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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
8 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES AdTertlaeaneate mr theae colnii will be taken nntlt IS an. for the evenlan- edltlen nnd aatll P. a, fat the Moraine aad Mxlir edition. Rates t l-3a worl tril laeertlaa, le wirl thereafter. Nothing- taken for leas than SOo for ha frit laser, lloa. TkM ngvertlaeaaeate aaaet be raa eeneeewtlvelr. Advertleere, by reaneetlnaj a km (kark, raa hare nnewera a dreaaed o a mkerd letter la enre of The Bee. Anaw ere aa addreaeed will aa delivered aa preeeatntloa of rkk. MISCELLANYS THE FALL TERM Or BOYLES COLLEGE la now open day and night. Yet It la not too lata to enter, begin now and get that mental drill and discipline that will double your earning capacity. Business, shorthand, typewriting, telegrapbjr, normal and Eng lish. Catalogue free. Address H. B. L'oylea, Prea., Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Rr-llJ CTTWlrCR',Pl"-ted. Omaha Plating Co, J'UVS Oiioa Harney Bt. Tel7 253S. R-928 CITY SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per cent. . R 927 TRY KEfiY'g TOWEL SUPPLY, TeL 8530. r m ANTI-Minopoly Garbage Co., $21 N. 11th. Tel. 1779. nKt LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Zll 8. llth Bt. TeleDhone 254. R-930 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784. R Ml OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapee, ehuttere, doora and area. Q. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. R 931 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and braaa caetlnge. 803 Jackson. TeL 2422. R 934 SIGN PAINTING. 8. H. Cole. 1301 Douglaa. R Wo 6AD IRONS replattd, 20c; "three for 60o. Omaha Plating Co.. 1608 Harney. Tel. 25. R 93 LOCKSMlfH <ilAcu5i R MI HOLLOW BUILDING! quality. Cheapest price. Wentworth, 811 fimn block. 'Phone 1671 R 651 MORGAN'S hall, 16th and Corby Sta. Rea. sonable for private or atrlctly Invitation affairs. "! 6134. R-327 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHEAP RELIABLE POWER Olds Gas or Gasoline Engines Right price. Prompt delivery, stationary or portable. All sizes. Few slightly used engines cheap. Addresa Olds, Dept. B, 1018 Farnam St. f Q EH ER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Shermaa McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 943 CHEAP chlclern fence, long fir UmDera and telephone polea. IM1 Douglas. Q 944 MILCH COWS on easy terms. 43d and Center. O 633 " ' SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE XI ou want a bargain in team irttlnga vail aud look over lno following supplies! l-.acli Austin horisonuil separator. l.a-liica Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-inch. Austin's vertical separator. . I Uhese have been taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are' In good condition. Address Bee Building Co.. or see W. H. Bridge, engineer, Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 633 FOR 8ALH Two life acholarahlpa on Omaha business colleges. Address Dwlglit Williams, Owana Bee, Omaha, Neb. Q.-.'9 FURNITURE, carpets, draperlea, stoves, etc., etc., at the lowest prices. Terms; 326 worth, 31 week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., Between Kith and 13th on Farnam St. Q 380 5 FOR SALE, aboilt fifty feet ornamental calvanlsed iron cornice and ornament! lion posts, suitable for ahow window. An-, jj i Ruyeiiuicuua, jdcv Diug. W Jalo.1, FCR 8ALE New and second-hand billiard ar.u pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; e -y payments. Bend '.or catalogue. Bru.nswlck-Balke-Collender. 407 8. loth St, Omaha. . Q 939 IP-HAND aafo aheap. Derlght, 1119 Far nam. Si 4H1 FOR SALE Cheap, a lot of good second hand glazed sash. Apply at 648 S. 18th St, ' Q-M221 100 STOVES to select from at low prices Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodge street. Q 803 FOR BALE at a bargain, two bed springs, full aise, good condition. 3027 Chicago St. U-M321 FOR SALE 2 Fuller ft Warren Heaters; good as new; Inquire at 633 South Twenty-second street. Q M377 llx AUTOMOBILES $3,300 Royal Tourist, with top, complete equipment, 36 H. P., almost new. .$1, wo t 850 19u6 model "A" Cadillac with ton- neau, has not been, run 200 miles.... KwO Steam - Locomobile, second-hand; good shape , . ..$J00 t 950 Model "E" Rambler, second-hand good shape $75 Orient blackboard, good as new 3300 All models of 19(16 Cadillacs in stock h; e. fredrickson Fifteenth and Capitol Ave. Q-M397 6 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALKV-Bakery. Addresa K, 10 Pearl be. Council Btufle. Y 657 FOR SALE Hotel furniture and lease; a modern, up-to-date 40-room house, with all modern Improvements, located In cen tral Iowa, energetic city of 12,000 on 3 R. R. division points; doing good busi ness, but good reason for selling. Ad dress Box is, Boone, la. Y-M399 OctSx WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant aee Hart ft Co., 4ol N. Y. Life Y 887 FOR SALE General drug stock In western lower; permit, good country, clean, new stock. Addresa O 32, care Bee. Y 916 6x J HAVE a good location for a good Imple ment store in a town of six hundred (-) papulation. Addresa C 21. Bee ortloe, Omaha. - Y-847 13 FOR 8 ALE Dry goods and clothing atore