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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
The Omaha , Daily Bee. PATRONS Worth Having eopte Who Read The Bee B 1ST Business Boosters EE Want Ads. ESTABLISHED JUNE ID, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOHXIXU, NOVEMBER 10, 1W3-TEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. LAND FOR PEASANTS Cur OivM Larga Portion of Imperial Do main ta Fonnar 8arfa. COMPOSES THIRD OF EUROPEAN RUSSIA Laid ia tha Froparty of tha EaVpaiar and Grand Dukaa. GENERAL STRIKE BEGINS AT NOON TiaTea Blisutd f raWblj PraTeu ibed ia Inaitat Capital F8REIGNERS ALARMED BY THE j Reign of Terror Mar Be P hr IrlftTerenets of 0j Among Strike ! leaders. kod- 1 ;ion 2 I - Mrd i DISPUTE BETWEEN UNIONS END Woodworker and Carpenters Settle Differences Outside of Labor Con vrnllnn. P1TT8BLRG Pa., Nov. li.-The third day of the Ameiicau Federation of Labor convention vu (tlv'n up for the greater part to the presentation and consideration of resolutions, but none was of great Im portance outside of the Indorsement of the structural bridge workers" strike. One of the disputes which promised to vause trou ble In the convention ha been practically adjusted. It Is between the Amalgamated Woodworkers and the Brotherhood of Car- ISLE OF PINES IS REVOLT America a Eeaidaata Deolaia Political In depince from Eepublio of Cuba. , CLAIM TO BE UNITED STATES TERRITORY President U Itotlfleri that r'orut of Government Haa Bee a Kstabllshed aad All Subordinate Of ficers Elected. NKW VOUK. Nov. 15. A cable dispatch pentera and Joiners and Is over the ques- to the Herald from Havana, nays that real- I i V BlXUKTlJf. " - ' ' ST. PETERSBURG. NoT. 155:30 p. m. The Associated Press is Informed from a high source that a ukase will be la siied Boon whereby largo portion of the Imperial domain, which covers al most a third of Eurnpesn Russia and which at present la tne property of the emperor and grand dukes, will be given to i lie peasant!. According to this Information land will be supplied to the landless peasants in Hfteen-arre allotments, not a free gift, but on easy terms, the payments to be made through the Peat-ants' bank and to cover period of thirty-five years. There Is also under consideration a plan for the abolition of the special economic classification for the communal holding of land by the peasantry and the placing of the peasants, o far the holding of: the land Is con eerned, oh the seme footing as other sub jects of the emperor. ST. PETERSBITOO. rv. .1. 12:1? a. m A fierce northeast billiard and snow which blew down on St. Petersburg tonight pre vented bloodshed In the Russian capltul. The bitter cold, by forcing the strikers to -main Indoors, did more to preserve order han all the Cossack cavalry patrolling the treets. Heavy military reserves are sta tioned In nil the industrial districts, but np lo midnight there was no rioting. Thero were rumors of collisions 1n various parts nf the city, but on investigation they turned Mit to tr filet The social democrats hod n Impressive response on the part of all nrganlsatlon of vorkmen to their sum mons for a general political strike to flemonstrata thel. olldaxity with the strug gle of their Prilsh comrades for autonomy snd to protest against the execution of the mutinous sailors at Cronstadt. Thousands of Men Out. The men walked, out of all the mills and tlon of Jurisdiction. It Is understood deli- gates from the woodworkers came to the convention with Instructions to demand the expulsion of the brotherhood from the fed eration. It was announced today that there is now every Indication of an amicable adjustment of the differences. If this Is done th- mat ter will not be brought before the conven tion for adjustment. President John Mitchell of the United Mine Workers of America, accompanied by R. Ryan, delegate from Illinois, went to Carnegie tonight, where they addressed a meeting of miners. Mr. Mitchell's address was mainly an adjuration to the miners to acquire good educations. The most perti nent point he made was that he would never sanction a cut in the miners' wages. Thomas J. Kldd, president of the wood workers and fifth vice president of the fed eration, announced tonight that he would not be a candidate for re-election. Fur this position, and for the position of eighth vice president, over Which there will prolmbly be a vigorous contest, several candidates have appeared. They aro W. D. Mahon of the Street Railway Men's association. Will iam D. Huber of the carpenters' union. J. C. Balh.nn of the painters and Joreph Valentine of the moulders. W. J. Spencer of the plumbers' union Is the present In cumbent of the eighth vice prcsldcnecy. Sentiment Is generally In favor of Tor onto. Canada, as the next place of meeting. The American Federation of Iabor was in session only an hour this morning and the tlm was occupied In the presentation and adoption of many resolutions. First Vice President James Duncan presided. A resolution condemning the workshops In the Rock Island (III.) arsenal as sweat shops was adopted. The afternoon session opened with an address by Paul Kennedy of New York, secretary of the committee on sanitation of the Central Federation union and the committee on prevention of tuberculosis of the charity organization of New York, Mr. Kennedy, after telling of the grent ravages made by tuberculosis among work men, requested the federation to do .some thing to prevent further spread and. If possible, eradicate the disease. He asked that rthe factory