting It so that It looks like a 160.00 RlnK. T; n r i 3 uruwu Dureut:ini JEWELER6 IZZZ South !6!iStreet,0mahaJ ' Send for 1008 C.tloLu. ( Tree 9 B ""mnilA WEATHEU FT)R ECAMT Wrd'tottlay Vnir! ""i I IrTi TPTVTnMI TFTS is ill v i IS I 111 &he Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago NOV. 27th VERY LOW FARES TO POINTS IN Indiana. Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York. Ontario, Kentucky ...FOR... "Homevisitors" LIMIT 3 WICKS Cit? Offices 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA til. at4-oei Green Trading Stamp Booth Main Floor. FIRST AND FOREMOST ANYWAY YOU LIKE TO TAKE IT-IN THE NEW RETAIL CENTER." Ladies9 Fur Lined Coats Special Display Wednesday Morning 15.00 20.00 c collar, or 22.50 28.50 45.00 85.00 ALL Ft'LL LKNOTH COATS AT $15.00 Broadcloth, natural squirrel lining. 125.00 quality, at At $20.00, broadcloth, natural squirrel lining, water mink cape collar, at At $22.50, broadcloth with blended hare lining, water mink collar, or s fine cheviot with natural squirrel lining and Astrakhan cape collar; these are $30 coats, for...., At $28.50, broadcloth, blended hare lining, full marten cape collar, a great bargain At $45.00, broadcloth, blended have lining, very deep fur ,cape collar , At $85.00, finest broadcloth, mink lining, best quality of beaver collar, regular $125 cont , At $95.00, finest broadcloth, gray and white Siberian squirrel lining, best natural gray squirrel cape collar, QC (( very swell coat S.UU ASTRAKHAN C'AI'KS for elderly ladles a purchase of fifty, worth from $25 to $35, all on sale at 15.00 RIRRON SALTS WKPNKSDAY 4-lnch fsncy Loulsiene Silk, satin stripe, all shades, 25e quality STOCKING SA1.K WKPNKSHA V Children's, misses' and ladies' utocklngp. In" heavy fleece lined and cashmere, a 20c. ha r pa in for LAWKS' CNION SCIT KALE WEDNESDAY Heavy, soft fleece, Onleta style or buttoned front, f Art a $1.50 quality, at.'. l.UU 10c ladies' 15c 10c 3.95 TRETTV FLANNELETTES CHEAP 100 pieces of double fold Per sian and Oriental patterns. In fine printed flannelottes, 34 Inches w-Jde, worth loc yard, for Wednesday, a ya rd . '. WOOL BLANKETS CHEAP Large, gray wool Blankets, our $5 ones, for Wednesday, a pair TABLE LINEN SPECIAL 10 pieces of Bleached Linen, 68 inches wide, with the new 18-lijch border, extra heavy satin OjC damask, worth $1.25 yard, for Wednesday, a yard ZJDC NECKWEAR BARGAIN All silk stocks, silk embroidered, linen stocks, fancy embroidered, wash stocks and embroidery f f turnovers, 25c to 50c values, special Wednesday, each UC SALE OF LADIES' HANDlitntCHIEFS 300 dozen of fancy embroid ered nnen Handkerchiefs, plain hemstitched, regular 25c value, sale price Wednesday, each .. 15c EXTRA GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON EMBROIDERY 2,000 yards of tine nnd heavy Nainsook Embroideries, worth to 2oc yard, Wednesday only, a yard, n 12J,c,. 10c and OC And double green trading stamps. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GOLF GLOVES Hand knit, woolen Golf Gloves and Cashmere Gloves, full assortment of colors, ! r regular 50c value, special, a pair . JJC Plate Sale Plate Sale L Wednesday FOR THE THANKSGIVING TABLE. Choice of all our Fancy Plates Two large tables at a flat discount of 33 1-3 per cent. Handsome plates at prices lower than we can import them. None reserved. Goal Prepare For Cold Wealher Coal GENCINE CARTER VILLE, ILLINOIS, LVMP COAL AND NTT COAL Regular price up to $C25 OUR PRICE LUMP, C CA I NUT. 5.50 per ton.. JJJ per This coal is the best mined in Illinois. & H." ton. 5.25 Gft In and save mone. Green Trading Stamps Every Time. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY COFFEES COFFEES COFFEE8 ROASTED EVERY DAT. Twenty Gren Trading Stamps with pound pksr. Bennett'a Capitol Coffee 28c Twenty Green TradinK Stamps with pound Basket Fired Japan Tea 38c Ten Green Tra(Hns; Stamps with ran Bennett'a Capitol Ground Black Pepper. 12c Ten Green Trading Stamps with 3-pound can aplendld Table Syrup 12f! Twenty Green Tradiim Stamps with pound Golden Santos Coffee aic Twenty Green Trading Stamps with two pounds Sultana Raisins ax Twenty Green Trading Stamps with 2-pound can Diamond "8" Cove Oysters S0o Ten Green Trading Stamps with 2-pound can Diamond S Cove Oysters. ...18c Corn, 2-pound can.... Potted Tin key, can.. Salmon, pound can... Oil Sardines, can Table Syrup. 24-pound can IVas, 2-puund can Manufacturer's Stock of Ladies' Soft Skirts on Sale Wednesday THE RELIABLE STORK. Great Bargain1 in Children's Suits ank Overcoalsif neanesaaj Great Sale of Men's Shirts Wednesday we will place on sale 100 doien men's shirts. In new fall patterns, s i-h well known styles as the Griffon. Lyon, Oak, etc.. not a shirt In the lot worth less Mian n.OO and up to S3 alt new, clean stock, the Breatest burxalns ever OS offreI, st. choice , do OR THREE 8HIHTB FOR $1.(0. LADIEi. t-MON SCITS-three rusi tors CHILDREN S HEAVY WINTER HOSI? wool, well made and worth 1.6fl, 7S worth lie C all sites, Wednesday, at I at. pair I GREAT, SALE OF INDIES' NIGHT ROBES. WEDNESDAY. SEE THEM. Silk Specials Wednesday, from the Morris Kaughman Stock Moire silks. In black and colors, hiindsonie , color taffetas. 27 Inches wide, M-lnch plaids and fsncy silks, black taffetas, black peau de sole and tuffctas and many "e mum nurpriFing narKsius Klip inner splcmllil bariums yet shown, Wednesday, at, ysrd... u"" Wednesday, at, yard 65c Wednesday in the Linen Department. Hemstitched center pieces and dresser Three specials In extra fine all linen carfs slightly soiled, all linen, worth : ,.,, T rom to JSC each, on ealo at " 15c, 25c, 39c, 49c and 59c SCI from Fancy pillow shsms, In all colors. Swiss i 2ox(:,, regular ,1!c values, nt -o muslins and lace effects, worth from 26o I (.-.utra tine home-made outing flannel to tl.00-.t comforters- full else, regular 1.M arth Is. J9C, 25C, 39C, 49C and 59C each for Wednesday only L 75c Corset Cover Embroidery, per yard, 19c This is a line of Embroidery of the very best quality and new, up-to-date pnt tprns every piece worth regularly from 50c f 75c per yard . 1 Q all on sale Wednesday at one price per yard M AMM..f Ce,fA Goods worth 50c, 75c, $1 lUf niUIUdi JL UaiKZ a go at the one price, 60c Pockethooks forT 25c 75c Hand Bags for 50c Silk Belts for 2"c $1.00 Satin Pad Hose Supporters. 2Tc 75c Ladies Neckwear for 25c Many other 50c to $1.00 Articles will go at. 75c. Cloth Brushes for 2.V 75c Hair Brushes for 25c $1.00 Made Veils for 25e 5('c Mirrors for 25o 250 Envelopes for 25o P c o n Sugar Is Down Again Haydcn's always give the people tho benefit of the low market Always lirst in price and quality. 22 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 ft Bars Best Brand Laundry Soap. 20c 4 8 lb. Sack Fancy High Patent Min nesota Flour . $1.33 6 lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans 25c C lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina . . 2rtc 8 lbs. Best Rolled Breakfast Oat meal 25c Oil Sardines, per can 2Hc 2 lb. can Sweet Sugar Corn .5e 10 lbs. Best Granulated Cornmeal.ISc Jello, or Jellycon, per pkg .7c Gillette's Washing Crystal, per pkg.lo Fig Bun Cookies, per lb 7 Ho The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers. per lb . .60 Lemon Cream Cookies, per lb Die Bushel boxes of Fancy Colorado Red streak Eating Apples $1.49 Bushel boxes of Fancy California Bell flower Apples $1.75 Bushel boxes of Fancy Colorado Wine Sap Eating Apples $1.08 3-bushel barrels New York Baldwin Apples . .$4.50 3-bushel barrels New York Greening Apples . . $4.00 mm r o)fo) OMAHA BALE-TIE CO. SSiifi 14th and Nicholas Sts. "W Ship Quick.' Tslsphons 357 HOME VISITORS' RATES VIA HlinnKr.p.ntrAlR.R. The Date. November 27th I Toronto, Ont $35.55 Indianapolis, Ind $28.20 Louisville. Ky $2.00 Detroit, Mich $25.85 Buffl9,,N. Y $88.00 Salamanca, N. Y, $88.70 Cleveland. O.... $28.85 Columbus, O $28.15 . .hc Bin B Oil Sardines, can 3c Q :5 I!" l mm . , . n SB ITen Green Trading Stamps with quart Sour Pickles luc D H "AGENTS FOR TETI.EY'8 INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS. DEMON- B 1 STRATED ON MAIN FLOOR. B H iiiiii,iu,ji.i,j,.lr,ilL.mBs .hi ii i v t,yfryr' ou nnnnit, old timu." ' -t,im f HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS r A chance to visit your old home. "Why not spend Thanksgiving with old friends once more? The Illinois Central makes this possible by offering exceptionally low rates for the round trip, as shown below, with 21 day limit. Cincinnati, O $27.85 Toledo, O $25.70 Pittsburg, Pa $31.00 Wheeling, W. Vs $81.70 Springfield. Ill $17.45 Kankakee, 111 .'...$18.00 Bloomlngton, 111 $18.65 Decatur, 111 $17.00 HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS ON MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY 2 GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST Indiana, Ohio and certain points In Illinois, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and Ontario, November 27th, 1905. A Return limit, 21 days. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE T llt the old beine and sea lout frUnds ef other days. roa ssBTicuisns. inouisc or company's soint. ea . C. TOWNSEXD. Ocainl rtutecn 14 Ticks! st. Su Lsula. Ms. 11 W manufacture our own trunks, traveling base and ami cusea. We make them ot the bit material. Our workman. alUp Is unexcelled. We eell them tor leas than Inferior mdbj would cost you eisewbere. If you buy of us .u will get the best you will save .noney you will be better satisfied. Leather Round Mat tins' Suit Cases. 13.60. S3 ii and Hull We dn repalrtni;. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 120Farnsm Street. Correspondingly low rates to nearly all points in the above etates. For full particulars call at 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, or write SAMUEL NORTH, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT, OMAHA, NEB. Going to Sea by Rail ncaus linn a iair isie, out is au One of the most inteiebting and difficult feats or railroad engineering was the building of a bridge across the waters of Great Salt Lake. This Is one of the sights for passengers on their trip to. CALIFORNIA OVER THK UNION PACIFIC Thru meal quicker to San Frawuco than via any otlur line. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET 'Phone 31ti.