In Ainnworlh. Neb. ; stock In good shape; H cash, rest easy terms; owner wishes to retire. Address Purdy Real Estate Co, Box 142. Alnsworth. Neb. T M297 MY 8TOCK groceries and meat for aale; good location, good trade; good reason for selling; store rents for 817.60; fixtures with atore. Address C 41, care Bee. Y-M371 8x MILL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One of the best 86-bbl. steam power flour ing mills in northeastern Nebraska for sale, or would exchange it for good farm land of equal value; mill running and has good business. Address P. M. Casady. Sioux City. Ia. Y-M401 x WANTED TO BUY LIST real estate for quick sale with F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas gt. N-M271 7 WILL pay 346 for a cloth-bound set of the New International Ency.; more for better binding. Addresa C 23, care Dally Bee. N M314 S I wlnh to buy a diamond and will pay fair fine lor same. v nat nave you. Aoarrat ii conndttuc. luck wood, O. Box K47, WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM of the Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN. DAY AN1 NIGHT SESSIONS. Catalogue Free to any address. Address; KU1IKIKIIUII BROS.. 19th and Farnam St. B 413 DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knleat, 844 N. Y. L. B 861 Slock clerki Hotel clerk. Bank messenger. Bookkeeper, 11,500. City salesman. Stenographer. Manager general store. Manager.retail store. Kxpeiienced lumber man. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN RKF & BUND ASS'N, line), 841-2 N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha. B 396 S MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing trade; great demand fc graduates, 84-36 day; many complete course two months; graduates admitted, to union and Master Plumbers' association. Cbyne Bros Co. Plumbing Schools. New York, Cincinnati And St. Louis. Day and night class.) For free catalogue addresa 239 loth Ave, New York. i B-860 A POSITION guaranteed or no pay. If you are in need of a position, call and have a "heart-to,-heart" talk with HAK'l THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life. B 828 WANTED Three carpenters; 26c an hour. Address Jos. Schleslnger, Contractor. Yu tan. Neb. B M641 WANTED Telegraph operators and sta tion BgenU; salary 350 to 366, according to location and ability. Apply In person or by letter to E. J. Little, Supt. Teigh.. G. N. Ry, 8t. Paul, stating ability and record B M741 O10 WANTED Watchmaker, good engraver and salesman. Ed J. Niewohner, Colum bus. Neb. B M784 WANTED Experienced car repairers. Ap ply at Chicago Great Western city ticket office, 1512 Farnam. B M038 3 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Just the season to begin. Few weeks completes. Can nearly earn expenses before finishing, board provided If de sired. Positions waiting, top wages, call or write, Moler Barber College, 1118 Farnam St. B M123 6x WANTED City salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co, 1619 Howard St. B 849 WANTED at once a neat and polite boy about 17 years old for stock work in cloak department. Apply People's Store. B M318 FULL DRESS SUITS To Hire or for Sale FRIEDMAN'S. 211 South 12th Bt. Telephone 4940. B-M376 COMPOSITORS WANTED-330 a week; steady work in large, independent shop. Steady men who can make good In a P'rmanent way only wanted. Greeley rintery of St. Louis, Greeley Building, St. Louis, Mo. B M372 7x WANTED An experienced candy maker. Apply grocery department, Hayden Bros. B 384 8 WANTED Two boys. Omaha Box Co, East Omaha. B 391 8 WANTED Reliable boys; good wages. A. D. T. Co, 212 8. 13th. B M406 N6 COMPOSITORS WANTED-Good Job print ers, Btonemen and blank Dook neaaing men; steady work. 319.50 for 64 hours. Only reliable men wanted. Write at once. UEORGB P. BARNARD & CO, St. Louis, Mo. B M406 12 WANTED 25 harness makers. Apply at ' once. No trouble. Dea Moines Saddlery . Co, Pes Moines, la. B M400 8 WANTED Man- to run elevator in Ed ward Crelghton Institute, 210 Bouth Eigh teenth Street. B-M412 6 WANTED Ten plasterers; twenty-five building laborers. D & D Institute, Coun cil Bluffs. B M410 12 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 working girls. Canadian office, 15 tn and Dodge. C-863 LADY agenta and traveling men to aell new patented article without competi tion. Good money made by right party. Call or address room 303, Brown Blk, Omaha, Neb. C 334 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; uo washing. 2416 Farnam. C M34U LADIES Our illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach hair dressing, mani curing, facial massage, chlrupody or electrolysis. Few weeks completes, by our method of constant practice and ex pert Instructions. Call or write, today. Moler College, 1114 Farnam St. C M122 &x COMPETENT girl for general housework, must have references. Only two In family. Call, morning, 213 North 20th St. C M242 WANTED Cook and secodd girl; sisters preferred; also a coachman. 1502 So. 32d Ave. C M336 10 EXPERIENCED shlrtmakers; hand button hole makers. Albert Cabn, Shirt Maker, ' 1322 Farnam St. C M346 6 WANTED A cook and housemaid, at once. Mrs. John A. McShane. 201:5 Dodge St. C M348 6 WANTED Girl for general housework Mrs. McCormlck, 1323 8. 