laws be enforced and told of tha good work done by his com mittee In the past year and showed that the death rate In New York alone had fallen off 40 per cent. In the past year, meaning a saving of 5.000 lives. The con vention appointed n committee to attend tm n,nri nA tlx, emnlove nf the Baltic and Warsaw railroads, the printers and' meeting of the committee In New York other classes of laborers struck, but the on November 29, Following Mr. Kennedy's address a num ber of resolutions were 'presented and adopted, niwinr flKrm one- fa vnrlng. ft. Hav ings -trtink system In connection with the PnstonVe department of tho I'nlted States. i. K. Brookshaw, representing the Cen tral I jibor union of Salisbury, N. C. pre sented a resolution asking the federation to use its best, offices to defeat the Esrh- ehnps in the center of the city were not closed. The newspapers have not issued Ibts fiertiem" Troops, look charge of the electric light stations', which were operated by pallors, so that the city was not placed In darkness tonight. No dispatches have arrived from the Interior, however, to show thnt the worktficn In other cities are re ,41, tn the demand for eo-oneratlon snd dissension has broken out among the . Townsend bill now pending before con leaders, some of whom believe the strike ' r'"- ' " delegates seemed to be hasty and lll-advlsed and who say I rMdV to discuss the matter and the resu that If It does not succeed the result will I ,u,lon was ald- " he ' he loss of prestige. At meetings tonight A resolution wee ottered asking congress this 'action urged the leaders to announce; to aam,t Indian Territory and Oklahoma tomorrow that the strike was only In- i " "B "tale and to turn over to this new teuded as a demonstration, but the radicals. "tate th various lands occupied by the whose aim was to keep up the revolutionary : Indians outside of those In the possession aJrttatlon at all hasards. refused to listen , of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations and to Mich counsels. They Insisted that it to allow '""n to bo aold for a school fund, waa vitally necessary for the success of Thl" resolution caused a warm debate, their propaganda among the army and , President Oompers saying that it would tha navy that they should get credit for nnke the federation out as bad as the saving the lives of the mutineers, and that government In robbing the poor Indians, if they could force the government to j Thl resolution was allowed to die without recede from Ita poltlon regarding Poland they would have It by the throat. At strike headquarter many reports were being received and the leaders refused to admit that tha question of abandoning the strike had yet been ralrfod. Foreign Residents Alarmed. The altuatloo has caused a renewal of the panicky feeling among the inhabitants, whose nerves were already shattered by the events of tha last fortnight, aud hun dreds of persona Who had returned are again leaving for Finland. The foreign residents are becoming nioe and more alarmed and many of them are hastily preparing to go abroad for the winter. In oass the Finnish socialists should Join :helr Russian comrades and tie up the Finnish railroad, the only egress would b by water, and the freeslng of the Gulf of Finland a fortnight hence would close the last exit. The foreign embassies share the public alarm and the British embassy is aU vising the Immediate removal of woman and children. There are all aorta of wild rumors about Interference by the foreign powers In circulation, and the Bourse Gazette prints a report that all the great powers have Joined in a notifica tion to Russia that they intend to inter fere and prevent anarchy. This is as false as the story circulated that Mr. Eddy, the American charge d'affaires, has tele graphed for a warship and the cruiser Minneapolis was now proceeding hither. The American embassy has not asked for a warship and has not been advised by the Staid department that one is coining. .May Declare Martial Uir, Count Wltte and his cabinet were In ses sion throughout the afternoon and evening discussing the situation and a number of prominent Uberuls were culled In fo;- con sultation. Grand Duke Nicholas was present part f tha time. The possibility that the goverc ment might be compelled. If the situation grew worse, to declare martial law it, El. Petersburg was considered, but 8 far ax has been learned no definite decision in this matter was reached. While the League of Leagues is deposed to back up the strike, the workmen are un doubtedly alienating much public sympathy by their recklessness. Many liberals openly declare that the strike Is a tactical blunder 1 which may prove dlsuutruus. hut their tem perate counsel is rejected. In government circles It is recognized that the situation In Poland requires a skill ful hand at the helm. Governor General Sea Ion probably will be replaced by a man of Count Wltte's choice. The name of Gen eral M entity is mentioned iu this connec tion, but It Is doubtful if he will accept tho i. Dire under present conditions. In response to Inquiries Count W ine ia aid to have reiterated his assurances that tl.e Jewish question will be referred to the IViumu for settlement, and he Is also said lo have declared that the emperor's will for the realisation of the reforms an- final action. The convention Journed until tomorrow. then ad- WILL SUPPORT ADAMS BILL Agrlenltaral Colleges Favor Urier Federal Appropriations for fcx ' perlment Stations. WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. The