32d St. C 353 6 GIRL for general housework. No wash ing. References required. Good wages. Enquire 604 S. Stith St. C 356 6x WANTED Extra salesladies at once, for our cloak and suit dept. Apply, 11. Swan son, Nebraska Clothing Co. C 358 12x WANTED Young girl 16 or. 17 yeara old to assist In general house work. No rook; no washing; small family. 34o2 Harney St. C 359 12x LOST At Ak-Sar-Ben Fair grounds a gold mounted Elk tooth. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to II Swanson, Nebraska Clothing Co. C-360 12x WANTED An experienced laundress. Ap ply to Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park Ave. C Mm w ANTED-oirl for general housework: no washing; small family; good wages. 2319 Harney. isai i WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing. 3521 Farnam SU CM31 8 WANTED Good ' girl for general house work. 1T11 lhlltilUS C M4I1 LOST LOST Carbuncle stick pin. Reward for re. . . . . c -a 9wi. at lurn iu mill vvium. wii d. dw. Lost 386 Br LOST A leather belt, with gold watch and chain, on 38th street between Farnam and Dewey. Finder return to Miss O. Kemp, S8th and Dewey Ave. Reward. Lost-3S3 7 L08T Ladles' gold watch and chain, be tween Farnam and the Boston Lunch Counter. Reward on return to Bee office. lst x bx T 1 IHT nH leather nocket-book between depot and Sixteenth Street, containing railroad ticket, papers and money; return to J. W. Heal. 4 N. Y. Life bldg and no questions asked. Lost Mi ex AUCTIONEERS EXPERIENCED auctioneers to conduct sales of real estate, live stock, household f xxls, etc.. on short notice. Omaha Real Istate Auctloa Co,. 362 Neville Blk. 'Phone 6878. '. 30 8 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co, Sua fjouglaa Blk. IN FAMlUKa, kUaa etiudy. - 'Phone a?tm. Everyone Acknowledges the Greatest Results are from BE IB WANT ADS Why Don't You Use Them? FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th Chleage E o DEWEY European hotel, 13th 8k Farnam, E 968 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. ROOMS and good board, 35 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago 8C K 981 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E M6s4 NEWLY furnished room, modern. In pri vate family. 8o9 N. sth St. E 418 RENT A ROOM and let us furnish It. We do this oheaper and better than anyone In Omaha. Terms: 125 worth, tl a week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO, Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. E 382 6 THREE housekeeping rooms for rent. The Lakota, 1613 Howard. EM4-6?. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD CAPITOL HOTEL, istr and Capitol Ave. J board . verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustio seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F M Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F M666 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; nice rooma; good board; also day board or tickets; rates reasonable. F 490 Octlox THE BEST of board and large south room for two refined young men. 617 Park Ave. F-367 9 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FIVE unfurnished rooms, first floor; pas turn utiLii. tovi i-tv v cii v. km FOR RENT HOUSES IHJUOtJ c. Peters ft Co, Bee Bldg. D981 THE Omaha Van A Storage Co. pack, move and atore H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, lllVft Farnam. Tel. 1669. D 982 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van oc Stor age Co. Tel. I486. Office. 1713 Webster St. D 883 LirfqpC In all parts of the city. The O. atwwwww t,-, uavia Co., we Bee Bldg. b-884 HOUSES, Insurance, RlngwalC Barker Bik. It Ihi PIANO moving! lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626, Scumoller Mueller, D 987 FOR RENT 7-room and 8-room houses, ail modern, near high school aiid Crelgh ton college; 330 and 332-60. Inquire at H07 N. 19th it. D 411 FOR RENT. 10-room modern brick residence, 424 No. 40th street 330,00 8-room modern brick residence, 1146 So. 82nd street 30.00 7-room modern residence, 2620 Manderson street 22.50 7-room house, 2029 20th street is.oo Modern 7-room nai, eomn loin street., lu.uu THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Bldg. D-M933 FOR RENT Modern 14-room brick dwell ing, 19th and Leavenworth; in good order, just papered and painted throughout; steam heat. Milton Rogers & Sons Co, 14th and Farnam fits. D 956 HOUSE FURNISHING la - our business. Secure our prices. We have the best stock In Omaha, Terms: 325 worth, 31 a OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., Between utn ana ma on f arnam Bt. D 381 S FOR RENT New modern 7-room cottage, S3d and Marcy; ready Oot. 15. 'Phone 5786. D M864 . EIGHT rooms and bath about being fin ished; nrsi noor nnisnea in oak; new modern plumbing, electric lights, etc, at 623 No. 20th St. Inquire at 1917 Cass St. DM-287 I NINE rooms and bath and barn; all mod ern; noora aownsuura in oaa, at mil ass. DM288 7 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, 1840 S. 27th; rent reaucea, uarvin cros, win and Farnam. D M258 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, except i nice large rooms, 1521 N. lsth Bt, 312. -436 Paxton Elk. D-304 FOR RENT New 7-room modern cottage. fine view; pavement; J. Z417 poppieton Ave.- D M338 8x FURNISHED house, all modem. 1126 So. 80th Ave. uca.Mt bx NINE-ROOM modern house; rent, 330; 1302 ri. 2btn 1 . w. cwrnrr eoin inu wftiaweiu; two large lota with property; referencea i reimr-u. 1908 California St, 7 rooma, 320; good re- uojr. WALTER BREEN, 418 KARBACH Bt.K. x anooi WH DON'T CHARGE Installment store rirlces. Lt us mrure with you. Terms: 25 worth. 81 a week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO, Between 12th and 13tn on f arnam Ht. D 379 5 TWO new, 8-room, modern flats, oak fin ish; now ready ror occupancy; close to Crelghton college and school. 2216 Burt. Apply H. Symes, 2213 .Burt. D-3S8 9 CLAIRVOYANTS MMR. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 So. 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8-847 MRS. O'NEAL (colored), palmist and ad viser. TeL Red 616L 2214 N. 21st. 8-356 lOx LADY CELESTA, Palmist and Clairvoyant. Tells about business, speculation, lawsuits, marriage, love affairs, sickness and ab ' sent f rlenda. 212 N. 17th St. 8361 7x MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS, PALMIST AND TRANCE MEDIUM; everything told, past, present and future: satisfaction or no pay; all business strkHly confidential 607 N. 18th Bt. 'Phone Red -5736. 8393 6x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. In French, Spanish or German; learn to apeak In 26 lessons, buslnesa oorresoond- , ence 60, to read literature 66 GUARAN TEED. F Peltier. 116 South 2uth. 832 OctlX CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES CI? P Nl f H German, Spanish, Fencing, r I C 11 Vn i,vidge Biug, 1Mb. 4k FarncA -874 PIANO Instruction given; special care and assistance given to beginners. Address C 88, Bee 5x WANTED TO RENT YOUNG lady, employed, wishes board and room with private family, elderly couple preferred: must be netr car line. C 67, care of Bee. K HI 6x WANTED to rent, farm of 10 to 16 acres, with 4 or 8-room- house, near car line. Addresa C 40, Bee. K M368 9x ., . , , i 1 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU Co not And what you want In this column, put an aa in ana you win sou a gel il AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS BMARPK MACHINE WORK6W604-811 8ouJ Tenth St, phone l4e, Heavy repa'ra a'd rebaUdluav , 8i-iMl FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON, Celebrate in a Home Do you not think it would be a good Idea to buy a home before the winter sets in. Get eettled In your own place and not be sold out of hviuse and home during the cold weather. There in i nothing like owning your own place and feeling secure. We have two 6-rooin houses, large rooms and well built; on good lots;' near the Dodge street car line. We can sell these for 31,050 and 31.0,5, notwithstanding that they cost 31.tio0 each to build the houses. We would like to show vou these places. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. Phons Oftlce, 2181; Res, 615.1 RE 392 7 BENSON ACRES We have the greatest snap In a beauti ful little country place In Benson and only three blocks from car and west of Country club. A very neat six-room house with unfinished second floor. Cemented cellar under whole house. Three acres of ground simply covered with fruit trees, vines and garden, all bearing age. Entire place piped for wateVii ith windmill pump. Good barn, carriagv" shed and chicken house. In fact this place with its high, sightly location is a great snap at 34,60. The former owner spei.i 37,000 on the place. Call us up and we will take you out to see the place todav. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb, RE M340 6 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS - GRANDEN CO, Formerly F. M. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. 813 South 16th tit. Telephone 681. RE -73 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET LOTS with sewer and boulevard taxes paid. Only 3800, but owner anxious to sell; says submit offer. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas RE 362 6 FOR bALjs Beautiful 13-room home near West 40th Bt. Address 120. care Bee. RB-MS91 WRITE for Illustrated pamphet descrlb- ing two ranciies In the corn and alfalfa belt Willis Caldwell. Broken Bow, Neb, RE 977 FINE 9-room modern residence; a bargain. Also lots on Bancroft, near Sixth, cheap. Some fine Los Angeles, California, lots very cheap. 8. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St. RE M290 6 WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE FARMS, RANCHES AND CITY REAL ESTATE. WEBSTER & MILLER, OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. RE 6! H3 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on North 18th St, only 34,600. This is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. RE-M168 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices: ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R, Omaha. Neb, Dept. "A.'T -i RE 879 Williamson Co.- kFio!,drf - RE 980 FOR SALE FARMS It's Going Fast That's the story of 8. W. Nebraska land. Here's some around McCook, a town of 4,000, that will "Ce gone In ten days. . .-, 160 A all level, all clay, 120 A In fine crops, fair Improvements, 4 miles out. Only 33,000. 