Association rf Agricultural Colleges and Experiment make any statement concerning It, dents of the Isle of Pines have Issued a declaration of their Independence from Cuba and organized a uiew government as a United States territory. A delegate to rongress will le sent to Washington In order to have questions affecting the future cf the Island discussed before the house of representatives. Ignoring Cuban author ity. Mass meetings were held under the name of territorial conventions and officials, were appointed to fill all position's except those that must be named by the president under the constitution of the I'nlted States. The first officers of the new territory are: V. T. Anderson, sreretary of stale; ,lnm M. Ptetre, treasurer; K1 C. Ryan, delegate to congress; A. T. Frkse. chief Justice; David B. Wall, sheriff. The convention divided the Island Into five districts and ordered elections to be held to select members tf the legislature which Is to convene next week; tax asses sors and collectors, tine ticket was named In each district, the only political question being to place the Island under the Stars and Stripes. The election Is proceeding In a quiet ninnner, the nun oh the different tickets announcing that they will take office Immediately, without regord to those serv ing under the Cuban government. First nfnVial notice of tho affair Is con tained In this letter: Nl'F.VA GF.RONA. Island or Tines. Nov. 14. 1305. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt. Vresident. Washington: Dear Sir The neonle of this Island, having purchased homes under the trpaty nf Purls, believing It was I'ntted States territory, and having watted over three years for recognition of their right as American citizens, fearing a contlnun tlon of these conditions and feeling alarm at the rendition of Cuba, durinii tho com ing election, have taken preliminary steps for the establishment of territorial gov ernment, under the constitution of the T'nlted States, believing this the proper step for us to take and the mo.-t effective wav to receive justice and equity from our national lawmaking body, also relying upon von. our president, for a square deal. We trust our action will meet jour ap proval. Yours respectfully. T. II. ANDERSON. Chairman Territorial Convention. Fullv one-third of those now living on the Island are American ritlxens. It was decided to have a legislature of eleven men, two from each district and one dele gate at large. Dr. Ramldall receiving the nomination for that office. Ho Kneoarsgenirnt for Seoeders. WASHINGTON. Nov. 15. It has been known for several months that American residents in the Isle of Pines were becom ing restive under Cuban control, but no Intimation had been received in official cir cles here that they Intended to resort to radical measures to assert what they be. lleved t'o be' their rights as American ryu sent. , The announcement that at mass meet ings of residents of the Island delegates were chosen to come to Washington to antagonise the treaty pending before the senate for the formal transfer or the Island to tho republic nf Cuba was not surprising to administration officials, but surprise was creattd at the reported erec tion of a territorial government on tho Island and the selection of Important offi cials to administer the affairs of that government. It can be said that the would-be seceders will receive no encouragement from the administration. Secretary Root, when he was secretary of war. was very clear and emphatic on the points "that the Isle of Fines belonged to Cuba as a matter of right, as a mater of International law and as a matter of Justice;" furthermore, that In procuring naval stations In Cuba for the I'nlted States, there was a general understanding that the Isle of Pines was to be ceded to Cuba, although Its title had been in doubt. Senor Quesada. the Cuban minister here, called at the State department today and seerrcd to bo considerably agitated over the news of tho movement In the Isle of Pines to oppose the formal transfer of the Island to Cuba. He had an Interview on the sub ject with Secretary Root, but declined to NATIONAL GRANGE IN SESSION (irssil Master tsron Junes Heeom uiends si nnibr of Stw Uni In Ills Annual Address. ATLANTIC CITY. "., J.. Nov. li.-More than S'Xl.oiio farmers ill twenty-eight itutcs are represented by Iho delegates to the thirty-ninth annual convention of the Na tional Grange or Patrons of Husbandry, which lie (ran here today. About '.'.Ofl num bers of the organization are in attendance. The sessions will continue until Saturday of next week. The address of National Muster Aaron Jones of . Indiana was the i fcaturo of today's session. During the course of his speech ho.enumerated the na tional laws which the organisation hu-1 been instrumental In having passed and de feated and advocated the passngo of vari ous national and stnto laws, among them the following: v Permanent free delivery or mails in the rural districts: fir postal savings bank; providing for the eli-ciion of I'niioc States senators by direct vote of the peo ple; granting th ;ower to congress to regulate and control all corporations and combinations, preventhui monopoly and the. use of their corporate - power to restrain trade or arbitrarily establish prices: en larging the powers and-duties of the inter state commission; pure ood laws. Much Interest Is manifested In the re port of the executive (ommlttee, which will probably be presented to the convention tomorrow. The Inst convention referred to this