330 A of very fine land, 250 A perfectly smooth land, fair Improvements, all clay soil, 5 miles out, 200 A cultivated, at 35,500. An elegantly Improved half section of choice farm land. Just a mile from town, 200 A under plow, nearly level, for only 35,800. Just think 240 A of very fine farm land, unlm prlved, S miles out, nearly level, for the very low price of $2,850. Inquire about our 2TXJV quarters of cheaper lands which we are offering at $500 to $1,000 on easy terms. Near railroad. This country is the BEST for the money ANY WHERE. Write or call QUICK. R. BEECHER HOWELL &CO. Tel. 186. Karbach Block 364-6 640 acres near St. Edwards, In Boone county. Neb.; 400 acres under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture; good Im provements: 2 wells, windmills, etc. Price, $46.00 per acre, 313,800 In cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cenL Several good Improved quarter sections in Boone county and Nance county on very favorable terms. For further Information call or write to GEORGE & CO, 1601 Farnam St, Omaha. M408 20 120 acres near Irvington, 100 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres pasture, 10 acres meadow; fine spring water in pasture; 2 wells; good 4-room cottage and barn; 25 cherry trees, few plum trees and berries. 3so per acre. Can arrange terms., ' BEMIS, . Paxton Block. M407 8 FINE 760-acre farm and stock ranch: best of soil; fenced; house; well; only $5 per acre, spot cash. 8. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St, Omaha. M2&9 6 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goea to 60.008 homes of farmers and atoca raisers, so if you have a good piece of land, to sell at reasonable price you will find a buysr among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents par word in small type, or $2 80 per Inch if sat lo larae tvpe. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loana aud warrants. w. iarnain famith 4s Co, 1320 Farnam Bu t ' VV 94 , MONEY TO LOAN-Payno Investment Co. W-905 GAR VIN BROS, 1604 Fare am. City loana at lowest ratea; no delay, get our terma W-9u BUILDING loana on residence property: i per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Block. W-oS LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-4JJ PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas. $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence properey in Omaha; lowest lates: no delay. Thomas Breunau, R. L N. Y. Life. W ,u WANTED Cltv loans. R. C. Peters A Co. W-971 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W .J LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay it back in monthly payments. Hastings ft Hey dea. 16ow, Far nam fV W 4,1 OSTEOPATHY Jo h neon InsUtuU 816 N. Y. bldg. TeL 164. -117 MRS. JOHN R MUB1CK.. Oste ipathy Phy atvuui, vinve, ttavwe trnu 111, TLHa. PERSONAL" THE Pal vat Ion Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. llth St, for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4185 and wagon will call. U 611 PIANO CLUB Planoa delivered at once, $1.00 weekly. All muslo lessons free. JOIN NOW. FerfMld Piano Co, 1811 Farnam St. U-997 ACCORDION nJ SUNBURST PLTATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THB GOLDMAN PLbAUNGCO 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1938. L 994 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 8530. U 891 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tuns your piano, $A Pertleld Piano Co, 16U Farnam. U 992 MAfiN P Tlftra'ment hatha Mme. llflxUnt: lIV-dluUa , USN. is, id fl,i. T 1 iJi TUB, vapor and alcohol hatha, 720 S. 13th. U 993 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement: up to date and reliable. 319 S. 13th St. Omaha, Neb. U-2S3 OcUox FACTORY tunera and action regulatora at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Schtnoller & Mueller, piano makers. U 993 LARSON ft JOHNSON Cut rates to al' polnta. 140 Farnam. Tel. 1935. Membe American Ticket Brokers' association. U V98 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charlea. TeL 631L U-998 WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We repair all makes of machines: second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. 16th snd Harney. V 993 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 First Ave, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U 322 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U 1000 MALLETT'8 Cereal Coffee, healthful, nourishing; best thing for Indigestion 16o per pkg. all grocers. U-M204 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 4 3, 1606 Farnam. U '00 C. L. SMITH, city manager of the National Mutual Fire Insurance company, is in the old Union National bank rooms, on the northwest corner of - Dodge and 15th streets. U M351 10 DR. JACKSON, Room 4, Frenser Block. U690 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. EASY TO GET. EASY TO PAY. WHEN YOTJ WANT MONEY Why not go where you can get It cheapest and frori an old established firm who handles their own money. Establish a credit with them that will be of value to you in the future. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and salaries. Small WEEKLY or MONTHLY PAYMENTS, which are suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. laets are. wa want your business. Established 188, Duff Green Loan Co. and 9 Barker Block. TEL. 4034. X461 Our Money Is loaned on furniture, planoa, live atock and lo salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rates are as low as any; our service Is quick and quiet, and we never charge for making papers or notary fees. We won: your business If you ever borrow money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. . 