committee a question of national in surance for the giiinae. The committee will report unfavorably on the proposition as a national project on the ground of variance in state Insurance laws. The com mittee will, however, offer no oTiJertlon to an insurance system hi state granges wher ever the same Is fraHble, The question of ratr legislation will he brought before the convention by F. H. Derthlek of Ohio in tho form of a rt solu tion Instructing the .legislative committee to assist President Roosevelt In his elTiirls lo secure the passage of n lnw Increasing the powers of the Interstate Commerce commission. Should the resolution be adopted it will pledge tho national grange to an effort to secuvc congressional action empowering the Interstate Commerce com mission to fix whenever a dispute shall n'-'se. ' tt. is possible that a resolution will be HALF BLOCK FOR FACTORY Tract at Niuth and Tamam and Douglas Boagh'. lor V. E. Smith & Co. TWO EIGHT-STORY BUILDINGS TO GO UP One Will Be the MaoufncturlnH riant and the Other Warehouse for the Firm. A contract has just been closed for the purchase of the half block between Far nam and Douglas streets, on the west side of Ninth street, upon which Is to be erected for M. E. Smith & Co. the largest whole sale establishment in Omaha. Arthur C. Smith, president of the tlrm; Ward Burgess, vice president; Thomas I Kimball, architect, and Attorney 1 iv NEBRASKA WETHER FORECAST 'MILLIONS IN A YEAR Pnlr Thursday end Krldaj. Temperature nt OinnliH ctrrll llonr. ft ft , in. ti n. in , 7 n . in . N a. in. t n. in. in n. in. 11 a. in. 12 in . . . lira. . . 44 . . Ct . . I.I . . -IK t Hour. 1 p. in . 2 . ni . a . m . i. m . S p. in . il p. in , 7 p. m . s p. m , 1 p. in . ItCK. ft !; ti:t M o:i no Its Mi M EXPLOSION IN MINE SHAFT I-:laht Men Inntnnlly Killed hy nn Accident enr Mononitahrln t lt, Pa. MONOXtlAH Kl.A CITY, Pa.. Nov. 13. I'ndoubtedly killed and probably blown to pieces seven men are lying in the depths of the new shaft of the ltrnsnell Coal cotn- Crofoot left Tuesday for the cast to in- I run v. on the outskirts of llentleysvllle. siect other establishments of a like nature preparatory to drawing the plans for the new buildings. The establishment will consist of two buildings, each to be right stories in height aud each 132x132 feet In dimensions. One will be used as n warehouse. The struc tures will be erected by Mrs. Catharine B. Nash and In them M. F-. Smith & Co. will concentrate the business which is now lo cated in lour separate buildings In differ ent parts of tho wholesale district. X. P. Dodge Tarns the Deal. Negotiations for the purchase of the Ninth street property have been iu prog ress for some time owing to the fart that the property was .wned by seven different parties, one of whom Is In Lurope. while while on the outside an ttlier man Is dead, a the result of a gas explosion today. The dead : KD FARRAOFT. dav boss. KD IIASTIK. shift boss. F. II. NKW'M.W. machine runner. i B. WAPiUMUl, machine runner. J OK SToKKS colored, mucker.. .HiHN M ( A I V mucker. J. SUM Kdl.A. mucker. J. HnSKINS, mucker. The Ilr.iziK II Coal company has been sink lnK the new sh.tft since last summer. Titi weeks ago It was learned that a pocket of Bis had formed In the hot mm of the mine, which Is 1S5 feet deep Outers were given for all Hie men to work Willi safety lamps. About live minutes after the men descended Into the inine n terrific explosion occurred, whic h filew h.ige pieces of timber out of the Growth of Omaha Baoka Indicate Citt'i Grest rro?p-ity. GREAT INCREASE IN EVERY DIRECTION Zvary Deportment Shows Aotrntj and EeaHhy DeTelepuent, MONEY IN CIRCULATION ONCE MORE Arteries of Bnsiaeis Pulse witk Flow of Financial Bload. OFFICIAL STATEMENTS PROVE FACT Rrports Mode to Comptroller of Cur rency In Ansvrrr to Ills Call Make Splendid fhnrrlng for Omaha. OM Ml A MTMXAI. BASK'. Deposits. Nnirmlirr . a:t.t.vsn.fiw. IS ovrmhcr 1(1. UM ji7.n:i-i.xi:t.2r Increase " S,.1irM7.t l.nnns mid lllscnnnts. November . 1!!R 2.o4 J.HR.1.R1 member 111, ItlOt I tt.MIO.O:) I.H2 others are nonresidents. The deal was en- I '''B' as i. i.-.-i in ine un i -m glnorred bv N. P Dodge & Co.. with Cro- j tipple and all the mine riggings were ton, , foot & H.-ott representing Mrs. Nash. In down and debris scattered In heaps n'l I some instances the Bvron Reed company around. Mine Inspector Hnrry I,oute1t ga e j Increase f f.O.2Sf..5 Cash on llnnd. Sovemher !. Ifiilfi 1,M,lIO,7fl IVovrmbrr HI, IPO I .... 1 l.naw.SN.VKH and John Frenzer assisted the Dodge firm. " a5 lllR "Pinion that the fire w?s caused by , Snvnher l. representing the owners. The property wis "re oamp. lie relieves that the gas reaclv., Increase .OJ I. II l.J Tolnl Itcsonrces. bought from these parties: Milton Rogers estate. Kvelyn 1'attie, Marcus Rosenw asser the miners' lamps just ns It was at the ex plosive point. An ordinary millers' torch. on the Farnam street frontage, and Mary """' buttered, found the mouth of Monell. Karl Gannett and James F. Nolin "". icons m imucue uim some ..n. on the Douglas street frontage. in OA INovember lo. tWtl. Increase , .I1.I7..VII.R7 , . :t.-t.2.-o,ik-.1.M4 , .". 7.1tft.n.W1:i disobeyed orders and carried a lighted torch into the shaft. A comparison of the present quarters of he M. K. Hmllh linn with the contein plated structure gives a good Kits of the, fSAiypc, IQ rUflfjne: m OMAHA de of the new structure. The en-; - - I I KOI Tit OMtll TIOA aX ?TtM. 1 Deposits. o, ember f. MMir... 1 . . . a Tli3.1 42. 1.1 tiiaiist ".5, 1fi:l 7,HM.txa.;7 adopted demanding more stringent laws , magnitud I'm"',.' ' lie 'li. r-- ,ii iniiiriiHii'iirn TrH,n . lire More lni r 01 lilt: t ! j country roads. The report of the treasurer. Mrs. Eva Mc Dowell of Rome. N. Y., showed the total resources of the national ' grant" to bo IS'T.TW; expenditures, $".S05; total receipts, $0314. is equal to a twelve-story building 1"2 feet j i-ostai I nnnae roP i ..nvcnicncc In Opcrnllnn off lie. INTER - CHURCH FEDERATION Letter from President Roosevelt need at the Opening fesslnn of Convention. NKW YORK. Nov. 15. 'I no Interchurch conference on federation, representing twenty-four religious bodies and number ing among Ita members gOO delegates, began square, or Sr.0 square feet. When the , new bullillai?s are complete the floor space j will be er,-lal to the fii.n) s present Howard , liartmciit. Increase a K2.Olfl.Ptl 1,111 ii s and Discount. In ember l. lim.l f, 4,5, 47,,' August nr., !Kt.-, street store were It sixteen stories In height. making the tloor space of the new buildings L'TS.TM square feet. The present tloor space of this llrni is divided between lour build ings. History of Firm. The linn of M. F.. Smith & Co. came to Omaha from Council Bh name of Snilfh & Crtttendi first occupied a buildl Increase 24i.;iso.iiti 1 (From a Staff Correspondent.) oinaha and Soul It Omaha hanks, in re- WASHINGTON. Nov. 15.-tSp.vlal Tele- i Kp,.,i(1 , tu, ,,, ,.,., ,h(. l.,llnptr,o, , grain.) -The order of the -r gen- currency, I1M r published statemmtg eral re-srrHiiglng the duties of himself i.nd ,r conditio,, itt the close of business No his assistants, was made for the purpose V( mljl,r 9 r,f ki..e,iriiii H..ttrf mini l,il il ,-ti 1 1, ,,i ..I ft.. , Bluffs under the firm mirrnU(( 10,llnPtl w(tnln thp ro8lm(.c .. " ' n ,r '" Uu lr" " f rittenden. The linn rrtmPnt. IInrrlIy had tllo ,irnrr hPn r I u ? Omnha .... ng on lower Douglas whrn ,hc sup(.,-l,endents of the rural free 1 ,'" l"' n A'!"""t .hUV' creased $1,470 rW ..ST. w hile their loans and DirnM 1 4 ,.. iiMi root nve sioi les ill . , i , .. ... . i 1 . i , r., . . . ' - iit-iiM-i v i-ci ice i it rituK noue II1IT 1Ullllll i ii , . - height. hater it moved to Its present ,.- wlr,R their senators and crtcw-I " w ""Vm'reased 1 Ihia ta quarters, where the building Is 133 feet mr , Washington for the purpose of "f '""'l-rfnl business pros- square and six stories In height. A factory rerlatning If the order would affect tl,e,. j ri,i' ''""P""' the territory tributary to . iiiiuiry naiiKs nave caned for i Omaha. a-u then established at eleventh and .nt.. .I...I,, i..ii,.n. c..,nfn t. .-. . . , . w nr. ..... . ... tlieir lnor.ev uniler nrenMin-o of Iiqi-v .in. Its sessions this evening In t'nrneeie hall 't'OUgias sireeis. w inie 10 v..,., .. rrrf.Ve(l sucll telegrams, and lit Once long ! , . .. . ' On plntforn, were ,he Members of the ' ' a bul,d"1g h' fWt 0ut" P "e matter with Assistant Postmaster , "'""' "'" '" Umlnished the surplus commute! ?ZrtotoZTKn? Dr ld" hP two "" fir'" "!18 Oenera. DeC.raw to ascertain If the change "mnh, '"r- 'mnts. manufacturer, and Th yrSVb Jn torrtge capacity of fi6 by 13- fot, hlx floors. W(lllln hBVO nv ncarlnB on lhe 0maYtn promoters have had to borrow large sums r,' won - ' ,1: i Thomas 1 Kimball, the architect, will dlvlHln. Th Honatr wa informed that "f n'"""v '- fr their Increased bui- Elmendor per and Stephen Devot Ion Rev. Dr. Joachim Elmendorf, senior pastor of the First Unformed church of this city rf CbVr e" J Un T-T, n 1 bu on the plans. Immediately upon his , ,vtf!,)m wl,l remain as now constl- "'' h"" " Increased the loans. The William I pives'waiTand Messrs' return from the east and the bnlHinS will , ,11)odi ,e mly change being that tjuperln- ' ' of N'-rc "ml ad.i..nlnsj states Is Baker and J ne"und Cnd" I ,p J te.le.,t Uewllyn wpu.d report to a, lor the condition. ,t mal exercises were led bv the I Th '"""trtirlloii of this establishment In(prctor Vlckery. l..lo he .no.nd. will mark the first large wholesale house Tnr rural free delivery service remains to be located north of Farnam utreet and n,ir Mr. DeGraw and he receives from The nev. J. B. Remensnyder. p.ustor of ,n P-rUruInr a new departure .s mado olnrr ssist..nts' branches of the rural , Iw , ogl , St. James Lutheran church. New York. th? r'VL" L?Zll, I ' r"U:P '"l "case." said C. F ... , . . , l ... , . , cxpecieii io ujini me ."j ........ vision over tnai very imronnni iiraiicu ui read tho scriptures, and Htshop t harles Ir , . , ,., ...ii ,i . , ' ,L ,, . ,. , , , , Ha e houses and In the opinion of .real KOvernment. Fowler of the Methodist r.plscopal church w,n .... BOO ,. offered prayer. ' to the north side; this because of the better cnairniH.i. j. . Mvcami .j, truckage facllitleH which will follow the the. opening address. I f ,hp ,,nlon Pacflc tracks on Ninth street. It Is recognized that as long , as the Fnlon station Is kept at Its i present location It will b impossible for dear Dr. Roberts; 1 have your letter of the - 7th. Indeed 1 remember very well tho call cepting In tne territory norm vi j-ainiio., the executive committee, then read the fol lowing letter: Business Condition Healthy. "Tills Is the time of year when deposits ecrease and loans in- MeOrcw, vice presi dent of the Omaha National bank. "Tho I hig crop Is moving and nil lines of Indus- ...... i..sp mi. I ,ry "rc K"m,l,atorl' The statements show NEW SUIT AGAINST ANDREWS; a remarkably healthy condition of busl- Receiver of Enterprise National Bank i "There is neeessurity a big demand for Asks for (OTO.OOO from Tcr- j money and. of course, the hanks are rltorlal Delegate. thriving. Men are willing to pay and do pay larger rates of Interest than have been (asked for some time. They are getting It ""',DI "' .....