306 South 16th Street. Tel. 2295. 119 Board of Trad Bldg. (Establiahed 1S92.) X-108 . SALARY LOANS Every man in Omaha getting a salary, call at our office and get all the money you want on your plain note. A written guar antee will be given you not to enforce payment through your firm. COME AND SEE US FIRST, whether you borrow or oot. Our ratea are the lowest in the city. You can pay us back in easy weekly or monthly pay ments to suit yourself. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 307-308, Paxton Block. X-M778 LOANSI LOANSIl LOANSlll ON FURNlTl RJi, PIANOS AND SAL ARIES, AT THE LOWEST RATES. thk WESTERN LOAN CO., 831. 3d floor, Neville Blk, Cor. 16th and Harney. X-24 CHATTEL LOANS. We have money to loan at a reasonable rate on diamonds, pianos, household furniture or other good chattel sec un ties to parties whose position iu lite re quire that such transaction be made and held in strict commence. Union Loan and Investment Co., 'iU Bee. lei. xnvi. X-ils BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note 11 Steadily employed. 7u8 N. Y. Life A. in MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Otlicea In 63 principal cities. Iwlaian, room ;ii. New York Life Bidg X-414 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Rood, 319 ti 13, X 113 CHATTEL and BALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO, Tat 746. 632-3 Paxton Block. X 2oJ CHATTEL, salary aud Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, 15u4 Farnam St. X 109 EAGL'i Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 110 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.: half usual rales. Dr. Prlbbe now, room 214. at 2u9 S. 16th St. Tel. B-H1 X-M968 PRIVATE PARTY will loan on furniture, pianos, horses and salaries. Address C 11, care Bee. X M773 PATENTS H. A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade murks, copyrights; no fee un less successful, 617 N. Y- Life, Omaha H61 BHARPE MACHINE WORKS, 10th and Jackson; Patents Procured; Inventions; developed; drawings, patterns, castings, machine work 3U-octl7 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co, main 0, N. Y. Life. Phone 133. Sk9 J. M. Macfarland. 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 6x68 PRINTING CDIMTIWr. MEMORIAL CARDS; ar PRINTINU tlstlc designs, 8. E. Cor. LYNGSTAD"1 st u cplw'1i- MEDICAL FOR Women Only Dr. Raymond s Pllla, for , delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly sate: no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mall, $2 Dr. U. O. Raymond Remedy Co.. room 36. 84 Adama Bt.. Chlcaao. III. -103 DR. PRIES, gynecologist, German gradu ate, treats successfully all Irregularities and diseases of women, recent or long standing; 26 years' practice. Office, 1511V( Dodge street, Omaha, Neb. Hours, 10 to 12 and 3 to 4. Letters, 2 cents. 103 PEN-TAN -GOT Prompt regulator for la dles; ne-r falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman A mcvonneii urng o, umana, 104 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. . an or wrue ror DooKiet. (Jules Cure Rupture Co, 611 W. O. W. Bldg, Omaha. ina LADIES with poor health will find It much for their benefit, with trltle nranw. to correspond with Mrs. M. T, McCulloch. 410 W. 6th St, Atlantic, Ia. I have made surh cases a specialty frr many yeara wnn me oesi success, write your eymp- tuiiia auu auaress piaimy. confidential. -M379 Ol6x MRS. CARRIE SMITH, a marvelous magnetic healer; all kinds of weakness and disease treated; cure guaranteed business confidential. 8u7 N. 18th. Tel Red-673t, 894 6x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1116 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for $10. Ou per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor serviee. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is lusi the thing for anyone wanting a nice little omce in ine oest omce ounuing in town. R. C. Peters ft Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This Dullding is 22, 186 feet, four atorlea aim uoariuciii. a ..v iisnpiuflin Aa fti, K 1.1. feet, la cemented. The celling over the construction, mukelng the basement tire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In front and granolithic floor In rear. There is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Address, The Bee Building Co, C. C. Rosewater, Secretary, Room 100 Bee Bldg. I 41 STORE FOR RENT $30 per month for atore room, 20x60 feet, 2127 Farnam St. Newly papered and painted. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. I M247 10 DENTIST can rent a fine office with north light, in the Bee building, dividing wait ing room and expense of office boy and telephone with doctor of established prac tice. Rent, $-'0 per month. R. C. Peters - ft co, ii enlai Agents, uround Floor Bee Bldg. I-M346 A SNAP Drug, grocery, meat market; built as a department store; separate if necessary. Also bakery and laundry rooms, with par- lor, lizard, zap imp, aa. l M367 N4 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS FOR SALE A fine team of high bred car riage horses. Chestnut sorrels. Inquire by telephone 569. P M476 ELEGANT Stanhope, with rubber tires, at . half price; also three 3100 top buggies from the Sattley Mfg. Co.'s stock, wfil go at 340 each. Johnson ft Danforth, 8 W. cor. 10th and Jones 8ts. P685 FOR BALE Gray mare, 1,400 lbs, very blocky, fine worker, suits heavy hauling Turner, 86th and Center. P 757 FOR SALE 100 head of fresh well broke native horses and mules, including busi ness horses, wagon horses, drivers and draft horses, matched and weighing 1,600 lbs. and up, at our barns at Pacific Junc tion, la, 20 miles out of Omaha. Call at room 526 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1703. Anderson Record Co. P 761 COUNTRY club wagon, little used, for $100. Telephone 623. P 917 6x FOR SALE Very cheap Two carriages, one phaeton; well adapted for country use. Inquire at 607 N. lMh St. P-M404 10 FLORISTS HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. V-120 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1211 -tn SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen; side line; big money. Box 609, Bt. Joseph, Mo. M399 6x GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FRESH VEGETA BLES. Office Purchasing Commissary, U. 8. army, Omaha, Neb,, October 2, 1905. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will bo re ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m. central standard time, October 17, 1905, and then opened publicly for furnishing and delivery of such quantities of potatoes and onions as may be required by the Subslstenco Department at Omaha. Neb.. Forts Crook. Niobrara, and Robinson, Nebraska; Fort, Meade, Bouth Dakota: Forts D. A. Russell. Mackenzie and Washakie, Wyoming. Pro posals will also be received and opened bv the commissaries at Forts Robinson and Niobrara, Nebraska; Fort Meade,. South Dakota; Forts D. A. Russell, Mackenzie, and Washakie, Wyoming, until 10 o'clock a. m, mountain standard time, each Com missary receiving proposals for his own post only. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals In whole or In part. Blank proposals and specifications, showing in detail the articles and quantities re quired, and giving full Information as to conditions of contract, will be furnished on application to any of the above mentioned officers. Envelopes should bo marked "Pro posals for Fresh Vegetables, to be opened October 17, 1906," and addressed to the un dersigned or commissary at post authnrined to receive proposals. T. B. HACKER, Captain, Commissary, U. 8. Army. O 5-8-7-9. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Nebraska, October 3. 1905. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 a. m, central standard time, November 2, 1905, for the construction of a Bakery at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen, or to the y. M, Fort Robinson. Ne braska. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for Bakery," and addressed to M. GRAY ZALINSKI, Major and Quartermaster, U. S. A. O 6-6-7-9 N 1-2 0. M. E. TEL. 611 MESSENGERS AND BACGAGE OPEN" DAY AMI NIGHT. OMAHA MESSENGER & EXPRESS CO. 1(313 FAUX AM HT. RAILWAY TIMt CARD BIH1.INOTO.-4 STATIOX-IOTH ft MASO.t BurllngtOB. Leave. Arrive Denver ft California a 4:iu pm a 9:30 cm Northwest Expreaa .... All ;10 put 1 6 08 pm Nebraska points a .w am a J :.o pm Lincoln Fast Mall. ...... b 2 67 pm aU:u6 pm Ft- Crook ft Plattam'th.b 3 63 pm al' ani Bellevue ft Platlain th..a 7:So pn b 8:8 Hellavue ft Pao. Juno....al2:16 pm bellevue A Pao. Juno. ...a '. am Tk.nwA IJinMad . ..... . - - - - . . w m m Chicago Bpeclal a 7 -26 am Chicago u-upi-jtw a .w pm a I U pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm a 7:26 pm Iowa Local - a 8:16 am alo w pm Bt. Louis Expreaa a 4:46 pm all:8uam Kansas City ft Bt- Joe..al0:46 pin a :g an Kansas City ft BL Joe.. a 916 am a M PIB Kanaaa City ft bt. Joe-.a 8:46 p.n Chirac Great Weatera. Be Paul ft Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:18 am Bt Paul ft Minn a 7'46 am a :N pna Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm alt 30 am Ciuuaae btie I. aoa a I.M yis CLEVELAND WILL BE THERE Forsaer Preiidtnt Battles Question ti to f pstkint; at Vrton Monumsnt Affair. DATE IS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 Nebraska City People Are Making Every Preparation for Thla Aaaplrloaa Krent ( Na tional Interval. "Former President Grover Cleveland will come to Nebraska City and deliver an ad dress October 28 at the unveiling and ded ication of the Morton memorial Bionu ment," said John W. Stelnhart of Nebraska City to The Bee over long-distance tele phone Thursday morning. Mr. Stelnhart Is chairman of the Arbor Day Memorial association and has direc tion of the arrangements for the ceremonies In honor of the late J. Sterling Morton when the monument to his memory will be unveiled and dedicated In Morton park at Nebraska City. "I wish, through The Bee, to correct the false report sent out by the Associated Tress regarding the data of this function," asserted Mr. Stelnhart. "The Associated Press reported that It was to be October 14. That is an error. October 28, Saturday, Is the date, and wa want It generally known ao that people desiring to attend may be enabled to do so." The official program has not yet been Is sued, but as soon aa It la Mr. Stelnhart will