-..".... eon ...... lnn rlrr:li(t(,n. Wth the wealth that whs brought Into this territory from the of your delegation upon me ami our iaia and for that reason a complete ennnge lit I a BUm aKRTepatlng $90.0nt) was entered to chun-h , ronrrrinw- on federation. he wholesale district is unttdpatea. n.y by Rccplver John B. Cunningham of Rr (,f what will ha 1 have the very highest sympathy with i . the Enterprise National bank against Wil- ., . . ., . . ..,, .h ,.,r,i- inr f feel that 1 ItlllDnO T TUC UflDCC CUDIA I.. .' . . .. . rra'"en rrom that of this year there prob- 'e ii". .-- . , - .... ------ UUUUrII.-t Ml I L U lOL I IU II IIHI11 M. Am rrB. lilt- .lie. Wl-ll Kl KIWI ' l.l.. , . . ... - Hiiiy is more nioncv in circulation iier Stations today pledged its support of what Is known as the Adams bill In rongress. making larger federal appropriations for The contention of the American residents of the Isle is that as they own In fee sim ple five-sixths of the ground, and as the agricultural education at .the experiment i remaining one-sixth Is In the hands of one stations in the several states; also to the j or two Spanish families, the 1,300 native Mondell bill, creating a government school j residents being non-property owners, they of mines and mining. A resolution was j have a right to be heard by this govern- adopted authorizing a conference between i ment. the association and the National Fduca tlonal association, with a view to the es tablishment of a section of agriculture In the educational association. The afternoon was devoted to work by sections. That on experiment station work discussed "Soil Investigations." Before tak ing up the several papers on different phases of this topic the section elected C. B. Buffum of Wyoming chairman of the sec- Palma Not Informed. HAVANA. Nov. 15. President Palma nald today that the Cuban government had no definite Information about what has oc curred on the Isle of Pines and he was not willing to discuss the matter until officially Informed. 8. H. Pearcy. a prominent American owner of land on the Isle of Pines, who Is now here, said: "I do not expect any at- indlrectly in addition to the great good it will do here, it is perfectly possible that the movement may have a very consider able effect In the Christianising of Japan, which I feel to be retarded by the divisions among ourselves and by the failure to recognize the fact that the Christian church in Japan must of course assume essentially a Japanese national form. So you see t nave a very real interest I we as you request, but 1 regret to say that it Is out of the question for me to do so. I am genuinely sorry to have to write you tliufi Sincerely yours. THEODORK ROOSEVELT. s,a,e Fi.Muiu, ...... -i i"' "- V"'-" than ,hrrP PVPr . bpfor.. "1 dare say, though I have not gone through the records, that the aggregate Imp. Wlldllower. Owned by Charles delegate from New Mexico. The -suit was E. Mather. Wins Prise In entered through the law firm of McLave Class for Jnmpers. NEW YORK, Nov. 15. The picturesque 0 TI- A n nnthlnv K..I Ii A fin, . 1, ,, '?, h .h. "ecrease In deposits of the Omaha banks .UO rUll .,. v.,.,,. . ..., .. ioiiui.i of the Enterprise National bank could be la the smallest ever known between the learned at this time. feature of the horse show so far was w-hen ; pr(vat, pappr( of T calls of August and November. I am posl- Clark. ,lvo 11 for ,h, "n,Hna National. At the Je'T WrT..t" Z nreiutii: the finals in the Corinthian claa. i were i held of Enter; same time the incvas, In .oan. Is perhaps WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL New National Bank Is Authorised to Commence Business at I" m nietsbara, la. this afternoon. This class called for hunt ers to be ridden In hunting costume.' All the riders wore the hunting costumes of various hunt clubs, among them being the Essex Hunt, Richmond County Coun- ; try, Westchester Country, Chevychase club of Maryland, and Cameron Run Hunt of Virginia. The first prise was carried off by Imp Wlldflower, owned by Charles ; E. Mather of Philadelphia and ridden by j Hubert Mather. What Is probably the chief event in- j tcrestlng society for the week was the contest for four-ln-hands, ten of them , showing. The leading whips In the coun- 1 prise National bank of Allegheny, which are now under examination by ap praisers appointed to determine the value of Clark's estate, are said to show that Clark's outside financial transactions begun reven years ago and that he was Interested in many corporations. Including several mining ventures. larger than it ever was, for a like tieriod. All this shows that people are putting more money In the bank than usual and that mtieh more than usual is being taken out. In other words. It Is circulating." Growth of a Year. A comparison of the present condition with that at the close of business Novem- tlon for the coming year; C. IA Curtis of 1 tempt at the assumption of offices without Iowa was elected a member of the executive ! the Cnlted States' sanction committee. The Association of Official Horticultural Inspectors elected Prof. S. A. Forbes of Illinois chairman. The association uassed a resolution to urge upon congress the neces- ' sity of providing uu appropriation to be used In exterminating pluut pests In like manner as Is provided lor the war against the diseases of cattle. I'nlform state laws regulating nurseries and the shipment and sale of plants is recognised us the present necessity most essential to the welfare of pluut Industry, snd the association voted for the appoint ment of u commission to work fur thin ul-5ct. Nebraskans and Iowans Involved. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 16. (Special Tele gram. Citlsens of Iowa and Nebraska who have friends in the Isle of Pines can not fall to be Interested In the action of American cltisens taken In the past few days in hoisting the American tlug on the Island and taking picpuratory steps looking to a territorial form of government. It la (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 15. (Special Tele gram.) The application of M. L. Brown, try drove, Including Alfred G. Vanderbilt, Hull Hoagland. Alexander Peddle, E. P. William H. Moore of Chicago, Frank Wln McEvery, Robert Shea and George B. Mc- i terbottom and Maurice Hewlett. The final Carty to organize the Emmetaburg Na- contest was between Vanderbilt and Moore, tlonal bank of Emmetsburg. Ia., with $50.- tt,e latter winning with his four browns. (10 capital, has been approved by the comp- I Bugler. Fife, Senator and Foraker. trollcr of the currency. Joseph Krahullk has leen appointed post- Among his holdings at tne time or ins ocr jo, r.HH, snows a remarkable growth of death, It is said, was a half Interest In 3 : the national banks In all departments. In string of high-bred Kentucky horses. I the year loans have Increased $S,002,2S9.85; deposits have Increased $S.349.4.,7.15; cash on hand has Increased $2.0:'4. 414.82, and total resources havo Increased $7.!rj8.555.9S. These figures do not Include the stoto banks. OMAHA'S GAIN STARTLING Enormous Increase In Postal Receipts, master at Clarkson, Colfax county, Neb., vice John D. Wolfe, resigned. Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Carpen ter, route 1. Chailes M. Culbertson. car- Duo to Business Activity, As tonishes Government. Postmaster H. E. Palmer Is In receipt of hnri enmmimlrntlon from Third Asslst- The contest or nacKney staiuons. i-year- , nt p08trnu8ler General E. C. Madden nsk- oiu or over, Drougnt oui ien oi ine ; best hackneys to be found anywhere, ' forming the finest class of hackney sires that has ever been shown In the United States. Tho blue ribbon went to the Im- The condition of the five national banks nf Omaha at the close of business on Thurs day, November !, compared with that on the date of the last call, August 25, 190, Is shown to be ns follows: DEPOSITS. November 9. August B. First National $10.;.:,1.5,: .13 $ll,oM.4o.!W . . i....tA tr.f 1 iiinaiiH National ... jii.h .!. i . n lli.4fci.HW. 77 of postal receipts at the Omaha office for , r a Na,onn s sj ? M Tier: Charlie H. Sefert. substitute. Minden. , ported horse Moncrleffe Vengeance, a route 1; Ernest E. Carson, carrier; George I handsome chestnut bred by 8Ir R. Mon- I lardy Martin, substitute. South Dakota Henry, route 1; Edwin B. Pierce, carrier; Ruth H. Pierce, substitute. These rural routes have been ordered es- crleffe and Imported recently by Alfred A. Huley of Whitehall. Malton, Yorkshire. England. The principal event of tonight was the tabllshed January 1 in Jones county. Iowa: contest for the Waldorf-Astoria challenge understood President Roosevelt regards the I Center Junction, route 1; population VM; cup to be won by the same owner three GRAND JURY JTAKES A HAND Death of Keavou College student Who Was Killed by Train Will Be Further Investigated. houses, 4. Moutleello, route 4; population, ; times to become his personal property 'Mil; houses. So. Olin, ro houses, 75. Onslow, route a4; houses, 7(. Oxford Junction, ruuic 2; liopulutlon, Jos; houses, 77. GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION Colonel W. H. Moure of St. l,ouls is Kleeted President at Annual Convention. XCtmtlnued, otv Second Page.) MOUNT VERNON. O., Nov. ll-Tomoi- I row u large number of witnet. from Ktn Jyo'i i cllege and Gambler village will be subpoenaed to appear before tho grand Jury in the Uiiux county court to tell what they know about the death of Student Stuart L. Plercon, who wus killed by a train In Uuni Mer ou the evening of October a. The investigation to begin tomorrow will prcbubly last several duys. From several places throughout the country attorneys have uuide a request to iir allowed to a klht Kenyon college indents if ilnj- are in dicted. James K MctJuvrv, who was assaulted last Saturduy night, is still in so nervous a condition that no one is permitted to see him. The assault upon McGavrey will be luvesiltfulcd by the grand Jury tomorrow. Isle of Pines as territory that has been of- fered to Cuba, in exchange for coaling sta tions, and this view Is taken by Senator Foraker. Senator Culloni, clmirmun of the foreign relations committee, is inclined to take the view that the treaty of Paris gave us the Lie of Pines bs well as Porto Rico. ' He said: I "It is to be regretted that American resi- f dents on the Isle of Pines took the action they did in declaring the lslund American j ! territory. Not content to let congress tuke ! cure of this uemaie question Americans ; on the island have niadn the situation much i u ... v.... - . , . more delicate by the,.- ill-advised action. Z , , , """ '-" -I appreciate the feelings of those Aaner- mt? W'". , J at the annual lean, who went to the Isle of Pines to build Tu"' Nal,olml a RottJ homes fur theniselv.-s on the theory that i ' ?, . , . r .. , It was American terrUory. and then to waklVuT.Kl,,'ntl'l0n W' " up and find themselves under Cuban con- j Secretary Arthur C. Jackson of Daniaria trol by uct of the secretary of war. not- I t'..t.,a' t. ..,. - . , , withstanding the fact that the Plan amend- , tEEwIS. 'i.n&r'f thlt,. ment declared that the Isle of Pines should ; luUon oi ,he association was adopted: not bs Included In the proposed constltu- I Any rton , (ympathy with the good tlonal boundaries of Cuba and that it should t roads movement may become a member of be held subject to settlement of title by ! the National Good Roads association upon treuiv "le ra- n"'nt of such annual dues us may . ' ,, ' be determined by the executive i-oiiuiiiitea We have a treaty pending between the and all organisations, associations and pub I'nitetl States and Cuba defining the owner- , Ho bodies in syiupuihy with it,e good roods Ing the cause of the remarkable increase of postal receipts at the Omaha office for October. W6. over that of the previous I Merchants' National iMl'S.t'JVM om) 'ro year. He asks: "Why this increase? It ' Nebraska National. 1.911,72S.i! Totals Decrease LOANS AND DISCOUNTS. First National $ ,'ex.717 3rt $ 5.o-AfV..!.'S Omaha National .... :.1J'J.lnLM5 fi.m.fiKU: I T. S. National S.i'.wi.nort Si 5.3)5.0??.!i; .....i v.. i ...... I o ii u-: .ji -i ii -jii Alfl Clinnre itnuouiti o,U"o,o 1 1.' m , ioi,o.'i..' Nebruska National.. l.t.lS.lW.W !4B.lii ! . v. a ... , I t ttL nni- ..nt Avpr OctnVi.-r of 1904, while October, 19ft4, showed a de crease of 4.31 per cent from that of the previous year, thus making a total Increase over 19U3 of 20.81 per cent." Mr. Palmer has answered Mr. Madden s M.r.hBnre- National 3,a:a..17n.i letter, in which he states he has not had time as postmaster to analyze the cause of the Increase other than It Is In keeping u-llh lhe nfrn1 unit uteuitv rirnsneritv of ute 3; population, j owners to drive the horses to gigs The , du tW(J ars Cu oute 2; population, competition ghowrd that forest King Is j palm(.r thn qutjleB nulnirou8 flgUri.. of building operations and the recent state ment of bank clearings, indicating how Omaha is passing competing cities with leups and bounds, and says these facts might Illustrate "why this increase." $:u",k,G(i0.42 $37,3!i4.01S8! 1,470.3557 ship ol the Hie of Pines, and we should (Continued ou Second Page movement may become affiliated with the national association upon payment of such annual per capita duo as shall be deter uiluoU by the executive couiadllee. still king of hackneys of this country. Judge W. H. Moore won with him against such horses as Alfred Vanderbilt's Rustling 811k. E. D. Jordan's Hildrtd. C. W. Wat son's Lord Baltimore and J. H. Moore's Burlingliam. This makes the second win for Judge Moore. HIGHER PRICES FOR LEAD ORE American Smelting; and Reflalasi C'ompanr Annonnces Concession of HI to 17 Cents a talt. DENVER, Colo., Nov. ID. -Effective to day, the American Smelting and Reflniug company announced concessions which will give the lead miners from 10 to 17 cents more h unit for their product. Railroad men. producers, smelters, buyers, all agt..-e, that the rearrangement of prices will re salt in immense Impetus to the mining In dustry' of Colorado. Old mines which havft been closed down because of the absence of profit aie to tie. reoiien.-d it is expected confidently. properties which have be.n worked only with resulting running ex peut are U be put on a paying basis. Movements of Ocean Vessels, Nov, lo. I At New York Sailed: Baltic, for Liver pool; Victorian, for l.lverool; Oraf al dersee, lor Hamburg; Rotterdam, for Rot terdam; Cltta di Torrlno, for Naples. At Antwerp Arrived: Soulhwafk. from Montreal. Sailed: Montexuinu, fur St. John's. At Marseilles Arrived : Cu 11 la, from New York; Prlnz Adalbert, from New Yolk. At Yokohama Arrived : America Maru. from San Francisco; Empress of Japan, from Vancouver, 11. C. ; Coptic, from Han Francisco. At Liverpool Arrived: Haverford, from Philadelphia, sailed: Oceanic, for New York; Turcoman, for Montreal. At St. John, N. F. Arrived: Corean, from Glat-gow. At London Sailed: Columbian, for Bos ton. At Cht 1 -hours- Sailed : Kaiser Wilholi.i der Grouse, for New Yoik. At tllusguw-- Bailed; Huuuurlan, for Uu- to.l Totals Increase $'.':' , I2.3K3 . S7 $M, M7, 1 10.36 1, Kin, -73.51 CASH ON HAND. FlrKt National $ 4.4I9.173.41 $ 5.ICn."VV45 Omaha National .... 3. 5..!!, KM. 13 4 307 H43.SI U S National 3,1".7,K".'7 a.s4n,74.S3 Merchants' National l(.".473 i'.2.fti4.; Nebraska National.. Sol.;05.l 973, $13,954,010.70 $i:.s?.i.5n;.ir. 3.4KS.6S1. IS Totals Decrease TOTAL RESOURCES. First National !l.ii.:3 Hi $12.11S.26. Omaha National .... H.k7i.4i.I U.M.mM I' S National ! !i.H:.9.4.vfl7 M-rchants Nntloiiul 3.737.i:w.WI s,Hm.S!. Nebraska National.. 2.i.:i.S3'',.U 2.4fl,lT9.9l ..V.iiM.K $42.:d.3'0.l" 1,311,747.12 Totals Decrease Compared vttlu lear Ago. Following is n t-oinpurisoii of the state ments of Nov ii, lu r 'J. ISoO, with the state ments issued in accordance of the call of Novel, ils-r 10. lm.l: ' v- DEPOSITS i:. 19. Fiist National $lu.ST.1.i.;'i.M $ 7,fn4.2."a roualiu Nati .n il J.J !-. 1 I'. S National VaiM.:v.-j: ltlel:allts Na'limil I :'..:'. ! Nel.i.c-ka N..tioi 1. .711.0V, ;.67i, i ll 3. 'iui.l.V.. II ii i..S-;i.i.: $.!" ''' ' ;'-7.'l.:33 23 At cjueenst-.WD-Aiiived: Cedric, iin .i l.'i.N.Nb AS.) I'IMiil .TB. New Yoik. I r'iriri Sinionil $ ii 717 .Si 4.1AM.17 At Liuer-Arrived; PitluiU, from Nw loiuahu Ntl..nal .... .41-'. lo: 1-i lue.arH.27 Yurk, IfiU &. Nalivuiii ftMu,A.ia .7i4(n.nj