give It to the public through the press. Great satisfaction Is felt over the disposi tion of the question aa to whether former Freslden Cleveland will attend the event. He will be there and every suitable prepar ation Is being made for his entertainment and comfort in this, the home city of his late e retary of agriculture, the father Of Arbor day. FEW LITTLE FESTIVE THEFTS Several Indnstrlona Persons Find Chance to Ply Their Enter prising Craft. Charles Oleson, living at Twenty-fourth and Q streets. South Omaha, reported the loss of $61 In cash and a certificate of de posit In the First National bank of Bouth Omaha for $400. At the police station he said that he had been walking and at Thirteenth and Cass he was met by a negro woman who decoyed him Into an alley, took hla money from him and then ran away. The police made an arrest or two but Oleaon waa unable to Identify the party who robbed him. A quantity of the fall's snpply of preserves and canned goods for the Dreifold family waa stolen from the cellar of II. H. Drelfold's premises at 1441 North Twentieth street Wednesday night. During the parade of Wednesday aftemon the premises of C O. Blanden at 8632 Hawthorne avenue were broken Into by kicking open the kitchen door, and $1 In change stolen. A leather suit case was stolen from the premises of Mrs. La Pine at 716 South Sixteenth street Wednesday afternoon. The suit case had been left In her keeping, and about the only article of value It con tained waa a safety raxor. That went with the case. BOYS WILL PLAY INDIAN Will Sleep In Barn In the Country and Cook Their Own Menla. The metnbera of the boys classes of the Toung Men's Chrlstaln association will play Indian Friday afternoon and night. They will start for the country after school Friday under the leadership of K F. Denl son. Blankets, cooking utensils, bread, potatoes and bacon will be carried on back in sufficient quantities to Insure the bodily comfort of the young aborigines. Egga and milk will be aecured from the farmers along the line of march. The plan Is to tuke a Jaunt of about six miles this even ing, take supper and sleep In a barn. After breakfast In the morning the return trip will be made to the city. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Never Disappoints. Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brook covered that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was a quick and safe cure for bowel complaints. "During all of these years," he says, "I have used it and recommended It many tlmea and the results have never yet disappointed me." Mr. Brock is publisher of the Aberdeen, Md, Enterprise. This Is the universal ex perience of all who rely upon this remedy. It can always be depended upon, even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It la equally valuable for the children and adults. When reduced with - water and aweetened It le pleasant to take. A. B. Hubermann. Diamonds, own Imp. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND MAKCT I'nlon Paclfle. Tjaava. Overland Limited .......a 8:4u am Arrive, a 8:18 pm a 9:88 am a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm a 3:10 pm a 7:44 am b 1:30 Pm California ft Oregon ifx.a 4:10 pm North Platta Local a 7:60 am ir-at Mull a 1 U im Colorado Special ..a 7:46 am Beatrice irai s:u so Chicago, Rock Island ft PaelOe. EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:38 am Chicago Expreta a 7:S am a 7:18 am a i .h pm a 4:30 pm vu m am i:K nm Chicago Ex, Local bll:40 am Lies Moines n.xpresa....a :e pre T i-a Vfnlnea loeal Chicago Fast preas..a 3:40 pm a 1:16 pm Rocky Mountain Llm u..a T:J0 am Colorado Express a 1:80 pm ntl.hrtm. JL T.IM ltv A l:Unm a 3:81 am a 4:f pm all Mi am Colorado Night Ex.... .a 8:66 ova a 7U6 am Chlcaao ft. North estera. tiavifo-ht fit. Paul . - a 7:ae 10:00 pm 11.60 pm 8:18 am 9:60 am Daylight Chicago a l.lmlt.4 Phlrua a II 2a nm Local Carroll .-a 4:8 nm Fast Bt. rui , .a :. pro Local Sioux C. ft St. Y. a 3:60 pm 7:08 am e 1:2K a. n. trniit Man 1:60 pm a 7:80 am 10 36 am I0:J6 pm 6:16 pm 6:18 pm 6:16 pm a 8:29 pm Chicago Expresa Norfolk ft Boneateel . ..a 6:M pm ..a f.-40 am ..O 7:10 am ..e 2 60 put ,.a 8 U im. ..a 3:80 bin Lincoln ft Lai, a'lne . Caspar ft Wyoming .. Dead wood ft Lino-Ma .. Il..lln. Albion Dee M ft Okobojl Six. ..a 7:66 am Ultnole Central. Chicago Expreaa a 7: am Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm alO:3S am a : am Inn. ft Bt. rauj r.x....n am llnri. ft Bt. Paul Ltd.. .a 7:60 pm CVUKIS Dm a 3:98 pm 3 :38 am Isaoarl Paclne. st f A.ii, ITvnraaa a I'M am L. ( atr SL JbX tSU:U Din a a.w pm hlaaaa. HllWSlkt ft St. PkaL Chicago Daylight Ex... a 7 M am all .08 pm Ex.. .a 6:40 pm a 3.16 pm Overland Limited a 6.86 (in a 1M aw Wl abaah. ft. Louis Expresa 8:30 pm 8:79 am iula Local (from Bt. C Council Bluffs) 8:18 am 38 JO mm henandoah Local (from Council Bluffs) 1:44 pm 8:80 oaa fihe IKUSTKR DKPOT loTH ft WEBSTUH I laaoart Paclne. - rebraaka Local, via La t. Arrive. Weeping Water ., h 1.60 pm bU.30 na Chicago, St. Paal Minneapolis ft Omaha. IW,B W P"W.,:lllm bt:18pt Sioux City Paaaengar...a 8 00 pm aU:30am Oakland Local tM u v.m.rMiii I ju.l a a. .a - . . .. w . . bmo u a .w pin J "-"r eacepi ounaay, dallr except Saturday, gunda euly. Aaila axoevl Maaoat, "- -